German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue

Page created by Victoria James
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia
Sydney & Melbourne – 28th October to 01st November 2019

                                Company Products and Services Catalogue

in collaboration with                                      A project of
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
28.10. - 01.11.              2019
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), SBS systems for
business solutions has been organizing a business delegation of German beauty and household care
industry companies to Australia in collaboration with the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and
Commerce (AHK Australia).

7 selected German Companies in the field beauty and household care will be on a 5-day trip to Sydney and
Melbourne to establish an Australian-German business dialogue.

Five days of conferences, individual business meetings and institutional and technical visits in Sydney and
Melbourne are a unique opportunity for Australian companies and institutions to meet the delegation in
order to foster bilateral cooperation and exchange views on innovations, technologies and business

In order to develop and support bilateral cooperation, to exchange views on regulations, technologies and
opportunities, and to create business between German and Australian companies, we would like to invite
you to meet the German delegation.

It is possible to get in contact and request individual meetings with any one of the 7 German companies.

         German Companies:
         Babiel Cosmetics GmbH
         Hornberger GmbH Distribution Consulting
         Laverana GmbH & Co. KG (Lavera)
         Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH
         MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack AG
         POLIBOY Brandt & Walther GmbH
         THURN Germany GmbH

A project of
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
Christian Tippelt
Leiter der Geschäftsstelle
Managing Director "Foreign Market Entry Programme", German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
and Energy (BMWi)

Mit dem "Markterschließungsprogramm für KMU" (MEP) fördert das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft
und Energie (BMWi) insbesondere kleine und mittlere Unternehmen bei ihrem Einstieg in ausländische
Unternehmen erhalten durch die Teilnahme an der Geschäftsanbahnungsreise Marktinformationen aus
erster Hand zum Zielmarkt Australien und der Kosmetik- und Reinigungsbranche, können
Kontaktnetzwerke auf- und ausbauen, potenzielle Geschäftspartner vor Ort treffen und Referenzprojekte
kennenlernen. Wir hoffen, dass mithilfe des Projektes zahlreiche Kooperations- und Liefermöglichkeiten
zwischen deutschen und australischen Partnern entstehen und wünschen allen Beteiligten viel Erfolg.
Im Namen des Markterschließungsprogramms bedanken wir uns bei allen Unternehmen und
Organisatoren für Ihren Beitrag zur Umsetzung einer erfolgreichen Maßnahme.

With the " Foreign Market Entry Programme for SMEs" (MEP), the Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports small and medium-sized enterprises in their entry into foreign
By participating in the business trip, companies gain first-hand market information on the target market
of Australia and the cosmetics and cleaning industry, can build and expand contact networks, meet with
potential local business partners, and get to know reference projects.
We hope that with the help of the project numerous opportunities for cooperation and delivery between
German and Australian partners will emerge and wish all parties much success.
In the name of the market development program, we would like to thank all companies and organizers
for their contribution to the implementation of a successful measure.

A project of
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am delighted to meet you on our business journey in Australia and to introduce you to the German
beauty and household care industry.
The IKW, German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association (Industrieverband
Koerperpflege- und Waschmittel e. V.), located in Frankfurt am Main, was founded in 1968 and is today
one of the most prominent trade associations in Europe.
He supports, advises and represents the interests of more than 430 small, medium and large beauty and
household care companies. In 2018 this industry represents in Germany a sales volume of Euro 18,6
billion at retail sales prices.
The German beauty and household care companies offer versatile and innovative products 'Made in
Germany', which contribute to our well-being in many ways in our daily lives and are in demand
worldwide because of their outstanding quality, so that the export volume in 2018 will increase by + 3%.
to a total of € 9.5 billion. This makes the German cosmetics and detergents industry one of the largest
and most successful providers worldwide.
The accompanying company representatives and myself personally look forward to the exchange with
you and wish you successful discussions.

Thomas Keiser, CEO, German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association

 A project of
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
Dear Sir or Madam,

We look forward to welcoming you here in Australia as part of the business delegation from Germany.
The German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Australia), with offices in Sydney and
Melbourne, has over 40 years of experience and a competent team of experts and partners who can deal
with all facets of the Australian market.

Every year, the AHK Australia conducts numerous business trips to both Australia and Germany in order to
get to know the target market and make first business contacts.

The companies we welcome here come from a wide variety of sectors. These include companies with a
wide range of personal care products (skin and hair, including anti-aging) as well as manufacturers of
detergents and cleaners, and sanitizing products.

There is rarely the opportunity to make so many contacts in such a short time and to meet the German
companies in person. We are all the more pleased to give you the opportunity to get to know each other, to
exchange ideas and to establish business relations today and in the coming days.

We wish all participants successful discussions!
Your AHK Australia-Team

A project of
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
Babiel Cosme�cs GmbH is a start-up family business          We are looking for a partner who distributes SHAZAY
founded in September 2018 in Düsseldorf. With more          exclusively to hairdressers, beauty salons and spas/
than 25 years of experience in the hair cosme�cs sector     hotels.
Babiel Cosme�cs enters the interna�onal market with         Products are distributed directly by a strong sales force,
the innova�ve luxurious hair cosme�cs line SHAZAY. All      but not through online shops to preserve the luxurious
products are exclusively "Made in Germany" to preserve      character.
the highest standards of quality, performance and care.
Water- the main ingredient of the majority of cosme�c
products- is diamond filtered in our products.
Apart from providing the most innova�ve and luxurious
care line for beau�ful hair, SHAZAY partners benefit
from the best-in-class educa�on for your team, savvy
marke�ng and sales support, numerous on-point
merchandising products and above all, the most              Water-source of life and main ingredient of most
innova�ve and luxurious care line for beau�ful hair:        cosme�c products. In order to obtain water as purely as
SHAZAY!                                                     possible, we use a German patent: Diamond- Filtered
                                                            Water contains important minerals, trace elements and
                                                            more ac�ve ingredients. Because of its purity, it is able
                                                            to transport even more cleaning and caring substances
The luxurious products of SHAZAY are divided in five         to hair and scalp.
different categories:
Essen�al line: precious care for sensi�ve hair and scalp:
without parabens, sulphates and PEG's.
Supreme line: for coarse, damaged, thick and curly hair.
Men's best: men need special care, not only bearded
Special solu�ons: also with special requirements - just     We are looking for business savvy partners who is eager
beau�ful hair.                                              to distribute SHAZAY exclusively to hairdressers, beauty
Style selec�on: results without compromises- the            salons and spas/hotels in his/her territory.
perfect compagnions for every style.                        Products ought to be distributed directly by a strong and
Coming soon: professional salon products like digital       competent sales force. In order to ensure the luxurious
perm, repairing systems and more.                           character of the brand is preserved, online shops are
Every single treatment with SHAZAY should feel like         excluded as a mean of distribu�on.
retrea�ng to your favorite spot to relax and spoil
                                                            Babiel Cosme�cs GmbH
                                                            Mühle 13
                                                            40724 Hilden
Since the so� launch of our brand in Delhi and Mumbai       Germany
in early March 2019 and our first trade show presence at
Cosmoprof Bologna, SHAZAY has con�nued to tour
                                                            1. Contact person
around the world to introduce its lines and connect to
                                                            Sabine Babiel
poten�al partners: Dubai, Tokyo, San�ago de Chile and       Managing Director
Cosmoprof Hong Kong will complete the first world tour       Phone: +49 700 12300000
                                                            Mobile: +49 176 21053599
in 2019.                                                    s.babiel@babiel-cosme�
Expect more in 2020!
                                                            Languages: German, English, French, Japanese (basics)
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
German beauty and household care Excellence in Australia Company Products and Services Catalogue
Object of the company: trade, distribu�on, import /         Skin protec�on foam: Dental, medical and nursing staff,
export and consul�ng in the fields of machine and            beauty, veterinarians, food processing, laboratory
machine parts, dietary supplements, cosme�cs and            technicians, cra�smen, sports
cosme�c raw materials, chemical products.                   Sal�sept®: 5 defined areas of applica�on: Human
                                                            hygiene, disinfectants and algicides that are not
Founded: March 2018                                         intended for direct use in humans and animals, hygiene
Employees: 1                                                in the veterinary field, food and feed, drinking water
Company headquarters: Duisburg, Germany
Legal form: Limited liability company

                                                            Skin Protec�on Foam: Absorbs into the skin and builds
                                                            up a membrane. The protec�on also remains, even
                                                            when washing hands and disinfect.
                                                            Sal�sept®: established an ac�ve ingredient complex on
1. The Sal�sept series banishes poten�ally dangerous        the market that acts faster than formaldehyde - with
germs from the environment of humans as well as             only 0.1 percent ac�ve ingredient content. Full
animals. Sal�sept is a highly effec�ve disinfectant for      sporicidal with viro-targe�ng effect. Non-alcoholic.
use in humans and animals and for surface disinfec�on
as well as mould removal u�lising state-of-the-art
technology. It works quickly and kills viruses, bacteria,
spores and yeasts. With regard to effec�veness and
range of applica�ons it is en�rely different from
conven�onal products.        Sal�sept’s excellent skin
tolerance was rated “very good” by DERMATEST and it         - make business contacts
can also be used by people allergic to standard             - meet poten�al customers
disinfectants. With a redox poten�al of about 1000mV        - Obtain market informa�on
anything disinfected with Sal�sept is not suscep�ble to
resistance forma�on. There is worldwide interest in the
preven�on of contagion and infec�on scenarios and
sustainable working methods, as well as the
improvement       of    disinfectant    standards      in
hygiene-sensi�ve areas.
                                                            Hornberger GmbH Distribu�on Consul�ng
2. VEOMEE® is a skin protec�on foam which works from
within the skin instead on its surface. The product is      Hochfeldstr. 150
available as an aerosol and is dispensed and applied as a   47239 Duisburg
foam. When rubbing the foam into the hands, the             Germany
product penetrates the epidermis and forms a      
two-dimensional network. You can wash and/or
                                                            1. Contact person
disinfect your hands as o�en as you like.
                                                            Mr. Kai Hornberger

                                                            Phone: +49 21 51 - 53 50 856
                                                            Mobile: +49 172 - 62 06 823

                                                            Languages: German, English
* One of Germany's leading cer�fied natural organic skin     We offer a wide product range for everyone, however
  care brands                                               our key clientele are women between 25 and 50.
* ...with own R&D team and manufacturing site.
* All products made in Germany
* With 30 years experience
* More than 280 SKU in all categories (facial care, color
  cosme�cs, body care & wash, oral care, deodorants,
  men, baby, hair care, sun care and special care for
  people prone to eczema)
* Over 400 employees, export to 40 countries
* Besides natural organic cer�fica�on (Natrue) for all
  products, most are vegan
* Climate neutral packaging
* Other standards and cer�fica�ons are: RSPO, ZNU            True natural organic skin care and cosme�cs, all
  (sustainability), ISO                                     cer�fied.
                                                            No synthe�cs, no preserva�ves.
                                                            Own manufacturing site, 30 years experience.

280 SKU+ cer�fied natural organic cosme�cs and skin
care in all categories.

                                                            To understand the Australian market be�er. To get a
                                                            broader distribu�on.

                                                            laverana GmbH Co & KG
                                                            Am Weingarten 4
                                                            30974 Wennigsen
20,000 retailers in Germany, 20,000 in our export           Germany
                                                            1. Contact person
                                                            Petra Bonnekamp
                                                            Head of Sales APAC, the Americas, Middle East

                                                            Phone: +852 9285 8404


                                                            Languages: German, English
As family-owned and managed enterprise we have been         Our     products     are    intended for   nursing
opera�ng successfully in the field of health protec�on       homes/long-term care facili�es, hospitals and not
for 120 years. Our cosme�cs, detergents, disinfectants      least for medical prac�ces.
and drugs convince due to their quality and are applied
in medical facili�es all over the world. An own research    We ideally distribute our products through local
& development laboratory as well as a microbiological       partners as follows: We sell directly to the users , e. g.
lab ensure new product developments and product             old age pensioners's homes or we supply our partners
op�miza�on. Our prepara�ons are manufactured at our         with the prepara�ons. They sell them to their own
facility in Berlin/Germany. Within Germany the products     customers.
are brought to market by our sales force on the one
hand and by wholesalers on the other hand. The global
export business is primarily handled by partners locally
in the par�cular country and secondarily by direct
delivery from us to the customer. Some of our partners      Experience and tradi�on: independent family-owned
(let) manufacture our products according to our             enterprise which is looking back on almost 120 years of
formulas. We manufacture according to the European          experience and is managed in 4th genera�on.
laws for drugs, medical devices and cosme�cs.
                                                            Trademarks: The name "Lysoform" and many other
                                                            product names are registered trademarks in most of the
                                                            countries in the world.
Our product range can be divided into the following

Cosme�cs for hand and skin cleaning, care and
regenera�on: Majola wash, Wasa 2000, Wasa cleansing
foam, Wasa-So�; Luphenil, Majola-H5-cream                   Recruitment of a partner or dealer for a coopera�on in
                                                            order to introduce our products into the Australian
Special cosme�cs:                                           market.
Fluomint-Lysoform (mouth wash), Lysoform Fuß-Spray
(foot spray), Lysoform ICE-Fit-Spray (cooling body spray)   Integra�on of innova�ve products/concepts into our
                                                            range of products for sale in Germany (possbily in other
Disinfectants for hands, skin, surfaces and instruments:    countries as well) to the clientele we are servicing.
AHD 2000, Hospisept, Neosep�n
Aldasan 2000, Almyrol, Fugaten-Spray, Lysoformin 3000,
Trichlorol etc.
                                                            Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH
Detergents for surfaces, floors, baths and kitchens:
                                                            Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 133
Blanisol   Du�reiniger,     Blansiol    Pur,    Blanisol    12247 Berlin
Spezialschaum etc.                                          Germany
                                                                  2. Contact person
                                                                                            Dr. Jürgen Schwemmer
                                                                                            Deputy managing director + CFO
                                                            1. Contact person               Phone: +49 30 77 99 20
Partners in numerous countries such as Austria, Poland,     Dr. Hans-Joachim Rödger
Switzerland, Egypt, China, India, Russia, Belarus, Ukrai-   Phone: +49 30 77 99 20          3. Contact person
ne, Georgia etc.                                            Dr. Tong Ren
                                                                                            Export manager
                                                                                            Phone: +49 30 77 99 20
                                                            Languages: German, English
Since 1997, MedSkin Solu�ons Dr. Suwelack is the            Our Skin Care Solu�ons are suited for professional usage
leading expert for biotech solu�ons in �ssue                in salons and clinics, as well as for usage at home. The
regenera�on and skin health. Our technological core         brand reveel by MedSkin Solu�ons is distributed via
competence is the proprietary Advanced CryoSafeTM           local partners with a strong local presence.
Method to preserve and refine the natural proper�es of
bioac�ve materials.                                         Together with skin care companies we furthermore
                                                            develop targeted solu�ons for integra�on into our
For our customers, we develop effec�ve, targeted and         customer´s product por�olio.
cost-efficient solu�ons in Regenera�ve Medicine,
Advanced Wound Care, and Professional Skin Care.

With a team of 140 people, we develop and
manufacture our product solu�ons at our facili�es in
                                                            Our unique and proprietary Advanced CryoSafeTM
Hamburg and Billerbeck, Germany.
                                                            Method allows us to preserve and refine the na�ve
                                                            characteristcs of ac�ve biomaterials without using
                                                            chemical agents. This is the basis of the proven efficacy
                                                            and op�mal skin compa�bility.
Our brand reveel by MedSkin Solu�ons offers a range of
performance specialists based on scien�fic exper�se:         We are cer�fied according ISO 9001,13485 and 22716
skin´s responsivenes is triggered, and natural skin         and currently hold a total of 16 technology patents.
func�ons are re-ac�vated and accelerated. The result:
Your ideal skin Revealed.

In coopera�on with Skin Care companies, we
furthermore develop solu�ons for Regenera�on &
Repair, Li�ing & Contouring, Detox & Skin Refining and       For our brand reveel by MedSkin Solu�ons, we are
Skin Rejuvena�on.                                           looking for a strong distribu�on partner to launch the
                                                            brand in Australia and New Zealand. Focus is on the
In Med Care, our Collagen-Elas�n-Matrix MatriDerm®          profession market (Salons & Clinics).
ensures that full skin func�onality and elas�city is
restored in cases of full thickness wounds e.g a�er burns   We are also looking for new contacts in the Skin Care
or trauma.                                                  arena, to evaluate opportuni�es for a coopera�on in the
                                                            OEM field.
The collagen-based wound dressing ProHeal® finally is
used on hard to heal wounds un�l full wound closure is
achieved.                                                   MedSkin Solu�ons Dr. Suwelack AG
                                                            Colonnaden 72
                                                            20354 Hamburg
We are currently doing business in more than 60 coun-
tries worldwide, with own subsidiaries in Japan and
Brazil and sales offices in Hong Kong and the USA.                       pers
                                                            1. Contact person                2. Contact person
                                                            Diana Ferro                      Nicole Weber
Among others, our partners are e.g. Medline (USA), BSN      CEO                              GM APAC
(EU, US) Beauty Prophet (USA), La Belle (TW) oder Joy       Phone: +49 2543 2182 0           Phone: +49 2543 2182 0
plus (CN). MatriDerm®, our dermal teamplate, is exclusi-    Mobile: +49 173 9912 659         Mobile: +49 172 6634 120
vely marketed in Australia by our partner Ozmedix.
                                                            Languages: German, English
The POLIBOY Brandt & Walther GmbH is a family-owned        Our care and cleaning products are primarily intended
manufacturer of branded household cleaning and care        for use in private households.
products with a tradi�on of almost 90 years.
                                                           Basically, POLIBOY products are sold through the
POLIBOY is Germany’s market leader in the furniture &      following distribu�on channels: hypermarkets and
silver care segment with a wide range of supplementary     supermarkets; DIY stores, drugstores, furniture stores,
homecare products for nearly all surfaces in the           e-commerce.
                                                           We are looking for a distribu�on partner who has
In 2018, POLIBOY has been selected as one of               sufficient experience and competence in the
Germany`s "Brands of the Century" by the pres�gious        distribu�on of imported brands. In addi�on, extensive
„The Zeit“ publishing group. Some best-known examples      marke�ng and brand management skills would be
of other brands honored are Mercedes-Benz, Adidas,         ideal.
WMF and Nivea.

Employees: About 65
                                                           - Unique quality: POLIBOY only uses ingredients with the
                                                           highest quality

                                                           - Naturalness: High propor�on of natural ac�ve
Where families and friends come together, POLIBOY
takes care of the right feel-good atmosphere.              - Environmentally-friendly recipes: All products are
                                                           bio-degradable. They do not harm the environment.
From regular maintenance, everyday cleaning to the
professional freshening up of favourite pieces – POLIBOY
offers all cleaning & care products that make the home
more comfortable.
                                                           The target of the project is to find a reliable and
                                                           trustworthy distribu�on partner who would like to
                                                           establish the POLIBOY brand in the Australian market in
                                                           the long term.

                                                           POLIBOY Brandt & Walther GmbH
                                                           Torneestr. 5
                                                           28865 Lilienthal
POLIBOY Produkte are available in different countries       Germany
and regions, e.g.:                               
                                                           1. Contact person
European Union, Russia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia,
                                                           Mr. Keisuke Uetake
Israel, Chile, etc.                                        Sales Director Export

                                                           Phone: +49 4298 4662 37


                                                           Languages: German, English
Thurn Germany is a leading German manufacturer of          - Retail Companies / Discounter with private label
household cleaners and detergents, catering to               Tradi�onal distribu�on model
interna�onal private labels. Based on a renowned and
highly qualified R&D department Thurn has regularly         - Online Retail and associated distributors:
scored top results in consumer tests in various European     With an increasing automa�za�on of households,
countries. All products are manufactured at Thurn            consump�on is vastly relocated in the E-Commerce,
Produc�on facili�es in Germany and the Netherlands           and new market entry strategies arise.
and u�lize premium quality materials supplied by
leading interna�onal suppliers.

                                                           By tracking and recognizing the trends of tomorrow
                                                           prematurely, Thurn ensures that products flow in the
                                                           respec�ve markets on �me. The customers are offered
                                                           high-quality and customized products. Individual bo�le
Household Cleaners and Detergents:                         shapes, innova�ve product packaging, and exclusive
                                                           laboratory equipment ensure a high quality standard. A
- Detergent                                                par�cular focus is put on ongoing reserach and
- An� Limescale Tabs                                       development of high- quality and technologicallly
- Dishwashing Powder                                       advanced products.
- Dishwashing Tabs
- Rinse Agent
- Dishwasher Cleaner
- Dish Soap
- Toilet Cleaner                                           - Networking
- Window Cleaner                                           - Connect with poten�al customers
- Mutli Purpose Cleaner                                    - Increasing brand awareness
- Vinegar Cleaner                                          - Convey new market-entry possibili�es and strategies
- Fabric So�ener
- Scent Booster
- Powder Pods

                                                           Thurn Germany GmbH
                                                           Hennefer Straße 2
                                                           D-53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
Aldi Group                                                 Germany
                                                           1. Contact person
                                                           Peter H. Schoof
dm                                                         Managing Director
Zentrale Handelsgesellscha� (ZHG)                          Phone: +49 2247 9039 - 964
                                                           Mobile: +49 151 15615166

                                                           Languages: German, English
SBS systems for business solutions is a 1999 established private consulting agency, with two
decades of experience in the planning, development and implementation of international
projects. Moreover, the company offers services such as workshops, events and individually
organized B2B-meetings, as well as individual strategies for market entries and assistance for
the coordination of international teams for the German-speaking and Italian market.

Since 2006, SBS has been organizing around 100 projects on behalf of several German
ministries and other foreign governmental institutions. In addition, SBS has been honored by
the Italian Ministry of Economic Development with the title of “Temporary Export Manager”. A
highly-skilled team of project managers with multinational backgrounds, based in Berlin and
Rome, is sensitized for the topic of cultural differences and therefore knows how to approach
difficult cultural issues. In fact, SBS applies cross-cultural thinking and designs custom-made
solutions that overcome intercultural borders to find the right partners for their clients. Thanks
to a strong partner network and more than 600 German and international clients, SBS is able to
facilitate a successful market entry in the most emerging and attractive markets worldwide.
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