FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner

Page created by Isaac Duncan
FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner
FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner
12 FEBRUARY 2021

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FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner
VOL. 9 NO. 2

                 12 FEBRUARY 2021
                              VOL 9 NO. 2

                          Cover Art: Zoe Cheng

4 Talking to Taira: an Interview with the President
5 Discovering Debate in Debate Club's Discord
6 Food For Families: Food Banks During COVID-19

7    So They Forgot.
8    stardust
8    Suitor
9    misaligned
9    Serenity
10   Freefall
10    A New Lens
11   Skates, Seals, and Social Awkwardness
11   sketchbook
12   It's been a while since I last watched the birds take flight.

13 The Grammy Awards Never Fail to Disappoint
15 Guest Submission — Snowden: Vindicated by History

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12 FEBRUARY 2021

                                     NEWS BOARD
           A board to keep the student body informed about their school and local community.

Talking to Taira: an Interview with                                                     younger students to have more of a
                                                                                        voice on SAC, which has been histor-
                                                                                        ically dominated by older students.
           the President                                                                    One of Taira’s proposed initia-
                                                                                        tives is online mental health spaces,
                        by JACQUELINE HUO                                               where students can relax, spend time
                                                                                        with their friends, and in her words,
                                           student to ever serve in this position.     “vibe to music”. She hopes to hold so-
                                           Despite being younger than previ-           cial events such as games nights and
                                           ous presidents, Taira is confident          movie nights. SAC is also working on
                                           that she has the abilities required for     connecting with small businesses to
                                           the role. “I don’t think my age has         supply school merchandise for MGCI.
                                           anything to do with my competen-                All events will be online this year,
                                           cy, I also have the ability to figure       so expanding outreach is a ma-
                                           things out quickly. My experience           jor concern for Taira. She wants to
                                           on student council outshines the
                                                                                       make sure that SAC is able to com-
                                           fact that I’m in Grade 11,” she said.
                                                                                       municate with the student body to
                                              Her experience on SAC can speak
                                                                                       inform them about the events that
                                           for itself. During the 2019-2020
                                                                                       are taking place, as well as initiatives
                                           school year, Taira served as the So-
                                                                                       such as sweater sales. She encourag-
                                           cial Convenor and was responsible
                                           for organizing our Winter Wonder-           es students to follow the SAC Insta-

A    s 2020 drew to a close, MGCI wel-
     comed its new Student Activity
Council (SAC). The Reckoner sat down
                                           land dance. She had also hoped to
                                           introduce grade lounges, but her
                                                                                       gram @mgci.sac to stay informed.
                                                                                           SAC meets weekly using Zoom,
                                                                                       and will be posting meeting min-
                                           plans were cut short due to the pan-
with SAC President Taira Mehta to dis-     demic. Since our SAC elections were         utes and agendas once all positions
cuss her plans for the upcoming year.      delayed until December, she was also        have been selected. Taira anticipates
   Taira obtained her position by de-      part of the interim council last year       that their work will be very fast-
fault, as she was the only candidate       as the Spirit and Social Convenor. In       paced in order to make up for the
to run for President. She said that        this role, she hosted spirit events in-     time that was lost due to the elec-
the main reason she wanted to run          cluding Among Us tournaments and            tion delays. She emphasized that
was that she “loved the idea of being      a gratitude initiative on Instagram.        her biggest goal is to not let COVID
able to guide the council in such un-         In terms of how she plans to             impact our spirit as a community.
precedented times.” She continued to       lead, Taira said that, “a lot of people         Finally, Taira had a message for
say, “I want to make sure that 2021,       think that student council is some          all students, an excerpt from her
for everyone in this school, is some-      sort of hierarchy, but I like to think      campaign speech which was never
thing that we look back on and love. I     of it differently. I like to think that     released: "Even though quarantine
think that especially in a time and pe-    I basically am an assistant there to        is changing our lives, it doesn’t nec-
riod like high school where people are     inspire innovation and new ideas            essarily have to be for the worse. In
trying to figure themselves out, if you    based on the visions that the rest of       fact I want you to give me the chance
throw COVID in there, people have a        my council have, and I’m there to           to make this the best year possible.
really hard time connecting with each      accommodate that.” She aims to fo-          It’s true that this past year has been
other. So that’s the job of the student    cus on change and innovation and            insane, but I think it’s time to take
council, to help connect people and        is encouraging her fellow SAC mem-          back the memories and experiences
make them feel like they’re a part         bers to try out all their craziest ideas.   that quarantine has stripped from
of something larger than just them-           They’ve already started to make          us. As your SAC President, I’d be hon-
selves, part of a school community.”       changes by creating junior and se-          oured if you let me make that a reality
   Taira’s presidency itself is also un-   nior roles in the place of single po-       for our school. Stay safe Garneau. I
precedented: she is the first Grade 11     sitions. Taira hopes this will allow        can’t wait to make great memories.” ■
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FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner
                                       to   bond and feel supported.          niors, Debate Club sorts members
                                          Club president Akil said, “Our      into “junior” and “senior” cate-
                                       priorities at debate club are cen-     gories. Some people have joined
                                       tered around the construction of a     to learn about debate with their
                                       community at Garneau! Of course        schoolmates, while others use this
  Discovering                          we value the oratorical skills and     opportunity for extra practice, like
                                       argument-building that debate of-      Carrie Jiang: “I joined debate club
  Debating in                          ten helps with, but we try to create   because I just started doing debate
                                       a strong community bond and I          in the summer and I wanted to de-
 Debate Club’s                         offer whatever help I can—regard-
                                       less of whether they’re debate-re-
                                                                              velop my skills within the school
                                                                              club, sort of like extra practice.”
   Discord                             lated or not—to our members.”
                                          Debate Club meetings typical-
                                                                                 The Debate Club also sends sev-
                                                                              eral members to tournaments to
         by AMY JIA                    ly consist of lessons on new skills    represent MGCI. This year, tourna-
                                       and practice rounds. Motions have      ments are run online on a Discord
W      hat do models, POIs, table
       banging, case construction,
and whipping have in common?
                                       ranged from those extracted out of
                                       recent high-school tournaments to
                                                                              server. Most tournaments take place
                                                                              over a span of one or two days with
                                       fun, unique motions on challenging     multiple rounds each day, along
    Here’s a hint: it’s not fashion,   topics with unexpected formatting.     with “break” rounds—the semifi-
math, table misuse, architecture, or   Lessons teach important skills and     nals, finals, and junior finals. These
foamy cream. Rather, they are all      techniques used in debate, such as     tournaments include Upper Canada
elements of debate. Chances are,       argumentation, refutation, speech      College’s Pro-Am tournament, and
these words have been uttered mul-     structuring, and more. Despite         coming up in 2021, two of Toron-
tiple times in the Debate Club Dis-    the argumentative nature of de-        to’s highly well-known high-school
cord server during their meetings      bate, Debate Club has a comfort-       tournaments: Hart House HS 2021
on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednes-       able environment that encourages       and Western University’s 2021
days. Members attend on different      friendship and community. Debate       high school debate tournament.
days, depending on their cohorts.      Club member Lisa Zhang stated, “I         Regarding the near future and
    Marc Garneau’s Debate Club         wanted to join the club for a more     coming years, Vice President Laris-
was founded in 2018 by Grade 12        laid back experience. I just enjoy     sa Long said, “Honestly, I just want
student Akil Miki Huang when he        being able to debate with friends      MGCI debate to remain an open
wanted to build up a robust de-        and do interesting motions that I      and inclusive club where anyone
bate team for MGCI. When asked         don’t always get in debate class.”     can join and come to learn, make
about what inspired him to start          The experience of club mem-         new friends, and joke around. I
the debate club, he said, “Talking     bers also varies, as everyone, re-     love the atmosphere that this year’s
with debaters at other institutions,   gardless of skill level, is welcome    Debate Club has fostered, and look-
I realized that we were behind on      in the club. Because levels range      ing at how far we’ve come in these
training and club opportunities.       from new novice to seasoned se-        past few years is astounding.” ■
A couple friends and I decided
we would set up a club, starting
small and working our way up.”
    Unlike the infamous televised
debates, high school debate is civ-
il, educational, and fun to watch.
Students learn to think critically
and analytically. They are encour-
aged to debate a wide scope of top-
ics that range from regretting so-
cial norms to types of activism and
even whether or not the opposition
side has already won the debate.
Through the numerous lessons
and practice debates, club mem-
bers have an opportunity to hone
their skills of idea organization,
collaboration, efficient note-tak-
ing, and public speaking. Further-
more, Debate Club is a commu-
nity and a safety net for members

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12 FEBRUARY 2021

    Food For Families: Food Banks During COVID-19
                                                       by RENA LIU

    D    espite the numerous challeng-
         es of COVID-19, food banks
    around Toronto remain open to serve
                                              crease in the number of food deliver-
                                              ies made to families. Before the pan-
                                              demic, the food bank delivered food
                                                                                         perishable and non-perishable items
                                                                                         composed of non-processed foods,
                                                                                         low in sodium and sugar. Although
    families in need. However, just like      to approximately ten families each         the food bank does accept donations
    the communities they assist, food         week, but now it delivers food to more     of healthy food at this time, it must
    banks have also had to adapt to the       than thirty-five families each week        be contacted in advance and food do-
    pandemic. Many food banks, such           in collaboration with Better Living,       nations must be isolated for ten days
    as Flemingdon Park Food Bank and          which runs a Meals on Wheels pro-          before they can be distributed.
    Community Share Food Bank, which          gram.                                         Apart from donations of food or
    was established in 2004, operate                                                     money, raising awareness about food
    under reduced hours or have had to                                                   banks and the need for food banks is
    handle distribution with fewer volun-                                                important for food banks to contin-
    teers.                                                                               ue operating. Students had previous-
       “One of the biggest changes is that                                               ly volunteered at Community Share
    we’ve had to hire a part-time food                                                   Food Bank, but under these circum-
    program manager to oversee our op-                                                   stances, no student volunteers are
    eration,” said Dorothy Boothroyd,                                                    allowed.
    one of the Co-Chairs of the Commu-                                                      Furthermore, Ms. Boothroyd sug-
    nity Share Food Bank, which oper-                                                    gested other resources for youth,
    ates out of the Church of Ascension                                                  adults, and seniors, including Kids
    in the Don Mills area.                                                               Help Phone [1], Toronto Seniors Help-
       Before the pandemic, the food                                                     line [2], What’s Up? [3], and a guide to
    bank was managed by over one hun-                                                    coping during COVID-19 from North
    dred volunteers who worked in rota-                                                  York General Hospital [4].
    tions. Given current restrictions, only                                                 “Stay hopeful. We have to obey
    about thirty volunteers are available          Illustration: Colleen Chang           municipal, provincial, and federal
    to work on a rotating basis. Volun-                                                  guidelines to stay safe. If we work
    teers wear masks while on duty, and          When asked about the qualifica-         together, we can get through this,”
    wash their hands and change gloves        tions needed to obtain food, Ms. Boo-      Ms. Boothroyd concluded. “Contin-
    frequently. Food is distributed be-       throyd said, “There’s only one qualifi-    ue to reach out to people via Zoom
    hind plexiglass in pre-packed bags of     cation, and that’s that you live within    and other platforms. Try to laugh,
    perishable and non-perishable items.      the catchment area.” There had been        get exercise, stay as well-nour-
    Furthermore, clients in need of food      additional requirements based on           ished as your circumstances allow,
    must make appointments through            financial criteria three to four years     and avail yourself of food banks as
    phone or email before arriving at the     ago, but “nobody comes to a food           necessary.”                            ■
    food bank. Distribution hours have        bank who doesn’t need to be here,”         Resources
    been reduced to Wednesdays instead        she said. However, if a client resides     [1] https://kidshelpphone.ca/
    of Tuesdays and Saturdays.                outside of the catchment area, they        [2] https://torontoseniorshelpline.ca/
       Moreover, Community Share Food         will still receive food, but will be re-   [3] http://whatsupwalkinclinic.ca
    Bank, which operates under the um-        ferred to the food bank in their area.     [4] https://mentalhealthcovid19.ca/
    brella organization North York Har-          Due to the pandemic, Communi-               To learn more about Community Share
    vest, has had to roll back many of its    ty Share Food Bank has not run any         Food Bank, visit https://www.communi-
    programs due to the pandemic, in-         food drives, but it has been running a     tysharefoodbank.ca/.
                                                                                             Flemingdon Food Bank (https://www.
    cluding its popular nutritious break-     successful ‘no-food’ food drive by ac-     fcfoodbank.com/) distributes food on Mon-
    fast program, which provided healthy      cepting monetary donations through         days and Wednesdays, and operates under
    food and opportunities to socialize.      its website. The donated funds are         the umbrella organization Daily Bread Food
                                                                                         Bank. Registering at https://dailybread.
       Although need may be increasing        used to purchase produce, milk, and        link2feed.ca/ gives weekly access to a food
    in other areas of the city, Ms. Boo-      eggs to enhance what is regularly re-      bank that is part of the Daily Bread Food
    throyd said the demand for food has       ceived from North York Harvest and         Bank.
                                              Second Harvest for families in need.           For more community resources and sup-
    remained mostly static in the catch-
                                                                                         port, visit https://211central.ca/ to receive
    ment area of the Community Share          The food bank has a strict healthy         information on organizations serving spe-
    Food Bank. However, there is an in-       food policy and strives to procure         cific locations in the Greater Toronto Area.

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FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner

                                            LIFE BOARD
                 A board for imaginative self-expression through written and visual content.

                                            “Dalavea, their beginning.”                  mortal eyes watched helplessly as their
  So They Forgot.                           Her will broke across the dams of time,      world blinked dark, but only for a mo-
                                            and shot into their Worlds as spades do      ment as that timeline, too, was gone.
          by SARAH LI                       through wood. Quakes of celestial mag-          My sister and I held our hands and
                                            nitudes shook them like lifeboats tum-       danced across our dominion. The day
M     y fingers faded into twinkling
      starlight, abandonment pricked at
the skin and ate away my flesh.
                                            bling in storms, but only for a moment
                                            as that timeline was gone.
                                                                                         and the night, light and dark, life and
                                                                                         death. Bountiful harvests and destitute
                                            “If you will rebel, then I may as well,      homes, framed family photos and little
There was yet still light in the sky of     “For wherever you go I am destined to        skeletons in the ground.
our home. My eyes, that mortals once        follow.                                         The third orbital, bound by the wills
peered upon and bowed to, dulled with       “And whatever is yours shall be mine         of the sixth. How ironic, and how tragic.
the last of our rule.                       too.”                                        One step away from the serenity of in-
“How could they forget us?” my sister       The black crept up my hands and swal-        finity, from an eternity of power. A dis-
roared. Her skin crackled, splintered       lowed my arms, ink so dark no light          tance that we will never close.
and peeled.                                 escaped, against skin so pale the moon          Let the lower orbitals, the fifth and
The bright mass of light beneath shone      hid in disgrace.                             the sixth, see what they can do, against
out from golden ruptures that pierced          “There will be creatures, wondering       us, the primal forces beyond their rule.
the dullness.                               their skies,                                 Two, three, six, eleven, numbers the
“Let go of your anger, dear sister of          “Space will flow vast and empty be-       mortals do not understand but are ours
mine,” I soothed with a silky voice.        tween them, to be lit up by lonely rocks     to command.
“It was only a matter of time.              and spinning stars.”                            “How I wish they could see,” my sis-
The mortals are foolish, they drink and        “When they dare to step outside and       ter laughed,
dance and war, and forget about all         venture into the unknown,                       Her skin finally flooded by the burn-
things that are important in the world.”       “My beasts will devour them and re-       ing inside.
How could they forget the sun and the       turn them to me,”                               “One last ballad to the songs of yore!”
moon? Cruel were the strings of fate,          “Lan, their end.”                            “And we will be here, my sister.” I
a mummer’s farce played by powers              And out from me, my creation erupt-       sang,
much too great. Do they who rule eter-      ed, coiling their bodies and swimming           The dark in me flowed towards the
nities untold see us as their puppets and   in nothing. They hungrily devoured           wordless void.
toys? Or were we all temporary, souls       stars and planets for the very first time,      “Until the end of days."             ■
confined to lower dimensions, time a
roaring canal to us, mere droplets to
A second ticked by. Another fragment
of my power faded, like a thread of
old yarn slowly falling apart in a dusty
“I will not stand,” My sister announced,
“To be thrown aside like a useless dog.
“I will remind them so they may not for-
And she glowed then, hair of magma
and skin of obsidian, the brilliance of
her light crowding space and time.
“There will be lands, on each of their
“Where I will hold power so to keep
them in place.
 “Those who visit, who are to set their
 eyes upon that glory of my making,
 “Will return to me, my fiery embrace,                        Illustration: Max Lu and Akshaya Varakunan
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12 FEBRUARY 2021

                                             by ABBINAYA PARAKARAN
                                                    Photograph: Justin Wei

 i hold                                       extraordinary stars and planets                through the ethereal
 a galaxy between                             shine through the void                         leaving a flowing trail
 my palms                                     of the foggy edges                             that cools the orb i hold
                                              each a slightly different                      like an ice cube dropped into
 the heat makes my                            color, unique,                                 a steaming cup of tea
 rings melt                                   and the hues blur and blend
 and the black holes                          together as i trace lines between              and all i am left with
 suckle at my fingertips                      constellations with my eyes                    is a stinging cheek,
 and lap up the molten silver                                                                fingers tipped with blue
 that runs through the                        i watch as the stars implode                   and for a moment
 crevices of my hands                         and meteors streak                             the world is at peace■

             Suitor                             Sure, you learned the sacrifices
                                            that this kind of love demands. You
                                                                                          what it suggests, and forget soon that
                                                                                          they ever said it. Inhale and clear
by SUMEDH DHANVANTHRY                       decided never again, but it’s appar-          your throat.
                                            ently not up to you. You wondered                 Come face-to-face—let yourself
B  right white metal, grainy smooth
   light that flits down like helicopter
seeds. Everybody inside their homes,
                                            then, and now I wonder how I’ll see
                                            it in 20 years.
                                                                                          —with the shifting and course-cor-
                                                                                          rection of silences. The colours and
                                                                                          moods of the soundlessness flutter,
talking with the sound off. Walking                                                       though its physical intensity is un-
yourself home down the warm street                                                        changing. Why, then, does she feel
when nobody else knows. A purplish                                                        such blaring discordance? The ques-
stomach inside you, lightening with
                                                                                          tion, unanswered, dissolves. The
unease. It’s making you so angry that
                                                                                          surface of the asphalt sends purple
you can’t describe it just right.
                                                                                          sparks—a lilac—into your fresh brown
   Let the city unveil itself to you, the
                                                                                          soles, and up through your heart and
suitor. A rusting synth plays seventh
chords that coat your dusty eyes as
                                                                                              Looking through the fine wire mesh
you walk. Inhale the richness around
                                                                                          on the door, see his shirt on the floor,
you, the deepening of humors, until
the nighttime clouds sag and barely                                                       see a hand press the wall, watch them
brush your head of hair.                                                                  play pick-up ball. He lays upright in
   And in an instant, let yourself be                                                     late midnight hours with glassy eyes
reversed as your experience resolves                                                      to make sense of silver and darkening
to singularity. Feel the dryness and                                                      lilac. The road smells of vanilla and
cleanliness of the road. Feel weaker.                                                     rubber; they think, “I haven’t been out
A tough dark man holds you upright                                                        this late since I was little.” Haven’t,
until he doesn’t. No sharp rocks to                                                       since the kinship was minced. The
                                                    Photograph: Justin Wei                newest and worst hormones on the
provoke your backside; there are only
the smooth and sultry voices of crick-          The insect tones pollute and make         cul-de-sac, tearing friends apart. Like
ets and cicadas in their treehouses.        impure the foreign fluid in the mouth         that time you got your wheel stuck in
Cheering screeching baritones are           of a non-identity youth, cooling on the       a manhole cover and you fell and tore
fluted across the city like rains and       low porch. A drained male shatters an         up the palms of your hands. Played
sands, dropping dead on those awake.        ice tray into the sink to soak his skin.      ball bloody.
They engage a cotton-mouthed driver         He ungratefully internalizes this as              Let that night’s life trickle down like
seething under shallow red light. The       self-soothing. In the horizon, hear the       dream-physics into a want for cars
city in heat may seem noiseless. But        thunder of game, hooves pounding              and bloodied hands and long eyelash-
when noticed, the insect tones find a       the city into a kaleidoscopic habitat.        es.
way to creep into the mind, through         It’s one for festivities, so note the ivory       I wish you could steal the view
the nose and breath. The driver’s           trumpets sounding off.                        through their eyes.
hands are yellow from cigarettes.               They’ll call you that, not knowing            Bare your dull full radiant face. ■

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FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner

                        Maryam Mobashir

Lucy Qi

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FEBRUARY 2021 - The Reckoner
12 FEBRUARY 2021

                                                  Fatima Gulab

                 A New Lens
                 Sophie Yang

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Skates, Seals, and Social Awkwardness                                                     Sketchbook
                          by MAGGIE PANG                                                   by ZIXUAN XU

I  t’s a rather cold day. Indeed,
   it’s only been five or so minutes
and my toes are no longer send-
                                          people are sitting on the benches,
                                          lacing up their skates, so I try my
                                          best to fully enjoy one lap before
                                                                                   my thoughts flow like rushing rivers
                                                                                   out of my feelings and into the waters
                                                                                   jet black ink on a crisp white page
ing signals to my brain other than        the influx of people arrive.             something they’ll never understand
“cold cold cold”. The sun shining            There are a few different types
through the window before I left          of people on the ice. I notice that      i dream of future and i dream of life
tricked me into thinking it would         there are quite a few little kids to-    beyond this cycle, with blessed
be warm, but thankfully, I have a         day. They may look very innocent,         meaning
rather large, brightly coloured hat.      but they are in fact very dangerous.     but it’s all monochrome, just sketches
It makes 5’7” me look like a child,       When they fall, they have a tenden-
but that’s perfectly fine, since it                                                not a droplet of sparkling coloured joy
                                          cy to slide across the ice directly in
gives me an excuse to act like a          front of you like colourful seals,
child. My laces are slightly too                                                   i’m missing a ripped page and a half
                                          forcing you to stop, which is indeed
tight for comfort, since I dislike                                                 of not only my mind but also my heart
                                          something I am morbidly bad at.
when the two skates do not have           Also, the second they spot a gap in      should I make it my purpose to find it
equal tightness, and one cannot           a group of people, no matter how         or is it destiny, for it to only burn?
really tell the difference if they’re     small, they will make an attempt
both too tight.                           to fit through it and pass them at       but no matter how many unfinished
    After a little bit of shuffling to-   full speed, all the while scaring the    no matter how many merely
wards the ice, with a little bit of       people they are trying to pass with       attempted
hesitation, I step onto the ice. The      their loud scrapy skate noises, con-     i close each drawing in my bruised fist
Zamboni had just made its rounds          fidently swinging limbs, and a ver-      and hold them close, eyes welled with
around the rink, and there were           tical deficiency that makes them         tears
already a couple people speeding
                                          rather hard to see.
around in circles, making lines on
                                             Another lap later, I encoun-          every memory is recorded by my hand
the pristine ice. I, however, require
                                          ter another challenge—a group of         rough and hazy in its fading glory
a bit of adjusting, and wobble
                                          teenagers. This is very bad news         it’ll all likely never be fully complete
around for a few seconds. Unsure
                                          because they are teenagers, so not       but nevertheless, they remain on the
if I still know how to skate, I take
                                          only must one face the challenges        paper
a few shaky, penguin-like strides
                                          of trying to—without going close
before gaining more confidence,
                                          enough to them to be considered
forgetting that newly zambonied
ice is slippery, and falling.             creepy—bypass a very slow-mov-
                                          ing group of people literally per-
                                          fectly blocking the path, but one
                                          must also avert one’s eyes so as
                                          not to attract the attention of their
                                          judging stares. I finally manage to
                                          escape once the path widens.
                                             Eventually, as the sky grew dark-
                                          er, the number of people on the ice
                                          dwindled to the point where I could
                                          find myself with several meters of
                                          empty ice in front of me. My toes
       Illustration: Helen Sun
                                          at this point are essentially non-
   First fall of the year, I suppose.     existent and the wind is blowing
I would sit there and continue to         more confidently against my face.
pity myself, but the ice, surpris-        Above, the moon shines as I skate
ingly enough, is icy, and I need          along to the “Beatles Only Radio”
not torture myself like that. More        blasting from the speakers.         ■          Illustration: Elizabeth Wei

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12 FEBRUARY 2021

It's been a while
since I last watched
the birds take flight.

L   ast week I learned I wasn’t
    doing so well in my classes
this semester. Two weeks be-
fore that I learned I wouldn’t
be visiting my family for read-
ing week. I can’t remember the
last time I looked outside my
window, or went outside just
for the sake of it.
   I watch the birds walk
around, occasionally hopping                                 Photograph: Amy Jia
elsewhere to switch spots.
They squawk at one another.         Ask Alex for a storytime of          goes where and who leads the
Could they be giving orders?        her latest adventures. Call my       flight, squawking at one anoth-
Could they be rehearsing for        sister, see how she’s doing in       er to just stop being so slow?
their great act?                    highschool. Maybe give her              They’re a dotted V against
   I didn’t learn I wasn’t doing    some advice on college appli-        the marigold sky. And they
so well in my classes this se-      cations.                             keep going forward, away from
mester. I knew all along. It’s        The blues got larger, and less     my spot on the edge of the
not difficult to know when          blue. It’s more yellow. I won-       cliff, and I can imagine them
you’re not doing so good. I         der how the sky goes from blue       flying as one, through mari-
didn’t learn I wouldn’t be vis-     to yellow without first turning      gold fields and poppy fields
iting my family for reading         green. Maybe she just knows          and fields you can’t identify
week. I never intended to.          green’s not her color.               because it’s just too dark.
   The sky is white. It should be     Maybe I should go home be-            Do you think they’re born
beautiful, heavenly even, but       fore it gets dark. But it’s been a   with it? Gracefulness, know-
really it’s just awfully cloudy.    while since I last watched the       ing exactly where you belong?
   Of all the days I decide to      sky turn blue to yellow, and            They’ve got their destina-
leave the house, I choose the       yellow to orange to red to pur-      tion at heart, like they’ll know
day the sun is MIA.                 ple to blue again, but darker.       it when they see it.
   Maybe I should work hard-          I’ll start working out. I’ll          I don’t think they can be
er. Study more, sleep less.         clean my whole house, make it        confused, or clumsy, or wor-
Make time for a social life. I      feel like a fresh start. I’ll even   ried, or tense. They’re not hu-
really want something to point      take—                                man.
to, to fix, that would make it go     A mass of birds lift from their
away.                               places in a graceful, almost re-
   A small blue opening forms.      hearsed movement. They join             It has been a while since I
The sun’s peeking out at the        their comrades in the sky. They      last watched the birds take
birds.                              move as one, swooshing down          flight.
   The sun peeks out at me.         and then up again, and away.
Maybe I should call some              Did they practice for that?
friends, catch up with them.        Spend hours finding out who            Where should I go next?     ■

12   www.thereckoner.ca

                     EDITORIAL BOARD
                 A board that amplifies student voices through supported opinions.

                                                                    ers. An award might be award-
The Grammy Awards Never                                             ed to music a committee de-
                                                                    cides shows the most artistry
     Fail to Disappoint                                             and technical skill, or perhaps
                                                                     to music that dominated the
                         by MAGGIE PANG                              year’s charts. One might say

T    he internet is going crazy be one of the worst songs I have that the purpose of the Gram-
     over the Grammys. Again. ever heard in my life with a bor- mys is to honour and recognize
For those of you who don’t al- ing melody and oh-so-romantic the achievements of the great-
ready know, Canadian artist lyrics like “you got that yummy est artists of the year. But what
Abel M. Tesfaye, better known yum, that yummy yum, that does that even mean? It certain-
by his stage name The Weeknd, yummy yum” and “she’s a bona ly doesn’t have anything to do
did not receive a single Grammy fide stallion”—over “Blinding with statistics or technical skill,
nomination this year. Not one. Lights”.                             and it’s based entirely on the
Despite “Blinding Lights” hav-       It’s not just that I have any- opinions of a select group of a
ing set a record for most weeks thing against “Yummy” partic- few thousand individuals work-
spent in the top 10 of the Bill- ularly; it is, in terms of music ing in the music industry [10]. It
board Top 100 Chart [1] and his theory, quite bland with its rep- should also be noted that many
album “After Hours” setting a etition, in terms of reviews by of these individuals work for
record for the most pre-adds on critics [5] and the internet [6] certain companies and might
Apple Music [2].                 [7], complete and total trash, have certain interests that
     The R&B singer turned to and in terms of popularity, would make them biased—there
Twitter shortly after the nomi- made it onto the Billboard Top have been many allegations in
nations were revealed, saying, 100 solely because of constant, the past of corruption and brib-
“The Grammys remain corrupt” shameless, and pretty much ery [11][12], along with racism
[3]. While it may seem like he desperate promotion [8][9].          [13] and sexism [14]. Therefore,
is simply being a sore loser, he     Every single year, we com- it’s not quite recognizing any-
makes a good point. The Al- plainers and nitpickers find a thing, other than music a bunch
bum of the Year category went justified reason to be upset with of music professionals like.
against everyone’s expectations the Grammys.                             Indeed, the Grammys are
by not having “After Hours”          So why do we even pay at- incredibly bad at recognizing
nominated, which was one of tention to them in the first achievement in essentially any
the best selling albums of the place? Why do they even exist? genre other than pop. Despite
year [4]. Sure, popularity does Can the Grammys please just be the widespread popularity of
not decide something’s worthi- cancelled?                           rap, only two rap albums have
ness of being nominated, but       Each contest tends to have a won the Album of The Year
the Grammy Awards proved defined thing they’re looking award, the last time being in
they do not make decisions for. The People’s Choice Awards 2004, and no rap song has ever
based on talent either by choos- and Billboard Music Awards are won Song of the Year or Record
ing “Yummy”—which has got to based on popularity among vot- of the Year. It should also be
                                                                            www.thereckoner.ca    13
12 FEBRUARY 2021
noted that some genres will, due     a diverse assortment of genres.■                [7] https://rateyourmusic.com/release/single/
to their relative lack of popular-
                                     Works Cited                                     [8] https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-en-
ity, have committee members                                                          tertainment/music/features/justin-bieber-yum-
                                     [1] https://www.stereogum.com/2108353/
without much expertise voting        the-weeknd-blinding-lights-record-billboard-
for them.                            top-10/news/                                    lease-date-a9318306.html

    A lack of a Grammy doesn’t       [2] https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.         [9] https://www.insider.com/justin-bieber-
                                     com/the-weeknd-smashes-apple-music-record-      get-yummy-to-no-1-despite-lackluster-re-
make Diana Ross and Queen            heading-towards-1m-global-pre-adds-of-new-      sponse-2020-1
any less legendary and the vot-      album/                                          [10] https://www.thebalancecareers.com/who-
ing process is so untranspar-        [3] https://www.bbc.com/news/entertain-         votes-for-the-grammy-awards-2460684
                                     ment-arts-55858548                              [11] https://gritdaily.com/the-grammys-are-
ent and untrustworthy that the
                                     [4] https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-      once-again-accused-of-corruption/
possession of a Grammy doesn’t       end/2020/top-album-title-sales                  [12] https://www.bbc.com/news/entertain-
mean anything either. Overall,       [5] https://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/jus-   ment-arts-51204484
the Grammys could not be more        tin-bieber-yummy/                               [13] https://www.bbc.com/news/entertain-
                                     [6] https://www.albumoftheyear.org/al-          ment-arts-38982994
irrelevant and incapable of rec-     bum/201432-justin-bieber-yummy/user-re-         [14] https://www.vogue.com/article/grammy-
ognizing music achievement in        views/                                          awards-2018-sexist-or-out-of-touch

                                            Illustration: Julia Shen

14   www.thereckoner.ca

Snowden: Vindicated                      research on China’s mass surveil-
                                         lance, but soon became concerned
                                                                                tivity—everything. Even though
                                                                                you would expect Americans to
    by History                           that the US was engaging in the
                                         same behaviour on a much larger
                                                                                be the primary targets of Ameri-
                                                                                can surveillance agencies, foreign
                                         scale. Around this time, he began      citizens were targeted en masse
    GUEST SUBMISSION                     to raise concerns through official     due to their lack of protection un-
    by ANTHONY CHEN                      channels—concerns that went            der the US Constitution—in some

I n June 2013, yet another mys-         completely unheard. He then be-         countries, every phone call was re-
  terious three-letter organisation     gan downloading files, determined       corded. Americans, Canadians, ac-
entered our collective conscious-       to reveal the NSA’s actions to the      tivists, companies, governments—
ness. Unlike other famous organi-       world [3].                              no one was immune [5][6]. In a
sations like the CIA, FBI, KGB, and        In March 2013, James Clapper,        leaked document, the NSA listed
CDC, the National Security Agency       who was in charge of overseeing the     its goals to “Collect it All,” “Process
(NSA)’s sudden prominence was           NSA, testified under oath that the      it All”, “Exploit it All”, “Partner it
not due to movie directors looking      NSA did not collect any data at all     All”, “Sniff it All”, and eventually to
for a quick buck. Instead, it became    from Americans [4]. For Snowden,        “Know it All” [7].
a household name after contractor       this was the last straw. He immedi-        On top of it all, the NSA had also
Edward Snowden leaked classified        ately quit his job at Dell and found    developed numerous hacking tools
information on mass surveillance        another consulting job, where he        to help them illegally break into
programs to the world on the front      could gather more evidence to ex-       systems, and a search engine called
pages of The Guardian and The           pose the NSA. Two months later,         XKeyscore that allowed them to
Washington Post [1]. So who was         he was on a plane to Hong Kong          browse through someone’s entire
Edward Snowden, what did he do,         under the pretext of getting medi-      digital presence—every analyst had
and why should we care now?             cal treatment. There, he met with       the power to use or misuse this [8].
   We live in a society. This means     several experienced journalists he      Some parts of the surveillance were
that although we have certain in-       had previously contacted over the       legal—enabled by the infamous
herent rights and freedoms, rea-        internet, and fled to Russia shortly    PATRIOT Act—and some were of
sonable restrictions sometimes          after [3]. The subsequent revela-       questionable legality, but the vast
need to be placed on them—hate          tions, as we now know, were un-         majority of it was unquestionably
speech laws, building codes, and        precedented.                            illegal, unconstitutional, and in vi-
speed limits are good examples                                                  olation of international law [5][15].
of this. Furthermore, most people                                               The most important part was that
believe that the restrictions need                                              it was unknown and unaccount-
to be proportionate, and normal                                                 able to the public. The only pro-
people going about their daily lives                                            visions for oversight were James
should not be troubled by them.                                                 Clapper—who we have already met
However, it was generally accept-                                               above—and a rubber-stamp court
ed by those working for the NSA—                                                that approved over 99% of re-
the US’s digital surveillance agen-                                             quests [9]. Surely government offi-
cy—that covert, indiscriminate,                                                 cials would have thanked Snowden
oversight-less, Orwellian mass                                                  for doing his duty to “support and
surveillance was justified. Mass                                                defend the Constitution”?
surveillance of not just US citizens,                                              It’s often necessary to break
                                               Illustration: Emily Lai
but the entire world [2].                                                       an unjust law to bring attention
   Looking at his initial career           The world now knows that over-       to an issue and eventually cre-
choice, most people wouldn’t ex-        stating the extent of the NSA’s         ate change—people in history
pect Snowden to later be branded as     snooping       is   near-impossible.    who have done this include Oskar
a traitor. He was a young, patriotic    Through a combination of inter-         Schindler, Rosa Parks, and Martin
special forces trainee who left the     national partners (primarily Aus-       Luther King Jr. Even though they
army only after both his legs were      tralia, Canada, New Zealand, and        were initially controversial, we
broken. He then signed on with          the United Kingdom), willingly co-      now recognise that they were com-
the CIA as a computer specialist        operating companies, court orders,      pletely justified and wonder why
but resigned shortly after because      and hacking, the NSA collects all       none of their contemporaries did
of moral objections. After that, he     types of communications, indus-         the same. We have a moral duty to
worked as a contractor for the NSA      trial secrets, financial information,   refuse to obey unjust laws, as well
through Dell. There he conducted        location information, internet ac-      as to speak out when we discover

                                                                                         www.thereckoner.ca         15
12 FEBRUARY 2021

abuses of power—whether by the          without them, he would just be         Parliament [19]. Find and attend
government or some other author-        another conspiracy theorist. Ad-       protests against mass surveillance.
ity. Unlike other NSA employees         ditionally, only a few documents       Learn how to protect your digital
who felt they should be above the       related to mass surveillance have      privacy [20]. Support charities like
law or were intimidated into si-        been released after being checked      the Electronic Frontier Foundation
lence, Snowden spoke out at great       over by journalists—the remain-        and the Canadian Civil Liberties
personal risk to himself.               ing ones are safely encrypted. The     Association. Learn about where the
   And it’s important to stress the     final common argument is that          political parties stand on these is-
full extent of the risk—the first       the information Snowden leaked         sues and vote when you’re able to.
charges brought against him car-        harmed national security and           Above all, stay informed about the
ried a combined prison sentence         helped terrorists—the US Congress      issues that affect us all—through
of thirty years, and more charges       was kind enough to release a report    The Reckoner.                      ■
were expected. He would be on the       with twenty-one examples of how
run from the most powerful coun-        the information harmed national        Works Cited
try and intelligence agencies on the    security, but they were all blacked    [1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/
planet. In an anonymous interview,      out [14]. As for the terrorists, the   [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_sur-
many powerful government offi-          NSA could only cite one example        veillance_disclosures_(2013%E2%80%93pre-
cials fantasized about personally       that was later found to be unrelat-    sent)
murdering him [12]. He expressed        ed by a judge [15].                    [3] Permanent Record, Edward Snowden
it best himself, saying that “Every-       After the revelations, there were
                                                                               [4] https://www.politifact.com/article/2014/
one in the Intelligence Community       protests and petitions—including       mar/11/james-clappers-testimony-one-year-lat-
is aware of what happens to people      many in Canada—demanding gov-          er/
who report concerns about unlaw-        ernments end illegal mass surveil-     [5] https://www.theguardian.com/world/inter-
ful but authorized operations” [13].    lance and cut ties with the NSA.       active/2013/nov/01/snowden-nsa-files-surveil-
We may not all have spoken out          World      governments—including       lance-revelations-decoded
                                                                               [6] https://www.businessinsider.com/
under the same circumstances, but       Canada—took swift action. Specif-      snowden-leaks-timeline-2016-9
we can support Edward Snowden           ically, they legalised the surveil-    [7] No Place to Hide, Glenn Greenwald (Book)
and recognise him for what he is—       lance after the public attention had   [8] https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/poli-
definitely not a traitor, but a hero    died down [16]. Here in Canada,        tics/2013/07/glenn-greenwald-low-level-nsa-
to all of us.                           Bill C-51 gave CSIS (our intelli-      analysts-have-powerful-and-invasive-search-
   Snowden has many critics, but        gence agency) sweeping new pow-
                                                                               [9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_
many of the arguments against           ers [17].                              Snowden
what he did purposely misrepre-            Canadians often take pride in       [10] https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/
sent the facts or are based on mis-     Canada’s [objective] superiority to    edward-snowden-poll_n_4175089
conceptions. The most common            America. It’s tempting to dismiss      [11] https://www.theguardian.com/
argument is that he should return       the NSA as an American problem
to the US and stand trial, that the     and trust our government to re-        [12] https://edwardsnowden.com/2014/01/27/
justice system is just, and he should   spect our privacy. The truth is far    video-ard-interview-with-edward-snowden/
plead his case to a judge and jury.     more unsettling. The Canadian          [13] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/
This argument overlooks the fact        equivalent to the NSA is called the    the-switch/wp/2014/03/07/snowden-i-raised-
that he is charged under the Espi-      CSE, and it has even less oversight    nsa-concerns-internally-over-10-times-before-
onage Act, a relic from history that    than the NSA—it’s regularly found      [14] https://fas.org/irp/congress/2016_rpt/
effectively stops the accused from      to be violating our rights, and also   hpsci-snowden.pdf
defending themselves—in previous        helps the NSA around the world         [15] https://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-
cases, whistleblowers were not al-      [18]. The Bill C-51 that I mentioned   phone-snooping-illegal-court-finds-2020-9
lowed to explain their rationale or     above was the Canadian equivalent      [16] https://thehill.com/policy/technol-
mention the word “whistleblow-          to the PATRIOT Act, trading away
ing” [11].                              our rights for “national security”     [17] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/man-
   Another argument is that the         [17].                                  itoba/canada-csis-metadata-collection-priva-
documents he took were not lim-            But it doesn’t have to be this      cy-concerns-bill-c51-1.3798564
ited to those about mass surveil-       way. We live in a democratic soci-     [18] https://www.thestar.com/news/
lance, and Snowden intended to          ety, and there are countless ways
deliver the documents to Russia.        we can fight back against the on-      canada.html
He did take documents unrelated         going erosion of our rights. Write     [19] https://cpj.ca/writing-a-letter-to-your-
to mass surveillance, but he need-      an email—or a letter that can’t be     mp/
ed them to prove his credibility—       intercepted—to your Member of          [20] https://ssd.eff.org/en

16   www.thereckoner.ca
The Reckoner
                             of Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute

                                     EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                     JACQUELINE HUO
                                                       SARAH ALI

                         JEFFREY CHEUNG                                     CYNTHIA WANG

                                100% Original Content Policy

                                                                             Photograph: Jessica Xiong
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