Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs

Page created by Barbara Thompson
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Friday 22nd of January 2021
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Please make sure you can access Teams.

 If you have any issues please call
 the school on 0165 885802

  I hope to see you on Teams at 10.15am and
  2.15pm Monday to Friday.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Parent Information

• If you need to chat to me about anything at all just call the
  school on 01655 885802 and the office will transfer you.

• A huge thank you to everyone who has engaged so far in the
  home learning, you are doing a fantastic job in these
  difficult times. It is very much appreciated.

• The Health and Wellbeing of our class is my priority so
  please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you or your child are
  worried about any aspects of home learning.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Teams Reminder

                                Remember to use these folders in Teams
                                General – for general information from Mrs
    Health and Wellbeing
                                Cassells to you or who ever looks after you. You
                                can post here as well.

    Numeracy                    Health and Wellbeing – for exercise
                                activities, outdoors, helping in the house etc.
    Team Meetings 10.15am and
    2pm Monday to Friday.       Literacy – for writing, spelling, tricky words

                                Numeracy – for numeracy and math work.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Friday 22nd of January Overview
HWB – Joe Wicks live 9am – 9.30am
Spelling Assessment
Tricky word assessment
Free Choice Friday.
Live Teams Meeting 2.15pm – Story and What are you proud of today?
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Joe Wicks Workout

Joe Wicks is live on Monday
Wednesday and Friday mornings at
9am on utube.

Have a look at today’s workout and
have a go.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Chilli Challenge
           Choose the level you feel is right for
Mild :-             Spicy :-              Hot :-               Fiery :-
  28-14                 32-16               43-12              52-13

    *Example if the sum was 24-14 =
    First take away 10 then take away the remaining 4. Use resources until we can do
    this mentally. Remember to post your strategy as well as the answers.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Times Tables

               Click here for 2 times

               Click here for 5
               times table
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Times Table Game
                   Have another go at
                   hit the button.
Friday 22nd of January 2021 - Glow Blogs
Literacy(Optional) Choose a literacy activity.

                                     Try First*
                                     If its tricky try Early ***
Remember to wash your hands, take a break
           and have a snack.
Spelling Assessment

Silent w sound
write                 Ask an adult to read
wrist                 the words out to you
                      and see how many
answer                you get correct.
Swordfish             Do the same with
Chat                  the tricky words.
Handwriting Practise.

Please take care when
forming letters. Write
each letter out 4 times.
It would be great if you
could do it on lined
paper. Make sure you
start each letter at the
correct place shown by
the red arrow.
Reading.   It is easier to login using Google Chrome as a search engine. You can download
it free.
Accessing   Oxford Owl (1)

                                                                                      Login here!
                                                                                  It is important to
                                                                                  use this button to
                                                                                  login otherwise it
                                                                                 takes a lot longer 
Accessing Oxford Owl (2)

                     Username: cairn p2 and P3
                         Password: cairn2
   cairn p2 and p3
Accessing Oxford Owl (3)
                           Then type the book title
 Click here                 given by your teacher
Log in to Oxford Owl and search for the book under your group. Read
aloud to an adult and complete the activities throughout the week. You
will have the same book all week just as we do in class to help us
understand what we are reading.
 Blue group                    Green Group                Yellow group   Purple group
Literacy(Optional) Choose a literacy activity.

                                     Try First*
                                     If its tricky try Early ***
Primary 2/3 Learning Pit
Remember to wash your hands, take a break
        and have a snack/lunch.
Practise our Scots Poem
Click here to listen to
the poem
Practise the song.

 Click here to listen to
 the song.

 Have a go at
 singing along.
Free Choice Friday

You have worked hard all
week. Well done!!
You could:

Play a game with someone in your house.
Draw with someone in your house.
Play with lego, knex, construction etc
Go out a long walk with an adult in your house.
Hope you have a good weekend and have enjoyed the activities I have posted. I will see you an Teams at
10.15am and 2.15pm Monday to Friday.
You can also read