Page created by Derek Santiago
Hochschule für Technik    Schellingstrasse 24   T +49 (0)711 8926 2590   www.hft-stuttgart.de
Stuttgart                 D-70174 Stuttgart     F +49 (0)711 8926 2594   arch@hft-stuttgart.de

für Technik

                     DEPARTMENT A
                     & DESIGN
                         BACHELOR &
EXCHANGE                    5

BASIC COURSES 							 14

MAJOR COURSES 							 22

MAJOR COURSES 						   42

6           COME                                                                                                                                                  7
       Architecture is the science and art of thoughtful      ARCHITECTURE
       housebuilding, encompassing consideration of           B.A. & M.A.
       shape, spatial composition, function, framework,
       cladding, climatisation, economy, context and his-     Architects transform intellectual concepts into
       tory. The spirit of architecture appears in smallest   buildings that last for decades. In doing so, they
       construction details and vast urban agglomera-         have to understand the laws of gravity, econo-
       tions likewise. From the beginning of mankind,         my, climate, human behaviour, urban legislation,
       architecture has always demanded for the most          fire protection and aesthetics. Profound educa-
       gifted and brightest minds in society.                 tion can trigger this set of virtues in every talen-
                                                              ted student.
       Education in architecture, its theory and methods,
       has ever since been a major subject evolving from      BACHELOR PROGRAMME                                     MASTER PROGRAMME
       Vitruv's codex of basics to a complex curriculum       A coherent mix of lectures, tutorials and project      Creating architecture today means working in-
       of today.                                              teamwork will supply you with just the skills you      terdisciplinary, building ad-hoc-teams for each
                                                              need to start creating architecture right from the     new project and recruiting as much expertise as
       Since 1832, our school has been developing its         beginning. With all the knowledge you acquire          possible. With our department-wide range of
       own specific mark in architectural tuition. The        in our basic subjects you will soon be able to         courses from interior design to international pro-
       HFT Stuttgart Department of Architecture and           evaluate concepts, develop solutions and apply         ject management we simulate real-life project
       Design strongly advocates a thorough polytech-         them appropriately. Our decisive focus on prac-        work in each single design assignment. With this
       nical approach in teaching and training architec-      tice-oriented planning and construction as well        profound training in integral design and team-
       ture in various programmes:                            as our generalist approach on all competencies         building you will successfully master your career
                                                              will enable you to pursue a manifold career after      as an architect.
       > Architecture (Bachelor & Master)                     graduating at the HFT.
       > Interior Design (Bachelor & Master)                                                                         The programme graduates with a degree
       > Urban Planning (Master)                              The programme graduates with a degree                  in Master of Arts.
       > International Project Management (Master)            in Bachelor of Arts.
       > Climate Engineering (Bachelor)
8                                                           INTERIOR                                           CLIMATE                                              9
                                                              DESIGN                                           ENGINEERING

INTERIOR DESIGN                                                                                                CLIMATE ENGINEERING
B.A. & M.A.                                                                                                    B.ENG.
Interior design fills and enriches space created                                                               Our new study programme Climate Engineering
by architecture – by means of light, colour, tex-                                                              is the youngest member of HFT Stuttgart's De-
ture and furniture; or, with trade fair construction                                                           partment A. Focusing on minimising ressource
and scenography, it creates temporary realms                                                                   consumption and optimizing comfort levels in
within bigger background structures. Compared                                                                  architecture and urban planning, it is the answer
to architecture, interior design changes its look                                                              to rising demands for experts in architecture-re-
in shorter waves, granting trends and zeitgeist                                                                lated technologies and building physics.
more room and relevance.

BACHELOR PROGRAMME                                     MASTER PROGRAMME                                        BACHELOR PROGRAMME
A densely packed portfolio of courses enables          In our International Master of Interior-Architectu-     Equipped with profound knowledge about archi-
you to design space using the appropriate tech-        ral Design (IMIAD) we take the course portfolio of      tectural, structural, energetic and thermodyna-
niques, tools and objects. Each semester chal-         our Bachelor programme to the next level, first of      mic correlations and their utilisation in terms of
lenges your readiness to grasp a project, develop      all by embedding it into an international coopera-      design and construction, predominantly you will
the right concepts, defend, refine and present         tion with other schools worldwide. Working your         exercise interdisciplinary cowork with architects
your idea to the audience. More often than in our      way through complex interior design projects in-        and urban planners of our various department
architecture courses, you may want to realise          terdisciplinary and together with students from         courses. Confronted with rising complexity you
your projects, especially furniture, in our highly     different countries will train your creativity and      learn how to develop appropriate and visionary
professional workshop department.                      team-leading competencies. Proceeding from a            solutions using state-of-the-art simulation tools.
                                                       Bachelor degree (B.A.), participants receive the
The programme graduates with a degree                  qualification International Master of Arts (M.A.)       The course graduates with a degree
in Bachelor of Arts.                                   in Interior-Architectural Design after the success-     in Bachelor of Engineering.
                                                       ful completion of four semesters. The IMIAD qua-
                                                       lification is recognised by all partner institutions.
10   INTERNATIONAL                                            URBAN                                                  11
           PROJECT                                            PLANNING
         INTERNATIONAL                                        URBAN PLANNING
         PROJECT                                              M.ENG.
         M.ENG.& MBA                                          Department A Urban Planning aims for qualify-
                                                              ing team-minded urban planners by imparting
         Greater building projects essentially demand for     fundamental knowledge in urban design, urban
         professional project management. With globali-       development and urban regeneration. Starting
         sation of competition and shifting markets, vast     from these fundamentals, students may spe-
         progress in information and design technology        cialise in fields such as project development, ener-
         (BIM), emergence of new building techniques          gy efficiency or the design of urban space.
         and rising ecological standards, the need for pro-
         ject management rises ever more, while its tools     MASTER PROGRAMME
         and strategies have to be revised and refined        The special characteristics of the programme is
         constantly.                                          its practice-oriented training with theoretical
                                                              background. The accreditation report highlights
         MASTER PROGRAMME                                     the integrative study model as a unique innova-
         Our course »International Building Project Ma-       tive approach: during three semesters, theory is
         nagement« (IBPM) provides you with the know-         linked to hands-on urban planning concepts in
         ledge and tools to structure and manage complex      study projects that focuses on urban develop-
         projects: either self-employed, as project entre-    ment, urban design and urban regeneration.
         preneur for an international consulting company      Results are presented to local stakeholders and
         or as a project-leading architect or engineer in a   documented in a comprehensive report.
         design firm.
         In our course »International Infrastructure Tech-
         nology & Management« (IITM) you will be equip-
         ped with fundamental technical and management
         skills enabling you to successfully develop and
         implement local and international infrastructure
         strategies for the future.
         Both courses finish with a degree in Master of
         Engineering. An additional degree in Master of
         Business Administration may be obtained after
         absolving a guest semester at the Liverpool John
         Moores University.
14                                                           BASIC                                     BASIC                                                                              15
                                                          COURSES                                      COURSES

ORIENTATION WEEK                                   GERMAN CULTURE &                                    INTERCULTURAL                               ART & ARCHITECTURE
SFA                                                SOCIETY                                             COMMUNICATION                               HISTORY
OBJECTIVES                                         OBJECTIVES                                          OBJECTIVES                                  OBJECTIVES
Situated at the beginning of the semester, our     Our international students are offered an over-     > What is »culture«?                        This course addresses Bachelor and Master stu-
orientation week allows you to become acquain-     all picture of the German society, focussing on     > Perception and ethnocentrism              dents and focuses on architectural highlights in
ted with each other and with our school. During    our differences of cultural values and resources.   > Cultural standards and dimensions         Stuttgart, e.g. Staatsgalerie, Weißenhofsiedlung,
this week professors and assistants will review    Important topics covered during the course in-      > Body language                             Kunstmuseum, Mercedes-Benz Museum.
the study plans with you and counsel you for an    clude the following:                                > What is »typically German«?
ideal individual study plan for the exchange se-   > Educational system                                > Existing value systems and ideals         Furthermore, we will explore the birthplace of
mester. Additionally, HFT students and exchange    > Demographic transformation                        > Helpful techniques for coping             the famous philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel
students will work together on a small design      > Liberation of women                                 with intercultural challenges             in Stuttgart and the city of Tübingen where he
task which will be announced at the first day.     > Minorities                                                                                    used to study. We will also make an excursion to
                                                   > Migrants and refugees                             COURSE LANGUAGE                             Marbach and visit the place where the dramatist
FORMAT                                             > Social security system                            German (min. B1)                            Friedrich Schiller was born.
Tutorials & project work                           > Status quo of reunification
                                                   > Political system                                  CREDITS                                     COURSE LANGUAGE
COURSE LANGUAGE                                    > German economy                                    2 CP                                        English
English / German
                                                   COURSE LANGUAGE                                     For further information about this course   CREDITS
CREDITS                                            English / German (min. C1)                          please contact the International Student    2 CP
3 CP                                                                                                   Office at the HFT.
                                                   CREDITS                                                                                         For further information about this course
                                                   2 CP                                                                                            please contact the International Student
                                                                                                                                                   Office at the HFT.
                                                   For further information about this course
                                                   please contact the International Student
                                                   Office at the HFT.
16                                                              BASIC                            BASIC                                                                                 17
                                                             COURSES                             COURSES

GERMAN AS                                             GERMAN A1                                  GERMAN A2                                      SELF LEARNING
FOREIGN LANGUAGE                                      BEGINNERS BASIC                            BEGINNERS BASIC                                ONLINE COURSES
International students enrolling for our degree
programmes taught in German language are ad-          COURSE DURATION                            COURSE DURATION                                As exchange student you are eligible to take part
vised to prepare up to a German language course       4 weeks (80 hours)                         10 weeks (40 hours) including                  in our online German courses organised by DUO
level of B1 or higher in order to be able to follow   including 20 days x 4 hours,               weekly lessons with 4 teaching hours           DEUTSCH-UNI ONLINE. Take advantage of lear-
course lectures. The International Office (ISO) of    (4 x 45 minutes / day)                     (4 x 45 minutes) per week                      ning German from at home for up to 3 months
the HFT Stuttgart offers both residential and on-                                                                                               prior to your arrival in Germany, allowing you the
line German courses for exchange students from        CREDITS                                    CREDITS                                        best preparation for your stay in Germany. Suc-
our partner universities and for international        3 CP                                       2 CP                                           cessful students can earn up to 3 credit points.
degree students. Accreditation is based on man-
datory attendance and successful completion of        FEES                                       FEES                                           For further information about our
a final language test.                                100 Euro (books not included)              Free after successful completion of            language courses please contact
                                                                                                 course A1 (books not included)                 the International Student Office at the HFT.

                                                      GERMAN A2
                                                      BEGINNERS BASIC                            GERMAN B1
                                                      COURSE DURATION
                                                      44 weeks (80 hours)                        COURSE DURATION
                                                      including 20 days x 4 hours                10 weeks (40 hours) including
                                                      (4 x 45 minutes / day)                     weekly lessons with 4 teaching hours
                                                                                                 (4 x 45 minutes) per week
                                                      3 CP                                       CREDITS
                                                                                                 2 CP
                                                      100 Euro (books not included)              FEES
                                                                                                 Free after successful completion of
                                                      For further information about our          course A2 (books not included)
                                                      language courses please contact the
                                                      International Student Office at the HFT.   For further information about our
                                                                                                 language courses please contact
                                                                                                 the International Student Office at the HFT.
ERASMUS          21
The Bachelor is the first part of our Bachelor/       The major courses contain our Integrated Pro-
Master system and begins in summer and win-           jects. In teams of two or three you will work on
ter semester. The programme lasts six semes-          an architectural task including design, construc-
ters, including the Bachelor thesis.                  tion and HVAC technology. These main subjects
                                                      will be tutored by a group of professors and assis-
Our Bachelor programme is divided into modules.       tants. Depending on the background knowledge
The curriculum focuses on technical, design and       it is possible to choose between projects. Before
organisational skills, our Integrated Projects be-    registering for these courses the background
ing the central topic. They allow you to work         knowledge has to be checked during the orien-
collaboratively and interdisciplinary which we        tation week. During this week you will compile
consider as utterly crucial in the professional       your ideal schedule for the semester with sup-
practice of today.                                    port from the assistants.

For our incoming exchange students we created         In the elective courses we are offering workshops
an own study plan. This special curriculum is di-     for various subjects. Their aim is to provide sup-
vided into basic courses, major courses and elec-     plementary knowledge and skills in the field of
tive courses. All modules contain a variety of sub-   their major subjects which you can apply to your
jects reflecting on major competencies within our     projects. The contents of these courses com-
programme.                                            prise general topics of the cultural, social and
                                                      technical everyday life of architects.
The basic courses offer several language courses
to achieve a basic level of German and English        Please note that not all elective courses
and furthermore a course about general informa-       take place every semester.
tion about German society and culture. To im-
prove the integration process with other students
there will be a small design project at the begin-
ning of the semester.
22                                                  MAJOR                                     MAJOR                                                                                   23
                                                  COURSES                                     COURSES

INTEGRATED                                                                                    INTEGRATED
PROJECT 2                                                                                     PROJECT 3
WOOD CONSTRUCTION                                                                             STEEL CONSTRUCTION
OBJECTIVES                                   FORMAT                                           OBJECTIVES                                        FORMAT
> Work on a wood construction project        Lectures & tutorials, project team work          > Work on a complex steel construction            Lectures & tutorials, project team work
  and discuss your proposal with tutors                                                         project and discuss your proposal with
  in design, building construction           COURSE LANGUAGE                                    tutors in design, building construction,        COURSE LANGUAGE
  and structural design                      German (lectures) / English (tutorials)            structural design and building services         German (Lectures) / English (tutorials)
> Understand the forming and joining                                                          > Learn about steel construction and
  of wood and wood-based materials to        CREDITS                                            its specific features and options for           CREDITS
  elementary building components             8 CP + 5 CP                                        load-bearing structures in the context          8 CP + 8 CP
> Construct and design shear walls,                                                             of building physics and required
  load-bearing, space enclosing internal     BI2 / BUILDING CONSTRUCTION                        constructional needs                            BI3 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION
  and external wooden building components    INTEGRATED PROJECT 2                             > Verify your design decisions with               INTEGRATED PROJECT 3
> Familiarise with the principles of         > BKE3 / Building Construction 3          8 CP     advanced simulation tools considering           > BKE4 / Building Construction 4          8 CP
  skeleton construction techniques based                                                        heat, climate, energy and light
  on a building made of wood                 TI2 / TECHNICS                                   > Learn more about the material properties        TI3 TECHNICS INTEGRATED PROJECT 3
> Recognise the interaction between          INTEGRATED PROJECT 2                               of steel in terms of manufacturing and          > TWL4 / Structural Design 4          3 CP
  structure, space enclosure,                > TWL3 / Structural Design 3              3 CP     processing, application fields, special         > SWZ / Simulation Tools              2 CP
  building technology and building physics   > KLB / Climate Adapted Architecture      2 CP     material characteristics of linear structures   > GET3 / Building Services and HVAC 3 3 CP
  based on different design techniques                                                          made of steel
  in wood construction                       WORKLOAD                                         > Understand the interaction between              WORKLOAD
> Be aware of the impact of multiple layer   154 hours classroom attendance                     structures and its usage, the technical         224 hours classroom attendance
  wall structures onto physics, statics,     236 hours private study                            realisation process, the use of space           256 hours private study
  and design of a building                                                                      and the appearance after completion
                                                                                              > Acknowledge structure as means
                                                                                                of design, learn about regulatory systems,
                                                                                                building hull systems (facades etc.)
                                                                                                and builing physics (heat bridges etc.)
                                                                                              > Use modern programming tools to
                                                                                                objectify planning decisions
24                                                    MAJOR                            ELECTIVE                                                                                   25
                                                    COURSES                            COURSES

URBAN PLANNING 2                                                                       ARCHITECTURAL                                        DESIGNING 3
STB2                                                                                   VISUALISATION                                        ETW3
OBJECTIVES                                   FORMAT                                                                                         OBJECTIVES
> Criteria and methods of urban planning     Lectures & tutorials, project work        OBJECTIVES                                           > Design with focus on concept development
  with a focus on residential housing                                                  On the basis of a render assignment you will learn     for extensive architectural tasks and
> Local baseline study (urban planning,      COURSE LANGUAGE                           profound techniques of architecture visualisa-         complex building types
  traffic, environment, public space)        German (lectures) / English (tutorials)   tion. You will learn how to handle 3D-models, set    > Concept, iteration and synthesis
> SWOT analysis (strength, weakness,                                                   up light rigs, compose real life textures and ren-     in the design process
  opportunity, threat)                       CREDITS                                   der the final images without losses in time and      > Orientation, topography, site and
> Development of planning objectives         5 CP                                      quality. The primarily applied programmes are          urban scale as determining factors
  and planning programmes in consultation                                              Cinema 4D® with Arnold® Renderer and Adobe             in architectural design
  with the cooperating community             WORKLOAD                                  Photoshop®.                                          > Balancing out architectural elements,
> Main features of urban master planning,    56 hours classroom attendance                                                                    typologies and tectonic systems
  consideration of sectoral development      94 hours private study                    FORMAT                                                 in consideration of the desgin process
  concepts (use, public and green spaces,                                              Lectures & tutorials, project work
  traffic, design)                                                                                                                          FORMAT
> Development of an urban planning concept                                             COURSE LANGUAGE                                      Lectures & tutorials, project work
> Development of an explanatory report                                                 German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
  and an urban planning calculation                                                                                                         COURSE LANGUAGE
> Presentation of the whole concept                                                    CREDITS                                              German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
                                                                                       4 CP
                                                                                       IMPORTANT NOTE                                       4 CP
                                                                                       Qualifying test
26                                                 ELECTIVE                                         ELECTIVE                                                                          27
                                                   COURSES                                          COURSES

CAAD                                           CLIMATE ADAPTED                                      BUILDING SERVICES &                        EXCURSION
CAD                                            ARCHITECTURE                                         HVAC 1                                     EXK
                                               KLB                                                  GET1
OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                     OBJECTIVES
> Digital Image Processing: basics,            OBJECTIVES                                           OBJECTIVES                                 You will visit a great deal of selected architec-
  import of images and graphics, selections,   > Understanding of building design as an             > Basics of domestic installation          tural projects in Europe under the guidance of
  colour corrections and histogram, layers,      integrative process focussing on                     and integration into architecture        your lecturer. Special excursions may also lead
  masks, alpha channels                          climate-adapted construction                       > Basics of installation planning          overseas. As a prerequisite, you will have to com-
> CAD: basics, 2D drafting, 3D construction,   > Appropriate appliance of technology                > Drinking hot & cold water supply         pile a programme for the visited region or city.
  layer management, editing, export              into the architectural design                      > Basic knowledge in sewer lines           Individual objects will be selected, analysed and
> Graphics: Plan- and photomontage,            > Basics of active and passive use of                                                           documented via on-the-spot-presentations.
  layout, typography                             solar energy and its influence                     FORMAT
> Output: colour management, printing, PDF       onto building design                               Lectures                                   FORMAT
                                               > Daylight and artificial lighting in architecture                                              Travel & project work
FORMAT                                         > Basic ecological topics related to architecture    COURSE LANGUAGE
Lectures & tutorials, project work             > Utilising knowledge in planning processes          German (min. B1)                           COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                                               German / English
COURSE LANGUAGE                                FORMAT                                               CREDITS
German (lectures) / English (tutorials)        Lectures                                             2 CP                                       CREDITS
                                                                                                                                               1 CP
CREDITS                                        COURSE LANGUAGE                                      IMPORTANT NOTE
4 CP                                           German (min. B1)                                     120 mins exam at the end of the semester   FEES
                                                                                                                                               The fees will be 300–450 Euro
IMPORTANT NOTE                                 CREDITS                                                                                         approximately per person (payable
Pre-application required due to                2 CP                                                                                            at the beginning of the semester)
limited number of participants
                                               IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                  IMPORTANT NOTE
                                               120 mins exam at the end of the semester                                                        > Only during the summer semester
                                                                                                                                               > Pre-application required due to
                                                                                                                                                 limited number of participants
28                                                 ELECTIVE                                       ELECTIVE                                                                                         29
                                                   COURSES                                        COURSES

RESIDENTIAL                                     ARCHITECTURE                                      ARCHITECTURAL                                          ARCHITECTURAL
HOUSING THEORY                                  RECYCLING &                                       HITSTORY 2                                             HISTORY 3
WBT                                             TRANSFORMATION                                    BGS2                                                   BGS3
OBJECTIVES                                                                                        OBJECTIVES                                             OBJECTIVES
> Examination of various types of housing       OBJECTIVES                                        In a series of lectures about life and work of se-     > Age of enlightenment and industrialisation
  on the basis of selected projects:            > Presentation of building projects               lected architects and engineers you will receive       > Evolution of modern architecture
  Social housing, luxury apartments,              in existing structures                          an overview of the architecture of the 20th cen-         from classicism to the 20th century
  provisional housing, living of elderly        > Discussion of project-specific demands          tury, its predecessors in the 19th century and         > Coherence and development
  and handicapped people, multi-generational      and solutions                                   their effect on current building practice.               in modern architecture
  housing, student housing etc.                 > Relating real-life projects to theoretic        The main threads of modern architecture will be        > Overview of the determining factors
> Analysis of essential parameters of living,     concepts of preservation, transformation        emphasised by presenting their main protago-             and architectural theories of architectural
  illustrated by selected aspects: location,      and re-use                                      nists. Connections between life and work of an           modernism
  urban context, social environment etc.        > Evaluation of real-life-solutions in terms of   architect are made. In addition, you will train your   > Verification on the basis of
> Understanding the relationship                  cultural impact and appropriateness             ability to associate an architectural oeuvre with        real buildings analysis
  between types of living, types of housing                                                       its biographical, temporal, socio-political and        > Fundamentals of architectural history of
  and use of space                              FORMAT                                            economic context.                                        the last 250 years as a basis for your own
> Ability to apply the theory of residential    Lecture series                                                                                             work and for a critical analysis
  housing onto the design process                                                                 FORMAT                                                 > Complexity of epoch definitions
                                                COURSE LANGUAGE                                   Lectures & tutorials, project work                     > Awareness for the relation
FORMAT                                          German                                                                                                     between theory and practice
Lectures & project work                                                                           COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                CREDITS                                           German (lectures) / English (tutorials)                FORMAT
COURSE LANGUAGE                                 2 CP                                                                                                     Lectures & tutorials, project work
German                                                                                            CREDITS
                                                                                                  2 CP                                                   COURSE LANGUAGE
CREDITS                                                                                                                                                  German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
2 CP
                                                                                                                                                         3 CP

                                                                                                                                                         IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                                                                         90 min. exam at the end of the semester
30                                                      ELECTIVE                                          ELECTIVE                                                                                       31
                                                        COURSES                                           COURSES

ARCHITECTURE &                                       ARCHITECTURAL                                        INTRODUCTION                                         BUILDING ANALYSIS &
PLACE                                                PHOTOGRAPHY                                          TO PROJECT                                           CONSERVATION
SFA                                                  SFA                                                  MANAGEMENT                                           BDP
OBJECTIVES                                           OBJECTIVES                                                                                                OBJECTIVES
In order to understand the complex relationship      By shooting images of houses, interiors and ur-      OBJECTIVES                                           > History, terms and methods of
between architecture and its urban setting we        ban scenes you learn to perceive architecture        This course provides a profound insight into buil-     built heritage conservation
will visit places in and around Stuttgart and dis-   intensely. Deciding for the right perspective, the   ding project management and its operational          > Building analysis methods:
cuss examples and design concepts for various        ideal light set and appropriate image composi-       methods. Main topics are: tools of project ma-         graphic building survey, photographic
strategies of interaction. Lectures on the history   tion creates a chance to reveal the very essence     nagement, facility management, related law and         documentation, building description,
of Stuttgart as well as on the history of munici-    of architecture.                                     knowledge management.                                  surface and colour probe, dendrochronologic
pal planning will provide a background for pro-      In this course, the basic principles of photogra-                                                           age measurement of building timber,
found discussion.                                    phic techniques and image processing will be         FORMAT                                                 archaeologic and archive investigation
                                                     taught in lectures and exercises. You will create    Lectures & tutorials, project work                   > Analysis and visualisation of
FORMAT                                               a portfolio consisting of self-composed images                                                              construction phases
Lectures & tutorials                                 of Stuttgart architecture.                           COURSE LANGUAGE                                      > Examination report
                                                                                                          German (lectures) / English (tutorials)              > Recommendations for building
COURSE LANGUAGE                                      FORMAT                                                                                                      reconstruction or sanitation
English                                              Lectures & tutorials, project work                   CREDITS
                                                                                                          2 CP                                                 FORMAT
CREDITS                                              COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                                           Lectures & tutorials, project work
2 CP                                                 German (lectures) / English (tutorials)              IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                          Course takes place on irregular basis                COURSE LANGUAGE
IMPORTANT NOTE                                       CREDITS                                                                                                   German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
Course takes place on irregular basis                2 CP
                                                     IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                            4 CP
                                                     Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                                                                                                                               IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                                                                               Course takes place on irregular basis
36                                                    ELECTIVE                                           ELECTIVE                                                                                   37
                                                      COURSES                                            COURSES

ARCHITECTURAL                                      ART & CULTURE                                         LANDSCAPE PLANNING                                 RESIDENTIAL HOUSING
HISTORY & THEORY                                   HISTORY                                               FGP                                                SFA
GTA                                                KKG
                                                                                                         OBJECTIVES                                         OBJECTIVES
OBJECTIVES                                         OBJECTIVES                                            > The elements of landscape                        This course focuses on the meaning of
Learn more about the ideas behind building con-    By drawing and building architects contribute            architecture: floor covering, walls,            dwelling in general and casts light on
cepts, read and discuss historical and contempo-   to our cultural heritage. That implies a basic his-      hedges etc., their composition                  residential housing from different angles:
rary texts and statements from world-famous        torical understanding and knowledge of the main          and spatial effect                              > Housing requirements,
architectural theorists.                           ideas of philosophy, science and art. During this     > Application and needs of various plants            space, architecture, sociology
                                                   course you will learn to distinguish between im-      > Appropriate use of water,                        > Different design approaches:
FORMAT                                             portant and exchangeable, between central and           outdoor furniture and illumination                 living space, spatial relations,
Lectures & tutorials, project work                 marginal elements of culture.                         > Various types of public space                      movement, outdoor space
                                                                                                         > Ecology, nature protection and                   > Typology: shape, accessibility,
COURSE LANGUAGE                                    FORMAT                                                  landscape history                                  interior typology
German (min. Level C1)                             Lectures & tutorials, project work                    > History of garden design,
                                                                                                           European and worldwide                           FORMAT
CREDITS                                            COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                                          Lectures & tutorials, project work
2 CP                                               German (min. B1)                                      You will develop your own landscape design, the
                                                                                                         lectures support the project of your choice. The   COURSE LANGUAGE
IMPORTANT NOTE                                     CREDITS                                               level of detail should correspond with the pro-    German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
Course takes place on irregular basis              2 CP                                                  ject´s complexity and group size.
                                                   IMPORTANT NOTE                                        FORMAT                                             4 CP
                                                   Course takes place on irregular basis                 Lectures & tutorials, project work
                                                                                                                                                            IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                         COURSE LANGUAGE                                    Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                                                                         German (lectures) / English (tutorials)

                                                                                                         2 CP

                                                                                                         IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                         Course takes place on irregular basis
38                                                        ELECTIVE                                      ELECTIVE                                                                                   39
                                                          COURSES                                       COURSES

EXPERIMENTAL                                         URBAN PLANNING IN                                  BUILDING IN         BASICS OF DESIGN 2
ARCHITECTURE                                         EXISTING STRUCTURES                                EXISTING STRUCTURES GST2
SFA                                                  STB3                                               BBS
OBJECTIVES                                           OBJECTIVES                                         OBJECTIVES                                         In this course we will deal with colour in archi-
Experimenting with architecture means trying         >   Urban planning history                         This course raises your awareness for planning     tecture. Based on lectures on famous colour sys-
out spatial concepts that do not obey standards      >   Urban renewal & conversion                     and building within a historical environment and   tems (Itten, Le Corbusier), you will understand
(of shape, texture, function, structure and so on)   >   Urban development measures                     enables you to evaluate different approaches of    the impact of colour by systematic examination
but eventually prove that other or new concepts      >   Advanced status-quo-analysis                   building within existing structures. We provide    and precise observation. In exercises you will
work, too. We experiment with models, miniature      >   Integrated urban design                        you with information about:                        mix your own colours, produce colour sets, com-
prototypes made out of clay, gypsum, wire, paper     >   Solving a real-life planning-task              > Methods to analyse historical architecture       pare, discuss and evaluate them. The experience
etc., drawings, texts - whatever you like.                                                              > Reconstruction strategies                        you gain will help you utilising colour more au-
                                                     FORMAT                                             > History and theory of historical                 daciously.
FORMAT                                               Lectures & tutorials, project work                   heritage preservation
Lectures & tutorials, project work                                                                      > Current regional examples                        FORMAT
                                                     COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                                       Lectures & tutorials, project work
COURSE LANGUAGE                                      German (lectures, min. B1) / English (tutorials)   FORMAT
German (lectures) / English (tutorials)                                                                 Lectures & tutorials, project work                 COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                     CREDITS                                                                                               German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
CREDITS                                              4 CP                                               COURSE LANGUAGE
4 CP                                                                                                    German                                             CREDITS
                                                     IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                        4 CP
FEES                                                 > Course takes place on irregular basis            CREDITS
Approximately 15 Euro per person                     > Pre-application required due to                  2 CP                                               IMPORTANT NOTE
(payable before the beginning of the semester)         limited number of participants                                                                      Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                                                                        IMPORTANT NOTE
IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                          Course takes place on irregular basis
> Course takes place on irregular basis.
> Pre-application required due to
  limited number of participants
40        ERASMUS                                            ERASMUS         41
       CURRICULUM                                            CURRICULUM
M.A. ARCHITECTURE                                            M.A. ARCHITECTURE
        MASTER CURRICULUM                                    Based on the knowledge of the first and second        In a team you will work on an architectural task
        The main focus of the Master programme is set        semester students will learn how to develop own       including design, construction and HVAC tech-
        on designing and realising architecture. All the     projects thoroughly and may prove that they are       nologies. These main subjects will be tutored by
        subjects are based on contemporary methodo-          able to transfer theoretical concepts into detailed   a group of professors and assistants. Depending
        logies and on holistic design processes to solve     practical realisation. At the same time they can      on your background knowledge it is possible to
        interdisciplinary projects. According to this we     prepare themselves for future activities and po-      choose the different subjects. Before applying
        support students to enlarge their knowledge in       sitions of building realisation e.g. as a project     for these courses the background knowledge
        theoretical and practical design tasks to boost      leader who focuses on high quality architecture       has to be proved during the orientation week.
        their competencies for planning and realisation      as well as on the realisation of projects.            During this week you will compile your ideal
        processes.                                                                                                 schedule for the semester with support from
                                                             The basic courses offer several subjects such         the assistants.
        Our integrative teaching methods comprise in-        as language courses to achieve a basic level of
        tensive studio work in small groups to success-      German and English and furthermore a course           The elective courses offer workshops for diverse
        fully work on solutions for various architectural    about general information on German society           themes. The aim of these subjects is to provide
        design tasks.                                        and culture.                                          supplementary knowledge and skills to the stu-
                                                                                                                   dents in the field of their major subjects which
        The main focus in the first semester is on con-      The major courses contain                             they can then apply to their projects. The con-
        struction-aware-design. Students will be sensi-      our major Integrated Projects.                        tents of these courses always comprise general
        tised for our interdisciplinary design philosophy.                                                         topics of the cultural, social and technical every
        During the second semester we rely on regarding                                                            day life of architects.
        architects as creative generalists who can sol-
        ve complex concepts by holistic methods.                                                                   Please note some elective courses
                                                                                                                   take place on irregular basis.
42                                                          MAJOR                                     MAJOR                                                                                          43
                                                          COURSES                                     COURSES

INTEGRATIVE DESIGN                                                                                    STRUCTURAL DESIGN
P1                                                                                                    P2
OBJECTIVES                                           FORMAT                                           OBJECTIVES                                               FORMAT
In addition to working on a major design project     Lectures & tutorials, project work               Working on a structural design project you will          Lectures & tutorials, project work
you will learn how to integrate design concepts                                                       acquire in-depth capability to develop a concept
with appropriate engineering. The seminar fo-        COURSE LANGUAGE                                  into a fully functional, structurally sufficient buil-   COURSE LANGUAGE
cuses on the design process and realisation in       German (lectures) / English (tutorials)          ding design. You will be enabled to identify the         German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
consideration of context, function, structure, ma-                                                    aesthetic potential of a structure during the de-
terial, climate impacts and economy. The effect      CREDITS                                          sign and construction process. You learn to coo-         CREDITS
of these parameters on detailing and joining will    11 CP + 4 CP                                     perate competently with the structural engineer          12 CP
be discussed and they will be checked for their                                                       considering the decision for specific load-bea-
adequacy and sustainability.                         IE / INTEGRATIVE DESIGN P1                       ring structures.                                         KE / Structural Design P2
The seminar will allow attention to several as-      > EBK / Design and Building Construction 10 CP   You will work on a design project under realistic        > KOE / Structural Design                 10 CP
pects, e.g. facade design, energy consumption,       > TIE / Theory Integrative Design         1 CP   conditions in order to provide solutions for a           > TKE / Theory Structural Design           2 CP
demands on natural light, and to their influence                                                      support structure framework with its technical
on the detailed design process regarding design,     TP / TECHNICS P1                                 and design aspects. Realisation is achieved as           WORKLOAD
construction, economy and ecology.                   > TRW / Structural Framework              2 CP   a whole and in detail. Qualified supervision is          98 hours classroom attendance
                                                     > GET / Building Services and HVAC        2 CP   provided simultaneously by a lecturer of archi-          262 hours private study
                                                                                                      tecture and one of civil engineering.
                                                     126 hours classroom attendance
                                                     324 hours private study
44                                              ELECTIVE                               ELECTIVE                                                                        45
                                                COURSES                                COURSES

BASICS OF DESIGN &                           ARCHITECTURAL                             CLIMATE &                                 ENGLISH
PRESENTATION                                 PRESENTATION                              ARCHITECTURE                              FOR ARCHITECTS
GD2                                          GD3                                       KUA                                       EFA
OBJECTIVES                                   OBJECTIVES                                OBJECTIVES                                OBJECTIVES
> You will train designing by                > The art of story-telling                > Traditional building strategies         > Refreshment and reactivation of your
  concentrating on single aspects            > Know your listener                        in different climate zones                English skills in reading, writing,
  of more complex projects                   > Start from the beginning                > Understanding the concept of              listening comprehension and speaking
> Find, refine and enrich spatial concepts   > Find strong images and analogies          vernacular architecture                 > Ability to read technical literature
> Learn about design theories                > Create mood-boards                      > Natural climate and room climate        > Ability to discuss any professional input
  and try to apply them                      > Screen / visualise your project         > Mudbrick building                         that you have read
> Learn how to develop your design           > Get acquainted to the stage             > Natural rainwater retrieval             > Communication with foreign colleagues
  methodically: trial and error,                                                       > Natural sanitation                      > Communication by telephone, email
  refinement, simplification, rejection,     FORMAT                                                                              > Presentation of your work
  iteration                                  Lectures & tutorials                      FORMAT
                                                                                       Lectures & tutorials, project work        FORMAT
FORMAT                                       COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                     Lectures & tutorials
Lectures & tutorials, project work           German (lectures) / English (tutorials)   COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                                                       German (lectures) / English (tutorials)   COURSE LANGUAGE
COURSE LANGUAGE                              CREDITS                                                                             English
German (lectures) / English (tutorials)      2 CP                                      CREDITS
                                                                                       3 CP                                      CREDITS
CREDITS                                                                                                                          2 CP
7 CP                                                                                   IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                       Pre-application required due to           IMPORTANT NOTE
GD2 / BASICS OF DESIGN & PRESENTATION                                                  limited number of participants            60 mins exam at the end of the semester
> STE / Impromptu Design           3 CP
> ETH / Design Theory              1 CP
> EME / Design Methods             3 CP
46                                                ELECTIVE                                    ELECTIVE                                                                        47
                                                  COURSES                                     COURSES

URBAN PLANNING                                 COST MANAGEMENT                                PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ARCHITECTURAL SPACE
STB 1                                          KMA                                            PRE                                       GD1
OBJECTIVES                                     OBJECTIVES                                     OBJECTIVES                                OBJECTIVES
> Various approaches to urban design           > Cost classification according to DIN 276     > Characteristics and tools of            During a three-day seminar in a monastery
  based on the contextual conditions           > Levels of cost calculation                     real estate project development         in Bronnbach you will work on a small
  of the place                                 > Methods of cost planning and survey          > Process & phases                        design project:
> City structures according to their date        related to building components,              > Tools                                   > Application of natural light
  of origin and cultural background              submission units, parameters, utilisation    > Financing                               > Design process, place, space definiton
> Interdependency of housing typology,         > Cost-oriented design                         > Marketing                               > Conscious and unconscious perception
  population density and social situation      > Managing cost databases                      > Facility Management                     > Design methods, extended
> Methods for analysing building               > Design of project-specific cost parameters   > Redevelopment                              repertoire of creative tools
  and urban design projects                    > Change and addition management               > Success criteria                        > Characteristics and features
> Profound comprehension of city and context   > Building related costs                                                                    of architectural elements,
                                               > Job description according to HOAI            FORMAT                                       design application, spatial specification
FORMAT                                           (honorarium code for architects              Lectures & tutorials, project work
Lectures                                         and engineers)                                                                         FORMAT
                                                                                              COURSE LANGUAGE                           Lectures & tutorials, project work
COURSE LANGUAGE                                FORMAT                                         German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
German (min. B1)                               Lectures & tutorials, project work                                                       COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                                                              CREDITS                                   German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
CREDITS                                        COURSE LANGUAGE                                3 CP
3 CP                                           German (min. B1)                                                                         CREDITS
                                                                                                                                        4 CP
                                               2 CP                                                                                     FEES
                                                                                                                                        The fees will be approximately
                                               IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                           150 Euro per person (payable
                                               90 mins exam at the end of the semester                                                  at the beginning of the semester)

                                                                                                                                        IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                                                        Pre-application required due to
                                                                                                                                        limited number of participants
48                                                        ELECTIVE                                ELECTIVE                                                                             49
                                                          COURSES                                 COURSES

ARCHITECTURE &                                         BUSINESS ECONOMICS                         LANDSCAPE PLANNING ARCHITECTURE & FILM
PLACE                                                  FOR ARCHITECTS                             FUG                                         SWF
SFA                                                    BWL
                                                                                                  OBJECTIVES                                  OBJECTIVES
OBJECTIVES                                             OBJECTIVES                                 > Basics of landscaping and                 This course covers the resemblance of architec-
To understand the complex relationship between         > Basics of business economics,              appropriate design tools                  ture in film. Film and architecture work hand in
architecture and its urban setting we will visit         e.g. cost effectiveness, productivity    > Understanding and managing                hand, and every film narration performs in space,
places in and around Stuttgart and discuss exam-       > Basics of business management,             the interaction between building design   internal, external, in between. In the first part of
ples and design concepts for various strategies          e.g. exchange of goods and services,       and exterior space                        the course you will hear lectures on the profes-
of interaction. Lectures on the history of Stuttgart     accounting and finance                   > Understanding building design             sion of set designers, film architects, basic termi-
as well as on the history of municipal planning will   > Basic information on business start-up     and landscape planning as an aesthetic    nology of film-making and cinematic concepts as
provide a background for profound discussion.            and legal forms of organisation            and functional unit                       well as architectural space and colour symbolism.
                                                                                                                                              In the second part you will work on a film produc-
FORMAT                                                 FORMAT                                     FORMAT                                      tion project, based on an excerpt of a short story.
Lectures & tutorials                                   Lectures & tutorials, project work         Lectures & tutorials, project work
COURSE LANGUAGE                                        COURSE LANGUAGE                            COURSE LANGUAGE                             Lectures & tutorials, project work
English                                                German (lectures) / English (tutorials)    German (lectures), English (tutorials)
                                                                                                                                              COURSE LANGUAGE
CREDITS                                                CREDITS                                    CREDITS                                     German (lectures), English (tutorials)
2 CP                                                   2 CP                                       2 CP
IMPORTANT NOTE                                         IMPORTANT NOTE                             IMPORTANT NOTE                              2 CP
Course takes place on irregular basis                  Course takes place on irregular basis      Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                                                                                                              IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                                                              Course takes place on irregular basis
50                                                 ELECTIVE                                                ELECTIVE                                                                                 51
                                                   COURSES                                                 COURSES

SPECIAL TOPICS IN                               BUILT HERITAGE                                             PSYCHOLOGY                                      IMPROMPTU DESIGN 2
URBAN PLANNING                                  CONSERVATION                                               PSY                                             STG
SWF                                             DMP
                                                                                                           OBJECTIVES                                      OBJECTIVES
OBJECTIVES                                      OBJECTIVES                                                 >   Parameters of human interaction behaviour   > Train creativity
> Complex problems in urban planning projects   Demolition, preservation, reconstruction, re-use:          >   Perception and information processing       > Engage in small projects
> Analysis methods, concepts                    options like these most often need to be consi-            >   Communication patterns, consulting basics     and details in short time
                                                dered when planning in urban context. To give an           >   Standards of leadership                     > Produce, reshape, dismiss concepts
FORMAT                                          overall idea of the architectural strategies avail-        >   Teamwork aspects                            > Present ideas, tell the story
Lectures & tutorials, project work              able you will first of all take a close look at history.   >   Basics of perceptual psychology
                                                Mankind has always developed a specific attitude                                                           FORMAT
COURSE LANGUAGE                                 towards the old, mostly pragmatic, often ideo-             FORMAT                                          Lectures & tutorials, project work
German                                          logic, sometimes radical. Knowing about history,           Lectures & tutorials, project work
                                                principles and tools of heritage conservation you                                                          COURSE LANGUAGE
CREDITS                                         will test your skills working on a small object and        COURSE LANGUAGE                                 German (lectures), English (tutorials)
2 CP                                            develop suitable ideas for its conservation and            German (lectures) / English (tutorials)
                                                re-use.                                                                                                    CREDITS
IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                             CREDITS                                         2 CP
> Course takes place on irregular basis         FORMAT                                                     2 CP
> Pre-application required due to               Lectures & tutorials, project work                                                                         IMPORTANT NOTE
  limited number of participants                                                                           IMPORTANT NOTE                                  Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                COURSE LANGUAGE                                            Course takes place on irregular basis

                                                2 CP

                                                IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                Course takes place on irregular basis
52                                                  ELECTIVE                                    ELECTIVE                                                                                    53
                                                    COURSES                                     COURSES

ARCHITECTURE &                                   ARCHITECTURE &                                 BUILDING IN         QUALITY
MATERIAL                                         STRUCTURE                                      EXISTING STRUCTURES MANAGEMENT
MUA                                              TUA                                            BIB                 FOR ARCHITECTS
OBJECTIVES                                       OBJECTIVES                                     OBJECTIVES
>   Material science                             > Analyse buildings concerning                 This course raises your awareness for planning     OBJECTIVES
>   Physical, optic and haptic characteristics     structural framework and joining             and building within a historical environment and   > Basics and history of quality management
>   Retrieval and production of materials        > Understand frameworks                        enables you to evaluate different approaches of    > Transfer QM methods on building projects
>   Joining and application                        both aesthetically and technically           building within existing structures. We provide    > Understand the concept of QM
>   Advanced materials and technologies          > Identify structural quality                  you with information about:                          as an overall tool
                                                 > Know more about framework-inherent                                                              > Learn to identfy, evaluate and compare
FORMAT                                             design rules                                 > Methods to analyse historical architecture         qualities in architectural projects
Lectures & tutorials, project work               > Know more about structural logic             > Reconstruction strategies                        > Learn to spot and manage
                                                   to better communicate with civil engineers   > History and theory of historical                   controllable topics systematically
COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                                   heritage preservation
German (lectures), English (tutorials)           FORMAT                                         > Current regional examples                        FORMAT
                                                 Lectures & tutorials, project work                                                                Lectures & tutorials, project work
CREDITS                                                                                         FORMAT
2 CP                                             COURSE LANGUAGE                                Lectures & tutorials, project work                 COURSE LANGUAGE
                                                 German (min. B1)                                                                                  German (lectures), English (tutorials)
IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                  COURSE LANGUAGE
Course takes place on irregular basis            CREDITS                                        German (lectures), English (tutorials)             CREDITS
                                                 2 CP                                                                                              2 CP
                                                 IMPORTANT NOTE                                 2 CP                                               IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                 Course takes place on irregular basis                                                             Course takes place on irregular basis
                                                                                                IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                Course takes place on irregular basis
54                                             ELECTIVE                                       ELECTIVE                                                                             55
                                               COURSES                                        COURSES

PROCESS OF BUILDING                          ARCHITECTURE                                     PROJECT                                     ARCHITECTURE &
PRB                                          HISTORY & THEORY                                 ORGANISATION                                COLOUR
                                             GTA                                              POR                                         FUA
> We examine the whole range of a            OBJECTIVES                                       OBJECTIVES                                  OBJECTIVES
  real-life building project's development   Understand more about the ideas behind buil-     > Identify project characteristics          > Colour schemes in architecture
  from preparation to its completion         ding concepts, read and discuss historical and     and aims                                    and design
  by means of analyses, lectures             contemporary texts and statements from famous    > Understand the concept of                 > How architects, designers and
  and building site visits                   architectural theorists.                           organising and teamwork                     artists use colour schemes
> We will set our focus according to                                                          > Learn about various ways                  > Develop your own colour scheme
  the project's specifics                    FORMAT                                             and tools of organisation                 > How colour affects our perception
> See how an architectural concept           Lectures & tutorials, project work               > Learn how to apply                          of architecture
  survives in reality                                                                           various organisation tools                > Learn to analyse and evaluate
                                             COURSE LANGUAGE                                                                                colour and material concepts
FORMAT                                       German (min. Level C1)                           FORMAT
Lectures & tutorials, project work                                                            Lectures & tutorials, project work          FORMAT
                                             CREDITS                                                                                      Lectures & tutorials, project work
COURSE LANGUAGE                              2 CP                                             COURSE LANGUAGE
German (lectures), English (tutorials)                                                        German                                      COURSE LANGUAGE
                                             IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                               German (lectures), English (tutorials)
CREDITS                                      Course takes place on irregular basis            CREDITS
2 CP                                                                                          2 CP                                        CREDITS
                                                                                                                                          2 CP
IMPORTANT NOTE                                                                                IMPORTANT NOTE
Course takes place on irregular basis                                                         Course is taking place on irregular basis   IMPORTANT NOTE
                                                                                                                                          Course takes place on irregular basis
56                                                                                                         CAMPUS                                                          IMPORTANT                                                                 57
                                                                                                           SITEMAP                                                         CONTACTS

                                                                                                                                                                           HFT CONTACTS &                      MATERIAL, BOOKS
                                                                                                                                                                           EMAILS                              & STATIONERY
                                                                                                                                                                           DEAN                                RAUMPROBE
                                                                                                                                                                           Prof. Horst Sondermann              Material Research
                                                                                                                                                                           horst.sondermann@hft-stuttgart.de   Hohnerstrasse 23, 70469 Stuttgart

                                                                                                                                                                           FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISOR             BASTLERZENTRALE

                                                                                                                                                                           Prof. Renate Oelhaf                 Modelbuilding & Stationery

                                                                                                 6                                                                         renate.oelhaf@hft-stuttgart.de      Lange Strasse 51, 70174 Stuttgart

                                                                                                                                                                                                               DEKO MAIER

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Modelbuilding & Stationery
                                                                                                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL                       Rotebühlstrasse 71, 70178 Stuttgart
                                                                                                                                                                           STUDENT OFFICE
                                                                e   ids
                                                                          t ra
                                                                                                                   1                 ling
                                                                                                                                            s t ra                         iso.aaa@hft-stuttgart.de            IDEE
                                                        t                                                                       el
                                               B   re i                                                                     Sch                                                                                Modelbuilding & Stationery
                                                                                                                                                                           SYSTEM MANAGEMENT                   Kronenstrasse 4, 70173 Stuttgart

                                                                                       3                                                                                   michael.hoschek@ hft-stuttgart.de
                                                                                                                                                                                                               RITA LIMACHER

                                                                                                                                                                           karin.sauermann@ hft-stuttgart.de

                                                            4                                                                                                                                                  Bookshop for Architecture, Art & Design

                                        A                                                                                                                                  PRINTING & PLOT                     Kleiner Schlossplatz 11, 70173 Stuttgart




                                                                                                                                    ra s

                                                                                                          gar                                                                                                  KARL KRÄMER
                                                                                  t ra

                                                                                                       ner                                                 Schloßstrasse
                                                                                                                                                                           MODEL WORKSHOP

                                                                                           Ho                                                                                                                  Specialised Bookstore for Architecture
                                                                                                                                                                           philip.spoun@hf-stuttgart.de        and Building Industry
BUILDING A                            BUILDING 1                                           BUILDING 2                           BUILDING 3                                                                     Rotebühlstrasse 42, 70178 Stuttgart
Department A                          Cafeteria,                                           Library, Department C                Architecture                               LASER
Architecture & Design                 Administration,                                      Geomatics, Comp.                     ClimateEngineering                         albert.stoecker@hft-stuttgart.de
                                      Business Management                                  Science & Mathematics

BUILDING 4                            BUILDING 5                                           BUILDING 6
Department B                          Interior Design                                      Interior Design
Civil Engineering                     International
and Building Physics                  Project Management
                                      Urban Planning
HFT Stuttgart
Department A - Architecture and Design
Schellingstrasse 24
70174 Stuttgart

© HFT Stuttgart
© Klaus Mellenthin

Winter semester 2015 /2016
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