FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews

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FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Exploring the waters of north central Washington’s Okanogan Country                      EE

April 21, 2021    A Supplement to The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Page 2                                               Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

Anglers hit county
waters April 24
         NGLERS WILL START           rainbow and brown trout.
         hitting Okanogan               “Anglers can usually expect
         County waters in ear-       to catch rainbows in the 10- to
nest the weekend of April 24, as     14-inch range,” said Ryan For-
the state general fishing season     tier, District 6 fisheries biologist
opens.                               with the state Department of
   There should be plenty of         Fish and wildlife.
water, too, as snowfall has been        The Conconully waters have
high this year in the mountains.     rainbows in the 10- to 13-inch
   Most waters have a general        range, along with larger carry-
fishing season — they’re open        over fish from last year, Fortier
the last Saturday in April (April    said
24 this year) to Oct. 31.               “Fish Lake will be rehabbed
   The state Department of Fish      this year due to a bullhead pop-
and Wildlife’s “Fish Washing-        ulation that is affecting trout
ton” mobile app is one way           size,” he said.
to keep track of what fish and          Salmon and steelhead regu-
regulations apply to lakes, rivers   lations/seasons change during
and streams managed by the           the summer, depending on
state. State rules change in July,   counts over dams and federal
so it’s a good idea to check with    agreements on the Columbia
the app, online or through the       River.                                                                                BROCK HIRES | The Chronicle
printed fishing pamphlet for            Anglers must possess a cur-         Young anglers are successful on opening day 2020 at
any changes.                         rent Washington freshwater             Conconully Lake.
   The app also features down-       fishing license, valid through
loadable updates and offline         March 31, 2022. Licenses can be        (See separate story.)                            As of press time in mid-
capacity designed for those who      purchased online at https:               The Colville Indian Reser-                  April, the reservation remained
may not have cell service in         //, by tele-        vation includes many lakes                    closed to non-members and
remote areas or on the water.        phone at 866-246-9453, or from         and creeks usually open to                    non-residents because of
   Some minor rule changes are       about 700 license dealers across       non-members that hold brook,                  COVID-19 protocols. It’s best
expected in the department’s         the state.                             brown, cutthroat, triploid,                   to check with the tribe, www.
annual fishing pamphlet this            License vendor locations can        Lahontan cutthroat, rainbow         , before
year. It comes out in mid- to        be found at the Department             and tiger trout, as well as                   setting out for a reservation
late April.                          of Fish and Wildlife website,          bass, bluegill, crappie, catfish,             destination.
   As of early April, there was          kokanee and triploids.                           Okanogan County coverage
no word as to when the North         vendors/.Anglers can dip their
Cascades Highway would open.         lines into 67 lowland lakes
                                                                                        Fishrapper 2021: © 2021 Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle LLC •
Clearing crews began working         managed by the state in Okano-                                 Owned and operated by J. Louis Mullen.
April 5 from the east and west       gan County. They represent                                 Teresa Myers, publisher and advertising manager;
sides of the Cascades.               about 18 percent of the state’s                  Dee Camp, section editor. Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle LLC •
                                                                              P.O. Box 553, Omak, WA 98841; 509-826-1110 • 800-572-3446 • www.omakchronicle.
   Many popular lakes should         managed lakes. The county also            com • Cover photo: Dee Camp, Black Pine Lake • The Chronicle staff strives to be
be ready for anglers for the         contains 110 alpine lakes above            accurate, however, all information in this publication is subject to change without
general opener, including Spec-      4,500 feet.                                       notice. Because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19),
                                                                                                    some recreation areas may not be open.
tacle, Alta, the Conconully lakes       Ferry County sports about a
and Pearrygin.                       dozen highland lakes that boot
   Spectacle Lake near Loomis        out nice fish once the waters
opens April 27 with kokanee,         warm up later in the season.
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                  Page 3

is split into Okanogan Valley,                                                                              seasons announced under
Methow Valley, Highland and                                                                                 emergency openers.
selective fisheries. A few nearby                                                                              The river undergoes constant
waters — including Jameson                                                                                  changes, so be sure to check
Lake near Mansfield in Doug-                                                                                the latest regulations at the
las County and Banks Lake                                                                                   state’s website,
south of Grand Coulee in Grant                                                                              fishing/regulations.
County — also are included.                                                                                    Any sturgeon caught must be
   Best success comes by fish-                                                                              released.
ing lowland lakes early. As                                                                                    There are no size restrictions
the weather warms, fishing                                                                                  or daily limits for bass, channel
improves at higher-elevation                                                                                catfish and walleye.
lakes.                                                                                                         Walleye fishing is predomi-
Okanogan Valley                                                                                             nant from January to June.
                                                                                                            Walleye limits are different for
   Beaver Lake — The eight-acre                                                                             Lake Roosevelt (above Grand
lake, which is open all year off                                             DEE CAMP | The Chronicle       Coulee Dam) than the rest of
Highway 20 west of Okanogan,         The confluence of the Okanogan and Columbia rivers is a                the river.
will receive 500 catchable trout     favorite with anglers.                                                    Walleye fishing has become
in May and 750 fry/fingerlings.                                                                             popular on the stretch of river
   To reach Beaver Lake, a              The pre-season forecast          of Wells Dam. In recent years,     bordering Douglas County.
couple miles north of the Loup       for upper Columbia summer           Colville tribal fisheries have     Walleye can be caught below
Loup Ski Bowl southwest of           Chinook is 67,300 adults to         used hook and line, tangle net     Chief Joseph Dam, as well as
Okanogan, turn off state High-       the Columbia River mouth.           and purse seine gear.              most of Lake Rufus Woods
way 20 and go north past the         The overall return is expected         Steelhead and salmon fish-      above the dam.
ski hill to a trailhead. The lake,   to include 30,000 age-4 fish,       ing often is open along specific      Rufus Woods is always the
which is fun to fish from a float    30,300 age-5 fish and 7,000         stretches of the river for short   best place to fish in mid-April
tube, is an easy hike of a couple    age-6 fish. If accurate, the pro-
miles.                               jection would represent the
   Blue Lake — The 16-acre lake      11th-highest return since 1980
in the Limebelt north of Omak        and 89 percent of the average
(west of Riverside) is open year-    returns observed over the past
round and has been popular for       decade.
big trout with a few brown trout        The pre-season forecast for
thrown in, said Fortier.
   The lake will receive finger-
                                     the Columbia River sockeye run
                                     is for a return of 99,000 adults
                                                                               For the catch
ling plants of 500 triploid east-    to the Columbia River, includ-             of the day
ern brooks in May.                   ing 25,700 Wenatchee stock and        Our fish seasonings
   To reach the lake, travel west    72,600 Okanogan stock.                and our fish smoking
from Okanogan or Omak to                The forecast is 30 percent of
Conconully Highway and head          the 2008-2017 average return
                                                                           brines put everyone
north to the sign pointing to        of 327,800 fish. The Wenatchee           else to shame!
the lake. The four-mile dirt road    component is forecast to be
can be impassable in the spring      greater than the escapement
because of rain.                     objective but less than the
   Although there is no boat         10-year average return of 68,100
ramp, anglers can carry canoes       fish. The return of Okanogan-
or small rowboats to the lake        origin fish is expected to be
at the south end or navigate a       approximately 29 percent of the
steep hill on the north end.         recent 10-year average (250,000
   Columbia River — There is a       fish).                                       Products available online or in the store.
year-round season for all game          Colville tribal summer fisher-           509-624-1490 •
fish except salmon, steelhead        ies typically occur on the main                   130 North Stone • Spokane
and sturgeon.                        stem Columbia River upstream
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Page 4                                              Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

as the triploids from the net        wheelchair-accessible dock. A
pens are big and easy to catch       fee is required to use the launch
for even novices, said Fortier.      for boats on trailers
   The river also has become a          A state park is in town next to
favorite for smallmouth bass,        Conconully Reservoir.
though largemouth bass also             Conconully Reservoir —
resides in its water.                Anglers can expect rainbow
   The Okanogan County side          trout averaging 9-11 inches
of the lake is within the reserva-   with a few carryovers up to 16
tion, which remained closed to       inches at the 450-acre reservoir,
non-members as of mid-April.         which should be full of water
   There are good boat launch-       this year.
ing facilities at Brewster, Pate-       The reservoir is located south
ros and Bridgeport.                  of Conconully and is open the
   Conconully Lake — The             April 24 to Oct. 31.
upper (Salmon Lake), with a             There are a couple resorts
general season of April 24 to        and a state park.
Oct. 31, contains jumbo trout           Reservoir planting includes
in the one-pound range along         11,000 put, grow and take-size
with rainbows in the 11- to          in November, 125 jumbos in
13-inch range with carryovers        June and 15,000 fingerlings in
to 16 inches.                        May.
   The 313-acre lake is also            Conner Lake — Located near                                               DEE CAMP | The Chronicle
gaining in popularity for            Forde Lake, this 25-acre lake        Conconully Lake offers an accessible dock.
kokanee fishing.                     (sometimes called Connors
   Planting for the lake 15          Lake) in the Sinlahekin will be      9- to 13-inch range.               county’s more popular lakes
miles northwest of Okanogan,         planted with 600 triploid east-         Travel south from Loomis        but an overabundance of bull-
includes rainbows — 8,500 put,       ern brook trout fry in May.          five miles on Sinlahekin Road.     head made that not the case
grow and take-size in Novem-            The lake, which is open April     There is a small, gravel boat      the past few years The lake will
ber, 125 jumbos in June and          24 to Oct. 31, could also contain    launch, with the lake best         be rehabilitated this spring to
15,000 fry in May. Conconully        eastern brook that propagate         fished with a small boat, canoe    address that issue.
Lake includes a graveled state       naturally in Sinlahekin Creek.       or float tube in May and June.        There are two public access
boat launch with toilets and a          Anglers can expect fish in the       Access gets difficult in mid-   areas with launches and toilets
                                                                          to late summer because of          available.
                                                                          growth of weeds and brush.            The lake boots out rainbows
                                                                             Fish Lake — This 102-           in the 10- to 12-inch range with
                                                                          acre lake, located four miles      carryovers to 15 inches.
                                                                          northeast of Conconully and           Anglers can reach the lake
                                                                          open April 24 to Oct. 31, has      by traveling either 4.5 miles
                                                                          traditionally been one of the      northeast from Conconully on

                                                                                       Bonaparte Lake Resort
                                                                                       Making Family Memories
                                                                             • Campgrounds • Cabins
                                                                                   • Restaurant
                                                                                 • Great fishing!
                                                                            615 Bonaparte Lake Road • Tonasket
                                           AL CAMP | The Chronicle   
Anglers unload their boat at Conconully Lake.
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                Page 5

a dirt road past the upper lake                                                                          plus 100 jumbos in May.
and Sugarloaf Lake or going                                                                                 Department of Natural
on Highway 97 for 5.5 miles                                                                              Resources campgrounds, with
from Riverside, then west on                                                                             toilets, are at both sides of the
Pine Creek Road for about nine                                                                           lake.
miles.                                                                                                      Boats can be carried in or
   Forde Lake — The nine-acre                                                                            launched at a launching facility.
lake in the Sinlahekin Wildlife                                                                             Okanogan River — The river
Area does not have a planting                                                                            flows from Lake Osoyoos near
history from last season, which                                                                          Oroville and the Canadian bor-
is normal because it contains                                                                            der south to the Columbia River
naturally reproducing eastern                                                                            near Brewster. It can be good for
brook trout in the 8- to 10-inch                                                                         steelhead when an emergency
range.                                                                                                   opener occurs, which has been
   The nearby three-acre Reflec-                                                                         after approval from approxi-
tion Lake was planted with                                                                               mately October to early the fol-
triploid eastern brook a couple                                                                          lowing year.
years ago and could hold a few            CHRIS OSGOOD, METHOW VALLEY FLY FISHERS | Facebook                Because steelhead are listed
carryover tiger trout.               Okanogan County’s waters can boot out some lunkers.                 under the federal Endangered
   Forde, built as an impound-                                                                           Species Act, fisheries have been
ment pond in 1949 and which          inches.                             Anglers must be age 14 and      modified substantially for all
could see higher water levels           Big Green Lake includes       younger to fish the creek, which fish species in the river.
this year, is open April 24 to       a state Department of Fish       holds a few rainbows.                 A steelhead fishery is depen-
Oct. 31.                             and Wildlife access area with       Leader Lake — Leader, open dent upon run size that exceeds
   Although there is a small,        campsites and a concrete boat    year-round, is located seven       natural-origin escapement
public boat-launching area           launch.                          miles west of Okanogan off         requirements.
next to the road, the lake is best      Little Green Lake normally    state Highway 20.                     There has been a summer
fished early before weed growth      boots out 10- to 11-inch rain-      “Leader Lake has continued      Chinook season.
increases.                           bow trout and some carryover     to be a popular ice fishing lake,”    Check the state site, wdfw.
   A small boat or float tube        rainbows to 15 inches.           Fortier said. “WDFW will be, for
works best at the lake, located         Both lakes are nestled in a   evaluating the perch quality this latest changes in seasons.
about six miles south of Loomis      steep valley where it gets dark  year as sizes have been mar-          Smallmouth bass is the
on Sinlahekin Road.                  an hour before normal.           ginal for the past few seasons.”   best bet, with fish averaging
   Green Lakes — The lakes              The larger lake is somewhat      The popular, 159-acre lake      10-12 inches, though some can
with split seasons - the larger      disabled-accessible, though      should provide good fishing        exceed three pounds.
lake at 45 acres and to the south    access is steep. The lower lake  well April through June for           There are no size restrictions
nine-acre Little Green – were        has a dirt path.                 yearling rainbow trout up to 14 or daily limits for bass, channel
eliminated during the rule sim-         The lakes can be reached by   inches and larger carryovers.      catfish or walleye.
plification of 2018 so anglers       following Salmon Creek Road         The lake received 2,500            Boat launches include a
are getting used to the selective    northwest out of Okanogan for    catchable rainbows in October      large one in Brewster on the
gear restrictions year-round         4.5 miles, then a mile north

                                                                            Spectacle Lake Resort
on those lakes, enjoying being       on Green Lake Road. Anglers
able to harvest two trout more       also can access the lake by tak-
than 14 inches year round as         ing Green Lake Road off the
opposed to only in winter.           Conconully Highway about                                                     Great fishing!
                                                                                                                       Rainbow, bass,
   The bigger lake was restocked     five miles northwest of Omak.                                                   blue gill, and perch.
with 1,700 catchable rainbows        Travel past Brown Lake to                                                      Store • Fishing tackle
in May, and 150 jumbos and           reach Big Green.                                                              Licenses • Boat rentals
4,000 fingerlings in June. The          Jasmine Creek — This is                                                   Cozy rooms with kitchens
                                                                                                                     Within Many Lakes
smaller lake will receive 1,000      a juvenile-only water open                                                       Recreation Area
catchable trout in May.              year-round in the south end of
   History at the upper lake         Omak. The creek runs from the                                                  509-223-3433
finds fish in the 11- to 13-inch     Omak Fish Hatchery into the • 10 McCammon Road, Tonasket
range with carryovers to 15          Okanogan River.
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Page 6                                              Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

                                                                                                            rules are in effect).
                                                                                                               There is a U.S. Bureau of
                                                                                                            Land Management access site
                                                                                                            with concrete boat launch
                                                                                                            on the south end and a DNR
                                                                                                            launch site with gravel launch
                                                                                                            and camping areas on the
                                                                                                            north end.
                                                                                                               There is one resort with cab-
                                                                                                            ins, RV spots and small boat
                                                                                                            rentals available.
                                                                                                               Rat Lake — This 62-acre
                                                                                                            lake, located five miles north of
                                                                                                            Brewster off Paradise Hill Road,
                                                                                                            is under selective gear rules
                                                                                                               The split season at the lake
                                                                                                            was changed in 2018 to a year-
                                                                                                            round fishery with a limit of
                                                                                                            two trout more than 14 inches.
                                                                                                               Trout in the lake are averag-
                                                                                AL CAMP | The Chronicle     ing 11-15 inches and fishing
An angler tries his luck on the Okanogan River.                                                             has been good.
                                                                                                               Drive 3.5 miles north from
Columbia, a rough launch at          There also is a park with a          with the statewide rule of one    Brewster up Swamp Creek, and
the west end of the Monse            boat launch at Boundary Point        line with up to three hooks       then take a dirt road two miles
bridge and launches in Okano-        about four miles north of town       (unless other, more restrictive   north up Whitestone Creek.
gan and Riverside. Most shore-       off Highway 97.                                                           There is a state concrete boat
lines are privately owned, so           Palmer Lake — The 2,100-
float trips offer the best fishing   acre lake open year-round con-                                    Sunrise RV’s
opportunity.                         tains a variety of fish, including
   Watch for a tribal weir south     naturally spawning rainbow                                      behind your next
of Malott.
   Osoyoos Lake — Open year-
                                     trout, largemouth bass (one- to
                                     three-pound range), bluegill,                                    RV adventure!
round, the lake is located a mile    yellow perch (6-10 inches, best
north of Oroville and spans the      fished through the ice), crap-
U.S.-Canadian border. Of the         pie, pikeminnows along with
lake’s 5,723 acres, 2,036 acres      a few burbot (freshwater ling,
lie in the U.S.                      primarily a winter fishery) and
   Anglers can expect small-         a few channel catfish.
mouth and largemouth bass,              An effort to re-establish
a few rainbow, kokanee and           kokanee at the lake started with
perch.                               the planting of fry in 2018. This
   A few naturally occurring         year, the lake will receive 2,500
populations of rainbow trout         catchable kokanee in October
up to 14 inches reside in the        and 100 jumbos in May.
lake, as do kokanee in the 10-          Palmer, along with Wash-
to 12-inch range.                    burn Island Pond and Leader
   The lake also offers good         Lake, are some of the most
smallmouth bass fishing.             popular for warmwater spe-
Yellow perch can be caught           cies in Okanogan County, said
through the ice if winter condi-     Fortier.
tions get cold enough.                  The lake is best fished in May
   A boat launch is near the         and June.
outlet to the Okanogan River.           Burbot anglers must comply
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                  Page 7

                                                                                                           above the lakes with a short,
                                                                                                           steep trail leading down to the
                                                                                                              Fishing is best from shore or
                                                                                                           from a small raft or float tube.
                                                                                                              The lakes are located 11
                                                                                                           miles northwest of Okanogan.
                                                                                                           Drive west on state Highway 20,
                                                                                                           then north on Rock Lake Road.
                                                                                                              Rufus Woods Lake — The
                                                                                                           51-mile-long lake, which is
                                                                                                           open year-round, is a river
                                                                                                           reservoir behind Chief Joseph
                                                                                                           Dam on the Columbia River
                                                                                                           just upstream from Bridgeport.
                                                                         BROCK HIRES | The Chronicle          It was stocked by the Colville
Palmer Lake offers a broad expanse of water and several species of fish.                                   Confederated Tribes Fish and
                                                                                                           Wildlife Department in late
launch, but access may be a             It is open only to juvenile        Rock Lakes — This open-         March with more than 2,000
problem in winter since the          anglers under age 15, seniors      year-round system of two lakes     triploid rainbows that weighed
road is not plowed.                  70 and older, and anglers with     (five-acre upper lake and four-    in around 1.5 pounds each.
   Reflection Pond — The three-      a disability who have a desig-     acre lower lake), which are on        Another group of 10,000
acre water, sometimes also           nated harvester companion          state land, is managed for cut-    smaller triploid rainbows were
referred to as Reflection Lake, is   card.                              throat and rainbow trout, which    released a week later.
in the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area         The year-round lake was         are a bit bigger in the upper         These fish can be identified
six miles south of Loomis near       stocked with more than 1,000       lake than the lower lake.          by the absence of an adipose
Forde Lake.                          rainbow trout in March.               There is a DNR campsite         fin and some have plastic

                                      The Gateway to Great Fishing!
                                            We have beautiful parks for camping and a public
                                              boat launch to access the Okanogan River.
                                         Great fishing just minutes away: Leader Lake, Buzzard Lake, Green Lake,
                                        Rock Lake, Little Goose Lake, Duley Lake, Blue Lake, Hess Lake, Sugar Loaf,
                                                        Conconully Reservoir and Conconully Lake.

                Left: Legion Park which borders the Okanogan River, is a beautiful park to relax and stay awhile. Middle: Boat
                 launch, public fishing access and RV dump, 51 Tyee Street. Right: Public fishing access by the South Bridge.

                                Enjoy your fishing trip! We invite you to Eat • Shop • Stay Awhile
                                     City Hall • 509-422-3600 • •
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Page 8                                                Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

                                                                             and what licenses are required.     launch near Chief Joseph Dam.
                                                                             Boundary waters include Lake           Salmon Creek — Salmon
                                                                             Rufus Woods (Chief Joseph           Creek from the Conconully
                                                                             Dam pool), Crawfish Lake,           Reservoir to the Okanogan
                                                                             Lake Pateros (Wells Dam pool),      River is closed to protect
                                                                             Washburn Island Pond, Okano-        spawning steelhead.
                                                                             gan River and Lake Roosevelt           Salmon Creek’s north and
                                                                             (Grand Coulee Dam pool).            west forks, which flow into
                                                                                Steelhead are unable to          Conconully Reservoir, have a
                                                                             reach the lake because there is     season that runs from Saturday
                                                                             no fish ladder over Chief Joseph    before Memorial Day through
                                                                             Dam.                                Oct. 31.
                                                                                Marked, designated launch-          Statewide minimum size
                                                                             ing areas include Seaton’s          and daily limits apply, as do
                                                                             Grove Corps of Engineers site       selective gear rules. Bait is not
                                                                             two miles downstream from           allowed.
                                                                             Elmer City, Bridgeport State           Schalow Pond — This seven-
                                                                             Park near the lower end, and        acre lake is located on a path
                                                                             the Army Corps of Engineers’        (watch out for sunning rattlers)
                                                                             site upstream of Chief Joseph       about a 10-minute walk from
 JASON WETTSEIN | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife                 Dam on the Douglas County           the Fish Lake parking area at
Fishing from a boat is a popular way to go on LRufus                         side.                               the lake outlet.
Woods Lake.                                                                     Anglers can travel 22 miles         The lake should be good for
                                                                             south from Okanogan on High-        eastern brook trout carryover
anchor tags. If you catch one        and a few smallmouth bass.              way 97, then east for eight miles   from last year.
with a tag, contact the tribal          It’s illegal to fish for sturgeon.   on state Highway 17 to a boat          Heavy weed growth during
Department of Fish and Wild-            Anglers should check wdfw.
life and provide tag number for latest rule changes
and information related to the       concerning the stretch of the
catch (i.e. date, location, length   Columbia River from Bridge-
and the approximate size) or         port to south of Pateros.
log on to www.cctfwfishtags.            The state has an agreement
com/report-a-tag to report a         with the tribe to accept tribal
                                                                                  Come in and catch a great deal!
tagged fish electronically.          or state licenses if the angler is
   The information assists biolo-    on the water. Anglers must have
gists in managing annual fish        a state license if fishing on the
releases into Rufus Woods Lake.      Douglas County side from the
   Anglers enjoy fishing for trip-   shore.
loid rainbows up to 12 pounds           On the Okanogan County
near net pens adjacent to the        (reservation) side, anglers can
Colville Indian Reservation          possess either a state or a tribal
(downstream from Nespelem            license when fishing from
River) and Columbia River            shore at marked, designated
Road.                                tribal fishing areas. Otherwise,
   There is a two-trout fish limit   a tribal license is required
and kokanee count as part of         to fish from the shore on the
the trout limit on the water         reservation.                               • Sales • Tune-ups • Full Service • Parts • Brakes
that forms the border between           As of mid-April, the reserva-               • Detailing • Rentals • Spray-on Bedliners
Douglas County and Colville          tion remained closed to non-
Indian Reservation in Okano-         members because of COVID-19
gan County                           precautions.                               If we don’t have what you want — we’ll get it!
   Other species include wall-          Consult the tribe’s sport fish- • 726 Okoma Drive • Omak
eye (best caught near Elmer          ing pamphlet for all regulations                         509-826-1000
City), kokanee, yellow perch         concerning boundary waters
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                     Page 9

                                                                         the trees and willows — will          lake in the Chiliwist south of
                                                                         find a few rainbow trout in this      Malott can be accessed via
                                                                         north-running stream.                 Olema Road for small rainbows.
                                                                            The creek runs parallel to            It will be stocked with 500
                                                                         Sinlahekin Road from Blue Lake        rainbow trout fry in June.
                                                                         to Palmer Lake in the Sinla-             It’s best fished from a small
                                                                         hekin Valley.                         boat or float tube for trout in
                                                                            From Palmer Lake to Cecile         the eight- to 10-inch range from
                                                                         Creek bridge, there is short sea-     May to June and September to
                                                                         son from the Saturday before          October.
                                                                         Memorial Day through Oct.                The lake is on state Depart-
                                                                         31 for all game fish. Statewide       ment of Natural Resources land.
                                                                         minimum size and daily limits            Spectacle Lake — This 315-
                                                                         apply. Selective rules are in         acre lake, formed as a reservoir
                                                                         effect.                               for area orchards, currently is
                                                                            There is a whitefish season        open April 1 to Sept. 30.
                                     BROCK HIRES | The Chronicle         Dec. 1 to the end of February,           One of the more popular
The Similkameen River offers whitefish in winter.                        with no minimum size and              lakes in Okanogan County,
                                                                         daily limit of 15 whitefish only.     Spectacle was stocked with
the summer makes it difficult        British Columbia six miles          Whitefish gear rules apply.           10,000 catchable rainbow
to fish by midsummer at the          north of Palmer Lake and flows         From Cecile Creek upstream         trout in March and will receive
lake, where float tubes work         about 18 miles south and east       to all tributaries there is a sea-    27,000 fingerling rainbows in
best. There’s limited shore          to Oroville, dropping over          son for all game fish from the        May. The lake received 10,000
access.                              Enloe Dam before entering the       Saturday before Memorial Day          grow-and-take rainbows in
   Open year-round, the pond         Okanogan River.                     to Oct. 31. Statewide minimum         October of 2013.
is 4.5 miles northeast of Conco-        Fishing is closed for all spe-   size and daily limits apply.             Anglers can expect rainbow
nully in the Sinlahekin Wildlife     cies from 400 feet below the           Smith Lake — This 10-acre          trout in the 10- to 12-inch range
Area.                                dam to 400 feet upstream of the
   Silver Nail Lake — The tiny,
five-acre lake that is open
                                        Steelhead fishing seasons
                                                                             Alpine Veterinary Clinic
year-round to juveniles only         are open through emergency               “Quality care for large and small animals
(14 years old and younger) and       regulation only as the fish are                         since 1977”
disabled angers with a reduced       protected under the federal                           Denise S. Krytenberg, D.V.M.
fee license, lies four miles north   Endangered Species Act.                             Charlie McCraigie, D.V.M. (Equine)
of Oroville off Highway 97.             Anglers should check the
   It is best fished from a small    state Department of Fish and                                             • Air conditioned boarding
boat or float tube for trout in      Wildlife’s website for opening
                                                                                                              • In-house diagnostic lab
the nine- to 10-inch range.          dates and restrictions.
   There is a state Department          When steelhead can be                                                 • Monday-Friday
of Fish and Wildlife parking         taken, the river is open from                                              8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
area. Boats will need to be          the Okanogan River to 400 feet
hand carried to the lake edge.       below Enloe Dam. A steelhead
   Similkameen River —               fishery is dependent upon
Located west of Oroville, this       run size, which must exceed
river extends into Canada and        natural-origin escapement
offers fair fishing for winter       requirements.
whitefish in a season of Dec.           A road from Oroville follows
1 to the end of February from        the river most of its length to                                                509-826-5882
Enloe Dam to the mouth.              Nighthawk. The Similkameen                                                   741 Riverside Drive
   There is no minimum size          Trail runs from Oroville to the                                                     Omak
for whitefish, with a daily limit    dam.
of 15 whitefish only; whitefish         Sinlahekin Creek — Anglers
gear rules apply.                    with gumption and guts — rat-
   The river enters the U.S. from    tlesnakes like to slither among
FREE Exploring the waters of north central Washington's Okanogan Country - Townnews
Page 10                                            Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

with holdovers up to 15 inches                                                                                 Internal combustion engines
at the lake nine miles north-                                                                               cannot be used in this water
west of Tonasket and 2.5 miles                                                                              body.
east of Loomis off Loomis-                                                                                     The pond, located on the
Oroville Road.                                                                                              Colville Indian Reservation,
   The lake also contains large-                                                                            currently has a season of April 1
mouth bass, bluegill in the 6- to                                                                           to Sept. 30. As of mid-April, the
8-inch range (best fished May                                                                               reservation remained closed
to July) and yellow perch.                                                                                  to non-members because of
   There are two resorts with                                                                               COVID-19 precautions.
boat launching facilities, plus                                                                                Anglers must possess both
a state Department of Fish and                                                                              state and Colville tribal fishing
Wildlife access site with a con-                                                                            licenses if fishing from shore
crete boat launch and toilets.                                                                              on reservation property. A state
   Starzman Lakes — There are                                                                               license is required for fishing
three, small lakes open year-                                OKANOGAN COUNTY FLY FISHING CLUB               from a boat.
round on U.S. Bureau of Land        Fly fishermen check their gear before setting out.                         Statewide minimum size and
Management land near Brew-                                                                                  daily limit rules apply.
ster off North Star Road. Each      walk-in lake holds cutthroat         south of Oroville on the west         Largemouth bass run up to
will get a few hundred finger-      trout, which cannot be kept          side of the Okanogan River,        a couple pounds at the pond
ling plants in May.                 and must be released if caught,      then west three miles past Blue    22 miles south of Okanogan.
   The middle five-acre lake        and eastern brook, which can         Lake to the north tip of Wanna-    From Okanogan, travel south
and the upper eight-acre lake       be found in the lake and its         cut on Wannacut Lake Road.         on Highway 97 to the truck
are best fished from a float tube   tributaries.                            The lake is best fished from    weigh station and travel east on
or from shore.                         The 20-acre lake, which is        a boat because of limited shore    Highway 17 for about a mile to
   The lower 4.3-acre lake          fished hard early and open           access.                            a southbound road to the pond.
contains largemouth bass and        year-round, is about 12 miles           A resort and public access         A Douglas County Public
bluegill.                           northwest of Conconully.             with toilets and launch are        Utility District boat launch has
   A poor access road often            Little Tiffany Lake, which        available.                         been upgraded, with toilets and
means having to hike to the         is about four acres and holds           Washburn Island Pond —          parking available.
lakes, which can be reached by      cutthroats, which must be            Among the weed beds, anglers          Washburn Lake — Expect a
going north of Brewster on Old      released, is 0.7 mile south of Big   are catching largemouth bass,      short hike to reach triploid east-
Highway 97 for 1.5 miles and        Tiffany.                             bluegill (some good-sized          ern brook trout and tiger trout
turning left to follow Starzman        Wannacut Lake — This 412-         ones) and channel catfish at       in this 13-acre lake located on
Creek eight miles to the south      acre lake north of Whitestone        this 130-acre diked area off the   Palmer Mountain two miles
end of lower Starzman Lake.         Lake often lags warmer, lower-       Columbia River five miles east     northeast of Loomis.
   Sugarloaf Lake — This six-       elevation lakes by a few weeks,      of Brewster off Highway 17.           The lake, which is on U.S.
acre lake north of Conconully       but continues to be a good fish-        Anglers are reminded to         Bureau of Land Management
Lake, which has been slowly         ing lake for rainbow trout in the    adhere to the statewide large-     land, is open April 24 to Oct. 31.
rising its water level, has car-    10- to 12-inch range with a few      mouth harvest size restrictions.      There is a one-fish limit
ryover triploid eastern brook       carryovers up to 14 inches.
trout in the 8- to 11-inch range.      The lake, which currently has                                           509-826-5004
It will also be stocked with 700    an April 24-to-Oct. 31 season,                                          2 East Bartlett, Omak
triploid fingerlings in May.        contains saline water (magne-                                           Kevin Fletcher, Owner
   Because water levels have        sium sulfate) that makes fish
been higher the last couple         taste especially good.
years, the fish are a bit bigger,      Anglers can go north from
in the 10-inch range.               Tonasket on the west side of the
   There is a U.S. Forest Service   Okanogan River for 4.5 miles,
campground with a gravel            then west for another 4.5 miles
launch site for small boats. The    on Loomis-Oroville Road before
campground is a favorite of fall    going north four miles to the
deer hunters.                       south end of the lake.                        AC Service • All major engine, transmission,
   (Big) Tiffany Lake — This           Another route is 2.5 miles           differential and exhaust work. Stop by or call us today.
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                      Page 11

for trout.A BLM campground           catchable-size rainbows and
offers boat access limited to        700 fingerlings in May The lakes
craft that can be carried a short    — the smaller is 1,100 feet east
distance to the lake.                of the big lake — produce well
   Go north and then west from       early in the season for fish in
Loomis on an unimproved road         the 10- to 13-inch range. Fish-
starting near the west end of        ing, especially with a fly, picks
Spectacle Lake.                      up again in September and
   Whitestone Lake — Open all        October.
year, this 173-acre lake is con-        Go east on state Highway
sidered one of the most impor-       20 from Tonasket for about 18
tant warm-water fisheries in         miles, then north 12 miles past
the county.                          Bonaparte Lake.
   The lake is located about five       From Oroville, drive east on
miles northwest of Tonasket,         the county road through Che-
with largemouth bass biting          saw and take Forest Road No.
well from May through July.          9480 to reach Beaver Lakes and
   A trophy largemouth bass          Beth Lake. Signs along the way                  WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE
fishery has been established         also will direct travelers to Lost   An angler seeks fish, using a spinning setup.
there for several decades, said      and Bonaparte lakes.
Fortier.                                The main Beaver Lake fea-         diverse state-managed lake in           Bonaparte, popular in both
   Channel catfish are stocked       tures a U.S. Forest Service          the county with kokanee, rain-       winter and summer, is located
periodically as funding allows.      campground and a gravel boat         bow, eastern brook and tiger         about 20 miles east of Tonasket
   There is a largemouth bass        launch. Another campground is        trout and lake trout, and small-     and north off state Highway 20.
slot limit with a daily catch        at the smaller lake.                 mouth bass.                             There is a resort with cabins,
limit of five fish less than 12         Beth Lake — This 13-acre             The lake will be stocked with     camping and boat launch, plus
inches or over 17 inches. No         lake that is open year-round is      10,000 tiger trout fingerlings in    a national forest campground
more than one fish can be            located a half-mile northwest of     May.                                 with a boat ramp and fishing
more than 17 inches.                 Big Beaver Lake.                        Anglers can expect kokanee        pier.
   Bass, which are best fished          Carryover fishing is expected     in the 10- to 13-inch range,            The lake also can be reached
early, can reach the two- to         to be good this year and 2,000       brookies in the 10- to 12-inch       from Oroville via a scenic route
four-pound range.                    fingerlings will be planted in       range and tiger trout up to 15       through Chesaw. Follow signs
   Bluegill in the four-inch         May, making next year good as        inches.                              to Bonaparte or Lost Lake.
range are in the lake, too.          well.Take County Road No. 9480          The lake also holds small-           Crawfish Lake — Crawfish,
   Drive north from Tonasket         from Little Beaver to Beth Lake.     mouth bass, rainbows and rare        which is open April 24 to Oct.
on the west side of the Okano-       There are a boat launch and          Mackinaw (lake trout).               31, is partially on state land and
gan River for 4.5 miles, then        Forest Service campground.              The state encourages anglers      partially on Colville tribal land
west for three miles to the lake.       Bonaparte Creek — The             to retain smallmouth bass to         (southern half) about 12 miles
   There is a well-developed         creek, which flows from              reduce their population and          east of Riverside.
state Department of Fish and         Bonaparte Lake to the Okano-         balance species in the lake.            The state will plant 1,000
Wildlife public access that          gan River through Tonasket, is
includes handicapped access          closed from the mouth to the
along with launch and toilets.
   Camping is allowed.
                                     falls, about a mile upstream, to
                                     protect steelhead spawning and
Okanogan Highlands                   rearing. The closure is a coop-
                                     erative effort with the Colville
                                                                                                              A family tradition since 1900
   Beaver Lakes — These lakes        Confederated Tribes.
                                                                                                                     Don’t go hungry!
of 30 and six acres, which lie at       Above the falls, the creek car-                                              It doesn’t matter
2,700 feet elevation, are open       ries the typical stream season                                             if the fish aren’t biting.
from the fourth Saturday in          of the Saturday before Memo-                                                    Daily deli specials
April (April 24 this year) to Oct.   rial Day to Oct. 31.                                                      Full service deli and bakery
                                                                                                                Great meats and veggies
31 and are located near Beth            Bonaparte Lake — This
                                                                                                                 Open daily 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Lake southeast of Chesaw.            159-acre lake that is open year-
                                                                                                          711 S. Clark • Republic • 509-775-3378
   They will be planted with 500     round is considered the most
Page 12                                            Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

rainbow fingerlings in May.                                                                                      Take Highway 20 east out
Carryovers are expected to be                                                                                 of Tonasket for 15 miles to
good.                                                                                                         Bonaparte Lake Road, then
   A state license is required                                                                                north 13 miles to the lake.
when fishing from a boat. A                                                                                      Lost Creek — This is one of
tribal permit is required when                                                                                several creeks in the Highlands
fishing from shore on tribal                                                                                  offering naturally spawning
land. As of mid-April, the res-                                                                               eastern brook in the six- to
ervation remained closed to                                                                                   eight-inch range with a few
non-members as a COVID-19                                                                                     10-inchers. Other Highlands
precaution.                                                                                                   creeks include Toroda,
   Anglers can expect rainbows                                                                                Bonaparte and Myers.
in the 10- to 12-inch range and                                                                                  Anglers should check on
brookies in the 10-inch range.                                                                                when the creek opens, as it was
   There is a U.S. Forest Ser-                                                                                not listed in the state’s online
vice campground with a boat                                                                                   pamphlet this spring.
launch at the lake.                                                                                              The creek, which may hold
   Internal combustion motors                                                                                 a few rainbows, is mostly
are prohibited.                                                                                               surrounded by private land.
   The 80-acre lake at 4,475 feet                                                                             Anglers should get permis-
elevation can be reached by                                             OKANOGAN VALLEY BASS CLUB             sion from landowners before
traveling northeast 18 miles up     Participants in an Okanogan Valley Bass Club                              fishing.
Tunk Valley out of Riverside        tournament show their catch.                                                 Lost Creek is located about
or by going north from state                                                                                  24 miles southeast of Tonasket
Highway 155 on the Lyman            11-inch range.                       minimum size and daily limit         on Aeneas Valley Road. The
Lake-Moses Mountain Road to            Take Highway 20 east from         applies. It’s unlawful to use lead   creek is a tributary of the San
Crawfish Lake Road.                 Tonasket to Aeneas Valley            weights or lead jigs measuring       Poil River’s west fork.
   Fancher Dam Pond — This          Road, then east seven miles to       one and a half inches or less           A road one mile west of
20-acre reservoir that’s open       the lakeshore. Less than one-        along the longest axis.              Aeneas leads south up the
year-round offers rainbow trout     quarter mile away is Round              The lead restriction is to pro-   creek for about 10 miles. There
about 11 miles northeast of         Lake. Access is available to         tect nesting loons at the lake.      is a Forest Service campground
Tonasket.                           both lakes, which lie on private        The 47-acre lake is best          about two miles up the creek.
   The lake will receive 300        property.                            fished in the spring and fall.          Lyman Lake — This four-acre
catchable rainbows and 1,000           Lost Lake — This lake, which      Warm, summer waters cause            lake is located near the Aeneas
fingerlings in May.                 is open year-round, is located       brookies to become night feed-       Valley.
   The reservoir, which suffers     north of Bonaparte Lake.             ers at the lake, located at an          The lake, which can suffer
from irrigation draw-down and          It will receive 8,000 triploid    elevation of 3,817 feet.             from algae blooms, is located
sometimes winter kills, can be      eastern brook trout in May.             A Forest Service campground       off Aeneas Valley Road on
reached off Havillah and Swan-         Internal combustion motors        with graveled boat launch is         U.S. Forest Service property. A
son Mill roads.                     are prohibited. The state            available at the north end.          campsite is offered, along with
   Expect fish in the 10- to
12-inch range that can be
reached with a small boat or                                                               Dave’s
float tube.                                                                               Radiator
   Long Lake — Like nearby
Round and Ell lakes, this                                                                 Service                 Fish all day then
17-acre lake has suffered from
low water levels.
                                                                           • Domestic and commercial
                                                                           • Radiator repair and sales
                                                                                                                   relax with us!
   Long will be stocked with                   Omak Lube                   • Metal carports and buildings        Weekend Breakfasts
300 catchable rainbows in May                  & Wash, Inc.                     Delivered and setup              Local Bison Burgers
and 2,200 fingerlings in JuneBe               509-826-6097                    253 Robinson Canyon Road                 & Brats
prepared to carry a boat a short           701 Omache Drive, Omak                       Omak
                                            Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.                                              2045 Chesaw Road
distance to the lake, where you                                                   509-826-0750                  Chesaw • 509-485-2174
expect rainbows in the 10- to
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                 Page 13

                                                                                                            operated jointly by a local
                                                                                                            property owner, the Oroville
                                                                                                            Sportsmen’s Club and the
                                                                                                            state Department of Fish and
                                                                                                               Sidley and nearby Molson
                                                                                                            (if it does not summer kill) are
                                                                                                            popular winter fisheries. An
                                                                                                            annual fishing derby is done
                                                                                                            through the ice in January.
                                                                                                               There is a state access site
                                                                                                            with a gravel boat launch.
                                                                                                               Sidley, which has good shore
                                                                                                            access from a road that paral-
                                                                                                            lels the lake, is located one mile
                                                                                                            south of the U.S.-Canadian bor-
                                                                                                            der and 0.7 mile from Molson.
                                                                                                               From Oroville, take the Che-
                                                                                                            saw Road up Tonasket Creek
                                                                                                            for eight miles then north five
                                                                                                            miles on Molson Road through
                                                                              DEE CAMP | The Chronicle      Molson and past Molson Lake.
Sidley Lake provides a calm place to fish on a summer day.                                                     Summit Lake — This 11-acre
                                                                                                            lake, located 5.5 miles south-
shore access for small boats or       The creek runs adjacent to the      change July 1 under the state’s   east of Oroville near Mount
float tubes at the lake, elevation    road for several miles.             simplification plan.              Hull, will get 250 tiger trout fin-
2,880 feet.                              Round Lake — This lake of          The lake includes an aerator    gerlings in May.
    Molson Lake — The 20-acre         less than 20 acres, which has
lake, which is open year-round,       suffered from low water levels,        Conveniently located across from the boat launch.
                                                                            Minutes from great fishing!
can suffer summer kills.              is located next to Long Lake in
    Molson, which is located          Aeneas Valley.
near Sidley Lake, will be                The lake, which is open April
planted with 350 catchable            24 to Oct. 31, has been popular
rainbows in October. The lake,        on opening day for rainbows in
which has fish in the 10- to          the 11- to 12-inch range.
12-inch range, can be reached            It will be stocked with more
by taking the Tonasket Creek          than 750 catchable rainbows
Road for eight miles east of          in May.
Oroville, then north five miles          Low water levels can make
through Molson to the lake.           launching a boat difficult.
    Myers Creek — Although               Round is reached by taking
access is limited because most        Highway 20 east from Tonas-            29 full hookups, 5 power only sites.
of the creek travels through
private land, local anglers enjoy
                                      ket to Aeneas Valley Road,
                                      then east seven miles to the
                                                                                   Bathhouse and laundry.
fishing for rainbow and brooks        lakeshore.
up to 10 inches.                         Sidley Lake — The 109-acre              COLUMBIA COVE RV PARK
    The creek, best fished in the
fall on the lower end, does not
                                      lake located near Molson at
                                      3,675 feet is open year-round
                                                                                     City of Brewster
appear in the state fishing pam-      for rainbow trout that are in the        604 West Bruce Avenue • Brewster, Washington
phlet, so it’s best to check to see   11- to 13-inch range.                             Reservations: 509-733-0540
if it is open.                           The state will plant 3,000                  Phone payments: 509-689-3464
    Take Havillah Road, then          catchable rainbows in May.            
Nealey Road from Tonasket                A current daily limit of two         
northeast for about 20 miles.         trout and minimum size may
Page 14                                             Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

   The lake, located at 4,320
feet, provides good fishing for
fish of 10-13 inches through the
   There are several campsites
at the lake, best fished with a
float tube or pontoon boat.
Methow Valley

   Alta Lake — The 187-acre
lake pumps out rainbow and
kokanee trout.
   This year’s planting will
include more than 20,000 fry/
fingerlings in April, 1,600 catch-
able size rainbows in May and
125 jumbo-size in June.
   Anglers can expect rainbows
in the 11- to 13-inch range with
carryovers up to 16 inches.
   There is a state park with
camping and a concrete boat
launch, a private resort that                                                                                 DEE CAMP | The Chronicle
can launch larger boats and an       Pearrygin Lake, near Winthrop, offers a state park, resort and fishing.
18-hole golf course on the road
to the lake, located two miles       six-acre lake, which is open      fry in May.                        season.
southwest of Pateros.                year-round, is owned by the          Anglers, who can expect fish       The lake will receive 350
   The lake, which is ideal for      state Department of Fish and      in the 10- to 11-inch range, can   catchable size rainbows in May,
small boats and canoes, cur-         Wildlife.                         park at the end Frost Road and     175 jumbos in June and 1,250
rently has a season that runs           The semi-remote lake, 0.7      walk about a mile to the lake,     fry in June so it is expected to
April 24 to Oct. 31.                 mile southwest of Moccasin        which is best fished with tubes    have some decent holdover
   Alta is reached by driving 1.5    Lake (a private lake), holds      or from shore.                     rainbows in the 16-inch range.
miles west of Pateros on state       tiger, cutthroat and triploid        Big Buck Lake — The sel-           The 20-acre lake is due south
Highway 153, then south about        eastern brook trout.              dom-fished lake in the Methow      of Moccasin Lake (a private
a mile.                                 Aspen will receive 150 trout   Wildlife Area has a year-round     lake) on state Department of
   Andrews Creek — Open from                                                                              Fish and Wildlife land. The
the Saturday before Memo-                                                                                 easiest way to reach the lake is
rial Day, which is May 31 this                                                                            follow the same directions to
year, to Oct. 31, Andrews offers                                                                          reach Aspen Lake off the Twisp
native rainbows.                                                                                          River Road.
   The season could change July                                                                              Big Hidden Lake — The lake,
1 with new regulations, which                                                                             located in the Pasayten Wilder-
have yet to be released.                                                                                  ness Area, is for those looking
   There is a two-fish limit. Fish                                                                        for a bit of an adventure.
must be eight inches long.                                                                                   Big Hidden, located about 34
   Depending on the snowpack,                                                                             miles northwest of Winthrop,
the creek is best fished in late                                                                          annually produces decent-sized
June.                                                                                                     rainbows in the 10- to 14-inch
   Andrews is 19 miles north of                                                                           class.
Winthrop on Chewuch River                                                                                    The 71-acre lake lies at about
Road. The U.S. Forest Service                                                                             4,300 feet elevation and sees a
maintains a campground next                                 METHOW VALLEY FLY FISHERS | Facebook          lot of action from backpackers
to the creek.                        The Chewuch River has a catch-and-release season for                 and horse packers.
   Aspen Lake — This shallow,        game fish.                                                              Travel about 20 miles from
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                    Page 15

Winthrop on the Lost River
Road past Mazama on the
Mazama Road. A one- to two-
day hike to the lake starts at the
head of Lost River at the Billy
Goat Corral.
   Black Pine Lake — This
19-acre scenic lake that is open
all year is located on U.S. For-
est Service property six miles
southwest of Twisp at 3,900
   It features brook, cutthroat,
and westslope trout, with cut-
throat in the 10- to 13-inch
range.                                                                               OKANOGAN COUNTY FLY FISHING CLUB | Facebook
   There is a Forest Service         A trout caught in one Okanogan County’s many lakes.
campsite at the lake with a dock
and gravel boat launch.              site and Forest Service                Located in the Sawtooth            Forest Service road follows
   A snowmobile will be needed       campground.                         Ridge area on the north side          Gold Creek for eight miles. A
to access the lake during winter.       Cougar Lake — Cougar Lake        of Whiskey Mountain, Crater           good trail of five miles leads to
   To reach the lake, travel         moved to a year-round fishing       Lakes offer cutthroat to walk-in      the lakes.
northwest on Libby Creek             season a few years ago, just like   anglers.                                Dibble Lake — This five-
Road, off Highway 153 south          at nearby Davis and Campbell           Go northwest 18 miles on           acre lake on private land off
of Carlton, to Black Pine Lake       lakes. This nine-acre lake con-     Highway 153 from Pateros to           Wandling Road near Twin
Road to the lake. Alternatively,     tains rainbow and cutthroat         the mouth of Gold Creek. A            Lakes Road will be planted with
travel west on Twisp River Road      trout. There is a daily limit of
out of Twisp to Poorman Creek        two trout with a minimum size
Road, then southwest to the          of 14 inches.
lake.                                   Check with the state for any
   Chewuch (Chewack) River           future changes.
— This river that flows from            The 80-acre lake will receive
the Pasayten Wilderness Area         150 catchable rainbows and
south past Winthrop and into         1,000 fry in May.Cougar, with a
the Methow River has a catch-        nearby campground, is located
and-release season for all game
fish the Saturday before Memo-
                                     south of Winthrop in the
                                     Methow Wildlife Area at about
                                                                            Indulge your fishing passion!
rial Day (May 31) to Oct. 31.
Internal combustion motors are
                                     3,400 feet elevation. Cougar
                                     gets little pressure because only
                                                                           Opening Weekend Trout Derby
   Buck Lake (Chewuch) — The
                                     snowmobilers have access dur-
                                     ing winter months.                                                April 24 & 25
15-acre lake receives a plant           Travel 2.5 miles south of                                             Conconully Lake
every other year so won’t be         Winthrop on the Twisp-Win-
planted in 2021.                     throp Eastside Road, go east                                              and Reservoir
   It should have carryover          about a mile on Bear Creek                                                  Weigh-in Saturday
westslope cutthroat and rain-        Road to the Davis Lake turnoff,                                                9 a.m.-3 p.m.
bow trout from last year.            then north 1.5 miles and east                                              Sunday 9 a.m.-Noon
                                                                                                            Catch tagged fish & win $25.
   The lake, which has fish in       for a mile on County Road No.
the 11- to 12-inch range, is         3514.
                                                                                                                Adults $7 • Youth $5
located on U.S. Forest Service          Crater Lakes — Open year-
                                                                                                             ATV Jamboree June 11-13
land eight miles north of Win-       round, this high-mountain lake
                                                                                                                   See website
throp within the Chewuch             chain at 6,900 feet elevation
River drainage.                      includes a 15.8-acre lake man-             
   There is a gravel launch          aged for cutthroat.
Page 16                                            Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

100 catchable rainbows in May
and 500 fry.
   The shallow lake, which is
open year-round, requires a
quarter-mile walk from a park-
ing area down a driveway to a
public fishing area as agreed
upon by the property owner.
   The lake, which is best fished
from a float tube, can contain
trout in the 11- to 13-inch
range, especially if they survive
the winter.
   Duffy Lake — The nine-acre,
cutthroat trout lake that is open
year-round is situated at 6,500
feet elevation where it is not
ice-free until July.
   Take Forest Service Road No.
4420 for 10 miles west of Twisp
up Oval Creek to the Oval Creek
Trail. Hike 4.5 miles south, then
cross country eastward for a                                                                                     DEE CAMP | The Chronicle
mile.                               Eightmile Creek is home to eastern brook trout — and the occasional beaver dam.
   Eightmile Creek — This
creek, which contains a fair           For Dolly Varden/bull trout       another three miles to the lake.    from Winthrop.
number of eastern brook trout,      there is a 14-inch minimum              Louis Lake is open year-            A whitefish season runs on
is eight miles north of Winthrop    size and the fish may be             round, although ice usually is      the stretch Dec. 1 to the end of
and currently has two seasons,      retained as part of the trout        not off until June.                 February, with no minimum
depending on the fish being         daily limit.                            Methow River — The river         size and a daily catch limit of 15
sought.                                For trout, there is a 14-inch     provides good opportunities         whitefish. Whitefish gear rules
   Eightmile Creek is open          minimum size and a two-fish          during selected seasons on          apply.
above the Forest Service bridge.    daily limit.                         selected portions of the river.        There is a catch-and-release
Take the Chewuch River Road            For other game fish, state-          There has been a catch-and-      season with selective gear
north for eight miles to the        wide minimums and daily lim-         release season for resident rain-   rules from the Saturday before
mouth of the creek.                 its apply.                           bow and cutthroat trout under       Memorial Day through Sept. 15
   Gold Creek — The creek              A well-marked trail starts just   selective gear rules the Saturday   from County Road 1535 (Lower
south of Carlton off Highway        past the bridge for the lower        before Memorial Day through         Burma Road) bridge to Gold
153 is closed under new simpli-     portion of the river.                Sept. 30 from Gold Creek to         Creek.
fied rules, Fortier said.              The upper section of the river    Foghorn Dam, a mile upstream           A catch-and-release season
   Foggy Dew Campground is          is accessed on the same route
at the junction of the north fork   as to Hidden Lakes, Fortier
of the creek and Foggy Dew          said.
Creek.                                 Louis Lake — This 27-acre
   Lost River — The river, which    lake, which receives a lot of
drains into the Methow River        pressure, contains mostly cut-
about five miles northwest          throat, although a few rainbows
of Mazama, is closed from its       roam the water.
mouth to Monument Creek.               To reach the 5,300-foot eleva-
   From Monument Creek to           tion lake, travel 22 miles west
                                                                                      Large bait and tackle shop
the outlet of Cougar Lake, there    of Twisp along the Twisp River
                                                                           For Banks Lake, Rufus Woods and Lake Roosevelt
is a season from the Saturday       to South Creek Campground,
before Memorial Day (May 29         then hike two miles up South
                                                                           509-633-2671 • 401 Coulee Blvd. East, Electric City
this year) to Oct. 31.              Creek to Louis Creek Trail and
Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle                                                   Page 17

                                                                                                              fishing pier are handi-
                                                                                                                 Tungsten Lake — This small
                                                                                                              lake, which contains cutthroat
                                                                                                              trout, is located about 55 miles
                                                                                                              north of Winthrop. Anglers,
                                                                                                              starting at the trailhead at the
                                                                                                              end of the Chewuch River
                                                                                                              Road, will hike several days to
                                                                                                              the lake, located near Aspen
                                                                                                                 Alpine lakes are open year-
                                                                                                              round unless listed in special
                                                                                                              rules. Anglers have best success
                                                                                                              in mid-summer after the ice
                                                                                                              is off.
                                                                                                                 Twisp River — A large
                                                                                                              tributary of the Methow River,
                                                                                                              the river is open for all game
                                                                                                              fish from the Saturday before
                                                                                                              Memorial Day to Aug. 15 from
                                                                            DEE CAMP | The Chronicle          its mouth to War Creek and all
Patterson Lake is open year-round and offers a variety of species.                                            tributaries from the mouth to
                                                                                                              Twisp River North Fork.
with selective gear rules runs      above Mazama.                       center of town.                          There is a catch-and-release
from the Saturday before               Patterson Lake — This 143-         Toilets, campsites and a            season for rainbows and
Memorial Day through Aug.           acre lake, which is open year-
15 from Foghorn Dam to the          round, is a mixed-species fish-
Weeman Bridge (eight miles
upstream of Winthrop). Check
                                    ery 3.5 mile west of Winthrop.
                                       The lake will get 2,500 catch-                  We have
                                                                                      your tackle
the fishing pamphlet because        able rainbow trout in October.
there are different possession      Anglers can expect trout in the
sizes and limits depending          10- to 11-inch range.
what is caught — eastern brook
trout, all other trout, all other
game fish.
                                       The lake, which also contains
                                    largemouth and smallmouth
                                    bass, can be reached by follow-
                                                                                                     Protect Your Gear!
   Selective gear rules apply,      ing Patterson Lake Road from                                       • Tackle covers
with no internal combustion         Twin Lakes.                                                        and pole wraps
motors allowed on all tributar-        There is a state access site,                                 • Multiple sizes for
ies not listed by the state under   which includes public toilets,                                      storage and
specific regulations for Okano-     with a gravel boat launch plus
gan County.                         a resort with cabins and small                                     • Combo and
                                                                                                      variety packs as
   The river starts high on the     boat rentals.                                                      well as singles
east Cascade crest at the head         Pearrygin Lake — This popu-                                    • Dodger jackets
of the Methow Valley and runs       lar 192-acre lake, which has a                                       LuresafeTM
to the Columbia River.              season of April 24 to Oct. 31,               Bait and tackle delivered to local launch
   There are several access         will be planted with more than           Sponsor of the Okanogan Valley Bass Club 2nd Annual
areas along Highway 153,            3,000 catchable trout in May,            LURESAFE OPEN bass tournament June 26, Brewster
which intersects with Highway       and 150 jumbos and 55,000 fry
20 south of Twisp, and paral-       in June.The lake, which has a                                          
lels the river to its mouth. Five   resort, state park with hook-                                                     1408 Sunset Drive
Forest Service campgrounds          ups and a state boat launch, is                                                  Brewster, WA 98812
with toilets border the upper       located 1.5 miles northeast of                                                      509-449-0605
reaches of the Methow River         Winthrop on a road from the
Page 18                                             Fishrapper 2021, The Chronicle

cutthroat with selective gear
restrictions in effect, including
barbless hooks and no bait.
   For the Twisp River North
Fork above the falls, the season
is the Saturday before Memorial
Day to Oct. 31 with the state-
wide minimum and daily limit
   For the North Creek above
the Twisp River Road bridge,
the season is Saturday before
Memorial Day to Oct. 31, with
statewide minimum and daily
limit applying.
   Twisp River Road follows the
river from Twisp for 25 miles
upstream, with numerous
campsites available.
   Varden Lake — This small
lake at 6,191 feet contains cut-
throat trout.
   A 5.2 -mile trail with an                                                                                      DEE CAMP | The Chronicle
elevation gain of 3,700 feet is in   Steamboat Rock is a prominent fixture in Banks Lake.
the Silver Star Mountain area
west of Mazama.                      nine inches). It is catch and           The 457-acre lake is best        City.
   From Winthrop take state          release only.                        fished from the opener in              Banks Lake — Bank is man-
Highway 20 west to Forest Road          This creek is only for hardy      April to early July then again in   aged for warmwater fish and
5310-200 and park in the gravel      anglers able to fight through the    October.                            contains smallmouth and
pit. The unsigned trail to the       brush to reach fish. Selective          The lake will be stocked with    largemouth bass, whitefish,
lake is about 200 feet on the        gear rules are in effect and no      5,500 catchable-size rainbow        black crappie, bluegill, burbot,
right of the Cedar Creek Trail.      motors allowed.                      trout in April and 130,000 fry/     carp, channel catfish and yel-
The unmaintained trail climbs           The creek joins the Twisp         fingerlings in May.                 low perch, along with kokanee
steeply uphill then follows the      River at the U.S. Forest Service’s      Jameson has good carryover       and rainbow trout.
ridge top to tiny Mudhole Lake       War Creek Campground about           rainbow trout available from           It is known for its good wall-
(no fish).                           15 miles west of Twisp.              last year.                          eye fishing and this past win-
   From there to Varden Lake            A road follows the creek for         Located at 1,785 feet, Jame-     ter didn’t disappoint walleye
there is no trail, just a scramble   two miles and a trail runs paral-    son is 20 miles west of Coulee      anglers.
route to the top of the ridge        lel to the creek for another 10      City off Highway 2 and north on        A cooperative net pen rearing
(with a majestic view of Silver      miles to its headwaters at War       Jameson Road for 6.5 miles to a     project between the state and
Star Mountain) and a steep           Creek Pass.                          resort and about a half mile to     local communities releases sev-
descent to the lake.                 Nearby waters                        an access area.                     eral hundred thousand rainbow
   Varden, which is off the                                                  Grimes Lake — A selective        trout each year.
beaten path and away from               Look south to find a couple       fishery (see selective fishery         Banks can freeze in the win-
crowds, is best fished July          waters just outside Okanogan         story), Grimes is north of          ter, providing an ice fishery.
through October.                     and Ferry counties, including        Jameson and opens June 1. It           The lake offers a resort, a
   War Creek — The creek is          Jameson and Grimes lakes in          offers excellent fishing through    community park in Coulee
open from the Saturday before        Douglas County and Banks             August for trout averaging 18       City and Steamboat Rock State
Memorial Day to Oct. 31 with         Lake in Grant County.                inches. It will be stocked with     Park along with six state access
the statewide minimum and               Jameson Lake — The lake is        8,000 fry/fingerlings in October.   areas.
daily limit applying.                eight miles south of Mansfield          The 26,888-acre, 27-mile-           Fishing closures and open-
   Like all creeks in the Methow     and offers campsites, toilets        long Banks Lake runs along          ings happen constantly
Valley watershed, War Creek          and boat launching at both the       Highway 155 south of Grand          throughout the year, so best
contains small rainbow (six to       north and south ends.                Coulee and north of Coulee          check for any changes.
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