HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency

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HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
China's Clandestine
Tiger Trade
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                                                      CONTENTS
This report was written by Environmental
Investigation Agency.

EIA would like to thank the Rufford Foundation,                                                       1    SUMMARY
the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, Ernest
Kleinwort Charitable Trust and Save Wild Tigers for
their support in making this work possible.                                                           3    INTRODUCTION
Special thanks to our colleagues “on the frontline”
in tiger range countries for their information,
advice and inspiration.
                                                                                                      5    LEGAL CONTEXT
EIA uses IBM i2® intelligence analysis software.
                                                                                                      6    INVESTIGATION FINDINGS
Report design by:
                                                                                                      12   TIGER FARMING
February 2013
                                                                                                      13   PREVIOUS EXPOSÉS

                                                                                                      17   STIMULATING POACHING OF WILD ASIAN BIG CATS

                                                                                                      20   MIXED MESSAGES

                                                                                                      24   SOUTH-EAST ASIA TIGER FARMS

                                                                                                      25   CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

                                                                                                      26   APPENDICES
                                                                                                           1) TABLE OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO TIGERS IN CHINA
                                                                                                           2) TIGER FARMING TIMELINE

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                                                      © Michael Vickers/www.tigersintheforest.co.uk

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Front cover image © Robin Hamilton

All images © EIA unless otherwise specified
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
    Undercover investigations and a review of available
    Chinese laws have revealed that while China banned
    tiger bone trade for medicinal uses in 1993, it has
    encouraged the growth of the captive-breeding of tigers
    to supply a quietly expanding legal domestic trade in
    tiger skins. This Government-authorised trade spurs the
    poaching of wild tigers and undermines the international
    ban on tiger trade agreed by the majority of the world
    through the UN Convention on International Trade in
    Endangered Species (CITES). The lack of clarity over the
    use of bone from captive-bred tigers to make wine has
    further stimulated trade and demand.

I) BACKGROUND                                           domestication and utilisation of
                                                        wildlife for so-called “conservation”
l   The world is operating under a                      as well as for economic growth. Thus,
    misunderstanding of China’s intentions              under such a system, “utilisation” or
    where tigers are concerned.                         commercial sale of certain products
                                                        derived from captive-bred endangered
l   Having ratified the UN Convention on                species, including tigers, is legal. For
    International Trade in Endangered                   example, the Environmental
    Species (CITES), China is subject to                Investigation Agency (EIA) has
    CITES requirements. CITES strictly                  uncovered the commercial sale of
    prohibits international commercial                  luxury tiger skin rugs, which are made
    trade in tiger parts and derivatives                with skins sourced from captive-bred
    and, recognising the threats posed by               tigers with the express authorisation of
    growing captive tiger populations,                  the SFA.
    also calls for:
    - domestic trade prohibitions;                II) TIGER SKINS
    - the consolidation and destruction           l   In the past 10 years, regulatory systems
      of stockpiles of tiger parts and                have been introduced to allow the
      products;                                       commercial sale of skins of captive-bred
                                                      tigers, prepared as luxury skin rugs for
    - assurance that tiger parts and                  home décor.
      derivatives from captive-bred tigers
      do not enter legal or illegal trade.        l   New EIA research and undercover
                                                      investigations document the sale of
l   Contrary to CITES requirements, China             captive-bred tiger skins at 1.5 to
    has a massive captive tiger population            three times the price of skins of wild
    and is allowing a legal trade in tiger            tigers, leopards and snow leopards,
    parts sourced from captive-bred tigers.           making the skins of wild animals a
    - Under favourable policies, as well as           cheaper option for consumers.
      with support and funding from the               - At least 10 tiger skin rugs were sold
      State Forestry Administration (SFA)               in the first half of 2012, by only two
      of China, the captive tiger population            companies. Potentially, hundreds more
      in China has grown from fewer than                may have been traded, given the large
      20 in 1986 to between 5,000-6,000 in              number of companies licensed to
      2013, spread across up to 200 ’farms’             process wildlife.
      and ’zoos‘. China’s wild tiger population
      has fallen from 4,000 in the late           l   EIA investigations in 2012 also show that
      1940s to approximately 40-50 animals.           the smuggling of skins of wild tigers and
                                                      other Asian big cats continues, with
    - China’s wildlife and agricultural laws          skins from India and Nepal for sale in
      and policies promote the breeding,              established trade hotspots in China.

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
- During just several days, EIA            IV) CONCLUSIONS AND
                                                investigators were offered three
                                                fresh tiger skins, one leopard skin,     RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                one snow leopard skin and big cat        l   Wild Asian big cats are being
                                                bones, teeth and claws.                      poached to supply the market
                                                                                             demand stimulated by China’s legal
                                                                                             domestic trade in skins of captive-
                                              III) TIGER BONE                                bred tigers at a time when the
                                                                                             international community has agreed
                                          l   A 1993 State Council order in China            that demand reduction is essential to
                                              banned the use of tiger bone for               save wild tigers.
                                              medicinal purposes and the SFA has         l   The parts of more than 5,400 Asian
                                              stated it has a strict ban on use of           big cats have been seized since 2000;
                                              tiger bone; however, traders have              INTERPOL’s rule of thumb is that
                                              told EIA investigators about the               seized contraband represents
                                              continued use of tiger bone.                   approximately 10 per cent of actual
                                          l   Despite the ban, tiger bones sourced       l   Contrary to the understanding of the
                                              from captive-bred tigers are not being         international community, evidence
                                              destroyed, leading to what is likely to        suggests that commercial use of tiger
                                              be a massive stockpile and consumer            bones continues.
                                              assumptions that trade is legal or
                                              will soon be legal.                        l   Promotion and facilitation of trade
                                                                                             in captive-bred tiger parts puts China
                                          l   Tonics made by soaking tiger bones             in non-compliance with CITES
                                                                                             requirements and undermines
                                              in wine are being produced and                 Premier Wen Jiabao’s commitments
                                              marketed despite the apparent 1993             to end tiger trade.
                                              ban, with traders referencing a
                                              “secret” Government notification           l   China is defying the will of the
                                              issued in 2005.                                international community to end
                                                                                             demand for tiger parts and products,
                                              - In 2012 EIA identified a company             and to end the breeding of tigers for
                                                                                             trade in parts and products.
                                                using this method to produce “Real
    BELOW:                                      Tiger Wine”, which does not list tiger   l   The new Government in China has an
    EIA investigators were offered wild         bone as an ingredient and returns            opportunity to change the course of
    and captive bred tiger skins for            the bones to the stockpile to be             the wild tiger’s fate. Current pro-use
    sale in China in 2012.                      available for audit and inspection.          policies are being championed by only
                                                                                             a handful of officials in a couple of
                                                                                             Government departments.
                                                                                         l   The National People’s Congress could
                                                                                             ensure that:
                                                                                             - laws are amended to end all trade,
                                                                                               in all parts and products of tigers
                                                                                               and other Asian big cats, from
                                                                                               all sources;
                                                                                             - stockpiles of tiger parts and
                                                                                               products are consolidated
                                                                                               and destroyed;
                                                                                             - clear messages are sent to tiger
                                                                                               breeders and the industry that the
                                                                                               objective is to end all demand
                                                                                               and trade.
                                                                                         l   Policies in China are directly
                                                                                             stimulating demand and poaching,
                                                                                             and the problem of tiger ‘farming’
                                                                                             and trade is spreading to Thailand,
                                                                                             Laos and Vietnam.
                                                                                         l   EIA urges Parties to the 16th
                                                                                             Conference of the Parties to CITES
                                                                                             (Bangkok, March 2013) to note this
                                                                                             report and impose all effective measures,
                                                                                             including punitive, to stop the trade
                                                                                             in tiger parts sourced from captive-
                                                                                             bred tigers.
                                                                                         l   A failure to act indicates an implicit
                                                                                             acceptance of a legal trade in the
                                                                                             skins of captive-bred tigers, the
                                                                                             beginning of a slippery slope towards
                                                                                             accepting a legal trade in the bones
                                                                                             of captive-bred tigers, and ultimately
                                                                                             extinction of tigers in the wild.

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
Amur Tiger, Lutka © WCS
New research by the Environmental            The skins of wild tigers and other
Investigation Agency (EIA) shows that        Asian big cats continue to be illegally
the Government of China allows legal         trafficked to established trade hotspots
domestic trade in the parts and products     in China, and since 2006 the primary
of captive-bred tigers, creating confusion   consumers have been the business,
among consumers, stimulating demand          military and political elite.
and driving the poaching of wild tigers
and other Asian big cats.                    Loopholes in the regulatory system
                                             allow the laundering of illegally acquired
This runs contrary to the impression         specimens, and there are overlaps
held by the international community,         between those involved in handling
the United Nations and fellow tiger          captive-bred and wild-sourced skins.
range countries that tiger trade has         Parallel to this legal trade, thousands
been banned in China since 1993.             of wild Asian big cats have died. It is
                                             clear that trade in captive-bred tigers
However, the international community         has not alleviated pressure on wild
seems to have overestimated the              animals but has instead stimulated
scope of China’s ban by assuming it          demand and poaching.
encompassed all parts and products
of all tigers, wild and captive-bred.        A lack of clarity over the use captive-bred
                                             tiger bones has created an environment
It is time for a reality check. China’s      of confusion in which tiger bone wine is
national policy and laws, dating             being produced and marketed. With
back to the 1980s, encourage the             5,000-6,000 tigers in captivity there is
domestication and utilisation of             a growing ‘bank’ of bones stockpiled
wildlife, including tigers. Regulations      by private tiger breeders and owners.
introduced in the past 10 years              Instead of being destroyed, skin and
facilitate the commercial trade in           bone stockpiles are being registered
skins of captive-bred tigers.                and labelled, further fuelling speculation
                                             of future trade.
Tiger skin rugs made from captive-bred
tigers can be up to three times the price    At present, law and policy in China
of those prepared from wild tigers and       makes it clear there is no intention to
several times that of leopards and snow      end the domestication of tigers or use of
leopards. The use of big cat skin rugs       their parts and products. This defies the
as luxury home décor has been actively       will of the international community that
promoted and is now a fashionable            tigers should not be bred for trade in
symbol of social status. Skins are often     their parts and products, and undermines
given as prestigious gifts or bribes and     Premier Wen Jiabao’s commitment to
are seen as an investment.                   end tiger trade and work with fellow

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
Tiger Range Countries to double the         illegal. A handful of dedicated police
                                                                            wild tiger population by the next year      officers are seizing parts of butchered
                                                                            of the tiger in 2022.                       tigers and arresting those involved but
                                                                                                                        a lack of support further along the
                                                                            It doesn’t have to be this way. With a      enforcement chain means few have been
                                                                            new Government forming in China, there      punished, and tiger farmers with the
                                                                            is an opportunity to update laws and        right connections continue to operate.
                                                                            policies to value live tigers and other
                                                                            Asian big cats in the wild over the value   It is past time for transparency around
                                                                            of their body parts.                        the status of trade in parts and products
                                                                                                                        of captive-bred tigers. Governments of
                                                                            Legislative change would bring China        countries concerned about the survival
                                                                            into compliance with UN agreements          of wild tigers and other Asian big cats
                                                                            and in harmony with the efforts of other    must not shrink from calling for full
                                                                            Tiger Range Countries, donor govern-        disclosure and meaningful action under
                                                                            ments and non-government organisa-          CITES to end all tiger trade and to end
                                                                            tions (NGOs) working to save the            the breeding of tigers for trade in their
                                                                            remaining 3,500 wild tigers and to end      parts and products.
                                                                            demand for tiger parts and products.
                                                                                                                        A failure to act indicates an implicit
                                                                            Other countries with tiger ‘farms’, such    endorsement of a legal trade in the
                                           BELOW:                           as Thailand, Laos and Vietnam are           skins of captive-bred tigers, and the
                                           Demand for tigers skins as       watching to see what China can get          beginning of a slippery slope towards
                                           luxury home décor is a growing   away with. Trade in captive-bred tiger      accepting a legal trade in the bones of
                                           threat to wild tigers.           parts in and between those countries is     captive-bred tigers.
© WWF Pavel Fomenko (21st Century Tiger)

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS                     A series of regulations sets out the         BELOW:
                                              administrative processes to implement        EIA followed the paper trail
International trade in parts and products     the law, including domestication and         online to find companies that
of tigers and other endangered Asian          breeding operations and the sale of          were licensed to process and
big cats is prohibited under CITES.           wildlife products of Grade I nationally      sell parts of captive bred
Tigers, leopards, snow leopards, clouded      protected species (See Appendix I).8         wildlife, including tiger.
leopards and Asiatic lions have been
listed on Appendix I of CITES since the       In 1993, the State Council of China
1970s with the exception of the Siberian      issued an order to prohibit the use,
tiger, added in 1987.                         manufacture, sale, import and export of
                                              medicines derived from tiger bone and
In 1993, recognising that domestic trade      rhino horn, and products claiming to
was driving the poaching of wild tiger        contain these.9
populations, CITES passed a resolution
that, inter alia, called for domestic trade   In 2003, the State Forestry
prohibitions and the consolidation and        Administration (SFA) and the State
destruction of stockpiles.                    Administration for Industry and
                                              Commerce (SAIC) announced a pilot
Since then, Parties have recognised           project to allow the marking and
that the same threats from trade apply        utilisation of wildlife products.10
equally to other Appendix I Asian big         Subsequent notifications have set out
cats, and that tiger ‘farming’ and            details of implementation and labelling,
domestic trade in captive-bred tiger          and name the companies awarded
parts and products is a threat to the         licences to breed wildlife, process and       Translation:
chances of wild tiger recovery.               sell parts and products.11                    SFA’s notification allows
                                                                                            Xiafeng Animal Specimen
Moving with the times, these threats          According to traders EIA has met, the         Factory to produce and
have been reflected in CITES debates          deaths of tigers in facilities licensed to    trade taxidermies, including
and captured in the relevant resolution       breed or keep tigers are registered with      tigers, from 2005.
and, more recently, in a decision that        the SFA. Licensed traders may apply for
tigers should not be bred for trade           SFA approval to buy the skins of those
(including domestic trade) in their           registered animals. Once the skin has
parts and products.                           been turned into a rug or taxidermy
                                              specimen, licensees provide the
                                              paperwork and photographs to the
RELEVANT LAWS IN CHINA                        SFA and acquire a permit in return.
                                              As long as a skin is accompanied by
Under the 1989 Law of the People’s            such a permit it can be sold.
Republic of China (PRC) on the
Protection of Wildlife (amended in            In 2005, the SFA, SAIC, Ministry of
2004), the sale and purchase of Grade I       Health, State Food and Drug
nationally protected species,1 including      Administration and the State
tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera    Administration of Traditional Chinese
pardus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia),       Medicine issued Notification 2005
clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) and       No 139. The full content of this
Asiatic lion2 (Panthera leo persica),         notification is not available but the
without a permit is prohibited.3 If sale,     title states that it enables the pilot
purchase or utilisation is necessary for      use of captive-bred tiger bone and
scientific research, domestication and        the reduction of use of leopard bone.
breeding, exhibition or other special         It is not clear what exemptions to
purpose, approval must be obtained            the 1993 State Council order this
from the relevant department under the        notification provides, or whether it
State Council.4                               was subsequently withdrawn.
The law clearly states it is Government       The accompanying association chart           SFA's notification in 2007
policy to encourage the domestication         on pages 14-15 summarises the                allows China Wildlife
and breeding of wildlife species for          relationships described above,               Conservation Association
utilisation5, and that a licence to breed     including the relevant Government            affiliated Wildlife Rescue
can be obtained from the relevant             licenses issued to businesses and            Centre in Qinhuangdao to
department under the State Council.6          facilities, including those visited by       produce and trade crafts
Further, those who have such license          EIA in 2007 and 2012. Many of these          containing skins and bones
to breed can then sell the specimens or       facilities, flagged orange, have             of national specially
products thereof to “purchasing units”        previously been the subject of NGO           protected wildlife species.
designated by the Government.7                and media exposés.

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
    ABOVE:                            FOLLOWING THE                            LUXURY TIGER SKIN
    In 2012, EIA investigators
    obtained first hand evidence of   PAPER TRAIL                              RUGS FOR SALE
    skins of captive bred tigers
                                      EIA’s investigation began by following   Between May 2012 and January 2013,
    being offered for sale,
                                      the paper trail available through the    EIA undertook a series of investigations
    accompanied by permits issued                                              to document the legal sale of
                                      SFA website. Documents there gave
    by the China State Forestry                                                captive-bred tiger parts and products.
                                      details of the national “wildlife
    Administration, SFA.                                                       Investigators met with SFA-licensed
                                      utilisation and marking system”
                                      launched in January 2003 by the          traders; two in particular regularly
                                      SFA and SAIC. Subsequent SFA             process skins of captive-bred tigers into
                                      notifications list at least 150          high quality rugs, which they can sell if
                                      companies licensed to process and/or     the finished items are accompanied by
                                                                               Government permits.
                                      sell parts and products of wildlife,
                                      including Grade I nationally protected   Xiafeng Animal Specimen Factory, in
                                      species, including tigers.               Chaohu, Anhui Province, had two skins,
                                                                               one ready for purchase and a second, a
                                      The following is a snapshot of this      white tiger, being processed. The owner,
                                      trade. EIA met with two companies        who has been in this business since
                                      legally selling tiger skins. With 200    2004, said he had sold five rugs in the
                                      facilities licensed to keep over 5,000   first half of 2012 and was expecting to
    “ Once we get the                 tigers in captivity and over 100         receive more skins before the end of
    skins, even before                companies registered under the           the year.
                                      “wildlife utilisation and marking
    making them, they                 ystem”, it is likely that many more      Local government records online confirm
                                      skins are sold each year. The SFA        he had permission to process at least
    will all already be                                                        nine skins in 2012 and has processed at
                                      can provide clarity as to how many of
    reserved … Anyone                 the companies registered under the       least a further 11 tiger skins and one
                                                                               leopard skin since 2009, although more
                                      “wildlife utilisation and marking
    can buy. There are                system” have been issued with permits
                                                                               records may be available than EIA has
                                                                               been able to access. Records indicate
    so many wealthy                   to process skins, and how many skins     the skins come from zoos across the
                                      have been processed.                     country.12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
    guys, some can sell
    it again.”                        The findings also report on a company    The manager of the taxidermy workshop
                                      engaged in the manufacture of tiger      at Qinhuangdao Wildlife Rescue Centre
                                      bone wine, which was identified          (established by the China Wildlife
    Staff at Qinhuangdao              during the course of the skin trade      Conservation Association, a national
    Wildlife Rescue Centre            investigation.                           non-profit organisation affiliated to the

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
SFA) in Beidaihe, Hebei Province,             ABUSE OF THE LEGAL
showed investigators a pile of skins
waiting to be processed for a university.     TRADE SYSTEM
However, most tiger skins are sold to
wealthy individuals rather than for           The domestic skin trade regulation system
educational or scientific purposes; five      is flawed and traders described ways in
tiger skin rugs were sold in the first        which it can provide a cover for black
half of 2012 to individuals seeking           market activities, including the re-use of
luxury home décor.                            permits and falsification of origins.
He also confirmed that “anyone” can buy       That the legal market offers a means
these skins from the Centre. This shows       to launder illegally acquired tiger
that the legal trade in tiger skin rugs is    specimens was evidenced by the tiger
not restricted to scientific or educational                                                BELOW:
                                              carcass in the freezer at Xiafeng Animal
purposes but is growing through a             Specimen Factory. The owner takes            Permit for Xiafeng’s tiger skin,
lucrative commercial retail market.           delivery of the entire tiger carcass         shown on page 6
                                              from the zoos with which he has an
As with Xiafeng Animal Specimen                                                            BOTTOM:
Factory, the prices quoted for captive-       agreement; he explained that since
                                              no-one is paying attention to the bones      These skins are destined for a
bred tiger skins were 1.5 to three times                                                   university, but the staff of the
higher than for wild tiger skins, and         he can sell them too. Given the serious
several times higher than the skins of        penalties, he will not sell them on the      Qinhuangdao Wildlife Rescue
wild leopard and snow leopard offered         open market himself, but he has regular      Centre claimed they had sold five
to EIA investigators in July 2012 in          buyers in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province who         tiger skins as rugs to individuals
Lhasa, TAR, Linxia, Gansu Province            buy from him.                                in the first half of 2012.
and Xining, Qinghai Province. This
legal trade is clearly not alleviating
pressure on wild tigers and other
Asian big cats.

The owner of Xiafeng Animal Specimen
Factory said the establishment of a
taxidermy industry had been proactively
encouraged by the SFA, stating that a
few years previously a senior SFA
official had complained that not enough
was being done to make the most of the
tigers dying in captivity; promoting the
taxidermy process and industry.

Active promotion of the taxidermy
industry also featured in a Qinhuangdao
Wildlife Rescue Centre brochure, which
stated that the use of taxidermy items
as luxury home décor is an increasingly
fashionable way to demonstrate
higher status.

This echoes statements made by traders
selling wild tiger, leopard and snow
leopard skins, and is also reflected in
the way wild skins are now prepared
and trafficked, with head and paws
intact for taxidermy; until 2006, less
care was taken as skins were also used
to decorate traditional costumes.

Skins are also offered as prestigious
gifts and bribes and are increasingly, as
with ivory and rhino horn carvings, and
pre-1993 tiger bone wine, seen as an
investment; commodities among the new
asset classes.18

It is clear that legal trade is sustaining
a perception that tiger skin rugs are
valuable, thereby perpetuating demand
and stimulating the poaching of wild
tigers. In 2012, over the course of just
several days, EIA investigators were
offered the fresh skins of wild Asian big
cats - three tigers, one leopard and one
snow leopard.

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT - China's Clandestine Tiger Trade - Environmental Investigation Agency
“ … because when             ILLICIT RE-USE OF PERMITS                           Further, he went on to offer a
                                                                                     substantial discount on the skin if
    we pay, we pay for           FOR ADDITIONAL TIGER SKINS                          purchased without the permit, describing
                                                                                     a process whereby the buyer would take
    the whole tiger....          The only identifying feature connecting             the permit with the skin to ensure it
    there is no record           the tiger skin rugs for sale with the               could be safely transported and then
                                 accompanying permits is a photo of the              return it for a refund and so enable the
    of the bones….”              skin on the back of the permit. The                 taxidermist to fraudulently re-use the
                                 owner of Xiafeng Animal Specimen                    permit for other skins. He suggested
    Owner of Xiafeng             Factory explained that he photographs               this had been done before.
                                 the processed skin and sends it with the
                                 paperwork to the SFA, which in turn
                                 issues a laminated and stamped permit               LEGAL AND ILLEGAL SKINS
                                 bearing the photo.                                  ENTER SAME MARKET
                                 However, the photo is so small that                 Skins of wild and captive-bred tigers are
                                 there is no way the stripe patterns of the          feeding into the same consumer demand
                                 photo can be matched with those of the              for luxury home décor, and there is
                                 skin for sale, presenting opportunities             overlap between those involved in the
                                 for the same permit to be used for                  legal and illegal trade. The owner of
                                 different skins. Indeed, it seemed that             Xiafeng Animal Specimen Factory claims
                                 this was the case with the specimen he              he does not buy wild tiger skins himself.
                                 was showing us.                                     However, he claimed to have processed
                                                                                     two skins originally from India and
                                 While the permit stated it was issued               purchased in the Tibet Autonomous
                                 in 2011 for a tiger skin sourced from               Region (TAR), including one he
                                 Nanjing Pearl Spring Zoo, during the                processed on behalf of a local deputy
                                 course of the conversation it became                governor who had received it as a gift.
                                 clear this may not be the case; the
                                 owner changed his mind twice about                  Likewise, traders in known hotspots for
                                 where the tiger came from and then                  illegal tiger and other Asian big cat
                                 claimed it had died in March 2012.                  skins, such as Linxia in Gansu Province
                                 Pressed, he warned EIA to ask no more               and Lhasa in TAR, confirm that the
                                 questions on this issue: “No, you don't             skins of wild Asian big cats coming from
    BELOW:                       ask about that. The certificate is here, and        India and Nepal are destined for the
    Carcass of the tiger shown   you don't need to know more. It’s like you          luxury home décor market, which is also
    on page 6 in the freezer     ask a child trafficker, who does the child          evident from the way they are processed
    at Xiafeng.                  belong to …”.                                       (see page 19). Buyers come from all
                                                                                     over the country and one trader in
                                                                                     Linxia, known to EIA as an illegal
                                                                                     trader since 2006, uses a third party in
                                                                                     Hebei Province to ‘fine tan’ wild-sourced
                                                                                     tiger, leopard and snow leopard skins on
                                                                                     behalf of a buyer in Inner Mongolia.

                                                                                The photo on this permit is too
                                                                                small to accurately identify
                                                                                the skin it accompanies.

THE TIGER BONE WINE TRADE                                                                           The owner of Beijing
                                                                                                    Longying’s ambition is
Beijing Longying Trading Ltd (also                                                                  to have 500 tigers.
known as Beijing Longfuteng Fauna and
Flora Ltd) is one of the few companies
that has the license to breed wildlife
(including tigers), the license to process
their parts and products, and the license
to sell.

The owner claimed he was a co-founder
of the State-founded Hengdaohezi Big
Cat Breeding Centre, China’s first tiger
farm, before going into private business
importing and exporting wildlife. He
claimed two of the tigers he had bred
himself were gifted by the Government
of China to South Korea in 1994, to
mark the visit of then-President Jiang
Zemin. He also said he had arranged to
import 100 tigers from Sri Racha, in
Thailand, to Sanya Love World, in
Hainan Island, in 2002. He is a
successful crocodile farmer and also
the co-author (with Hengdaohezi Big
Cat Breeding Centre and Northeast
Forestry University) of a research
paper on the chemical content of             that tiger breeders were petitioning the
Siberian tiger bones.19                      SFA to repeal the 1993 State Council
                                             ban on the use of tiger bone.20 He added
While crocodiles appear to be his main       that the only two facilities to meet the
business, he also had samples of “bone       ‘500’ requirement are Xiongsen Bear
strengthening wine” produced by              and Tiger Village and the Harbin
wineries associated with the Xiongsen        Siberian Tiger Park.
Bear and Tiger Village, in Guangxi
Province, and the Harbin Siberian             “Now there is an internal notification …
Tiger Park, in Heilongjiang Province.        when the number of the bred tiger reaches
Both are licensed under the 2003             500, if you get some special permission,
wildlife utilisation and marking scheme      you can sell the tiger bones to assigned
and the owner of Beijing Longying            medicine-making factories and the products
insisted it was made using tiger bones       will be directly circulated in hospitals. For
but, because of the 1993 State Council       instance, if a patient is in a hospital for
order, the wineries are unable to say so     arthritis treatment, he will get a bottle of
on the ingredients.                          the bone wine.”

He currently has eight tigers at his         He calculates a breeding operation
compound on the outskirts of Beijing         with 200 tigresses could potentially
and two in a park in Sanya, on Hainan        produce 600 cubs each year, and that
Island, but his long-term goal is to raise   it would be “very easy to naturally get
500 tigers; his business plan to achieve     rid of 100-200 every year.”
this includes seeking investors while
also generating income from ticket sales     These revelations fly in the face of
to visitors and selling tiger skins to       repeated assertions by the SFA, at
“private collections”.                       various CITES and Global Tiger
                                             Initiative meetings, that the                   ABOVE:
When asked why the figure of 500, he         Government is committed to a 1993               Harbin and Xiongsen both have
explained that an official notification      State Council Order prohibiting the             permits to produce “bone
circulated in 2005, regarding the sale       use of tiger bone for medicine.                 strengthening wine”, which is
of captive-bred tiger bone to designated                                                     labelled in Latin as containing
medicinal manufacturers authorised           EIA investigators searched online for
                                                                                             lion. It is marketed however, as
to supply hospitals with tiger bone          Government notifications pertaining to
                                                                                             having been made using tiger.
wine, stipulated that only operations        the use of captive-bred tiger bone and
with 500 tigers or more could apply          found records of Notification 2005
for permission.                              No 139, which “enables the pilot use of
                                             captive-bred tiger bone for medicine and
He described it as a “secret” and            the reduction of the use of leopard bone.”
“internal” notification, not widely
distributed because of the international
outcry at the time; news broke in 2005

                                                                               “REAL TIGER WINE”
                                                                               Sanhong’s plan states the wine is made
                                                                               from tiger bone and other controlled
                                                                               wildlife parts, including pangolin scales
                                                                               and caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps
                                                                               sinensis). The recipe for Sanhong’s “Real
                                                                               Tiger Wine”, prepared with technical
                                                                               guidance from the Hunan Academy of
                                                                               Chinese Medicine, is detailed in the
                                                                               report, the tiger bone requirements are
                                                                               as follows:

                                                                               “… According to relevant technical parameters,
                                                                               160 kilograms of tiger bones may produce
                                                                               3 tons [sic] of tiger bone stock. One
                                                                               kilogram of tiger bone wine contains 2 to 4
                                                                               grams of tiger bone stock. Based on an
                                                                               average of 3 grams per kilogram, 800 tons
                                                                               [sic] of tiger bone wine require 2,400
                                                                               kilograms of tiger bone stock, supplied by
                                                                               around 128 kilograms of tiger bones.”

                                                                               The report goes into enormous detail
                                                                               about consumer attitudes and
                                                                               demographics, brand positioning,
                                                                               marketing, competition, production
     ABOVE:                                                                    processes, sourcing of raw tiger bone
     Sanhong’s website describes   NOTIFICATION 2005 No 139                    (including establishing a tiger-breeding
     “real tiger wine” and                                                     operation) and financing. The company’s
     provides images of the wine   Found on the website of a local             motivation appears two-fold – the need
     manufacturing facility.
                                   Shanghai government department,21 the       to prepare an honest product to compete
                                   Notification appears to have been issued    with fake products that bring down the
                                   by the SFA, SAIC, Ministry of Health,       name of traditional medicine, and the
                                   State Food and Drug Administration and      need to capitalise on the Government’s
                                   the State Administration of Traditional     policy to use wildlife:
                                   Chinese Medicine.
                                                                               “The Chinese Government, by referring to
                                   The same text appears in a list of          the open protection measures of African
                                   relevant laws governing the                 elephants, has set forth a humanistic
                                   administration of medicines at the          approach for the development-based
                                   Taizhou Hospital, in Zhejiang Province,22   protection policy, where the wildlife supply
                                   and in a “feasibility study report” by      is replaced by captive-breeding. Under the
                                   the Hunan Sanhong Biotechnology             Government’s guidance and strict permit
                                   Company, in Changsha, Hunan Province,       management, this project is therefore
                                   a member of the CWCA. The report and        specifically established for the valuable
                                   business plan were prepared in 2005         utilisation of tiger bone resources, satisfaction
                                   and describe the “great market potential”   of the public’s demand for tiger bone wine
                                   for tiger bone wine. Accordingly, it sets   and funding additions to the Government’s
                                   out the production and marketing            animal protection endeavours.”
                                   strategy for a projected annual output of
                                   800 tonnes of Quanzhen Hujiu, “Real         Critically, the feasibility report sets out
                                   Tiger Wine”, worth an estimated RMB         the legal basis upon which the entire
                                   1b / US$160m.23                             project rests, and specifically refers to
                                                                               Notification 2005, No 139.
     Notification 2005             Unlike other SFA notices, the content of
                                   Notification 2005 No 139 is not publicly    The report goes further, specifying
     No 139 –                      available, so it is not known what          additional Government policy promoting
                                   exemptions it stipulates that might         the use of captive-bred tiger bone.
     “…enables the pilot           allow restricted manufacture and use
                                   of tiger bone wine. EIA has, however,       “Our Government has established a clear
     use of captive bred           documented the impact of the                protection and development strategy for
     tiger bone for                Notification, which has prompted the        rare flora and fauna (please refer to:
                                   Sanhong Biotechnology Company to            Animal Protection Order No. [2005]93) ...
     medicine and the              invest millions to put the feasibility      The Real Tiger Wine provides a feasible
     reduction of the use          report plans, extracts below, into          path where the development of utilising
                                   practice to produce a range of “Real        the value of tiger carcass helps serve the
     of leopard bone.”             Tiger Wine”.                                protection purposes.”

FROM PLANNING TO PRODUCTION                     contain a piece of bone. Sanhong’s
                                                production methods involve soaking
EIA has obtained independent                    tiger bones in vats of wine to make a
confirmation that Sanhong has gone              ‘stock’ that is mixed with other ingredients.
into production of a range of “Real Tiger
Wine” products. Manufacturing occurs            Bones are used for a maximum of three
near Changsha, where the owners also            batches before being returned to the
have a taxidermy workshop (Changsha             stockpile of legally acquired captive-bred
Sanzhen Animal Artistic Specimens               tiger bone, ensuring it is available for
Company) licensed to process tiger skin24, 25   official auditing.
and a small breeding centre with six
tigers.26                                       Along with the fact the bone is from
                                                captive-bred tigers, and the possibility
Local government officials are well             that Notification 2005 No139 limits
aware of production and, in 2011, a             distribution, this could explain why
                                                Sanhong and others believe they can             BELOW:
local Changsha government website                                                               A bottle of Sanhong “Real Tiger
announced that the Sanzhen Animal               sell “bone strengthening wine” made using
                                                                                                Wine” manufactured in 2012.
Taxidermy Company had started                   tiger bone. The SFA would have to
production of tiger bone wine in 2009,          provide clarity on this since the content of
                                                the Notification is not publicly available.     BOTTOM:
quoting the company’s reported                                                                  Distributing agent, Beilan, claims
investment of nearly RMB 40m/                                                                   in this marketing power point
US$6m.27 In addition, in 2011 a post on         Whatever the legal situation, the
                                                practices at Sanhong and, possibly,             presentation available online, that
a Ministry of Commerce website advertises                                                       they supply Sanhong’s “Real Tiger
wildlife taxidermy services and tiger           other wineries suggest tiger bone is
bone wine, providing contact details for        being used for commercial purposes              Wine” to high ranking officials and
the owner of Sanzhen and Sanhong.28             before being sealed and stockpiled.             private members clubs.

The products are not for sale at the
premises and may not be found in
regular retail outlets. A few instance of                                                               Translation:
online sales have been documented,29, 30, 31                                                            20th August 2012
but otherwise distribution is via regional
agents who market to elite clients
and, according to one Beijing-based
distributor, Beilan, this includes
guesthouses and restaurants catering
to high-ranking officials.32

As with other tiger wines, the word
‘tiger’ does not appear in the ingredients,
even though the use of tiger bone in the
manufacturing process is the main
marketing message distinguishing it
from other bone-strengthening wines.

This could be explained by the fact that,
unlike traditional and clinical medicines,
the finished product doesn’t actually

     ABOVE:                            WHERE ARE THE CAPTIVE                       there are, where they are, the status
     Tigers at the Xiongsen Bear and                                               of stockpiles and intentions regarding
     Tiger Village, one of China’s
                                       TIGERS COMING FROM?                         what to do with those stocks, has
     largest tiger ‘farms’.                                                        gone unanswered.40
                                       There is a perception that all tiger
                                       ‘farms’ are huge, industrial-scale          Despite official requests from CITES,41
                                       speed-breeding operations for hundreds      the Government of China has not provided
                                       of animals; in reality, the majority of     any information on the exact number of
                                       operations involved are small enterprises
                                                                                   tigers, where they are kept, the volume
                                       and in many cases may not even be
                                                                                   of stockpiled skins and bones or their
                                       breeding tigers but merely keep them.
                                                                                   purpose. Although the SFA insists
                                       China reportedly has 200 facilities33       facilities and stockpiles are tightly
                                       licensed to keep 5,000-6,000 tigers,34      controlled to prevent illegal trade, it has
                                       a population and an industry that has       not been transparent over how much
                                       grown rapidly in the past two decades       has entered legal trade.
                                       (see Appendix 2). Starting with fewer
                                       than 20 tigers in one facility in 1986      According to official records,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
                                       (35), annual estimated breeding             the Xiafeng taxidermists obtained 13
                                       rates ranged from 200 new cubs a            tiger skins from Nanjing Pearl Spring
                                       year in 199936 to 800 new cubs a year       Zoo between 2011-12, and a further
                                       in 2006.37                                  seven tiger skins and one leopard skin
                                                                                   from Hefei Wild Animal Park, Tongling
                                       Even after CITES adopted a decision in      City Zoo, Pang Park Zoo, Yangzhou
                                       2007 that tigers should not be bred for     Zoo and Huaibei City Garden Zoo.
                                       trade in their parts and products, the
                                       SFA reported an increase of 1,000 tigers    Several other facilities have been
                                       by 2010 taking them to 6,000.38 This has    documented by national and
                                       dropped to “over 5,000” in 2012.39          international journalists and
                                       A request from CITES to provide more        NGOs as involved in the tiger bone
                                       specific information on how many tigers     wine business.


                                                                                                  © Belinda Wright WPSI
l   The two biggest tiger-breeding facilities in China,
    with more than 1,000 tigers each, have been
    documented trading tiger bone wine on several
    occasions – Xiongsen Bear and Tiger Village42, 43, 44, 45
    and the Harbin Siberian Tiger Park.46, 47

l   In February 2006, bottles of ‘healthy bone wine’
    made from tiger bones were on sale at Shanghai
    Wild Animal Park.48

l   In December 2007, an investigation into the death of
    a Siberian tiger at Three Gorges Forest Wild Animal
    World revealed an on-site tiger bone winery.49
    Other zoos, such as Dalian Forest Zoo,50 Nanning
    Zoo51 and many more have also been exposed for
    illegal operations.

l   In January 2008, Shenzhen Wildlife Park reportedly
    operated a ‘tiger bone wine processing centre’ with         ABOVE:
    bottles sold to visitors.52                                 Freezer full of tiger carcasses
                                                                at the Xiongsen Bear and
                                                                Tiger Village, 2007, and
l   Shenyang Zoo, in Liaoning Province, was reportedly          Xiongsen’s “bone-strengthening
    openly selling tiger skeletons for “drug wine” in           wine” marketed in a tiger
    1987, when prices were being driven up by the               shaped bottle.
    shortage of tiger bones,53 but staff reported in 2005
    that sales of tiger bone were an “open secret”
    and the wines were mainly consumed by forestry
    authorities and police.54 The facility hit the headlines
    in 2010 when it was found to be starving tigers to
    make tiger bone wine.55

l   In February 2012, a manager at Nanjing Pearl Spring
    Zoo revealed to journalists that it produced tiger
    bone wine primarily for consumption by
    Government officials.56

     i2 CHART
This chart summarises the relationships described in this report. Facilities flagged
             orange have previously been the subject of NGO/media tiger exposés


     In 2007, EIA documented the sale of a brand of tiger          Also in 2007, EIA found a different brand of tiger bone
     bone wine, Beidacang Tiger Bone Wine, at the                  wine, reportedly made by the neighbouring Qinhuangdao
     Qinhuangdao Wild Animal Park, adjacent to the                 Wildlife Rescue Centre, documented for sale online.60
     Qinhuangdao Wildlife Rescue Centre.57 The manager of
     the park’s retail outlet showed investigators a copy of       Details were provided to the SFA in 2007, and provincial
     the permit issued in 2004 by the SFA to allow the use         forest police officials subsequently announced in the
                                                                   media the specific date and time of an inspection of
     of tigers that had died of natural causes on the              the facility to ensure there was no illegal trade (an
     premises. The permit stated: “tiger skins can be made         enforcement strategy that seems self-defeating).61
     into specimens and bones can be made into wine ... the        The SFA has not provided any feedback about the
     remainder of the tiger is to be voluntarily and properly      inspection nor the permit’s validity.
     taken care of”.
                                                                   In 2012, there were no obvious signs of tiger bone wine
     A leaflet distributed with the wine states: ‘Currently, the   for sale at either Qinhuangdao Wild Animal Park or the
     wildlife park has Government permission to carry out          Wildlife Rescue Centre. According to staff, there are six
     plans to soak tiger bones in wine. Beidacang Wine             or seven “sets of bones”, presumably skeletons, sealed
     Factory was appointed to extract the sap through              in freezers. The sealing process is filmed and the bones
     long-term soaking of tiger bones in vats, after which it      off-limits and subject to inspection. Staff said if the
     is filtered and packaged to produce Tiger Wine [sic]’.        freezer seals are broken the Rescue Centre would lose
     EIA found the same wine for sale at Badaling Safari Park      its permission to operate.
     near Beijing, also documented by TRAFFIC.58, 59
                                                                   They also revealed that some tiger bones from animals
                                                                   dying on the premises were being steeped in wine, in
                                                                   secured containers, to protect them from “going off”.
                                                                   This wine is reportedly available to guests at the
                                                                   discretion of the Centre’s Director.
                                                                   Beidacang tiger wine, on the other hand, still appears
                                                                   to be widely available online,62, 63, 64, 65, 66 adding to the
                                                                   general lack of clarity as to what is and is not allowed
                                                                   for sale, creating confusion among consumers.

                                                                   LEFT AND BELOW:
                                                                   There was no satisfactory answer over
                                                                   the legality of the Beidacang Tiger
                                                                   Wine , which was offered for sale at
                                                                   Qinhuangdao Wildlife Park in 2007.


                                                                                                                             © Elliott Neep
In 2012, EIA investigators were               This is evident not just from the way in
offered the fresh skins of three tigers,      which skins are prepared, with intact
one leopard and one snow leopard along        heads and paws, but also from what
with big cat bones, teeth and claws           traders in Lhasa in TAR, Linxia in
during several days in well-known trade       Gansu Province and Xining in Qinghai
hotspots in China. All had been sourced       Province have said about their
from the wild.                                customers from China. One persistent
                                              trader in Linxia, whom EIA has
EIA analysis of seizure records and           documented trading in wild Asian big cat
market observations indicates that since      skins from 2006-12, has told investigators
2000, over 5,400 Asian big cats have          on two separate occasions about a
died for the trade and more than 90 per       regular buyer in Inner Mongolia who          BELOW:
cent of these were destined for markets       purchases them for home furnishing.          For every tiger poached, at
in China.67, 68 Contrary to pro-trade lobby                                                least four leopards are killed.
assertions running a legal trade in the       Interestingly, this buyer often requests     In 2012, EIA was offered fresh
skins of captive-bred tigers for nearly       that the skins he buys are diverted via      skin and bone of leopard and
10 years has not stopped the poaching         professional taxidermists in Hebei           snow leopard in China.
of wild tigers and other Asian big cats.      Province. EIA confirmed this with the
                                              middleman in Hebei, and this national
The demand for luxury home décor              criminal network further illustrates
promoted by SFA policy is precisely           the overlap between the trade in
what the skins of wild tigers, leopards       captive-bred tiger skins and those of
and snow leopards are being used for.         wild Asian big cats. Full details of this
In 2004, EIA documented traders in the        network were passed to the relevant
TAR describing Chinese demand for             authorities in 2012.
tiger skin as home furnishings.69
Following the collapse of the demand          It is no surprise that the skins of wild
among Tibetans in 2006, traders               Asian big cats are feeding into the
trafficking skins from India and Nepal        luxury home décor market; as has
simply shifted them onto the home             previously been argued,71 with
décor market, catering to the Chinese         transnational criminal networks
business, political and military elite        moving small consignments of contraband
who wanted taxidermy specimens for            across the porous trans-Himalayan
themselves or as a prestigious gift to        borders, it is cheaper to kill and trade
bosses and officials.70                       wild tigers than to raise them in

captivity, process them professionally,      how his relationship with Government
                                           pay permit fees and trade them in a          officials has enabled him to avoid
                                           legal market. Moreover, it is the wild       prosecution. He is aware he has been
                                           tiger that is most desired for its bones.    the subject of a previous media exposé
                                           It is not an uncommon belief among           and his only concern was that the
                                           Chinese traditional medicine consumers       investigators were not undercover
                                           that wild products have greater potency      journalists. He also gets advance warning
                                           than farmed.72                               of official inspections, but so does the
                                                                                        entire Province since the Forestry Bureau
                                           The SFA has claimed at international         announces in the media its intention to
                                           meetings that this international illegal     undertake inspections, rendering
                                           trade in skins of wild Asian big cats has    enforcement little more than cosmetic.76
                                           been effectively deterred. It is true that
                                           trade in hotspots such as Lhasa, Linxia      In addition, investigators also found
                                           and Xining is not nearly as open as it       traders not previously encountered in
                                           was up until 2006 but it has not been        Lhasa and Xining. They visited retail
                                           deterred, it’s just gone underground.        outlets selling other wildlife parts and
                                                                                        products, or products manufactured in
                                           In May 2012, Indian officials sounded        India or Nepal. In Lhasa, one trader
                                           the alarm when informant networks            proactively asked investigators if they
                                           reported that traders had put down a         were looking for something more
                                           deposit and “commissioned” 25 tiger          “special” and arranged a private viewing
                                           skins.73 In just over a month in 2013,       of two fresh tiger skins at a residence.
                                           two tigers and nine leopards have died       Likewise, in Xining investigators were
                                           for trade in India;74 seven tiger skins      taken to a residence, shown a full snow
                                           and bones weighing the equivalent of         leopard skin and skull, and told more
                                           14 tigers were seized in Nepal en route      were available.
                                           to China.75
                                                                                        While none of the traders with illegal
                                           As recently as July 2012, EIA                Asian big cat products for sale openly
                                           documented known criminals continuing        displayed Asian big cat skins, some in
                                           to operate, sourcing stock in the border     Linxia openly displayed leopard skulls.
     ABOVE:                                areas with India in Ali County in the        The more clandestine nature of the trade
     Since 2006, this persistent trader
                                           TAR, or travelling to Nepal and India to     means it is impossible to ascertain the
     has offered EIA investigators three
                                           choose Asian big cat parts and products      scope or scale of trade based solely on
                                           from established associates and arrange      observational market surveys, and the
     tiger skins and many leopard and
                                           carriage across the border by foot, pack     practice of publicly announcing official
     snow leopard skins.
                                           animal and vehicle.                          inspections in advance means market
                                                                                        inspections are unlikely to generate
                                           One persistent offender in Linxia has        information since traders ensure their
                                           described on three separate occasions        shops are clean.

INTERNATIONAL ILLEGAL                                                      Further, the proportion of leopards in
                                                                           trade compared to tigers highlights the
TRADE IN ASIAN BIG CATS                                                    importance of robust and timely official
                                                                           reporting on all Asian big cats (covered
International trade in parts and                                           under CITES Res. Conf. 12.5).
derivatives of Appendix I Asian big cats
is prohibited under CITES. Since 2000,                                     In addition to big cat numbers identified
at least 5,559 Asian big cats have been                                    through seizures, since 2000 a total of
intercepted in trade; this is based on                                     887 whole skins have been documented
seizures of skins, carcasses and live                                      for sale by EIA, the Wildlife Protection
big cats. Bones and skeletons have been                                    Society of India (WPSI) (461 skins)
discounted to avoid double counting.68, 77                                 TRAFFIC and other NGOs and journalists
                                                                           (426 skins).77 This figure does not include
This represents the deaths of at least                                     the number of traditional costumes
1,031 tigers, 4,189 leopards, 152 snow                                     decorated with tiger and leopard skins,
leopards, 26 clouded leopards and 17                                       often entire skins, documented and in
Asiatic lions; as per the INTERPOL rule of                                 use and trade in 2005-06.
thumb, contraband seized is about 10 per
cent of what is being trafficked.79                                        It is important to note that, despite
                                                                           being a criminal activity, trading does
Additionally, 136 live tigers, four live                                   not necessarily take place in the same
leopards, two live snow leopards and two                                   locations as seizures. For example,
live clouded leopards have been seized,                                    as a source country and with good
either being kept illegally or in trade.                                   records, India understandably
                                                                           contributes a significant proportion of
More than 90 per cent of the total was                                     big cats (66 per cent) to this overall
destined for markets in China – taking                                     figure. However, documentation of
into account intelligence surrounding the                                  trading occurs in often persistent
incidents in India, Nepal, Burma, Russia                                   markets outside of India, such as
and China, and historical information on                                   border towns, in China and TAR,
markets and trafficking routes.                                            where law enforcement actions are
                                                                           not correspondingly reflected.
While there are relatively good records
of incidences of tiger and leopard trade
across Asia, there is little if any official
information regarding the trade of snow
leopards and clouded leopards, despite
quantities documented for sale by NGOs.

Tigers intercepted in trade, 2000-2013
Including where likely from captive sources (selected countries only)
Source: EIA analysis of seizure data 67, 68















                                                                                                                                    (Until end



                           TIGER: Likely wild                  TIGER: Likely captive source (live and carcasses,
                           (all countries)                     specific incidents in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia)

© Robin Hamilton

                      MIXED MESSAGES
                   ABOVE:                             HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT                             CITES (CoP14), SFA statements became
                   The international community has                                                      increasingly refined. It stressed it is
                   long recognised the threat posed   How did we get to the situation where             committed to ending illegal trade and
                   by tiger farming to the survival   international commitments and national            that the 1993 State Council order has
                   of wild tigers.                    action plans have been based on the               not been repealed: “We seek to assure
                                                      assumption that there is a full tiger             parties that China will not bring any
                                                      trade ban in the largest historical               change in its existing policy on domestic
                                                      consumer of tiger parts and products?             use of tiger bone unless it can be
                                                                                                        demonstrated to have positive effect on
                                                      Documents circulated at CITES indicate            conservation of wild tigers internationally.” 84
                                                      that by 1996, reference was increasingly
                                                      made to a generic domestic trade                  At the same time, there were increasing
                                                      ban in China and it appears to have               references to a domestic policy of
                                                      become common assumption that the                 labelling and registering skins for likely
                                                      1993 domestic trade ban applied to all            future use (see Appendix 2). Also, in
                                                      tiger parts and products, when in fact            the Secretariat’s report to CoP14 on a
                                                      it only applied to use of tiger bone              recent mission to China, it was
                                                      in medicines.                                     confirmed that the 1993 State Council
                                                                                                        order “relates solely to tiger bones or
                                                      At a CITES Standing Committee in                  tiger bone products.”85 Shortly after
                                                      December 1996, the China delegation is            CoP14, the SFA issued a notification
                                                      quoted as stating: “China had banned all          declaring skins of captive-bred tigers.
                                                      internal trade in tiger parts and products”. 81   and leopards as being of “legal origin”.86
                                                                                                        This prompted direct questions, in
                   “… China has one                   The CITES Tiger Technical Missions,               numerous international forums and in
                                                      which visited China in 1999 reported:             bilateral dialogue, as to the status of a
                   of the strictest                   “In 1993, a State Council Order banned            legal trade in captive-bred tiger skins.
                   domestic trade bans                internal and international trade in rhinoceros
                                                      and tiger parts and derivatives.” 82              As recently as May 2012, at a
                   in the world, enacted                                                                “Stocktaking Conference” of the Global
                                                      A timeline of relevant statements,                Tiger Recovery Programme in India,
                   in 1993, which                     quotes and events is included as                  EIA asked the Chinese delegation if the
                   prohibits hunting,                 Appendix 2 to this report.                        Government allows the domestic sale of
                                                                                                        captive-bred tiger skins. The delegation
                   sale, purchase and                 In 2005, news of a re-opening of tiger            stated the use of such skins is allowed
                   use of Tigers and                  trade in China sparked national and               for educational or scientific purposes,
                                                      international discussions and by 2007,            and reiterated that China has a domestic
                   Tiger products”.83                 at the 14th Conference of the Parties to          trade prohibition on the use and sale of

tiger bone in medicines. This response       Fellow Tiger Range Countries combating
does not answer our question.                the poaching of their tigers for trade in
                                             China would have at least understood
The SFA has neither denied it allows a       the conservation landscape in which
legal domestic trade in captive-bred         they were operating under the Global
tiger skins nor openly declared it to the    Tiger Initiative. Key enforcement
international community. To the tiger’s      authorities and donor governments
detriment, this lack of transparency has     and conservation charities investing in
not been adequately challenged, and          enforcement and demand-reduction
against the backdrop of this deception       could have evaluated strategies in light      ABOVE:
the demand for and trade in tigers skins     of a parallel legal trade. Even the lobby
                                                                                           Across the Tibetan plateau skins
for luxury home décor has sustained a        groups advocating ‘tiger farming’ as a
                                                                                           were burned as demand crashed
market for the skins of wild tigers and      conservation solution have based their
                                                                                           in 2006.
other Asian big cats.                        theories on there being no legal trade in
                                             tiger parts and products in China.
Another misleading and disingenuous                                                        BELOW:
tactic employed by officials in China,       It is clear, however, that it is not just     Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao calls
apparently ignoring the evidence over        a matter of implementing national             for an end to tiger trade at the
the continued use and demand for skins       regulations and laws; the very officials      St Petersburg International Tiger
of wild tigers and other Asian big cats      tasked with protecting the tiger have         Forum in 2010.
for luxury home décor and taxidermy,         proactively issued statements
has been that when discussing the            illustrating there is no intention to end
illegal skin trade the default response      the use of tiger parts. This only further
has been to refer to the sensitivities of    confuses consumers and gives hope to
addressing cultural demand for skins         industry, providing a possible
among Tibetans; however, this is no          explanation as to why China’s
longer valid. Until 2006, skins were         captive-bred tiger population has grown
used to decorate traditional costumes        tremendously – they are “banking on
but, following targeted outreach by          extinction”88 of the wild tiger while
religious leaders, Tibetans burned their     sitting on growing stockpiles.
skins and the demand and market has
declined significantly.                      In 2007, at the height of international
                                             debate over the lifting of the domestic
It has clearly suited the Government of      trade ban on the use of tiger bone, the
China to divert attention from the trade     then SFA Deputy Director was quoted in
and demand for Asian big cat skins as a      the media saying he was opposed to the
luxury status symbol and home décor.         ban89 and that: “The ban won’t be there
It has had ample opportunity to inform       forever, given the strong voices from tiger
the international community of its           farmers, experts and society.” 90
extant licensing system, the scale of
legal trade, the volume of tiger and l       In 2009, a senior SFA official in the
eopard parts and derivatives in stockpiles   China CITES Management Authority
and the purposes of such stockpiles, but     wrote in a national magazine explaining
has chosen instead to deliberately ignore    why China could not legally implement
specific and direct questions posed by       the 2007 CITES decision calling for the
CITES and EIA. This is not compliant         phase-out of operations breeding tigers
with the resolutions and decisions of        for trade in parts and products. He
CITES, either in letter or spirit.           stated that he thought tigers should be
                                             bred for trade in parts and products, his
This policy and attitude also undermines     main argument being that a legal trade
the statement by Chinese Premier Wen         would alleviate pressure on wild tigers.
Jiabao when he shared a platform with        His emphasis was on demand for tiger
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin        bone used as medicine; at no point did
and other Tiger Range Countries leaders      he acknowledge the impact of the legal
at the St Petersburg International Tiger     trade in tiger skins on wild tigers and
Forum in 2010, convened to launch the        other Asian big cats.91
Global Tiger Recovery Programme to
double the wild tiger population by          Ironically, at CITES Standing
2022. Premier Wen stressed: “Countries       Committee in 2012, during discussions
should enforce more stringent legal and      from the floor on tiger trade, an official
administrative instruments, and severely     from the SFA’s Wildlife Conservation
crack down on tiger poaching and the trade   Department acknowledged that merely
in, and smuggling of, tiger products”.87     discussing a market for tiger parts will
                                             stimulate poaching.92
Had the SFA clearly informed the
international community about the legal
domestic trade in tiger parts, discussions
over changes in national law and policy
could have been launched a lot sooner.

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