Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference

Page created by Jessica Edwards
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
autism together
Fundraising Pack
Be different to make a difference
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
autism together

    ‘‘                              Thank you!
        has been so
        rewarding, it
        has enabled me
        to help other
        people while
        achieving a life-
                               Thank you for choosing Autism Together and looking at our
                               fundraising pack! Your support of our charity is hugely appreciated
                               We believe that everyone with autism has a            amazing plans to support people with autism.
        time goal              right to live their life as they determine. They       Once again, from everyone at Autism Together
                               should be given the opportunity to realise their      and the people we support, thank you… we
                               potential, while feeling safe and secure. To do       couldn’t do it without you.
                               this, we work with each individual to create a
                               shared understanding of their strengths and
                               needs. We believe in a person-centred approach
                               and it’s one of our core values. However, we can’t
                               do this without your support.
                                 We hope that you will find lots of ideas for
                               fundraising in this pack, along with top tips about
                               how you can make a real difference. You will also
                               learn about some of the many different services
                               you can chose to support. We understand
                               that every contribution is as important as any
                               other. Whatever you can do will be sincerely
                                 We wish you the very best of luck along your
                               fundraising journey and we are on hand to
                               support you with anything you need. Don’t forget
                               to keep us updated with how your fundraising
                               is progressing, we love to hear about all your

      We are                            Who we are
    here to help                   “Autism Together is a registered charity, which started life in 1968 as Wirral Autistic Society,
                                   before growing to support people with autism across Wirral, Cheshire and North Wales. Our
    Call Lisa, Rick or Chloe       charity was founded by a group of forward-thinking parents who wanted their loved ones to
    on 0151 334 7510 or            receive the support they needed. Autism Together is now one of the UK’s leading providers of
                                   services and support to people with autism and their families. We support over 400 people on
    email fundraising@             the autism spectrum, employ over 1,000 staff, and encourage all our supporters to get involved           through our events, fundraising, and volunteering.”
    to chat about ideas for
    fundraising or for any
    help with planning                                                                                                                 3
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
autism together

             What we do
    Autism Together has grown from providing support to people with
    autism, to providing a wide range of living options, day services and
    community support to people from all over the UK
    It is estimated that 1 in 100 people are on the      Support children and families
    autism spectrum, with varying degrees of need.       CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICE
    We offer support to people with autism and their     We offer support for children, young people
    families, ranging from residential, home care        and their families, helping those with social and
    and supported living, to day services helping        communication difficulties and giving them a
    individuals gain valuable work experience and        better understand of autism. We also host a
    everyday life skills.                                range of regular events for families including
      We also offer advice, training and support to      activity clubs, rainbow groups, parenting courses
    organisations and individuals through our Autism     and workshops.
    Training and Advisory Service (ATAS).
                                                         Training for autism awareness
    Being part of the community                          AUTISM TRAINING & ADVISORY SERVICE
    BROMBOROUGH POOL GARDEN CENTRE & CAFE                Working to progress autism awareness and
    Along with providing an amazing facility for the     understanding within the wider community, ATAS
    local community to enjoy, the garden centre,         delivers autism training to a range of professions
    like the river park, offers people with autism       and industries, while promoting personalised
    the opportunity to experience working in the         autism-specific strategies for individuals
    community, learning new skills and meeting a         within the workplace. The team also delivers
    range of people                                      advice sessions for those with autism and their
                                                         families, induction training for new recruits to
    Support people with autism                           Autism Together and oversees ongoing research
    live independent lives                               programmes.
    SUPPORTED LIVING                                     24hr residential suport
    We offer a range of residential care; daytime        AUTISM TOGETHER RESIDENTIAL SERVICES
    social activities; work opportunities; training;     We offer registered residential care in a wide
    respite and short stay breaks for those accessing    range of housing across Wirral, Chester, West
    Supported Living. Autism Together is committed       Cheshire and in North Wales, all registered with
    to delivering the best autism support available.     and inspected by the Care Quality Commission.

    Creative, technical, life skills,                    Supporting the environment
    development                                          PORT SUNLIGHT RIVER PARK
    COMMUNITY AND VOCATIONAL SERVICES                    Autism Together manages the 70-acre Port
    Community and Vocational Services offer people       Sunlight River Park on the banks of the River
    with autism meaningful, realistic and achievable     Mersey, on behalf of The Land Trust. We have
    training, on the job work experience and valuable    been looking after this wonderful site since
    life skills. People we support can access creative   2014, helping turn the park into the community-
    arts and technology, performing arts, health         focused, nature-friendly, leisure destination it
    and wellbeing activities, plus the chance to get     is today, while many people we support enjoy
    involved with gardening and animal husbandry.        volunteering there.
4                                                                                                             5
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                     autism together


                                                of fundraising
                                                                                                                                  SILENCE Can you
                                                                                                                                  keep quiet all day for
                                                                                                                                                              The boring legal bits
                                                                                                                                  money?                   STREET COLLECTIONS AND COLLECTIONS ON

                                                                                                                                                           PRIVATE PROPERTY
                                                 Lots of ideas to get you started                                            TREASURE HUNT Another         It is illegal in the UK to hold a street collection without
                                                                                                                             classic… entry fee gives a    obtaining a Street Collection License from your Local

    A                                                                            M
                                                                                                                             set of clues to follow and    Authority. Contact your Local Authority or type “Street
                                                                                                                             reach the prize               Collection License” in the search facility on your Local

                                         G                                                                             U
               ADRENALINE                              GARDEN                                      MARATHON                                                Authority website.
               Abseiling,                              PARTY                                       Whether you do                    UNUSUAL                 To collect money on a private property, such as a
               bungee jumping,                         Style, elegance,                            the full 26 miles                 CLOTHES Ask           supermarket or pub, you must first get the permission of
               parachuting…                            gardens… well, if                           or opt for a 10k                  workmates to wear     the owner or manager. It may help if you are wearing an

    embrace your adventurous side        it’s good enough for royalty            or park run, sponsored running is                   their strangest       Autism Together t-shirt or if you have an official collecting

                                                                                 a great fundraiser                    clothes, with prizes for the        tin. Please contact the Fundraising team directly for more

                                                                                 N                                     V
             BAG PACK                                 HAIR-RAISING                                                     funniest garments                   details on these.
             Speak to your local                      CHALLENGE                           NIGHT WALK Gather
             supermarket about                        Shave it, dye it,                   a group and plan a                         VARIETY SHOW          RAFFLES AND ALCOHOL
             doing a charity bag                      grow it loooong! All                safe night walk for                        Reveal those          There are 3 types of raffle; small, private and public. For
             pack…                       in the name of charity…                          a fundraiser with a                        talents you and       small raffles at a one-off event where the raffle is not the

                                                                                          difference                                 your friends have     main focus of the event, you do not need a license. For a

    C            COFFEE MORNING              IT’S A KNOCKOUT                                                           		            hidden away           private raffle such as you might hold in your workplace or

                                                                                 O                                     W
                 Arrange coffee,             Create your own fun                                OFFICE                                                     club, you do not need a license. A public raffle, which is a
                 cake and chit-chat          challenges or take                                 OLYMPICS Relive                    WASH CARS               raffle open to a wide audience over a long period of time,
                 with a local club or        part in an organised                               the school sports                  Get local cars          will need to be registered with your Local Authority. For

                 friendship group            event                                              days of your past                  gleaming…               more information and to ensure you adhere to the law
                                                                                 with challenges against your                      for a fee,              regarding raffles, please visit this website:

                 DONATIONS                         JUMBLE SALE Rather            workmates                                         of course     

                 FOR BIRTHDAYS                     than just donating your                                                                                   You are not allowed to sell alcohol at an event unless the
                 Instead of gifts you              unwanted stuff, gather                      PYJAMA DAY Come                       X-BOX                 premises has a license. You will normally need a premises
                 don’t really want,                it together and raise                       to work in your                       TOURNAMENT            license in order to hold a raffle with alcohol as prizes too.
    suggest friends and family make a    funds through a jumble or car-                        pyjamas and dressing                  Gather your group     We recommend that you check the Gambling Commission

    donation on your behalf              boot sale                                             gown… it’s the next                   of friends (or        website before your event.

                                                                                                                       enemies) for a colossal console

                                                                                 best thing to a duvet day!

              EGG AND                                    KARAOKE Show                                                  competition                         INSURANCE AND FUNDRAISING
              SPOON RACE                                 off your vocal skills            QUIZ Gather together                                             You will be required to have Public Liability Insurance if
              Arrange a fun sports                       by challenging your              the best brains and                         YOLO CHALLENGE       you are running an event in a public place, such as running
              day with an entry fee                      nearest and dearest              fight it out for the                        You only live        a stall or stand. Autism Together does not have insurance
              for charity… perfect for   to a sing off for charity                        trivia title                                once, so if you      that covers events undertaken by third parties.

    adults, kids or families to enjoy                                                                                                 have a bucket list
                                              LUCKY DIP Instead of                                                     challenge in mind, make it happen   PHOTOGRAPHY

    F                                                                            R                                     Z
                FIVE-A-SIDE                   a jumble sale, set up a                          RAFFLE A classic                                            Always seek permission from people if you are going to
                FOOTBALL Plan a               classic tombola or lucky                         fundraising choice…           ZUMBA                         take their photograph, particularly if you plan to publicise
                team tournament               dip with equal chances to                        perhaps try a                 We know…                      this in any way. If you take pictures of children, make sure
                and kick-off your             win a prize or leave empty                       reverse raffle for            you try thinking up           you have the permission of a parent or guardian first.
                fundraising in style     handed                                  something a little different!               something for Z!               Please complete the photography consent section on the
                                                                                                                                                           enclosed Registration Form before returning it to us.
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
autism together

    Top Fundraising Tips
    The best way to fundraise
                                                                                                                     Shopping list...
    is to plan and prepare well
                                                                                                                     £6 allow s some one we suppo rt to atten d
    in advance... all successful                                                                                     a soft- play sessi on…
    fundraisers are well organised                                                                                  £8.50 provi des an hour’ s activ ity club for one child
                                                                                                                    £10 provi des a two-h our works hop for a paren t…
    •      Create an action plan outlining what you                                                                 £17.50 provi des an hour of dome stic suppo rt…
           want to achieve and how you will do it.
                                                                                                                    £30 buys a tray of 230 plant plugs for use at
    •      Think about your contacts and who you can
                                                                                                                    Brom borou gh Pool Gard en Centr e…
           approach for support and funding.
                                                                                                                    £60 provi des an hour’ s autis m advic e sessi on for
    •      Set yourself a fundraising target.                                                                                                                             an
                                                                                                                    indiv idual with autis m or their fami ly…
    •      Many employers offer “match funding” and
           will donate the same amount you raise.                                                                   £70 buys 10 20” x 20” canva sses for use in our
                                                                                                                    Creat ive Arts works hops…
    •      Tell everyone what you’re doing and why.
                                                                                                                    £100 pays for a full tank of fuel for the
    •      Use social media to help promote your
                                                                                                                   Raby Enter prise narro w boat…
           fundraising and update on your progress.
                                                                                                                   £300 buys a new petro l lawnm ower
                                                                                                                                                                   can makrt
    •      Utilise photos and video as this will help
           create more impact.                                                                                     for use by our lands capin g group s…
    •      Ask friends, family and colleagues for
                                                                                                                   £450 buys an iPad to help a person with           a real
           their support.                                                                                           autism to communicate more easily…            differenc

                                                                                                       0rganising Publicity
                                                                                                       It is really important that you publicise your event in
                                                                                                       order to maximise the amount of funds you raise and
                                                                                                       make sure people hear about your amazing efforts and
                                                                                                         Autism Together can help you in the following ways:
                                                                                                       • Included in this pack is a flyer for you to place in
                    nin g
    Wh at’ s ha ppe                                                                                         shops, your workplace, and places you regularly

        Cakeale                                                                                             attend.

           s                                                                                           • We can advertise your event on our social media
                                                                                                       • You can undertake your own publicity by using your
                                 vemb                                  er                                   own social media accounts to raise awareness of your
                          5th No
        Wh en

                                                                            EVENT CONTAC
                                                                                           T DETAILS        fundraising and asking your friends and family to
        Wh ere
                                                                                                            share your posts.
                                                                            PHO NE NUM

         oak ho orough                                                                                 • Write a press release about your fundraising plans
         br omb                                                             EMA IL

                                                                                                            and follow it up with an update once your total is
                           eth er.c o.u k
          ww w.a uti sm togOOK-SQUAREautismtogetheruk
                                                      number 100787
                                                                                                       • Ask local newspapers, radio stations, magazines and
                                                                                                            websites to feature your story.
                                       ered charity
                       r 2658268 Regist
          Company numbe

8                                                                                                                                                                               9
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
autism together

     Raising money                                                                                SPONS
                                                                          My de
                                                                         FULL NA
     Using a sponsorship form
                                                                        POSTCO                                              What
                                                                               DE                                                  I am do
                                                                       EMAIL                                                doing          ing an
                                                                                              PHONE                               it:             d why
                                                                                                      NUMBE                                                      I am

                                                                                                                                                                                       target g
                                                                    FULL N
     It is extremely important that sponsor forms are fully        Joe Blog
                                                                                                                     FULL N
                                                                                                                           £10 DO
                                                                                                                            AME +
                                                                                                                                        N INTO

     completed and returned to Autism Together as this                                                                                 ADDRE          WITH

                                                                                                                                              SS +POS      GIFT AI
                                                                                             My ho                                                       TCOD      D
                                                                                                   me                                                         E=

                                                                                                        addres           POSTCO

     allows the charity to submit a claim for Gift Aid to Her


                                                                                                                        C    H   6                   AID         RSHIP
                                                                                                                                     4                    TOTAL
     Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
                                                                                                                                         1   2   3                     DATE PA

                                                                                                                                                                     £                                               ID

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M aising
                                                                                                                                                                                         05 / 11
                                                                                                                                                                  £                                              / 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                 /               /

     Print out the sponsorship form from this pack.                                                                                                           £                              /               /


     Ask your friends and family to collect sponsors
                                                                                                                                                             £                                           /


                                                             Email u g@
                                                                                                                                                                                         /               /

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Fu eam lp
     on your behalf.
                                                                                                                                                                                     /               /


                                                           fundra gether.
                                                                                                                                                                                 /               /

     Try and collect the sponsorship immediately


                                                         autism ou would
                                                                                                                                                     £                                       /

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               There to hde
     to save you time after your event.
                                                                                                                                                                         /               /

     Ensure that your largest sponsorship amounts if er sponsor
     are listed at the top of your sponsor form as       like pa rms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            We’rou succee
     this is an excellent way of encouraging sponsors
     to give generously.                                                       Gift Aid Facts
     Make sure your supporters know that their details will
                                                                             Gift Aid can be claimed back
     not be passed on to any third parties.
                                                                          from HMRC for any sponsorship
     Fundraising Online                                                        made by someone who

     Online fundraising is an increasingly popular way of
                                                                                   currently pays tax.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Introducing our Fundraising Team...
     collecting donations, for many reasons...                           Gift Aid does not cost the sponsor                                                                                                                   We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and we’re always
                                                                            or Autism Together anything.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              happy to chat if we can be of any help with your fundraising events and ideas.
     The process is simple and secure.                                                Gift Aid claimed is 25p for every £1
     Donations are paid directly into Autism Together’s bank                           someone sponsors you. So when                                                                                                                                            Enjoy your day! x
     account.                                                                         a tax payer sponsors you £10 you
     No sponsorship forms means no chasing people for                                      are actually raising £12.50.
     donations after the event.
                                                                                       To claim Gift Aid, the sponsor form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lisa Masters                        Chloe Jones                   Rick Myers
     Online companies automatically collect Gift Aid on                                                                                                                                                                   FUNDRAISING MANAGER                 FUNDRAISING OFFICER           CORPORATE FUNDRAISING
                                                                                        must display clearly the full name                                                                                                                                                                  OFFICER
     donations made, this saves the charity having to put                                                                                                                                                                 My life as a charity fundraiser     I’ve been able to work
                                                                                          and address (including house                                                                                                                                                                      I’ve been involved with
     together written applications to HMRC.                                                                                                                                                                               started 20 years ago, following     across this organisation,
                                                                                         number and post code) of the                                                                                                                                                                       charities for much of my
     Create an account                                                                                                                                                                                                    the birth of my youngest            from Admin to Children
                                                                                         person who is sponsoring you.                                                                                                                                                                      working life. Before joining
     Autism Together is registered with two online giving                                                                                                                                                                 daughter who has Down’s             & Family Services, before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Syndrome.                           settling in Fundraising.      Autism Together I had a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Before this role I worked            My current role involves    long stint with the NSPCC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          as Fundraising Manager at           organising a range of         and, all-in-all, have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Liverpool Women’s Hospital          fundraising events and        working for charities for
       Just Giving                                              Virgin Money                                                                                                                                              for 10 years. I am astounded        liaising with local schools   35 years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          at the amazing work that goes       and businesses.                 In this time I have been
      1. Log on to                           1. Log on to                                                                                                                    on at Autism Together and look        I have lots of ideas and    part of all sorts of exciting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          forward to spending many years      am keen to help others        fundraising ideas and
      2. In the “Find a Charity” box                            2. Click onto “set up a fundraising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          as part of the team.                make theirs a success,        initiatives, and am so
      type “Autism Together”                                    page”                                                                                                                                                                                                                       happy to find myself part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              from bake sales to bingo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of this brilliant team and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tell t
      3. You can then set up your                               3. Next enter the details of                                                                                                                                                                  nights, sewing bees to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fantastic charity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        u                     sky diving!
      own fundraising page                                      your event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               us abocess...
      4. Just Giving can only be used to raise                  4. Virgin Money Giving can be used to                                                                                                                       yo u r s     y than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ike to              ing     Call Lisa, Rick or Chloe on 0151 482 3136
      money for one charity per fundraiser                      raise money for more than one charityper                                                                                                                  We’d l u how amaz you
      5. Autism Together pays 5% commission                     5. Autism Together pays a 2% transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tell yo and invite                or email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           you ar a cheque e
      on all donations made via Just Giving                     fee on donations via Virgin Money Giving                                                                                                                          to            n, so w
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     n t a ti o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prese hank you in
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                c a n t rs o n !
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
                                                                                Louise &

           remember the day Austin       Ever increasing anxiety
           received his autism            The hardest times for me
           diagnosis vividly. I was      were seeing Austin struggle
           sat alone in a room with      with his ever-increasing
     a consultant paediatrician          anxiety and trying to make
     when he said to me, “Your son
                                         sense of the world around
     has autism. I’m sorry, this is
                                         him.                                   Ultimately, it is one of hope.
     a devastating diagnosis.” And
                                          As Austin became older,                 Austin came through two crisis
     that was it… I was shown the
     door. I was in shock, disbelief     the meltdowns became more              points by the age of 20. His
     and hearing the word ‘autism’       frequent and his behaviour             strength, determination and
     struck fear in me. It was the       increasingly challenging.              courage are the hallmarks of his
     unknown and I was scared.            The most difficult time for           character and he should take
                                         Austin was entering puberty.           most of the credit for getting
       Looking back, I probably spent    The change from being a boy            through an incredibly difficult
     the first two weeks in denial,      to becoming a young man was            past few years. He’s the most
     however, I quickly realised that    overwhelming for him.                  inspirational person I’ve ever
     if Austin was going to get the       He couldn’t cope and he               met and is the epitome of a true
     help and support he needed          shut down, going through               survivor.
     then I would have to be strong      long periods of clinical                 Austin currently lives in a
     for him.                            depression, severe anxiety,            residential placement on Autism
       As a new autism parent, I went    increased obsessive compulsive         Together’s Raby site, but we are
     through a grieving process.         behaviours and self-harm.              already discussing the possibility
     Naturally, you worry that your       Unfortunately, Austin had a           of Austin moving into supported
     child may not achieve all the       complete breakdown and we              living in the near future.
     hopes and dreams you have for       reached crisis point. He was no          I hope that Austin will be able
     them. Will they go to university,   longer able to attend school           to achieve many things now,
     get married, have children?         and I was caring for him alone         whether that’s part-time work in
       Once I got my head round the      at home, day and night.                the community, visiting lots of
     diagnosis none of this mattered.     To see your child suffering           train stations (his current special
     Austin was still Austin and I was   with their mental health is            interest), and getting out and
     determined that the diagnosis,      heart-breaking. I felt guilty and      about and enjoying life.
     although part of who he is,         had no idea what to do to help           Austin recently said to me:
     would not define him.               Austin. I was asking for help but      “Mummy I like that you and my
       That does not mean that I         no-one seemed to be listening.         staff take me out everywhere.
     wasn’t worried for his future,                                             You are all showing me the
     I was and that is something         Strength and determination             world.”
     that never goes away for an           Looking back, Austin’s story           I now have many hopes for
     autism parent.                      isn’t all about the difficult times.   Austin’s future, as does he.
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
                                                                                                                                 EVENT CONTACT DETAILS
                                                                                                                                                         PHONE NUMBER


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Company number 2658268 Registered charity number 1007878
                                                                     What’s happening

                                    SPONSORSHIP FORM                                                     Be di ff er en t to ma ke a di ff er en ce
Sponsorship and Gift Aid declaration form
Please sponsor me (name of participant)
To (name of event)
In aid of (name of charity or CASC)
If I have ticked the box headed ‘Gift Aid? √’, I confirm that I am a UK Income or Capital Gains taxpayer. I have read this statement and want the charity or Community
Amateur Sports Club (CASC) named above to reclaim tax on the donation detailed below, given on the date shown. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax / or Capital
Gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity will
reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Remember: You must provide your full name, home address, postcode & ‘’ Gift Aid for the charity or CASC to claim tax back on your donation.
     Sponsor’s Full Name                 Sponsor’s Home address                                                                      Postcode Donation                          Date          Gift
     (First name & surname)              Only needed if are Gift Aiding your donation.                                                        Amount                            paid          Aid?
                                         Don’t give your work address if you are Gift Aiding your donation.                                      £                                            ‘’
IN AID OF AUTISM TOGETHER (REG NO 1007878) Thank              you for sponsoring me to raise money for Autism Together

Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
Money return form                                                                               Fundraiser Registration Form
     Once you have completed your fundraising, please complete and return this form.                            Important:
     Your details                                                                                               Please complete and return this form for every event you organise or take part in for Autism
     Title                                                                                                      Together. We must have a record of fundraising activities taking place should we receive
     First Name                                                                                                 queries from the public or Local Authority.
     Surname                                                                                                    Name
     Organisation (if appropriate)                                                                              Address
     Address                                                                                                    Email
     Email                                                                                                      D.O.B
     If you have an online fundraising page (e.g. Just Giving) please give details                              Telephone
                                                                                                                Event/ activity being organised
     Why did you choose to support AT                                                                           Date
     Event details                                                                                              Venue
     Event Name                                                                                                 Why are you choosing to support AT
     Date of event                                                                                              Please tick here if you are under the age of 16 and ask a parent or guardian to sign and date below               
     How much did you raise?                                                                                    Keeping in touch
      I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax/ Capital Gains Tax in the current year   How would you like to hear from us?
     than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference           Email

     Signed                                                                                                          Post

     Dated                                                                                                           Phone
                                                                                                                What would you like to hear about? AT
     Autism Together will hold the information you give us for administration purposes. If you do not wish to
     receive news or appeals from the charity in the future, please tick here                                       Vital Work

                                                                                                                     Fundraising and appeals
     Cheques should be made payable to
                                                                                                                     Products
     Autism Together and sent to Autism Together, Oak House, 6 Tebay Road, Brombrough, CH62 3PA
     Online donations can be made at:                                Photography Consent
     If you would like to pay money into the charity’s bank please call 0151 334 7510 and we will                   Please tick here if you are happy for AT to publicise your event:
     provide you with the details                                                                               we will not give out your contact details
     Please do not send cash through the post
                                                                                                                    I give consent for my photographs to be used by AT and I confirm that I have permission from
                                                                                                                everyone featured in the photographs I supply for their image to be
                    Thank you from                                                                              shared and used by AT
                       everyone at                                                                                                                                                                                                    15

                                                                                                                Please return form to Fundraising Team, Autism Together, Oak House, 6 Tebay Road, Bromborough, Wirral, CH62 3PA
Fundraising Pack autism together - Be different to make a difference
You can also read