FORECAST ADENTHE - City of San Mateo

Page created by Randy Jensen

                           MONEY • METALS • MARKETS
  MARCH 2021                                                                                                        40th year

                   A BASKET OF QUESTIONS
     This month we received quite a few e-mails. Your                 Meanwhile, we’ve seen the opposite in gold and the
  kind comments are sincerely appreciated and so are              gold universe, bonds and the dollar. They’ve been on
  your questions. Following are some of the most fre-             the down slope since the Summer, and the latest hit to
  quently asked...                                                new lows for the move is causing some doubts about
                                                                  the bull market.
     Q. Can you simply explain your primary strategy?                 But the bottom line is, the gold universe is the lone
     A. In many ways, and keeping it simple, the markets          ranger and the most undervalued for now. If you look
  are similar to surfing. The ebbs and flows of the market        at the wave, the ebb and flow of a market, you’d have
  are very much like the waves in the ocean. My son is a
                                                                  to say gold, silver, their shares and platinum are good
  surfer and he has shown his young sons to surf as well.
                                                                  buys now, over the short and the long term.
  Watching them made me realize how similar it really is.
                                                                      It’s the same story with the resource sector. We be-
     If you time the market correctly, you’ll likely get a
  long ride and take the wave to the end. This is like a          lieve the resource sector rise is just beginning a longer
  long-term trend. Your strategy and timing are key to a          bull market run. And stocks have further to run too
  successful trade and one of our main goals is to ride           in this Melt Up move. So we’re riding these big waves
  these long-term trends.                                         until they’re over. They’ve been a little bumpy but
     On the downside, if you catch the wave at the wrong          they’re good and they have further to run.
  time, you’ll likely get a wipe out, or at least a very bumpy
                                                                     Q. Could you provide me with mathematical for-
  ride. This is the same with the market.
                                                                 mulas for each of your indicator tools?
     We understand the ebbs and flows of the market.
                                                                     A. Our indicators are proprietary indicators that
  And we appreciate our indicators to help guide us to-
                                                                 we’ve developed through trial and error, and fine tuning
  wards a good buy area and a good sell area.
                                                                 over the years. These are for our subscribers only and
     The other key thing is to be clear if you are in for the
                                                                 we hope you’ll understand why we keep these in-house.
  intermediate move, or for the long term. This is what
  people normally find hard to understand. If you’re in for          Q. I don’t understand your reference to “D de-
  the long-term, riding through some weakness is fine and cline.” Where can I find the definition and the
  healthy. But the weakness could last several months.           meaning?
     When we see an intermediate rise forming, we’ll men-            A. We have often explained these recurring interme-
  tion it to our subscribers in case they                                               diate cyclical movements in the gold
  want to take some profits. Taking a                       INSIDE                      price, which we call A, B, C and D.
  profit is never a bad decision, but in                                                These are explained on our website,
  a bull market you could get anxious U.S. & World Stock Markets..... 2                 under Indicators and we hope that’ll
  as to when to get back in.                   The ongoing bull
                                                                                        answer your question.
     We’re in a similar situation today.
     We’ve seen a stellar rise since the U.S. Interest Rates & Bonds ... 5                 Q. Are you concerned that this D
  Summer of last year, and especially Long rates: On the rise                           decline in gold has taken so long?
  since last November in the stock mar-                                                    A. No. Obviously, we would’ve
  ket, the resource sector, commodities Currencies....................................6 liked a shorter D decline, but this
  in general, currencies, and interest USD: Still rebounding                            one has so far lasted seven months
  rates. It’s been an “Everything rise”                                                 and based on timing, it fits in with
                                               Metals & Natural Resources..... 8
  with covid stimulus, uncertainty,                                                     the longer side of previous D declines.
  debt, a weaker dollar and more.              A super commodity bull market
                                                                                           But it has not been one of the big-

March 12, Aden
          2020 Research                                          1                                                 March
                                                                                                               Volume     12, 20213
                                                                                                                      40 Number
gest, based on percentage de-                                                                      CHART            The bottom line is, inter-
 clines. And considering that                                                                                    est rates are not yet a real
 gold rose 75% in two years,                                                                    challenge for stocks. For
 in 2018-2020, the current              !"#$%"&                             now, it looks like long-term
 decline has been moderate                                                                                       rates are going to decline in
 when we put it in perspective.                                                  
                                                                                             the near term following their
     Most important, gold                         
                                                                                                            sharp rise in recent months.
 remains in a bull market                                                                                            But looking out later this
 and it’s headed higher. The                                                                                     year,  we could see long-term
 August high had none of the                                                                                    rates rise further, especially
 characteristics of a major 
                                                                                                                 if inflation picks up. And
                                                                                                                 if they do, that could hurt
     Plus, if we compare the- 
                                                                                                                 the stock market, which
 base metals to precious 
 metals, you can see the ratio                                                                             will probably be in a bubble
                                                                                                 by then.
 between the two has risen                  
                                                                                                              We’ll see how this un-
 sharply (see Chart 1). In                                  '  ()*+'  +
                                                                                                                folds and it’s indeed some-
 other words, the base met-
 als have well outperformed                                                                                     thing we’re watching close-
                                                                                                           ly. As we’ve often said, in-
 the precious metals since
 November.                                                                                                       terest rates are not boring.
     This tells us that the precious metals are lagging and They’re the most important market in the world. Why?
 they’re due to soon catch up. They’re on the bargain Because, as we saw this month, they influence the other
 table, oversold and poised to head higher. So whatever markets, so keep a close watch on what they’re doing.
 you do, now is not the time to get discouraged. Keep
 your eye on the big picture and stay on board. We                             Q. Can you explain the rationale and case for
 think you’ll be glad you did.                                             buying a stock when it’s first mentioned?
                                                                               A. In nearly all cases, we buy stocks that we know,
     Q. Are we to sell SLV?                                                and we like the fundamentals. It’s also important that
     A. No. We believe silver will be a top performer in its relative strength is good. That is, that it’s one of the
 the upcoming metals rise and we recommend holding stronger stocks in its sector. We also want to see that
 SLV, the silver ETF, and physical silver.                                 the technicals are looking good.
                                                                               This combination usually works well, but not always.
     Q. Do you believe the rise in commodity prices
 will be long lasting?                                                     Sometimes        a stock that was strong will underperform
     A. Yes. Commodities just rose at the fastest pace                     due   to  rotation     in that sector, or due to an unforeseen
 in 10 years. By all indications, it looks like they are                   circumstance,        or because we might be too early or too late.
 embarking on a major cyclical rise, which could last                          For  the  most     part,   however, the relative strength rule
 for a few years.                                                          of going    with     the   strongest    stocks in the best sectors
                                                                           tends to lead to better returns…
     Q. When equity yields drop, as stock valuations                           As for stocks in general, if we want to ride the wave
 increase, and long-term interest rates rise… there up with the general market, which has recently been
 will come an inflection point when bonds deliver the the case, we’ll go with the index funds like DIA for the
 same return as equities but are a safer haven. Are Dow Industrials, IYT for the Transportation Average
 you monitoring this potential cross in yields and and so on, and that’s historically been a good way to
 do you agree it will be a harbinger of an almighty profit.
 downturn in equities?
     A. Yes, we sure are. In fact, this past month ris-                        Q. I’m having trouble buying the ETF for the
 ing long rates reached a level where they not only put Australian dollar. Any other sources?
 downward pressure on stocks but on other markets too.                         A. Then we’d advise buying it outright. If you’re in
     We have a chart in this month’s issue comparing the U.S., you can do this at or call 1-800-
 stocks and bonds (Chart 6). And we review the big 926-4922. Outside of the U.S., most banks usually of-
 picture for rates in the current Interest Rate section.                   fer the availability of other currencies for your account.

  Editors:              Published monthly by Aden Research. Also includes access to a weekly update $250 per year (U.S. dollars only). Send all customer    The Aden Forecast
  Pamela Aden           service or market related questions to Aden Research, Dept. SJO 874, P.O. Box 025331, Miami, Florida 33102-5331 or E-mail info@
  Mary Anne Aden Questions will be answered in future issues. Copyright Aden Research 2020. All rights reserved. The Editors
                                                                                                                                                                  In Costa Rica: may have a position in the securities recommended and may change such positions without notice. This publication’s sole intended
                        purpose is to provide investment-related information and opinions to subscribers. FREE WEEKLY UPDATE, Thursdays at 8 P.M.              Ph: 506-2271-2293                                                                                                                                       Fax: 506-2272-6261
                        (Eastern time). You can access it through our website, To receive the market update by fax every
                        week $160 per year for U.S. subscribers and $260 for subscribers outside the U.S. Make checks payable to Aden Research, S.A.,      from the U.S. dial 011 first,
                        and send to The Aden Forecast, P.O. Box 790260, St. Louis, MO 63179-9927.                                                              otherwise dial 00

March 12, 2021                                                                                2                                                               Copyright Aden Research
                                              The ongoing bull
    The stock market is on the                                                         starting to perk up, stocks
                                                                                   CHART 2
 rise again and several indexes                                                        could keep rising to new highs
 are hitting new record highs.                 / 0 1                  far longer than most people
 After rising far and fast in re-                /                 expect (see Chart 3).
 cent months, the market took                                    Plus, the Dow Industrials
 a break but it didn’t last long.                !"#$%&'()**!#$+,-.                 and  the Dow Transportations
                                                                                    both hit record highs on March
 THE MELT UP                                                           10, reconfirming the bull mar-
     As we’ve often noted, the                                      ket remains intact, based on
 stock market appears to be in                                         Dow Theory.
 its final leg up in this bull mar-                                                    But it is important to note
 ket. This is also referred to as         23%$.-4,#$                            that we are likely in the final
 the Melt Up or the third phase          5,#67()**!#$+,-
                                                                                       stretch. And even though this
 of a bull market.                                                                     could last for several more
     It’s when the market really                                                    months, or maybe even another
 takes off and it’s usually more                                                       year, we have to stay cautious.
 profitable than the earlier                                                           Yes, we want to take advan-
 stages. That is, it’s a time when                                  tage of this Melt Up and stay
 the market is volatile, dramatic AdenOriginalChart                                    with it for as long as it keeps
 and speculative.                                                                      going but we also want to get
     In the late 1990s, for example, the famous dotcom out before the bubble bursts and the market comes
 bubble took off. Tech stocks soared more than 100% crashing down.
 in the last 12 months of that Melt Up (see Chart 2,
 which shows the current bull market compared to the STAY CAUTIOUS
 last two big bull markets).                                      That’s the risk right now and for that reason we
     Well respected economist Ed Yardeni recently noted think it’s best to put trailing stop losses on your stock
 that the “Mother of all Melt Ups” is coming. He pointed positions. Keep the stocks you have but also keep a
 out that the signs are everywhere, such as speculative 15% trailing stop.
 froth, government policies, investor euphoria, day trad-         On the upside, however, your gains would run.
 ing, the booming IPO market and the big rise of retail Then when we begin to see signs of a top, using our
 investors who have overtaken the role previously held leading indicators, the PTI and other indicators, we’ll
 by hedge funds.                                               recommend selling, even if it means missing out on
                                                               some of the froth.
 New record highs                                                 Keep in mind, it is very difficult to get out right
     So does this mean that the bull market is likely at the top of any market. If we’re close to the top,
 near an end?                                                  however, that’ll be good enough and that’s what we’re
     Not necessarily. With so much money creation and shooting for. If this does not go as expected, most
 the new stimulus out there, along with the economy important is that we’re flexible and quick to change
                                                                                                                          CHART 3
                                           DOW THEORY RECONFIRMATION
        PRIMARY TREND                  DOW JONES               DOW JONES                 NASDAQ                      RUSSELL 2000
        INDEX (PTI)                    INDUSTRIAL              TRANSPORTS                COMPOSITE              

                                    AVERAGE           AVERAGE           
            15 WEEK        
             MOVING AVERAGE
            2020          21                2020    21           2020       21               2020              21       2020        21

Copyright Aden Research                                          3                                                       March 12, 2021
strategies, if need be.                                                                                                  CHART 4             GLOBAL BULL
 THE BIG PIC                                                                                                                                     This is true of the interna-
                                                         *) +                                     %                              tional stock markets as well
     Looking closely at the                   
 big picture of the S&P                                                                  '                 '                         (see Chart 5).
 500, for example, you’ll                     A
                                                     %&#                                                                                  When bull markets are
                                                                                                                                           strong, they’ll take most of the
 see that our indicators are
                                                                                                                                        world stocks markets up with
 reinforcing this scenario…                   
                                                                                                                                      them, and that’s now taking
     Note on Chart 4A, the                    !                                                                                          place.
 S&P 500 remains above                                                                                      '                                  The G7 markets, the
 its moving average, sig-                                                                                                                 Americas and the resource
 naling the major trend is                                                                 #
                                                                                    )                                                   countries… they’ve all been
 still up.                                                                                                                                 participating, with some at
     The leading (medium-                                                                                                                     record highs.
 term) indicator is near                           !
                                                   B                                                                          The weakness on Wall
 the temporarily expen-                                                                                                             Street temporarily affected
 sive zone (see Chart 4B).                                                                                                                    these markets too and so have
                                                                           #  $# % 
 This tells us that stocks                           
                                                                                                                                              inflation concerns. But the
 could stall out while the                                                                                                                    bull markets remain intact
 market cools off a bit,                                                                                                                      and that’s a good overall sign
 but this is unlikely.                                                                                                                        for the global economy.
     This was primarily due                                                                                                                   BUY AND HOLD
 to higher interest rates.
                                                                      %&# #  ' #          It’s also worth noting that
 But since long-term inter-
                                                                                                             when    we compare stocks to
 est rates have risen too                                                                                      bonds, you can see that stocks
 far, too fast, they’re over-                                 *-../01232                      have risen, outperforming
 extended and unlikely to       C     2451
                                                                                                        bonds and they have further
 rise much further, at least                                                                                   to go (see Chart 6).
                                                        6' '
 for the time being.            ,                                                                                This situation could stay
 Room for more                                                                                                 this way for a while, but as
                                                                                                               we’ll cover in this month’s
    If so, that’ll give stocks  ,
                                                              18289.0.1: Interest Rate section, bonds
 the green light and that’s                                                                                    could soon head higher and
 now happening. Our lead-                                                                                      when they do, interest rates
 ing (long-term) indicator,                              67                              will decline. This would not
 which is most important                                                                                       be unusual since bonds are
 is also pointing to this      ,                                                                            so bombed out.
                                          ! 7+                                 AdenOriginalChart
 outcome.                                                                                                         Meanwhile, we advise stay-
                                                                 ! "    
    As you can see on Chart                                                                                    ing with stocks for now. Con-
 4C, this indicator is rising                                                                                  tinue to buy and hold the
 but it has not yet reached the major high level, which stocks we’ve been recommending on page 12, but
 tends to coincide with important tops in the S&P 500.                  knowing we may not keep them for the long-term. The
    In other words, this means stocks have room to stock symbols are IWM, PSJ, QQQ, DIA, IYT and WMT.
 rise further and they’re not yet overbought. That is,
 a further Melt Up rise is unfolding and you’ll want to                                                                             CHART 6
 be on board.
                                                                           CHART 5                                                                             




March 12, 2021                                                                                 4                                                                  Copyright Aden Research
                                      LONG RATES: On the rise
    Long-term interest rates literally                                                        CHART 7        is feeding inflation fears, and with
 soared this month. And this affected                                                                        good reason…
 most of the markets.                                                                               INFLATION COMING?
 BIG NEWS                                                                                                      Producer prices, for instance,
      The rise has been ongoing since                                                                               just posted its biggest gain in nearly
 last August with the 10 year yield                                                                                 12 years. And remember, producer
 nearly tripling since then, but it’s                                                                               prices lead consumer prices, which
 recently been gaining momentum.                                                                                   is considered the primary inflation
 This has not gone unnoticed and it                                                                                 gauge. At the same time, import
 was basically the big news in recent                                                                               prices also surged.
 weeks.                                                                                                                 These price rises have been pretty
      The fact is that interest rates                                                                         much across the board... energy
 finally reached a level where it mat-                                                                          prices are way up and so is copper.
 tered. This put downward pressure                                                                           Commodity prices are hitting eight-
 on stocks, metals, currencies, hous-                                                                              year highs and it looks like these
 ing, and of course it sent bond prices                                                              trends are going to continue.
 down sharply (see Chart 8).                                     AdenOriginalChart                                       So combined with the massive
      Many market watchers were sur-                                                                                money creation that’s been going on,
 prised by the rise in interest rates. That’s because the these factors could surely trigger a big inflation.
 Fed and Janet Yellen have been saying that interest                                           Consider this…
 rates are going to stay low for a long time and the Fed’s                                     Since 2008, the Fed’s money creation has exceeded
 going to keep buying U.S. government bonds to help GDP growth by 15 times.
 pay for all of the ever-growing government expenses.                                          Plus, it’s also important to note that the national
 SHORT RATES STILL LOW                                                                     debt   rose three times faster under Bush than it did
                                                                                           under Clinton, it rose five times faster under Obama
      This is true, but they were referring to short-term and 10 times faster under Trump. And now with the
 interest rates. They have indeed stayed near 0% all massive $1.9 trillion stimulus package, these numbers
 along and the Fed’s determined to keep them there for are going to grow ever larger.
                                                            a good while.                      As our old friend Terry Savage notes, regardless
                                              CHART 8
                                                            But as we men- of the good intentions, that fresh money could be the
                                              tioned last month, “tipping point” that reveals the Fed’s inability to control

                                                            long-term interest rates and keep them low.
                                                            rates are another
                                             story. They are INGREDIENTS IN PLACE
                                                            not controlled by                  Taking this a step further, Michael Burry of “The
                                                     the Fed. For the Big Short” movie fame, points out that no one lis-
                                                        most part they’re tened to him last time when he warned of the housing
                                                            essentially a free collapse that
                                                            market and they’re triggered the                                                             CHART 9
                                                            singing a different financial cri-
                                                            tune (see Chart 7). sis of 2008. 
                                                                T h e s e    y i e l d s   C  u r r e n t l y ,
                                                                                                  #$ %
   B                   !"#!#$%&!'                  have been driven he’s warning 
                                                         higher by too much that hyper- 
                                                            supply and the co- i n f l a t i o n i s 
                                                            vid vaccine rollout, coming.
                                                            which has fueled                   C o u l d 
                                                            expectations that he be right? 
                                                         economic growth Well, the in- 
                                                                                                                                & ' ($)*+,!"
                                                            will pick up a lot gredients are                                  & ' ($)*+,--,
                    of steam in the in place and                          
                                                                                                                      ,         -      
                                          second half of this             even Fed head              --             -      .       .-       
    AdenOriginalChart                                       year. This in turn P o w e l l p r e -                                                AdenOriginalChart

Copyright Aden Research                                                            5                                                                March 12, 2021
dicted we could see higher prices this summer.                         the big rise in long-term interest rates is trying to tell us (see
 So yes, it’s a possibility.                                            Chart 9).
    Remember, it happened in the late 1970s                                 We’ll soon find out. But if so, then long-term interest rates
 when the financial picture was far less intense                        are going to rise a lot higher, along with the gold price, while the
 than it is now. And since interest rates and                           dollar and bond prices fall sharply.
 bonds tend to look ahead, this may be what                                 Taking a look at Chart 10, it illustrates the current interest
                                                                        rate picture… Here you’ll see the 30 year yield, together with
                                                         CHART 10       its medium and long-term leading indicators.
   6                                                                        Note, the medium-term indicator is now way overextended.
               12"3 234               " 5 
                                                                        This means yields have risen too far, too fast and they’re now
   A                                                                    due for a breather decline. This would be normal following their
                                                            steep rise.
                                                                            The long term indicator, however, is on the rise and it’s turn-
                                                                     ing bullish.
                                                                            This tells us that once rates settle down, they could indeed
                                                                        head higher in a few months. And if they do, it might end up
            "$ $                                                 becoming the start of a new mega uptrend, which may reverse
                                                                        the downtrend that’s been in force for the past 40 years.
                                                                        AVOID BONDS FOR NOW
                  %&'(%)*++%&                     For now, however, the economy is still plodding along all over
                                                                        the world. In the U.K. for example, they’ve been suffering their
             ,$  -                               biggest slump in 300 years, thanks to covid lockdowns. And
                                                                        all of the major countries are following the U.S.’s lead as far as
                                                                        ballooning their balance sheets (see Chart 11).
                                                                           It’s an international phenomenon, and the IMF is warning it’s
                                                                        not going to end well.
                                                                            This is something we’ll be watching closely because the out-
                                                                        come is going to be very                                              CHART 11
   C                                                  important, personally 9.0                                                             9.0

                 7%*8%++ 9+ +                    and investment wise. 8.5 (trillion dollars, nsa)
                                                                                                        MAJOR CENTRAL BANKS: TOTAL ASSETS
                                                                         In the meantime, 7.5
                                                                                                   8.0                                                        8.0
                                    ,##               continue to avoid all 6.5  7.0     Fed (Feb=7.6)
                                                                                                           ECB (Jan=8.6)
                                                                     bonds. That goes for 6.0           BOJ  (Jan=6.8)
                                                                                                           PBOC (Jan=6.0)
                                                                        Treasuries, foreign 5.5    5.0
                                                                     bonds, corporate and 4.5                                                              4.5

                                                                        junk bonds.                4.0
                                                                         Since they all gen-    3.0                                                        3.0
                                                                                                   2.5                                                        2.5
                                                                        erally move together, 2.0                                                             2.0
                                                                        they’re all vulnerable 1.5 1.0
                                                                        and high risk. So stay     0.5
                                                                                                              07   09    11    13     15      17   19   21
            . ! /        . ! /                  on the sidelines.             SOURCE: Haver Analytics             COURTESY:

                                       U.S. dollar: Still rebounding
    The U.S. dollar rebounded this month, hitting a 3½                                historical relationship between the U.S. dollar and the
 month high.                                                                          10 year yield because it provides some insight. So
    The main reason why was the expectation for                                       bear with us…
 faster U.S. growth now that vaccines have become                                     DOLLAR AND INTEREST RATES
 widespread. Inflation is also anticipated and that too
 boosted that dollar, along with higher interest rates.                                   Many say with interest rates rising it’ll give the dol-
    But as we mentioned last month, the dollar was due                                lar an upward boost. This is true sometimes, but not
 for a rebound rise following its steep decline over the                              necessarily always (see Chart 12).
 past year. This is not unusual, but the dollar’s major                                   First, note that once the U.S. dollar trend is in place,
 trend is still down, signaling the dollar will again fall                            it stays in that trend for several years. Each of these
 further once this upward rebound is over.                                            dollar trends are marked by a vertical line and the main
    This month we wanted to show you a rather detailed                                dollar peaks are in blue, in 1985, 2001 and 2020.

March 12, 2021                                                                    6                                                        Copyright Aden Research
The red titles tell you which                                                                                                   CHART 12
 market was HOT during each
 dollar trend. At the same                                          %""
 time, note how the 10 yy was                                                      
 cascading down.                                                                                                 
     In 1980-85 the dollar                                                        "
 soared while the 10 yy was                                                              
 yielding double digits. These                                                                                                    #" 
 were the years following a stel-                                                                                               

 lar gold rise and high inflation. 
     The next 16 years had a                 
 stock market boom with a fall-                 
 ing dollar and a falling yield.                      
 The first 10 years (1985-1995)     
 saw a clear collapse in the dol-                                             
 lar and the yield fell from 10%                
 to 5%. Both of these declines                                                                                                   
 were a great environment for                                                                                                            
 a strong stock market.                    ""                                  
     Then the dotcom boom
 began for the next five years,      
 from 1995-2000. We don’t                                                                                   
 have to tell you what a frenzy      
 this was, which caused a                                                                                          !
 boom in the dollar in order to
 buy dotcom stocks. The 10 yy              $          $           $         $            $         
 held steady above 5% during            
 that time.                                                                                                             
     Then the next seven years (2001-2008) saw a com- well as the probability of inflation, there’s also China
 modity boom while the dollar collapsed and the 10 … China? What does that have to do with anything?
 yy fell from 5% to 3% and stayed at this lower level China’s plans
                                                                          Well, older subscribers will probably remember that
 Rates drop to historical lows                                        over the years, we’ve often talked about China and
     The 2008-2020 period clearly had a great stock bull their long-term plans to become the world’s strongest
 market. The dollar bottomed the first few years. Then economy.
 the 10 yy dropped from 3% to 1.50% in a scary historical                 Without saying so outright, they’ve also made many
 fall to new lows. The dollar became a safe haven while moves to bypass the dollar, along with the hope that
 stocks soared. In this case, the dollar was steady up their currency will become more widely used, over-
 while the 10 yy held near the lows.                                  powering the dollar. This would not be unusual if they
     Then everything fell last year with the pandemic. become the world’s top economy.
 The dollar dropped while the 10 yy gapped down to                        So slowly but surely, China’s been taking steps
 truly historical lows, like thousands of years. And in this direction. Most obvious has been all the help
 the dollar as we write is taking a breather from its fall they’ve given dozens of countries, gaining friends as
 while the yield shoots back up to the “old” historical they go along. They’ve also made dozens of trade agree-
 low area at 1.50%.                                                   ments in their own currency, eliminating the U.S. dollar
     This era since 2020 is the “Everything rise,” in large in these transactions.
 part due to stimulus and central bank liquidity. If we
                                                                      Amazing story
 look back to the two major declines in the dollar in 1985
 and 2001, both had a stock market boom and a com-                        China’s story is actually pretty amazing. In the
 modity boom while the yield fell to a new platform low. 1960s, for instance, they were such a poor country
     Could this happen again? Today’s times are more that millions of people died of mass starvation. Even
 compromised but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t see in the 1980s, China was like a poor third world nation
 the Everything rise keep going while interest rates stay trying to rebuild and restructure. From then until now
 near the lower levels and the dollar continues to head China has been one of the biggest growth stories ever.
 lower once the rebound rise is over.                                 At this time, they are one of the world’s most powerful
     The bottom line, it’s not a given that the dollar and modern nations.
 and long-term interest rates have to move together.                      Their economy was one of the few that actually grew
 Sometimes it depends on other influences.                            in the fourth quarter of 2020 by 6½% and it’s still
     So what could drive the dollar down further?                     booming. Having overcome covid early on, China has
     Aside from massive debt and money creation, as powered ahead as it sticks to its plan.

Copyright Aden Research                                                    7                                                          March 12, 2021
                                             15 WEEK MOVING AVERAGE (MA)             AdenOriginalChart                    DAILY PRICES

    Currently, China is also the world’s largest recipient                                      bounds (see Chart 13). Once the dollar’s up move is
 of foreign companies’ investment. Last year marked                                             over, the uptrend for the currencies will continue, at
 the first time China overtook the U.S. in foreign direct                                       least that’s what our indicators are telling us. And
 investment, thanks to their booming economy.                                                   there’s good reason for this.
    Plus, China became the European Union’s top trad-                                               The boom in commodity prices has been very good
 ing partner in 2020. This too was a position previously                                        for the ‘commodity countries, Canada, for example,
 held by the U.S., but no longer.                                                               has benefitted from the rising oil price and its economy
    This is all happening gradually, but it is happening.                                       surged 9.6% in the fourth quarter. And for the first time
 At some point, the world will take note on a larger scale                                      in 60 years, the Australian economy grew more than
 and they won’t want so many dollars. In fact, this is                                          3% for two consecutive quarters. Considering covid is
 already unfolding. The central banks of the world, for                                         still hanging overhead, these are impressive numbers.
 example, have been diversifying out of dollars, into                                               Overall, we still like the currencies, some more than
 more of a basket of currencies. We believe, this trend                                         others. And if you have the currencies we’ve been rec-
 will continue and as it does, the dollar will fall.                                            ommending, continue to hold them.
                                                                                                    These are the Australian, Canadian and New Zea-
 NEW HIGHS IN COMMODITY CURRENCIES                                                              land dollars, as well as the euro and Swiss franc and/
    The currencies remain bullish. But they’ve been                                             or their ETFs. As for the weakness in the Swiss franc,
 stalling and/or correcting while the U.S. dollar re-                                           we believe it’ll end up being temporary.

                                   A super commodity bull market
    The resource sector continued rising this past                                              that low to the recent high. But copper’s gain since
 month, reaching new highs. The resources are jumping                                           the March 2020 lows has more than doubled in price.
 out of the gate with a great future ahead. Demand is                                           And copper truly kicked it up a notch when it soared
 growing for infrastructure spending, the construction                                          since last Summer.
 and remodeling boom, zero interest rates, the weaker                                               To pull silver into this mix, it gained 110% from its
 U.S. dollar, inflation concerns and now the new stimu-                                         2018 lows to its highs last August. And it rose 150%
 lus plan.                                                                                      in five months from its March 2020 lows to the August
    It’s all helping to push this sector into a strong bull                                     highs. This is when it went on a tear turning clearly
 market.                                                                                        bullish.
 A SOLID COMMODITY RISE                                                                             Its 22% decline thereafter has also been mild in
     This stellar rise has paled the declining gold market
                                                                                                    The bottom line is, a full commodity rise is heating
 this year, but overall resources have been catching up
                                                                                                up, and it also includes some of the soft commodities.
 to the gold and silver rise. Consider when gold started
                                                                                                The sector is looking ahead and we want to be on board
 its strong bull market rise in 2018, it rose 75% in two
                                                                                                for the major rise.
 years. And the 7 month decline since then has given
 back 19%. Not bad at all.                                                                      GOOD BUYS
     Taking copper as the resource barometer, let’s com-                                           Meanwhile, gold has fallen into a good value area... a
 pare the same 2018 rise…. copper rose near 70% from                                            good level for a deeper D decline while the LT yields shot

March 12, 2021                                                                             8                                                    Copyright Aden Research
CHART 14     (see Chart 14). This correlation has been                                  CHART 15
                                          underway for decades, and while it can
                !            vary at times (like it did following the pan-          
              " #                   demic start), they both return to moving                   
                                      in tandem.                                    
                                               They’re both now oversold and due for                   
                                       a rebound rise.                               
                                               This means gold is poised to rise. And      
                                      while the rise is unlikely to be rip-roaring,
                                          it’ll at least be a solid up move within a
                                          bull market, while long term yields calm
                                        down from their strong run-up.
                                             Gold and the dollar have a relation-
                                          ship, but it too can vary at times. Chart 15     
                                  shows how well copper moves opposite to 
                                  the U.S. dollar. This is impressive and we’ll 
                                        keep our eye on this relationship.                                 
                                             Gold and the dollar, on the other hand,                         
                                          have moved down together for the last 
                                          seven months. We saw outflows triggered 
                                        in cash and gold during this weakness.
                                          But both are now at good bottom areas
                                          compared to the other strong markets.
 up. The weakness isn’t over just              In other words, gold and the dollar 
 yet, but it’s getting much closer. could continue moving together on the
                                                                                             DAILY PRICES
 It’s time to buy if you want to pick     upside,    while copper  cools  down.            
                                               Copper also moves closely with the                              
 up more gold, silver, platinum,                                                                                   AdenOriginalChart

 and gold and silver shares. This transportation stocks and the emerging
                                          stock markets. Chart 16 shows this relationship since 2018, indexed to 100 in
 is a good low area for optimum
                                          order to see their relationship closer. The three were in a sideways lifeless move
                                          in 2018-2019 but the pandemic plunge changed their destiny.
     The resource sector is taking
                                               They all began to soar in 2020. The Transportations jumped up, confirming
 a break from its stellar rise and a stock market bull market and outpacing the Industrials, while the resources
 it’s set to decline in a normal took off along with the foreign markets.
 downward correction. But de-                  This marked the true meaning of the “Everything rise.”
 mand will keep it strong going                Plus, another unusual pair is the Nasdaq Composite and the silver price.
 forward. Copper is truly the face Chart 17 shows both indexed to 100 since Jan 2020. Note how closely they’ve
 of the resource sector.                  moved together this past year. This is saying silver has been competitive with
 INTERESTING CORRELA-                     tech stocks in strength, and it has a bright future ahead. Let’s see if this re-
 TIONS                                    lationship continues.
    It’s interesting to see how well        A CLOSER LOOK AT THE PRECIOUS METALS
 gold and bonds move together                  Chart 18 shows a closer up view of the metals since the pandemic started
                                           a year ago. Here you can see the growing bull market in stages. We’ve always
                                            CHART 16
                                                        said, you know it’s a bull market
                                                        when all of the precious metals                                  CHART 17

                                              rise together. While they’re rising              
                                                      for different reasons, they are all 
                                                  getting in synch. For now, gold,
                                         silver and their shares are about         
                                                     ready to see more strength for
                                                     this year.                          
                                                          Platinum and copper look the
                                                        best so far but as you’ll see, the                         
                                                        relative strength is looking very
               !"                                         Palladium had an incredible                               
                                                      advance with the car industry
       AdenOriginalChart                                before, but now it’s rolling over          AdenOriginalChart

Copyright Aden Research                                              9                                                   March 12, 2021
      Holding                         Near a low                       7 year                             10 year                   Rolling
       firm                                                                high                               high                          over

                 SILVER                                                       PLATINUM                                COPPER              PALLADIUM
               PRICE                         PRICE                               PRICE                                  PRICE                    PRICE
      Mar   2020           21      Mar        2020               21       Mar   2020      21                    Mar       2020   21           Mar     2020    21
                                                                      15 WEEK MOVING AVERAGE

 and it looks like platinum and silver are taking over.                                                                                                 CHART 20
    Interestingly, palladium became too expensive. Would you rather
 pay double for palladium rather than buy platinum for half the                                                                !"
 price? (Platinum used to be a very expensive precious metal).                                                        
 WHICH IS THE STRONGEST?                                                                                     #
      Let’s now take a look at the bigger picture of their relative 
 strength. Chart 19 shows gold compared to silver (A) and versus 
 platinum (B) both since 1967. You can see gold was clearly the  
 strongest metal during the 1970s and 1980s when both ratios rose.                                                              
      This changed in the nineties. Platinum had its last hurrah rise                                                   
 until 2008, while silver then took over the number one spot leading                                                                           

 up to the 2011 major peak in the metals.                                                         
      Platinum fell way back in strength after 2008. The darling be- B                                    %+01+/2&345
                                                                      came the ugly duck,                 
                                                        CHART 19                                                                                        
                                                                      and it stayed low until                                   
            GOLD: WEAKER THAN SILVER                                  last November when it                                                 
                          & PLATINUM                                  finally took off.             

     SILVER STRONGER THAN GOLD, first in                                  Gold was clearly the
   A                               10 years             strongest metal from          
                                                    2011 to 2020 when it
                                                                      reached a record high...                                     !
                                                                     not only in dollar terms                                                
                                                                    but also versus both               
                                                                      silver and platinum          C      $%%&'()*+,-.-/+
                                                                      (see Chart 19).                                                       $67/-38
                                                                    This then changed                                             
                                                                    about a year ago when 
                                   !" #$%                silver and platinum
                                                                 became the darlings 
                                            of the precious met-
                             !"#$%& !                         als world. Besides the 
                                                                  fact that silver and
                                                                      platinum were the 
                                                                   most undervalued,
                                                                   and poised to become                                             AdenOriginalChart

                                                                   stronger than gold,                                                         
                                                                    major    hedge    funds
                                                                  sold millions worth of gold to focus on silver.
                                                                 Silver is an industrial metal as well, and it’s playing a critical role
                                                             in the “green revolution.” Industrial buyers drive more than 50% of
                                                   silver demand.

March 12, 2021                                                                   10                                                          Copyright Aden Research
CHART 21            if gold slips below its MA,                                       CHART 22
                                                                                it’s unlikely to be long                            0 $ 
                                                                   lasting.                                           4 0 & 
                                                                                SILVER: Holding first            A
                                 !                                                                   %( )($
                                                                                near the highs                  .          *+
                                                                                Silver is incredible.       !
                                                                                Chart 21 shows how              
                                                                                silver is staying near the      "!
                                                                              top side of its Step 1. This    !                                                  
                                                                                is its first bull step in the                                                     %
                                                                                                                       !&/                               (3
                                                                                growing bull market. And               0 1                            2
                                                                            once it clearly surpasses       
                                                                  the $30 level it’ll move          B                         
                                                          into Step 2 where it could      -' 

                                                                                then jump up to the top
 GOLD: Declining in a bull market                                               side near $35.                  -
                                                                                                                        $% $%% 
       When you reflect on the amount Fed Credit                                    Silver is riding the
 has nearly doubled in the past year, you can                                   steps until it reaches
 see we are in uncharted waters today. The                                      record highs near $50.          -
 Covid relief fund of $1.9 trillion adds to the                                 Silver is special as we’ve
 economic risk for the future.                                                  been showing and you
       This is a preface to a solid gold rise in                                definitely want to be on        ,-

 the upcoming years. Meanwhile, many were                                       board. It’s set to continue                                                               

                                                                                outperforming gold in                           !              "      #       '             
 discouraged during the decline of the last 7                                                                      AdenOriginalChart

 months, but in the end it’s a deeper D decline                                 this bull market.
 that is similar in length to the D declines in                                 GOLD SHARES: Following gold and near lows
 2008 and 2012-13 (see Charts 20A and B).                                          Gold shares have been following gold. They’ve been weaker
 The difference is today’s decline is not as                                    but they were also stronger. This is normal. Chart 22A shows
 steep. But gold had the possibility of test-                                   the steady decline from the highs in the HUI gold share index.
 ing its 23 month moving average during this                                    Most interesting is its leading MT indicator (B) has fallen to a
                                            weakness, and                       low area. This means the downside is limited and it looks like
                             CHART 23       indeed it did.                      HUI’s solid support near 250 just may be the low.
  All Charged Up                            As long as gold                        Keep your gold and silver share positions. We’re riding
  Price of metals used in electric vehicles holds near it                       through weakness and if you want to buy more, now is the time.
  January 3rd 2020 = 100                    at $1670, the                       NATURAL RESOURCES: A hot market
                                            lows may be at
                                                                                    The impressive rise you’ve seen this past year is clearly a
                Neodymium oxide*            hand.
                                                                                supply/demand situation. There is growing strong demand and
                                        200     Note the
                                                                                a limited supply.
                                            leading indi-
        Praseodymium oxide*             150                                         Charts 23 and 24 show a good sampling of the rise is metals,
                                            cator (B) has
      Cobalt    Nickel                                                          minerals and energy this past year. And with growing technol-
                                            finally fallen to
                                                                                ogy needs for resources, as well as infrastructure and building,
                                            the D low area,
                                Lithium                                         it looks like we’re at the
                                            and while it
                   2020               2021                                      onset of a major fasci-                                     CHART 24
                                            could go low-
                                                                             nating bull market.                         
                                            er, it’s now in
   ...PLUS OTHER RESOURCES                                                          Iron ore accounts  
                                            the extreme
                                                                           for about 90% of Rio                                             
                                            low area. Plus,
                                                                          Tinto’s earnings. It and 
                                            its leading LT
                                                                                BHP Billiton are among                                      
                                         indicator (C)                                                  
                                                                                the largest iron ore pro-
                                            could still fall
                                                                                ducers in the world and 
                                            further to its
                                                                             they both paid good 
                                            zero line, and                                                        
                                            still remain in                                                                    
                                                                                 We recommend                                          
                            a major bull
                                                                                keeping your positions
                                                                              and we’re now looking
                                  So far, all is                  to buy more resource

                                 good   and even                     stocks on weakness.                       
                               AdenOriginalChart                                                                                                                AdenOriginalChart

Copyright Aden Research                                                                  11                                                                         March 12, 2021
 PRECIOUS METALS, ENERGY, RESOURCES                                                              70%              20% Stocks
    Gold remains bullish, The D decline is near a low and it’s at a good value area. All of      Gold & silver,
 the precious metals and the resources are looking good. That is, it’s time to buy more          gold shares,
                                                                                                 energy &
 gold, and especially silver, platinum, and gold and silver shares. The resource sector has      resources
 risen far and fast. Keep your positions, and buy new ones on weakness.

   The stock market is on the rise again and several indexes are hitting new record highs.                  10% Total Cash
 The market appears to be in its final leg in this bull market and it’s set to rise further. For            in basket of currencies
 now, we advise that you continue to buy and hold the stocks we’ve been recommending,
 but knowing we may not keep them
 for the long-term. These are: Dow           OUR OPEN POSITIONS in order of strength per section
 Industrials (DIA), Dow Transport
 (IYT), iShares Russell 2000 (IWM),                     PRECIOUS METALS, ENERGY, RESOURCES
 Dynamic Software (PSJ), Nasdaq                                                PURCHASE        PRICE AT % GAIN/LOSS      CURRENT
                                                NAME            SYMBOL
                                                                             DATE     PRICE    ISSUE DATE SINCE BOT       RECOMM
 (QQQ) and Walmart (WMT).
                                         Platinum              PPLT         Apr-19    83.81      112.89            34.70   Buy/Hold
                                         Franco Nevada         FNV          Jun-20   128.24      120.63            -5.93   Buy/Hold
                                         Royal Gold            RGLD         Sep-17    90.19      109.53            21.44   Buy/Hold
   Long-term interest rates soared       Newmont               NEM          Jun-20    55.53       59.03             6.30   Buy/Hold
 this month. This put downward           Gold Miners ETF       GDX          Feb-17    25.20       33.07            31.23   Buy/Hold
 pressure on several of the mar-         Hecla Mining          HL           Dec-20     6.22        6.50             4.50   Buy/Hold
 kets. Currently, however, long          Pan American Silver   PAAS         Aug-19    16.95       32.07            89.20   Buy/Hold
 rates are way overextended and          Silver Trust          SLV          Jun-18    16.17       24.05            48.73   Buy/Hold
 they’re due for a breather decline.     Silver (physical)                  Aug-03     4.93       25.91           425.58   Buy/Hold
 This could happen at any time.          Jr Gold Miners ETF    GDXJ         Feb-17    42.12       47.10            11.82   Buy/Hold
                                         Wheaton Pre Mtls      WPM          Jun-20    39.23       39.24             0.03   Buy/Hold
 Meanwhile, short-term interest
                                         Barrick Gold Corp     GOLD         Oct-20    26.00       20.31           -21.88   Buy/Hold
 rates have stayed near 0% and           SPDR Gold             GLD          Mar-17   117.51      161.53            37.46   Buy/Hold
 the Fed’s determined to keep them       Gold (physical)                    Oct-01   277.25     1719.80           520.31   Buy/Hold
 there. For now, bonds prices are        Yamana Gold           AUY          Jun-20     4.82        4.48            -7.05   Buy/Hold
 weak and they’re high risk, so          Agnico Eagle          AEM          Feb-17    47.10       59.12            25.52   Buy/Hold
 continue to avoid all bonds.                                               RESOURCES
                                       Global Nat Res          FTRI         Dec-20    11.23       14.15            26.00   Buy/Hold
                                       Commodity Ind           GCC          Dec-20    18.89       20.72             9.69   Buy/Hold
   The U.S. dollar rebounded this BHP Billiton                 BHP          Dec-20    65.58       74.56            13.69   Buy/Hold
 month, hitting, a 3½ month high. Rio Tinto                    RIO          Dec-20    76.28       81.26             6.53   Buy/Hold
 But the dollar’s major trend is still Rare Earth              REMX         Jan-18    96.36       80.39           -16.57     Hold
 down, signaling the dollar will again                         HMMJ.TO
                                         Horizons Marijuana                 Jan-18    20.38       10.63           -47.84      Hold
 fall further once this rebound is                             HMLSF(OTC)
 over. The major currencies remain                                             STOCKS
 bullish. Continue to hold our rec-      Transport Avg Ishrs   IYT          Nov-20   221.78      249.91            12.68   Buy/Hold
 ommended currencies, which are          Dow Indust SPDR       DIA          Nov-20   299.24      328.32             9.72   Buy/Hold
 the Australian, Canadian and New        iShrs Russell 2000    IWM          Nov-20   184.37      233.72            26.77   Buy/Hold
 Zealand dollars, as well as the         Dynamic Software      PSJ          Dec-20   158.76      163.47             2.97   Buy/Hold
 euro and Swiss franc and/or their       Nasdaq                QQQ          Dec-20   308.92      315.46             2.12   Buy/Hold
 ETFs. We advise keeping a 10%           Wal-Mart Stores       WMT          Nov-20   151.60      134.05           -11.58   Buy/Hold
 cash position in a basket of these                                          CURRENCIES
 currencies.                             Cand dollar ETF       FXC          Jun-20 72.64          78.82             8.51     Hold
      Note: Shares, funds & ETFs         Aust dollar ETF       FXA          Jun-20 68.37          77.02            12.65     Hold
    are listed in the box in order of    New Zealand Dollar                 Dec-20 0.7137        0.7179             0.59     Hold
  strength per each section. Keep        Euro ETF              FXE          Jun-20 106.08        112.13             5.70     Hold
     the ones you have on the list.      Swiss franc ETF       FXF           Jul-20 97.61         97.84             0.24     Hold

March 12, 2021                                                       12                                           Copyright Aden Research
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