Page created by Roy Patterson
                      EVENT AND AND
                                FESTIVALACTION      PLAN
                                         STRATEGY AND        2019-2024
                                                      ACTION PLAN 2019-2024 1
                                                             4 Executive Summary: Focus On Our Lake
                                                             6 Strategy Structure and Acknowledgements
                                                                     Role and Purpose of Events

                                                                     Lake Mac Events Vision

                                                                     Our Values

                                                            12 Event Snapshot
                                                            14 Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
                                                            16 SWOT Analysis

                                                                 Key Challenges for the Lake Macquarie Council
                                                                 Event and Festival Team
                                                            20 Key Opportunities for the Events Team
                                                            38 Investment
                                                            40 Lake Mac Events Mix 2019 - 2020
                                                            42 Conclusion

Executive summary

Lake Macquarie is the twelfth-largest       This Strategy and Action Plan is
Local Government Area (LGA) in NSW,         ambitious and deliberate, and aims                    Key strategic deliverables
located south of Newcastle and north        high to support the vision for the region
of the Central Coast. The City is home      that enables experimentation and                      2019- 2021 short-term actions
to more than 200,000 people living          development of new markets, economic                  •   Transition current governance structures
within 95 communities, including nine       growth opportunities and promotion of                     to one that espouses contemporary
economic centres, wrapped around the        our shared identity.                                      event and festival activities and focus
largest permanent saltwater lake in the                                                           •   Deliver over $600,000 in funding towards
                                            The Actions are direct and have been
Southern Hemisphere, four beaches                                                                     a targeted annual events program
                                            developed to ensure Council:
and the Watagans National Park.                                                                       including sponsorship, iconic events
                                            •   collaborates with community to                        and major festivals, partner, city identity,
The event and festival sector and
                                                activate as well as entertain;                        community and neighbourhood events
competition for audiences have
increased dramatically in the last          •   develops events that are intimate,                •   Support, approve or deliver a minimum
decade. To be successful in delivering          surprising and unexpected; and                        of 20 signature/iconic events for the City
diverse and quality events, Lake                                                                  •   Coordinate a City calendar of events
                                            •   incorporates ticketed and
Macquarie City Council must improve
                                                economically powerful major                       •   Implement new and customer-focused
its position and develop a holistic Event
                                                festivals, attracted to our City and                  online events communication including
and Festival Strategy that challenges,
                                                facilities.                                           website, Facebook and Instagram
enables, advocates and drives
economic activity for the City.             Events and festivals are only part of                 •   Develop and promote Lake Macquarie
                                            the picture when building a diverse                       Corporate and Conference Prospectus
                                            and economically strong community. It                 2021- 2025 medium-term actions
                                            is significant that the Lake Macquarie
                                            Event and Festival Strategy and Action                •   Build on icon events as a driver for
                                            Plan was created in alignment with the                    tourism and visitor economy
                                            2018-2022 Destination Management                      •   Redevelop event infrastructure
                                            Plan. Wide consultation confirms
                                                                                                  2025 and beyond - future opportunities
                                            that events are critical to the growth
                                            of tourism and a major influencer in                  •   Establish Lake Macquarie as a co-leader
                                            driving awareness of Lake Macquarie                       within the Hunter as one of NSW and
                                            City regionally and nationally.                           Australia’s great destinations
                                                                                                  •   Host an international signature event
                                                                                                      that has wide economic benefit

4    EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                              EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024        5
                                                            MORE HAPPEN
                                                                  The purpose of the Event               The development of the Lake Macquarie
                                                                                                         Event and Festival Strategy and Action Plan
                                                                  and Festival Strategy and              is informed by Council’s Vision for the City,
                                                                  Action Plan is to:                     Community Strategic Plan and associated
                                                                                                         Operational Plan and Delivery Program,
                                                                                                         and the Arts, Heritage and Cultural Plan

                                                                  1     Identify the Lake Mac Events
                                                                        Team’s role as:
                                                                        • Sponsor;
                                                                        • Funder;
                                                                                                         The Event and Festival Strategy and Action
                                                                                                         Plan provides the strategic framework
                                                                                                         for the next five years of event delivery
                                                                        • Partner and facilitator
                                                                                                         through Council, ensuring decisions
                                                                           in enabling events to
                                                                                                         and future directions for the service are
                                                                           happen; and
                                                                                                         informed and endorsed.
                                                                        • Creative producer.
                                                                                                         This strategy is aligned with:

                                                                                                         •   Council’s Arts, Heritage and Cultural
                                                                        Build on what is unique
                                                                                                             Plan 2017-2027;
                                                                        about the Lake Macquarie
                                                                        community and culture            •   Destination Management Plan 2018-2022;
                                                                        through celebration and          •   Lake Mac 2050;
                                                                        gatherings                       •   Lake Macquarie Youth Strategy 2014-2019;
                                                                                                         •   Ageing Population Plan 2018-2022;

                                                                  3     Identify economic and
                                                                        employment opportunities
                                                                        that derive from events and

                                                                                                             Lake Macquarie Night-Time Economy
                                                                                                             Action Plan 2019-2023;
                                                                                                             Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021;
                                                                                                         •   Sustainable Development Goals, United
                                                                                                             Nations 2015;

                                                                  4     Develop marketing and
                                                                        positioning strategies for
                                                                        events and festivals and

                                                                                                             Lake Macquarie Economic Strategy,
                                                                                                             written by DANTIA;
                                                                                                             Parks Fees and Charges;
                                                                                                         •   Priority Access to Performing Arts

                                                                  5     Coordinate an annual
                                                                        calendar of successful events
                                                                        and festivals across the City.   •
                                                                                                             Centre Policy;
                                                                                                             Local Approvals Policy;
                                                                                                             Funding Assistance Policy;
                                                                                                         •   Child and Family Strategy 2015-2019;
                                                                                                         •   Aboriginal Community Plan 2015-2019;
                                                                                                         •   Multicultural Plan 2016-2020.

6   EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024              EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                               7
    Our event landscape                     What are events?                         How are Lake Mac
    The people of Lake Macquarie and        For the interests of this Strategy and   Events valued?                            Who delivers events and festivals in Lake Macquarie?
    the wider Hunter love their events      Action Plan, events fall into six main
                                                                                     Our vibrant City has events and           Lake Macquarie City Council                     Community groups
    and festivals. From music, food and     categories:
                                                                                     festivals that enhance our lifestyle.
    arts and craft festivals to sports                                                                                         •   Lake Mac Libraries deliver a variety        •   Community services organisations
    events, expos and conventions, new                                               Community Value: We value lifestyle           of events – about 2800 a year – from            and groups
    festivals and events pop up every                                                and wellbeing                                 storytime for toddlers to a major
    year throughout our City and region,                                                                                                                                       •   Education services and schools
                                             1          Cultural celebration         Support and provide a sense of
                                                                                                                                   writers festival
    promising a variety of enriching                                                                                                                                           •   Fundraising committees
    experiences.                                                                     belonging through our community           •   Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery
                                                                                     by encouraging new initiatives and            delivers about 300 events a year, from      •   Cultural group events and celebrations
    The Lake Mac Events Team works                                                   activities that enrich the places where       exhibitions and art workshops, to
    across Council developing,                                                                                                                                                 •   Religious gatherings
                                                                                     we live, work and play, and that              children’s activities and sculpture tours
    coordinating and delivering key          2      Business and trade events        contribute to the City’s social fabric                                                    •   Sustainable Neighbourhood Groups
    events for the City, and manage                                                                                            •   Community Services – Me2 Program,
                                                                                     and culture.
    and assist community groups and                                                                                                Over 55s Program, NSW Seniors               •   Landcare
    agencies to deliver about 250 smaller                                            Strategic Goal 4: Celebrate                   Festival, NSW Youth Week, Reclaim
    community events across Lake                                                     connectedness                                 the Night, You’re Kidding Me Program,       Sporting groups
                                                             Arts and
    Macquarie.                               3         entertainment events          Celebrate and promote creativity,
                                                                                                                                   International Women’s Day, Children’s
                                                                                                                                   Week, Harmony Day, Picnic in the Park,      •   Private and regional clubs
    Underwriting this Strategy and Action                                            innovation and uniqueness through             NAIDOC Week and other significant           •   Amateur and professional
    Plan is the firmly held belief that                                              engaging and active events, festivals,        cultural events, May Movie Month,
    collaboration is the key to great                                                programs and exhibitions for                  Explore Our Great Outdoors                  •   Local, regional and national
    events and that every event we host                Sport and recreation          community and visitors.                                                                       competitions and meets
    is a pathway to the next.
                                             4                                                                                 •   Communications and Corporate
                                                                                     Strategic Goal 9: Communicate our             Strategy – Community engagement             Businesses and commercial
    It is important that Lake Mac Events                                             culture: Be local, aim global                 opportunities
    play with our City and region’s                                                                                                                                            •   Wedding planners
    strengths, including the Lake and                                                Transform Lake Macquarie into a           •   Leisure Services – Swim with the Stars,
                                                            State events                                                                                                       •   Private event planners
    relaxed natural amenity of the City.     5                                       recognised visitor destination both
                                                                                     nationally and internationally.
                                                                                                                                   Endless Summer in partnership with
                                                                                                                                   the Lake Macquarie Youth Advisory           •   Corporate business
                                                                                                                                   Council (YAC)
                                                                                     Community Value: We value a                                                               •   Chambers of
                                                                                     diverse economy                           •   Major events
                                                     Council celebrations and                                                                                                  •   DANTIA
                                             6         sponsored functions           Develop a five year Events Strategy for   •   Sponsored events
                                                                                                                                                                               •   Health services
                                                                                     the City.
                                                                                     Strategic Goal in Destination
                                                                                     Management Plan: Deliver unique
                                                                                     visitor experiences to enable growth in

8      EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                   EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                        9
To lead and facilitate
the successful and
professional delivery
of meaningful, creative,
quality events for our
community and visitors.
Develop a vibrant
                                                           Quality not               Events that                  Creative                     Be proactive

annual calendar of
                                                           quantity                  have meaning                 empowerment                  and chase
                                                           It is not the number      Events and festivals         makes                        opportunities

contemporary and
                                                           of events and festivals   are successful if they
                                                                                                                                               As a key driver within
                                                           that matters, but the     capture the interest
                                                           quality of experiences    of the community             events                       the events and festival
                                                                                                                                               sector of the City, it is
                                                           that ensures events are   and visitors. As our
                                                                                                                  Attracting audiences         essential that the Lake

creative events and
                                                           successful.               society becomes more
                                                                                                                  to events and festivals      Mac Events team actively
                                                                                     time poor, events and
                                                                                                                  is becoming more             seeks, advocates,
                                                                                     festivals that share and
                                                                                                                  difficult and competitive.   facilitates and supports
                                                                                     celebrate personal and
                                                                                                                  Thinking outside             the provision of a variety

festivals in the City
                                                                                     community interests,
                                                                                                                  the box, curating            of successful events
                                                                                     and that the community
                                                                                                                  performances and             and festivals across the
                                                                                     can identify as their
                                                                                                                  stimulating immersive        City to achieve strategic,
                                                                                     local Lake Mac event, will
                                                                                                                  experiences, colour,         economic, social and

where people can meet,
                                                                                     have greater meaning to
                                                                                                                  action, community and        creative outcomes.
                                                                                     potential audiences.
                                                                                                                  difference not only
                                                                                                                  define an event as one
                                                                                                                  to remember and return

learn, celebrate and
                                                                                                                  back to, but also attracts
                                                                                                                  interest nationally.

share experiences and
new opportunities.

10 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                          11
SNAPSHOT                                                         Council also partners to facilitate                           40

                                   Lake Mac Events produces                                                                     35
                                        and coordinates

                                         FIVE                          OTHER

                                       major events a year
                                    (Lake Macquarie Festival,
                                   Carols by Candlelight, Lake
                                                                       EVENTS                                                   20
                                                                        each year including the
                                    Mac Big Weekend, Living      Lake Mac City Pro Junior surf event,                           15
                                    Smart Festival, and Float     the Music in the Podium series at
                                   Your Boat) with more than       Warners Bay, Rathmines Catalina                              10

                                    110,000                         Festival, NSW Surf Life Saving
                                                                  Championships, Port to Port, Loop
                                                                  the Lake, Lake Macquarie Running
                                                                 Festival, Fernleigh 15, Lakefest, and                             0
                                                                       the Hunter Track Classic.                                                                        14/15                         15/16                                            16/17                                 17/18                                        18/19

                                                                                                                                                                                         LOCAL EVENTS FUNDED BY COUNCIL 2014 - 2018
                                                                 The primary followers (and those who are                Cultural event                                         Sporting event         Community event                                    Council owned event                       Sponsored event
                                                                 engaged) of Council’s event social media
                                                                  are female, with the exception of Twitter.

                                      Since 2015, Council has
                                       provided more than                          
                                                                          75 per cent female

                                   $252,000                              and 25 per cent male
                                                                       (average age 35-44 years)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2018 snapshot


                                                                                                                                     KE MACQUA                   UNE 2018
                                                                                                                                               R I E , 2 2 & 23 J

                                      in funding to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25,000                                                consecutive years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                2018 snapshot                                       Festival attendees                    2018              the Festival has

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 been held

                                                                           68 per cent female                                     2018 snapshot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    175                                                               116
                                                                          and 32per cent male                                                                                                                                                                      people attended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Festival’s morning

                                    Business Chamber events
                                                                       (average age 25-44 years).                                            3
                                                                                                                                live site events
                                                                                                                                                        in prize money                                 25,000+
                                                                                                                                                                                                       people attended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             people reached through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    yoga session

                                     in Warners Bay, Toronto,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                proactive media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2938                                                          3700
                                      Swansea and Belmont.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    votes in the                                          free native plants
                                                                                                                                           25           3,016,764
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Stockland Glendale schools                                  handed out

                                                                            59 per cent male
                                                                                                                                boats entered           people reached through                                                                                      garden bed competition
                                                                                                                                 in the parade          proactive communications
                                                                                                                                                                                                        $32,999                   288,665
                                                                         and 41 per cent female                                                                                                         worth of media       people reached through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    people reached
                                                                        (average age 25-34 years)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         generated                social media                                                                                  visits to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    through social media
                                                                                                                           $32,994                      326,985
                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Festival website
                                                                                                                                of media value          people reached
                                                                                                                                    generated           through social media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  950,795                                                             36
                                                                                                                                                                                                         12,026                      2059                           people                                               free, sustainability
                                                                                                                                 13,012                 6778                                                                    individual entries in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reached through                                     themed workshops

                                                                                                                                                                                                     people responded to
                                                                                                                              views on Insta
                                                                                                                           stories across the
                                                                                                                                event nights
                                                                                                                                                        individual votes in
                                                                                                                                                        the People’s Choice
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Facebook event        social media competitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    proactive media

                                                                        The Living Smart Festival
                                     Council funded, through                   was named
                                      the Community Grants
                                       Program and in-kind
                                             support,              AUSTRALIAN                                                                                                                                                    SHOT

                                            105                     COMMUNITY                                           2018 snapshot                                                                       2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2018 snapshot

                                                                   EVENT OF THE                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                   Australia’s                                         Inaugural
                                       community events in                                                        richest                                 
                                                                                                                                                           1           ECS Boards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                More than                        5
                                                                                                                   SUP surfing competition                             Paddle Battle
                                                                                                                                                                                                           13                      418,521                                     15,000                          performers

                                                                                                                                                                                                    events over 2 days       people reached through                             attendees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              proactive media with
                                                                                                                   Media mentions reached                              Event reached                                            value of $55,065
                                                                                                                  152,746                                            more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total media reach                Event reached
                                                                                                                   people, worth                                       38,000
                                                                                                                                                                       people on social media                                                                                  222,615                         more than
                                                                             for 2017 at the                       $42,528                                                                                                                                                      people, worth                    125,100
                                                                                                                                                                                                     30,000+                          $10m                                      $29,785                          people on social media
                                                                        Australian Event Awards.                                                                                                       spectators             economic investment
                                                                                                                   More than                                           60
                                                                                                                  3000                                               participants in skate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Free                             Thristy Merc
                                                                                                                   spectators                                          workshops
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             kids activities                 headline act

                                                                                                                                                                                                       10,100                             2
                                                                                                                                              year of the event
                                                                                                                                               in Lake Mac
                                                                                                                                                                                                     people reached
                                                                                                                                                                                                      on Facebook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  inaugural events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lake Mac Food & Wine festival
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Show and Shine

12 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                                           EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                     13
                                                           CHALLENGES AND
                                                           Regional trends in                   developing night-time economy,
                                                                                                has made evening and night-
                                                                                                                                    National trends in
                                                           events and festivals                 time events popular. Light          events and festivals
                                                                                                festivals such as Sydney’s Vivid,
                                                           Food and wine, aquatic                                                   Lake Macquarie is well
                                                                                                and Melbourne’s White Night,
                                                           and coastal, environmental                                               positioned within the
                                                                                                Christmas Projections, Gertrude
                                                           and wildlife themed events                                               Hunter and NSW for events
                                                                                                Street Projection Festival and
                                                           in regional areas are top                                                and festivals. It is close to
                                                                                                Acland Street Projection Festival
                                                           drivers for regional travel in                                           Sydney, Newcastle Airport and
                                                                                                feature artistic installations
                                                           Australia for the international                                          Newcastle Cruise Terminal, has
                                                                                                and dynamic projections
                                                           market. Audiences travel                                                 great weather and is easily
                                                                                                on buildings and draw huge
                                                           to participate in boutique,                                              accessible by road and train.
                                                                                                crowds after dark. Councils and
                                                           smaller, experienced-based
                                                                                                business chambers are leading       Events have changed
                                                           events where there is a story or
                                                                                                the way in activating public        dramatically over the past
                                                           meaning identified as part of
                                                                                                spaces and supporting this type     decade in scale as well as
                                                           the event.
                                                                                                of event.                           value. Events drive tourism and
                                                           This has been particularly                                               economic growth, with the event
                                                                                                For Lake Macquarie, there is
                                                           notable within the bespoke                                               industry itself having undergone
                                                                                                opportunity for winter festivals
                                                           food industry. The “from the                                             substantial growth in both value
                                                                                                to attract visitors during the
                                                           farm to the table” narrative has                                         as a key strategic economic
                                                                                                ‘off-season’. These events
                                                           become a major drawcard, with                                            influencer, as well as a means of
                                                                                                are often family orientated
                                                           the current trend for high-end                                           boosting the profile of the host
                                                                                                and feature ice skating rinks,
                                                           restaurants and chefs to make                                            city or region.
                                                                                                snow machines and toboggan
                                                           pop-up appearances to add
                                                                                                rides for children. Examples        Although events and festivals
                                                           a culinary focus to the event,
                                                                                                of this type of event can be        are popular, they do not
                                                           not just food festivals. Other
                                                                                                seen locally in Newcastle’s         necessarily require major
                                                           examples include pop-up
                                                                                                Winter Heat, Maitland’s After       infrastructure and investment
                                                           restaurants in a free festival
                                                                                                Dark, and the Christmas Lights      to gain significant returns.
                                                           outside the Australian Open,
                                                                                                Spectacular at Hunter Valley        They also have the potential
                                                           playing croquet coupled with
                                                                                                Gardens. Other opportunities        to improve liveability of a
                                                           food and drink, or value adding
                                                                                                include programming events          region, display innovation and
                                                           to existing events with ‘Sensory’,
                                                                                                during the cooler months to         celebration and have a wide
                                                           an immersive dining experiment
                                                                                                take advantage of our mild          social and economic impact.
                                                           that explores the relationship
                                                           of sight, sound, taste, smell and                                        Events and festivals are
                                                           touch.                               Another rising trend in the         intrinsically linked with the
                                                                                                events and festival sector          visitor economy. In recent years,
                                                           Other regional areas are driving
                                                                                                is adventure sports. Several        Australia has seen a 20 per cent
                                                           tourism numbers through the
                                                                                                adventure sports events already     growth in tourism from Asia.
                                                           attraction of events based on
                                                                                                exist in Lake Macquarie such
                                                           their natural environment,                                               This Strategy and Action Plan
                                                                                                as the Port to Port mountain
                                                           iconic features, or unique                                               outlines how Lake Mac Events
                                                                                                bike event that covers a
                                                           qualities. Wollongong for                                                can produce, facilitate, partner
                                                                                                large area within the LGA
                                                           example boasts a picturesque                                             and collaboratively create
                                                                                                including the Awaba State
                                                           coastline and hosts adventure                                            events and festivals that
                                                                                                Forest and Awabakal Nature
                                                           running, cycling and water                                               provide clear regional tourism
                                                                                                Reserve, adventure races in
                                                           events year round.                                                       benefits, improve employment,
                                                                                                the areas around Cams Wharf,
                                                                                                                                    celebrate community and
                                                           Another change is how events         and orienteering on Mount
                                                                                                                                    generally provide vibrancy,
                                                           and festivals are planned.           Sugarloaf. There are also
                                                                                                                                    positive activity and opportunity
                                                           The broadening appeal of             opportunities around go karting,
                                                                                                                                    for community and visitors alike.
                                                           events and festivals that suit       motorbike riding, archery and
                                                           busy lifestyles, as well as an       horse riding.
                                                           increased awareness of the
                                                           opportunities presented by a

14 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                             EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                        15
Many of the overarching themes and key                             Strengths                                 Weaknesses                                   Opportunities                                Threats
challenges identified by the SWOT analysis                         •   Proximity to Sydney and the Hunter    •   Red tape for the booking of facilities   •   Morisset Showground                      •   Bound by legacy
have been captured in the Arts, Heritage                                                                         and space for events
                                                                   •   The Lake as a stage and backdrop                                                   •   Make better use of existing facilities   •   No conference/indoor facility – loss
and Cultural Plan. The work streams and                                                                      •   Minimal indoor facilities                    and locations                                of market opportunity
                                                                   •   Community love to gather and
organisational focus required to action and                            attendance is consistently high       •   Low-level cultural infrastructure        •   Work collaboratively within the          •   Lack of identity as a City
deliver these goals, strategies and actions are                                                                  (theatre, performance hall etc.)             region
                                                                   •   Substantial funding and support for                                                                                             •   Unable to achieve objectives in
reflected in the new workforce structure for                           events and festivals in the City      •   Absence of large, ‘icon’, partner        •   Leveraging off events in                     Strategy
Arts, Culture & Tourism.                                           •   Speers Point Park
                                                                                                                 events and festivals for the City –          surrounding regions
                                                                                                                                                                                                       •   Remain mediocre in the delivery of
                                                                                                                 currently no events of this kind
                                                                                                                                                          •   More Lake-focused activities                 events and festivals
Governance and management structure                                •   Warners Bay Foreshore
                                                                                                             •   Young people don’t identify with
                                                                                                                                                          •   Construction of a suitable               •   Remain bland and unexciting
                                                                   •   Croudace Bay Park (due for                Lake Macquarie
The structure in its simplest form is a customer-centric model,                                                                                               performing arts facility
                                                                       completion 2020)                                                                                                                •   Lack of parking and transport
which aims to address the weaknesses identified in the SWOT                                                  •   The Lake divides us and makes
                                                                                                                                                          •   Programming the Rathmines                    options at major sites makes it
analysis by utilising the skills and expertise from across the     •   Council’s commitment to Master            transport difficult
                                                                                                                                                              Hall, Lake Macquarie Centre for              difficult to attract large events
Arts, Culture & Tourism Team. Aimed for complete migration             plan-redevelopment of Rathmines
                                                                                                             •   Headstrong sense of town                     Performing Arts
mid-2019, the structure will be made up of teams that work             with an events focus                                                                                                            •   Unable to attract major events and
                                                                                                                 identity that causes friction and
across the visual arts, performance, heritage, literacy, events,                                                                                          •   Diversification provided by                  festivals
                                                                   •   Open space for large events               competitiveness
tourism and marketing sectors.                                                                                                                                Speers Point Multi Arts Space from
                                                                   •   Morisset Showground                   •   Limited night-time economy                   June 2020
                                                                   •   Our beaches                                                                        •   Speers Point Park – a range of
                                                                                                             •   Lack of capitalising on large events         events
                                                                                                                 in the region
                                                                                                                                                          •   Improve processes for booking
                                                                                                             •   Current focus on legacy events               events
                                                                                                                 without strategy
                                                                                                                                                          •   Improve entrepreneurial and
                                                                                                             •   No diversity in events and festival          conference programs
                                                                                                                                                          •   Utilise transport on and around the
                                                                                                             •   No conference facility                       Lake
                                                                                                             •   Suburban demographic and                 •   More evening and night-time
                                                                                                                 expectation                                  activities
                                                                                                             •   No clear brand for Lake Macquarie        •   Increase our target market (or
                                                                                                                 Events                                       target specific markets)
                                                                                                             •   No strong sponsorship or grant-          •   Improve value and performance of
                                                                                                                 seeking culture                              the Lake Mac Events Team
                                                                                                                                                          •   Grow successful existing community
                                                                                                                                                              events into high profile events
                                                                                                                                                          •   Take advantage of accommodation
                                                                                                                                                              availability in the off peak and
                                                                                                                                                              winter periods

16 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                       EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                           17
Reactive vs                        Legacy events                      Accountability
                                                           Proactive                          Outside a handful of new           Measuring and evaluating the
                                                                                              events since 2017, the event       economic impact and success
                                                           The events industry in Australia
                                                                                              sheet for the City is mostly       of an event, reviewing how the
                                                           has changed substantially over
                                                                                              filled with community legacy       event was received, defining
                                                           the last decade and is growing
                                                                                              events and gatherings, with        opportunities for improvement,
                                                           more and more as a legitimate
                                                                                              many continuing year after         analysing attendance and
                                                           and significant economic driver
                                                                                              year unchanged.                    media data is as important
                                                           for the individual regions. It
                                                                                                                                 as developing the program.
                                                           is also extremely competitive;     Successful events and festivals
                                                                                                                                 However, it is unfortunately
                                                           therefore, government and          enable the community to
                                                                                                                                 usually missed citing lack of
                                                           promoters need to take a           grow socially, culturally and
                                                                                                                                 time or importance. It is easy
                                                           proactive-aggressive approach      economically. Hosting events
                                                                                                                                 to have an event; it is hard to
                                                           to winning key events and          because “that’s what we have
                                                                                                                                 make one successful.
                                                           supporting emerging local          always done” is neither healthy
                                                           opportunities rather than a
                                                           reactive-passive stance. Lake
                                                                                              nor the contemporary role of
                                                           Macquarie has traditionally                                           Lake Macquarie City Council
                                                                                              Lake Macquarie is changing
                                                           been reactive rather than                                             does not have an indoor
                                                                                              and Council has the
                                                           strategic in developing its                                           entertainment venue that
                                                                                              opportunity to capitalise on
                                                           events calendar.                                                      could seat more than 500
                                                                                              the community’s growing
                                                                                                                                 people as either a theatre
                                                           The effect of this is that the     appetite for experimentation in
                                                                                                                                 or conference venue. The
                                                           scope and diversity of events      the events and festival sector.
                                                                                                                                 City has three commercial
                                                           offered in Lake Macquarie          We must identify, champion,
                                                                                                                                 venues that seat up to 600
                                                           is small and community-            highlight and truly take
                                                                                                                                 people, Sala’s, Belmont 16s,
                                                           focused, with emphasis on          advantage of what makes Lake
                                                                                                                                 Caves Beach Hotel and Club
                                                           repeat annual events, medium       Macquarie a distinctive event
                                                                                                                                 Macquarie. Smaller venues
                                                           to small sporting meets            destination regionally and
                                                                                                                                 include Mercure Charlestown,
                                                           and competitions. When             within NSW.
                                                                                                                                 Apollo Charlestown and the
                                                           opportunities do arise, it is
                                                           difficult to negotiate approvals   Community                          Catalina Convention Centre at
                                                           within deadline.
                                                                                              perception                         The City manages the
                                                           Event and Festival                 Lake Macquarie is a relaxed,       Lake Macquarie Centre
                                                           Servicing and                      family-orientated City that
                                                                                              values its laidback lifestyle,
                                                                                                                                 for Performing Arts (300
                                                                                                                                 seats) and Rathmines Hall
                                                           Infrastructure                     beautiful surrounds and open       (currently undergoing a
                                                                                              spaces. Over the coming            $1.8m refurbishment, seats
                                                           Many of our recreational areas
                                                                                              years, it is expected that         300). Regional theatres and
                                                           have not been designed with
                                                                                              the proportion of retirees         conference facilities include
                                                           events and festivals in mind.
                                                                                              and elderly will grow, with        Cessnock Performing Arts
                                                           An opportunity for ongoing
                                                                                              employment growth in health,       Centre (466 seats), The Art
                                                           consultation with Events staff
                                                                                              retail, construction and           House – Wyong Performing Arts
                                                           would assist with planning and
                                                                                              education.                         Centre (500 seats), Newcastle
                                                           installation of event-related
                                                                                                                                 Civic Theatre (1450 seats), the
                                                           infrastructure and amenities       The City’s legacy major events,
                                                                                                                                 Entertainment Centre (2000
                                                           as upgrades occur throughout       Lake Mac Carols and the Lake
                                                                                                                                 capacity), Hunter School
                                                           these facilities. For example,     Mac Festival, are community-
                                                                                                                                 of Performing Arts’ Hunter
                                                           including three phase power,       based annual day events
                                                                                                                                 Theatre (380 seats), St Phillips
                                                           lighting, amenities, pathways      and have not been promoted
                                                                                                                                 College Theatre Waratah (470
                                                           and parking in the planning        as tourist or driver events.

                                                                                                                                 seats), Newcastle City Hall (820
                                                           stage to cater for specific        Outside these days, the events
                                                                                                                                 seat concert hall), Harold Lobb
                                                           events.                            calendar is predominantly
                                                                                                                                 Concert Hall Newcastle (400
                                                                                              dotted with smaller community
                                                                                                                                 seats) and the Laycock Street
                                                                                              events, which are largely sport-
                                                                                                                                 Community Theatre in Gosford
                                                                                                                                 (392 seats).
                                                                                              There has been no significant

                                                                                              attempt to promote the
                                                                                              City and region to national

18 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                          EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                       19
Reducing Red Tape                   Captive audience                   New partnerships
A ‘blanket Development              Lake Macquarie residents love      Either through more active
Application’ lodged by Arts,        attending events and festivals.    sourcing of sponsorship and
Culture & Tourism with the          The number of community            corporate partnerships to
scope of the ultimate event         events held annually has been      entrepreneurial events, there is
in mind, would streamline the       steadily increasing, by more       a large, untapped opportunity
process for event organisers. It    than 20 per cent each year, to     to approach events and
is proposed as an action within     now where there are nearly         festivals as partnership
the document, that a new            280 community events held          activities that leverage
process occurs on our premier       annually across the City.          audiences and diversity with
event sites to increase appeal                                         commercial interests.
to commercial events. The           Targeted and                       Partnership opportunities
revision of our event licencing
procedure, and providing up-
                                    strategic marketing                exist with the wider Hunter
to-date information for event       and positioning of                 network, value adding to
                                                                       the Hunter Wine Country
organisers on an online portal,
would also assist with the
                                    events                             events, Newcastle and holiday
                                                                       destination periods.
application process.                Lake Macquarie is part of the
                                    Hunter region, a cluster of        There is also opportunity
Improve use of                      Maitland, Cessnock, Newcastle,     for sporting partnerships to
the Lake                            Singleton, Muswellbrook and
                                    Port Stephens. The region has
                                                                       promote the City to national
                                                                       and international professionals
Given we have the Lake, we          a population of about 500,000      and amateurs within the fields
have a major advantage with         and is an hour’s drive from end    of yachting and adventure
water activities occurring on a     to end.                            water sports, golf and
regular basis, such as sailing                                         individual sports.
                                    Newcastle has the facilities
meets and regattas, jet ski
competitions as well as major
                                    for large sporting events,
                                    conferences and the
                                                                       New Infrastructure
water-based events such as
Paddlefest, Float Your Boat and
                                    accommodation to attract           suitable for events
the Superboats.
                                    major events such as the
                                    Newcastle 500.
                                                                       and festivals
The Lake is also becoming                                              The showground is a cleared,
                                    Port Stephens has a strong
increasingly recognised as a                                           flat site comprising 13.1
                                    tourism focus with Love Sea
destination for national titles                                        hectares and is ideally located
                                    Food Festival and Tastes at
to be held for sailing (Eastlakes                                      680m from the Morisset
                                    the Bay Jazz Food and Wine
and Southlakes), jet skiing                                            economic precinct, 850m from
(Eleebana Lions Park) and wind                                         the Morisset train station and
surfing (Toronto).                  Cessnock can host very large       bus drop off and pick up, and
                                    music events throughout the        just 1.9km from the Pacific
Night-time economy                  vineyards, mainly aimed at         Motorway, providing easy
                                    a more mature crowd during         access from Sydney, Maitland
Growing the City’s night-time
                                    the visitor season, and has        and the New England region.
economy is an important
                                    a variety of bespoke events        The site has infrastructure,
element in making Lake
                                    happening in coordination.         parking, utilities and suitable
Macquarie a City like no other.
                                                                       zoning to support a major
To grow our economy and             Maitland hosts Groovin’ the
                                                                       weekend festival for up to
remain competitive, we must         Moo and Aroma Festival, two
attract new investment and          very unique and long running
residents. To facilitate this
growing interest, Council has
                                    events, as well as the newer,
                                    very popular Bitter and Twisted
developed the Night-Time            Boutique Beer Festival.            New ideas and innovation in

Economy Strategy and Action                                            the presentation of creative
                                    The development, timing and
Plan 2019-2023 and Night-Time                                          ideas and experiences
                                    theme for events is linked with
Economy Working Group.                                                 differentiate events and
                                    economic drivers and raising
                                                                       festivals as key attractors.
                                    regional profile, using events
                                                                       Lake Macquarie as host
                                    as a drawcard for Sydney
                                                                       for an international arts
                                    audiences. An opportunity
                                                                       biennale, music festivals and

                                    exists for Lake Macquarie to
                                                                       international sport regattas are
                                    develop strategies to cluster
                                                                       all possible with strategy and
                                    activities that have traditional
                                    and trending appeal to Sydney-
                                    siders (particularly Western
                                    Sydney) into larger overnight
                                    packages, improving variety
                                    and linking with tourism-based
                                    international-ready products.

20 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                        EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024   21
Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture                                                                                                                     A SENSE OF PLACE AND BELONGING
Lake Macquarie is traditional Awabakal land, where the culture of all people is recognised,
acknowledged and respected.

        Strategic goal
        and focus area       Strategy                                             Deliverable actions                     Detail                                                            Timeframe   Resources     Teams
 1      AHC 1.5              Celebrate and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait   Support community groups and            Funding and logistic support for NAIDOC and Sorry Day events                  Operations    Community
        KFA and              Islander cultural heritage                           organisations to provide programs                                                                                                   Services
        Strategy 5.3.1                                                            or activities that promote cultural                                                                                   Grants
                                                                                  identity                                                                                                                            External partners
 2                                                                                Ensure all major events start with                                                                        Ongoing                   Aboriginal
                                                                                  Welcome to Country                                                                                                                  Community
 3                                                                                Engage Aboriginal artists and           Aim for all Council major events to include Aboriginal artists/   Ongoing                   Lake Mac Libraries
                                                                                  businesses within existing community    performers                                                                                  Arts, Culture &
                                                                                  and Council-hosted events                                                                                                           Tourism

 4                                                                                Investigate and seek opportunities to   Council to host an annual Harmony Day Event                                   Operations    Community
                                                                                  host International cultural festivals                                                                                 Grants and    Services
 5      3.1 NTE Action                                                            Investigate feasibility of a seasonal   Coordinate an International Film Festival for Lake Macquarie      Annual      Operations    Arts, Culture &
        Plan7                                                                     cinema festival in a suitable Lake                                                                                     Grants and   Tourism
                                                                                  Macquarie venue                                                                                                       commercial    external partners
 6                                                                                                                        Continue with existing May Movie Month annual program                         Operations    Community

 AHC       Refers to Arts, Heritage and Cultural Plan
 KFA       Refers to Key Focus Areas
 NTE       Night-Time Economy (Working Group and/or Action Plan)
 GNMP      Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan 2018
 DANTIA    Economic Development Strategy 2018-2038
 SCP       Social and Community Planning team

22 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                   EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024      23
Develop our City’s visual identity                                                                                                                                                  A SENSE OF PLACE AND BELONGING
Promote and facilitate quality and diverse public art initiatives, place making and aesthetic design
excellence of our built and landscape architecture.

      Strategic goal         Strategy                            Deliverable actions                                            Detail                                                          Timeframe      Resources     Teams

 7    AHC 2.8                Assist in developing a night-time   Partner and facilitate a range of events that encourage        Music in the Podium                                             2019 onwards   Operations    Night-Time Economy
      KFA and                economy                             evening and night-time activation                              Night markets                                                                   Grants and   Working Group
      Strategy 5.3.1                                                                                                            Pop-up Bars/Speak Easy                                                         commercial
      3.2 NTE Action Plan                                                                                                       Other Council sites                                                            approaches    Community Services
                                                                                                                                Night skate event Charlestown                                                                Team

 8    2.2, 2.3 and 2.5 NTE                                       Creatively produce a diverse selection of events that          Evening component at the Living Smart Festival                  2019 onwards   Operations    Night-Time Economy
      Action Plan                                                encourage evening and night-time activation                    Evening music concerts around the Lake                                          Grants and   Working Group
                                                                                                                                FeastFest in local foreshore sites throughout winter                           commercial
                                                                                                                                Superboat evening events                                                       approaches    Community groups

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Event and festival
 9                                                               Continue growth of Float Your Boat to attract national and     Annual two-day event in winter                                  Annual         Operations    Arts, Culture &
                                                                 international interest.                                                                                                                       Grants and    Tourism
                                                                                                                                KPI – Grow audience 2500 a year to 25,000 in 2022                              commercial    external partners
 10   1.8 NTE Action Plan                                        Develop a business workshop event for local businesses         In conjunction with the Night-Time Economy Working Group        2019           Operational   NTE Working Group


 11                          Integrate and support Council’s     Investigate and support branding opportunities with existing   Incorporate with wider marketing and tourism actions and        Ongoing        Operational   Communications
                             City Identity Strategy and          and new iconic and signature events                            promotional material                                                                         Tourism
 12                                                                                                                             Develop event branding guidelines                               2019           Operational   Communications
 13                                                                                                                             Identify opportunities for social media coverage at             2019           Operational   Communications
                                                                                                                                major events and media announcements as well as targeting the                                Arts, Culture &
                                                                                                                                Tourism sector                                                                               Tourism
 14                          Develop a Calendar of Events that   Incorporate contemporary marketing and promotional             In line with Arts, Culture and Tourism and Communications       2019-2020      Operational   Arts, Culture &
                             provides easy access and target     actions that are aligned with the character of the event.      strategic marketing actions and priorities                      omwards                      Tourism
                             marketing to attract visitors to    Include events and festivals spaces within Citywide GIS
                             a diverse range of events and       to show residents and regulators what type events are
                             festivals all year round            proposed and where
 15                          Showcase the lake as a key tourism Partner, facilitate and produce a series of diverse events                                                                      2019-2020      Operational   Arts, Culture &
                             and event driver for the city      that focus in or on the lake eg Float your Boat, regattas,                                                                      omwards                      Tourism
                                                                Superboats, fishing competitions etc

24 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                        EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024             25
Celebrate connectedness                                                                                                                                                       A SENSE OF PLACE AND BELONGING
Support and provide a sense of belonging, yet encourage our suburbs and economic centres to
develop their own cultural identity by encouraging new initiatives and activities that make the
places in which our residents live, work and play a central facet of Lake Macquarie’s cultural life.

      Strategic goal        Strategy                                Deliverable actions                                     Detail                                                              Timeframe      Resources         Teams

 16   AHC 4.2               Develop meaningful community arts       Provide creative programming that supports quality      Investigate ways to assist groups to activate public spaces of an   2019-2020      Operational       Cultural
      KFA and               projects                                community program deliver and participation             evening                                                             onwards                          Development
      Strategy 5.1.4                                                                                                                                                                                                             Officer
      5.4 NTE Action Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NTE Working

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 External partners

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Youth council

 17   AHC 4.2                                                       Actively work with Cultural Projects Officer on new     Open Studio Trails                                                  2019-2020      Operational and   Cultural Project
      KFA Strategy 5.1.4                                            community arts programs                                 Evening sculpture events                                            onwards        grants            Officer
                                                                                                                            Outdoor theatre productions
                                                                                                                            Opera and live music events
                                                                                                                            Marching bands                                                                                       Artists
                                                                                                                            Dance companies
                                                                                                                            Heritage celebrations
 18   AHC 4.7               Establish an annual ‘Neighbourhood      Seek opportunities to link major arts festivals with                                                                        2020           Operations,       Community
      KFA and               Connection’ program to develop micro-   neighbourhood initiatives                                                                                                                  grants and        Services
      Strategy 2.3.1        tourism economy                                                                                                                                                                    commercial
 19   AHC 4.8                                                       Explore a City-wide community festival with events                                                                          2019-2024      Operations,
      KFA and                                                       taking place in key locations in and around the Lake,                                                                                      grants and
      Strategy 2.3.1                                                connecting communities to culture                                                                                                          commercial
 20                                                                 Provide ’one-stop shop‘ to assist community groups in   Include within the SmartyGrants program, training and support for   2019 ongoing   Operational
                                                                    providing successful events                             groups to participate
 21                                                                 Define equipment required and establish pop-up play                                                                         2019           Operational
                                                                    events kits
 22   AHC 6.1               Ensure the team continues to place      Review existing processes and reduce red tape in        Engage SmartyGrants to have application process online              2019           Operational       Communications
      KFA and               customers at the centre of all          allowing groups to implement events in the City
      Strategy 6.1.2        programming and operations
 23                                                                 Streamline compliance and regulations                   Review all current event and community licencing procedure, DAs,    2019 ongoing   Operational       Arts, Culture &
                                                                                                                            focusing on making the process easier and faster                                                     Tourism
 24   3.3 NTE Action Plan                                           Revise existing policies, funding programs and          Review all existing processes and review based on customer use,     2019           Operational       Communications
                                                                    procedures aligned with this Strategy and Action Plan   process, effectiveness and strategic criteria                                                        Arts, Culture &
 25   3.8 NTE Action Plan                                           Review best practice and value for money from           Review and simplify all existing processes and review based on      2019 ongoing   Operational       NTE Working
                                                                    supported and sponsored events                          customer use, process, effectiveness and strategic criteria                                          Group

26 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                     EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                  27

      Strategic goal   Strategy                                   Deliverable actions                                      Detail                                                                  Timeframe      Resources          Teams

 26   AHC 6.2                                                     Seek opportunities to enhance productivity and           Including the division of Council funds through the grants program      Ongoing        Operational        Events Team
      KFA and                                                     strengthen offerings through a comprehensive review      and include one-off, multi-year and sponsor partnerships as a
      Strategy 6.1.2                                              of systems and processes                                 means of growing the event sector
 27   AHC 6.4          Review staff capabilities and plan a       Review event and festival governance, PDs and            Review existing team structure and align PDs with Strategy              2019 ongoing   Operational        Events Team
      KFA and          comprehensive development program          processes
      Strategy 6.1.2   to build the capabilities needed to
                       achieve the outcomes envisaged in
                       this Plan
 28   AHC 6.9          Invest in quality infrastructure that      Complete a Performing Arts, Hall and Theatre Review      Develop and implement contemporary performing arts, halls and           2019-2020      Operational        Events Team
      KFA and          meets community and economic               and implement recommendations                            theatre operational models, subscription seasons and industry
      Strategy 6.1.2   aspirations                                                                                         partnerships. For example, Rathmines, Speers Point Multi Arts Space
                                                                                                                           and Lake
 29                                                               Complete a feasibility study and, if viable, develop                                                                             2020           Operations,        Events Team
                                                                  concept designs for a new performing arts centre                                                                                                grants
 30                                                               Complete a feasibility study and develop programming     Pasterfield Sports Complex,                                             2020           Operations,        Events Team
                                                                  for our major sporting and leisure facilities            Charlestown Skate Park                                                                 grants             Asset
                                                                                                                           Lake Macquarie Football Facility                                                                          Management

 31                    Build on events and festival equipment     Incorporate events supporting infrastructure within      Includes, if suitable, three-phase power in strategic locations, food                  Operations,
                       as a resource                              all recreational parks including new capital and         van access etc.                                                                        grants and         Asset
                                                                  redevelopment works                                      Upgrade the stage at Speers Point Park                                                 commercial         Management
 32                                                               Develop Plan of Management and Operational Strategy                                                                              2019-2020      Operational        Asset
                                                                  and programs for the Morisset Showground as a key                                                                                                                  Management
                                                                  event and festival location                                                                                                                                        Arts, Culture &
 33   AHC 6.13         Achieve national event and festival        Continuously review service delivery for excellence,     Complete monthly, quarterly and annual reporting against KPIs and                      Operational
      KFA and          professional standards in governance,      efficiency, cost management, sustainability,             industry benchmarking
      Strategy 6.1.2   operational responsibility and integrity   programming and resource use
 34   AHC 6.15                                                    Actively seek sustainable funding partners and sources                                                                           2019 ongoing   External funding
      KFA and                                                     for project and program delivery
      Strategy 6.1.2
 35                                                               Actively seek funding sources and sponsorship for        Develop a sponsorship prospectus for iconic events                      2019 ongoing   External funding   Communications
                                                                  major and significant events                                                                                                                                       Arts, Culture &
                                                                                                                           KPI: 20 per cent of Council events funded through sponsorship by                                          Tourism
 36                                                               Embrace sustainable and environmentally responsible                                                                              Ongoing        Operational
                                                                  practices, such as UN Sustainable Development
                                                                  Standard Actions, into our planning and programming
                                                                  of events and festivals
 37                    Develop business partnerships with         Work with chambers and business sector for major                                                                                 2020           Operational        Events Team
                       tourism, retail and the professional       events
                       sector in the support of industry
                       specific events

28 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                    EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                      29
Foster open communication, partnerships and leadership                                                                                                                            A CITY OF CULTURE AND INNOVATION
Honour open and honest communication with the creative community, facilitate and champion
partnerships that strive for the City’s arts, heritage and cultural vision and promote and facilitate strong
leadership within the sector.

      Strategic goal        Strategy                                    Deliverable actions                                      Detail                                                                Timeframe      Resources     Teams

 38                         Incorporate sound planning into the         1.   Embrace sustainable environmental practices                                                                               2020           Operational   Events Team,
                            development of events and festivals              into our planning and programming of events                                                                                                            DAC, Community
                            within the city                                  and festivals                                                                                                                                          Partnerships
                                                                        2.   Continuously review events governance approvals
                                                                             processes in alignment with land control and
                                                                             plans of management for Council, private and
                                                                             Crown lands
                                                                        3.   Continuously review in line with DANTIA and other
                                                                             Hunter economic strategies and focus areas
                                                                        4.   Create and implement evaluation program
                                                                             for events and festivals for economic as well
                                                                             as social, infrastructure and environmental
                                                                             pressures/opportunities that were created
                                                                             because of the event
 39   AHC 7.1               Support and nurture an environment          Ensure openness and continuous improvement                                                                                     Ongoing        Operations,   All
      KFA and               that encourages creativity and              through an open grant program and annual                                                                                                      grants and
      Strategy 6.1.1        innovation                                  Expresssions of Interest for the delivery of events                                                                                           commercial
 40   AHC 7.4               Maintain existing and instigate new         Develop strategic funding, programming and               KPI: Partner with a minimum of 20 external events providers           Ongoing        Operational   External
      KFA and               partnerships with external regional and     professional development partnerships with                                                                                                                  stakeholders
      Strategy 6.1.1        national cultural organisations             organisations
 41                                                                     Develop a communication database with other event                                                                              2019           Operational
                                                                        organisers, stakeholders and operators, performers,
                                                                        stallholders and musicians
 42   AHC 7.7               Create opportunities that provide open      Investigate the creation of a formal network of          Develop opportunities around NSW and aligning with councils           2019           Operational   External partners
      KFA and               communication, partnerships and             professional events businesses and organisations
      Strategy 6.1.1        leadership
 43   3.6 NTE Action Plan                                               Develop a Live Music Action Plan for the City, in        Program events that support music and live performance                Long-term      Operational   NTE Working
                                                                        consultation with key stakeholders including local                                                                                                          Group
      GNMP                                                              artists, venues, community and businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    External partners
 44   GNMP                                                              Identify and activate existing assets to support live    Presentation of live music at existing Council cultural assets and    Ongoing        Operations,
                                                                        music and performance                                    through partnership programming                                                      grants and
 45   AHC 7.11              Strengthen all cultural organisations in    Develop professional development workshops in                                                                                  2020 onwards   Operational
      KFA and               the City, professional or amateur, big or   successful events management
      Strategy 6.1.1        small
 46                                                                     Provide training and information kits for community      Events guideline and prospectus that assists organisers to plan and   2020 onwards   Operational   Communications
                                                                        events organisers in consultation with other             implement their events                                                                             Arts, Culture &
                                                                        departments eg: accessibility and child protection                                                                                                          Tourism

30 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                          EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024              31
Value and support our creative industry and cultural economy                                                                                                                     A CITY OF CULTURE AND INNOVATION
Lake Macquarie values and supports individual creativity, skill and talent, which have the potential to
drive employment and the development of a sustainable creative economy.

      Strategic goal      Strategy                                  Deliverable actions                                         Detail                                                                     Timeframe   Resources      Teams

 47   GNMP                Build capacity in events and festival     Support events that employ artists, contractors, artistic                                                                              Ongoing     Operations,    Contractors
                          sector employment                         directors, food vendors and logistic support                                                                                                       grants and
 48   3.9 NTE Action Plan Develop an annual program of Lake         Continue to curate a regular program of events and          KPI – Minimum of 120 events and festivals of all scales delivered within   Ongoing     Operations,    NTE Working
                          Macquarie events that supports the        festivals that activate our outdoor, public and natural     the City.                                                                              grants and     Group
                          City being home to excitement and         environment.                                                                                                                                       commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Arts, Culture
                          adventure sports (City identity)                                                                                                                                                             approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      & Tourism
 49                                                                 Develop and/or partner with unique and bespoke              For example, Hillsborough Dog Showground, Go Carts Go, motorbike and 2020 ongoing      Sponsorship,   External
                                                                    events that attract niche markets – prestige car shows,                                                                                            partnership    partners
                                                                                                                                pistol clubs
                                                                    go-carts, sailing, geocaching
 50   AHC 8.2                                                       Develop, in conjunction with performing arts groups, a                                                                                 2019-2020   Operations,    Major
                                                                    One Act Play Festival                                                                                                                              grants and     Projects
      KFA and
      Strategy 2.3.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lifelong
 51   AHC 8.2                                                       Develop and implement poetry and creative writing           KPI: Two a year                                                            2019-2020   Operations,    Major
                                                                    events for aspiring writers                                                                                                                        grants and     Projects
      KFA and
      Strategy 2.3.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lifelong

 52   AHC 8.2                                                       Develop and implement writers events for young              KPI: Two a year                                                            2019-2020   Grants         Major
                                                                    people                                                                                                                                                            Projects
      KFA and
      Strategy 2.3.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lifelong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Youth Council
 53                                                                 Undertake a music revival program including live            KPI: Minimum four a year                                                               Operations,
                                                                    music events                                                                                                                                       grants and
 54   3.7                                                           Deliver a music festival event for upcoming and well-       KPI: Minimum of 3 per year                                                 Long-term   Operations,    NTE Working
                                                                    known artists to showcase original music                                                                                                           grants and     Group
 55                       Include opportunities for artists to be   Incorporate an artist in residency program as part                                                                                                 Operations,    Contractors
                          involved with Council events              of Living Smart Festival, Float Your Boat and other                                                                                                grants and
                                                                    Council events. Actively seek Expressions of Interest                                                                                              commercial
                                                                    from the commercial community.                                                                                                                     approaches

32 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                        EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024               33
Communicate our culture: Be local, aim global                                                                                                                                              A CITY OF CULTURE AND INNOVATION
Celebrate and promote creativity, innovation and uniqueness through engaging and active events,
festivals, programs and exhibitions for the community and visitors to our City.

      Strategic goal        Strategy                                       Deliverable actions                                           Detail                                                                   Timeframe      Resources          Teams

 56   Strategic
      AHC 6.2   goal        Strategy                                       Deliverable actions
                                                                           Seek opportunities to enhance productivity and                Detail                                                                   Timeframe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ongoing        Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Operational        Teams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Events Team
      KFA and                                                              strengthen offerings through a comprehensive review
      Strategy 6.1.2                                                       of systems and processes
 56                         Actively pursue and develop a                  Minimum four per year                                         Major events and festivals that are readily identifiable with Lake       2019 ongoing   Operations,        Tourism
 57   AHC 6.4               Review staff
                            nationally    capabilities
                                        significant    and
                                                    suite of plan  a
                                                             strategic     Review event and festival governance, PDs and                 Review existing
                                                                                                                                         Macquarie       team structure
                                                                                                                                                    that receive nationaland
                                                                                                                                                                          andalign  PDs with Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                               international  recognition and     2019 ongoing   Operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 grants and         Events Team
                            comprehensive     development                                                                                                                                                                                           Arts, Culture &
      KFA and               icon and signature   events andprogram
                                                               festivals   processes                                                     have impacts beyond the boundaries of the City. Council sees its                        commercial
      Strategy 6.1.2        to build the capabilities needed to                                                                                                                                                                                     Tourism
                            for the City                                                                                                 role as producer, approver, in-kind and financial supporter.                            approaches
                            achieve the outcomes envisaged in this                                                                                                                                                                                  External
                            Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                    stakeholders
 57   AHC 9.4
      AHC   6.9             Invest in Lake
                            Position  quality infrastructure
                                           Macquarie         that
                                                       as creative,        Completea alarge
                                                                           Develop      Performing  Arts, Hall
                                                                                            scale cultural artsand Theatre
                                                                                                                festival thatReview
                                                                                                                              attracts   Develop and implement
                                                                                                                                         Development              contemporary
                                                                                                                                                       2019 for presentation 2020performing arts, halls and  2019-2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                             2019-2020           Operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Operations,        Events Team
      KFA and               meets community
                            innovative          and economic
                                        and cosmopolitan                   and implement
                                                                           national         recommendations.
                                                                                    attention                                            theatre operational models, subscription seasons and industry                           grants and
      KFA   and Strategy
      Strategy  6.1.2       aspirations                                    Investigate improvements to the Toronto foreshore to          partnerships. For example, Rathmines, Speers Point Multi Arts Space                                        Lifelong Learning
      6.1.3                                                                accommodate evening and night-time events and pop             and Lake                                                                                approaches         Cultural
                                                                           up activation opportunities                                                                                                                                              Development
 58   AHC 9.4                                                              Complete
                                                                           Raise     a feasibility
                                                                                 the profile       study of
                                                                                             and scope   and,
                                                                                                                  viable, Illuminated
                                                                                                                          develop        KPI increase annual audiences by 5%                                      2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2019-ongoing   Operations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Operations,        Events Team
                                                                           event to designs  for a new performing
                                                                                    attract out-of-region  visitors arts centre                                                                                                  grants and
      KFA and Strategy                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lifelong Learning
 60                                                                        Complete a feasibility study and develop programming          Pasterfield Sports Complex,                                              2020           commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Operations,        Events Team
                                                                           for our major sporting and leisure facilities                 Charlestown Skate Park                                                                  approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 grants             Artists
 59   3.4 NTE Action Plan   Utilise spaces in different and unique         Support experimentation with open spaces, foreshore           Lake Macquarie
                                                                                                                                         Including  pop-upFootball
                                                                                                                                                            events Facility
                                                                                                                                                                   such as water parks, circuses, open air        Ongoing        Operations,        Management
                            ways                                           parks, shared pathways, beaches and town centres as           cinemas and performances.                                                               grants and         stakeholders
 61                         Build on events and festival equipment         sites for dayevents
                                                                           Incorporate   and evening events.
                                                                                               supporting infrastructure within          Includes, if suitable, three-phase power in strategic locations, food                   commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Operations,        Community
                            as a resource                                  all recreational parks including new capital and              van access etc.                                                                         approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 grants and         Asset
                                                                           redevelopment works                                           Upgrade the stage at Speers Point Park                                                  commercial         Management
 60                         Actively pursue and develop a                  Further develop growth strategies for Loop the Lake,          Identify existing sporting trends and activities, define scope for                      Operations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 approaches         External
                            nationally significant suite of strategic      Surfest, sailing events, national skateboarding circuit       growth and activate with a calendar of aligned events                                   grants and         stakeholders
 62                         sporting and adventure events and              Develop
                                                                           and  morePlan of Management and Operational Strategy                                                                                   2019-2020      Operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 commercial         Asset
                            festivals for the City                         and programs for the Morisset Showground as a key                                                                                                     approaches         Management
                                                                           event and festival location                                                                                                                                              Arts, Culture &
 61                         Participate in the creation and                                                                                                                                                       2019 and       Operational        Hunter
                            development of a Hunter Events                                                                                                                                                        ongoing                           Network
 63   AHC 6.13              Achieve national event and festival
                            Strategy                                       Continuously review service delivery for excellence,          Complete monthly, quarterly and annual reporting against KPIs and                       Operational
      KFA and               professional standards in governance,          efficiency, cost management, sustainability,                  industry benchmarking
 62   Strategy 6.1.2        Actively source
                            operational      major national
                                         responsibility and integrity      programming and resource use                                  Develop prospectus                                                       2019-2020      Operational        Tourism
                            promoters to consider Lake Macquarie
 64   AHC 6.15                                                             Actively seek sustainable funding partners and sources                                                                                 2019 ongoing   External funding   External
                            as a region
                                                                           for project and program delivery                                                                                                                                         stakeholders
      KFA and
 63   Strategy 6.1.2        Develop a conference and business              Develop prospectus                                            KPI: Facilitate a minimum of 2 commercial conferences per year           2019-2020      Operational        Tourism
                            event prospectus and partnership
 65                                                                        Actively seek funding sources and sponsorship for             Develop a sponsorship prospectus for iconic events                       2019 ongoing   External funding   Communications
                            framework to encourage investment in
                                                                           major and significant events                                                                                                                                             Arts, Culture &
                            the City
                                                                                                                                         KPI: 20 per cent of Council events funded through sponsorship                                              Tourism
 64                         Manage a coordinated approach for the          Deliver all funding and sponsorship through                   by 2023                                                                  Ongoing        Operational
                            promotion of festivals and events in           SmartyGrants annual grant funding round
 66                                                                        Embrace sustainable and environmentally responsible           Actively work to achieve objectives outlined in Councils ESSAP 2019      Ongoing        Operational
                            the City and the region
                                                                           practices, such as UN Sustainable Development                 - 2027 Plan (Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan)
 65                         Link events with Visitor Information           Includes
                                                                           Standardcross   propostion
                                                                                     Actions, into our marketing, Tourism
                                                                                                       planning and  programming         KPI – increase
                                                                                                                                         by taking      major
                                                                                                                                                   the lead in event
                                                                                                                                                               waste audiences
                                                                                                                                                                     avoidance,by  a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                repair,        of 5recycling,
                                                                                                                                                                                        reuse and   per cent in   Ongoing                           Tourism
                            Centre promotions and Destination              Ambassadors
                                                                           of events and at major festivals
                                                                                          festivals                                      per year
                                                                                                                                         the purchasing  and disposal of assets, resources and wastes.
 67   AHC 6.20              Grow the capacity and impact of our            Support the wider volunteer program for Council with          KPI: engage a minimum of 30 volunteers to assist with community          2019           Operational
      KFA and               volunteers working within the cultural         an events volunteer stream                                    liaison
      Strategy 5.2.2        sector

34 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                                                                                                                                  EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                       35
                                                            Number of iconic events
                                                                                                                                Float Your Boat, Living Smart
                                                            each year                                                           Festival, Surf Life Saving
                                                                                                                                Championships, Lake Mac
                                                                                                                                Festival, Superboats
                                                            Number of major events                      12*            20       Surfest, Loop the Lake,
                                                            each year                                                           Belmont BBB, regional sporting
                                                                                                                                competitions, Speers Point Food
                                                                                                                                and Wine Festival
                                                            Percentage of population                    50%           70%       Surveys conducted at selected
                                                            attending Council events                                            events to gauge participation
                                                            annually                                                            demographics

                                                            Attendance at programs within             150,000        250,000    Art Gallery, Lake Macquarie
                                                            cultural venues                                                     Centre for Performing Arts,
                                                                                                                                Speers Point Multi Arts Space,
                                                                                                                                Rathmines Theatre
                                                            Number of cultural programs                 3000          3500      Lake Mac Libraries, Art Gallery
                                                            and events                                                          and Cultural Development

                                                            Number of community events                   69            80       Within the City
                                                            funded through community
                                                            grants and Sponsorship program
                                                            Number of Chamber/Town Centre                5             12       Within the City
                                                            events funded
                                                            Increase in social media reach               0            10%       Increase of 10 per cent per
                                                            and engagement at LMCC iconic                                       annum depending on event and
                                                            events                                                              interest

                                                            External funding/sponsorship              $40,000       $120,000
                                                            received each year for events
                                                            and festivals
                                                            Increase in bookings of                      75            90
                                                            Lake Macquarie Centre for
                                                            Performing Arts

                                                           *based on existing definition of iconic and major events. It is anticipated this will change when
                                                           new events occur within the City.

36 EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                             EVENT AND FESTIVAL STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2019-2024                        37
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