GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment

Page created by Regina Joseph
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
     Recommended for
     VOLVO workshops
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
2 | Wheel Aligner                                                                                                                                                                                            Wheel Aligner | 3

                                                                                                                     GEOLINER® 678 LIFT
                                                                                                                                                                                         Reference Volvo: SE 25716. 7.0

                                                                                                                     geoliner® 678 a professional quality aligner with proven
                                                                                                                     accuracy. Two machines in one! Move the aligner and use
        Wireless system provides flexible installation,                                                              it in differerent bays. Audit and adjust with the same unit!
        usage and mobility options                                                                                   • Fast and easy to use, it provides secure clamping without
                                                                                                                       touching the rim. This patented technology allows accurate
        Hofmann’s professional wheel alignment          if the tyres mounted are of a different size,                  and repeatable results coupled with ease of use and durability.
        systems can perform precise complete            as it could lead to issues. Results are shown                • Easy, intuitive workflow:
                                                                                                                       Select Vehicle - Measure - Adjust - Print report.
        checks in a short time, assessing the toe-      in 3D via an intuitive user interface that                   • Ride Height measurement.
        in (even at the maximum steering angle),        makes it easier to read the outcome of the                   • Chassis data as diagonals, track width and wheelbase indicate
        caster and camber of wheels. They are also      diagnosis. Hofmann’s professional wheel                        collision damage. Rolling Radius measurement and tyre size
        equipped with high-resolution cameras and       alignment has always been precise and of                       mismatch are common contributors to pull problems.
        an extended model database so as to make        the highest quality, guaranteeing accurate                   • ADAS info
                                                                                                                     • EZ-Toe for easy access to make Toe adjustment
        alignment easier. What is more, they detect     real-time measurements over time.                            • High speed video camera system.
                                                                                                                     • Interactive Software - avoid guessing by using this rapid and
                                                                                                                       reliable system for detecting problems and damage.
                                                                                                                     • Audit mode quickly identifies if a car needs adjustment.
                                                                                                                     • Mobility kit

  FEATURES of geoliner                       ®
                                                 678 lift
                                                                                                                     • Only 1,70 m between cameras and turntables. The smallest
                                                                                                                       footprint for a 3D aligner!
                                                                                                                     • Alignment readings are ready in less than two minutes!
                                                                                                                     • Online specs updates
                                                                                                                     • Online connectivity automatically downloads specifications
                                                                170 cm                                                 and software updates
                                                                                                                     • Cloud based printing option
                                                                         270 cm   Added
                                                                                  Space:                             • Wireless remote display (tablet) supported
                                                                                  1 meter
                                                                                                                     • 40+ languages
                                                                                                                     Electrical supply
                                                                                                                     100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz

                               Automatic                                                    Advanced
    AC400                      Lift Tracking             Short Bay                          Dimensions

    • Grab the tyre, without   We use the most           Only 1,70 m between                Rolling Radius and
      touching the rim         advanced camera           cameras and turntables             Cross Diagonals
    • Single fast-action       system                    • The smallest footprint           Chassis data as
      knob for easy            Cameras follow the          for a 3D aligner                 diagonals, track
      clamping                 height of the vehicle     • Accomodates 6 m                  width and wheelbase
    • Light, balanced, easy    avoiding the need of        overall length service           indicate collision
      to handle                adjusting the aligner       bays and work area               damage. Rolling Radius
    • Fits a full range of     while moving the lift.    • The cabinet can be               measurement and
      tyres (wheels up to      Alignment readings are      moved as needed                  tyre size mismatch are
      39”) without need of     ready in less than two    • Optimize your                    common contributors to
      additional accessories   minutes!                    workshop space                   pull problems.
                                                         • Save 1 meter of space
                                                           without compromising
                                                           accuracy and speed
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
4 | Wheel Aligner                                                                                                                                                                                Wheel Balancer | 5

                                                                                                       WHEEL BALANCERS
                                                                    Reference Volvo: SE 25716. 7.0

  geoliner® 660 designed to provide core alignment
  functions quickly and easily.
  • Software designed together with technicians around the core
                                                                                                       Balancing technology at its finest
    functions: you never wait for the system
  • Intelligent & predictive alignment workflow for your selected
    vehicle without unnecessary steps
                                                                                                       Hofmann’s professional balancers meet             components and prevent tyre treads from
  • Compensate, Warn & Alert let’s you perform your work fast                                          all kinds of needs, they help make tyre           wearing unevenly. All Hofmann balancers
    with professional results                                                                          rotation uniform at all speeds; in little time,   are easy, quick and safe to use and they are
  • Rolling Compensation time reduced 35% compared to                                                  they eliminate steering wheel vibrations          also hard-wearing. They feature the most
    previous models                                                                                    which are potentially harmful for mechanic        advanced diagnostic solutions available.
  • Intelligent shorter procedure for caster swing: 40% faster
    than previous models
  • Automatic Tracking Camera Beam: you don’t have to spend
    time on adjusting the height of the camera beam
  • Cabinet position independent from camera beam
  • Cloud based printing option: retrieve and print your reports
    from any internet connected PC or mobile device

  Electrical supply
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz                                                                               FEATURES of geodyna                      ®

  GEOLINER® 630 TILT                                                Reference Volvo: SE 25716. 7.0

  geoliner® 630 can benefit from the Next Generation User
  Interface, designed for maximum clarity and accessibility.
  • Accurate and repeatable readings in under 2 minutes
  • Online connectivity for automatic software and specs updates
  • Portable remote display                                                                          3D Imaging                Match-                                                Bare rim
    Mainstream alignment features
    Tilt, wall and fixed beam options
                                                                                                     Technology                Mounting                   easyALU™                   measurement
  • Easy installation and service
  • Wireless remote display support with connection to many                                          The 3D image              3D image technology        Touch the rim with the     The machine recognises
    consumer devices                                                                                 technology is an          performs an accurate       gauge arm to enter the     at once if there is a
  • Improved installation flexibility with camera beam and printer                                    exceptional suite of      radial run-out             rim dimensions and         rim only and performs
    shelf connected by up to 50m long ethernet cable                                                 tools for advanced        measurement of             automatically select the   a high quality and
  • No need for RCP bar for easier and faster service                                                data collection and       the wheel assembly         weight balancing mode.     accurate measurement
                                                                                                     analysis. It involves     and rim. The wheel                                    of bead seat run-out.
                                                                                                     five high-resolution      assembly roundness                                    Using the real low
                                                                                                     laser cameras, one of     is maximized                                          point of the wheel’s
                                                                                                     which is displaceable,    by the match-                                         bead seats, it ensures
                                                                                                     scanning the complete     mounting procedure,                                   the most effective
                                                                                                     rim and tyre profile.     guaranteeing the                                      match-mounting, shape
                                                                                                                               minimization of shape                                 vibrations correction
                                                                                                                               vibrations.                                           and driving comfort.
  Electrical supply
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
6 | Wheel Balancer                                                                                                                                                                          Wheel Balancer | 7

  GEODYNA® 9000P                                                   Reference Volvo: SE 25717. 7.0   GEODYNA® 8200P                                                        Reference Volvo: SE 25717. 7.0

  Wheel diagnostics made easy - completely automatic                                                Wheel balancer with touchscreen monitor
  with diagnostics features                                                                         •   VPM measurement technology for uncompromised accuracy
                                                                                                    •   Power Clamp™, unique torque-controlled wheel clamping
                                                                                                    •   Offset and diameter acquisition via laser scanner
  • Five hi-res 3D imaging technology cameras scan the entire
                                                                                                    •   Rim width acquisition via Smart Sonar™
    wheel and rim profile including tread surface, sidewall, bead
                                                                                                    •   Automatic selection of balancing mode and weight position
    seat and rim flange
                                                                                                    •   Stop-in-Position: touch the display and the wheel goes to
  • VPM measurement technology for uncompromised accuracy
                                                                                                        weight-placement position
  • Power Clamp™, unique torque-controlled wheel clamping
                                                                                                    •   easyWEIGHT™, a laser spot shows exactly where to place
  • Automatic acquisition of rim diameter, rim width and offset
                                                                                                        the weight
  • Automatic selection of balancing mode and weight position
                                                                                                    •   The telescopic wheel guard allows the installation against
  • Automatic detection of number and position of spokes
                                                                                                        the wall
  • Radial and lateral run-out combined with unbalance
                                                                                                    •   Bright rim illumination thanks to iLED™
    measurement in a single fast measuring run
                                                                                                    •   Split weight mode, weight minimization and optimization
  • Tyre pull effect (tyre conicity)
                                                                                                    •   Network: printing capability, compatible with asanetwork
  • Tread depth and wear analysis
  • Tyre wear-out prediction
  • Alignment pre-checking
  • All diagnostic results in brilliant 3D colour maps

                                                                                                    Electrical supply
                                                                                                    100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz

                                                                                                    GEODYNA® 7700P                                                        Reference Volvo: SE 25717. 7.0

  Electrical supply
                                                                                                    Wheel balancer with geoTOUCH™ display
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz
                                                                                                    •   VPM measurement technology for uncompromised accuracy
                                                                                                    •   geoTOUCH™ display
                                                                                                    •   Power Clamp™, unique torque-controlled wheel clamping
                                                                                                    •   Offset and rim diameter acquisition via geodata® gauge arm
                                                                                                    •   Rim width acquisition via Smart Sonar™
                                                                                                    •   Pre-selection of balancing mode via easyALU™
                                                                                                    •   Stop-in-Position: touch the display and the wheel goes to
                                                                                                        weight-placement position
                                                                                                    •   easyWEIGHT™, a laser spot shows exactly where to place the
                                                                                                    •   Bright rim illumination thanks to iLED™
                                                                                                    •   Split weight mode, weight minimization and optimization
                                                                                                    •   The telescopic wheel guard allows installation against the wall
                                                                                                    •   Network: printing capability, compatible with asanetwork

                                                                                                    Electrical supply
                                                                                                    100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
8 | Wheel Balancer                                                                                                                                                                                       Tyre Changers | 9

  GEODYNA® 7340L
                                                                                                           TYRE CHANGERS
                                                                        Reference Volvo: SE 25717. 7.0

  Car wheel balancer with geoTOUCH™ display
  •   VPM measurement technology for uncompromised accuracy
      geoTOUCH™ display
      Power Clamp™, unique torque-controlled wheel clamping                                                smartSpeed™
  •   easyWEIGHT™, a laser spot shows exactly where to place the
  •   Offset and diameter acquisition via 2D SAPE                                                          smartSpeed™ - continously in control of           FAST - This technology automatically
  •   Rim width acquisition via Smart Sonar™                                                               the mount/demount conditions                      selects the maximum speed possible:
  •   Pre-selection of balancing mode via easyALU™                                                         smartSpeed™ is the innovative technology          chuck rotation up to 20 rpm; up to 30% of
  •   QuickBAL™: short start-stop cycle: 4.5 seconds (15” rim)
  •   Stop-in-Position: touch the display and the wheel goes to
                                                                                                           applied to Tyre Changers that optimizes the       time saving
      weight-placement position                                                                            torque and maximizes the rotation speed.
  •   Split weight mode, weight minimization and optimization                                                                                                EASY TO USE - Operators simply have
  •   Two users with rapid switch function                                                                 SAFE - No damage in terms of “overstress          to press the pedal and smartSpeed™
  •   Network: wifi connectivity, printing capability, compatible with                                      the tyre bead” continuous control of the          automatically sets the maximum speed
                                                                                                           chuck torque avoiding to exceed 1.200 Nm          possible (from 7 rpm to 20 rpm)

  Electrical supply
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz                                                                                   FEATURES of monty                   ®

  GEODYNA® 7100                                                         Reference Volvo: SE 25717. 7.0

  Car wheel balancer with LED display
  •   Small footprint
  •   Semi-automatic input of offset and rim diameter via 2D SAPE
  •   Manual input of rim width
      Conspicuous and intuitive LED display
      Imbalance minimisation and optimisation programs
                                                                                                         Fully automatic         Leverless tool               Centre clamp                Wheel lift
  •   VPM measurement technique for uncompromised accuracy
  •   QuickBAL™ for reduced measurement time:                                                            mounting and            The leverless tool           The centre-clamp            The ergonomic wheel
  •   Short start-stop cycle time: 6.5 seconds (15" rim)                                                 demounting procedures   supersedes the               design has numerous         lift reduces fatigue
  •   Measuring speed < 100 rpm                                                                          are performed simply    conventional tyre lever.     benefits: most              on the operator and
  •   Wheel guard                                                                                        through an ergonomic    It pulls the bead over       important is the            increases productivity.
  •   Clamping of wheel on integrated flange with quick nut                                               joystick.               the rim edge, being as       drastically reduced risk
                                                                                                                                 gentle to the tyre as can    of damage and that
                                                                                                                                 be and and reducing the      there are no restrictions
                                                                                                                                 effort of the operator.      of the turntables with
                                                                                                                                                              clamping jaws, while
                                                                                                                                                              automatic locking of
                                                                                                                                                              the wheel provides
                                                                                                                                                              fast, safe and correct
                                                                                                                                                              clamping of the wheel.

  Electrical supply
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
10 | Tyre Changers                                                                                                                                                                          Tyre Changers | 11

  MONTY® QUADRIGA                                                     Reference Volvo: SE 25718. 7.0   MONTY® 8700B                                                      Reference Volvo: SE 25718. 7. 0

  Automatic tyre changer with dynamic bead breaking                                                    The tyre changer for low-profile, UHP and
  • Thanks to dynamic procedures and controlled power, all                                             run-flat tyres
    tyre changing operations are accomplished efficiently by
    preserving tyres and rims and reducing operator effort.                                            • powerMONT™ the innovative, fast and easy to use leverless
  • Non-contact detection of rim contour by a laser scanner.                                             mount/demount system
  • Automatic control of mounting and demounting tools from the                                        • smartSpeed™ the exclusive self-adjustable speed system with
    control console.                                                                                     before up to 20 rpm that provides the optimum torque/speed
  • Thanks to the lift, lift the wheels are positioned on the                                            combination to the chuck
    clamping flange automatically, accurately and say instead                                           • Dynamic bead breaker with two disks, the solution of choice
    without operator effort.                                                                             for RFT and UHP tyres. Precise, ergonomic and effortless
  • Hydraulic clamping of wheel on the clamping flange via quick-                                       • Manual center post clamping system
    clamping nut.                                                                                      • PBD330, Pneumatic Bead Depressor for convenient
  • Rotating bead breaker discs gently follow the rim contour                                            demounting of hard sidewall tyres
    when breaking tyre beads.                                                                          • High rigidity for safe handling of high performance tyres
  • Tools specially designed for gentle handling of tyre and rim.                                      • Pedal-controlled inflator
  • The control console is located at an ideal level for convenient                                    • Mirror to control operation on the lower bead
    control and monitoring of the individual work steps.

                                                                                                       Electrical supply
                                                                                                       100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz

  Electrical supply                                                                                    OPTIONAL:
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz                                                                                 EAA0377G29A WHEEL LIFT

  MONTY® 8800S                                                        Reference Volvo: SE 25718. 7.0   MONTY® 3550                                                       Reference Volvo: SE 25718. 7. 0

  The tyre changer of choice for high volume tyre shops                                                Pneumatic tilt back post tyre changer
  • Excellent with low-profile, UHP and run-flat tyres, high                                             for wheels up to 26" diameter
    performing with tyres with high aspect ratio too
  • powerMONT™ the innovative, fast and easy to use leverless                                          • Top-side bead seating kit
    mount/demount system                                                                               • Certified by wdk for gentle and user-friendly mounting and
  • quickLOK™ automatic center post clamping system                                                      demounting of UHP and run-flat tyres in line
  • smartSpeed™ the exclusive self-adjustable speed system                                             • With pneumatic mounting tool easymont® pro and "plus" kit
    up to 20 rpm that provides the optimum torque/speed                                                  for handling of UHP and run-flat tyre systems
    combination to the chuck                                                                           • Mounting head vertically and laterally adjustable in spaced-
  • Optimum bead breaker system: the most performing solution                                            apart position relative to the rim
    for any tyre’s types: Dynamic bead breaker with two disks, the                                     • Inverter technology for two turntable speeds optimises torque
    solution of choice for RFT and UHP tyres. Precise, ergonomic                                         and speed depending on the requirements of mounting and
    and effortless - On floor bead breaker, the fastest solution for                                      demounting operations
    tyres with high aspect ratio                                                                       • Bead breaker blade supported in 3 joints
  • PBD330, Pneumatic Bead Depressor for convenient                                                    • Bead breaker adjustable in 2 ranges
    demounting of hard sidewall tyres                                                                  • Pneumatic tool lock and pneumatic tool approach
  • High rigidity for a safe handling of high performance tyres                                        • Quick-inflating valve
  • Pedal-controlled inflator                                                                           • Pneumatic tilt back post, pneumatically locked in working
  • Mirror to control operation on the lower bead                                                        position and pneumatically tilted forwards/backwards
  Electrical supply                                                                                    • Double-acting bead breaker cylinder
  100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz                                                                                 • Self-centring four-jaw turntable
  INCLUDED:                                                                                            Electrical supply
  EAA0377G29A WHEEL LIFT                                                                               100-240V 1Ph 50/60Hz
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
Cod.: xxx · 07/2021

                                                           Snap-on Total Shop Solutions offers a wide
                                                           range of garage equipment solutions for                   workshops, garages, car dealers and tyre
Part of the machines is illustrated with optional extras   shops, thanks to the specific solutions
which are available at extra cost. Technical and visual    provided by its portfolio of premium brands.
modifications reserved.
GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment GARAGE EQUIPMENT Recommended for VOLVO workshops - Hofmann equipment
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