Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...

Page created by Carl Rogers
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
Parkview • 14 MHSA Units

Behavioral Health Services

Five Year (2022-2027)
Strategic Housing Plan

                                              O ME
                                          L C
                                        WE ME
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
                                                      County of San Diego Behavioral Health
                                                      Services Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                                                      Acknowledgements            ....................4
                                                      Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                      Behavioral Health Services Housing Planning . . 10
                                                      Stakeholder Engagement & Listening . . . . . . . 11
                                                      Plan Goals, Focus Areas and Key Strategies . . . 13
                                                      Implementation and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

                                                      APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
                                                      A. Focus Group Summary
                                                      B. Survey Summary
                                                               • Online
                                                               • Paper Version: Custody
                                                      C. Listening Sessions and Input Form Summary
                                                      D. Housing Pipeline Report
                                                      E. Resources and Policy — County, Local Cities,
                                                         State, Federal
                                                      ) $FURQ\PV'H¿QLWLRQV

Research shows the critical link between housing and health outcomes,
particularly for people with behavioral health issues. Housing

provides a stable platform for people while they work

towards their health and recovery goals. The

County of San Diego Behavioral Health

Services is engaging in a multi-sector
                                                                                                            L C OM
system of care transformation with guiding                                                                WE ME
goals of continuous care and prevention, and

providing coordinated resources to keep people

connected, stable and healthy. Housing maximizes

opportunities for community integration, and it is essential that people

with behavioral health needs have access to safe and affordable housing.

                         County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   2
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
The most
precious gift
you can give
someone is
the gift of
your time and

                                                            A broad range of people with lived experience/
Thank you to the many, many individuals,                    expertise of both behavioral health issues and limited
organizations, committees, teams,                           resources shared personal experiences regarding
councils, working groups, housing                           access to services and housing through focus groups,
development organizations, and so many                      online surveys, and listening/input sessions. Special
other stakeholder groups who partnered                      thanks to NAMI San Diego in particular, as well as
                                                            RI International for assisting with the technology to
to create the new County of San Diego
                                                            participate in the listening sessions and focus groups,
Behavioral Health Services Five-Year (2022-
                                                            and for the considerable outreach efforts to invite
27) Strategic Housing Plan (the Plan).
                                                            those with lived experience/expertise to be part of this
Several hundred people gave their valuable                  important conversation.
knowledge of partnership opportunities                      COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH
that could help create more housing for                     SERVICES (BHS) ADVISORY BOARD AND
people with both behavioral health issues                   COUNCILS
and limited resources in the County of                      All members of the BHS Housing Council; Transitional-
San Diego. To all who participated in the                   Age Youth (TAY) BHS Council; Older Adult Council;
listening/input sessions, focus groups,                     Adult Council; Children, Youth, and Families Behavioral
provided input online, completed surveys,                   Health System of Care Council; and the Behavioral
and helped others to provide their input, we                Health Advisory Board.
say thank you for the honest and insightful
feedback. This was critical to the creation                 DIVERSITY-RACIAL EQUITY SECTOR
of the Plan, which emphasizes Creating                      Staff and members of the County of San Diego Cultural
Homes with Intention, Purpose and                           Competence Resource Team (CCRT) hosted the
                                                            listening session for this sector and encouraged other
                                                            organizations to join the conversation. CCRT members
                                                            contributed, as did participants from the Regional
We extend a very personal and sincere
                                                            Task Force on Homelessness, LISC, ACLU, San Diego
thank you to all of the following contributors              Regional Alliance for Fair Housing, Fair Housing Council
to the Plan:                                                of San Diego, Legal Aid/Fair Housing, and the U.S.

                           County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   4
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
SECTOR                                                        SECTOR
All members of the Mental Health Contractor                   All participants from Regional Task Force on
Association (MHCA) and San Diego Alcohol and Drug             Homelessness, Funders Together to End Homelessness,
Services Providers Association (ADSPA).                       Alliance for Regional Solutions, East County Regional
                                                              Homeless Task Force, homeless outreach workers,
HEALTH CARE SECTOR                                            Downtown San Diego Partnership, the San Diego
All participants from Health Center Partners of               Homeless-Experienced Advocacy and Leadership
Southern California, Healthy San Diego Health Homes           (HEAL) Network, and Voices of Our City Choir.
Work Group, San Diego Hospital Association of San
Diego and Imperial Counties, Community Information            JUSTICE-INVOLVED — LAW ENFORCEMENT
Center (FQHC) partners, and other community health            $OOSDUWLFLSDQWVIURPWKH&RXQW\RI6DQ'LHJR6KHULII¶V
centers.                                                      Department, San Diego Police Department, Psychiatric
                                                              Emergency Response Team (PERT), Rooted Life,
HOUSING ORGANIZATIONS/AGENCIES                                Legal Aid Society of San Diego, County of San Diego
SECTOR                                                        Probation Department, County of San Diego Public
All participants from County of San Diego Housing and         'HIHQGHU¶V2I¿FHDQGWKH&RXQW\RI6DQ'LHJR'LVWULFW
Community Development Services, San Diego Housing             $WWRUQH\¶V2I¿FHDQGRWKHUPHPEHUVRIWKH&RXQW\RI
Commission, San Diego Association of Governments,             San Diego Health and Justice Integration Committee.
Legal Aid Society, City of Carlsbad Housing Services,         6SHFLDOWKDQNVWRWKH6KHUULII¶V'HSDUWPHQWVWDIIZKR
Chula Vista Housing Authority, National City Housing          provided outreach to persons currently in custody and
Authority, City of Oceanside Neighborhood Services            receiving BHS services so that they could complete the
Department, Housing Division, and cities of El Cajon,         consumer survey and provide a critical perspective of
Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon          lived experience/expertise.
Grove, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Solana Beach,                                                               >>>
and Vista.

                                                                                   The Plan was written by
                                                                                   Corporation for Supportive
                                                                                   Housing (CSH) who serve as a
                                                                                   Housing Technical Assistance
                                                                                   consultant to the County of
                                                                                   San Diego Health and Human
                                                                                   Services Agency’s Behavioral
                                                                                   Health Services department.

                             County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   5
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SECTOR                                   The National Alliance on Mental Illness in San Diego
A special thanks to the San Diego Housing Federation           (NAMI) worked collaboratively on the development of
for hosting a listening/input session with the                 the Plan, and in particular gathered input from a broad
affordable/supportive housing development community,           range of community members with lived experience/
with contributions by staff as well as affordable and          expertise, including assisting in the development and
supportive housing tenants and advocates.                      implementation of focus groups, listening sessions, and
Members of the Downtown San Diego Fellowship of
Churches and Ministries, Interfaith Shelter Network,                COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO
and Interfaith Community Services; Urban People                     BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES
Living in Faith and Trust (UPLIFT) San Diego; Central               (BHS)
Faith-Based Behavioral Health Council; North Inland
Faith-Based Partnership Council; and several individual             /DVWEXWGH¿QLWHO\QRWOHDVWWKDQN
church members and local pastors.
                                                                    you to the Housing Team and
INCOME/EMPLOYMENT/BENEFITS SECTOR                                   administrative staff at BHS for
Members and staff at the Work Well Initiative (led
by the San Diego Workforce Partnership); all BHS-                   all of the support provided by its
contracted employment service providers, along                      team members, oversight of the
Interfaith SOAR Initiative/HOPE San Diego.                          planning process, and assistance with
                                                                    scheduling the listening sessions, focus
                                                                    groups, and focus group translation.

                              County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   6
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...

To set forth goals, strategies, and priorities
for supportive housing that best supports the
Housing Plan (the Plan) has been developed. The
Plan was developed through intensive outreach
that included a wide variety of opportunities to
gather input from people with lived experience/
expertise and a broad range of stakeholders
who care deeply about housing and behavioral
health. Through this process, three key goals
of the Plan in order to recognize the urgent
need for housing and maximize the impact of
and services resources are designed to support
critical interventions that address the impact
new supportive/affordable housing resources,
particularly for people experiencing homelessness
with behavioral health concerns/conditions.                 meet individual needs and recovery goals. The
Stakeholder input throughout the development of             WKUHH3ODQ*RDOV²DORQJZLWKWKH3ODQ¶V)RFXV
WKH3ODQLQZDVFOHDU%+6QHHGVWRUHPDLQ            Areas and Strategies — are summarized below.
focused on Creating Homes with Intention,
Purpose, and Collaboration.                                   GOAL 1: OPENING MORE DOORS
                                                            The County of San Diego has prioritized the
This Plan outlines guiding principles and targeted          creation of new housing for over two decades,
responses that will maximize a range of housing             and the inventory of dedicated supportive housing
options for people with both behavioral health              for people with both serious mental illness/serious
concerns (people with serious mental illness/               emotional conditions and/or substance use
serious emotional conditions and/or substance               conditions and limited resources has successfully
use conditions) and limited resources through               LQFUHDVHGRYHUWKHODVW¿YH\HDUVIURPXQLWV
3) programmatic initiatives.                                however, and focused effort needs to continue,
                                                            especially for very low and extremely low-income
equity and inclusion and the goals are driven               in San Diego County in these income categories.
by the voices of people with lived experience/              BHS is particularly focused on increasing a
expertise as well as evidence-based practices.              diversity of housing options and geographical
The Plan is guided by the BHS multi-sector                  locations by:
system of care transformational goals of                    Q Maximizing unit creation by fully committing
continuous care and prevention, and providing                   all Year Three No Place Like Home Funding by
coordinated resources to keep people connected,                )HEUXDU\
stable, and healthy. It aims to maximize                    Q Maximizing ongoing rent subsidies by aligning
opportunities for community integration as well as              with support services, such as Emergency
choice in housing and services options that best                Housing Vouchers.

                           County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   7
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
Q Identifying opportunities to create a pilot              Q Addressing systemic disparities by reviewing
   “tiny home” village with wrap-around                        and incorporating recommendations from
   supports that are not time limited and that                 the County of San Diego Behavioral Health
   have an emphasis on community building,                     Equity Index, the San Diego Cultural
   particularly on parcels of land that cannot                 Competence Plan, and the Ad Hoc Committee
   support larger multifamily housing projects.                Addressing Homelessness Among Black
   subsidy pool for people with behavioral health
   issues.                                                                   DRIVING COLLABORATION
                                                              GOAL 2:
Q Increasing inventory of shared housing                                    THROUGH ACTIVE CONNECTIVITY
   by exploring feasibility of developed shared             Stakeholder feedback indicated that purposeful
   housing opportunities, converting more                   collaboration is needed and strongly desired
   single-family homes into co-living or                    among various sectors — health care, mental
   communal living situations, and expanding                health care, housing, law enforcement, the
   independent living and Recovery Residence                SXEOLFGHIHQGHU¶VRI¿FHGLVWULFWDWWRUQH\VHUYLFH
   Association member homes.                                providers, and more that work every day to
Q Exploring other housing production                       assist BHS clients experiencing homelessness
   alternatives and innovative housing types                to ultimately access housing and keep it. More
   in addition to tiny homes to include                     effective, collaborative working relationships
   3D-printed homes, new prefabricated housing              would result in more housing opportunities — and
   types that meet state and local building code            more successful outcomes — once people are
   standards, and conversion of vacant                      housed. BHS is focused on supporting:
   commercial or industrial buildings to                    Q Payment reform efforts, including
   affordable housing. This includes deepening                  Medi-Cal CalAIM planning, which prioritizes
   collaboration with Department of Homeless                    care and provides incentives for collaboration
   Solutions & Equitable Communities to address                 and continuous system improvement instead
   system, service & housing needs for people                   of cost-based reimbursement and its
   experiencing homelessness who have                           burdensome documentation requirements.
  LGHQWL¿HGEHKDYLRUDOKHDOWKQHHGV                      Q Data collaboration and seeking out
Q Expanding understanding and implementation                   opportunities to align systems and databases
   of quality in housing and services, including                with BHS planning efforts, including
  +RXVLQJ)LUVWDQGVXSSRUWLYHKRXVLQJ¿GHOLW\             Community Information Exchange and data
   models that emphasize community integration                  matching through Coordinated Entry System.
   principles.                                              Q Addressing the digital divide by expanding
                                                                access to computers and internet.
                                                            Q Further developing and promoting quality
                                                                phone-based behavioral health options as
                                                                well as connections to public health supports
                                                                (including access to vaccines and booster
                                                                shots).                                      >>>

                                The Plan’s approach is rooted in principles of equity and
                                inclusion and the goals are driven by the voices of people with
                                lived experience/expertise as well as evidence-based practices.

                           County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   8
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...
Q   Continuing to develop services in housing                   services through intentional partnerships.
    that accommodate for social distancing while            Q   Provide regular Moving On training to service
    maintaining community connection.                           partners to maximize opportunities for
Q   Advising on best practices care coordination                tenants who choose to Move On from
    activities and efforts to create housing plans              specialty BHS programs to community-based
    for those released from institutions and                    supports and services, while maintaining
    creating a common language and effective                    housing and employment supports.
    communication plan.                                     Q   In conjunction with the Moving On program,
                                                                increase BHS client access to Social Security
GOAL 3: EXPANDING SERVICE APPROACHES                            work incentives, Housing Authority Family Self
Individuals experiencing homelessness struggle                 6XI¿FLHQF\SURJUDPVDQGRWKHUSDUWQHU     
with a wide range of housing needs, including                  SURJUDPRSSRUWXQLWLHVWKDWRIIHU¿QDQFLDO
navigating the eligibility and application processes           OLWHUDF\SURJUDPVDVZHOODV¿QDQFLDO
for a variety of housing options and how to                     incentives to increase earnings and savings.
navigate the system once they are able to access
housing. Many stakeholders also shared that it is           The need for housing has never been clearer; it
often traumatic to move from homelessness to                is resoundingly described as the most pressing
a new home, and BHS clients struggle in making              issue when people accessing behavioral health
that adjustment. BHS priorities include:                    services are asked about their top priorities.
Q Further develop peer-based programs to                    Feedback from people experiencing homelessness
    support tenants who are connected to BHS                and housing instability clearly identify the lack
    services as they make a transition into housing.        of affordable housing as the primary contributor
Q Identify opportunities to expand services                 to their homelessness, and both qualitative and
    eligibility criteria to more broadly serve              quantitative data demonstrate the overwhelming
    people with serious mental illness and/or               need for more affordable and supportive housing
    substance use disorder, and/or access to                in San Diego County.


                                                                        Focus Area #1 Diversity of Housing Options

                                                                        Focus Area #2 Housing Equity and Supporting
                                   GOAL #1                              Community Integration
                                   MORE DOORS                            Focus Area #3 Priority Populations

                                                                        Focus Area #4 Geographic Diversity and
                                                                        Regional Distribution of Housing
                                   GOAL #2
                                   DRIVING                              Focus Area #5 Effective Collaboration
                                                                        and Integrating Systems
                                                                        Focus Area #6 Ongoing Pandemic Response
                                                                        Focus Area #7 Recovery and Retention

                                   GOAL #3                              Focus Area #8 Flexibility in Service
                                                                        and Housing Models
                                   SERVICES                             Focus Area #9 Bring Moving On
                                   APPROACHES                           Opportunities to Scale

                                                                        Focus Area #10 Increase Wraparound
                                                                        Service Supports

                           County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   9
Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan - Behavioral Health Services COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - County of San ...

shift in how we all think about the importance of
home and what it means to be healthy. Now more
than ever, there is a shared understanding of the
critical importance of housing, and agreement
that housing is fundamentally important to being
healthy and having a strong platform from which
to achieve goals.

This County of San Diego Behavioral Health

Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and
San Diego National Alliance on Mental Illness
(NAMI) designed an input process in partnership
with people with lived experience/expertise as
well as the Behavioral Health Housing Council
and County of San Diego Behavioral Health
Services (BHS). Throughout the input process,
discussion. An extensive variety of opportunities
for participation in the development of the County
of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five-Year
to engage with a broad range of stakeholders,               Q There is a clear need for more assistance at
including:                                                     move-in, getting settled in housing, and
Q IRFXVJURXSVZLWKSHRSOHZLWKOLYHG                  building the skills to live in housing. In some
    experience/expertise                                     SURJUDPVVHUYLFHVXSSRUWVVLJQL¿FDQWO\WDSHU
Q Two focus groups with service and housing                   off once someone has moved into housing.
    providers                                               Q An overall preference was expressed
Q Client surveys (online in English and Spanish;              for housing that provides opportunities for
    paper copy for in-reach)                                   community integration in socioeconomically
Q LQSXWOLVWHQLQJVHVVLRQV                                 diverse neighborhoods.
Q Online input form                                        Q Access to transportation and being close to
                                                               services/supports is important.
FOCUS GROUPS                                                Q Consistent, caring property management is
7KURXJKRXWWKHIRFXVJURXSVSDUWLFLSDQWV                  essential. Respectful property management is
shared their experiences and insights and                    DOVRNH\WRSDUWLFLSDQWV¶IHHOLQJVRIGLJQLW\
provided feedback to help improve housing and               Q &RQVLVWHQF\RIPHQWDOKHDOWKVXSSRUWDQG
services planning. The main themes that arose                  hour access to crisis lines are critical.
include:                                                    Q Access to food and other basic resources,
Q Housing is unaffordable; participants had                   bathrooms, technology, support groups,
    lengthy experiences of homelessness and                    and other supportive services were all of great
    housing instability.                                       concern during the pandemic.
Q Safety is a primary concern; participants                Q Some geographic areas of San Diego are not
    expressed a high need for safety in the                    as desirable (downtown is mentioned most),
    housing and communities in which they live.                due to safety concerns, high prevalence of
Q Participants expressed profound appreciation              VXEVWDQFHXVHDQG³KDUPIXO´LQÀXHQFHV
    for staff and programs that met their needs,
    as well as how transformative it is to access           SURVEYS
    housing.                                                Another strategy used to gather input from
Q The system to connect with housing resources             people who access or seek to access BHS
    is confusing and was described as an arbitrary          services was to implement an online survey,
    process by many participants.                           via SurveyMonkey, which was optimized to be
Q Staff turnover (particularly of housing                  completed on older cell phones. This survey was
    navigators) was frequently commented on and             developed in partnership with NAMI San Diego
    is very frustrating.

                          County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   11
and their Clubhouse members, and was promoted               Respondents in custody with housing and
in a wide variety of settings between March and             behavioral health service needs indicated:
survey in English; four people completed the                 UHVRXUFHVDQGKRXVLQJDVVLVWDQFHZLWK
survey in Spanish; and as a result of an in-                   of respondents reporting experiencing
UHDFKHIIRUWSHRSOHZKRZHUHLQFXVWRG\                  homeless before entering custody
and accessing clinical behavioral health services           Q The need for more income (employment and/
in jail completed a paper version. This rich data            RUEHQH¿WV KRXVLQJVXEVLGLHVDQG
SURYLGHGDGGLWLRQDOGHWDLOVRQSHRSOH¶VQHHGV                 background checks in order to access housing
and experiences related to housing. Through the                    1RWDEO\RIUHVSRQGHQWVLQGLFDWHG 
online surveys, respondents indicated:                                 the need for assistance with background
Q $QHHGIRUVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHKRXVLQJ                           checks
    resources                                               Q -REORVVGXHWRWKH&29,'SDQGHPLF
Q $QHHGIRUJUHDWO\LQFUHDVHGÀH[LELOLW\LQ           Q Safety concerns in housing prior to entering
    housing resources                                          custody
Q A need for additional support services                   Q Location is important, particularly being close
Q A desperate need for housing, along with fear               to work, family, and support services
    of living in congregate settings (“right now I          Q Concerns related to housing options once
    feel safer on the streets than in shelter”)                released and on probation
         - Issues in accessing services during
            COVID; as everything was locked                 STAKEHOLDER LISTENING SESSIONS AND
            down in the community and at                    ONLINE INPUT FORM
            properties, many respondents reported           $WRWDORIWRPLQXWHYLUWXDOOLVWHQLQJ
            experiences of isolation                        VHVVLRQVZHUHKHOGLQ$SULODQG0D\WR
Q Issues interacting with property management;             obtain input on housing needs, goals, and
    experiences of discrimination and disrespect,           objectives for BHS clients. These listening
    along with lack of follow up                            sessions were conducted with diverse
Q A poor understanding of Fair Housing                     stakeholders. The input received in these sessions
    resources and supports                                  has been incorporated into the Plan, as have
                                                            responses from an input form that was shared
                                                            with people participating in the listening sessions.
                                                            During the sessions, participants reviewed key
                                                            information related to housing and behavioral
                                                            health, and the stakeholders were asked several
                                                            questions to learn more about their experiences
                                                            and those of their clients in accessing affordable/
                                                            supportive housing. Overall, participants
                                                            expressed the need for:
                                                            Q More doors and creating new housing
                                                            Q Need for diversity of housing options
                                                            Q Increased importance of peers and people
                                                                with lived experience
                                                            Q Addressing stigma, particularly for people
                                                                with justice system involvement and people
                                                                with substance use conditions
                                                            Q Solutions that must include collaboration,
                                                                coordination, and working across systems

                                                            A detailed summary of the input that was shared in these engagement
                                                            and listening sessions are included in Appendices A-C.

                          County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan    |   12

The need for housing has never been more
clear and is resoundingly described as the
most pressing issue when people accessing
behavioral health services are asked about their
top priorities. The housing affordability gap is
increasing in San Diego county, exacerbated by a
housing shortage and increasing rents. Feedback
from people experiencing homelessness and
housing instability clearly identify the lack of
affordable housing as the primary contributor
to their homelessness, and both qualitative and
quantitative data demonstrate in stark relief
the overwhelming need for more affordable and
supportive housing in the county:
Q There is a shortfall in San Diego county of
   XQLWVIRUYHU\ORZDQGH[WUHPHO\                     County of San Diego substance use
    low-income households.3                                         services annually.
    Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirements                            experiencing homelessness are served
    indicate a need to accommodate a total of                       by the County of San Diego Behavioral
   QHZO\FRQVWUXFWHGXQLWVZLWKLQWKH                      Health Services (BHS) annually (includes
   YHU\ORZLQFRPHXQLWVDQGORZ                     homeless population in the country as
    income affordable units are needed in                     measured through the annual Point-in-Time
    San Diego County.                                         (PIT) count.
Q The average wait time in the San Diego region           Q ,QXQLTXHSHRSOHH[SHULHQFLQJ
   LVRYHU\HDUVIRUDKRXVLQJUHQWDO                 homelessness received housing and/or
    assistance voucher.                                       service assistance across the county, such as
Q ,Q¿VFDO\HDU )< WKH&RXQW\RI                homelessness prevention, shelter, housing,
    San Diego Behavioral Health Services served               and/or support services.5
   XQLTXHFOLHQWVDQG                  Q When comparing the population experiencing
    indicated they were experiencing                          homelessness to the general population,
    homelessness:                                             racial disparities are evident. The most
    XQLTXHDGXOWVDQGROGHUDGXOWV              striking disproportionality can be found
     DQGFKLOGUHQDQGDGROHVFHQWV                      among Black/African Americans, who make
          accessing mental health services                   XSRIWKHXQVKHOWHUHGKRPHOHVV
          (either sheltered or unsheltered), and             SRSXODWLRQGHVSLWHRQO\UHSUHVHQWLQJRI
     XQLTXH\RXWKDGXOWVDQGROGHU              the general population.6                   >>>
          adults accessing substance use services
          (either sheltered or unsheltered).                WRSQHHGV+RXVLQJKDVEHHQLGHQWL¿HGDVWKHPRVWXUJHQWQHHG 
                                                             consistently since this data began to be collected.

          identify as experiencing homeless who            5 +RPHOHVVQHVV&ULVLV5HVSRQVH6\VWHP'DWDDQG3HUIRUPDQFH

          access supports at county BHS clinics.             San Diego City and County Continuum of Care, https://www.rtfhsd.
     XQLTXHDGXOWVDQGROGHUDGXOWV                Report.pdf
          experiencing homelessness access                 6

                         County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   13
Q People with histories in the justice system                afford a two-bedroom rental home in San
   experience a disproportionate need for                    'LHJRLVLWZRXOGUHTXLUHD 
  'LHJRMDLOLQPDWHVVWDWHGWKDWWKH\ZHUH            time jobs to afford a two-bedroom rental
   unsheltered and experiencing homelessness                 KRPHZLWKUHQWVHWDWDQDYHUDJHRI
   the night they were arrested.                             month. The State of California has the highest
Q +RPHOHVVROGHUDGXOWVLQWKHLUODWHVKDYH               average required housing wage in the U.S. at
   overall worse health than those who are                   SHUKRXUIRUDWZREHGURRPUHQWDO
  KRXVHGDQGLQWKHLUVDQGV8                          home.
Q LGBTQ youth experience homelessness at                  Q 7KH6SULQJ6DQ'LHJR9DFDQF\DQG
   disproportionate rates and experience poorer               Rental Rate Survey indicates that vacancy
   behavioral health and physical health                     UDWHVLQWKH&LW\RI6DQ'LHJRGLSSHGWR
   outcomes.                                                  while rents for people moving into apartments
Q Of major metro areas in the U.S., San Diego                are increasing dramatically.
   county has the lowest total number of                   Q The Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
   residents.                                               WRDQ66,UHFLSLHQWLVPRQWKDQGWKH
Q The lack of affordable housing means that                  average rent reported by CoStar for a one-
   people in the San Diego region have high                  EHGURRPDSDUWPHQWLQ6DQ'LHJRLV
   rates of living in shared housing
   arrangements in order to afford the high cost
   of housing. It is estimated that approximately
                                                           8   %URZQHWDO  *HULDWULF&RQGLWLRQVLQD3RSXODWLRQ%DVHG     
   San Diego county.                                         Sample of Older Homeless Adults. The Gerontologist. https://doi.
Q 7KH)
Parkview • 14 MHSA Units               Quality Inn • 25 MHSA Units              West Park • 23 MHSA Units          Villa Serena • 8 MHSA Units

   7RWDO'HYHORSHG0+6$8QLWVWR                                                  Partnership Units/Subsidies

 700                                                                                                                                    1326
                                                                 584               1400                                       1241
 600                                                   546                                                           1131
 500                                                                                                        980
                                              412                                  1000
 400                                 337
 300   241       257      279                                                        800    611 668
 200                                                                                 600
 100                                                                                 400
   0                                                                                 200
       Jun-15   Jun-16   Jun-17   Jun-18    Jun-19    Jun-20     2021
                                                               (to date)               0
                         Leased Up     In Pip eline                                     2015      2016      2017     2018     2019      2020

BHS has prioritized the creation of new housing                            SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED GOALS, FOCUS
IRURYHUWZRGHFDGHVVWDUWLQJZLWKWKH                              $5($6$1'675$7(*,(6
County of San Diego Strategic Housing Plan for                             ,QOHDUQLQJIURPSHRSOH¶VOLYHGH[SHULHQFHZKLOH
Low-Income Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities.                          simultaneously analyzing housing-related data,
2YHUWKHODVW¿YH\HDUSODQF\FOHWKHLQYHQWRU\                         it is evident that there is overwhelming unmet
of dedicated developed supportive housing funded                           need for affordable and supportive housing for
with Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funds                             people with behavioral health issues and limited
KDVLQFUHDVHGIURPXQLWVWRXQLWV VHH                            resources in the San Diego region. It is critical
Appendix E), and partnership units that provide                            to focus collaborative efforts on purposefully
ongoing rental subsidies to clients accessing BHS                          creating housing with support services to
KDVLQFUHDVHGIURPXQLWVWR                                    provide equitable pathways out of homelessness,
Given the overwhelming need for affordable                                 SDUWLFXODUO\IRUSHRSOHZKRH[SHULHQFHVLJQL¿FDQW
and supportive housing in the San Diego region,                            disparities. This Plan outlines approaches to
DQGWKDWRQDPRQWKO\EDVLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\                             increase housing opportunities for people with
individuals and families accessing BHS report                              behavioral health issues. Creating Homes with
experiencing homelessness, it is critical to focus                         Intention, Purpose, and Collaboration over
collaborative efforts on purposefully creating                             WKHFRPLQJ¿YH\HDUVPHDQVPD[LPL]LQJKRXVLQJ
housing with support services to provide equitable                         options by working toward the following three
pathways out of homelessness, particularly for                             goals:
                                                                            GOAL 1: OPENING MORE DOORS

Creating Homes with Intention, Purpose,                                                       DRIVING COLLABORATION
                                                                            GOAL 2:
and CollaborationRYHUWKHFRPLQJ¿YH\HDUV                                                 THROUGH ACTIVE CONNECTIVITY
means maximizing housing opportunities by:
Q Opening more doors                                                       GOAL 3: EXPANDING SERVICE APPROACHES
Q Driving collaboration through active                                                                                                     >>>
   connectivity                                                               This includes units funded under the initial MHSA Housing Program,
                                                                                the subsequent Special Needs Housing Program, as well as No Place
Q Expanding services approaches                                                Like Home funding.

                                     County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan            |    15
Supporting Frameworks                                                   0D[LPL]HRQJRLQJUHQWVXEVLGLHV
Input sessions and evidence-based practices                             Maximize alignment of BHS support services with
were both critical to identifying the fundamental                       rental assistance resources (such as American
supporting frameworks of the Plan. Both of these                        Rescue Plan Act Emergency Housing Vouchers)
approaches also underpin goals, focus areas,                            to link housing and services commitments and
and strategies that are critical to success in                          promote housing stability.
pairing housing services supports for people with
behavioral health issues:                                               Reduce barriers to accessing rent subsidies,
Q Equity in workforce and in the implementation                        such as reducing the length of time of housing
    and impact of housing, programs, and                                application processes and exploring additional
    services                                                            housing opportunities for people with histories in
Q Housing First                                                        the justice system, while increasing integration
Q Harm reduction                                                     between public housing agencies and service
Q Trauma-informed approach                                             providers supporting rental assistance applicants.
Q Person-centered approach, which is informed
    by lived experience/expertise                                       3. Maximize time-limited rent subsidies
                                                                        Maximize alignment of BHS support services with
In order to meet the housing needs of people                            for people who have been assessed to need
accessing or seeking to access services of BHS,                         short-term housing supports or are likely to
it is essential to create more affordable and                           succeed with the short-term assistance (such as
supportive housing opportunities. The following                         Rapid Rehousing subsidies or where time-limited
four Focus Areas detail strategies that maximize                        rent subsidies can act as a “bridge” to longer-
the creation of new housing opportunities,                              term housing subsidies) in order to link housing
SULRULWL]LQJWKHLWHPVLQEROGLQWKH¿UVWWZR\HDUV                  and services commitments and promote housing
of the Plan.                                                            stability.

Focus Area #1 Diversity of Housing Options                              'HYHORSDQGDVVHVVDSLORW%+6
Creating a diverse array of housing options                             micro-unit/tiny home community
that expand the inventory of housing while also                         Identify opportunities to create “tiny home”
offering choice is a key focus area over the next                       villages with wrap-around supports that are
¿YH\HDUV7KHIROORZLQJVL[VWUDWHJLHVZLOOH[SDQG                   not time limited and that have an emphasis
housing options for people with behavioral health                       on community building, particularly on parcels
needs and limited resources in our region:                              of land that cannot support larger multifamily
                                                                        housing projects.
Increase the supportive housing pipeline by fully                       Explore other housing production alternatives
FRPPLWWLQJWKH¿UVWWKUHH\HDUVRI&RXQW\RI6DQ                      and innovative housing types in addition to
Diego No Place Like Home funding by February                            tiny homes to include 3D-printed homes, new
                                                                   prefabricated housing types that meet state and
                                                                        local building code standards, and conversion
Align BHS services commitments with federal,                            of vacant commercial or industrial buildings to
state, and local housing funding opportunities to                       affordable housing, among others.
provide in-kind services supports in supportive
housing developments.                                                                                                                 >>>


   community harms of drug use by enacting a harm reduction approach towards substance use which prioritizes human dignity, saving lives,
   providing appropriate levels of care for people who use drugs (PWUD), and best-practices in addressing substance use, abuse, and addiction.
   housing is Housing First.

                                   County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan        |   16
(VWDEOLVKDGHGLFDWHGÀH[LEOHKRXVLQJVXEVLG\                     Hoc Committee Addressing Homelessness Among
pool for people with behavioral health issues                          Black San Diegans.

6. Increase inventory of shared housing                                3. Build collaborative partnerships with Fair
                                                                       Housing experts and BHS provider partners.
Increase inventory of shared housing by
exploring feasibility of developed shared housing                      ,PSOHPHQWEHVWSUDFWLFHVFDUHFRRUGLQDWLRQ
opportunities and converting more single-                              activities and efforts to create housing plans for
family homes into co-living or communal living                         those released from institutions who may have
situations.                                                            mental health and substance use conditions,
                                                                       and create a common language and effective
Expand independent living and Recovery                                 communication plan.
                                                                       Focus Area #3 Priority Populations
                                                                       Throughout the stakeholder input process,
                                                                       along with an analysis of systems gaps and
                                                                       available housing resources, several populations
                                                                       in accessing housing. These populations will be
      Housing gives me a whole
                                                                       prioritized when developing new housing options
   new outlook on the future and                                       for people with behavioral health issues as well as
                                                                       addressing systemic barriers faced by:
      helps me reinvent myself.
                                                                       Q People with history in the justice system
                                                                       Q Families, including Child Welfare involved
                                                                       Q Youth, especially LGBTQ youth
                                                                       Q People with substance use issues
                                                                       Q Older adults
Focus Area #2 Housing Equity and Supporting
Community Integration                                                  This strategy in approaching housing and services
Input from a wide variety of stakeholders                              SODQQLQJUHFRJQL]HVVSHFLDOSRSXODWLRQVSHFL¿F
highlighted the critical importance of addressing                      needs and service models as well as special
equity issues in housing as well as creating                           SRSXODWLRQVSHFL¿FKRXVLQJRSWLRQV,WZLOOVHHN
housing opportunities following community                              to build cross-sector referral systems that include
integration principles through the following four                      broader community and organizational partners.
                                                                       Focus Area #4 Geographic Diversity and
([SDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ                            Regional Distribution of Housing
of quality housing and services, including the                         In order to respond to the BHS housing needs
+RXVLQJ)LUVWDQGVXSSRUWLYHKRXVLQJ¿GHOLW\                         across the San Diego region, it is important
models that emphasize community integration                          to focus efforts on maximizing the regional
principles.                                                            GLVWULEXWLRQRIKRXVLQJ7KURXJKRXWWKH¿YH
                                                                       years of the Plan, BHS will advance and identify
$GGUHVVV\VWHPLFGLVSDULWLHVE\UHYLHZLQJDQG                      approaches to encourage developed supportive
incorporating recommendations from the County                          housing/housing subsidies that are regionally
of San Diego Behavioral Health Equity Index, the                       GLVWULEXWHGZLWKDSDUWLFXODUQHHGLGHQWL¿HGLQ
San Diego Cultural Competence Plan, and the Ad                         East County.


                                   County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan         |       17
Creating housing and services partnerships relies
on skillful cross-system collaboration that focuses
on shared goals and an understanding of the                                    [COVID-19 exacerbated]
housing and services resources and expertise
needed to provide pathways to housing and                                    my emotional distress from
sustain people in housing through the following                             many years of homelessness
two focus areas.
                                                                                and repressed feelings.
Focus Area #5 Effective Collaboration and
Integrating Systems
Purposefully connecting systems involves
a sharing of values, vision, goals, and a
commitment to ensuring a client-centered
approach to referral and housing/services
program pathways that are easily navigated by                    - Aligning planning with housing and services
people with behavioral health issues, housing                      partners to reduce barriers in accessing
needs, and limited means.                                          supports (e.g., build capacity among
6XSSRUWSD\PHQWUHIRUPHIIRUWVLQFOXGLQJ                      housing and services partners to refer and
Medi-Cal CalAIM planning, which prioritizes care                   access resources)
and provides incentives for collaboration and                    - Justice system data
continuous system improvement instead of cost-
based reimbursement that includes burdensome                Focus Area #6 Ongoing Pandemic Response
documentation requirements.                                 Housing and services resources continue to be
(QJDJHLQFROODERUDWLYHGDWDVKDULQJHIIRUWV           pandemic. The following four recommended
Seek out opportunities to align systems and                 strategies will support people with behavioral
databases with BHS housing planning efforts and             health issues in navigating the continuing
build on cross-sectoral referral capacities with            pandemic and create a foundation to access and
housing and service partners. Examples include:             maintain housing over the long term:
    - Community Information Exchange
    - Data matching with the Coordinated Entry              $GGUHVVWKHGLJLWDOGLYLGHE\H[SDQGLQJDFFHVV
       System                                               to computers and internet access.

                                                            (e.g., ongoing food supports).

                                                            3. Continue to develop services in housing
    They have someone [different]
                                                            that accommodate for social distancing while
      for everything. It’s also very                        maintaining community connection.
      confusing going to different
          agencies and different                            WHOHKHDOWKSKRQHDSSEDVHGDQGSKRQH
                                                            based behavioral health options as well as
                                                            connections to public health supports (including
                                                            access to vaccines/boosters).


                          County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   18
My current
  housing is most stable that
I’ve had in my whole life. I take
  care of my area and keep it
clean. I pass all my inspections.
I pay rent on time...Downtown
   Impact helped with those
    accomplishments, even
       the peers; It saved
              my life.

 GOAL 3: EXPANDING SERVICE APPROACHES                       San Diego Peer Services, Home Finder, Assertive
BHS offers a wide range of evidence-based                   Community Treatment programs/full-service
practices to wrap interdisciplinary services around         partnerships, and Tenant Peer Support Services
people with behavioral health issues. BHS housing           currently offer peer-based housing-focused
planning efforts align these voluntary services             supports. Expanding on this approach to create a
with low-barrier housing resources with the goal            system-wide, peer-led, and co-created curriculum
of providing access to housing, as well as client-          and training program focused on success in
centered services that support housing retention.           housing for people who are newly accessing
The following four focus areas outline approaches           housing from homelessness — along with three
to expanding service options for people with                to six months of client-centered housing success
behavioral health issues in the county.                     transition supports — would respond to current
                                                            system gaps.
Focus Area #7 Recovery and Retention Supports
Further develop peer-based programs to support              Focus Area #8 Flexibility in Service and
tenants who are connected to BHS services as                Housing Models
they make a transition into housing.                        Identify opportunities to expand services and
Peer support is one of the tenets of trauma-                housing eligibility criteria to more broadly serve
informed care and also an essential component               people with behavioral health issues through
of assisting individuals in the transition from             intentional partnerships.
experiencing homelessness to obtaining housing.
A multitude of evidence-based and evidence-                 Develop a process map of the systems people
informed peer-based service models exist across             with behavioral health issues navigate in order
WKHFRXQWU\DQG&DOLIRUQLD¶VSHHUFHUWL¿FDWLRQ           to more fully understand service and housing
program allows providers to bill Medi-Cal for peer          strengths and gaps, with the goal of increasing
services. BHS programs such as Clubhouses,                  system integration and access to services.

                          County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   19
Focus Area #9 Bring Moving On Opportunities                 5. Develop and increase job and employment
to Scale                                                    opportunities for unhoused people with behavioral
In creating systems that support client recovery            health conditions.
and choice, the Moving On approach allows for
stable supportive housing tenants to choose                 Focus Area #10 Increase Wraparound Service
to transition from a formal supportive housing              Supports
program to a lower level of services and supports           Service supports aligned with housing and
provided by a range of community providers                  provided for BHS clients include:
along with ongoing rental assistance supports.              Q Wraparound supports that follow a range
                                                               of evidence-based practices such as Assertive
3URYLGHUHJXODU0RYLQJ2QWUDLQLQJWRVHUYLFH              Community Treatment, Strength-Based Case
partners to maximize opportunities for tenants                 Management, Critical Time Intervention, etc.
who choose to Move On from specialty BHS                    Q ,QFRPHDQGEHQH¿WVVXSSRUWVXVLQJWKH       
programs to community-based supports and                       International Placement and Support (IPS)
services while maintaining housing supports.                   model
                                                            Q Case management
additional Moving On housing subsidies.                     Q Harm-reduction services
                                                            Q Mental health and/or substance use recovery
3. Identify opportunities to expand employment                 supports
supports for people accessing housing                       Q Linkage to physical health care and housing-
opportunities, e.g., review supportive housing                 retention supports
resident services programs to include purposeful            Q Community harm reduction specialty BHS
FROODERUDWLRQZLWK%+6DQGRWKHUSDUWQHUV¶                    outreach and supports
employment resources and programs.
                                                            As housing options continue to expand, it will be
,QFUHDVH%+6FOLHQWDFFHVVWR6RFLDO6HFXULW\           critical to increase the evidence-based and best
work incentives, Housing Authority “Family Self-            practice service supports that assist in enhanced
6XI¿FLHQF\´SURJUDPVDQGRWKHUSDUWQHUSURJUDP            access to housing and housing retention to
RSSRUWXQLWLHVWKDWRIIHU¿QDQFLDOOLWHUDF\SURJUDPV        include employment opportunities, such as
DVZHOODV¿QDQFLDOLQFHQWLYHVWRLQFUHDVHHDUQLQJV        retraining, apprenticeships, and on-the-job
and savings.                                                training.

                          County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan   |   20

In order to continue to focus on Creating Homes                                                                                            7KHGDWDWKDWZLOOEHWUDFNHGRYHUWKH¿YH\HDUV
with Intention, Purpose, and Collaboration, a                                                                                              of the Plan will include:
data dashboard for BHS housing will be launched                                                                                            Q Developed units in the pipeline and leased up
in order to transparently track and measure easily                                                                                                 - Tracking chart and map
accessible information regarding the progress                                                                                              Q Partnership subsidy commitments
that is being made toward the goals of the County                                                                                          Q Progress toward a micro-unit community
of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five-Year                                                                                          Q Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool reporting
  6WUDWHJLF+RXVLQJ3ODQ WKH3ODQ                                                                                               Q +RXVLQJGHGLFDWHGWRVSHFL¿FSULRULWL]HG     
The intention is for this data to help continue to
drive decision-making and prioritize resources to                                                                                          ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
EHGHGLFDWHGWRWKHDUHDVRILGHQWL¿HGQHHG7KH                                                                                         The County of San Diego Behavioral Health
data dashboard will be accessible through a QR                                                                                             Services (BHS) Housing Council Work Group will
code that will be included in a two-page overview                                                                                          develop an annual implementation work plan and
of the Plan.                                                                                                                               prioritize actionable tasks to address key plan
                                                                                                                                           elements each year. The Council will monitor
                                                                                                                                           progress via the data dashboard, assessing the
                                                                                                                                           effectiveness and outcomes on an ongoing basis.
                                                                                                                                           BHS Housing Team, and its housing technical
                                                                                                                                           assistance consultant, will serve as project
                                                                                                                                           manager and partner with the Housing Council
                                                                                                                                           to implement the plan and monitor progress in
                                                                                                                                           meeting the plan goals.
                                     DIEG O
                      COU NTY OF SAN
                                      lth Services
                       Behavioral Hea
                                                     gic Housing Pla
                                      2-2027) Strate
                       Five Year (202                                                                                                                                                                               Q Expand understanding and implementation of quality in
                                                                                                            l health                                                                                                KRXVLQJDQGVHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJ+RXVLQJ)LUVWDQG6XSSRUWLYH
                                                                                       le with behaviora                                    81'(567$1',1*7+(&+$//(1*(6
                                                                    options for peop                                  s/
                                                                                            serious mental illnes
                                               wing a seismic
                          opportunity follo                         issues (people with                         substance
      2022 is a year of
                                                                                                                                              Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and San                      integration principles.
                            think about the impo
                                                      rtance                            l disorders and/or
      shift in how we all                           thy. Now,       serious emotiona                reso urce s through                       Diego National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)                      Q Address systemic disparities by reviewing and incorporating
                                means to be heal                                          limited
      of hom   e and  what   it
                                                     rstanding       use disorder) and                  mitm  ents  , and                     designed an input process in partnership with people                  recommendations from the County of San Diego Behavioral
                                   is a shared unde                                      funding com                                          with lived expertise as well as the Behavioral Health                 +HDOWK(TXLW\,QGH[WKH6DQ'LHJR&XOWXUDO&RPSHWHQF\3ODQ
                   ever, there                                       policy decisions,                           approach
      more than
                             rtance of housing
                                                  and                                       tives. The Plan’s                                 Housing Council and County of San Diego Behavioral                    and the Ad Hoc Committee Addressing Homelessness among
      of the critical impo                             y             programmatic initia           equity and inclusion                      Health Services. Throughout the input process, they                    Black San Diegans.
                                 ing is fundamentall                 is rooted  in princ iples  of
                                                                                                                  s of people
       agreement that hous thy and having a strong                                         driven by the voice                               LGHQWL¿HGNH\VWDNHKROGHUVLQRUGHUWRGHYHORSDQG
       important to bein
                           g heal                                    and the goals are                              maximize
                                                                                             . The Plan aims to                                                                                                     GOAL #2 Driving Collaboration Through
             orm  to achie ve goals.                                  with lived expertise                     ration as well as             extensive variety of opportunities for participation                   Active Connectivity
       platf                                                                              community integ                                                                                         in the
                                                                      opportunities for                          ns   that best              development of the Plan were offered throughout the
                                envisions Creating
                                                       Homes                               and services optio                                                                                                       Stakeholder feedback indicated that purposeful collaboration
        This Five-Year Plan                                           choice in housing                                 s.                   ¿UVWKDOIRILQRUGHUWRHQJDJHZLWKDEURDGUDQJH
                                                    aboration                                  s and recovery goal                                                                                                  is needed and also desired among the various industries
                             Purpose, and Coll                                                                               >>>                                                                                                                                               –
                                                                      meet individual need
        With Intention,                           targeted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    health care, mental health care, law enforcement, public
                            ing principles and                                                                                                  Q 14 Focus Groups with people with lived expertise,                GHIHQGHU¶VRI¿FHGLVWULFWDWWRUQH\VHUYLFHSURYLGHUVDQG
        and outlines guid                   a rang e of  housing                                                                                 Q 2 focus groups with service and housing providers
                                maximize                                                                                                                                                                           more that work every day to assist BHS clients experiencing
        responses that will                                                                                                                     Q Client Surveys (online in English and Spanish;                   homelessness to ultimately access housing and keep it. More
                                                                                                                                                   paper copy for in-reach)
                                                                                             HOU SIN G PLA N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    effective, collaborative working relationships would result
                                                             THE FIVE     -YEA R STR ATE GIC                                                    Q 13 input/listening Sessions                                      more housing opportunities, and more successful outcomes
                                       SUM MAR IZIN G                                                   KDWFDOOIRUSXUSRVH
                                                                                                                             IXO               Q Online Input Form                                                once people are housed. The Housing Council is focused on
                                                              EHHQLGHQWL¿HGZ             WKHXUJHQWQHHGIRU
                                                                                                                   KRXVLQJ                                                                                        supporting:
                                       7KUHHNH\JRDOVKDYH            LQRUGHUWRUHFRJQL]H
                                                     UVWW ZR\ HDUV                                                                                                                                             Q3D\PHQWreform efforts, including Medi-Cal CalAIM planning,
                                       DFWLRQLQWKH¿                       FDQWQHZUHVRXUFHV                                              Guided by the BHS multi-sector system of care
                                                         HLPSDFWRIVLJQL¿                                                                                                                                         which prioritizes care and provides incentives for collaboration
                                       DQGPD[LPL]HWK                                                                                        transformational goals of continuous care and                         and continuous system improvement instead of cost-based
                                                                                                                   2SWLR            QV        prevention, and providing coordinated resources to
                                                                                              LYHUVLW\RI+RXVLQJ                                                                                                  reimbursement which includes burdensome documentation
                                                                              Focus Area #1'                                                 keep people connected, stable and healthy, the Housing                requirements.
                                                                                                                                              Council members used all of the valuable feedback to
                                                                                                                           6XSSRUWLQJ                                                                             Q Engage in collaborative data-sharing efforts by seeking
                                                                                            +RXVLQJ(TXLW\DQG                                identify the following top three priority goals
                                                                              Focus Area #2     WLRQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    out opportunities to align systems and databases with BHS
                                                                              &RPPXQLW\,QWHJUD                                               and corresponding actionable strategies.                              housing planning efforts, building on cross-sectoral referral
                                           GOAL #1                                                                                                                                                                 capacities with housing & service partners.

                                                                                               ULRULW\3RSXOD        WLRQV                    GOAL #1 Opening More Doors                                           Q Address the digital divide by expanding access to computers
                                           Opening                             Focus Area #33                                                  The County of San Diego has prioritized the creation of new        and internet access.
                                           More Doors                                                                 \DQG                    housing for over two decades, and the inventory of dedicated       Q)XUWKHUGHYHORSDQGSURPRWHTXDOLW\WHOHKHDOWKSKRQHDSS
                                                                                                   HRJUDSKLF'LYHUVLW                                                                                              EDVHGDQGSKRQHEDVHGEHKDYLRUDOKHDOWKRSWLRQVDV
                                                                               Focus Area #4*                                                  supportive housing for people with serious mental illness
                                                                                                  LRQRI+RXVLQJ                                                                                                   well as connections to public health supports (including access
                                                                               5HJLRQDO'LVWULEXW                                               limited resources has successfully increased from 241 units
                                                                                                                                                to 584 units. The need remains high, however, and focused
                                                                                                                                                effort needs to continue, especially for very low and extremely    Q Continue to develop services in housing which accommodate
                                            GOAL #2                                              IIHFWLYH&ROODERUDWL                                                                                              for social distancing while maintaining community connection.
                                                                                Focus Area #5(                                                 low income households; there is a shortfall of 68,959 homes
                                                                                                   VWHPV                                                                                                           Q)RFXVRQLQFUHDVLQJLQFRPHDQGEDVLFVXSSRUWV
                                            Driving                             DQG,QWHJUDWLQJ6\                                             in these income categories. The Housing Council is particularly
                                                                                                                                               focused on increasing a diversity of housing options and
                                            Collaboration                                        QJRLQJ3DQGH           PLF5HVSRQVH           geographical locations by:                                          GOAL #3 Expanding Service Approaches
                                            Through                              Focus Area #62                                               Q Maximizing and accelerating unit creation by fully                  Homeless individuals struggle with a wide range of housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     needs, including understanding how to apply for a variety
                                            Active                                                                                             FRPPLWWLQJWKH¿UVW\HDUVRI1R3ODFH/LNH+RPH)XQGLQJE\
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     affordable housing and how to navigate the system once
                                            Connectivity                                            HFRYHU\DQG5HWHQ
                                                                                                                            WLRQ              )HEUXDU\                                                                                                                 they
                                                                                 Focus Area #75                                               Q Maximizing ongoing rent subsidies by aligning with support          are able to access affordable housing. Many stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    shared that it is often traumatic to move from homelessness
                                                                                 6XSSRUWV                                                      services, such as Emergency Housing Vouchers.
                                                                                                                                               Q Identify opportunities to create “tiny home” villages with         to a new home and BHS clients struggle in making that
                                                                                                    OH[LE LOLW\ LQ6H UYLFH                                                                                       adjustment. Priorities for Housing Council include:
                                                                                 Focus Area #8)                                               wrap-around supports that are not time limited and which
                                             GOAL #3                             DQG+RXVLQJ0RGHO
                                                                                                      V                                        have an emphasis on community building, particularly on              Q)XUWKHU develop peer based programs to support tenants
                                                                                                                                               parcels of land that can’t support larger multifamily housing
                                             Expanding                                               ULQJ0RYLQJ2Q                           projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    who are connected to BHS services as they make a transition

                                             Services                             Focus Area #9%                                                                                                                   into housing.
                                                                                                                                               Q(VWDEOLVKDGHGLFDWHGÀH[LEOHKRXVLQJVXEVLG\SRROIRU           Q Identify opportunities to expand services and housing
                                             Approaches                                                                                        people with behavioral health issues.                               eligibility criteria to more broadly serve people with behavioral
                                                                                                     ,QFUHDVH:UDSDUR                        Q Increase inventory of shared housing by exploring feasibility      health issues through intentional partnerships.
                                                                                  Focus Area #10                                              of developed shared housing opportunities, converting                Q Expand Moving On opportunities through training and
                                                                                  6HUYLFH6 XSSR UWV
                                                                                                                                              more single family homes into co-living or communal living           additional housing subsidies.
                                                                                                                                              situations, and expanding independent living and recovery            Q Increase BHS client access to Social Security work
                                                                                                                                              UHVLGHQFHDVVRFLDWLRQPHPEHUKRPHVE\                           LQFHQWLYHV+RXVLQJ$XWKRULW\³)DPLO\6HOI6XI¿FLHQF\´
                                                                                                                                URL.C OM      Q Explore other housing production alternatives and
                                                                                                   WWW .DOCU MENT                                                                                                 programs, and other partner program opportunities that
                                                                                    N MORE | VISIT                                                                                                                                                                            offer
                                                                    REPO RT OR LEAR                                                           innovative housing types in addition to tiny homes to include,      ¿QDQFLDOOLWHUDF\SURJUDPVDVZHOODV¿QDQFLDOLQFHQWLYHVWR
                                                      LOAD THE FULL
                                         CODE TO DOWN                                                                                         EXWQRWOLPLWHGWR'SULQWHGKRPHVQHZSUHIDEULFDWHG
                             USE THIS QR                                                                                                                                                                          increase earnings and savings.
                                                                                                                                             housing types that meet state and local building code                Q Expand employment supports for people accessing housing
                                                                                                                                             standards, conversion of vacant commercial or industrial             opportunities.
                                                                                                                                             buildings to affordable housing. This includes deepening             Q Increase the evidence-based and best practice service
                                                                                                                                             collaboration with Department of Homeless Solutions &                supports that assist in enhanced access to housing and
                                                                                                                                             Equitable Communities to address system, service & housing           KRXVLQJUHWHQWLRQLQFOXGLQJLQFRPHDQGEHQH¿WVXSSRUWV
                                                                                                                                             needs for people experiencing homelessness who have                  harm reduction strategies, mental health support and linkage
                                                                                                                                             LGHQWL¿HGEHKDYLRUDOKHDOWKQHHGV                                   to physical health care and housing retention supports.

                                                                County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services Five Year (2022-2027) Strategic Housing Plan                                                                                                                            |   21
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