First record of a Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii ) overwintering at a latitude above 60 N - De Gruyter

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First record of a Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii ) overwintering at a latitude above 60 N - De Gruyter
Mammalia 2020; aop

Short note

Anna S. Blomberg*, Ville Vasko, Saku Salonen, Gunārs Pētersons and Thomas M. Lilley

First record of a Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus
nathusii ) overwintering at a latitude above 60°N                               higher latitudes (Brommer et al. 2012; Warren et al. 2001).
Received February 24, 2020; accepted June 12, 2020; published online     While it is difficult to differentiate changes caused by
August 17, 2020                                                          climate change from those resulting from habitat loss or
                                                                         other local changes, or an increase in sampling effort, there
Abstract: Highly mobile species are considered to be the
                                                                         is some evidence that bats are also already responding to
first to respond to climate change by transforming their
                                                                         the changing climate through range expansion (Lundy
ranges of distribution. There is evidence suggesting that
                                                                         et al. 2010; Sherwin et al. 2013).
Pipistrellus nathusii, a species capable of long-distance
                                                                              Winter is often a critical time for animals inhabiting
migration, is expanding both its reproduction and over-
                                                                         high latitudes, and the overwintering strategies of organ-
wintering ranges to the North. We recorded the echoloca-
                                                                         isms have received considerable attention with regards to
tion calls of bats at 16 sites in South-Western Finland on
                                                                         climate change and associated range shifts (Humphries
two consecutive winters, and detected calls of P. nathusii at
                                                                         et al. 2002; Maclean et al. 2008; Sorte and Iii 2007). For
one of the sites throughout the second winter. To our
                                                                         many relatively sedentary species, such as most hibernat-
knowledge, this is the northernmost record of an over-
                                                                         ing mammals, climate change can have unfavorable effects
wintering P. nathusii, and contributes to evidence that the
                                                                         (Lane et al. 2012). However, bats (order Chiroptera), as an
species is already responding to climate change.
                                                                         example of hibernating mammals, are mobile and more
Keywords: chiroptera; climate change; hibernation;                       capable of shifting their overwintering ranges as a
migration; range expansion.                                              response. Indeed, Humphries et al. (2002) suggest that the
                                                                         hibernation ranges of North American bats will shift to-
Climate change is already affecting the range limits and                 wards the North because of climate change. Furthermore,
phenology of organisms across a plethora of taxa (Hickling               according to Newson et al. (2009), climate change is likely
et al. 2006; Parmesan and Yohe 2003; Tingley et al. 2009).               to affect the hibernation site selection and species
According to a review by Thomas (2010), it is possible that              composition in hibernacula to an extent that the abun-
more than half of observed animal range boundaries have                  dance of bats, and changes in the distribution and species
shown a response to climate change. In most cases, range                 composition at underground hibernation sites can be used
expansion has occurred on the boundary with lower                        as an indicator for climate change.
ambient temperatures, which appears to take place more                        In Europe, Pipistrellus kuhlii (Ancillotto et al. 2016;
rapidly than local extinctions at the boundary with higher               Sachanowicz et al. 2006; 2017) and Hypsugo savii
ambient temperatures (Brommer et al. 2012; Hickling et al.               (Lehotská and Lehotský 2006; Uhrin et al. 2016) have
2006; Thomas et al. 2006). Highly mobile species, such as                shown a remarkable increase in their geographical range,
bats, are most likely to be the first to respond to a changing            whereas in North-America, Willis and Brigham (2003)
climate by shifting their ranges towards the poles or to                 reported the tree-roosting bat, Lasiurus borealis, in
                                                                         Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, 300 km from the
                                                                         nearest previous observation. In addition, Pipistrellus
*Corresponding author: Anna S. Blomberg, Department of Biology,
University of Turku, Vesilinnantie 5, Turku 20014, Finland,              nathusii has expanded its range considerably during the
E-mail:              past decades (Benda et al. 2008; Lundy et al. 2010;
Ville Vasko and Thomas M. Lilley: Finnish Museum of Natural History,     Sachanowicz and Ciechanowski 2006; Sachanowicz et al.
University of Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, PL17, 00100 Helsinki,        2019). Breeding colonies, and a likely increase in the
Finland. (T.M. Lilley)
                                                                         amount of individuals, have been documented in the
Saku Salonen: Department of Biology, University of Turku,
Vesilinnantie 5, Turku 20014, Finland
                                                                         British Isles (Matthews et al. 2018; Russ et al. 2001),
Gunārs Pētersons: Latvian University of Life Sciences and                Northern Italy (Martinoli et al. 2000) and on the Iberian
Technologies, Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia                     Peninsula (Flaquer et al. 2005).
  Open Access. © 2020 Anna S. Blomberg et al., published by De Gruyter        This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
2          A.S. Blomberg et al.: Nathusius’ pipistrelle overwintering above 60°N

Table : Number of minutes (Min) with recordings of Pipistrellus nathusii at Härmälä cleft (Finland) during the winter –.

Oct        Min      Nov        Min       Dec        Min      Feb        Min     Mar        Min       Apr        Min

                                                                                                                          
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                                                                                                                                     
               
              
              
               
               
               

     The more northerly populations of P. nathusii are                  Kaleidoscope Pro (Wildlife Acoustics) and identified the
considered long-distance migrants, with distances of up to              calls manually. In our data, the echolocation calls of
1905 km between its breeding and overwintering areas                    P. nathusii occurred regularly at a single site, Härmälä cleft,
(Pētersons 2004), whereas in central Europe the species is a            on several occasions during the winter of 2018–2019
short-distance migrant or even, a sedentary species                     (Table 1, Figure 1), suggesting that the species overwintered
(Sachanowicz et al. 2019). P. nathusii overwinters pre-                 at the site. Due to similarities in echolocation characteristics
dominantly in Western, Central and Southern Europe,                     (Zsebok et al. 2012), we cannot fully disclose the possibility of
usually hibernating solitarily or in small groups above                 our recordings belonging to P. kuhlii, or its subspecies,
ground (Sachanowicz et al. 2019). Typical winter roosts are             P. kuhlii lepidus. This species has not been observed in
buildings, hollow trees, woodpiles and sometimes rock                   Finland previously, but both P. kuhlii and P. kuhlii lepidus has
crevices (Dietz and Kiefer 2016). Therefore, hibernation                shown considerable range expansion during the last decades
surveys fail to record the species during the winter                    (Ancillotto et al. 2016; Sachanowicz et al. 2006, 2017). The
(Sachanowicz et al. 2019), and alternative methodology is               probability of either of these taxa occurring in Finland is still
needed to map the overwintering range of the species.                   small, but the observed range shifts call for increased vigi-
     Bats are known to regularly arouse (Thomas et al.                  lance in identification procedures.
1990), fly and even forage outside hibernacula during the                     Härmälä cleft (N60.488358, E22.006638) is an outcrop
winter (Bernard and McCracken 2017; Hope and Jones                      formation on the shore of the Baltic Sea in the Masku mu-
2012). We recorded the echolocation calls of bats at 16 sites           nicipality, South-Western Finland. The cleft is approximately
in South-Western Finland over two consecutive winters                   20 meters high with multiple deep crevices. While winter
(2017–2018 and 2018–2019) by using SongMeter SM2 + Bat                  activity, as evidenced by acoustic data, suggests bats hiber-
passive ultrasound detectors and SMX-US ultrasound mi-                  nate in the cleft, we never observed a bat in the crevices. We
crophones (Wildlife Acoustics). These sites included four               cannot disclose the possibility of the bat occupying cavities
outcrop formations, three ancient shores, three glacial                 in large trees for hibernation in the vicinity of the recorder.
erratic or boulder formations, three cellars and three con-                  In addition to being the coldest month of that winter
trol sites in diverse environments where we did not expect              with a mean temperature of −4.4 °C, January was also the
bats to be hibernating. We filtered the data using                       only month without any recordings of P. nathusii. The lowest

                                                                                               Figure 1: Sonogram of Pipistrellus nathusii
                                                                                               calls recorded at Härmälä cleft (Finland) on
                                                                                               February 15, 2019.
A.S. Blomberg et al.: Nathusius’ pipistrelle overwintering above 60°N            3

                                                                                          Figure 2: Known breeding colonies (round
                                                                                          symbols) and overwintering site (square
                                                                                          symbol) of Pipistrellus nathusii in Finland.

ambient temperature with observed P. nathusii activity             10 km from Härmälä cleft, indicating that the species is also
was −2.9 °C on 20th of December 2018. At the other 15 sites,       breeding in the area.
no P. nathusii were recorded later than 5th of November.               While climate change may lead to loss in biodiversity
     There is an increasing number of records of hibernating       especially in Southern Europe, many studies predict that
individuals to the east of earlier records, mainly from Poland,    species richness in Northern Europe and Scandinavia will
Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary (Benda and Hotový 2004;             increase (Levinsky et al. 2007; Rebelo et al. 2010). Ac-
Nusová et al. 2019; Sachanowicz and Ciechanowski 2006;             cording to Mikkonen et al. (2015), the mean annual tem-
Sachanowicz et al. 2019). Our record is the northernmost so        peratures in Finland have risen 2.3 ± 0.4 °C from the mid-
far. The previous northernmost record to our knowledge was         nineteenth century. The highest increases have taken place
from Riga, Latvia, (16.01.2014), where an individual was           over the winter months, most notably in December when
found hibernating in a crevice between a window frame and          the monthly mean temperature has risen 4.8 °C. The spring
concrete wall (authors’ own data). Sachanowicz et al. (2019)       months have also warmed more than the annual average.
stated that P. nathusii might be utilizing urban heat islands to   Until recently, P. nathusii has been considered a vagrant
extend their overwintering range towards North-Eastern             species in Finland during migration periods in late May
Europe. As a result, the breeding and overwintering areas of       and late August- early October (Ijäs et al. 2017; Rydell et al.
P. nathusii are now overlapping in Central Europe (Sacha-          2014). The current range of the species in Finland covers
nowicz et al. 2019). Our observations in Finland are consis-       the coastal areas in Southern and South-Western Finland,
tent with such overlapping as, in the summer of 2017, we           with observations as north as 64°15′N (Tidenberg et al.
captured two P. nathusii weanlings in Turku, approximately         2019). The first breeding colony was found in Southern
4        A.S. Blomberg et al.: Nathusius’ pipistrelle overwintering above 60°N

Finland in 2006 (Hagner-Wahlsten and Kyheröinen 2008).                Research funding: The study was funded by Kone
Since then, records of P. nathusii have become more                   foundation and H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.
frequent outside the migration period and more breeding               Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no
colonies have been discovered (Hagner-Wahlsten and                    conflicts of interest regarding this article.
Karlsson 2009, Eeva-Maria Tidenberg, personal commu-
nication, authors’ own data). However, until now, the
species has never been recorded in Finland during the hi-            References
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