Honi Soit Election Edition - FIRST PRINTED 1929

Page created by Kirk Wilson
Honi Soit Election Edition - FIRST PRINTED 1929
Honi Soit
FIRST PRINTED 1929   Election Edition   WEEK 6, SEM 2, 2019

                 V O T E
Honi Soit Election Edition - FIRST PRINTED 1929
Acknowledgement of Country
    We acknowledge that this paper is made and distributed on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. That land, as with all lands Australia is built on, was not ceded but rather violently dispossessed, and continues to
    occupied. This edition is concerned with the 2019 USyd SRC Election, and yet there should be no misgivings regarding its comparative importance in today’s political world. In just the last week, the Djab Wurrung people in
    ‘Victoria’ have reached a crescendo in their fight to protect sacred land from a new highway project that would remove 3000 trees including sacred birthing trees. The Queensland government extinguished the native title claims
    of the Wangan and Jagalingou people’s over 1385 hectares of land to smooth the passage of the Adani mine — to become the Southern Hemisphere’s largest open cut mine. Closer to Camperdown, and only late last year, new USyd
    student housing was announced, to be built on the now demolished Block in Redfern, which has housed generations of First Nations families. As we go about our days, we must remember that settler colonialism is alive
                  and well, and that there is always more to be done. In acknowledging the land that we learn on as students, we should commit to use our skills to help remedy this historical fact.
                                                                                    Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

                                   Contents                                                                                           Electoral Officer’s Declaration
                                                                                                                           At the time of printing, the nominations contained on pages 7 to 59 have been
                                                                                                                           received and have been considered valid by the Electoral Officer for this year’s
    2          LETTERS                                       Editors                                                       Annual Elections to the 92nd Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the
                                                                                                                           University of Sydney. This includes the nominations for the President of the
    3          REGULATIONS                                   The following editors have no                                 92nd Students’ Representatives Council, the 35 Representatives to the 92nd
                                                             political opinions and have signed a                          Students’ Representative Council, the Editors of Honi Soit, and the 7 delegates
    7          PRESIDENT                                     statement of political neutrality for                         to the National Union of Students (NUS). The order that the candidates have
                                                             the Annual Elections this year: Alan                          appeared in this newspaper is the same order in which they will appear on the
    11         HONI SOIT                                     Zheng, Jessica Syed, Annie Zhang,                             ballot papers. I strongly encourage students to make their voice heard through
                                                             Amelia Mertha, Baopu He, Joseph                               voting in this year’s Annual Elections. Best of luck to all candidates!
    15         NUS                                           Verity, Carrie Wen and Nell O’Grady.
                                                                                                                           Casper Lu
    21         COUNCIL                                       The following Honi Soit editors have                          SRC Electoral Officer
                                                             declared a conflict of interest for election                  2019 Annual Elections
                                                             coverage (including this edition) this
                                                             year: Liam Thorne and Pranay Jha.
                                                             Cover Artist: Annie Zhang                                      Hello, I want to play a game. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father,
                                                                                                                            prepare to die. Round up the usual suspects. Keep your friends close, but your
                                                                                                                            enemies closer. Expelliarmus! Now you’re in the sunken place. Why do we fall?
    Disclaimer: Honi Soit is published by the Directors of Student Publications (DSPs), who are elected                     So we can learn to pick ourselves up again. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys.
    by the Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The SRC provides space and administrative support                        Make your lives extraordinary. But by all means take care. With great power
    only, which is financed by the University of Sydney. The current DSPs - Laura Glase, Brandon Hale,                      comes great responsibility. You shall not pass the office door without a special
    Jinwei Luan, Kedar Maddali, Sean Perry and Jiaqi Shi - are the publisher of the print editions and
    online materials of Honi Soit. All expressions on Honi Soit are not to be regarded of the SRC, unless
                                                                                                                            council pass. Once inside gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war
    specifically stated. The SRC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or                       room! O Captain, my captain just keep swimming! You’re throwing away your
    information contained in Honi Soit, nor does it endorse any of the advertisements and insertions.                       dream! No dad, you’ll say, I’m throwing away yours. Yours for some reason is
                                                                                                                            to fill our shoes. Your thoughts are stars we cannot fathom into constellations.
    Please direct all advertising inquiries to publications.manager@src.usyd.edu.au. The editorial team does                    We’ll take no part in this. Except for our 24 hour layup. It’s not you it’s me
                              not have control over the ads that appear in this paper.
                                                                                                                            and also we’re tired. You’re tearing me apart, Lisa. She doesn’t even go here!
                                                                                                                            Hasta la vista, you filthy animal.
                                                                                                                                Good luck in the election. But frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

                                                             consultative group implementing the                       Hong Kong’s constitutional freedoms
                                                             recommendations of the French Review                      are directed only against the Hong                        Provide a dedicated area for students to
                                                             must be more proactive in protecting                      Kong and Chinese governments. We                          display their support for HK which will

                                                             the voices of pro-democracy students                      are not interested in attacking Chinese                   be monitored by adequate security at all
                                                             on campus.                                                citizens. As people of colour ourselves,                  times. The guarded Lennon Wall at UTS
                                                                                                                       we are also not interested in a revival of                is an excellent example.
                                                             Students and SRC members have been                        the “White Australia Policy”.                             Promote a cohesive environment so
    Dear Dr Michael Spence AC,                               afraid of supporting the Hong Kong                                                                                  that all students are able to freely
                                                             protest due to fears of being harassed                    We are eager to engage in dialogue with                   express themselves without fear,
    We are the students who participated                     or reported to CCP authority figures.                     Mainland Chinese students. Our rally                      hate or judgement. This is especially
    in the anti-ELAB solidarity with Hong                    This is because the CCP encourages                        featured a speech in Mandarin so that                     the case for student representatives
    Kong rally on 30 August. We are writing                  overseas Chinese nationals to quash                       we could reach out to them. Indeed, a                     whose democratic integrity has been
    to urge you to act on the demands of                     voices that speak against it.                             Lennon Wall on campus would be a                          compromised.
    our peaceful protest and protect your                                                                              more permanent way to communicate
    students’ freedom of expression.                         The SRC Education Officer, who is paid                    with them and the wider student                           Disciplinary action for students who
                                                             close to $13,000 to organise student                      population about what is happening in                     attack or threaten the university’s
    We protested not only to offer support                   protests and represent students’                          Hong Kong.                                                reputation as an upholder of freedom of
    to pro-democracy protesters in Hong                      concerns, was involved in destroying                                                                                expression.
    Kong, but also address concerns about                    a Lennon Wall that inoffensively                          Our desire is to promote understanding
    pro-Hong Kong democracy students’                        expressed    solidarity  with     pro-                    through empathy and communication.                        We call on you to act in your conscience
    freedom of expression.                                   democracy protesters in Hong Kong.                        But we appreciate that such                               to address our three demands.
                                                                                                                       communication is not possible if more
    Although you have spoken out                             Dr Spence, we would like to speak                         radical factions can destroy the media                    Sincerely,
    against the destruction of on-campus                     frankly. We understand that you are                       of free speech without repercussions.
    Lennon Walls, the university has                         concerned about sinophobia against                                                                                  Organisers of the anti-ELAB Protest
    taken no immediate action to protect                     Mainland Chinese students; let us                         We would like to reiterate the demands
    students’ freedom of expression. The                     assure you that the fight to preserve                     that we made during our rally:

Honi Soit Election Edition - FIRST PRINTED 1929

How does voting work?
                                                                                                         More questions? Please see Schedule 2 of the Constitution, or contact
                                                                                                         Casper Lu, Electoral Officer, 2019 Annual Elections at elections@src.usyd.
                                                                                                         edu.au or call 02 9660 5222.

Voting Requirements                                         (the white paper), and the 7 delegates to NUS (the            whether candidates have been elected (discarding any
To vote, you must:                                          PINK paper), you may vote by either:                          remainder):
1. Be a currently enrolled undergraduate student;           1. placing preferences (at least a number “1”) to the left
2. Able to present your student card to the polling         of the solid line on the ballot paper for a grouping of       Quota = Total Formal Vote / (Candidates to be elected +
booth attendants at the polling booth;                      candidates; OR                                                                        1) + 1
3. Not have voted before in this year’s SRC Annual          2. placing preferences (at least a number “1”) to the
Elections.                                                  right of the solid line for individual candidates.            This quota exists as the smallest number of votes such
                                                            If both sides are filled, the righ- hand side will be         that no more candidates than available positions can
Ballots                                                     counted first; any preferences marked on the left-hand        reach this number. If a candidate achieves a surplus
There are four different elections occurring at the         side will only be used as a “savings” of preferences if       over quota, they are declared elected, and then a
same time. You will therefore receive four pieces of        there is a clear mistake on the right hand side that may      “transfer value” of that candidate’s votes is calculated
paper to vote on:                                           otherwise render the ballot invalid or uncountable.           with the following formula (retaining any remainder):
1. The green paper is for electing the President of the     Please ensure that you number, not tick or cross.
92nd Students’ Representative Council (SRC)’                                                                              Transfer Value = Surplus / Number of votes for Candidates
2. The blue paper is for the election of the Editors of     How will my vote be counted?
Honi Soit;                                                  1. Where only one ticket can win, ie. the President           The reason for working out a transfer value is that once
3. The (giant) white paper separated into two sections      of the SRC, and the Editors of Honi Soit, a candidate         a candidate reaches quota, it is indeterminate as to
is for the election of 35 Representatives (councillors)     will be elected during the first count if they achieve        which ballots actually elected the candidate and which
to the 92nd SRC                                             over 50% of first preferences. If no candidate achieves       ones are “surplus”. So, to best capture the preferences
4. The pink paper separated into two sections is for        50% of first preferences, then the candidate with the         of the most number of voters, all the quota-achieving
the election of 7 Delegates to the National Union of        lowest number of first preferences will be eliminated,        candidate’s votes are distributed per preferences at a
Students (NUS)                                              with their votes distributed according to further             reduced value depending on the surplus. Distribution
Please see the back cover for polling booth open times      preferences (or where there are no further preferences        of votes will occur firstly with candidates who fulfil
and locations.                                              indicated on a ballot, that vote will be exhausted). This     quota; after this, elimination of the candidates with
                                                            will continue until a candidate achieves over 50%             the least number of votes will occur. The transfer
How does optional preferential voting work?                 of the vote on subsequent counts and preferences.             of votes from eliminated candidates occur at their
All the elections will employ the optional                  Because there are only tickets for the President of the       original value i.e. counts for an entire vote for the
preferential voting method. This means that you             SRC and the Editors of Honi Soit, a ticket will achieve       next preferred candidate marked on the ballot, unlike
must indicate at least one candidate (marked with a         over 50% of first preference votes in the first count.        the surplus from quota. Hence there is no “transfer
“1”) that you wish to vote for in order for your ballot     2. For the election of multiple positions, i.e. the 35        value” calculated because there is no need to retain
to be counted as valid. You may then number (“2”,           councillors of the SRC and the 7 delegates to the NUS,        the preferences for an eliminated candidate in the way
“3”, and so on) other candidates according to your          a proportional representation method will be used             there is for an elected candidate from quota. If there
preferences, but you do not need to number every            to calculate elected candidates instead of the above          are no other preferences marked on a ballot preferring
box. Please do not use the same number more than            majority. This is similar to the method used to elect         an eliminated candidate, then the vote is exhausted
once. For those of you who voted in the last federal        the Members of the NSW Legislative Council (the               and removed from the counting process. This process
election, you will find this a key difference; you only     Upper House), and the Australian Federal Senate.              continues until all 35 councillors to the SRC and all 7
need to number a single box for your vote to count.         In counting the votes for these elections, a quota is         delegates to NUS have been duly filled.
In the election for the 35 councillors to the 92nd SRC      used (more precisely, the Droop quota) to determine

Which regulations should I know?
2. ELECTORAL OFFICER:                                       Regulations;                                                  of nominations.
The Annual Elections and any By-Elections for any           (d) Shall table before the next meeting of Council            (c) The EO may reject any nomination which has not
of the above-mentioned positions shall be conducted         after the declaration of the election, a report on each       been received by the date and time specified by the
under the personal supervision of the Electoral             election he/she has conducted and any matters dealt           notice of election, or which does not comply with the
Officer, and, if they deem necessary, of Deputies           with by the ELA as well as a copy of the declaration;         regulations.
appointed by them in writing whether in a general or        (e) Shall not be a candidate, nominator or seconder of        (d) If the nomination complies and meets the form
specific purpose capacity.                                  a candidate;                                                  of a valid nomination and has been received on time
                                                            (f) Shall not be eligible for election to an executive        but requires minor correction of information, the EO
3. ROLES AND DUTIES OF THE ELECTORAL                        position after an election they have conducted until          shall at once notify the affected party of the relevant
OFFICER:                                                    the next Annual Elections;                                    issue. The affected party shall have three (3) days
The Electoral Officer shall ensure the fair and efficient   (g) Shall hold office until (d) of this section has been      following notification from the EO to rectify the
conduct of the Annual Elections, any By-Elections           fulfilled;                                                    issue.
and any Referenda. The Electoral Officer (hereafter,        (h) May submit observations to be included in future          (e) If the nomination does not comply with Section
EO):                                                        EOs’ handbooks;                                               5(b), the affected party shall have up to three (3) days
(a) Shall be appointed by the Council at least fifty (50)   (i) Shall be responsible for specifying the requirements      after notification from the returning officer to rectify
days before the close of voting in the                      for a space suitable to conduct the count;                    the issue.
case of the Annual Elections and at least twenty (20)       (j) Shall designate polling days, on which polling            (f) As well as the original signed hard copy all
days in the case of By-Elections;                           booths shall be open at locations in accordance               nominations and policy statements must also be
(b) Shall not necessarily be employed by the Council,       with Part 8 section 15 of these regulations, and shall        lodged online before the close of nomination time.
but shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in            designate pre-poll voting days on which votes may be          All hard copy nominations forms must be filled
the pursuit of the duties of the position of the EO         cast at a location notified by the EO;                        in in block letters, except for the signature/s of
provided that these have been carried out with due          (k) Shall determine the format of nominations;                candidate/s.
diligence, and shall be paid a stipend which shall be       (l) Shall specify requirements for non-partisan stickers      (g) A brand shall submit a cover sheet indicating the
a quarter                                                   to be produced by the SRC to be made available at all         name of that brand, the names of the tickets within
of the President’s stipend;                                 polling booths for all students who have voted.               that group, and up to two (2) campaign managers who
(c)(i) Shall act in accordance with and apply the                                                                         shall be the primary contact/s for the brand with the
provisions of the Constitution and these Regulations        5. NOMINATIONS:                                               EO. The cover sheet shall be in the form determined
as they stood at the time when nominations were             (a) The lodged hard copy nomination of all candidates         by the EO.
called but otherwise shall not act on any direction of      shall be an original document signed by members
the Council or its office-bearers. The EO shall not be      of the student body. A candidate for the position of          6. AFTER NOMINATIONS:
a member of Council;                                        President shall be nominated by ten students who are          (a) As soon as possible after nominations have closed,
(ii) With respect to the election of NUS delegates, shall   members of the student body.                                  the Electoral Officer shall cause to be displayed on
act in accordance with these Regulations and with           (b) All candidates must have paid any required                at least one SRC noticeboard a list of candidates and
the relevant sections of the NUS Constitution and           affiliation or nomination fee to council by the close         their nominators, and a statement of any further


    checking to be undertaken.                                        College of the Arts between the hours of 9:45am and          poster, distribute leaflets or solicit votes, or impede
    (b) A valid nomination may be withdrawn in writing                2:15pm on the second day of polling.                         without just cause the conduct of the election. For
    by the candidate up to 48 hours after display of the list         (d) The EO shall advertise the hours of opening and          the purpose of this regulation, impeding the conduct
    of candidates.                                                    location of polling booths.                                  of the election will include physically blocking, or
                                                                      (e) At least six (6) copies of the Special Election Issue    causing to be stopped, any potential voter immediately
    7. TICKET REQUIREMENTS:                                           of Honi Soit shall be made available to voters at each       outside the exclusion zone.
    (a) The maximum number of candidates that constitutes             polling booth during all days of voting.                     (k) Except for the wearing of campaign t-shirts,
    a ticket for each election are as follows:                                                                                     persons may not campaign in the University Library
    (i) For a single ticket for the election of Representatives       27. PRACTICES FORBIDDEN:                                     or any of its branches.
    to the SRC, the maximum shall be eight (8);                       (a) No person shall engage in any dishonest practice in      (l) No election material relating to candidates may
    (ii) For a single ticket for the election of NUS                  relation to an election.                                     be stored (i.e. left unattended) on SRC premises.
    delegates, the maximum shall be seven (7);                        (b) No person shall, in relation to an election, print,      No election material may be made visible on SRC
    (iii) For a single ticket for election of the Editor(s) of        publish or distribute (including via an electronic           premises.
    Honi Soit, the maximum shall be ten (10).                         or internet source or medium), or cause, permit or           (m) No SRC resources may be used in the production
    (b) Candidates who do not indicate a wish to be                   authorise to be printed, published or distributed, any       of candidates’ election material: such resources shall
    grouped shall be treated as a group of one person.                matter or thing containing a statement:                      include, but not be limited to, computers, photocopiers,
    In this process no candidate or candidates shall be               (i) That is untrue;                                          duplicators, fax machines, telephones, stationery,
    disadvantaged.                                                    (ii) That is, or is likely to be, misleading or deceptive;   bromides, in any of the SRC offices.
    (c) The name of any group shall not exceed thirty (30)            (iii) That is discriminatory on any grounds, including       (n) Any publication, including any material published
    characters in length.                                             but not limited to gender,                                   electronically or on the internet, commenting in any
    (d) The maximum number of ‘Representative tickets’                sexuality, race, ethnicity or disability; It shall be a      way on any election held under these regulations shall
    under the same brand or a derivative running for                  defence to an allegation of breach of this subsection        carry on it the name and student number of the person
    election is to be capped at seventeen (17).                       if the person proves that they did not know, and could       authorising it and taking responsibility for it.
    (e) The maximum number of ‘NUS tickets’ under the                 not reasonably be expected to have known, that the           (o) No person shall cause damage or defacement to
    same brand or a derivative running for election is to be          matter or thing contained a statement of the kind            any public or private property inside or outside the
    capped at five (5).                                               referred to in (i) and (ii) above.                           University. For the purpose of this section, damage
    (f) The maximum number of ‘Honi Soit tickets’ under               (c) No person shall campaign in a language other than        or defacement shall be taken to include stickers and
    the same brand or a derivative running for election is            English, except for printed material following an EO         posters and chalking that cannot be removed with
    to be capped at one (1).                                          approved third-party translation. (d) No person shall        water on the inside or outside of buildings, steps,
    (g) The EO shall reject the name, logo, or colour, chosen         make or publish any false statement in relation to the       handrails, footpaths, trees, poles, bins, signs or any part
    by any ticket or brand on the grounds that:                       personal character or conduct of a candidate. It shall be    of the University and its surrounds not specifically set
    (i) it is the same as or is identifiably similar to the name      a defence to an allegation of breaching this subsection      aside for such purposes.
    of another ticket or brand;                                       if the person proves that they had reasonable grounds        (p) No Honi Soit ticket will cause to be produced any
    (ii) it is for a Representative and/or NUS ticket, and is         for believing and did in fact believe the statement made     material that promotes any other ticket(s), candidate(s)
    the same as or is identifiably similar to the name of a           or published by them to be true.                             or brand(s) that is running for another election
    ticket for the Editor(s) of Honi Soit;                            (e) No person shall engage in the physical or verbal         within the Annual Elections. No candidate, group of
    (iii) it is offensive on the grounds that it is sexist, racist,   intimidation (particularly abuse of a racist, sexist         candidates, ticket or brand in any other election or by
    homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist or vilifies a          or homophobic nature) or non-consensual physical             election will print or cause to be printed any material
    person or persons;                                                contact of any person, including voters, candidates,         that promotes any Honi Soit ticket in that Annual
    (iv) it is sufficiently similar to another group or               campaigners and electoral staff during the election.         Election or By-Election.
    organisation’s name or promotional material, to                   (f) No person shall remove, cover, or otherwise interfere    (i) Any disputes between Honi Soit tickets and
    confuse or take unfair advantage of that group’s efforts          with promotional material of another candidate where         Representative and/or NUS tickets shall be resolved
    or celebrity status.                                              it has been placed in accordance with these regulations      with the discretion of the EO.
    (h) The EO shall immediately notify all affected parties          and university regulations:                                  (q) Any person who commits or aids or abets a
    of a decision to reject the name, logo, or colour, of a           (i) Any brand may only cover up to twenty-five (25)          breach of any regulation in Part 8 may be liable to be
    ticket or brand.                                                  per-cent of any notice board.                                disqualified from any election to any position or any
                                                                      (g) No person shall:                                         office of the SRC for a period of up to eighteen (18)
    15. VOTING ANNUAL OR BY-ELECTIONS:                                (i) Vote more than once in the same election;                months following such a breach.
    (a) At the Annual Elections or By-Election, voting shall          (ii) Record a vote to which they are not entitled;           (i) With regard to regulations s. 27(b)(iii), s. 27(d), s. 27(e),
    remain open for at least one polling day. Pre-poll votes          (iii) Interfere with any ballot paper without the consent    or s. 27(g):
    for the Annual Election and any By-Election and any               of the EO;                                                   (1) In the event that the EO determines that a breach
    concurrent Referenda may be cast at times designated              (iv) Hinder the EO, a Deputy EO or any other person          has occurred, a candidate shall be provisionally
    by the EO during the period commencing not before                 appointed to assist the EO in the                            disqualified to the maximal extent outlined in s. 8(27)
    the publication of the election issue of Honi Soit to not         execution of their duties.                                   (q) at the EO’s discretion on the basis of the severity,
    later than the day before the first polling day, and shall        (h) No person shall campaign outside of the designated       intent, damaged caused and past precedent.
    be held outside the Jane Foss Russell Building.                   campaigning period (as defined by s.13).                     (2) In the event that, on appeal, the Electoral Legal
    (b) The EO shall determine, within the provisions                 (i) All persons campaigning for a candidate or group         Arbiter upholds the determination of the EO, the EO’s
    of the remainder of this regulation, the location and             of candidates must be members of the student body            penalty shall be upheld.
    hours of polling booths. Such polling booths shall be             who may vote. No NUS National Office-Bearer shall            (ii) With regard to any other regulation:
    established in locations suitable for those eligible to           campaign in any election.                                    (1) In the event that the EO determines that a breach
    vote in the election and which do not unduly affect the           (i) Any person campaigning for a candidate or group          has occurred, a candidate, ticket, or brand shall be
    convenience of passers by.                                        of candidates (as defined by s. 1 (c)) may be required by    provisionally barred from campaigning for a period of
    (c) For the Annual Elections, the following times will            the EO or to present evidence that they are currently        time at the EO’s discretion on the basis of the severity,
    be adhered to:                                                    enrolled at the University of Sydney as a student.           intent, damaged caused and past precedent.
    (i) A polling booth shall be established outside Fisher           (ii) A current and valid undergraduate student card shall    (2) In the event that, on appeal, the Electoral Legal
    Library between the hours of 8:45am and 5:15pm on                 be considered sufficient evidence for the purposes of s.     Arbiter upholds the determination of the EO, a
    both days of polling;                                             27(i)(i). The acceptance of any other forms of evidence      candidate, ticket, or brand shall be barred from
    (ii) A polling booth shall be established outside the Jane        shall be at the discretion of the EO.                        campaigning for the period of time determined by the
    Foss Russell Building between the hours of 8:45am                 (iii) For the purposes of the Regulations, and at            EO.
    and 5:15pm on both days of polling;                               the discretion of the EO, the candidate or group of          (3) For continued and egregious breaches, the EO may
    (iii) A polling booth shall be established at Manning             candidates on whose behalf any prohibited person             provisionally disqualify a candidate, ticket, or brand
    House between the hours of 10:45am and 3:15pm on                  was campaigning (as defined by s. 1 (c)) may be held         (and any members thereof) to the maximal extent
    both days of polling;                                             responsible for said actions.                                outlined in s. 27(q).
    (iv) A polling booth shall be established at the                  (iv) In accordance with s. 27(q) and at the discretion of
    Cumberland College of Health Sciences between the                 the EO, any breach of the present section may result
    hours of 9:45am and 2:15pm on both days of polling;               in:
    (v) A polling booth shall be established at the                   (1) The disqualification of a candidate or group of
    Conservatorium of Music between the hours of                      candidates from the election;
    9:45am and 2:15pm on the first day of polling;                    (2) Exclusion of a candidate or group of candidates
    (vi) A polling booth shall be established at the Peter            from ‘campaigning’ for a designated period of time.
    Nicol Russell (PNR) Building between the hours of                 (j) The EO shall be responsible for creating an exclusion
    11:45am and 2:15pm on the first day of polling;                   zone of no less than a ten (10) metres radius from all
    (vii) A polling booth shall be established at the Sydney          ballot boxes, within which no person shall display any
S R C   C A S E WO R K         H E L P

            Need Help with                                                             Discontinue (DC) Not to
                                                                                       Count as FAIL.
              your Tax?                                                                 If it is the beginning of the semester, it is   dealing with. Reducing your study
                                                                                        natural to feel optimistic about the study      load may also have consequences for
                                                                                        load we can take on. Sometimes, life            international students or students on
                                                                                        brings unexpected circumstances that            Centrelink payments, so check with the
                                                                                        completely impact our studies or ability        SRC caseworkers first. Becoming a part-
                                                                                        to attend to tasks at Uni later on in the
                                                                                        year.                                              September 20 is the
                                                                                             If you had a serious illness or
                                                                                        misadventure that was out of your
                                                                                                                                            last day you can
                                                                                        control, became worse after week 7                   discontinue and
                                                                                        of the semester (i.e. 15th September in
                                                                                        Semester 2, 2017) and severely impacted
                                                                                                                                          not fail a subject (DC)
                                                                                        your ability to study, you can write to
                                                                                        your faculty to request that they change        time student will also mean you cannot
                                                                                        the relevant fails or absent fails to DC        use a concession Opal card.
                                                                                        (Discontinue not to count as fail) grades.          Be aware even if your request for a
        Get FREE help with your                                                         You will need to be able to explain how
                                                                                        your illness or misadventure impacted on
                                                                                                                                        DC is approved, while you will have no
                                                                                                                                        academic penalty you will still be liable
       tax return from a Tax Help                                                       your study – for example, did it stop you
                                                                                        from attending classes, or make it difficult
                                                                                                                                        for fees. However, if you can show that
                                                                                                                                        you reasonably believed that you could
                                                                                        to concentrate, or make it impossible for       complete the subject at the beginning of
         volunteer on campus!                                                           you to write an assessment? You will            the semester, and later you experienced
                                                                                        need to have documentation to show              an illness or misadventure that was not
                                                                                        that you really did have these problems.        predictable and beyond your control,
                                                                                        You will also need to demonstrate you           you may be able to apply for a refund
      Available to USyd undergraduate students through the                              were impacted for more than 20 working          or re-crediting of your fees/HECS. The
 Students’ Representative Council (SRC) until the end of semester 2                     days, otherwise special consideration           deadline for applying for a fee refund
                 To book an appointment call: 9660 5222                                 would be more appropriate to apply              for local students is 12 months. Fee
                                                                                        for. This can be shown with a letter or         refunds for international students are
                                                                                        Professional Practitioner’s Certificate         not as straightforward as they are for
                                                                                        from a doctor or counsellor, a community        local students. Ask an SRC caseworker
                                                                                        leader or someone else who knows                for details based on your personal
                                                                                        about the issues your family have been          circumstances.

                                                                                               See our online guide to Withdrawing and
                                                                                               Discontinuing or call us.

    Help!                                                                               Ask Abe
    The SRC is helping                                                                  SRC caseworker help Q&A
    students with the cost                                                              Financial Assistance

    of buying textbooks.                                                                Dear Abe,                                       hour to give you the money. Using a
                                                                                                                                        payday lender is a terrible idea. Terrible.
    Apply online: srcusyd.net.au/textbooksubsidy                                        I have lots of expenses piling up. I am         Please do not do this.
                                                                                        unable to see how I’m going to pay them
                                                                                        all when they are due, and I’ve heard           The University’s Financial Assistance
                                                                                        that I can get a loan really easily online.     Service can give interest free loans of
                                                                                        They’re not a bank, so they don’t have the      up to $1500 with monthly repayments
                                                                                        same rules, but I wanted to check that          over a year. They can also advise if you
                                                                                        this is safe. What do you think?                are able to apply for a bursary (a loan you
                                                                                                                                        don’t have to pay back) or scholarship.
                                                                                        Bill                                            SRC solicitors can help you negotiate
                                                                                                                                        extended deadlines and payment plans
                                                                                                                                        for bills (e.g., phone, and credit cards).
                                                                                        Dear Bill,                                      SRC Caseworkers can help you get
                                                                                                                                        coupons for discounts on electricity,
                                                                                        The company you might be referring to is        government loans to catch up with rent,
                                                                                        a “payday lender”. These companies focus        and give you contacts for free or cheap
                                                                                        on people with no prospect of lending           food. All SRC services are available to
                                                                                        from a legitimate financial institution,        undergraduate students free of charge.
                                                                                        and charge outrageous amounts of fees           Postgraduate students should contact
Apply for Textbook Help online: http://srcusyd.net.au/textbooksubsidy                   or interest (up to 48% a year). They are        SUPRA.
Level 1, Wentworth Building (G01), University of Sydney
(02) 9660 5222 | help @ src.usyd.edu.au                                                 attractive because they will loan money
facebook.com / src help | Instagram: @SRC_USyd
                                                                                        to virtually anyone, regardless of their        Abe
                                                                                        credit history, and they take around an


rally for abor
               tion rights
safe.legal       saturday
                 sept 14



                                                - Launching free SRC keep-cup and          Evangelical Union
                                                bamboo straw initiatives.                  - Member, Dalyell Scholar Student
                                                - Hosting a 2020 USYD “Renewable           Consultation Committee
                                                Solutions” Science, Business, and          - Deaconess, Greater Sydney Seventh-
                                                Engineering Fair.                          Day Adventist Church
                                                - Maximising media channels for SRC        - Finalist, INTEL International Science
                                                outreach.                                  and Engineering Fair
                                                                                           - Happily living life one cup of coffee
                                                BOOST RESPONSIBLE SPENDING,                at a time
                                                - Dedicating an SRC Council to the         NOMINATORS
                                                Budget, open to all students.
                                                - Holding face-to-face consultations,      Jacob Lerner       Arts/Law II
                                                submitting Reports to every Council        Sarah Sekandar     Arts/Law II
                                                Meeting, and encouraging other Officer     Madeleine Huynh    Science II
                                                Bearers to follow suit.                    Charlotte Trent    Commerce/Law II
                                                                                           Lea Osmanagic      Commerce II
                                                BOOST          DIVERSITY         AND       Rafael Owen        Arts/Law III
                                                OPPORTUNITY, by                            Brendan Ma         Commerce/Law IV
                                                - Bridging Domestic and International      Fatima Ibrahim     Arts/Law II
    Josie Jakovac                               Student divides by creating translator     Ewan Uncles        Arts II
    Commerce/Law                                and job opportunities, a stronger SRC      Olivia Smith       Engineering/
                                                WeChat, and giving expert SRC Visa/        		                 Computer Science
    JOSIE JAKOVAC for PRESIDENT |               Migration advice.                          		                 II
    BOOST your SRC                              - Stamping out racism, violence, and
    We are BOOST and I am Josie J.              - Promoting freedom of religious and
                                                ethno-cultural expression.
    I am the eldest daughter of former-
    Yugoslav migrants and a current SRC         THE DISTURBING TRUTH
    Councillor.                                 Unfortunately, not everyone believes in
                                                better services. Every time Councillors
    This year I pioneered SRC Textbook          have fought for you this year, we were
    Subsidies for low SES students. I           attacked by a group whose only goal
    lobbied the University to cut down OLE      is chaos. They’ve hijacked meetings
    requirements. I helped run Welfare Week     by reciting the Communist Manifesto,
    and Health Days at Satellite Campuses.      syphoned your money for parking
    Leading changes like these and seeing       fines, boycotted attendance despite
    their impact has been a blessing. But       being in Sydney, and refused to give
    the SRC can do better. Vulnerable           Acknowledgements of Country.
    domestic and international students are
    still struggling under USYD’s red tape.     You deserve a President that works for
    This is why I am putting up my hand to      you, not against you. In good faith, I
    serve as SRC President for 2020.            cannot stand by and watch the SRC be
                                                twisted by these self-indulged radicals.
    THE FUTURE                                  You are paying for their egos and
    A BOOST Presidency is committed,            dysfunction. BOOST is a diverse team
    proactive, rational, and accountable.       of ordinary students who think you
    We students don’t want petty politics.      deserve better.
    We want results. The SRC runs off $1.8
    million pooled from your fees. So, I’m      Vote [1] JOSIE JAKOVAC               for
    fighting to ensure you directly benefit     PRESIDENT
    from every dollar spent. In 2020, I will:   Vote [1] BOOST your SRC
                                                Vote [1] BOOST your NUS
    - Lobbying to end weekend exams,            CURRICULUM VITAE
    reform OLEs, and expand study spaces.
    - Strengthening Special Consideration       - General Executive, University of
    and Exchange Credit support.                Sydney 91st Student Representative
    - Reviving SRC LabCoat Loans,               Council
    expanding Textbook Subsidies, and           - Councillor, University of Sydney 91st
    launching a NEW means-tested Subsidy        Student Representative Council
    for assignments and study resources.        - Hornsby Berowra Community
    BOOST STUDENT WELFARE, by                   - Private Academic tutor for students
    - Ending student hunger with                with learning disabilities
    fortnightly food drives and pressure on     - Student Ambassador for the University
    the USU to drop prices.                     of Sydney
    - Improving access to disability services   - United States Studies Centre Industry
    and expanding Health Days for satellite     Placement Scholar
    campuses.                                   - University of Sydney Future Leaders
    - Holding an urgent inquest into student    Scheme Scholar
    homelessness.                               - Vice-President, University of Sydney
    -    Increasing     free,    face-to-face   Conservative Club
    counselling (CAPS) sessions for             - Awards Coordinator, Duke of
    students.                                   Edinburgh Society
    - Hiring a specialist SRC sexual assault    - Member, Sydney University Law
    lawyer, and focusing on prevention          Society
    therein.                                    - Member, Sydney University Slavic
    - Lobbying for a Satellite Campus AND       Society
    International Student SRC Caseworker.       - Member, New South Wales Young
    BOOST TECH SOLUTIONS, by                    -    Member,      Sydney     University

                                              evade, if the Daily Telegraph is to be       of USyd, 2018.
                                              believed.                                    - Member, Education Action Group,
                                              Finally, I am also keen to manage            - Member, Spreading the Climate
                                              the organisation. Thorough admin             Strikes USyd, 2019.
                                              experience, including coordinating           - Member, Sydney College of the Arts
                                              a massive debating program, means            Resistance, 2016.
                                              I’ll be good at supporting staff,            - Volunteer, fEMPOWER, 2017.
                                              managing budgets, and working with           - Attendee, National Union of Students
                                              Office Bearers, ending my opponent           National Conference, 2015.
                                              and her supporters’ embarrassing             - Attendee, National Union of Students
                                              mismanagement of our union.                  Education Conference, 2019.
                                                                                           - Member, Sydney Arts Students
                                              More specifically, I will (among many        Society, 2016-
                                              more things):                                - Exiled, 2028.
                                              •    Implement and attend regular stalls
                                              along major thoroughfares promoting          NOMINATORS
                                              the SRC’s services and activist work;
                                              • Employ a lawyer adept at supporting        Seth Dias         Architecture IV
                                              sexual assault and harassment victims,       Jazzlyn Breen     Arts III
Liam Donohoe                                  while also sharing caseworker cases          Liam Thorne       Arts IV
Arts                                          with SUPRA;                                  Layla Mkhayber    Arts III
                                              •     Work to end student hunger,            Paola Ayre        Arts III
My name is Liam Donohoe, and I want           developing a free food bank;                 Benjamin Wong     Architecture III
to serve as President of your Students’       • Push for a fairer special considerations   Klementine
Representative Council because I              system;                                      Burrell-Sander    Science III
offer the competent, independent,             • Extensively support and resource the       Ellie Wilson      Arts IV
and passionate leadership it needs            collectives to ensure a comprehensive        Pasindu Himath
to uncompromisingly fight for your            program of activism;                         Siriniwasa        Science III
interests.                                    • Work to improve student housing            Vivienne Guo      Arts II
                                              conditions and affordability, and;
Truth is, it’s a hard time to be a student.   • Confront USyd’s corporatisation by
                                              resisting fee deregulation and fighting
Wages are lower than ever just as rent        for free higher education.
skyrockets. Like the planet, campus life
is dying. University admin traps us in        We can’t waste another year with
bureaucratic feedback loops, where even       incompetent leaders. The student
the most basic facts about our degree         body deserves a President who earns
progression remain obscured, even as          their salary, who leads a fighting
our mental wellbeing deteriorates. And        SRC, and works for them rather than
in exchange for all this, international       their political career and conservative
students pay a particularly extortionate      ideology.
emotional and financial cost.
                                              As such, on the 24th-26th of September
My extensive experience with the              Vote [1] Liam Donohoe for President to
SRC and activism over the past 3              Save Our Union
years means I have the skill, diligence,
and zeal to help make our union the           CURRICULUM VITAE
one we need and deserve. In contrast
with the current administration, and          - Editor, Honi Soit, 2018.
my opponent, I will embrace activist          - General Executive, 89th SRC, 2017.
methods which demonstrably help               - Councillor, 89th SRC, 2017.
students, while avoiding the partisan         - Manager, Switch for SRC and Imogen
mismanagement that currently plagues          for President, 2017.
the SRC.                                      - Manager, Switchroots for SRC and
                                              Lara for President, 2018.
Unlike my Liberal-aligned opponent,           - Manager, Maya Eswaran’s USU
I’m not active in a political party, which    campaign, 2018.
means I will work for your interests,         - Councillor of the 90th SRC, 2018
not theirs.                                   (resigned once appointed Honi editor).
                                              - Mediocre Debater, 2008-present
I also have the expertise and passion         (Easters 2016, Australs 2016, Easters
to deliver on my promises. As a former        2017, Australs 2017).
Executive and Representative of the           - Philosophy student representative,
SRC, I understand the organisation’s          2018.
structure and appreciate its work.            - Coordinator, large school debating
I have marched alongside activists            program, 2017-
confront the University’s investment          - Manager, Ellie Stephenson’s USU
in weapons manufacturers. I have              campaign, 2019.
(inelegantly) helped paint banners for        - Campaigner, Courtney Thompson’s
protests against rampant assault. I           USU campaign 2016.
have supported International Students         - Campaigner, Alexi Polden’s Senate
as they’ve demanded concession Opal           campaign, 2016.
cards.                                        - Campaigner, Game for SULS, 2016.
                                              - Contributor, Honi Soit, 2016-
As a former editor of Honi Soit, I’ve         - Co-founder, Switch, 2019.
written about this University and             - Member, Grassroots, since April 2016.
the issues affecting its students. I’ve       - Founder, SmoCo, 2018-
explained the University’s structure. I’ve    - Attendee, ASEN NSW conference,
revealed that student money has (mis)         2019.
used to fund elitist programs, the VC’s       - Campaign member, Books not Bombs,
lavish lifestyle, and celebrity dinners       2018.
And I also once helped students fare          - Campaign member, Keep Ramsay Out

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H O N I       S O I T

                                                  Austen Hunt                                                                             Anthony Segaert
                                                  Arts                                       - Arts I - Arts (Advanced studies)           Arts
                                                                                             - Media Comms, Marketing
                                                                                             - Dalyell Scholar
                                                                                             - Rugby addict and heartbroken
                                                                                             - Wallabies fan
                                                                                             - Shower singing superstar

     CREAM FOR HONI                                                                          Skylar Fu


     CREAM takes pride in the diversity of
     our political pursuasions, intellectual
     opinions,      cultural   backgrounds,
     religious beliefs and much more!
                                                  - Arts III - INGS, Government and                                                       - Arts II - INGS, History and French
     CREAMY CONTENT                               International Relations.                                                                - Published in the Sydney Morning
     Objective and in-depth reporting that        - Published in Pulp Media covering                                                      Herald
     helps students understand issues on          local and state politics.                                                               - Journalist changing the world by
     campus and around the world                  - Involved in the Climate Strike                                                        sharing truth
     Sports: a weekly uni sports report/          Organising Comittee, providing video                                                    - Once helped John Rutter use Word
     commentary                                   and print coverage of the March 15th                                                    - Learnt piano for eight years and never
     Clubs and societies reports                  Climate Strike.                                                                         got past Preliminary
     Subject advice!                              - 2017 worked in Timor-Leste on            - Arts II - Design Computing
     Top USyd rants/love letters                  a project aiming to increase the           - 2019 - Media Director/Design Advisor       Benjamin Hewitt
     Thought-provoking opinion pieces that        prominence of renewable energy.            (USYDCDS)                                    Arts
     open discussion                              - 2018 worked in Cambodia on a project     - 2019 - assist CDF Marketing .
     Increased content by international           aiming to community improive waste         - Study mandarin for more than 20 years
     students for international students          management practices.                      - like drawing and Kendo, but still in the
                                                  - If it isn’t obvious already, is a keen   plan
     A PAPER FOR STUDENTS                         evironmentalist.                           - Fake Designer
     We report for students about things that                                                - Adobe software collectors
     impact them and uni life                     Emma Goldrick
     Increased input by clubs and societies       Arts                                       Kate Scott
     ‘Day in the life’ pieces written by senior                                              Arts
     students with tips and tricks to acing
     Running more events throughout the
     semester (debates, panels, etc) to inform
     and engage
     Making Honi truly accessible by
     creating a simpler process for student
     Improving student writing with                                                                                                       - Arts III – Linguistics
     submission feedback                                                                                                                  - 2019 Department Rep
     Regular online content                                                                                                               - 2019 Student Mentor
                                                                                                                                          - One-time botanist
                                                                                                                                          - Scandipop enamoured
                                                                                                                                          - Remembers the 90s
     CANDIDATES                                   - Arts III - Government and IR & Socio-                                                 - Enjoys Welsh & Spanish
                                                  Legal Studies                              - Arts II - Politics, IR, History            - Oxford comma
     Brooke Salzmann                              - Published in Pulp media                  - 2019 - ENID Creative Director/Sub-         - Queer
     Arts                                         - Published in Inside Indonesia            Editor (USYDWomen)
                                                  - 2018 & 2019 TEDxSydney Core Team         - 2019 - DOES Communications                 Amy Mifsud
                                                  Member                                     Officer/Founding Member                      Arts
                                                  - Mehreen Faruqi (Sen. Greens)             - 2019 - Dissent Contributor
                                                  campaigner (End12 Movement)                - ABBA enthusiast
                                                  - Environmentalist & Feminist              - Feminist
                                                                                             - Aspiring beekeeper
                                                  Andrew Moore                               - Can recite the entire Hamilton
                                                  Arts                                       Soundtrack

     - Arts III - English and Art History
     - President of Sydney Arts Students’
     Society                                                                                                                              - Arts II - MECO & Art HIstory
     - Can recite the entire Les Miserables                                                                                               - 2019 ENID Managing Editor
     sountrack                                                                                                                            - Published in Trad & Now Magazine &
     - Just returned home from Europe                                                                                                     USYD Women
     - Enthusiastic about everything                                                                                                      - 2018 Ted X USYD Socials
     - Intense
     - LEFT and wholesome
H O N I   S O I T

- Not your average white girl (also half                                                         societies an advertising platform. We’re
maltese)                                                                                         bored with unfairly negative or overly
- Sang backing vocals at splendour                                                               positive reviews! We’ll be fair and
 & will make sure you hear about it.                                                             critical and offer creatives interview
- Ex-fringe-haver                                                                                opportunities. With more live events
- Lives for a bargain                                                                            we’ll foster a creative Honi community
- Deadlifts 90kg                                                                                 where students can showcase their
                                                FIT for Honi                                     talent and we’ll continue Honi’s parties!
JP Baladi                                                                                        Get #LIT with FIT!
Arts                                            POLICY STATEMENT
                                                                                                 MULTIPLAYER MULTILINGUAL
                                                FIT is an active group of editors, writers,
                                                artists, podcasters and comedians.               With editors who speak a diverse array
                                                                                                 of languages and two international
                                                QUICK NEWS                                       student editors, we’ll add more fuel to
                                                                                                 Honi’s multilingual section to ensure
                                                Honi is best when reporting campus               everybody finds their place in the paper.
                                                news and we’ll endeavour to break                We’ll also translate Honi’s biggest news
                                                news stories faster than the mainstream          stories into Mandarin.
                                                media. We’ve pumped out news on
                                                student protests, the Ramsay Centre              GOING THE DISTANCE
                                                and the University’s science research.
                                                We’ll chase every story and use our              Honi is for everyone. We’ll ensure there
                                                experience within collectives, clubs and         are copies of Honi at satellite campuses
                                                societies and on University boards to            every week. We’ll also broaden our
                                                deliver relevant news. We’ll hold student        reporter base beyond Camperdown
                                                politicians and University management            contributors and Arts/Law students.
- Arts II - IR and Economic Policy              to account and we aren’t scared to make          Nostalgic alumni, or off campus that
 2019 SRC Coucillor                             Spence sweat!                                    week, thirsting for your Honi fix? Don’t
- 2019 Standing SRC Standing Legal                                                               sweat! For a small weekly fee, we’ll
Committee                                       JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS                            introduce a delivery service so you can
- 2019 SRC Intercampus Committee                                                                 read Honi wherever you are.
- Conclub =  1000                                        arms industry, the misconduct system,            For a ticket with stamina, vote [1] FIT
- Plays Rugby Union but hardly                  poor conditions in student housing               for HONI on 24-26 September!
- Has 5 sisters                                 and the USU’s faculty camps. We’ll
- Tries to speak Arabic and Spanish             exercise our experience by creating
                                                an investigative journalism reporting
                                                group to build reporters’ skills in              CANDIDATES
                                                following leads. We’ll run training
                                                workshops on GIPA requests and                   Momoko Metham
                                                let reporters work on investigations             Arts (Media and Communications)
                                                with editors. With a better advertised
                                                anonymous tip-line we’ll cover stories
                                                from across campus, taking the paper
                                                from strength to strength.

                                                THE BIG GUNS

                                                We’ll be sure to flex our multimedia
                                                muscle. With experience at FBi radio
                                                and SURG we’ll reintroduce Honi’s
                                                podcast to dive deeper into campus
                                                issues. We’ll also offer podcast training
                                                to reporters, as well as producing
                                                more video content to boost greater
                                                traditional news journalism. We’re not
                                                afraid to experiment with more creative
                                                styles like photo essays, cartoons and
                                                pull-outs!                                       - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018 - 2019)
                                                                                                  - Digital Content Manager (Online Blog
                                                LAUGHING FITS                                    Editor), Art of Smart Education (2019)
                                                                                                 - General Editor, ARNA Literary
                                                We don’t take ourselves too seriously.           Journal (2019)
                                                Comedy shouldn’t be relegated to a               - Visual Arts Sub-Editor, ARNA
                                                lesser status so we’ll lift it to a new level.   Literary Journal (2018)
                                                We’ll engage with student comedians              - Honi Soit ‘Best First-Timer’ Award
                                                and performers on campus and use our             (Writing) 2018
                                                experience in SUDS shows and revues              - Published Writer, Archer Magazine
                                                to revive comedy in Honi. We’ll also             (2018)
                                                hold weekly in-person pitch meetings             - Creative, Honi Soit (2017 - 2019)
                                                where reporters can workshop their               - Honi Soit ‘Best of Art’ Award (2017)
                                                ideas. We’ll always punch up and have            - Named after a fruit (1998 - ongoing)
                                                you in fits of laughter!                         - SRC Captain (2006)
                                                                                                 - Former child star in Indian film Heyy
                                                CULTURE ON STEROIDS                              Babyy (2007)

                                                Honi should be the heart of campus
                                                culture. With a Conservatorium editor
                                                we’ll provide more music content. Our
                                                ‘What’s On’ section will promote student
                                                events and we’ll offer smaller clubs and

H O N I       S O I T

     Iris Yao                                  - Contributor, PULP Media                  Murphy Gan                                 Chuyi Wang
     Arts                                      - Short Story Contributor, University of   Arts/Law                                   Law
                                               Sydney Anthology 2018: Power
                                               - Contributor, CutCommon Magazine
                                               - Short Story Contributor in Hermes
                                               Creative Catalogue (2019)
                                               - Recipient of Henderson Travellers
                                               Scholarship (2019)

                                               Rameen Hayat Malik
                                               Engineering (Chemical)/Laws

     - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018-2019)                                                    - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018-2019)          - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018-19)
       - Contributor, CLSS annual Journal                                                 - Online Contributor, FASS facebook        - Presenter, FBi Radio (2018-19)
     (2019)                                                                               account (2019)                             - Podcast Producer, FBi Radio (2019)
     - Digital manager of FASS Facebook                                                   - ALP Volunteer, NSW State Election        - Student Representative, Faculty of
     account                                                                              (2019)                                     Arts and Social Sciences (2019)
     - Digital editor of FASS Instagram                                                   - Mandarin Contributor, Douban Blog        - Presenter, SURG FM (2019)
     account                                                                              (2015-2019)                                - Editor in Chief, The Record Store
     - Personal WeChat official account                                                                                              Clerk (2016-18)
     editor (2016-2019)
                                                                                          Ranuka Tandan
                                               - Reporter, Honi Soit (2019)               Arts (Media and Communications)            Nina Dillon Britton
     Matthew Forbes                            - Editor in Chief, Race Journal (2019)                                                Arts/Law
     Arts/Advanced Studies                     - Contributor, ACAR and Women’s Honi
                                               - Youth Curator, Sydney Writer’s
                                               Festival (2018-19)
                                               - The token STEM kid on an Honi Ticket
                                               - Getting the holistic pretentious USyd
                                               humanities student experience via Honi
                                               - Unwilling participant in wearing
                                               campaign shirts (2019)

                                               Madeline Ward

                                                                                          - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018-2019)
                                                                                          - Artist, Honi Soit (2019)                 - Reporter, Honi Soit (2016-2019)
                                                                                          - Contributor, The Guardian Australia      - Editor in Chief, Dissent Journal (2019)
     - Reporter/Contributor, Honi Soit                                                    (2019)                                     - Editor and Designer, Counter Course
     (2019)                                                                               - Contributor, Pulp Media (2019)           Handbook (2018)
     - Contributor, Outlet Mag (2018-2019)                                                - Sub-editor, Women’s Honi (2017)          - Director of Student Publications,
     - Contributor, SURG (2019)                                                           - Exchange student, Kings College          Students’ Representative Council (2017)
     - Presenter, SURG (2018-present)                                                     London (2018)                              - Editor, Dissent Journal (2018)
     - Dalyell Scholar (2018)                                                             - Women’s Collective (2017-2019)           -    General      Secretary,    Students’
     - Fundraising and Sponsorship Co-                                                    - Volunteer, The Wilderness Society        Representative Council (2018)
     Officer for Arts Revue (2019)                                                        (2017-2018)                                - Loser in an Honi election (2016)
      - Mum’s favourite child (1999-present)                                              - Blog writer and employee, Paddy          - That loser who runs for Honi twice
                                                                                          Pallin Adventure Equipment (2019)          (2019)
                                                                                          - Procrasti-baker (seemingly never-        - Chancellor’s Award Recipient (2016)
     Grace Johnson                                                                        ending)                                    - Winner, Australian Intervarsity
     Music (Performance)                       - Reporter, Honi Soit (2016-2018)          - Indoor plant enthusiast (hopefully for   Debating Championships (2016)
                                               - Editor, Pulp Media (2019)                longer than last time)                     - Sexual Harassment Officer (2017)
                                               - Editor in Chief, Women’s Honi Soit                                                  - Cancelled (ongoing)
                                               - Editor in Chief, Growing Strong
                                               - Editor, ACAR Honi Soit (2016 & 2017)
                                               - Contributor, The Guardian (2018)
                                               - Contributor, The SMH (2018)
                                               - Contributor, Overland (2019)
                                               - SRC Ethnocultural Officer (2017)
                                               - SRC Women’s Officer (2018)
                                               -“Ample Breasted student activist” The
                                               Spectator, (2018)
                                               - Condemned as Big Nuisance by
                                               Miranda Devine, Alan Jones, Bettina
                                               Ardnt, et al (ongoing)

     - Reporter, Honi Soit (2018-present)
     - Contributor, Women’s Honi



                 N                投







                                                  fights for the environment and against     - Activist in the Usyd Climate Strikes    CANDIDATES
                                                  racism. We believe the best way to make    - Refugee rights activist in the Campus
                                                  that world is through the campaigns        Refugee Action Collective                 James Ardouin

                                                  in our classrooms, on the streets and      - Passed many climate strike motions in   Arts
                                                  in workplaces around the country. We       classes at usyd
                                                  are against back room deals and think      - Member of Solidarity
                                                  all SRC and NUS positions should be
                                                  elected on principle. We encourage         Raul Haagensen
                                                  you to vote for us – but more so, we       FASS
     ACTIVIST                                     encourage you to get involved in the
                                                  fight to save the planet and the fight
     STRIKEBACK                                   against the Liberal’s bigotry!.

     POLICY STATEMENT                             CANDIDATES

     Build the Climate Strikes!                   Kelton Muir de Moore
     Welcome Refugees!                            FASS
     Fight the Liberals!
                                                  - Leading campaigner in the Usyd
     Scott Morrison and the Liberals are          Climate Strikes
     climate vandals that rule for the rich       - Refugee rights activist since 2015
     – NUS needs to be a hotbed for the           including as refugee rights Office                                                   - Representative, 91st SRC 2018-
     fightback.                                   Bearer in 2016                                                                        - Residential College Officer, 91st SRC
                                                  - Leading campaigner to save Sydney                                                  2019
     The     students       in    ACTIVIST        College of the Arts (SCA), organising                                                - Chairperson, Intercollegiate Collective
     STRIKEBACK want to build the                 65-day occupation of the admin             - Climate Strike activist                 2019-
     anti-Liberal rebellion. We are active        building and student strikes               - Passed many motions through              - President, USyd Students for Liberty
     in campaigns on and off the campus           - NTEU member and student organiser        classrooms to bring students out on       (SFL) 2019-
     for climate justice, refugee rights and      of the student focused staff strike        strike!                                   - Member, 91st SRC O-week Committee
     worker’s rights.                             campaign in 2017                           - Involved in campaigning for refugee     - Member, Electoral Regulations
                                                  - Member of Solidarity                     rights through the Campus Refugee         Change Committee
     ACTIVIST STRIKEBACK students                                                            Action Collective and Refugee Action      - Described by Pulp as the “Woke King”
     have played a leading role in the Climate    Jordan Pardoel                             Coalition                                 and “Marketable”, both of which are
     Strikes at Sydney University. We believe     FASS                                       - Member of Solidarity                    admirable and objectively rare qualities
     that change comes from mass activity                                                                                              for a hack.
     in society and that students should          Did not submit a CV.                                                                 - Failed 2 subjects last sem (yes sorry
     play a leading role in the fight to save                                                                                          mum I forgot to mention that…oop).

     the planet from the looming climate          Eden Ding                                                                            -     Crashed     Switchroots       (Ellie
     catastrophe. We have led the mass            FASS                                                                                 Stephenson’s) 2019 USU’s launch party….
     building at Sydney University to pass                                                                                             then got kicked out within 5 minutes.
     motions in 60 classrooms for the March       Involved with the climate strike and
     15 Climate Strike. If we are to save         CRAC since starting uni this year.                                                   Laura Glase
     the planet, we need thousands more           Member of Solidarity.                                                                Bachelor of Arts (History and Politics)
     students and staff at USYD joining this
                                                  Sofie Nicolson
     campaign. We encourage you to not
     only vote for us as activist, left-wing      Conservatorium                             BOOST your NUS
     representation on the SRC, but to join
                                                  - Leading activist in the climate strike   POLICY STATEMENT
     the Climate Strike campaign and pass
     a motion of support for the Climate
                                                  - Activist in Extinction Rebellion         VOTE [1] BOOST your NUS
     Strike in your classroom.
                                                  - Member of Solidarity                     VOTE [1] BOOST SRC
                                                                                             VOTE [1] JOSIE JAKOVAC for
     Students need to inspire workers to
                                                  Cooper Forsyth                             PRESIDENT
     strike for climate if we want to win.
     But the Liberals are going after the         Arts
                                                  				                                       We believe that students should
     union movement through the Ensuring
                                                  - First Climate Strike activist and        ALWAYS come first, that’s why we
     Integrity Bill, which would mean unions
                                                  refugee rights activist                    want to BOOST your NUS.
     could be de-registered if they defy anti-
                                                  - Member of the Campus Refugee             We want to see:
     strike laws. We support smashing these
     laws and fighting for workers right to       Action Collective
                                                  - Have spoken at many climate and          - An NUS that works for ALL students,
                                                  refugee rallies                            where funds are used to invest in         - The occasional dabbler in Stupol
                                                  - Organised many contingents to            programs that create opportunities        - Yes I really did quit my job at Ernst &
                                                  refugee and climate rallies                and a better University experience for    Young to do an Arts degree, sorry Mum
     are also heavily involved in the
                                                  - Solidarity member                        students.                                 and Dad
     refugee campaign and the struggle to
                                                                                             - Funds going towards campaigns that      - 50% wog, 100% don’t look like it
     #BringThemHere, largely through the
                                                  Jaspar McCahon-Boersma                     make students safe on campuses right      - I’m related to both Wentworth and
     Campus Refugee Action Collective in
                                                  FASS                                       across Australia.                         Manning so I’m basically Usyd royalty
     the SRC. We have organised students
                                                                                             - Responsible, efficient and effective    - Just a girl… standing in front of a boy…
     to attend major refugee rallies and
                                                                                             spending of student money, measured       asking him to vote for BOOST for SRC
     supported snap action protests as well
                                                                                             against KPI’s.
     as the campaign to save the Medivac
                                                                                             Help us BOOST your NUS!
     Bill. We believe that refugee racism is
     part and parcel of an Australian political
                                                                                             VOTE [1] BOOST your NUS
     system rigged for the rich. The Liberals
                                                                                             VOTE [1] BOOST SRC
     dish out the racism so the working
                                                                                             VOTE [1] JOSIE JAKOVAC              for
     class identifies with their rulers rather
     than each other - instead we need
     to collectively organise against the
     Liberal’s economic and environmental

     ACTIVIST STRIKEBACK students are
     for a left-wing NUS and society that

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