Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation

Page created by Sherry Fischer
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
federation                        DECEMBER 2016


‘We must never
      - See Pages 10 and 11

      South Wales Police Federation
      Member services and Federation views
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
Your Federation
                                                                            Name                         Email

                                                                            Andrew Griffiths   
                                                                            Richie Gardiner    
                                                                            Andrew Lancaster   
                                                                            Julian Stevens     
    Our cover picture shows South Wales PS Ian                              Leigh Godfrey      
    Cameron, standard bearer at the National Police
    Memorial Day service. Photo courtesy of Anderson
    Photography.                                                            Eastern
    Federation Focus is published by
    South Wales Police Federation.                                          Ian Cameron        
    Produced by XPR (UK) Ltd
                                                                            Phil Thomas        
    Contact us:                                                             Tony McConnon      
    For general divisional enquiries, please first contact
                                                                            John Manders       
    your divisional Federation representative as the staff
    at the office are unable to deal with divisional
    issues.                                                                 Central
    You can contact the Federation office as follows:
    Write to:                                                               Louise Davies      
    Federation Office
                                                                            Jason Jenkins      
    Pencoed Police House, Heol y Groes,
    Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5PE                                              Michael George     
    Telephone:                                                              Pat Catto          
    01656 869900                                                            Lawrence Brown     
    Or you can email us as follows:                                         Darran Fenton                                                     Gareth Bishop      
    For other matters, please contact:
    Steve Trigg, JBB chair                                                  Western
    (Not full-time in the office)
    Clare Biddlecombe, secretary                                            Gareth Hawkins                                                 Paul Thomas        
    Internal 21-760
                                                                            Gary Chambers      
    Danny Ahearn, deputy secretary and discipline
                                                                            Bryan Smith        
    liaison officer                                                 Adrian Hughes      
    Internal 21-764                                                         Huw Toghill        
    (Discipline/UPP)                                                        Kim Harris         
    Howard Casey, performance and misconduct
    Internal 21-763
    Tony McConnon, occupational health and liaison                          Simon Morgan       
    manager                                                                 Steve Treharne     
    Internal 21-763
    (Sickness and pensions)                                                 OSD
    Kay Bennett, general manager                                                Vacant
    Internal 21-762
    (Flint House/Group Insurance Scheme)
                                                                            Reserve Seats
    More information about the Federation, regulations
    and latest news items can be found at
                                                                            Caroline Grisley   
    Every care is taken to ensure that advertisements are only accepted
    from bona fide advertisers. The Police Federation cannot accept         Julia Tyler        
    liability incurred by any person as a result of a default on the part
    of an advertiser. The views expressed within this magazine are not      Emma Sainsbury     
    necessarily the views of the South Wales Joint Branch Board.

2                                                                      South Wales Police Federation
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
CHAIR’S UPDATE                                                                             Steve helps Finn’s
                                                                                           Law debate

South Wales
                                                                                           Police minister Brandon Lewis has not
                                                                                           ruled out introducing new legislation if it
                                                                                           is felt it will provide better protection for
                                                                                           working animals such as police dogs and
                                                                                           police horses.
                                                                                                And the words of South Wales Police

officers are
                                                                                           Federation’s Steve Treharne, heard in
                                                                                           Parliament during the debate for Finn’s
                                                                                           Law, have added weight to the
                                                                                           arguments for better protection.
                                                                                                The call for Finn’s Law began after
                                                                                           Police Dog Finn received horrendous

                                                                                           chest and head injuries while on duty. An
                                                                                           online petition for better protection was
                                                                                           started, triggering the debate in the
                                                                                           Houses of Parliament after signatures
                                                                                           soared past 100,000.
                                                                                                Steve’s support for Finn’s Law was
                                                                                           cited by Christina Rees (Lab/Co-op,
By Steve Trigg,                              of a number of initiatives to raise           Neath) when she asked: “Police
chairman of                                  awareness and reduce the stigma               Federation Constables’ Branch Board
South Wales                                  attached to mental ill health.                chair Steve Treharne wrote to me
Police Federation                                Locally we are working with the Force     recently about the safety of police
                                             to increase the number of officers trained    officers, but he also talked about the
With the holiday                             in mental health first aid and to identify    need to give the same protections to
season looming                               suitable interventions for officers in need   police animals, as an extension of what
and the year                                 of assistance.                                he called the police family. Does the
seemingly flying                                 We have seen proposed uplifts in our      Honourable Gentleman agree that it is
to a close, it’s a                           firearms capability as well as our public     time that police animals were given the
good time to                                 protection units, which will inevitably       same status?”
reflect on some of the challenges we         place further strain on our already                David Mackintosh (Cons,
have faced and the challenges to come.       stretched front-line in the short term. But   Northampton South) who had moved the
    This year saw increased focus on the     I’m assured that contingencies are in         petition responded: “The Honourable
dangers officers routinely face as they go   place, including further recruitment, to      Lady makes a very clear point and is
about their work.                            alleviate the pressure in the long term.      backed up by a message from her
    The Police Federation of England and     This is something we will be closely          constituent. It lends weight to the
Wales (PFEW) took a leading role in          monitoring and seeking your feedback on.      argument that we have heard already
raising awareness of the problem,                As you will all no doubt be aware by      today: that we should be looking to
lobbying ministers and chief officers to     now, Cardiff will be hosting the              introduce new protections in legislation
ensure we fully understand the nature        Champions League finals 2018. While the       for police animals.”
and number of assaults on officers and       event itself is perhaps not as big as the          During the debate, Mr Lewis revealed
how that data can be used to influence       NATO summit we successfully delivered in      he had already written to the Ministry of
the sentencing rules for perpetrators.       2014, many of the security issues are         Justice and the Department for
    My view is that an assault on a police   similar and it has the potential to have a    Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to
officer should never be acceptable and       huge impact for South Wales Police.           explore whether more can be done in law
should always result in a custodial              However, with funding for the policing    to offer appropriate protection to
sentence for the perpetrator.                commitment still to be finalised, it may      working animals.
    Our Chief Constable, Peter Vaughan,      well be that we will be expected to safely         He said: “We must also consider
has signed up to the seven-point plan for    deliver the event on a shoestring, which      using the law not just for police dogs and
assaults on police and we encourage you      poses huge logistical problems for a force    horses, but more widely for service and
to ensure that all instances are reported    our size.                                     working dogs – that might cover guide
to our office, so that we can provide the        A dedicated planning team is being        dogs and potentially those used by the
necessary support to the officer             put together and we shall be working          fire and rescue service and others.”
concerned.                                   alongside them to try to ensure                    If work revealed legislative change
    We are working to ensure there is        disruption to officers’ family and private    was required he pledged that he would
greater focus on officer wellbeing,          lives are considered and kept to a            seek to do something in 2017. But he said
especially in relation to mental health.     minimum.                                      it may be that existing law was just not
There is a growing awareness that as             Despite the challenges, I’m sure you      being applied properly.
officers work in an increasingly stressful   will step up to the plate as you always do         Supporting the petition, he explained:
environment, with greater scrutiny and       and prove yet again that South Wales          “We expect a huge amount from our
often unrealistic expectations placed        officers are exceptional and showcase         police support animals, in terms of their
upon them, they are more susceptible to      Cardiff and South Wales to the rest of the    training, temperament and performance
mental illness.                              world.                                        in their various roles and the dangerous
    The Mind Blue Light campaign is one          As ever, stay safe out there.             situations in which we ask them to

                                South Wales Police Federation                                                                 3
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
Officer assaults: ‘not part of the job’
    A seven-point plan setting out how police           Board, explains: “The message needs to go out     back and thankfully back up arrived quickly
    officers and staff should be treated if             that an assault on an officer is not to be        enough to help manage the situation.
    assaulted while on duty is now awaiting             accepted as part of their job. An assault on an        Steve explains: “This is the sort of danger
    sign-off from the Force.                            officer is an assault on society and any          that you can, and do, find yourself in on a
         The plan follows an initiative first           sentence given needs to send out a strong         regular basis. Research has found that an
    launched in Hampshire following a campaign          message that acts such as these will not be       officer is assaulted every 22 minutes with a
    by its Federation branch.                           tolerated.”                                       total of 23,394 assaults in England and Wales
         The South Wales Police plan will make the           A national campaign calling for better       last year. This may not be a definitive picture
    recording and investigation of assaults on          protection for police officers has gathered       as the method of collecting data by the Home
    officers more robust and professional and will      momentum after Halifax MP Holly Lynch led         Office for police assaults can be described as
    cover:                                              debates on the issue in Parliament in October     poor. The Federation is currently working with
    l    Improved training                              and again in November.                            the Home Office to work to a more robust
    l    A commitment to treating and                        During the summer recess of Parliament,      method of collecting accurate data.
         investigating assaults on police officers      the MP joined West Yorkshire police for a 2pm          “Unfortunately, officers who have been
         and staff as seriously as an assault on a      to 10pm shift to gain an understanding of the     assaulted often do not bother reporting or
         member of the public                           demands of front-line policing.                   recording the incident or feel they are not
    l    Keeping the officer/staff member                    Ms Lynch accompanied PC Craig Gallant        taken seriously and often they even have to
         informed and updated                           and it was not long before she witnessed an       interview the offender themselves which can’t
    l    Providing support and welfare                  event that led her to call 999 as she was so      be right.”
    l    Giving sufficient evidence – as a result of    concerned for the officer’s safety. PC Gallant         It was this situation that prompted John
         poor evidence or personal statements,          had pulled over a vehicle and asked the driver    Apter, the Hampshire Police Federation
         cases sent for prosecution too often fail to   to get out of the car. The driver refused and     chairman, to drive through his Force’s
         meet basic evidential needs.                   within seconds a crowd of hostile people          seven-point plan. This has now been taken up
         Steve Treharne, chairman of the South          gathered around PC Gallant. The officer was       by most of the 43 forces in England and
    Wales Police Federation Constables’ Branch          forced to draw his baton to keep the crowd        Wales.

    Backing for police in Commons debate
    A Police Federation campaign for tougher            bigger problem than current figures                   “We make the laws in here, but we ask
    sentencing of those convicted of assaulting         demonstrate.                                      the police to uphold and enforce them out
    police officers has won backing in                       Before the Commons debate on 2               there. To assault a police officer is to show a
    Parliament.                                         November Federation vice chairman Calum           complete disregard for law and order, for our
        MPs resolved, after a three-hour                Macleod, national representative Mick             shared values and for democracy itself, and
    Commons debate on police officer safety in          Hume, West Yorkshire Federation chairman          that must be reflected in sentencing,
    November, that assaults on the police are           Nick Smart and Hampshire chairman John            particularly for repeat offenders.”
    ‘unacceptable’ and welcomed the work of             Apter met with a large number of Labour               MP Jessica Morden, Labour MP for
    the Independent Sentencing Council in               and Conservative MPs.                             Newport East, told the Commons about a
    producing guidelines that recognise the                  Calum said: “Today was an important          woman who is married to a police officer
    seriousness of attacks on the emergency             step in raising awareness among MPs and           who contacted her to describe how the
    services.                                           the public of the risks that police officers      injuries her husband sustains in the course
        “It is about time MPs recognised that           face on a daily basis. It was also about          of his work affect the family.
    more and more police officers, police staff         putting in place measures to ensure that              To stop their children worrying, the
    and other emergency service workers are             those who assault police officers are held to     couple lie about how he sustains his injuries.
    being assaulted as they go about their duties       account by the courts and that sentences          She quoted the woman saying: “According to
    serving their communities,” says Steve Trigg,       reflect those crimes - progress is, and will      my children he is the clumsiest dad ever, as
    chairman of South Wales Police Federation.          continue to be made.”                             we have had to tell them ‘Dad fell over a bin
        “It almost seems to have become                      The Federation delegation was                chasing someone’, ‘Dad walked into a
    acceptable with some people – including             welcomed by Holly Lynch, Labour MP for            cupboard door in the station’, ‘Dad caught
    officers themselves – seeing it as part of the      Halifax.                                          himself on the police car door’.
    job. But it is not acceptable and nor should it          Speaking at the debate, she said: “Police        “I am tired of seeing my husband come
    ever be considered so. We need to see               officers who are assaulted deserve the full       home injured and having to lie to my
    tougher sentencing of those found guilty of         backing of the justice system. Since my shift     children about how he sustained his injuries.
    assaulting police officers and emergency            with West Yorkshire Police, I have been made      I worry every time he is late home and
    workers so that there is a more effective           aware of at least five more assaults on           grateful every time he returns home safely.”
    deterrent.”                                         officers in my constituency in the days that          The Federation has previously
        During the Commons debate, there was            followed.                                         successfully campaigned for the law to be
    also acceptance of the Federation’s call for             “What shocked me, and what thoroughly        changed so that those convicted of
    the numbers of assaults to be accurately            depresses police officers, is that sentences      murdering police officers will now be
    recorded in order to appreciate the scale of        handed down to offenders for assaulting the       sentenced to life.
    the problem.                                        police often fail to reflect the seriousness of       Get involved on Twitter using
        Officer assaults are vastly under-              the crime or, more crucially, serve as a          #PoliceOfficerSafety.
    reported and it widely believed that it is a        deterrent.

4                                                   South Wales Police Federation
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
Straight talking
In each edition of                           returned to work I had to attend a call of      were very shaken.
                                             youths causing problems and on arrival              I reported the incident. My line
Federation Focus we ask                      they started to throw stones at myself          manager was excellent in his support and
                                             and my colleague. I remember just               came to visit me at home. I had no
members for their views on                   wanting to get out of there ASAP.               support from anyone higher than
                                                 The assault took place after a Cardiff      sergeant level.
a topical issue. This time,                  City match and I hated being in crowds for      PC Sean Morgans
with statistics showing an                   a long time afterwards.
                                                 The incident was reported but we            I was assaulted on duty in 2010, suffering
increase in assaults on                      were unable to identify the person who          a broken nose, chipped teeth and a cut to
                                             had actually thrown the brick.                  my face. I was off work for two weeks
police officers, we asked                        I had one phone call from SMT at the        after the assault and then a further three
Federation members if they                   time stating I would have support and           weeks post-surgery to my nose.
                                             that was the last I heard about it.                 Initially I was fine mentally as I just
had been assaulted on duty,                      Another assault involved a bite on my       thought it was one of those things but
                                             forearm which resulted in an infection          later on I felt nervous if anyone entered
whether they had sustained                   going all the way up my arm and neck. My        my personal space while I was dealing
                                             son was born the following shift so I was       with calls. I reported the incident and a
injuries, how they felt                      off on leave and didn’t take sick leave.        man was arrested and convicted.
about the attack and what                        The infection grew over a few days              I had a fabulous response from the
                                             and I didn’t want to pick up my son as I        Force, my divisional commander at the
response they had received                   was worried I would pass something onto         time, Chief Superintendent Mathias, rang
                                             him. I didn’t want to have photos taken         me the same day to offer any support I
from the Force.                              with my newborn son either as the               needed. My shift were also extremely
                                             infection was visible on my neck.               supportive as were the division as a
I suffered                                       Again, I reported it and the male was       whole.
damaged soft                                 charged but at court the CPS wanted to          Sian Dumbleton
tissue in my                                 drop it. I insisted we run it and he was
hand and                                     found guilty. I did not receive any support     I suffered torn knee ligaments and was off
bruising                                     from the Force in relation to this assault.     work for five months after being assaulted
after being                                      Like most officers, over the years I have   at work. It made me feel a bit useless to
assaulted                                    been punched, kicked and spat at. Luckily,      be honest as I was immobile for four
while on                                     they have resulted in minor injuries such       months and had to rely on others to drive
duty. I was off                              as bruising. I have probably had support        or take me places.
work for a                                   from my sergeant at the time asking if              I reported the assault and was
month                                        everything was OK but was never offered         satisfied with the support I received in
I reported the assault                       any type of support in relation to welfare      Force.
and the suspect was not dealt with. I was    or counselling regarding the two main               However, the courts do not punish the
angry that nothing was done but my           incidents.                                      offenders in my view and will always try
sergeant was amazing. I was happy with           I think that it comes with the job that     to drop the charge to resisting arrest.
my supervisor but the CPS let me down        we will end up being assaulted.                 PC Tim Cranny
massively.                                   PC Tim Davies
    The only issue I would add is that                                                       I suffered bruised ribs, concussion and
assaults on police are overlooked and        I suffered swelling to the throat as a result   whiplash after being assaulted while on
people are being assaulted but told they     of being choked. I was off sick for five        duty. I was off work for two days as I was
can expect to be assaulted sometimes ie      shifts; my first sickness in about 12 years.    not aware of the full extent of my injuries
kicked etc.                                      After receiving hospital treatment and      at the time.
Kim Harris                                   being told I may have to stay in as an              I just felt it was part of the job. I
                                             in-patient, I realised the potential            reported the assault and was satisfied
I have been assaulted while on duty          consequences of the assailant’s actions. I      with the support I received.
several times with the worst injury          was close to being unconscious and the              Assaults on officers are becoming
resulting in 12 stitches to my chin and a    ENT doctor stated that any further              more frequent and more serious.
permanent scar. I was off work for two       swelling to the affected area could result      PC Emma Warner-Brindley
weeks.                                       in severe consequences. I was ordered to
    I felt very vulnerable when returning    stay off work in case that area was struck      I’ve been spat at twice and had £25
to work as the injury had been caused as a   again. This shook me up and I realised the      compensation the first time. The second
result of having half a house brick thrown   seriousness of the assault. This affected
at me which struck me in the face. When I    the way I looked at my job and my family
                                                                                                                    Continued on Page 7

                                  South Wales Police Federation                                                               5
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
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                                                        South Wales Police Federation
                                                                                                                                                        PMGI2243 0716
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
Straight talking                        Constables’ update
                                             Pay review
                                                                                                 attributable to the greater pressures you are
Continued from Page 5                                                                            exposed to (See below).
                                                                                                     The Federation put forward a strong
time occurred last week and the boy was      By Steve Treharne, Constables’ Branch               case calling for a 2.8 per cent pay increase
charged.                                     Board chairman                                      and submitted evidence to back this up.
    I’ve dislocated my thumb while                                                               Unfortunately, the pay submission body has
wrestling with a subject during arrest. I    You should all have seen your annual pay            changed. The previous mechanism of the
attended hospital, was off for a couple of   award hit your pay packets in September.            Police Negotiating Board resulted in the
weeks and the person got fined a small       We received a princely increase of one per          Federation being actively involved in the pay
amount. I don’t recall how much.             cent which, we will certainly all agree, was a      negotiations.
    SWP went through the motions of          derisory award.                                         Now, as a result of Winsor, we have the
offering counselling but it was a standard       The police service has existed under            Pay Remuneration Review Body (PRRB)
letter and far from compassionate. I         significant austerity since 2010, pay was           within which the Federation no longer has a
wouldn’t say that I felt supported.          frozen for a number of years, allowances            seat around the negotiating table. The
PC Kurt Jones                                such as CRTP and SPP were removed and               Federation is required to submit its evidence
                                             increments were frozen while pension and            and this is then reviewed in line with all
I was assaulted on duty and suffered a       NI contributions increased.                         other submissions from police stakeholders.
broken finger. I was off work for a set of       We have certainly carried a heavier                 It is clear that this year the PRRB has
six shifts but returned to work on           burden than most other public service               followed the Government mantra of
restricted duties as I had a splint on my    sectors. But it’s just not in financial terms       imposing a flat one per cent increase.
finger to keep it in place.                  where we have paid a cost. There has been a             The police service has now absorbed one
    I hate to say it but the assault did     significant drop in officer numbers which           per cent pay rises for the last three years
shock me. I hadn’t been assaulted prior to   has, in turn, led into a heavier burden in          – against the backdrop of increases in the
this and I think that, due to my size and    workloads and responsibilities in your day to       private sector averaging 2.5 per cent a year.
gender, I had an unrealistic idea that it    day role. Officer sickness due to mental            This paltry rise clearly shows how the
would never happen.                          health has also increased significantly in the      Government views the hard work of police
    I reported the incident and the          past year, some of which must be                    officers each and every day
defendant was arrested for police assault.
    I don’t feel that I had any support in
Force. The OIC did not contact me. I
contacted the office the following
                                             Mental health and wellbeing
                                             There is now a big emphasis on mental health and wellbeing both nationally and within South
morning to update them that my finger        Wales Police. Mental health issues are now the single biggest cause of sickness with a big rise in
had been broken but the file wasn’t          the figures in the last financial year.
updated and this wasn’t reflected in the         The current emphasis is on breaking down the stigma associated with mental health illness.
charge. Had this been a member of the        You can be sure though that once mental health is seen in the same way as physical illness then
public, we would have been chasing up        we are going to continue seeing a year on year rise in the figures.
the medical consent form, additional             I am in no doubt that officers will currently be reporting physical illnesses when the reality is
statements etc. As none of this was done,    that they do not have the confidence to report a mental health illness. I also feel it is no
the defendant was charged with a lesser      coincidence mental health issues have increased as police budgets have reduced and we have all
charge.                                      been expected to do more with less. What starts with stress can develop into something more
    I feel that officers aren’t treated as   serious if not addressed earlier.
victims.                                         I have looked on enviously at the Mind Bluelight initiative in England as Wales is not covered
Female officer, anonymous.                   by this. Through an FOI request to the Welsh Assembly, I have found this is partly down to the
                                             Assembly not using the money it received from the Cabinet Office of the UK Government as a

 Can you help John?                          result of the Libor fines. The Libor fines were provided to directly help support emergency service
 John Morgan is a teenager with a                But we remain hopeful that Mind Cymru will be successful in this year’s round of bidding to
 mission: he wants to earn a place in the    enable the scheme to be rolled out into Wales.
 Guiness Book of World Records.                  It is great to see that there is a big drive within Force to address wellbeing and I am aware
     And police officers could help him      that supervisors will be provided with mental health awareness training. This will help
 achieve his dream as he wants to get in     supervisors spot the signs of mental health illness at a much earlier time and thereby signpost
 the world-famous records book for           the individual to the relevant support.
 having the most memorabilia relating to         I want your local Federation to go much further and have gained the support of your local
 the emergency services.                     Branch Board to facilitate the training of reps in mental health first aid. The course is recognised
     John (17), who has Duchenne             in 23 countries and teaches people to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental
 Muscular Dystrophy and uses a               health issues, provide help on a first aid basis and effectively guide someone towards the right
 motorised wheelchair, has already got       support.
 hundres of stickers from emergency              Federation reps are often the first point of contact for a colleague in crisis and it is vitally
 services worldwide.                         important that reps are able to effectively support officers in the correct manner when this
     But if you think you could add to his   happens.
 collection by donating a cap, badge,            While it is a positive step in the right direction to look at measures to increase the wellbeing
 sticker or other memorabilia, please        of all our staff, we must not embark on our journey by only treating the symptoms of mental
 contact the family through their            health. It is vital that we gain a clear understanding as to the root causes and look to address
 Facebook page –               them. Let’s put the emphasis on addressing the causes rather than treating the symptoms.
 jpmorgan1999                                    One thing you can be sure of is that your South Wales Federation will continue to fight and
                                             support you.

                                South Wales Police Federation                                                                           7
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
New protocol for PSU
    and Force events
    T     he number of days where officers will
          be required to work past midnight
          into their rest days should now
    decrease with the introduction of a new
    Force protocol following a campaign by
                                                    has set staffing levels in the FIRMS
                                                    rostering system. SMTs can amend these
                                                    levels at any time according to
                                                    organisational demand.
                                                                                                     (including non-uniform) up to the staffing
                                                                                                     level set by SMTs. Where the event is
                                                                                                     planned outside the published rota, a buffer
                                                                                                     will be built into these levels to allow for
                                                                                                     other events/abstractions that may arise. At
    South Wales Police Federation.                  Role of Planning/Rostering                       this stage, the staffing level will not be
        Federation secretary Clare Biddlecombe      The operational planning officer for each        breached.
    has spent almost two years working with         event will consult with the nominated            l    Officers working mornings/days
    the Force planning team to secure an            commander to identify the resource               l    Officers working afternoon/evening
    improvement in the way that officers are        requirements. The operational planning                shift
    deployed for PSU and Force events.              officers will then request the PSU/BDU/          (If officers are on second super noon shift
        “In the past the Force automatically        Aiding party resources through the               consider using rest day officer due to two
    selected officers to work a night shift on      Resource Management Unit (RMU). The              shifts requiring backfill)
    their rest day for these events with no         RMU will select resources and group them         l    Night shift at last resort.
    thought process going into the selection of     according to their respective BCUs and,               If further PSU resources are required,
    those resources,” Clare explains, “However,     where possible for logistical purposes,          Stage 2 will start.
    the new protocol, while not perfect, will be    serials into sector or neighbouring sectors.     Stage 2
    a vast improvement on how officers have         The RMU will then send the organised list        Staffing level will be breached and backfill
    been deployed in the past.                      of resources to the operational planner.         required. PSU officers will not be selected in
        “Officers who backfill PSU officers can                                                      the following order:
    no longer be required to work past              Resources for backfill requirement for PSU       1. Officers working mornings/days
    midnight on a rest day, PSU officers are        officers, local and major events and critical    2. Officers working afternoons/evening
    being deployed to police an event as            dates                                                 shifts
    opposed to being given ‘after dark duties’      This will include using all operational          (If officers are on second super noon shift
    and the number of deployments have been         officers regardless of their usual role when     consider using rest day officer due to two
    reduced.                                        backfill is needed and will be spread out        shifts requiring backfill)
        “There is now a protocol in place of        equally among non-uniform and uniform            3. Officers on rest day
    which all SMTs including local planning         departments. The RMU manager can                 4. Officers working nightshift.
    teams and the resource management unit          provide analysis of the backfill shifts worked
    are aware. This should decrease the number      by officers to the Force Planning chief          Backfill requirement for PSU officers (prior
    of days where officers are required to work     inspector when required. This will ensure        to a published rota)
    past midnight on a rest day.”                   duties are spread equally limiting the           The highest proportion of PSU officers are
                                                    impact on rest day working and                   attached to response shifts. To avoid any
    Protocol for the resourcing of events/          abstractions from normal duties. There is        unnecessary backfill and the accumulation
    critical dates                                  no requirement at this time for officers         of re-rostered rest days, backfill will be
    Force event                                     from K Division to be used for backfill.         arranged once resources fall below the
    Event or incident that requires a large                                                          staffing levels plus the buffer set by SMTs.
    number of resources (in excess of 1 PSU or 1    Selection of PSU resources                       Backfill will be arranged as follows using all
    BDU) and cannot be safely managed in the        RMU will select PSU resources for paid and       operational resources in each BCU:
    BCU without having an impact on daily           unpaid events, mutual aid and critical           Backfill required for AM shift
    business. The centralised planning will         dates. Unless this is outside the timeframe      l   Consider changing tour of duty for
    allocate the command structure and              for publishing the rota, authority must be           neighbourhood/department officer
    resources from across the Force. Where          obtained for the cancellation of rest days.      l   Use officer on rest day (response,
    specialist assets (dogs, mounted, RPU etc)          Selection of PSU resources will be in            neighbourhood or department)
    are the only requirement from outside the       two stages and will mean selecting the               Backfill required for PM shift
    BCU, the event remains a BCU event.             most appropriate PSU officer minimising          l   Drop back on duty AM shift officer but
                                                    the impact on the BCU and the need to                only if it is their second day shift and
    Critical event                                  continually amend rest days. The RMU                 consider rest day officer or on duty
    These will be defined in consultation with      manager will produce a quarterly report to           neighbourhood officer to backfill their
    the identified BCU Senior Management            the Force Planning chief inspector outlining         AM shift
    Team SPOCS.                                     the number of events worked by individual        l   Use officer on rest day
    A policy has been introduced for the            PSU officers to ensure events worked are             Backfill required for night shift
    selection of PSU resources and subsequent       spread equally between PSU officers,             l   Drop back on duty PM shift to nights
    backfill for pre-planned Force events and       limiting the impact on rest day working and          (tour of duty will be 8pm to 5am unless
    the selection of resources used for these       abstraction from normal duties.                      resource levels dictate otherwise)
    and critical dates. This is to ensure           Stage 1                                          l   Use rest day officer to backfill PM shift
    consistency across the Force.                   PSU officers will be selected from response          where tour of duty does not exceed
        Each BCU and operational department         shifts/neighbourhood/departments                     midnight unless it has been identified

8                                                South Wales Police Federation
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
as being a specified Force/critical key     Stage 2                                          spread equally among departments and
   date.                                       Staffing level will be breached and backfill     officers, limiting the impact on rest day
   The following points must be                required. Officers will not be selected in the   working and abstraction from normal
considered.                                    following order:                                 duties. Smaller departments will not be
1. Officers already attached to BCU ‘after     1. Officers working mornings/days.               called upon as much as larger departments.
   dark initiatives’ will only be considered   2. Officers working afternoons/evening                The RMU will liaise with the
   as last resort.                                  shifts.                                     departmental SPOC to select the resources
2. PSU officers who are not deployed will      If officers are on second super noon shift       that will be required for the Force event or
   not be considered for backfill duties or    consider using rest day officer due to two       critical date. This will allow departmental
   critical dates unless there is a genuine    shifts requiring backfill.                       SPOCs to take officers’ workloads and court
   public order need or other significant      3. Officers on rest day.                         commitments into consideration.
   resource shortfall.                         4. Officers working nightshift.                  l    Officers will normally work a
3. When the public order level is                                                                    combination of four Force events or
   designated as ‘low’ the appointed           Backfill requirement for officers (prior to a         critical dates per year
   commander will use alternative              published rota)                                  l    Where necessary officers’ tour of duty
   resources to a PSU – for example, a BDU,    To avoid any unnecessary backfill and the             will include travelling to and from their
   in order to reduce the demand on PSUs.      accumulation of re-rostered rest days,                normal place of duty.
   However, the final decision rests with      backfill will be arranged once resources fall         The following points must be
   the Gold Commander for the event.           below the staffing levels plus the buffer set    considered:
4. When a PSU officer (other specialist        by SMTs. Backfill will be arranged as follows    1. The departmental SPOC will take into
   role) moves to a different role they will   using all operational resources in each BCU:          consideration the officer’s home
   remain on the PSU and event. If the         Backfill required for AM shift                        address/usual place of work when
   officer moves to a cover role or is sick    l   Consider changing tour of duty for                considering which BCU/events they will
   and unable to be deployed, the RMU              neighbourhood/department officer                  allocate them to.
   will use the next appropriate PSU           l   Use officer on rest day (response,           2. The above will also apply to critical
   officer.                                        neighbourhood or department).                     dates so if the officer lives in Bridgend
5. For an aiding party or where no             Backfill required for PM shift                        they will be deployed to help Central
   specialist where the officer has moved      l   Drop back on duty AM shift officer but            BCU.
   department and subsequent reports               only if it is their second day shift and     3. The officers attached to any event will
   sick or is now in a covert role, the            consider rest day officer or on duty              not be used for routine duties outside
   replacement will be provided from their         neighbourhood officer to backfill their           that event, ie ‘ after dark’ duties,
   original department. Any appeal against         AM shift                                          however, they can be re-deployed for a
   this should be made through the BCU         l   Use officer on rest day.                          critical need or other event.
   event liaison chief inspector.              Backfill required for night shift
                                               l   Drop back on duty PM shift to nights         Individual and supervisors’ responsibilities
Selection of BCU resources – response, NPD,        (tour of duty will be 8pm to 5am unless      An alert will be sent to both the officer
department (uniform and non-uniform) for           resource levels dictate otherwise)           concerned and their supervisor informing
Force events, critical dates and local BCU     l   Use rest day officer to backfill PM shift    them of a change of duty but it is the
events                                             where tour of duty does not exceed           officer’s responsibility to check their rotas
     Selection of resources will be in two         midnight unless it has been identified       regarding their rostered duties. For any
stages and will mean selecting the most            as being a specified Force/critical key      amendments to the above, the officer
appropriate resource minimising the impact         date.                                        concerned must liaise with their supervisor
on the BCU and the need to continually                                                          to identify a replacement and update the
amend rest days. The RMU manager can           Selection of K Division resources for Force      rostering team and the nominated
provide analysis of the number of events       events or critical dates                         planning officer who will update the rota
worked by officers to the Force Planning       Officers from this division will be used to      and operational order accordingly.
chief inspector when required. This will       work Force events or critical dates that have        When officers are no longer required to
ensure duties are spread equally, limiting     been identified. This is to offer support to     work PSU duties or an event, the RMU will
the impact on rest day working and             local BCUs and reduce the burden on BCU          send the officer an alert informing them of
abstraction from normal duties.                staff allowing them to remain in their           the cancellation and the reason behind it.
Stage 1                                        operational/non-operational post. The RMU        The length of notice given for the
Officers will be selected from response        manager can provide analysis of the              cancellation will be subject Police
shifts/neighbourhood/departments               number of events worked by individual            Regulations and this will give the
(including non-uniform) up to the staffing     officers and departments to the Force            opportunity for those who are no longer
level set by SMTs. Where the event is          Planning chief inspector when required.          required to have their rest day or normal
planned outside the published rota, a buffer   This will ensure that events worked are          duties reinstated.
will be built into these levels to allow for
other events/abstractions that may arise. At     Published date                       Rota start date                    Rota end date
this stage, the staffing level will not be
breached.                                        05/11/2016                           05/12/2016                         26/02/2017
l    Officers working mornings/days              27/01/2017                           27/02/2017                         21/05/2017
l    Officers working afternoon/evening          22/04/2017                           22/05/2017                         13/08/2017
     shift.                                      14/07/2017                           14/08/2017                         05/11/2017
(If officers are on second super noon shift      06/10/2017                           06/11/2017                         28/01/2018
consider using rest day officer due to two       29/12/2017                           29/01/2018                         22/04/2018
shifts requiring backfill)                       23/03/2018                           23/04/2018                         15/07/2018
l    Night shift.                                16/06/2018                           16/07/2018                         07/10/2018
     If further PSU resources are required,      08/09/2018                           08/10/2018                         30/12/2018
Stage 2 will start.                              30/11/2018                           31/12/2018                         24/03/2019

                                 South Wales Police Federation                                                                      9
Focus federation - 'We must never - South Wales Police Federation
PS Ian Cameron of South Wales
     Police acted as standard bearer at
     the service.

     ‘We must never forget’
     H        RH The Prince of Wales joined the
              Home Secretary, police officers and
              family members at this year’s
     National Police Memorial Day (NPMD)
     service at St Paul’s Cathedral in London.
                                                      we must never forget their sacrifice.
                                                          “It is my honour to take part in
                                                      National Police Memorial Day and pay
                                                      tribute to the courageous police officers
                                                      who have fallen in the line of duty and the
                                                                                                           There was silence as petals of
                                                                                                       remembrance, representing all who have
                                                                                                       lost their lives, fell from the Whispering
                                                                                                       Gallery as the orchestra played ‘Abide With
         The 13th annual memorial day                 families that are left behind.”                  Me’ and the Last Post was sounded.
     honoured police officers who have died or            The names of officers who have lost              Inspector Joe Holness QPM, founder of
     been killed in the line of duty.                 their lives during the past year were read       NPMD, said: “For me personally, the day
         Clare Biddlecombe, South Wales Police        by national Federation chairman Steve            was undoubtedly the most poignant
     Federation secretary, who attended the           White during the service: Constable              service in the history of National Police
     service with chairman Steve Trigg, said:         Douglas Wiggins, Police Scotland;                Memorial Day. This was my last service as
     “This service is an important part of the        Constable Sahib Lalli, Metropolitan Police       national co-ordinator and to gather again
     policing year, showing the families of fallen    Service and Constable Dave Phillips,             where the inaugural service took place is
     officers that they and their loved ones are      Merseyside Police.                               somewhat surreal.
     not forgotten.”                                      Candles were lit by relatives mourning           “National Police Memorial Day was an
         Prince Charles, patron of the NPMD           their loved ones and in remembrance of           idea borne out of tragedy and I would
     charity, joined a congregation of more than      officers throughout the country who have         never have dreamed that the charity and
     2,000 people including 40 Chief Constables       lost their lives. This year’s candles were lit   service would progress to have the
     and a number of dignitaries.                     by eight-year-old Abigail Phillips, daughter
         He paid tribute to the police service in a   of PC Dave Phillips; Gaynor James, mother
     foreword to the commemorative brochure:          of PC Andrew Lloyd James, South Wales
     “For many of us, the security challenges of      Police; Andrea Irvine, widow of part-time
     today further underscore the importance of       Constable Kenneth Thomas Irvine, Police
     the police and their ongoing commitment          Service of Northern Ireland and Elaine
     to protecting us all, despite the inevitable     Gordon, daughter of Sergeant Alan Ewen
     risks that they face on a daily basis.”          Gordon, Grampian Police.
         Amber Rudd, attending her first                  Prayers were led by Angus Morrison,
     memorial day as Home Secretary, gave a           brother of DC James Morrison,
     reading and said: “The police show               Metropolitan Police; Alice Fisher,
     extraordinary bravery day in, day out,           granddaughter of Reserve Constable
     tackling dangerous situations in order to        William Wallace Allen, Royal Ulster
     keep our families, communities and country       Constabulary; Paul Bone, father of PC
     safe. It is tragic when a police officer loses   Fiona Bone, Greater Manchester Police and        Steve Trigg, SWPF chairman, and Clare
     their life protecting their community and        Chief Constable Alan Pughsley QPM, Kent          Biddlecombe, secretary, during the service.

10                                               South Wales Police Federation
standing it has today. My aim was to
honour my fallen colleagues with a fitting                The police show extraordinary
annual service of remembrance and bring
the nation together to do so.                             bravery day in, day out, tackling
    “I extend my gratitude to everyone
who attended today’s service and for their                dangerous situations in order to
ongoing support. It was a day filled with
emotion but also with immense pride, and                  keep our families, communities and
I know it meant a lot to the families and
friends of our fallen colleagues to have our              country safe. It is tragic when a
patron, The Prince of Wales, with us
today.”                                                   police officer loses their life
    Speaking about the service and its
importance, Robin Phillips, father of PC                  protecting their community and we
David Phillips, said: “This service is
important to us as we approach the first
anniversary of Dave’s tragic death. All of
                                                          must never forget their sacrifice.
Dave’s family, and the families of those
other officers we have lost, gain solace in

                                                                                                              Photos courtesy of Anderson Photography
knowing that they, and the sacrifice they
made, is never forgotten. It is also a
comfort for those families who may have
lost their loved ones many years ago to
come together and draw strength from
meeting others who share their sense of
pain and loss.”
    As part of the service The National
Police Air Service (NPAS) and The Police
Service of Northern Ireland together
conducted a formation fly past using three
of the helicopters from the National Police
Air Service fleet and an Islander aircraft
from the Police Service of Northern
    The service is held on the last Sunday
of September each year and rotates
around England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland.
                                               Gaynor James is greeted by
                                               HRH The Prince of Wales.

                                                                               Gaynor James, mother of
                                                                               PC Andrew Lloyd James of
                                                                               South Wales Police, lights a
                                                                               candle during the service.

                                 South Wales Police Federation                                                                    11

     Richard honoured at
     bravery awards
     S     ergeant Richard Lea had no idea that    Award nomination.                               avoiding any further injuries.
           a man with access to Samurai swords         Richard arrived unarmed at an address           Richard said he would do the same
           and firearms, as well as convictions    in Rhondda to find the man with cuts            again too.
     for assaults on police, was waiting for him   holding a knife to his own throat. But the          “I didn’t really have that much time to
     when he answered a call last December.        brave sergeant engaged him in                   think about it all. I was aware that it was a
         But what the South Wales officer did      conversation and was eventually able to         potentially dangerous situation but I tried to
     earned him a National Police Bravery          diffuse the situation calmly and effectively,   act in a way which would minimise the risk

12                                            South Wales Police Federation
A dream come true
                                                                                                Jacob Phillips has undergone life-changing
                                                                                                surgery in the USA thanks to an appeal
                                                                                                supported by both South Wales Police
                                                                                                Federation and the Force Benevolent Fund.
                                                                                                      Jacob (4), the son of Western PC Andy
                                                                                                Phillips and his wife Hannah, underwent
                                                                                                the SDR operation in May, three months
                                                                                                ahead of the original scheduled date,
                                                                                                thanks to the success of a £70,000
                                                                                                fund-raising campaign led by family and
                                                                                                      SDR helps reduce muscle stiffness in
                                                                                                children with cerebral palsy and without
                                                                                                the procedure Jacob would probably have
                                                                                                been wheelchair bound by his teens.
                                                                                                      Now, however, he is likely to be able to
                                                                                                walk independently.
                                                                                                      “After arriving in St Louis we had a bit of
                                                                                                a scare as Jacob came down with a cold and
                                                                                                reaction to some pollen but everything
                                                                                                thankfully went ahead as planned on 24
                                                                                                May and the operation went well,” Andy
                                                                                                      “Within hours of surgery we saw and
                                                                                                felt a difference in Jacob physically. His left
                                                                                                foot which had really begun to turn inwards
                                                                                                from the spasticity had returned to an
                                                                                                almost normal position and his legs were
                                                                                                relaxed with much more range of motion.
                                                                                                      “On Day 3 post-op Jacob began his
                                                                                                physical therapy, which was hugely
                                                                                                challenging for all concerned, and in
                                                                                                particular mobilising Jacob. He coped
PS Richard Lea with the then police minister Mike Penning.                                      remarkably through it all though and we
                                                                                                are so proud of him and his determination.”
to all the parties involved,” he explained.          “Despite the risk he faced, his bravery,         After five days Jacob was discharged so
    Richard, who has served with South          resilience, calmness and excellent              that the family could all be together but
Wales Police for nearly 20 years, said,         communication skills meant he was able          had to return to the hospital every morning
despite being nominated, he didn’t feel         to resolve a tense and dangerous situation      for out-patient physiotherapy for three
particularly brave at the time of the           without harm to anyone.”                        weeks. Within two weeks he was back in his
incident: “It was a tense few minutes and I          The 21st Police Bravery Awards were        walking frame.
was worried that the person involved was        held on 14 July at Downing Street and                 “Our pre-discharge meeting with
either going to stab himself or me.             were attended by the new Prime Minister,        Jacob’s surgeon went well and the
    “So the nomination was a great honour       Theresa May and her successor as Home           prognosis for Jacob is that he will walk
and surprise.”                                  Secretary Amber Rudd.                           independently within two years; a dream
    The incident involved a repeat                   Richard said afterwards: “The awards       come true,” Andy explained.
domestic violence victim who called police      ceremony was a fantastic experience. I was            “Jacob has now begun daily
as she feared another attack by her             obviously very nervous as it was a              physiotherapy which has seen him get
partner. The couple had a long history of       complete step out of my comfort zone but        stronger and he is now progressing onto
violence which was aggravated by alcohol        it was a very rewarding and interesting         canes. The progress is slow but steady. We
abuse and mental health issues.                 experience.                                     still have such a long way to go but are so
    The man threatened to stab himself if            “I didn’t manage to speak to the new       happy that we were able to do this for
officers approached and said if firearms        Prime Minister as it was her first day in the   Jacob. We have absolutely no regrets.
officers attended he would threaten them        post and she was very busy. But it was a              “Jacob can still only walk very short
with the knife so they would have no            special occasion and a great honour.            distances on his canes and a little further in
option but to shoot him dead.                        “The evening reception was a very          his walking frame but the future looks
    He was of large build and had               formal occasion in a world class hotel.         bright for Jacob thanks to all the help he has
previously assaulted police officers. He also   Everything about it was well organised but      received from the community, friends and
had access to Samurai swords and                it all felt surreal. The Home Secretary and     work colleagues. His strength and stamina
firearms.                                       many chief officers were there and I spoke      will only ever get better.”
    Steve Trigg, chairman of the South          with the then policing minister about                 He continued: “Cerebral palsy will
Wales Police Federation, said: ““Sergeant       rugby as he’s a keen player and fan.”           always be a part of our lives but hopefully to
Lea placed himself at great personal risk in         He added: “The highlight of the day        a much lesser extent long-term. Most
order to detain this man. He was unable to      was the reception at Downing Street;            importantly, Jacob is free from the chains
request support from specialist firearms        leaving through the famous front door and       and pains of spasticity and cramps. We
units so he showed exceptional courage,         having photos taken there. The whole day        would like to thank the Federation for their
placing himself in harm’s way to protect        was a very memorable one which I’ll never       help and support.”
the victim.                                     forget.”

                                  South Wales Police Federation                                                                        13
& E by about 1,100 and on 1,300 occasions

       Commissioner sets                                                                                allowed police officers to be back on the
                                                                                                        street, keeping the peace in the night-time
                                                                                                        economy. The problems haven’t gone away,
                                                                                                        but Swansea is increasingly recognised as a

       out his priorities                                                                               safe place for a night out, as is Cardiff. We
                                                                                                        are sharing the cost with the Abertawe Bro
                                                                                                        Morgannwg Health Board and with the
                                                                                                        Welsh Ambulance Trust and we all gain
                                                                                                        instead of adding to each other’s burdens.
                                                                                                            On top of that, our campaign to make
                                                                                                        people aware of the dangers of giving drink
                                                                                                        to someone who is already drunk has proved
                                                                                                        successful and training for door staff to spot
                                                                                                        vulnerable people and enable the police to
                                                                                                        protect them has been a great success, and
                                                                                                        some who would otherwise have become
                                                                                                        victims of a serious assault – with personal
                                                                                                        grief and massive costs to health, the police
                                                                                                        and the courts – have merely experienced a
                                                                                                            Together we are making South Wales
                                                                                                        safer and developing an ambitious approach
                                                                                                        to protecting and supporting the vulnerable
                                                                                                        while reducing offending. Other examples
                                                                                                        include quick action when women start to
                                                                                                        offend – the Women’s Pathfinder project –
                                                                                                        and tackling the mental health issues that
                                                                                                        result in vulnerable people ending up in a
                                                                                                        police cell because there’s nowhere else for

     F     ormer Welsh Secretary and First
           Minister Alun Michael became the first
           Police and Crime Commissioner for
     South Wales in November 2012 and was
     re-elected in May this year.
                                                      plan in which the approach to the “and
                                                      crime” part of my role complements the
                                                      operational priorities.
                                                           I take responsibility for the Plan because
                                                      it’s my responsibility in law to publish such a
                                                                                                        them to be safe. All of this amounts to
                                                                                                        serious and sustained application of the
                                                                                                        principles that I put into law in the 1998
                                                                                                        Crime and Disorder Act, reducing and
                                                                                                        preventing “bad things happening” while
         Before standing for election as              plan, but unless the Commissioner and the         helping local authorities and the NHS as
     Commissioner, he was Labour and Co-              Chief Constable work as a team the real           well as the communities we serve and
     operative MP for Cardiff South and Penarth       potential of my role cannot be realised. It       enabling police officers and staff to focus on
     for 25 years including a time as Minister of     has to complement the operational                 applying their skills and experience on those
     State for Policing. Alun has spent all his       leadership of the Chief Constable and it is a     events which we cannot prevent.
     working life in South Wales as a journalist,     totally different relationship and function
     youth worker, City Councillor and Chair of       compared to the former Police Authority.          Q. What were the most challenging
     Cardiff Juvenile Bench.                               Peter Vaughan and his team have risen        aspects of that first term?
         While initially sceptical about the value    to that challenge and between us we have          A. The fact that nobody really knew what
     of PCCs – which were the brainchild of the       designed a system in which five Bronze            the Police & Crime Commissioner was
     Conservative Government – he believes that,      Boards – chaired jointly by a chief officer and   supposed to do whereas my starting point
     working in partnership with the Chief            a member of my team – are the engine room         was to apply the principles of co-operation.
     Constable, he and his team can build on the      of decision-making, performance and               The Minister who brought in the legislation,
     foundations already laid to make the role a      change. There is no doubt that the pressure       Nick Herbert, avoided spelling out the role
     success for the Force and the communities it     on police officers and police staff is            saying explicitly that effective
     serves.                                          enormous – you can’t drop the number of           commissioners would design their own
         He is keen to take officer numbers back      officers from some 3,400 to 2,800 without         success and others would go to the wall.
     up to 3,000 and also wants to see a more         asking everyone to “do more with less” in an          My own party was sceptical to start
     joined up approach to public services across     increasingly complex environment.                 with, but has now accepted that
     Wales.                                                But demand on the police isn’t just          commissioners are here to stay. With the
         In this Questions and Answers feature,       about crime, so understanding demand,             support of the Chief Constable I believe that
     he tells Federation members more about his       preventing and reducing demand and                we have designed a winning formula in
     role, his plans for the future and the           understanding the way the public                  South Wales which is now paying rich
     challenges ahead.                                experience crime, disorder and anti-social        dividends in the second term.
                                                      behaviour is crucial to success. No public            By 2016 people were starting to see the
     Q. What do you consider your key                 service can work successfully in isolation,       value of the role and while I have enjoyed
     successes during your first term in office?      and we’ve made great strides in offering          great relationships with each of the seven
     A. We laid the foundations for a strong          help to other agencies in order, together, to     local authorities across South Wales we are
     partnership between the Chief Constable’s        tackle the problems that have hit us all in       now also seeing very positive engagement
     leadership team and my leadership team by        the time of “austerity”. For example, I           with Welsh Government, particularly the
     working through a series of issues together.     invested in getting the HelpPoint in              Cabinet Secretary for Communities and
     In South Wales the Police & Crime Plan isn’t     Swansea up and running and it has helped          Children, Carl Sargeant AM, and with health
     “my” plan which I hand to the Chief              by reducing ambulance journeys needed by          and voluntary organisations. So all the time
     Constable and ask him to deliver, it’s a joint   1,200 in 12 months, reduced admission to A        and effort invested in explaining the role, in

14                                                South Wales Police Federation
You can also read