Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency

Page created by Emily Cummings
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
Foreign Rights List
                 Spring 2021
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
Table of contents                                                  About Leor Literary Agency

       Literary fiction                     8                         A French based agency

       Contemporary fiction                 16                        Located in Vannes, Western France and in Lille, Northern France, Leor litera-
                                                                      ry agency is a foreign and domestic rights agency. We work on a behalf of a
       Feelgood novels                      18                        broad group of French publishers and promote their catalogues on the inter-
                                                                      national literary scene.
       Thrillers                            20
    		                                      44                        French excellence
    			        Romantic comedy              48                        By selling translation rights on behalf of their clients, our agents aim to pro-
                                                                      mote French excellence across the world and always make sure to remain
    			        Dark romance                 50                        sharp and frosty as they prospect new deals for publishers as well as writers.
                                                                      French literature thrives far beyond the country’s borders especially when it
    			        Romantasy                    53                        comes to children’s books, comics and fiction.
       Science Fiction - Dystopia           58
                                                                      High quality indie publishers
       Fantasy                              70
                                                                      With very dynamic publishing houses, like Locus Solus, Apogée or la Pim-
    			        Urban fantasy                72                        pante, whose ambition and high standards are often welcomed warmly by
                                                                      foreign publishers, independent French publishers are indeed very active and
    			        Dark fantasy                 85                        allow Leor literary agency to promote French culture overseas.
    			        Historical fantasy           86
       Historical novels                    90                        The team

           Hit the green button to            Click on the publi-
            have access to each              sher’s name to have       Yannaelle Boucher           Jean-Pierre Le Mat            Jérome Delattre
          publisher’s full rights list.      access to its website.   Co-Founder / Manager            Co-Founder                     Manager
                                                                          Literary Agent                                        Marketing executive
              Rights List                 Locus Solus Publishing       yannaelle[@]                                     contact[@]

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Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
Fiction publishers
    Locus Solus Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List    Inceptio Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••             Rights List

    Locus Solus is the perfect publishing house for any reader in search of ex-           If you are looking for a book to help you escape your daily life, Inception Edi-
    cellent fiction and non-fiction books, created with a high sense of aesthetic.        tions might have just what you need. Proposing dystopian Science Fiction, ac-
    From their colourful youth literature to mesmerizing Nature books and thought-        tion-filled Fantasy and dark Thrillers, Inceptio publishes modern, original titles
    ful essays, Locus Solus is a talented and ambitious company.                          and takes the reader on a journey they will not forget.

    Published genres: Art | Graphic Novels | Non-Fiction | Illustrated Books |            Published genres: Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Young Adult | Juvenile Novels
    Children’s books | Juvenile Novels | Thrillers | Sci-Fi
                                                                                          La Trace Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••               Rights List
    Faralonn Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List    La Trace Editions is above all a story of friendship, between authors, readers,
    Faralonn éditions is a publishing house originally from Saint-Etienne. It is          booksellers, lovers of literature, stories, art, beautiful images... They want to
    oriented towards imaginary literature, youth, teens, young adults, fantasy, pa-       publish what and who we really love and nothing else! To privilege the freedom
    ranormal thriller but not only that. Soon 3 new collections will see the light of     of authors: they are looking above all for authors who are vagabonds, hermits,
    day: comics, graphic novels, Western-Fantasy.                                         dissidents, word smugglers...

    Published genres: Thrillers | Sci-Fi | Fantasy | Children’s Books | Juvenile          Published genres: Literary Fiction | Thrillers
                                                                                          Le Temps Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••               Rights List
    La Plume et le Parchemin Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••               Rights List
                                                                                          Le Temps publishing is a broad church for anyone who is looking for cheeky,
    Éditions la Plume et le Parchemin is a Reunionese publishing house speciali-          culturally diverse books. This company, founded by seasoned publishers
    zing in fantasy for adults and young adults.                                          Thierry Jamet and Hélène Dupuis, aims to publish books that can connect
                                                                                          people, no matter their age, culture or social background. Leor literary Agency
    Published genres: Fantasy | Juvenile novels | Graphic Novels                          manages the rights of their thriller collection “Noirs premiers” as well as of their
                                                                                          Urban Fantasy titles.
    AngelFall Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List    Published genres: Art & Cinema | Thrillers | Fantasy | Children’s Books
    Angelfall editions is a young publishing house from Quinssaines (Montluçon,
    France). Since its origin, its vocation has been to discover new authors and to       Libre 2 Lire Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List
    publish romance, children’s books and thrillers.
                                                                                          Libre 2 Lire editions is a publishing house from Aragon, France, and is oriented
    Published genres: Romance | Fantasy                                                   towards general literature, fantasy, thrillers and romance. It publishes all genres
                                                                                          with one thing in common: to make readers want to “turn the page”, with quality
                                                                                          writings that leave the feeling of having had a good time dreaming, existing,
    Hatanna Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List
                                                                                          imagining …
    Hatanna Editions is a publishing house originally from Gargas, France. It’s
    through its legend that Hatanna comes to life. Great devourer of books, pries-        Published genres: Sci-Fi | Fantasy | Romance | Contemporary Fiction
    tess of ancestral knowledge, it sails at night to publish during the day. In search
    of fantasy texts.
    Published genres: Adult Fantasy | Literary Fiction

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Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
Plumes du Web Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••               Rights List    Shingfoo Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••                Rights List

    Launched in November 2016, the young publishing house Plumes du Web                   Shingfoo is a young publishing house specilized in romance and fantasy ro-
    was born from a simple observation: the relative complexity, for an author who        mance.
    has made his debut on the Web, of finding a professional able to listen to his
                                                                                          Published genres: Contemporary Romance
    needs, his expectations and his dreams for recognition. Fantasy, romance,
    thriller, young adults, ... are genre published by Plumes du Web.
    Published genres: Sci-Fi | Fantasy | Contemporary Romance | Historical                Chambre noire Editions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••                Rights List

    Romance | Thrillers | Young Adult                                                     Chambre Noire (Dark Room) is a young independent publishing house based
                                                                                          in France, whose mission is to thrill its readers with fiction books ranging from
                                                                                          detective stories to thrillers, and horror novels. Always looking for the most
    Tri Nox Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••             Rights List
                                                                                          immersive experience, we also publish all our books in paperback, digital and
    TriNox editions (an imprint from Stephane Batigne éditions) open new doors            audio formats.
    to quality popular literature, varied, inventive. Historical novels, black novels,
                                                                                          Published genres: Thrillers | Juvenile Novels
    thrillers, fantasy, adventure novels, anticipation are the genres that they want
    to explore as a priority.
    Published genres: Thrillers | Fantasy | Historical Fantasy                            Editions du 38 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••               Rights List

                                                                                          Founded in 2015, Éditions du 38 is well established in the publishing indus-
                                                                                          try for Fiction literature through an extensive list of detective stories, thrillers,
    Yoran Embanner Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••                Rights List
                                                                                          science fiction, fantasy, historical novels, classics and children’s novels. Fully
    Yoran Embanner publishing is a house dedicated to the promotion and de-               committed to Popular literature, at Éditions du 38 we have the ambition to
    fence of European national minorities. With high-quality dictionaries of rare         develop our collections around authors who know how to tell beautiful stories,
    languages and historical books about cultural minorities in Europe, Yoran Em-         take the readers into their universe and make them want to share their rea-
    banner actively advocates for a more culturally sensitive Europe so that no           dings.
    one, no matter where they come from, ever feels left out.
                                                                                          Published genres: Thrillers | Sci-Fi | Historical Novels
    Published genres: Historical Fiction | Non-Fiction | Illustrated Books | Es-
                                                                                          Kadaline Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••                Rights List

                                                                                          Editions Kadaline lives according to the philosophy that literature is an
    Apogée Publishing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List
                                                                                          elsewhere, a door to a thousand secrets and a thousand epics. Born in autumn
    This publishing house is open to the pleasure of meeting, with the ambition of        2019 in French-speaking Switzerland and founded by Marilyn Stellini, Editions
    sharing beauty, creation, talent, ideas, visual artists in their universe of shapes   Kadaline has a generalist line. Literature, poetry, stories, juvenile literature,
    and colors, renowned academics, poets and writers have wanted to give to              romance and fantasy come together to build up the catalog, which is filled with
    read their imaginations, their experiences and their research. Apogée éditions        around 10-12 new titles each year.
    is mostly specialized in Non-Fiction.
                                                                                          Published genres: Romance | Fantasy | Romatasy | Young Adult
    Published genres: Non-Fiction | Philosophy | Social Science | Travel

                                                                                          Sudarènnes Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••                 Rights List
    M + Publishing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••              Rights List
                                                                                          Sudarènes Editions, offers a great editorial flexibility and allows its authors a
    M+ editions was created in 2018 and has a generalist orientation. They spe-           great freedom in the design of their work. Our books are produced with the
    cialize in contemporary litterature, thrillers, fantasy, science-fiction, romance     greatest care in order to meet the needs of both authors and readers.
    and spirituality.
                                                                                          Published genres: Fantasy | Romance | Romantasy | Sci-Fi
    Published genres: Thrillers | Romance | Children’s Book

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Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
LITERARY FICTION                                                                                                                                                                                     LITERARY FICTION
                                                                                                                                                                     TOM    ROMAN                              TOM
                                                                                                                                                                     NOTI    -                                NOTI

                                                                                                        TOM                                                                 NOTI
                                                                                                        NOTI             OUR SILENCES ARE                                                                                                               NOTI                                                               THEY WERE
                                                                                                                          NO LOVE SONGS                                                                                                                                                                               WAITING FOR ME
                                                                                                        Elles                                                                                                                Elles                                                                                               Tom Noti
                                                                                                        m’attendaient...Tom Noti
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tom Noti


                                                                                                                                                                             EL L ES M’ATTEN DA I EN T…
                                                                                                        Deux personnes s’aiment et leurs solitudes s’aimantent.
                                                                                                        Cela ressemble à une histoire d’amour simple et
                                                                                 When Aldino receives
                                                                                                 lumineuse, mysterious
                                                                                                               mais c’est sans compter text       messages
                                                                                                                                             sur les ombres from                                                                                                               Fatherhood is a commitment that worries Max. Abused
                                                                                                 que Max cache derrière ses silences…
                                                                                 his dead mother, he questions himself, becomes                                                                                                                                                as a child, he has never known love and does not know
                                                                                 suspicious and Tom ends Noti up being curious about the
                                                                                                 Il vit au creux de montagnes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               what a family is, nor how he should love his child.
                                                                                 source. The desire    to followracontent through
                                                                                                 majestueuses qui sont son oxygène.
                                                                                                 Ses histoires                               with the mystery
                                                                                                                            les gens qui avancent,
                                                                                                 vaille que vaille, avec leurs sentiments
                                                                                 will help him accept       himself
                                                                                                 en bandoulière               as hequ’ilsis.trimballent.
                                                                                                                   et les casseroles
                                                                                                        Il est l’auteur de plusieurs romans
                                                                                                        dont «Les naufragés de la salle d’attente».

                                                                                FORMAT: 220 x 150 | PAGES: 256 | WORDS: 55,000             ISBN: 979-10-97515-17-1
                                                                                                                                         ISBN    979-10-97515-17-1

                                                                                PRICE: 20.00 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 11/2020 18 €
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FORMAT: 150 x 220 | PAGES: 160 | WORDS: 40,000
                                                                                ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                 9 791097 515171                                                                                                                             ROMAN             PRICE: 18.00 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 01/2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE

    The Work                                                                    The Author(s)                                                                                                             The Work                                                             The Author
    Aldino has never been lucky in life. He calls himself a                     Tom Noti lives in the hollow of the majestic mountains                                                                    Two people love each other and their loneliness are                  Tom Noti lives in the hollow of the majestic mountains
    bad brother, a bad partner, an unreliable friend.                           which give him his oxygen. His stories are about people                                                                   magnetized. It sounds like a simple and luminous love                which give him his oxygen. His stories are about people
    Already as a child, he felt “out of the picture”. How                       who go forwards, no matter what, their feelings weighing                                                                  story, but it is without counting on the shadows that                who go forwards, no matter what, their feelings weighing
    could he really exist alongside a brother whose perfec-                     heavily on their shoulders as a burden to be carried. He                                                                  Max hides behind his silences ...                                    heavily on their shoulders as a burden to be carried. He
    tion reveals his own flaws? He tried his best to do well,                   has written several novels, including Les naufragés de la                                                                                                                                      has written several novels, including Les naufragés de la
    to attract interest and enthusiasm, but could hardly                        salle d’attente, published by Paul&Mike and the successful                                                                Max is rather introverted and highly sensitive though,               salle d’attente, published by Paul&Mike.
    convince even his own parents.                                              Elles m’attendaient, published by La Trace éditions, and                                                                  and somewhat distant too, even with his colleagues on
    So he shut himself up in silence, taking refuge in soli-                    winner of the Lettres Frontière Award in 2020.                                                                            building sites. When Halley finds out she is pregnant,
    tude. His girlfriend, Emilie, is his best ally against the                                                                                                                                            they decide to get married.
    blows and wounds he is used to suffer. Having given up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Key Sales Points
    following his own path, letting his passion for music                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - A book winner of the Lettres Frontière Award in 2020.
                                                                                Selling Points                                                                                                            Fatherhood is a commitment that worries Max. Abused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - An original and well written story which unsettles all
    aside, he embarked on a career in a debt collection                                                                                                                                                   as a child, he was placed in a foster family at a very
                                                                                - By the author winner of the Lettres Frontière Award in                                                                                                                                       of our certainties.
    company. His love life is far from being satisfying. His                                                                                                                                              young age. He has never known love and does not
                                                                                2020 for his book They were waiting for me.                                                                                                                                                    - A social panorama that illustrates the vicious spiral of
    procrastination drives Emilie away and she kicks him                                                                                                                                                  know what a family is, nor how he should love his child.
                                                                                - A book rated best book of the week by                                                                                                                                          an abused child becoming homeless out of love.
    out of the house.
                                                                                - Sometimes all it takes to realize one’s destiny is an                                                                                                                                        - Readers become truly attached to the characters of
    So when he receives mysterious text messages from his                                                                                                                                                 The birth of little Rosie will be the start of Max’s
                                                                                orange ladybug, a few mysterious text messages, the                                                                                                                                            this moving story. How can a child grow up in such a
    mother, which he believes to be from another world,                                                                                                                                                   descent into hell, caught up in the whirlwind of uncon-
                                                                                desire to follow through with the mystery and the                                                                                                                                              singular family?
    since his parents have died, he gets annoyed, questions                                                                                                                                               ditional and boundless fatherly love.
                                                                                courage to face the unknown.                                                                                                                                                                   - A tormented love story, told with great modesty,
    himself, becomes suspicious and ends up being curious
                                                                                - This book brings a slightly melancholic lightness to a                                                                                                                                       finesse and delicacy.
    about the source. And wanting to discover others, he                                                                                                                                                  Out of love for his daughter and to avoid her suffering
                                                                                sensitive subject that a touch of humor nicely highlights.
    will learn to know himself better and accept himself as                                                                                                                                               as he suffered as a child, Max decides to live on the
    he is, with an awareness that will turn his life upside                                                                                                                                               streets. Rosie will have to learn to grow up with this
    down.                                                                                                                                                                                                 different father, whom she seeks to hide not to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          rejected by the other children at school.

                                                        Leor Literary Agency                                                                                                                                         Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●
8              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                                                                                                           Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                   9
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
LITERARY FICTION                                                                                                                 LITERARY FICTION

                                                                                            THE CHINESE WOMAN                                                                                                                     ULYSSES’ CHILDREN
                                                                                                 IN THE PAINTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Carole Declercq
                                                                                                              Florence Tholozan

                                                                                                                                                                                                       After the dramatic dismantling of the camp of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Idomeni, in Macedonia, Feriel, a little Afghan girl, tries
                                                                      A contemporary love story, faithfully reproduced in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to reach Austria with her brother. They will meet an
                                                                      a historical painting, directly leads a couple on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       old woman, who will change the course of their tragic
                                                                      mysterious journey into the heart of China.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       FORMAT: 150 x 220 | PAGES: 219 | WORDS: 54,000
                                                                      FORMAT: 145 x 220 | PAGES: 276 | WORDS: 73,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRICE: 20€ | PUBLICATION DATE: 05/2020
                                                                      PRICE: 15.80 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 12/2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE
                                                                      RIGHTS SOLD: German (Drachenhaus Verlag)

     The Work                                                         Chinese painting. Driven by an irresistible curiosity and       The Work                                                         The Author
                                                                      guided by their feelings for each other, they make many
     Melisende teaches Mandarin and is passionate about                                                                               The camp of Idomeni in Macedonia, whose accommo-                 A teacher of literature and ancient languages, with a
                                                                      discoveries about their common destiny, each more
     China. Guillaume is an architect. Their meeting seems                                                                            dation conditions for migrants are terrible, has just            passion for history, sociology and life stories, Carole
                                                                      surprising than the last.
     unexpected yet predestined. Without knowing why                                                                                  been dismantled. Even if the road to the Balkans will            Declercq cannot imagine writing without anchoring her
     their love for each other seems absolutely obvious to                                                                            not reopen. Every day, every night, more migrants are            actions in a historical or social context that leads us to
     them, a real love at first sight.                                                                                                turned away at the border, and many young people                 reflect and resonate with characters who are always
     One day, as Melisende and Guillaume are browsing the             The Author                                                      have disappeared into the wilderness.                            strong, romantic, almost emblematic. Disarticulating
     stands at a garage sale, their gaze falls upon a strange         Florence Tholozan is a qualified teacher of clinical            Feriel, a little Afghan girl trying to reach Austria with        the psychological mechanics that provoke gesture,
     painting. In the foreground, they see a serene Chinese           psychology and The Chinese woman in the painting is her first   her brother is a painful example. Having no other alter-         action, commitment, this is what she likes when she
     woman while in the background they spot a couple                 novel. It was submitted for the 2019 prize for an author’s      native but to leave the camp, at the risk of being forced        writes. She loves Elsewhere and Others. Writing is also
     who might easily be taken themselves. They are further           first work and was a finalist for the 2019 Romantic Book        to return to Afghanistan, they take refuge in the                for her to carry the voice of those who do not dare.
     intrigued when they notice that Guillaume’s precious             Prize.                                                          surrounding mountains.
     watch is faithfully reproduced and it seems that the                                                                             But a meeting, a sharing with Elliniki, a very old Greek
     painting really does depict them as a much older                                                                                 lady who lives in a secluded place in the wild Paiko             Key Sales Points
     couple. How can such a coincidence be possible? Or is                                                                            massif will change the course of this tragic story.
                                                                      Key Sales Points                                                                                                                 - The tragedy of migrants in Europe, a hot topic!
     it possible?                                                                                                                     Overwhelmed by so much misery, she will open her
                                                                      - Winner of the Authors words Award in 2020 and fina-                                                                            - The Idomeni camp, a humanitarian catastrophy in
     When they decide to have this odd painting examined,                                                                             heart, which had been closed off by her own history,
                                                                      list for the 2019 Romantic Book Award.                                                                                           Europe, a terrible context where Carole Declercq
     Melisende and Guillaume do not yet imagine all of the                                                                            that of a people uprooted by war. She reaches out to
                                                                      - The mysteries that lie behind the characters’ meeting                                                                          describes a luminous story where a meeting makes
     secrets that the Chinese woman is hiding and how                                                                                 the two teenagers to welcome them into her modest
                                                                      and their relationship to the painting.                                                                                          everything possible ...
     much their view of life will change.                                                                                             home.
                                                                      - Finding out about China with a detailed and faithful                                                                           - A powerful story told with sensitivity, poetry and even
     To unravel its mysteries, the two lovers set off on a                                                                            She will display cleverness and love for these two exiles
                                                                      description of its civilization                                                                                                  a touch of humour.
     great journey through China during which they disco-                                                                             lost in a strange world far from their sufferings.
     ver the source of their unconditional love. Their shared                                                                         So different but not indifferent ...
     and abiding feeling of déjà vu at last makes sense in the

            Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                  Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●
10                       Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                                          Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                   11
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
LITERARY FICTION                                                                                                                 LITERARY FICTION

                                                                                                    FURTIVA LAGRIMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Amélie Noel
                                                                                                                 Céline Guarneri

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Behind her perfect-little-girl facade, Noemie is hiding
                                                                      One evening, Louis, an absent and authoritarian father,                                                                          a deep emotional emptiness and a tortured soul, but
                                                                      writes a letter to each of his children before myste-                                                                            two dramatic events allow her to get back her taste
                                                                      riously dying in an accident.                                                                                                    for life.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       FORMAT: 150 x 220 | PAGES: 134 | WORDS: 27,000
                                                                      FORMAT: 220 x 150 | PAGES: 263 | WORDS: 65,000                                                                                   PRICE: 20.00€ | PUBLICATION DATE: 01/2020
                                                                      PRICE: 20.00€ | PUBLICATION DATE: 01/2020                                                                                        ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE
                                                                      ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE

                                                                                                                                      The Work                                                         The Author
     The Work                                                         The Author                                                      While Noemie, an unusual child, hides behind a smooth,           Amélie Noël is a doctor specialising in pain and pallia-
     In his twilight years, Louis Maurand, a renowned critic,         Céline Guarneri is an author and consultant in commu-           “perfect-little-girl” appearance, her head is a whirlwind.       tive care. Writing has always been part of her daily life
     takes stock of his past.                                         nication and project management. In 2019, she created           That’s because she is one of those people with “high             and one of life’s fractures has given her the urge and the
     In his art gallery, over the years, he must have pinned          L’écrit devant soi (The writing before you) to offer her        cognitive and emotional potential.” Her lonely life              desire to share this path of words and pain. Dissonance is
     up many examples of feminine curves - evening stars in           experience in training and education to the fields of           flows by in gloomy emptiness, emotionally neglected              her first novel.
     a loveless sky; yet, his Mona Lisa still paints herself in       literature, management and personal development. She            by intellectual parents who are dizzy from work, confe-
     his eyes like a furtive tear, a sweet memory, far away           is the winner of the 2000 “Lire en fête” competition for        rences and world travelling.
     but still very much present, forever hanging on the              her text, Les femmes et le XXe siècle (Women and the 20th
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Key Sales Points
     white walls of his life.                                         century) and was also awarded a prize for her short             When her much older sister, Marie, escapes this
     An absent, heartless, authoritarian and calculating              story Le héros en littérature (The Hero in Literature) in the                                                                    - A moving, poignant novel, Dissonance will not leave you
                                                                                                                                      emotional deprivation, she is left alone and invisible,
     father, he has also carefully prepared, throughout his           literary programme “Vol de Nuit” in 2008.                                                                                        indifferent, nor unscathed.
                                                                                                                                      but on his own, her brother Jean recognises what is
     life, the wooden frames within which his children’s                                                                                                                                               - Another look at high-potential people and more gene-
                                                                                                                                      wrong and the dissonance in her life. They become
     professional and sentimental lives are inscribed. But the                                                                                                                                         rally at those who are “different”.
                                                                                                                                      inseparable and as their weak, exhausted mother is
     canvases of their lives will forever stay untouched by           Key Sales Points                                                consumed by her bright social setting, they deal with
     fatherly love. Louis Maurand does not share the                                                                                  the wounds from lack of love and break free from the
                                                                      - The author sculpts her characters with accuracy,
     spotlight.                                                                                                                       toxic homelife where they sense a fatal fall.
                                                                      emotion and tenderness, depicting the interweavings
     That evening, however, he will write a letter to each of
                                                                      of family to the sad air of a tango, where exile is some-
     them before leaving this world. Is his leaving intentional                                                                       Then there is the drama and total darkness of a
                                                                      times the easiest score to play.
     or accidental?                                                                                                                   life-threatening accident when a car hits Noemie.
                                                                      - Around a family secret, a furtive tear crosses, gathers,
     After all these years of absence, indifference and                                                                               This accident, followed by a second one, although
                                                                      separates and reunites the threads of the past.
     unspoken family issues, Beatrice, Stanislas, Maxime and                                                                          dramatic, will lead to hope for survival, or rather a
     Hadrien set off in search of this shadowy father and a                                                                           return to life, and the chance to finally exist by being
     truth that is drawn on the very verge of tears...                                                                                oneself.

            Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                  Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●
12                       Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                                          Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                   13
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
ROMAN                   JACK

   -                   BOLAND


                                                                                                                                       DEAD END

                                                      CRÈVE                                                                               Jack Boland

                                                      LA FIN
                                                                                                              JACK BOLAND

                                                                                          A sickly painter trapped in his psychoses, is suddenly
                                                                                          dazzeled with success and becomes a prey to financial
                                                                                          speculators. The descent will be even faster than the

                                                                                          FORMAT: 150 x 220 | PAGES: 200 | WORDS: 50,000
                                                                        ROMAN             PRICE: 20.00 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 11/2019

                                                                                          ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE

                    The Work                                                              One day however, he stops swallowing his medications
                                                                                          and gradually discovers the extent of the plot
                    Since childhood, Julien has been obsessed with death.                 orchestrated by his wife.
                    It fascinates him with the beauty he finds in it and for
                    him it is the ultimate goal in life. THE moment not to
                    be missed.
                    As an adult, going from squat to squatting, he paints                 The Author
                    death in all its forms with passion. One day, during an               Jack Boland was born in Paris in 1936. He began painting
                    exhibition, he meets Sigismonde, a young and trendy                   at a very young age and wrote his first texts at the age
                    gallery owner. She is impressed by his work, buys his                 of fifteen. In 1983, he created a theatre company, perfor-
                    paintings, and organizes an exhibition. They become                   ming his own plays.
                    closer and closer and eventually get married.                         In 2001 he wrote L’Algérie à en Mourir, followed in 2004 by
                    Julien begins a successful artist’s life. His quota is at the         Revers de Mémoire, published by Actes Sud.
                    highest, his fortune too. His couple is the darling of
                    high society and he is invited to TV shows. However,
                    his runaway success is built on the “trashy side” of his              Key Sales Points
                    paintings. Buyers see it only as a speculation, an invest-
                                                                                          - Dead end is a satire and an unforgettable tragedy, a tale
                    ments to hide in a safe, and have no interest in the
                                                                                          from which you do not emerge unscathed.
                    artist’s message.
                                                                                          - This text plunges into the intimate torment of creati-
                    The descent will be even faster than the climb. During
                                                                                          vity, the all-consuming need to breathe through art and
                    a walk in the countryside, he stumbles upon the corpse
                                                                                          utterly and stubbornly give oneself up to painting - a
                    of a young girl. Fascinated, he spends hours looking at
                                                                                          kind of genius bordering on madness that frightens
                    her. His wife, frightened by his behavior, has him
                                                                                          ordinary people.
                    confined under medical supervision in a psychiatric
                                                                                          - In a psychiatric hospital, the artist becomes a perfectly
                    hospital. From then on, he lives in a golden cage,
                                                                                          controlled creation machine. Deprived of his life, he
                    between his studio and his bedroom. He paints, but
                                                                                          aims not to be deprived of his death.
                    drugged, he is not much aware of anything.

                                Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●
 14                                          Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                    15
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
CONTEMPORARY FICTION                                                                                                                                                                                                           CONTEMPORARY FICITON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cynthia Sardou
                                                                                                              VIRALATA                                                                                                                             Cynthia Sardou
                                                                                                               Le film
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Le film
                                                                                                      THE CAIMAN’S SON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE FILM
                                                                                           L                                      Sébastien Acacia
                                                                                                  ouise Godwin est une jeune actrice douée de 23 ans et qui
                                                                                                  décroche sa première nomination aux Oscars américains pour le
                                                                                                  film « Secret dans la nuit ». Cette nomination lui tient beaucoup
                                                                                           à cœur, non seulement parce que c’est l’aboutissement de sa passion et
                                                                                           de son travail de plusieurs années, mais aussi à cause du rôle particulier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cynthia Sardou

                                                                                           qu’elle joue dans le film. Elle incarne le personnage d’une femme
                                                                                           tourmentée, victime de la domination et de la violence de son mari. Pour
                                                                                           attendre le verdict des Oscars, Louise est accompagnée de Kevin, son
                                                                                           charmant agent californien. Mais pourquoi Kevin ne sourit pas quand
                                                                       What would you do if an anonymous message told
                                                                                           la nomination de Louise est mentionnée ? Qui est cet homme qu’on
                                                                                           rencontre souvent au fil des pages sans arriver à le cerner ?
                                                                       you that you had a son 18 years ago? Especially when
                                                                                           Ce que Louise ne sait pas c’est que sa vie va prendre un tournant
                                                                                           hitchcockien. La fiction rejoint la réalité ; sa propre vie tourne au
                                                                       you dream of giving your autistic child a brother?
                                                                                           cauchemar. Contrairement au film qui l’a rendue célèbre, pourra-t-elle
                                                                                           s’en sortir ?
                                                                                           Ce roman met en scène des femmes qui marquent le monde du cinéma                                                                                                                                           Louise, a promising and awarded actress is quickly
                                                                                           par leur talent et leur ténacité...                                                                                                                                                                        trapped in the twists and turns of domestic violence.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Her own life seems worthy of the film that made her
                                                                                                                    Cynthia Sardou a travaillé comme journaliste
                                                                                                                    en France, en Californie et au Canada. Elle est

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Le film
                                                                                                                    auteure et co-auteure de plusieurs ouvrages
                                                                                                                    autobiographiques et autres (Aimer, Encore
                                                                                                                    et Toujours, Éditions Druide, 2016). Dans

                                                                                                                                                                        Illustration couverture : ©Line Lévêque
                                                                                                                    ce premier roman, elle s’est principalement
                                                                                                                    inspirée de son expérience à l’étranger et de
                                                                                                                    sa connaissance du monde du cinéma pour y
                                                                                                                    raconter une fiction.

                                                                      FORMAT: 130 x 200 | PAGES: 260 | WORDS: 69,000                                                                                                                                                                                  FORMAT: 140 x 225 | PAGES: 200 | WORDS: 36,000
                                                                                                                  ISBN : 978-2-81220-232-2

                                                                      PRICE: 16.50 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 09/2020  Prix : 19 €
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PRICE: 19€ | PUBLICATION DATE: 03/2021
                                                                      ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE                                                                                                                                                                                                            ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE

     The Work                                                         The Author
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Work                                                          The Author
     Chemotherapy, hospitals, doctors? Martin knows it                Sébastien Acacia is an author and film director, trained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Louise Godwin is a 25-year-old talented actress with a            Cynthia Sardou worked as a journalist in France for
     well: he doesn’t have much time left to live. He is not          in Fine Arts at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    brilliant career ahead of her, launched by “Secret in the         I-Télé news channel, now known as Cnews, and was a
     afraid to die, yet he is terrified. One question obsesses        Besançon and in Cultural Anthropology at the Pontifical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Night” which notably deals with domestic violence.                reporter in California for film events such as the Oscars.
     him: who will take care of Antonin, his twelve-year-old          Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. From a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    She is happy and her career is about to take off. She             She was invited to attend the Golden Globes the
     son with a severe form of autism, when his wife will             very young age he has had a passion for the humanities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Kevin fall under each other’s spell and soon the              following years. Later, she moved to Canada to host her
     also have left this world? Remorse gnaws at him: he              the history of ancient civilizations and religions but also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lovers get married.                                               own cultural radio show... She is the author and co-au-
     regrets more than ever not having offered him a brother          and above all, for science. After learning that his little
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      thor of several autobiographical books, and among
     or sister who could have looked after him.                       boy was suffering from an orphan disease when he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yet soon, everything in Louise’s life goes wrong. She             others, the anthology: Aimer, Encore et Toujours (Druide
                                                                      not yet 3 years old, he decided to dedicate some time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    feels that her husband, Kevin, is following her and her           Eds). In The Film her first novel, she was mainly inspired
     So, when a mysterious message informs him that                   to him and to fulfill his old dream of writing novels.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    friends and colleagues worry about the influence he               by her experience abroad and gives us her vision on the
     Marcia, his first love, has had a child with him many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    has on the young actress. Louise’s acting in the films she        world of cinema.
     years ago, he doesn’t even think for a second: he leaves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is offered deteriorates and soon her career is at a
     for Brazil, in the hope of finding the woman he loved            Selling Points                                                                                                                                                standstill. Olga and Karl, Louise’s best friend and father
     so much 18 years ago and meeting this child, this
     unhoped-for older brother of whom he knows nothing
                                                                      - This book is a novel about tenderness. A strong novel.                                                                                                      respectively, set out on a real investigation to shed light       Sales Points
                                                                      A novel of love beyond life. Beyond death. A gift of                                                                                                          on who Kevin is. It is found that he is none other than           - This novel features talented and determined women
                                                                      oneself to perpetuate life. To make up for a lack of love.                                                                                                    Colin Martin, a former sociopathic actor who got into             who influence the world of cinema.
                                                                      - A beautiful book that will mark the readers’ souls and                                                                                                      drugs.                                                            - A Hitchcockian fiction between shadow and light,
     In spite of the pain caused by his cancer, in spite of the
                                                                      make them dream long after the word “end”.                                                                                                                                                                                      between a dream come true and the reality of life.
     suffering caused by the parting with his wife and son,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It is then that Louise discovers that she is living in a          - A great love story that turns into a nightmare.
     in spite of the imminent death that awaits him, Martin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    scenario worthy of the very film that made her famous.            - A compelling novel to which many women will
     sinks into the heart of the Amazonian forest, deter-
     mined to survive until the end of this desperate quest,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          identify.
     hoping to leave this world with a peaceful heart...

                                                         Leor Literary Agency                                                                                                                                                               Yannaelle Boucher-Durand ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●
16              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                                                                                                                                 Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                   17
Foreign rights List Fiction - spring 2021 - Leor literary agency
FEEL GOOD                                                                                                                          FEEL GOOD

                                                                            THE LITTLE HAPPINESS FACTORY                                                                                                           SHINE, AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!
                                                                                                                       Alice Quinn                                                                                                                       Alice Quinn

                                                                       A feelgood reading at the time of the coronavirus, to                                                                              Learning that she has breast cancer, Anita decides she
                                                                       regain hope and optimism, managing to transform                                                                                    will end her days herself instead of waiting for death
                                                                       anxiety into confidence.                                                                                                           to come. But life is full of (good) surprises!

                                                                      FORMAT: 130 x 180 | PAGES: 442 | WORDS: 107,000                                                                                    FORMAT: 130 x 180 | PAGES: 230 | WORDS: 56,000
                                                                      PRICE: 15.99 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 06/2020                                                                                         PRICE: 12,99 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 11/2018
                                                                      RIGHTS SOLD: Greek (Pedio Publishing)                                                                                              RIGHTS SOLD: French audiobook (SAGA Egmont)

     The Work                                                         The Author                                                        The Work                                                         The Author
     Meryl is a young dancer broken at the beginning of a             Alice Quinn lives in the south of France with her family          “My name is Anita Moreau, I live in a two bedrooms               Alice Quinn lives in the south of France with her family
     promising career by an accident. She finds refuge by             and cats. She is the happy author of a series of cosy-fun         apartment in Jersey, just above a Thai restaurant. Today         and cats. She is the happy author of a series of cosy-fun
     becoming a waitress at The Little Factory, a café                mystery novels: Au pays de Rosie Maldonne whose Un Palace         is my birthday. I won’t tell you how old I am because it’s       mystery novels: Au pays de Rosie Maldonne whose Un Palace
     crowded with people wounded by life. There she                   en Enfer, (éd. Michel Lafon), was Best Seller number 1 in         been agreed that we ladies keep things like that a               en Enfer, (éd. Michel Lafon), was Best Seller number 1 in
     meets Robin, a sportsman who hides his injury behind             digital sales for the year 2013, and Top 100 US sales in its      secret. Everything is ready. The Champagne, the dress.           digital sales for the year 2013, and Top 100 US sales in its
     an anti-social behaviour. A tender love story is woven           English version by AmazonPublishing: Queen of the trailer         I even bought myself a perfume. It smells like vanilla,          English version by AmazonPublishing: Queen of the trailer
     through the pages of this feelgood novel, under the              park. She has also written historical detective novels: Une       like a trip to the tropical islands. And I’m going to spray      park. She has also written historical detective novels :
     benevolent gaze of people ‘damaged’ by life, who are             enquête à Cannes à la Belle-Époque (AmazonPublishing and          some on my bed. It’s quite an exceptional event. I don’t         Une enquête à Cannes à la Belle-Époque (AmazonPublishing
     trying to rebuild themselves.                                    City éd.). The Little Happiness Factory is part of her feelgood   want to miss it. I want my ‘big leap’ to be a success.”          and City éd.). With Shine as Long as you Live, she initiated a
     This tale of intertwined destinies, woven of emotions,           collection that she initiated with Brille, tant que tu vis        But now, Anita feels cheated on. She refuses to be               feel good book collection, Fnac-Kobo best-seller in
     takes place at the time of the coronavirus, an unin-             (Alliage éd.), Fnac-Kobo best-seller in 2020.                     fate’s pawn. And yet, she is forced to postpone her big          2020. The Little Happiness Factory, finalist of the amazon
     tended player who unexpectedly enters the novel as in                                                                              plans because of an unexpected phone call from her               contest Les plumes francophones in 2020 is part of it.
     our daily lives, with its share of fear and uncertainties.                                                                         doctor telling her she has breast cancer. But life, full of
     Fortunately Amanda, the owner of The Little Factory,             Selling Points                                                    surprises, plays tricks on even the most methodical. On
     is keeping an eye on things. With her literary snacks, she                                                                         the road to Noirmoutier island, a handsome obscure               Selling Points
                                                                      - The characters, with whom we can all identify, who              man crosses her path and she discovers that she isn’t
     gives hope to the most broken.
                                                                      have been deeply affected by life, show solidarity and                                                                             - A beautiful love story, unusual, too, but so beautiful,
     To rebuild her life, Meryl will discover that she’s not the                                                                        unaffected by him. Nevertheless, she refuses this
                                                                      resilience in order to rebuild themselves.                                                                                         moving, fascinating.
     only one suffering and that she can help others. Will                                                                              emotional upheaval with all her might. Anita wants to
                                                                      - The beginning of the Covid 19 crisis, is brilliantly                                                                             - A story of forbidden love, a story of second chances.
     she find the strength to look at the rising sun? Some-                                                                             fight in order to reach her goal — ending her days
                                                                      portrayed and reflects everything that each of us has                                                                              With infinite tenderness, the author brings characters
     times all it takes is a simple pancake, a hot chocolate, a                                                                         herself, not to let the desease decide her fate — and
                                                                      felt in recent months.                                                                                                             to life with disarming accuracy.
     lucky cat and a good book to get the taste of happiness                                                                            doesn’t realize that her plans have changed without her
                                                                      - This novel is to be enjoyed with a homemade biscuit                                                                              - A book that stirs the desire to love.
     back again, all sprinkled with the spark of friendship                                                                             knowing it. What if existence isn’t always as calibrated
                                                                      and hot chocolate.                                                as a haiku, for worse, but sometimes for better?
     and the irresistible power of love.

                                                         Leor Literary Agency                                                                                                               Leor Literary Agency
18              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                           Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●               19
THRILLER                                                                                                                           THRILLER

                                                                                                 KILLER KILLS KILLERS                                                                                                           THE HUMANIST KILLER
                                                                                                      Danny-Philippe Desgagné
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         David Zaoui

                                                                       During a serial killers’ congress, participants are killed                                                                         Babinsky is a hitman. A hitman, alright, but also a
                                                                       one after another in the same way they used to kill                                                                                humanist! who has made it a point of honor to his job
                                                                       their victims. A killers’ killer in on the loose.                                                                                  as killer: to make his future victims happy before
                                                                                                                                                                                                          killing them.

                                                                      FORMAT: 190 x 300 | PAGES: TBC | WORDS: 148,000
                                                                      PRICE: TBC | PUBLICATION DATE: 05/2021                                                                                             FORMAT: 110 x 180 | PAGES: 196 | WORDS: 41,000
                                                                      ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE                                                                                                               PRICE: 7,40 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 06/2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE
     The Work                                                         The Author
     After one crime, then a second, then a third perpe-              Danny-Philippe Desgagné grew up in a mining town in               The Work                                                         The Author(s)
     trated most likely by one or more serial killers, Sepp           northeastern Quebec, with a detective father and a                Babinsky has a gift. A gift from heaven. He aims and             David Zaoui is a film director and writer. He has been
     must team up with Helene, a profiler. But quickly, the           mother at home. First a letter carrier for 7 years, then a        shoots like no one else. Taken in by a professional              directing short films since the age of 13 in the district of
     duo is kidnapped by an organization: a serial killers’           bailiff for a few years, he was tired of working for others       criminal in the orphanage where he grew up, he beco-             Paris where he grew up. Then, he returned to the Cours
     society organizes a Konvention (with a “k” for “killer”)         to make a living and started a business with his brothers.        mes a contract killer in spite of himself. But beware! He        Florent, where he learned film directing. He did small
     in a grand hotel. On the program: workshops to learn             Following the death of his scriptwriter brother ten years         is a hitman, all right, but he is also humanist! who has         jobs to pay for his classes and kept on directing short
     how to cover their tracks, the latest FBI tracking               ago, he decides to take up and finish the work they had           made it a point of honor to make his future victims              films. Zaoui worked as a film director and producer for
     methods, training with the most modern detection                 started to write together: Killer kills Killers. Danny-Philippe   happy before killing them.                                       several years, mainly in the United States. Winner of the
     and jamming tools, testimonies, and more... But the              is also the author of Irimi (éditions Félix), La flamme et                                                                         2018 Chambery First Novel Festival for I am a humanist
     Konvention rules are strict and forbid killers to give in        l’abîme (éditions Triskele), and Le Sicarier (éditions SM).       Meticulously, he carries out his contracts and increases,        killer, he now dedicates himself to writing. Sois toi-même,
     to their impulses throughout the state and for the                                                                                 in spite of himself, his feelings of guilt and discomfort.       tous les autres sont déjà pris, published in 2019 by JC Lattès
     period of the Konvention. However, a serial killer kills                                                                           What meaning should he give to his life? He only knows           editions, is his second novel, and Le financier en chef,
     congress participants, one after the other, imitating            Selling Points                                                    how to make others happy to the expense of his own               published in 2020 by JC Lattès editions, is his third novel.
     their practices. Sepp and Helene are instructed by the                                                                             happiness.
                                                                      - This book features endearing characters, for whom
     organizers, under threat of seeing their relatives
                                                                      personal difficulties and traumas are constantly
     tortured and killed, to pretend to be two congressmen,                                                                             First of all, his relationship with an eccentric psycholo-
     in order to expose the killer. But working for killers has
                                                                      intertwined with their work and their forced underco-                                                                              Selling Points
                                                                      ver job.                                                          gist, then with one of his future victims, will gradually
     consequences and they witness the murder of the real                                                                                                                                                - Winner of the 2018 Chambery First Novel Festival,
                                                                      - Very human investigators confronted with inhuman                bring him the gratitude and love/friendship he longs
     people they to the place of. The killings follow one                                                                                                                                                when first published 2016 by Paul&Mike éditions.
                                                                      monsters, but who hide it well.                                   for, gripping the vicious circle in which he got
     another and their employer gives them little time to                                                                                                                                                - The humor is slightly offbeat or even dark, suspense
                                                                      - The reader is kept on the edge of his seat until the last       trapped.
     investigate before any evidence is removed and their                                                                                                                                                in each chapter, a novel with mysterious and intriguing
                                                                      page.                                                                                                                              characters.
     access to information is restricted. Will Sepp and                                                                                 “To love others, we must first learn to love
     Helene manage to arrest the killer? Will they be able to                                                                                                                                            - A modern tale that reads avidly and takes conventions
     do so without any collateral damage?                                                                                                                                                                all the way around.

                                                         Leor Literary Agency                                                                                                               Leor Literary Agency
20              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                           Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●               21
THRILLER                                                                                                                       THRILLER

                                                                                                                   HYSTERIA                                                                                                                         THE LIST
                                                                                                                      Beth Draven                                                                                                             Florian Dennisson

                                                                       Seattle. Kerry Park. A young woman wakes up with no                                                                            A strange man introduced himself to the police station
                                                                       memory. She has forgotten even her own name and                                                                                claiming responsibility for the murder of four people.
                                                                       why she is covered in blood, or even who it belongs                                                                            Four names on a list. Four unknown victims.

                                                                       FORMAT: 150 x 230 | PAGES: 426 | WORDS: 89,000                                                                                FORMAT: 150 x 230 | PAGES: 366 | WORDS: 81,000
                                                                       PRICE: 17.99 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 12/2020                                                                                    PRICE: 15.99 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 01/2020
                                                                       ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE                                                                                                          ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE

                                                                                                                                    The Work                                                         The Author(s)
     The Work                                                         The Author(s)                                                 Four names on a list. Four unknown victims. How to               After a first life made of music bands, tours around the
     Seattle. Kerry Park. A young woman wakes up with no              Beth Draven, a 37-year-old mother of two little girls         identify them and break the silence?                             world and studio recordings of albums, Florian Dennis-
     memory. She has forgotten even her own name and                  from Lille (France), also works in the public administra-                                                                      son traded his guitar for a pen. As a passionate reader
     why she is covered in blood, or even who it belongs              tion where she specializes in social relations manage-        Sergeant Maxime Monceau, a specialist in non-verbal              of Agatha Christie’s novels from a very young age, his
     to...                                                            ment. Passionate about writing since childhood, she has       speech, has been assigned to investigate a mysterious            favourite genre was the thriller, but generally speaking,
                                                                      developed over the years all the discipline, precision        case that puts the Police Investigation Unit at a dead           he likes to tell any story where suspense plays a major
     At the hospital, Mrs. X finds her only ally in the person        and creative balance necessary to achieve her first           end. A strange man has turned himself in to the station,         part. Every day, he digs deeper and deeper to imagine
     of the strange Dr. Scott, a neurologist in the psychiatric       series: Stalking, which was published in 2018.                accusing himself of murder.                                      endearing characters and unexpected twists!
     unit who seems to have lost his right to exercise his
     profession. He is a doctor about to be fired, an alcoho-                                                                       The problem is that, apart from a single sentence that
     lic, because one of his patients, Susan Fields, committed        Selling Points                                                he chant over and over again, the stranger remains
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Selling Points
     suicide after he had developed a strong emotional                                                                              totally silent about his identity and the reasons that led       - Amazon N°1 bestseller for over a year, more than
                                                                      - An Amazon bestseller since release.
     bond with her. And this patient haunts him.                                                                                    him to commit murder.                                            10,000 copies sold in 14 months.
                                                                      - A thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat
                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Maxime Monceau, the main character has a complex,
                                                                      all along.
     When the police attempt to investigate the disturbing                                                                          The clock is ticking and, without evidence or victims,           tortured personality, he is both strong and frail. We feel
                                                                      - A woman who doesn’t know what her amnesia is
     circumstances of the discovery of Mrs. X, one of the                                                                           this suspect could be set free and carry on with his             that he is hiding something, but what? What maybe this
                                                                      hiding and who comes to wonder if it wouldn’t be
     most powerful men in the city finally gives her back her                                                                       murderous madness.                                               secret that disturbs him so much? Is he really ready to
                                                                      better to never remember. Sometimes the past hides
     identity by claiming to be her husband. Yet many                                                                                                                                                go back to work after several weeks off? And why these
                                                                      dark demons that are best left alone.
     shadows remain and images of violence suddenly                                                                                 A nameless killer appears out of nowhere, invisible              weeks of leave? An endearing character, well defined
                                                                      - Each character has its own importance. They are
     emerge.                                                                                                                        victims and only one lead to hold on to: a list.                 from the beginning, who will reveal himself as the story
                                                                      disturbing and sow doubt in your mind about the role
                                                                      they play in this story.
     Simple nightmares or true memories?                                                                                                                                                             - The style is addictive, no long and useless descriptions,
                                                                      - A delightful writting skill, each word is carefully
                                                                                                                                                                                                     just what it takes to jump in. Enough twists and turns to
                                                                      measured, balanced and perfectly arranged.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     make us want to keep reading. A delight!

                                                         Leor Literary Agency                                                                                                           Leor Literary Agency
22              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                       Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●            23
THRILLER                                                                                                                        THRILLER

                                                                                                          CONSPIRACIES                                                                                                       THE ELEVEN ORPHANS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       OF MRS. LI
                                                                                                               Florian Dennisson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pascal Vatinel

                                                                       A private and secluded island, five people claiming a
                                                                       mysterious inheritance, no way out... Immerse your-                                                                            What dark secret hides behind the disappearances of
                                                                       self in the breathless suspense of this book that begins                                                                       eleven children of an uncommon Chinese orphanage,
                                                                       as an oppressive lock-up and takes you on the tracks                                                                           housing disgraced children casted aside by the society?
                                                                       of an intriguing conspiracy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      FORMAT: 145 x 225 | PAGES: 320 | WORDS: 89,000
                                                                      FORMAT: 130 x 180 | PAGES: 426 | WORDS: 76,000                                                                                  PRICE: 18.00 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 05/2018
                                                                      PRICE: 14.99 € | PUBLICATION DATE: 03/2019                                                                                      RIGHTS SOLD: German (Drachenhaus Verlag)
                                                                      ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                                   The Work                                                           The Author
     The Work                                                         The Author(s)                                                In charge of protecting a 5-year-old orphan girl wanted            Pascal Vatinel is a renowned China specialist and 2013
                                                                                                                                   by the police, inspector Wen meets Ms. Li, the director            winner of the Institut Français’, Prix Stendhal. As well as
     A private and secluded island, five people claiming a            After a first life made of music bands, tours around the
                                                                                                                                   of an uncommon orphanage. A place that houses child-               having published many children’s books for Actes Sud
     mysterious inheritance, no way out...                            world and studio recordings of albums, Florian Dennis-
                                                                                                                                   ren whose parents have been sentenced to death:                    Publishing, he has written several detective novels,
     A small Breton island, a private island, without any             son traded his guitar for a pen. As a passionate reader
                                                                                                                                   disgraced children casted aside by the society.                    published by Rouergue. Repeatedly recognized for the
     access to the outside world. It is on this island that           of Agatha Christie’s novels from a very young age, his
                                                                                                                                   She agrees to hide little Wang Hua and in return, makes            quality of his work, he was the chosen author of the
     Hugo, Harold, Eugenie, Victor and Naima come                     favourite genre was the thriller, but generally speaking,
                                                                                                                                   the police officer promise to investigate the recent and           prominent radio station France Inter in 2012 and was
     following the invitation they received. They don’t really        he likes to tell any story where suspense plays a major
                                                                                                                                   worrying disappearances of eleven of her protégés.                 selected by the Fnac bookshop in 2013 for his novel
     understand why they are here, but this legacy story              part. Every day, he digs deeper and deeper to imagine
                                                                                                                                   Gradually found dead across the streets of Beijing,                Parce que le sang n’oublie pas. He also won the 2012 Dérives
     intrigues them a lot.                                            endearing characters and unexpected twists!
                                                                                                                                   many of them are showing traces of Crystal in their                de l’Orient prize for L’Affaire du cuisinier chinois. On several
     When they arrive they get to know each other, they
                                                                                                                                   blood. This “happiness drug” causes devastating side               occasions, he has been a finalist for the Intramuros Prize
     realize that they have absolutely nothing in common,
     they don’t come from the same town, they don’t come
                                                                      Selling Points                                               effects that turn those who consume it into human                  as well as the prestigious Cognac festival of detective
                                                                      - An Amazon bestseller since release. More than 20,000       bombs. Little present in China, it seems to be slowly              fiction.
     from the same family, they don’t have the same origins,
                                                                      copies sold.                                                 spreading around the country via a network in which
     they don’t have the same age, they don’t have the
                                                                      - A scary plot, between the And Then There Were None and     many children seem to find themselves drawn in.
     same jobs. They don’t understand how such different
                                                                                                                                   During his investigation, Inspector Wen will discover
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Key Sales Points
     people can be bound by the same inheritance. But very            an escape game.
                                                                                                                                   that a strange link unites the orphanage with this crimi-          - Short-listed for the prestigious Cognac Award for
     soon mysterious events will show them that they                  - A story that’s not what it seems to be at first.
                                                                                                                                   nal organization. But it is when little Wang Hua also              French thrillers.
     should have been cautious.                                       - The characters are totally distraught by what is happe-
                                                                                                                                   disappears that the investigation takes on a whole new             - An exotic thriller that give readers a glimpse of the
     Why do Naima, Eugénie, Hugo and Victor find them-                ning to them. They will have to dig deep inside them-
                                                                                                                                   dimension for the police officer.                                  shadowy side of a still mysterious China.
     selves confined on the island of Saint-Riom? Who is              selves to untangle the real from the fake.
                                                                                                                                   What dark secret hides behind the disappearances of                - A breathless, skilfully managed plot from beginning to
     this mysterious ancestor whose identity is jealously             - Sometimes it doesn’t take much for our life to take a
                                                                                                                                   the eleven children? And most of all behind the little             end.
     kept secret? Who is secretly pulling the strings of this         dangerous turn. Especially when we find ourselves in the
                                                                                                                                   5-year-old’s disappearance?                                        - A multiple-award-winning author, recognized by publi-
     mysterious plot?                                                 grips of some people’s dark intentions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      shers and critics for the quality of his work.

                                                         Leor Literary Agency                                                               Yannaelle Boucher-Durand • Foreign Rights Agent • e-mail: • +33 7 67 69 39 13 •
24              Yannaelle Boucher ● Foreign Rights Agent ● e-mail: ● +33 7 67 69 39 13 ●                                Agence littéraire Leor, 141 rue du commerce, PIBS, CS 82605, 56011 Vannes Cedex, France                          25
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