2017 & 2018 Program for - Connecticut State Grange

Page created by Timothy Douglas
                      of the
             Connecticut State Grange
          “The mission of the Connecticut State Grange,
a fraternal organization with roots in rural and agricultural history
 and the Grange Ritual, is to serve as a unifying and supportive
 organization of community and district Granges in programs of
    community service, family activities, legislation and other
            activities relevant to local communities.”

                                                                               Program for
                                                                          2017 & 2018
                                                                                 Noel T. Miller
                                                                                State President
                           Follow us on...

                                                                        One copy each to Master, Secretary,
                                                                        Lecturer, CWA and Youth Committee
Hank the Burro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Honor Grange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Lecturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
              Photo, Talent & “A Number” Contests
              Complete Program, Should Auld Acquaintance,
              A Word from Home, Essay Contest, Apprec. Award,
              Honor Lecturer, etc.
Legislative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Agriculture / Conservation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Family Activities / CWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
              Northeast Needlework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
              Craft Contest, Baking Contest, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
              State Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Student Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Social Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Public Relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Junior Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Inspections & Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
              Code Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
              Deputies Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Camp Maud Isbell Berger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Community Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Telephone Contact List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Executive Committee Report for 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center of Book
Executive Committee Report for 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center of Book
                               State Officers and Committee Chairmen                                                                                        2017 & 2018 Blue Book
Noel T. Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-742-8839
George Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             Overseer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-824-7056
                                                                                                                                       This edition of the Connecticut State Grange Blue Book
Marge Bernhardt . . . . . . . . . . . . .              Lecturer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203-272-4620
                                                                                                                                       is designed to be used for TWO YEARS ~ 2017 & 2018.
Robert Buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            Steward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203-267-6796
                                                                                                                                       Please use this book in your planning for both Grange years.
Ted Powell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           A. Steward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-908-4906
                                                                                                                                       Refer to the appropriate department for deadlines and other
Eloise Osuch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           L.A. Steward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-274-9886
                                                                                                                                       important dates.
Charles Dimmick . . . . . . . . . . . .                Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203-272.4620
Jody A. Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . .               Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-412-0225
                                                                                                                                       The calendar traditionally printed in this space is not
Todd A. Gelineau . . . . . . . . . . . .               Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Office 860-633-7550
                                                                                                                                       being printed as many dates for 2017 and 2018 have yet to
                                                                                               Cell 860-307-1522
                                                                                                                                       be determined. Please keep an eye out for updates in the
                                                                     Email: secretary@ctstategrange.org
                                                                                                                                       Connecticut Granger or through communications from the
Jaimie Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . .               Gatekeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-412-0225
                                                                                                                                       Central Office or State Grange Committees.
Karen Macdonald . . . . . . . . . . . .                Ceres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203-371-1909
Carol Hnath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          Pomona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-487-3751
                                                                                                                                       The contact information for all State Officers and Committees
Deborah Barnes. . . . . . . . . . . . . .              Flora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-599-6011
                                                                                                                                       is also included in this book. Please feel free to contact the
Jody A. Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . .               Executive Comm. Chairman . . 860-412-0225
                                                                                                                                       appropriate people if you have any questions.
Mary Lou Keefe . . . . . . . . . . . . .               Pianist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-379-8871
Donald Lanoue . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              General Deputy
                                                       Code Reading/Ritual . . . . . . . . . 203-213-6235
Irene Percoski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           Family Activities (CWA) . . . . . 860-749-0463                                                                           Connecticut’s Mascot
Jody A. Cameron. . . . . . . . . . . . .               Membership Dev./Retent . . . . . 860-412-0225
Jean Meehan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            Youth Co-Director . . . . . . . . . . 203-758-5653
Anne Marie Knochenhauer . . . . .                      Youth Co-Director . . . . . . . . . . 860-941-0412
Michelle DeDominicis . . . . . . . .                   Junior (Co-Director) . . . . . . . . . 860-568-2415
Kathy Tefft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          Junior (Co-Director) . . . . . . . . . 860-222-3035
Alma Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              Legislative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-423-4332
Chris Bourque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-267-8628
Terri Fassio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         Public Relations (Co-Dir.). . . . . 860-626-5074
                                                                                                                                            Hank will continue traveling the state during 2017 visiting
Robert Charbonneau . . . . . . . . . .                 Public Relations (Co-Dir.) . . . . 203-237-4617
                                                                                                                                          Granges and their activities. If you would like Hank to visit,
Joanne Cipriano . . . . . . . . . . . . .              Social Connection . . . . . . . . . . . 203-754-5863
                                                                                                                                          email him at hanktheburro@ctstategrange.org and don’t forget
Student Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           Central Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-633-7550
                                                                                                                                          to “Like” him on Facebook to follow his activities.
                                              INSTALLING TEAMS                                                                              Hank’s travelog and favorite recipes are also shared in each
Edith Schoell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-528-8015              issue of the Connecticut Granger.
Jody Cameron/Jeff Barnes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-412-0225
                                                                20                                                                                                        1
Membership Development & Retention                                                                             Community Service
Committee:        Jody A. Cameron (Director) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-412-0225                                     Chairpersons:
                  Ted Beebe                                                                                                 George & Sharon Russell
                                                                                                                        63 New Street, Canaan, CT 06018
Purpose:          We believe it is the purpose of the Connecticut State Grange
                  Membership Development & Retention Committee to build
                                                                                                                        Email: overseer@ctstategrange.org
                  confidence in our purpose and abilities as an organization so all
                  Grangers and Granges can develop growth and development goals
                  through programs specifically designed to attract and retain                   Granges are encouraged to report on their Community Service activities throughout
                  members. We believe it is every member’s responsibility to                    the Grange year. This can be done by filling out the Community Service Report Form
                  enhance the Grange’s name and presence in each community they                 and/or creating a Notebook that incorporates the report form along with photos, news
                  serve.                                                                        clippings and any other information and materials that tell the story of your year in
                                                                                                Community Service work.
                  We will communicate regularly through the Connecticut Granger
                  and Connecticut State Grange Membership Facebook page. We
                                                                                                Community Service will be judged in two categories: Granges with up to 50 members
                  will utilize other forms of social media as well.
                                                                                                and under and Granges with over 51 members.
                             2017 & 2018 PROGRAM
  Quarterly we will acknowledge all Granges that have taken in new members and                  There have been some changes in the application form for this coming year. The
especially those who have posted a net gain in membership.                                      Community Service judges score card was set up with the recommendations of the
  Annually the Granges with the most new members and largest net gain in membership             National Grange Community Service on areas that are considered during the National
will receive acknowledgement during the Annual Session of the Connecticut State                 Grange judging.
  Additional programs will be unveiled as they become available.                                All entries must be sent to George and Sharon Russell by Sept. 1 (2017 & 2018). If
                                                                                                you have any questions, please call or email to overseer@ctstategrange.org.

                                                                                                If you are starting a new project, there is grant money available from the Connecticut
Date TBD          Workshop on Grants available for Granges
                                                                                                State Grange. Applications were returned to Granges with last year’s report forms. If
2017              Membership Workshop - 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.                                  you would like a form, please contact the Chairpersons or the Central Office.
                  $5.00 Registration Fee (Lunch included in Fee), Location TBD
                  • Public Displays to attract people
                  • The POWER of Facebook
                  • Fear is Foolish!
                  • NO is Okay!
                  • Mentoring and Cheerleading

2018              Membership Workshop - 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
                  $5.00 Registration Fee (Lunch included in Fee), Location TBD
                  • Leading Leaders
                  • Exploring your Leadership Style
                  • Working in a multigenerational era
                  • Technology and History
                  • The ROI (Return on Investment) of being a Leader
                                        2                                                                                                19
Granges are not permitted to take a month or months off during the summer or
during the winter due to weather issues. Special meetings should be scheduled and
Granges that only meet once per month should have a alternate dates in mind for when               2017/2018 Honor Community Grange
that one meeting has to be cancelled.
                                                                                          The following applies to Community/Subordinate Granges. Pomona Granges
                                 Code Reading                                           no longer file Honor Grange reports. Pomonas achieving 750 or more points on
                                                                                        their annual inspections will receive the Honor Pomona Grange Award.

CODE READING:                                                                              The Honor Grange Program is designed to recognize Subordinate/Community
   How do the Assistants open the Bible?                                                Granges that are succeeding in being exemplary Granges. This means helping
   How is the word taken up?                                                            in the community through community involvement projects, and having active
   What is the signal in the third degree?                                              members.
   Those questions and many others can only be answered by being able to read the          The Honor Grange Program has three levels: BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD. A
Code Book. The Code Reading program is designed to encourage all members to             documented report is to be made to the State Grange Master/President outlining
become more familiar with the unwritten work of the order.                              and exhibiting your Grange’s accomplishments. There is no actual form to
   An Award of Merit/Code Reading Card will be issued to each member who dem-           be filled out. Simply write a report explaining how you achieved each of the
onstrates his/her ability to read the Fourth Degree Cipher Code Book. This card is      requirements and provide any supporting documentation/evidence (i.e. photos,
signed by both the National Master and the State Master. The card is earned by read-    letters of appreciation, news articles, names of new members and dates they were
ing the Code Book with a minimum of errors.                                             initiated, etc.). NOTE: Certified copies of resolutions must be submitted with the
   Any member in good standing is entitled to a code book for study purposes. They      Honor Grange Report (see requirement below).
may be acquired through the General Deputy or the State Master.                            Each year, if the Grange qualifies, it will receive a bronze, silver, or gold
   Instruction and testing of the Code will be provided by all members of the Deputy    recognition.
Team along with Mildred Bell (600 Allen Ave., Meriden, CT 06450).

                                                                                        BRONZE LEVEL
                      Camp Maud Isbell Berger                                           To receive a Bronze, a Grange must accomplish the following, submit written
                                                                                        report fully answering all questions in detail. Reports to be postmarked by
                  THE CONNECTICUT STATE GRANGE CAMP                                     September 15 each year (2017 & 2018):
    Camp Berger is a delightful place, and one of which we should be very proud. It       1. A minimum of one (1) new member to your Grange (includes new,
is an asset to the Connecticut State Grange, and to each and every member.                     reinstated, demits into your Grange, do not include new affiliate members
    All Junior Grange members, children of Grange members, and grandchildren,                  or mergers).
nieces and nephews of Grange members are encouraged to attend Camp, however,              2. A minimum of one (1) legal meeting per month.
Camp Berger is open to all regarless of Grange membership. The per-week camping           3. Representation of the Grange at one (1) Pomona meeting during the year.
fee for 2016 will be a very affordable $400.00.                                           4. Lecturer has a relevant program monthly. Programs should include
    Contact the Directors for more information: Lyn & Chris Kimberly, 3 Broad Street,          recreation, inspiration, music, and education.
Weston, CT 06883, CampBerger@gmail.com; 203-557-3339. FOR INFORMATION                     5. One (1) community service project or activity.
ON USE OF CAMP BERGER, please contact: Todd Gelineau, State Secretary, P.O.               6. One (1) resolution on a community or legislative issue must be adopted
Box 1393, Glastonbury, CT 06033.                                                               by the Community Grange. A copy of the resolution, certified by the
                                                                                               Grange Secretary, must be submitted with honor Grange report.
   Checks for donations made in memoriam to the Trust Fund of Camp Berger or the        SILVER LEVEL
General Fund of Camp Berger for projects should be made payable to: The Connecticut     To receive Silver, a Grange must do the following:
State Grange, and sent to the State Grange Office, P.O. Box 1393, Glastonbury, CT          1. A minimum of two (2) new members to your Grange (includes new,
06033. The checks should be marked for the purpose intended. If it is a check in              reinstated, demits into your Grange, do not include new affiliate members
memoriam, please send the name of a relative to whom an acknowledgement may be                or mergers).
                                        18                                                                                     3
2.   A minimum of one (1) legal meeting per month.
       Representation of the Grange at two (2) Pomona meetings during the year.
       Lecturer has a relevant program monthly. Programs should include
                                                                                                               Inspections & Ritual
       recreation, inspiration, music, and education.
                                                                                                            Donald Lanoue, General Deputy
  5.   One (1) community service project or activity.
                                                                                                              35 Miller Rd., Northford 06472;
  6.   Have a delegate present at State Grange Session.
                                                                                                       (203) 213-6235; gendeputy@ctstategrange.org
  7.   One (1) resolution on a community or legislative issue must be adopted
                                                                                  Peter Keefe (Pomona Deputy West & #4) . . . . . . . . . deputywest@ctstategrange.org
       by the Community Grange. A copy of the resolution must be submitted
                                                                                  Cynthia Charbonneau (Central Pomona #1) . . . . . . . . . . . deputy1@ctstategrange.org
       with honor Grange report.
                                                                                  Jeffrey Barnes (New London County Pomona #6) . . . . . . deputy6@ctstategrange.org
  8.   Must complete at least (5) of the requirements (8-15) of the Gold
                                                                                  Ronald Fischer (Excelsior Pomona #7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . deputy7@ctstategrange.org
       level below.
                                                                                  Geno Piacentini (Fairfield County Pomona #9) . . . . . . . . deputy9@ctstategrange.org

GOLD LEVEL                                                                        INSPECTIONS:
To receive Gold, a Grange must complete, ALL of the following:                       Inspections will continue to be held in each of the Subordinate/Community and
  1. A minimum of three (3) new members to your Grange.                           Pomona Granges throughout the state this year. One Inspection date will be scheduled
  2. A minimum of one (1) legal meeting per month.                                by the Deputy this year.
  3. Representation of the Grange at all regular Pomona meetings.                    Granges are not required to submit committee reports on the night of inspec-
  4. Lecturer has relevant program monthly. Programs should include               tion. Deputies will evaluate committees based on the reports given on the night of the
      recreation, inspiration, music, and education.                              inspection along with answers given by the Secretary on the Inspection score sheet.
  5. One (1) community service project or activity.                                  Please provide your account information requested on the inspection sheets.
  6. Have a delegate present at State Grange Session.                             Several Granges have run into trouble upon losing a long-serving Treasurer, with no
                                                                                  clear record of where the funds of the Grange are deposited/invested. With a record
  7. One (1) resolution on a community or legislative issue must be adopted
                                                                                  on file, we will be able to access this information whenever it is needed. You are not
      by the Community Grange. A copy of the resolution must be submitted         required to provide account numbers or balances, however we do require the name of
      with honor Grange report.                                                   the bank (specific branch) and the type of account (i.e. savings, checking, cd, etc.).
  8. Officers planning meeting held and goals for year set.                           Please refer to the Inspection Forms provided by the Deputy and use them as a
  9. All standing committee chairs must be appointed by the Master (Standing      worksheet, filling out as much of the information as you can prior to the inspection.
      committees are: CWA/Family Activities, Agriculture, Legislative,            The actual forms will be provided and filled out on the night of inspection by the
      Community Service, Membership, Junior and Youth.)                           Deputy.
  10. All standing committees report at the majority of meetings.
  11. At least (5) members, as a group, visit another Subordinate/Community       What do I need to have on Inspection Night:
      Grange meeting at least once during the year.                                  • Please have all of the records available (i.e. checkbook, minutes, ledgers,
  12. Master must attend at least one (1) Pomona meeting.                              membership/dues records, etc.). Records from last inspection to night of inspect.
  13. Hold at least one (1) activity to support the Junior Grange program, ex.-      • A copy of your latest Executive Committee Report
                                                                                     • Copy of your Grange’s Steward’s Inventory Report
      assist at a meeting or fundraiser, help leader with activities, provide
                                                                                     • Grange Seal
      scholarship to camp, etc.
  14. Submit Community Service Annual Report due September 1, 2016.
  15. Hold at least one (1) open house or other community activity per year in      Please contact the General Deputy or your own Subordinate or Pomona Deputy if
      the Grange Hall to which the public is invited.                             you have any questions. We are here to help.
  Reports are to be postmarked by September 15 each year (2017 & 2018)
                                  Send to:
                                                                                  Meeting Requirements
                                                                                     All Granges are required to meet at least once each month in full form using one of
                        Noel T. Miller, State President                           the approved meeting formats (i.e. Manual or Alternate Manual). Meeting around a
                            150 Ripley Hill Road                                  table is not a permitted meeting format. Granges that need to meet in smaller rooms
                            Coventry, CT 06238                                    that do not have room for floor work schould contact the General Deputy and/or State
                                                                                  Master for guidance on how to meet the requirements for a legal meeting.
                                       4                                                                                    17
to one of the State Youth Chairpersons.
                                 Let’s Celebrate                                                                   Lecturer’s Program
The luncheon at “Let’s Celebrate”/Grange Sunday will be in the charge of the Youth.
                        Sign-A-Song and Public Speaking                                                    Marge Bernhardt, State Lecturer
The Sign-A-Song and Public Speaking Competitions will be held in June. We urge                           424 Cedar Lane, Cheshire, CT 06410
the Youth to form a Drill Team to compete at the 2017 Northeast Youth Conference.       203-272-4620 (Home); 203-537-5213 (Cell); Email: lecturer@ctstategrange.org
If you wish to compete, please notify one of the State Youth Chairmen.
                                                                                      PROGRAM GUIDELINES
                                       Big E                                          All programs should be between 30 and 60 minutes and include music, information,
Youth and Grange members are encouraged to attend Grange Sunday at the Big E/         participation, inspiration and humor. While all programs do not have to include all of
Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield Massachusetts and march in the parade    these, they are an essential part of your Lecturer’s Programs.
in September of 2017 and 2018. Watch for the exact dates.
                                         Raffle                                        RITUAL PROGRAMS
A raffle will be held at the annual State Grange Session to help raise money for the   Each Lecturer should feature one complete program or six 5-minute numbers each
Youth activities. Please support this raffle with small gifts.                         year on Grange Ritual.

                   2017 & 2018 Youth Achievement Award                                GRANGE SUNDAYS
Name of your Grange __________________________________________ No. _____              Grange Sundays will be held at Cheshire Grange Hall on Sunday, June 11, 2017,
Name of Youth Committee ______________________________________________                and Sunday, June 10, 2018. The hall will be open at 10:00 a.m. for viewing contest
Address _____________________________________________________________                 entries followed by our State Chaplain’s Service at 11:00. Talent and “A Number”
                                                                                      competition will begin at 1:00 p.m.
1. Did you hold a fundraiser to help promote the youth in your Grange? __________
   Explain what you did. ________________________________________________             PHOTO CONTEST – This contest is open to all Grangers as well as their children and
   __________________________________________________________________                 grandchildren. However, only Grange Members may compete at National.

2. Did you put on a program or a number for the Lecturer’s Youth Program? _______                                    Six Categories:
   Explain what you did. ________________________________________________               America the Beautiful; Animals; Grangers In Action; Family Celebrations;
   __________________________________________________________________                               Historic Places or Events; and, Antique Vehicles

3. Did you attend at least one Connecticut State Grange event? Yes _____ No _____     Rules:
   Explain: ___________________________________________________________               1. Only prints accepted. No slides in any category.
                                                                                      2. Participants may enter all categories but are limited to one entry in each category.
4. Did you or someone in your Grange attend the Northeast Youth Conference?           3. Entries must have been taken by the participant less than one year prior to the
   Yes _____ No _____                                                                    Judging.
                                                                                      4. A rigid backing is required for all photographs. No glass or frame is allowed.
5. Did your youth committee perform a community service project? _____________        5. Print may be processed commercially, but it must have been taken by the entrant.
   Explain: ___________________________________________________________                  Remember, this is a picture you took, not a picture of you.
   __________________________________________________________________                 6. Size of backing: No smaller than 4” x 6” or larger than 11” x 14”.
                                                                                      7. Name, Category, Grange and Number must be placed on the back of picture.
6. Name the State Youth Contests your youth entered. _________________________        8. Youth Entries (Age 14 and under) will be judged separately.
                                                                                      9. Judging: Photos will be judged at Cheshire Grange Hall on Sat. June 10, 2017,
                                                                                         and Sat. June 9, 2018. Entries may be mailed or given to the State Lecturer ahead
7. How many from your Grange attended Grange Sunday at the Big E? ___________
                                                                                         of time, or brought to Cheshire Grange Hall between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. the day
   How many marched in the parade or worked at the Big E? ____________________
                                                                                         of the judging.
8. Did your Grange take in a youth as a new member? _________________________
                                          16                                                                                    5
TALENT CONTEST – STATE RUN-OFFS will be held at Cheshire Grange Hall, 44                       • Creative Writing - on an 8.5” x 11” paper - 2017- Tell us why you joined the Grange
Wallingford Road, Cheshire, as part of Grange Sunday. There will be no Pomona              and why you stay a member! 2018 - Tell us what is your favorite farm animal and why!
                                                                                               • Decorate Something - 2017 - Decorate a gourd, using 1, 2 or 3 gourds - have fun - any
Judging. All entries will go directly to the State Judging. Performance time allowed       style. 2018 - Decorate a flower pot- using paint, glue or any material - does not have to
is six minutes. State winners will be eligible to perform at Lecturers’ Conference and     contain a live plant!
at National Session.                                                                           • Drawing Contests - A. Ages 5-9 - Draw a picture of Junior Grangers having fun. B.
                                                                                           Ages 10-14- Create a Junior Grange Flyer - that explains what you do as a Junior Granger.
                                                                                               • Photography - 5 categories as indicated below- each contestant can have one entry per
“A NUMBER” CONTEST – Theme “Vacations” – Any number suitable for a Grange                  category - all pictures must be 4x6 or 5x7 or 8x10 in size. They do not have to be matted
Meeting is eligible. Time Limit: 6 minutes (includes set-up and performance). All          or framed.
entries will go to directly to State for judging. Judging will be part of Grange Sunday.       5a - Something celebrating America!                     5d - Something not found in nature
Numbers will be judged on presentation, quality, audience appeal, appropriateness of           5b - Something red (bonus pts. for red sneakers/shoes) 5e - Junior Granger selfie
                                                                                               5c - Something in nature
theme, and originality.                                                                        If anyone is interested in participating in the National Contests for Public Speaking or
                                                                                           Sign-A-Song, please contact a member of the committee by Oct. 1 so contests can be held
COMPLETE PROGRAM – Subject: “Looking In The Rear View Mirror”. This                        at the State Level during State Session.
program must be presented at your own Grange. Full program must be sent to the                National Grange Contests - Theme: “Follow in the Footsteps of the Jr. Grange - 2017”
State Lecturer to be considered. All materials used must be included. While we urge            With the implementation of the Jr. +1 Program, we can now ensure that all family mem-
                                                                                           bers are eligible for Junior Grange activities.
you to present your program at another Grange, it is not required. Length 30 – 45              For the National Contests: See Rule Book for details: www.nationaljuniorgrange.org
minutes. Deadline for Entries: October 1st.                                                    • Creative Writing Contest                           • Creative Art Contest
                                                                                               • Mini Scrapbook Contest                             • JG Photography Contest *NEW*
SHOULD AULD ACQUAINTANCE – Provide assistance to a Convalescent, Nursing or                    • Digital Scrapbook Contest                          • Super JG Award
                                                                                               • Jr. Recruiter Award                                • Public Speaking - National Level
Rest Home at least 6 times during the course of a year. May be programs, gifts, or             • Sign-A-Song - National Level
any type of help the home requests. This should be done in the name of the Grange.
If unsure of whether or not you qualify, submit report and let us decide. Deadline for
report: October 1st.                                                                                                                    Youth
A WORD FROM HOME -- Write to a service man or woman serving overseas in harms’             Jean Meehan, Co-Director, 21 Williams Dr., Prospect 06712                     203-758-5653
way. Let’s let our troops know that we care. These can be sent to someone from your          Email: jlmehan@yahoo.com
area, you can get addresses at www.anysoldier.com, you can bring them to the State         Anne-Marie Knochenhauer, Co-Dir., 127 S. Rd., Lot 5, Groton 06340             860-912-7452
Office or get them to me. Letters must be done in the name of your Grange. Packages           Email: anneknoch@gmail.com
should also include a letter.                                                              Marianne Nielsen, 15 Nashville Rd. Ext., Bethel 06801                         203-748-0463
                                                                                           Ronald Gunther, 15 Nashville Rd. Ext., Bethel 06801                           203-748-0463
ESSAY CONTEST -- Write an essay. It should be 150 words or less entitled “My               Natasja Jurgensen, 495 Laurel Hill Rd., Norwich 06360                         860-222-5752
Favorite Food”. Deadline for entries October 1st.                                                                                Scrapbooks
                                                                                           Make a Youth Activities Scrapbook showing youth activities in your Grange with
NORTHEAST GRANGE LECTURERS CONFERENCE                                                      photos and newspaper articles. These will be judged at the State Session and must be
Vermont will be hosting the Conference in 2017 and Massachusetts in 2018. Please           in by 8 P.M. the first day of the Session.
watch the Granger for details. Please watch the Connecticut Granger for details.                                                   Posters
                                                                                           All Youth members and those young at heart can promote your Grange with a poster.
LECTURER’S APPRECIATION AWARD                                                              There will be two categories. Computer generated and hand-drawn. No larger than
                                                                                           12” x 14”
   1. Be responsible for a suitable program at every meeting.
                                                                                                                              Snap Shot Essay
   2. Programs to be between 30 and 60 minutes except on special occasions.
                                                                                           Create a story about your Grange activities by way of taking pictures. Take several
   3. Cooperate with your Committees.                                                      photos of the planning of the activity through to the finish. Send to one of the State
   4. Reports submitted in a timely manner.                                                Youth chairmen.
                                                                                                                          Grange Month Activity
HONOR LECTURER REQUIREMENTS – Meet requirements for the Lecturer’s                         During Grange Month in April, each youth chairperson should hold an activity and
Appreciation award plus participate in at least 5 of the above contests or projects.       document it. All participants will be recognized. Send documentation of your activity
                                           6                                                                                         15
(4) Presentation of Entry (10%)
    Prizes: Awards to be presented at the Annual Connecticut State Grange Session in
October.                                                                                                                  Legislative Program
    Submission Rules: Entries are to be a written description with no limit on length,
and may include a photo, news clipping or sample piece to accompany the description             The legislative program of the Connecticut State Grange supports the interests
if appropriate. Submissions should be mailed to Public Relations Co-Director Robert          of rural and suburban Connecticut at the local and state levels of government. The
Charbonneau, 102 Spring St., Meriden, CT 06451, or sent via e-mail to publicrelat            Grange’s legislative posture is based on over 130 years of continuous concern for
ions@ctstategrange.org prior to the Oct. 1 deadline. Submissions must contain the
                                                                                             the problems of rural and suburban communities in a rapidly changing economic
following information: Name, Grange Name and Number, Address, Phone Number
                                                                                             and social environment.
and E-mail Address.
                                                                                                The Grange is very protective of its non-partisanship in the public forum. Thus,
3.) SOCIAL MEDIA PARTICIPATION CONTEST                                                       this positive force is used by the Grange in its approach to legislative matters
   Create a Buzz about your Grange, its projects, activities and events by managing          and in its discussions of Grange legislative positions. Grange policies, which
a proper Facebook or Twitter page. This contest is open to all Community Granges,            originate from its members as resolutions, have emerged to address the needs of
Pomona Granges and Junior Granges.                                                           the rural community and the traditional family unit.
   Contest Period: Pages must be active at any point within the one-year period prior           Resolutions involving legislative issues, which are passed by the delegate body
to the October 1 deadline.                                                                   at the State Grange Session, are incorporated into the Connecticut State Grange
   Submission Rules: Let us know when your Grange has set-up its Facebook and/or             Legislative Policy Guide. This is one of the important tools that are used to relay
Twitter pages via e-mail to either publicrelations@ctstategrange.org or information          the Grange’s position. The Legislative Guide is distributed to every member of
@ctstategrange.org. Pages must be set-up according to the Social Media Guidelines            the Connecticut General Assembly as well as all Pomona, Community, and Junior
specified by the Connecticut State Grange, and be in compliance with the Terms of             Granges in Connecticut. The Connecticut State Grange Legislative Committee
Service of Facebook and/or Twitter.                                                          also has an active voice at the Capitol during the Legislative session relaying the
   Judging Criteria: Facebook and Twitter Pages will be each separately judged               Grange’s position and testifying on active bills.
on the following criteria: (1) Page Management - Consistent Updates (30%); (2)                  Grange members are encouraged to read the Legislative Policy Guide. The
Content - Variety and Accuracy (25%); (3) Overall Appeal (20%); (4) Community                committee will communicate to the Granges on active issues throughout the
Impact (20%); (5) Number of Fans / Followers (5%)                                            year through the Granger, or one of the electronic methods of communications.
   Prizes: Awards to be presented at the Annual Connecticut State Grange Session in          Members are encouraged to take action and contact their local Representatives or
October. Recognition Certificates will be awarded to all Granges who have Facebook            Senators to relay the Grange positions on issues.
and/or Twitter Pages.                                                                           If any member would like assistance in contacting your Legislators or in writing
                                                                                             resolutions contact any member of the Connecticut State Grange Legislative
                                   Junior Grange                                             Committee.

                                                                                                                               Alma Graham, Director
               THEME:   “The Junior Granger – The Individual”                                                                  Echo #180
Junior Grange Co-Directors:                                                                                                    702 Browns Road, Storrs, CT 06268
        Michelle DeDominicis, 56 Hills St., E. Hartford 06118; 860-568-2415                                                    Tel. (860) 423-4332
        Kathy Tefft, 25 South 2nd Ave., Taftville 06380; 860-222-3035                                                          Legislative@CTStateGrange.org
        Committee: David Sanford, Jaimie Cameron, Angelina DeDominicis

The judging for the Big E contests will be held during “Let’s Celebrate” or CWA contests.    Charles Dimmick                               Russell Gray
                                                                                             Cheshire #23                                  Ekonk #89
Blue Book Contest Rules:                                                                     60 Broadview Rd., Cheshire, CT 06410          712 Ekonk Hill Rd, Moosup, CT 06354
   • All work must be done by the Junior Member.                                             Tel. (203) 272-6072                           Tel. (860) 564-2131
   • All entries must be labeled with the contestant’s name, Junior Grange and age as of     Leg_Dimmick@CTStateGrange.org                 Leg_Gray@CTStateGrange.org
           January 1st that contest year - Ages 5-14.
   • All entries to be sent to State Session in October and must be in place in the Junior
           Grange/Hospitality room by 12:00 noon on Friday.                                  George Ward                                   Gordon Gibson, Legislative Liaison
   • On most of the contests, there are no specific rules, use your imagination and have      Harmony #92                                   Vernon #52
           fun making them.                                                                  59 Short St., Shelton, CT 06484               836 Hartford Tpke, Vernon, CT 06066
Contests:                                                                                    Tel. (203) 929-3171                           Tel. 860-871-7757
   • Regional Craft (Big E) Contest - Make a boat -Not to exceed 6”x6” size - it must be     Leg_Ward@CTStateGrange.org                    GGibson@CTStateGrange.org
able to float. 2018 - TBD
                                           14                                                                                              7
Agriculture                                                                          Public Relations
          Chris Bourque, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colchester No. 78           Terri Fassio (Co-Director) -- 8211 San Angelo Drive, L5, Huntington Beach, CA
                               agriculture@ctstategrange.org; 860-267-8628                        92647; Tel: 860-626-5074; E-mail: Information@CTStateGrange.org (Winchester )
          Dennis Jasmine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Riverton No. 169      Robert Charbonneau (Co-Director) -- 102 Spring Street, Meriden, CT 06451;
          Jon Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Riverton No. 169     Tel: 203-237-4617; E-mail: PublicRelations@CTStateGrange.org.(Meriden)
          Nancy Mascio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridgewater No. 153        Martha Trask -- Tel: 860-637-5159; E-mail: PR_Trask@CTStateGrange.org. (Cheshire)
          Ted Powell (Mentor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lyme Grange No. 147               Don Offinger -- Tel: 203-846-1840; E-mail: PR_Offinger@CTStateGrange.org. (Cannon)
                                                                                                Frank Forrest -- Tel: 860-690-2845; E-mail: PR_Forrest@CTStateGrange.org (Hillstown)
                               Agricultural Resolutions                                                                       MISSION STATEMENT:
To be submitted to the Connecticut State Grange for further action.                                  The Mission of the Connecticut State Grange Public Relations Committee is: to
                                                                                                promote the Grange as an identifiable service-oriented organization, staying true to its
                                                                                                agricultural and historical roots while increasing relevancy in today’s communities;
                                                                                                to serve the Connecticut State Grange as its informational conduit to Subordinate
                                       Annual Awards:                                           (Community) Granges and to the public on general or specific items which are of
                                                                                                informational or promotional topics; to work in connection with the Membership
         Outstanding Young Agricultural Professional Award                                      Committee to promote and advertise the benefits of The Grange; to assist other
A nominee for the Outstanding Agricultural Young Professional Award should be an                Connecticut State Grange committees with their specific promotions; to promote
individual that has demonstrated excellence in their career and is under the age of             contests and events which encourage participation of Grange members; and to create
                                                                                                new and unique ways of promoting the Grange in the communities across Connecticut.
30. They must be a Grange Member and can be in any industry as long as they
demonstrate leadership and professional skills. Nominations should include the                                           CONTESTS FOR 2017 & 2018:
following information or forms may be obtained by contacting the Director or the                1.) PROMOTE YOUR GRANGE CREATIVE VIDEO CONTEST
State Secretary.                                                                                    Create a video promoting your Grange. The video can be any length and of any
                                                                                                theme. the video must be created by the Grange (or a member of the Grange) and not
Nominee: Name, Address, Phone, Email.                                                           be produced by a non-Grange entity.
Nominated by: Grange Name & No., Contact Person, Phone, Email.                                      Deadline: October 1
                                                                                                    Judging Criteria: (1) Originality (40%); (2) Overall Appeal (30%); (3) Likelihood
1. Please describe the industry and position the candidate is involved in.
                                                                                                to Motivate People to Join the Grange (30%)
2. Please describe the difference they have made in their industry, community and/or                Prizes: Best of Show submission will receive a certificate declaring their
   Grange.                                                                                      achievement and links on the Connecticut State Grnage Social Media outlets.
3. What are the candidate's goals, including any furthering of education?                       Honorable Mentions will be awarded to all who submit entries. Prizes will be awarded
                                                                                                at the Annual Connecticut State Grange Session in October.
               Oustanding Agricultural Professional Award                                           Submission Rules: Upload your completed video to YouTube, then send an e-
A nominee for the Outstanding Agricultural Professional Award should be an individual           mail to publicrelations@ctstategrange.org containing the link to your YouTube page
                                                                                                as your submission, as well as your Name, Grange Name and Number, Adress, Phone
that has demonstrated excellence in their career. They must be a Grange member and
                                                                                                Number and E-mail Address. We will send you a confirmation e-mail to verify your
can be in any industry as long as they demonstrate leadership and professional skills           entry has been received.
that the Grange stresses. Nominations should include the following information or
forms may be obtained by contacting the Director or the State Secretary.                        2.) BEST COOPERATIVE PARTNERSHIP CONTEST
                                                                                                   An integral part of Grange public relations is partnering with other local groups
Nominee: Name, Address, Phone, Email.                                                           and organizations. This could be a co-hosted event, a co-sponsorship of a project or
Nominated by: Grange Name & No., Contact Person, Phone, Email.                                  initiative, a project to benefit or honor a group/organization, and so much more! Write
                                                                                                a description of how your Grange has integrated/utilized a Cooperative Partnership,
1. Please describe the industry and position the candidate is involved in.
                                                                                                and include a photo to accompany the description if appropriate.
2. Please describe the difference they have made in their industry, community and/or               Deadline: October 1
   Grange.                                                                                         Judging Criteria: (1) Community Reach (40%); (2) Effectiveness/Impact of
3. What are the candidate's goals?                                                              Partnership (30%); (3) Communication/marketing of Cooperative Partnership (20%)
                                          8                                                                                                  13
ALL Junior Entries for both contests will be sent to the State Judging. Time
and place to be announced. All entries must be clean and odor free. Prizes will be
- 1st Place - $5.00, 2nd Place - $3.00; 3rd - $2.00.
                                                                                                                      Family Activities/CWA
                                   REPORT FORMS                                            State Committee:
   A report form is given to all Subordinate and Pomona Chairmen to detail their               Irene Percoski, 77 West Shore Dr., Enfield 06082 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860-749-0463
activities for the year. An award will be given to those Granges achieving the goals              tuba83mom@gmail.com
for the year.                                                                                 Edith Schoell, 1750 Tolland Tpke., Manchester 06042 . . . . . . . . . . 860-528-8015
                                                                                              Marge Sendewicz, 2 Cole Place, Danbury 06810 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203-744-1656
   The State CWA/Family Activities Committee thanks you in advance for
participating in the projects we have outlined and look forward to reading your
                                                                                           Duties of Pomona Chairman:
year-end reports and the good works you and your Granges have done.                          1. Make a short report at each regular meeting.
                                                                                             2. Promote all contests within your Pomona.
                                                                                             3. Assist the State Committee when requested.
                     Student Loan & Scholarship                                              4. Encourage your Grange to contribute monetarily to the State CWA projects.
                                                                                             5. Send annual report to State Director by September 15th.
     The purpose of this fund is to assist patrons in obtaining a higher education.
                                                                                           Duties of Subordinate Chairman:
     An applicant for a loan must be a member in good standing in a CT Subordinate/          1. Report at each regular meeting.
Community Grange.                                                                            2. Explain and promote all contests and projects.
     Applications and information are available from the State Grange Secretary’s office,     3. Put on a program (or part of a program) for the Lecturer.
P.O. Box 1393, Glastonbury, CT 06033; 860-633-7550; secretary@ctstategrange.org.             4. Encourage your Grange to contribute monetarily to the State CWA projects.
                                                                                             5. Send a copy of the annual report to your Pomona Chairman AND the
     Scholarships are awarded each year to students attending accredited colleges and
                                                                                                 State Director by September 1st.
universities. Applications must be made by the students. Forms are available from the
State Grange Secretary.                                                                                                  CONTESTS:
                                                                                                        NORTHEAST NEEDLEWORK CONTESTS FOR 2017 & 2018
                                                                                                Open to the public, no product requirement.

                              Social Connection                                                 There are 11 classes for competition - Afghans, doilies, embroidery, 3 piece baby
                                                                                           set, plastic canvas, counted cross stitch, adult garment, quilted wall hanging, stuffed
                                                                                           toy, and baby blanket.
Joanne Cipriano, (Director) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beacon Valley Grange #103           ALL items submitted for judging must be clean and odor free.
   393 Piedmont St., Waterbury, CT 06706; social@ctstategrange.org                              Judging at Pomona and State levels only. Subordinate judging not required.
Barbara Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bethlehem Grange #121             All first place State winners will compete at the Northeast finals at the Big E.
                                                                                                Brochures and entry forms for the Northeast Needlework contest may be obtained
   182 Bamford Ave., Waterbury, CT 06708
                                                                                           from the State CWA, Pomona or Subordinate Chairman.

Granger of the Year Contest:                                                                                         MAKE A BASKET CONTEST - 2017
   Each Grange is asked to nominate one of their members who they think qualify to             Create a basket using any material. Judging will be on workmanship and crativity.
be named “Granger of the Year”. Applications will be sent to each Grange. Nomina-          Judging is at State level only. This contest is for Connecticut only and will not go on
                                                                                           to Northeast Judging. Baskets will be returned.
tions to be sent to the Director by September 16, 2017.
                                                                                                                   DOOR DECORATION CONTEST - 2018
Fun Time:                                                                                      Create a decoration to hang on a door using any material. Judging will be on
 April 29, 2017 – The theme for our Spring activity is “Around the World.”                 workmanship. Judging is at State level only. This contest is for Connecticut only and
This will be held at Cheshire Grange. Supper will be served at 6:00 P.M.                   will not go on to Northeast Judging. Decorations will be returned.
Volunteers needed to help with the supper. For further details and for our activity of
2018 please check the Connecticut Granger.                                                                                 CRAFT CONTEST - 2017
                                                                                              The Craft Contest is “Down on the Farm”. You may make any item, in any me-
                                          12                                                                                      9
dium that has anything to do with something found on a farm. Judging is at State                 Directions: Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt into bowl and set aside.
level only.                                                                                   Cream shortening and peanut butter together; gradually add brown sugar and sugar
    There are 2 categories: Needlework and Other medium.                                      and cream well. Stir in flour mixture and mix thoroughly. Chill 1 hour or overnight.
    There will be Adult and Youth classes in each category.                                   Form into 1 inch balls and place on greased baking sheet. Flatten with greased fork
                                                                                              making a crisscross pattern. Bake in 375˚ degree oven for 10-12 minutes. Place one
    Craft entries are not returned (no exceptions). They are retained by the State
                                                                                              chocolate kiss on cookie while still hot.
CWA/Family Activities Committee to be distributed at their discretion.
                                                                                                                       CONTEST PRIZES AND JUDGING
                                CRAFT CONTEST - 2018                                              Prizes for the needlework contest at the State level will be: 1st Place - $15.00;
   The Craft Contest is “Pirates and Treasure”. You may make any item, in any me-             2nd Place - $10.00; 3rd Place - $5.00.
dium that relates to Pirates and/or treasure. Judging is at State level only.                     Prizes for the craft and baking contests at the State level will be: 1st Place
   There are 2 categories: Needlework and Other medium.                                       - $10.00; 2nd Place - $5.00; 3rd Place - $3.00. State ribbons will be given in all
   There will be Adult and Youth classes in each category.                                    contests.
   Craft entries are not returned (no exceptions). They are retained by the State                 Time and Place for Judging for the State CWA / Family Activities Contests
CWA/Family Activities Committee to be distributed at their discretion.                        will be announced.
                                                                                                                               STATE PROJECTS
                               BAKING CONTEST - 2017                                                                   MONETARY DONATIONS
    Open to Grange members, children and grandchildren of members and Junior Grange
                                                                                                 Connecticut Granger Trust Fund
members. The contest is for Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies. Submit seven (7) on a plate.
Put your name and Grange on the back of the plate.                                               Connecticut State Grange Scholarship Fund
    Judging for the baking contest is held in the Subordinate Grange with the winners bak-       Camp Berger Maintenance Fund
ing again for the State Judging.                                                                 My Sister’s Place
    Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies - yield 2 dozen                                                All monetary donations may be combined in one check and made out to the
Ingredients:                                                                                  Connecticut State Grange and sent to the State Secretary, P.O. Box 1393, Glastonbury,
    1/2 Cup butter                        1-1/4 Cups sifted all purpose flour
                                                                                              CT 06033.
    1/2 Cup shortening                    1 teaspoon salt
    1 Cup sugar                           1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 Cup light brown sugar               1 teaspoon cinnamon                                                                  ANIMAL SHELTERS
    2 large eggs                          1/2 teaspoon cloves                                    A special plea for the next two years will be for each Grnage to assist a local
    2 teaspoons vanilla                   1/2 teaspoon allspice                               animal shelter or rescue organization. Help with food, clean blankets and towels,
                                          3 Cups old fashioned oats
                                                                                              volunteer your time and money. Animal husbandry is a big part of who we are and the
                                          1 Cup raisins
    In a large bowl, combine butter, shortening and sugars. Add eggs and vanilla and beat     Grange must show its support.
until fluffy. Combine flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, coves and allspice and add to
creamed mixture. Blend well then stir in oats and raisins. Drop by tablespoons onto cookie                             FOOD BANKS / SOUP KITCHENS
sheet, 2 inches apart (cookies will spread). Bake at 350˚ for 12-15 min. Cool for 5 minutes       As in previous years we encourage donations to local Food Banks/Soup Kitchens.
on cookie sheet, then remove to cooling rack.                                                 Please keep track of the hours and amounts of food that your Grange has donated to
                                                                                              include in your year-end report.
                               BAKING CONTEST - 2018
    Open to Grange members, children and grandchildren of members and Junior
Grange members. The contest is for Cross Bones Cookies. Submit seven (7) on a
                                                                                                             NEW ENGLAND GRANGE BUILDING COUNTRY STORE
plate. Put your name and Grange on the back of the plate.                                       Items are always needed and appreciated for sale during the Big E. All newly-
    Judging for the baking contest is held in the Subordinate Grange with the winners         made hand crafted items may be sold in the building. All items may be given to any
baking again for the State Judging.                                                           member of the State CWA.
    Cross Bones Cookies - yield 4 dozen
Ingredients:                                                                                                                  JUNIOR PROGRAM
    1 Cup shortening                   2-1/2 Cups flour
    1 Cup peanut butter                1-1/2 tsp. baking soda                                    NEEDLEWORK CONTEST: This contest requires the use of any type of needle
    1 Cup brown sugar                  1 tsp. baking powder                                   – sewing, crocheting, knitting, etc.
    1 Cup sugar                        1/2 tsp. salt                                             BAKING CONTEST: The Juniors will use the same recipe as the adults.
    2 well-beaten eggs                 1 pound chocolate kisses.
                                           10                                                                                          11
(We do not require account numbers or balances)
     Account #1:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #2:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #3:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #4:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #5:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
Has your Grange filed its IRS 990-N E-Postcard for the current year?                                         Y/N
Has your Grange filed its Incorporated Societies Report with the State Dept. of Agriculture? Y / N
 Only Granges that have halls and hold agricultural fairs are required to file this particular report.
         Executive Committee Report                                                             Grange Name & Number

A) September 30, 2017
     Cash on Hand                   $ _______________
     Cash in Checking Account       $ _______________
     Cash in Savings Account        $ _______________
     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)   $ _______________
     Other ________________         $ _______________
             TOTAL                                                                                            A)   $ _______________
                                                                                                                        TOTAL OF A
B) RECEIPTS: October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018
     Dues                         $ _______________
     Fees                         $ _______________
     Committees                   $ _______________
     Interest and Dividends       $ _______________
     Special Events (Fairs, etc.) $ _______________
     Other ________________ $ _______________
              TOTAL RECEIPTS                                             B)   $ _______________
                                                                                   TOTAL OF B
C) DISBURSEMENTS: October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018
     Operating Expense      $ _______________
     Committee Expense      $ _______________
     Donations              $ _______________
     Capital Improvements   $ _______________
     Other ________________ $ _______________
              TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS                                        C)   $ _______________
                                                                                  TOTAL OF C                  D)   $ _______________
    PROFIT or LOSS for year 2018 (circle one)                                                                        TOTAL OF B MINUS C

E) SEPTEMBER 30, 2018
     Cash on Hand                   $ _______________
     Cash in Checking Account       $ _______________
     Cash in Savings Account        $ _______________
     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)   $ _______________
     Other ________________         $ _______________                    E)   $ _______________

THE TOTAL OF A PLUS OR MINUS D SHOULD EQUAL THE TOTAL OF E:                                              TOTAL $ _______________
If the two totals are not equal, the report is not in balance and should be corrected as this will be your starting figure for next year.

OTHER ASSETS:                                                      LIABILITIES:
   Value of Hall                    $ _______________                  Mortgage on hall    $ _______________
   Value of Personal Property       $ _______________                  Notes Payable       $ _______________
   Bonds and Certificates            $ _______________                  Accounts Payable    $ _______________
   Other ________________           $ _______________                  Other               $ _______________
      Total                         $ _______________                     Total            $ _______________

   October 1, 2017                  Brothers ______ Sisters ______                 Total ________
   September 30, 2018               Brothers ______ Sisters ______                 Total ________

We have examined the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer this __________ day of ______________________ 20 _______
and find them correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
1 Copy SENT TO THE GENERAL DEPUTY                                        _________________________________________
1 Copy for Deputy at Inspection                                          _________________________________________
1 Copy for your records                                                                  Executive Committee
                                                                                                                        Continued on Back
(We do not require account numbers or balances)
     Account #1:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #2:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #3:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #4:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
     Account #5:                Bank or Institution:   _________________________________________________________
                                Branch: _____________________________________________________________________
                                Type of Account: ______________________________________________________________
                                Signers on Account: ______________________________________________________________
Has your Grange filed its IRS 990-N E-Postcard for the current year?                                         Y/N
Has your Grange filed its Incorporated Societies Report with the State Dept. of Agriculture? Y / N
 Only Granges that have halls and hold agricultural fairs are required to file this particular report.
         Executive Committee Report                                                             Grange Name & Number

A) September 30, 2016
     Cash on Hand                   $ _______________
     Cash in Checking Account       $ _______________
     Cash in Savings Account        $ _______________
     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)   $ _______________
     Other ________________         $ _______________
             TOTAL                                                                                            A)   $ _______________
                                                                                                                        TOTAL OF A
B) RECEIPTS: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017
     Dues                         $ _______________
     Fees                         $ _______________
     Committees                   $ _______________
     Interest and Dividends       $ _______________
     Special Events (Fairs, etc.) $ _______________
     Other ________________ $ _______________
              TOTAL RECEIPTS                                             B)   $ _______________
                                                                                   TOTAL OF B
C) DISBURSEMENTS: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017
     Operating Expense      $ _______________
     Committee Expense      $ _______________
     Donations              $ _______________
     Capital Improvements   $ _______________
     Other ________________ $ _______________
              TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS                                        C)   $ _______________
                                                                                  TOTAL OF C                  D)   $ _______________
    PROFIT or LOSS for year 2017 (circle one)                                                                        TOTAL OF B MINUS C

E) SEPTEMBER 30, 2017
     Cash on Hand                   $ _______________
     Cash in Checking Account       $ _______________
     Cash in Savings Account        $ _______________
     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)   $ _______________
     Other ________________         $ _______________                    E)   $ _______________

THE TOTAL OF A PLUS OR MINUS D SHOULD EQUAL THE TOTAL OF E:                                              TOTAL $ _______________
If the two totals are not equal, the report is not in balance and should be corrected as this will be your starting figure for next year.

OTHER ASSETS:                                                      LIABILITIES:
   Value of Hall                    $ _______________                  Mortgage on hall    $ _______________
   Value of Personal Property       $ _______________                  Notes Payable       $ _______________
   Bonds and Certificates            $ _______________                  Accounts Payable    $ _______________
   Other ________________           $ _______________                  Other               $ _______________
      Total                         $ _______________                     Total            $ _______________

   October 1, 2016                  Brothers ______ Sisters ______                 Total ________
   September 30, 2017               Brothers ______ Sisters ______                 Total ________

We have examined the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer this __________ day of ______________________ 20 _______
and find them correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
1 Copy SENT TO THE GENERAL DEPUTY                                        _________________________________________
1 Copy for Deputy at Inspection                                          _________________________________________
1 Copy for your records                                                                  Executive Committee
                                                                                                                        Continued on Back
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