Page created by Pedro Gallagher

                VEGETABLE OILS

These are aromatic compounds of natural
origin obtained by steam distillation of
different parts of plants (roots, leaves, etc.).
Unlike vegetable oils, they are highly
concentrated aromatic substances.
Tea Tree                                 Cinnamon                                         Turmeric
One of the most widely used             It has special properties that                    Its root is similar to ginger and is
oils in cosmetics. Great ally for       reduce the natural oiliness of                    known as the saffron of the
anti-acne formulations or to            the skin and tone it. Cinnamon                    Indies. Its main use is as an anti-
help skin hydration and healing.        essential oil for the skin has                    inflammatory, although it is also
                                        beneficial effects. It provides                   recommended to treat tired
                                        firmness and is therefore used                    skin.
                                        to treat wrinkles and fight acne.

        Eucalyptus                                  Lavender                                            Lime
It is obtained by distillation of its   It is an oil widely used in                       Similar to lemon oil, lime
leaves, already used by                 cosmetics due to its properties.                  essential oil has an
Australians for centuries, and its      It is from its aromatic flowers                   antirheumatic, antiseptic, antiviral,
main properties are: antiseptic,        that the oil is extracted and                     bactericidal, febrifuge,
decongestant or stimulant.              then used for acne, psoriasis,                    restorative and tonic effect.
                                        dermatitis, irritations or

                                        E S S E N T IA L   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
Litsea Cubeba                             Macadamia                                         Mandarin
The essential oil of litsea           Macadamia nut oil, or just                        Mandarin essential oil has a mild
cubeba has a digestive,               macadamia oil, is an excellent                    scent and is soothing, revitalizing
antiseptic, disinfectant,             product to treat wrinkles and                     and invigorating. It helps to
insecticide, stomachic and            stretch marks on the skin, since                  improve blood circulation,
sedative effect. It is suitable for   it is an oil that has moisturizing,               making it a good ingredient for
the treatment of acne, pimples,       hydrating, antioxidant and other                  body oils and lotions.
excessive perspiration and oily       properties.

       Chamomile                                    Melissa                                    Peppermint
Its main cultivation is in the        Its antifungal and antibacterial                  Regulates the production of oil
European continent and due to         properties are very useful in                     in the skin, therefore, it is
its composition (rich in bisabolol,   cases of acne and eczema, as                      excellent in cases of acne and
bonreol or farnesol) it is ideal      well as to treat other types of                   cellulite. Deodorant. Eliminates
for treating skin anomalies and       ailments caused by bacteria.                      odors naturally. Refreshing.
muscular problems.

                                      E S S E N T IA L   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
Bitter Orange                            Rosewood                                        Petit Grain
It is obtained by distilling the    One of its main properties is to                  It is known for its anti-
bark of citrus aurantium. It has    regenerate the skin. It is an                     inflammatory, antibacterial and
great anti-inflammatory and         excellent cellular reconstituent,                 deodorant properties. It relieves
healing properties, which in turn   which is why it is widely used in                 skin infections and has the
are similar to those of sweet       the preparation of creams and                     property of balancing fats, so it
orange.                             masks. As well as special                         is recommended in cases of
                                    treatments for acne, scars,                       acne and seborrhea in the hair.
                                    wrinkles and stretch marks.

        Grapefruit                               Verbena                                     Ylang Ylang
It becomes a great ally for anti-   It has antiseptic, antifungal and                 Its term means "flower of
acne, anti-aging or antiseptic      restorative properties of the skin                flowers” and its intense scent
cosmetic formulations. It is a      tissue, which gives it great use                  can remind you of jasmine. It is
powerful natural antioxidant        in diseases such as eczema,                       ideal for all skin types, and even
due to its high content of          psoriasis, contact dermatitis, skin               for hair, it promotes growth and
vitamins A and C.                   flaking, acne, among others.                      adds shine.

                                    E S S E N T IA L   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
As the name suggests, these are oils of vegetable
origin whose main constituents are natural fatty
acids, vitamins and antioxidants. However, unlike
fats, these oils remain liquid at room temperature.
They are mainly extracted from the fruit or seed
through a cold pressing process, although there
are also some that are obtained by maceration of
different parts of the plant.
Acai                                  Avocado                                         Almond
Excellent antioxidant, thanks to       Its high content of vitamins K                     It is obtained by pressing the
its content of vitamins A, C and       and E and fatty acids help delay                   seeds of the almond tree,
E, and polyphenols. A good             premature aging of the skin and                    present for centuries in the
sunscreen, Cyanidin protects           fight free radicals, in addition to                Mediterranean. It is
the skin from ultraviolet              moisturizing fine skin and                         characterized by a high
radiation.                             damaged hair.                                      concentration of unsaturated
Anti-aging, it provides elasticity                                                        fatty acids that contribute to
to the skin, prevents the                                                                 keep the skin in good condition.
formation of wrinkles and                                                                 Ideal for facial and body
reduces expression lines. Treats                                                          cosmetic formulations.
dermatitis, eczema and
psoriasis. Highly moisturizing and
natural emollient. Anti-

       Cranberries                                   Borage                                  Cannabis Sativa
Cranberry seed oil is an               Borage oil is emollient, toning                    Its oil is extracted from the
excellent lubricant for                and soothes the skin. It is                        seeds of the Cannabis plant. It
dehydrated, dry and mature             beneficial for skin conditions,                    does not contain the
skin. It has antioxidant properties.   due to its niacin or nicotinic acid                psychoactive compound THC
In addition, it gives flexibility to   content. The oil is rich in                        and its main benefits are due to
cell membranes and optimizes           gamma-linolenic acid, which our                    its high concentration of fatty
the skin's regeneration process,       body converts into                                 acids and vitamins. We can
delaying the aging process.            prostaglandins.                                    highlight its antioxidant,
                                                                                          regenerative, anti-inflammatory
                                                                                          and anti-acne properties.

                                       V E G E T A B L E   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
Coconut                          Sea Buckthorn                                       Wheat Germ
Originally from Southeast Asia, it   It is one of the most antioxidant                  Wheat Germ oil is recognized
is one of the oils with the          plants known for its high vitamin                  for its high Vitamin E content.
greatest moisturizing capacity. It   C and E content. Creams and                        With an intense orange color, it
stands out for its high content      serums containing hippophae                        contains more vitamin E than
of saturated fatty acids that        rhamnoides extract help soothe                     any other vegetable oil, it also
give it a great role in cosmetic     the skin and protect it from free                  contains carotene and
formulations. Thanks also to its     radicals.                                          vegetable lecithin, this oil is very
vitamin content, it nourishes and                                                       useful for dry and mature skins
repairs the skin.                                                                       as it nourishes and prevents
                                                                                        moisture loss.

        Sunflower                            Pomegranate                                            Jojoba
It is obtained by pressing the       The pomegranate tree, originally                   Shrub from the deserts of
seeds, which are rich in omega       from Iran, spread throughout the                   Sonora (Mexico) and Mojave in
3 and 6 fatty acids. The beta-       Mediterranean over the years. It                   the USA. Famous for its
carotene present strengthens         is obtained by cold pressing the                   multiple uses and benefits for
the skin while moisturizing it. It   pomegranate seeds and is                           the skin, hair and face, it is the
is also rich in a large type of      considered an excellent ally to                    only plant that produces liquid
vitamins that help the skin          regenerate mature skin and                         wax or ester. It is mainly used in
retain moisture.                     prevent the appearance of the                      its essential oil to produce
                                     dreaded wrinkles.                                  organic cosmetic products.

                                     V E G E T A B L E   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
Moringa                                Grape Seed                                           Quinoa
Native to the lands of India and        High in polyunsaturated fatty                       Due to its richness in Omega 6
Afghanistan, its tree adapts very       acids, it stimulates collagen and                   fatty acids, it is very suitable for
well to tropical climates. Its oil is   elastin, its antioxidants help                      treating various skin conditions
obtained by cold pressing the           neutralize free radicals                            and skin inflammations such as
seeds and brings radiance to            responsible for cellular aging.                     psoriasis, eczema and atopy.
the skin, regenerating and              Slightly astringent, it is especially               Quinoa seeds have also been
repairing it.                           indicated for the treatment of oily,                used for centuries in
                                        acne-prone skin.                                    communities in Peru and Bolivia,
                                                                                            for example, to make
                                                                                            cosmetics and handmade
                                                                                            soaps. It is also known to be
                                                                                            used to prevent damage from
                                                                                            the sun's ultraviolet rays and to
                                                                                            eliminate skin blemishes.

           Rosehip                                    Soybean
One of the best known oils, it is       This oil is high in vitamins (A, B6, B12
a great ally to give greater            and K), calcium, magnesium and
softness to the skin. Its high          potassium. In cosmetics it is
content of fatty acids such as          attributed antioxidant, moisturizing
carotene, lycopene and some             and firming functions. It also acts
vitamins help reduce stretch            by stimulating the cell
marks, blemishes and scars.             regeneration process and
                                        sometimes works as a surfactant.

                                         V E G E T A B L E   O I L S   |   S A F E Q U IM
Extracts are products obtained by extraction mechanisms that allow the
isolation of the principles actives of plants. They are obtained by
maceration in different solvents and contain the main active ingredients of
the plants from which they originate, and therefore have cosmetic and
dermatological properties. Depending on the medium in which they are
macerated, they can be:
• Glycolics: mainly macerated in propylene glycol.
• Hydroalcoholic or tinctures: macerated in ethyl alcohol of different
    graduations according to the active ingredient to be extracted.
• Oleous: macerated in vegetable oil.
• Water-soluble: macerated in glycerin and wáter, normally with the
    same proportion.
In cosmetic formulation they are considered as ACTIVES.
Acacia                                                Arnica                                                  Snail Slime
It has soothing, antiseptic,                    A medicinal plant noted for its                                Snail slime contains numerous
astringent and healing                          anti-inflammatory and analgesic                                beneficial components for the
properties, so it is successfully               properties along with its ability                              dermis. Allantoin: helps to
used in the treatment of various                to stimulate blood circulation.                                eliminate necrotic tissue by
skin conditions. Acacia Senegal,                Arnica cream can be used to                                    replacing it with new tissue. It
also called gum Arabic, is a tree               combat acne and other skin                                     also acts as an anti-irritant.
native to Africa. It is widely used             marks.                                                         Collagen and elastin: proteins
to soothe sensitive skin.                                                                                      that promote skin strength and
                                                                                                               elasticity. Glycolic acid:
                                                                                                               promotes skin exfoliation and
                                                                                                               the elimination of blemishes.

          Bamboo                                       Horse Chestnut                                                       Horsetail
Due to its high content of silicon              Promotes blood circulation and                                 Horsetail extract provides
and antioxidants, bamboo                        has an astringent effect. Horse                                silicon, which promotes the
extract has the following                       Chestnut extract relieves                                      production of collagen and
cosmetic properties: Protects                   varicose veins and vein                                        contributes to a smoother and
against free radicals, thanks to                problems and reduces fluid                                     more elastic skin. It is
silicon, which improves the                     retention in the legs due to its                               recommended for formulating
resistance of the cell                          Aescin, Flavonoids and Tannins                                 cosmetic products with firming
membranes of the epidermis,                     content.                                                       activity.
and antioxidants. It moisturizes,
regenerates and firms the skin.

                   N A T U R A L   E X T R A C T S   A N D   O T H E R   A C T I V E   I N G R E D I E N T S    |   S A F E Q U IM
Eucalyptus                                      Ginkgo Biloba                                                    Hypericum
This extract is obtained from the              Of oriental origin, its firmness                               Hypericum or St. John's Wort is
leaves of Eucalyptus Globulus,                 and resistance have made it                                    a wild plant that grows
using a method specially                       survive even the most adverse                                  throughout the Castilian plateau
developed in the laboratory to                 climates. And it is precisely from                             among roads, hedges, forests
obtain the main active                         this tree that leaves with a                                   and pastures. The active
ingredients. Eucalyptus offers                 series of very useful properties                               ingredient of hypericum extract
numerous virtues, from an                      in natural cosmetics are                                       is antiseptic and healing,
unbeatable balsamic effect to a                obtained. Anti-inflammatory and                                exerting an epithelizing and
great antiseptic power, it also                antioxidant properties. Increased                              soothing action on irritated and
has astringent virtues and, of                 microcirculation and lymphatic                                 reddened skin. This is why it is
course, its usefulness in the                  flow. Ability to fight free radicals.                          particularly indicated for skin
treatment of halitosis.                        Treatment of pigmentation                                      exposed to the sun or
                                               spots and cellulite.                                           extremely dry and
                                                                                                              malnourished skin.

       Shea Butter                                      Mango Butter                                                         Orchid
It is obtained from the fruit of               It has emollient, softening and                                It has powerful properties as an
the Shea tree. Tree of about 15                nourishing properties, with a                                  antioxidant that helps slow skin
m and a trunk up to 1 m in                     great oxidative capacity, helping                              aging and regulates skin
diameter. It grows in the                      in wound healing and skin                                      pigmentation providing
savannah of West Africa.                       regeneration. It moisturizes,                                  luminosity. This extract provides
Topically it is moisturizing,                  softens and prevents stretch                                   nutrients such as calcium,
nourishing, soothing, anti-                    marks. It is recommended in the                                copper, iron, magnesium and
inflammatory, protective and                   treatment of wrinkles and skin                                 zinc.
healing. It acts as a natural                  eruptions.
barrier protecting the skin from
cold and wind.

                  N A T U R A L   E X T R A C T S   A N D   O T H E R   A C T I V E   I N G R E D I E N T S    |   S A F E Q U IM
Nettle                                            Blue Tea                                                      Verbena
In cosmetics, this plant is                   It is obtained from the leaves of                              It has antioxidant properties for
versatile and useful for a                    Tea (Camellia Sinensis)                                        the skin helping to free it from
multitude of uses. Nettle helps               cultivated, pressed, dried and                                 free radicals and, therefore, to
to purify the skin and hair. By               roasted of the Wuyi type                                       reduce its stress. Verbena
eliminating toxins, it helps                  (Fujian).                                                      Essential Oil is considered a great
reduce acne, eliminate excess                 It helps to fight cellulite by                                 aromatic antidepressant, has an
oil and even treat eczema and                 mobilizing small nodules.                                      invigorating and invigorating
psoriasis.                                    Natural amino acids are helpful                                action.
                                              for dermal cell regeneration.

                 N A T U R A L   E X T R A C T S   A N D   O T H E R   A C T I V E   I N G R E D I E N T S    |   S A F E Q U IM
They are a type of natural acids that come
from different plants, fruits and foods widely
used in cosmetics such as grape seed, sugar
cane or certain citrus fruits.

They have a triple action: they exfoliate, renew
and moisturize the skin in a very effective way
and therefore improve the texture of the skin
and its quality, depending, above all, on their
molecular weight.

In this field, the best known alpha-hydroxy
acids are: glycolic acid (mainly from sugar
cane), lactic acid, citric acid and tartaric acid
(from grapes).

                                                    Emulsifying bases
                                                    Creams are the result of the union of an
                                                    aqueous phase with a fatty phase. For this to
                                                    happen, it is necessary to use emulsifiers
                                                    (surfactant molecules), since water and oil are
                                                    two antagonistic ingredients that cannot mix
                                                    naturally and on their own. Emulsifiers are
                                                    therefore essential when making creams for
                                                    cosmetic use, as they ensure that they are
                                                    stable throughout the product's shelf life.
                                                    Emulsifiers differ from each other in the way they
                                                    are used, their protective value, the texture they
                                                    give to the final cream or the type of skin for
                                                    which they are most suitable. In addition, they can
                                                    be synthetic or natural. The different types that
                                                    we can find, in general, are: Polyglycerides,
                                                    glycerol esters, potassium salts, fatty acid esters
                                                    such as sucrose or sorbitol, etc.

Odor Neutralizer
Hair care is evolving exponentially. When it
comes to cleansing, solid shampoos (in pill
form) are gaining ground, hair serums are more
effective than ever against frizz and hair loss,
and perfumes/odor neutralizers for hair are no
longer just perfumery items. Our odor
eliminator neutralizes bad smells           that
mercilessly permeate the hair fibers, such as
kitchen fumes, street fumes, cigarette smoke
or the odor caused by sweat or by certain
types of greasy hair that easily accumulate dirt
and undergo oxidative processes.
A peptide is a molecule formed by the union of two or more amino acids (which, in turn, are the basic
component of proteins). Depending on the number of amino acids joined together, we obtain
oligopeptides with less than 15 bonds, polypeptides between 15 and 50 bonds and finally proteins when
more than 50 amino acids are joined together. Having a low molecular weight, peptides can penetrate
into deeper layers of the skin.
• Tripeptides have anti-inflammatory, regenerative and collagen-producing activity, as well as
   improving skin firmness.
• Tetrapeptides have a firming function and can be used on specific areas of the face such as the
   eye contour. They prevent loss of elasticity and promote regeneration.
• Pentapeptides are great allies to improve skin firmness in those areas where wrinkles are more
   pronounced, such as the eyes. At low concentrations they have a similar effect to retinol, but without
   the side effects of retinol.
• Hexapeptides are able to relax the muscles and therefore have a stronger effect on dynamic
   wrinkles. These peptides are referred to as the "Botox effect" but with the advantage that they are
   applied topically and tighten the skin without side effects.

There are millions of bacteria in the skin. This group of different species of microorganisms, which
colonize not only our skin but also other parts of the body such as the intestine or the lungs, is known
as the microbiome. Many of these microscopic organisms are with us from birth to death and influence
our growth and development. Fermentation is a biotechnological process in which active ingredients
(plant extracts, fruits, etc.) are fermented separately by enzymes and natural bacteria (yeasts) in an
oxygen-free environment at an ambient temperature of 36.9 degrees Celsius. As the fermentation
environment acidifies, the bacteria and microbes die and the active ingredients are converted into
nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, probiotics... among others. Studies show that
lactobacillus ferments help treat and prevent acne, rosacea or eczema thanks to their protective, anti-
inflammatory properties and the antibacterial effect produced by lactobacillus. They can also
strengthen the external barrier of the dermis, reducing dryness.

               N A T U R A L   E X T R A C T S   A N D   O T H E R   A C T I V E   I N G R E D I E N T S   |   S A F E Q U IM
The best natural extracts

         Safequim is a company dedicated to the
         research, development and manufacture of
         Ecocert/Cosmos     certified    natural   and
         synthetic raw materials for the national and
         international B2B market. At the same time, it
         also manufactures a wide range of tailor-made
         materials depending on the customer’s

Safequim, S.L.
C/ Granollers nº1-3 nave 7
Montornès del Vallès, Barcelona - 08170 Spain
Phone +34 93 595 08 42 | + 34 689 402 006
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