Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

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S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture
                                                as anatEngineering

                            AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems 1 (2009) 1, 36-43

Enterprise Architecture
Design as an Engineering
Stephan Aier, Stephan Kurpjuweit, Jan Saat, Robert Winter

Abstract                                                   structure, business processes, software components
                                                           and data structures as well as IT infrastructure
   Enterprise architecture can provide systematic          components are modeled to enable communication
support to organizational change, when                     and analysis of the EA [11, 22]. While there is a
requirements of respective stakeholders of business        broad variety of EA literature focusing on evaluation
and IT are met. This article focuses on the design         [18] and generalization [12] of EA frameworks or
of enterprise architecture and proposes a “business-       discussing EA modeling [1], only few publications
to-IT” approach that considers lessons from                address EA application and its benefits [14, 17]. In
classical engineering disciplines. A framework for         particular an engineering approach is missing which
engineering driven enterprise architecture design is       deploys EA to systematically support innovative and
presented. Since such an approach creates specific         fundamental change.
requirements for tool support, an appropriate                 In this contribution we analyze mature engineering
software implementation is presented.                      disciplines to derive characteristics for a framework
Keywords: enterprise architecture, business                to systematically support consistent “business-to-IT”
engineering navigator, tool support                        transformation. We propose the business engineering
                                                           navigator (BEN) concept to support construction,
1.      Introduction                                       navigation and analysis functionalities for artifacts
                                                           and relationships of all architectural layers – from
   Organizations are subject to constant evolution.        strategic aspects down to IT infrastructure. BEN
Due to the different impact, organizational change         therefore provides a framework on how engineering
can be distinguished into incremental change               methods can be applied to organizations. BEN
(optimization) and fundamental change. While most          delivers insights on how complex design and
functional methods of business administration, such        transformation challenges can be broken down to
as marketing, finance and human resources provide          manageable projects. We therefore discuss how
support for optimization (e.g. six sigma) [10], the        BEN can be used to systematically support to EA
structured design of innovative and fundamental            design in this article.
change requires a holistic approach to systematically         The next section identifies core concepts of
support organizational transformation [21]. Complex        mature engineering disciplines. Following lessons
changes require a thorough understanding and               learnt from classical engineering, section 3 derives
therefore a targeted documentation of the artifacts to     requirements for an engineering based approach
be designed, their relationships to each other as well     to EA. Section 4 introduces the BEN concept to
as a clear structuring of the transformation procedure.    support a stakeholder-oriented EA management
Therefore, architectural as-is documentation, to-be        (EAM) as one of multiple possible applications.
planning, and support of necessary changes are core        Section 5 discusses a “business-to-IT” EAM tool
challenges for enterprise architecture (EA) analysis       support and proposes ADOben as an appropriate
and design [13]. To meet these challenges, design          solution. The findings are summarized, and future
objects of EA such as strategic aspects, organizational    research is outlined in section 6.

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S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

2.      Lessons from Mature                                or “architectural design” (short architecture) as
        Engineering Disciplines                            central construction plan. In the following the term
                                                           “architecture” is used as synonym for the central
   Mary Shaw analyzed the development of                   construction plan of all engineering disciplines.)
classical engineering disciplines [20]. She found          All mature engineering disciplines have developed
that engineering disciplines produce cost efficient        standardized construction languages for architectural
solutions for relevant problems by using scientific        description. In mechanical engineering, for example,
knowledge in the artifact design process in                a dozen standards exist on how to design construction
service to society. These aspects are now further          plans [9]. These standards are subject to early stages
characterized:                                             of mechanical engineering education since they are
1. “Cost efficient solutions“: Engineering does not        an essential means of communication.
   only imply the construction of suitable solutions,
   but also emphasizes reasonable handling of              2.3.      Division of Labor
   given resources and conditions.                             Besides structuring the system to be designed,
2. “For relevant problems”: The constructed solution       the construction plan is used to structure the design
   addresses practically relevant problems.                process: the components of a system are constructed
3. “By using scientific knowledge”: The construction       in teams and then assembled in order to become a
   process is comprehensible and traceable based           whole according to the architecture. The division
   on scientific construction languages, methods,          of labor during the construction process is a core
   and frameworks so that the solutions will most          feature of classical engineering disciplines, since
   likely fit the requirements.                            it is the only way to construct complex systems in
4. “In service to society”: The engineer acts in a         large teams.
   responsible way by providing useful innovations
   to society and environment.                             2.4.     Architectural Design
   The following subsections give an idea of                  Designing the architecture is the supreme
addressing these aspects by analyzing classical            discipline in engineering, which involves the
engineering.                                               transformation of requirements (problem space) into
                                                           a high level blueprint of the system to be designed
2.1.      Engineering Knowledge Patterns                   (solution space). Designing the architecture involves
   Classical engineering disciplines distinguish           fundamental design decisions which have impact on
between innovative construction and construction           the whole design process. An example can be found
routine. Innovative constructions have to address new      in the definition of quality characteristics that the
solutions while construction routine involves reusing      system to be constructed must address (e. g. Which
existing solution patterns for known problems [23].        changes to the system can be made easily, which
   Construction routine is the usual design form in        not? What is the system’s performance? What is
classical engineering disciplines, while innovation        the capacity of the system? How scalable is the
is rather rare. To make the construction process as        system?).
efficient as possible, the collection, organization, and      Due to the mentioned responsibilities, great
conditioning of knowledge is necessary to make this        attention is paid to architecture and only experienced
knowledge available to less experienced engineers.         and highly qualified engineers are involved in
All disciplines found appropriate media for this           the architectural design. By involving internal
knowledge transfer, e.g. engineering handbooks [2,         and external experts as well as complex analysis
6] and tool support for collaborative engineering          frameworks, engineers seek to ensure the quality
[15].                                                      of the architectural blueprint so that the architecture
                                                           addresses all the required characteristics of the
2.2.     Standardized Construction Plan and                system to be designed.
         Construction Language
   Mature engineering disciplines use a high level         3.      An Engineering Based Approach
construction plan (architecture) of the design artifact.           to Enterprise Architecture
This plan depicts the main components and their
relationship to each other that is needed in order to         Following the above introduced characteristics
achieve the desired behavior. (Some engineering            of mature engineering disciplines, requirements
disciplines including civil engineering and software       for an engineering driven approach to EA can
engineering use the “architectural blueprint”              be derived. EA can be regarded as the central

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S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

construction plan for organizational transformation        and taking experiences from EA projects in
in a “business-to-IT” approach. EA describes the           companies into account, the following heuristics
main business and IT components as well as                 can be derived.
their relationships (c.f. “standardized construction
plan” in classical engineering). EA is the result          3.1.     Criterion of Width
of important design decisions and determines                  EA models must address the information demand
fundamental characteristics of the organization,           of their stakeholders. Information demands are
such as strategic positioning, business process            implied by management tasks (concerns) of the
efficiency and effectiveness, business/IT alignment,       respective stakeholders. EA can for example deliver
and information systems capabilities. Indirectly, EA       crucial data for project portfolio management to
therefore implies e.g. an organization’s capability        support decision making, concerning investment
to rapidly launch new products, to adapt to new            decisions for business applications.
regulations, or to exploit business potentials of IT          Asuccessful method for stakeholder involvement
innovations (c.f. “architectural design” in classical      turned out to be the collection and analysis of
engineering).                                              precise questions that stakeholders have, e. g.
   Following engineering principles, concrete              “Can investments in applications by justified by
requirements of internal and external stakeholders         additional revenue, gained from the product or
build the starting point for EA design. Stakeholders       service which is supported by this application?”
may e.g. contribute model information and                  Situational fragments of the EA model (viewpoints)
also consume information of the EA. As far as              can help to answer such questions by representing
designing stakeholders are concerned, conventions          the desired information on an aggregate level and
(c.f. “standardized construction language”) and            in a form of representation which is appropriate
governance are vital to enable distributed but             for the respective stakeholder.
consistent design (c.f. “division of labor” in                Following the criterion of width, all artifacts
classical engineering). Designing EA does not              and relationships needed for the creation of
imply to create new models from scratch, but to            view-points must be reflected in EA. The sum of
integrate and aggregate existing knowledge from            information demands of all stakeholders therefore
architectural parts (c.f. “engineering knowledge           determines the maximum EA extent.
patterns” in classical engineering). Not all of
the stakeholders’ concerns and requirements                3.2.     Criterion of Depth
have effects on the fundamental structure of the              When EA is only designed in respect to the
organization (or EA), but they partially might still       criterion of width, chances are high that a huge
have influence as architectural drivers.                   number of detailed structures of implementations
   There exist different classes of architectural          or detailed inventories of single artifacts types are
drivers. One class focuses on the functional               included.
development of the organization. Examples can                 Architecture strategies which are derived
be found in the opening of new markets and                 from the architectural drivers, and the desired
sales channels or business process outsourcing.            characteristics of the whole system should also be
Another class of architectural drivers focuses on          included in EA. These architecture strategies need
optimization of organizational structures, e. g. by        to be expressed and documented, so that their
consolidation of redundant structures or reuse of          realization is measurable. Architecture strategies
existing resources to improve flexibility and prepare      focus on the entire system or on groups of
the organization for possible future changes.              similar artifacts (This heuristic is based on the
   Architectural drivers tend to have tradeoffs which      locality criterion, initially published by [5] and
require compromises in the architectural design.           then adapted by [7] This criterion is adapted for
Priorities of the architectural drivers are subject        enterprise architecture and informally described.)
to changes which might cause discontinuities               such as all core business processes, all data
in organizational development. A merger, for               flows across domains, or all products which are
example, might change any given situation to set           distributed over a certain channel. Structures
the focus on architectural consolidation.                  which only focus on implementation details
   The sketched complexity of the matter often             of one artifact, and which are only relevant
causes difficulties for enterprise architects to           for this object, should not be a part of EA.
choose the appropriate artifacts and relationships         Exceptions might be useful in certain situations,
for the EA model. From an engineering perspective          e. g. to support concerns of a key stakeholder.

38                                                       AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems 1 (2009) Vol. 1
S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

The relevance of an artifact can be indicated by                 the respective aggregated level (e. g. respective
the impact that a change of this artifact has on                 application and respective server cluster).
others (This heuristic is based on encapsulation                 Detail structures should only be included in
and information hiding, which originates in object               EA when they have impact on design decisions
orientation (cf. e.g. [16]).). If a change of an                 with effect on the entire system. This is true
artifact does not influence others at all, it should             for the deployment of application components
most likely not be included in EA. Following the                 on servers, since the explicit documentation
idea that EA is the blueprint for change projects,               of this relationship might have considerable
problems can arise from making unnecessary                       impact on the ability of the organization to
design decisions for the entire architecture which               react in case of a blacked out computing center.
should be better made for individual projects.                   An example for a relationship on detailed level
Therefore, details such as object oriented class                 without significant impact can be found in the
structures, detailed data structures, mapping                    assignment of application functions to detailed
information of network adaptors to servers,                      activities of a business process. In this case, the
structures of teams in individual business units,                aggregate relationship between application and
workflow specifications of business processes,                   business process delivers sufficient information
or construction details of products should not be                for EA purposes, while detail documentation
part of EA. Figure 1 illustrates our “broad and                  can be misleading.
aggregate” understanding of EA.                               2. Objects on detailed level can be reused in
   In two cases it can be useful to include detail               multiple artifacts: Similar to the case above,
artifact structures in the EA model. In both cases,              the detail level should only be taken into
changes to the detail structure cause potential                  account, if reuse has significant impact on the
changes to other artifacts, which means that the                 behavior of the entire system. This is the case in
above mentioned heuristic remains valid:                         examples such as reuse of product components
1. Relationships to other detail artifact structures:            as part of a platform strategy. Contrary, it is
   Examples can be found when deploying single                   not the case when reusing libraries in multiple
   software components on servers or assigning                   applications.
   sub-goals to the responsible business units. A             Moreover, it cannot be recommended to include
   relationship on detail level (e. g. application            many objects of a detail structure which all have
   component and server) can always be observed on            similar relationships within the architecture. This

Fig. 1: Enterprise Architecture is Broad and Aggregate

                                            Enterprise Architecture

                                                               Software and

                                                         Enterprise                 Server and
         Corporate                                                                  Platforms
                                                                                           Detail structures

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S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

  Methods and Models of Business Engineering

                                                                                                         Business Engineering Navigator
  Components of Design and Analysis Knowledge
            Architecture Strategies                              Analysis Framework
           Architekturstrategien                                Analyseframework

  Domain Specific Components
     Meta Model Extensions                                      Analyseframework

  Basic Components
     Core Meta          Modeling            Analysis          Query and Cons-        Model
       Model           Mechanisms          Mechanisms         traint Language      Management

  Tool Support
Fig. 2: Architecture of the Business Engineering Navigator Approach

is e.g. the case when considering all client compu-            indicator that the level of aggregation is too low.
ters (as inventory).                                           From our experience, in most cases it is sufficient
                                                               to use and maintain more aggregate structures (as
3.3.     Pragmatic Criterion                                   proposed in the criterion of depth). Usually, high
   Organizations are subject to constant changes.              level models can be maintained manually with
Therefore EA models need to be updated regularly.              reasonable efforts, i. e. without having to develop
Many projects show that continuous maintenance                 and use automated interfaces to detail repositories
efforts incur high costs. Therefore it needs to be             (such as configuration management database,
considered if the benefits resulting from covering             process model repository, product configuration
a stakeholder concern exceed the costs necessary               system). However, there may be use cases where
to gather and maintain this information. Not every             more detailed model data is needed, automated
stakeholder information demand which is claimed                data imports might be necessary to provide an
by the criterion of width will gain positive revenue.          efficient solution at reasonable maintenance
Therefore, the pragmatic criterion proposes to                 efforts.
carefully analyze and evaluate the value of artifacts
and relationships. No maintenance efforts should               4.      Business Engineering Navigator
be put into artifacts which are not necessary for
any concerns [8].                                                 BEN structures the various components of
   Quantifying costs and benefits of information               engineering support for EAM. BEN is based on
demand is far from trivial [e.g. 17]: Benefit                  the above mentioned principles of engineering
analysis often results in “reverse” considerations             and addresses the main requirements of EAM.
(what if we did not have this information?).                      Figure 2 illustrates the components of BEN
Costs arise according to type, origin, necessary               and their assignment to abstraction layers. This
conditioning efforts, and frequency of usage.                  structure can be used as a framework for practical
Information demands being served from the same                 as well as research projects. The components are
pool of data might realize considerable synergies.             described in the following subsections.
   The main feature of the architecture is to
provide a high level plan to support long term                 4.1.    Basic Components
strategic development of an organization. High                    Basic components include domain independent
frequency in changes of detail information incurs              functionalities which are used to model, analyze and
high maintenance costs and can be used as an                   design EA.

40                                                           AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems 1 (2009) Vol. 1
S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

• Core meta model: A common set of vocabulary is            • Architecture strategies: Generally valid and
  a major prerequisite to consistently design the five         accepted design patterns and architectural
  layers of the business engineering framework. The            strategies (e.g. handling of redundant master
  BEN meta model is based on generic modeling                  data) and principles can be organized as
  methods and contains artifacts on a strategy layer,          knowledge repositories [4].
  organizational layer, integration layer, software         • Analysis framework: An analysis framework
  layer, and an IT infrastructure layer [22]. This             implements models of quality and metrics for
  meta model serves as a standardized construction             the design artifacts (e.g. analysis frameworks
  language for organizational transformation.                  which help to refine aggregate targets, such
• Modeling mechanisms: A domain independent                    as efficiency, into measurable counts, such
  description language provides basic mechanisms               as scalability, avoidance of redundancies,
  to create models of the design artifacts. This               capability for multi channel usage [19]). Results
  includes hierarchical refinement of artifacts using          of the analysis are represented as viewpoints.
  “part-of” and “is-in” relationships as well as            The BEN approach proposes to adapt EAM to the
  domain clustering.                                        respective application scenarios of the respective
• Analysis mechanisms: Generic types of analyses            organization. Therefore, generally valid and ac-
  and analysis mechanisms are instantiated for each         cepted components of design and analysis know-
  concrete viewpoint (cf. below). Examples for              ledge must be adapted, extended and integrated.
  generic types of analyses include matrix analysis,           The BEN approach can be understood as
  dependency diagrams, list reports, architecture           interface between methods of business engineering
  views, and spider web diagrams [3].                       and underlying software tools: On one hand, BEN
• Query and constraint language: A query language           defines requirements for software systems and
  is needed to analyze the models using predefined          gives assistance how to use them in the context
  and ad-hoc queries. Using the constraint language,        of the engineering discipline. On the other hand,
  the architecture strategy and the architectural           BEN is a service layer for different methods,
  principles are specified and verified. Both               which may give concrete guidance in change and
  languages are based on formalized modeling                transformation for organizations.
  mechanisms, e. g. relational algebra.
• Model management: This basic component                    5.      Tool Support: A BEN
  includes version management functionalities, such                 Implementation for Documen-
  variants handling and model history. These aspects                tation, Analysis and Design of
  are crucial to model life-cycle management                        Enterprise Architecture and
                                                                    Learnings from First Applications
4.2.     Domain Specic Components
   Domain specific components are instances of                 Regarding the criterion of width, EA addresses a
generic components for the five different layers            variety of stakeholders with different information
listed in section 4.1.                                      demands and different views on EA. Therefore the
• Meta model extensions: Specific extensions of             implementation of the basic components of BEN
   the core meta model allow the application of the         (cf. section 4.1) requires a specific tool support
   engineering approach in specific contexts (e. g. a       where BEN can serve as a foundation for the
   certain industry, a certain company size or maturity     implementation or configuration of EA software
   level) and in specific projects (e. g. business driven   tools. ADOben is such an implementation of BEN
   changes, IT driven changes, alignment projects).         requirements based on ADONIS, a commercial
• Viewpoints: A viewpoint catalogue is comprised of         modeling tool and meta-modeling platform.
   generic analysis mechanisms and types of analyses           ADOben implements the required model types
   which are suited to given stakeholder information        from a strategy layer down to an IT infrastructure
   demands. Queries needed for each viewpoint can           layer as well as the interdependencies between the
   be formulated using the above introduced query           artifacts and models on these layers. Therefore
   language [11].                                           it is possible to design an architecture plan for
                                                            the as-is situation. Using means of architecture
4.3.    Components of Design and Analysis                   analysis and a dedicated architecture strategy, a
        Knowledge                                           blueprint for the to-be situation can be designed.
  Components of design and analysis knowledge                  To support the application scenarios of
help to keep record of the engineers’ knowledge.            potential EA stakeholders, the tool implements

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S. Aier et. al.: Enterprise Architecture Design as an Engineering Discipline

                                        01                                                                                                                                                                                                                 03                                                                                                                   04
                                 Referenzprozess                                                                                                                                                                                                    Referenzprozess                                                                                                      Referenzprozess
                                Kundengewinnung                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lieferanten-                                                                                                          Angebots-
                                und -Beziehungs-...                                                                                                                                                                                                 gewinnung und...                                                                                                        erstellung

                                                                Referenzprozess                                                                                                                                                                                                     Referenzprozess           Referenzprozess            Referenzprozess                                               Referenzprozess            Referenzprozess                 Referenzprozess
                                                                                           Referenzprozess                  Kunden-                                                Referenzprozess                   Referenzprozess
                                                                 Kunden- und                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lieferanten-              Lieferanten-               Lieferanten-                                                    Kunden-                 Komponenten-                      Erstellung
                                                                                           Kundenwerbung                  Beziehungs-                                               Reisebuchung                     Reisebetreuung
                                                                 Marktanalyse                                                                                                                                                                                                          gewinnung                 betreuung                  Anbindung                                                   bedarfsanalyse                einkauf                    Pauschalangebote

        Club-Urlaub      Â CRM-System                 Â Finanzsystem (SAP)        Â CRM-System                 Â CRM-System              Â Abrechnungssystem              Â Abrechnungssystem              Â CRM-System                    Â Lieferanten-Datenbank                                                             Â Lieferanten-Datenbank         Â CRM-System                    Â CRM-System             Â Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-   Â Internes Mitarbeiter-
  Y                         Finanzsystem (SAP)           Schnittstelle zu Markt-     Kundenverwaltungs-System     Web-Portal                Angebots- und Buchungssystem     Angebots- und Buchungssystem     Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-     Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-                                                         Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-     Internes Mitarbeiter-                                    System                          Informationssystem
  ““                        Kundenverwaltungs-System     forschungsinstitut          Produkt-Liste (Excel)                                  CRM-System                       CRM-System                       System                          System                                                                              System                          Informationssystem                                       Produkt-Datenbank               Produkt-Datenbank
                            Produkt-Liste (Excel)                                    Web-Portal                                             Finanzsystem                     Finanzsystem                     Web-Portal                                                                                                                                          Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-
                            Schnittstelle zu Markt-                                                                                         (Individualentwicklung)          (Individualentwicklung)                                                                                                                                                              System
                            forschungsinstitut                                                                                              Kundenverwaltungs-System         Kundenverwaltungs-System                                                                                                                                                             Produkt-Datenbank
                            Web-Portal                                                                                                      Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-      Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-
                                                                                                                                            System                           System
                                                                                                                                            Produkt-Liste (Excel)            Produkt-Liste (Excel)
                                                                                                                                            Web-Portal                       Web-Portal

      Einzelkomponente   Â CRM-System                 Â Finanzsystem              Â CRM-System                 Â CRM-System              Â Abrechnungssystem              Â Abrechnungssystem              Â CRM-System                    Â Lieferanten-Datenbank         Â Lieferanten-Datenbank   Â Lieferanten-Datenbank   Â Lieferanten-Datenbank         Â CRM-System                    Â CRM-System
  Y                         Finanzsystem                 (Individualentwicklung)     Kundenverwaltungs-System     Web-Portal                Angebots- und Buchungssystem     Angebots- und Buchungssystem     Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-     Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-                                                         Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-
  ““                        (Individualentwicklung)                                  Produkt-Datenbank                                      CRM-System                       CRM-System                       System                          System                                                                              System
                            Kundenverwaltungs-System                                 Web-Portal                                             Finanzsystem                     Finanzsystem                     Web-Portal
                            Produkt-Datenbank                                                                                               (Individualentwicklung)          (Individualentwicklung)
                            Web-Portal                                                                                                      Kundenverwaltungs-System         Kundenverwaltungs-System
                                                                                                                                            Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-      Lieferanten-Schnittstellen-
                                                                                                                                            System                           System
                                                                                                                                            Produkt-Datenbank                Produkt-Datenbank
                                                                                                                                            Web-Portal                       Web-Portal

Fig. 3: Three Dimensional Matrix Report in ADOben

the respective queries and visualizes their                                                                                                                                                                                                        ADOben, especially matrix analyses have turned
results. The following example illustrates an                                                                                                                                                                                                      out to be a valuable tool to foster and rationalize
application scenario in which a business analyst                                                                                                                                                                                                   the communication between the IT unit and
plans the launch of a new product. Information                                                                                                                                                                                                     the business units as well as to systematically
demands of the business analyst could be: “Do                                                                                                                                                                                                      address alignment questions between business
we have adequate application support for the new                                                                                                                                                                                                   structures and IT structures.
product?”, “Where are potential breaks between
applications along the process?” Using the query                                                                                                                                                                                                   6.                                     Conclusion
“Which applications are used in which process
for which product?” on the architecture model,                                                                                                                                                                                                        Based on analysis of classical engineering
a matrix report in three dimensions as shown                                                                                                                                                                                                       disciplines, this paper presents an engineering
in Figure 3 is created. The matrix shows the                                                                                                                                                                                                       approach to EAM which has been generalized
products and processes as well as the underlying                                                                                                                                                                                                   as BEN. It is shown how EA models can be
applications.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      constructed based on stakeholder requirements in
   Based on a generic core meta model and                                                                                                                                                                                                          order to create a pragmatic solution representing
generic analysis mechanisms as well as specific                                                                                                                                                                                                    a “broad and aggregate”, business-to-IT
extensions for a defined application scenario,                                                                                                                                                                                                     architecture – and not a set of enterprise-wide
every other query could be run on the underlying                                                                                                                                                                                                   detail models which will never be completed
models and visualized in a report.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and soon be outdated. BEN delivers a foundation
   Since BEN is not particularly developed for                                                                                                                                                                                                     for efficient EA design and EAM. BEN can
EAM, the generic concepts (as presented in                                                                                                                                                                                                         be implemented in software tools and applied
section 4) could also be implemented in different                                                                                                                                                                                                  using business engineering methods to enable
tools and for other business engineering methods.                                                                                                                                                                                                  structured solution design.
As a first means of feasibility evaluation the BEN                                                                                                                                                                                                    Engineering disciplines in general, BEN and
approach has been implemented in a German                                                                                                                                                                                                          ADOben show that the engineering of complex
financial service provider using ADOben. The                                                                                                                                                                                                       environments involves a complex ‘mechanism’.
application of the approach verified that EA                                                                                                                                                                                                       This mechanism can be evaluated according to
should be positioned as a planning tool, not as a                                                                                                                                                                                                  its applicability and to its connectivity to other
tool focused on operative tasks (like for example                                                                                                                                                                                                  approaches, tools, and methods. The development
a configurations management database system                                                                                                                                                                                                        of this mechanism is aimed at a clear structure so
triggering an alarm when a server hard disk fails).                                                                                                                                                                                                that elements can be arranged according to the
To achieve this, the three criteria defining EA                                                                                                                                                                                                    respective situation as a best-of-breed solution.
scope have proven to be valuable. The criterion                                                                                                                                                                                                    This means that ADOben is one solution to
of width requires that the EA meta model and the                                                                                                                                                                                                   implement BEN as an EAM tool. At the same
viewpoints are developed in close collaboration                                                                                                                                                                                                    time BEN is not limited for the use in the context
with all stakeholders of the EA. To get the                                                                                                                                                                                                        of EAM. The core idea is to ensure structured
buy-in of the stakeholders, the introduction of                                                                                                                                                                                                    engineering. Further research activities in this
EAM should be taken as a chance to revise the                                                                                                                                                                                                      area will focus on the methods themselves and
planning and documentation processes within                                                                                                                                                                                                        their situational character. The ultimate goal is
the organization in order to ensure that the EAM                                                                                                                                                                                                   to provide engineering support for the situational
organization concept is integrated seamlessly                                                                                                                                                                                                      development and maintenance of “business-to-
and does not cause an overhead work load for                                                                                                                                                                                                       IT” solutions – in the context of EAM, but also
the stakeholders. The analysis capabilities of                                                                                                                                                                                                     for integration management, for information

42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems 1 (2009) Vol. 1
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