Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide

Page created by Scott Mccormick
Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Hallam Senior College
2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Contents                                       Music Industry                    16
                                               Screen and Media                  17
VET Overview                               3
                                               Sport and Recreation              18
Additional Information                     4
                                               Automotive Studies                19
Senior School Framework                    5
                                               Beauty Services                   20
Subjects & Certificates Across Programs    6
                                               Building & Construction           21
VET Courses                                7
                                               Employment Pathways               22
VET Course Costs                           8
                                               VCE VET Hair and Beauty Program   23
Business                                   9
                                               Plumbing                          24
Community Services                        10
                                               Salon Assistant                   25
Furniture Making Pathways                 11
                                               Visual Arts                       26
Health Services Assistance                12
                                               VET Uniforms & PPE                27
Information, Digital Media & Technology   13
Integrated Technologies                   14
Kitchen Operations                        15
VET Overview
As one of the largest school providers of vocational education and training, Hallam Senior College aims to
provide students with real opportunities and support to learn and develop the skills and industry knowl-
edge required to make them “in demand” for employers.

Strategically located in Hallam, and well served by public transport, the programs take advantage of proximity to industry
and further education and training institutions to provide options and support during and beyond school.

Through Structured Workplace Learning (work placement in a related industry), students have access to on the job
experience to complement their program. Engaging with the workplace, students get a taste for the industry before
completing school and moving on to further education and training or employment.

Who is VET for?                                                    Quality Programs
VET is for everyone, whether it is to gain an early start to       All VET programs at Hallam Senior Secondary College are
an apprenticeship, try out career options or boost a VCE           accredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications
study score, or to get some skills that help employment            Authority (VRQA) which guarantees they meet the required
prospects.                                                         standards for training and assessment. Hallam is the
                                                                   Registered Training Organisation for most of the programs
At school, VET certificates may be undertaken by senior            and works in partnership with local TAFE Institutes or
secondary school students as part of their VCE or VCAL.            other training providers to deliver quality training for other
They may also start those certificates in Year 10 if they          programs.
have literacy and numeracy skills at the required standard.
VET is a compulsory part of a VCAL certificate but is
                                                                   Highly Qualified Staff
optional for VCE.
                                                                   All staff maintain their connections and affiliations with
                                                                   industry ensuring students are provided with the latest
Credit for VET and Study Score Information
                                                                   improvements to skills and knowledge in each area.
Many VET certificates contribute to a VCE student’s study
score and ATAR directly like any other VCE subject. These
                                                                   State of the Art Facilities
programs have VCE tasks and an exam at the end of
year 12. Others, if taken at the appropriate qualification         Hallam facilities have been designed and built to provide
level, may also provide a boost to a student’s overall study       the most up to date, industry standard training facilities
score through an increment based on 10% of the average             and simulated workplace learning. These facilities in many
of the student’s remaining study scores. *Please see your          instances exceed those available in industry.
careers coordinator for more specific advice.
                                                                   All students have access to the specialised staff in our
VET certificates and programs provide credit for all units         Pathways Hub where they can explore and receive
that are successfully completed in certificates across             information on desirable pathways and careers, as well as
Australia. If students are unable to complete their full           advice on further education and training options.
certificate they are still issued with a ‘’Statement of
Attainment”. Should they go on to further education and            Further information
training in a relevant qualification they are able to get credit   Please contact our VET Programs Leader, Jason Tickner,
transfer for any units that are completed.                         for more details on any of the programs.

                                                                   Enrolment Info
                                                                   Please contact your local VET coordinator to discuss
                                                                   applying through the South East Local Learning and
                                                                   Employment Network (SELLEN), or contact Hallam Senior
                                                                   College directly.

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                  3
Additional Information
Attendance                                                           College Communications
Student learning is maximised by student                             Check the website: www.hallamssc.vic.edu.au for
attendance at all timetabled classes.                                important messages that will apply to you.
Students need to be aware that if they miss 10% of                   The Compass System will also allow you to receive
classes in any subject for unapproved reasons that they              messages via email and SMS.
are at risk of failing the subject. This may occur even if           Letters to students & families are published throughout
they have completed the work. Students are to ensure                 the term when required. Our Headlines & Highlights photo
that they have a documented reason for any absence (eg.              journal is published at the end of each term. These items
Medical certificate) and present this document to their Sub          are made available on the website but also posted out to
School Engagement Officer.                                           families.
School approved absences for excursions or camps do                  Plasma screens also deliver daily news / achievements.
not adversely affect your attendance unless the student is
                                                                     Home schools will be notified via email of student
behind in their work.
                                                                     absences. A note of explanation will be required for the
If a student becomes ill during the day, they need to                next VET class.
report to the General Office and a parent/guardian will be
contacted so they can be taken home. Students will be                Transport
required to sign out.                                                If you use public transport to come to school, obtain an
The school does not administer medication including                  application for student concession from a MET office or
headache tablets such as Aspirin or Panadol.                         railway station.
                                                                     Responsible Travel - Please behave responsibly when
                                                                     travelling to and from school so that the school has a
The Hallam Senior College timetable has been designed to             positive reputation in the community.
provide a range of options for students. The College offers
                                                                     For public buses it is advised to check http://ptv.vic.gov.au
a significant variety of subjects and certificates. The Senior
                                                                     for routes 828 and 893 and connecting rail services from
Secondary environment has a young adult flavour enabling
                                                                     Hallam Station.
higher levels of movement of students during the day
including early starts and later finishing times.                    Reporting
This requires students to take additional responsibility for         The college reports on your progress and performance at
using their time effectively and ensuring that they attend           the following times:
all scheduled classes and keep up to date with their work.
                                                                     Progress Report - Every six weeks
Students carry with them a sub school card that shows
                                                                     Semester 1 – Detailed reports for all students
their study periods and agreed times to be on school
                                                                     Semester 2 - Detailed reports for Years 10 & 11
grounds. Students must produce the card on request
                                                                     Semester 2 – References for Year 12
from a staff member when not in class. We expect that
students will attend all classes on time, equipped and               If your teachers are concerned about your progress,
ready to learn.                                                      attendance etc. at any stage throughout the year they
                                                                     will contact home. Parents and guardians are also
These arrangements are again required to provide
                                                                     encouraged to contact the school at any time if they have
students with the widest possible choice of subjects and
                                                                     concerns or queries.
programs. Students need to demonstrate a higher level of
maturity to make the arrangements work well for them.                If we have concerns about a student form an external
                                                                     school we will contact the relevant VET Coordinator.
Bell Times                                                           Reports are also accessible via the online Compass
In 2018 the College day (for most students) starts at                System.
8:30am with classes concluding at 3:00pm.
                                                                     Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Due to the wide range of VET Certificates based at Hallam
and offered across the region, the College also extends              If you’re studying nationally recognised training in Australia
some classes at the end of the day. Student timetables               from 1 January 2015, you will be required to have a
may vary from the standard times and can start as late as            Unique Student Identifier (USI).
10:40am or finish at 5:15pm on some days.                            A USI is a reference number that will allow all of an
                                                                     individual’s training records, entered in the national
Block Training in VET Certificates                                   vocational education and training (VET) data collection, to
At Hallam Senior College some of our VET Certificates are            be linked.
delivered within the timetable and some are delivered as             The USI will make it easier for students to find, collate
Block Training. A commitment to Block Training may mean              and authenticate their VET achievements into a single
that a student misses a period of another class but the              transcript. It will also ensure that students’ VET records
student will have the opportunity to work with their other           are not lost.
subject teacher to organise how to make up that time.
                                                                     The College can help you obtain your free USI when you
Block Training sessions are usually 4 hours with breaks.             enrol or you can create your own USI at: www.usi.gov.au

4                                                                Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Senior School Framework
                                    F–10 Victorian Curriculum / Year 10

                                              Senior School Certificates

                                 VCE                                                   (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning)
                   (Victorian Certificate of Education)                                 Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Industry
                           Usually 20-24 Units                                        Specific Skills, Personal Development Skills,
                                                                                                    Work Related Skills

                                                   (Vocational Education and Training)
                                                           VCE VET Program
                                                School Based Apprenticeship & Traineeship
                                                         Other VET Certificates

                                 Training: TAFE or school,                                   Structured
                                    industry, RTO, ACE)                                  Workplace Learning

               Completion of VCE                                                         Completion of VCAL
          (ATAR)            Unscored


                                                          Certificate II/III/IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma


Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                        5
                                                                                Subjects and Certificates Across Programs
                                                                                                                  Year 10                                                              VCE                                               VCE Continued                                           VET Certificates

                                                                                                                      Subjects                                            Semester     Subjects                                  Units   Subjects                                    Units       Certificate                                           Level

                                                                                                                              English (General or Excel)                      1&2      English:                                          Fountain Gate                                           Automotive Studies*                                           II
                                                                                                                              English (Essential)                             1&2      • English                                  1-4                                                            Beauty Services*                                             III
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dance                                         1-4
                                                                                                                              English as Another Language                     1&2
                                                                                                                              Mainstream Maths (General or Excel)             1&2      • English as Another Language              1-4    Economics                                     1-4       Building & Construction*                                      II

                                                                                                                              Real Life Maths (Essential)                     1&2      • English Language                         1-4    History: Ancient                              1-4       Business*                                                 II/III
                                                                                                                              World of Work                           must do 1 or 2   • Literature                               1-4    Gleneagles                                              Community Services*                                       II/III
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Australian & Global Politics                  1-2

                                                                                                                                                                                       • Bridging EAL                             1-4                                                            Employment Pathways                                            I
                                                                                                                              AVID                                            1&2      Mathematics:                                      Environmental Science                         1-4       Furniture Making Pathways*                                    II

                                                                                                                                                                                       • General Maths: (Further Maths Strand)    1-2    Global Politics                               3-4       Hair & Beauty Program*                                    II/III
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Geography                                     1-4

                                                                                    Sub Schools
                                                                                                              Electives                                                                • General Maths: (Math Methods Strand)     1-2                                                            Health Services Assistance*                                  III
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Foundation Maths                         1-2                                                            Information, Digital Media & Technology*                  II/III
                                                                                                                              Visual Arts (Specialist Program)                1&2                                                        • German                                      1-4
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Further Maths                            3-4    • Indonesian                                  1-4       Integrated Technologies*                                      II
                                                                                                                              Art                                             1 or 2   • Maths Methods                            1-4    Music Performance                             1-4       Kitchen Operations*                                           II
                                                                                                                              Drama                                           1 or 2   • Specialist Maths                         3-4                                                            Music Industry - Performance*                                III

                                                                                                                              Electronic Music Production                     1 or 2
                                                                                                                              Media Arts                                      1 or 2   Accounting                                 1-4                                                            Music Industry - Sound Production*                           III
                                                                                                                              Photography                                     1 or 2   Art                                        1-4                                                            Plumbing                                                      II
                                                                                                                              Visual Communication & Design                   1 or 2   Australian History                         3-4                                                            Salon Assistant                                               II

                                                                                    Arts & Humanities
                                                                                                                                                                                       Biology                                    1-4    VCAL Programs                                           Screen & Media*                                              III
                                                                                                                              Gladiators of Sport (History)                   1 or 2   Business Management                        1-4                                                            Sport And Recreation*                                        III
                                                                                                                              Ancient History                                 1 or 2   Chemistry                                  1-4    VCAL Strands                            Levels          Australian Rules Football, Basketball, Netball,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Football (Soccer), Rugby League,

                                                                                                                                                                                       Computing                                  1-2    Literacy / Numeracy                         F, I & S    Diamond Sports (Baseball/Softball), General
                                                                                                                              Law and Order                                   1 or 2   - Informatics                              3-4    Personal Development Skills                 F, I & S    Visual Arts*                                                   III
                                                                                                                              Money Matters                                   1 or 2
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Software Development                     3-4    Work Related Skills                         F, I & S    Visual Arts (Folio Extension)                                 IV
                                                                                                                              My Business Rules                               1 or 2

                                                                                                                                                                                       Drama                                      1-4    Industry Specific Skills                    F, I & S

                                                                                                                              Sports & The Law                                1 or 2
                                                                                                                                                                                       Food Studies                               1-4                                                            * VCE/VET (Can contribute to ATAR)
                                                                                                                              Code-I.T                                        1 or 2                                                     Programs

                                                                                                                              Get-I.T                                         1 or 2   Health & Human Development                 1-4                                                            Hallam Senior College is the authorized Registered Training
                                                                                                                                                                                       History: Revolutions                       3-4    VCAL: Additional Needs (F & I)                          Organisation (RTO) for most VET programs run at the
                                                                                                                              STEM (Specialist Program)                       1&2                                                                                                                college. This means that the College has permission to run
                                                                                                                                                                                       Industry & Enterprise                      1-4    VCAL: English as another Language (I & S)               the programs and they are part of the College’s “scope of
                                                                                                                              Blood And Bones (Biology)                       1 or 2   Legal Studies                              1-4    VCAL: Visual Arts (I & S)                               registration”. There are exceptions where we enter into a
                                                                                                                              Body in Balance (Chemistry)                     1 or 2   Media                                      1-4    VCAL: Building & Construction. (I & S)                  partnership with another RTO to deliver some programs.
                                                                                                                              Fact or Fiction                                 1 or 2

                                                                                    Science, IT & Commerce
                                                                                                                                                                                       Outdoor & Environmental Studies            1-4    VCAL: Pasifika                                          This is called an “Auspicing Arrangement”.

                                                                                                                              Flight of the Drones (Physics)                  1 or 2                                                     VCAL Senior Extension: Folio Enhancement
                                                                                                                              Inside Robots (Physics)                         1 or 2   Philosophy                                 1-4
                                                                                                                              Sports Science                                  1 or 2                                                     (Year 13 Art, Design And Digital Media)
                                                                                                                                                                                       Physical Education                         1-4
                                                                                                                              Strange Minds (Psychology)                      1 or 2
                                                                                                                                                                                       Physics                                    1-4    VCE Subjects that equal VCAL WRS
                                                                                                                              Building & Construction (Specialist Program)    1&2      Product Design & Technology:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Food Studies                                  1-4
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Wood                                    1-4                                                            SMART CLASSES
                                                                                                                              Beauty Blitz                                    1 or 2                                                     Industry & Enterprise                         1-4
                                                                                                                              Food Glorious Food                              1 or 2   • Textiles                                1-4     Computing                                     1-2
                                                                                                                              Try A Trade – Automotive                        1 or 2   Psychology                                1–4                                                            Year 10: Goals

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - Informatics                                 3-4                                   All students participate in the
                                                                                                                              Try A Trade – Building and Product Design       1 or 2   Sociology                                 1-4                                                            Year 11: Actions

                                                                                                             Technology &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - IT Software Development                     3-4                                       SMART Class program

                                                                                 & Technologies
                                                                                                                              Try A Trade – Electrotechnology                 1 or 2

                                                                                Traditional Trades
                                                                                                                                                                                       Studio Arts                               1-4     Outdoor & Environmental Studies               1-4      Year 12: Transitions
                                                                                                                              Try A Trade – Landscaping                       1 or 2
                                                                                                                                                                                       Studio Arts: Photography                  1-4     Product Design & Technology:
                                                                                                                              Sports Leadership (Sports Academy)              1&2      Systems Engineering                       1-4     • Wood                                        1-4

               Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                       Theatre Studies                           1-4     • Textiles                                    1-4
                                                                                                                              Sport for all                                   1 or 2
                                                                                                                              Critically Sport                                1 or 2   Visual Communication & Design             1-4     Systems Engineering                           1-4

                                                                                    Sport &
                                                                                                                Health & PE
                                                                                                                              Alive                                           1 or 2

                                                                                Health Sciences
                                                                                                                              Heroes in Healthcare                            1 or 2

VET Courses
VET (Vocational Education and Training) is an important part of VCE and an essential part of VCAL.
Some reasons for doing a VET program?
✓ Students taking VET complete practical activities as part of their assessment.
✓ VET allows students to build on their skills set, often giving them an advantage when applying for an apprenticeship or
✓ In most cases, students get 2 Certificates – VCE or VCAL and a nationally recognised vocational qualification.
✓ Some VETS are scored and can be counted towards an ATAR.

                                                                                                                         RTO     Length       Counts        Counts        Full ATAR     Bonus added
     VET Certificate                                                                                                    Number   (Years)   towards VCE   towards VCAL   contribution◆     to ATAR●

                            BSB20115 Certificate II in Business                                                         22249      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            (And selected units from BSB30115 Certificate III in Business)

                            Community Services
                            CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services incorporating CHC22015 Certificate II        40518      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            in Community Services

                            Furniture Making Pathways                                                                   0260       1           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            MSF20516 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways

                            Health Services Assistance
                            HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance incorporating HLT23215                TBC       1           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            Certificate II in Health Support Services & CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services

                            Information, Digital Media & Technology
                            ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology and                      22249      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            ICT30115 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology (selected units)

                            Integrated Technologies                                                                     22249      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            22289VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies

                            Kitchen Operations                                                                          22249      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations

                            Music Industry
                            CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry                                                  50392      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            (With electives in either Performance or Sound Production streams)

                            Screen and Media                                                                            22249      2           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            CUA31015 Certificate III in Screen and Media

                            Sport and Recreation                                                                        22249      1           ✓             ✓               ✓
                            SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

                            Automotive Studies                                                                          22249      2           ✓             ✓                              ✓
                            AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation

                            Beauty Services                                                                             22249      2           ✓             ✓                              ✓
                            SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services

                            Building & Construction                                                                     22249      2           ✓             ✓                              ✓
                            22338VIC Certificate II in Building and Construction

                            Employment Pathways                                                                         40458      1                         ✓
                            22280VIC Certificate I in Employment Pathways

                            VCE VET Hair and Beauty Program
                            SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant                                                  22249      2           ✓             ✓                              ✓
                            (With selected units in SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services)

                            Plumbing                                                                                    3829       2       Units 1 & 2       ✓
                            22304VIC Certificate II in Plumbing                                                                                only
                            Salon Assistant                                                                             22249      2       Units 1 & 2       ✓
                            SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant                                                                         only
                            Visual Arts                                                                                 22249      2           ✓             ✓                              ✓
                            CUA31115 Certificate III in Visual Arts

RTO Number: 0260 Chisholm TAFE, 20949 Ausdance, 22249 Hallam Senior College, 3829 AGA , 40518 Connect n’ Grow,
50392 College of Sound and Music Production,

Please note: Students are required to pay costs applicable to their program i.e. uniform, knife kit, overalls, police checks, working with
children’s check, safety boots, glasses etc.

Students can only do Year 2 in VET if they have completed Year 1.
  VCE students selecting the bonus ATAR courses may select only ONE of these.
  Scored VET counted in the primary 4.

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                                                                        7
VET Courses Costs
The recent Government changes to TAFE funding may have a flow on effect to what it costs to deliver VETiS programs.
Families need to be aware that the charges listed for VET Certificates at this time are INDICATIVE only. The school will keep
parents informed of any changes as they arise.
Costs detailed below are charged on an annual basis for each year. The costs are provided as a guide only and should not
be considered to be definitive.

                                                                                                                                                     Year 1         Year 2
      VET Certificate                                        Inclusions
                                                                                                                                                   Materials $    Materials $

                                Business                                                                                                              $30               $30

                                Community Services           Workbook and booklets, First Aid Certificate, Excursions                                $150              $200

                                Furniture Making Pathways    Resource materials, Provision of general materials for projects, Provision of basic     $330              $330
                                                             materials for project (yr 1), Excursions, First Aid Training (yr 1), Safety gear
                                Health Assistance            First Aid Certificate, booklets and excursions                                          $150              $200

                                Information, Digital Media   Training manuals, UOC materials, AVID folder                                            $130              $160
                                and Technology
                                Integrated Technologies      Resource materials, Project materials, Safety equipment                                 $115              $115

                                Kitchen Operations           Digital workbooks, Food/ingredients                                                     $395              $380

                                Music Industry               CD of recording; workbook; leads/strings                                                 $95               $95
                                Music Industry               Resource booklet/workbook; blank media, eg. CD’s and DVD’s; Recording                    $95               $95
                                (Sound Production)           equipment/software; consumables, eg. strings, pics, drumsticks

                                Screen and Media             Photographic paper; specialist stationery; folio                                         $20               $20

                                Sport & Recreation           Year 1: Coaching training, Umpiring training, First Aid training, workbook,             $150              $100
                                                             assessment book
                                                             Year 2: 3 x iVet workbooks
                                Automotive Studies           Classroom consumables (oil, leads, etc); Support resource materials                     $180              $180

                                Beauty Services              Classroom consumables, student equipment kit*, USB loaded with course                   $350              $350
                                                                                                                                                                 (new students ONLY)
                                                             materials; student course workbook
                                                             Student equipment kit* top-up; student course workbook                                                    $350

                                                                                                                                                                 (continuing students)

                                Building & Construction      Resource materials, Provision of general materials for projects, Provision of basic     $330              $125
                                                             materials for project (yr 1), Excursions, First Aid Training (yr 1), Safety gear
                                Employment Pathways          Workbook                                                                                 $20                NA

                                VCE VET Hair and Beauty      Classroom consumables (cleanser, make-up, shampoo, conditioner, etc.); student          $445              $350
                                                             equipment kit* + top- up; USB pre-loaded with all learning materials; student
                                                             course workbook.
                                Plumbing                     Resource materials, general materials for projects, First Aid training, safety gear     $390              $440

                                Salon Assistant              Classroom consumables (shampoo, conditioner, colours); USB pre-loaded with              $445                NA
                                                             all learning materials; student equipment kit*student course workbook
                                                             Student equipment kit* top-up; student course workbook

                                Visual Arts                  Drawing materials; specialist papers; canvas; paints and sculptural materials;          $180              $180
                                                             models; gallery excursion

8                                                                                         Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
BSB20115 Certificate II in Business (and selected units from BSB30115 Certificate III in Business)

Description: VCE VET Business provides students with the knowledge and skills to work effectively in a business or office
environment. Depending on the electives chosen, Units 1 and 2 include occupational health and safety, communicating
in the workplace, organising work activities, producing word processed documents, using business technology and
creating and using spreadsheets. Units 3 and 4 from Program 2 support scored assessment and incorporate units such
as maintaining financial and business records, organising work priorities, organising workplace information, promoting
innovation and design and producing business documents.

Career opportunities: Certificate II in Business provides a pathway into training and employment in business and related
industries. Potential occupations may include administration or clerical assistant, data entry operator, office junior or
receptionist. Roles for experienced professionals in this industry may include personal assistant, medical secretary, legal clerk
or information desk manager.

Upon Completion: Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College (Year 1) &                                    Nominal hours of the course: 555 hours over 2 years
40548 iVET (Year 2)
                                                                               Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
VCE credit: Up to six units: Four units at Units 1 and                         recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
2 depending on UOC completion, and a Unit 3 and 4                              Students are required to undertake at least 80 hours of
sequence. This is a scored VET.                                                SWL across the two-year program in a suitable aligned
VCAL Credit: Two units in Year 1 and two units in Year 2
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificates.

Outline of structure: To be eligible to receive the
qualification, participants must successfully complete:
• One core unit and,
• Eleven elective units/modules in Year 1
• Five core units in Year 2

                                                                     Nominal                                                                     Nominal
 Units of Competency - First Year                                               Units of Competency - Second Year
                                                                      Hours                                                                       Hours
 Core Units/modules                                                             BSBCUS301         Deliver and monitor a service to customers       35
                   Contribute to health and safety of self and                  BSBINM301         Organise workplace information                   30
 BSBWHS201                                                             20
                                                                                BSBITU306         Design and produce business documents            80
 Elective Units/modules
                                                                                BSBPRO301         Recommend products and services                  20
 BSBCUS201         Deliver a service to customers                      40
                                                                                                  Organise personal work priorities and devel-
                                                                                BSBWOR301                                                          30
 BSBIND201         Work effectively in a business environment          30                         opment
 BSBINM201         Process and maintain workplace information          30       Sub-total hours                                                   195
 BSBINM202         Handle mail                                         15       Total hours                                                       555
 BSBCMM201         Communicate in the workplace                        40
                                                                               RTO iVET
 BSBITU201         Produce simple word processed documents             60      Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 BSBITU202         Create and use spreadsheets                         30
 BSBITU203         Communicate electronically                          20
                   Participate in environmentally sustainable work
 BSBSUS201                                                             20
 BSBWOR202         Organise/complete daily work activities             20
 BSBWOR204         Use business technology                             20
 BSBWOR203         Work effectively with others                        15
 Sub-total hours                                                      360

RTO Hallam Senior Secondary College

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                             9
Community Services
CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services incorporating CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services

Description: VCE VET Community Services provides students with the knowledge and skills to enhance their employment
prospects in the community services sector. Students will learn about this sector and explore specific contexts of work
such as interacting and communicating with young children, people with disabilities and those in aged care. The course is
designed to include projects that prepare students for a range of tasks they could perform if they enter into this industry,
including a better understanding of our diverse cultures, conducting basic health checks/promotion/administration, solving
workplace problems and first aid skills. Essentially, students will learn the skills necessary to follow a pathway where they
provide the first point of contact and assist individuals in meeting their needs.

Career opportunities: Training in Community Services and Health is linked to the largest growth industries in Australia.
The dual qualification completed in Year 1 reflects the role of workers who provide support for the effective functioning of
community services and health. The dual certificate IIs can provide pathways into further study in Year 2 completing either
the Certificate III in Community Services or the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance. With additional training and
experience post school, future Community Services employment opportunities may include child care, social work, mental
health work, teaching and disability work etc.

Upon Completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for
any units successfully completed.

RTO: Connect n Grow (40518)                                                 Nominal hours of the course: 370 hours (year 1) &
                                                                            280 hours (year 2)
VCE credit: Recognition of up to two units at Units 1 and 2
level, and two Units 3 and 4 sequences.                                     Structured workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
Note: The Units 3 and 4 sequences of VCE VET Community                      recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
Services are not designed as stand-alone studies. Students
are strongly advised against undertaking the Units 3 and 4
sequences without first completing Units 1 and 2.

                                                               Nominal                                                                            Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                            Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                Hours                                                                              Hours
 Common Core Units                                                           CHCCDE003        Work within a community development                   65
 HLTWHS001      Participate in workplace health and safety       20
                                                                             CHCCDE004        Implement participation and engagement                85
 HLTINF001      Comply with infection prevention and control     25
                policies and procedures
                                                                             CHCCCS015        Provide individualised support                        30
 CHCDIV001      Work with diverse people                         40
                                                                             CHCCCS016        Respond to client needs                               60
 BSBCUS201      Deliver a service to customers                   40
                                                                             HLTWHS002        Follow safe work practices for direct client care     25
 HLTAID002      Provide basic emergency life support             12
                                                                             HLTWHS006        Manage personal work stresses in the work             25
 HLTAID003      Provide first aid                                18
 CHCCOM005      Communicate and work in health or community      30
                                                                             BSBWOR301        Organise personal work priorities and devel-          30
 BSBWOR202      Organise and complete daily work activities      20
                                                                             Total hours                                                           280
 BSBFLM312      Contribute to team effectiveness                 40
 FSKOCM07       Interact effectively with others at work         10         Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 CHCCOM001      Provide first point of contact                   35
 BSBADM101      Use business equipment and resources             15
 BSBINM201      Process and maintain workplace information       30
 BSBWOR204      Use business technology                          20
 BSBWOR203      Work effectively with others                     15
 Sub-total hours                                                370

10                                                                       Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Furniture Making Pathways
MSF20516 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways

Description: VCE VET Furnishing covers a wide range of work areas within the furnishing industry. Students completing
this program will have knowledge of timbers and other furnishing materials, plus the ability to read plans while working on a
range of projects. Units 1 and 2 include constructing a basic timber-furnishing product, prepare surfaces for finishing, and
communication in the workplace. Elective units include selecting and applying hardware, constructing flat pack cabinets,
applying sheet laminates by hand and applying manufactured board conversion techniques. Units 3 and 4 cover areas such
as assembling furnishing components, using furniture making hand and power tools and constructing furniture using leg and
rail method.

Career opportunities: Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways provides students with a pathway into an apprenticeship
in the furniture industry in areas including cabinet making, upholstery, polishing, soft furnishing, picture framing, floor finishing
and covering. Qualified tradespeople can be employed in occupations such as furniture/cabinet maker, picture framer, wood
machinist and kitchen fitter.

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with Statements of Attainment for any
units successfully completed.

Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of Attainment.

RTO: AIET                                                                        Nominal hours of the course: 410 hours (over 2 years)
(Australian Institute of Education and Training RTO 121314)
                                                                                 Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
VCE credit: a minimum of four VCE VET units: Units 1 and                         recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
2, and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                                 Students are required to undertake at least 80 hours of
                                                                                 SWL across the two-year program in a suitable aligned
This is a scored VET which provides a contribution to the                        workplace.

VCAL Credit: 2 units in Year 1 and 2 units in Year 2
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificate

Outline of course structure: To be eligible to receive the
qualification, participants must successfully complete:
• Five core units
• Eight elective

                                                                       Nominal                                                                    Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                                 Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                        Hours                                                                      Hours
 Core Units                                                                       Compulsory Units
 MSFFP2002         Develop a career plan for the furnishing industry     30                         Use furniture making sector hand and power
                                                                                  MSFFM2001                                                         40
                   Participate in environmentally sustainable work
 MSMENV272                                                               30
                   practices                                                      MSFFM2002         Assemble furnishing components                  20
                   Demonstrate care and apply safe practices at                   MSFFP2001         Undertake basic furniture making project       100
 MSMPCI103                                                               30
                                                                                  MSFGN2001         Make measurements and calculations              30
 Electives Units
                                                                                  Sub-total hours                                                  190
 MSFFP2003         Prepare surfaces                                      24
                                                                                  Total hours                                                      410
 MSFFP2004         Apply domestic surface coatings                       40
                                                                                 Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 MSFFP2005         Join furnishing materials                             10
 MSFFP2006         Make simple timber joints                             40
 MSFFM2003         Select and apply hardware                             16
 Sub-total hours                                                        220

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                           11
Health Services Assistance
HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance incorporating HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support
Services & CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services

Description: The Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (scored VET) provides you with the knowledge and skills to
assist allied health professionals (under supervision). Students will be taught how to manage client movement and transport
patients, recognise healthy body systems in a health care context and be able to understand basic medical terminology, as
well as health specific communication skills, responding to difficult clients and first aid skills. By completing this qualification,
you will gain the skills and knowledge to assist in providing a range of services to clients. These may include assisting clients
to develop their abilities for improved daily living, undertake rehabilitation, speech therapy, podiatry or nutritional programs.
You could work under the direction of other professional medical staff in organisations such as hospitals, aged care facilities,
clinics or day centres.

Career opportunities: Training in Health and Community Services is linked to the largest growth industries in Australia.
The dual qualification completed in Year 1 reflects the role of workers who provide support for the effective functioning of
health and community services. The dual certificate IIs can provide pathways into further study in Year 2 completing either
the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance or the Certificate III in Community Services. Completion of the Certificate III
in Health Services Assistance may lead to employment opportunities in positions such as a Health Services Assistant in
a nursing environment or an Allied Health Assistant in the areas of physiotherapy, speech pathology, exercise physiology,
occupational therapy and/or podiatry. Through a higher education pathway (Diploma and/or Degree), future employment
outcomes may include nursing, paramedics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, pharmacy, dietetics or

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for any
units successfully completed.

RTO: Connect n Grow (40518)                                                   Nominal hours of the course: 315 hours (year 1) &
                                                                              338 hours (year 2)
Credit in the VCE or VCAL: Recognition of one unit at
Units 1 and 2 level, and a minimum of three units at Units 3                  Structured workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
and 4 level.                                                                  recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
                                                                              Students partaking in the Certificate III in Health Services
Note: The Units 3 and 4 sequence of VCE VET Health is                         Assistance are mandated (compulsory) to undertake 80
not designed as a stand-alone study. Students are strongly                    hours of SWL/incursions/excursions etc across the two year
advised against undertaking the Units 3 and 4 sequence                        program (40 hours per year). Hallam Senior College can
without first completing Units 1 and 2.                                       facilitate this.

                                                                 Nominal                                                                         Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                             Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                  Hours                                                                           Hours
 Core Units                                                                   Core Units
 HLTWHS001        Participate in workplace health and safety       20         HLTAAP001        Recognise healthy body systems (C)                  70
                  Comply with infection prevention and control                BSBMED301        Interpret and apply medical terminology (C)         60
 HLTINF001                                                         25
                  policies and procedures
                                                                              BSBCUS201        Deliver a service to customers                      40
 BSBINM201        Process and maintain workplace information       30                          ***from 2020 only
 BSBWOR204        Use business technology                          20         CHCDIV001        Work with diverse people (E) *** from 2020 only     40
 BSBADM101        Use business equipment and resources             15         CHCCCS009        Facilitate responsible behaviour (E)                40
 BSBWOR203        Work effectively with others                     15         HLTAID003        Provide first aid (E)                               18
                                                                                               ***from 2020 only (including HLTAID001 -
                  Communicate and work in health or community
 CHCCOM005                                                         30                          Provide CPR) (imported E)
                                                                              CHCCCS015        Provide individualised support (E)                  30
 BSBWOR202        Organise and complete daily work activities      20
                                                                              BSBFLM312        Contribute to team effectiveness (E)                40
 CHCCOM001        Provide first point of contact                   35
                                                                                               *** from 2020 only
 CHCCCS002        Assist with movement                             25
                                                                              Total hours - Second Year                                           342
 CHCCCS020        Respond effectively to behaviours of concern     20
                                                                             Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 CHCCCS010        Maintain a high standard of service              30
                  Organise personal work priorities and devel-
 BSBWOR301                                                         30
 BSBWOR203        Work effectively with others                     15
 Total hours - First Year                                         315

12                                                                         Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Information, Digital Media & Technology
ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology and
ICT30115 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology (selected units)

Description: Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology provides students with the fundamentals to operate
computer equipment and computing software packages. This qualification provides basic practical digital skills and
knowledge to support a wide range of varying ICT industry occupations. Some activities include connecting computer
hardware, computer building, using a range of software packages to produce organisational documents, detecting and
protecting systems from spam and destructive software and installing software applications.

Certificate III, which counts towards Units 3 & 4, offers scored assessment, incorporates units such as creating user
documentation, setting up small computer networks, providing IT advice to clients, and maintain basic IT equipment.

Career opportunities: Areas of employment may include working in personal computer support or network systems
administration. With additional training and experience, future employment opportunities may include software/hardware
developer, systems analyst, and helpdesk officer.

Upon completion: Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College                                              Outline of course structure: For the award of ICT20115
                                                                              Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology
VCE credit: Students undertaking Certificate II in                            (full), students must achieve fourteen units of competency
Information, Digital Media and Technology are eligible for up                 (Year 1 and 2):
to three units of credit towards their VCE at Units 1 and 2                   • Seven core units of competency (Year 1)
level in Year 1.                                                              • Four elective units of competency (Year 1)
                                                                              • Three units from ICT30115 (Year 2)
Students undertaking Certificate III in Information, Digital
Media and Technology (partial completion) are eligible for a                  Students will receive a statement of attainment for units
Units 3 and 4 sequence in Year 2.                                             from ICT30115 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media
                                                                              and Technology (partial completion) completed in Year 2:
This is a Scored VET and successful completion of units 3
                                                                              • Five core units
and 4 will contribute towards an ATAR.
                                                                              • One elective unit
VCAL Credit: VCAL students who complete the above
                                                                              Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
qualification are eligible for three units in Year 1 and two
                                                                              recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
units in Year 2 towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior
                                                                              Students are encouraged to undertake SWL in a suitably
                                                                              aligned workplace.
Nominal hours of the course: 550 hours (approximate)
over 2 years of study. Students should complete Year 1
prior to enrolling in Year 2.

                                                                    Nominal                                                                        Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                              Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                     Hours                                                                          Hours
 Core Units                                                                    Core Units
 BSBWHS201        Participate in WHS processes                        20       ICTICT301         Create user documentation                           20
 BSBSUS201        Participate in environmentally sustainable work     20       ICTICT302         Install and optimise operating system software      20
                  practices                                                                      Install, configure and secure a small office or
                                                                               ICTSAS307                                                             40
 ICTICT201        Use computer operating systems and hardware         60                         home office network
 ICTICT202        Work and communicate effectively in an IT           40       ICTSAS305         Provide ICT advice to clients                       40
                  environment                                                  ICTSAS306         Maintain equipment and software                     20
 ICTICT203        Operate application software packages               60       Elective Units
 ICTICT204        Operate a digital media technology package          40                         Customise packaged software applications for
                                                                               ICTICT307                                                             80
 ICTWEB201        Use social media tools for collaboration and        20                         clients
                  engagement                                                   Sub-total hours                                                      220
 Elective Units
                                                                               Total hours                                                          550
 ICTICT206        Install software applications                       20
 ICTSAS203        Connect hardware peripherals                        20
                                                                              Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 ICTSAS206        Detect and protect from spam and destructive        10
 ICTSAS208        Maintain ICT equipment and consumables              20
 Sub-total                                                           330

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                            13
Integrated Technologies
22289VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies

Description: Certificate II in Integrated Technologies provides students with the skills and knowledge to enhance their
entry-level employment prospects in apprenticeships and traineeships in a range of industries including automotive, building
and construction, electrical, electronics, engineering, information technology and telecommunications. Compulsory units in
the program include carry out a shared technology project and apply technologies and concepts to electrotechnology work
activities. Elective units focus on computer systems, wireless communications, energy generation, robotics and embedded
controllers and fibre optics. New electives in the revised program include telecommunications and security systems.

Career opportunities: Certificate II in Integrated Technologies provides a springboard into a diverse range of related
industries sharing technologies with the electrotechnology industry. Skill areas within the industry include the use and
management of computer networks, manipulation of wireless communications, ability to analyse the amounts of data
collected by smart devices and closer involvement in electricity generation. With additional training and experience, future
employment opportunities may include electronics technician, computer assembler, data communications technician.

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with Statements of Attainment for any
units successfully completed.

Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of Attainment.

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College                                               Outline of course structure: To be eligible to receive the
                                                                               qualification, participants must successfully complete:
VCE credit: Up to four units: two units at Units 1 and 2,                      • Five core units and,
and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                                  • Six Elective units.
This is a scored VET and completion of the units 3 & 4
sequence can contribute to the ATAR.                                           Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
                                                                               recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
VCAL Credit: Two units in Year 1 and two units in Year 2                       Students are required to undertake at least 80 hours of
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificates.                       SWL across the two year program in a suitable aligned
Nominal hours of the course: 400 hours (over 2 years)

                                                                  Nominal                                                                       Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                               Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                   Hours                                                                         Hours
 Core Units                                                                     Core Units
                   Apply principles of occupational health and                  VU21703          Work in an integrated technology environment     40
 MEM13014A                                                          10
                   safety in the work environment
                                                                                                 Use electrotechnology skills in integrated
                                                                                VU21704                                                           80
 VU21701           Carry out an integrated technology project       60                           technology work
                   Prepare for working in the integrated                                         Use software applications in integrated
 VU21702                                                            20          VU21705                                                           20
                   technology sector                                                             technology work
 Elective Units – First Year                                                    Elective Units – Second Year
 ICAICT303A        Connect internal hardware components             20          VU21552          Operate a small power supply system              30
 VU21554           Perform basic network and computer assembly      30                            Identify and locate building blocks of a
                                                                                VU21542                                                           30
                                                                                                 centralised power generation system
 VU20906           Configure and program a basic robotic system     60
                                                                                Sub-total hours                                                  200
 Sub-total hours                                                   200
                                                                                Total hours                                                      400

                                                                               Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements

14                                                                          Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Kitchen Operations
SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations

Description: VCE/VET Kitchen Operations stream provides specific cookery skills and knowledge and includes training in
using food preparation equipment, basic methods of cookery and cleaning kitchen premises and equipment.

Career opportunities: With additional training and experience, future employment opportunities may include chef, pastry
chef, caterer, breakfast cook, short order cook and a fast food cook.

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with Statements of Attainment for any
units successfully completed.

Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of Attainment for
SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations.

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College                                             Outline of course structure: To be eligible to receive the
                                                                             qualification, participants must successfully complete:
VCE credit: Up to four units: two units at Units 1 and 2,                    • 12 core units
and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                                • 2 elective units
                                                                             • Plus Responsible Serving of Alcohol over the 2year
This is a scored VET and completion of a units 3 and 4
sequence can contribute to the ATAR.
                                                                             Students undertaking the unit SITHCCC011 Use cookery
VCAL credit: Two units at Intermediate for Year 1 and two
                                                                             skills effectively in the 2nd Year of the VET program are
units at Senior for Year 2.
                                                                             required to complete 12 complete service period (shifts) as
Nominal hours of the Course: 375 hours (over 2 years)                        part of the assessment for these units of competency.

                                                                             It is highly recommended that SWL placements are used to
                                                                             meet some of this requirement.

                                                                   Nominal                                                                      Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year                                             Units of Competency – Second Year
                                                                    Hours                                                                        Hours
 Core Units                                                                   SITHCCC006        Prepare appetisers and salads                     25
 BSBWOR203         Work effectively with others                      15       SITHCCC0007       Prepare stocks, sauces and soups                  35
 SITHCCC001        Use food preparation equipment                    25                         Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous
                                                                              SITHCCC2008                                                         45
 SITHCCC005        Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery     45
                                                                              SITHCCC011        Use cookery skills effectively                    50
 SITXFSA001        Use hygienic practices for food safety            15
                                                                              SITHCCC012        Prepare poultry dishes                            25
 SITHKOP001        Clean kitchen premises and equipment              13
                                                                              Sub-total hours                                                    180
 SITXINV002        Maintain the quality of perishable items          10
                                                                              Total hours                                                        375
 SITXWHS001        Participate in safe work practices                12
 Elective Units                                                              Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 SITHCCC002        Prepare and present simple dishes                 25
 SITHFAB201        Provide responsible serving of alcohol            10
                   Source and use information on the hospitality
 SITHIND002                                                          25
 Sub-total hours                                                    195

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                         15
Music Industry
CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry with electives in either
Performance or Sound Production specialisation streams)

Description: Certificate III in Music Industry provides students with music industry knowledge in areas such as performance,
copyright, occupational health & safety, song writing skills sound engineering, mixing and mastering. Units of competence
for the Certificate III in Music cover preparing for performances, developing improvisation skills, extending technical skills in
performance, operating a sound mixing console, writing song lyrics and expanding critical listening skills.

Students can choose to specialise in either Performance or Sound Production specialisation of the Certificate III in Music

Career opportunities: Completion of the Certificate III in Music prepares students for work in the music industry in areas
such as performance, event management, music promotions, music production, recording and mixing. With additional
training and experience, potential employment opportunities may include professional musician, songwriter, composer,
arranger, producer or sound engineer, teacher and instrumentalist.

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with Statements of Attainment for
any units successfully completed. Upon successful completion of all units’ participants will be issued with a Certificate and
Statement of Attainment.

RTO: 41549 College of Sound and Music Production                                 Outline of course structure: To be eligible to receive the
COSAMP                                                                           qualification, participants must successfully complete:
To be delivered at Hallam Senior College                                         • Four Core units in Year 1
                                                                                 • Two Elective units in Year 1
VCE credit: Up to four units: two units at Units 1 and 2,                        • Five Core units in Year 2
and a Units 3 and 4 sequence. This is a scored VET.
                                                                                 This applies to both Performance and Sound Production
VCAL Credit: Two units in Year 1 and two units in Year 2                         specialisation.
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificates.

                                                                    Nominal                                                                       Nominal
 Units of Competency – First Year (Performance)                                   Units of Competency – First Year (Sound Production)
                                                                     Hours                                                                         Hours
 Core Units                                                                       Core Units
                   Contribute to health and safety of self and                                      Contribute to health and safety of self and
 BSBWHS201                                                            20          BSBWHS201                                                         20
                   others                                                                           others
 CUACMP301         Implement copyright arrangements                   20          CUACMP301         Implement copyright arrangements                20
 CUAIND303         Work effectively in the music industry             35          CUAIND303         Work effectively in the music industry          35
                   Apply knowledge of style and genre to music                                      Apply knowledge of style and genre to music
 CUAMLT302                                                            40          CUAMLT302                                                         40
                   industry practice                                                                industry practice
 Elective Units                                                                   Elective Units
 CUAMCP302         Write song lyrics                                  30          CUASOU202         Perform basic sound editing                     30
                   Develop ensemble skills for playing or singing                 CUASOU309         Restore audio tracks                            40
 CUAMPF203                                                            50
                                                                                  Sub-total hours                                                  195
 Sub-total hours                                                     195

                                                                    Nominal       Units of Competency – Second Year (Sound Production)
 Units of Competency – Second Year (Performance)                                                                                                   Hours
                                                                                  Core Units (all UOC’s required for a study score)
 Core Units (5 required for a study score)
                                                                                  CUASOU306         Operate sound reinforcement systems             40
 CUAMPF301         Develop technical skills in performance            20
                                                                                  CUASOU307         Record and mix a basic music demo               40
 CUAMPF302         Prepare for performances                           35
                                                                                  CUASOU308         Install and disassemble audio equipment         40
 CUAMPF305         Develop improvisation skills                       35
                                                                                  CUASOU311         Mix music in a studio environment               60
 CUAMPF402         Develop and maintain stagecraft skills             70
                                                                                  CUASOU402         Manage audio input sources                      30
 CUAMPF404         Perform music as part of a group OR                70
                                                                                  Sub-total hours                                                  210
 CUAMPF406         Perform music as a soloist                         70
                                                                                  Total hours                                                      405
 Sub-total hours                                                     230
                                                                                 Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 Total hours                                                         425

16                                                                            Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
Screen and Media
CUA31015 Certificate III in Screen and Media

Description: This program is drawn from the CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package that covers industry training
in areas such as film and television production, animation, and photography. Students successfully completing Units 1-4 gain
a TAFE accredited Certificate III in Screen and Media and may also complete a VCE Creative and Digital Media Units 1-4
sequence with ATAR score.

Units 1 and 2 include developing and applying creative arts industry knowledge, working with animation, digital graphics,
digital photography, sound, and applying critical thinking techniques.

Units 3 and 4 offer scored assessment and incorporate units such as 2D digital animations, writing content for a range of
media, web-site creation, and creating visual design components.

Upon completion: Participants who partially complete the qualification will be issued with Statements of Attainment for any
units successfully completed.

Upon successful completion of all units, participants will be issued with a Certificate and Statement of Attainment.

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College                                              Outline of course structure: To be eligible to receive the
                                                                              qualification, participants must successfully complete:
VCE credit: up to four units: two units at Units 1 and 2,                     • Three core units in Year 1 and,
and a Units 3 and 4 sequence. This is a scored VET.                           • Three additional units in Year 1 of 120 nominal hours
                                                                              • Five units in Year 2.
VCAL Credit: Two units in Year 1 and two units in Year 2
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificates.                      Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a highly
                                                                              recommended component of VET in Schools programs.
Nominal hours of the course: 425 hours (over 2 years)
                                                                              Students are required to undertake at least 80 hours of
                                                                              SWL across the two-year program in a suitable aligned

                                                                    Nominal                                                                      Nominal
 Units of Competency - Year 1 (VCE units 1 & 2)                                Units of Competency – Year 2 (VCE units 3 & 4)
                                                                     Hours                                                                        Hours
 Core Units                                                                    Core Units
                   Develop and extend critical and creative                    CUAANM301         Create 2D digital animations                      35
 BSBCRT301                                                            40
                   thinking skills
                                                                               CUAWRT301         Write content for a range of media                40
 CUAIND301         Work effectively in the creative arts industry     50
                                                                                                 Explore and apply the creative design process
                                                                               BSBDES302                                                           50
                   Contribute to health and safety of self and                                   to 2D forms
 BSBWHS201                                                            20
                                                                               CUADIG302         Author interactive sequences                      40
 Elective Units
                                                                               CUADIG304         Create visual design components                   30
 CUAACD201         Develop drawing skills to communicate ideas        60
                                                                               Sub-total hours                                                    195
 CUADIG303         Produce and prepare photo images                   20
                                                                               Total hours                                                        425
 BSBDES201         Follow a design process                            40
                                                                              Units may change due to VCAA and Training Package requirements
 Sub-total hours                                                     230

Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide                                                                                          17
Sport and Recreation
SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

Description: This qualification reflects the multi-skilled role of individuals in operational and customer support positions in
the sport or community recreation industry. These individuals are competent in a range of activities and functions requiring
autonomous work within a defined range of situations and environments.

Career opportunities: Pathways may include employment into various workplaces such as fitness centres, sporting
grounds or complexes, leisure and aquatic centres and community recreation centres. Typical roles include recreation officer,
activity operation officer, sport and recreation attendant, community activities officer or leisure services officer.

Upon completion: On successful completion of the Certificate III in Sport and Recreation option, students will be eligible
for the award of SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

RTO: 22249 Hallam Senior College                                                     Nominal hours of the course: 452-469 hours depending
                                                                                     on sport stream (over 2 years)
VCE credit: a minimum of four VCE VET units:
Units 1 and 2, and a Units 3 and 4 sequence.                                         Outline of course structure: This program option
This is a scored VET.                                                                comprises a minimum of 15 units of competency: seven
                                                                                     compulsory units and a minimum of two elective units at the
VCAL Credit: Two units in Year 1 and two units in Year 2                             Units 1 and 2 level and six compulsory units at the Units 3
towards Foundation, Intermediate or Senior Certificates.                             and 4 level.

                                                                        Nominal       Soccer Sport Stream – First Year
 Units of Competency – First Year
                                                                         Hours        SISSSAFL203A     Participate in conditioning for Australian Football   20
 Core Units                                                                           SISSSOF101       Develop and update                                    15
                  Organise personal work priorities and                               SISXIND006      Conduct sport fitness & recreation events              55
 BSBWOR301                                                                30
                                                                                      Sub-total hours                                                        90
 HLTAID003        Provide First Aid                                       18
                                                                                      Sports Coaching Generalist Stream – First Year
 HLTWHS001        Participate in workplace health and safety              20
                                                                                      BSBCRT301                                                              40
                  Use social media tools for collaboration and
 ICTWEB201                                                                20          SISXCAI002                                                             15
                                                                                      SISSSDE201                                                             25
                  Conduct non-instructional sport, fitness or
 SISXCAI003                                                               20          Sub-total hours                                                        80
 SISXCCS001       Provide quality service                                 25          Netball Sport Stream – First Year
 SISXEMR001      Respond to emergency situations                          18          SISSNTB201A                                                            30
 Sub-total hours                                                         131          SISSNTB202A                                                            30
 Australian Rules Football Sport Stream - First Year                                  SISSNTB203A                                                            20
                  Perform the intermediate skills of Australian                       SISXIND006                                                              55
 SISSAFL201A                                                              20
                  football                                                            Sub-total hours                                                        145
                  Perform the intermediate tactics of Australian                      (AFL Stream) Sub-total hours                                           246
 SISSAFL202A                                                              20
                  football                                                            (Basketball Stream) Sub-total hours                                    231
 SISSAFL203A      Participate in conditioning for Australian football     20          (Rugby Stream) Sub-total hours                                         231
 SISXIND006      Conduct sport fitness & recreation events                55          (Soccer Stream) Sub-total hours                                        221
 Sub-total hours                                                         115          (Sports Coaching Generalist Stream) Sub-total hours                    211
 Basketball Sport Stream – First Year                                                 (Netball Stream) Sub-total hours                                       276
 SISSBSB201A      Teach fundamental basketball skills                     10          Units of Competency – Second Year
                  Teach fundamental basketball tactics and game                                        Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk
 SISSBSB202A                                                              35          BCBWHS303                                                              50
                  strategy                                                                             assessment and risk control
 SISXIND006      Conduct sport fitness & recreation events                55                           Develop and update knowledge of coaching
                                                                                      SISSSCO101                                                             30
 Sub-total hours                                                         100                           practices
 Rugby League Sport Stream – First Year                                               SISXCAI006       Facilitate groups                                     25
                  Use intermediate level Rugby League game                                             Conduct basic warm-up and cool-down
 SISSRGL201A                                                              20          SISSSPT303A                                                            30
                  skills                                                                               programs
                  Use intermediate level tactics and game                             SISXCAI004       Plan and conduct programs                             35
 SISSRGL202A                                                              20
                  strategy in Rugby League play                                       SISXRES002      Educate user groups                                     25
 SISSRGL203A      Participate in conditioning for Rugby League            20          Sub-total hours                                                        195
 SISXIND006      Conduct sport fitness & recreation events                55          (AFL Stream) Total hours                                               441
 Sub-total hours                                                         100          (Basketball Stream) Total hours                                        426
                                                                                      (Rugby Stream) Total hours                                             426
                                                                                      (Soccer Stream) Total hours                                            416
                                                                                      (Sports Coaching Generalist Stream) Total hours                        406
                                                                                      (Netball Stream) Total hours                                           471

18                                                                                Hallam Senior College - 2019 VET Certificate Information Guide
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