FILM FEST Animation Competition - Fort Bend ISD

Page created by Lewis Webb
FILM FEST Animation Competition - Fort Bend ISD
                                                                                  Animation Competition

The 2021 FBISD Film Fest theme is Life Reimagined.
All of the submissions to this year’s competition will need to incorporate this theme in their story
somehow. This theme focuses on life changes. Many changes are occurring in students’ lives right now
and these can be expressed through film and photography entries. In addition, this theme of “Life
reimagined” can be used to express the constant recreating of society in the past, present, or future.

Some examples of narrative plots that express the theme of change and reimaging life include:
   • The story of how the lightbulb was invented and how it changed people’s lives
   • The story of a teenage girl who is moving with her family to a new country
   • The story of a young boy growing up in England when World War 2 bombings started
   • The story of a society in 3020 who are trying to start a new government on a newly formed

How are lives being dramatically changed, or completely reimagined, and how are people and/or society
adapting to that change?

Category: Animation
An animation tells a story like a narrative or documentary, but it does not have live action. It is created
with drawings, stop motion, or digital drawings. It has a definite beginning, middle, and end (even if not
shown in that order). Usually there are characters, a setting, a problem, and a solution but some
animations can be documentaries such as ones showing a sketch with movement explaining processes
like erosion or cell mitosis.

HINT: To get started, plan your story with a plot summary and storyboard. This will not be turned in with
the video but will help you create a narrative that follows a sequence and contains essential narrative
components such as characters, setting, problem, and solution.
Short Narrative Animated Film Example: Pip: A Short Animated Film by Southeastern Guide Dogs
FILM FEST Animation Competition - Fort Bend ISD

To submit your animation in the Film Fest Competition, you will need to remember a few items to make
sure you get full points and your video is not disqualified.

   1. Be aware of the length of the film. Here are the maximum lengths of narrative films. (Credits
         Elementary   Up to 3 minutes
         Middle       Up to 5 minutes
         High         Up to 7 minutes

   2. Films must be created this school year (2020-2021).
   3. Films must be appropriate for school audiences (G- General Audiences). Please see the MPA
      Ratings Guidelines (page 6)
   4. Title and credits must be included with the film. Credits need to be at least five seconds long so
      they can be read. Please remember to include:
      • Title of Film and names of those who created the film
      • Director Name
      • Actors Names (must also have a media release form for each person appearing in film)
      • Media sources (include music, photography, and film credits)

                         Opening Credits Sample (from a Documentary film):

                                            Ending Credits Sample:
FILM FEST Animation Competition - Fort Bend ISD
5. Films must adhere to copyright rules and fair use policy and licensing agreements, and regarding
   music, images, and video. See below for more details.

   Note: The district has purchased WeVideo, a video editing software that includes thousands of
   royalty free media for students to use in projects. Please cite WeVideo as a source in the credits if
   using this resource in your film.

                                               Music Tips
              Great to add to your film                          Avoid these at all costs

     •Music you have a license to use                 •Songs ripped from Youtube
     •Music from copyright free and royalty free      •Popular songs by famous artists that are
        sites                                             clearly owned by large media companies
     •Any of the above options WITH credit given      •Any song if you are unsure of what the usage
        at the end of your film. Example:                 rights are
      Music: « Song Title » from
     •Music you wrote and performed yourself
     Great sources for copyright/royalty free music:,,, etc
     More information:

                                               Image Tips
              Great to add to your film                          Avoid these at all costs

     •Images you have a license to use                •Simple “googled” image search results
     •Images from copyright free and royalty free     •Popular images clearly owned by companies
         sites                                        •Any image if you are unsure of what the
     •Any of the above options WITH credit given          usage rights are
         at the end of your film. Example:
     Image (be descriptive here): « Image Title »
     •Images you created yourself
     Great sources for copyright/royalty free images:,,, etc

                                               Video Tips
Great to add to your film                          Avoid these at all costs

     •Video from copyright free and royalty free      •Videos ripped from Youtube
          sites                                       •Most shows and movies
     •Any of the above options WITH credit given      •Any video if you are unsure of what the
          at the end of your film. Example:               usage rights are
     Video clip (add short description): « Video
     Title » from OjasweinGuptaOJG (creator) at
     •Video you created yourself
     Great sources for copyright/royalty free videos:,, Wevideo
     stock footage, etc

6. FBISD Media Release forms must have parent signature and submitted for every person
    appearing in the film if they do not have a signed parent permission in Skyward.
7. Students will submit the film in the Film Fest Schoology Course: 6TPX-VFK9-RTF44 and need to
    submit film information on the Submission form.
8. NEW! On the submission form an artist statement must be completed. This will consist of
    approximately two to four sentences. (Must include why the student created this project, its
    meaning to them, and describe their creation process.)
9. Example: I created this film to show the story behind how the lightbulb was invented and how it
    changed the world. I became interested in this back-story of this invention in History class this
    year and want to teach others about how these events changed life for all Americans. I filmed
    most of the shots myself in my home but used some stock footage from WeVideo. I created
    original music for this project in Garage Band software.
10. Films need to be uploaded in these film types: .mp4, .avi, .wmv, or .mov. Links to files such as to
    a WeVideo video (link needs to be public) or a file in One Drive (must have rights to view with
    all who have link) will be accepted. No incomplete project files/ links will be accepted, only
    finalized film files. (ex: .prproj files will not be accepted)
11. All submissions must be uploaded and turned in by March 2, 2021 with submission form and
    media releases completed and uploaded as well.
Judging Rubric
                           Extraordinary       Satisfactory             Needs          Incomplete (5)       Score
   Video Elements
                                (20)               (15)           Improvement (10)
Artist Statement         Explains            The why and          Explains only the    Does not
                         message the         the how are          why or the how       explain the why
                         artist wants to     explained.           and not both         or the how.
                         convey and why      Leaves a few         parts of the
                         (the why)           questions such       message.             Artist
                         Explains the        as explains the                           statement
                                                                                       absent= 0
                         process of          sound but not
                         creating the        the video in the
                         video clips and     process.
                         sound. (the
Incorporation of Theme   Clearly address     Addresses the        Parts of the film    Does not
                         the theme in an     theme with           address the          incorporate
                         original way.       little creativity.   theme but not the    theme= o
                                             The theme            whole plot.          points
                                             seems forced or

Story Elements and       All story           All of the story     One or two of the    Most of the
Plot                     elements are        elements are         story elements       story elements
                         evident and         present but do       are missing.         are not present
                         cohesive.           not work                                  or not clearly
                         (setting,           together to                               defined in the
                         character, plot,    make a                                    story.
                         exposition,         cohesive story.
                         conflict, climax,   (setting,                                 Does not
                         resolution)         character, plot,                          incorporate
                                             exposition,                               story elements=
                                             conflict, climax,                         0 points
Originality              Video               Video                Video does not       Video does not
                         incorporates        incorporates         incorporate          incorporate any
                         originally filmed   original video       original video or    original sound
                         video clips and     clips or sound       sound but edits      or video clips. It
                         sound created       created by the       the clips or uses    does not use
                         by the                                   sounds in a new      clips and sound
                         student(s) (Not                          and different way.   in an original
                         just stock                                                    way.
                         footage or
                         sound) Source
                         needs to be
                         explained in
Video Editing and        Shots & scenes      Shots & scenes       Shots & scenes do    The video
movement                 flow seamlessly     flow smoothly        not flow smoothly    editing or
                         to tell a story.                         from shot to shot.   movement is
                                             from shot to         Transitions from
                         (Viewer does                                                  lacking and
                                             shot.                shot to shot are
                         not notice the                                                does not tell a
                                             Transitions          choppy and
                         cuts and                                                      continuous
                                             areused to aid       distract from the
                         watches the                                                   story. (no clear
                                             in                   story. Visual
                         story)                                                        beginning,
                                                                                       middle, end)
Transitions are    the main idea,      effects are
                     used solely to     but the story is    overdone &
                     aid                more                distract from
                     in                 noticeable than     telling the story.
                     communicating      the shots.          Character
                                                            movement flows
                     the main idea.
                                                            for about half of
                     Visual effects
                                                            the time but the
                     are used for
                                                            rest is choppy.
                     emphasis in
                     telling the
Sound Design and     The audio is       The audio is        The audio is         Audio is cutoff
Editing              clear and          clear, but only     inconsistent in      and
                     effectively        partially assists   clarity at times &   inconsistent. It
                     assists in         in                  doesn’t              interferes
                     communicating      communicating       communicate the      with
                     the main idea.     the story being     story well.          understanding
                     The audio          told.               The viewer has to    of the
                     editing            The sound           strain to hear the   story.
                     enhances the       design stirs an     dialogue. The        The dialogue is
                     storytelling and   emotional           sound design         absent or
                     adds value &       response that       does not stir an     inaudible.
                     atmosphere to      somewhat            emotional            The sound
                     the film.          enhances the        response.            design is
                     The sound          storytelling. It    It detracts from     distracting,
                     design stirs a     adds good           the storytelling.    inappropriate,
                     rich emotional     value and                                or completely
                     response that      atmosphere to                            missing.
                     enhances the       the story.
                     storytelling. It                                            Does not
                     adds excellent                                              incorporate
                     value &                                                     sound= 0 points
                     atmosphere to
                     the story.
Pacing and Timing    The pacing of      The pacing          The pacing of the    The pacing of
                     the film is        seems to drag       film is              the film is
                     purposeful and     somewhat or         noticeably too       noticeably too
                     does not seem      needs slightly      long or too          long or too
                     too short nor      more detail in      short in more        short in
                     too long. The      one place in        than one             multiple places.
                     film does not      the film. Does      place. Does not      The film
                     exceed the time    not exceed          exceed the           exceeds the
                     limit per the      time limit set      time limit set for   time
                     category rules.    for category.       category.            limit for the

                                                                                 If film goes
                                                                                 over time
                                                                                 allotted it will
                                                                                 be disqualified.
Cinematography and   All shots are      Most of the         Most of the shots    All the shots are
Shot Variety         clearly focused    shots are           are not              not clearly
                     and well           clearly             clearly focused &    focused & well
                     framed using       focused & well      well framed          framed using
                     the Rule of        framed using        using the Rule of    the Rule of
                     Thirds. The        the Rule of         Thirds. The          Thirds. The
                     video is steady.   Thirds. The         video rocks &/or     video
                     Video shows        video is steady     shakes. The
                     evidence of        or at least
excellent           3/4ths of the      video does not       rocks &/or
                           selection of        video.             show much            shakes
                           various camera      Video shows        evidence of          throughout
                           shots to tell a     evidence of fair   various camera       most of the
                           story.              selection of       shots to tell a      film.
                                               various camera     story.
                                               shots to tell a
Creativity in              Video is            Video is over      Video is             Video seems
Presentation of            engagingly          fifty percent      disorganized and     incomplete and
material (examples         organized and       organized and      incomplete at        hard to follow.
include special effects,   presents            holds the          times and is         It is lacking in
scene transitions, stop    material that is    attention of the   somewhat able to     components
animation, varying         captivating for     viewer. (has       hold the attention   that make the
speed of film, excellent   the viewer. (has    advanced           of the viewer        video stand out
sound editing)             advanced            elements of                             or interesting.
                           elements of         video design)
                           video design
                           that enhance
                           the storytelling)
Ending Credits with        Citations are       Citations are      Citations are        None of the
Citations                  accurate, all       accurate, most     mostly present,      citations are
                           present, include    are present,       are accurate,        accurate,
                           all participants    include all        legible, & draw      legible, & draw
                           and sources,        participants       the viewer’s         the
                           legible, & draw     and sources,       attention.           viewer’s
                           the viewer’s        legible.                                attention
                                                                                       If film does not
                                                                                       include credits
                                                                                       and citations, it
                                                                                       will be
            Judges can also nominate films from this category for the special awards, which include People’s
                         Choice Award, Best Cinematography, Best Storyline, and Best Picture.

  If you have any questions or need any help with submissions, please email
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