Page created by Ernest Wolfe

Content                               Earth Security develops innovative
                                      programmes to link global finance to
                                      nature’s capital.

1 Seeing nature as an asset       2
  in investment             

2 Four types of blended           5   Sponsors
  finance for nature                  Swiss Agency for Development and
                                      Cooperation, HSBC, UBS Optimus
3 Recommendations: Growing a     14   Foundation.
  blended finance portfolio
Annex                            18   The views and opinions expressed in this
Overview of blended finance           report are only those of Earth Security.
vehicles for nature                   They do not imply any kind of endorsement
                                      by its partners, funders or stakeholders
References                       21   referenced.

Acknowledgements                 22   Report Title
                                      The Blended Finance Playbook
                                      for Nature-Based Solutions

                                      Publication date
                                      June 2021

                                      © Earth Security 2021

We are grateful to the support
of our funding partners:
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                  1


We are taking ecosystems          The UN Environment Programme                    By contrast, nature’s ecosystem services
                                  estimates that meeting climate change,          are not yet fully recognised in the economy:
and biodiversity to the brink     biodiversity and land degradation targets       for example, the ability of a forest to
of collapse, understanding        will require an investment of USD 8.1           help maintain a freshwater source is
very little about how this loss   trillion in nature by 2050.1 Governments        largely taken for granted by water users
                                  are under growing pressure to increase          downstream. The metrics and baselines,
undermines our future.            funding to meet these targets, and are          and monitoring and verification systems
Nature may be our ultimate        increasingly aware that public finance          are not fully developed. Blended finance
asset, but the investment         alone will not be sufficient to achieve these   tools have a critical role to play in helping
                                  goals – much less to act on a planetary         to move nature investments into the
markets that will enable          scale.                                          mainstream. But how?
investors to invest in precious
ecosystem services are still at   Now time is running out. Public financing       We identify 31 active investment vehicles
                                  institutions, such as DFIs and donors, as       (funds, facilities and bond instruments)
a very early stage. Innovative
                                  well as philanthropic foundations, are          which use blended finance as an approach
financing instruments are         therefore increasingly interested in ways       to drive the protection or restoration of
emerging to incentivise           to use their balance sheets to attract          nature’s ecosystem services, just 5% of
                                  private investors or to build the capacity of   the total blended finance vehicles at play
actors that benefit from
                                  conservation projects to leverage private       across investment sectors. Their combined
those services, be it carbon      capital.                                        fundraising target is just over USD 5.1
sequestration, freshwater                                                         billion. Yet the models offer important
                                                                                  practical insights into the opportunities to
availability or coastal flood
                                  Enter blended finance                           grow this form of collaborative capital to
protection, to pay for their                                                      accelerate global impact.
conservation.                     Blended finance is an approach
                                  that involves the use of public and
                                  philanthropic funds to change the risk/         About this brief
                                  return profile of investment projects
                                  in order to attract the private sector.         This brief is intended to provide government
                                  According to Convergence, which holds           agencies and philanthropic foundations
                                  the world’s largest database of blended         with a strategic view on how to use blended
                                  finance transactions, over the past 15          finance to catalyse private sector capital
                                  years some 600 transactions involving           for nature-based solutions. It outlines the
                                  blended finance have mobilised an               models, trends and opportunities to use
                                  aggregate USD 144 billion from public           blended finance to shift their investment
                                  and private sources. Sectors such as            portfolios towards nature-positive results.
                                  energy, infrastructure and financial
                                  services represent the majority of these        The analysis and conclusions build on a
                                  transactions, where projects can service        review of blended finance transactions
                                  paying customers, generate revenues,            that have reached at least the pilot stage
                                  and clearly measure their social and            and that focus wholly or primarily on
                                  environmental impact alongside a                nature-based solutions. These vehicles
                                  financial return.                               were identified through an assessment
                                                                                  of transactions analysed by Convergence
                                                                                  across all sectors, case studies by the
                                                                                  Blended Finance Taskforce and instruments
                                                                                  endorsed by the Global Innovation Lab for
                                                                                  Climate Finance that have reached the pilot
                                                                                  stage. The analysis also draws on a series
                                                                                  of interviews and a workshop organised
                                                                                  by Earth Security with leading public and
                                                                                  private investors in these transactions
                                                                                  whose testimonials are featured here.
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                     2


“ I see nature as a lens that impacts all asset
  classes, whether a public equity or a bond
  held by investors. Currently, the fact that a
  country having healthy seas or forests does
  not correlate with much else in an investor’s
  portfolio is a big opportunity to attract new
  investment capital.”

 Jennifer Pryce, President & CEO,
 Calvert Impact Capital
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                      3

Investors rarely think about            Investors rarely think about the steady        The potential of forests and other natural
                                        cycles of freshwater flows, the healthy        ecosystems to sequester carbon has caught
the steady cycles of freshwater         oceans that provide abundant fish, the         the attention of global companies and
flows, the healthy oceans               rich soils that enable food production         investors that are now racing to make good
that provide abundant fish,             on land, or the regulation of surface          on their ‘net-zero’ promises. Nature is the
                                        temperatures that makes life possible,         cheapest, fastest and most widely available
the rich soils that enable              as valuable services they could invest         solution to sequester carbon dioxide.
food production on land, or             in. However, according to Swiss Re, the        Land-use change is a fundamental driver
the regulation of surface               reinsurance company, we are reaching a         of greenhouse gas emissions, while land-
                                        tipping point, as these systems struggle to    based ecosystems such as forests, working
temperatures that makes life            recover from the systematic degradation        through established mechanisms such as
possible, as valuable services          they are being subjected to. As many as a      REDD+, present significant opportunities
they could invest in.                   fifth of countries worldwide are already       to drive carbon sequestration.3 Nature
                                        at risk from ecosystem collapse, as            could provide over one-third of the carbon
                                        their biodiversity declines to levels that     sequestration needed to keep the planet’s
                                        threaten life support systems.2                warming to below 2°C.4 However, the
                                                                                       rapid growth of nature-based carbon
                                        Governments are under increasing               sequestration projects around the world
                                        political pressure to provide the              is not without challenges. These include
                                        financial means to protect natural             ensuring the ‘permanence’ of forests given
                                        ecosystems. Country obligations                rampant deforestation rates, as well as the
                                        under UN international conventions             incentives to sustaining nature protection
                                        on biological diversity (CBD), climate         over the long term, among others.
                                        change (UNFCCC) and desertification
                                        (UNCCD) require countries to pursue            Nature is more valuable than just its
                                        domestic targets as well as, in the case       carbon. As the report suggests, nature’s
                                        of developed economies, to support             services in sustaining freshwater cycles
                                        developing countries with the financial        and regulating temperatures can also be
                                        means to implement the conventions.            invested in once their value is recognised
                                        The realisation that public finance alone      and understood. For example, Earth
                                        will not be enough to meet these goals is      Security’s recent work on mangroves
                                        creating a willingness to use public funds     revealed that in addition to sequestering
                                        catalytically to mobilise private capital.     carbon up to 4 times faster than tropical
                                                                                       rainforests, mangrove forests provide a
                                        The realisation that nature is a valuable      cost-effective form of ‘green infrastructure’
  THE INVESTMENT                        asset is sinking in. For example, investing    for coastal protection. They help save an
  VALUE OF NATURE                       in sovereign ‘nature’ bonds, which             estimated USD 65 billion per year in avoided
  THE CASE OF ZEPHYR                    incentivise the protection of a country’s      losses due to extreme weather events.
  POWER LIMITED                         natural capital alongside its economic
                                        development, could be a strategic way for      In Pakistan, Earth Security worked with
                                        investors to diversify their fixed income      CDC Group — the UK’s Development
                                        portfolios. But investors looking for these    Finance Institution (DFI) — to define the
                                        deals will only find a handful of investment   investment value of mangroves for a coastal
                                        funds and experimental transactions,           renewable energy investment project. The
                                        which have taken years to develop and          evidence suggests that mangroves will help
                                        are the result of a collaborative effort of    the project developer save an estimated
                                        investors, NGOs and development finance        USD 7 million in maintenance costs, while
                                        institutions (DFIs). These opportunities —     providing another USD 5 million in income
                                        many featured here — are the early-stage       to local communities that depend on shrimp
                                        prototypes of a market that continues to       farming, improving the project’s social
                                        grow. The scarcities and risks arising from    licence to operate.5 The DFI community
                                        planetary boundaries on water, forests,        has yet to consider the value that nature’s
                                        soils, oceans, and other vital resources       assets provide to their investment portfolios
Earth Security’s analysis with CDC      will position these markets in an entirely     and support their development impact.
Group has shown a 20-fold return on     new light in the years to come.
investment from mangroves restoration
for coastal infrastructure.
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4

Earth Security has identified                                                                                                        Our global programme is
the locations of key coastal                                                                                                         working with cities around the
cities for the development                                                                                                           world to develop this innovative
of ‘municipal mangrove bonds’                                                                                                        mechanism.
a scalable financing pathway
for capital markets to invest in
ecological assets globally.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Port Blair Andaman and Nicobar Islands

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Port Moresby Papua New Guinea

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Puerto Princesa Philippines

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kerema Papua New Guinea
                                                                      Delta Amacuro Venezuela

                                                                                                Cayenne French Guiana

                                                                                                                                                                         Port Harcourt Nigeria
                                                                                                                                                   Bonthe Sierra Leone

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mongla Bangladesh

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sandakan Malaysia
                                                                      Cumana Venezuela
                                                                      Caripito Venezuela
              Campeche Mexico

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kuching Malaysia
                                                                                                                                                                         Limbe Cameroon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Myeik Myanmar
                                                                                                                        Sao Luis Brazil

                                                                                                                                                                         Brass Nigeria
                                                                                                Amapá Brazil

                                                                                                                                                                         Warri Nigeria
                                                                                                                        Belem Brazil
                                 Miami USA
                                Guayaquil Ecuador
                                                    Tumaco Colombia

                                                                                                                                                                                       Libreville Gabon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dumai Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Batam Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sumatera Selatan Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pangkal Pinang Indonesia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Singkawang Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tarakan Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Balikpapan Indonesia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kendari Indonesia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kota Ambon Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sorong Indonesia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jayapura Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brisbane Australia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Darwin Australia
The concept of ‘nature-based solutions’                                                                                                         As a result of climate change and                         According to the Coalition for Private
(NBS) is the latest effort to operationalise                                                                                                    projected higher temperatures, high-value                 Investment in Conservation (CPIC) some
the role that ecosystem services play in                                                                                                        Arabica coffee crops will need to move to                 of the barriers that private investors
social and economic development. The                                                                                                            300–500 metres above sea level in order to                face when it comes to investing in
World Conservation Union (IUCN) defines                                                                                                         adapt. This may be feasible for producers                 these solutions include the difficulty
NBS as ‘actions to protect, sustainably                                                                                                         in Ethiopia and Kenya (though it may drive                of generating attractive short-term
manage and restore natural or modified                                                                                                          deforestation in higher-altitude areas),                  cashflows through nature conservation
ecosystems that address societal                                                                                                                but will be difficult for market leaders                  and the timeframe it may take for projects
challenges effectively and adaptively,                                                                                                          like Brazil.7 Investment funds that focus                 to become profitable. Many of these
simultaneously providing human well-                                                                                                            on nature-based ‘shade-grown coffee’                      investments are based in developing
being and biodiversity benefits.’ 6 NBS                                                                                                         are hedging against climate risks in this                 countries, where political risks, weak
provide investors with a practical way to                                                                                                       commodity.                                                governance, and lack of creditworthiness
rethink how their assets and investment                                                                                                                                                                   or local financial capacity may deter
portfolios incorporate the value of, and                                                                                                        Other emerging investment opportunities                   investors.
work in partnership with, nature.                                                                                                               focus on innovative financial instruments
                                                                                                                                                that unlock capital to invest in nature’s                 Finally, designing these mechanisms and
The ‘holy grail’ of making NBS investable                                                                                                       services. These involve bonds, insurance                  preparing them for the market is complex
is to find positive cashflows that emerge                                                                                                       products, and ‘payment for ecosystem                      and both time- and resource-intensive.8
from protecting nature, providing a return                                                                                                      services’ funds of various kinds. Most are                The shortage of baseline data in many
on an investment. The easiest route for                                                                                                         still at an early stage. One example is the               developing countries means that the
investment is to invest in companies                                                                                                            Forest Resilience Bond (FRB), which was                   impacts of these projects can be costly
whose business model work in balance                                                                                                            created and piloted in California by Blue                 and difficult to measure, and in some
with nature. Think of a coffee-growing                                                                                                          Forest Conservation. The FRB is a finance                 cases entirely new monitoring systems
company that operates a regenerative                                                                                                            instrument that enables the US Forest                     are required.9 Where local monitoring
agriculture model, protecting local                                                                                                             Service to restore forests, minimising                    capacity is limited, the need to invest in
forests and biodiversity alongside local                                                                                                        the catastrophic risk of wildfires. The                   capacity-building will add to the upfront
livelihoods. In this case, crops cultivated                                                                                                     cashflow that repays the bond for                         costs facing investors. The tools provided
under the canopy of trees benefit from a                                                                                                        investors is provided by downstream                       by blended finance focus specifically on
richer biodiversity, which makes crops                                                                                                          companies that benefit from the steadier                  removing many of these barriers.
more resilient to pests and able to                                                                                                             supply of cleaner water and save on water
withstand rising temperatures.                                                                                                                  treatment costs.
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                        5


“ The DNA of blended finance is based on
  collaboration. It brings together government,
  private finance, philanthropic investors and
  corporates based on comparative advantages and
  relative risk tolerances. As a development bank,
  DFC has provided technical assistance, political
  risk insurance and partial credit guarantees to
  projects to improve the risk-return equation and
  incentivise the private sector to come in.”

 Jamie Cashman, Director, Investments,
 US International Development Finance Corporation
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                6

 Blended finance entails the       Blended finance is best used in                The vehicles are used to finance
                                   transactions where the private sector          sustainable forest management,
 use of capital from public or     would be willing to invest if the risk, real   agroforestry and agriculture, and the
 philanthropic sources to de-      or perceived, were lower.11 Over the past      sustainable management of coastal and
 risk investments to attract       15 years, Convergence has identified           marine ecosystems. They represent just
                                   nearly 600 transactions, accounting for        5% of the overall universe of blended
 the participation of the          nearly USD 144 billion mobilised. As of        finance transactions, with a combined
 private sector for sustainable    2020, roughly half of all these deals have     fundraising target of just over USD 5.1
 development. According to         been in the energy and financial services      billion. This reflects the nascent stage
                                   sectors — two sectors where blended            of commercial investments that focus
 Convergence, the preeminent       finance is an effective approach. The other    on nature protection, since blended
 organisation promoting it,        half of the deals consists primarily of        finance requires NBS projects to have
 blended finance is an approach    investments in agriculture, infrastructure,    a commercial element, and to deliver a
                                   health and education.12                        cashflow that can remunerate private
 to structuring capital that                                                      investors.13
 allows organizations with         Earth Security has identified a total of
 different objectives to invest    31 vehicles, including investment funds,
                                   financing facilities and investment
 alongside each other while
                                   products, which (i) focus wholly or
 achieving their own objectives,   primarily on investing in ecosystem
 whether financial return,         conservation or restoration in a way
                                   that captures economic value, and (ii)
 social and environmental
                                   incorporate a blended finance approach of
 impact, or a blend of both.10     using public funds catalytically to attract
                                   private capital (see Annex).

“ We see that fund managers need more
  than grants in order to innovate. GEF is
  supporting transactions in challenging
  environmental areas by taking a first loss
  position or an anchor investor role and by
  providing equity, debt or guarantees that
  help achieve necessary risk/return profile
  to mobilize additional investment and attract
  necessary coalitions of investors.”

 Avril Benchimol Dominguez, Senior Finance Specialist
 Global Environment Facility (GEF)
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                        7


We identify four main modes of blended    Importantly, blended finance is not merely    The main public finance and philanthropic
finance for nature. These provide a       the presence of public/philanthropic          actors that have provided blended
range of options for layering capital     and commercial capital in the same            finance for nature-based transactions
to incentivise investment in nature-      transaction, but rather the strategic use     can be grouped into the following three
based solutions. Often, blended finance   of risk-tolerant capital from public and      categories:
vehicles will combine many of these       philanthropic sources to de-risk and          — Philanthropic Foundations.
modes in one transaction, depending       attract larger sums of capital available      — Donors and Multi-donor Funds.
on the needs and complexity of the        from private finance.                         — Development Finance Institutions
investment.14                                                                              (DFIs).

Blended Finance Types
and Likely Providers
                               Philanthropic                      Donors and                      Development
                               Foundations                        Multi-donor Funds               Finance Institutions

Type 1
Design and
Preparation Funds

Type 2
Assistance Funds

Type 3
Guarantees and
Risk Insurance

Type 4

Leaders                        Bloomberg Philanthropies           Agence Française de             Asian Development Bank
The organisations that         Convergence (grant windows)            Développement               Dutch Entrepreneurial
have been active in these      David and Lucile Packard           Dutch Ministry of                   Development Bank – FMO
types of transaction               Foundation                         Foreign Affairs             Inter-American Development
                               Global Innovation Lab for          European Union                      Bank
                                   Climate Finance                Global Environment Facility     KfW
                                   (philanthropy collaborative)   Green Climate Fund              European Investment Bank
                               Gordon and Betty Moore             USAID                           US International Development
                                   Foundation                                                         Finance Corporation
                               MacArthur Foundation                                               The World Bank
                               Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
                               Prince Albert II of Monaco
                               The Rockefeller Foundation
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                 8


Type 1
Design and Preparation Funds

Description                      Case study
                                 The Cloud Forest Blue Energy Mechanism

Grant funding for the            As cloud forests are rapidly depleted        The Climate Finance Lab — a philanthropy
                                 around the world, the loss of their          collective — provided the design-stage
design or preparation of a       ecosystem services, such as water            grants to develop the model. Patient
transaction, to improve the      regulation, poses a significant risk to      capital will be needed to offset the fact
viability and bankability of a   water-intensive assets.                      that the offtake agreement will not begin
                                                                              to yield returns until the project has been
project or enterprise to reach   The Cloud Forest Blue Energy Mechanism       running for 3–5 years. In the first stage of
financial close. Design-stage    aims to mobilise commercial finance          the project, USD 1 million in grant funding
grants are used to support the   from hydropower companies to                 from FMO, Global Environment Facility
                                 restore and protect cloud forests in         and Conservation International will fund
proof of concept, establish a    Latin America as a way to ensure the         research and development to prove the
baseline and a monitoring and    availability and resilience of their water   model.16 Subsequently, up to USD 30
verification system, develop a   supplies. Debt and equity is mobilised       million in blended public and private
                                 from domestic commercial investors           finance will be mobilised to de-risk private
pipeline and provide the pre-
                                 into a Special Purpose Vehicle, which        sector investment. The aim is for the
commercial funding needed        pays implementation partners for the         mechanism to be replicated on a purely
in the initial stages of an      restoration and conservation of cloud        commercial basis from 2026 onwards. If
                                 forest ecosystems. The repayment to          successful, the Cloud Forest Blue Energy
investment thesis or vehicle.
                                 investors is provided by hydropower          Mechanism could provide the blueprint
Instruments may include          companies via an off-take agreement for      and business case for combining payment
grants or convertible grants     the delivery of ecosystem services — in      for ecosystem models and pay-for-
                                 this case, a reduction in sedimentation      success financing mechanisms to deliver
(including the Right of First
                                 load in reservoirs. This reduces their       nature-based solutions in other markets.17
Refusal for investors).          water treatment costs and can prolong
                                 the lifetime of hydropower assets by
                                 an estimated 10 years. The payment of        project/cloud-forest-blue-energy-
                                 hydropower companies is dependent on         mechanism
                                 the successful delivery of reductions
                                 in sedimentation (after 3–5 years) as a
                                 results-based financing model.15

                                 Likely providers

THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                      9

Type 2
Technical Assistance Funds

Description                       Case study
                                  The Land Degradation Neutrality Fund

Technical assistance grants       An estimated 75% of the earth’s land             Concessional finance has been provided
                                  area is already degraded.18 In order to          by the European Investment Bank,
are used to build the technical   combat this, the UN Convention to Combat         Fondation de France, and the Government
capacity of investees and of      Desertification and fund manager Mirova          of Luxembourg. Grants for technical
key stakeholders such as          Natural Capital created the world’s first        assistance were provided by Agence
                                  investment fund dedicated to preventing          Française de Développement (AFD) and
local communities that may        soil degradation — the Land Degradation          the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
be crucial to the successful      Neutrality (LDN) Fund.
implementation and                                                                 The layered structure allows the LDN
                                  The fund is a blended finance vehicle            Fund to offer different risk-return
ultimately the commercial         investing in projects that promote               profiles for different investors, with
viability of projects. They       sustainable land management and the              the junior tranche (funded using public
can also be used to build         rehabilitation of degraded land through          and philanthropic funds) de-risking the
                                  investments in sustainable agriculture           more senior tranches and incentivising
capacity in other areas such
                                  and forestry among other land-use                private investment.20 The use of blended
as financial management,          sectors. The target size of the fund is          finance also facilitates the provision of
contracting, business model       USD 300 million, with investment from            technical assistance, longer repayment
                                  senior investors (70% of the total) who are      periods and repayment grace periods,
development, or impact
                                  aiming for commercial returns, as well as        which are necessary due to the long
monitoring and evaluation.        junior investors (30%) who are providing         time horizon over which many land
These grants for technical        concessional capital. 20–30% of the USD          rehabilitation and forestry projects take
                                  300 million raised will be first-loss capital,   place and the significant gap between
assistance can be often
                                  most of it from public investors. At the         initial investments and the first cashflows
provided by donors through        project level, the fund takes a mezzanine        generated by projects.21 22 The fund aims
a dedicated fund running in       position, with the aim of attracting             to show private investors the potential of
parallel to an investment         additional commercial funding to scale           investing in natural capital, catalysing new
                                  up promising projects.19 Private investors       investment.23
vehicle.                          include Fondaction, BNP Paribas Cardif,
                                  and Garance.                           

                                  Likely providers

                                  Donors and
                                  Multi-donor Funds
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                10

Type 3
Guarantees and Risk Insurance

Description                       Case study
                                  The Seychelles Blue Bond

Risk guarantees protect           In 2018, the Seychelles issued the world’s     The World Bank (IBRD) issued a
                                  first sovereign blue bond, with the aim of     repayment guarantee worth USD 5 million,
investors against losses, as      financing sustainable fisheries and marine     while the Global Environment Facility
part of a capital structure.      protection. The bond raised USD 15 million     (GEF) provided USD 5 million as a non-
This de-risks projects that       from international investors with USD 5        grant instrument, which offers a 40-year
                                  million purchased privately by each of         maturity period at a fixed interest rate of
are initially perceived to be     three impact investors in the USA: Calvert     0.25%, with a 10-year grace period.
too risky by private investors.   Impact Capital, Nuveen, and Prudential.
The guarantor will agree                                                         Without these support mechanisms,
                                  The bond demonstrated the potential for        the interest rate on the bond could have
to cover the loss (in full        countries to harness capital markets for       been as high as 8%, given the Seychelles’
or in part) of a third-party      financing the sustainable use of marine        small tax base, low credit rating and
financing transaction in the      resources.24 Of this, USD 12 million is        previous history of defaulting on sovereign
                                  earmarked for the Bank of Seychelles-          obligations in 2008. As it stands, the rate
case of non-repayment or
                                  controlled Blue Investment Fund, which         of interest is 2–3%.26 The Seychelles Blue
loss of value. Guarantees         will be used to invest in projects that will   Bond marks an important step forward in
allow transactions to attract     deliver financial returns to investors. The    the field of financing for nature in that it
                                  remaining USD 3 million is earmarked           tested and demonstrated the willingness
capital at more favourable
                                  for the Blue Grants Fund, controlled by        of private donors to step in at a sovereign
rates. Other risk mitigation      the Seychelles Conservation and Climate        level to offset government debt in pursuit
instruments such as political     Adaptation Trust (SEYCCAT).                    of conservation-related goals.27
risk insurance play a similar
                                  Projects funded by SEYCCAT are not   
role.                             expected to deliver financial returns.25       press-release/2018/10/29/seychelles-
                                  The government of the Seychelles will be       launches-worlds-first-sovereign-blue-
                                  responsible for repaying the debt. Blended     bond
                                  finance was instrumental in reducing the
                                  risk of default and keeping the interest
                                  rate manageable.

                                  Likely providers

                                  Donors and             Development
                                  Multi-donor Funds      Finance Institutions
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                               11

Type 4
Concessional Finance

Description                      Case study
                                 The Forest Resilience Bond

Concessional finance is          In California, where one in three homes       Fund manager Blue Forest Conservation
                                 is at risk of wildfire, the funding gap       aims to issue additional bonds and
provided by public entities      for improving forest management and           mobilise enough capital to fund projects in
on more favourable terms in      reducing wildfire risks is estimated at       the USD 10–25 million range.
order to mobilise commercial     USD 6 billion.28 The Forest Resilience
                                 Bond (FRB) aims to help bridge this gap       The FRB relies on a cashflow provided
capital. Debt or equity at       by mobilising investments from private        by beneficiaries of the forest ecosystem
below-market rates helps         and philanthropic capital to finance forest   services, including the Water Agency and
to lower the overall cost of     restoration activities at a greater speed     the water utility company, which share
                                 and scale across the western United           the costs of reimbursing investors over
capital and mobilise finance     States.29                                     time. These are fixed cost-share payments
from more risk-averse                                                          based on project outcomes, which include
investors. This includes         The Yuba Project was created in 2018 as       avoided fire risks, improved water quality
                                 a collaboration between fund manager          and reduced sedimentation, and water
accepting subordinate or                                                       quantities. Contracted payments to
                                 Blue Forest Conservation, Tahoe National
junior terms (first-loss or      Forest, the Yuba Water Agency and the         investors will be made for up to 10 years,
junior equity) compared          National Forest Foundation. The project       in line with the timing of benefits expected.
                                 mobilised USD 4 million from private and
to other co-investors.
                                 philanthropic sources via the issuance        The FRB model is innovative in that it
Concessional loans can also      of a bond to protect 15,000 ha of the         takes a systemic approach to forest health
effectively reduce the overall   Tahoe National Forest from wildfire risk.     and ecosystem services, making use of the
                                 Early-stage design grants were provided       expertise and resources from a range of
interest rate of financing
                                 by The Rockefeller Foundation and the         public and private stakeholders. Another
if other lenders provide         Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to          defining aspect of the FRB is its ability
market-rate loans, thereby       enable the development of the model           to raise private capital to fund the full
improving the affordability      including stakeholder collaboration.          cost of restoration upfront, meaning that
                                 The foundations additionally committed        restoration activities can be implemented
of finance to the investee.      concessional debt at below market rates,      immediately.30
Concessional capital can also    enabling private investors Calvert Impact
be provided conditional on       Capital and CSAA Insurance Group to 
                                 invest in the bond at a higher rate.          resilience-bond
a pre-agreed set of results
(‘impact-linked loans’ or
‘results-based financing’),
which provide investors with     Likely providers
the assurance that financing
will be effectively tied to
its intended ecological and
social impact.

                                 Philanthropic          Donors and             Development
                                 Foundations            Multi-donor Funds      Finance Institutions
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                         12


Insight 1                                                           Insight 2
Design-stage grants play an important role in                       Technical assistance grants offer government
nature-related transactions. This is because                        donors a way to participate in blended
NBS solutions benefit more from a discovery                         finance by using non-commercial grants
phase, as their markets and solutions are less                      for development impact, while also helping
developed.                                                          kick-start market models and an enabling
                                                                    environment for private investment in
                                                                    environmental goods.

Design-stage grants from           This funding is frequently       Implementing most NBS              In addition, technical assistance
public and philanthropic           provided through dedicated       projects requires the active       grants can enable the
donors play a fundamental          ‘accelerators’ such as           work of local stakeholders         participation of a larger range
role in helping early-stage        Convergence Design Funding,      such as local NGOs, small          of funders, such as government
NBS mechanisms to become           the Global Innovation Lab for    businesses, local communities,     donor agencies, which may
bankable.31 This up-front          Climate Finance, the Blue        small-scale farmers and            not have the fiduciary mandate
finance is especially important    Natural Capital Financing        artisanal fishers, who often       to get involved in commercial
in NBS where the early-            Facility, and the TNC Natural    require training in technical,     transactions. Setting up
stage research requirements        Climate Solutions Accelerator,   business or financial skills.34    technical assistance facilities
are high: baseline data and        which provide design-stage                                          outside commercial vehicles
systems to track impacts may       funding to promising projects   Building the capacity of these      and focussing on building
be lacking, business models        but do not offer additional     stakeholders can in turn be         local capacities with clear
may require proof of concept,      forms of capital.33             vital to the viability of an NBS    development objectives provides
and investment structures                                          investment. Grant funding can       a route for donors to help
may need to be developed and       In the case of the Forest       help fund the development of        support these transactions.
proven. Design-stage grants        Resilience Bond, where it was   necessary data and baselines
are likely to be a critical part   determined that an innovative   and the skills training to ensure   In the case of the Land
of growing the blended finance     model was needed, early-        that recipients of funding          Degradation Neutrality Fund,
market for nature-based            stage grant funding provided    are equipped to implement           grant funding from AFD and
solutions.32                       the resources needed to carry projects effectively. Grant-          the GEF supported training in
                                   out the economic analysis       based technical assistance is       technical skills for sustainable
                                   needed to develop the model     also critical to improve impact     forestry and regenerative
                                   and prove its viability as well measurement, reporting and          agriculture projects, as well as
                                   as to engage a diverse range of transparency – often cost           the development of baselines
                                   public and private stakeholders requirements that can reduce        that will be used to measure and
                                   to maximise stakeholder buy-in the commercial viability of          demonstrate positive impact,
                                   and their contribution to the   enterprises operating in            which will in turn encourage
                                   model’s chances of success.     nascent markets.35                  more investors to increase their
                                                                                                       exposure to investing in NBS.36
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                           13

Insight 3                                                             Insight 4
Concessional capital, the most commonly                               Results-based finance can help strengthen
used mode of blended finance for nature, can                          blended transactions, by providing greater
improve the rate of return for investors, while                       confidence in particular to public investors and
risk guarantees will help NBS projects become                         donors that their support for blended finance
bankable.                                                             transactions for nature will have a strong
                                                                      outcome focus.

The case of the Forest              In the case of the Seychelles     While impact bonds and other      Under the terms of the bond,
Resilience Bond demonstrates        Blue Bond, the USD 5 million      forms of ‘payment for results’    investors will not receive
that concessional capital does      repayment guarantee provided      have been widely used in the      an annual coupon payment.
not need to be subordinate          by the World Bank helped          social impact space, meaning      Instead, they will be repaid
to be catalytic. While all four     reduce the risk of government     that they are familiar to impact  their original capital once
investors invested the same         default on repayment              investors, results-based          the bond matures — plus an
amount, the two concessional        obligations, reducing the         financing is at a very early      additional payout depending
investors accepted a lower          interest rate on the bond and     stage when it comes to blended    on whether or not rhino
interest rate, which allowed for    providing investors with peace    finance for NBS.40                population targets have been
an affordable rate of repayment     of mind.                                                            met, allowing them to make a
and attractive commercial                                             Two new vehicles to be taken to profit. The cost of the additional
returns for the two commercial      Guarantees have played an         market in 2021 — the Wildlife     results-based payout will be
investors.37 The high risks (both   instrumental role in credit-      Conservation Bond and the         funded by the GEF.41
real and perceived) associated      enhancing bonds: 67% of the       Cloud Forest Blue Energy
with NBS investments make           blended finance transactions      Mechanism — will likely have a Environmental Impact Bonds
the use of risk guarantees or       that were bonds launched          broader demonstration effect      (EIBs) are only just emerging
first-loss capital a critical way   between 2017–2019 used            on the value of using results-    in this space but are seen as
of improving the bankability        guarantees or risk insurance,     based financing in blended        an important results-based
of projects.38 In addition to       increasing their likelihood of    finance transactions as an        finance instrument to scale
first-loss, guarantees can be       achieving investment-grade        investor confidence-building      nature-based solutions with
tailored to mitigate the specific   ratings, which is a requirement   measure. In the case of the       sound impact measurement
risks that may impede private       of most institutional             Wildlife Conservation Bond,       at the core. A newly launched
investments, particularly in        investors.39                      the World Bank is creating a      Global Fund for Coral Reefs
developing countries.                                                 structured bond that will raise is also exploring results-
                                                                      finance from private investors    based financing options as an
                                                                      for rhino conservation activities attractive way of paying for
                                                                      in two nature reserves in South tangible conservation results.42
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                     14


“ Coming in at an early stage, foundations
  can help to set up, catalyse and unlock
  high-potential markets for nature-based
  solutions. The support of foundations
  has shown to be a critical enabler of new
  models and increasing the comfort levels of
  commercial investors in the early stages of
  this market. They must be comfortable with
  a long and risky timeline to success.”

 Adam Connaker, Director of Innovative Finance,
 The Rockefeller Foundation
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                           15

Recommendation 1                              Initiatives that can increase investor         Recommendation 2
                                              education on NBS are also needed, helping
All together now                              translate how to build nature-positive
                                                                                             Public finance institutions
                                              portfolios through day-to-day investment
Blended finance for nature is ultimately      decision-making. In particular, on the         Public finance institutions, including
about the catalytic use of public funds to    private investor side, it is necessary to go   government donors, DFIs and sovereign
increase the ‘bankability’ of nature-based beyond the small group of impact investors        funds have demonstrated the critical
solutions by private investors, and create    involved, and activate the engagement of       role they can play in providing the grant
markets that fully recognise natural          long-term capital – especially through         funding and concessional capital needed
capital as underpinning the viability of      pension funds and insurance companies.         to kick-start and accelerate the market for
economic investments. An important            This will require identifying the type of      investing in nature-based solutions.
task is therefore to engage public finance    products and mechanisms that fit within        However, our analysis of the majority of
institutions to provide de-risking capital on their portfolios, helping organisations that   blended finance transactions for nature
a bigger scale.                               are creating new nature-based financing        over the last ten years reveals a rather
                                              concepts to design them for scale and          small pool of the same public finance
A range of public entities, from DFIs to      attract larger investment ticket sizes.        institutions engaged in supporting the
multilateral funds, are demonstrating                                                        same deals.43 Widening the pool of donors,
that it is possible to use their balance      Long-term investors such as pension funds      DFIs and other public financing entities is
sheets to guarantee investors or provide      and insurance companies will be uniquely       vital for this market to grow.
other forms of support such as technical      positioned to consider using their balance
assistance, and to do so in line with their   sheets to support the growth of NBS            The linkages of NBS as a conduit for
public development mandate. Growing the investments that need longer timeframes              climate finance (i.e., seeing nature as a
share of public, private and philanthropic    of maturity, if this is done in tandem with    cost-effective climate solution) is expected
investors that are unlocking finance for      a growing participation of de-risking          to be one of the drivers through which
nature will require going beyond individual guarantees provided by public finance            public finance institutions — DFIs and
transactions. Market-building efforts must institutions.                                     donors — increase their willingness to
focus on facilitating access to baseline                                                     consider NBS investments. For example,
assessments, monitoring and verification Finally, there are simply not enough                the UK government, in its drive to increase
systems to provide a wide market              deals on the table. Identifying, designing     climate finance strategically as the
infrastructure.                               and supporting programmes and                  host of COP26 in 2021, has committed
                                              mechanisms that can better articulate          GBP 3 billion to NBS over the next five
                                              the market information and interests of        years, which is intended to support the
                                              these investment sectors, to come into         development of a larger global pipeline of
                                              contact with one another, understand           NBS projects.44
                                              mutual opportunities, and connect around
                                              transactions, themes and regions of
                                              interest. A suite of market-building efforts
                                              is an important vector of growth for the
                                              future of blended finance transactions for
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                            16

Actions for public institutions include:      — Government donors and multi-donor           Recommendation 3
                                                funds: A key factor in engaging donors
— Development Finance Institutions:             and donor funds with blended finance
                                                                                            Philanthropic foundations
  DFIs, including multilateral development      deals for nature will be whether their
  banks, must increase the budget lines         mandates allow the use of taxpayer          Philanthropic funding represents a
  available for risk-taking concessional        funding as part of commercial               relatively small pool of funds in blended
  capital to support NBS investments.           investment vehicles. If this is not the     finance transactions for nature, in
  They can do so via a range of de-risking      case (or if the internal agency expertise   comparison to government funds. However,
  capital instruments, including risk           or buy-in is not there yet), the majority   a group of US-based foundations have had
  guarantees or first-loss investments.         of donor agencies and funds will still      an outsized impact in the development of
  Increasing their portfolio allocation         be able to set up technical assistance      this nascent investment space.
  to these instruments may require              grants and technical assistance
  new investment windows, but just as           facilities, which build the capacity of     Foundations often play a strategic role by
  important will be to develop the internal     local organisations and allow them to       providing early-stage research grants, and
  understanding and buy-in from senior          participate and benefit from market         design-stage blueprints and pilots, that
  management of the opportunities for           mechanisms. That these technical            support the formative stages of innovative
  their DFIs to use NBS as a strategy for       assistance grants are provided              finance transactions and instruments to
  sustainable growth in their regions that      separately and through a facility that      reach an investment closing stage. This
  also makes investment sense. This can         operates outside (but in coordination       is the case of philanthropy collectives
  best be done by focusing on thematic          with) the commercial investment             such as the Climate Finance Lab and
  investment opportunities that are most        vehicle, provides donors with a safe        the philanthropic funding windows of
  relevant in their regions, and helping        space for experimentation, in aligning      Convergence. Philanthropic foundations
  DFIs identify how to increase their           grants and capacity building that they      are a key early-stage stakeholder, and
  exposure to NBS deals in a way that is        would fund anyway more strategically        are involved in over half of all the blended
  regionally specific. DFIs do not always       with investment mechanisms that can         finance deals for nature in the market.
  need to come into an investment with a        leverage and attract the private sector.
  higher risk-taking profile than private       For those multilateral funds that do        There are only a very few examples of
  investors, as there will be opportunities     have the mandate and expertise to           foundations participating as investors in
  to invest in NBS where DFIs can do so on      use their funds catalytically as part       blended finance transactions for NBS.
  equal terms to private investors.45           of blended finance, the model of the        These include the David and Lucile
                                                Global Environment Facility’s (GEF)         Packard Foundation and MacArthur
                                                participation in blended finance deals      Foundation as investors of junior equity
                                                deploying a range of instruments            into the Terra Silva investment vehicle, and
                                                provides a template for action. However,    The Rockefeller Foundation and Gordon
                                                acting through multilateral funds that      and Betty Moore Foundation capital
                                                focus on blended finance, such as           investments in the Forest Resilience Bond
                                                the GEF, governments can contribute         in California.
                                                to strengthen a global response and
                                                pipeline to finance NBS, in alignment       Foundations at the forefront of pioneering
                                                with key global frameworks and              blended finance for NBS transactions have
                                                conventions such as CBD and UNFCCC.         been willing to accept the possibility of
                                                                                            failure that comes with testing and piloting
                                                                                            creative solutions. They have also been
                                                                                            willing to invest in building the market
                                                                                            architecture, by supporting research into
                                                                                            opportunities that can educate investors
                                                                                            and build buy-in among other types of
                                                                                            public and private investors.
                                                                                            Philanthropists (foundations, high-net
                                                                                            worth individuals and family offices) have
                                                                                            a critical role to play in diversifying and
                                                                                            growing the market of blended finance
                                                                                            investments for nature, whether through
                                                                                            catalytic grants, or ‘impact-first’ high-risk

THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                          17

Actions for public institutions include:     Recommendation 4                             Increasing the exposure of private
                                                                                          investors to these deals will require a
— For foundations not yet involved,
                                             Private investors                            clearer communication of the positive
  and philanthropy advisors: For all its                                                  investment performance of these
  potential, the universe of foundations     While private capital is present in over     instruments. More transparency on their
  involved in these transactions is rather half of the transactions reviewed, the         impact will be also needed, in particular
  small. Hundreds more foundations           number of private investors active in this   to support results-based financing options
  can have an outsized impact in this        space is small. A handful of pioneering      that can link finance to a positive increase
  space, using the template already          fund managers and impact investors           in ecosystem services. Finally, a critical
  developed by leading foundations in        have led the advancement of blended          barrier for institutional investors such
  these transactions. They can do so by      finance transactions for nature-based        as pension funds will be the size of the
  participating in philanthropy collectives, solutions. In particular, impact investors   transactions. This will be a challenge
  which has the benefit of providing         such as Calvert Impact Capital have          for specific investment products, where
  foundations still at an early stage of     taken investment positions in a range of     aggregation of products into larger
  the learning curve with a pipeline of      innovative transactions, bringing market     investment options will be increasingly
  projects and the advice of experienced     rate capital to innovative investments.      important for these opportunities to be
  foundations. Alternatively, they can                                                    distributed to investors, and for this sector
  engage directly with a range of NGOs       A small number of global banks have acted to grow in scale.
  and other actors developing these deals. as lead managers or placement agents
  More support and guidance is needed,       for these transactions, bringing their
  including from philanthropy advisors       core skills and expertise to develop the
  who themselves need to build their         market. They too have a facilitation role to
  knowledge and advisory capacity on         play in exploring how to accelerate their
  what foundations and philanthropists       support for NBS as part of their portfolios
  can do to use their capital more           and investment activities, in tandem with
  catalytically to support the early-stage creating more interest from institutional
  development of blended finance for         investors and asset owners.
                                             One route to accelerate change is to
— For foundations already involved in        educate investors about the opportunity
  blended finance: These foundations are to invest in nature-based solutions,
  already at the forefront of this agenda.   encouraging them to advocate with
  However, the experience of a handful       financial advisors for more exposure to
  of US-based foundations shows that         these kinds of deals. Pension funds and
  there are growing possibilities to use     insurance companies are uniquely placed
  philanthropic grants, including through to embrace nature-based deals, since the
  programme-related investments that         longer time frame of these opportunities
  can play a catalytic role. For instance,   is better aligned with their capital,
  this can be done by providing convertible alongside a growing participation of public
  grants or taking junior positions in       finance institutions contributing to de-risk
  financing instruments or funds. A          transactions, for example through first-
  closer coordination between grants         loss guarantees.
  provided for the early stages of blended
  finance transactions, with commercial
  positions, through programme-related
  investments, will continue to develop the
  blended finance playbook for nature-
  based solutions, and increase the
  leverage that foundations can deliver
  together with innovative grant capital.
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                      18


In carrying out this analysis, Earth       1 Funds                                      Sources
Security identified and reviewed a           A fund is a pool of capital from many
total of 31 investment vehicles which        sources. Funds can be layered to           The vehicles were identified through a
have reached at least a pilot stage and      distribute risks and returns differently   review of existing databases of blended
which have mobilised blended finance         to commercial and concessional             finance including Convergence, the Global
in some way to fund nature-based             investors.                                 Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (only
solutions. The list excludes investment                                                 vehicles at the pilot/replication stage),
vehicles that may be at a concept stage,                                                the Blended Finance Taskforce, as well
as well as those which leverage public     2 Facilities                                 as the Global Environment Facility (GEF)’s
and private finance but do not take a        A facility is an earmarked allocation of   resources on blended finance. They are
blended finance approach of deploying        public (and sometimes philanthropic)       not intended to provide an exhaustive list
public capital to de-risk private            funding, which can invest in projects      of all such transactions and are based only
investment. The vehicles reviewed fall       with the aim of attracting commercial      on publicly disclosed information.
into three categories:                       investment to those same projects.

                                           3 Bonds
                                             A bond is a fixed-income product
                                             representing a loan made by an investor
                                             to a borrower. Bonds are frequently
                                             used by governments to finance

Name                    Instrument    Ecosystem       Blended Finance                                                        Target
                        or Vehicle    Impact
                                                      Type 1           Type 2           Type 3          Type 4          USD million

&Green Fund             Fund          Forests                          Technical                        Concessional            400
                                                                       Assistance                       Finance

Africa Forest           Fund          Forests                          Technical                        Concessional            300
Carbon Catalyst                                                        Assistance                       Finance

Agri3 Fund              Fund          Forests                          Technical        Guarantee       Concessional            205
                                                                       Assistance       and Risk        Finance
                                                                       Funds            Insurance

Althelia                Fund          Forests                                           Guarantee       Concessional            100
Biodiversity                                                                            and Risk        Finance
Fund Brazil                                                                             Insurance

Althelia                Fund          Forests                          Technical        Guarantee       Concessional            120
Climate Funds                                                          Assistance       and Risk        Finance
                                                                       Funds            Insurance

Arbaro Fund             Fund          Forests                                                           Concessional            110

Caapora                 Fund          Forests                          Technical                        Concessional            18.1
Socio-Climate                                                          Assistance                       Finance
Benefits Fund                                                          Funds

Continues on next page
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                      19

Name                    Instrument   Ecosystem     Blended Finance                                           Target
                        or Vehicle   Impact
                                                   Type 1        Type 2       Type 3      Type 4         USD million

Cloud Forest            Fund         Forests       Design and                                                    30
Blue Energy                                        Preparation
Mechanism                                          Funds

DC Water EIB            Bond         Rivers and                                           Concessional           25
                                     Riparian                                             Finance            Fund         Multiple                    Technical                Concessional          383
Fund                                                             Assistance               Finance

Forestry and            Fund         Forests                     Technical                Concessional        15–20
Climate Change                                                   Assistance               Finance
Fund (FCCF)                                                      Funds

Forest Resilience       Bond         Forests       Design and                             Concessional           8.3
Bond                                               Preparation                            Finance

Global Fund for         Fund         Coastal and                 Technical    Guarantee   Concessional          500
Coral Reefs                          Marine                      Assistance   and Risk    Finance
                                                                 Funds        Insurance

Land Degradation        Fund         Multiple                    Technical                Concessional          300
Neutrality Fund                                                  Assistance               Finance

Livelihoods             Fund         Forests                     Technical    Guarantee   Concessional          109
Carbon Fund 3                                                    Assistance   and Risk    Finance
                                                                 Funds        Insurance

Meloy Fund for          Fund         Coastal and                 Technical                Concessional           22
Sustainable Com-                     Marine                      Assistance               Finance
munity Fisheries                                                 Funds

Mobilising              Fund         Forests                                  Guarantee   Concessional          212
Forests for                                                                   and Risk    Finance
Finance (MFF)                                                                 Insurance

Moringa Fund            Fund         Forests                     Technical                Concessional          103
                                                                 Assistance               Finance

Nature+                 Fund         Multiple                    Technical                Concessional          200
Accelerator                                                      Assistance               Finance

Responsible             Facility     Forests                                  Guarantee   Concessional          339
Commodities                                                                   and Risk    Finance
Facility                                                                      Insurance

Continues on next page
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                       20

Name                    Instrument   Ecosystem      Blended Finance                                           Target
                        or Vehicle   Impact
                                                    Type 1        Type 2       Type 3      Type 4         USD million

Restoration             Facility     Forests                                               Concessional           30
Seed Capital                                                                               Finance

Seychelles              Bond         Coastal and                               Guarantee   Concessional           15
Blue Bond                            Marine                                    and Risk    Finance

Seychelles              Fund         Coastal and                                           Concessional          21.6
Debt-for-Nature                      Marine                                                Finance

Smallholder             Fund         Forests                      Technical    Guarantee   Concessional           51
Forestry Vehicle                                                  Assistance   and Risk    Finance
                                                                  Funds        Insurance

Sustainable             Fund         Coastal and                               Guarantee   Concessional          132
Ocean Fund                           Marine                                    and Risk    Finance

Terra Bella             Fund         Forests                      Technical                Concessional          100
Colombia Fund                                                     Assistance               Finance

Terra Silva             Fund         Forests                                               Concessional           90

Tropical Asia           Fund         Forests                                               Concessional          300
Forest Fund 2                                                                              Finance
(TAFF 2)

Tropical                Facility     Forests                      Technical    Guarantee   Concessional          350
Landscape                                                         Assistance   and Risk    Finance
Finance Facility                                                  Funds        Insurance

Wildlife                Bond         Wildlife                                              Concessional           45
Conservation                         Conservation                                          Finance

Working Forest          Fund         Forests                                               Concessional          500
Fund                                                                                       Finance

Total Target                                                                                                   5,139
THE BLENDED FINANCE PLAYBOOK                                                                                                          21


1 ‘State of Finance for Nature’ UN           14 The definitions of blended finance          27 ‘Global Fund for Coral Reefs: Terms of
   Environment Programme, May 2021.             modes has drawn on the following               Reference (2020-2030)’, Conservation
2 ‘A fifth of countries worldwide at risk       resources: ‘The State of Blended               Finance Alliance, April 2020.
   from ecosystem collapse as biodiversity      Finance 2020’, Convergence, 2020;           28 ‘Forest Resilience Bond’, Blue Forest
   declines, reveals pioneering Swiss Re        ‘The Little Book of Investing in Nature’,      Conservation, 2017.
   index’ Swiss Re, September 23, 2020.         Tobin-de la Puente, J. & Mitchell,          29 ‘Case Study: The Forest Resilience
3 ‘IPCC Special Report on Climate               A.W. (eds.), Global Canopy, 2021;              Bond (FRB)’, Convergence, 2020.
   Change, Desertification, Land                ‘Catalytic First-loss Capital’, Global      30 ‘The Forest Resilience Bond’, Coalition
   Degradation, Sustainable Land                Impact Investing Network, October              for Private Investment in Conservation
   Management, Food Security, and               2013; ‘SDC Handbook on Private                 (CPIC). Available at: http://cpicfinance.
   Greenhouse gas fluxes in Terrestrial         Sector Engagement’, Swiss Agency for           com/the-forest-resilience-bond/
   Ecosystems,’ Summary for                     Development and Cooperation, January           (accessed 29 March 2021).
   Policymakers, Intergovernmental Panel        2021; ‘Blended Finance: Bridging the        31 ‘The Reforestation Accelerator: A
   on Climate Change (IPCC), 2019.              Sustainable Development Finance Gap’,          Powerful Tool for Driving Natural
4 ‘Natural climate solutions’, Griscom,         OECD, 2017.                                    Climate Solutions’, The Nature
   B.W. et al, Proceedings of the National   15 ‘Cloud Forest Blue Energy Mechanism’,          Conservancy, May 20, 2020.
   Academy of Sciences of the United            Global Innovation Lab for Climate           32 ‘Data brief: Blending in Conservation
   States of America, 2017.                     Finance, 2018.                                 Finance’, Convergence, October 2019.
5 ‘Financing the Earth’s assets: The         16 ‘New impact investment instrument           33 ‘The State of Blended Finance 2020’,
   case for mangroves as a nature-based         targets cloud forests and energy               Convergence, 2020.
   climate solution’ Earth Security,            security in Latin America’, Development     34 ‘Global Fund for Coral Reefs: Terms of
   December 2020.                               Aid, 2018.                                     Reference (2020-2030)’, Conservation
6 ‘IUCN Global Standard for Nature-          17 ‘Cloud Forest Blue Energy Mechanism:           Finance Alliance, April 2020.
   based Solutions: first edition’,             Instrument Analysis, Global Innovation      35 ‘Investing in partnership with nature:
   International Union for Conservation of      Lab for Climate Finance, 2017.                 An interview with Jennifer Pryce,
   Nature (IUCN), 2020.                      18 ‘Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)             President and CEO, Calvert Impact
7 Ovalle-Rivera O, Läderach P, Bunn             Fund: An innovative impact investment          Capital’, Earth Security, January 2021.
   C, Obersteiner M, Schroth G (2015)           fund for soil health, with a linked TA      36 ‘The Little Book of Investing in Nature’,
   ‘Projected Shifts in Coffea arabica          facility’, Mirova, 2019.                       Tobin-de la Puente, J. & Mitchell, A.W.
   Suitability among Major Global            19 ‘Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)             (eds.), Global Canopy, 2021.
   Producing Regions Due to Climate             Fund’, Center for International Forestry    37 ‘The Forest Resilience Bond Case
   Change’. PLoS ONE 10(4).                     Research (CIFOR), 2015.                        Study’, Convergence, June 2020.
8 ‘Scaling private investments in            20 ‘Land Degradation Neutrality Fund: An       38 ‘Annual Impact Investor Survey 2018’,
   conservation: five barriers and five         innovative fund project dedicated to           Global Impact Investing Network, June
   solutions’, Coalition for Private            sustainable land use’ Mirova, 2017.            2018.
   Investment in Conservation (CPIC),        21 ‘The Business Case for Investing in Soil    39 ‘The State of Blended Finance 2020’,
   2020.                                        Health’, World Business Council for            Convergence, 2020.
9 ‘Investing in partnership with nature:        Sustainable Development (WBCSD),            40 ‘Environmental Impact Bonds: Where
   An interview with Jennifer Pryce,            2018.                                          are they now?’, Austin Thompson, UNC
   President and CEO, Calvert Impact         22 ‘Sustainable risk-adjusted returns             Chapel Hill, July 2020.
   Capital’, Earth Security, 2021.              through natural capital’, Queru, G.,        41 ‘World’s First Wildlife Bond to Track
10 Visit Convergence’s blended finance          LAPF Investments, 2017.                        Rhino Numbers in Africa’, Bloomberg
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