Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...

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Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
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Corporate Accountability
Bridging Report
Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
                            FOR A
                           BRIGHTER FUTURE

Corporate Accountability
Bridging Report
Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
CONTENTS                                                           ABOUT THIS REPORT
                                                                   Continuing from the previous financial       This report is compiled in consultation
Transforming Possibilities        Transforming Small Positive      year’s corporate accountability              with internal stakeholders across the
                                                                   report, this bridging report features        organisation to gather information and
Today into Realities Tomorrow     Steps into Big Positive Impact   a condensed version of the Group’s           input on areas specific to their areas
03 About This Report              26 Our Social Performance        non-financial performance for FY19/20        of business, work or function. It is
06 Corporate Overview             28 Community Outreach            (ending June 2020).                          reviewed by the Head (HSE, Security &
                                                                                                                Sustainability) and endorsed by the Senior
10 Messages from the Top
                                                                   For readers seeking to gain a deeper         Management Team.
14 Governance                                                      and greater understanding of the
                                                                   Group’s sustainability and operational       For any questions on this report or
Transforming Current Challenges   GRI Content Index                performance, it is recommended               to request a copy of our financial
                                                                   that this bridging report be read            statement, please channel them to
into New Opportunities            33 GRI Content Index
                                                                   together with the FY18/19 Corporate
17 Group Performance                                               Accountability Report, which is an
20 Environmental Performance                                       externally assured report prepared in        The FY19/20 figures in this report are
                                                                   accordance with the ‘GRI Standards:          compared with the previous financial year
                                                                   Core Option’ reporting framework.            unless otherwise indicated.

                                                                   There are no restatements from the previous FY’s report.
Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
                      What does it take to translate possibilities
                      into opportunities? Driven by our
                      aspiration to fuel a more sustainable
                      future, we drive our people to challenge
                      the status quo and embrace innovation.

                                            Every big idea begins with a spark. We
                                            nurture every new idea, improve it over
                                            time and transform it into a tangible
                                            possibility. Those small ideas fueled our
                                            achievements, one that every industry and
                                            our communities enjoy today.
Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                            YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CORPORATE                                                                     Employees

                            Name                                       Corporate Office                   Headcount       Full-Time
                            YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited               450 Alexandra Road #01-01
                                                                       Singapore 119960
                                                                                                          305             100%
                            Primary Services
                                    Electricity Generation             YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited. is
                                                                       a wholly owned subsidiary of YTL
                                                                       Power International Berhad.        Male            Female
                                    Utilities Supply (Steam, Water)
                                                                       Countries of Operation             75.1%           24.9%
                                    Electricity & Gas Retailing

                                                                       Markets & Sectors Served
                                    Oil Storage Tank                   Singapore & Electricity
Possibilities into
                                    Leasing Retailing
Realities                                                                                                 Covered by      Non-shift Staff
About This Report
Corporate Overview                  Fuel sourcing, fuel management                                        Collective      on Flexi-start
Messages from the Top               and fuel-related services                                             Bargaining      Arrangement
                                                                                                          41.7%           30.5%
                                    Oil Trading & Bunkering
Challenges into
Group Performance
Environmental Performance
                                                                                                          Local Composition
Transforming                                                                                              of Senior
Small Steps into                                                                                          Management
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...

                            CORPORATE OVERVIEW
                            Who We Are
                            YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited                     External Charters &
                            (YTL PowerSeraya) is a wholly-owned              Membership
                            company of YTL Power International
                                                                             External Charters
                            Berhad, which is listed on the Bursa
                                                                             Signatory to the 5 Principles
                            Malaysia Berhad (previously known as
                                                                             of Fair Employment Practices
                            Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange). YTL
                                                                             subscribed by the Tripartite
                            PowerSeraya owns and manages power
                                                                             Alliance of Fair & Progressive
                            generation and desalination plant assets
                                                                             Employment Practices, Singapore
                            in Singapore. The company’s vision is to be
                            the leading provider of integrated utilities
                                                                             Founding member of World
                            and energy solutions for a sustainable
                                                                             Energy Council, Singapore
                            future. The YTL PowerSeraya Group is
                                                                             Chapter Activities
                            supported by two wholly subsidiaries,
                            PetroSeraya Pte. Ltd (PetroSeraya) and
                            Seraya Energy Pte. Ltd (Seraya Energy) –
                                                                             Sustainable Energy Association
                            together, the three entities are known as
                                                                             of Singapore
Transforming                the Group in this report.
Possibilities into
Realities                   PetroSeraya is the fuel management
About This Report           and oil storage tank leasing arm of YTL
Corporate Overview
                            PowerSeraya. It owns and manages the oil
Messages from the Top
                            terminal and oil tank farm assets on Jurong
                            Island, Singapore. In addition, it sources
                            and secures fuel supplies for the power
                            generation business of YTL PowerSeraya. Its
Challenges into
                            main revenue stream consists of oil storage
Group Performance           tank leasing and blending activities.
Environmental Performance
                            Seraya Energy is the electricity retail arm
                            of YTL PowerSeraya. With the liberalisation
Small Steps into            of the electricity market, YTL PowerSeraya
Big Impact                  consolidated its business and retail portfolio
Our Social Performance      under its consumer facing brand, Geneco.
Community Outreach          Its main revenue stream includes the sale of
                            electricity and gas to commercial, industrial
GRI Content Index           and residential customers.

Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                            YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CORPORATE OVERVIEW
                            YTL PowerSeraya’s CSR                      Our CSR Thrusts
                                                                       Through five thrusts under the CSR strategy, which are in line with what’s material for the company, we seek to build confidence
                            Strategic Thrusts                          amongst our stakeholders in realising our vision. All thrusts contribute towards building up our financial, social and natural capital.
                            CSR Vision
                            To promote a positive and
                            sustainable environment as well as                     01                         02                          03                          04                          05
                            to improve our social contribution to
                            the community in which we operate.

                                                                            Invest in Green              Incorporate               Build Strategic             Nurture Human                Grow with the
                                                                              Capabilities         Greenhouse Gases in              Partnerships                    Capital                  Community
                                                                          To embrace cleaner       Management Agenda             To leverage on one          To continue building       To engage in initiatives
Transforming                                                              energy solutions and      To publicly report the        another for ideas,          our human capital.        with a common social
Possibilities into                                                        in doing so, develop     emissions and initiatives    solutions and growth.           More than just             mission, as these
Realities                                                                  greener capabilities   tied to greenhouse gases        We recognise the              developing our           efforts resonate with
About This Report                                                           for a sustainable      (GHG) in our operations         need to develop               employees to             our company’s core
Corporate Overview                                                                future.           and practices. Besides       strong partnerships            build economic           values of nurture and
Messages from the Top                                                                              being transparent in our     with key stakeholders.         performance, it is               respect.
                                                                                                    operations, this public                                 also about creating a
                                                                                                     disclosure keeps the                                   culture that embraces
Transforming                                                                                      improvement of our GHG                                       the sustainability
Challenges into                                                                                     performance in mind.                                           mindset.
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into            SDG Relevance
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index           Material to Us                                  Climate Change, Fuel Supply, Water Supply              Competent Workforce, Health & Safety, Equal Opportunity, Inclusiveness

Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CORPORATE OVERVIEW
                            What is material to us
                            The most significant environmental, social and economic topics that are material to the company are summarised below. Please refer to the Corporate Accountability
                            Report for FY18/19 for a comprehensive explanation of the company’s materiality.

                                  UN Sustainable Development
                                                                                      Climate Change
                                  Goals (SDG)                                                                                        Health & Safety                        Fuel Supply
                                                                                      (Energy & GHG Emissions)

                                                                             Main Stakeholders                               Main Stakeholders                      Main Stakeholders

                                                                             Customers    Government    Suppliers            Employees                              Gas Suppliers
Possibilities into
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top
Governance                                                                            Equal Opportunity,
                                                                                                                                     Water Supply                           Competent
                                                                                      Inclusiveness (Market
                                                                                                                                     (Water Withdrawal                      Workforce
                                                                                      Presence, Procurement
Transforming                                                                                                                         & Use)                                 (Skilled Workers)
Challenges into                                                                       Practices)
Group Performance
Environmental Performance                                                    Main Stakeholders                               Main Stakeholders                      Main Stakeholders

Small Steps into                                                             Employees                                       Customers                              Employees   Customers
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

Corporate Accountability Bridging Report - YTL ...
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                          YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CHAIRMAN’S                                                                               “Regardless of the challenges, our focus has always been
                                                                                                                      on working towards providing a sustainable energy future.

                            MESSAGE                                                                                   As a Group, we are on a never-ending pursuit to ensure our
                                                                                                                      business operations are not only run in an environmentally
                                                                                                                      sustainable way but also in the most viable way possible.”

                                                                       Year in Review                                The Year of Constant                           As a Group, we are on a never-ending
                                                                       The wholesale electricity                     Change                                         pursuit to ensure our business operations
                                                                       market continued to see                       The year 2020 posed challenges to many         are not only run in an environmentally
                                                                       intense competition due to the                businesses, as the COVID-19 pandemic           sustainable way but also in the most
                                                                       oversupply in generation capacity.            continued to disrupt economic activities.      viable way possible.
                                                                       For the financial year under                  Even then, YTL PowerSeraya continued to
                                                                       review, YTL PowerSeraya sold                  power the Nation, upholding their best to      The COVID-19 situation had no doubt
                                                                       8,028 GWh of electricity, while               serve homes and industries in providing        affected our business operations. Yet,
                                                                       generation market share saw a                 the essential lights needed to fuel their      the company’s priorities this year remain
                                                                       decrease of 2.5% as compared to               daily activities despite this ‘dark’ period.   clear –taking additional steps to ensure
Transforming                                                           the last financial year.                                                                     the utmost safety of our employees, while
Possibilities into                                                                                                   Last year, I mentioned how the global shift    providing reliable and efficient energy
                                                                       YTL PowerSeraya’s electricity                 towards renewable and cleaner energy           services to our customers round the
About This Report
Corporate Overview
                                                                       retail brand, Geneco, held a                  has been taking place at a rapid rate.         clock.
Messages from the Top                                                  market share of 13.3%* for                    More so now, the course to a low carbon
Governance                                                             FY19/20 in the electricity retail             world is set to accelerate like never          At the same time, I am proud of
                                                                       market, comprising customers                  before, as the repercussions of climate        the support provided for the wider
Transforming                                                           from the residential, commercial              change present itself with fury – seen         community, in view of the impact of
Challenges into                                                        and industrial sector.                        over the rising number of earthquakes,         COVID-19 on individuals and businesses.
Opportunities                                                                                                        volcanic eruptions, pandemics and other        Through our electricity retail brand,
Group Performance                                                                                                    high-impact events.                            Geneco SG, we provided assistance by
Environmental Performance                                                                                                                                           way of energy rebates to our community
                                                                                                                     Regardless of the challenges, our focus        engagement partner, ComCrop who owns
Transforming                                                           8,028 GWh                                     has always been on working towards             and operates the largest rooftop urban
Small Steps into                                                       of electricity sold for FY19/20               providing a sustainable energy future.         farm in the city state.
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index                                                      * calculated based on retail volume as a percentage over total system demand.

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                        YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE

                            “I would like to give my                   Gratitude and Appreciation                    continued dedication and support          Last but not least, my heartfelt
                                                                       This year has not been an easy one for        for the Group.                            appreciation also goes out to all our
                             sincere thanks and
                                                                       all of us, especially for YTL PowerSeraya’s                                             customers, business partners as well as the
                             gratitude to all the                      leaders. Yet I firmly believe that with       My deepest thanks to all of you for       Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE)
                             Directors, the Senior                     the concerted efforts from all of us in       staying united and strong for one         for their valuable partnership with the Board
                                                                       the company, we will be able to emerge        another during this challenging           and Management.
                             Management and the                        stronger post-COVID-19.                       period. As we seek to gradually
                             YTL PowerSeraya staff                                                                   resume pre-COVID-19-level                 Thank you and God bless all of you.
                             members for their                         Here, I would like to give my sincere         operations, I urge all of us not to let
                                                                       thanks and gratitude to all the Directors,    down our guard. Do continue taking        TAN SRI DATO’ (DR) FRANCIS YEOH SOCK PING
                             continued dedication and                  the Senior Management and the YTL             all necessary measures to ensure          PSM, KBE, FICE
                             support for the Group.”                   PowerSeraya staff members for their           one another’s safety.                     Executive Chairman

Possibilities into
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top

Challenges into
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                  YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CEO’S                                                                             Group’s Overview

                                                                                                              FY19/20 turned out to be one of the most challenging
                                                                                                              year not only for us, but every other industry in the
                                                                                                              world. COVID-19 had led to many trends and changes,
                                                                                                              especially in the area of digitalisation and globalisation.
                                                                                                              This has been challenging at all levels, as businesses
                                                                                                              and individuals adapt to the challenges of this period.

                                                                       Sustainability                         from power stations since 2002. The          Safety
                                                                       The Group’s sustainability             reduction of our GHG intensity by            Safety remained key, with zero work-
                                                                       performance continues to track well,   35.4% achieved from power plant              related injuries and COVID-19-infections
                                                                       registering 3.51 mil tCO2e (tonnes     operations in FY19/20 allowed us to          among employees in FY19/20. We are
Transforming                                                           of carbon dioxide equivalent), a       contribute significantly to Singapore’s      also proud awardees of the bizSAFE
Possibilities into                                                     decrease from 3.59 mil tCO2e in        climate change target, of which is to        Star Level, a validation of the company’s
Realities                                                              FY18/19, the lowest Greenhouse         reduce emissions intensity by 36%            workplace safety and health capabilities.
About This Report
Corporate Overview
                                                                       Gas (GHG) emissions recorded since     (from 2005 levels) by 2030.
Messages from the Top                                                  we started tracking GHG emissions                                                   The COVID-19 pandemic tested the
Governance                                                                                                    Our company remains committed in             effectiveness of our company’s business
                                                                                                              driving a more efficient and sustainable     continuity plans. Two back-to-back
Transforming                                                                                                  energy landscape for the Nation. Our         plant maintenance activities were
Challenges into                                                                                               main focus will be on maintaining            rigorously and carefully planned to
Opportunities                                                            35.4%                                the efficiency of existing aging power       ensure that essential OEM personnel
Group Performance                                                        (from 2005 levels)                   plants, which will be key to drive           and contractors were still available to
Environmental Performance                                                Reduction in GHG Intensity           GHG reductions further to meet               carry out scheduled maintenance work
                                                                         arising from power plant             Singapore’s climate change targets.          amidst the pandemic situation.
Transforming                                                             operations in FY19/20                Power plant reliability also improved
Small Steps into                                                                                              with fewer plant trips compared to the       Safety is not a one-man job, but one
Big Impact                                                                                                    previous financial year. Plant reliability   that needs everyone’s collective efforts.
Our Social Performance                                                                                        remained at a high level, despite the        To encourage everyone to play an active
Community Outreach                                                                                            onset of COVID-19 – a commendable            role, a company-wide initiative focusing
                                                                         BizSAFE Star Level                   achievement by staff members, in             on reporting of safety and operational
GRI Content Index                                                        awarded                              collaboration with service partners.         near-misses was launched.

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                      YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CEO’S MESSAGE                              “This has not been an easy year. However, I am truly
                                                                        grateful to our staff in YTL PowerSeraya, who showed grit
                                                                        and unity to take on challenges, especially when change
                                                                        has always been the only constant.”

                                                                       Community                                For that, I am proud of everyone, and
                                                                       Within our wider community, we           am appreciative for their efforts pulled
                                                                       have launched several outreach           through even as working from home
                                                                       initiatives to support, educate and to   posed its own set of challenges. Many
                                                                       engage consumers on climate change       thanks go to our Board of Directors
                                                                       action and help them through these       and Senior Management Team as
                                                                       challenging period. Our electricity      well for their unwavering support to
                                                                       retail brand, Geneco, distributed        the company. In addition, I would like
Transforming                                                           1,000 meals and 15,000 face              to extend my sincere appreciation
Possibilities into                                                     masks in a collaboration with its        to our customers, business partners
Realities                                                              ChangemakersSG partners, FoodBank        and UPAGE (Union of Power and Gas
About This Report                                                      and REFASH, respectively.
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top
                                                                       Other community engagement               As we move forward together to take on
                                                                       activities included the Responsible      the headwinds of change, we continue
                                                                       Energy Advocates Programme (REAP)        our journey to adapt in unity. With your
                                                                       and the Punggol Learning Adventure       support, YTL PowerSeraya will continue
Challenges into
                                                                       for Youths (PLAY) which sought to        to stand strong, to protect and to serve
Group Performance
                                                                       educate more than 270 youths on          in the best interest of our employees,
Environmental Performance                                              energy and water conservation.           our customers and our partners –
                                                                                                                integral pillars that will continue to
Transforming                                                           Colleagues’ Appreciation                 empower us every step of the way as
Small Steps into                                                       This has not been an easy year.          we seek to transform for a brighter and
Big Impact                                                             However, I am truly grateful to our      better sustainable energy future.
Our Social Performance                                                 staff in YTL PowerSeraya, who showed
Community Outreach                                                     grit and unity to take on challenges,    JOHN NG
                                                                       especially when change has always        Chief Executive Officer
GRI Content Index                                                      been the only constant.                  YTL PowerSeraya

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                               YTL POWERSERAYA

                            Fraud Risk Management                      Data Breaches                              YTL PowerSeraya is committed to maintaining a high standard
                            As part of the fraud risk                  In FY19/20, the company experienced        of corporate governance.
                            management, the Enterprise Risk            2 cases of data security breaches
                            Management team conducted                  (in July 2019 and May 2020) involving
                            the Spent Risk Analysis (SRA) as           customer information. Both breaches
                            well as an audit of the IT related         were immediately reported to the                    Governance
                            transactions. Both audits, which           Personal Data Protection Council                    • Fraud Incidences : Zero      • Environmental Violations : Zero
                            covered the company operations             (PDPC). In the 27 July 2019 data
                            of the 3 sites (Corporate office,          security incident, 387 email addresses              • Market Breaches : Zero       • Data Security Breaches : 2
                            Pulau Seraya Power Station and             were inadvertently included in the
                            Jurong Power Station) did not              ‘To’ field instead of the ‘bcc’ field of
                            find any incidence of fraudulent           the email.
                                                                       A Data Breach Management
                            The SRA involved the internal audit        Response Team was set up to
                            of the procurement and payments            address further such breaches
Transforming                processes to ascertain that there          of the PDPA and also to look into
Possibilities into          was no unauthorised transactions           enhancing existing processes to
Realities                   such as duplicate payments and             prevent personal data breaches. In
About This Report
                            invoices billed before purchase            the May 2019 data security incident,
Corporate Overview
                            orders raised.                             personal details of 3 customers were
Messages from the Top
Governance                                                             accidentally shared with another
                            The internal audit of IT related           customer.
                            transactions sought to determine
                            if there were any unauthorised IT          A rigorous review of data protection
Challenges into
Opportunities               requests or release management             guidelines and procedures was
Group Performance           of IT systems (e.g. billing systems,       conducted to maintain a high
Environmental Performance   CRM and trading systems) that              standard of data protection.
                            would have financial implications or       For both incidents, PDPC issued
Transforming                impacts on customers.                      warnings but took no further action.
Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index           For more details, please refer to the Governance section in YTL PowerSeraya’s website

                     The world we live in may be a fast-changing one. But our capabilities
                     have the potential to set us apart from the competition, as well
                     as empower our growth as a leading integrated energy solutions
                     provider. By seeing every challenge as an opportunity to strengthen
                     our abilities and sharpen our focus, we stay agile and ready to
                     navigate challenging landscapes and seize rising opportunities.
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                          YTL POWERSERAYA

                            Geneco, YTL PowerSeraya’s                   validate the use of green energy and      public premises and workplaces for non-
                                                                        offset greenhouse gas emissions for       essential services face closure to curb
                            Retail Brand                                its customers. Since the launch of        the spread of the infection.
                            YTL PowerSeraya’s retail brand,
                                                                        Geneco’s green energy options, there
                            Geneco, held a market share of 13.3%*
                                                                        had been a steady increase in the         Major milestones achieved by the Power
                            for FY19/20 in the electricity retail
                                                                        number of residential, commercial         Generation Group included the timely
                            market, comprising of customers
                                                                        and industrial customers who              completion of the major and minor
                                                                                                                                                                        13.3%*                6,581GWh
                            from the residential, commercial and                                                                                                        market share          Sales volume
                                                                        chose Geneco to be their preferred        maintenance inspection activities on its
                            industrial sector. Correspondingly,                                                                                                         for FY19/20           in FY19/20
                                                                        sustainable energy provider.              combined cycle and co-generation power
                            sales volume was 6,581GWh for the
                                                                                                                  plant units.
                            financial year ended 30 June 2020.
                                                                        Geneco remains committed to being
                                                                        more than just an electricity retailer,   Overall plant performance for these units
                            In addition to electricity retail, Geneco
                                                                        constantly seeking ways to equip their    has shown significant improvements
                            boasts multiple product offerings,
                                                                        customers with industry trends and        with a higher reliability and availability
                            which encompasses gas and steam                                                                                                             8,028 GWh             0.7%, 1.4%
Possibilities into                                                      latest energy solutions, and delivering   percentage improvement of 0.7% and
                            supply, to provide its commercial                                                                                                           of electricity sold   reliability and
Realities                                                               excellent service and value to its        1.4% as compared to the previous year in
                            and industrial customers with a                                                                                                                                   availability
About This Report                                                       consumers.                                the same period. Reliability improvement
                            comprehensive business solution.                                                                                                                                  percentage
Corporate Overview                                                                                                will continue to be the key focus to
                            The integrated energy retailer also                                                                                                                               improvement
Messages from the Top                                                                                             ensure the generating units operate with
Governance                  continues to explore new business           Power Generation Group                                                                                                in plant
                                                                                                                  high reliability.
                            opportunities to complement the             For the financial year under review,                                                                                  performance
                            Group’s revenue streams.                    YTL PowerSeraya sold 8,028 GWh of
Transforming                                                                                                      The Group continued to emphasise on
                                                                        electricity, while generation market
Challenges into                                                                                                   maintaining high standards in quality,
Opportunities               Its first solar project, housed in Pulau    share saw a decrease of 2.5% as
                                                                                                                  environmental, health and safety as well
Group Performance           Seraya Power Station, had supplied          compared to the last financial year.
                                                                                                                  as cyber security management systems.
Environmental Performance   100% locally generated solar power.         In addition to intense competition
                                                                                                                  Re-certifications of ISO9001, ISO14001,
                            This further enabled Geneco to              due to an oversupply in generation
                                                                                                                  ISO45001 and ISO27001 were also
Transforming                issue Renewable Energy Certificates         capacity in the wholesale electricity
                                                                                                                  successfully completed during the year.
Small Steps into            (REC) to residential and commercial         market, Singapore had implemented
Big Impact                  customers, helping them do their            ‘Circuit Breaker’ preventive measures
Our Social Performance      part for the environment. Together          in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Community Outreach          with Geneco’s Verified Carbon Unit          since 7 April till 1 June. This saw the   * calculated based on retail volume as a percentage
                            (VCU) offerings, Geneco is able to          Nation’s electricity demand dip, as         over total system demand.
GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                      YTL POWERSERAYA

                            GROUP PERFORMANCE                                                                                        7.67 million metric tonnes
                                                                                                                                     of fuel oil and diesel handled in

                            Fuel Management                                     5,500 calls made virtually, for the financial year
                            PetroSeraya, the Group’s Fuel Management            ended 30 June 2020.                                  >8,500 online meetings
                            arm, managed to pull in a steady performance                                                             conducted in FY19/20
                            despite prevailing challenges in the oil industry   The new platform, which went live since
                            and the COVID-19 pandemic, which reflects           31 March 2020, also motivated staff
                            the global economic situation.                      contribution from the various groups towards
                                                                                the adoption of the digital platform, and            LaunchedGeneration
                            The company handled 7.67 million metric             enabled the creation of the Generation               Technology Information
                            tonnes of fuel oil and diesel. The number of        Technology Information Library (GENTIL), a           Library (GENTIL) on
                            berthings for bunkering and cargo vessels saw       centralised Library of Power Generation Data         31 March 2020
                            656 vessels berthed at the terminal in FY19/20,     Information, which Power Generation staff
                            compared to 1,086 vessels the year before,          could access with ease on-the-go.
                            with an average berth utilisation rate of 33.2%.
                                                                                With the COVID-19 situation, employees
                            The figures are lower mainly due to                 adapted quickly and adopted the new
                            challenging economic conditions. Going              technology platform to cope with the
                            forward, the team will continue to focus            sudden need for remote working. The timely
Transforming                on strengthening the tank leasing and fuel          completion of the migration to Microsoft
Possibilities into          management activities, as well as look into         Office365 platform enabled employees to
Realities                   optimising its jetty and oil terminal operations    collaborate and support each other effectively
About This Report           to strengthen its jetty and oil terminal
Corporate Overview
                                                                                even while working from home during the
                            performance.                                        Circuit Breaker period.
Messages from the Top
                            Technology Group                                    The team also partnered with the Human
Transforming                In FY19/20, the team executed a planned             Capital department by holding virtual training
Challenges into             migration to using the Microsoft Office365          sessions to train and equip all staff with the
Opportunities               platform to better support staff collaboration      required technical skills to navigate the system.
Group Performance           and digitisation. This came about as the
Environmental Performance   Company had already set in the wheels of            Going forward, the team will also look to
                            its transformation journey in motion, to            focusing and amplifying employee adoption
Transforming                better meet current and future business             in the areas concerning digitisation and
Small Steps into            opportunities.                                      automation, as well as cybersecurity. Data
Big Impact                                                                      analytics technologies to help enhance the
Our Social Performance      This latest move encouraged an increased            company’s value chain orchestration will also
Community Outreach          digital adaption and virtual collaboration          be a key focus, to be developed through the
                            within the organisation, which resulted in          various groups, enabling employees to make
GRI Content Index           more than 8,500 online meetings conducted,          more informed business decisions with higher
                            15,000 messages sent across-the-board and           efficiency and added precision.
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                             YTL POWERSERAYA

                            GROUP PERFORMANCE

                            Driving People Transformation                    on the government-funded SGIS and EIS       trainers, which would drive the upskilling    in education had enabled an influx of
                            To better prepare for future challenges          scholarships, internships and the latest    of the engineering workforce. In addition,    training and upskilling sessions to be
                            and a rapidly evolving business climate, the     Skillsfuture Work-Study and SGUnited        the rise of online trainings by training      facilitated remotely on digital platforms.
                            Company embarked on its transformation           Traineeship programmes.                     providers had been made readily
                            journey to foster a success-oriented                                                         available due to the COVID-19 pandemic,       At the industry level, the Company had
                            and growth mindset throughout the                To ensure competency development            which saw the Company’s planned               also joined hands with other industry
                            organisation.                                    of new hires and transfer of knowledge      physical training sessions and workshops      partners including Singapore Institute
                                                                             from retiring employees, a new Learning     converted to online ones. This global shift   of Power & Gas (SiPG) to optimise
                            Striving for excellence in its people and        & Growth department had been set up                                                       economies of scale in building up the
                            operations, the Company set out to build         to leverage in-house technical experts as                                                 technical competency of our workforce.
                            new leadership capabilities, starting from the
                            top. Over the past financial year, the senior
                            and middle management teams were placed
                            in a leadership development programme
                            that would continue into the next financial
                            year. The flagship programme served to
                            help senior leaders and people managers
Transforming                learn new leadership competencies to bring
Possibilities into          out the best in their teams. In addition to
Realities                   leadership capacity and culture building, the
About This Report           investment would help forge collaborative
Corporate Overview
                            ways of working across functional
Messages from the Top
                            boundaries and value chains, strengthening
                            Complementing leadership development,
Challenges into
                            succession management continued to be
Group Performance           the top leadership agenda as part of the
Environmental Performance   company’s workforce renewal plan over
                            the next 10 years. In addition to building
                            bench strength for senior leadership and
Small Steps into            management levels, efforts would be
Big Impact                  stepped up to build the pipeline to replace
Our Social Performance      retiring engineering personnel, leveraging
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                 YTL POWERSERAYA


                                               Geneco, helped          Water                 % share of power
                                               customers to reduce     consumption at        plant water use
Transforming                                     1,900
                                                                       the power station
                                                                       saw a marginal rise
                                                                                             from renewable
                                                                                             water sources (i.e.
                                               metric tons
Possibilities into

About This Report                                                      of                    desalinated water &
Corporate Overview                             of GHG emissions                              NEWater) registered
                                               and powered homes
                                                                                             99.5%. This is
Messages from the Top

                                                      325 MWh

                                               with                                          in line with previous
Challenges into
                                               of renewable energy                           years’ figures.
Opportunities                                  in the FY.
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                           YTL POWERSERAYA

                            ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE

                            Solar                                      Electric Van                           Energy Efficiency (EE)                                  In efforts to reduce carbon emissions,
                            The total solar generated for FY19/20      The old diesel van has been replaced   Overall efficiency of entire power station              the Energy Market Authority
                            was 1.28GWh, a 22.4% increase from         with an Electric Van at Jurong Power   registered a marginal improvement to                    (EMA) has provided a grant for YTL
                            the previous year with the stabilisation   Plant, resulting to 0.55 tCO2e of      53.66% (vs 53.5% the previous FY). This                 PowerSeraya alongside 2 other
                            of solar PV operations.                    CO2 emissions avoided in FY19/20,      efficiency improvement coupled with the                 generation companies, amounting
                                                                       covering a monthly average mileage     COVID-19-inducted demand drop contributed               to a total of S$23 million for energy
                                                                       335.6km.                               to the 2.4 % drop in Scope 1 GHG emissions.             efficiency projects.

                                                                                                              1.28GWh total solar              0.55 tCO2e CO2 emissions                 53.66% efficiency
                                                                                                              energy generated in              avoided in FY19/20 with an               improvement in
                                                                                                              FY19/20, 22.4% increase          Electric Van                             FY19/20

Possibilities into
Realities                                                                                                       Direct & Indirect GHG Emissions (in tCO2e)
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top
                                                                                                                                                            3,506,752                                236,703
Challenges into                                                                                                                                             3,591,179                                120,831
Group Performance                                                                                               FY18/19
Environmental Performance

                                                                                                                                                            3,739,447                                   34,514
Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach                                                                                                   Scope 1                                                  Scope 2 and 3
                                                                                                                     (Direct Emissions from Power Plant Operations)           (Indirect Emissions)

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                                                             YTL POWERSERAYA

                            ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE
                            Environmental Performance Indicators FY19/20
                             Env Theme           GRI Index      Environmental Performance Indicators                                                 FY17/18                            FY18/19                   FY19/20

                                                                Energy consumed within the organisation                                                   Natural Gas and Fuel Oil consumed for power and steam generation
                                                 GRI 302-1      (non-renewable sources)                                                              Natural Gas                   Natural Gas                 Natural Gas
                                                                                                                                                     66,593,563 GJ                 63,933,618 GJ               62,375,777 GJ

                                                                                                                                                     Heavy Fuel Oil & Diesel            Heavy Fuel Oil & Diesel   Heavy Fuel Oil & Diesel
                                                                                                                                                     53,069 GJ                          143,145 GJ                58,538 GJ

                                                 GRI 302-3      Energy Intensity for Electricity & Steam                                             25.7                               25.9                      24.8
                            Energy                              (defined as energy consumed for electricity and steam generation
                                                                operations (i.e. house load) divided by energy output (i.e. electricity
                                                                and steam generated)

                                                 GRI 302-4      Reduction in Energy Consumption                                                      233,480 MWh                        239,000 MWh               254,508MWh
                                                                (i.e. house-load consumption) versus Base Year FY12/13 for Electricity & Steam       (840.53TJ)                         (860.40 TJ)               (916.23TJ)
Possibilities into
Realities                                        GRI 303-1      Water withdrawal by source (m3)                                                      2,023,340                          1,975,983                 1,998,257
About This Report
Corporate Overview                                              a. Desalinated water from seawater                                                   1,904,552 (94.1%)                  1,862,221 (94.2%)         1,662,451 (83.2%)
Messages from the Top
Governance                                                      b. Waste Water (reclaimed waste water from other industries,                         107,910 (5.3%)                     101,095 (5.1%)            326,136 (16.3%)
                                                                   recycled water (i.e. Singapore’s NEWater, Industrial water)

Transforming                                                    c. Municipal water supply (i.e. Town Water)                                          10,878 (0.6%)                      12,667 (0.7%)             9,670 (0.5%)
Challenges into
Group Performance                                GRI 303-3      Water Recycled & Reused (in m3)
Environmental Performance
                                                                a. Total Volume                                                                      65,602                             67,076                    71.845

Transforming                                                    b. Percentage (of total water use in GRI 303-1)                                      3.2%                               3.4%                      3.6%
Small Steps into
Big Impact                  Notes:
Our Social Performance
                                Corporate office energy & water consumption is less than 0.01% of the power plant energy consumption and is thus a materially insignificant figure that warrants disclosure.
Community Outreach
                                Of the six greenhouse gases, only CO2 emissions (expressed in tCO2e) is reported as the other 5 greenhouses emissions are in insignificantly small quantities.

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                                                                         YTL POWERSERAYA

                            ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE
                             Env Theme            GRI Index      Environmental Performance Indicators                                                  FY17/18                            FY18/19                            FY19/20

                                                  GRI 305-1      Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions in tCO2e                                               3,739,447                          3,591,179                          3,506,752

                                                  GRI 305-2      Indirect (Scope 2) GHG Emissions in tCO2e                                             139.8                              101.7                              80.9

                                                  GRI 305-3      Other Indirect (Scope 3) GHG Emissions in tCO2e                                       34,374                             120,730                            236,622

                                                  GRI 305-5      Reduction in GHG Emissions                                       Scope 1              1,807,903                          1,956,161                          2,040,598
                                                                 (from baseline year FY12/13 in tCO2e)                            Scope 2              55.9                               93.9                               114.7

                                                  GRI 305-7      Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX),                                           SO2: 7.30E-06                      SO2: 4.50E-06                      SO2: 2.46E-06
                                                                 and other significant air emissions (in kg/MWh)                                                           NOx emissions is insignificant and thus not measured

                            Air pollution
Possibilities into
                                                  GRI 306-1      Water discharge by quality and                                                        85,492                             65,338                             44,100
                                                                 destination (in m3)*
About This Report
Corporate Overview                                                                                                                BOD:
                       Our journey is a continuous one. We recognise that
                       our sustainability in the long run depends on our
                       present actions. That is why we are committed to
                       strengthening our day-to-day operations to answer
                       the utilities and energy needs of diverse industries
                       and communities. Because we are confident that each
                       step now will make an enduring impact to our future.
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                               YTL POWERSERAYA

                            OUR SOCIAL
                            Human Capital                              intake of interns each year from 13
                            Performance                                tertiary students in FY18/19 to 39
                            The market has continued to see            students in FY19/20, triple the number
                            challenging conditions, with staff         from FY18/19. The company see
                            turnover rate increasing slightly to       internships as part of organisational
                            13.8% as compared to 12.9% in the          learning and growth. Interns bring
                            previous financial year (FY).              with them fresh ideas, perspectives
                                                                       and new skill sets into the organisation
                            Training expenditure and training          while the Company employees offer
                            hours per employee dropped in              their mentoring, experience and tacit
                            FY19/20. The COVID-19 pandemic             knowledge in return.
                            disrupted on-site technical training
                            programme significantly as the             Much emphasis was placed on staff
Transforming                Company started to offer online            induction in FY19/20, which recorded
Possibilities into          training to continue learning. The         356 hours of staff briefing for new hires,
Realities                   safety training hours per employee         a marked increase from the 114 hours
About This Report
                            also dipped to 3.8 hours per employee      the previous year. Staff induction covered
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top
                            from the previous year’s 5.4 hours.        an overview of the Company businesses,
Governance                                                             its sustainability practices, HR policies,
                            With the company’s CSR Thrust              fraud risk management awareness,
                            ‘Nurturing Human Capital’, the             grievance handling and whistle-blowing
Challenges into             company continued to have a healthy        procedures.
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact                  13.8% staff turnover rate in FY19/20       3.8 hours safety training per employee       39 students as interns in FY19/20,   356 hours of staff induction briefing for
Our Social Performance                                                 in FY19/20                                   triple the number from FY19/19       new hires
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                 YTL POWERSERAYA

                            OUR SOCIAL PERFORMANCE
                            Resources were spent putting in
                            place precautionary measures to
                            minimise the spread of COVID-19
                            in the workplace and increasing the
                            frequency of staff communications
                            who were working from home due to
                            COVID-19. The staff communications

                            were aimed at providing clear guidance
                            on the precautionary measures to
                            minimise COVID-19 infection among the       COVID-19 infections,
                            workforce and leave policies for affected
                            staff. Surveys were also conducted to       workplace fatalities
                            check on the mental health of staff         and occupational
                            members. Resources and tips such            diseases in FY19/20
                            as exercise tips, cooking recipes were
                            curated to help staff members cope with
Transforming                the WFH stresses. COVID-19 infections,
Possibilities into          workplace fatalities and occupational
Realities                   diseases was zero in FY19/20.
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top                                                                          Number of Accidents per
Governance                  On the company’s Safety Performance,
                            the company has done well, achieving                               Million Man-hours Worked
Transforming                zero number of accidents per million
Challenges into             man-hours worked, and also zero lost
Opportunities               man-days to workplace accidents per
Group Performance           million man-hours worked.
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach                                                                             Lost Man-Days to Workplace
                                                                                               Accidents per Million
GRI Content Index
                                                                                               Man-hours Worked

                            Geneco ChangeMakers
                            Programme: Making
                            Waves of Change to the
                            YTL PowerSeraya believes in reaching
                            out to the community at large. Through
                            Geneco, the electricity retail brand
                            of YTL PowerSeraya, the Company
                            is seeking to power change for a
                            more sustainable energy future by
                            harnessing the positive energy of like-
                            minded individuals and organisations
                            through its Geneco ChangeMakersSG
Possibilities into          Programme.
About This Report           In addition, the Company’s corporate
Corporate Overview          social responsibility (CSR) vision is to
Messages from the Top       promote a positive and sustainable
                            environment as well as to improve its
                            social contribution to the communities
Transforming                in which it operates. To realise this
Challenges into             vision, the company also organised
Opportunities               outreach programmes to the youths
Group Performance
                            within local communities.
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                      YTL POWERSERAYA

                            COMMUNITY OUTREACH

Possibilities into
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top

Challenges into                                                        Geneco’s Green
Opportunities                                                          Christmas Lodge
Group Performance                                                      In collaboration with its
Environmental Performance
                                                                       ChangeMakers partners,
                                                                       Geneco organised a series of
Transforming                                                           activities at its Green Christmas
Small Steps into                                                       Lodge, which included various       Food Bundle Distribution
Big Impact                                                             sustainable craft workshops         COVID-19 SUPPORT
Our Social Performance
                                                                       and a kinetic bicycle to light up   Geneco pledged to donate 1,000 meals to help the less fortunate through
Community Outreach
                                                                       the Christmas tree decorations.     a social media campaign, in collaboration with The Food Bank Singapore.

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                   YTL POWERSERAYA

                            COMMUNITY OUTREACH

                                                                                                           Supporting Our Urban
                                                                                                           Farming Partner’s Journey
                                                                                                           ComCrop’s rooftop greenhouse
                                                                                                           is experiencing a greater strain to
                                                                                                           increase production due to the
                                                                                                           disrupted international food supply
                                                                                                           chains caused by the the COVID-19
                                                                                                           pandemic. Geneco then stepped in to
                                                                                                           support the urban farming company
Possibilities into
                                                                                                           by committing to subsidise ComCrop’s
About This Report
                                                                                                           electricity bills for a year.
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top

Challenges into
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

                                Mask distribution for vulnerable communities
Transforming                    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Geneco purchased 15,000 masks
Small Steps into                from Refash Cares to assist the sustainable fashion business in their
Big Impact                      operational costs. The electricity company also roped in The Food Bank
Our Social Performance
                                Singapore in this partnership to distribute the masks to families within
Community Outreach
                                vulnerable communities during food deliveries.

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                             YTL POWERSERAYA

                            COMMUNITY OUTREACH

Possibilities into
About This Report
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top

Transforming                    Powering Awareness through Jingles,
Challenges into                 Singing and Quizzes
Opportunities                   REAP (Responsible Energy Advocates Programme) seeks to               Learn by PLAY-ing
Group Performance               educate and engage pre-tertiary students on issues surrounding       PLAY (Punggol Learning Adventure for Youths) is an
Environmental Performance
                                energy and climate change. Education materials with an energy-       interactive learning programme that seeks to raise
                                climate change quiz were provided to 3 participating schools to      awareness and knowledge of water issues at both global and
Transforming                    test students’ knowledge on energy and its relationship to climate   local levels in partnership with Waterways Watch Society as
Small Steps into                change. This programme saw more than 200 students taking part.       its knowledge partner. Around 70 students went through an
Big Impact                      The students were also invited to participate in YTL PowerSeraya’s   education trail to learn about water-climate change issues,
Our Social Performance
                                “Power The Change” jingle contest to sing about behaviour that       causes of water pollution and also to gain an appreciation of
Community Outreach
                                helps to reduce energy waste.                                        water as a precious resource through activity stations.

GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                                                        YTL POWERSERAYA

                            CONTENT INDEX
                            This is an abridged version of the G4 – GRI Content Index. Only the most material performance indicators are presented here.

                            For General Standard Disclosures 102-16 to 102-45 and Specific Disclosures 103-1 to 103-3, please refer to pages 59 to 67 of the independently assured Corporate
                            Accountability Report FY18/19.

                             GRI Standard       Disclosure                                                 Page Number and/or URL           Full Disclosure

                             General Disclosures

                             GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016

                             102-1              Name of the organisation                                   Pg 6                             Yes
Transforming                 102-2              Activities, brands, products, and services                 Pg 6                             Yes
Possibilities into
Realities                    102-3              Location of headquarters                                   Pg 6                             Yes
About This Report
Corporate Overview           102-4              Location of operations                                     Pg 6                             Yes
Messages from the Top
Governance                   102-5              Ownership and legal form                                   Pg 6                             Yes

                             102-6              Markets served                                             Pg 6                             Yes
Challenges into              102-7              Scale of the organisation                                  Pg 6                             Yes
Group Performance                                                                                                                           Partial Disclosure. Information on temporary employees
Environmental Performance    102-8              Information on employees and other workers                 Pg 6                             are omitted as their numbers are small relative to the total
                                                                                                                                            number of full-time employees
Transforming                 102-9              Supply chain                                               Pg 6                             Yes
Small Steps into
Big Impact                   102-12             External initiatives                                       Pg 7                             Yes
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach           102-13             Membership of associations                                 Pg 7                             Yes

                             102-14             Statement from senior decision-maker                       Pg 7                             Yes
GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                    YTL POWERSERAYA

                            GRI CONTENT INDEX

                             GRI Standard       Disclosure                                                   Page Number and/or URL   Full Disclosure

                             General Disclosures

                             GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016

                             102-45             Entities included in the consolidated financial statements   Pg 3 & 7                 Yes

                             102-46             Defining report content and topic boundaries                 Pg 3                     Yes

                             102-47             List of material topics                                      Pg 9                     Yes

                             102-48             Restatements of information                                  Pg 3                     Yes

                             102-49             Changes in reporting                                         Pg 3                     Yes

                             102-50             Reporting period                                             Pg 3                     Yes

                             102-51             Date of most recent report                                   Pg 3                     Yes

Transforming                 102-52             Reporting cycle                                              Pg 3                     Yes
Possibilities into
Realities                    102-53             Contact point for questions regarding the report             Pg 3                     Yes
About This Report
                             102-54             Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards     Pg 3                     Yes
Corporate Overview
Messages from the Top
                             102-55             GRI content index                                            Pg 32                    Yes
                             Specific Disclosures
Challenges into              Material Topic: Climate Change (Energy)
Opportunities                302-1              Energy consumption within the organisation                   Pg 22                    Yes
Group Performance
Environmental Performance    302-3              Energy intensity                                             Pg 22                    Yes

Transforming                 302-4              Reduction of energy consumption                              Pg 22                    Yes
Small Steps into
                             Material Topic: Climate Change (GHG Emissions)
Big Impact
Our Social Performance       305-1              Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions                               Pg 23                    Yes
Community Outreach
                             305-2              Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions                      Pg 23                    Yes
GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                                     YTL POWERSERAYA

                            GRI CONTENT INDEX

                             GRI Standard       Disclosure                                                    Page Number and/or URL   Full Disclosure

                             Specific Disclosures

                             Material Topic: Climate Change (GHG Emissions)

                             305-3              Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions                        Pg 23                    Yes

                             305-5              Reduction of GHG emissions                                    Pg 23                    Yes

                             Material Topic: Water

                             303-1              Water withdrawal by source                                    Pg 22                    Yes

                             303-3              Water recycled and reused                                     Pg 22                    Yes

                             Important Topics: Environmental

                                                Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other
                             305-7                                                                            Pg 23                    Yes
                                                significant air emissions
Possibilities into           306-1              Water discharge by quality and destination                    Pg 23                    Yes
About This Report
                             306-3              Significant spills                                            Pg 23                    Yes
Corporate Overview
                             307-1              Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations        Pg 23                    Yes
Messages from the Top
                             Material Topic: Competent Workforce (Skilled Workers)

Transforming                 404-1              Average hours of training per year per employee               Pg 26                    Yes
Challenges into
                                                Programmes for upgrading employee skills and transition
Opportunities                404-2                                                                            Pg 19                    Yes
Group Performance
                                                assistance programmes
Environmental Performance
                             Material Topic: Health & Safety

Transforming                                    Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases,
Small Steps into             403-2              lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related        Pg 27                    Yes
Big Impact                                      fatalities
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach                              Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases
                             403-3                                                                            Pg 27                    Yes
                                                related to their occupation
GRI Content Index

CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY BRIDGING REPORT                                                                     YTL POWERSERAYA

                            GRI CONTENT INDEX
                            Electric Utility Sector
                             Description                                                         Indicators   Page

                             Organisational Profile

                             Installed Capacity                                                  EU1          Refer to company website

                             Net Energy Output                                                   EU2          Pg 17

                             Number of Accounts                                                  EU3          Pg 17

                             Generation Efficiency                                               EU7          Pg 21


                             Commentary – Total water withdrawal by source                       EN8          Pg 22

                             Commentary – Greenhouse gas emissions                               EN16         Pg 23

Transforming                 Product Responsibility
Possibilities into
                             Programmes and processes to ensure the availability of a skilled    EN14
Realities                                                                                                     Pg 19
About This Report            workforce
Corporate Overview
                             Commentary – Staff Turnover                                         EU LA2       Pg 26
Messages from the Top
                             Commentary – Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days,
                                                                                                 EU LA7       Pg 27
                             absenteeism and total number of work related fatalities by region
Challenges into
Group Performance
Environmental Performance

Small Steps into
Big Impact
Our Social Performance
Community Outreach

GRI Content Index

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