EFA GMR Media Coverage March 2014 - Highlights: Unesco

Page created by Jimmy Bell
EFA GMR Media Coverage March 2014 - Highlights: Unesco
EFA GMR Media Coverage March 2014

   •   638 articles
   •   Reach: 78.2 million
   •   AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent): 22.6 million
   •   Countries: 69


   -   10 March - Launch of Gender Summary of the EFA GMR

Figure 1: Countries where coverage appeared in February 2014.

EFA GMR Media Coverage March 2014 - Highlights: Unesco
Media outlet              Country      Reach      Title
Wakt El Djazair           Algeria                                                                     ‫ ﻣﻼﻳﻳـــﻥ ﻓﺗــــﺎﺓ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟــــﻡ ﻻ ﺗﺳﺗﻁﻳــــﻊ ﻗـــﺭﺍءﺓ ﺟﻣﻠـــﺔ ﻭﺍﺣــــﺩﺓ‬10
Midi Libre                Algeria      7986       Plus de 100 millions de jeunes femmes ne savent pas lire
Economía - Terra          Argentina               Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
Taringa!                  Argentina    25766626   Afirman que Argentina y Uruguay son los países con mayor...
El Tribuno Salta          Argentina    374068     Jorge Sequeira: “Un buen docente es esencial para mejores logros escolares”
Mercado                   Argentina    389        Revivir las aulas, el nuevo libro de Axel Rivas
La Opinión Rafaela        Argentina               Educación y costos
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Yahoo!7 Finance           Australia    308348     women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Womenâ                                                                                                        €
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
CBox                      Australia               women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  Bildung für Alle - aber welche? Die UNESCO zieht ernüchternde Bilanz nach 13 Jahren globaler
Ots.at                    Austria      106050     Bildungsinitiative
                                                  Bildung für Alle - aber welche? Die UNESCO zieht ernüchternde Bilanz nach 13 Jahren globaler
Reed Exhibitions          Austria      5944       Bildungsinitiative
                                                  Welche Bildung für alle? Die Lehren aus dem Education for All-Prozess Präsentation des Education
Meinbezirk.at             Austria      509871     for All Global Monitoring Report 2013/14
                                                  International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                  Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
Live-PR                   Austria      7388       Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                  International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                  Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
PR-inside                 Austria      21564      Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Today in Bahrain - Blog   Bahrain                 women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                  Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Today in Bahrain - Blog   Bahrain                 relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
The Financial Express     Bangladesh   654        The sorry state of primary education
The Independent           Bangladesh   148        Imperative to introduce a common education system for all
The Daily Star            Bangladesh   949594     Jobless future haunts them
The Daily Star            Bangladesh   949594     Made in China
Dhaka Tribune             Bangladesh              Looking East
Radio Patria Nueva        Bolivia      1008       Bolivia con tiene los primeros lugares de alto índice de desarrollo educativo en Latnoamèrica
FM Bolivia                Bolivia      228        Bolivia ocupa el segundo lugar regional en inversión educativa
O Povo Online             Brazil       1503405    Situação de crianças em áreas de conflitos é estarrecedora
EFA GMR Media Coverage March 2014 - Highlights: Unesco
Representação da
UNESCO no Brasil             Brazil     1337015   Novos objetivos mundiais de educação devem priorizar as meninas
Estadão.com.br               Brazil     5436179   Cem milhões de mulheres jovens são incapazes de ler, afirma Unesco
MSN Estadão                  Brazil               Cem milhões de mulheres jovens são incapazes de ler, afirma Unesco
Dino                         Brazil     148065    Lei obriga que até 2020, todas as escolas tenham biblioteca
JorNow                       Brazil     8348      Lei obriga que até 2020, todas as escolas tenham biblioteca
BrandPress                   Brazil     40818     Lei obriga que até 2020, todas as escolas tenham biblioteca
Difundir                     Brazil     13000     Lei obriga que até 2020, todas as escolas tenham biblioteca
Open Equal Free              Cambodia             “All Children Reading” Grant Competition to Fund Literacy Programs
Open Equal Free              Cambodia             Foreign Aid To Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Slows
The Cambodia Herald          Cambodia   3883      Cambodia among best performers in cutting numbers of children out of school
Open Equal Free              Cambodia             US and Pakistan Announce Pakistan Reading Project
Open Equal Free              Cambodia             Uganda Makes Great Strides in Addressing Gender Gap in Education
Institut de Statistique de
l'Unesco                     Canada     1337015   POST-2015 EDUCATION AGENDA
Huffington Post Canada       Canada               One Child's Education Is a Whole Community's Dream
Le CDÉACF                    Canada     24572     100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase
Sys.Con Canada               Canada     89303     Education World Forum 2014
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Money                        Canada               women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
National Post                Canada     2496598   women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Calgary Herald               Canada     363068    women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Montreal Gazette             Canada     780219    women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Yahoo! Canada Finance        Canada     2152608   women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Financial Post               Canada     865105    women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Star Phoenix                 Canada     105563    women in the post-2015 agenda
Edmonton Journal             Canada     348324    On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
                                              women in the post-2015 agenda
                                              On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                              states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Ottawa Citizen           Canada   513146      women in the post-2015 agenda
Huffington Post Canada   Canada               Think Globally for International Women's Day
                                              On International Womenâ                                                                              €
                                              states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Vancouver Sun            Canada   1021253     women in the post-2015 agenda
Economía - Terra         Chile    2291007     Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
Grafelbergnoticias       Chile                UNESCO : 100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase
Grafelbergnoticias       Chile                La UNESCO pide más igualdad de género en la educación
上海教育新闻网                  China                不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国江苏网 - 评论               China                不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
千龙网                      China    16972860    不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
云南网                      China    1653075     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
扬子晚报网                    China    3306276     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
光明网                      China    78687670    不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国青年报                    China    1335792     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国未成年人网                  China    162694      不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
福建东南新闻网                  China    1633051     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
搜狐新闻-搜狐                  China    116557026   不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
汉丰网                      China    1696504     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国教育新闻网                  China    1111890     教育治理的世界力量
新华网安徽频道                  China    511554      不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事---安徽频道新闻中心
每日甘肃网                    China    2047176     黄琳斌:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事-幼儿园-每日甘肃-时评
邵阳新闻在线                   China                怎样才能使我国的幼儿“学前教育”更规范合理 - 邵阳新闻在线
东北网                      China    7976501     不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事--齐齐哈尔新闻网
神韵在线-四川电视台               China    463576      不能让幼儿园频出事:加强监管力度 整改安全隐患
财经网                      China    8539668     中国青年报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
环球网                      China    17424718    中国青年报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国江苏网 - 新闻               China    6629169     中国青年报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国经济网                    China    65909214    中国青年报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
腾讯网 (Simp.)              China    300239666   中国青年报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
新浪公益                     China                评论:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
中国人权                     China    181224      中青报:不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
网易博客-网易                  China    13320205    幼儿园缘何成“丑闻重灾区”?
Radio Chine
Internationale         China               100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase, selon l'UNESCO
中国电子标签网                China   13956       议程
第一金融网                  China   104508      议程
理想在线                   China   304863      议程
国际企业网                  China   297747      议程
美国商业资讯                 China   586         议程
智库在线                   China   74354       议程
环球财经(繁体)               China   5040        議程
比特网企业计算                China               数据挖掘人工智能使教育定制化
云计算第一门户                China   7206446     数据挖掘人工智能使教育定制化
IT技术社区                 China   7325849     数据挖掘+人工智能,教育定制化下的学霸量产
元器件交易网                 China               数据挖掘+人工智能,教育定制化下的学霸量产
中国教育在线                 China   8022238     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育--幼儿教育--学前频道--中国教育在线
乐山新闻网                  China   288865      评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
中国甘肃网                  China   723586      评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
新华网 (Simp.)            China   160561694   评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
浙江在线·教育                China   6331643     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
天山网-新疆新闻门户             China   1369587     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
互联星空·浙江                China               评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
南方网 - 教育频道             China   6034586     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
金羊网                    China   3415206     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
Shanghai Daily         China   48051       UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
China's Human Rights   China   3481        UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
China.org.cn           China   1693594     UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
China Gate             China   87          UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
Sina English           China   4803688     UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
Xinhua News (Eng.)     China   80280847    UNESCO says quality of education remains major concern for Cambodia
上海教育新闻网                China               【两会快评】学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育

新疆维吾尔自治区教育厅   China               学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
中国小康网         China               学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
腾讯·大豫网        China               学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
千龙网           China   16972860    学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
上海教育新闻网       China               学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
左江日报          China               严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
千龙网           China   16972860    严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
柳州广播电视网       China   2378        严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
陕西日报          China   3110802     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
山东新闻网         China   1634482     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
华声四海          China   2596        严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国教育和科研计算机网   China   8871        严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻          China   406272438   严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
和讯新闻          China   34502178    严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
东方早报网         China   1028848     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
国际在线          China               严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国人权          China   181224      严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
新华网 (Simp.)   China   160561694   严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国教育新闻网       China   1111890     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
搜狐新闻-搜狐       China   116557026   严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
金羊网           China   3415206     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
新浪新闻          China   79910838    严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
新浪教育          China   8701331     时评:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
中国经济网         China   65909214    评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育
东北新闻网         China   4618736     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育-学前教育,,-教育频道
每日甘肃网         China   2047176     评论:学前教育应谨慎纳入义务教育-学前教育|义务教育-每日甘肃-教育
环球财经教育在线      China   1859928     2014年广西公务员考试申论热点:将学前教育纳入义务教育
贵港新闻网         China   253249      严琦委员:将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国广播网         China   8369037     重庆政协委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国网 - 新闻中心    China   59569684    重庆政协委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国学网          China   65192       重庆政协委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻          China   406272438   重庆政协委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
處州晚报          China               应逐步将学前教育 纳入义务教育范畴
鞍山日报数字报刊      China   871903      应逐步将学前教育 纳入义务教育范畴
燕赵都市网         China   1050378     严琦:应将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴

中国行业研究网          China      2430830     重庆委员建议将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
北方新报             China                  成立中央级消费市场监管机构
汉丰网              China      1696504     财政投入50% 就有效果
和讯新闻             China      34502178    财政投入50% 就有效果
千山晚报数字报刊         China                  逐步将学前教育 纳入义务教育内
和讯新闻             China      34502178    义务教育纳入范畴
甘肃经济日报           China                  严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
甘肃经济日报数字报        China                  严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
上海政务             China                  [两会声音]逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻             China      406272438   [两会声音]逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
三亚晨报             China                  【两会议政录】严琦委员: 应逐步将学前教育 纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻             China      406272438   委员:应将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
南京日报             China      318977      逐步将学前教育 纳入义务教育范畴
大同新闻网            China      176325      逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
西安晚报             China                  严琦委员:建议适时修订《义务教育法》 应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育
汉丰网              China      1696504     青奥会前,南京将实现 提前一天预报霾情
甘肃日报数字报刊平台       China                  应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
重庆商报             China      7474426     应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
人民网              China      72784719    应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
要闻-解放日报          China      1002023     应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻             China      406272438   应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国学网             China      65192       应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
甘肃日报             China      1023588     【全国两会报道】全国政协委员严琦建议应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
网易新闻             China      406272438   应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育
汉丰网              China      1696504     应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育
劳动午报             China                  学前教育应逐步纳入义务教育范畴
中国行业研究网          China      2430830     委员严琦:应逐步将学前教育纳入义教范畴
中国教育在线           China      8022238     严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴--内蒙古教育资讯--中国教育在线
中国网 - 教育中心       China      59569684    严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴_中国网教育|中国网
中国未成年人网          China      162694      [两 会]严琦委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
中国网络电视台          China      80209632    重庆政协委员:应逐步将学前教育纳入义务教育范畴
El Líder         Colombia   20253       Más dinero para educación
Caracol Radio    Colombia   853980      Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
Semana.com       Colombia   1342211     Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la educación para todos
Congo-Site.com   Congo      21091       Plus de 100 millions de jeunes femmes des pays pauvres incapables de lire
Prensa Latina    Cuba       249294      Desigualdad de género aumenta analfabetismo femenino, denuncia Unesco
Prensa Latina                  Cuba          249294     Requerirá India más de medio siglo para alfabetizar a sus niñas
Prensa Latina                  CW            2957       India Will Require Over Half a Century to Alphabetize Its Girls
La Nación Dominicana           Republic      863        El mundo precisa librar mas dinero para educación
Revista Vistazo                Ecuador       2043       Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
El Comercio                    Ecuador                  Menos becas para CC.SS.
HOY                            Ecuador       281373     La mala educación
                                                        Dubai Cares Announces 3-year AED 17 million Holistic Quality Learning Program in Pakistan at
Mid East Information           Egypt                    DIHAD 2014
               ‫ﺍﻷﻫﺭﺍﻡ ﺍﻟﻳﻭﻣﻰ‬   Egypt         5431099                                                                ‫ ﻣﻠﻳﺎﺭ ﺩﻭﻻﺭ ﺳﻧﻭﻳﺎ‬129 ‫ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺍﻟﺳﻳﺊ ﻳﻛﻠﻑ ﺣﻛﻭﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟﻡ‬
                                                        Call to achieve gender parity in education to overcome chronic poverty and usher in positive social
Mid East Information           Egypt                    changes
                                                        Dubai Cares partners with Varkey GEMS Foundation to train and develop teachers across the
Mid East Information           Egypt                    developing world
Elsalvador.com                 El Salvador   392171     Educación para Todos pide apostar por la calidad
Lapua - Pöytäkirja             Finland                  Project plan (pdf)
MaliJet                        France        141240     Discours du PAN à la cérémonie de lancement du rapport mondial sur l'éducation, Édition 2014
L'Express                      France        6202885    Enseignant, "profession la plus respectable de la société"
MaliJet                        France        141240     Assemblée nationale : LE RAPPORT MONDIAL DE SUIVI SUR L’EPT PRESENTE AUX DEPUTES
                                                        El aumento de los ingresos tributarios mediante la lucha contra el fraude fiscal podrÃa contribuir a
UNESCO (es)                    France        4011045    colmar el déficit de financiación de la educación, afirma la UNESCO
                                                        Le président de l’Hémicycle hier lors de la remise du rapport mondial sur l’éducation : « Nous allons
MaliJet                        France        141240     intensifier les actions pour promouvoir l’éducation »
UNESCO                         France        10696120   Director-General Meets Norwegian Minister of Education, Mr Torbjorn Roe Isaksen
StarAfrica.com                 France        370054     UNESCO: Africa can raise US$153bn from taxes to spur education
France Info                    France        2142797    Profs : qui veut gagner un million ?
                                                        Réinsertion des jeunes filles : des machines à coudre et des pagnes traditionnels pour « Action
Adiac-Congo.com                France                   Talitha Koum »
UNESCO                         France        10696120   Business Backs Education
UNESCO                         France        10696120   Education is everybody’s business
UNESCO                         France        10696120   Global Education & Skills Forum to address urgent educational needs of girls and women
News Press.fr                  France        2306       Les nouveaux objectifs mondiaux de l'éducation doivent accorder la priorité aux filles
Journal de Brazza.com          France                   100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase, selon l'UNESCO
UNESCO                         France        10696120   Putting Girls’ Education at the Heart of the Agenda To and Beyond 2015
Le Café Pédagogique            France        361869     Pour l'Unesco, priorité aux filles !
Call Ways                      France        11488      UNESCO : 100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase
                                                        On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                        states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
4-Traders                      France        1495734    women in the post-2015 agenda

À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                  Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s'engager pour un objectif distinct
BFMTV                        France    5134105    relatif à l'enseignement secondaire, la lecture...
                                                  À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                  Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s'engager pour un objectif distinct
Bourse - LCI                 France               relatif à l'enseignement secondaire, la lecture...
                                                  À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                  Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s'engager pour un objectif distinct
Challenges.fr (Bourse)       France    2934990    relatif à l'enseignement secondaire, la lecture...
                                                  Hay 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes incapaces de leer una sola frase, según un informe de la
UNESCO (es)                  France    4011045    UNESCO
UNESCO (es)                  France    4011045    Los nuevos objetivos mundiales de la educación deben dar prioridad a las niñas
UNESCO                       France    10696120   New global education goals must prioritize girls
                                                  UN - United Nations : Gender Equality Key to Achieving Millennium Goals, Says Secretary-General,
                                                  Urging Greater Focus on Maternal Health as Commission on Status of Women Opens (10 March
4-Traders                    France    1495734    2014) SG/SM/15697-WOM/1980
UNESCO                       France    10696120   Director-General of UNESCO at the Commission on the Status of Women
                                                  À l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
Labourseetlavie.com          France               Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s'engager pour un objectif di
                                                  En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, la Federación Internacional de Mujeres Universitarias (FIMU)
                                                  insta a los estados a comprometerse con un objetivo independiente en pos de la educación
Challenges.fr (Bourse)       France    2934990    secundaria, la alfabetización y la adquisición de nociones de…
UNESCO                       France    10696120   Gender equality - a breakthrough strategy for sustainable development
                                                  Education dans les Médias – Luc Cédelle : « Un journaliste éducation ne devrait pas passer plus
Le Blog Profencampagne       France    1223       d’une semaine sans aller dans un établissement »...
                                                  On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                  states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
FinanzNachrichten.de         Germany   689212     women in the post-2015 agenda
Bonn Sustainability Portal   Germany   775        UNESCO heute online 1/2014
                                                  Business Wire News: International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am
                                                  internationalen Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen,
DGAP-Medien Treff            Germany   959        Schreiben und Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen…
                                                  Business Wire News: International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am
                                                  internationalen Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen,
Financial.de                 Germany   458        Schreiben und Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen…
                                                  International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                  Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
FinanzNachrichten.de         Germany   689212     Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                  International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                  Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
Wallstreet Online            Germany   341595     Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...

International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                 Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
Börsennews.de             Germany     154535     Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                 BUSINESS WIRE: International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am
                                                 internationalen Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen,
Finanztreff.de            Germany     206729     Schreiben und Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                 BUSINESS WIRE: International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am
                                                 internationalen Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen,
Moneyspecial              Germany     719500     Schreiben und Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen...
                                                 International Federation of University Women (IFUW) fordert die Staaten am internationalen
                                                 Frauentag auf, sich dem eigenständigen Ziel von Sekundarschulbildung und Lesen, Schreiben und
Pressemeldungen.com       Germany     7988       Rechnen für Frauen und Mädchen…
SpyGhana.com              Ghana       213184     100 million young girls and women are unable to read a single sentence
                                                 New global education goals must prioritize girls ...100 million young women unable to read a single
Modern Ghana              Ghana       187347     sentence, concludes UNESCO report
SpyGhana.com              Ghana       213184     Educating women has deep impact on national development-UNESCO
                                                 Inequidad en la educación: 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes en el mundo son incapaces de leer
CERIGUA                   Guatemala   2881       una sola frase
Wen Wei Po Yun
Nan(simp)                 Hong Kong              不能让民办幼儿园频繁出事
Asia Times Online         Hong Kong   86267      Asia Times Online :: 'Cloud' may save education in India
The Milli Gazette         India       36660      Still in India, illiterate adults at 287 m, 37 % of the global total
The Times Of India        India       63851811   Program to train 250,000 teachers worldwide over the next 10 years
Indiablooms.com           India       17868      UNESCO seeks efforts to educate girls worldwide
The Times Of India        India       63851811   India among 30 countries where 'education' attacked most often: Study
BizWire Express           India       960        Global Education Report Highlights Planet Aid-Supported Teacher Training in Malawi
Silicon India             India       689038     India Needs Another 56 Years To Achieve Female Youth Literacy
                                                 On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                 states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
AndhraNews.net            India       18906      women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                 On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                 states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
The Telegraph             India       439300     women in the post-2015 agenda
Times of India
(Ahmedabad)               India       21283937   India 56 years away from girl literacy target
Minglebox                 India       486955     Female youth literacy in India will take around 56 years says report
Times of India (Pune)     India       21283937   India will take 56 yrs to achieve female youth literacy: Report
The Economic Times        India       5195544    India will take around 56 years to achieve female youth literacy: Report
The Times Of India        India       63851811   India will take around 56 years to achieve female youth literacy: Report
Times of India (Jaipur)   India       21283937   Need 56 more yrs to achieve female literacy

Times of India (Delhi)     India     21283937   Need 56 more yrs to achieve female literacy
Times of India (Chennai)   India     21283937   Need 56 more years to achieve female literacy
                                                On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
BizWire Express            India     960        women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Webindia123.com            India     462523     women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Moneylife                  India     135406     women in the post-2015 agenda - Moneylife
Frontline                  India     572        Missing targets
The Milli Gazette          India     36660      Still in India, illiterate adults at 287 million, 37 per cent of the global total
Hindustan Times - News     India     3904914    One in three proposals graded by NAAC; can accreditation usher in quality in higher education
Tehran Times               Iran      62416      Arab world lagging far behind in gender equality: UNESCO
                                                On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Iraq Business Times        Iraq                 women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Iraq Business Times        Iraq                 relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
Irish Times                Ireland   1216087    Global education targets will not be met, report finds
                                                On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
ANSA.it                    Italy     2594198    women in the post-2015 agenda
Adnkronos                  Italy     811874     M.O.: Unesco, tra non scolarizzati il 60% sono bambine nel mondo arabo
RegnAs                     Japan     2024       み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ
とれまがニュース                   Japan     457188     み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ
ITプレスリリースの                                      国際大学女性連盟(IFUW)、国際女性デーに2015年以降の課題として少女・女性の中等教育、読
REGRESE                    Japan     781        み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ
ビズサムライ                     Japan     27959      み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ
財経新聞                       Japan     142698     み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ
フェレット                      Japan     81938      み書き、計算の独自目標に取り組むよう各国に呼びかけ | IFUW
Fana News                  Jordan    3274       DUBAI, 25th March, 2014 (WAM) — Dubai Cares, the UAE-based philanthropic organization

working towards tackling poverty through education in developing countries, today announced a new
                                            AED 17 million (USD 4,614,533) holistic quality learning programme
                                            DUBAI, 25th March, 2014 (WAM)\ — Dubai Cares, the U.A.E.-based philanthropic organisation
                                            working towards tackling poverty through education in developing countries, today announced a new
Fana News                 Jordan   3274     AED 17 million (USD 4,614,533) holistic quality learning progr
MENAFN - ‫قرشلا ةكبش‬
‫ايقيرفأ لامش و طسوألا‬
‫ةيلاملا تامدخلل‬           Jordan   82296     2020 ‫ ﻣﻥ ﺣﺟﻡ ﺇﻧﻔﺎﻕ ﺑﺭﺍﻣﺞ ﺍﻟﻣﺳﺅﻭﻟﻳﺔ ﺍﻻﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﻳﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻣﻳﺎ ً ﻟﺩﻋﻡ ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺑﺣﻠﻭﻝ‬%20 ‫ﺇﻁﻼﻕ ﺣﻣﻠﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻣﻳﺔ ﺟﺩﻳﺩﺓ ﺗﺣﺙ ﺍﻟﺷﺭﻛﺎﺕ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﺧﺻﻳﺹ‬
                                            On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Jordan Business Central   Jordan            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
Jordan News Update -                        states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Blog                      Jordan            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
Jordan News Update -                        Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Blog                      Jordan            relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
                                            A l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                            Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les Etats à s'engager pour un objectif distinct
Jordan Business Central   Jordan            relatif à l'enseignement secondaire, la lecture...
Standard Digital          Kenya    993464   Tackling tax evasion could raise $57 more per school child in Kenya, says UNESCO
Daily Nation              Kenya    341027   Sorry state of infrastructure in Kenya’s primary schools
Standard Digital          Kenya    993464   100 million young women still unable to read a single sentence, UNESCO report
The People                Kenya             FPE wasn’t designed to fail, implementation failing it
The Korea Times           Korea    177828   UNESCO calls for investment in girls' education
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
호남매일                      Korea             women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
울산검색은 울산교                 Korea    4896     women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Icross                    Korea    1554     women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
청주교차로 뉴스                  Korea             women in the post-2015 agenda
                                            On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
천안교차로                     Korea    580      women in the post-2015 agenda
Newswire                  Korea    5935     국제 대학 여성 협회(IFUW), 세계여성의 날 ‘Post -2015 의제’에서 여성의 중등교육, 식자력 및
수리력을 위한 단일 목표 설정을 모든 국가에 촉구
                                                    국제 대학 여성 협회(IFUW), 세계여성의 날 ‘Post -2015 의제’에서 여성의 중등교육, 식자력 및
호남매일                           Korea                수리력을 위한 단일 목표 설정을 모든 국가에 촉구
                                                    국제 대학 여성 협회(IFUW), 세계여성의 날 ‘Post -2015 의제’에서 여성의 중등교육, 식자력 및
Icross                         Korea      1554      수리력을 위한 단일 목표 설정을 모든 국가에 촉구
                                                    국제 대학 여성 협회(IFUW), 세계여성의 날 ‘Post -2015 의제’에서 여성의 중등교육, 식자력 및
천안교차로                          Korea      580       수리력을 위한 단일 목표 설정을 모든 국가에 촉구
                                                    국제 대학 여성 협회(IFUW), 세계여성의 날 ‘Post -2015 의제’에서 여성의 중등교육, 식자력 및
울산검색은 울산교                      Korea      4896      수리력을 위한 단일 목표 설정을 모든 국가에 촉구
                ‫ﺟﺭﻳﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺻﺑﺎﺡ‬   Kuwait                                                       ‫ ﺗﻧﻣﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻘﻭﻝ ﺍﻟﻣﺑﺩﻋﺔ ﺿﺭﻭﺭﺓ ﻟﺗﺣﻘﻳﻕ ﻧﻬﺿﺔ ﺍﻷﻭﻁﺎﻥ‬:‫ﺍﻟﻌﺑﻳﺩﻱ‬
      ‫ﺟﺭﻳﺩﺓ ﺩﺳﻣﺎﻥ ﺍﻹﻟﻛﺗﺭﻭﻧﻳﺔ‬   Kuwait                                                                   ‘ ‫ﺍﻓﺗﺗﺎﺡ ﻣﺅﺗﻣﺭ ‘ ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺍﻟﻔﻧﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﺗﺩﺭﻳﺏ ﺍﻟﻣﻬﻧﻲ‬
ALAAN Online
Newspaper                      Kuwait     156590                                                                          '‫ﺍﻓﺗﺗﺎﺡ ﻣﺅﺗﻣﺭ 'ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺍﻟﻔﻧﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﺗﺩﺭﻳﺏ ﺍﻟﻣﻬﻧﻲ‬
                                                    On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                    states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Kuwait News Agency             Kuwait               women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                    On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
Kuwait Business Post -                              states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Blog                           Kuwait               women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                    À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
Kuwait Business Post -                              Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Blog                           Kuwait               relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
The Daily Star Lebanon         Lebanon    219123    Arab world failing women in gender equality, education
The New Dawn Liberia           Liberia              More money for education? Let's start with tax
The New Dawn Liberia           Liberia              US$6m grant to teach kids to read
                                                    On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                    states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Libya Business Post            Libya                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                    À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                    Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Libya Business Post            Libya                relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
The Star Online                Malaysia   881221    Kudos to nations for keeping kids in schools
Bernama (Malay)                Malaysia   71810     Quality Of Education Remains Major Concern For Cambodia
Bernama                        Malaysia   71810     Quality Of Education Remains Major Concern For Cambodia
Nayaritpuntocom                Mexico     27407     MAYORES INGRESOS, MAYOR EDUCACIÓN
Excélsior                      Mexico     1110724   Mayores ingresos, mayor educación
Yahoo! Finanzas México         Mexico     937948    Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
CINU                           Mexico     85320     La crisis mundial del aprendizaje tiene un costo anual de 129.000 millones de dólares
Mi Morelia                     Mexico     118970    Pide la UNESCO más igualdad de género en la educación

CINU                            Mexico        85320     La UNESCO pide más igualdad de género en la educación
                                                        Los nuevos objetivos mundiales de la educación deben dar prioridad a las niñas Hay 100 millones
CINU                            Mexico        85320     de mujeres jóvenes incapaces de leer una sola frase, según un informe de la UNESCO
El Sol de Zacatecas -
OEM                             Mexico        975591    Impacto de Carrera Magisterial en la calidad educativa - José Ignacio Castro Guijarro
                                                        L’école manque d’argent? Traquez la fraude fiscale! Une recommandation émise par l’Unesco Ce
                                                        qui permettra de mobiliser 153 milliards de dollars en 2015 Consacrer au moins 6% du PIB à
L'Économiste                    Morocco       302442    l’éducation
Maghress                        Morocco                 L'école manque d'argent? Traquez la fraude fiscale!
          ‫ ﺃﺧﺑﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﻣﻐﺭﺏ‬- ‫ﻣﻐﺭﺱ‬   Morocco       587732                                                                                                   ‫ﻫﻣﻭﻡ ﺍﻟﺗﻠﻣﻳﺫﺓ ﺍﻟﻘﺭﻭﻳﺔ‬
Menara.ma                       Morocco       965752    La proportion de filles parmi les non-scolarisés atteint 60 pc dans les pays arabes (rapport)
The Namibian                    Namibia       442       What Girls Want
The Villager                    Namibia                 Education sector woes continue
Namibian Sun                    Namibia       204       Most kindergarten teachers unqualified: Unam
Namibian Sun                    Namibia       343       Most kindergarten teachers unqualified: Unam
Edusanjal - Blog                Nepal                   UNESCO Kathmandu launched unveiled Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2013/14
Myrepublica.com                 Nepal         3036      UNESCO report paints bleak picture of school education worldwide
                                                        UNESCO CHIEF CALLS FOR SCALING UP EFFORTS TO EDUCATE GIRLS WORLDWIDE by
Media For Freedom               Nepal         275       media for freedom
EKantipur.com                   Nepal         744026    CULTURE & SOCIETY : What Girls Want
Randstad                        Netherlands   770075    Prioritize education equality, new publication says
The Punch - Nigeria             Nigeria       964406    On education and transformation agenda
The Punch - Nigeria             Nigeria       964406    Teaching without learning in Nigerian schools
Vanguard                        Nigeria       914172    Efficient taxation can boost Nigeria’s education finance by N2.08trn – UNESCO
Daily Independent Nigeria       Nigeria       2820      UNESCO urges Africa’s finance ministers to fight tax evasion
National Mirror                 Nigeria       1614      EFA: Why Nigeria may not meet 2015 deadline
Royal Times                     Nigeria                 Nigeria’s Out of School Children: Separating Truth from Sensationalism
Vanguard                        Nigeria       914172    AHI makes case for 5.5million out-of-school girls
Daily Times Nigeria             Nigeria       1294      UNESCO Moves to Empower Nigerian Women
                                                        BW: International Federation of University Women / On International Women's Day, the International
                                                        Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary
NTB - BWI                       Norway        454       education, literacy and numeracy for girls and women in
Express Tribune                 Pakistan      2576746   Official apathy: Cash needs for education not yet determined
The News                        Pakistan      1022162   Low education financing a major concern
Express Tribune                 Pakistan      2576746   Untrue to the word: Of policies that say so much yet do little
            ‫ﺻﺣﻳﻔﺔ ﺩﻧﻳﺎ ﺍﻟﻭﻁﻥ‬    Palestine     947779                                                                            ‫ﻋﺑﺩ ﺍﻟﺣﻣﻳﺩ ﺃﺑﻭﺯﺭﺓ‬:‫ﻫﻣﻭﻡ ﺍﻟﺗﻠﻣﻳﺫﺓ ﺍﻟﻘﺭﻭﻳﺔ ﺑﻘﻠﻡ‬
Terra Perú                      Peru          151128    Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco - Terra Perú
La República                    Peru          1948185   El mundo vive una crisis de aprendizaje según la Unesco
Circuit Magazine                Philippines   3714      The Rise Up Call
When In Manila             Philippines              RISE UP: A Talk on Women’s Right to Education and a Special Screening of Girl Rising
Jornal de Notícias         Portugal       913729    Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler
Açoriano Oriental          Portugal       29816     Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler
Diário Digital - Sapo      Portugal       67764     Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler , alerta UNESCO
Correio da Manhã           Portugal       1633407   Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler - UNESCO
Destak.pt                  Portugal       43044     Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler - UNESCO
Porto Canal - Sapo         Portugal                 Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler - UNESCO
Visão - Sapo.pt            Portugal                 Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler - UNESCO
Ionline                    Portugal       373917    Cem milhões de raparigas não sabem ler, revela a UNESCO
Gulf Times                 Qatar          172421    Universal education goals still far off
                                                    Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Jaziranewswire             Qatar                    DIHAD 2014
                                                    Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Mena Focus                 Qatar                    DIHAD 2014
Al Jazeera English         Qatar          2567714   Can madrassas help developing countries?
                                                    On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                                                    states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Qatar Click                Qatar                    women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                    À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
                                                    Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Qatar Click                Qatar                    relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
The New Times Rwanda       Rwanda         82622     Government tipped on education funding
The New Times Rwanda       Rwanda         82622     What girls want
                                                    Accès à l’éducation pour tous: Les pays francophones à la recherche de solutions efficaces pour
Le Soleil                  Senegal        89126     l’après-2015
Panapress                  Senegal        20748     UN: UNESCO chief urges global efforts on girls' education
                                                    Scolarisation des filles : L’achèvement du cycle primaire permet de réduire la mortalité maternelle
Le Soleil                  Senegal        89126     de 66 %
Actionaid                  South Africa   42738     ActionAid calls on African Union to take action to end tax dodging
CNBC Africa                South Africa   1700      Nigeria battles 'out-of-school' epidemic
The Star (ePaper)          South Africa             Counting the costs
IOL - Independent Online   South Africa   1199924   Private money should finance eduction
IOL - Independent Online   South Africa   1199924   Private money should finance public eduction
                                                    Sénégal: Accès à l'éducation pour tous - Les pays francophones à la recherche de solutions
All Africa.com             South Africa   2137172   efficaces pour l'après-2015
                                                    Congo-Brazzaville: Réinsertion des jeunes filles - Des machines à coudre et des pagnes
All Africa.com             South Africa   2137172   traditionnels pour « Action Talitha Koum »
All Africa.com             South Africa   2137172   Afrique: UNESCO - 100 millions de jeunes femmes sont incapables de lire une phrase
University World News      South Africa   14419     The education goal - Africa's unfinished business

Blogs - Blueworld          South Africa             Think Globally for International Women's Day
                                                    Sénégal: Scolarisation des filles - L'achèvement du cycle primaire permet de réduire la
All Africa.com             South Africa   2137172   mortalité maternelle de 66 %
                                                    Unesco: luchar contra el fraude fiscal podría ayudar a financiar la educación en los países en vías
Euractiv.es                Spain          2300      de desarrollo
Gloobal                    Spain          74595     UNESCO: 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes en el mundo son incapaces de leer una sola frase
                                                    Inequidad en la educación: 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes en el mundo son incapaces de leer
Kaosenlared                Spain          140527    una sola frase Destacado
La Informacion.com         Spain          3535615   Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
El Confidencial            Spain          3387840   Luchar contra el fraude fiscal, clave de la Educación Para Todos según Unesco
Aprendemas.com             Spain          408311    La educación de las niñas, una prioridad a nivel internacional
Laverdad.es                Spain          2217154   Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco. Murcia - La Verdad
Elcorreo.com               Spain          1394375   Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
La Voz Digital             Spain          202695    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Diariovasco.com            Spain          668108    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Elcomercio.es              Spain          556839    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Eldiariomontanes.es        Spain          516139    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Ideal.es                   Spain          1644425   Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Hoy.es                     Spain          580556    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Diario Sur                 Spain          786539    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
La Rioja.com               Spain          320034    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer, según la Unesco
Noticias de Gipuzkoa       Spain          64289     Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer
Deia                       Spain          279618    Cien millones de mujeres jóvenes son aún incapaces de leer
                                                    MÁS DE 100 MILLONES DE MUJERES JÓVENES SON INCAPACES DE LEER UNA SOLA
Discapnet                  Spain          121145    FRASE, SEGÚN LA UNESCO
                                                    MÁS DE 100 MILLONES DE MUJERES JÓVENES SON INCAPACES DE LEER UNA SOLA
TeInteresa.es              Spain          1021954   FRASE, SEGÚN LA UNESCO
SIGLO XXI                  Spain          19018     Más de 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes son incapaces de leer una sola frase, según la Unesco
                                                    Más de 100 millones de mujeres jóvenes son incapaces de leer una sola frase, según la unesco -
Eco Diario.es              Spain          5021445   EcoDiario.es
Gloobal                    Spain          74595     UNESCO: La India requerirá más de medio siglo para alfabetizar a sus niñas
                                                    En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, la International Federation of University Women (IFUW) insta a
                                                    los estados a que, en su agenda para el desarrollo después de 2015, se comprometan a alcanzar
Ibero News                 Spain          2672      un objetivo independiente para lograr educación secundar
                                                    On International Women?s Day, the International Federation ofUniversity Women (IFUW) urges
                                                    states to commit to a standalone goal forsecondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
elEconomista.es            Spain          5021445   women in thepost-2015 agenda
                                                    En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, la Federación Internacional de Mujeres Universitarias (FIMU)
La Bolsa - Six Financial                            insta a los estados a comprometerse con un objetivo independiente en pos de la educación
Information                Spain                    secundaria, la alfabetización y la adquisición de nociones de…
En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, la Federación Internacional de Mujeres Universitarias (FIMU)
                                                  insta a los estados a comprometerse con un objetivo independiente en pos de la educación
Elperiodico.com           Spain                   secundaria, la alfabetización y la adquisición de nociones de?
Gloobal                   Spain         74595     África: Los profesores son la clave para mejorar una educación en crisis, dice la UNESCO
Cambio 16                 Spain         551       La ONG de India que se extendió como un restaurante chino y no como un McDonalds
Rebelión                  Spain         194100    Analfabetismo, rezago, inversión educativa y falta de interés por la educación
                                                  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
Sudan Business Post -                             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Blog                      Sudan                   women in the post-2015 agenda
                                                  À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, la Fédération Internationale des Femmes
Sudan Business Post -                             Diplômées des Universités (FIFDU/IFUW) exhorte les États à s’engager pour un objectif distinct
Blog                      Sudan                   relatif à l’enseignement secondaire, la lecture…
                                                  Skrivelse 2013/14:139 Redovisning av verksamheten i Internationella valutafonden, Världsbanken
Sveriges Riksdag          Sweden        83376     samt de regionala utvecklings- och investeringsbankerna 2012 och 2013 - riksdagen.se
                                                  The SDSN’s Proposed Indicators for the SDGs: Some Commentaries on the Treatment of
Norrag NewsBite           Switzerland   7010      Livelihoods and Skills
Soaktuell.ch              Switzerland   3630      Wege aus der Armut: Präsentation des Weltbildungsberichts
Admin.ch                  Switzerland   1344208   Wege aus der Armut: Präsentation des Weltbildungsberichts
News Admin.ch (GER)       Switzerland   1344208   Wege aus der Armut: Präsentation des Weltbildungsberichts
EDA - Admin.ch            Switzerland   1344208   Wege aus der Armut: Präsentation des Weltbildungsberichts
Federal Department of
Foreign Affairs - EDA -
Admin.ch                  Switzerland   1344208   Escaping poverty: Education for All Global Monitoring Report
Radio Fribourg            Switzerland   6320      L'UNESCO à Fribourg : de sérieuses lacunes dans l'éducation sur la planète
Romandie.com              Switzerland   263228    Sortir de la pauvreté : présentation du Rapport mondial sur l’Education
Département Fédéral des
Affaires Etrangères
(DFAE) - Admin.ch         Switzerland   1344208   Sortir de la pauvreté : présentation du Rapport mondial sur l’Education
                                                  Putting Equity at the Centre of Your Education Strategy: it can be done! There is No Need to wait for
Norrag NewsBite           Switzerland   7010      the Final Post-2015 Agenda
MSN 台灣 新聞                 Taiwan        558197    議程
The Central News                                  在國際婦女節來臨之際,IFUW呼籲將女性的中等教育、識字和算術教育作為獨立目標列入2015年後
Agency                    Taiwan        505731    議程
The Citizen               Tanzania      5535      Tax evasion hurts education in poor countries: Unesco
The Observer              Uganda        25232     Global learning crisis costing $129bn a year
                          United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year Dh17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
UAE Interact              Emirates      99738     DIHAD 2014
                          United Arab
Gulf in the Media         Emirates      2806      Universal education goals still far off
United Arab
Khaleej Times                     Emirates      2454290   Dubai Cares plans ‘quality learning’ project in Pakistan
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Arab News Network                 Emirates                DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Emirates Press Releases           Emirates                DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Emirates Newswire                 Emirates                DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Mid East News                     Emirates                DIHAD 2014
WAM - Emirates News               United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Agency                            Emirates      3589      DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Emirates Newswire                 Emirates                DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares announces 3-year AED 17 million holistic quality learning programme in Pakistan at
Arab Press Releases               Emirates                DIHAD 2014
                                  United Arab
Gulf in the Media                 Emirates      2806      Educate girls to break cycle of poverty, says minister
                                  United Arab
Khaleej Times                     Emirates      2454290   Educate girls to break cycle of poverty, says minister
                                  United Arab
Zawya (Arabic)                    Emirates      1459088   2020 ‫ ﻣﻥ ﺣﺟﻡ ﺇﻧﻔﺎﻕ ﺑﺭﺍﻣﺞ ﺍﻟﻣﺳﺅﻭﻟﻳﺔ ﺍﻻﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﻳﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻣﻳﺎ ً ﻟﺩﻋﻡ ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺑﺣﻠﻭﻝ‬%20 ‫ﺇﻁﻼﻕ ﺣﻣﻠﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻣﻳﺔ ﺟﺩﻳﺩﺓ ﺗﺣﺙ ﺍﻟﺷﺭﻛﺎﺕ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﺧﺻﻳﺹ‬
                                  United Arab             Call to achieve gender parity in education to overcome chronic poverty and usher in positive social
Zawya.com                         Emirates      8754528   changes
                                  United Arab
Zawya.com                         Emirates      8754528   Global CSR donation campaign launched in Dubai to improve education
                                  United Arab
                 ‫ﺩﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﺧﻠﻳــــﺞ‬   Emirates      166839                                     2015 ‫“ﺍﻟﻣﻧﺗﺩﻯ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟﻣﻲ” ﻳﺧﺗﺗﻡ ﺃﻋﻣﺎﻟﻪ ﺑﺣﺯﻣﺔ ﺗﻭﺻﻳﺎﺕ ﻣﺿﺎﻋﻔﺔ ﺇﻧﻔﺎﻕ ﺩﻋﻡ ﺍﻟﺗﻌﻠﻳﻡ ﺇﻟﻰ ﻣﻠﻳﺎﺭ ﺩﻭﻻﺭ ﻓﻲ‬
                                  United Arab
The National                      Emirates      2047914   New call for action on education for girls
                                  United Arab             New campaign challenging business to commit 20 per cent of global CSR spend on education by
Zawya.com                         Emirates      8754528   2020: launched at GESF 2014
                                  United Arab
Arabianbusiness.com               Emirates      566248    Private sector funding of education is 'insufficient' says UAE official
                                  United Arab
Zawya.com                         Emirates      8754528   Private sector not investing enough in education
                                  United Arab
Gulf News                         Emirates      4696532   Private sector not investing enough in education
                                  United Arab             Dubai Cares partners with Varkey GEMS Foundation to train and develop teachers across the
Zawya.com                         Emirates      8754528   developing world
                                  United Arab
The National                      Emirates      2047914   Private corporations called upon to increase their financial support of education
Public, Private And Social Sectors Urged To Integrate Efforts In Providing Access To Quality
                       United Arab             Education President Bill Clinton’s keynote address highlights the importance and value of education
Middle East Events     Emirates      1095      and great teachers
                       United Arab             Public, Private And Social Sectors Urged To Integrate Efforts In Providing Access To Quality
Middle East Today      Emirates                Education
                       United Arab
The National           Emirates      2047914   Gender equality in education is not only a human right, it’s a necessity
                       United Arab
Zawya.com              Emirates      8754528   Abu Dhabi forum to focus on education in crisis-hit areas
                       United Arab
Gulf News              Emirates      4696532   Abu Dhabi forum to focus on education in crisis-hit areas
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
Business Times ME -    United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Blog                   Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Qatar Media - Blog     Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Doha Speaks - Blog     Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Qatar Review - Blog    Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Jordan Speaks Blog     Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Kuwait Speaks Blog     Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Lebanon Express Blog   Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Business Doha          Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Qatar Business Press   Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
                                               On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                       United Arab             states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Arabs Today            Emirates                women in the post-2015 agenda
Doha Times - Blog      United Arab             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
Emirates            states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
                                             women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
UAE News Today - Blog    Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Daily Gulf - Blog        Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Gulf News Beet - Blog    Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Mid East Informer Blog   Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Abu Dhabi 365 - Blog     Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Business MENA            Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women's Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Middle East World        Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Worldmeabiznews - Blog   Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Dubai News Today         Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Khaleej Dailies          Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
ME NewsWire Blog         Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
UAE Business Review      Emirates      288   women in the post-2015 agenda
                                             On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
                         United Arab         states to commit to a standalone goal for secondary education, literacy and numeracy for girls and
Arabia Business Press    Emirates            women in the post-2015 agenda
World Connector Net      United Arab         On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) urges
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