Identity approach Call for Input from data providers February 2021

Page created by Jamie Henry
Identity approach
Call for Input from data providers
February 2021

Background                     3

Digital Identities             4

Good Practice Guide (GPG) 45   7

Good Practice Guide (GPG) 44   7

Trust framework / model        9

Proposals                      10

Request for feedback           11
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021    3

Background                                                    thereby supporting better planning
                                                              for retirement and growing financial
1.     The Financial Conduct Authority                        wellbeing.
       (FCA) recommended, in its Financial
       Advice Market Review in 2016, that                5.   The consultation response set out
       industry should make pensions                          some overarching design principles,
       dashboards available to individuals                    which indicated that all dashboards
       to make it easier for them to engage                   should:
       with their pensions, a view which the
       government echoed in its budget that                   •    put the individual at the heart of
       same year.                                                  the process by giving individuals
                                                                   access to clear information online
2.     An industry-led project, set up in                     •    ensure individuals’ data is
       2016 sponsored by HM Treasury                               secure, accurate and simple to
       and managed by the Association of                           understand - minimising the risks
       British Insurers (ABI), developed                           to the individual and the potential
       and demonstrated a prototype                                for confusion
       for the dashboard in 2017. The
       project continued independently of                     •    ensure that the individual is
       government, publishing its findings                         always in control over who has
       in October 2017, which included the                         access to their data
       call for a government-backed delivery
       authority to drive the completion of              6.   At the heart of the design is the need
       the project.                                           for a trust model that enables all
                                                              parties to operate within the system
3.     In December 2018, government                           with complete confidence that other
       launched a consultation, engaging                      participants are identifiable and have
       widely with stakeholders across the                    authority to act in the way that they
       pensions industry, to identify issues                  are. Within this framework, users are
       and options for delivering the service.                required to evidence their identity
       In April 2019, it set out its position in              through a digital identity solution,
       a response document1, stating that:                    which will mandate a minimum level
                                                              of confidence is established.
       “Government will legislate to compel
       pension schemes to provide their                  7.   The government response to the
       data; and                                              consultations states:

       The Money and Pensions Service                         “To enable a sufficient level of trust in
       (MaPS) will have responsibility for                    the service, the department expects
       enabling delivery of the dashboard                     a standard level of identity assurance
       service working with the pensions                      for all users (individuals and
       industry.”                                             delegates) that satisfies the National
                                                              Cyber Security Centre’s Good Practice
4.     As a result, the Pensions Dashboards                   Guide 45 on ‘Identity Proofing and
       Programme (PDP) was created to                         Verification of an Individual’.
       lead the work of delivering an eco-
       system, via which members can find                     Our conclusion: the delivery
       and view their pension holdings.                       group must agree on a
       The widely shared aim for pensions                     standardised level of identity
       dashboards is to enable individuals                    which complies with the National
       to access their pensions information                   Cyber Security Centre’s Good
       online, securely and all in one place,                 Practice Guide 452&3.”

    Pension Dashboards government response to consultation
    Good Practice Guide 45 - identity-proofing-and-verification-of-an-individual
    Good Practice Guidelines are published by Government Digital Services (GDS)
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021                                   4

8.    This paper presents the basis of                              Digital Identities
      an identity process and seeks
      clarification from data providers (ie                         Why are identities important?
      pension providers, schemes, trustees
      etc) on what they believe would be an                         10. Data providers, as data controllers,
      acceptable identity standard for                                  retain the responsibility for incorrect
      them to provide pension information                               disclosure of data. It is vital that they
      to a user.                                                        have confidence that the party to
                                                                        whom they are releasing data is who
9.    PDP has recently undertaken a                                     they say they are and has authority to
      Request for Information exercise                                  receive the information.
      with key participants from the
      identity market which, along with the                         11. The digital architecture includes an
      feedback sought by this Call for Input,                           identity service at its core, which
      will help shape the requirements                                  is intended to ensure we can verify
      defined for the identity service.                                 the user to an acceptable level of

Proposed digital architecture - overview of the Ecosystem

      Dashboard Provider               Dashboard Provider             Dashboard Provider                         MaPS

            Dashboard                      Dashboard                       Dashboard                          Dashboard

      Pensions                           Find request
      information                       and response
      flows                             to dashboard

                       Pension                           Consent and                                                Governance
                                                                                       Identity Service
                    Finder Service                       Authorisation                                               Register

                               Find request               Response - register with consent
                                                          and authorisation server

           Pension Provider              Pension Scheme               Integrated Service
                                                                                                        State Pensions

                                                        Pension Scheme                   Pension Provider


                                                                                           Ecosystem Governance Framework
         MaPS              Digital         Dashboards/Pension            State
                                                                                        (technical, security, design, accessibility,
      Dashboard -       Architecture          Providers and            Pension -
                                                                                            performance and user experience
        MaPS               - PDP           Schemes - Industry            DWP
                                                                                         standards) - PDP to set and monitor
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021         5

12. The user will be passed from the dashboard of their choice to the consent and
    authorisation service, which will orchestrate their consent and pass them to the
    identity service.

                                       User                               C&A checks
                                     accesses                           existing consent
                                    dashboard                           and passes user
                                                                         to ID Service

 Pensions Dashboard

            passes user                     Consent and                        Identity Service
              to C&A                        Authorisation

                                                                          Verified             IDP
  Data Provider / ISP                      Pension Finder                attributes        establishes
                                              Service                    returned            identity

13. Before the user can find their pension            16. Additionally, the user may be asked to
    entitlements, the identity service will               provide the following, which may not
    prove their identity to a standard                    be validated by the identity provider:
    acceptable to the ecosystem as a
    whole.                                                e.   national insurance number
                                                          f.   address history
14. Data standards that are being
    developed to support the eco-system,                  g.   email address
    include a matching data set that will                 h.   telephone number
    provide information that pension data
    providers can use to search for a                     i.   previous names
    user’s entitlement.
                                                      17. The PDP undertook a data standards
15. At present, the user will consent to                  Call for Input, which helped our
    an identity provider validating their                 understanding of the breadth
    identity and confirming the following                 of information required by data
    information:                                          providers to enable them to locate a
                                                          pension entitlement.
    a.   first name
                                                      18. It is anticipated that the identity
    b.   family name                                      service will provide verified identity
    c.   date of birth                                    attributes to the pension finder
                                                          service, alongside user asserted
    d.   address
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021      6

       attributes (highlighted in 15 and 16                    identity document from a trusted
       above), which will then co-ordinate                     source (eg passport), if they match
       communication with data providers.                      the image in the passport, you would
                                                               have a high degree of comfort that
19. Providing a central identity service                       they are who they say they are.
    in the architecture provides certainty
    in the strength of the identity                       26. This is harder to do online, where
    verification. Within the trust model,                     visible validation is more difficult
    it ensures trust persists across the                      to achieve – this is where identity
    ecosystem.                                                providers and identity standards look
                                                              to fill the gap.
20. It has the additional benefit of
    providing an open solution that                       27. Identity services look to measure
    enables the user to use a single                          a set of data attributes about the
    identity to access and manage their                       claimed identity against known
    consents, even if they view their                         sources and determine the assurance
    pensions on more than one dashboard.                      of the identity.

21. This supports the principle defined in                28. The assurance of the identity is
    the consultation response document                        benchmarked against a standard,
    that users must be able to manage                         which determines the strength of the
    their consent independently of any                        recognised identity.
    dashboard provider.
                                                          29. Government Digital Services good
22. The Central Identity Service will                         practice guides are a framework that
    manage identity verification and                          supports definition of standards for
    dashboard providers are free                              identity to suit the purpose of the
    to decide whether they wish                               service being provided. In this case,
    to implement their own access                             that purpose is for the release of
    management service.                                       pension data to an individual.

23. The matching data from the pension                    30. An identity standard under the good
    finder service will be provided via a                     practice guides (for the purposes of
    standard API implemented by the                           the Pensions Dashboards Programme)
    data provider. The data provider will                     concentrates on two elements:
    use the matching data to locate a
    user’s entitlements based on their                         a.   confidence in the identity
    own search criteria, which reflects
                                                               b.   confidence in the authentication
    their interpretation of risk.
What is an identity?
                                                          31. GPG 45, which reflects level of
                                                              confidence in an identity, should be
24. An identity is a combination of
                                                              considered alongside GPG 444, level of
    verified attributes about an individual
                                                              authentication credential.
    which, when considered in unison,
    can provide assurance that a person
                                                          32. Level of confidence provides a view
    is who they say they are.
                                                              of the evidence provided by the user
                                                              and attributes values across five
25. In simple terms, if you met someone
    face to face and they provided an

    Good Practice Guide 44 - Using authenticators to protect an online service
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   7

33. Level of authentication credential                •    which parts of the identity
    assesses the method by which an                        checking process are undertaken
    identity service proves the person
                                                      •    what scores each part of the
    requesting access is the same person
                                                           identity checking process attain
    as previously permitted.
                                                  39. Scores can be combined in a number
Good Practice Guide (GPG) 45                          of ways, based on the identity
                                                      criteria, to provide an overall level of
34. As documented in GPG 45, an identity              confidence. These are measured as:
    is a combination of characteristics
    that identifies a person. A single                •    low confidence
    characteristic is not usually enough
    to tell one person apart from another,            •    medium confidence
    but a combination of characteristics              •    high confidence
    might be.
                                                      •    very high confidence
35. The process of checking an identity
                                                  40. Full details of how these levels
    takes characteristics included in a
                                                      of confidence are attributed are
    claimed identity (typically, but not
                                                      incorporated in GPG 45.
    limited to: name, address and date of
    birth) and validates them against five
                                                  41. PDP, with the assistance of identity
    criteria / steps:
                                                      providers and data providers, will
                                                      determine the appropriate level of
    •   get evidence of the claimed identity
                                                      confidence required to support the
    •   check the evidence is genuine or              release of information.
    •   check the claimed identity has            Good Practice Guide (GPG) 44
        existed over time
                                                  42. Level of assurance through GPG 44,
    •   check if the claimed identity is at
                                                      takes into consideration the ways in
        high risk of identity fraud
                                                      which the user is authenticated.
    •   check that the identity belongs to
        the person who’s claiming it                  ‘You might need to know if someone
                                                      has already used your service before
36. By doing different parts of the                   you give them access to it. This is
    identity checking process, the identity           called ‘authentication’ and can be
    provider can build confidence that an             useful if users need to sign into your
    identity is accurate.                             service more than once.’

37. Identity checking can be completed            43. There are different types of
    at a point in time or can be built over           authenticators. An authenticator will
    a period as more experience and                   usually be one of the following:
    verifiable sources become available.
    Each element of the checking process              •    something the user knows (often
    builds a score, which contributes to                   referred to as a secret)
    an overall level of confidence.
                                                      •    something the user has
38. A level of confidence depends on:                 •    something the user is

    •   how many pieces of evidence are
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   8

44. Something the user knows could be:            50. An authenticator can be low, medium
                                                      or high quality. The quality of an
    •   a PIN                                         authenticator will depend on how
                                                      secure it is.
    •   a password
    •   an answer to a question that              51. The quality will be informed by how it
        only the user knows the answer                was:
        to - also called knowledge-based
        verification (KBV)                            •    created by a user (or a
                                                           manufacturer if it’s something like
45. A secret is usually used with either:                  a physical token)

    •   another piece of information, such            •    managed (including how the
        as a username or email address                     authenticator is issued and
                                                           updated, and what happens when
    •   a token, such as a chip and PIN                    it’s no longer being used)
        card, single use authentication
        code or digital certificate                   •    captured (if it’s biometric
46. A measure of something the user is
    would normally take the form of a             52. Examples of low, medium and high-
    biometric input. Biometric information            quality authenticators can be found in
    is a measurement of someone’s:                    the GPG 44 document.

    •   biological characteristics, such as       53. An authenticator can protect the
        their fingerprint, facial recognition         service from being accessed by
                                                      someone who should not be able
    •   behavioural characteristics, such             to use it. How much protection the
        as their signature                            service needs depends on:

47. Using biometric information means                 •    what information the user needs
    a service can easily tell if the user                  to use the service
    who is trying to sign in is the same
    person who created the account. This              •    what information the service
    is because:                                            gives the user access to
                                                      •    what the service or user can do
    •   each person’s biometric                            with that information
        information is unique to them
    •   it’s difficult for biometric              54. Selecting the appropriate
        information to be forgotten, lost,            authentication options is dependent
        stolen or guessed                             on how data controllers view risk and
                                                      the level of protection required to
48. Services can be protected by using a              ensure data integrity.
    combination of two authenticators =-
    ‘2 factor authentication’ (2FA).              55. The level of protection afforded by
                                                      the authenticator/s is measured in a
49. 2FA should, but does not need                     range from low, through to very high
    to, utilise two different types of                dependent on the strength and quality
    authenticator, as this will reduce                of the authenticator/s used.
    the risk of two similar types of
    authenticator being compromised,              56. Other considerations which will need
    which is more likely than two different           to be factored include:
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   9

    •   recovery processes for forgotten,             each other within the common trust
        lost and stolen authenticators                framework.
        – enabling the rightful user to
        recover access                            63. The consent and authorisation service
    •   revocation processes so that                  is the trust anchor for identity,
        authenticators can be cancelled,              authentication and authorisation: it
        and access denied                             enforces user authentication by the
                                                      identity service, provides identity
    •   monitoring of the credential as               attributes to the pension finder
        it is in use to detect misuse or              service, and access authorisation to
        hijack                                        data providers.

Trust framework / model                           64. Data providers can rely on and
                                                      implicitly trust the consent for the
57. All components of the architecture,               user to access an individual’s pension
    including dashboard and data                      information by virtue of their trust
    providers, are covered by a trust                 relationships within the framework.
    model that is based on mutual and
    federated trust.                              65. The PDP, or an appointed operating
                                                      body, will monitor and audit with
58. All organisations abide by legal                  common standards, operational
    conditions and standards that support             practices and levels of assurance,
    a common ‘root of trust’.                         under governance terms to be
59. This role is performed by the
    governance register which maintains           66. The PDP are currently defining a
    all affiliations within the eco-system            liability model that supports the
    eg dashboards, data providers, ID                 contractual arrangements that will
    suppliers, and each component is                  be applied to support the trust
    registered in the governance register             framework.
    and managed accordingly.
                                                  67. The identity service will be relied
60. Trust is assured and enforced by                  upon to provide strong authentication
    services acting as trust brokers,                 credentials to a user and identity
    on behalf of other services: eg the               verified to a defined level of
    identity service authenticates a                  confidence.
    dashboard user, and the consent
    and authorisation authorises release          68. Liability under the framework
    of pension data based on the user’s               is currently under review and
    consent.                                          proposals are in the process of being
                                                      determined. It will be incorporated
61. By the common root of trust, each                 within the governance framework
    service may in turn trust each other,             being defined for the programme and
    eg the implicit trust of a relying                the ongoing solution.
    service (pension data provider)
    to return data to an authorised               Proposals
    requesting service (pension
    dashboard).                                   69. In making this proposal on the
                                                      approach for the identity service, PDP
62. All services within the ecosystem,                recognises that feedback from identity
    including pensions dashboards and                 providers and the pensions industry is
    data providers, should explicitly trust
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   10

    important, and may suggest alternate         77. A Request for Information to the
    approaches.                                      identity industry was broadly in
                                                     agreement with this proposal.
70. The identity service will be required
    to prove identities of individuals.          78. In the event that there is compelling
    That may be a user viewing their own             evidence that a lower level of
    pension entitlements or representing             confidence is adequate, PDP will
    a regulated financial advice company             review the option to adopt it,
    or a guidance body, with delegated               following consultation, even if it does
    access rights.                                   not match the GPG45 defined levels
                                                     of confidence, provided it follows the
71. In addition to assuring the identity             principles.
    of a user with delegated access, the
    ecosystem will be required to ensure         79. Under GPG 44, PDP similarly
    their registration / professional                propose that a medium level
    accreditation is appropriate and valid.          of authentication might meet
                                                     the requirements of the pensions
72. At present PDP is not determining                industry. This should incorporate a
    whether the identity service will                minimum of 2 factor authentication
    include a single identity provider               and attendant security of credential
    or multiple identity providers.                  lifecycle and transaction monitoring.

73. Similarly, no decision has been made         80. A Request for Information to the
    as to whether the service would                  identity industry was broadly in
    directly integrate with multiple                 agreement with this proposal.
    providers or whether the use of
    a broker / hub would be more                 81. Compelling reasons to support a
    appropriate. This will depend on the             different level of authentication will be
    responses received during this call for          considered, under consultation with
    input and on the cross government                data providers.
    and private sector identity landscape
    at the relevant time.                        82. It is proposed that on initial
                                                     identity assertion, the consent and
74. PDP will define the APIs and                     authorisation module will issue a
    communication protocols once the                 token that will have a defined life.
    approach to identity has been further
    clarified and other elements of the          83. This approach will streamline the user
    architecture baselined.                          experience such that there will be no
                                                     need to reauthenticate until the token
75. In order to enable future development            has expired. No defined life has been
    and innovation, our preference is                determined yet and proposals will be
    for the identity service to support              welcomed. We note Open Banking
    interoperability with other markets /            has set an expectation of 90 days
    schemes.                                         between strong reauthentications.

76. Under GPG 45, PDP indicatively               84. The identity service will need to reach
    propose to the pensions industry that            a high proportion of the holders of
    medium level of confidence might                 UK pensions (regardless of current
    meet their requirements for assurance            domicile). One of the key challenges
    of identity prior to data release                will be to support members of the
    relating to find and view.                       public that do not have access to
                                                     government issued identity documents,
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   11

     such as passports and driving licence              If Yes, what elements do you think
     or have limited credit history.                    are the primary factors?

85. The ecosystem will be the only                      If No, what additional information
    relying party supported by the                      would you need to be able to make an
    Identity Service – the consent and                  assessment?
    authorisation service will orchestrate         3.   The suggested levels of confidence
    transmission of asserted attributes,                (GPG 45) and authentication (GPG
    with the users consent, on successful               44) are ‘medium’, which equates to
    validation of the user’s identity.                  the previous versions of the standard
                                                        level of assurance two. Do you agree
Request for feedback                                    that this is the correct level?

As we move into the next phase of                       If No, what would you suggest is
analysis, ahead of a planned procurement                the correct assurance level for both
exercise, the direction remains that the                proofing of identity and strength of
identity solution should be based on                    authentication?
GPG 45 and authentication on GP 44.                4.   Is there an alternative to the default
This assertion is based on the principle                levels of assurance from the Good
that a consistent, repeatable and                       Practice Guidelines and how would
comprehensible standard, which can be                   you anticipate them being measured?
independently certified, should be applied
that will meet the requirements of both            5.   Does your firm have any view on
government and industry participants.                   proofing or authentication methods
                                                        and operate a current internal
To validate that assumption and                         standard that differs from the GPGs
understand any additional requirements                  medium level?
that would need to be considered, the
PDP would welcome your feedback on                      If Yes, could you please provide an
the following points, both from your                    overview that could help direct the
company’s perspective and how you think                 programme’s approach?
it will be reflected across the industry:          6.   The architecture includes the central
                                                        identity service to ensure that a
1.   Do you agree that finding pensions                 uniform, controlled process exists,
     and viewing pension details via a                  and that a user can easily manage
     pensions dashboard should include a                their own consents.
     central digital identity, asserted to an
     appropriate standard, in accordance                Please provide your thoughts on this
     with the GPG 45?                                   approach and any challenges that you
                                                        may foresee.
     If no, what alternative approach
                                                   7.   Are there any specific requirements
     would you recommend?
                                                        that you would anticipate the
2.   The proposal includes a level of                   Pensions Dashboards Programme
     confidence in identity and a level                 having to meet when seeking:
     of authentication. Do you have
     a view on the level of assurance                   a.   your firm’s approval for a
     that needs to be achieved to                            standard approach to identity
     provide comfort to release pension                      assurance
                                                        b.   a cross industry agreement on a
                                                             standard for identity assurance
Identity approach - Call for Input from data providers | February 2021   12

8.   What security related controls
     (other than identity proofing
     and authentication) do you see
     as important in your acceptance
     of the PDP solution for Pensions
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