Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows

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Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
Envir                           smart

Australia’s best range of environmental spill response products
                       Spill Kits
                Floor Sweep Absorbents
            Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
               Absorbent Socks & Booms
      Silt Curtains & Marine Containment Booms
                  Containment Bunds
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
         Spill Kits

SpillSmart General Purpose Spill Kits                                        Envirosmart’s range of general purpose spill kits provide
                                                                             products suitable for absorbing water-based non-
                                                                             hazardous liquids – such as paints, coolants and
     240L kit                                                                hydrocarbons – including oils, fuels and grease.
40    GP Poly Pads 48 x 43cm Heavy Weight
 3    SpillSmart Floor Sweep 10kg                                            They combine premium floor sweeps and socks with pads
 4    GP Grey Absorbent Socks 1.2m x 75mm                                    and pillows to ensure spills in all situations from small
 1    GP Grey Absorbent Socks 3m x 75mm                                      workshops to mines and manufacturing plants can be
 2    GP Grey Pillow 45cm x 45cm
                                                                             efficiently handled.
 2    Pair of Nitrile Gloves
10    Contaminated Waste Bags
 1    Dust Pan & Brush
 1    Instruction Sheet


                                                                  120L kit      80L kit         50L kit        30L kit        15L kit
                                                                 ES-SK120G     ES-SK80G       ES-SK50G       ES-SK30G       ES-SK15G

SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Marine) Spill Kits                                                       The SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Marine) Spill
                                                                                                Kits combine premium booms and
                                                                                                socks with pads and pillows. The kits
      240L kit                                                                                  are designed for use in boats, marinas,
100   Poly Pads Oil Only - 48 x 43cm Heavy Weight                                               near stormwater drains, or anywhere
  5   Poly Socks – Oil Only – 75mm x 1.2m                                                       hydrocarbon-based liquids are stored,
  2   Poly Booms – Single Skin 125mm x 3m                                                       transferred or used near water.
  1   Oil Only Poly pillow 45cm x 45cm              Oil & Fuel
  2   Pair of Nitrile Gloves
 10   Contaminated Waste Bags
  1   Instruction Sheet

                                                                                                                80L, 50L,
                                                                                                               30L & 15L
                                                                                120L kit                     BAG KITS ALSO
                                                                              ES-SK120M                       AVAILABLE

                                                                                                             Visit the

      Envir                                    smart                                               Spill Kit Products
                                                                                                page on our website
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Hydrocarbon) Spill Kits                                                  SpillSmart Oil & Fuel (Hydrocarbon) Spill kits are the
                                                                                                perfect hybrid kits that give you the best of both worlds.

                                                                                                The wheelie bin kits include SpillSmart FloorSweep, for
     240L kit                                                                                   cleaning up hydrocarbon and non-aggressive water-based
40   Poly Pads Oil Only - 48cm x 43cm                                                           liquids on hard surfaces, as well as premium white poly
 3   Spillsmart Floor Sweep 10kg                                                                pads, socks and a pillow for oil spills. Being Hydrophobic,
 3   Poly Socks – Oil Only – 75mm x 1.2m                                                        (repels water) they can also be used for oil spills on water.
 1   Poly Socks – Oil Only – 75mm x 3m
 1   Oil Only Pillow
 2   Pair of Nitrile Gloves
10   Contaminaited Waste Bags
 1   Dust Pan & Brush
 1   Instruction Sheet

      ES-SK240OF                                                                                   (Hydrocarbon)

                                                                        120L kit                  80L kit            50L kit             30L kit            15L kit
                                                                     ES-SK120OF                 ES-SK80OF          ES-SK50OF           ES-SK30OF          ES-SK15OF

SpillSmart Hazchem Spill Kits                                                                 SpillSmart Hazchem Spill Kits contain inert products that
                                                                                              will effectively and efficiently absorb hazardous chemical
                                                                                              spills, including most acids, coolants, solvents and oils.

     240L kit                                                                                 Conveniently stored in a portable wheelie bin or custom
40   Poly Pads HazChem - 48 x 43cm Hev Wgt                                                    bag, they are designed for use in workshops, factories,
 3   Spillsmart Hazsorb 30lt bag                                                              laboratories or wherever hazardous chemicals are stored,
 4   Poly Socks – Hazchem – 75mm x 1.2m
 1   Poly Socks – Hazchem – 75mm x 3m
                                                                                              handled or may be spilt.
 1   Poly Hazchem Pillows – 45cm x 45cm
 2   Pair of Nitrile Gloves
10   Contaminated Waste Bags
 1   Dustpan & Brush
 1   Instruction Sheet

                                                                        120L kit                  80L kit            50L kit             30L kit            15L kit
                                                                     ES-SK120HAZ               ES-SK80HAZ          ES-SK50HAZ          ES-SK30HAZ         ES-SK15HAZ

SpillSmart AcidSorb                                                                       SpillSmart BaseSorb
                   SpillSmart AcidSorb                                                                      SpillSmart Base
                   is a spill control                                                                       Neutraliser is a
                   product designed to                                                                      spill control
                   rapidly absorb,                                                                          product designed
                   encapsulate and                                                                          to rapidly absorb,
                   neutralise liquid                                                                        encapsulate and
                   base spills.                                                                             neutralise liquid
                                                                                                            Base spills.

 ES-A-CAN-2S Spillsmart AcidSorb Neutralizer Polymer - 900g                               ES-A-CBN-2S Spillsmart BaseSorb Neutralizer Polymer - 900g
 ES-A-CAN-P Spillsmart AcidSorb - 10 pack                                                 ES-A-CBN-P Spillsmart BaseSorb - 10 pack

                                                                    Fire Hose Reel Covers
                                                                    Spillsmart Fire Hose Reel Covers are designed to provide
                                                                    great protection for your fire hose reel. Made from heavy
                                             As required by:        duty UV stabilized red PVC, designed to cover your hose reel
                                             Installation of fire   to keep them in good working order. The hose reel cover has
                                             hose reels
                                                                    been designed so it is suitable for both indoor or in an
                                             AS 2441-2005
                                                                    industrial environment where it may be exposed to dust and
                                                                    dirt. Spillsmart Hose Reel Covers is suitable for most types
                                              ES-FHRC               and sizes of fire hose reels.
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
SpillSmart Absorbents
Absorbent Pads, Rolls and Pillows
SpillSmart Absorbent Poly Pads and Rolls are available in General Purpose, Oil-Only
and HazChem varieties.
These products are used in a variety of situations. The General Purpose pads and rolls
are best for the absorbtion of non-aggresive fluids such as oil, water, glycols etc. Our
Oil-Only pads and rolls are ideal for skimming oil off water, wiping down greasy tools
and machine parts and our HazChem varieties are specifically designed for laboratory
situations for the absorbtion of hazardous chemicals including acids and many other
caustic fluids.

  ES-PP-400-P     SpillSmart Poly Pads - Oil Only
ES-PPHAZ-400-P    SpillSmart Poly Pads - Hazchem
ES-PPGP-400-P     SpillSmart Poly Pads - General Purpose
   ES-PP-R44      SpillSmart Poly Roll - Oil Only                            See our
                                                                             See  our
 ES-PPHAZ-R44     SpillSmart Poly Roll - Hazchem                             Oil Only
                                                                             Oil Only
                                                                             Pads in
                                                                             Pads  in
 ES-PPGP-R44      SpillSmart Poly Roll - General Purpose
  ES-P-POLY       SpillSmart Poly Pillows - Oil Only
  ES-P-HAZ-A      SpillSmart Poly Pillows - Hazchem
    ES-P-GP       SpillSmart Poly Pillows - General Purpose

                                                                       Socks and Booms
                                                                       SpillSmart Socks are available in General Purpose, Oil Only
                                                                       and Hazchem varieties. Socks are cylindrical in shape and are
                                                                       used to barricade runaway fluids or catch constant leaks
                                                                       around the base of heavy machinery. Also useful for
                                                                       barricading entrances, line walkways, and protecting drains.
                                                                       They are also used as a first response for spill emergencies.
                                                                       Booms absorb and contain oil spills on water. Sections are
                                                                       linked together, forming a barrier.

                                            ES-SPAO-75-1.2 Poly Socks - Oil Only 1.2m          ES-SPAO-75-3     Poly Socks - Oil Only 3m
                                            ES-SPHZ-75-1.2 Poly Socks - Hazchem 1.2m           ES-SPHZ-75-3     Poly Socks - Hazchem 3m
                                            ES-SOGP-75-1.2 Poly Socks - Gen Purpose 1.2m       ES-SOGP-75-3     Poly Socks - Gen Purpose 3m

                                                                                                      Poly Boom - Oil Only 3m

               general                                    oil only
               purpose                                                                         hazchem
          Designed for non-aggresive fluids        For absorbing & containing oils         Specifically designed for the
          such as oil, water, glycols and oil      and fuels only. Will repel water so     absorbtion of hazardous chemicals
          and water based non aggressive           great for spills on water. Also         including acids and many other
          liquids for applications on land.        useful for wiping down greasy           caustic fluids.
                                                   tools and machine parts.
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
See it in

              ES-A-AP-15                                  ES-A-FS-10

All Purpose Absorbent                       SpillSmart FloorSweep
All Purpose Absorbent is the cost           SpillSmart FloorSweep is an organic
effective, quick acting and natural way     cellulose absorbent that contains
to convert potentially harmful liquid       highly effective microbes to ‘digest’
pollutants into solids for easy disposal.   oils and hydrocarbons, converting
                                            them to nutritious soil conditioner.
An inert mineral-based absorbent, it
rapidly encapsulates liquids, and can       Fully biodegradable, quick acting, safe
safely be used on strong acid or            to use in domestic, commercial and
alkaline solutions, petroleum and           industrial situations.
hydrocarbons, oils, solvents, sewage,
protein-based fluids in domestic,
commercial and industrial situations.

                   30 litre

             ES-A-HAZ-35                                  ES-A-RS-12

   SpillSmart HazSorb                         SpillSmart RoadSpill
SpillSmart HazSorb is a vermiculite         SpillSmart RoadSpill’s biodegradable
product designed to be used in              organic cellulose materials with
Hazchem spills. It is a cost effective,     mineral grit absorb and encapsulate
non toxic, inert alternative to cellulose   oils, hydrocarbons and other
(reactive to many chemicals) and a          contaminants, leaving paved surfaces
more easily manageable and effective        dry and reducing slippage.
absorbent than regular kitty litter and
zeolite style absorbents.

                              Envir                         smart
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
                                                      SPILL RESPONSE PRODUCTS

Biohazard Body Fluid Absorbents

    BioSmart BioHazard Economy Body Fluid                     BioSmart Biohazard Premium Absorbent
                    Absorbent                                                  Powder
     (Perlite Based with added Odour Control)               (Including Zeolite with added Odour Control)

Ÿ    Produced from Perlite, a natural, non-toxic        Ÿ     Produced from Zeolite, a naturally
     mineral.                                                 occurring non-toxic inert mineral.
Ÿ    Absorbs, deodorises, and solidifies spills for     Ÿ     Absorbs moisture and odours whilst
     easy removal.                                            thickening the spill for a manageable
Ÿ    Added odour control                                      clean-up.
Ÿ    Available in a range of sizes                      Ÿ     Added odour control
Ÿ    For the clean-up of urine, blood, vomit,           Ÿ     Available in a range sizes for separate sale
     faeces and saliva.                                 Ÿ     For the clean-up of urine, blood, vomit,
                                                              faeces and saliva. Can also be used to clean-
                                                              up cooking oils, food spills, detergents and
              ES-SK-E500    500ml Satchel                             ES-SK-P250   250g Satchel
              ES-SK-E750    750ml Jar                                 ES-SK-P500   500g Jar
              ES-SK-E5L     5L Jug                                    ES-SK-P3.5   3.5kg Jug
              ES-SK-E20L    20L Pail                                  ES-SK-P14    14kg Pail

              For full details of the contents in each kit
              and further information on these products
              please visit us online www.biosmart.com.au
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
BioSmart Biohazard Spill Kit Range

BioSmart Economy Biohazard Spill Kits are a cost
effective first response spill kit for fast and safe cleaning
and removal of urine, vomit, blood, saliva and faeces.
These spills need to be handled properly. To assist you,
we provide Clear Directions and Personal Protective
Equipment for your safety together with our Perlite
based BioSmart Economy Body Fluid Absorbent.

ES-SK-BIO-E BioSmart BioHazard Economy Spill Kit

BioSmart Premium BioHazard Spill Kits are your first
response for fast and safe cleaning and removal of urine,
vomit, blood, saliva and faeces. These spills need to be
handled properly. To assist you, we provide Clear
Directions, Personal Protective Equipment, pH Neutral
Detergent, Absorbent Cloths, Clinical Waste Bags,
Disinfectant Wipes together with BioSmart Premium
Absorbent containing Zeolite for a thorough clean-up.

ES-SK-BIO-P    BioSmart BioHazard Premium Spill Kit

BioSmart Multi-Use Biohazard Spill Kits contain premium
quality components contained in a heavy duty PVC bag
offering multiple applications or for locations with larger
spills. The kit provides Clear Directions, Personal
Protective equipment, pH Neutral Detergent, Absorbent
Cloths, Clinical Waste Bags, Disinfectant Wipes together
with two 500g Jars of BioSmart Premium Absorbent
containing Zeolite for a thorough clean up.

ES-SK-BIO-BHM   BioSmart BioHazard Multi-Use Spill Kit
ES-SK-BIO-BHM-R BioSmart BioHazard Multi-Use Spill Kit Refill

                                                                Envir   smart
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
SpillSmart Containment
Spillbunds                                                                 Collapsible Bunds
Lightweight and easy to clean, SpillSmart                                  Spillsmart lightweight collapsible
Spillbunds provide spill containment in                                    bunding provides temporary storage
applications where hydrocarbons or                                         of hazardous chemicals and liquids
potentially hazardous chemicals/liquids                                    where vehicle access is required. The
are stored. The flexible side walls allow for                              walls easily collapse and re-erect, and
simple delivery of liquid storage drums.                                   it’s easy to transport, store and clean.                 Easy to erect,
Made from a strong, chemically resistant                                                                                            pack-down,
                                                           Lightweight                                                              store & transport
and UV stable polymer coated fabric.
                                                           and portable

ES-B-SB-PVC 900gsm PVC Version
ES-B-SB-ELV Heavy Duty Elvaloy Fabric
ES-B-SB-PLY Polypropylene Version                                                      ES-B-CB-PVC 900gsm PVC Version
                                                                                       ES-B-CB-ELV Heavy Duty Elvaloy Fabric
                                                                                       ES-B-CB-PLY Polypropylene Version
Rigid Bunds
Available in hard wearing, chemical resistant and UV stable                           SpillSmart SpillPlug
polymer coated fabric, and heavy duty PVC or FTL30 for heavier
use, such as vehicles driving in, SpillSmart reusable Rigid Bunds are                 Save spill clean up costs by the immediate repair of
a cost-effective solution for temporary storage of liquids,                           the leak source.
especially where floorspace is limited.
                                                                                      SpillSmart SpillPlug is a non-toxic, malleable material
                                                                                      that adheres to wet and dirty surfaces, even while
                                                                                      fluid is still running... and it seals instantly! It works
                                                                                      with a wide range of chemicals including solvents,
                                                                                      gasoline and diesel.

                              ES-B-RB-PVC 900gsm PVC Version                          See it in
                              ES-B-RB-ELV Heavy Duty Elvaloy Fabric                   Action!
                              ES-B-RB-PLY Polypropylene Version

                                                                                             ES-PD-350 350g
                                                                                             ES-PD-650 650g

                                                                    We Specialise in
                                                                  Custom Built Solutions
                                                                           Contact us today
                                                                            to discuss your
                                                                          containment needs.
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
Aluminium Bunding                                                          Drive Over Bunding
   SpillSmart Aluminium Floor Bunding is a robust,                            SpillSmart Drive Over Bunding is
   permanent solution for providing hazardous liquid                          designed for the containment of
   containment in high traffic areas.                                         accidental spills or leaks of
                                                                              non-aggressive liquids.
   As a non-sparking, non-magnetic
   product, it is the ideal choice for use                                    The design provides for
   around flammable liquids and                                               flexibility whilst retaining
   vapours.                                                                   the bund shape, providing
                                                                              easy access for trucks and
                                                                              forklifts where required.

                                                               See it in

                                                                                                                                     Supplied as
                                                                                                                                     a self-install
   Gel-Filled Drain Cover
   The SpillSmart Gel Filled Drain Cover is highly resistant                                                          Aluminium strips
   to many liquids and creates a seal by the activation of                                                            not included
   specially designed polymer powder that activate with
   water. The expanding powder converts to a gel like mass
                                                                 Drain Seals
   in the seal pocket easily moulding to uneven surfaces                                                     ES-DS-450-5    450 x 450 x 5mm
                                                                 Prevent accidental spills entering
   when pressed into place around the drain opening.                                                         ES-DS-600-5    600 x 600 x 5mm
                                                                 drains, grates or manholes by
                                                                 protecting them with a SpillSmart           ES-DS-900-5    900 x 900 x 5mm
                                                                 Drain Seal. Easy to use in emergencies,     ES-DS-1200-5   1200 x 1200 x 5mm
                                                                 just place the Drain Seal directly over
                                                                 the drain. It is reusable and cleans                              Supplied in a
                                                                 easily with soap and water.                                        heavy duty
                                                                                                                                    PVC bag for
                                                                                                                                   safe storage

                            ES-DC-900-GEL 900x900mm
                            ES-DC-1200-GEL 1200x1200mm
                            CUSTOM         Custom Size

   SpillSmart Drain Warden
   SpillSmart Drain Wardens are a highly effective storm
   water drain insert, filtering sediment and rubbish from
   storm water runoff. Simple to install, it is suspended                     FloodSmart Flood Pillow
   from the drain grate. Runoff is filtered through
   polypropylene geotextile material and an absorbent                         The FloodSmart Flood
   sock removes free floating oils.                                           Pillow performs like a
                                                                              sand bag or similar
                                                                              products, without the
ES-DW-600      600 x 600mm - 300mm Basin                                      sand. Made from a
ES-DW-900      900 x 900mm - 450mm Basin                                      sturdy Geotextile
ES-DW-1200     1200 x 1200mm - 600mm Basin                                    fabric, the Flood Pillow
ES-DW-2400     2400 x 1200mm - 600mm Basin                                    contains a highly
                                                                              absorbent polymer that
    DrainWarden                                                               activates when exposed
     Installation                                                             to fresh water.
                                                                              FloodSmart Pillow
                                                                              30cm x 60cm

             Visit the
             Containment Products
             page on our website                                                 Envir                              smart
Envir smart www.envirosmart.com.au - Spill Kits Floor Sweep Absorbents Absorbent Pads, Rolls & Pillows
SpillSmart Drum Spill Bunds
and Covers

SpillSmart                                   SpillSmart                                       SpillSmart
2 Drum Spill Bund                            4 Drum Spill Bund                                Galvanised Spill Bunds
The 2 Drum Spill Bund is a nestable design   Spillsmart 4 Drum Spill bunds are built for      Galvanised Bunds provide dependable
allowing multiple pallets to be shipped,     heavy loads and convenient handling              containment for chemical and other liquids.
stored and can be easily moved with a        High Load Capacity up to 1364 kg.
                                                                                               ES-PB-2D-GAL 2 Drum Galvanised Bund
pallet jack or forklift.
                                                                                               ES-PB-4D-GAL 4 Drum Galvanised Bund
ES-PB-2D                                     ES-PB-4D                                          ES-PB-IBC-GAL Galvanised IBC Bund

SpillSmart Drum Cover Pads                          SpillSmart Drum Cover Pads have been designed to rapidly absorb pump, dispensing
                                                    and overspray messes. While keeping your drum tops in ‘Tip Top’ condition, these pads
                                                    will assist to prevent drips and spills from hitting the floor whilst decanting liquids and
                                                    remove the need to keep messy rags on hand.

                                                                                                 Heavy Weight General Purpose
                                                                                                 60cm diameter           ES-PPGP-400-DC

                                                                                                 Heavy Weight Hazchem
                                                                                                 60cm diameter           ES-PPHAZ-400-DC

                                                                                                 Heavy Weight Oil Only
                                                                                                 60cm diameter           ES-PP-400-P-DC

                                                                                                 Light Weight Oil Only
                                                                                                 60cm diameter           ES-PP-200-DC
Drum Covers                                                      IBC Covers
                                    SpillSmart Drum Covers are                                       SpillSmart IBC Bund covers
                                    manufactured from HD, UV                                         have been designed to prevent
                                    resistant PVC with a variety of                                  rain from reaching the bund
                                    options including, size, access                                  sump preventing overflow
                                    points, zipper & Velcro options,                                 spills whilst providing the IBC
                                    eyelets and shock cord to                                        with UV and weather
                                    tighten the base of the cover.                                   protection.
                                    They are designed to provide
                                    UV and weather protection and
                                    prevent rain from reaching the
                                                                                                             Ask about Custom
                                    bund sump preventing                                                   IBC Pallet Bund Covers
                                    overflow spills.

ES-PC-4D      4 pallet drum cover                                      ES-PC-IBC   IBC Pallet Bund Cover
ES-PC-2D      2 pallet drum cover

SpillSmart Drum Bund Frame
SpillSmart Bund Covers provide great weather protection and
protection from other debris from entering the sump. The frame
manufactured from galvanised steal, is dispatched flat packed with
the cover and assembles in minutes.

                                                                                             DELIVERED READY FOR ASSEMBLY


ES-PC-F-2D    2 Drum Pallet Cover with Frame
ES-PC-F-4D    4 Drum Pallet Cover with Frame
ES-PC-F-IBC   IBC Pallet Cover with Frame
ES-PC-F-C     Custom Cover with Frame

                                                                           Envir                           smart
SpillSmart Silt
                                                                                  and Marine
Oil/Water Separators
The Domino VGS is an oil/water separator developed to
effectively remove free oil, grease and suspended solids
from wastewater.

The Domino VGS is the perfect solution for applications
such as Vehicle wash Downs, Automotive & Industrial
Workshops, Fuel storage depots, Gas stations, Restaurants,
Power stations, Refineries and Marinas.

Acclaimed by major water authorities around the world as                                                      Containment Booms
"the best technology of its kind", the Domino VGS can be                                                      A temporary floating barrier used to
used as a stand-alone separator or to supplement the                                                          contain an oil spill on water.
performance of existing systems.

                                                                                   Weed Booms
                                                                                   Designed to catch and control
                                                                                   rubbish, pollution and aquatic
                                                                                   plants through either exclusion
                                                                                   or containment.

                                                                                                              Trash Booms
                                                                                                              Floating containment booms
                                                                                                              containing rubbish and weeds in

                                                                                   Silt Curtains
                                                                                   Used to control the silt and
                                                                                   sediment in a body of water. Ideal
          Did You Know?
       At Everything Water, we specialize in designing and
                                                                                   for use in marine construction and
       building Truck & Car Wash down facilities to suit your
       needs. You find the site, we’ll do the rest.
       From coordinating the architects, hydraulic consultants,
       equipment manufacturers etc through to commissioning
       and testing of all the installed equipment, we do it all
                                                                                                  Custom Made
       for you.                                                                                                  to suit your specifications
       Trouble free Ownership: Low maintenance, low running
       costs and quality equipment which requires minimal

                                                                                                                Envirosmart Industrial Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                               9 Unley Street,
                                                                                                                         Brendale QLD 4500.
                                                   Envir                         smart                                        Tel: +61 7 3889 6677
                                                  www.envirosmart.com.au                                                      Fax: +61 7 3889 6057

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for any errors omissions or inaccuracies contained in any editorial or for any liability for any loss which may be suffered by any persons or organization
who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained in any editorial of this document. All information, text,
images and design is copyright to EnviroSmart Industrial Pty Ltd and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent
from EnviroSmart Industrial Pty Ltd.
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