Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone

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Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone
To cite this article: G I Sarapulova 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 808 012067

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Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone
APEC 2021                                                                                                      IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067                        doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone

                     G I Sarapulova
                     Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov st, Irkutsk, 666074,

                     E-mail: sara131@mail.ru

                     Abstract. The article deals with the problem of ecological safety and ecological diagnostics of
                     soils in the gas station zone located in the center of the city of Irkutsk. The factors of disruption
                     of natural properties when polluted with oil products have been investigated. The
                     physicochemical parameters of soils, integral indicators of the state have been analyzed, the
                     violation of their natural properties has been revealed, the composition of the surface runoff
                     from the object has been studied. Technogenic halos of oil products spreading outside the
                     source of supply on the basis of GIS were obtained, the accumulation of oil products in the
                     soil up to a distance of 250 m from the filling station was revealed. The results of the dynamic
                     behavior of petroleum products, the methods of ecodiagnostics used can be the basis for
                     determining the direction of the soil distribution of pollutants outside the hazardous facility.
                     The sampling system around fuel stations will make it possible to build GIS maps of
                     technogenic oil pollution fields and develop preventive environmental protection measures.
                     The results obtained are of practical importance for the environmental management of the city,
                     for the cadastral valuation of land, for adjusting the placement of transport routes and the
                     network of gas stations.

1. Introduction
    The scale of pollution of the territory of cities and the deterioration of their ecological state is
caused by an increase in the supply of oil products (OP) to the soil, the sources of which are vehicles
and oil product supply facilities - gas stations and gas stations [1-3]. At modern filling stations with
sealed equipment, the likelihood of underground fuel leaks is minimized. However, the number of
spills at fuel dispensers and at the fuel discharge site remains high - up to 100 g per 1 ton of gasoline
and 50 g per 1 ton of diesel fuel. The main sources of oil supply to soils from gas stations:

          Reservoirs with oil products (evaporation of oil products - "big and small breaths"), their
          Fuel dispensers (evaporation when filling car gas tanks);
          Accidental and unintentional spills of oil products on the territory of the filling station;
          Leaks of technological equipment and communications;
          Ventilation devices of industrial premises of gas stations;
          Disconnection of connections in technological connections and tank breakdowns;
          Pipeline accidents as a result of metal aging.

   Urban soils are a depository environment, reflect the processes of disruption of geochemical cycles,
affect the formation of technogenic geochemical anomalies in anthropogenic landscapes, and serve as
              Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
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Environmental safety of the territory in the gas station zone
APEC 2021                                                                                    IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067      doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

indicators of the ecological state of urbanized territories. Studying the patterns of accumulation and
migration of petroleum products, identifying their lateral and intraprofile distribution, obtaining
criteria for the ecological state of soils constitute the scientific aspect of these studies and are an urgent
geoecological problem.
    In Russia, about 22 thousand gas stations are engaged in retail sales of fuel, which are objects of
high environmental hazard [4-6]. The growth of the Russian car park is predicted from 41.5 million
units. in 2009 up to 68.0 million units. In 2030 in accordance with the Transport Strategy of the
Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. However, there is no systematic environmental
monitoring of the city's soil pollution and monitoring of urban soils in the zone of influence of the gas
station. Control of the oil content at the filling station is carried out only on the basis of the Maximum
permissible concentration of oil vapors in the air of the working area of the space up to 2 meters above
the level of the site.
    The development of control methods and means for detecting petroleum products, preventing,
eliminating negative processes are necessary for the development of conceptual foundations and new
approaches of geoecological science. However, despite the severity of the problem under
consideration, many issues related to assessing the impact of oil pollution on the soil cover and
identifying the mechanism of their transformation are still poorly understood.
    The purpose of our research is a geo-ecological assessment of the city's territories and obtaining
new criteria, on the basis of which it is possible to assess the environmental safety of soils in the zone
of influence of oil product supply facilities - gas stations, refineries, transportation.

2. Materials and methods
A typical gas station in the center of the city of Irkutsk next to a passing motorway was chosen as the
object of the study. This Siberian city with a population of over 600 thousand people is located in an
area with relatively high environmental stress. The research methods used: field, a complex of
physicochemical analyzes of soils, geochemical, statistical processing of empirical dependencies in
Excel, modeling.
   Soil samples were taken in the summer in the dry period (August) in accordance with the compiled
regular network, taking into account the landscape slope from the territory of the gas station: - in the
organic layer (AO horizon 0-5 cm); - mineral layer (A2 horizon 10 cm); - horizon (B) 30 cm to the
final root zone of herbaceous and shrubby plants. IR spectrometry was used to determine petroleum
products in soils [7-8].
   The extraction of petroleum products was carried out with carbon tetrachloride [9]. The end of the
analysis is the chromatographic separation of petroleum products from associated organic compounds
of other classes [10, 11]. As reference standards, we used background soils taken 20 km from the city
in a known clean zone. The results of the survey of the territory in the zone of the gas station are
presented along with the integral indicators: acid-base properties (pH) and the organic component of
the soil Corg - the pyrogenic component of organic matter at 500 ⁰С.
   The pH values were determined potentiometrically. Organic carbon and Ntot were determined
according to Tyurin. These characteristics determine the degree of fixation of the products of
technogenesis in soils and their transformation. In solving the set tasks, the methodology of landscape,
migration and technogenic principles of changing soil properties was used.

3. Results
At the site of the filling station there are 4 horizontal fuel tanks with a capacity of 50 m3 and 4
dispensers with Genstar pistols. The diagram in figure 1 shows the points of taking soil samples for
analysis for the content of petroleum products up to a distance of 250 m from the object. Table 1
shows the daily dynamics of petroleum products dispensed at the city gas station.

APEC 2021                                                                                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067       doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

                 Figure 1. Layout of 4 tanks, 4 dispensers at gas stations and points for
                 taking soil samples for analysis from the border of the industrial site.

                     Table 1. Daily statistics of petrol station dispensing at gas stations.
                               Gasoline AI 80           Gasoline AI-92            Diesel fuel
         Times of Day
                           Number of cars liter     Number of cars liter     Number of cars    liter
         0900-1000         6                70      9                112     10               128
         1000-1100         3                87      12               50      5                60
         1100-1200         4                30      4                120     7                175
         1200-1300         7                170     10               250     9                230
         1300-1400         5                80      14               338     3                570
         1400-1500         2                15      4                195     3                1650
         1500-1600         4                58      3                700     9                1301
         1600-1700         4                80      3                50      2                2120
         1700-1800         6                65      9                320     9                23
         1800-1900         3                100     18               855     17               1091
         1900-2000         6                45      57               960     4                150
         2000-2100         2                25      3                275     11               170
         2100-2200         13               67      9                710     4                480
         2200-2300         4                155     13               650     1                47
         2300-2400         2                13      5                60      6                520
         0000-0100         6                49      5                72      9                220
         0100-0200         2                20      4                88      15               100
         0200-0300         7                33      5                160     4                520
         0300-0400         3                18      7                710     5                951
         0400-0500         2                56      8                505     3                937
         0500-0600         7                131     12               124     4                732
         0600-0700         11               260     10               290     3                150
         0700-0800         12               95      6                85      5                75
         0800-0900         21               450     13               179     8                510
         Total             142              2172    243              7858    156              12919

APEC 2021                                                                                   IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067     doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

4. Discussion
From the results of the analysis, it was revealed that the surface runoff from the territories of the filling
station contains: • oil products - from 1.2 to 28.7 mg / l (MPC - 0.05 mg / l); • chlorides - up to 109 mg
/ l; • sulfates - up to 17 mg / l; • lead - up to 0.005 mg / l, copper - up to 0.05 mg / l, zinc - up to 0.08
mg / l. It should be emphasized that the system of state environmental control and monitoring of soil
pollution in the gas station area is practically absent. The procedure for handling oily waste and
methods for preventing secondary pollution of the environment is poorly developed. However, it
should be noted that the composition of petroleum products contains such toxic substances as benz-a-
prirene, benzene, styrene, toluene, xylene, etc. [12]. These substances are highly toxic and stable in
any environment, have a low solubility and a high degree of absorption on the surface, and decompose
within months and years even if the soil layer is enriched with organic matter and humic substances
     Their determination on the territories of filling stations, filling stations, oil depots, adjacent urban
areas is not carried out, although these substances can form technogenic pollution fields on impact
soils [14]. From the point of view of studying the impact on the geological environment, soil
ecosystems and for assessing environmental hazard, such control is necessary. It is important to
emphasize the special sensitivity of Siberian soils to technogenic impact, since the main soil
component - organic matter - is represented in them by a very low content.
     But it is the organic component of the soil that is able to neutralize the harmful effects of toxic
substances, in particular, oil products. Oil hydrocarbons interact with functional molecular groups and
ligands of humic acids to form new structures of compounds, which contributes to the process of
destruction and humification of oil-contaminated lands and, accordingly, to reduce environmental
hazards. The antidote activity of humic compounds towards petroleum products is based on their
ability to act as surface-active agents, complexing agents and safe molecular destructors.
     Despite the relevance of research in this area, there is practically no systematized information on
the geoecological assessment of soil pollution by NP, the patterns of their migration in the
environment, as well as their transformation issues with the assessment of their degradation products.
Difficulties are caused by the multifactorial impact of NP and the specifics of their distribution in the
soil system, which, for example, creates problems in the development of criteria for determining its
permissible content [15-17].
     It is known that the rate of decomposition of oil products in landscapes depends on many factors,
including soil moisture, mechanical composition and temperature. A granulometric analysis was
carried out, which revealed that the soil of the urban area in the zone of influence of the gas station
consists of: • pebbles by 64%; • sand by 20.6%; • dust by 8.8%; • clays by 5.7%. It is quite obvious
that in such conditions, oil products that have got into the soil can easily seep to a sufficiently large
     According to hydrological studies, it was revealed that at the site of this gas station, groundwater is
at a depth of 3.8 m. The soil moisture was determined, which is an insignificant value of W = 0.098,
which contributes to the penetration of oil products into deeper soil layers. However, in the rainy
season, the groundwater level rises. When oil spills and seeps into the soil layer, the entire volume of
oil pollution uncontrollably collects on a certain area in the city center, concentrating on the water
component (water barrier) of the watered soil.
     Analysis of water pollution in control wells drilled to determine the level of groundwater is not
carried out. In addition, there is an areal washout of oil products in the direction of the slope of the
industrial site into natural depressions of the urbanized landscape, where oil products are also
     The most rapid decomposition of oil and oil products occurs at ± 100 ⁰C, but it slows down in
sharply continental and cold climatic zones. Considering the number of cold months per year in
Siberia and, in particular, in Irkutsk, one should not expect rapid destruction and transformation of oil
products in the soil horizons of the city. Therefore, soil pollution with oil and oil products, especially

APEC 2021                                                                                  IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

in the northern territories, is a problematic, environmentally hazardous and difficult to eliminate type
of pollution.
    Ecological and geochemical analysis of soils revealed a deterioration in their nitrogen regime - the
N content does not exceed 0.065–0.115%, the C / N ratio is increased to 25–50 (for natural clean soils
it is not more than 10), the alkalinity is increased - pH 9–10 units. Together with a high carbonated
nature (CO2 = 0.54%), a low humus content of 1.3%, an increased cation absorption capacity of up to
33.2 mg-eq / per 100 g, the results obtained are signs of a technogenic transformation of the natural
soil properties in the gas station zone, which does not provide it protective buffering properties [18-
    As a result of work with the use of GIS, the aureoles of the distribution of oil products in the zone
of influence of the city gas station were revealed. It can be seen that NPs migrate a considerable
distance from the source of supply (figure 2).

              Figure 2. Distribution of oil products in the gas station area. The scale is
              labeled in mg / kg. 1-tanks, 2-gas stations, 3-office, 4-slope, 5-motorway.

   The results obtained convincingly showed that in urban landscapes in the gas station zone there are
significant violations of the buffer properties of soils, a new ecogeochemical situation is formed with
the formation of technogenic lateral zones with an anomalous distribution of oil products. It also forms
secondary pollution of urban areas with unaccounted for toxic substances.

5. Conclusion
Thus, on the basis of geoecological studies of the territory in the zone of influence of the gas station,
methods of ecodiagnostics, modeling methods, new data on the dynamic behavior of petroleum
products in soils were obtained, which makes it possible to reveal the picture of their soil distribution
outside the hazardous facility. The scientific significance of the results of the work is that they expand
the understanding of the mechanism of violation of the resistance of urbanized soils to chemical
pollution, and the approaches taken to study their buffer properties contribute to the methodology of
ecological diagnostics of urban areas.
   The ongoing research and study of the spatial distribution of soil pollution by oil products will
contribute to a differentiated assessment of the ecological state of the city's territories and the targeted
inventory of land. The development of a sampling system around fuel stations will make it possible to
build schematic maps of oil pollution fields. For these purposes, it is necessary to use GIS

APEC 2021                                                                                 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 808 (2021) 012067   doi:10.1088/1755-1315/808/1/012067

   The following measures can contribute to the reduction of soil pollution in NP cities:

       Creation of a unified long-term plan for the location of filling stations, filling stations and oil
        depots, taking into account the environmental situation in the city;
       Optimization of traffic management;
       Development of engineering methods for protecting the environment from oil spills;
       Creation of environmental monitoring and control systems in the gas station area.

   The results obtained are also of practical importance for the environmental management of the city,
for the cadastral valuation of land, for adjusting the placement of transport routes and the network of
gas stations, as well as for the development of geoecological monitoring of the urbanized area.

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