FromA toZ Your service numbers- 10.01.2020 - Messe Frankfurt

Page created by Clifford Soto
7. – 10.01.2020

             Your service numbers

             from       to
C                         Doctor                     H                         Messages                  Press Service
                            Cabs > see Taxi           Drugstore > see            Hall Managers              > see Fax Service        Printers > see
                            Car Breakdown              Pharmacies                Halls Occupied            Messe Frankfurt against     Multimedia Shop
                              Assistance              Dry Cleaning               Hostesses                  Copying                  Printing Service
                            Car Rental                                           Hotel Bookings > see      Messe Frankfurt GmbH      Public Transportation
                            Car-Parking > see         E                            Accommodations          Mini Markets                Tickets
                              Parking                 Easyorder > see Shop       Hotel Guide Frankfurt     Mobile Phones > see       Publisher
                            Car-Park Shuttle > see      for Exhibitor Services     Rhein Main > see         Multimedia Shop
                              Bus Lines               Electricians > see Stand     Restaurant Guide        Multimedia Shop           Q
                            Carpeting > see Stand       Fitting                    Frankfurt Rhein Main                              Questions
                              Construction            Emergency Calls            Hotlines                  N
                            Cash Deck                 Entrances Pedestrians                                Newspaper Stand           R
                            Cash Machines             Evening Out                I                         Next Exhibitions > see    Radio Via Mobile
                            Cash Sales                Eventence                  Information                 Dates                   Railway
                            Catalogues                Events                     Information and           Non-Smokers Protection    Rebstock Parking > see
                            Catering                  Exhibitor Profile Online     Distributing Service      Law                       Parking
                            Ceiling Suspensions       Exhibitors’ Hotline        Information Points
INDEX                                                                                                                                Red Cross > see First
                            Cell Phones > see         Exhibitor Passes           Infringement of           O                           Aid Stations
                              Multimedia Shop         Exhibitors’ Night            Copyright > see
A                                                                                                          Office Equipment > see    Relaxation > see
                            Charging Stations for                                  Messe Frankfurt
Accente                                                                                                      Multimedia Shop           Wellness Lounge
                              Electric Vehicles                                    against Copying
Accident > see                                        F                                                    Office Supplies > see     Rent a car > see Car
                            Check‑In and Electronic                              Insurance
  Emergency Calls             Entry System            Fairconstruction > see                                 Mini Markets              Rental
                                                        Stand Construction       International Sales       Online                    Restaurant Guide
Access for Vehicles         Church Center
                                                      Fairground Maps              Partners of Messe       Online Banner               Frankfurt / Rhine - Main
Accommodations              Cleaning – Hall and
                                                      Fair Shop                    Frankfurt               Opening Hours             Restaurants
Address of Messe              Facility Cleaning
                                                      Fax Service                Internet > see WLAN                                 RMV
  Frankfurt                 Complete Stands > see
                                                      Fire Department            Interpreter               P                         Room Reservations
Admission Vouchers            Stand Construction
                                                      First Aid Station          Invoice > see Cash Deck   Packaging Material          > see Accommodations
Advertising at the Fair     Computer > see
Advertising Material          Multimedia Shop         Flight Schedule                                      Painters > see Stand
Advertising Spot > see      Conference Rooms          Flowers                    K                           Construction            S
  Radio Via Mobile          Construction Workers      Foreign Trade Shows        Kindergarten              Parking                   S-Bahn > see Arrival /
Airlines                    Contact Persons > see       > see Dates                                        Patent Lawyers > see        Departure
Airport Frankfurt             Management              Forklift > see Logistics   L                           Lawyers                 Safety and Security
Ambulance Service             of the Trade Fair       Forwarding Agents          Laptops > see             Payments > see Cash       Scooter > see Barrier-
  > see Emergency Calls     Containers                Found Item > see Lost        Multimedia Shop           Deck                      Free Visit within the
App                         Copies > see Business       and Found                Lawyers                   Pharmacies                  Fairgrounds
Arrival / Departure           Center                  Frankfurt Airport > see    Lettering > see Stand     Photocopies > see         Service Center
Ascoli-Club                 Courier Service             Airport Frankfurt          Construction              Business Center         Set-Up
                              > see Postal Service    Fraport Exhibitor          Lifting Ramp              Photographers             Set-up and Dismantling
                            Cranes > see Logistics      Parking Service > see    Logistics                 Photography                 Passes
                            Currency Exchange           Parking                  Lost and Found            Pizza Service             Shipping Address > see
Bank Office
                              Office > see Bank       Frankfurt Information      Loudspeakers > see        Plants > see Flowers        Address of Messe
Barrier-Free Visit within
                              Office                  Furniture Rental > see       Media Technology        Plumbers > see Stand        Frankfurt
  the Fairgrounds
                            Customs                     Stand Construction       Lufthansa                   Fitting                 Shop for Exhibitor
Beverage Services
  > see Catering                                                                                           Police Station              Services
Boxes > see Packaging       D                         G                          M                         Post Office               Shopping Facilities
  Material                  Dates                     GPS                        Management of the         Postal Service              > see Mini Markets
Building Supplies Stores    Defibrillators            Graphic Designer > see      Trade Fair               Prayer                    Shuttle Bus > see Bus
  > see Tools               Dentist                     Stand Construction       Massage                   Prepaid Cards > see         Lines
Bus Lines                   Deutsche Bahn > see       Greencheck                  > see Wellness             Multimedia Shop         Smoking on the
Business Cards                Railway                 Groceries > see Mini        Lounge                   Presentation Equipment      Fair­grounds > see
Business Center             Dishes for Rent             Markets                  Media Package               > see Media               Non-Smokers
                            Dismantling               Guards                     Media Technology            Technology                Protection Law
                            Display Cases                                        Medicine                  Press Center              Social Media

2             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                  3
Sound Systems > see      T                            U
  Media Technology       Taxi                         U-Bahn / Underground
Stand Assistants > see   Team Office > see              > see Arrival /
  Hostesses                Management of the            Departure
Stand Cleaning > see       Trade Fair
  Cleaning – Hall and    Technical Equipment          V
  Facility Cleaning        > see Media                Video Equipment > see
Stand Construction         Technology                   Media Technology
Stand Construction       Telecommunications           VIP Clubs > see Ascoli
  Permit                 Telephones                     Club and Tulip Club
Stand Deliveries         Theft                        Visitor Registration
Stand Equipment          Ticket Offices                 System - LeadSuccess
Stand Fitting            Ticket Services for          Vouchers > see
Stand Guards > see         Exhibitors                   Admission Vouchers
  Guards                 Tools
                                                                                Heimtextil 2020
Stand Party              Torhaus > see Service        W
Stand Wall Cleaning        Center                     Waste Disposal
  > see Stand            Towing Service               Water Connection > see    Your A to Z from Accommodations to Wi-Fi
  Construction           Traffic Guide                 Stand Fitting              (Subject to modifications)
Storage Space > see      Train Schedule > see         Websites
  Logistics                Railway                    Wellness Lounge
Suburban Trains > see    Translators > see            Wheelchairs > see
  Arrival / Departure      Interpreter                 Barrier-Free Visit
Super Market > see       Transports                    within the Fairgrounds
  Mini Markets           Tulip Club                   WLAN
Suspensions > see        Typing Service > see
  Ceiling Suspensions      Business Center

                                                                                  Catering & Hospitality. For catering and stand delivery
                                                                                  phone: +49 69 75 602-0,, email:

                                                                                  see Emergency Calls

                                                                                Access for Vehicles
                                                                                  Please note: The vehicle passes for advanced set-up, general set-up
                                                                                  and dismantling have to be ordered online in advance through the
                                                                                  electronic entry system at
                                                                                  Access during advanced set-up:
                                                                                  Friday, December 27, 2020, from 07:00 am to midnight.
                                                                                  Saturday, December 28, 2020, from midnight to 11:00 pm.
                                                                                  Advanced set-up is only possible for booths over a size of more than
                                                                                  50 sqm.
“From A to Z” issued by Messe Frankfurt Venue GmbH,
                                                                                  You can order this service online in our Shop for Exhibitor Services:
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main,
phone +49 69 75 75-0, fax +49 69 75 75-64 33,,

4            Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                5
Your contact for any questions concerning the advanced set-up:                    On the last day of the fair, Friday, January 10, 2020 from 03:00 pm until
    phone: +49 69 75 75‑66 28, email:            10:00 pm the car-park shuttle buses between Entrance Portalhaus and
                                                                                      Rebstock car park also stop at bus stop 4 at the truck assembly point
    The entrance during the advanced set-up is only possible upon proof of            Rebstock.
    the advanced set-up permit. Additionally, your vehicle has to be registered
    online via the electronic entry system            The official entry for dismantling vehicles begins on Friday, Janu-
    After having registered successfully you will receive an email containing         ary 10, 2020 after 08:00 pm from the Rebstock assembly area only.
    the registration confirmation.
    In any case and at any time, please follow the signs to “Check-In”.               Please note that on the last day of the exhibition a pre-registration
                                                                                      via the Electronic Entry System is not required.
    At the Check-In, your documents will be verified and then checked
    whether a loading area is vacant. As soon as this is the case, you will
    receive an entry permit for your vehicle with the information at which            For dismantling on Saturday, January 11, 2020 and Sunday, January 12,
    gate your entrance is granted.                                                    2020 vehicle entry passes have to be ordered online in advance through
                                                                                      the Electronic Entry System at
    Access during regular set-up:                                            Once you have registered success-
    Thursday, January 02, 2020 starting at 07:00 am, nonstop                          fully, you will be sent an email with the registration confirmation to print
    Exhibitors, stand construction companies and freight forwarders can regis-        out.
    ter in advance online at The registrati-
    on confirmation is sent to you by e-mail and has to be printed out.               All vehicles (passenger vehicles and trucks), must first pass through the
    All vehicles (cars and trucks) register at the respectively marked check-in.      Check-In. Please follow the digital signing “Check-In” from the motor-
    Please follow the digital signposts in the direction of the check-in, off the     way A 648. The Check-In is the only place where access to the exhibition
    A 648 motorway. Only at the check-in the final entrance to the trade fair         center will be finally authorised.
    grounds will be granted and the entry permit will be issued.
                                                                                      Dismantling ends on Sunday, January 12, 2020, at 11:00 pm.
    Exhibitors can reach their parking lots P3 and P4 via Gate North or South,        Booking: Frankfurt Tourism & Congress Board, Kaiserstr. 56,
    P8 via Gate 8, P9 via Gate 9 and P12 via Gate West.                               phone: +49 69 21 23 08 08, fax: +49 69 21 24 05 12,
    Delivery services can access the Exhibition Center for one hour. A deposit        email:
    of € 100.00 is required at the gate.                                              Online hotel reservations: www.frankfurt‑
                                                                                      You can also arrange your booking in the main entrance area of Frankfurt
    On the last day of the exhibition, Friday, January 10, 2020, vehicles will        Central Station at the “Tourist Info” counter, open daily from 08:00 am to
    not be allowed to enter the exhibition center after 02:00 pm. You may             09:00 pm and on weekends from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm.
    remove small loads from the exhibition ground (vehicles of 3.5 tons max.)         The Hotel Guide Frankfurt Rhein Main also gives you an overview of
    from 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm. Therefore, a special dismantling pass is               hotels located in and around Frankfurt am Main:
    required, against a declaration of cost assumption, which states that you
    will be charged € 200.00 together with the invoice of additional costs, in        The printed hotel guide and the restaurant guide are available at Messe
    case you do not leave the exhibition grounds by the time indicated on the         Frankfurt Medien und Service GmbH, phone: +49 69 75 75‑60 83 or
    pass.                                                                             email:
    Special dismantling passes are available at the central information desk
    in Service Center Torhaus, level 2 two days before the event and during         Address of Messe Frankfurt
    the exhibition. Please note that the supply of passes is limited (400 pieces      For consignments to exhibitors:
    max.) and that they are only provided for exhibitors upon proof and pre-          Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH
    sentation of their Messe Frankfurt customer number. When leaving the              Heimtextil 2020
    exhibition ground by 07:00 pm via Gate West, the special dismantling              insert exhibitor’s company name
    pass will not be invoiced. Please note that the special dismantling permits
                                                                                      (if available: contact person and cellphone number)
    are only available in limited quantities (max. 400 pieces). It is therefore
    advisable to order them early.                                                    hall and stand number
                                                                                      Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
    Please note that dismantling is allowed inside the stands only on the             60327 Frankfurt am Main
    last day of the fair, Friday, January 10, 2020 from 05:00 pm until                Germany
    08:00 pm due to carpet removal in the aisles and delivery of empties by
    the freight forwarders.                                                           You’ll find a sample label on

6             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                       7
If you’d like your goods to be stored in our Cargo Center and / or delivered      Digital Advertising:
    to your booth please contact our logistics service,                               Online Banners placed on the event homepage of Messe Frankfurt provide
    phone: +49 69 75 75-60 75, email:                   your company with extra visibility before, during and after the exhibition.
                                                                                      Ms Angela Glaser-Gallion will be pleased to advise you,
    If you would like to write an email to a member of Messe Frankfurt staff,         phone +49 69 75 75 52 85.
    please use the following address:
    [first name].[family name] or                               Advertising Material                                                          The distribution of advertising material may only take place at your own
                                                                                      stand or on the rented promotion areas. Information can be obtained from
Admission Vouchers                                                                    Advertising Services:
    To invite your customers to the trade fair can be ordered through our portal      Mr Wolf Henning Folgmann, phone: +49 69 75 75‑68 86 or
    Ticket Services for Exhibitors:          Mr Oliver Zugaj, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 03
    Your customers can convert these into valid admission tickets by registe-
    ring on                                 Advertising Spot
    We will gladly help you with all requests you may have regarding the              see Radio Via Mobile
    exhibitor ticketing portal, phone +49 69 75 75‑51 51 or
    email:                                            Airlines
    You will only be charged for vouchers which have actually been used by            Telephone numbers can be obtained at any information point or by calling
    the end of the fair.                                                              +49 69 75 75-0.
    Vouchers must be converted into tickets via internet to include free local
    transportation (RMV). Tickets converted at ticket counters do not include      Airport Frankfurt
    free transportation with RMV services.                                            For airport information, phone: +49 1805-37 24 63 6 or visit
Advertising at the Fair
                                                                                   Ambulance Service
    For exhibitors who want to advertise outside their exhibition stand the
    range of products offered by Advertising Services includes:                       see Emergency Calls
    Advertising on the exhibition grounds – indoors:                               App
    • Display cases along Via Mobile                                                  - The App „Heimtextil Navigator“ offers the following features:
    • ePoster: 10 multimedia terminals along the Via Mobile for                       - Exhibitor Search: here you find companies and products
       your advertising
                                                                                      - Fairground Map with information about the stalls and the special shows
    • Advertising columns
                                                                                      - Events: for example meetings, lectures, guided tours and special shows
    • Triangle Tower
                                                                                      - News: Press Releases and Social-Media-Channels
    • Slim Box
                                                                                      - Bookmarks: Bookmarked Companies and Events
    • Advertising space opposite exhibition stands
                                                                                      - Scanner: Scan-Function for QR-Codes
    • Advertising spots on Radio Via Mobile
                                                                                      - Close to: Downloads of PDF-Documents and Videos of Exhibitors
    • Brochure distribution to all exhibitors
                                                                                      - My Downloads: all downloads from the Exhibitor Search and from
    • LED-Banners in the Torhaus                                                         „close to“ in one place.

    Advertising on the exhibition grounds – outdoors:                                 The „Heimtextil Navigator“ for Apple equipment in the App Store a well
    • Flags on the exhibition grounds                                                 as for Android in the Google Play Store is available free of charge.
                                                                                      Send feedback to:
    • Advertising space around the exhibition grounds
    • Advertising towers on the exhibition grounds and indoors                     Arrival / Departure
    • Mega poster on the exterior walls of the halls                                  A regular train service is provided from Frankfurt Airport to Frankfurt
    • City Light Poster in the Rebstock multi-storey car park                         Central Station (Frankfurt/Main Hbf) by suburban service lines S 8 or
    • Advertising at the front of the Rebstock multi-storey car park                  S 9 as indicated.
    Please contact Advertising Services,
                                                                                      From Frankfurt Central Station to the fairground:
    Mr Wolf Henning Folgmann, phone: +49 69 75 75‑68 86 or
                                                                                      To get to the fair from Frankfurt Central Station you have four possibilities:
    Mr Oliver Zugaj, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 03
                                                                                      Take the suburban train (S-Bahn) from basement platform 104, lines S 3
                                                                                      (direction “Bad Soden”), S 4 (direction “Kronberg”), S 5 (direction ”Bad
                                                                                      Homburg / Friedrichsdorf”), S 6 (direction ”Friedberg / Groß Karben”).
                                                                                      The second stop is “Messe” (Torhaus station).

8             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                        9
Or take the subway (U-Bahn), line U 4 (direction ”Bockenheimer Warte”)          Boxes
     to the next station “Festhalle / Messe”, arriving at the exhibition center,       see Packaging Material
     Entrance City.
     Or use the tramway/streetcar: line 16 (direction ”Ginnheim”) or line 17         Building Supplies Stores
     (direction ”Rebstockbad”) to the stop “Festhalle/Messe”.                          see Tools
     Walking takes approximately 15 minutes (to Entrance City).
                                                                                     Bus Lines
     By car: from any motorway to “Westkreuz Frankfurt”, then motorway                 Airport shuttles:
     A 648, destination “Stadtmitte“ or “Messe”. Follow the signs to “Messe”.
                                                                                       Direct shuttle bus service during the fair, from or to the airport, one-way
Ascoli Club                                                                            ticket, € 7.50 for adults and € 3.00 for children under age 14, transfer time
     Ascoli Club - Torhaus level 2, phone: +49 69 75 75‑58 79. Open to Ascoli          approximately: 20 minutes.
     club members only. Members have free entrance to the trade fair.
                                                                                       The buses will run as follows:
     The Ascoli-Club is open during the trade show from Tuesday, January 07,
     2020 09:00 am until Friday, January 10, 2020 04:00 pm. On the last day            From the Airport:
     of the exhibition, Friday, January 10, 2020 it is open from 09:00 am to           Tuesday, January 07, 2020 to Friday, January 10, 2020
     04:00 pm.                                                                         08:00 am to 12:00 pm/noon : Terminal 1 - Terminal 2 - Entrance Hall 3 East
                                                                                       every 10-Min.

B                                                                                      From the Fairground:
                                                                                       Tuesday, January 07, 2020 to Friday, January 10, 2020
Bank Office                                                                            12:00 pm/noon to 03:00 pm : Entrance Hall 3 East - Terminal 1 - Terminal 2
     Reisebank: Hall 4.1 foyer, phone: +49 69 978 807 63 315.                          every 30-Min.
     Open during the fair, daily from Tuesday, January 07, 2020 to Friday,             03:00 pm to 07:00 pm: Entrance Hall 3 East - Terminal 1 - Terminal 2
     January 10, 2020 from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.                                       every 10-Min.
     Outside the exhibition center you will find offices at the Frankfurt Central
     Station, South exit or at the airport, terminal 1, departure hall A, level 2.     Car-park shuttles: Free car-park shuttle service between the Rebstock
     Opening hours:                                                   parking area and the exhibition ground (Entrance Portalhaus, Entrance
                                                                                       Galleria and Entrance Hall 3 East) on the trade fair days, 90 minutes before
Barrier-Free Visit within the Fairgrounds                                              opening until 90 minutes after the end (on the last day of the fair until
     Our information hotline for disabled visitors is always available to respond      10:00 pm)
     to your questions, comments and suggestions,
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑69 99 or email:              Driving route:
     Additional information is available on our website at:                            Route 1: Rebstock car park - Entrance Portalhaus - Entrance Galleria 9T -, see “Arrival and Stay” / “Barrier free access”.           Rebstock car park
     Wheelchairs and scooters can be reserved for a deposit of € 50.00 on a            Route 2: Rebstock car park - Entrance Hall 3 East - Rebstock car park
     daily base. Should you need the wheelchair for two or more days the
     deposit is € 100.00. Please contact the first aid station in                      On the last day of the fair, Friday, January 10, 2020 from 03:00 pm until
     Hall 4.0 Southwest, phone: +49 69 75 75‑65 00 or                                  10:00 pm the buses also stop at bus stop 4 at the truck assembly point at
     first aid station in Hall 8.0 Foyer, phone: +49 69 75 75‑65 02.                   the Rebstock car park.

     The Euro WC key to the barrier-free lavatories can be purchased                   Evening and night buses are running between the exhibition ground
     (€ 25.00) in the Business Center at the Torhaus Service Center, level 3,          (Hall 3 North via various stops in relation to the announced stand parties,
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 20. If you are not already in possession of this           exit via Gate West) and the Rebstock parking area.
     key, please contact our service personnel in the hall and they will be
     pleased to unlock the WC for you.                                                 The buses will run as follows:
Beverage Services                                                                      Tuesday, January 07, 2020 from 07:30 pm to 10:00 pm
     see Catering                                                                      Wednesday, January 08, 2020 (exhibitors’ night) from 07:30 pm to 00:30 am
                                                                                       Thursday, January 09, 2020 from 07:30 pm to 10:00 pm

10             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                      11
Fairground Shuttles:
     During the exhibition this free shuttle bus service runs from 07:30 am to
     07:30 pm. On the last day of the exhibition, Friday, January 10, 2020, it
     runs only until 06:00 pm.                                                    Cabs
                                                                                    see Taxi
     Driving route:
                                                                                  Car Breakdown Assistance
     Hall 1 North – Entrance LEA- Hall 3 North – Hall 4 East – Intersection
     Halls 4/5/6 – Torhaus East – Hall 8 Southeast – Hall 8 Southwest –             The following automobile clubs will be pleased to help:
     Hall 11 North – Hall 11 Southeast – Hall 12 Northeast                          ADAC:                phone: +49 1802 22 22 22
                                                                                    AvD:                 phone: +49 800 99 09 90 9
Business Cards
                                                                                  Car Rental
     Are yours running low? You’ll find some help at the Business Center,
     Torhaus Service Center, level 3, phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 09.                    Car rental stations are located at Frankfurt Central Station (Frankfurt/
                                                                                    Main Hbf), travel service center (DB Reisezentrum):
                                                                                    Avis                     phone: +49 69 27 99 70 10
     Do you wish to scan the business cards of your customer?
                                                                                    Hertz                    phone: +49 69 23 04 84
     You can obtain an offer and information concerning visitor registration
     systems at the Multimedia Shop, located at the Business Center, Torhaus        Sixt                     phone: +49 1806 25 25 25
     Service Center, level 3, phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 20,                          Car-Parking
     email: multimedia‑
                                                                                    see Parking
     Available as follows:
     Visitor registration LeadSuccess mobile app – without device                 Car-Park Shuttle
     Visitor registration LeadSuccess mobile app – with device                      see Bus Lines
     Visitor registration LeadSuccess with barcode scanner
     Visitor registration LeadSuccess with business card scanner                    see Stand Construction
     Visitor registration LeadSuccess complete package.
                                                                                  Cash Desk
Business Center                                                                     Open accounts can be settled at the Messe Frankfurt cash desk,
     Located at the Torhaus Service Center, level 3,                                Torhaus North, level 4, room 213. Cash desk opening hours are from
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 09. Open on from Sunday, January 05, to Friday,         08:30 am to 05:00 pm.
     January 10, 2020, daily from 08:30 am to 06:00 pm.
     You will find everything for your office needs here.                         Cash Machines
                                                                                    Commerzbank             Entrance City, level 0
     All mobile phones can be recharged in lockable boxes at the Business
     Center, where they can be picked up again after recharging.                    Postbank                Torhaus Service Center, level 3
     If you do not have your own fax machine at your stand, you can have your       Reisebank               Entrance Torhaus (S-Bahn Terminal)
     faxes delivered to your stand through our fax service at the Business Cen-     Reisebank               Hall 4.1 East foyer
     ter, fax: +49 69 75 75‑13 95. Name of the exhibitor (company name), hall       Reisebank               Entrance Portalhaus, Hall 11
     number and stand number must be clearly indicated.
     The Multimedia Shop and the fax service for exhibitors are also located at   Cash Sales
     the Business Center.                                                           Direct sales of any goods to visitors are prohibited. Visitors will be checked
                                                                                    at the exits and sent back to the exhibitor with the products they have

                                                                                    Exhibitors can pick up one catalogue per exhibiting company at their hall
                                                                                    manager’s office upon presentation of their exhibitor’s pass.

                                                                                    Accente GmbH provides complete catering for all occasions.
                                                                                    Stand delivery (beverages and snacks): phone +49 69 75 602‑22 51 or
                                                                                    +49 69 75 602‑21 58, fax: +49 69 75 602‑22 04
                                                                                    Buffets and party service: phone: +49 69 75 602-21 55 or
                                                                                    +49 69 75 602‑22 41, fax: +49 69 75 602-22 04

12             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                    13
External caterer: For entry permits please contact Accente GmbH,                Conference Rooms
     Ms Claudia Dill or Ms Christianne Lang, phone: +49 69 75 602-21 29,               At the exhibition center can be booked through the room coordination
     fax: +49 69 75 602-21 67.                                                         team, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 65.
                                                                                       For technical equipment for conferences and meetings (overhead projec-
Ceiling Suspensions                                                                    tors, flipcharts etc.), please contact Mr Fred Erlenbach,
     Please contact our service team, phone: +49 69 75 75-68 99 or                     phone: +49 69 75 75‑61 58.
                                                                                     Construction Workers
Cell Phones                                                                            Assistance for setting up or dismantling your stand can be ordered
     see Multimedia Shop                                                               through our service partner Stageservice Frankfurt am Main GmbH,
                                                                                       Westerbachstrasse 47, 60489 Frankfurt am Main,
Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles                                                phone: +49 69 97 19 41 40, fax: +49 69 97 19 41 60,
     Exhibitors can use the charging stations on the exhibition grounds. As            email:
     there is only a limited number of charging stations, we ask you to register
     in good time by sending an email to In               Contact Persons
     order to be able to process your inquiry shortly, please enter the following      see Management of the Trade Fair
     information in your mail: Date(s) of arrival, driver’s name, driver’s mobile
     phone number, vehicle registration number                                       Containers
     All charging stations dispose of type 2 connections.                              For waste disposal from 2.5 cbm to 40 cbm capacity can be ordered from
                                                                                       our service team, phone: +49 69 75 75‑69 11, or
Check‑In and Electronic Entry System                                                   email:
     Please note: During set-up and dismantling all vehicles have to be regis-
     tered online via the Electronic Entry System:                                   Copies After having registered successfully              see Business Center
     you will receive an email containing the registration confirmation.
     All vehicles (passenger vehicles and trucks) must first pass through the        Courier Service
     Check-In. This is the only place where access to the exhibition center            see Postal Service
     will be finally authorised.
     Please follow the digital signposts in the direction of the Check-In, off the     see Logistics
     A 648 motorway. Only at the check-in the final entrance to the trade fair
     grounds will be granted and the entry permit will be issued.                    Currency Exchange Office
     For further information regarding traffic regulations, please see                 see Bank Office
     ”Access for Vehicles” or visit us online at:                                                 Customs
                                                                                       Located at the Cargo Center of Messe Frankfurt, on the first floor,
Church Center                                                                          phone: +49 69 75 75‑65 14.
     Torhaus Service Center, level 4                                                   For customs clearance of fair goods our logistics partners are always at
     You will find further information about the trade fair chaplaincy on the          your service. The addresses of the logistics partners can be found under
     website                                  “Transports”.

Cleaning – Hall and Facility Cleaning
     For stand, hall and facility cleaning please contact our service team,
     phone: +49 69 75 75 69 11, email:

Complete Stands
     see Stand Construction

     see Multimedia Shop

14             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                  15
D                                                                                   Dismantling
                                                                                      Regular dismantling: from Friday, January 10, 2020, 08:00 pm, nonstop
                                                                                      to Sunday, January 12, 2020, 11:00 pm. Please note that dismantling is
Dates                                                                                 allowed inside the stands only on Friday, January 10, 2020 from 05:00 pm
                                                                                      until 08:00 pm due to carpet removal in the aisles and delivery of empties
     Heimtextil in Frankfurt:                         Jan 12 – Jan 15, 2021           by the freight forwarders.
                                                                                      The official entry for dismantling vehicles begins on Friday, January 10, 2020
     Heimtextil worldwide:                                                            after 08:00 pm.
     Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Spring       Mar 11 – Mar 13, 2020
                                                                                      An extended dismantling is not possible.
     Shanghai, China
                                                                                      For vehicle access during dismantling, see “Access for Vehicles”.
     Interior Lifestyle Tokyo,                        June 03 – June 05, 2020
     Tokyo, Japan                                                                     During dismantling several snacks are offered at the following
                                                                                      Café Bars:
     Home Textiles Sourcing                           July 21 – July 23, 2020
     New York, USA                                                                    Open until Saturday, January 11, 2020:	Café Bar Orange
                                                                                                                              Hall 3.0 East
     Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Autumn       Aug 2020
                                                                                      Open until Sunday, January 12, 2020:	Café Bar Primavera
     Shanghai, China
                                                                                                                            Hall 11.0 North/East

     Heimtextil Russia,                               Oct 14 – Oct 16, 2020           Additionally, our self-service Restaurant Cucina, located in the Depen-
     Moscow, Russia                                                                   dance, is open from Thursday, January 02, to Sunday, January 12, 2020,
                                                                                      daily from 07:30 am to 02:30 pm.
     IFFT / Interior Lifestyle Living                 Nov 20 – Nov 22, 2020
     Tokyo, Japan                                                                     Pizza Service: For delivery, please call Accente Catering Services,
                                                                                      phone: +49 69 71 58 55 22.
     Further information on events abroad can be obtained at the                      This service is offered during set-up from Thursday, January 02, to
     Messe Frankfurt global information stand in the foyer of Hall 4.1,               Monday, January 06, 2020 daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm as well as
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑12 67.                                                       during dismantling from Friday, January 10, to Sunday, January 12, 2020
                                                                                      daily from 04:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
     There are 18 defibrillators located on the fairgrounds. The location of each   Display Cases
     defibrillator is marked in this booklet on page 44. For the exact location       You will receive the keys for the glass showcases along the Via Mobile
     within the building, please contact the responsible hall manager. Check          from Advertising Services,
     the location within the halls before you visit the trade fair.                   Mr Wolf Henning Folgmann, phone: +49 69 75 75‑68 86 or
     In a medical emergency call 112.                                                 Mr Oliver Zugaj, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 03
     After an emergency call, please also inform the Operation and Security         Doctor
     Center of Messe Frankfurt (OSC), phone: +49 69 75 75 33 33.
                                                                                      During the trade fair a medical doctor is on duty at the exhibition ground.
Dentist                                                                               The location of the doctor can be obtained from the Operation and Security
     Zahnärztlicher Notdienst e.V.                                                    Center (OSC) of Messe Frankfurt, phone: +49 69 75 75 33 33.
     phone +49 69 59 79 53 60 (all health insurances)                                 In case of a medical emergency, dial 112.
     Private dental emergency service                                                 24-hour medical emergency service phone: +49 69 19 29 2
     phone+49 69 25 78 07 31 (for private patients and self-pay patients)             24-hour private patient emergency service phone: +49 69 69 44 69

Deutsche Bahn                                                                       Drugstore
     see Railway                                                                      see Pharmacies

Dishes for Rent                                                                     Dry Cleaning
     and stand deliveries: Accente Gastronomie GmbH, Catering Services,               Röver at Frankfurt Central Station, basement level, South wing,
     phone: +49 69 75 602‑21 58 or +49 69 75 602‑22 51,                               phone: +49 69 23 45 27.
     fax: +49 69 75 602‑22 04.

16              Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                     17
E                                                                                  Exhibitors’ Hotline
                                                                                       For any questions or requests, please contact the exhibitors’ service hot-
                                                                                       line from Sunday, January 05, 2020 to Friday, January 10, 2020, daily
Easyorder                                                                              from 08:00 am to 07:00 pm. You can reach us by phone:
     see Shop for Exhibitor Services                                                   +49 69 75 75‑66 99.

Electricians                                                                           For additional service phone numbers: see Hotlines
     see Stand Fitting
                                                                                   Exhibitor Passes
Emergency Calls                                                                        During the official days of the fair all exhibitor passes include free travel
                                                                                       to and from the exhibition center using the local public transport system
     Ambulance service phone: 112
                                                                                       RMV (detailed information provided by Valid only for the
     Police phone: 110                                                                 person on whose name the ID was personalized and only in conjunction
     Fire Department phone: 112                                                        with a valid photo ID.
     After an emergency call, please also inform the Operation and Security            To use the local public transport system free of charge, the exhibitor
     Center of Messe Frankfurt (OSC), phone: +49 69 75 75 33 33.                       pass must be available in printed form.
                                                                                       The passes are for exhibitors and their staff members only and should, in
Entrances ‑ Pedestrians                                                                no case, be passed on to customers. The exhibitor pass entitles the holder
     Open for exhibitors one hour before the official opening hours of the exhi-       to admittance to the exhibition center and the halls one hour before the
     bition.                                                                           official opening time.
     For exhibitors and visitors: Entrance City, Entrance Galleria 9.T, Entrance       On the last day of set‑up, admission is valid from noon on, but the exhibitor
     Torhaus (S-Bahn station) and Entrance Portalhaus.                                 pass is not yet valid for free travel with public transportation. Please note
     Additional entrances for exhibitors (ticket holders): Entrance LEA                that exhibitor passes must be scanned every time when entering or lea-
     (Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage), Entrance Festhalle South, Entrance Hall 3.0 West          ving the exhibition center.
     and Entrance Emser Bridge.                                                        If you need additional exhibitor passes you can create them yourself at
                                                                                       any time online in the Ticket Services for Exhibitors on the website
Evening Out                                                                   You can also pick up additional
     Find suggestions to plan your evening in the Restaurant Guide Frankfurt           passes during the exhibition from Sunday, January 05, 2020 on, at the
     Rhein Main, the restaurant guide of Messe Frankfurt,                              Central Information Desk, located in the Service-Center Torhaus, level 2,                                                phone +49 69 75 75‑13 04 or +49 69 75 75-13 33.

                                                                                   Exhibitors’ Night
Eventence                                                                              The exhibitors’ night takes place on Wednesday, January 08, 2020, at
     provides hostesses and stand assistants for the trade fair.                       Hall 11. 1, from 06:30 pm on. Shuttle busses are running, from 07:30 pm
     During the fair: Eventence, Torhaus Service Center, level 2,                      until 12:30 am between the fairgrounds and parking area Rebstock.
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 11.
     Before or after the fair please contact Eventence,
     phone: +49 69 756 02‑23 24, or                                     F
Events                                                                             Fairconstruction
     You will find the events of Heimtextil 2020 on the website                        see Stand Construction under “Themes & Events”.
     Besides you will receive information about the event programme in the
                                                                                   Fairground Maps
     apps “Heimtextil Navigator”.                                                      in this booklet on pages 42-43.

                                                                                   Fair Shop
Exhibitor Profile Online                                                               Trendy gifts are sold at the Fair Shop in the foyer of Hall 4.1. For information,
     For updates or changes to your online profile for the exhibitor search            please contact Ms Waldinger, phone: +49 69 75 602‑24 33 or
     function of the Heimtextil 2020 please call: +49 69 75 75‑50 90 or                Mr Wellems, phone: +49 69 75 602‑24 80.

18             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                         19
Fax Service                                                                            Found Item
     Delivery of faxes for exhibitors to their stand: This service is offered at the      see Lost and Found
     Business Center, Torhaus Service Center, level 3, fax: +49 69 75 75‑13 95,
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 09.                                                        Frankfurt Airport
     The exhibitor’s name (company name), hall, level and stand number must               see Airport Frankfurt
     be indicated.
                                                                                       Fraport Exhibitor Parking Service
Fire Department                                                                           see Parking
     Located in Hall 4.0 Southwest, phone +49 69 75 75-65 50.
                                                                                       Frankfurt Information
     In case of an emergency, call: 112.                                                  is available at the Frankfurt Tourism & Congress Board,
                                                                                          phone: +49 69 21 23 88 00. You can also visit
     After the emergency call, please also inform the Operation and Security
     Center (OSC), phone: +49 69 75 75 33 33.                                          Furniture Rental
                                                                                          see Stand Construction
First Aid Station
     Hall 4.0 Southwest
     Hall 8.0 Foyer Northwest
     The medical stations are open during the trade fair. There is also an emer-
     gency doctor on the premises. Please contact the Operation and Security
     Center, phone: +49 75 75-33 33 for the opening hours of the medical sta-          GPS
     tions during assembly and disassembly as well as the location of the                 Please enter the street name in your satellite navigation system:
     emergency doctor.                                                                    Check-In (Set-up): Bruno-Poelke-Strasse leads to the Check-In
                                                                                                                  at the Rebstock parking area
     In the event of a medical emergency, phone: 112.
     After the emergency call, please also inform the Operation and Security              Visitors: 	Zum Messeparkhaus Rebstock leads to the Reb-
     Center, phone: +49 69 75 75 33 33.                                                               stock car park

     Medical emergency service: 24-hour service, phone: +49 69 19 29 2                    Exhibitors: 	Europa-Allee, from there follow the signs leading
     Private patients: 24-hour service, phone: +49 69 69 44 69                                          to Gate South
                                                                                          	            Katharinenkreisel, from there follow the signs
Flight Schedule                                                                                         leading to Gate North, Gate 8 or Gate 9
     Please check at any information point.                                                             Strasse der Nationen leads to Gate West
     are offered by the florist AS Green Event from Sunday, January 05, until             Press:                  Strasse der Nationen leads to Gate West
     Monday, January 06, 2020 in the foyer of Hall 4.0 and in the flower shop
     located at Hall 10.0 North-East. During the trade fair, please contact               Trucks:	
                                                                                                  Bruno-Poelke-Strasse leads to truck parking lot
     AS Green Event at phone: +49 69 74 22 19 35.                                                 section E/ E1
Foreign Trade Shows                                                                    Graphic Designer
     see Dates                                                                            see Stand Construction
     Further information on Heimtextil events abroad can be obtained at the            Groceries
     Messe Frankfurt global information stand in the foyer of Hall 4.1                    see Mini Markets
Forklift                                                                               Guards
     see Logistics                                                                        If you would like to arrange overnight security for your stand, you have
                                                                                          the option of booking a stand guard at Messe Frankfurt Venue.
Forwarding Agents
                                                                                          Phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 42, fax: +49 69 75 75‑63 48.
     of Messe Frankfurt Venue GmbH can be contacted through our Messe
     Frankfurt Logistics Services, phone: +49 69 75 75‑60 75,
     fax: +49 69 75 75‑96 07 5, email:

20               Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                       21
H                                                                                   I
Hall Managers                                                                       Information
     can be reached at the following telephone numbers:                                 For further information about Heimtextil 2020 or Messe Frankfurt please
     Forum:                 phone: +49 69 75 75‑54 39                                   call our Contact Center, phone: +49 69 75 75‑0. During the event you can
     Hall 1:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 01                                   also visit the information points.
     Hall 2:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 02                                   Directory assistance: for national calls, phone: 11 8 33 and international
                                                                                        calls, phone: 11 8 34.
     Hall 3:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 03
     Hall 4:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 04
                                                                                    Information and Distributing Service
     Hall 5:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 05                                   is an Advertising Service for exhibitors during the fair. Reach all other
     Hall 6:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 06                                   exhibitors by including an insert in the Welcome Package. For detailed
     Hall 8:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 08                                   information, please contact Advertising Services:
     Hall 9:                phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 09                                   Mr Wolf Henning Folgmann, phone: +49 69 75 75‑68 86 or
     Hall 10:               phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 10                                   Mr Oliver Zugaj, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 03
     Hall 11:               phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 11
     Hall 12:               phone: +49 69 75 75‑63 12                               Information Points
                                                                                        are located on each hall level and along the Via Mobile. Here you can ask
Halls Occupied                                                                          for hall plans, exhibitors, stand and event information. All lost and found
     in this booklet on pages 42-43                                                     items are listed here as well.
Hostesses                                                                           Infringement of Copyright
     Please contact Eventence, located during the fair at Torhaus Service Center,       see Messe Frankfurt against Copying
     level 2, phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 11. Before or after the fair please contact
     Eventence, phone: +49 69 756 02‑23 24,
     email: or
                                                                                        Allianz general agency Lars Sauer, phone: +49 69 65 30 20 92,
Hotel Bookings                                                                          fax: +49 69 65 30 20 93, email:
     see Accommodations
                                                                                    International Sales Partners of Messe Frankfurt
Hotel Guide Frankfurt Rhein Main                                                        During the fair: Torhaus North, level 1, rooms 205‑208,
     see Restaurant Guide Frankfurt Rhein Main                                          phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 93, fax: +49 69 75 75‑12 87.
                                                                                        After the fair, please contact our International Sales Management,
Hotlines                                                                                Ms Heike Vogel-Schenkewitz, phone: +49 69 75 75‑62 77.
     For any questions or requests, please contact the exhibitors’ service hot-
     line from Sunday, January 05, to Friday, January 10, 2020, daily from          Internet
     08:00 am to 07:00 pm. You can reach us by phone: +49 69 75 75‑66 99.
                                                                                        see WLAN
     Additional service phone numbers:
     Cleaning / waste disposal:                  phone +49 69 75 75-69 11
                                                                                        For simultaneous translations or interpreters for negotiations please
     Electricity:                                phone +49 69 75 75-66 70               contact BBK - Gesellschaft für moderne Sprachen mbH, Marktstraße 4,
     Logistics:                                  phone +49 69 75 75-60 75               76726 Germersheim, phone: +49 7274‑70 27 70,,
     Shop for Exhibitor Services:                phone +49 69 75 75-29 99     
     Stand construction / stand equipment:       phone +49 69 75 75-66 66
     Stand guards:                               phone +49 69 75 75-63 42           Invoice
     Suspensions:                                phone +49 69 75 75-68 99               see Cash Desk
     Ticket Services for Exhibitors:             phone +49 69 75 75-51 51
     Traffic:                                    phone +49 69 75 75-66 00
     Water connections:                          phone +49 69 75 75-66 78

     Operation and Security Center:              phone +49 69 75 75-33 33

22             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                        23
K                                                                                    Loudspeakers
                                                                                       see Media Technology

Kindergarten                                                                         Lufthansa
     Torhaus Service Center, level 1, is free of charge for children ages three to     A Lufthansa check-in counter is located in the City entrance, level 0, open
     ten, open from Tuesday, January 07 to Friday, January 10, 2020 from               as of the second exhibition day, from Wednesday, January 08, 2020 to
     08:00 am to 06:00. Phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 17.                                     Friday, January 10, 2020, during the opening hours of the exhibition.
                                                                                       After checking in online for a LH Group flight (flights with LH, OS, LX
                                                                                       flight numbers) simply drop off your baggage on the day of travel at least

L                                                                                      3 hours before departure at the specially designated Baggage drop-off
                                                                                       Counter at Messe Entrance City.

Laptops                                                                                Reservations: phone +49 69 86 79 97 99 (24 hours) or
     see Multimedia Shop                                                     
                                                                                       Lufthansa Cargo: phone +49 180 67 47 10 0 or email:

     Please contact the law office Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek PartGmbB and
     attorney-at-law Mr. Thorsten A. Wieland (Partner), Goetheplatz 5-7,
     60313 Frankfurt am Main, phone: +49 69 97 56 14 22,
     fax: +49 69 97 56 14 00,
                                                                                     Management of the Trade Fair
     As part of our service initiative Messe Frankfurt against Copying you
                                                                                       The Exhibition Management Office is located at Service Center Torhaus,
     can get in touch with our emergency legal service phone during the exhi-
                                                                                       level 2. phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 26, +49 69 75 75‑13 27 or
     bition: +49 69 75 75‑12 12.
                                                                                       +49 69 75 75‑13 28, fax: +49 69 75 75‑13 25.
                                                                                       The management office is open from Thursday, January 02, 2020.
     see Stand Construction
                                                                                       Opening Times:
Lifting Ramp                                                                           Thursday, Jan 02, 2020 to Sunday, Jan 05, 2020 from 08:00 am to
     If you need a lifting ramp, please contact the logistic partners of Messe         06:00 pm.
     Frankfurt:                                                                        Monday, Jan 06, 2020 from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm.
     Agility Logistics GmbH, Cargo Center Messe Frankfurt, 3rd floor,                  Tuesday, Jan 07, 2020 to Thursday, Jan 09, 2020 from 08:00 am to
     phone: +49 69 97 67-14 20 0 or +49 69 75 75‑67 82 or                              06:30 pm.
     DHL Trade Fairs & Events GmbH, Cargo Center Messe Frankfurt, 2nd                  Friday, Jan 10, 2020 08:00 am to 05:30 pm.
     floor, phone: +49 69 97 67-14 11 4 or +49 69 97 67-14 12 3 or
     +49 69 75 75‑69 13.                                                               Your contact persons are:

Logistics                                                                              Sabine Scharrer Director Heimtextil (Halls 3 - 8)
     Various logistics services are offered to you at the exhibition ground, for       Meike Kern      Director Heimtextil (Halls 9 - 12, Galleria 0+1)
     example forklifts or storage, by Messe Frankfurt Logistics Services,
                                                                                       Sabine Voigt    Sales (Halls 6.0, 6.2)
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑60 75, fax: +49 69 75 75‑96 07 5,
     email:                                              Miriam Bleul    Sales (Hall 3.0, Galleria 1)
                                                                                       Verena Beck 	Sales (Halls 3.1, 4.2: Interior.Architecture.
Lost and Found                                                                                         Hospitality Expo, 6.1)
     The Lost and Found office is located at the Torhaus Service Center,               Sandra Neumann  Sales (Halls 4.0, 4.1, Foyer 4.1/4.2)
     level 0 and is open from                                                          Petra Mertens   Sales (Hall 8.0, Galleria 0)
     Monday, January 06, 2020 to Saturday, January 11, 2020.                           Sibylle Krug    Sales (Halls 9.0, 12.1)
     Phone: +49 69 75 75‑14 48, email:                Lisa Latin      Sales (Halls 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3)
     During the fair you can also inquire about lost items at every information        Olga Drexler    Sales (Halls 11.0, 12.0)
     point.                                                                            Lena Riedel     Sales assistant
     Shortly after the fair, inquiries can be addressed in writing to                  Natalie Boos    Sales assistant
                                                                                       Astrid Olthoff  Sales assistant

24             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                   25
Massage                                                                             Mini Markets
     see Wellness Lounge                                                              The following markets offer food, beverages, fresh bakery products,
                                                                                      tobacco products, souvenirs, electrical supplies, domestic goods and
Media Package                                                                         office supplies.
     As a stipulation of your contract covering the participation in Heimtextil
     2020 the Media Package secures you an entry in all official printed and          Open from Sunday, January 05, to Saturday, January 11, 2020:
     digital media covering the trade show. It ensures that your company and          Mini Market Hall 4.0                phone: +49 69 75 602-22 60
     its products are adequately visible and locatable in the printed catalogue,
     at the event website, in the Heim-
     textil 2020, on the interactive ground map and on location in the visitor        Sunday, January 05, to Sunday, January 12, 2020:
     information system.                                                              Super Market Hall 9.0               phone: +49 69 75 602-22 69
     For questions concerning your Media Package, please call
     +49 69 75 75‑50 90 or send an email to                                           Open from Tuesday, January 07 to Friday, January 10, 2020:                                               Super Market at the Service‑Center
                                                                                      Torhaus,level 3                      phone: +49 69 75 602‑23 54
Media Technology                                                                      Mini Market Hall 4.1                 phone: +49 69 75 602‑23 56
     Presentation equipment such as video and mega projectors, plasma and
                                                                                      Mini Market Hall 10.0                phone: +49 69 75 602‑23 71
     LCD displays, video screens, light technology as well as technical assis-
     tance for your events are offered by Exhibitor Services, Video Technology        Mini Market Hall 11.0                phone: +49 69 75 602‑22 75
     of Messe Frankfurt Venue, phone: +49 69 75 75‑51 22,
     fax: +49 69 75 75‑51 11, email:                 The company Schröer offers you a wide range of tools in Hall 9.0 East,
                                                                                      next to the elevator, open during the last three days of set-up,from
Medicine                                                                              Saturday, January 04, to Monday, January 06, 2020.
     A pharmacy service for prescribed medicine is offered at the central infor-      Mobile phone: +49 177 32 83 58 5.
     mation desk, located at Service Center Torhaus, Level 2,
     phone: +49 69 75 75-13 04 and +49 69 75 75‑13 33.                              Mobile Phones
     If you hand in your prescription before 11:00 am, your medication will be        see Multimedia Shop
     brought to your booth if desired or you can pick it up at the central infor-   Multimedia Shop
     mation desk.
                                                                                      The Multimedia Shop is located at the Business Center, Torhaus Service
Messages                                                                              Center, level 3, phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 20.
     see Fax Service                                                                  Here you can rent mobile phones, copiers, printers, fax machines, PCs
                                                                                      and notebooks and buy accessories for mobile phones (SIM-cards, adap-
Messe Frankfurt against Copying                                                       ters and more).
     Trade fairs are presentation platforms for innovations and trends. To            Free charging service for mobile phones: Customers can recharge all
     ensure it stays this way, Messe Frankfurt has launched “Messe Frankfurt          types of mobile phones in a lockable box on site and pick them up again
     against Copying”, the initiative against brand and product piracy.               later.
     During the trade fair you can receive detailed information and competent

     support by our legal assistance, phone: +49 69 75 75 12 73 or send an
     email to

Messe Frankfurt GmbH
                                                                                    Newspaper Stand
     Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
                                                                                      located at Hall 4.0, Hall 9.T, foyer of Hall 10.1 and at the Super Markets.
     60327 Frankfurt am Main
     Phone: +49 69 75 75‑0                                                          Next Exhibitions
     Fax: +49 69 75 75‑64 33                                                          see Dates
                                                                                    Non-Smokers Protection Law
                                                                                      Out of respect for others, we kindly ask you to abstain from smoking
                                                                                      within the halls, lounges and walkways. Smokers have the possibility to
     Deliveries for exhibitors: see Address of Messe Frankfurt                        smoke in designated smoking areas. In gastronomic establishments the
                                                                                      non-smoking rule applies in accordance with public law.

26             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                        27
O                                                                                      Visitors: The multi-storey car park Rebstock has space for 5.400 cars on
                                                                                       seven levels. The daily parking fee is € 15.00.
                                                                                       A free shuttle service to the exhibition ground is provided.
Office Equipment
     see Multimedia Shop                                                               Press: P10 via Gate West

Office Supplies                                                                        Stand constructor trucks: Rebstock area Block E / E1
     see Mini Markets                                                                  Parking on the Rebstock area for vehicles for set-up and dismantling is
                                                                                       subject to a fee during the trade fair. On the last day of the trade fair
Online                                                                                 parking is free of charge to position the vehicles for dismantling.                                                            The fees are as follows:                                                                   € 27.00 per day for vehicles < 10 m length and                                                          € 30.00 per day for vehicles > 10 m length.
                                                                                       Car-trailer parking permits on the exhibition grounds:
     Heimtextil 2020                                                                   - P 3a (on the west side of Hall 3)                                                                - P 12 West (Behind Gate West)                                                        Please order this service online in the Shop for Exhibitor Services.                                                        The fee is € 60.00 for the whole event and € 15.00 per day.                                                    Patent Lawyers
Online Banner                                                                          see Lawyers
     Extra visibility for your company with online banners, placed on the event
     homepage of Messe Frankfurt. Be present before, during and after the
     exhibition. Ms Angela Glaser-Gallion will be pleased to advise you,               see Cash Desk
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑52 85.                                                      Pharmacies
Opening Hours                                                                          There are no pharmacies at the exhibition center, but a pharmacy service
     The Heimtextil 2020 is open for trade visitors from Tuesday, January 07,          for prescribed medicine is offered at the central information desk, located
     until Thursday, January 09, 2020 daily from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm and on           in Service Center Torhaus, level 2, phone: +49 69 75 75-13 04 and
     the last day of the fair, Friday, January 10, 2020 from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.     +49 69 75 75‑13 33.
                                                                                       If you hand in your prescription before 11:00 am, your medication will be

                                                                                       brought to your booth if desired or you can pick it up at the central infor-
                                                                                       mation desk.
                                                                                       Outside the exhibition center: Brocks’ Pharmacy, Skyline Plaza,
Packaging Material                                                                     phone: +49 69 25 75 82 23 30, www.apotheke‑;
     You can obtain cardboard boxes, wrapping materials, adhesive tape etc.            Apotheke im Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt Central Station, basement level,
     directly at the logistics partners of Messe Frankfurt. The addresses of the       north wing), phone: +49 69 23 30 47
     logistics partners can be found under “Transports”.
Painters                                                                               see Business Center
     see Stand Construction
Parking                                                                                Information on the authorised photographer for your hall can be obtained
     Exhibitors with parking tickets for the exhibition ground (can be ordered         through Mr Martin Rölz, phone: +49 69 75 75‑64 11.
     via the Shop for Exhibitor Services, distribution by Fraport AG) can reach
     P3 and P4 via Gate North and South, P8 via Gate 8, P9 via Gate 9, P12 via       Photography
     Gate West.                                                                        Taking pictures in the halls or on the outdoor grounds of the exhibition
     Parking permits are also available on the fairground at the Fraport Service       center, as well as carrying photo equipment of any sort is strictly prohibi-
     Counter in Service Center Torhaus, Level 2. The desk is open on the last          ted (except for members of the press). Mobile phones, tablets, etc. may
     two days of set-up, Sunday, January 05, and on Monday, January 06,                be carried, but not used for photography.
     2020, daily from 08:30 am to 06:30 pm as well as on the first exhibition
     day, Tuesday, January 07, 2020, from 08:00 am until 01:00 pm,                     Exhibitors can obtain “photography forbidden” pictograms at their hall
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 14.                                                        manager’s office.

28             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                       29
Photography during the opening hours of the fair:                           Prepaid Cards
     Exhibitors may only take pictures of their display booths by written per-     see Multimedia Shop
     Permits are free of charge and can be downloaded online in the Shop for     Presentation Equipment
     Exhibitor Services,                       see Media Technology

     Photography after the opening hours of the fair:                            Press Center
     Taking pictures of display booths after opening hours is only possible by     The Press Center for Heimtextil 2020 is located at the Torhaus Service
     approved permission and chargable payment. The charged permission             Center, level 4, phone: +49 69 75 75‑13 00, fax: +49 69 75 75‑14 83.
     has to be ordered in advance of the fair online in the Shop for Exhibitor
     Services,                               Press Service
                                                                                   Use the press area as a platform for the distribution of your press releases
     For short-term inquiries please contact the management of the trade fair,     and information material (free of charge).
     phone. +49 69 75 75-68 23                                                     Just bring your press material to our Press Center in the Torhaus, level 4                                                 on the day before the trade fair begins and then you don’t have to worry
                                                                                   about anything. We will label the A4 size press compartment with the
Pizza Service                                                                      name of your company, making it easy to find for journalists looking for
     For delivery, please call Accente Catering Services,                          information about your company. We store your press material, regularly
     phone: +49 69 71 58 55 22.                                                    check your press compartment and refill it for you.
     This service is offered during set-up from Thursday, January 02, to           A reservation is necessary. Please contact Ms Kerstin Hedrich,
     Monday, January 06, 2020 daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm as well as           phone +49 69 75 75-35 40, email:
     during dismantling from Friday, January 10, to Sunday, January 12, 2020
     daily from 04:00 pm to 10:00 pm.                                            Printers
                                                                                   see Multimedia Shop
     see Flowers                                                                 Printing Service
                                                                                   The Printing Service of Messe Frankfurt supplies digital prints in print-
Plumbers                                                                           runs of 100 copies or more. We fold your prints or bind them with an
     see Stand Fitting                                                             adhesive binding. For further information, please contact the print shop
                                                                                   of Messe Frankfurt, phone: +49 69 75 75‑64 68.
Police Station
     During the trade fair the police are on duty in Hall 4.0 Southwest,         Public Transportation Tickets
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑65 55.                                                    During the official days of the fair all exhibitor passes include free travel
     Emergency call: 110                                                           to and from the exhibition center using the local public transport system
     The Messe Frankfurt Operation and Security Center (OSC) is open around        RMV (detailed information provided by
     the clock throughout the year, phone: +49 69 75 75-33 33.                     Train tickets for the German Railway can be obtained at the central station
                                                                                   as well as at the suburban train track platform “Messe”.
Post Office
     Outside the exhibition grounds: Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 2‑8 or at the main     Publisher
     railway station opposite platform 23, central telephone: +49 180 23 33 3.     Exhibitors can pick up their catalogue at their hall manager’s office upon
     There is no foreign currency exchange at the post office.                     presentation of their exhibitor’s pass.
                                                                                   For catalogue entries, please contact:
Postal Service                                                                     Messe Frankfurt, Medien und Service GmbH, Publishing Services
     Post Shop - DHL Trade Fairs & Events GmbH                                     Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main,
     Service Center Torhaus, level 3, open daily during the trade fair from,
     09:00 am to 05:00 pm, phone: +49 69 75 75‑54 62,                    
     fax: +49 69 75 75‑54 87, email:
                                                                                   For questions concerning your catalogue entry, please
                                                                                   phone: +49 69 75 75‑51 31
                                                                                   For questions concerning your online presence, please
     Church Center:         Raum der Stille (Room of Silence), Torhaus level 4
                                                                                   phone: +49 69 75 75‑50 90
     Muslim Faith:          Hall 10.4
     Jewish Faith:          Hall 4.C, Raum 179

30             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                   31
Q                                                                                    Restaurants
                                                                                     The following restaurants offer various kinds of food:
                                                                                     Dependance: Cucina - self-service
Questions                                                                            Open from Thursday, January 02, to Sunday, January 12, 2020,
     For questions not covered by this guide, please do not hesitate to call the     daily from 07:30 am to 02:30 pm
     Information Center: +49 69 75 75‑0.                                             Torhaus level 2: Fontana ‑ Self-service,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm

R                                                                                    Hall 3.0: Bar Aubergine - Self-service,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm
                                                                                     Hall 3.1: Trilogie - Service,
Radio Via Mobile                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
     The live radio on the Via Mobile. With our exhibition radio, your adverti-      Hall 4.0: Sky ‑ Vegan & vegetarian,
     sing commercial will find its way straight to the visitor. Radio Via Mobile,    open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
     the voice of Messe Frankfurt, broadcasts information, music and your
     commercial during the trade fairs.                                              Hall 4.1: Piazza ‑ Italian Flair,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
     For further information please contact:
                                                                                     Hall 4.1: Metropol ‑ Self-service,
     Mr Wolf Henning Folgmann, phone: +49 69 75 75‑68 86 or                          open during the trade fair from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm
     Mr Oliver Zugaj, phone: +49 69 75 75‑35 03                                      Hall 6.1: Westend ‑ Service, open Kitchen,
Railway                                                                              open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
     24 hour information phone: +49 1806 99 66 33 or visit             Hall 6.2: New Site - Self-service,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Rebstock Parking                                                                     Hall 9.0: Centro - free flow in marketplace atmosphere,
     see Parking                                                                     open during the trade fair from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Red Cross                                                                            Hall 10.0: Halal - Self-service, halal,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
     see First Aid Stations
                                                                                     Hall 10.1: Mondial - free flow in marketplace atmosphere,
Relaxation                                                                           open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
     see Wellness Lounge                                                             Hall 10.2: Atelier - indian cuisine,
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
Rent a car
                                                                                     Hall 11.0: Verdino ‑ Self-service, international cuisine, Pizza, Pasta,
     see Car Rental
                                                                                     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Restaurant Guide Frankfurt / Rhine - Main                                            Hall 12.0: My Deer, - Self-service,
     Restaurants in and around Frankfurt: covering a wide selection of estab-        open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
     lishments and packed with trade fair relevant information, Messe Frank-         Hall 12.1: Finery, - Self-service,
     furt’s Restaurant Guide provides invaluable support for organizers, exhibi-     open during the trade fair from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm
     tors and guests alike in the search for suitable venues for their events or
     evenings out. Equally helpful to anyone looking for suitable accommoda-         For your reservation in the service restaurant Trilogie, please call
     tion during their stay is Messe Frankfurt’s Hotel Guide, with which you         +49 69 75 602‑22 84.
     can navigate swiftly through the vast assortment of hotels, apartments
     and guest houses in Frankfurt and the Rhine ‑ Main region.
                                                                                     During set-up several snacks are offered at the following Café Bars:
     The publication Hotel & Restaurant Guide is available for download in the
     form of an e-magazine from the Apple, Google and Amazon app stores.
                                                                                     Open from Thursday, January 02, 2020:	Café Bar Orange
     The web sites and www.hotelgui-
                                                                                                                            Hall 3.0 East, which can also be accessed from the Messe Frankfurt’s
     main internet portal, allow you to filter your search results according to
     the type of cuisine you prefer, the trade fair you are attending, hotel cate-   Open from Thursday, January 02, 2020:	Café Bar Primavera
     gory, distance from the exhibition center, accessibility via public                                                    Hall 11.0 Northeast
     transport etc. You can even book certain hotels directly
     using the links provided.                                                       Open from Monday, January 06, 2020:	Café Bar Lemon
     The editor is Messe Frankfurt Medien und Service GmbH,                                                               Hall 3.0 West
     phone: +49 69 75 75‑60 83,                                                      		Restaurant Piazza
     email:                                                                          Hall 4.1 Foyer

32             Call us: Messe Frankfurt Contact Center, phone +49 69 75 75-0                                                                                   33
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