Page created by Franklin Mcdonald

As global mobility increases it is            countries throughout the world. The
becoming common for high net wealth           CRS will improve tax transparency
families to own homes in a number             from 2017 onwards where financial
of countries, as well as investing in         institutions will release information
commercial and other real estate              each year to the tax authority in their
outside of their country. Often this can      country which will be shared with
be driven by their children who have          tax authorities in other countries. At
chosen to undertake their university          this stage over 112 countries have
studies abroad or alternatively the           committed to the CRS including most
desire to retire to another country once      of the ‘tax haven’ countries like BVI,
their business’s have been sold.              Guernsey, Jersey.
As a result of this, Governments              In this publication we detail the legal
around the world are closely examining        and tax rules of foreigners buying real
investment in real estate by foreigners       estate in the Asia Pacific region as well
with many countries restricting               as popular countries of Canada, USA and
ownership only to newly built houses to       UK.
try and drive the construction industry.
An emerging trend across a number
of jurisdictions is the perception that
foreigners are driving up domestic
residential house prices resulting in
governments restricting domestic banks
to loan funds to foreigners to purchase
a new house and also the introduction
of a ‘vacancy levy’ or ‘empty homes tax’      MARK POLLOCK
to encourage property owners to either        Private Client Strategy Group - Asia
live in their property or make it available   Pacific
for rent thus adding to the supply of         Disclaimer: This publication has been carefully
housing availability and affordability.       prepared however has been written in general
                                              terms and should be seen as broad guidance only.
                                              Please see back page for full disclaimer
What is also apparent is that many
countries have been lax in recording
of foreign ownership of property with
some moving towards a register of
beneficial ownership to bring some
transparency to the degree of ownership
by people living abroad.
This combined with the introduction
of the Common Reporting Standard
(CRS) has greatly increased the level
of transparency with families with real
estate and bank accounts in many

            Wealthy individuals, their families, and their   BDO’s global real estate and construction
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BDO Private Client services is a leading advisor to wealthy individuals, their families and their businesses – domestically and internationally.
Our goal is to give our clients the reassurance that their wealth is compliant with the demands of regulators and structured effectively for long
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If you would like to get in touch with a BDO adviser in another country, please see the contact details below:

                    JEFF KANE                                                                   WENDY WALTON
                    CHAIR OF GLOBAL PRIVATE CLIENT                                              HEAD OF GLOBAL PRIVATE CLIENT
                    STRATEGY GROUP | BDO USA                                                    SERVICES | BDO UK

                    +1 616 389 8619                                                             +44 (0)207 893 2252

                    DEBORAH GRAYSTONE                                                           TAMARA PETERS VAN NEIJENHOF
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                    MARK POLLOCK

                    +61 8 6382 4794

                EDITORS NOTE         II
                AUSTRALIA            02
                CANADA               06
                CHINA             		10
                HONG KONG 		12
                INDONESIA		          14
                MALAYSIA          		18
                NEW ZEALAND 		20
                PHILIPPINES       		24
                SINGAPORE         		26
                THAILAND          		30
                UNITED KINGDOM       32
                UNITED STATES 		38
                BDO GLOBAL TEAM      42



                                          LEGAL REQUIREMENTS                                Generally, all foreign persons are required
                                                                                            to submit an application for approval to
                                          FOREIGN INVESTMENT REVIEW                         the FIRB for any proposed acquisition of
                                          BOARD RULES                                       Australia property, whether that be for
INTRODUCTION                                                                                residential, commercial or agricultural
                                          Australia has a Foreign Investment Review         purposes subject to specific exemptions.
Australia generally encourages foreign
ownership of property subject to          Board (‘FIRB’) who are responsible for            The FIRB rules vary according to the type
satisfying specific conditions, which     examining foreign investment proposals            of land being purchased being
depend upon the type of property          and acts as an advisory body to the
                                                                                            1. Residential
being purchased ie: residential,          Treasurer, who exercises his discretion
                                          to accept or reject applications, or              2. Commercial
commercial or agricultural.
                                          impose conditions on foreign investment           3. Rural /Agricultural land
See figure 1a and 1b for a high level     proposals, in accordance with Australia’s         Each is considered in more detail.
summary of the rules.                     foreign investment policy.
In this article we have considered both
                                          Figure 1a
the legal and tax considerations for
foreigners looking to purchase property    RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY
in Australia.                              TYPE OF PROPERTY                                    TEMPORARY RESIDENT         NON RESIDENT
                                           New house/apartment (for residence)                 Yes*                       Yes*
                                           Existing houses (for residence)                     Yes*                       No
                                           Investment properties                               No                         No
                                           Vacant land/build house                             Yes*                       Yes*

                                          *Need to apply to Foreign Investment Review Board (‘FIRB’) for approval

                                          Figure 1b
                                           COMMERCIAL AND RURAL PROPERTY
                                           TYPE OF PROPERTY                               TEMPORARY AND NON RESIDENTS
                                           Commercial – Mines and Public Infrastructure   A$61m – FIRB approval required
                                           Commercial – Developed                         A$281m** – FIRB approval required
                                           Vacant land for commercial development         FIRB approval required
                                           Agricultural land                              A$15m – FIRB approval required

                                          **some countries have higher threshold of $1,216m

RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE                        divestment orders and criminal penalties       on of a primary production business, as
                                               apply for breaches of the foreign property     defined in the Act.
Australia’s foreign investment policy          ownership rules. Under the current rules,
encourages foreigners to purchase newly        breaches could attract criminal penalties      FIRB FEES AND PENALTIES
constructed houses typically referred to as    of $85,000, imprisonment of two years,
‘off-the-plan’ properties. These are more                                                     There are fees to apply for FIRB approval.
                                               or both.
often than not apartments, which are                                                          Business, commercial real estate and
generally approved without conditions.         COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE                         agribusiness investments would be subject
                                                                                              to applications fees ranging from $5,000
Foreign persons are prohibited from            Investment proposals for existing              to $100,000 depending on the size of the
purchasing established houses, regardless      developed commercial real estate,              investment and the sector it operates in.
of whether it is to be used as an              including offices, factories, retail outlets
investment property or as their residence.                                                    In addition to the current criminal
                                               and hotels, do not require approval where
However, those classified as ‘temporary                                                       penalties, the Government has also
                                               the value of the real estate is less than
residents’ for income tax purposes are                                                        introduced civil pecuniary penalties and
                                               $61m for mines and public infrastructure
permitted to purchase one established                                                         infringement notices for breaches of
                                               or $A281m million for developed
dwelling only. This is on the condition                                                       the foreign property ownership rules.
                                               commercial properties. If the real estate
that it is used solely as their residence                                                     These changes could see infringement
                                               is heritage listed, a lower threshold of $5
while they are in Australia, and it must                                                      notices ranging from $2,040 to $51,000
                                               million applies. Any proposed acquisitions
generally be sold once it ceases to be their                                                  depending on the investor and whether
                                               above this threshold must be approved by
residence.                                                                                    they voluntarily came forward. Civil
                                               the FIRB prior to purchase.
                                                                                              penalties could range from 10% to 25% of
Applications to purchase vacant land           All foreign persons must notify the FIRB       the purchase price or market value of the
for development are normally approved          of a proposed acquisition of vacant land       property, whichever is higher.
subject to certain conditions; for example,    for commercial development, regardless
construction must begin within 24                                                             New laws from 1 July 2015 will require
                                               of the value of the land. Such applications
months.                                                                                       real estate agents to apply a 12.5%
                                               are normally approved subject to
                                                                                              withholding tax to the disposal by foreign
All foreign persons must notify the FIRB       development conditions.
                                                                                              residents of certain ‘taxable Australian
of any proposed acquisition of residential                                                    property’, which will cover everything
real estate, which includes new houses,
                                               AGRICULTURAL LAND
                                                                                              except residential property with value
off-the-plan properties, or vacant land        All foreign persons must apply for FIRB        less than $750,000. This will include
for development. In February 2015,             approval for a proposed acquisition of         commercial property, agricultural
the Federal Treasurer ordered the sale         an interest in agricultural land where the     property, mining interests and residential
of a $A39 million Sydney harbour side          cumulative value of the land owned by the      property over this threshold.
mansion, which had been purchased by           foreign investor, including the proposed
a Chinese national who failed to seek          purchased, exceeds $A15 million. This
prior approval from the FIRB. The foreign      threshold has substantially reduced from
investor was given 90 days to sell the         the previous threshold of $A252 million.
property, which had been purchased
through various shelf companies in             Agricultural land is land which is used
Australia and Hong Kong. Currently, only       wholly and exclusively for the carrying

TAX RULES                                    WITHHOLDING TAX                                GIFT, INHERITANCE, ESTATE TAXES

STAMP DUTY                                   New laws from 1 July 2015 will require         Australia does not impose any gift,
                                             real estate agents to apply a 12.5%            inheritance, or estate taxes on the death
On purchase of a property a stamp duty       withholding tax to the disposal by foreign     of an owner. On death, the beneficiary
tax is payable on the purchase price         residents of certain ‘taxable Australian       of an estate inherits the cost base of
payable by the purchaser. Stamp duty is      property’, which will cover everything         the property of the deceased. If a gift of
levied at graduated rates as a State Tax     except residential property with value         property is made during the lifetime of an
and the rates vary between each State.       less than $750,000. This will include          individual to a related party, it is deemed
Some States also impose a stamp duty         commercial property, agricultural              to be disposed of for the market value at
surcharge on residential property for        property, mining interests and residential     the time of the gift.
foreign buyers. The maximum rates are as     property over this threshold.
per Figure 1.c.                                                                              Figure 1c.
                                             These measures have been introduced as
                                                                                             CITY         STATE   RATE OF       SURCHARGE
                                             the government believe that a number
LAND TAX SURCHARGES                                                                                               STAMP DUTY
                                             of foreigners are buying and selling real
                                                                                             Adelaide     SA      5.50% over    7%
All States impose land tax on certain        estate in Australia and evading Australian                           $500,000
types of property with New South Wales,      tax. This withholding tax is designed really
                                                                                             Brisbane     QLD     5.75% over    7%
Queensland, ACT and Victoria also            to bring foreigners onto the ‘radar’ of the                          $1,000,000
imposing surcharges for foreign investors.   tax authorities as they have no other way
                                                                                             Darwin       NT      5.95% over    0%
                                             of detecting them. The amount withheld                               $5million
FEDERAL INCOME TAX                           is a non-final withholding tax and will
                                                                                             Perth        WA      5.15% over    7%
                                             be credited to the account of the foreign                            $725,000
Any income derived from renting the          resident payee when calculating their
property and any profit made on the          final income tax position for the relevant      Melbourne    VIC     6.5% over     8%
sale of the property is subject to federal                                                                        $2million
                                             tax year. The foreign resident will still be
income tax. The rate of tax depends upon     required to have a tax file number and will     Sydney       NSW     7.00% over    8%
who the legal owner of the property is.                                                                           $3.1million
                                             have to lodge an Australian income tax
Companies pay tax at 30% with no further     return disclosing the sale of the property.     Hobart       TAS     4.5% over     8%
tax payable on remittance of the funds to                                                                         $725,000
the overseas investor whereas individuals    VACANCY LEVY                                    Canberra     ACT     5.0% over     0%
are taxed at marginal rates which could be                                                                        $1.5million
as high as 45%.                              Foreigners who purchase a new house
                                             or apartment after 9 May 2017 will be
A foreign investor is required to file an    subject to a levy unless the property is
annual tax return with the Australian Tax    occupied for 6 months a year either by the
Office. The Australian tax year runs from    owners or being rented to tenants.
1 July to 30 June. Substituted accounting
periods can be obtained in certain


                                         LEGAL REQUIREMENTS                              foreign buyers (including individuals who
                                                                                         are not citizens or permanent residents
                                         Canada generally encourages foreign             of Canada, as well as foreign corporations
                                         ownership of real estate, and most              and entities) will pay an extra tax of 15
INTRODUCTION                             provinces treat foreign purchasers of           – 20% on the purchase of a residential
                                         residential and commercial real estate          property in certain jurisdictions. The
Canada has seen substantial
activity in recent years by foreigners   the same as residents. Any restrictions         additional foreign buyers tax came into
looking to invest in residential         pertain to agricultural land and exist          effect on August 2, 2016 for residential
and commercial real estate and           at the provincial level. One exception          real properties located in certain areas
development projects. In this            is Prince Edward Island, which forbids          around and in the Vancouver, British
article we have considered the tax       foreigners from owning more than 50             Columbia area. The additional foreign
considerations for foreigners looking    meters of waterfront without special            buyers tax also came into effect on April
to purchase property in Canada.          permission. Some provinces have placed          22, 2017 in certain areas around and in
                                         strict limitations on the number of acres       the Toronto, Ontario area. The Federal
It is relevant to note that the BC       of farmland that foreign individuals            Government is also considering the
and Ontario have implemented an          or corporations may own, while other            implementation of a National Foreign
additional tax on foreign buyers                                                         Buyers Tax.
                                         provinces allow non-residents to buy up
and the Federal Government has
                                         agricultural land unrestricted. Foreign
announced that they are looking to                                                       EMPTY HOMES TAX
                                         investors seeking to buy farm land in
implement a National Foreign Buyers
tax with details to be announced.        Canada should consult their legal advisors
                                                                                         On January 1, 2018, the City of Vancouver,
                                         before making an offer.
                                                                                         British Columbia implemented an empty
                                                                                         homes tax (‘Vacancy Tax’) being 1% of
                                         TAX RULES                                       the property’s assessed taxable value for
                                                                                         homes that are not being occupied as a
                                         LAND TRANSFER TAX
                                                                                         principal residence or homes that have not
                                         The provinces of New Brunswick, Quebec,         been rented for at least 6 months of the
                                         Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia          calendar year.
                                         impose tax on transfers of real property,
                                                                                         VALUE ADDED TAX
                                         including fixtures attached to land. The
                                         rate of tax is a percentage of the amount       The federal government imposes a form
                                         paid for the property and varies from           of value added tax known as the goods
                                         0.5% in New Brunswick to 3%-5% in               and services tax (GST). Notwithstanding
                                         British Columbia. In addition, all provinces,   the goods and services name, the tax also
                                         territories, and certain municipalities, levy   applies to various transfers and leases of
                                         some form of fee for the registration of        real estate. The federal rate is 5% and is
                                         mortgage or deed of title.                      applied to the sale price. Certain supplies
                                         FOREIGN BUYERS TAX                              are exempt, most notably the sale of used
                                                                                         residential housing and residential rents.
                                         In In addition to the land transfer tax,

In addition, various provinces impose          and shares of certain corporations and         requirement can be reduced to 25% of the
provincial sales taxes on the sale and lease   partnership interests where at any time        estimated net income (before capital cost
price of certain assets and some services.     during the preceding 60 months before          allowance) from the property. This can
Provincial sales tax rates range from          the disposition more than 50% of its value     eliminate the remittance of withholding
zero in Alberta and the three territories      was derived from real estate.                  tax where the rental income is offset by
to a high of 10% in Nova Scotia. In                                                           sufficient rental expenses.
                                               The rate of tax depends on the form of
general, provincial sales taxes are not VAT
                                               ownership (i.e. corporation, individual,
systems, however, many provinces have                                                         Disposition of Property
                                               partnership, trust), degree of commercial
harmonised with the federal GST system
                                               activities in Canada, taxable income level,    Any person purchasing real estate from a
and the combined federal and provincial
                                               and the province of jurisdiction. Rates may    onresident has an obligation to withhold
rates are applied to a transaction to
                                               range from 25% (certain corporations) to       and remit to CRA 25% of the gross sale
determine the total applicable GST (i.e.
                                               a high of 50% for individuals in the highest   proceeds with respect to the purchase.
Combined rate of 5% - 15% may apply).
                                               personal marginal tax bracket. Capital         This liability increases to 50% where
The application of GST and provincial sales    gains are taxed at half of the applicable      the real estate was depreciable property
taxes to real estate transactions can be       rate.                                          (a building used for rental or business
a complex area and professional advice                                                        purposes) or where the real estate was
should be obtained before entering into        WITHHOLDING TAX
                                                                                              not held by the non-resident as capital
any real estate transaction.                                                                  property (for example, held for speculative
                                               Rental Income
STAMP DUTIES                                                                                  purposes). A purchaser who fails to
                                               A flat 25% withholding tax applies on the
                                                                                              withhold this tax is liable for it (unless
                                               gross amount of Canadian-source rental
Canada does not levy stamp duties.                                                            they had no reason to believe that the
                                               income paid or credited to a non-resident.
                                                                                              vendor was not a Canadian resident) and
Municipal Property Taxes                       In the case of rental income from real
                                                                                              RA has the ability to enforce this liability.
                                               estate, an individual may elect to file a
Real estate taxes are imposed in each                                                         ecause of this potential purchaser’s
                                               Canadian income tax return in respect
province, usually at the municipal                                                            liability, it is standard practice for a
                                               of that income and pay the applicable
government level. In general, the tax is                                                      purchaser’s legal advisor to either require
                                               graduated rates on the net rental income.
based on the annual assessed value of the                                                     he vendor to certify in writing as to the
                                               This process involves having the non-
real estate. Rates vary by class of property                                                  vendor’s Canadian residency status or
                                               resident appoint a Canadian agent, and
and from municipality to municipality.                                                        require withholding of this tax.
                                               filing a form (NR6) before the start of
                                               the relevant calendar year with Canada         The withholding tax requirements can be
INCOME TAXES                                                                                  reduced or eliminated if the non-resident
                                               Revenue Agency (CRA) along with a
Any income derived from renting the            statement showing estimated income             vendor obtains a Certificate of Compliance
property, and any profit made on the sale      and expenses for the upcoming year and         from CRA on a timely basis. This process
of the property, is subject to federal and     an undertaking (jointly between the non-       requires the filing of a form with CRA in
provincial income taxes. Non-residents         resident and their agent) to file a Canadian   advance of the disposition or within 10
are subject to Canadian income tax in          tax (T1) return to report the income and       days thereafter, together with evidence
respect of capital gains realised on the       expenses within six months after the end       as to the sale proceeds and the vendor’s
disposition of real estate held directly,      of the calendar year. Where an NR6 is          adjusted cost base of the property.
                                               filed and accepted, the withholding tax        One result of this filing is to allow the

withholding tax to be calculated at 25%       tax eturn must be filed for the year of the
(or 50% as applicable) of the net gain        gift/death to report any deemed gain or
from the sale (sale proceeds less cost        loss realised. A Certificate of Compliance
of the property). Where the vendor’s          discussed above) is not required in the
proceeds are less than or equal to cost,      case of a deemed disposition due to the
the withholding tax will be entirely          death of the owner, however, it is required
eliminated by this process. A Certificate     in the case of a gift.
of Compliance is required any time that
                                              In addition, certain provinces assess
a disposition by a non-resident occurs
                                              probate fees on the fair market value of
regardless of whether or not a gain is
                                              assets transferred through an individual’s
realised on the property.
The process described in the previous
section relates to withholding tax only.
The actual Canadian income tax liability is
determined by filing a Canadian tax return
by the due date. That return will usually
only include the property disposition,
and often results in a refund of tax to
the non-resident as the withholding tax
rate typically is higher than the actual
tax liability, and the gain can be reduced
by costs of disposal, including real estate
commissions, legal fees, etc.

Canada does not impose any gift,
inheritance or estate taxes on the death of
an owner. However, a gift of the property
o a related individual, or the death of the
owner results in a deemed disposition of
he property at fair market value at the
time of the event. A Canadian income


                                           LEGAL REQUIREMENTS                           property (the specific applicable rates vary
                                                                                        from city to city). Lower deed tax rates
                                           The general statutory requirements for       may be allowed if certain conditions can
                                           foreigners to purchase / own properties in   be satisfied.
INTRODUCTION                               China are as follows:
                                                                                        STAMP DUTY
In practice, the requirements for          X A natural person foreigner is eligible
acquisition of residential properties in     to purchase one unit of residential        Stamp duty is levied at 0.05% on the sales
China by foreigners vary slightly from       property for self-use only (i.e. he or     consideration of the property (payable
one city to another. In some cities,         she must live in it). The number of        each by transferors and transferees).
it is not uncommon that additional           residential properties that a foreigner    Currently, the transfer of residential
local requirements will have to be           is allowed to own in China cannot          properties by individuals is temporarily
satisfied before foreign individuals are     exceed one.                                exempted from stamp duty in China.
allowed to buy residential properties
in China. Foreigners considering           X An overseas entity that has already
                                             set up a branch or representative          VALUE-ADDED TAX
purchasing properties in China are
recommended to seek clarification            office in China is eligible to purchase    The sale of real estate and land use right is
on the exact local requirements              commercial property for the purpose        subject to VAT of 9% effective from 1 April
from legal advisors or relevant local        of self-use only in the city where such    2019. A Chinese enterprise registered as
authorities in which the property is         branch or representative office is         a general VAT taxpayer may select the
located, before implementing any             registered.                                general taxation method (VAT rate at 9%)
purchase plans.                            X If a foreigner intends to purchase a       or simplified taxation method (VAT rate at
                                             property in China for non-self-use         5%) for the sale of old real estate property
                                             purposes, he / she needs to establish      that is acquired or self-built by taxpayer
                                             a foreign invested enterprise in China     on or before 30 April 2016.
                                             as a business vehicle to engage in such
                                             commercial activities. All applications    For general VAT taxpayers which acquire
                                             for setting up a foreign invested          real estate property under general
                                             enterprise for such purpose are subject    taxation method and record the property
                                             to approval by the relevant Chinese        as fixed assets for financial and accounting
                                             authorities.                               purposes, the input VAT can be credited
                                                                                        against output VAT.
                                           TAX RULES                                    The sale of self-built and self-occupied
                                           Buying and selling of a property in China    residential property by individual is
                                           will usually involve the following taxes.    exempt from VAT. It should be noted
                                                                                        that the sale of residential property by
                                           DEED TAX                                     individuals may follow different VAT
                                                                                        treatments depending on the holding
                                           Deed tax is payable by the buyer of the      period and specific location of the
                                           property and is currently computed at 3%     property concerned.
                                           to 5% of the sales consideration of the

LAND VALUE APPRECIATION TAX                   ENTERPRISE INCOME TAX                         value of a property is estimated at 70% to
                                                                                            90% of the original cost of the property.
Gains derived from disposal of land-use       Gains on disposal of a residential property   Residential properties held by foreign
rights and buildings are subject to a land    by a Chinese enterprise form part of the      individuals for self-use purposes are
value appreciation tax ranging from 30%       enterprise’s taxable income which, after      currently exempt from real estate tax.
to 60%. Land appreciation tax is payable      allowing for deductible expenses and
by the seller of the property. The sale       outgoings, is subject to enterprise income    As the legal requirements and tax rules
of residential properties by individuals      tax at 25%.                                   concerning property dealings in China vary
is temporarily exempt from land                                                             from city to city and change from time to
appreciation tax in China.                    REAL ESTATE TAX                               time, please ensure that you obtain advice
                                                                                            specific to your circumstances from your
INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX                         Real estate tax is levied on property-        usual BDO contacts or your other tax
                                              owners at a) 12% of the rental income         advisers.
Gains on disposal of residential properties   generated by the property or b) 1.2%
by foreign individuals are subject to         per annum on the standard value of the
individual income tax at 20%.                 property. In the latter case, the standard

                                                 “We prive ourselves in providing exceptional
                                                 client service to our clients and proactively
                                                 seek opportunities to improve their global
                                                 tax position.”


                                           TAX RULES                                     Buyer stamp duty (BSD)
                                                                                         All non-Hong Kong permanent residents
                                           STAMP DUTY                                    and companies (irrespective of their place
INTRODUCTION                                                                             of incorporation) acquiring residential
                                           Ad Valorem stamp duty (AVD)                   properties in Hong Kong on or after 27
Foreigners (including Chinese, Macau                                                     October 2012 are subject to BSD at a flat
and Taiwan residents) are virtually        AVD is levied on the sale or transfer of      rate of 15% of the consideration or market
allowed to buy and sell, without           properties. The transfer of residential       value of the property, whichever is higher.
restriction, residential properties        properties on or after 5 November 2016        BSD is levied on top of AVD and SSD.
(such as apartments, condominiums,         by individuals (including foreigners) or
etc.) and non-residential properties       companies (irrespective of their place of     PROPERTY TAX
(such as commercial buildings,             incorporation) is subject to AVD at a flat
industrial buildings, etc.) located in     rate of 15%. The rate may be reduced          For properties acquired by individuals
Hong Kong. Properties can generally        to 4.25% or lower but such concession         (including foreigners) for rental purposes,
be held by individuals and / or            only applies to Hong Kong permanent           property tax will be levied. Property tax
companies set up in Hong Kong or           residents under certain circumstances.        is charged at 15% on all the rental income
overseas.                                  For transfer of non-residential properties,   less (1) a 20% statutory deduction for
                                           AVD is levied at a maximum rate of 8.5%       repairs and outgoings and (2) any rates
In the ensuing paragraphs we will look
                                           which is lowered to 4.25% effective from      paid by the owner of the property.
at the tax considerations for foreigners
who consider purchasing properties in      26 November 2020. AVD is levied on
                                           the consideration or market value of the      PROFITS TAX
Hong Kong.
                                           property, whichever is higher. By law,        Rental income received by a corporation
                                           both the seller and the buyer are jointly     (irrespective of its place of incorporation)
                                           and severally liable for paying AVD (1).      will be subject to profits tax instead of
                                                                                         property tax. Profits tax is currently
                                           Special stamp duty (SSD)                      charged at 16.5% (3).
                                           For residential properties acquired           CAPITAL GAINS
                                           on or after 27 October 2012 by
                                           individuals (including foreigners) or         Gains from realisation of assets held for
                                           companies (irrespective of their place        long-term investment purposes are not
                                           of incorporation) and resold within 36        taxed in Hong Kong. This applies to both
                                           months of acquisition, SSD will be levied     companies and individuals. However,
                                           at rates ranging from 10% to 20% on           profits tax may be charged on the profits
                                           the consideration or market value of          of speculative transactions if they can be
                                           the property, whichever is higher. The        shown to constitute an adventure in the
                                           maximum rate of 20% applies if the            nature of trade and are having a source in
                                           residential property is resold within 6       Hong Kong.
                                           months of acquisition.
                                                                                         (1) In practice, AVD is usually borne by the buyer.
                                           SSD is payable on top of AVD. Both            (2) In practice, SSD is usually borne by the buyer.
                                           the seller and the buyer are jointly and      (3) Under the two-tier profits tax system, the tax rate
                                                                                         for the first HKD2 million assessable profits of eligible
                                           severally liable for paying SSD by law (2).
                                                                                         entities will be reduced by half starting from the year
                                                                                         of assessment 2018/19.


                                          LEGAL REQUIREMENTS                             Qualified Party: Closed to individual
                                                                                         foreigners – open to Indonesian citizens
                                          Generally, there are six types of land title   and companies that are incorporated
                                          recognized in Indonesia. These rights are      under the Indonesian law (including
INTRODUCTION                              summarized below.                              foreign investment limited liability
                                                                                         companies or PT PMA)
From a legal perspective, land            RIGHT OF OWNERSHIP (‘HAK MILIK’)
ownership (i.e. Ownership under                                                          RIGHT TO MANAGE (‘HAK
right of ownership or ‘Hak Milik’)        Hak Milik is the most comprehensive and        PENGELOLAAN’)
in Indonesia is closed to foreigners,     complete form of individual rights over
whether they are individuals or           land. There is no time limit and the holder    Hak Pengelolaan is only granted to
foreign companies (i.e. Companies         has the right to use the land, including       state-owned companies and government
that are not incorporated under the       the earth and the water underneath it. It      agencies with, usually, unlimited terms.
Indonesian laws). Nevertheless, it is     does not, however, include the right over
possible for an individual foreigner                                                     Qualified Party: Closed to individual
                                          resources underneath it.                       foreigners
who is residing in Indonesia to acquire
right to the use of land (‘Hak Pakai’)    Qualified Party: Closed to individual
subject to certain conditions. These      foreigners– open only to Indonesian            RIGHT TO USE (‘HAK PAKAI’)
conditions are elaborated in the          citizens
                                                                                         Hak Pakai is a right over land (either State-
legal aspect section of this article.                                                    owned or private), which gives the holder
Alternatively, a foreign individual       RIGHT TO CULTIVATE (‘HAK GUNA
                                          USAHA’)                                        the right to use and obtain the product of
investor may acquire limited land
                                                                                         a certain piece of land. The land to which
titles in Indonesia by forming an
                                          Hak Guna Usaha is the right to cultivate       Hak Pakai is applied may be used as a
Indonesian direct foreign investment
                                          land which is administered by the              building site or for agricultural purposes.
company or acquiring an existing
limited liability company.                government. This title is normally granted     Qualified Party: Open to resident
                                          to land for cultivation/ plantation            individual foreigners, Indonesian citizens,
                                          businesses.                                    Indonesia-incorporated companies
                                          Qualified Party: Closed to individual          and foreign companies that have a
                                          foreigners – open to Indonesian citizens       representative office in Indonesia.
                                          and companies that are incorporated
                                          under the Indonesian law (including            RIGHT TO LEASE (HAK SEWA)
                                          foreign investment limited liability
                                                                                         Hak Sewa gives its holder the right to
                                          companies or PT PMA)
                                                                                         construct a building on another person’s
                                          RIGHT TO BUILD (‘HAK GUNA                      land in exchange for rent.
                                          BANGUNAN’)                                     Qualified Party: Open to resident
                                                                                         foreigners, Indonesian citizens, Indonesia-
                                          Hak Guna Bangunan is a right over land         incorporated companies and foreign
                                          (either State-owned or private), with          companies that have a representative
                                          which the holder may erect and possess         office in Indonesia.
                                          buildings over the land for certain period
                                                                                         As seen from above, the options for a
                                          of time.

foreign individual to have rights over         years provided that the foreigner remains      will result in income tax to become
land (and buildings) in Indonesia are          an Indonesian resident or meets the status     payable on the deemed gain on the
quite limited. The available options are       requirements. If the foreigner departs from    transfer/sale to be charged to the
discussed in the section below.                Indonesia, the property must be sold or        transferor/seller. The tax is specified at
                                               the Right to Use must be transferred to        2.5% of the gross transfer value (tax base)
Under the current land law, individual
                                               another qualified person within one year       and must be paid at the time the rights
foreigners are only qualified for the Right
                                               of departure.                                  to land and building are transferred to the
to Use or the Right to Lease. An individual
                                                                                              transferee. For transfers of simple houses
foreigner is allowed to own one residential    With the emergence of foreign investment
                                                                                              and apartments by taxpayers engaged in
property (a house or an apartment)             and business in Indonesia, as an
                                                                                              property development business, the tax
whereby the foreigner must be deemed           alternative to the above, an individual
                                                                                              rate is 1%. The tax payment constitutes a
to have provided benefits for the national     foreigner may acquire limited land titles
                                                                                              final tax.
development and must be either:                in Indonesia by forming an Indonesian
                                               direct foreign investment company (or ‘PT      A notary is prohibited from signing a
X An Indonesian resident (i.e. An
                                               PMA’) or acquiring an existing Indonesian      transfer of rights deed until the income
    individual foreigner with a permanent
                                               limited liability company (in which case,      tax has been fully paid.
    resident permit), or
                                               the status of the company will convert to
X A non-resident domiciled in Indonesia        PT PMA upon acquisition). In this case,        LAND AND BUILDING TRANSFER
    only at particular times in possession     the individual foreigner would indirectly      DUTY (BPHTB)
    of appropriate visit and immigration       qualify for Right to Cultivate and Right to
    stamps in his/her passport.                Build.                                         A transfer of land and building rights
In addition to the above conditions, an                                                       will generally, also give rise to BPHTB
                                               If an individual foreigner wants to            for the party receiving or obtaining the
individual foreigner can purchase (or
                                               establish a PT PMA, there will be a            rights. Transactions subject to BPHTB
construct) a house on land with the
                                               minimum investment of IDR 10 billion           include sale-purchase, grants, inheritance,
Right to Use status or an apartment unit
                                               (approximately $USD738,951) and it             business mergers, consolidations and
that is built on land also with the Right
                                               needs to be approved by the Investment         expansions. Acquisition of land and
to Use status. This is possible because
                                               Coordinating Board (BKPM).                     building rights in certain non-business
the Indonesian Land Law adopts the
horizontal land separation principle           The period of Right to Cultivate title is 35   transfers may be exempt from BPHTB.
whereby buildings or structures on a           years and may be extended for another          BPHTB is calculated based on the Tax
piece of land are considered as separate       25 years, with renewal for another 35          Object Acquisition Value (NPOP),
objects such that an individual foreigner      years at the most. The minimum size of         which in most cases is the higher of
may acquire the Right to Use of land and       land is five hectares and the maximum          the market value or the NJOP of the
the building(s) over it. Foreigners are not,   will be determined by the Land Office for      land and building rights concerned. The
however, allowed to purchase houses            corporate bodies. The maximum period for       tax due is determined by applying the
or apartments classified as ‘low-cost          the Right to Build is 50 years.                applicable duty of 5% to the relevant
housing’ or ‘very low-cost housing’.                                                          NPOP, less an allowable non-taxable
The Right to Use title is granted for a
                                               TAX RULES                                      threshold. The non-taxable threshold
maximum period of 30 years, and can be                                                        amount for BPHTB varies by region, and
                                               TRANSFER OF LAND AND BUILDING                  the minimum threshold currently is IDR
extended for a maximum of 20 years and
can be renewed for a maximum of 30                                                            60 million (approximately $USD4,433).
                                               A transfer of rights to land and building

For acquisitions by inheritance, the non-      VALUE ADDED TAX (PPN)
taxable property value is determined
by the regional government, but the            A value added tax of 10% applies to rental
minimum is set at IDR 300 million              and sales of real estate properties. VAT on
(approximately $USD22,165). BPHTB is           the sale price of land and buildings, as part
due on the date that the relevant deed of      of a real estate or industrial estate price, is
land and building right transfer is signed     imposed at the rate of 10% of the invoice
before a public notary.                        value. Exempted from the VAT is the
                                               delivery of a basic house, very basic house,
A notary is prohibited from signing a          basic apartment and other properties as
transfer of rights deed until the BPHTB has    defined by the Minister of Finance.
been fully paid.
                                               LUXURY SALES TAX (LST)
                                               LST is levied at 20% on non-strata title
PBB is a type of property tax chargeable       luxury houses and town houses with
on all land and/or buildings, unless           minimum threshold amount of IDR 20
exempted.                                      billion (approximately $USD1,477,901),
The PBB rate is maximum 0.3% from              and on strata title apartments,
the taxable sale value of the tax object       condominiums, town houses with
(NJOP) less the non-taxable NJOP.              minimum threshold amount of IDR 10
The non-taxable NJOP is set at IDR 10          billion (approximately $USD738,951).
million (approximately $USD739) at
the minimum. PBB is payable annually
following a Tax Due Notification Letter
issued by the Regional Government.
The PBB is exempted on land and buildings
used for non-profit activities, including
social and educational activities and
health care services. Land and buildings
used for religious worship, nature reserves,
parks, diplomatic offices and designated
international organizations are exempted.


                                        LEGAL REQUIREMENTS                           STAMP DUTY

                                        Foreign individuals are generally            Stamp duty is governed under the Stamp
                                        permitted to purchase properties in          Act 1949 and the stamp duty rates on
INTRODUCTION                            Malaysia. However, approval by the           purchase of property as per Schedule 1 of
                                        state is generally required and there may    the Stamp Act 1949 can be seen in Figure
Foreign ownership of property in                                                     2c.
Malaysia is very liberal as long as     be minimum purchase price conditions
minimum requirements are met with       imposed depending on the location of the
                                        property.                                    INCOME TAX
the Government now also encouraging
foreigners to choose to make Malaysia                                                Rental income derived from real property
their second home, whether for long-    TAX RULES                                    in Malaysia is subjected income tax under
term stay, retirement or investment                                                  either Section 4(a) or Section 4(d) of the
                                        Foreign individuals intending to purchase
purposes.                                                                            Income Tax Act 1967. The rates of income
                                        or sell property in Malaysia should note
                                        the following high level tax implications.   tax for rental income derived by an
                                                                                     individual as per Schedule 1 of the Income
                                        REAL PROPERTY GAINS TAX (‘RPGT’)             Tax Act 1967 are as per Figure 2d.

                                        RPGT is charged on gains arising from        SALES TAX AND SERVICE TAX (SST)
                                        disposal of real property and is governed
                                        by the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976      Malaysia has re-implemented SST
                                        (‘RPGT Act’). Real property is defined as    effective from 1 September 2018 to
                                        any land situated in Malaysia and any        replace the previous Goods and Services
                                        interest, option or other right in or over   Tax (GST). The sale of real property in
                                        such land. RPGT is also imposed on the       Malaysia by a taxable person who is
                                        gains arising from the disposal of share     registered for SST is not subject to SST.
                                        in a Real Property Company (‘RPC’). A        The rental income derived from real
                                        RPC is a controlled company which owns       property in Malaysia is also not subject to
                                        Real Property or shares in a RPC or both,    SST.
                                        where the value of such property or shares
                                        is not less than 75% of the value of the     OTHER TAXES
                                        company’s total tangible assets. The RPGT    There is no net wealth tax or inheritance
                                        rates provided under Schedule 5 of the       tax in Malaysia.
                                        RPGT Act, with effect from 1 January 2019
                                        can be seen in Figure 2a and Figure 2b.
                                        Any gain of up to RM10,000 or 10% of
                                        the chargeable gain (whichever is higher)
                                        is exempted for an individual. There are
                                        also other reliefs available for specific

Figure 2a
 FOREIGN INDIVIDUAL *                                                      RATE OF
                                                                           RPGT (%)
 Disposal within 5 years from the date of acquisition                      30
 Disposal after 5 years from the date of acquisition                       10
 *An individual who is not a citizen and not a permanent resident

Figure 2b
 OTHER INDIVIDUALS                                                         RATE OF
 (NON-FOREIGN INDIVIDUALS)*                                                RPGT (%)
 Disposal within 3 years from the date of acquisition                      30
 Disposal in the 4th year after the date of acquisition                    20
 Disposal in the 5th year after the date of acquisition                    15
 Disposal in the 6th year after the date of acquisition                    5
 *An individual who is a citizen or a permanent resident

Figure 2c
 VALUE OF PROPERTY (RM)                                             AD VALOREM STAMP
                                                                    DUTY RATE (%)
 ≤RM100,000                                                         1
 >RM100,000 – RM500,000                                             2
 >RM500,000 – RM1,000,000                                           3
 >RM1,000,000                                                       4

Figure 2d
 OWNER                            RATE
 Resident individual              Progressive; maximum of 30% (year of assessment
                                  2020 onwards)
 Non-resident individual          30% (year of assessment 2020 onwards)


                                         New Zealand taxes income based on              In short, sensitive land includes land
                                         source and residence. Tax residents are        of a particular type, such as farm land,
                                         liable on their worldwide income but a         that exceeds a particular area threshold.
                                         non-resident is only liable on New Zealand     For example, five hectares of farm land
INTRODUCTION                             sourced income. Income derived from            is considered sensitive land, but three
A non-resident is able to own real       property situated in New Zealand has a         hectares of the same land is not. Similarly
property in New Zealand but may need     New Zealand source.                            forestry rights over an area of less than
to obtain approval from the Overseas                                                    1000 hectares are not subject to OIO
                                         New Zealand does not have a specific
Investment Office (OIO) if the land is                                                  approval but larger areas of forestry will
                                         capital gains tax but there are specific
regarded as sensitive land.                                                             be.
                                         provisions relating to land which can tax
                                         the proceeds from the sale of a property in    Applicants for consent must satisfy a
                                         certain situations.                            number of criteria, including the core
                                                                                        “investor test” criteria being of good
                                         Set out below is an overview of the
                                                                                        character, with business acumen and
                                         regulatory environment for property
                                                                                        financial commitment to the investment.
                                         ownership and the applicable tax system.
                                                                                        They will also need to satisfy one of the
                                                                                        following tests:
                                         LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                        X The commitment to New Zealand
                                         A non-resident looking to purchase land            test – eg the relevant overseas person
                                         in New Zealand may need to apply to the            intends to reside in New Zealand
                                         Overseas Investment Office (OIO) for               permanently;
                                         consent if they are looking to buy sensitive
                                                                                        X The benefit to New Zealand test - eg
                                         land or an interest in sensitive land (eg
                                                                                            create jobs; introduce new technology
                                         by buying shares in a company that owns
                                                                                            or increase export potential;
                                         sensitive land).
                                                                                        X The increased housing on residential
                                         Sensitive land is determined by the types          land test - eg through the construction
                                         of land and area thresholds detailed               of new housing.
                                         in the relevant Overseas Investment
                                                                                        In addition there are various legislation
                                         legislation. While determining sensitive
                                                                                        around building consents; resource
                                         land is sometimes straightforward, often
                                                                                        management and the environment and
                                         significant legal and land expertise is
                                                                                        local council zonings all of which may
                                         required, particularly if there are any
                                                                                        need to be taken into account depending
                                         nearby waterways.
                                                                                        on what you plan to do with the property.
                                         In a move to try and reduce the cost of
                                                                                        Specific advice should be obtained.
                                         housing to New Zealanders, residential
                                         land has been added to the definition of
                                         sensitive land. Consequently a non-
                                         resident will be required to apply for OIO
                                         consent to purchase residential land.

TAX RULES                                      There are specific rules for mixed use          When land is sold it is necessary to
                                               assets where the property is used both          determine if any of the land transaction
INCOME TAX                                     for private purposes and for income             rules could apply to deem a gain arising on
                                               generating purposes. An example is a            the sale of the land as being taxable.
A non-resident is liable to income tax         holiday home rented out to third parties
                                                                                               The land transaction rules are
on income which has a New Zealand              while the non-resident is overseas but
                                                                                               comprehensive and capture:
source. Income generated from property         occupied by them during a holiday in
situated in New Zealand has a New              New Zealand. The rules for mixed use            X land which was acquired with an
Zealand source. The income is liable to        assets specifically aim to provide an               intention or purpose of resale even if
tax at the non-residents marginal tax rate     apportionment of the expenditure on a               that intention or purpose is only one
when derived by an individual or at the        prescribed basis between the private and            of a number of intentions or purposes
applicable company tax rate or trustee         business use.                                       at the time the land is acquired.
rate if the property is owned through a        If debt is being introduced to purchase         X Residential land which is sold within
company or trust (unless the trust passes      the property by a non-resident, the                 five or ten years of being acquired
the income on as beneficiary income).          interest deduction will be subject to a             (depending on which bright-line test
                                               thin capitalisation ratio which will deny a         applies, see below).
                                               portion of the interest deduction which is      X Land where the owner is a dealer in
Income generated from the land is taxable      in excess of 60% of the asset value. The            land, a property developer or builder
as income with a deduction allowed             interest may also be subject to non-                or persons associated with them;
for expenditure which is incurred in           resident withholding tax at 15% or 10%          X Land where there is a rezoning or
deriving that income. The expenditure          if a DTA applies or an approved issuer              resource consents issued and the value
is deductible unless one of the set            levy at 2% if the interest is paid to a third       of the land increases substantially as a
limitations applies - such as expenditure      party. Specific advice should be sought.            result of those changes;
which is capital in nature or private in       Legislation is to be introduced to deny
                                                                                               X Land which is subject to a one-off
nature. Depreciation is available for          Interest deductions on debt borrowed to
                                                                                                   development or subdivision which
industrial and commercial buildings but        acquire residential rental properties except
                                                                                                   commences within 10 years;
not residential property. The cost of a        for new builds (see future developments
building fit-out for commercial property       below).                                         X Land which is subject to major
and for certain chattels on residential                                                            development expenditure such as
                                               Where the taxpayer incurs a residential             roading, earthworks and similar
property may be able to be depreciated         rental loss, the loss cannot be offset
on an annual basis where the costs can be                                                          expenditure irrespective of how long
                                               against other income of the taxpayer.               the land has been owned.
separated from the cost of the building.       Instead it is ring-fenced and carried
The cost of repairs will usually be regarded                                                   Note there are certain concessions and
                                               forward to offset against future residential
as a revenue expense unless the repairs                                                        exemptions that apply to the above taxing
                                               rental income or if the person is taxed on
are for bringing the asset into a condition                                                    provisions. Each situation needs to be
                                               the sale of the land. This applies from 1
where it can be used to generate income                                                        reviewed.
                                               April 2019 for the 2019/20 income year.
or are so extensive that they are an                                                           For passive investors in residential land
improvement and therefore capital in           SALE OF PROPERTY                                two areas are worth further comment.

BRIGHT LINE TEST                               years immediately preceding the bright        person who will pay the RLWT. RLWT is
                                               line date for the residential land or has     payable on settlement and is paid before
Residential property which was acquired
                                               engaged in a regular pattern of acquiring     other disbursements. Where the vendor
on or after 27 March 2021 and is sold
                                               and disposing of residential land.            has a mortgage obligation the calculation
within ten years of being acquired
                                                                                             of RLWT under the first two methods may
the sale is taxed as income unless an          For the purposes of the bright-line rule,
                                                                                             result in there being insufficient funds to
exemption applies. This is irrespective of     residential land does not include farmland
                                                                                             discharge the vendor’s mortgage.
any intention or purpose at the time the       or business premises.
land is acquired. Residential land acquired                                                  INTENTION OR PURPOSE
on or after 29 March 2018 and before 27        RESIDENTIAL LAND WITHHOLDING
March 2021 is subject to a five-year bright    TAX                                           Land which is bought with the intention
line test, and prior to 29 March 2018 land                                                   or purpose of resale remains taxable. The
                                               A residential land withholding tax (RLWT)
acquired after 1 October 2015 the period                                                     intention or purpose does not have to be a
                                               applies to provide a collection mechanism
of ownership was two-years.                                                                  dominant purpose or intention. Instead it
                                               when a non-resident is selling land which
                                                                                             may only be one of a number of intentions
The exemptions are limited to property         is subject to the bright line test above.
                                                                                             or purposes.
which is the main family home; property
                                               The RLWT is required to be withheld by
which is sold recently after it was acquired                                                 The intention or purpose of resale has to
                                               the vendor’s conveyancer who is deemed
through an inheritance and property                                                          exist at the time the land is acquired and
                                               to be the vendor’s agent in relation to
which is sold as a result of a relationship                                                  be more than a vague notion that a person
                                               the RLWT. If the vendor does not have
split.                                                                                       can sell a property in the future if their
                                               conveyancer, the purchaser’s conveyancer
                                                                                             circumstances change.
The “bright line” rule acts to make it         will be the paying agent.
unequivocal that a gain on sale of property                                                  It is important for purchasers to document
                                               There are three methods available to
within that time frame is taxable, and                                                       why they are buying the land and how
                                               calculate the amount of RLWT required to
gives both Inland Revenue and the                                                            they intend to use the land – eg live in
                                               be paid.
taxpayer certainty of application.                                                           the property or hold for long term rental
                                               The first method is to apply the RLWT rate    income - at the time the land is acquired.
Note the exemption for the main family
                                               (33% for individuals and trusts, increasing
home, requires the land to have been                                                         Residential land which is acquired with a
                                               to 39% from 1 April 2021, 28% for
used predominantly, for most of the time                                                     purpose or intention of resale will remain
                                               companies) to the difference between the
of ownership, as a dwelling that was the                                                     taxable even if the bright-line period has
                                               current purchase price and the vendor’s
main home for the owner or a beneficiary                                                     expired. Satisfying the bright line test
                                               acquisition cost.
of a trust if the owner is a trustee of the                                                  noted above does not take residential
trust. The main home exclusion applies         The second method calculates the RLWT         land out of the tax net where a purpose or
only on an apportioned basis (for land         as 10% to the current purchase price.         intention of resale existed at the time the
acquired on or after 27 March 2021) where                                                    land was acquired.
                                               Generally the RLWT payable will be the
the property has been used partly as a
                                               lower of the amounts calculated under         TAX FILE NUMBERS
main home and partly for rental purposes.
                                               these first two methods.
Note the exemption does not apply if                                                         Both the vendor and purchaser are
                                               A third method is available when the
the person has used the main home                                                            required to provide an IRD number
                                               vendor or vendor’s conveyancer is the
exemption two or more times within two

when land is bought and sold. This is a      in part of land and the purchaser is also
requirement for registering the change       GST registered.
in ownership with the Land Transfer
                                             A purchaser can be registered for GST
Office and makes it easier for the Inland
                                             where they intend to make taxable
Revenue to monitor gains on sale of land
                                             supplies. For example where the property
which need to be returned for income tax
                                             is commercial property and is being
                                             rented to tenants or used in carrying on
In addition to obtaining an IRD number a     a business to supply goods and services.
non-resident may be required to open a       The renting out of residential property
bank account in New Zealand and supply       is generally not subject to GST except in
a tax identification number from their       certain circumstances such as a serviced
home country. The obligation to open         apartment complex.
a bank account ensures that the non-
resident is subject to compliance with       FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
anti-money laundering and automatic
exchange of information legislation which    Inland The Government have announced
the bank is required to review before        that interest deductions on residential
allowing a bank account to be opened.        rental properties will be denied from 1
                                             October 2021. For residential properties
The provision of the home country tax        which were acquired before 27 March
identification number may also allow a       2021 the interest deduction will be phased
greater sharing of information between       out over four years. For residential rental
the relevant tax authorities if required.    properties acquired after that date interest
                                             incurred on debt to acquire the property
GST                                          will be non-deductible from 1 October
New Zealand has a Goods and Services         2021.
Tax (GST) regime which imposes GST at        Exemptions are to be introduced for
a standard rate of 15% on the supply of      property developers and for owners of
goods and services in New Zealand by a       new builds. Also initial or early owners of
GST registered person.                       new builds will be subject to a five year
It is important to make sure the contract    bright line test and not the extended ten
for the sale and purchase of land deals      years noted above. The measures are
adequately with GST. If the person selling   intended to increase housing supply in
a property is GST registered then the        New Zealand.
supply of the land and buildings may be      A Discussion Document was issued by the
subject to GST at 15% where the property     Government outlining options on how
is being sold to a non-registered person.    these new rules could be designed with
In some circumstances GST on a land sale     the intention for legislation to passed later
may be zero rated as a supply in whole or    in the year with effect from 1 October
You can also read