Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers

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Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
Herpetology Notes, volume 13: 951-960 (2020) (published online on 26 November 2020)

                Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
                 (Bothrops, Crotalus) in a Brazilian savannah

                         Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo1,2,*, Alexandro M. Tozetti3, and Marcio Martins1

Abstract. Detailed information on habitat use allows for a better understanding of a species’ behaviour and spatial ecology
and provides basic information that may help with conservation assessments and in defining conservation actions. Here we
present data on habitat use and short-term movements of five sympatric pitvipers inhabiting a protected area of savannah in
southeastern Brazil. We conducted monthly surveys for two years, using road driving, visual searches, occasional encounters,
and relocations of animals equipped with PIT-tags, thread-bobbins, and radio-transmitters. The frequency of individuals of
Bothrops alternatus and B. itapetiningae was significantly higher than expected in campo sujo, B. moojeni was significantly
more frequent in gallery forest and wet field, B. pauloensis was significantly more frequent in campo cerrado, and Crotalus
durissus was significantly more frequent than expected in cerradão. All species are primarily terrestrial and commonly use
burrows in the ground as shelter. Most of the few recaptures of PIT-tagged individuals occurred within short distances from the
site of first capture, indicating sedentary habits for all species. Our results add to the information available about habitat use in
neotropical pitvipers and could contribute to the conservation of the studied species.

Keywords. Microhabitat, movement, PIT-tag, radio-tracking, thread bobbins, Cerrado

Introduction                                                        more accurate assessments of the conservation status of
                                                                    species and more effective conservation actions (Maritz
  The study of snake habitat use leads to a better
                                                                    and Alexander, 2012).
understanding of their behavioural (e.g., feeding,
                                                                      Finding snakes in the field, through visual searches
mating, seasonal, diel activity) and spatial ecology (e.g.,
                                                                    or accidental encounters, provides useful information
home range, habitat use, movement patterns; Oliveira
                                                                    on how species use their habitat, both at the scale of
and Martins, 2002; Tozetti and Martins, 2008; Sasa
                                                                    vegetation types and of microhabitats (i.e., the substrates
et al., 2009; Maritz and Alexander, 2012). Although
                                                                    used; Martins and Oliveira, 1998). Furthermore, mark-
essential to an understanding of snake ecology and
                                                                    recapture studies and other tracking methods like thread
their role in ecosystems, such basic natural history
                                                                    bobbins and radio-tracking have shown to be useful
information is still lacking for many species (e.g.,
                                                                    when used in combination (Tozetti and Martins, 2007)
Sazima and Haddad, 1992; Sawaya et al., 2008; Barbo
                                                                    and provide additional information on habitat use,
et al., 2011). Furthermore, this information can be
                                                                    including movement patterns (Nogueira et al., 2003;
particularly helpful for conservation issues, allowing
                                                                    Tozetti et al., 2009).
                                                                      The Cerrado is the second largest neotropical
                                                                    ecoregion, extending through approximately 2 million
                                                                    square kilometres mostly in central Brazil (Strassburg et
                                                                    al., 2017; Colli et al., 2020). It comprises mostly open
                                                                    savannahs, but with a high environmental heterogeneity
  Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências,               that includes at least six common vegetation types:
   Universidade de São Paulo, 05508-090 São Paulo, SP, Brazil.      campo sujo (grassy scrubland), campo cerrado (grassy
  Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia Aplicada,                   scrubland with scattered trees), cerrado sensu stricto
   Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura
                                                                    (dense savannah), cerradão (cerrado woodland), gallery
   Luiz de Queiroz, 13418-900 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
  Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados Terrestres,
                                                                    forest, and wet field (or wet grasslands and swamps;
   Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 93022-000 São             Eiten, 1972; Furley and Ratter, 1998; Ribeiro and
   Leopoldo, RS, Brazil.                                            Walter, 1998). This environmental heterogeneity may
  Corresponding author. E-mail: ferreto_74@hotmail.com              influence the local distribution of snakes (e.g., Sawaya
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
952                                                                                         Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.

et al., 2008; Fiorillo, 2020), particularly pitvipers of the   São Paulo, Brazil) were externally attached to the dorsal
genus Bothrops (Nogueira, 2001; Valdujo et al., 2002;          region at the dorsolateral region of the posterior third
Nogueira et al., 2003).                                        of the snake’s body using three strips (four centimetres
  The Cerrado of south-eastern Brazil harbours five            wide) of duct tape, long enough to encircle half of its
species of pitvipers: Bothrops alternatus Duméril et al.,      girth, as suggested by Tozetti and Martins (2007; Fig.
1854, B. itapetiningae (Boulenger, 1907), B. moojeni           3A). Radio-transmitters (Axabixo® radio-telemetry
Hoge, 1966, B. pauloensis Amaral, 1925, and Crotalus           with digital coding, São Paulo, Brazil) were attached
durissus Linnaeus, 1758 (Fig. 1; Araújo et al., 2010;          in the same way as thread bobbins, with the antenna
Fiorillo, 2020). Three of these species are endemic to         oriented backwards (see additional details in Tozetti
the Cerrado ecoregion (B. itapetiningae, B. moojeni,           and Martins, 2007; Fig. 3B). Each snake received either
and B. pauloensis; Nogueira et al., 2019). Some of the         a thread bobbing or a radio-transmitter, never both.
Cerrado pitvipers are known to be strongly associated          Snakes that were to be fitted with both thread-bobbins
with specific habitats (Nogueira, 2001; Valdujo et al.,        or radio-transmitters were captured and taken to a
2002; Sawaya et al., 2008; Fiorillo, 2020), such as B.         field laboratory, where they were measured, sexed and
moojeni, which is strongly associated with wet habitats        weighed, before a device was attached. These individuals
(wet fields and gallery forests; Nogueira et al., 2003).       were then released at the site of their capture, 1−3 days
Herein we provide information about habitat use and            after capture. The use of external attachment methods
short-term movements of five species of pitvipers in a         reduces stress inflicted to the animal and risk of death,
protected area of savannah (the Brazilian Cerrado) in          preventing undesirable physiological consequences
south-eastern Brazil.                                          (e.g., reabsorption of ovarian follicles) that could result
                                                               from surgical intervention (including anaesthesia;
Materials and Methods                                          Graves and Duvall, 1993; Rudolph et al., 1998).
  Our study was carried out in the Santa Bárbara                 Each animal bearing a radio-transmitter or a thread-
Ecological Station (SBES), located in Águas de Santa           bobbin was relocated at least once a day, with the
Bárbara Municipality, São Paulo State, south-eastern           exception of animals whose radio signal was lost (n =
Brazil (22.8159°S, 49.2204°W; elevation 600–680 m),            2 of radio-tracked animals; 40%). Locations include
which contains all six common Cerrado vegetation               the occasion when animals were released in the field,
types (Fig. 2). There are also some disturbed areas,           as well as those in which the snake was not visible.
including some commercial tree plantations (Pinus and          Animals equipped with thread-bobbins were located
Eucalyptus). The average temperature during the coldest        by tracking the thread trail, while signals from radio-
month is 18 °C and in the warmer months it exceeds             transmitters were tracked with a portable radio-receiver
22 °C. The annual rainfall is 1000–1300 mm (Melo               (Axabixo®, with digital coding). Most locations
and Durigan, 2011). Furthermore, all common pitviper           provided visual contact with individuals and the place in
species that occur in the Cerrado of south-eastern Brazil      which the animal was observed was marked by coloured
are found in this protected area.                              flagging. Geographical coordinates were taken at each
  Surveys were conducted monthly for ten consecutive           location. Individuals that were hidden in burrows in
days, corresponding to 240 days of fieldwork from              the ground were photographed when possible (Fig.
August 2016 – July 2018. Data were gathered during             4A) or observed through an endoscopic inspection, 2-
searches conducted by car along roads and firebreaks           m optic fibre cable attached to a cell phone, allowing
(road driving), visual searches in different vegetation        the animals to be seen in their shelter (Fig. 4B). The
types, occasional encounters, and relocations of animals       distance moved from the initial site (DMIS; Tozetti
captured and released after being equipped with three          et al., 2009) of animals bearing radio-transmitters or
types of devices that allowed us to identify recaptures        thread-bobbins were measured in a straight line using
(PIT-tags) and track the movements of individuals              the software QGIS (QGIS Development Team, 2019).
(thread bobbins and radio-transmitters).                       The minimum distance moved per day (MDMD) was
  PIT-tags (Trovan® ID 100 Implantable Transponder,            calculated by dividing DMIS by the number of days
Alltags, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil) were implanted           the snake was tracked. This latter number represents
by making diminutive cuts on the ventrolateral region          the period from the release of the snake with a thread-
of the snakes through which the tags were inserted.            bobbing or a transmitter until the thread-bobbing ended
Thread-bobbins (~170 m long;  Hiltex® Ltda., Itatiba,          or was detached or the transmitter was detached. As
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers in a Brazilian savannah                                                     953

Figure 1. Individuals of the five species of pitvipers found at the Santa Bárbara Ecological Station. All pictures depict individuals
as they were found in the field. (A) Bothrops alternatus found in the morning on an unpaved road crossing an area of campo sujo.
(B) B. itapetiningae found in the morning in an area of campo sujo. (C) B. moojeni found at night in a wet field close to a gallery
forest in an area of campo cerrado. (D) B. pauloensis found at night in an area of campo sujo. (E) Crotalus durissus found on
an unpaved road crossing an area of cerrado sensu stricto. (F) C. durissus found in the morning in a cerradão (note leaf litter
covering the ground).

in some situations, observations were done between                  wet field, and disturbed areas), we used a contingency
different field trips, this number may be used to estimate          table analysis with a chi-square test (Monte Carlo
only the minimum distance moved per day.                            method with 5000 simulations). Adjusted residuals were
  To test for possible associations of pitviper species             used to visually describe the results of this test. These
with different vegetation types (campo sujo, campo                  analyses were made with XLStat (Addinsoft, 2019).
cerrado, cerrado sensu stricto, cerradão, gallery forest,           Considering all methods together, sampling effort was
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
954                                                                                             Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.

Figure 2. Natural vegetation types of Santa Bárbara Ecological Station. (A) Campo sujo (grassy scrubland). (B) Campo cerrado
(grassy scrubland with scattered trees). (C) Cerrado sensu stricto (dense savanna). (D) Cerradão (cerrado woodland). (E) Gallery
forest. (F) Wet field.

relatively homogeneous in different vegetation types             Results
(e.g., although visual search was more frequent in
                                                                   During our two-year survey we found a total of 124
more open vegetation, most of the roads used in road
                                                                 individuals of five species of pitvipers. Among these,
sampling cross more dense vegetation types), especially
                                                                 a combined 77% were Bothrops pauloensis (n = 56) or
considering the extent of the cover of each vegetation
                                                                 Crotalus durissus (n = 40; Table 1). Using data obtained
type in the study area (gallery forests, for instance, cover
                                                                 through all sampling methods, we found variation
only a small area and was likewise sampled less often).
                                                                 in the apparent abundances (number of captures)
                                                                 of species in different vegetation types (Table 1).
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers in a Brazilian savannah                                                       955
             Table 1. Pitviper records for each vegetation type at the Santa Bárbara Ecological Station and surroundings.
Table 1. Pitviper records for each vegetation type at the Santa Bárbara Ecological Station and surroundings.

               Species                     Campo        Campo             Cerrado         Cerradão        Gallery   Wet field   Disturbed   TOTAL
                                            sujo        cerrado         sensu stricto                     forest                  areas
               Bothrops alternatus            6             1                0                 0               0       0           2          9
               Bothrops itapetiningae         3             1                0                 0               0       0           0          4
               Bothrops moojeni               0             1                1                 1               7       2           3          15
               Bothrops pauloensis           10            36                4                 1               0       1           4         56
               Crotalus durissus              2             6                5                12               1       1           13         40

             Considering all vegetation types (Fig. 2), B. alternatus                    frequent in cerradão (P = 0.003), gallery forest (P =
             and B. itapetiningae were found only in open savannahs                      0.008), and disturbed areas (P = 0.008), and C. durissus
             (campo sujo and campo cerrado), B. pauloensis mainly                        was significantly more frequent than expected in
             in open savannahs (campo sujo and campo cerrado), but                       cerradão (P = 0.0001) and disturbed areas (P = 0.005),
             also in cerrado sensu stricto, B. moojeni mostly in wet                     and less frequent in campo sujo (P = 0.01) and campo
             areas (gallery forests and wet fields), and C. durissus                     cerrado (P = 0.001) (Fig. 5). Finally, all species except
             in all natural vegetation types plus disturbed areas                        B. itapetiningae were found in disturbed areas (Table 1),
             (Table 1). The contingency table analysis using data in                     especially C. durissus (13 out of 40 individuals).
             Table 1 showed a significant association between species                      Of the 75 individuals equipped with PIT-tags (B.
             and vegetation types (χ2 = 36.4, df = 24, P < 0.0001;                       alternatus, n = 4; B. moojeni, n = 11; B. pauloensis, n =
             Fig. 5). The frequency of individuals of B. alternatus and                  33; C. durissus, n = 27), only four were recaptured. One
             B. itapetiningae was significantly higher than expected                     PIT-tagged individual of B. moojeni was recaptured
             in campo sujo (P = 0.001 and P = 0.015, respectively),                      three times in the same place (a gallery forest adjacent to
             B. moojeni was significantly more frequent in gallery                       an artificial pond near the SBES headquarters) between
             forest (P = 0.0001) and less frequent in campo cerrado                      March 2016 and February 2018, with less than 20 m
             (P = 0.01), B. pauloensis was significantly more                            between release and last recapture. We also recaptured
             frequent in campo cerrado (P = 0.0001) and less                             three individuals of B. pauloensis. One of them was

             Figure 3. Detail of individuals of Crotalus durissus (A) and Bothrops pauloensis (B) with a thread bobbin and a radio-transmitter,
             respectively. Both tracking devices are attached to the dorsolateral region with transparent silver duct tape.
956                                                                                                Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.

Figure 4. An individual of Bothrops pauloensis in a shallow termite mound (A) and an individual of B. alternatus observed
through an endoscopic camera in a burrow in the ground. Note that the individual in (A) has a radio-transmitter attached and that
the duct tape is beginning to detach from the skin of the snake.

recaptured about 400 m from the site of capture, 34 days           campo cerrado and recaptured about 100 m away from
later, in campo sujo. Another individual first captured in         site of capture 107 days later.
an area of campo cerrado was recaptured 37 days later,               Of the 21 individuals equipped with thread-bobbins
about 15 m from the first site, after the area had been            (B. alternatus, n = 1; B. moojeni, n = 3; C. durissus,
completely burned. A third individual was captured in              n = 12) and radio-transmitters (B. alternatus, n = 2; B.

Figure 5. Adjusted residuals of a contingency table analysis used to test for associations between pit viper species and vegetation
types at the Santa Bárbara Ecological Station. Red bars indicate significant positive or negative associations while grey bars
indicate no association.
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers in a Brazilian savannah                                                                                  957
      Table 2. Individuals monitored with thread bobbins and radio-transmitters. Locations include the occasion when animals where
      released in the field, as well as those in which the snake was not visible. CC: campo cerrado; CD: cerradão; CS: campo sujo;
      DMIS: distance in a straight line from the capture site; F: female; GF: gallery forest; M: male; MDMD: minimum distance moved
       2. Individuals Pinus sp.
           day; PF:monitored    withplantation;  RT:
                                     thread bobbins andRadio-tracking;      SS: cerrado
                                                        radio-transmitters. Locations includesensu  stricto;
                                                                                              the occasion   SVL:
                                                                                                           when     snout–vent
                                                                                                                animals            length;
                                                                                                                        where released in the TB:
                                                                                                                                              field, Thread-bobbin;
                                                                                                                                                     as well as those in which
the snake was not visible. CC: campo cerrado; CD: cerradão; CS: campo sujo; DMIS: distance in a straight line from the capture site; F: female; GF: gallery forest; M: male;
      WF: wet field.
MDMD: minimum distance moved per day; PF: Pinus sp. plantation; RT: Radio-tracking; SS: cerrado sensu stricto; SVL: snout–vent length; TB: Thread-bobbin; WF: wet

            ID            Species        Sex       SVL       Month        Method       Vegetation      Days       Number of        DMIS       MDMD         Different
                                                  (mm)                                   type                      locations        (m)        (m)         field trips
      498068         B. alternatus         F      1070        Aug           TB             CS           43            18             52          1.2           Yes
      500745         B. alternatus         F       990         Sep          RT             CS           28             6             137         4.9           Yes
      61C1A43        B. alternatus         F       930         Jan          RT           CS/CC          11             5             47          4.3           No
      505020         B. moojeni            F       830         Oct          TB           PP/GF           1             2             65          65            No
      501294*        B. moojeni            F       960       Sep/Oct        TB             GF            2             3             40          20            No
      508549*        B. moojeni            F      1150        Nov           TB           WF/CC           2             2             175        87.5           No
      498328*        B. pauloensis         F       580      Nov/Dec         RT           CS/CC          58            10             30          0.5           Yes
      499441*        B. pauloensis         F       625         Oct          RT         CD/GF/SS          5             5             195         39            No
      61C09D5        C. durissus          M        988         Feb          TB             CS            1             5             130         130           No
      499246         C. durissus           F       830        Nov           TB           CS/CC           1             2             75          75            No
      500193         C. durissus           -       812         Feb          TB           CS/CC           1             2             150         150           No
      497891         C. durissus           F       700         Jan          TB             CC            2             2             80          40            No
      501466         C. durissus          M        725        Nov           TB             CC            1             2             80          80            No
      504140*        C. durissus           F       940         Mar          TB             WF            2             3             75         37.5           No
      506947         C. durissus          M        939         Feb          TB             SS            1             2             125         125           No
      504559         C. durissus          M        845        May           TB             SS            1             2             90          90            No
      501458         C. durissus          M        660        Aug           TB             CD            2             3             30          30            No
      507952         C. durissus           F       750         Dec          TB             CD            1             2             98          98            No
      610D402        C. durissus          M        790         Mar          TB             CD            1             2             65          65            No
      61C0387        C. durissus          M        825         Mar          TB           CD/GF           1             2             70          70            No
      61BFF4F*       C. durissus          M        900         Dec          RT           CS/CC          33             4             180         5.5           Yes

     pauloensis, n = 2; C. durissus, n =1), almost all were                              transmitters, the mean distance moved from the initial
     adults. Most tracking activity occurred in the wettest/                             site (DMIS) was 78.7 ± 50.6 m for B. alternatus (n =
     warmest months of the year (September–April) and                                    3; range 47–137 m), 93.3 ± 71.8 m for B. moojeni (n
     monitoring time varied greatly depending on the                                     = 3; range 40–175 m), 112.5 m for B. pauloensis (n =
     method used and the species tracked (range 1–58 days;                               2; range 30–195 m), and 96.0 ± 40.2 m for C. durissus
     Table 2). The number of locations recorded for the same                             (n = 13; range 30–180 m; Table 2). The minimum
     individual (including the occasion when the snake was                               distance moved per day (MDMD) was 1.2–4.9 m/d for
     released) varied from 2–18 (Table 2). Both thread-                                  B. alternatus (n = 3), 20.0–87.5 m/d for B. moojeni (n =
     bobbin and radio tracking were terminated mostly                                    3), 0.5–39.0 m/d for B. pauloensis (n = 2), and 5.5–150
     due to detachment of adhesive tape (n = 7; 77% of the                               m/d for C. durissus (n = 13; Table 2).
     interruptions; see Fig. 3A), but also due to shedding (one                            During radio-tracking, the transmitter signal was
     individual of B. alternatus and one of B. pauloensis;                               sometimes lost, probably due to the hiding place in
     23% of interruptions). Thread-bobbins provided limited                              which the individual remained. In these cases, we found
     information about total movement length because 14                                  the individuals several days after the last location,
     out of 16 individuals monitored through this method                                 which prevented the estimation of rates of daily
     moved until the bobbin was empty, which took 1–2                                    movement. The five individuals monitored with radio-
     days (excluding an individual of B. alternatus for which                            transmitters moved from 11–195 m (DMIS) and their
     monitoring was performed between different field trips).                            MDMD varied from 0.5–39 m/day. Only one individual
     Monitoring of the remaining specimen was interrupted                                of B. alternatus remained in the same vegetation type
     by the detachment of adhesive tape. Considering                                     during the entire period in which it was radio-tracked.
     individuals with attached thread-bobbins and radio-                                 The other individuals of this species, as well as one
958                                                                                       Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.

B. pauloensis and one C. durissus, used two to three         et al. (2008) found this species mainly in disturbed areas
vegetation types during monitoring (including cases          of the surroundings of another cerrado area in São Paulo
where the monitoring was conducted on different field        state (Itirapina Ecological Station). Thus, B. pauloensis
trips; Table 2).                                             shows some degree of tolerance to disturbed areas but
  Individuals of different species tracked, as well as       apparently less than C. durissus. Although there is a
those found through visual searches and occasional           wide habitat niche overlap among some species in our
encounters, were observed moving through the                 study area (e.g., B. alternatus, B. itapetiningae and B.
vegetation, sometimes using different strata (from           pauloensis co-occurring in open habitats), interspecific
the ground to bushes ~1.5 m high) and even through           competition is unlikely considering the relatively low
water bodies (two individuals of B. moojeni). They           abundance of snakes and the apparent abundance of
were often observed sheltered in deep, narrow burrows        resources (microhabitat, shelter, food; M. Martins and
(~10–15 cm opening diameter and up to 1 m deep;              B.F. Fiorillo, pers. obs.).
two individuals of B. alternatus and one of each B.            Our results regarding microhabitat use show that all the
itapetiningae, B. pauloensis, and C. durissus) and           studied pitviper species often use subterranean burrows,
termite mounds (two individuals of B. pauloensis). We        and the individual of B. pauloensis recaptured very close
also observed individuals in a foraging posture (see         to a recently burned area suggest that these microhabitats
Oliveira and Martins, 2002) at night (one individual         could function as efficient shelters against fire. Valdujo
of B. itapetiningae, one of B. moojeni and four of C.        et al. (2002) suggest that besides being used as shelter
durissus), and even during the day (one individual of B.     for fire protection, burrows may also (1) reduce the
itapetiningae and one of C. durissus).                       exposure to predators, (2) represent favourable foraging
                                                             sites, and (3) aid in thermoregulation (reducing heat loss
Discussion                                                   at night and providing a relatively stable microclimate).
                                                             It also may provide a humid retreat during dry weather
  Habitat use.—The five species of pitvipers presented
                                                             and may function as a retreat where pre-ecdysis, post-
different habitat breadth (number of vegetation types
                                                             feeding, or pre-birthing females could shelter (Huey et
used), which varied from narrow habitat breadth in B.
                                                             al., 1989; Greene et al., 2003; Nogueira et al., 2003).
alternatus and B. itapetiningae (basically only two,
                                                               The data obtained through mark-recapture and tracking
very similar vegetation types) to wide habitat breadth in
                                                             methods indicate that pitvipers tend to move relatively
C. durissus (all vegetation types). Three of the studied
                                                             little in our study area. Indeed, some individuals were
species were more restricted to non-forest habitats (B.
                                                             recaptured very close to the sites of previous observation
alternatus, B. itapetiningae, and B. pauloensis), while
                                                             after relatively long periods (e.g., individuals of B.
the others often used forested habitats (B. moojeni and C.
                                                             moojeni and B. pauloensis observed more than a month
durissus). Previous studies also recorded B. alternatus,
                                                             later, after the first observation, less than 40 m from the
B. itapetiningae, and B. pauloensis in the open areas
                                                             capture site), even after the area had been burned (see
typical of the Cerrado ecoregion (Valdujo et al., 2002;
                                                             the example of B. pauloensis above). This indicates that
Sawaya et al., 2008; Nogueira et al., 2010; Leão et al.,
                                                             these species may use small areas for long periods, as
2014), while B. moojeni was found more frequently in
                                                             suggested by previous studies (Nogueira et al., 2003;
gallery forests and adjacent wet areas (Nogueira et al.,
                                                             Tozetti et al., 2009).
2003; Sawaya et al., 2008). Besides having the widest
                                                               Our results add to the information available about
habitat breadth, C. durissus was more often found in
                                                             habitat use by neotropical pitvipers (Oliveira and
disturbed areas than the other species. Although it uses
                                                             Martins, 2002; Valdujo et al., 2002; Nogueira et al.,
predominantly open and relatively dry habitats (e.g.,
                                                             2003; Tozetti and Martins, 2008; Sasa et al., 2009).
Sawaya et al., 2008; Tozetti and Martins, 2008), C.
                                                             Given that habitat use is critical information for
durissus presents great ecological plasticity and is often
                                                             assessing the conservation status of species, as well as
found in forest (Sawaya et al., 2008; Hartmann et al.,
                                                             for designing better conservation actions (Maritz and
2009; Benício, 2018) and disturbed areas (Bastos et al.,
                                                             Alexander, 2012), our results will certainly contribute
2005). On the other hand, B. pauloensis tended to be
                                                             to the conservation of the studied species.
less frequently found in disturbed areas. This species
is widely distributed across the Cerrado ecoregion             Methodological issues.—Although the use of thread-
(Nogueira et al., 2019) and typically associated with open   bobbins can be useful to study the movement of snakes
savannahs and grasslands (Valdujo et al., 2002). Sawaya      in the wild, in most cases when we monitored individuals
Habitat use by five species of sympatric pitvipers in a Brazilian savannah                                                             959

using this method the snake moved to the end of the                        Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil.
thread-bobbin within 24−48 hours. We wonder whether                     Furley, P.A., Ratter, J.A. (1998): Soil resources and plant
                                                                           communities of the central Brazilian cerrado and their
the time, during which individuals were kept in captivity,
                                                                           development. Journal of Biogeography 15: 97–108.
may have caused biases in daily movement rates for the
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