GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange

Page created by Sergio Wallace
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Official Publication of the Pennsylvania State Grange

                                                   January/February 2021

     Grange News
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Winter Garden Activity Guide
                               Lisa Marie Bernardo, Master Gardener, Butler County, PA
                                                Penn State Extension
Even    in   winter,   planning,
equipment preparation, and care           Look over your gardening attire.
of trees and shrubs can help get          Wash or purchase new gardening
gardeners ready for the growing           gloves. Replace gloves that have
season.                                   holes and tatters, which can allow
                                          s o i l o r c h e m i c a l s o n t o yo u r
Planning                                  hands. Look over gardening shoes
                                          and boots and repair or replace
Finalize your vegetable and flower         damaged footwear. Having sturdy
garden plans. Research and select         footwear prevents foot injuries                New leaves and blooms may
the plant varieties, as well as the       and promotes balance while                     appear during the blooming cycle.
number of plants required for             working outdoors                               Offer fertilizer every other
your desired harvest. Draw your                                                          month.
plans on paper or take                    Indoor plants
photographs; measure your                                                                Remove the floral stalk from your
garden plots for greater accuracy         Give your indoor house plants                  amaryllis (Hippeastrum spp.) after
in determining the number of              some much-needed attention.                    the flowers have faded. Continue
seeds and plants you will need.           Wipe leaves with a damp cloth,                 to water and fertilize the bulbs
Purchase a paper notebook or a            removing any holiday dust and                  during the winter.
flash drive to start this year's           glitter. Keep the soil moist but
garden journal.                           not soggy, as soils tend to dry out            Paperwhite narcissus (Narcissus
                                          more quickly during the winter                 tazetta) bulbs can be discarded
Equipment preparation                     months. Snip away dead or                      after blooming, as they are not
                                          discolored leaves. Inspect leaves              likely to rebloom.
Inventory your seed-starting              and stems for signs of insects,
supplies and equipment. Based on          such as mealybugs and scale.                   Outdoor wildlife and plants
your garden size, determine the           Isolate and treat plants that
number of seedlings you want for          appear to be infected or discard               Keep bird feeders full, clean, and
yourself and perhaps for family           the plants in the trash.                       well-maintained. Pay attention to
and friends. Decide if you want to                                                       any destruction from large and
use peat pots, plastic trays or           Holiday flowering plants after-                 small animals; repair broken
other containers. Assure that you         bloom care:                                    feeders and replace damaged
have enough seed starter                  Place poinsettias (Euphorbia                   feeder parts.
medium, pots, seeds, and trays.           pulcherrima) in bright light and
Check your lig ht source and              keep the soil moist. Discard                   Walk outdoors and prune dead
replace bulbs if needed. Onions           poinsettias that lose their leaves             limbs from trees and shrubs. Take
and leeks can be started in early         or show signs of insects or                    note of exposed crowns of
February.                                 disease.                                       perennials such as coral bells and
                                                                                         push them back into the soil. On
Inspect your garden tools. Decide         Pinch off spent blooms from the                warm days, watch for honey bees,
which tools to keep, replace or           Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera                and look for hellebore f lowers
donate. Research new tools that           spp.) and keep this plant in bright            and blooming witch hazels!
you may need. If not completed in         light with moist soil.
the fall, clean tools and repair                                                         Give alkaline-loving shrubs, such
broken ones. Sharpen shears and           Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)                   as forsythia, lilac and caryopteris,
pruners.                                  tubers should continue to bloom                a treat by sprinkling fireplace
                                          during the winter months. Avoid                ashes around their base. Wood
Take stock of your gardening              wetting the leaves and stems and               ashes contain phosphorus,
accessories, such as tomato               drain away excess water to                     considerable potassium and
cages, labels, and containers.            prevent tuber rot. Pluck faded                 calcium, and traces of minor
Repair and clean items as needed.         flowers and leaves from the plant.              elements. (cont. on page 19)

2      January/February 2021
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

                                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                         2    Cover Story - Winter Garden

                                                                         4    From The President’s Desk
             Pennsylvania Grange News
                                                                         5    Chaplain's Corner
              20 Erford Road, Suite 216
                 Lemoyne, PA 17043
                                                                         6    Membership News
                                                                         8    Family Activities Director
                 Editor In Chief
                                                                         9    Program Director
               Wayne D. Campbell
        Pennsylvania State Grange President
                                                                         10 Lecturer Contest Winners
                                                                         12 History Committee
                    Assistant Editor
                       Jane Birk
                                                                         13 Deaf & Community Service
                  Publishing Editors
                                                                         14 Youth News
                    Brittany Covey
                     Lizzie Bailey
                                                                         16 150th Anniversary
                  2021 Deadlines
                                                                         20 Junior Grange
              March/April 2021 (Issue 2)
                  February 1, 2021
                                                                         22 Government Matters
               May/June 2021 (Issue 3)
                                                                         25 What's Happening Across PA
                   April 1, 2021
                                                                         29 Did You Know?
              July/August 2021 (Issue 4)
                    June 1, 2021
                                                                         30 New Members/In Memoriam
          September/October 2021 (Issue 5)
                                                                         31 Calendar of Events
                  August 1, 2021
                                                                         32 Grange Benefits
                      Follow the
             Pennsylvania State Grange
               Twitter - @PAGrangePR
              Facebook - PaStateGrange                                        Cover Photo taken by Lindsay
                                                                             Schroeder of Little Linds Photos.
    A portion of members' dues is paid as a subscription.

                                                                                   Advertisement Disclaimer
Title: Pennsylvania Grange News                                          The views and opinions expressed in the
Issue: January/February 2021                                             advertisements of this issue are those of the
Statement of Frequency: Bi-monthly                                       authors and do not necessarily reflect or
Authorized organization's name & address:                                represent the views and opinions of the
Pennsylvania State Grange                                                Pennsylvania State Grange.
20 Erford Road, Suite 216
Lemoyne, PA 17043

                                                                                  January/February 2021            3
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
From the President's Desk
                         Wayne D. Campbell
                         PA State Grange President

         2020 is finally behind us!           today. It's up to each one of us to    I look forward to this because we
U n f o r t u n a t e l y , t h e Covid 19   help create a light at the end of     have people joining us from
Pandemic is following us into                the tunnel. We need to be each        Maine, Vermont, Florida,
2021. We learned a lot in 2020               other's support partner. We need      California, and Pennsylvania each
about what is important to us and            to be there to take our neighbor,     week. It provides that social time
those around us. We realized how             our parents, or a friend to the       we are all missing and so much
what we take for granted every               doctors. Buying local helps build     desire. If you would like to join us,
day can be lost in a heartbeat.              up our local economy, it helps        please send an email to
That sudden trip to the grocery              provide jobs in the communities in
store for just an item or two,               which we live, and it allows us to    stating you would like to join us
spending an evening with friends             build a relationship wi th the        for the Wednesday night Bingo
for a backyard BBQ, going to a               person behind the counter. All of     and we w i l l s e n d y o u a n
concert, going to church, or even            these things will help us to feel     invitation.
going to our local Grange                    better about ourselves.                    We must stay positive in 2021.
meeting. All came to a sudden                                                      We must open our doors using
halt.                                                                              new methods and "extend the
     We've seen and are still                                                      hand of friendship" in new ways.
witnessing restaurants and other                                                   2020 has been such a trying year
businesses closing because they                                                    for everyone.
cannot pay their bills on the                                                            The National Grange is going
income provided with the low                                                       to keep our existing theme
capacity limits they face. We                                                      throug hout 2021. We will
must realize this all has a trickle-                                               co n tinue to “Cultivate
down effect. If a business closes,                                                 Connections” where ever we can
it's employees are now out of                                                      and use those connections to
work. These people must now                      We can use ZOOM meetings or       improve life in rural and urban
really cut back on what they buy             Google Meet to hold your Grange       America.
and what bills are a priority.               meeting and open them up to the            I hope and pray you all have a
Reduced incomes affect other                 public to include our friends and     safe and happy New Year!
local businesses within our                  neighbors and introduce them to
community.                                   the Grange activities. No, these
      It causes increased pressure           virtual meetings are not like in-
on our health care system as a               person meetings, but they still       Fraternally,
person's health suffers from                 allow us to connect with others       Wayne D. Campbell
a d d i t i o n a l stress. It causes        when many are afraid to go out in     President
increased mental health concerns             public.                               Pennsylvania State Grange
as people struggle to find a way                      I have been joining the
forward.                                     Pennsylvania State Grange Bingo
     I've painted a very dark and            game on Wednesday evenings.
dismal picture of where we
4          January/February 2021
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Chaplain's Corner                                       Even though we feel powerless
                                                                            against the forces of 2020
                    Jody Keith Kensinger
                                                                            (COVID, election, race issues)
                     PA State Grange Chaplain
                                                                            God gives us the opportunity
                                                                            through our faith to find the love
                                                                            and serenity in our own daily
                                                                            lives. I inspire each of you to look
    Happy New Year from Central         A week later, he sent out the
                                                                            at the lessons that the past year
Pennsylvania! My name is Jodi         same dove to find dry land. This
                                                                            taught us and look for the
(Keith), Kensinger. I am honored      time it returned with an olive leaf
                                                                            rainbow in your life and know
to serve as your 2020-2022 PA         in its beak, giving Noah and his
                                                                            that everything will be fine. With
State Grange Chaplain! My             family a great deal of hope that
                                                                            the beginning of a new year upon
husband Ben and I live in             the waters were receding.
                                                                            us, I encourage you to find the
Martinsburg (Blair Co.), and we       Another week went by and Noah
                                                                            hope in what the new year could
are members at Lincoln Grange         sent out the same dove, but this
                                                                            bring to all of us. They always say
#914 In Huntingdon County. We         time, it did not return, letting
                                                                            “New Year’s Day is the blank page
live on Ben's family dairy farm,      Noah know that the bird had
                                                                            of a 365 page book. Write a good
where they milk over 125              found dry land and a new
                                                                            one.” This is the beginning of
Holsteins and 1 Lineback. We have     beginning to live.
                                                                            anything that you want.
two house cats, Muffy and Casper,                                            Wikipedia states that a Rainbow
that have kept us on our toes.                                              is a natural phenomenon noted
During the day, I am a                                                      for its design and its place in the
Radiological technologist (aka
                                                                            sky and a favorite component of
Xray Tech) with Geisinger Health                                            art and relig ion throug hout
System in State College, PA. I            Once the Ark was opened and
                                                                            h i s t o r y. Fo r m e p e r s o n a l l y ,
enjoy spending time with my           the animals released into the
                                                                            whenever I see God's Rainbow
family, mainly my Grandpap Harry      wild, God made a promise to
                                                                            after a hard day, I know in my
Keith, scrapbooking, and kayaking     Noah, putting a rainbow into the
                                                                            heart that everything will be ok,
out on the lake in my spare time.     sky. In Genesis 9 12-13 & 16, God
                                                                            and that God has ever ything
    As I started to think about my    said, "This is the sign of the
                                                                            under control. All I need to do is
first PGN article and the new          covenant I am making between
                                                                            let it go and let God take over.
year, I could not help but think      me & you & every living creature
                                                                            I would be remised if I did not
about Noah's story and God's          with you, a covenant for all
                                                                            give a shout out to Judy Pressler
promise of the Rainbow. Because       generations to come: I have set
                                                                            and thank her for all her
of a corrupt world at the time,       my rainbow in the clouds, and it
                                                                            wonderful readings, filled with
God asked Noah to build an Ark        will be the sign of the covenant
                                                                            powerful words of wisdom that
out of cypress wood and tar. He       between me and the earth……
                                                                            she sent out! I know that I have
was to make it big enough that he     Whenever the rainbow appears in
                                                                            big shoes to fill! Thank you so
could fill it with 2 of every animal   the clouds, I will see it and
                                                                            much Judy for eve r y t h i n g !
on the Earth. Then the rain came      remember the everlasting
                                                                            May all of you have a wonderful
and flooded the whole world for        promise between God and all
                                                                            New Year, filled with love and
4 0 d ay s and 4 0 n i g ht s . It    living creatures of every kind on
                                                                            happiness to last the entire year
destroyed everything except for       the earth." God does not promise
the animals on the Ark and Noah       for life to be comfortable and full
and his family. After 100+ days on    of sunny skies. What he does
                                                                            God Bless & Love Always,
the ark, Noah sent a dove out,        promise is for our life to be full
                                                                            Jodi Keith Kensinger
only to have it return with no luck   and beautiful. He promises to be
at finding dry land.                   with us, through good times and
                                      bad, and to never forsake us.                 January/February 2021            5
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Membership News
                                                     Say goodbye to the old and embrace
                          Lizzie Bailey
                                                 a new year with hope, dreams, and ambition!
                          PA State Grange
                          Membership & PR Director
                                                                                  someone who may be feeling a
                                                                                  little down or lonely. You can
                                                                                  make all the difference in
                                                                                  someone's day by just checking in
The old adage says, "This too shall    if you need paper copies, please           on them.
pass." I'm happy to embrace 2021       don't hesitate to contact me.
in hopes of better days! There                                                    I would like to challenge you to
have been many lessons over the        I would like to work with Granges          journal your experiences from the
past year, but separation from         in each region to schedule some            COVID-19 pandemic. We should
everyone has been the hardest. I       virtual events to highlight your           document things we have done,
miss visiting you all and can't wait   Grange in your area.It is a great          things we haven't done, your
till things return to some sense of    way to showcase what the                   feelings, what you are missing and
normalcy.                              Grange is about to your                    so on. The records that the
                                       c o m m u n i t y. I h a v e b e e n s o   Grangers keep will tell our
                                       impressed by all the community             stories. It might be a time to
This is the perfect time though to
                                                                                  create a pandemic time capsule
be calling me and let's talk about     service projects. Your creativity
                                                                                  for a future generation to open to
where we go from here. There are       in providing community service
                                                                                  share these memories.
many things we could be working        makes me so very proud!
on such as pre-planning, working                                                  Zoom Meetings
on media, and sharing ways to           Please continue to check on your          Pomona and Subordinate Granges,
still recruit new Grange members.      neighbors, send cards, and try to          please call me to schedule a date
                                       do some virtual events if possible.        and time we can Zoom conference
Please make sure to go to our          The next couple months will be             to discuss your Grange, community,
website and visit the membership       difficult times, and just having a          and ideas to move forward with
page to get digital f iles at          reassuring voice, or a little note         activities, events, and recruiting,           can make all the difference to             new members.

 6       January/February 2021
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Are you using social media to                                     Note to Self:
promote what your Grange is
doing? Do you need Facebook,               You are not too old and it's not too late.
Twitter, or Instagram accounts?
Let’s schedule a date and time
and we can work on this together    Questions & Answers                      Deadline Extended!!!
and get your Grange active on       Q: Does your Grange have a
social media.                       Facebook page?
                                    A: Call Lizzie, we will set one up.
                                                                             150th Anniversary
                                    Q: Are you advertising your events?     PA Grange Cookbook
Press Releases & Grange News
Please make sure to email or call   A: Call Lizzie, we can do this
me about any events or awards,      together!                              The cookbook committee
Grange news you have to share. I    Q: Would your Grange like to host a    is making great progress
know we have Granges who are        Virtual Program for your community?      on the cookbook, but
doing drive through events, etc.    A: Let’s do it, call Lizzie today!!!    would like to see more
that we would like to share with    Q: Are you having “in person”             recipe submissions.
others what the Grange is doing     meetings?
during the pandemic.                A: Invite Lizzie to attend!
                                                                           Deadline is extended to
                                    Q: Do you miss Grange socials?
                                    A: Call Lizzie, let’s brainstorm!         March 31, 2021.
Please take advantage of any,
or all of the following:            Let’s talk, there are many things we
                                    can work on together during social      Please email recipes:
• In-Person Training                distancing!
(compliance with CDC Guidelines)                                   
• Virtual Events/Zoom Meetings      Stay safe and healthy!       
• Training via Phone Calls
• Training via Conference Calls     Yours in Grange service,                          or mail to:
•Zoom Meetings,Trainings,Socials    Lizzie Bailey
• Ad/Flyer Design for your event    PR/Membership Director                 150th Cookbook Committee
• Media Press Releases              717-254-9550 Cell                            PA State Grange
                                    717-737-8855 Office                     20 Erford Road, Suite 216
                                    publicrelations@pagrange                   Lemoyne, PA. 17043

                                                                                  January/February 2021   7
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Melanie Melius
                               PA State Grange
                               Family Activities Director

                                 A Quilt and 19 Prizes Awarded!                      Contest Winners!
                                                                                     Quilt - Kelli Briggs - Avella, PA
Hello Everyone,                                                                      Christmas Door Hanger - Bobbi
Hope everyone is still staying safe       address I will send them out to            Jo Solley - Edinburg, PA
                                                                                     Fall Door Hanger - Central
and healthy. My holidays were             yo u . P l e a s e m a k e s o m e n e w
                                                                                     Grange #1216
quiet this year, same as my New           contests to f ill up the Family            Stainless steel Tumblers - Sheila
Year coming in quiet.                     Activities room this year.                 Donmoyer - Annville, PA
                                                                                     Cashew nuts - JV Lamb - New
Everything went great last year. It       I will have 2 New Ladies added to          Castle, PA
was not the same being able to            my team this year Karen Poorman            Crystal holder w/ Candle - Mary
                                                                                     Ann Haagen - Howard, PA
see everyone at session. There            - Woolrich, PA and Isabella Boone          Crystal Bowl - Amy Koenig -
was less activity in the Family           - Warriors Mark, PA.                       Germansville, PA
Activities room to check all the                                                     Subway gift card w/ Candy bar -
contests out and see who all                                                         Mike Iannitelli - Phillipsburg, NJ
won.                                                                                 Gift card #1 - Dorothy Zahn -
                                                                                     New Castle, PA
                                                                                     Gift card #2 - Grover Cleveland -
Thank you to all the Granges and                                                     Covington, PA
members that gave their time to                                                      Fall Basket - Central Grange
sell tickets. Selling tickets is                                                     #1216
very important as it                                                                 Kitchen Basket - Jeanette Finkle
financially supports our                                                             - Mill Creek, PA
Family Activities department. We                                                     Christmas Basket - Patricia Bird
gave the Quilt and 19 prizes away                                                    - Bellefonte, PA
this year. The donated prizes for                                                    Fall Basket - Central Grange
the Quilt & More Raffle were so                                                       #1216
appreciated.                                                                         PA Maple Syrup - Lurae Benzio -
                                                                                     Industry, PA
 We had 2021 Contest papers and               2021 Family Activity Quilt             Fall Basket - Phyllis Simmons -
the New Quilt Block for everyone                   "Remember Me"                     Fredericksburg, PA
to take a picture on our table, for       Hope to see Everyone in 2021 at            Apple Butter - Pomona Grange
ever yone to pick-up wi th                the State Session.                         #63 ℅ Joyce Fortney
Contest, Picture of Quilt, New            Stay safe and Healthy.                     Apple Butter - Rachel Murphy -
Quilt block pattern w/ Picture of                                                    Lebanon, PA
Colors (PURPLE) to use. So please         Fraternally Yours                          PA Maple Syrup - Mary Rucinski
ask if any of your Delegates              Melanie Melius                             - Williamsport, PA
picked up any of the Contest              Family Activities Director                 Gift card w/ 2 bottles of
Papers to make copies for anyone          Email -              Sanitizer - Marjorie Brown -
that wants. If not please send me         Cell: (814)360-7058                        Liberty, PA
an email with your name and

8      January/February 2021
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
Jenn Nauss
                                                                                 Granges across the state thought
                            PA State Grange
                            Lecturer                                        "outside the box" to tell their Grange story.

                                              Contests and Programs                            Program Ideas
                                              The 2020-21 Guide to Contests and                • Invite a medical professional to speak
                                              Programs is available on the State               about the COVID vaccine that (at this
                                              Grange website or by contacting the
                                                                                               time) is due to become available in the
                                              State Grange office. The contests and
                                                                                               next few weeks. Debunk any myths
Greetings from South Central PA!              programs detailed in the guide are still
                                              in place for this year. Please take a look       about the vaccine and offer an
                                              at the guide and start planning your             opportunity for members and guests to
I hope this article finds you and your
                                              entries for 2021! We had very few                ask questions about this. This could
families healthy and safe! I hope you had
a blessed holiday season and wish you         entries in the "Design a Program"                also be done via a virtual format, like
and yours a happy and healthy New             Contest this year and no applications            Zoom. Host a virtual forum for
Year.                                         for the Lecturer's Grant. I know that            members of your community to join in
                                              Grange Lecturers (and others) are                to learn more about this interesting
State Session                                 planning quality programs throughout
                                                                                               topic and the Grange.
I want to thank everyone who                  the year. Please take advantage of these
participated in the Lecturer's                opportunities to share your program
                                              ideas! Ideas will be compiled into a             • If your Grange is meeting virtually,
Department's contests and programs in
                                              book for Granges and Lecturers. The              consider continuing to offer literary
2020. It was certainly a different year
than any we've experienced, with many of      Lecturer's Grant is a program to                 programs as part of your meetings.
the contests being moved to a virtual         provide funding for Granges that have            Guest speakers are likely well-versed in
format because of COVID. We had               ideas for great educational programs,            video conferencing technology and
many entries in the Virtual                   but may not have the resources to                should be able to still talk about a topic
Photography Contest. The slideshow            bring those ideas to fruition. More
                                                                                               or lead a program using these virtual
created from complete list of contest         information can be found in the Guide
                                              to Contests and Programs or by                   means.
winners is included in this issue of the
Grange News.                                  contacting me at
                                                                                               • If your G r a n g e has s u s p e n d e d
As I reviewed Lecturer's Reports and          Regional Leadership Conferences                  meetings at this time, consider how you
Scrapbooks, I was heartened to see how        I am still planning to hold regional             can fulfill the Lecturer's purpose of
many Granges continued amazing work           leadership conferences later this                providing educational and entertaining
in their communities despite the many         spring. Tentatively mark your calendars
                                                                                               programs even though you're not
COVID roadblocks. Granges across              for weekends in May for the regional
                                                                                               meeting. Does your Grange send a
the state thought "outside the box" to tell   co n fe re n ce s . We w i l l of fe r t h ree
                                                                                               newsletter? If so, include an informative
their Grange story in their                   conferences - one in the east, one in
                                              the central region, and one in the west          article about a topic of interest to your
communities through service,
                                              - to share leadership training and               members. Call members to check in
outreach, and fundraisers. C O V I D 1 9
certainly presents us wi th many              information from the State Grange                with them and share a few minutes of
challenges, but we can continue to serve      departments. The departments are                 conversation and fellowship.
our communi ties, connect wi th our           already hard at work planning
members, and plan quality literary            workshops for the conferences. Please
                                                                                               • Jenn Nauss
programs if we are willing to try             check the next PGN, as well as the State
                                                                                               • Lecturer/Program Director
something new. Consider using Zoom            Grange website and regular email
or another video conferencing program         blasts, for more details as they become
                                              f inalized. I appreciate ever yone's             • Contest Winners are listed on
to meet virtually. If it is safe to do so,
hold meetings with members wearing            support of these conferences last year           • page 10 & 11.
masks and keeping distance. At a time         and was saddened that we could not
when everyone is craving connection,          hold all of them. I remain hopeful we
this is an opportunity for the Grange to      will be able to meet this spring!
fill that need - safely.
                                                                                                         January/February 2021          9
GRANGE NEWS Pennsylvania - January/February 2021 - Pennsylvania State Grange
CONTEST                                           WINNERS

Talent Contest                               Lecturer's Scrapbooks                       100+ Members
Vocal:                                       Subordinate:                                1 - Lorrie Wesner, Ontelaunee Grange
1 - Philip Vonada, Penns Valley Grange       Up to 50 Members                            #1617, Berks County
#158, Centre County                          1 - Cheryl Ruoss, Russellville Grange
BEST OF SHOW: Philip Vonada, Penns           #91, Chester County                         Pomona:
Valley Grange #158, Centre County            2 - Judy Stevenson, Wesley Grange           1 - Mary McMillin, Lawrence County
                                             #1675, Venango County                       Pomona Grange #65
Lecturer's Reports
Subordinate:                                 51-99 Members                               Class C - Granges who could not hold
Up to 50 Members                             1 - Tammy Jurkowski, Progress Grange        their Open House
1 - Ruthie Garner, Lincoln Grange #914,      #96, Centre County                          Subordinate:
Huntingdon County                                                                        Up to 50 Members
2 - Cheryl Miller, Marion Grange #223,       100+ Members                                1 - Cheryl Ruoss, Russellville Grange
Centre County                                1 - Brenda Lengel, Virginville Grange       #91, Chester County
3 - Walter McChessney, Hartslog Valley       #1832, Berks County                         2 - Bonnie Casselberry, Liberty Grange
Grange #375, Huntingdon County               2 - Tina Reich, Valley Grange #1360,        #1780, Lawrence County
4 - Marjorie Craven, Edgewood Grange         York County                                 3 - Walter McChessney, Hartslog
#688, Bucks County                                                                       Valley Grange #375, Huntingdon
                                             Pomona:                                     County
51-99 Members                                1 - Nettie Kauffman, Berks County
1 - Drew Fegley, Hookstown Grange            Pomona Grange #43                           51-99 Members
#1980, Beaver County                         2 - Janet Fishovitz, Beaver County          No winning entries
2 - Nancy Sattazahn, Kutztown Grange         Pomona Grange #66
#1836, Berks County                          3 - Mary McMillin, Lawrence County          100+ Members
3 - Debra Kieffer, Marion Grange             Pomona Grange #65                           1 - Brenda Lengel, Virginville Grange
#1853, Berks County                                                                      #1832, Berks County
4 - Holly Yearick, Walker Grange             Creative Connections
#2007, Centre County                         Reports/Scrapbooks                          Pomona:
                                             Class A - Granges who were able to          1 - Mary Jane Kent, Greene County
100+ Members                                 hold their Open House                       Pomona Grange #63
No entries                                   No winning entries
                                                                                         Pen in Hand
Pomona:                                      Class B - Granges who had planned           Class 1 - Poetry
1 - Mary Jane Kent, Greene County            their Open House but could not hold it      No entries
Pomona Grange #63                            Subordinate:
2 - Georgette Mummert, Huntingdon            Up to 50 Members                            Class 2 - Short Story
County Pomona Grange #6                      1 - Tammy Schaeffer, Pioneer Grange         1 - Meg Lomax, Plumsteadville Grange
3 - Shirley Swires, Blair County             #1777, Berks County                         #1738, Bucks County
Pomona Grange #37                            2 - Judy Stevenson, Wesley Grange           2 - Ashley Kolpak, Chester Valley
4 - Audrey Brubaker, Lebanon County          #1675, Venango County                       Grange #1496, Chester County
Pomona Grange #59                            3 - Jen Beamon, Hamburg Grange
                                             #2103, Berks County                         Class 3 - My favorite Grange
Design a Program                             4 - Jason Gruber, Stony Point Grange        memory…
1 - Tina Reich, Valley Grange #1360,         #1694, Mercer County                        No entries
York County - Veteran's Day
2 - Tina Reich, Valley Grange #1360,         51-99 Members
York County - Valentine's Day                1 - Jane Birk, Plumsteadville Grange        Continued on page 11.
                                             #1738, Bucks County
Lecturer's Grant                             2 - Drew Fegley, Hookstown Grange
No applications                              #1980, Beaver County

10      January/February 2021
2021 Annual
                                                                                                   State Grange Session
                                                                                   Save the date to attend the 2021 PA
 Contest Winners Continued from page
                                                                                   State Grange Session, October 15-17,
                                                                                   2021 at the Valley Forge Casino
                                                                                   Resort, 1160 First Avenue, King Of
 Photography                               Class 5 - Churches                      Prussia, PA 19406.
Class 1 - Pennsylvania - My Home           1 - Ashley Mohn, Marion Grange
1 - Marci Schlegel, Pioneer Grange         #1853, Berks County                     The Southeastern host committee
#1777, Berks County                        2 - Cindy Keith, Lincoln Grange #914,   has been working to plan a full
2 - Tammy Jurkowski, Progress Grange       Huntingdon County                       session for 2021 including the
#96, Centre County                         3 - Marci Schlegel, Pioneer Grange      traditional exhibits, banquets and
3 - Ashley Kolpak, Chester Valley          #1777, Berks County                     activities for Youth and Juniors.
Grange #1496, Chester County               4 - Mary McMillin, Westfield Grange
4 - Molly Scott, Russellville Grange       #1514, Lawrence County                  While you are visiting eastern PA,
#91, Chester County
                                                                                   consider taking an extra day or two
                                                                                   to explore all that the region has to
Class 2 - Sunrise/Sunset
                                                                                   o f f e r, i n c l u d i n g t h e Va l l e y Fo r g e
1 - Jesse Garbrick, Progress Grange
                                                                                   National Historical Park, among
#96, Centre County
                                                                                   others, or take a short drive into the
2 - Jim Snyder, Valley Grange #1360,
                                                                                   City of Philadelphia to visit
York County
                                                                                   Independence Hall and the Liberty
3 - Ashley Mohn, Marion Grange
                                                                                   Bell. More information will be
#1853, Berks County
                                                                                   forthcoming in future issues of The
4 - Cindy Keith, Lincoln Grange #914,
                                                                                   Pennsylvania Grange News.
Huntingdon County
                                                                                   For those wishing to book early: The
Class 3 - Pets/Animals
                                                                                   room rate at the Valley Forge Casino
1 - Marci Schlegel, Pioneer Grange
                                                                                   Resort is $125.00 per night, plus tax
#1777, Berks County
                                                                                   (single/double). The r a t e is g o o d 3
2 - Cindy Keith, Lincoln Grange #914,
                                                                                   days pre- or post- session dates.
Huntingdon County                           Class 6 - Beauty in the Midst of
3 - Wendy Martin, Valley Grange            Crisis                                  Book your room directly with
#1360, York County                         1 - Ashley Mohn, Marion Grange          the hotel to ensure you get the
4 - Ashley Kolpak, Chester Valley          #1853, Berks County                     Grange's group rate and that
Grange #1496, Chester County               2 - Deanna Hollabaugh, Watson           the host reg ion gets credit for
                                           Grange #1068, Warren County             their contracted room
 Class 4 - Landscape                       3 - Philip Vonada, Penns Valley         commitment. Book by calling
1 - Ashley Kolpak, Chester Valley          Grange #158, Centre County              t h e h o t e l d i r e c t l y a t (6 1 0) 3 5 4 -
Grange #1496, Chester County               4 - Hannah Leibensperger, Pioneer       8118 Mention Group Block code:
2 - Susan Snyder, Valley Grange #1360,     Grange #1777, Berks County              A1021GR,          Pennsylvania             State
York County
                                                                                   Grange and request rooms in
3 - Tim Schaeffer, Pioneer Grange          BEST OF SHOW: Ashley Mohn,              t h e Va l l e y To we r.
#1777, Berks County                        Marion Grange #1853, Berks County -
4 - Cindy Keith, Lincoln Grange #914,      Beauty in the Midst of Crisis           Pl ea s e i n d i cat e y o u r
Huntingdon County
                                                                                   r o o m preference (King, Double),
                                                                                   the number of guests per room,
Class 4b - Plants
                                                                                   and supply your contact
1 - Ashley Mohn, Marion Grange #1853,
Berks County                               A photograph is the                     information - First & Last Name,
                                                                                   Address, Phone # and E-Mail -
2 - Wendy Martin, Valley Grange
#1360, York County
3 - Jesse Garbrick, Progress Grange
                                           pause button of life.                   and a c r e d i t c a r d t o h o l d
                                                                                   the     reservation.     We    look
                                                                                   forward to seeing everyone next
#96, Centre County
4 - Shelley Fayewicz, Virginville Grange       -unknown                            October!

#1832, Berks County
                                                                                   Jane Birk, Southeastern Committee
                                                                                              January/February 2021                 11
Looking for Degree Teams - Centre
                                  History Committee                                                            County Pomona #13 has come forward
                                  Doug Bonsall                                                                 committing to exemplify the Fourth
                                                                                                               Degree at the 2022 state session. We
                                  PA State Grange History Director                                             are still looking for Granges, counties
                                                                                                               or other groups of patrons to exemplify
                                                                                                               the first and second degrees in 2021 at
                                                          Tickets for Kick-Off Luncheon                        the session in Valley Forge and the
                                                          Tickets for the 150th anniversary kick-              third degree in 2022 at the session that
                                                          off luncheon on April 17, 2021, at the               will be held at a site still to be
                                                          C o u nt r y C u p b o a rd Re s t au ra nt &        d e t e r m i n e d in s o u t h - c e n t r a l
                                                          S h o p p e s , L e w i s b u r g , PA , m a y b e   Pennsylvania. The goal is to exemplify
 Keynote Speaker Announced !!                             reserved by contacting Anna May Nauss                the degree in full form with tableaux
                                                          at: (717) 697-5104 or               and, in as much as possible, with
                                                                                                               s p e a k i n g p a r t s m e m o r i z e d . To
Dr. Meecee Baker Keynotes at                              The price is $25 for adults with
                                                                                                               volunteer or for more information,
Anniversary Kickoff Luncheon - Well                       children's prices ranging from $2-$12
                                                                                                               contact Doug Bonsall, PO Box 765,
k n ow n t o G ra n ge au d i e n ce s a f t e r          depending on age. Early reservations                 D a u p h i n , P A             1 7 0 1 8
serving as Youth Princess in the 1970's                   a re p a r t i c u l a rly i m p o r t a nt a s we   (
and later as a state officer, we are                       n a v i g a t e t h r o u g h t h e C O V I D -1 9
pleased to announce that Sister                                                                                Free Regalia/Grange Items Lighting
Meecee of Juniata County will be the                                                                           the Cake - There are still some candles
keynote speaker at the April 17, 2021,                                                                         on our anniversary cake available to be
kick-of f luncheon for the State                                                                               purchased but we have found that
Grange's 150th anniversary. Her topic                                                                          many persons are interested in the
Honoring Our History & Preserving Our                                                                          smaller denomination candles. Some
Future will depart from the usual                                                                              friends and family have coordinated
anniversary message of remembering                                                                             their support to buy one of the larger
past glories to ask the tough question                                                                         candles together but we still have a fair
                                                                                                               number of candles between #100-#150
" Is o u r h i s t o r y a n d i t s t ra d i t i o n s
                                                                                                               available. We are changing our previous
hindering the Grange's future?"
                                                                                                               decision and will now allow multiple
                                                                                                               candles in the same amount to appear
Dr. Baker owns Versant Strategies, a                                                                           on the cake. So contact your Regional
premier governmental relations firm                                                                             Anniversary Coordinator or Steve &
focused on agricultural, environmental,                                                                        Karen Mohn to buy whatever candle(s)
and rural issues representing dozens of                                                                        you wish. - We're pleased to report
c l i e nt s i n t h e Ha r r i s b u rg a n d D C        pandemic; tickets will be available on a             that one Pomona Grange and three
marketplace ranging from small farms                      first come, first served basis to the                  Subordinate Granges have taken up the
and businesses to Fortune 500                             permitted capacity of the restaurant                 offer to replace some of their worn
companies. Baker's networking skills                      banquet room. If it becomes necessary                regalia and implements wi th the
allow her to efficiently and effectively                   to limit the number of attendees, ticket             extra i tems from closed Granges
move client messages to advocate on                       orders will be filled in the date order               stored at the state office. Only those
their behalf. Previously, D r . B a k e r                 received and refunds issued for any                  things in good condition have been
served in the executive office of the                      reservations that cannot be                          retained and are being offered free
                                                                                                               of charge to any Grange that can use
Pennsylvania Department of                                a cco m m o d at ed .
                                                                                                               them; all you have to do is arrange for
Agriculture and as a faculty member at
                                                                                                               transportation from the State
Penn State, an adjunct professor at                       We continue to monitor the pandemic
                                                                                                               G r a n g e o f f i c e . I f y o u r Grange
North Carolina State University, and                      situation and will make a decision
                                                                                                               needs any regalia, staves,
was the f irst woman elected as                           sometime in late February or early                   implements, manuals or songbooks,
president of the National Association of                  March if a postponement is advisable                 please contact Doug Bonsall with your
Agricultural Educators. She is known                      based on conditions or restrictions at               request and we'll be glad to check if
across the nation as a published author                   that time. If the event is postponed                 those item(s) are available.
and c o l u m n i s t w i t h f r e q u e n t             until a later date, refunds will be issued
engagements as a motivational keynote                     for anyone unable to attend on the                   Doug Bonsall, Chair
speaker and workshop presenter.                           alternate date.                                      PA State Grange History Committee

       Please note important changes for kick-off luncheon tickets and
                    purchase of anniversary cake candles!
12          January/February 2021
Rachel Bailey
                       PA State Grange
                       Deaf and Community Service Director

                                      “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
                                                                         – Helen Keller

Hello Grange Friends,                          Most recently, I have been                    I very much appreciate this
                                               enjoying my Wednesday evenings                opportunity to serve the
                                               with you fellow Grangers for                  Pennsylvania State Grange in this
     My name is Rachel Bailey and
                                               bingo night. My mother, Lizzie                manner. While I am already
although I am not new to Grange,
                                               Bailey, had to lasso me in for                swirling with ideas, I can’t help
I may be new to a lot of you. I
                                               virtual bingo in the Springtime in            but wonder what are the needs
have been a member of the
                                               what I thought may last for a few             that your Grange is currently
Cumberland Valley Grange since                                                               serving? Is there a community
2006 and the newly established                 weeks. I’ll be the first to admit
                                                                                             need that we can collectively
Capital Grange in Harrisburg that              that the thought of playing bingo
                                                                                             provide for? More importantly,
began early 2020. I have been a                on a zoom chat was not that
                                                                                             have you been wanting to serve
lifelong PA resident, growing up in            enticing to me. However, it only              on a state level? I am currently
Shippensburg but currently                     took that one night after                     seeking volunteers to serve on a
reside in New Cumberland.                      participating for me to designate             committee with me that will
Through the years, I’ve enjoyed                my Wednesday evenings for                     assist in planning for our
partaking in bake sales, parades,              months to come. While it being a              upcoming community service
writing Christmas cards with the               year of s o c i a l l y d i s t a n c e d ,   events. I look forward to hearing
elderly, selling cookbooks at the              uncertain and unprecedented                   your ideas, meeting you all at the
Farm Show and a variety of other               times, I would have never                     upcoming 2021 festivities and
community events with the                      guessed I would have made                     serving the community in the
C u m b e r l a n d Va l l e y G r a n g e .   friends from Vermont, to Florida              name of Grange.
Outside of the Grange, I’ve taken              and even California all just by
                                               attending virtual bingo.                      Rachel Bailey
joy in serving the homeless in
downtown Harrisburg,
volunteering at the Safe Harbor
                                                                                             Phone: 717-816-1317
homeless shelter in Carlisle,
sitting on the Youth Aid Panel of
Cumberland County and teaching
at a summer school church camp
                                                                    Seeking Volunteers
in Ounaminthe, Haiti. W hile                                          to serve on the
volunteering diversely with
multiple organizations, I take my                                  Deaf and Community
Grange servitude with m e                                          Services Committee!
everywhere I go.

                                                                                                    January/February 2021    13
Youth Committee
                       Ellen Wadsworth
                       PA State Grange Youth Director

   The Youth and Young Adults Department          July 15-18 - Pennsylvania State Grange        available. To sponsor a member of the
is kicking off 2021 with a BANG! We have a        Family Festival. Youth activities for this    Youth Team without a supporter vest,
full schedule of activities planned for 2021 as   great weekend will include a Volleyball       we are requesting a donation of at least
well as a sensational new sponsorship             Tournament (start practicing now!), an        $60. If you have a specific office that
program for the Youth Officer Team.                exercise class (maybe Pounds this year),      you would like to sponsor, please
                                                  and a Road Rally! All attendees are           annotate that on the form on the next
Our Grange Youth Mixer (GYM) kicks off via        eligible to participate in the Knowledge      page.
Zoom every 4th Sunday evening at 7                Test and our new Pennsylvania State               The Youth Team will be wearing their
pm. Join us for a relaxing time to link up        Grange Outstanding Young Patrons will         vest while participating in any Grange
with youth and young adults friends from          also be selected.                             activity to show their pride in this great
across the state. A relaxing and low key                                                        organization. Thank you for your help in
activity or discussion is planned for each        July 20-25 - Grange Revival in the Black      recognizing our amazing Youth and
month and the GYM fun kicks off on Sunday,        Hills of South Dakota. This is the 2nd        Young Adults!
January 24th at 7 pm.                             Grange Revival and is designed to be a           Wrapping up 2020 In spite of having
                                                  family friendly event for all Grange          no in-person Youth Contests during
It's easy to join in the fun either by            members and friends and family to             State Session this year, we do have some
computer or phone. The Zoom link is:              create and strengthen fraternal bonds. If     contest winners to announce from our          you are a "seasoned" youth member and         virtual contests held earlier in October
pwd=RXRxZEF0TUVXam93NHFONytPNDd                   miss the good old days of summer camp,        2020. Congratulations to:
EZz09                                             THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Don't miss out
  or call +1-301-715-8592.     The Meeting        on this great event.       More info is       Public Speaking
ID:      867 1917 8861 and Passcode:              available on Facebook, search for Grange           -Prepared Speech (22-35) 1st place
224121. This information will also be posted      Revival 2021.                                 - Jodi Keith Kensinger, Huntingdon Co.
on the Youth and Young Adults FB page                                                                - Impromptu (22-35) 1st place -
prior to each GYM so make sure you are a          And there is so much more to come             Ashley Mohn, Berks Co.
member of the FB group to receive the             during the rest of 2021!!!                      -Radio Spot (22-35) 1st place - Ashley
reminder. Drop in on Sunday, January 24th                                                       Mohn, Berks Co.
and see what's happening around the state!        NEW OPPORTUNITY!                Become a           - DIY Speech (22-35) 1st place -
Other dates to make sure you have marked          sponsor for a member of the Youth             Ashley Mohn, Berks Co.
in your calendar are:                             Officer Team. Beginning with the Youth         Grange Commercial - 1st place - Ashley
                                                  Officer     Team      selected     for   the   Mohn, Berks Co.
  March 19-21 - Mid Atlantic Leaders              Pennsylvania State Grange Session in     
Conference (MALC) and Regional Youth              October 2021, the Youth Officers will be       Create a Button - 1st place - Ashley
Contests, hosted by Potomac Grange #1             presented with an official Youth Team          Kolpak, Chester Co.
(Washington DC) and held virtually. More          vest, including the Grange logo and their          -2nd place - Ashley Mohn, Berks Co.
info will be sent and posted as it arrives.       name embroidered on the front. It's time      Grange Display - 1st place - Ashley
                                                  for our State Youth Team to have a            Kolpak, Chester Co., -2nd place - Ashley
April 23-25 - Pennsylvania Young Adults           distinct identifier, similar to those of the   Mohn, Berks Co.
Weekend, planned for south central                FFA and 4-H. The Youth and Young
PA. More info will be sent and posted as it       Adults Committee has selected gray            The Youth Committee also hosted our
arrives.                                          vests for the Youth Team and black vests      2nd Virtual Paint Night on Zoom with
                                                  for sponsors.                                 Pumpkins         highlighting      the
June 25-27 - Pennsylvania State Grange                 To sponsor a member of the Youth         evening. Look for another Paint Night
Youth Camp. The theme for Youth Camp is           Team and receive your own black vest,         announcement coming in early 2021.
2021 Grange Olympics. Save this weekend           we are requesting a donation of at least
on your calendar and keep watch for               $100 to the Pennsylvania State Grange         Fraternally,
registration information.                         Youth Department. Donations can be            Ellen M. Wadsworth
                                                  made by Granges, individuals or small         PA State Grange Youth and Young Adults
                                                  groups but only 1 supporter vest per          Director
                                                  $100 will be
14        January/February 2021
Sponsor Name:
Phone: __________________________________ Email: ___________________________
I/We would like to sponsor ____________________________________________________
Select one:
_____ $100 donation to sponsor a member of the Youth Team, receive a supporter vest, size: _______
___ __$60 donation to sponsor a member of the Youth Team
Please send this form and sponsorship to: 362 University Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352

                                                                          January/February 2021   15
16   January/February 2021
January/February 2021   17
18   January/February 2021
Winter Garden (from page 2)
                                        Assure that the plastic and wire
However, before applying wood           tree trunk guards are secure.
ashes, it is best to have the results   Adjust or replace dislodged or
of a recent soil test and know the      broken guards and inspect the
pH of your soil. If your pH is 7 or     tree trunk for damage.
above, offer the ashes to a friend.
According to Penn State                 Remove dead, diseased or broken      Just a friendly reminder that if
Extension, in an un-leached form        tree or shrub branches. Seek         you are submitting an article or
(directly from the stove or             assistance for removing unsafe       Grange event please have them to
fireplace), wood ashes can often         branches near homes, buildings       the State Office by the 1st of the
do more harm than good if not           and electrical wires. Photograph     month prior to the issue. The
properly applied. The ash's             trees' branch structures in          March/April Issue deadline is
alkalinity may raise the soil pH to     preparation for late winter          February 1. Please email articles
a point at which other elements         pruning. The leafless branches        to .
are unavailable. A good guideline       afford the opportunity to evaluate
is to apply dry, un-leached wood        overlapping branches and overall
ashes at a maximum of 3 pounds          tree shape and size. Consult with
                                                                             You can also mail your articles
per 100 square feet of soil surface     an arborist, if needed.
                                                                             and photos to
in a single season.                                                          Pennsylvania State Grange
                                        Winter garden doldrums can be
                                        vanquished with basic plant and      20 Erford Rd Suite 216
Inspect tree trunks for large
                                        garden maintenance activities.       Lemoyne, PA 17043
animal and rodent damage.

                                                                                      January/February 2021      19
for our "Juniors at Heart," there are
                                                                                       contest    categories    for    you    to
                         Junior Committee                                              participate in, too!)
                                                                                        This year, I am also reminding and
                         Phillip Vonada                                                challenging everyone to be kind. The
                                                                                       past year has been hard on everyone -
                         PA State Junior Grange Director                               parents, teachers, kids of all ages - and
                                                                                       sometimes it's important to remember
                                                                                       that the easiest and nicest thing you
                                                                                       can do is to BE KIND to yourself and to
                                                                                       everyone you meet. Later this spring,
                      Welcome Philip Vonada!!!                                         we will be working with the other
                                                                                       committees from across the state in a
                                                                                       Random Acts of Kindness campaign -
    Happy New Year! I hope everyone is         be turning to Lurae and her
                                                                                       but it's never too early to start! Find a
feeling happy and refreshed from the        committee, as well as Junior Directors
                                                                                       way to help a classmate, neighbor,
holidays and ready for a brand new          and parents from across the state, as I
                                                                                       member of your church or your Grange
year! Let's make 2021 a year of             have a lot to learn.
                                                                                       - even the smallest acts go a long way!
excitement and fun.                             Joining me on this adventure will be
     I am so thrilled to have been asked    Junior Committee members from
to be Pennsylvania's next Junior            around the state:
Director. Many of our Juniors and           -     Jennifer Beamon, southeast
adults know me already, but I'm going       -     Ashley Furman, north central
to take a moment to introduce myself. I     -     Miranda Irons, northwest
am a lifetime member of Penns Valley        -     Cassy Kehs, southeast
Grange #158 in Centre County and also       -     Tina Reich, south central
an affiliate member of Eagle Grange #1       -     Christie Straub, northwest
in Lycoming County, where I live. I am a    and Elisabeth Reich and Bryce
former member of the State Junior           Danko - PA Junior Grange Ambassadors
Committee, and I have previously been            We are looking forward to starting
State Junior Prince, Youth Ambassador,      virtual Junior meetups this winter and
                                                                                       I am looking forward to working with
and Outstanding Young Patron. I have        spring, connecting Juniors from across
                                                                                       Junior Grangers and Junior Leaders
also been a youth officer and                the state, and when it's safe for us to
                                                                                       from across the state in the coming
Communication Fellow at National            gather in person, we are hoping to have
                                                                                       years. If you have any ideas, any
Grange, and have written articles for       in-person regional meetups, too! Early
                                                                                       questions, any concerns - please reach
the National Grange's Good Day!             this spring, there will also be a State
magazine. In my "outside of Grange"         Junior Director meeting on Zoom - stay
                                                                                           And don't forget about the 1+
life, I am the General Manager of the       tuned to the next issue for more
                                                                                       program- any Subordinate/Community
Community        Theatre    League     in   details.
                                                                                       Grange can have a Junior Grange,
Williamsport, and I enjoy fitness,                In the coming months, I would like
                                                                                       starting with just ONE member! Read
cooking, baking, reading, and               Junior Granges across the state to start
                                                                                       m o r e a b o u t i t h e r e :
performing.                                 working on projects and contests -
     I want to thank Lurae for the          maybe a "K-Cup" recycled craft, iced
                                                                                       what-is-a-1-junior-grange/. To better
incredible work she has done with our       drop cookies, creative writing, or
                                                                                       serve all of our Junior Grangers across
Junior department over the past six         honing your talents for the talent
                                                                                       Pennsylvania, it's imperative that we
years. It was an honor to work with her     competition - all of the Pennsylvania
                                                                                       know where our Juniors are, so even if
and the committee at all of the Junior      State Junior Contests can be found in
                                                                                       you don't have a Junior Grange Charter,
events, and to watch the excitement         the 2020-2021 Guide to Contests. And
                                                                                       make sure to count them!
and energy grow within our Juniors          also check out the new National Guide
every year! I have some big red shoes       to contests and projects, too, like the
                                                                                       Thank you all, may you have a safe and
to fill, and I'm looking forward to          Kelley Farm Project, passport program,
                                                                                       happy new year,
continuing and building on many of the      Cape of Honor, and more! Feel free to
events, awards, and more! Over the          reach out to me for a copy of either
                                                                                       Philip Vonada
next two years, I am definitely going to     Guide. (And
                                                                                       Junior Director

20       January/February 2021


                                My new book titled “I Inhale Adventures and
                                Exhale Prose Poetry” is now available. It is a
                                non-fiction publication where each poem
                                reflects a personal experience. There are 429
                                pages containing 212 poems plus 128 terms
                                defined in the glossary. For your convenience, it
                                is available at this site:
                                Adventures-and-Exhale-Prose-Poetry . Prose
                                poetry is a common form of literature. It is
                                composed of sentences and paragraphs without
                                a rhyming. It is sometimes called "ordinary
                                writing" because its used in textbooks, essays,
                                newspaper articles, short stories, and human
conversation to stimulate the reader's mind, emotions, and thoughts. According
to Dr. Diamond, poems have different meanings to different people. Some
perceive poems as an expression of love, sorrow, happiness or devotion. Others
believe that poems are phrases of contentment or pleasure or enthusiasm or
piety. Whatever the reason, the author of a poem is expressing inner feelings
and emotions in a persuasive modus operandi that is without equal. Dr.
Diamond's personal definition of a prose poem is as follows“A time honored
means to reveal feelings unashamed that put into perspective life’s
impressions forever remembered.” He goes on to say, "There is a plethora of
emotions involved in life that people ought to have a means to express those
inner emotional feelings without shame or embarrassment. My prose poem
writing style is intended to express my thoughts, experiences, feelings,
opinions, reactions, lessons and memories in the form of prose poetry that
publicly express hallmark components of my persona unashamed and without
restraints which is the basis for the title of this book, “I Inhale Adventures And
Exhale Prose Poetry.” I hope you enjoy reading it.

                                                             JJanuary/February 2021   21
Government Matters
                       Vince Phillips
                       PA State Grange Lobbyist


WELCOME TO THE NEW YEAR!                         Happy Retirement Vince Phillips!
The year 2021 brings a new                     with handmade ornaments by                   As I enter retirement from
legislative session of the General             elementary schoolers across the              lobbying for the Pennsylvania
Assembly in Pennsylvania. Each                 state. Rather, the Commonwealth              State Grange personally, I look
year always means taking stock of              installed a tree out in front of the         back and appreciate how
where the Pennsylvania State                   Capitol so that people driving by            outstanding t h e individuals,
Grange is legislatively and how to             could see something. But this is             families, and communities
build on our successes from the                where the story gets interesting.            making up the G ra n ge are.
year before.                                                                                In 2021, I look forward to
                                               Two lawmakers went and got a                 Grangers embracing the spirit
And what a year it was. There is               six-foot tree and put it in the              shown by those two lawmakers
little to be gained by re-stating              middle of the Rotunda where the              who knew they would
the obvious. COVID-19, the                     towering evergreen was to have               p e r s e v e r e in bringing joy
coronavirus, hi t families and                 been placed. They decorated it,              to others.
businesses hard. In addition to                procured pianos from somewhere
s u f f e r i n g f r o m COVID-19 ,           and played Christmas carols.                 Conservative Republican Rep.
is o l a t i o n c a u s e d p r o b l e m s                                                G r e g Rothman (R-Cumberland)
o f depression and anxiety.                    To me, this highlights what makes            and liberal Rep. Stephen Kinsey
                                               us so special. At the height of              (D-Phila.) announced that they
In the State Capitol, the                      adversity, people will persevere             will tr y to forge a bipartisan
pandemic influenced everything                 and will promote the lig ht of               Civility Caucus in the General
done in Harrisburg from holding                togetherness even in dark                    Assembly. Hopefully, this will
committee meetings remotely to                 times.                                       begin to undo the difficult and
literally closing the Capitol twice                                                         often antagonistic atmosphere
to the public in order to prevent              As I hear it, the authors of this            that plagued Harrisburg this past
the spike in infections from being             impromptu humble Christmas                   year. I wish everyone the best.
e v e n w o r s e . COVID-19 hi t              observance said that the staff
everyone’s way of life as we all               who had to work in virtual                   I hope you will find things that
adapted and coped with the                     isolation in Harrisburg should               brig hten the world and share
pandemic.                                      have a n occasion to smile about.            them        with    others         as
                                               Grangers are like those                      w e l l . Another encouraging sign
There is a small anecdote that to              legislators. We know the values              for our public o f f i c i a l s is a
me reflects all that change in a               that come wi th simply being                 December move by political
small but representative way. The              people, always ready to help                 opposites.
Capitol Rotunda did not have a                 o t h e r s a n d t o b r i n g h o p e by   God bless.
Christmas Tree in 2020 loaded .                leading through example.                     Vince
                                                                                            Vince Phillips
                                                                                            Legislative Director
  22        January/February 2021
During the legislative process,                 Passage of Senate Bill 835
                                                   protection for farmers seeking                  (Langerholc-R-Cambria).
                                                   to engage in agri-tourism (House                It established the B r o a d b a n d
                                                   Bill    134     sponsored     by                Authority to help coordinate state
WHAT WILL BE HOT FOR 2021?                         Rep.BarbGleim-R-Cumberland)                     e f f o r t s to secure meaning ful
                                                   already circulated a sponsorship                Broadband funding from the
LIABILITY PROTECTION                               was folded into HB 1737.                        Federal Government. Along the
LEGISL ATION:                                                                                      way, it was amended to include
AGRI-TOURISM                                                                                       language from House Bill 234
FIGHT CONTINUES                                                                                    (Causer-R-Cameron,McKean, Potter)
                                                                                                   c o n v e r t i n g a tax c r e d i t for
                                                                                                   telecommunications investment
On November 30, Governor Tom                                                                       into a Broadband grant program.
Wolf vetoed House Bill 1737. This                                                                  Passage of House Bill 2438
legislation would have sheltered                                                                   (Owlett-R-Potter,Tioga,     Brandford).
businesses, manufacturers of medical                                                               This facilitates development of
equipment, and healthcare providers                                                                Broadband access by the rural
from lawsuits by people who sued                                                                   electrical cooperatives.
because they contracted COVID-19.                    Passage of limited liability for              (Note: N a t i o n a l G r a n g e w a s
This limited immunity from lawsuits                agritourism is a major priority                 instrumental in the drive last
would last as long as the Governor’s               memo December 2 for the                         century to have universal access
Emergency Declaration is in effect. In             2021-22 legislative session. It                 to electricity by the rural electrical
his veto message, Governor Wolf said               s a y s , i n p a r t , Specifically, my
                                                                                                   Completion of a landmark
that HB 1737’s “Shielding entities                 legislation would protect agri-
                                                                                                   Broadband Report by the PA Joint
(manufacturers of the personal                     tourism business from lawsuits
                                                                                                   State Government Commission.
protective equipment, healthcare                   where no party is at fault for
                                                                                                   This report resulted from PA
providers, schools, etc.) from liability           injuries or damages. The                        Senate Resolution 47 sponsored by
in such a broad fashion invites the                l e g i s l a t i o n w o u l d require         S e n a t o r K r i s t i n Phillips-Hill
potential for carelessness and a                   th a t t h e f a r m e r s p o s t              (R-York) to convene a special task
disregard for public safety.”                      multiple signs on their l a n d                 force and Advisory Committee to
                                                   wa r n i n g v i s i t o r s o f t h e risks,   work through the multiple issues
The Pennsylvania State Grange and                  or ask visitors to sign a waiver of             confronting the ultimate goal to
numerous business groups such as                   liability before participating in               provide all rural Pennsylvanians
The PA Coalition for Civil Justice                 activities. While the legislation               with contemporary technology-
R e f o r m , t h e PA M a n u f a c t u r e r s   provides some immunity from                     internet, cell phones, etc.
Association, and the National                      litigation, the right to sue is                 The Pennsylvania State Grange
F e d e r a t i o n of I n d e p e n d e n t       preserved if an owner acts in a                 was n a m e d to the Advisory
Businesses (NFIB) all blasted the veto             grossly neg ligent manner or                    Committee as the only one
as showing support for the trial                   operates wi th no regard for                    representing a rural member-
lawyers instead of protecting                      public safety.”                                 based organization.
                                                                                                   The Pennsylvania State Grange
relevant businesses and others from
                                                                                                   will continue our efforts and
unsubstantiated litigation. House                  BROADBAND
                                                                                                   pursue such legislation as to make
Republicans have made it clear that                Make no mistake the
                                                                                                   it easier for municipalities to
they intend to keep pressing the                   Pennsylvania State Grange did
                                                                                                   become their own internet Service
                                                   exceptionally well in pursuing the
liability protection issue.                                                                        Provider.
                                                   goal of universal access of high-
                                                   speed Broadband last year.
                                                   Consider these examples:
                                                                                                           January/February 2021        23
                                                 • R e l a x i n g c e r t a i n Uniform      • Waiving MS4 fees on farmers
Rural P e n n s y l v a n i a f a c e d a
                                                 Construction Code restrictions to            who are a l r e a d y d o i n g p r o p e r
perfect storm last year. Poor milk
                                                 let barns be used for weddings               s t o r m wa t e r management.
prices and COVID-19 teamed up
                                                 and other social events.
to to hurt rural b u s i n e s s e s ,
                                                 • Preventing local municipalities            WHAT IS MEAT?
farmers, and rural communities.
                                                 from enacting overly-restrictive             Remember going into the store
Businesses were c l o s e d by
                                                 rules that prevent agritourism               and seeing almond milk and soy
government order and could only
                                                 and agri-entertainment from                  milk and now, oat milk? The Dairy
operate online – BUT, you need
                                                 taking place.                                Industry has fought a struggle for
the Internet to market goods and
                                                 • Strengthening the over-order               years to make sure that
services if you can’t do it face-to-
                                                 premium system for dairy                     consumers are not misled by
face. Specific types of businesses
                                                 producers.                                   labels that suggest that they are
such as auto dealerships which
                                                 • Advocating for funding for the             in some way milk. Another battle
could market online actually
                                                 Penn State College of Agricultural           may be in store as to what meat
could not since PA at that time
                                                 Science and Extension as well as             is. Labels like “cell-cultured meat”
did not allow remote notarization.
                                                 the University of Pennsylvania’s             disguise what it really is, protein
                                                 work in veterinary science and               developed in t h e l a b o r a t o r y.
The Pennsylvania State Grange
                                                 t r a i n i n g . The s u c c e s s o f PA
was active in several of these
                                                 Agriculture is based on research             W hen this product beg ins to
areas such as changing the law to
                                                 on producing better crops more               show up, consumers can be taken
allow remote notarizations. We
                                                 efficiently, staving off threats by           unawares by the label. The
also were in the legislative mix in
                                                 understanding those threats and              Pennsylvania State Grange is
letting certain businesses like
                                                 by ensuring a steady supply of               working with the PA Cattlemen
garden centers re-open.
                                                 trained dedicated people going               Association to promote legislation
                                                 into farming and the industries              that clearly def ines the term
Assuming that the new vaccine
                                                 supporting Agriculture’s success.            “ m e a t ”. I t w o u l d m a k e i t a
will get COVID-19 under control
and there will be a partial return                                                            violation of the Unfair Trade
                                                 CONSERVATION                                 Practices Act to label something
to normalcy, the rural economy
                                                 Grange members are at the                    as meat when it is not.
will still be a problem. Commodity
                                                 forefront of those wanting clean
prices and the changes in
                                                 water and a healthy Chesapeake               STATE BORROWING
agricultural policies from a new
                                                 Bay. However, we think several               Living within one’s means is for
Administration in Washington
                                                 things need to be addressed.                 the Pennsylvania State Grange a
mean uncertainty.
                                                 Agriculture is felt by many as the           better approach than spending
                                                 culprit. They are not aware of               money and then borrowing
Pennsylvania State Grange is
                                                 what farmers do in conservation.             money to pay for this spending.
pursuing these objectives to help
                                                 Farmers know that land and soil              Historically, we have opposed
PA’s rural economy:
                                                 are the basics of Agriculture and            such schemes as An equity loan
• Liability protection for farmers
                                                 their interest is to preserve and            on the Farm Show, Taking the
wishing to engage in agritourism.
                                                 replenish the land. Towards that             Race Horse Development Fund
• Establishing Dairy Incentive
                                                 end, Pennsylvania State Grange               and using the money for
 Zones to encourage investment
                                                 supports:                                    s c h o l a r s h i p s instead of for its
in r e g i o n a l m i l k p r o c e s s i n g
                                                 • Funding for the Conservation               original purpose. Borrowing $4.5
facilities. This will reduce
                                                 Districts.                                   billion and then using a new tax
transportation expenses in
                                                 • Protection of the Special Funds            on natural gas to make the
m i l k hauling and boost local jobs.
                                                 which promote conservation.                  payments on the loan.

  24         January/February 2021
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