GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil

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GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil

         GEOCORRENTE                 April 08th, 2021                 ISSN 2446-7014

                          JOURNAL OF GEOPOLITICS AND OCEAN POLITICS                YEAR 7 • Nº 136

Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí:
what to do after PROSUB?
This and a further 12 articles in this edition
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
                                                                           RESEARCHERS OF THE CONJUNCTURE
             GEOCORRENTE                                                         ASSESSMENT GROUP
      Boletim Geocorrente is a fortnightly publication written
by the Conjuncture Assessment Group (NAC), which is part
                                                                       SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA
of the Department of Research and Post-Graduation (SPP) at             Ariane Dinalli Francisco (Universität Osnabrück)
                                                                       Bruno Gonçalves (Ufrj)
the Naval War College (EGN). NAC studies the International
                                                                       Franco Napoleão A. de Alencastro Guimarães (Puc-Rio)
Conjuncture from a geopolitical framework, in order to supply          Isadora Jacques de Jesus (Ufrj)
the global demand for information, making it more accessible           João Victor Marques Cardoso (Unirio)
for the general public. Moreover, it seeks to intertwine society       Vivian de Mattos Marciano (Uerj)
into defense and security issues, and to disseminate updated
knowledge of international conflicts and crisis to meet the Naval      SOUTH AMERICA
Staff's demands.                                                       Ana Laura Marçal Monsores (Uff)
      The research group responsible for this Boletim is               Bruna Soares Corrêa de Souza (UniLaSalle)
composed of members from different areas of expertise, whose           Carlos Henrique Ferreira da Silva Júnior (Egn)
                                                                       Matheus Souza Galves Mendes (Egn)
multiple backgrounds and experiences provide a comprehensive
                                                                       Pedro Emiliano Kilson Ferreira (Univ. de Santiago)
approach to the latest international issues. It seeks to analyse the
major themes, motivational factors and the main actors regarding       NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA
the escalation of conflicts, ongoing crises and its outcomes.          Ana Carolina Vaz Farias (Ufrj)
      Thus, this journal aims to publish short articles concerning     Jéssica Pires Barbosa Barreto (Egn)
current issues about ten macro-regions in the globe: South             Rafael Esteves Gomes (Ufrj)
America, North and Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa,                Victor Cabral Ribeiro (Puc-Rio)
Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Russia and former                Victor Eduardo Kalil Gaspar Filho (Egn)
USSR, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania,
Arctic and Antarctic. Furthermore, some editions feature the           ARCTIC & ANTARTIC
"Special Topics" section.                                              Ana Carolina Ferreira Lahr (Egn)
                                                                       Gabriele Marina Molina Hernandez (Uff)
BRAZILIAN NAVAL WAR COLLEGE'S                                          Pedro Allemand Mancebo Silva (Puc-Rio)
DIRECTOR                                                               Raphaella da Silva Dias Costa (Ufrj)
Rear Admiral Silvio Luis dos Santos
RESEARCH AND POST-GRADUATION                                           Marina Autran Caldas Bonny (Ufrj)
SUPERINTENDENT OF THE BRAZILIAN                                        Melissa Rossi (Suffolk University)
NAVAL WAR COLLEGE                                                      Nathália Soares de Lima do Vale (Uerj)
Rear Admiral (Retd.) Marcio Magno de Farias Franco e                   Thaïs Abygaëlle Dedeo (Université de Paris 3)
Silva                                                                  Victor Magalhães Longo de Carvalho Motta (Ufrj)
EDITORIAL BOARD                                                        EAST ASIA
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                                                        João Pedro Ribeiro Grilo Cuquejo (Ibmec)
Captain (RETD) Leonardo Faria de Mattos (Egn)                          Luís Filipe de Souza Porto (Ufrj)
                                                                       Marcelle Torres Alves Okuno (Ibmec)
EXECUTIVE EDITOR                                                       Philipe Alexandre Junqueira (Uerj)
Captain-Liutenant Bruno de Seixas Carvalho (Egn)                       Rodrigo Abreu de Barcellos Ribeiro (Ufrj)
SCIENTIFIC EDITOR                                                      Vinicius Guimarães Reis Gonçalves (Ufrj)
Captan (RETD) Francisco E. Alves de Almeida (Egn)                      MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA
ASSISTANT EDITORS                                                      Adel Bakkour (Ufrj)
Jéssica Germano de Lima Silva (Egn)                                    Ana Luiza Colares Carneiro (Ufrj)
Noele de Freitas Peigo (Facamp)                                        Dominique Marques de Souza (Ufrj)
Pedro Allemand Mancebo Silva (Puc-Rio)                                 Isadora Novaes dos Santos bohrer (ufrj)
                                                                       Pedro da Silva Albit Penedo (Ufrj)
Ana Carolina Vaz Farias (Ufrj)
Bruno Gonçalves (Ufrj)                                                 RUSSIA & FORMER USSR
Isadora Novaes dos Santos bohrer (Ufrj)                                José Gabriel de Melo Pires (Ufrj)
                                                                       Luiza Gomes Guitarrari (Ufrj)
TRANSLATION AND REVIEW                                                 Pedro Mendes Martins (Eceme)
Rodrigo Oliveira Dutra Marcílio (Ufrj)                                 Pérsio Glória de Paula (Uff)
To publish in the Boletim, the author is required to be a researcher   SOUTHEAST ASIA & OCEANIA
of the Current Geopolitics Group of NAC and submit his article         Maria Gabriela Veloso Camelo (Puc-Rio)
containing a maximum of 400 words to the peer review assessment        Matheus Bruno Ferreira Alves Pereira (Ufrj)
process.                                                               Thayná Fernandes Alves Ribeiro (Uff)
                                                                       Vinícius de Almeida Costa (Egn)
Brazilian Naval War College – Research and Post-Graduation             SOUTH ASIA
Av. Pasteur, 480 - Praia Vermelha – Urca - Postal Code: 22290-255      Iasmin Gabriele Nascimento dos Santos (ufrj)
- Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil                                           João Miguel Villas-Boas Barcellos (Ufrj)
PHONE.: +55 (21) 2546-9394 | E-mail: geocorrentenac@gmail.             Marina Soares Corrêa (Ufrj)
com                                                                    Rebeca Vitória Alves Leite (Egn)
This and other editions of BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE, in                     SPECIAL TOPICS
portuguese and english, can be found at the Brazilian Naval War        Alessandra Dantas Brito (Egn)
College Webpage and in our Google Drive Folder .
                                                                       Guilherme Novaes Silva Pinto (Ufrj)

                                                                                            BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil

                                        SOUTH AMERICA                                                                                                                 EAST ASIA
Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB?...........................5                            Japan and Southeast Asia: new horizons?............................................................ 11
                                                                                                                     South Korea's national Defense and its modernization.........................................12
                               NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA
                                                                                                                                                                     SOUTH ASIA
The US public shipyard infrastructure optimization project.....................................6
The United States Maritime Security: a balance between freedom..........................                             India: diversification of trading partners and its relationship ....................................
of navigation and the Law of the Sea......................................................................7          with the Saudis......................................................................................................12
                                    SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA                                                                                                 SOUTHEAST ASIA & OCEANIA
Election dispute in Somalia promises to worsen crisis with Al-Shabaab.................8                              The future of the Indonesian Navy: the KRI Alugoro’s incorporation .......................
                                                                                                                     and the Defense plans...........................................................................................13
                                                                                                                     QUAD Summit: challenges to regional security in the Indo-Pacific.......................14
Brexit impacts on the Netherlands' position in the European Union........................9
                                                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL TOPICS
                              MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA
                                                                                                                     One year of COVID-19 pandemic: economic and political balance.......................15
The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant as a catalyst over relations..................................
between Turkey and Russia....................................................................................9                                               Selected Articles & Defense News........................... 16
                                  RUSSIA & FORMER-USSR                                                                                                       Geocorrente Calendar.............................................. 16
The meeting between Serguei Lavrov and Wang Yi and the geopolitical.................                                                                         References............................................................... 17
dimension of Sino-Russian relations.....................................................................10                                                  Risk Maps................................................................. 18

                                                               TOP GLOBAL RISKS
                                                                          Disregarding the COVID-19 pandemic

                                                                                                                                                                   For more information on the criteria used, visit page 18.

                                                                                                                                                        BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
            MOST CASES
Data according to the "WHO COVID-19 Dashboard", published on April 08 th, 2021.

                VACCINE MONITORING

                                                   Sources: World Health Organization; The New York Times
                                                      BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil

Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB?
                                                                                                                  Matheus Mendes

T    he Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí in Rio
     de Janeiro grants Brazil an outstanding regional
position. The ongoing construction of conventional
                                                                      Additionally, in 2019, the idea of transferring BN’s
                                                                  operational submarines, based on the Naval Complex of
                                                                  Mocanguê, to Itaguaí, in 2022 was deliberated. Although
submarines and the nuclear-powered submarine, under               there is no evidence in this regard, it is a natural
the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB),                       movement, considering the existing structure, not only
represents a strategic benefit to the country, stepping           for the construction of submarines but also the capability
up the Brazilian shipbuilding alongside the Tamandaré             of maintenance and logistical support for them in the
Class Frigates Program in Itajaí. Moreover, it is necessary       future.
to focus on replacing the current vessels in operation —              Therefore, the Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí is
Tikuna and Tupi submarines — with the Scorpène ones.              an opportunity for Brazil to stand out in the capacity to
In this sense, it is questioned how to take advantage of          build new submarines by replacing them and increasing
this structure after the conclusion of PROSUB.                    the number of these units. Furthermore, it would allow
    Recently, the specialized press made public Brazil's          exports, especially to South American countries that
intention to sell two IKL-209 submarines to the                   do not have the same capacity to build submarines in
Indonesian Navy. The negotiation status is still unknown,         local shipyards. It would also permit the maintenance of
but this issue is not new to the Brazilian Navy (BN).             resources for BN and strategic partners. It is mandatory
Recently, countries like Poland, Peru and Argentina have          to have an estimated use of the shipbuilding structure
already indicated the possibility of buying Brazilian             the sooner, since the country currently lacks investments
units. Therefore, there is a leaning towards the direct           in this area, being able to move the economy, generate
replacement of submarines in Brazil, considering the              jobs, develop socioeconomically and contribute to the
construction of new vessels.                                      technological and nuclear progress.

       Source: Poder Naval

                                                                                                    DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p05.

                                                                                   BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
The US public shipyard infrastructure optimization project
                                                                                                                         Jéssica Barreto

T    he public shipyards in the United States of America
     (USA) have been in business for over a century. The
U.S. shipbuilding and repairing industry is vigorous.
                                                                     At the end of 2017, the Senate requested from the
                                                                 Navy a detailed report on the facilities deficiencies
                                                                 and the solutions to avoid several delays in the
However, only four of its shipyards are public —                 vessels' maintenance schedule. In this regard, in
Norfolk (1767) in Virginia, Portsmouth (1800) in                 February 2018, the Navy concluded the Shipyard
Maine, Puget Sound (1891) in Washington, and Pearl               Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP), a 20-year
Harbor (1908) in Hawaii. Currently, they are responsible         centrally-managed program focused on boosting
for the maintenance of the country's submarines and              efficiency. The project is divided into three areas:
aircraft carriers, but they have outdated infrastructure         the modernization of dry docks, with a total cost of
because they were built in the past centuries. Therefore,        approximately USD 4.1 billion; reconfiguration of all
it is necessary to analyze how this infrastructure can           four facilities, estimated between USD 11.5 and USD 14
interfere in the acting capacity of the U.S. Navy and the        billion; and improvements in infrastructure and human
government actions to mitigate this impact.                      capital, estimated at USD 4.5 billion.
    Despite the construction of several public facilities            One of the project's main points is the use of “digital
during World War I and II, the government has closed             twin technology”, with modeling-and-simulation
these places since the 1960s, with the remaining ones            software used in the reconfiguration of the shipyards.
being defined only for maintenance and repairs. The              The Navy has used this technology to digitally
major problem in these structures is that the built space        reproduce the infrastructure, simulating more efficient
has not evolved alongside the vessels. For instance, the         space configurations. Each shipyard will have a unique
four shipyards tally 18 dry docks, but not all of them           reconfiguration according to its functions and available
have the country's naval force's assets. Only two docks          space. Regarding the lifespan of its vessels, besides the
can handle the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. Besides           physical issues, the Navy should also consider investing
the structural problem, the shipyards struggle with the          in skilling the workforce and the possibility of sharing
lack of skilled technical workforce, causing delays in the       maintenance functions with private shipyards in the short
projects.                                                        term.
                                                                                                Source Fonte: NBC News
                  Fonte: Insight Crime

                                                                                                    DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p06.

                                                                                  BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
The United States Maritime Security: a balance between freedom of navigation and the Law of
the Sea
                                                                                                         Ana Carolina Vaz Farias

I n the last decade, the leading powers have emphasized
  the maritime security matters on their agendas. The
United States had a pioneering role in this setting when it
                                                                  the agreement provisions, following the United States
                                                                  Ocean Policy Statement from 1983, launched by
                                                                  President Ronald Reagan at that time. This document
launched the National Strategy for Maritime Security in           demonstrates the American recognition that UNCLOS
2005. However, operations involving maritime security             reflects the customary international law, and it is through
have gained greater global relevance since 2008, with the         this document that presidential administrations are based
increase in cases of piracy and tensions between States           on legitimizing and guiding Freedom of Navigation
due to disputes involving their jurisdictional waters.            Operations (FONOP) until now.
Since the document publication in 2005, there is a major              FONOPs are naval operations that employ diplomatic
point to the American maritime strategy: preserving               and operational efforts to challenge and prevent excessive
the freedom of navigation globally. So, how does the              maritime claims inconsistent with the Law of the Sea.
United States, the world's largest maritime power, want           On March 10th, 2021, the Annual Freedom of Navigation
to preserve freedom of navigation if the country is not a         Report, a document published by the Department of
member of the United Nations Convention on the Law of             Defense, was released, revealing that 28 excessive
the Sea (UNCLOS), the legal basis of this concept?                maritime claims from 19 nations were contested in the
    It is necessary to understand the historical origin           fiscal year 2020. It is essential to note that, among these,
of this context. UNCLOS was established in 1982,                  10 claims were challenged in the South China Sea, more
and it regulates signatory countries' sovereign rights            than recorded in any other year.
concerning the use and exploitation of marine resources.              Therefore, in a setting of increasing maritime tensions
Up to the present time, the United States is one of the few       with geopolitical rivals, the need for ratification of the
non-member countries to the Convention, which                     Convention by the USA is noticeable, as it will bring
currently has 168 states and all other maritime powers,           greater legitimacy and legal support since the country
such as China and the United Kingdom. However, in                 wants to maintain its hegemonic role in the International
reality, the United States accepts and complies with              System.

                                                                                                             Source: CSIS

                                                                                                      DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p07.

                                                                                    BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
Election dispute in Somalia promises to worsen crisis with Al-Shabaab
                                                                                                                  Franco Alencastro

I n a fragile context because of extremist groups' actions,
  in recent weeks, Somalia has become the setting of a
different type of tension: a political-institutional crisis.
                                                                   first one is a violent clash over state control and the
                                                                   subsequent deterioration of the security environment. On
                                                                   February 19th, Somali security forces fired on a protest
The dispute, which involves the government and the                 carried out by the opposition candidate, Hassan Ali Khaire,
opposition, tests the limits of the disturbed Somali               in Mogadishu. Representatives of the European Union
political system, based on representation through                  and the African Union, who command the AMISOM
clans, and which is intertwined with the conflict with             peacekeeping mission in the country, demanded caution
Al-Shabaab. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the              from the political actors. During this period, Al-Shabaab
relationship between Somali politics and this conflict.            did not suspend its activities, carrying out a bomb attack
    Scheduled for February 2021, Somalia's general                 in Mogadishu on March 5th. The extremist group's
elections did not occur. Since last year, the opposition           strengthening seems to be inextricable from the cause
has accused the government of adopting electoral rules             and the consequence of the crisis.
that would undermine the fight against Al Shabaab. The                 The second risk concerns fragmentation since the
opposition accuses part of the several leaders of Somali           Farmaajo government specifically accuses the leaders
clans, who compose the electoral college, of supporting            of autonomous regions, like Puntland, of undermining
the extremist organization. The failure of the discussions         the electoral process. Somalia already struggles with
between the government and the opposition on the electoral         separatist matters in the Somaliland region, and with
process represented the indefinite postponement of the             the recent crisis, these circumstances could represent
elections. This delay creates more doubts for Somalia:             an incentive for Puntland to withdraw. The third risk is
President Mohammed Farmaajo's term officially ended                related to the Suez Canal, which today carries 10% of
on February 8th; however, due to the absence of a new              all global trade. The Somali instability may hinder this
election, he remains the country's president.                      traffic, besides the increase in piracy, which tends to go
    Political instability brings up three main risks. The          along with the Somali state's weakening.

                      Source: The Star

                                                                                                      DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p08.
                                                                                    BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
Brexit impacts on the Netherlands' position in the European Union
                                                                               Marina Autran and Victor Magalhães Longo

T   he Netherlands historically influenced global
    geopolitics. During the 17th century, the nation was
one of the leading imperial powers globally, but successive
                                                                  by British companies in European cities, including
                                                                  the Dutch capital, which seek to compensate for the
                                                                  difficulties caused by Brexit by establishing operations
wars in Europe resulted in the downfall of its power and          in the EU. It is noteworthy that the Port of Rotterdam, the
influence. After the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from             largest in Europe, quickly restructured its logistics chains
the European Union (EU), power within the bloc will be            for these changes. Having an essential port for European
rearranged. Although a greater centralization of decisions        trade benefits the Dutch influence in Europe.
in Germany is expected, it is relevant to ask: how can                Besides being a net contributor to the EU, the
Brexit impact the Netherlands’ position in the EU?                Netherlands has a pro-EU government. Dutch Prime
    Brexit provided the Netherlands with challenges and           Minister Mark Rutte had a positive result in the March
opportunities. The United Kingdom is the third-largest            2021 general elections. After Merkel steps down as
trading partner of the Netherlands and, although the              German chancellor in 2021, if Rutte succeeds in leading a
British withdrawal from the European Single Market                coalition, he will be the longest-ruling (continuous) head
generates some obstacles for trade, the trade agreement           of government of an EU country, and tends to naturally
between British and Europeans, struck in late 2020, did           become a leadership in the Union.
not impose tariffs or quotas in any direction and made                Political stability, a steady and developed economy
some improvements in the service sector, mitigating the           and balanced finances constitute a triad that only a few
negative effects of Brexit on both sides.                         countries in the world have reached, and the Netherlands
    Furthermore, Amsterdam overtook London as                     is one of them. Even though the country’s size does not
Europe's largest share trading center, with an average            allow it to be a great power the nation can definitely be
daily trading volume of USD 10.8 billion. Even though             more influential in the EU. The rearrangement of power
this fact has a minor economic impact, since it changes           within the bloc caused by Brexit is a rare opportunity for
only where the shares are traded, such a transfer is              the Dutch.
symbolic. More significant is the increase in investment
                                                                                                     DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p09.

                                 MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA
The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant as a catalyst over relations between Turkey and Russia
                                                                               Dominique Marques and José Gabriel Melo

T    urkey was one of the first non-founding countries
     to join NATO in 1952 as part of the United States'
strategy to contain the Soviet Union. However, after
                                                                  of the third out of four nuclear reactors that will compose
                                                                  the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in the province of
                                                                  Mersin on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The plant,
more than fifty years, the context looks different, and           which started to be constructed in 2018, in partnership
the relationship between the heiress of the Soviet bloc           with the Russian company Rosatom, is planned to start
and the successor to the Ottoman Empire is on their               operating in 2023, celebrating the Turkish Republic's
peak. Despite the antagonist positioning in the Syrian            centenary. According to Erdogan, the project represents
and Libyan conflicts, investments in the energy sector            a cooperation landmark between both countries, and
based on joint projects and cooperation in defense are            once in operation, it will provide a supply of 35 billion
among the pillars of Moscow and Ankara's relationship.            kilowatt-hours (kWh), which represents about 10% of its
However, this heyday between Turkey and Russia costs              annual domestic consumption. The cooperation between
NATO's stability, raising the following question: how can         them goes even further: in 2020, the gas pipeline that
this rapprochement affect Turkey's bond with its Treaty           supplies Turkey with Russian gas across the Black Sea,
allies?                                                           the Turkstream, was inaugurated. Furthermore, also in
    During a virtual conference on March 10th, the Turkish        2020, Turkey announced the largest gas field hitherto
president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alongside his Russian            discovery in the Black Sea, which can contribute even
counterpart, Vladimir Putin, announced the construction           more to the approach between these Eurasian countries.

                                                                                    BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
GEOCORRENTE BOLETIM Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after PROSUB? - Marinha do Brasil
Nuclear energy acts as an alternative source while                  Therefore, despite playing a critical geopolitical role,
gas prospecting and exploration maintain its relevance,              Ankara's haughty posture may compromise the country's
mainly for European countries, as it is directly linked to           cohesion with the alliance. However, it is essential to
its energy security. In this scenario, the strengthening ties        stress that its relationship with Moscow is based on
between Turkey and Russia is seen as the main threat to              shared interests and is permeated by challenges and
the European bloc and might a factor that can contribute             opportunities.
to weaken Ankara's link to NATO.
                         Source: Tnpsc Thervu Pettagam

                                                                                                     DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n135.p09-10.

                                                  RUSSIA & FORMER-USSR
The meeting between Serguei Lavrov and Wang Yi and the geopolitical dimension of
Sino-Russian relations
                                                                                                              Pérsio Glória de Paula

T    he Sino-Russian relationship is an important global
     geopolitical development. After the Cold War, the
rapprochement between Russia and China started in the
                                                                     partnership that goes beyond bilateral issues: the meeting
                                                                     addressed current international topics, such as the Iran
                                                                     nuclear issue, the Afghan reconstruction, the war in
late mid-1990s and became a strategic partnership during             Syria, the rapprochement with Sudan (Boletim 134), the
Putin’s government in the 2000s. After the Ukrainian                 coup in Myanmar and even climate change.
crisis in 2014, this relationship acquired economic                      It is noteworthy that the mentioned meeting
deepening and a high level of geopolitical coordination.             happened a few days after the bilateral meeting of senior
The meeting of the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei                  Chinese and U.S. officials in Alaska, which stresses
Lavrov, with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, at the                the close coordination between Moscow and Beijing
end of March 2021, is another important chapter for                  against the current Western pressures. This context of
understanding this articulation, mainly due to the context           a dispute with the West emphasizes the tendency of the
of heightened tensions between the West and the two                  Russian-Chinese approach.
countries.                                                               As targets of recent Western sanctions, China and
    The formal objective of the meeting between Lavrov               Russia are articulating to control the United States'
and Yi was to celebrate, extend and deepen the Treaty                double containment geostrategy, which seeks to recover
of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation                      and expand the Cold War's military and diplomatic
between the People's Republic of China and the Russian               structures. A new polarization would be highly harmful
Federation, which will turn 20 in July 2021. However,                both to the Chinese project of consolidating itself as a
the setting and context of this event indicate a global              global superpower and to Russia's stabilization as world                    »
                                                                                       BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
power pole. Therefore, at the meeting, both countries also         the Sino-Russian strategic partnership, which currently
highlighted the multipolarity and the centrality of the UN         constitutes one of the leading global geopolitical
to resolve conflicts and global crises as an alternative to        articulations and its relationship with the current tensions
the unipolarity and unilateralism of the United States.            between these countries and the Western bloc.
    Given the above, it is perceivable the dimension of
                                                                                                   DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p10-11.

                                                    EAST ASIA
Japan and Southeast Asia: new horizons?
                                                                                                                          João Pedro Grilo

J  apan's relationship with Southeast Asia countries,
   formerly troubled due to Japanese imperialism, plays a
major role in Japanese foreign policy. The consolidation
                                                                   have intensified in the military field, an unexplored area
                                                                   until then. An example of this tendency is the agreements
                                                                   allowing the transfer of Japanese military equipment
of the Fukuda Doctrine in 1977, also known as                      and technology for the Philippines and Vietnam in 2020
"heart-to-heart diplomacy", laid the groundwork for close          and, on March 31st, 2021, for Indonesia. At the 2 + 2
cooperation in several ways, especially in the economic            meeting, held by the two countries' Foreign and Defense
and social spheres, between Japan and the region. The              ministers, it was agreed to execute naval exercises
subsequent and constant supply of Official Development             between Indonesia and Japan and jointly develop remote
Assistance (ODA) — converted into investments and                  Indonesian islands in the South China Sea.
technical cooperation —, besides the promotion of                      The latest events indicate the gradual expansion and
exchanges between the civil society in both locations              establishment of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)
and the Japanese assistance with the construction of               vision, the driving force of Tokyo's foreign policy, by
the regional political framework, especially to the                countries in the region that feel threatened by Beijing's
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),                    actions. Besides the gradual expansion of the Japanese
reestablished the Japanese prestige and confidence in the          war industry, which, since 2014, can export military
area. However, how has this relationship been affected             equipment and armaments, this alignment demonstrates
by the recent regional power clashes, and what can be              the Japanese commitment and capacity to increase its
expected of it in the future?                                      military relevance in the region.
    The recent Chinese expansive claims in the South                   Finally, the strengthening of the defense articulation
China Sea and the Senkaku Islands have directly impacted           between Japan and the region should be expected, setting
Japan and Southeast Asia's relationship. Due to China's            the Japanese position as the third major force in Southeast
more aggressive stance, the dynamics between both actors           Asia.

                                                                                                Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

                                                                                                         DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p11.

                                                                                     BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
South Korea's national Defense and its modernization
                                                                                                                      Marcelle Torres

A     fter several defense reforms and modernizations,
      primarily through Defense Reform 2.0, South Korea
aims to consolidate more efficient national defense,
                                                                  missile and submarine threats and other emerging threats
                                                                  and attain ocean capabilities.
                                                                      North Korea has strived to boost its local underwater
emphasize its capabilities in advanced technologies, and          assets, evolving its old submarines and improving its
stand out in defense exports. It is noteworthy that the           ballistic missiles launched from submarines. It is believed
country is already the 11th largest exporter globally in          that the North Korean Navy has around 70 submarines,
the Defense sector, standing out in firepower, aviation,          most of which are outdated and unsuitable for operations
maneuvering, and shipbuilding. Following the LPX-II               off the coast of the Peninsula; however, they remain
aircraft carrier program (Boletim 132) and the third stage        difficult to be detected and are capable of interrupting
of the attack submarine construction program (Boletim             South Korea's sea lines of communication.
130), the South Korean Navy focuses on acquiring the                  With the recent North Korean launches of
next batch of destroyers KDX- III Aegis.                          short-range ballistic missiles into the East Sea — the first
    The first among three new ships - 170 meters long,            after a one-year hiatus — in opposition to the joint Seoul-
8,100t, and in the construction stage by Hyundai Heavy            Washington military exercises, North Korea shows that
Industries - will have enhanced capabilities to intercept         it is a challenge to Joe Biden’s administration, which
ballistic missiles, launch SM-3 missiles, and perform             is revising its policy regarding the country. Despite the
antisubmarine operations, besides tracking targets more           South Korean efforts, Pyongyang has stayed away from
accurately and over greater distances. The first destroyer        denuclearization negotiations since the summit between
is expected to be launched in 2022 and delivered in 2024,         Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump in 2019, which ended
when the South Korean Navy intends to have the three              with no agreements. As a new stage begins on the Korea
ships in the new batch by 2028. This movement reflects            Peninsula, the South Korean Navy is advancing to
the Navy's intention to increase its fleet to strengthen          execute another vital step in the development of its naval
its maritime combat capabilities against North Korean             capabilities.
                                                                                                     DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p12.

                                                 SOUTH ASIA

India: diversification of trading partners and its relationship with the Saudis
                                                                                                                        Marina Corrêa

I ndia is the third-biggest energy consumer in the world
  and the fourth-biggest oil refining country. The country
imports more than 80% of the oil consumed domestically
                                                                  largest oil supplier for the South Asian country, a position
                                                                  that has not been reached since 2006. This fact is a
                                                                  consequence of the announcement made by OPEC+, still
and has Saudi Arabia as one of the leading suppliers.             in 2020, to maintain oil prices but with rising oil prices.
However, with recent decision by the Arab country, India          This pronouncement prompted the Indian government
has been trapped and forced to look for new partnerships          to take new measures; the main one was to encourage
to diversify its portfolio. Therefore, it is worth asking         Indian state refineries to cut imports in May and diversify
how the relationship with the Arab country will be. Does          their purchases.
this trade gap and diversification indicate a subsequent              On the one hand, the Indian government sought to
distance between countries?                                       explain that the country honored its purchases from
    New Delhi and Riyadh have friendly relations,                 Saudi Arabia despite the economic struggles of 2020.
and with the establishment of the bilateral Strategic             In reply, the Saudi government recalled that India could
Partnership Council in 2019, they were deepened.                  use its stocks from last year and that Saudi Aramco, a
However, given the pandemic setting (cuts in production           Saudi state-owned oil company, would keep supplying
and changes in trade flows) and several other exogenous           the refineries in April. This shows that the interest in
factors to the relationship (like the low supply prices of        maintaining relationships is mutual. In 2019, Saudi
American oil compared to that offered by Saudi Arabia),           Arabia was the second-largest exporter to India, which
the Arab country reached the fourth position as the               represented the second most expressive destination for                      »

                                                                                    BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
its partner.                                                        podium, it is undoubtedly seen as a strong political
    In this regard, it is essential to remember that the Saudis     (supports the Indian side in the issue of Kashmir) and
are huge energy investors in India, with projects tally             military ally (various spheres of defense cooperation),
more than USD 100 billion (Boletim 106). Furthermore,               finally demonstrating an unlikely separation between the
even if the Kingdom no longer leads the major suppliers’            countries.

                                                                                                             Source: Energy World

                                                                                                   DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p12-13.

                                      SOUTHEAST ASIA & OCEANIA

The future of the Indonesian Navy: the KRI Alugoro’s incorporation and the Defense plans
                                                                                                                       Gabriela Veloso

S   ince the Defense’s Strategic Plan’s outline in the early
    2000s, the Indonesian Defense field has significantly
evolved. The regional power, which has been called
                                                                    KRI Ardadedali (404). Although another commission
                                                                    occurred in March 2021, with the incorporation of the
                                                                    KRI Alugoro (405), the big news is that the latter was the
“the Global Maritime Axis”, has been firmly following               first to be assembled in Indonesia. In fact, Alugoro, built
its policies for the sector’s improvement and expansion,            in the PT PAL state shipyard in Surabaya, was the first
especially in the naval scope, because of its archipelago           submarine ever assembled in Southeast Asia.
status, geographic location, and, consequently, its                     The assembly and the export of other types of
need to constitute and preserve its maritime power.                 vessels — such as the SSV (Strategic Sealift Vessel)
Since the current president, Joko Widodo, took over in              for the Philippines — besides the recent incorporation
2014, the increase in investments and safeguards in the             of a locally built submarine, emphasize Indonesia as a
Defense sector were notable. The dispositions regarding             regional naval power and can put at stake the order made
acquisition, commission, and assembly of submarines                 to DSME of three more submarines in 2018. These events
deserve special attention and raise a question: what can            and projects demonstrate a willingness to withstand the
be expected from this Indonesian Defense trend?                     South China Sea challenge and to protect its maritime
    In August 2017, after decades of only renewing                  territory from potential threats.
and preserving its Cakra class submarines, the country                  To forecast the Indonesian Navy’s next steps, the
commissioned a new diesel-electric attack submarine,                Ministry of Defense already discusses with the French
the KRI Nagapasa (403), an implemented version of                   consortium Naval Group the possibility of acquiring
type 209/400 Chang Bogo class, assembled by the South               Riachuelo class submarines. Therefore, one can speculate
Korean company Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine                       that the Indonesian Naval Defense seems to have a bright
Engineering (DSME). In the following year, another                  future ahead.
diesel-electric attack submarine was commissioned, the

                                                                                                       DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p13.

                                                                                     BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
QUAD Summit: challenges to regional security in the Indo-Pacific
                                                                                                                Thayná Fernandes

T    he Indo-Pacific has been a persistent setting in
     the disputes over geopolitical influence between
China and other countries in the region. In opposition
                                                                  technologies, climate change, and other common themes.
                                                                      Some analysts highlight that operationalizing
                                                                  the quadrilateral dialogue more robustly is possible,
to Beijing, one of the most thriving initiatives is the           depending on the States' joint efforts based on naval
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), an alliance               exercises aimed at a coalition with a regional maritime task
between Australia, the United States, India, and Japan.           force. The consequences are more delicate considering
The partnership has strengthened since 2017 and is                the depth of bilateral relations between the countries of
becoming a more formal and strong initiative. However,            the initiative: would an attack on the Senkaku Islands
the different internal and external dynamics of each              mobilize Indian support? In the escalating tensions in
country brings up some questions: is it possible to               the Galwan Valley, would Australia interfere? Regarding
operationalize QUAD? If so, what are the consequences             Canberra, with the possibility of African countries taking
for the countries involved?                                       their place as the leading ore exporters to Beijing, could
    One of the most robust actions of this Dialogue is            the Indian, Japanese and American markets fill the gap?
the performance of joint military exercises known as                  There are no conclusive answers to all these
“Malabar Exercises” between the Navies of the four                questions; after all, everything will always depend on the
countries, improving interoperability. In the last edition        engagement between the countries concerned. Currently,
of the exercise, in November 2020, it was expected                China continues to advance its goals of dominating the
that the partnership would become more formal, like               Indo-Pacific; in this sense, QUAD makes it possible
an “Asian NATO”. Despite being far from this model,               to expand partnerships in the region, something that
in March, the leaders of the countries held, for the first        countries would not be able to deepen, if alone. The
time, a virtual meeting and published a joint statement.          joint conduction of the fifth edition of the French naval
In the document, the leaders emphasized that QUAD's               exercise La Pérouse, between the 5th and 7th of April with
spirit is to guarantee a “free, open and inclusive region         the participation of the QUAD’s navies, is an example of
unconstrained by coercion”, besides discussing new                the expansion of partners in regional security.

   Source: Indian Foreign Affairs

                                                                                                     DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p14.

                                                                                    BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021

One year of COVID-19 pandemic: economic and political balance
                                                                                                                  Guilherme Novaes

T    he impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic went beyond
     the sanitary field and profoundly affected social
and economic structures, such as multilateralism in
                                                                   commodities like iron ore and copper, as well as oil, had
                                                                   expressive reductions in global prices at the beginning of
                                                                   the crisis considering the deceleration of the industry and
international relations. Nationalist governments that arose        service sectors. The prices started to recover mainly in
in the past few years, like Donald Trump’s, questioned             the second semester, and the Chinese economy's strong
the cooperative form of solving problems between                   recovery was an important factor for this. The exception
States and International Organizations. The struggle               is the agricultural commodities, which had a minor
for a coordinated response to the crisis and the States’           reaction in terms both of price and marketed volumes.
decisions ignoring the World Health Organization’s                     The global dependency on health equipment
recommendations exposed this paradox: how is it possible           manufactured in China became clear, bringing up
to demand effectiveness from multilateralism in a context          reflections about this sector's strategic aspect in its in-
that States don’t try to internationally cooperate?                state investments. The vaccine is also a part of this idea,
    Intense economic downturns marked 2020. After the              highlighting the importance of countries’ investment and
first months of uncertainty and the adoption of sanitary           planning in scientific research, allowing a better strategic
measures to control the virus’ dissemination, the second           position in global geopolitics.
semester was marked by a strong recovery in the 3rd                    The pandemic will be marked as one of the most
trimester, with the number of cases and deaths reduction           important events of contemporary history. Ongoing
— there was a 7,8% growth in G20. In the 4th trimester,            changes became explicit, and the countries were
the second wave of contaminations slowed down the                  challenged to manage the biggest sanitary crisis of the
economies, with a G20 grow of 2,1%. Currently, the                 last 100 years. The current question is if the States will
perspective is that the countries with more efficient              be capable of maintaining this experience's lessons in
vaccination will be able to recover their economies faster.        the future, paying attention to the errors, and preventing
    International trade was also deeply affected. Mineral          other possible situations of this great magnitude.

                                                                                                                  Source: World Bank

                                                                                                      DOI 10.21544/2446-7014.n136.p15.

                                                                                     BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021

    ► On the Suez Canal and Chokepoints
       GEOPOLITICAL FUTURES, George Friedman

    ► Russia’s Weak Strongman
       FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Timothy Frye

    ► China, EU and US cooperation on climate and energy
       CHATHAM HOUSE, Antony Froggatt and Daniel Quiggin

    ► France: a Bridge between Europe and the Indo-Pacific
       CSIS, Pierre Morcos

    ► The UK’s new model forces
       IISS, Douglas Barrie, Ben Barry, Henry Boyd and Nick Childs

                                     GEOCORRENTE CALENDAR

                     APRIL                                                                    MAY
                                     IX Summit of
                                     the Americas
                                                                            Elections in
IMF and World                                                                                                          Municipal

                 5-11                                                                                  15-16
 Bank meeting                                                                                                          Elections and
  (Washington,                                                                                                         Constitutional
         EUA)                                                                                                          Conventional in
                                  • General                                                                            Chile
                                  Elections in Peru
                             11   • Presidential
                                  Elections in
                                                                     Elections in Syria   16
                                  Ecuador (2nd
   Leaders’                                                                                                            Arctic Council
   Summit     22-23                                                                                   19-20            Ministerial
                                                                      African                                          (videoconfe-
                                         Federal                Development
                                         Reserve                Bank Annual
                             27-28       Meeting
                                                                 Meeting and
                                                                  the African    24-28
                                         States)                Development
                                                                 Fund (Accra,
 UN Meeting                                                           Ghana)                                   Parliamentary
about Cyprus
   (Genebra)   27-29                                                                                   30      Elections in

                                                                     Opening of EU
                                                                       Green Week
                                                                 (videoconference)         31

                                                                                 BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
    • Naval-Industrial Complex of Itaguaí: what to do after                          HORIUCHI, Junko. Japan signs deal to export defense equipment to
       PROSUB?                                                                       Indonesia. Kyodo News, Tokyo, Mar. 30th 2021. Accessed on: Apr.01st
    LOPES, Roberto; GALANTE, Alexandre. Marinha concentrará todos os seus            2021.
    submarinos na base de Itaguaí a partir de 2022. Poder Naval, [s.l], Mar.
    25th 2019. Accessed on: Mar. 19th 2021.                                      • South Korea's National Defense and its modernization
    LOPES, Roberto; GALANTE, Alexandre. Submarinos brasileiros para a            CHOI, Si-young. S. Korea to invest W7tr for Aegis destroyers, attack helicopters.
    Indonésia. Poder Naval, [s.l], Feb. 02nd 2021. Accessed on: Feb. 11th        The Korea Herald, Seoul, Apr. 01st 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 02nd 2021.
    2021.                                                                        YOON, Sukjoon. Expanding the ROKN's Capabilities to Deal with the SLBM
                                                                                 Threat from North Korea. Naval War College Review, Washington,
    • The US public shipyard infrastructure optimization mar/2017. Accessed on: Apr. 02nd 2021.
    NAVSEA. Building the Shipyards the Nation Needs. Naval Sea Systems • India: diversification of trading partners and its
    Command, Washington, [n.d]. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.                        relationship with the Saudis
    TADJDEH, Yasmin. Navy Optimizing Shipyards With Digital Twin Technology. KEMP, John. Much at stake as India, Saudi Arabia spar over oil prices. The
    National Defense, Arlington, Mar. 01st 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021. Arab Weekly, London, Mar. 26th 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.
                                                                                 VERMA, Nidhi. India asks refiners to diversify, cut reliance on Middle East
    • The United States Maritime Security: a balance between oil after OPEC+ decision. EnergyWorld, New Delhi, Mar. 10th 2021.
        freedom of navigation and the Law of the Sea                             Accessed on: Mar. 20th 2021.
    UNITED STATES. Annual Freedom of Navigation Report. United States
    Department of Defense, Washington, Mar. 10th 2021. Acessed on: • The future of the Indonesian Navy: the KRI Alugoro’s
    Mar. 17th 2021.                                                                 incorporation and the Defense plans
    ALMOND, Roncevert. U.S. Ratification of the Law of the Sea Convention. PARAMESWARAN, Prashanth. Indonesia’s Submarine Capabilities in the
    The Diplomat, Washington, May 24th 2017. Accessed on: Mar. 17th 2021. Headlines with New Sea Trials. The Diplomat, Washington, Feb. 01st
                                                                                 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.
    • Election dispute in Somalia promises to worsen crisis RAHMAT, Ridzwan. Indonesia in talks with Naval Group for variant of
        with Al-Shabaab                                                          Riachuelo-class submarine. Janes, Coulsdon, Dec. 02nd 2020. Accessed
    KAHIYE, M. Somali Opposition Refuses to Recognize President Farmajo as on: Apr. 01st 2021.
    Term Expires. Voa News, Mogadishu, Feb. 08th 2021. Accessed on: Mar.
    05th 2021.                                                                   • QUAD Summit: challenges to regional security in the
    Somalia leaders fail to reach deal on elections. The Guardian, London,          Indo-Pacific
n   Feb. 06th 2021. Accessed on: Mar. 05th 2021.                                 HORNUNG, Jeffrey W. What to expect when you're expecting so much from
                                                                                 the Quad. CNN, Washington, Mar. 31st 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.
    • Brexit impacts on the Netherlands' position in the VANAK, Jeffrey T.; SOUDERS, Jack; DEL MAZO, Kenneth. How to
        European Union                                                           Operationalize the Quad. The Diplomat, Washington, Mar. 30th 2021.
    SANDFORD, Alasdair. Brexit capital gains: Will Europe's financial hubs steal Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.
    London's crown now the UK has quit the EU?. Euronews, Lyon, Feb. 23rd
    2021. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.                                           • One year of COVID-19 pandemic: economic and political
    JANNING, Josef. Dutch courage: Is the Netherlands overconfident in its EU       balance
    influence?. The European Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin, Global Economic Prospects. World Bank, Washington, jan/2021.
    Jan. 30th 2019. Accessed on: Apr. 01st 2021.                                 Accessed on: Mar. 19th 2021.
                                                                                 ARAÚJO, Flavia L.; AGOPYAN, Kelly K. O paradoxo do multilateralismo em
    • The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant as a catalyst over tempos de pandemia. Nexo Jornal, São Paulo Jul. 27th 2020. Accessed
        relations between Turkey and Russia                                      on: Mar. 19th 2021.
    GCR STAFF. Russia Turkey launch third reactor at world’s biggest nuclear
    power site. Global Construction Review, London, Mar. 12th 2021. Cover: (Itaguaí - RJ, 11/12/2020) Batismo do Submarino Humaitá. Palácio
    Accessed on: Mar. 20th 2021.                                                 do Planalto.
    POPOVIC, Nemanja. The Energy Relationship Between Russia and the By: José Dias/PR
    European Union. E-International Relations, London, Feb. 24th 2020.
    Accessed on: Mar. 20th 2021.                                                 The initial maps (pages 03 and 04) of the Boletim were created with
                                                                                 Mapchart and follow the guidelines of Creative Commons.
    • The meeting between Serguei Lavrov and Wang Yi and
        the geopolitical dimension of Sino-Russian relations
    ALBERT, Eleanor. China and Russia Show Solidarity at Meeting of Foreign
    Ministers. The Diplomat, Washington, Mar. 24th 2021. Accessed on: Mar.
    03rd 2021.
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    Beijing, Mar. 23rd 2021. Accessed on: Mar. 03rd 2021.

    • Japan and Southeast Asia: new horizons?
    STRANGIO, Sebastian. With an Eye on Beijing, Japan and Indonesia Sign
    Arms Export Equipment. The Diplomat, Washington, Mar. 31st 2021.
    Accessed on: Mar. 31st 2021.

                                                                                                           BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021

T   he map entitled “Top Global Risks” on the 3rd page
    of this Boletim was prepared by the Conjuncture
Assessment Group (NAC) members of the Brazilian
                                                              which may become red or orange, depending on the
                                                              conflict's aggravation.
                                                                  Due to the increase in the number of cases (infected,
Naval War College (EGN). The appearance of the                hospitalized and deaths) related to COVID-19, there
international phenomena on the map considers their            was an adaptation in the analysis of the scenario.
relevance to Brazil, analyzed through criteria, namely        Thus, a separate map was drawn up, with the 15
the number of Brazilians living in the region, direct         countries with the highest number of infected people,
or indirect influence on the Brazilian economy, and           according to the latest WHO report released to date
their impact on the Brazilian Strategic Surroundings.         on this boletim. Thus, the countries were divided into
Besides, the interests of the United Nations Security         red, orange and yellow according to the number of
Council permanent members will be considered.                 total cases.
After selecting the phenomena, they are categorized               The analyzes are redone at each Boletim edition,
as high risk (red) or medium risk (orange), following         aiming to reassess and update the demarcated regions
parameters that reflect the severity of the risk,             and the color used in each one. Therefore, the main
namely: number of victims, the relevance of the               phenomena are always observed, distributed at
actors involved, impact on the global economy, and            high and medium risk. Below are links to the risks
the possibility of tensions escalation. The countries         indicated on the map:
painted in gray represent conflicts under analysis,


   • GULF OF GUINEA — Conjunctural maritime insecurity: Swim together or sink alone: African states
unite to confront pirate threat. The Christian Science Monitor, Mar. 29th 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 06th 2021.

  • YEMEN — Civil war and humanitarian crisis: Yemen ceasefire: The ball is in Al Houthi court. Gulf
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   • LEBANON — Structural crisis: Nobody Knows What Lebanon’s Currency Is Worth Anymore. Foreign
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    • VENEZUELA — Structural crisis: Human Rights Watch: “Las violaciones de DDHH cometidas por el
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    • SYRIA — Tensions in the Idlib region: Syria war: After a decade of bloodshed, revolutionary dreams
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   • NIGER — Escalating of terrorist activity in the region: Niger foils ‘coup attempt’ days before presidential
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   • UKRAINE — Russia-Ukraine cross-border tensions: Is Putin about to launch a new offensive in Ukraine?.
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   • AFGHANISTAN — Regional instability: Taliban insist US forces leave Afghanistan during meeting
with Khalilzad. Afghan Online Press, Mar. 31st 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 06th 2021.

   • BELARUS — Political crisis and tensions with the European bloc: Belarus's Ties With the West: The
Implacable Downward Spiral. The Jamestown Foundation, Mar. 31st 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 06th 2021.

   • BOLIVIA — Political and juridical crisis: Ex ministra Pinckert se declara en la clandestinidad y dice que
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   • SINO-INDIAN BORDER — LAC standoff: India-China border row: Air forces hold formation in
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  • GEORGIA — Opposition protests: EU-mediated Georgia crisis talks fail on second try. EURACTIV,
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    • SENEGAL — Political instability: Senegal’s violent protests reveal that its long-stable democracy is
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  • SOMALIA — Electoral instability: Explosions in Somalia kill at least 15; army bases targeted. AP
News, Apr. 03rd 2021. Accessed on: Apr. 06th 2021.

                                                                          BOLETIM GEOCORRENTE • ISSN 2446-7014 • N. 136 • April | 2021
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