Going into 2021, we expect the haze of uncertainty wrought by COVID-19 and U.S. politics to lift. For the global economy, this could translate ...

Going into 2021, we expect the haze of uncertainty wrought by COVID-19 and U.S. politics to lift. For the global economy, this could translate ...
2021 Market Outlook

                                                              The Haze of
                                                              Is Lifting
                                                              Going into 2021, we expect the haze
                                                              of uncertainty wrought by COVID-19
                                                              and U.S. politics to lift. For the
                                                              global economy, this could translate
                                                              into meaningful growth catalysts.

                                                                                ANDREW HARMSTONE
                                                                                Managing Director

                                                              Andrew is Lead Portfolio Manager for the Global
                                                              Balanced Risk Control Strategy (GBaR). He joined
                                                              Morgan Stanley in 2008 and has over 30 years of
                                                              industry experience.

Going into 2021, we expect the haze of uncertainty wrought by COVID-19 and U.S. politics to lift. For the global economy, this could translate ...

GLOBALLY:   We believe the most                market (EM) growth accelerate in               automation), current unemployment
promising of those catalysts is likely         2021. This has not occurred since 2017,        is less broad-based and less sticky than
to be the introduction of effective            which marked the beginning of a period         during the previous global recession
and widely available COVID-19                  of divergent economic outcomes due             (Display 1). Moreover, new business
vaccines around the world. Clearly, the        to Chinese financial deleveraging, a           formations in the U.S. surged in 1H
eradication of COVID-19 would be a             manufacturing recession, global trade          2020, and despite a pull-back in Q3,
major factor in facilitating a quicker         disruption and tightening financial            remain elevated relative to recent
pace of economic normalisation in 2021.        conditions, as the Federal Reserve raised      history, a trend that bodes well for
                                               interest rates and the U.S. dollar surged.     the employment outlook in the U.S.
UNITED STATES: Joe Biden is set to
                                                                                              (Display 2).
become the 46th U.S. president in              Critically, the world’s two largest
January, with critical ramifications           economies are both focused on increasing
worldwide. In the near term, we expect         domestic demand and implementing             NEGATIVES FOR CONSUMPTION
the Biden team to provide a credible           an agenda for structural medium-term         GOING INTO 2021:
approach to managing COVID-19,                 investment.                                  Surging cases of the virus in western
coupled with an increase in fiscal stimulus                                                 developed nations, combined with a
to soften the ongoing economic impact of
the virus. Longer term, we expect to see
                                               Consumers will reach                         lack of further fiscal stimulus in the
                                                                                            U.S., may reverse the positive trends for
significant infrastructure spending, tied to   a crossroads in the                          consumers, especially as unemployment
innovative green technology, thus aligning     spring of 2021                               remains elevated.
the U.S. with the global “Schumpeterian”
                                               POSITIVES FOR CONSUMPTION GOING              A more intangible variable is consumer
shake-up of the energy industry.
                                               INTO 2021, ESPECIALLY COMPARED TO            sentiment or, as Keynes put it, “Animal
The Biden administration should                THE 2008-2009 RECESSION:                     Spirits.” After the initial shock from
ultimately be a boon to both domestic          • VACCINES:   The distribution of            the virus in March and April, U.S.
and international policy, in which               vaccines should coincide with spring,      consumer sentiment remained robust
greater certainty, consistency and co-           thus providing a healthy backdrop for      as people saw continued improvement
operation with respect to U.S. global            the pace of economic activity to pick      in the economy and enjoyed massive
trade policy would be a game changer.            up in late Q1 2021.                        income support from the government.
This is not to imply that we expect                                                         The question is whether the recent
Biden to turn “soft” on China, but             • PENT-UP DEMAND AND EXCESS
                                                                                            surge in the virus and Donald Trump’s
more that the “rules of the road” will           SAVINGS:  Forced lockdowns and
                                                                                            loss in the U.S. presidential election
be clearer, with fewer unpredictable             generous government support
                                                                                            are weakening these spirits. The latest
changes in direction, and greater                programmes have resulted in
                                                                                            Michigan Consumer Survey data
alignment with traditional allies.               consumer savings rising substantially
                                                                                            showed a sharp drop in expectations
                                                 above the historical average. As at
CHINA:   The New Year will mark the                                                         among Republicans and only a
                                                 the end of September, U.S. personal
start of China’s new five-year plan,                                                        negligible rise in expectations among
                                                 income was still 3.9% above pre-
which has a clear “growth” agenda—a                                                         Democrats. Since the country is roughly
                                                 COVID-19 levels.1 However, the
reversal of the “deleveraging” goal of the                                                  evenly split, a deterioration in sentiment
                                                 follow-on fiscal stimulus from the
previous five-year plan. While China’s                                                      among Republicans—if it results in
                                                 U.S. may need to be greater than it
focus is their domestic economy, their                                                      less robust spending—could lead to a
                                                 has been so far to keep income high
plan will nevertheless support global                                                       softening in U.S. consumer spending.
                                                 enough to sustain spending levels.
economies that export raw materials and
                                               • STRONGER HOUSEHOLD BALANCE
equipment needed by China, helping
                                                 SHEETS: Household     balance sheets
                                                                                            Business activity and capex
to fuel growth in many of the world’s
cyclical sectors.                                are considerably more robust than in       to pick up in 2021
                                                 the 2008/2009 recession, and there         As with the consumer, there are a
As the world gratefully moves into               is evidence of consumers reducing          number of reasons why we expect both
2021, we see plenty of reasons to be             leverage ratios in 2020, by using          manufacturing and capex activity to
optimistic.                                      excess savings to pay down debt,           accelerate in 2021.
                                                 particularly credit card debt.
                                                                                            • INVENTORY REBUILD POINTS TO
A more synchronised                            • SURGE IN NEW BUSINESS FORMATION              ONGOING MANUFACTURING: Unlike
economic recovery                                IN 1H 2020:   While further job losses       during previous cycles (2000, 2008,
                                                 are unavoidable (especially as the           2014), both inventories and new
The global economy is likely to see both
                                                 crisis accelerates trends towards            orders had been slowing well ahead of
developed market (DM) and emerging

    Bloomberg. 30 September 2020


 DISPLAY 1                                                                                            DISPLAY 2
 Unemployment has been maintained well below                                                          A 2020 surge in U.S. small-business formations bodes
 2009 highs                                                                                           well for the 2021 employment outlook
                        16.0                                                                           90,000

                        14.0                                                                           80,000
Unemployment Rate (%)


                         4.0                                                                           40,000

                         2.0                                                                           30,000
                           2004   2006     2008   2010     2012    2014     2016     2018    2020            2010          2012    2014        2016       2018        2020
                                  U.S.            Germany                Japan              EU27                U.S. Small-Business Formation Applications NSA 12-Month Avg

 Source: Haver, 20 November 2020.                                                                     Source: Bloomberg, Macrobond, U.S. Census Bureau. Data as of 3
                                                                                                      December 2020.

                    the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses did                          of stock that was in high demand.                last time growth was at similar levels
                    not have a large buildup of excessive                        With new orders for durable goods                was in March 2019.2 In the U.S., core
                    inventories, as would have been the                          and inventories now moving in                    capital goods orders have surged in
                    case in a booming economy, because                           opposite directions, the restocking of           recent months and are not only above
                    growth momentum had already been                             warehouses should continue into 2021.            pre-COVID-19 levels, but are back at
                    softening in 2019. The combination                                                                            highs last seen in 2014 (Display 3). A
                                                                           • CAPEX RECOVERY EXPECTED IN 2021:
                    of a lower inventory starting level,                                                                          similar positive trend can be observed
                                                                                 There are already clear signs of a
                    combined with unexpectedly robust                                                                             in capital goods orders in Korea,
                                                                                 capex recovery playing out. Chinese
                    post-lockdown demand, meant that                                                                              whose economy is considered a
                                                                                 orders for machine tools from Japan
                    businesses found themselves short                                                                             bellwether for world trade (Display 4).
                                                                                 were up 20% YoY in September; the

 Capital expenditures at strong levels across the U.S., Japan and South Korea

                        75,000                                                                         80%                                                              250%

                        70,000                                                                         60%                                                              200%

                                                                                                       40%                                                              150%
                                                                                                       20%                                                              100%

                                                                                                        0%                                                              50%
                                                                                                      -20%                                                              0%
                        50,000                                                                        -40%                                                              -50%

                        45,000                                                                        -60%                                                              -100%
                               2006    2008    2010      2012     2014     2016     2018     2020         2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
                                      U.S. Capital Goods New Orders Nondefense ex Aircra                           South Korea Capital Goods Imports YoY% (LHS)
                                                                                                                    Japanese Machine Tool Orders – China YoY% (RHS)
 Source: Datastream, MSIM, Bloomberg. 3 December 2020.

          Bloomberg, November 2020

                                                                                            SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET    |    MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT              3

China’s 14th Five-                                  DISPLAY 5
Year Plan focuses on                                Six key investment areas in the new infrastructure spending plan6
domestic growth
                                                                              EXPECTED INVESTMENT                             EXPECTED
HEAVY CAPEX SHOULD SPUR                                                       2020-2025 Annual Average DEVELOPMENT NEAR-TERM IMPACT
SHORT-TERM GROWTH                                                                 (in USD billions)       STAGE      ON ECONOMY

China’s 14th five-year plan for the                 Artificial Intelligence             57                 Growth               Highest
2020-2025 period outlines a road map                Data Centres
for growth in the medium term, but also             Intercity High-Speed                46                 Earliest              Low
provides insights into how China is likely          Railway
to stimulate growth over the next 12-24
                                                    5G                                  35              Early Majority         Medium
months. Capex will form the base of
that strategy, as China looks to scale up           Industrial Internet                 27                   Early               Low
investment in transport (intercity rail and
                                                    Ultra-High Voltage                  8                  Earliest             Lowest
urban transit), technology (5G networks,
artificial intelligence and data centres,           EV Charging                         5                  Earliest             Lowest
industrial internet, inter-city high-speed
rail) and new energy (ultra-high voltage            Forecasts/estimates are based on current market conditions, subject to change, and may not
                                                    necessarily come to pass.
power and electric vehicle charging
stations).3 The size of this package is
expected to total around US$1.4 to                       close to a 30% share of global                avoid vulnerability to trade tensions.
US$2.5 trillion (RMB 10 to 17 trillion),                 manufacturing output.5 However,               We see two main mechanisms
invested over the next five years through                China seems intent on maintaining             to do so. Firstly, China could
2025, according to CCID Consulting.4                     manufacturing’s share in GDP by               stimulate domestic consumption
CHINA’S MEDIUM-TERM FOCUS:                               moving up the value chain within              via investments, where the New
A SHIFT TO QUALITY GROWTH                                the manufacturing industry, slowly            Infrastructure fiscal plan will be
                                                         shifting from lower- to higher-value          the main growth catalyst for the
The 14th five-year plan emphasises a shift
                                                         manufacturing and from old to                 economy. Secondly, China could
from quantity to quality of growth, to the
                                                         new infrastructure, via strategies,           focus on spurring domestic demand
point where the long-standing quantitative
                                                         including digitalisation, cloud               by implementing safety-net policies
guidance on growth has been removed
                                                         computing, automation and robotics.           to reduce income inequality, such as
from the statement, creating a stronger
                                                                                                       social security, education, housing
focus on productivity and self-sufficiency.         3. 	 OPENING UP AND ATTRACTING
                                                                                                       and affordable health care for lower
We outline the five (out of six) key pillars             FOREIGN CAPITAL: China      will
                                                                                                       income groups, or fiscal support via
that are likely to serve as the clearest near-           continue its push to liberalise trade
                                                                                                       income transfer and taxes.
term economic growth engines.                            and investment and ultimately attract
                                                         foreign capital. In line with its goal    5. 	 GREEN ECONOMY: In    September,
                                                         of improved self-sufficiency, we              President Xi pledged that China
                                                         can expect a simultaneous effort to           would achieve carbon neutrality, or
    China’s aim is to become self-
                                                         promote RMB internationalisation,             net-zero carbon emissions, by 2060.
    sufficient in key technologies such as
                                                         reduce funding risks, secure                  Likely policies include a carbon
    semiconductors and software. China
                                                         capital and decrease the “dollar-             cap by 2030, the launch of China’s
    recognises that this is a transition that
                                                         centric” nature of international              emissions-trading system and green
    will take time, with self-sufficiency
                                                         financial systems.                            financing. Moreover, the level of
    only targeted for 2035, but it implies
                                                                                                       carbon emissions could become a key
    that U.S. technology imports are set            4. 	 A STRUCTURAL BOOST TO DOMESTIC
                                                                                                       performance indicator for evaluating
    to decline in the long term.                         CONSUMPTION:      While China is
                                                                                                       local government officials.
                                                         gradually liberalising its external
                                                         markets, its key focus will be on
                                                         stimulating domestic consumption
    China remains the world’s key
                                                         in order to regain self-sufficiency and
    manufacturing superpower, with

     www.bloomberg.com/news/                        4
                                                      www.global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202005/14/    6
                                                                                                    China’s Urbanization 2.0: New Infrastructure
articles/2020-05-20/china-has-a-new-1-4-trillion-   WS5ebcdf01a310a8b241155b32.html                Opportunities Handbook, Morgan Stanley
plan-to-overtake-the-u-s-in-tech                    5
                                                      www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/countries-    Research, March 2020
                                                    manufacturing-trade-exports-economics/ World
                                                    Economic Forum, February 2020


Latest tactical views
                        STRONGLY                          STRONGLY                                 STRONGLY                          STRONGLY

Equity                                                                     Fixed Income

U.S.                                                                       IG Credit

 U.S. Small Cap                                                            U.S. High Yield

Eurozone                                                                   European High Yield

 Germany                                                                   EM Sovereign Debt HC

U.K.                                                                       EM Sovereign Debt LC

Japan                                                                      U.S. Treasuries

Asia ex-Japan                                                               U.S. Inflation

 China                                                                     German Bunds

Emerging Markets                                                           EU Peripheral Bonds

 LatAm                                                                     JGBs

Global Infrastructure                                                      Commodities

Global Property                                                            Gold

Global Clean Energy                                                        Industrial Metals

Global Financials

Source: MSIM GBaR team, as of 5 January 2021. For informational purposes and does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell
any particular security or to adopt any specific investment strategy. The tactical views expressed above are a broad reflection of our team’s views
and implementations, expressed for client communication purposes. The information herein does not contend to address the financial objectives,
situation or specific needs of any individual investor.

Outlook: We                                       VIX moving back into a more subdued                One risk we are keeping an eye on is
                                                  range, with implied volatility likely to           high-equity valuations. By traditional
expect equities to                                fall back below 20 in 2021.                        metrics, equities are overvalued. If they
outperform in 2021                                                                                   were to adjust to more normal levels,
                                                  Within our equity allocation, our
With diminishing global policy                                                                       the timing would be very difficult to
                                                  portfolio has a tilt towards cyclicals and
uncertainty and a constructive outlook                                                               anticipate. Moreover, history shows that
                                                  value—we are overweight the Russell
on growth, we expect equities to                                                                     when it occurs, it can lead to substantial
                                                  2000, the DAX, financials and Latin
outperform fixed income in 2021. We                                                                  negative volatility.
                                                  America—while in fixed income, we are
think this background will support the            underweight rates.

                                                               SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET       |   MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT            5

APPENDIX: Asset class views in detail

U.S.                  We are underweight growth-oriented large caps, but overweight U.S. small caps. Stronger economic growth is likely to
UNDERWEIGHT           reduce the premium that investors are willing to pay for growth stocks. Moreover, given the combination of extreme
Large Caps            valuations and flows, we expect growth to underperform value in the next three to four months. We prefer U.S. small caps
                      over large caps, as we believe this is a better way to position for a burgeoning economic recovery given more attractive
OVERWEIGHT            valuations.
Small Caps

                      FUNDAMENTALS                                   VALUATIONS                              SENTIMENT

U.S. Small Caps       Positive: Reopening of the economy on          Neutral: While U.S. small-cap           Neutral: As per EPFR data,
(Russell 2000)        the back of vaccine availability and fiscal    valuations have risen sharply and       fund flows into U.S. small caps
OVERWEIGHT            stimulus is likely to be supportive for        appear expensive compared to their      have been accelerating in recent
                      small businesses. The performance of           long-term average, they trade at a      weeks, but still remain negative
                      small caps has been highly correlated          significant discount to large caps.     for the year.
                      with improving macro-indicators in
                      the U.S., such as Consumer Sentiment,
                      ISM Manufacturing and NFIB Small
                      Business Optimism.

U.S. Large-Cap        Negative: Rise in productivity, driven by      Negative: Based on the 12-month         Negative: Investors piled into
Growth (Russell       capex and accelerating inflation, should       forward PEs, growth stocks              growth stocks amidst a belief
1000 Growth)          lead to higher nominal growth and              continue to trade at extremely high     they are defensive in the current
UNDERWEIGHT           interest rates, a significant headwind for     levels, both on an absolute basis       environment, and despite recent
                      growth stocks.                                 and relative to value stocks.           underperformance, positioning
                                                                                                             remains at elevated levels.

Europe                Positive: The DAX is one of the most           Neutral to positive: German             Positive: Germany is still under-
Positive Tilt         cyclically geared indexes in Europe, so        equities are trading at their           owned in portfolios. If global
via DAX               we expect it to benefit from improved          largest discount to the eurozone        growth continues to improve, we
                      economic growth next year. It also has         in a decade, indicating a relative      expect sentiment towards Germany
OVERWEIGHT            high exposure to Asia and China, where we      valuation opportunity.                  to become more positive.
                      continue to expect strong growth.

Japanese Equities     Neutral: We see some potential for positive    Neutral: Japanese valuations            Neutral: Despite generally not
NEUTRAL               developments in Japan coming from the          appear cheap on a relative basis,       being an over-weighted asset
                      new Suga Administration: a focus on            whilst on an absolute basis, they       class in investor portfolios,
                      digitalisation and consumer support could      are at historically high levels (even   Japanese equities have benefited
                      help restore consumer sentiment, improve       when using FY2 EPS figures). Their      in the second half of 2020 from
                      productivity, benefit sectors such as IT and   relative cheapness reflects the         positive sentiment due to better
                      consumer discretionary, and unlock some        outperformance of other regions         management of the pandemic
                      of the upside from cheap valuations in         in sectors such as IT and consumer      relative to the U.S. and Europe.
                      the country. Nevertheless, we await more       discretionary. We believe a catalyst
                      concrete developments in this direction,       is needed to unlock the “value
                      especially with the shadow of early            trap” in which Japan has been for
                      elections lurking over the administration.     some time.

Asia ex-Japan         Positive: Asian economic fundamentals          Negative: Valuations are stretched,     Negative: Asia ex-Japan is currently
NEUTRAL               across growth, trade, manufacturing and        with the 18-month forward PE            trading above overbought levels
                      consumption rebounded strongly in 2020         trading at a 26% premium to its         in the Relative Strength Index,
                      and continue to hold up well. Economic         10-year median.7                        suggesting that sentiment and
                      strength has been coupled with strong                                                  flows are slightly exuberant.
                      virus management. The region is likely
                      to perform well as China continues to
                      outperform, benefitting its Asian trading
                      partners who are net exporters to
                      China (reinforced by the recent Regional
                      Comprehensive Economic Partnership
                      (RCEP) agreement). Taiwan and South
                      Korea are also seeing improving economic
                      activity with strong virus management.

    Bloomberg, 19 November 2020


                      FUNDAMENTALS                                      VALUATIONS                                SENTIMENT

Indian Equities       Positive: Although Indian equities continue       Neutral: MSCI India is currently          Neutral: Flows have picked up
NEUTRAL               to lag broad Asia ex-Japan performance            trading at ~23x 12-month forward          strongly since May, taking the
                      YTD 2020, the growth recovery is                  PEs, above its 10-year average of         overall foreign institutional investor
                      now underway. Industrial activity has             ~16x and at a 40% premium to              (FII) ownership back to 20%, levels
                      almost recovered to pre-COVID-19                  the MSCI Asia ex-Japan.8 Current          last seen at the start of 2020. In
                      levels, while auto sales and Good and             levels suggest that valuations            contrast, domestic institutions
                      Services Tax revenue collections also             are stretched, with most of the           turned net sellers in the past
                      indicate that the recovery is gathering           earnings recovery for 2021 already        four months, mainly due to high
                      momentum. Government support has                  in the price. However, on a price/        redemption pressure on domestic
                      been particularly strong, with policies           book basis, Indian equities screen        mutual funds.
                      such as the corporate tax cut, incentivising      cheaper both on an absolute
                      domestic manufacturing of goods, and              basis and relative to emerging
                      new agriculture and labour laws that could        market peers.
                      potentially have longer-term benefits.

China A Shares        Positive: The speed of China’s recovery in        Negative: The 18-month forward            Neutral: Although we have
NEUTRAL               both manufacturing and services continues         PE multiple of China A-share is           witnessed modest inflows this
                      to outperform the rest of the world.              extended at 15.1x, 30% premium            year, there is still a structural
                      Looking forward to 2021, China’s GDP              over its 10-year median.7 We do not       underweight in Chinese equities
                      is expected to grow 8%, with the credit           see much room for further multiple        among global investors, so we do
                      impulse also at 8% (highest since 2016),          expansion, but expect mid-teens           not yet see positioning as stretched.
                      coupled with strong virus management, a           EPS growth to be the main source          Furthermore, the inclusion of
                      significant infrastructure fiscal plan, and its   of return potential.                      China-A in the MSCI EM Index
                      14th five-year plan focusing on domestic                                                    should continue to act as a tail
                      and quality growth.9 These factors provide                                                  wind for flows over the next couple
                      significant tail winds for the Chinese                                                      of years.
                      economy. A Biden presidency will also
                      provide greater certainty on U.S.-China
                      trade relations, although the U.S. may still
                      clamp down on its trade surpluses and
                      intellectual property violations.

Latin America         Neutral: We remain overweight Latin               Positive: Latin American equities         Positive: Latin American equities
OVERWEIGHT            American equities given attractive relative       are only trading at a 6% premium          are not yet in overbought territory
                      equity and currency valuations and the            on FY2 forward PE multiples               and are likely to continue to benefit
                      region’s high relative exposure to cyclical       relative to their 10-year median.11       from the rotation trade into cyclical
                      sectors. This combination should see the          On the same metric, Mexico is still       and value opportunities.
                      region benefit from the current rotation into     trading at a 10% discount. We
                      cyclical and value opportunities. However,        believe the region has the most
                      both major countries within the index (Brazil     attractive valuations relative to
                      and Mexico constitute 64% and 23% of              EM Asia, EM EMEA and major
                      the MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America           developed markets.
                      Index, respectively)10 are lacking positive
                      fundamental growth drivers.


U.S. Rates—           Slightly Negative: As the U.S. economy            Slightly Negative: As we                  Neutral: We are currently seeing
U.S. 10Y Treasuries   continues to recover in 2021, we expect U.S.      are expecting a reflationary              mixed signals from different
UNDERWEIGHT           GDP to get back to pre-crisis levels towards      environment in 2021, we see the           sentiment indicators, but could
                      the end of next year. Inflation is likely to      U.S. 10-year yield moving beyond          see a further unwind of the 2020
                      temporarily overshoot the Fed target due          1%, with the risk skewed towards          inflow into bonds, especially if the
                      to favourable base effects, but the highly        the upside if activity normalisation      recovery exceeds expectations.
                      accommodative Fed and smaller fiscal              occurs faster with the help of
                      stimulus impetus should act as an offset.         global vaccine distribution.

Eurozone Rates—       Negative: As a “safe haven” asset, Bunds          Negative: Bund yield levels remain        Neutral: Recent futures positioning,
10Y German Bunds      remain exposed to selling pressure if             close to historical lows, offering        CTA and real money data suggest
UNDERWEIGHT           uncertainty related to the pandemic               deeply negative carry. Bunds have         that Bunds have benefitted from
                      decreases (especially on a relative basis         recently lagged the upward move           some buying pressure, but on a
                      as U.S. Treasuries have already retraced          in U.S. Treasuries on the back of         relative basis, sentiment appears
                      partially). The expected EU issuance level        positive vaccine news, which makes        more positive on peripherals than
                      related to the Recovery Fund could also           them more vulnerable to upward            core bonds, leading to a neutral
                      be a negative factor for Bunds, which have        pressure if the perspective of a          sentiment assessment.
                      the same rating as EU sovereign bond              vaccine early in 2021 becomes
                      issues, but lower yields.                         more concrete and increases risk
                                                                        appetite in markets.

  Morgan Stanley Research, Bloomberg,              9
                                                       SCMP, Bloomberg, 14 December 2020                11
                                                                                                             IBES, 2 December 2020
4 November 2020                                    10
                                                        Bloomberg, 30 November 2020

                                                                  SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET      |   MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT                    7

                      FUNDAMENTALS                                    VALUATIONS                              SENTIMENT

Investment-Grade      Positive: We expect continued economic          Negative: IG credit spreads have        Positive: We continue to see strong
(IG) Credit           recovery and positive vaccine news flows        made a round trip from March            flows into IG credit. The supply of
NEUTRAL               in 2021, if pharmaceutical companies            wides. Currently, they are sitting at   bonds has slowed after the many
                      make advances in curbing the virus              116 bps,12 still higher than 2019       records broken earlier in 2020
                      and governments benefit from their              lows, but close. This suggests that     and, as we begin 2021, we expect
                      experience of dealing with the pandemic.        there is little room for further        a material decline in supply as
                      On the policy front, funding from both the      spread tightening.                      companies look to instead buy back
                      ECB and the Fed should gradually come to                                                debt to repair their balance sheets.
                      an end in early 2021.

High-Yield (HY)       Neutral: With travel still curbed globally      Neutral: As with its investment-        Positive: Flows into HY credit
Credit                on a major scale, recovery across sectors       grade counterpart, high-yield           remain robust, and we expect them
NEUTRAL               will differ. Many companies have taken          credit also made a round trip in        to continue strongly in early 2021.
                      the chance this year to strengthen their        spreads over 2020. The broad index      As in IG credit, high-yield credit
                      balance sheet liquidity positions, improving    is sitting close to 450 bps, after      issuance also broke many records
                      their resilience to a longer, drawn-out         flirting with 500 bps, but there        this year, and is likely to slow
                      recovery. Additionally, the Fed and ECB         is still some room for spreads to       considerably next year. Companies
                      have demonstrated that they are willing to      narrow further. Pre-COVID-19            are likely to engage in buying back
                      step in to support high yield if necessary.     levels were at about 400 bps.12         debt and repairing balance sheets,
                      As we head into 2021, HY fundamentals                                                   if liquidity conditions permit.
                      are likely to continue to improve.

Emerging Market       Negative: EM had a tough 2020. In 2021,         Neutral: The relationship between       Neutral: EM sovereign debt
(EM) Hard             we expect EM ex-China to underperform           crude oil prices and EM sovereign       witnessed huge outflows at the
Currency Debt         DM as the pandemic takes its toll on            spreads suggests they are currently     start of the year. These flows have
NEUTRAL               economies with already weak fiscal and          trading around fair value if WTI        since reversed and turned net
                      debt positioning. A global economic             trades above $55/bbl.13 While           positive for 2020 YTD.
                      recovery, higher expected oil prices            economic fundamentals have
                      and a lower VIX are likely to provide           been priced in, EM sovereign debt
                      some cushioning for EM spreads to               continues to provide attractive
                      tighten slightly.                               carry relative to low-yielding
                                                                      DM markets.

Emerging Market       Negative: EM ex-China countries are             Positive: EM FX is currently trading    Positive: EM local currency also
(EM) Local            likely to face further headwinds next           at a 20% discount to its 10-            saw huge outflows. While there
Currency Debt         year, though a global recovery combined         year median.7                           is an increase in appetite for
NEUTRAL               with increased liquidity from global                                                    local currency and rates due to
                      quantitative easing should provide tail                                                 undervaluation, flows are still net
                      winds for EM currencies to appreciate.                                                  negative at -$17 billion.14

Emerging              Positive: Owing to ample liquidity,             Negative: After the post-U.S.           Neutral: EM debt witnessed huge
Market (EM)           EM corporates survived the pandemic             election rally, the CEMBI Broad         outflows at the start of the year
Corporate Debt        shock with an impressive YTD default            index spread is now close to 300        due to the risk-off environment.
NEUTRAL               rate of ~3.2%. 15 Although revenues             bp, which is below the historical       Within EM debt, EM corporates
                      and earnings have been negatively               average.7 While there is scope for      have led the retail fund flows
                      impacted, EM companies continue to have         spreads to move below 300 bp,           recovery, as flows turned positive
                      stronger balance sheets than their DM           mainly led by tightening in the         for the year in June. Since then, they
                      counterparts, with net leverage still lower     high-yield portion of the index as      have continued their upward trend.
                      by 1-2x. As we enter 2021, we expect            the investment-grade, high-yield
                      global growth recovery, lower market            gap still remains wide, we believe
                      volatility and downward pressure on the         that upward pressure on U.S.
                      U.S. dollar to favour this asset class.         Treasury yields has the potential
                                                                      to undermine the demand for EM
                                                                      corporate debt, especially at such
                                                                      stretched valuations.

     Datastream, 20 November 2020                 14
                                                       Morgan Stanley, 12 November 2020
     Goldman Sachs, 14 December 2020              15
                                                       J.P. Morgan, 1 November 2020


Risk Considerations
There is no assurance that the strategy will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the
possibility that the market values of securities owned by the portfolio will decline and that the value of portfolio shares may
therefore be less than what you paid for them. Accordingly, you can lose money investing in this portfolio. Please be aware
that this strategy may be subject to certain additional risks. There is the risk that the Adviser’s asset allocation methodology
and assumptions regarding the Underlying Portfolios may be incorrect in light of actual market conditions and the portfolio
may not achieve its investment objective. Share prices also tend to be volatile and there is a significant possibility of loss. The
portfolio’s investments in commodity-linked notes involve substantial risks, including risk of loss of a significant portion of
their principal value. In addition to commodity risk, they may be subject to additional special risks, such as risk of loss of interest
and principal, lack of secondary market and risk of greater volatility, that do not affect traditional equity and debt securities.
Currency fluctuations could erase investment gains or add to investment losses. Fixed-income securities are subject to the
ability of an issuer to make timely principal and interest payments (credit risk), changes in interest rates (interest-rate risk), the
creditworthiness of the issuer and general market liquidity (market risk). In a rising interest-rate environment, bond prices may fall
and may result in periods of volatility and increased portfolio redemptions. In a declining interest-rate environment, the portfolio
may generate less income. Longer-term securities may be more sensitive to interest rate changes. In general, equities securities’
values also fluctuate in response to activities specific to a company. Investments in foreign markets entail special risks, such
as currency, political, economic and market risks. Stocks of small-capitalisation companies carry special risks, such as limited
product lines, markets and financial resources, and greater market volatility than securities of larger, more established companies.
The risks of investing in emerging market countries are greater than risks associated with investments in foreign developed
markets. Exchange traded funds (ETFs) shares have many of the same risks as direct investments in common stocks or bonds
and their market value will fluctuate as the value of the underlying index does. By investing in exchange traded funds ETFs and
other Investment Funds, the portfolio absorbs both its own expenses and those of the ETFs and Investment Funds it invests
in. Supply and demand for ETFs and Investment Funds may not be correlated to that of the underlying securities. Derivative
instruments can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase losses and may have a potentially large negative impact on the
portfolio’s performance. The use of leverage may increase volatility in the Portfolio. Diversification does not protect you against
a loss in a particular market; however, it allows you to spread that risk across various asset classes.

DEFINITIONS                                                                     (MSIM) or the views of the firm as a whole, and may not be reflected in
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished          all the strategies and products that the Firm offers.
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Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The Bloomberg Barclays Global High
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DISCLOSURES                                                                     investment decision.
The views and opinions are those of the author as of the date of publication
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