Fairtrade Module for Hospitality and Culinary Arts Fetac courses

Page created by Douglas Gross
Fairtrade Module for Hospitality and Culinary Arts Fetac courses
Waterford One World Centre
                                        18 Parnell Street
                                        051 873064

  Module for
Hospitality and
 Culinary Arts
 Fetac courses

                              Table of Contents
Learning Outcomes                                               p.2
Activity 1        Fairtrade Product Investigation               p.2
Activity 2        The Cost of a Cuppa                           p.3
Activity 3        Kuapa Kokoo Video Clip                        p.3
Activity 4        Moving Debate on Fairtrade                    p.4
Activity 5        Putting Fairtrade Into Practice               p.5
Activity 6        Evaluation                                    p.5
Worksheet         The Real Cost of Coffee                       p.6
Worksheet         Fairtrade Product Investigation               p.7
Worksheet         Kuapa Kokoo Case Study                        p.8

Fairtrade Module for Hospitality and Culinary Arts Fetac courses
Level:                     FETAC
                                              Curriculum Area:           Hospitality
                                                                         Culinary Arts
                                              Lesson:                    Fairtrade

This lesson plan is designed for FETAC Hospitality and Culinary Arts Courses.

Learning Outcomes:

             1. Learners will be able to demonstrate detailed knowledge of Fairtrade tea,
             coffee, chocolate and other products, including their country of origin,
             composition and quality standards;
             2. Learners will be able to identify the unique selling points of Fairtrade
             prod ucts;
             3. Learners will be able to effectively communicate Fairtrade information to

Total Time:            60 minutes

                        Activity 1:    Fairtrade Product Investigation

Objective:        To consider the origin of popular foods and beverages and to establish
                  learners’ baseline knowledge of Fairtrade.

Time:             15 Minutes

Materials:        Sample Fairtrade items (tea, coffee and chocolate) and Fairtrade
                  investigation sheet (attached)

Directions:       1. Have participants move into small groups and give each group a
                  2. Provide each group with a product investigation sheet and have them
                  fill it out;
                  3. Discuss the following questions (or others like them):
                  ~ Why does some of our food come from distant countries?
                  ~ Is the Fairtrade label familiar or unfamiliar to you? What do you know
                  about it?
                  ~ What might be some reasons why consumers are attracted to Fairtrade
                  ~ Why are ethical issues important to some consumers?

Level:                    FETAC
                                            Curriculum Area:          Hospitality
                                                                      Culinary Arts
                                            Lesson:                   Fairtrade
                          Activity 2:         The cost of a cuppa

 Objective:     To investigate how the profits of coffee are distributed.

 Time:          10 minutes

 Materials:     The Real Cost of Coffee worksheet (attached)

 Directions:    1. Ask the groups to guess how much a coffee grower receives for a
                pound of coffee, how much a supermarket in Ireland receives and how
                much a café in Ireland receives. After filling in the attached worksheet,
                have the groups exchange their answer sheets and read out the answers.
                The group closest to the actual figures is announced as the winner.
                2. For discussion: How fair or unfair is the distribution of profits for
                coffee?    Can you think of some structures that support the current
                system? How might these unfair systems be changed?

Teacher Notes: 1. Approximately .75 USD*; 2. Approximately €8.00; 3. Approximately
€2.00; €160.00; 4. 9.37%, 0.46% (* The cost of a kg of coffee changes frequently depending
on the market price).

                       Activity 3:          Kuapa Kokoo Video Clip

 Objective:     To learn how Fairtrade has brought benefits to cocoa producers and their
                communities in Ghana.

 Time:          10 minutes

 Materials:     ‘Swap your Choc’ youtube video (3 minutes), available at:

 Directions:    1. Watch the film clip.
                2. As part of the discussion, name five benefits that Fairtrade has
                brought to Kuapa Kokoo members. What do you think is the single most
                important benefit, and why? Direct students to the Kuapa Kokoo web
                site for further information, available at: http://kuapakokoogh.com/.

Level:                   FETAC
                                          Curriculum Area:         Hospitality
                                                                   Culinary Arts
                                          Lesson:                  Fairtrade
                   Activity 4:            Moving Debate on Fairtrade

 Objective:   To explore some of the issues underlying Fairtrade in the context of the
              hospitality industry.

 Time:        15 minutes

 Materials:   ‘I agree’ and ‘I disagree’ signs, plus 4 statements. Sample statements:
              •     In Ireland, people are too worried about their own money to care
              about producers in far away countries.
              •     Producers have a right to be paid fairly for the foods that they
              •     Catering staff do not need to know where food come from or how it
              is produced.
              •     Fairtrade products on a menu create a positive, upbeat atmosphere
              in a café.

Directions:   1. Read each statement and ask students to position themselves on the
              ‘I Agree—I Disagree’ spectrum (label one end of the room ‘I agree’
              completely and the other ‘I disagree’ completely, participants can
              position themselves anywhere along that line.
              2. Ask a few of the students to explain their choice and encourage
              debate among students. After listening, students can change where they
              have placed themselves on the spectrum.
              3. Ask students to formulate their own statements for additional rounds
              of the moving debate.

Level:                      FETAC
                                             Curriculum Area:            Hospitality
                                                                         Culinary Arts
                                             Lesson:                     Fairtrade
                      Activity 5       Putting Fairtrade Into Practice

Objective:      To learn about commercially sourcing Fairtrade products.

Time:           5 minutes

Materials:      Access to Fairtrade Ireland website (www.fairtrade.ie)

Directions:     Discuss how students might use this information if they were a café
                manager. Is the Fairtrade site useful or not useful? Why?

                                Activity 6      Evaluation

Objective:      To allow students to reflect on their learning and plan appropriate

Time:           5 minutes

Materials:      Flipchart paper divided into two columns ‘one thing I learned’ & ‘one
                thing I will do’
                Post-it notes

Directions:     Provide students with two post-its each and ask them to leave a response
                in both columns as they leave the room.

                                   Additional Resources

Fairtrade Ireland: www.fairtrade.ie.

The Fairtrade Foundation: http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/.

Development Education.ie module on ethical consumption: http://

Milking It, on-line interactive site from Oxfam on trade injustice: http://

Making Trade Fair lesson plan from Development Education.ie: http://

Fairtrade Product Investigation
 1.   Where was your product grown?

           Name of Country: __________________________

 2.    Name two reasons why some of our food comes from distant countries:

           A. ________________________________________________________

           B. ________________________________________________________

3.    What did your product look like when it was growing?

                            ©Fairtrade Foundation

4.    What information about Fairtrade can you learn from the product package?

5.    Why might customers want to purchase Fairtrade products?

The Real Cost of Coffee

  1. What does a farmer in Ethiopia get for a kilogram of raw coffee beans?

                                                      Price per kg: ______

©Fairtrade Labelling Organiszations International

2. What does a supermarket charge for ground, roasted, high-quality coffee?

                                                       Price per kg: _____

3.      What does a café charge for a cup of coffee?

                                                    Price per cup: _____

                                                    Price per kg of coffee: _____
                                                    (@80 cups/kg)

4.      Percentages

        The farmer makes _____% of the supermarket price.

        The farmer makes _____% of the café price.

Kuapa Kokoo Case Study

1.   List three benefits that Kuapa Kokoo brings to its members.

     A. _______________________________________________________

     B. _______________________________________________________

     C. _______________________________________________________

2.   The Divine Chocolate Company and Cadbury’s are similar in that they both buy
     Fairtrade chocolate from Kuapa Kokoo. However, there are some differences in
     how the two businesses interact with the cooperative.

     Explain those differences and give your opinion as to which of the two companies
     brings a greater positive impact to the lives of cocoa farmers in Ghana.

3.   If you were a member of Kuapa Kokoo, what plans would you like to make for the
     future of the organisation?

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