February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH

Page created by Francisco Ball
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up.
                                        Then the fever left her and she waited on them.
                                           			 Mark 1:29-31

February 14, 2021
  Sixth Sunday in
   Ordinary Time
          Fr. Jeremy Secrist

       Deacon Enrique Castro
      Deacon Thomas Fischer
        Deacon Ric Telthorst
      Deacon David Thompson
        Deacon Tom Whalen

      Weekend Mass Schedule
         Saturday: 4:30 pm
     Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am,
    11:00 am, 2:00 pm (Spanish)

      Weekday Mass Schedule
        8:00 am, 12:03 pm

Priest on the Porch (Reconciliation)
 Tuesday-Friday: 10:30 am-11:45 am
       Saturday: 3:30-4:15 pm
 Between Sunday Masses celebrated
  at 7:00 am., 9:00 am & 11:00 am

    Parish Contact Information
             216 Broadway
       Jefferson City, MO 65101
       Telephone: 573-636-8159
           Fax: 573-634-6079
Parish Email: parish@saintpeterjc.org
             Bulletin Email:
Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday at 3:00 pm
Parish Website: www.saintpeterjc.org
   Facebook: www.facebook.com/
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Yes, We Are!
           Parish Staff
        Telephone: 573-636-8159             Following the release of Bishop McKnight’s August 21 Decree, the following REVISED
                                            protocols are now in effect for all Masses — Weddings and Funerals included — at
Office currently closed to the Public due   St. Peter Parish until further notice.
to COVID, however the office is staffed
                                            Please know that we are carefully monitoring all directives and guidelines issued by state
           Monday-Friday from               and local governments, as well as by the Diocese of Jefferson City, and will re-evaluate and
9:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you need to talk     adjust these protocols as warranted.
to a staff member please call the office    HEALTH – All the faithful are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until
  phone or email that person directly.      further notice provided the Lord’s Day is kept holy by participating in the live-streamed
                                            Sunday Mass; praying with the readings of the Sunday Mass; and/or reciting the rosary or
    Parish School of Religion (PSR)         Divine Mercy Chaplet. Those with underlying health issues are encouraged to avoid the risk
       Roger & Theresa Backes               of large public gatherings such as Sunday Mass. Please check your temperature and general
                                            well-being before coming to church. Those who are symptomatic for COVID-19 are not
                                            permitted to enter church. Pews and hard surfaces are sanitized after each Sunday Mass.

    Director of Music & Ministries          SEASONAL GATHERINGS – In-person seasonal gatherings outside of Mass, such as penance
                                            services or vespers are discouraged.
              Lisa Fender
   stpeterorganist@saintpeterjc.org         MASKS – Everyone must wear a mask upon entering the church, throughout the Mass, and
                                            while moving in the Communion Procession to receive Holy Communion. If approaching
                                            to receive Holy Communion, please remove your mask just prior to receiving Our Lord,
   Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
                                            and moving it to cover your mouth and nose while returning to your pew. Please bring a
       Deacon Enrique Castro                personal mask with you. Ushers will have a limited supply for those who forget to bring a
       ecastro@diojeffcity.org              mask.
                                            DISTANCE – Everyone must maintain a distance of six feet from family groups and/or other
            Parish Nurse                    individuals. Please follow the directions of our ushers and any signs or markings on pews
             Alice Kuehn                    and aisles.
                                            HYMNALS & MISSALETTES – All hymnals, missalettes and other paper materials are stored
                                            until after the pandemic protocols are lifted. We encourage you to bring your smartphone
Mass Intentions/Sacramental Records         to reference prayers, songs and other devotions that are available through various mobile
         Beverly McCracken                  apps. Printed missalettes and weekly bulletins are available on the rectory porch for your
   bmccracken@saintpeterjc.org              personal use. If you pick up a missalette, please take it home with you. The song texts for
                                            Sunday Mass can be found on our parish Facebook page and parish website.
 Communications/Outreach Director           HOLY COMMUNION – Please follow the directions of the ushers and any floor marking to
       (Bulletin & Website)                 maintain the six-foot distance between the faithful in the line. Holy Communion will be
         Kathleen Lavery                    distributed in the hand or on the tongue. For those wishing to receive Holy Communion on
  communications@saintpeterjc.org           the tongue, a kneeler is also provided for your use. The Ministers of Holy Communion will
                                            sanitize their fingers after distributing Holy Communion on the tongue of each individual.

         Business Manager                   TITHING – Thank you for your continuing generosity in this challenging time. Please
         Michelle Truesdale                 continue to make use of automatic bank drafts, mailed contributions, or placing envelopes
                                            in the slot on the rectory porch. There will also be a stationary basket placed in the center
     mtruesdale@saintpeterjc.org            aisle during Sunday Masses so that you may leave your contribution there.

     Society of St. Vincent de Paul         ANOINTING OF THE SICK— If at all possible please seek the anointing of the sick from the
                                            parish priest before going to the hospital. We cannot guarantee that a priest will either be
     For information or assistance,         available or allowed into the hospital because of pandemic protocols.
           call (573) 632-2634
        E-prayer email address:             Fr. Secrist, Pastor, St. Peter Parish (Revised 11/11/2020)
                                                         A Note Regarding the 8:00 am Weekday Mass on
     St. Peter Interparish School                                Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
         314 West High Street,
       Jefferson City, MO 65101               Please note that the 8:00 am Weekday Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and
        Gayle Trachsel, Principal             Thursday is when the children from St. Peter Interparish School attend Mass.
      Telephone: (573) 636-8922               Due to COVID restrictions the children are required to sit in certain pews and
          Fax: (573) 636-8410                 next to designated individuals. This is to mitigate the spread of COVID among the
  School E-mail: saints@stpeterjc.org
  School Website: www.stpeterjc.org           If you are an adult attending the 8:00 am Weekday Mass please sit in the back of
      Facebook: Facebook.com/                 the church to ensure the students are able to follow the necessary protocols for
       StPeterInterparishSchool               them to attend Mass and remain safe.
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 			                                           				                                         February 14, 2021

                                                                       Saturday, February 13         St. Paul Miki & Companions
                                                                       4:30 pm Sunday Vigil Mass     †Mary Johnson

  Lenten Regulations and Admonitions                                   Sunday, February 14           Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                       7:00 am                       †Ronnie Kay
As another Lenten journey of conversion begins with Ash                9:00 am                       †Mary Lou Bax
Wednesday on Feb. 17, and ends with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper      11:00 am                      Bob Lueckenotto family
on Holy Thursday, April 2, Holy Mother Church calls all Catholics to   2:00 pm                       Pro Populo
a deeper spirit of penance, fasting, almsgiving and prayer, “which     Tuesday, February 16
express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others”      8:00 am                       †Anna Creel
(Catechism of the Catholic Church Nos. 1434 and 1969).                 12:03 pm                      †Robert & Derek Schrimpf
To foster a greater spirit of penance, of reparation for sin, to       Wednesday, February 17         Ash Wednesday
encourage self-denial, and so guide us more closely in the             8:00 am (For School Students) †Orville & Eleanor Schulte,
footsteps of Christ, Holy Mother Church reminds us of the                                             †Steve & Donna Sue Braun
following obligations of fast and abstinence during Lent and also      10:00 am (For School Students) †Joan Kempker
admonishes us all to deeper prayer and worship.                        12:03 pm                       †Virginia Antweiler
Abstinence: all persons who have already celebrated their 14th         5:15 pm                        †Karen Libbert-Tucker
birthday are bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, all          7:00 pm (Bilingual)            †Roman Borgmeyer
Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.                                       Thursday, February 18
Fasting: everyone, from the celebration of their 18th birthday         8:00 am                       †Henry & Angeline Veltrop
to their 59th birthday, is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and          12:03 pm                      †James, †Ronald, †Janet, &
Good Friday. Fasting is generally understood to mean eating only                                     †Evelyn Borgmeyer
one full meal each day. Two other partial meals, sufficient to         Friday, February 19
maintain strength, may be taken; but together they should not          8:00 am              † Lawrence & Dorothy Rackers
equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted,        12:03 pm             †Michael Christopher Wiseman
but liquids are allowed. Voluntary fasting on other weekdays
of Lent is highly recommended. But please note: when health            Saturday, February 20
or ability to work would be seriously affected, neither the law        4:30 pm Sunday Vigil Mass     †Mary Johnson
of fasting nor the law of abstinence obliges. These are minimal        Sunday, February 21           First Sunday of Lent
penitential practices and should not be lightly excused. If in         7:00 am                       Rowan & Huhman families
doubt, please consult your parish priest. Other recommended            9:00 am                       †Frances Kaiser
forms of fasting, as regards alcoholic drink, needless television,     11:00 am                      †Anne Mechowski
video games, internet use, and social entertainment, are of true       2:00 pm                       For Vocations
spiritual value and strongly encouraged.
Almsgiving: The act of giving to the poor, in the most ancient         the ashes with holy water, without saying anything. Then he
tradition of the Church, is an expression of penance, a witness        addresses all those present and only once says the formula as
of fraternal charity, and an expression of Lenten conversion.          it appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all in general:
Therefore, all Catholics are encouraged to support generously          “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, or “Remember that you are
the charitable works of the whole Church: through regular              dust, and to dust you shall return”. The Priest then cleanses his
stewardship to their parish, support of charities, and their           hands, puts on a face mask and distributes the ashes to those
generous response to the diocesan Catholic Stewardship Appeal.         who come to him or, if appropriate, he goes to those who are
                                                                       standing in their places. The Priest takes the ashes and sprinkles
Prayer: In order to deepen one’s love for Christ, Catholics are        them on the top of the head of each individual without saying
urged all the more to participate in the sacramental life of the       anything. Notice there is to be no touching the forehead. Keeping
Church during Lent by attending daily Mass and frequenting the         this in mind, parishioners are asked to remove all head coverings
sacrament of Penance.                                                  before presenting themselves to receive ashes. While this is
                                  Distribution of Ashes on Ash         a change in the custom of distribution of ashes in the United
                                  Wednesday (Feb. 17) During           States, the sprinkling of ahses on the head is the tradition in
                                  this time of pandemic, the Holy      Europe and other countries throughout the world.
                                  See has modified the method
of distributing the ashes, as outlined in the following “Note”:        Public Masses for Ash Wednesday will be at 12:03 pm,
The Priest says the prayer for blessing the ashes. He sprinkles        5:15 pm and 7:00 pm (Bilingual).
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 			                                        				                                         February 14, 2021

 Holy Matrimony                                                     Anointing of the Sick
 The first step in planning a wedding at St. Peter is to contact    If you are preparing for surgery, please let your priest know
 the Pastor. You may call to check available dates beforehand,      before you go to the hospital. Because of COVID-19, the
 but the wedding can only be scheduled after approval by            possibility of receiving the Anointing of the Sick after you’ve
 the priest and at least a minimum of six months prior to the       been admitted to hospital is not guaranteed.
 proposed wedding date. Any Catholic being married needs to
                                                                    RCIA–Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
 have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
                                                                    Inquiry sessions are held every Tuesday for those interested
 Baptism                                                            in joining the Catholic Church and receiving the Sacraments
 Parental preparation is required for a child to be baptized.       of Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. Sessions
 Please plan to attend the required class prior to your child’s     are held every Tuesday beginning at 6:30 pm in the Selinger
 birth. Sessions are usually held once a quarter. Please call the   Center. Please call Deacon Ric Telthorst at (573) 690-0730 or
 Parish Office to sign up. Next classes will be in February 2021.   deacontelthorst@gmail.com for more information.

January 31, 2021                                $       43,004.67
                                                                                    so close
February 7, 2021                                $       20,509.44                 to our goal
February 14, 2021                               $
February 21, 2021                               $                         ST. PETER PARISH CSA GOAL:
February 28, 2021                               $                                 $125,000.00
Budget for February                             $      170,833.34   We currently have pledged $121,903.75
Total Collected for February                    $       63,514.11   or 95% of our goal for the Catholic
Difference                                      $     -107,319.23   Stewardship Appeal. If we raise another
                                                                    $3,096.25 and meet our goal the Parish
Budget Goal Fiscal Year To Date                 $   1,261,538.56
                                                                    will receive back 10% or $12,500. Parishes
Total Collected Fiscal Year To Date             $   1,315,469.52
                                                                    are eligible to receive a rebate when
Difference                                      $      53,930.96
                                                                    pledges and/or cash meet or exceed their
Facility/Property Maintenance: February         $        3,032.00   parish goal by March 15, 2021 and pledges
Facility/Property Maintenance To Date           $       55,149.76   are fulfilled by the fiscal year end June
                                                                    30, 2021. Your assistance in helping us
Samaritan Center                                $     February 21
                                                                    reach our goal as a Parish Family is greatly
      Thank you for your continued tithing and support of
             St. Peter Parish & Interparish School!                                 Annual Giving Statements
              As of Wednesday, February 3, 2021
                                                                    Annual Giving Statements from St. Peter Church will not be
                                                                    mailed out unless requested. Please call the Parish Office in
             Time, Talent & Treasure Forms                          February and beyond to request your statement.
 Don’t forget to return your Time, Talent & Treasure Forms          In order to receive your statement via email as soon as they
 to the parish office. If you have misplaced your form please       are ready (mid- to late-January), please send an email from
 call the office to have another one mailed to you or you can       your preferred account to mtruesdale@saintpeterjc.org. We
 download it from our website at www.saintpeterjc.org and           will add your email address to your record and statements will
 either email it to parish@saintpeterjc.org or drop it off in the   automatically be sent to you from now on. If you already have
 drop off box at the Rectory. We have currently received 406        this option set up, there is no need to email again unless a
 forms out of approximately 1200 that were mailed out.              change needs to be made. Thank you! Happy New Year!
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 			                                         				                                        February 14, 2021
Prayers & Vocations
Prayer for a Communion of Desire                                                        este momento sacramentalmente, renueva
                                                                                        mi corazón con el poder de tu Espíritu. Te
My Jesus, I believe You are present in the
                                                                                        recIglesia y nunca permitas que me separe de
Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above
                                                                                        ti. ibo y me uno completamente a ti. Úneme
all things, and I desire to receive You into
                                                                                        más a tu cuerpo, la Amén.
my soul. Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally, renew my                                                     Bishop McKnight’s February Prayer Intention
heart now with the power of Your Spirit.
                                                                                        For parents: may they have the spiritual and
I embrace You and unite myself wholly to
                                                                                        material resources they need to provide their
You. Unite me more closely to Your Body,
                                                                                        children a home in which charity and mercy are
the Church. And never permit me to be
                                                                                        practiced, and knowledge of our faith is shared.
separated from You. Amen.
                                                                                        Por los padres de familia: para que tengan
Oración para la Comunión de Deseo                                                       los recursos espirituales y materiales que
Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en                                                   necesitan para brindarles a sus hijos un
el Santísimo Sacramento. Te amo por                                                     hogar en el que se practiquen la caridad y
sobre todas las cosas y deseo recibirte                                                 la misericordia, y en el que se comparta el
en mi alma. Como no puedo recibirte en                                                  conocimiento de nuestra fe.

                    First Holy                             Prayer to the
                    Communion                      Immaculate Heart of Mary for
                    Mass will be held at          Protection from the Coronavirus
                    4:00 pm on Sunday,
                    April 11, 2021.            O Immaculate Heart of Mary, we entrust
                    Attendance will            ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
                    be limited to 3            At the foot of the Cross, you participated in
 guests per first communicant due              Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith.
 to social distancing guidelines. All in
 attendance must wear masks for the            Patroness of the Diocese of Jefferson City, you
 entire Mass, with the exception of            know what we need.
 receiving Holy Communion. Attendance          We are certain of the power of your
 at this group Mass will be limited to         intercession, so that, as you did at Cana of
 48 families (4 people each). If you           Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this
 are unable to attend the group Mass           moment of trial.
 communicants may schedule their First         Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do
 Holy Communion during any Sunday              what Jesus tells us:
 Mass during the Easter Season. A link
 to an online sign up form will be made        He who taught us to “love one another, as I have loved you”
 available the week of February 15.            took our sufferings upon Himself and bore our sorrows
                                               to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.
                 Sacrament of                  Bring under your mantle of protection all who provide care for the sick and minister
                                               to their needs, as your Son implores us to do for one another.
                  dates for this year will     V. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.
                  Tuesday, Aril 13 at 7:00     R. Do not despise our pleas and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and
                  pm, Wednesday, April         blessed Virgin. Amen.
                  21 at 7:00 and Thursday,
                  April 29 at 7:00 pm.
 Attendance will be limited to 2 guests        Vocations Spotlight
                                               Please pray for the men who are studying and discerning
 per Confirmation Candidate plus
                                               a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. This
 their sponsor due to social distancing
                                               week, please pray for:
 guidelines. All in attendance must
 wear masks for the entire Confirmation        Mr. Jacob Hartman
 service. Attendance at each service           Home Parish: St. Andrew (Holts Summit)
 will be limited to 48 families (4 people      Birthdate: May 25
 each). A link to an online sign up form
                                               Please send any seminarian correspondence to the Office
 will be made available the week of
                                               of Vocations at: 2207 West Main Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109
 February 15.
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 			                                        				                                         February 14, 2021

                                                                                             Knights of Columbus
                          SCHOLARSHIP                                                        Upcoming Fish Fries:
                         The estate of Ethel Bruning and                                     Council 1054 Fr. Helias: The fish fries
                         Family has established a scholarship                                are all drive through and cost $10 per
                         to be used toward Helias Catholic                                   meal. Two options are being hand
                         High School tuition for students of                                 cooked for you this year.
                         St. Peter Parish. Students entering
                         any grade at Helias are able to apply       Fried – All hand breaded fried fish, French fries, hushpuppies
  and receive a scholarship if approved. The scholarship             and slaw.
  amounts range from full tuition to half of tuition.                Baked – Perfectly seasoned baked fish, generous baked
  Application forms are in the St. Peter Parish Office and can       potato, and slaw.
  be picked up while the office is staffed, Monday – Friday,         We are serving from 4:30-7 (unless we run out) and will be
  9:00am – 3:00pm. Call 636-8159 when you are outside the            smiling behind our masks when you drive thru the hall on
  office during these hours, and an application will be brought      Tanner Bridge. Proceeds from the fish fries go to support local
  out to you. You can also get an application emailed by calling     groups who help make our community a better place to live.
  the Parish Office or emailing parish@saintpeterjc.org.
                                                                     February 19 – Knights of Columbus #1054
                                                                     February 26 – Helias Foundation
                     The seventh and eighth grade students           March 5 – St. Peter School
                     celebrated Catholic Schools Week and            March 12 – Immaculate Conception School
                     learned about the science all around them       March 19 – Beneficiary to be named soon (check back later)
                     by doing a fun, new project. We explored        March 26 – Knights of Columbus #1054
                     “How It’s Made” with the students presenting    We are also actively seeking new members and it has never
                     something they themselves know how to           been easier to join. Contact any Knight for more details, or
                     make. Using the principles of STEAM (science,   email Grand Knight Kevin Stegeman at gkkevin1054@gmail.
technology, engineering, art and math), students explained
                                                                     com. We look forward to calling you our Brother Knight.
the principle behind
everyday things they                                                 Council 2027 of Bonnots Mill: The Knights of Columbus
know how to make and                                                 Council 2027 of Bonnots Mill will be having two drive through
do. From the physics                                                 Fish Fry on March 12, 2021 at the Loose Creek School. Meals
behind making a field                                                will be served from 5:00 – 7:00 pm on both dates. Meals will
goal to the chemistry of                                             be $10, for Fish, Hush Puppies, Parsley Potatoes, Cole Slaw
making brownies, they                                                and Baked Beans. Please help spread the word to make these
learned there is science                                             events a success. Money raised at these events is given to the
in all these things.                                                 local Catholic Schools.
Seventh grade English classes                                        Wardsville/Osage Bend: Knights of Columbus Home
started their chapter on adjectives                                  Association Fish Fry on Friday, March 5 at St. Stanislaus Parish.
by writing Bio-Poems. This                                           Drive-thru meal is $12.00 for Fish fillets, Hush Puppies, French
poem format can be either                                            Fries, Bakes Beans, Cole Slaw, Homemade Rolls and served
autobiographical or biographical so                                  from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. There will also be homemade
students chose to compose a poem                                     cinnamon rolls available for purchase. Please enter off Route
about themselves or a historical/                                    W in front of the church.
literature character. They then
                                                                     St. Thomas Council 2149: St. Thomas the Apostle Fish Fry is
created a “Word Cloud” by
                                                                     February 26, 4:30 pm-7:00 pm, Gluten Free Fish Meal $11.00
including the key words describing their subject using a Word Art
                                                                     - Hand-breaded Fish Fillets, Hush Puppies (Not Gluten Free),
software creator to illustrate it.
                                                                     Baked Potatoes, French Fries, Baked Beans, and Coleslaw.
                                                                     St. Martin Fish Fries: Feb. 19th, March 5th and March 19th.
        Please patronize our bulletin advertisers.                   Drive-thru only 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Catfish, Homestyle Potato
                                                                     Chips, Cornbread, Coleslaw, Green Beans, Desserts for $11.00
    It is because of them that we receive this weekly                Holts Summit: St. Andrew Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish
                 bulletin FREE of charge!                            Fries are February 19, 26 and March 5, 12 and 19. All events
                                                                     are drive-thru only from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Veit Hall, 400
                       THANK YOU to:
                                                                     St. Andrew Drive. Take the Center Street Exit. Cost is $12.00
                                                                     per meal and includes Fried Catfish, French Fries, Baked
                  Mid America Bank                                   Beans, Spaghetti, Slaw, Applesauce, Cornbread and Dessert.
February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                                                                                                                                                               February 14, 2021

  Alice Kuehn’s Nurse Notes                                                                                                                                                                           Location of Parishioners who are
  February Is American Heart Month                                                                                                                                                                    hospitalized or homebound: Please call or
                                                                                                                                                                                                      email to let us know if you or a family member is
  During the month of February, we have always celebrated St.
  Valentine’s day and recognize the human heart as the symbol of love.                                                                                                                                hospitalized or homebound and/or if you would like the
  So it is not surprising that February is American Heart Month, a time                                                                                                                               parish nurse to call, pray with you and/or assist you with
  to learn how to stay “heart healthy” for yourself and your loved ones.                                                                                                                              questions and health care concerns. Remember that if
                                                                                                                                                                                                      you or a family member moves from hospital to home
  Tips for staying “heart healthy:” Get a checkup at least once each                                                                                                                                  or rehab center or nursing care facility, the hospital
  year, even if you feel healthy. A health care professional can check for                                                                                                                            cannot tell us your location due to HIPPA regulations.
  conditions that put you at risk for CVD, such as high blood pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please let us know their new location. Thanks! You may
  and diabetes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      contact me at 636-8159x369 or via email akuehn@
  Get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked; Eat a healthy diet.,                                                                                                                               saintpeterjc.org.
  choosing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (adults should have
  at least five servings each day). Eat foods low in saturated fat, trans
  fat, and cholesterol and high in fiber and eat less sodium. Go low on
  sugars and sweets and avoid foods with “high fructose corn syrup.”                                                                                                                                  We are having a Zoom Grand Reunion Ultreya! February
                                                                                                                                                                                                      25th at 7pm. Speakers will be Deacon Bill Siebert and
  Maintain a healthy weight. To determine whether your weight is in a                                                                                                                                 Father Joe Corel. The invitation with the Zoom link
  healthy range, check your Body Mass Index (BMI). If you know your                                                                                                                                   is coming to all cursillistas via email, in our February
  weight and height, you can calculate your BMI at CDC’s Assessing Your                                                                                                                               newsletter and is also posted on the diocese website.
  Weight Web site, and, Exercise regularly.                                                                                                                                                           https://diojeffcity.org/cursillo/
  The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in                                                                                                                                         If you are not getting emails from the Diocese Cursillo
  moderate-intensity activity for at least 150 minutes per week.                                                                                                                                      Movement, please contact Paula at jeffcity.diocese.
  Perhaps use the stairs instead of the elevator; rake the yard and walk,                                                                                                                             cursillo@gmail.com to get your contact information
  walk, walk. For more information, visit CDC’s page on physical activity.                                                                                                                            updated! Not sure about Zoom? Contact Marcia Doll at
  Please don’t smoke, and limit your alcohol use.                                                                                                                                                     dollmkc@gmail.com.

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February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary time - ST PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH
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