Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested

Page created by Derrick Perry
Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
ijgd - Workcamps 2021

 Placement starts whenever volunteers are
                              We will not do reservations this year!!
Please ask your volunteers not to make any travel arrangement till we finally confirm their camps!!

Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
Your contact persons are:

INCOMING – Wiebke Matthießen                   OUTGOING – Steffanie Weuffen
Workcamps in Germany                           Outgoing Placement
Languages: English                             Languages: English
E-Mail: workcamps.incoming@ijgd.de             E-Mail: workcamps-outgoing@ijgd.de
Tel: +49 511 1322 975 3                        Tel: +49 511 1322 975 3

                                    Office Address:
                                        ijgd e.V.
                                 Workcamp Department
                                      Sedanstr. 75
                                    30161 Hannover
                               +49 511-1322975-0 / -3 / -7

Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
In General
With our 2021 workcamp program, ijgd welcomes you to send volunteers to our international
workcamps in Germany. We offer a wide range of projects in which volunteers get involved in
meaningful work and take an active part in the daily decision-making processes of group life.
All our confirmations are provisionally as we don’t know how the worldwide pandemic situation will
go on. Please make your volunteer aware not to make any travel arrangements or to buy any tickets
till we give a final confirmation for a camp. If a camp can’t take place, we try to offer a digital
replacement. Our hygiene and infection protection concept is continuously revised and adapted to the
current situation. Both partner organizations and volunteers should read this carefully.
Until further notice we can’t welcome volunteers outside the European social security agreement ☹
Our insurance is not willing to provide insurance for these volunteers, in case of a hospital stay because
of Corona and everything what possibly could connected to this.

Background and Goals
ijgd is a non-profit, non-denominational organization which has been active in international youth
work since 1948. Each year ijgd organizes international youth workcamps in Germany. In cooperation
with partner organizations of the Alliance a worldwide network has been created, so that volunteers
can participate in workcamps all over the world. However, this program will focus on workcamps in
Germany. Our aim is to encourage young people to become aware of existing social and environmental
conditions, enabling them to become an active and responsible participant in a democratic society.
This learning process leads (among other things) to the examination of one's own cultural norms and
values. Consequently, it will help break down barriers between people which have been built on
cultural, social and ethnical differences. This development of international understanding is regarded
as a contribution to the furtherance of world peace.

ijgd Workcamp Conditions
     ➢ Each workcamp lasts about three weeks, (some two weeks, one camp last four weeks)
     ➢ Participants are usually between 16 to 26 years of age (except Teenage-Camps 14-17 years
       and camps that are explicitly only from 18-26)
     ➢ Minors (under 18 years) need written permission (which they must bring to the camp!) from
       their guardians. PA will be attached to the infosheet
     ➢ Volunteers are expected to work about five hours/day; 25 to 30 hours/week, except Saturday
       and Sunday
     ➢ Groups consist of approximately 15 volunteers
     ➢ Camps are run using the principle of self-organization. Therefore, volunteers are expected to
       contribute to the daily life of the group by cooking, shopping, organizing free-time activities
       and day to day running of the whole event
     ➢ Accommodation is simple (youth hostels, schools, forest huts or tents)
     ➢ Projects may include renovation, environmental work, play schemes with children, work with
       elderly, etc.

Group Leaders
Group leaders are usually of the same age as the participants. Usually there are two leaders, trained
through ijgd seminars. Due to the principal of self-organization, leaders should not have a leadership
role, rather be a participant themselves. They are also responsible for the contact to the project's
partners, to take care of administrative details and to ensure self-organization of the group.

Types of Workcamps

Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
➢   Renovation - RENO                                  ➢   Study projects - STUDY
    ➢   Projects with Kids - KIDS                          ➢   Environmental - ENVI
    ➢   Social Projects - SOCI                             ➢   Archaeology – ARCH
    ➢   Construction - CONS                                ➢   Language Camp - LANG
    ➢   Cultural Projects – ART & MEDIA                    ➢   Bi- / tri-laterals - Country abbreviation
    ➢   Teenager Camps - TEEN

Before and After the Workcamp
Before the workcamp season starts, ijgd organizes a preparation weekend for its German outgoing
participants, in order to clarify expectations, challenges of workcamps and to sensitize volunteers for
intercultural differences.
After the workcamp season in autumn, volunteers and camp leaders are invited to an evaluation
meeting. You are more than welcome to give us your personal feedback.

Where are our workcamps – German federal states (Region):
BLN    Berlin
BB     Brandenburg
BW     Baden-Wuerttemberg
BY     Bayern (Bavaria)
NRW Nordrhein-Westfahlen
       (North Rhine-Westphalia)
NS     Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)
RP     Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
S      Sachsen (Saxony)
ST     Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt)
SH     Schleswig-Holstein
SL     Saarland
TH     Thueringen (Thuringia)
HB     Bremen
HE     Hessen (Hesse)
HH     Hamburg
MV     Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
      (Mecklenburg Western Pomerania)

Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
Ijgd - Workcamps 2021 - Placement starts whenever volunteers are interested
Camps sorted by Date
                             •   extra fees can be paid in cash on arrival or you find the bank details in the info sheet

                                                               • Teenagecamps are marked in green

Nr.   Campcode Place         Campname engl.                              State   Start    End      No. of      Fee   min.   max.   Type         Requirements
                                                                                                   Participans       Age    Age
CANC 01236     Grömitz       Spring cleaning close to the beautiful      SH      03.04.   17.04.   22          0     16     26     RENO,        Postponed to autumn
                             Baltic Sea beach                                                                                      CONS
      21329    Ingelheim I   #Nature-#Forest-#Rhine - Tree Planting      RP      17.04.   01.05.   9          0      18     26     ENVI         For nature lovers
                             Event 2021
      01221    Hamburg-      Conservation work with sheep and            HH      12.06.   26.06.   12         0      16     26     ENVI         Long distance to work
               Hoeltigbaum   cattle                                                                                                             Long walks
      01220    Hamburg-      Conservation Work Around the                HH      26.06.   10.07.   12         50     16     26     ENVI         Physically fitness
3              Moorwerder    Outskirts of the City
      71121    Stolpe II     Dance & Performance in an emerging          BB      03.07.   18.07.   10         300    16     17     TEEN, ART,
                             art space                                                                                             ENVI,CONS
      21337    Ostbevern     Help out with holiday fun for children in   NRW     03.07.   24.07.   10         50     18     26     KIDS       Pedagogical skills
      71110    Märkische     Habitats for People and Animals I           BB      03.07.   24.07.   15         50     16     26     ENVI,        weatherproof
               Schweiz I                                                                                                           RENO         working clothes
      71117    Potsdam       Spend your summer sans souci                BB      03.07.   25.07.   14         50     16     26     ENVI, HIST
      21324    Solingen      Experience Diversity – Your Summer Full     NRW     05.07.   26.07.   12         50     18     26     SOCI         able to swim,
               (Hephata I)   of New Encounters                                                                                                  comfortable with
                                                                                                                                                disability people

      01216    Hildesheim-   Colour and Fun for a dark Alley             NDS     10.07.   31.07.   12         50     16     26     RENO,        physically fitness
9              Nordstadt                                                                                                           CONST,       work is outdoor with
                                                                                                                                   MANU         kids from the district
      01234    Flensburg     My own TV program – Flensburg               SH      10.07.   24.07.   15         350    16     26     STUDI,       Willingness to walk
                                                                                                                                   ART          longer distances

on foot

     71103   Reinickendorf   Remembering for Peace                      BE    10.07.   01.08.   15   300   18   26   LANG,       300 € for the
                                                                                                                     HIST,       language course
11                                                                                                                   RENO        and public transport
     01225   Hamburg-        “And …action!” in Hamburg-                 HH    17.07.   31.07.   15   395   16   26   STUDI,      good English
             Wilhelmsburg    Wilhelmsburg                                                                            ART, SOCI   language skills
                                                                                                                                 interest in filming,
                                                                                                                                 technology and editing
     01237   Kremperheide Conservation and welfare - Work in            SH    17.07.   31.07.   15   50    16   26   ENVI,       be able to cycle
13                        nature and community                                                                       RENO,       work clothes needed
                                                                                                                     CONST       fitness
     71120   Senftenberg     Holiday fun for children and Upcycling –   BB    17.07.   06.08.   15   300   16   26   KIDS,       intensive German
                             Building Furniture                                                                      RENO,       language course
                                                                                                                     LANG, ART   (1st week
     21344   Weimar          “Zeiteninsel” open-air museum –            HE    17.07.   07.08.   12   50    16   26   ARCH,       Physically fitness
             (Lahn)          Interested in archaeology?                                                              CONS,       Interest in
15                                                                                                                   RENO        Archaelogy/Hirstoy
     21328   Langen (bei     Big city lights - Holiday camp for         HE    17.07.   07.08.   15   50    16   26   KIDS        Pedagogical
16           FFM)            children                                                                                            Experience, german
                                                                                                                                 as an advantage
     71111   Gahlen I        Your summer in a green oasis               BB    17.07.   07.08.   14   50    16   26   ENVI,       For nature lovers
     21326   Ingelheim II    #Nature-#Forest-#Rhine                     RP    17.07.   14.08.   14   50    18   26   ENVI        For nature lovers
     01242   Süderlügum      Living and working in the heart of the     SH    24.07.   07.08.   20   50    16   26   ENVI        Able to ride a bike
19                           forest in Northern Germany                                                                          fittness
     71124   Stolpe III      Theater & performance in an emerging       BB    24.07.   08.08.   10   395   14   17   TEEN, ART,
                             art space                                                                               CONS,ENVI
     21333   Bielefeld       Building a dream playground                NRW   24.07.   15.08.   15   50    16   26   CONS       no hay allergics
     01203   Hötensleben     Overcoming borders - Commitment to         SAH   30.07.   22.08.   9    50    18   26   STUDY,     extensive study
22                           peace & democracy                                                                       RENO       component, able to
                                                                                                                                ride a bike

01201   Heckenbeck      Something given - Theaterworkshop          NDS   31.07.   15.08.   15   350   16   26   ART,        Good level of english
23                                                                                                                   STUDY       Able to ride a bike
     71123   Märkische       Habitats for People and Animals II         BB    01.08.   21.08.   15   50    16   26   ENVI,       weatherproof
             Schweiz II                                                                                              RENO        working clothes
     21334   Linz am Rhein   Historical Gardening on the River Rhine    RP    03.08.   17.08.   12   50    16   26   ENVI,       fitness
     01215   Wildemann       Ecology and Sustainability in the Forest   NDS   07.08.   28.08.   14   50    16   26   ENVI        7,5 h / week, Friday
                                                                                                                                 free, fitness
     01204   Hildesheim      We’re rescuing the field hamster!          NDS   08.08.   21.08.   12   50    16   26   ENVI        Able to ride a bike
     01206   Hildesheim      On Air with Radio Tonkuhle                 NDS   08.08.   21.08.   12   395   16   26   STUDI,      Good level of English
     71114   Gahlen II       Your summer in a green oasis II            BB    08.08.   29.08.   14   50    16   26   ENVI,       For nature lovers
     01222   Bremen          My own film! - Film Workshop in the        HB    14.08.   28.08.   12   350   16   26   ART,        Good english level,
                             heart of Bremen                                                                         STUDY       interest in filming
     71125   Sachsenforst    Become active for nature conservation      SN    14.08.   29.08.   10   50    16   26   ENVI
31                           and biodiversity
     01212   Schwaförden     Aktiv für Naturschutz und Artenvielfalt    NDS   15.08.   28.08    23   395   14   17   STUD,       ONLY LOCAL VOLUNT
     71116   Spremberg       Building encounters – Spremberg is         BB    15.08.   04.09.   15   50    16   26   CONS,
33                           calling!                                                                                RENO,
                                                                                                                     KIDS, ART
     01214   Wolfsburg       Help out in the Wolfsburg City Forest      NDS   21.08.   04.09.   12   50    16   26   ENVI        7,5h/week, Fridays
                                                                                                                                 are free, fitness
     01211   Neuenkirchen    Art Installation in the Lüneburg Heath     NDS   28.08.   11.09.   12   50    16   26   ART,        Able to ride a bike
35                                                                                                                   CONSTR
     71118   Lößnitz         Diverse Encounters and Creativity in the   SN    28.08.   11.09.   10   50    16   26   RENO,
                             Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains)                                                              ENVI
     21343   Trassem         Leave old ways behind and start some       RP    04.09.   25.09.   15   50    16   26   ENVI
                             new adventures!
     01236   Grömitz         Autumn winter preparations close to        SH    04.09.   18.09.   22   50    16   26   RENO,       Able to ride a bike
                             the beautiful Baltic Sea beach                                                          CONS        firness
     21327   Heidenrod       Help with planting trees and forest        HE    06.09.   18.09.   9    50    16   26   ENVI
39                           work!

Workcamps 2021 detailed description
                              - Sorted by Number -

     •  Camps are usually for volunteers aged between 16/18 and 26 (no exceptions for older or
        younger volunteers)!
     •  Volunteers need to reach the age at the beginning of the camp, due to insurance reasons.
        Should the requested age not be reached at the beginning of the camp, we will have to
        reject the volunteer (even after confirmation) → Please check before sending the
     •  Volunteers who need a visa have to send their passport number with their application!
        Please check before sending the application!
     •  We need an emergency contact from ALL volunteers, but especially minors! → Please check
        before sending the application!
     •  This year all our camps are multinational (no tri - / bilateral camps)

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01201

Workcamp Title: Something given - Heckenbeck
Location: Heckenbeck
When: 31.7.-15.8.2021
Where: Lower Saxony; 45km from Hildesheim, 45 km from Göttingen 45 km, 60km from
Who: 15 participants from around the world, aged 16 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will be staying in the "Weltbühne Heckenbeck" cultural centre.
Nearest Train Station: Kreiensen
Nearest Airport: Hanover or Berlin
Special Requirements:
Extra Fee of 350 €, You should have a good knowledge of English and be able to ride a bike.
The Weltbühne in Heckenbeck, a small place with only 450 inhabitants, is a cultural centre with a
large theatre space in a former village hall. Every year, the local population look forward to an
international theatre project and will happily host you and your group for 2 weeks. Together with
young people from other countries, you will take part in a theatre workshop centred around the
topic of “giving”. In 1857, King George V of Hannover gave his wife Marie an entire castle for her
birthday… What was the craziest, best or worst gift you ever received? What do gifts mean and why
do we send gifts at all? Together you will create small scenes with roleplays, character work,
interaction and improvisation. From your own creative ideas and the results of our research, a play
will be produced under the direction of a theatre teacher that will be performed in front of an
Free Time:
Heckenbeck is in a very remote location. There will be bicycles available for trips (and for shopping).
The town of Bad Gandersheim is 4km away. You can reach Alfeld (with its Faguswerk heritage site),
Hildesheim, Hannover or the Harz region, with its mining museum, by train. You could also visit
Marienburg Castle in Nordstemmen, the romantic gift for Queen Marie. It’s only 50km away from
Heckenbeck, you can travel by train from Kreiensen and then hike to the castle.

www.bad-gandersheim.de , www.alfeld.de ; www.Hildesheim.de ; www.Hannover.de ;
www.harzinfo.de ; https://www.schloss-marienburg.de/en/

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01203

Workcamp Title: Overcoming borders – commitment to peace and democracy
Location: Hötensleben
When: 30.7.-22.8.2021
Where: Saxony-Anhalt; 20km from Helmstedt, 60km from Magdeburg, 60km from
Who: 9 participants from around the world, aged 18 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will be staying in 3 bedrooms in a village community centre,
with a communal kitchen, a large living area and use of the garden with its barbecue.
Nearest Train Station: Helmstedt
Nearest Airport: Hanover or Berlin
Special Requirements:
- This work camp has an extensive study component which deals with current
German history and the topic of "German division"
- You need to be able to ride a bike
- Basic knowledge of German is an advantage, but not a requirement for participation

In this workcamp you will be looking intensively at the division of Germany and the
issues of peace, democracy and international understanding.
The small town of Hötensleben in Saxony-Anhalt was located within the 2km
exclusion zone that was set up along the 1,400km-long border to West Germany by
the GDR after the Second World War. Due to the constant state surveillance and the
various armed forces, life there was even more restricted than it already was in the
GDR. The border, which was made of walls, barbed-wire fences and watchtowers,
was monitored by border guards and dogs. Mines and self-shot systems were
designed to prevent people from the GDR from escaping to the West. After the fall of
the Berlin Wall in 1989, dedicated citizens of Hötensleben democratically
campaigned for the preservation of a 350m-long section of the border complex, which
is now a listed building. The facilities are open to the public and visitors can find out
more and book guided tours at the Hötensleben Border Memorial Association. The
association's educational work also includes inviting young people from all over the
world to an international workcamp which takes place every year and strives for
peace, democracy and international understanding.
This year you can be part of this workcamp and, together with your fellow
participants, support the Border Memorial Association with maintenance and repair
work on the border facilities, as well as with the maintenance of the site (cutting the
grass, weeding and clearing the surrounding areas).

Study Component
Alongside the practical activities on the grounds, there is an extensive study
component to the camp. This includes a 2-day history workshop in the „Gedenkstätte
Deutsche Teilung Helmstedt Marienborn“ (Helmstedt Marienborn Memorial of
German Division), a visit to the Bundestag in Berlin and various historical and
regional tours in the surrounding areas.

Free Time
Hötensleben is a small place with around 2,500 inhabitants. The village community is
looking forward to the workcamp and to the international exchange that will take
place. There will be many activities organised by local clubs available to you, such as
the volunteer fire service and the sports club. During the camp, excursions will be
planned for you – you will visit a middle-aged town (Quedlinburg or Goslar) and the
Schöningen Research Museum. Besides this, you will be taken on a guided bike tour
through the open-cast mining area of the former lignite mine.
A highlight around this time of year is the “Rock am Rathaus” festival, which takes
place right by your front door. The swimming baths in Schönigen, the outdoors
swimming pool in the Wackersleben district and the sports facilities belonging to the
sports club are all open to you free of charge. There will be bikes available for you to
use to go on trips to nearby areas.

Grenzdenkmalverein Hötensleben (Hötensleben Border Memorial Assocation):

Dorfgemeinschaftshaus (Village Community Centre):

Gedenkstätte Deutsche Teilung Helmstedt Marienborn (Helmstedt Marienborn
Memorial of German Division):


Forschungsmuseum Schöningen (Schöningen Research Museum):

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01204
Workcamp-Title: We’re rescuing the field hamster!

Location: Hildesheim
When: 08.08.-21.08.2021
Where: Lower Saxony; 30km from Hannover
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Type: ENVI
Meals: Full catering
Accommodation: You will be staying in comfortable shared rooms in the sports
academy at KreisSportBunds Hildesheim e.V. You will be sharing the large
communal area with another ijgd workcamp which will be taking place at the same
time as yours.
Nearest Train Station: Hildesheim

Nearest Airport: Hannover
Special Requirements:
You need to be able to ride a bike – it’s about a 5km journey from your
accommodation to the various work sites.

An endangered animal species has found its last safe haven in the meadows around
Hildesheim – the field hamster.The German Wildlife Foundation has committed to
protecting this species through a nationwide project.
You will be working together with the Regional Co-ordinator of Lower Saxony in order
to learn about the field hamster and get to know its habitat. Your contribution to the
project will help to provide important data on how this rare species spreads. You will
be going into the countryside, directly to the harvested stubble-field. Here you will
search for hamster burrows and measure them using the GPS device and the
iNaturalist app. Besides this, you will be collecting hair samples for genetic analysis.
You will enter into a dialogue with various local farmers, where you can learn about
their farming methods and cutting-edge species protection methods in the agricultural
You can find more information at www.feldhamster.de

Free Time:
Hildesheim is an old, historical town with 100,000 inhabitants. The cathedral and St.
Michael’s Church are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There is a large, free arts
and culture scene with every type of music, theatre, exhibitions and parties. Besides
this, there is an outdoor swimming pool. The marketplace is transformed into a city
beach during the summer – a popular meeting point with events in the middle of
town. Hanover, the capital city of the Lower Saxony region, is only 30 minutes away
by train.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01206
Workcamp-Title: On Air with Radio Tonkuhle

Location: Hildesheim
When: 08.08.-21.08.2020
Where: Lower Saxony; 30km from Hannover
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Type: Study
Meals: Full catering
Accommodation: You will be staying in comfortable shared rooms in the sports
academy at KreisSportBunds Hildesheim e.V. You will be sharing the large
communal with another ijgd workcamp which will be taking place at the same time as
Nearest Train Station: Hildesheim
Nearest Airport: Hannover
Notes: There is an extra fee of 395 € for this camp. Bus tickets for travelling around
Hildesheim will be provided.
Special Requirements:
You will need a good level of English for the radio workshop. If possible, please bring
a laptop and some headphones with you.

Radio Tonkuhle is the local radio station in Hildesheim and the surrounding area –
radio for everyone to join in! Anyone that wants to can share their own interests; this
is how a diverse, colourful, 24-hour schedule is created. A number of a music
programmes are devoted to styles beyond the charts.
As part of the workcamp, you will be helping to design the radio schedule and will be
able to get a strong insight into the goings on behind the scenes. You will learn how
to use a reportage device, how to develop questioning techniques in interviews and
how the studio technology works. Besides this, you get a taste of what it’s like to
moderate a radio show, since you’ll be planning, designing and moderating your own
radio shows. The workshop will be led by a professional radio editor.
More information about Radio Tonkuhle can be found here: www.tonkuhle.de

Free Time:
Hildesheim is an old, historical town with 100,000 inhabitants. The cathedral and St.
Michael’s Church are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There is a large, free arts
and culture scene with every type of music, theatre, exhibitions and parties. Besides
this, there is an outdoor swimming pool. The marketplace is transformed into a city
beach during the summer – a popular meeting point with events in the middle of
town. Hanover, the capital city of the Lower Saxony region, is only 30 minutes away
by train.

WorkcampNr: ijgd 01211

Workcamp Title: Art Installation in the Lüneburg Heath

Location: Neuenkirchen
When: 28.8. – 11.9.2021
Where: Lower Saxony; 85km from Hamburg, 90km from Hanover, 15km from Soltau
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will stay in three holiday flats. Together with your group you
will cook and prepare the meals. There will be a communal area with cooking
facilities, a communal room and a big outside area with barbecue facilities.
Nearest Train Station: Soltau
Nearest Airport: Hamburg and Hanover
Special Requirements: The working sites are at different places in the surroundings.
You will go there by bike.

The Springhornhof foundation in the Lüneburg Heath is one of the most pathbreaking
landscape art projects of Europe. Since the 1970s, famous international artists from
all over the word have been building an artistic landscape with over 40 installations.
During the camp, your group will be helping with the maintenance of these art
installations. You will also develop your own art project together with the artist
Rupprecht Matthies. Rupprecht Matthies, who is often working with teams and enjoys
doing it, collects ambiguous words and terms and uses them to develop different
sized lettering sculptures, which are installed outdoors. In place, they appear to be
amusing, profound, or irritating comments on the situation which change the
perception of the landscape and stimulate thought and consideration.

Free Time:
Neuenkirchen has 5.500 residents and is located in the center of the nature park
Lüneburg Heath, a unique cultural landscape and one of the most popular
destinations for trips in Germany. There is an outdoor swimming pool, an ice cream
parlour and you will have the opportunity to go horseback riding or visiting a sheep
farm. Apart from that, you will have bikes provided, which you can use for trips into
the Heath. Bigger cities like Hamburg, Hannover and Bremen can be easily reached
by train and on top of that you are close to the adventure park Heidepark Soltau, a
kart track, the Serengetipark (Animal Park), a bird park and a climbing park.

www.lueneburger-heide.de; www.lueneburger-heide.de/en

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01214

Workcamp Title: Help out in the Wolfsburg City Forest
Location: Wolfsburg
When: 21.08. - 04.09.2021
Where: Lower Saxony; 75lm from Hannover, 30km from Braunschweig, 230km from
Who: 12 participants from around the world; aged 16 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
In recreation rooms for young people in the Stephanus community, in the Detmerode
district of Wolfsburg.
Nearest Train Station: Wolfsburg and Berlin
Nearest Airport: Hannover and Berlin
Special Requirements:
You will need a good level of fitness for the physically demanding work. You will be
working 4 days a week, for 7.5 hours each day. Fridays will be free.
Your place of work will be in the Wolfsburg Forest. The forest is very popular
amongst the local population of Wolfsburg, who jog, cycle, walk, or simply enjoy the
nature there. Besides this, the forest is a habitat for various (rare) species of plants
and animals, such as orchids, wildcats, and kingfishers. You will be supporting the
state forest with several different activities in various departments:
    • Nature conservation: constructing a breeding ground for stag beetles,
        maintaining orchid meadows, removing alien plants, waste collection

•   Forest maintenance: removal of fences, maintenance of young trees, clearing
       of water
   •   Relaxation for forest visitors: cutting free forest paths, possibly building a
       viewing platform
   •   Working in the workshop: building nesting boxes for songbirds or bats;
       cleaning and painting work in bad weather.

Besides all of this, you will also get in an insight into the diverse tasks of a state
forestry office as well as into the ecosystem of the forest.

Free Time
Internationally renowned sights in Wolfsburg include the castle and the art museum,
the “Autostadt” (Car Town) with its Volkswagen museum and the “Phaeno” science
museum. The VW-Pool is one of the prettiest outdoor swimming pools in the region.

You can find more information about the town of Wolfsburg and its diverse leisure
activities here:


WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01215

Workcamp Title: Ecology and Sustainability in the Forest

Location: Wildemann
When: 7.8.-28.8.2021
Where: Lower Saxony, 100km from Hanover
Who: 14 participants from around the world, aged 16 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will be staying in shared rooms in a youth hostel.
Nearest Train Station: Goslar
Nearest Airport: Hannover
Notes: You will be working 7.5 hours for 4 days of the week, with Fridays free! You
should be fit enough for the physically demanding work involved in this project.

The forest areas in the Upper Harz region are not only nature reserves, they are also
recreational spaces. As large, connected planes of trees and forests, they are very
important for protecting the climate. In this camp, you will be helping with nature and
environmental protection tasks and thereby contributing to the conservation of
habitats for (rare) plants and animals and restoring the balance of nature. Your
group’s tasks will include taking care of young deciduous trees, constructing ‘natural’
water ecosystems, repairing park benches, huts and hiking signs, and building
hunting facilities. You will work in alternating small groups which will allow you to get
an insight into the ecological, economic and social duties of forestry.

Free Time:
The Harz region - with its mountains, stalactite caves, mining museums and forests -
is a popular holiday destination and recreational area. During the camp, the foresters
working with your group will organize a hiking trip to the legendary 'Brocken' (the
tallest mountain in the region) for you. Wildemann itself is a small mountain
community of around 1,000 residents, surrounded by various hiking trails. Wildemann
has an outdoor swimming pool, a glow-golf facility and a mini-gold course. The 19-
Lachter-Stollen, a discontinued mine, is also worth a visit. For more information:

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01216
Workcamp Title: Colour and Fun for a dark Alley

Location: Hildesheim - North Town
When: 10.07. - 31.07.2021
Where: Lower Saxony; 25km from Hannover, 150 km from Bremen, 180 km from
Hamburg, 200 km from Berlin
Who: 12 participants from around the world; aged 16 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
You will sleep on air beds in two empty apartments in the parish hall of the Martin
Luther Church, there is a large communal kitchen and a large outdoor area with
Nearest Train Station: Hildesheim
Nearest Airport: Hannover and Berlin
Special Requirements:
- The work can be physically demanding
- The work takes place outside/outdoor, in cooperation with young people from the
In Hildesheim's “Nordstadt” (North Town), a dark and uninviting path next to the
elementary school is to be transformed into a colorful area with play and sports
elements for all everyday groups, especially children and teens. You will help prepare
the area, make the path wider, more open, brighter, more colorful and fun. You will
work as a team with young people from the neighborhood. The focus is on
cooperation, communication and manual work. The instruction for the construction of
the pedagogical and motoric-sportive offers is taken over by a specialized company.
Through the cooperation with a Theater education center you will create a daily video
blog about the project and your experiences. You will get to know young people from
the neighborhood and make friends from Hildesheim and all over the world.

Free Time

Hildesheim has about 100,000 inhabitants, the Nordstadt, the district in which the
project takes place, about 11,000. In the surrounding there is a lot of beautiful nature
(e.g. a nature reserve) and agriculture to see.
A cultural center is nearby (www.kufa.info), as well as a historical museum
(http://www.rpmuseum.de). The cathedral and St. Michael's Church are UNESCO
World Heritage Sites. There is a great arts and culture scene with lots of music,
theater, exhibitions and parties. There is also an outdoor pool with a swimming lake.
In summer, the market square becomes the “Citybeach” - a popular meeting place
with certain events in the middle of the city. In addition, two universities ensure that
the city is livened up by students. The much larger city of Hannover can be reached
in half an hour by train.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01220
Workcamp Title: Conservation Work Around the Outskirts of the City

Location: Hamburg-Moorwerder
When: 26.06. - 10.07.2021
Where: Hamburg
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26.
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together. Money for food is provided.
Accommodation: You will sleep on air mattresses in a modern youth centre in the suburb
Nearest Train Station: Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof - Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg
Nearest Airport: Hamburg
Smoking and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited in the youth centre. You take the
bus to the place of work for 20 minutes every day (tickets are provided).
Special Requirements: You should be physically fit enough for the demanding work
during this project.

Landscaping in great surroundings and sightseeing in the big city!
You can experience both of these things in this camp on the outskirts of the
metropolis of Hamburg. Amongst other things, you will be working in the Heuckenlock
nature reserve, an area of around 100 hectares of tidal forests and freshwater mud
flats in the south of Hamburg's Elbe island, Wilhelmsburg. The area stretches 3km
along the north bank of the South Elbe and is flooded about a hundred times a year
by spring and storm tides. Due to its special location between the river and the
countryside, and its freshwater tides that are unique within Europe, the Heuckenlock
nature reserve is an important refuge for many plant and animal species that have
long since been displaced by the cultivation of the landscape in other areas. It is the
most biodiverse nature reserve in the Hamburg region.
In order to preserve the mudflats and the banks of the Elbe as valuable natural and
living spaces, you will be removing foreign plants from nature reserves Heuckenlock,
Schweenssand and Auenlandschaft Obere Tideelbe under the guidance of employees
of the Tidal Elbe Information Centre. The plants you will be removing are mainly
Japanese knotweed. This process will be done with both hands and spades.
This workcamp offers a great opportunity to get to know the Elbe from a completely
different perspective. As a change from this strenuous and monotonous work, you
will also be clearing up the accumulated rubbish in these areas.
In addition to the practical work, you will learn a lot from the employees of the Tidal
Elbe Information Centre about nature and environmental protection in general, as
well as the nature and habitat of freshwater tides and their protection in particular.
You will learn a lot about the local flora and fauna, the tides and their effects, as well
as dikes and flood protection.
For more information (unfortunately only in German) about the Heuckenlock nature
reserve and the Tidal Elbe Information Centre, click here:

Free Time:
In your free time you could take a trip to the second largest city in Germany, where
numerous leisure activities await you. Your accommodation and worksite are on the
Elbe island of Wilhemsburg, which is also one of the most exciting districts of
www.hamburg.de (German) / www.hamburg.com (English)
http://www.hamburg.de/wilhelmsburg/ (German)
http://www.hamburg.de/sehenswertes-wilhelmsburg/ (German)
http://www.hamburg.com/explore/districts/wilhelmsburg/ (English)

At the weekends it’s worth taking a trip to the beaches on the coasts along the North
Sea and Baltic Sea.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01221
Workcamp Title: Conservation work with sheep and cattle

Location: Hamburg-Hoeltigbaum
When: 12.-26.06.2021
Where: Hamburg
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You sleep in a hostel in 2- or 4-bed rooms. A self-catering kitchen is
available for all guests.
Nearest Train Station: Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof - Hamburg-Buchenkamp (subway)
Nearest Airport: Hamburg
Notes: Every morning you drive 45 minutes by public transport (tickets are provided) to the
nature reserve and then walk for another 30 minutes in the area to the place of work.
Special Requirements:
You will need to be prepared to walk long distances on foot, since every morning you will be
waking around 2km (30m) in the conservation area to the place of work (and back again in
the evenings); a good level of physical fitness is required for the physically demanding work.


Conservation work with sheep and cattle in great surroundings and sightseeing in the big
city! Both of these can be experienced during this camp on the outskirts of the metropolis of
You will be working in the Hoeltigbaum nature reserve, a former training ground. A varied
mosaic of different habitats has developed on the nature reserve since the last Ice Age. As a
result, different successional stages of open soils, grass or mule corridors, and even some
shrubs, can be found here, along with many rare and endangered animal and plant species.
Where there used to be tanks, there is now vast, savannah-like grassland. Today there are
sheep herds, goats and Galloway cattle in the area grazing all year round. Through this
grazing, the areas are kept open, bushes are prevented from overgrowing and the
biodiversity is preserved. You will support the animal "lawnmowers" at work and remove
foreign plants such as bracken, lupins, Jacob's ragwort or small birch trees in order to
prepare the ground for the underlying and displaced heather.
Through this action you will be making an important contribution to nature conservation work,
since using heavy equipment for the same tasks would destroy the heath. The work will take
place on the pastures in the nature reserve. If you are lucky, you will see the cattle and
sheep at work too.
In addition to the practical work, you will learn a lot from the “Haus der Wilden Weiden”
employees: about nature and environmental protection in general, and the nature
conservation concept of a semi-open pasture landscape in particular. You will also learn a lot
about the local flora and fauna, about year-round grazing as well as cattle and sheep farming
in the field of landscape maintenance.
More information (unfortunately only in German) about the Hoeltigbaum nature reserve and
the “Haus der Wilden Weiden” can be found here:

Free Time
In your free time you can take a trip to the second largest city in Germany, where a variety of
leisure activities await you. Your working location is in the Rahlstedt district and your
accommodation is in the Volksdorf district. From there you can be in downtown Hamburg
within 30 minutes (subway - tickets are provided).
www.hamburg.de (German) / www.hamburg.com (English)

It’s also worth taking trips to the beaches at the North Sea and the Baltic Sea at the

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01222
Workcamp Title: My own film! - Film Workshop in the heart of Bremen

Location: Bremen
When: 14/08 – 28/08/2021
Where: Bremen; 120 km west of Hamburg
Who: 12 participants from all over the world; 16 – 26 years old
Accommodation and Meals: You will sleep on air mattresses in a cosy and comfortable
youth centre You will cook together.
By Train: Bremen main station airport: Bremen, Hamburg

Making your own films! - You can try it out in this international media camp. „Learning by
doing“ is the slogan! You can collect ideas and experiment in small groups and after a little
introduction into the technical site of things, you will develop your own storyline and sooner
than you think, it will be time to start filming. Short film with yourselves as actors and

actresses or documentary – you can choose which story you tell. Let your imagination run
free! You will not only learn about film technic, but also how to edit a film with the computer
and add sound to it.
No prior knowledge is needed, but appreciated. You will be supported by two experienced
media educators.
The film workshop takes place from Monday 16/08 until Friday 20/08 and from Monday 23/08
until Friday 27/08 approx. between 9am and 5pm each day.
If you want to have a look at films produced in the last years, please follow these links:

Free Time:
Your accommodation is located in a trendy neighborhood in the city centre. From here you
can walk through the 1.200 year old Hanseatic city of Bremen (www.bremen.de) with its
many sights, cultural offers, a vivid nightlife and many shopping opportunities. On the
weekend you can take trips to the North Sea Coast, to Hamburg and other cities.

350,-€ additional fee (has to be paid in cash on the campsite).

Special requirements:
good English knowledge; Interest in filming, technology and editing; please bring along three
topics you would like to make a film about; no previous film experience is necessary

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01225
Workcamp Title: “And …action!” in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg – Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg

Date: 17/07 – 31/07/2021
Location: Hamburg
15 participants from all over the world, 16 - 26 years
You will sleep on air mattresses in a modern youth centre. The youth center is also your
place of work.
You cook together
Place of the Camp:
Closest train station:
Hamburg Main station – Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg
Closest International Airport:
395 € additional fee (has to be paid in cash on the campsite)
Smoking and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited in the youth centre.
Special Requirements:

You have to have good language skills in English, be interested in filming, technology and
editing. Please bring along three topics that you would like to make a film about. No previous
cinematic experience necessary.
Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg is the biggest riverine island in Europe and a vivid multicultural
neighbourhood, where people from 192 countries live. Projects and events, like IBA,
Dockville/Artville or 48h Wilhelmsburg, have been influencing various places, people and
themes in the neighbourhood. The housing and integration of a high number of refugees also
concerns the people in Wilhelmsburg.
Your job is to catch on film, what is special about Wilhelmsburg, in particular how people,
who live and work here, cope with the sociocultural changes and challenges in
Experienced media educators will support you in developing your ideas in three groups of 4
to 5 people each, learning how to handle camera technology and editing scenes. Towards
the end of the project you will show your contributions in your own show, which will be
broadcasted in Hamburg's citizen television TIDE (www.tidenet.de).
To prepare for the work camp, please take a look at the following websites and develop three
ideas, which projects and events or socio-cultural and social topics of the Wilhelmsburg
district you would like to depict on film.
http://www.hamburg.com/explore/districts/wilhelmsburg/ (English)
http://www.hamburg.de/wilhelmsburg/ (German)
http://www.hamburg.de/sehenswertes-wilhelmsburg/ (German)
https://www.mvde.de/48h-wilhelmsburg (German)
Please send your ideas by 27th of June to the camp leaders, who contact you about 4 weeks
before the start of the camp.
We would like you to show different angles to the story and make and effort to give a voice to
people who are rarely listened to.
If you want to get a glimpse of what it's like, you can take a look at the films produced in
previous workshops:


Free Time: You live and work in the Wilhelmsburg district of Hamburg. From here you can
easily reach most tourist attractions and sights of Germany's second biggest city. The
weekend is great for taking a trip to the North Sea or the Baltic Sea.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01234
WorkcampNr.: My own TV program – Flensburg

Date: 10/07 – 24/07/2021
Where: Flensburg
Place of the Camp:
Schleswig-Holstein; right at the Baltic Sea, 10 km to Denmark
You will stay in a simple but cosy youth centre with a large outside area. You will share a
room and a shower.
You cook together.
closest train station:
Closest International Airport:
15 participants from all over the world, 16 - 26 years
350€ additional fee (has to be paid in cash on the campsite)
Special Requirements:
Willingness to walk longer distances on foot, because you have to walk every morning 2,5km
(30min) to the TV studio (and back in the evening); Interest in filming, engineering and
editing; Previous knowledge is not required, but welcome

Television – Do it yourself! - That's what you can try out in this international media camp.
After an introduction to the technology, you will design your own storyline and soon enough
shoulder the camera for shooting your very own film! Followed by editing your own material
in the studio. In the end you will present your film to the public in a live-show! Technology
and rooms for this project are kindly provided by the Offene Kanal Flensburg (Flensburg TV),
a public, local TV station (www.oksh.de/fl/ – only in German). You will be instructed by
experiences media educators and have the great opportunity to learn a lot about media work
with video and television. No prior knowledge is needed, but appreciated.
The Flensburger Jugendring is the host of the youth centre DIE EXXE (www.flensburger-
jugendring.de – only in German) and will try to invite one to three Flensburg youths to
participate in your project.
You can watch the movies from last camp here: https://youtu.be/oIgAezpxh7M

Free Time:
Flensburg is Germany's northernmost city and has a lot to offer, such as tourist attractions, a
rich cultural program, places for shopping and of course a whole lot of water. The weekends
are perfect for trips to the beaches of the Northern Sea and the Baltic Sea, some islands or
even to Denmark.
http://www.flensburger-foerde.de (German)
http://www.flensburger-foerde.de/en/ (English)

Workcamp No.: ijgd 01236
Workcamp Title: Autumn winter preparation close to the beautiful Baltic
Sea beach
Location: Grömitz
When: 04.09.-18.09.2021
Where: Grömitz, Directly at the Baltic Sea in Schleswig-Holstein; 100km away from Hamburg
and 50km away from Lübeck
Who: 12 to 22 participants from all over the world; 16 – 26 years old
Meals: During working days you will be catered (vegan is not possible). On days off you
supply yourself. Money for food is provided.
Accommodation: You will be sleeping in 2 to 4-bed in the main building of a child and youth
camping site.
Nearest Train Station: Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof – Lübeck/Scharbeutz - Neustadt (Holstein) -
Nearest Airport: Hamburg
Special Requirements: You should be fit enough for physically demanding work and you
should be able to ride a bike.

Would you like to help ensure that children and young people can continue to enjoy great
holidays on a youth tent site in the future by surviving the winter undamaged? And you also
would like to enjoy the wonderful Baltic Sea beach?
Then help us with the autumn winter preparations on the children's and youth campground of
the city of Braunschweig on Lenster Strand in Grömitz. You and your group support the
employees of the campsite with various work at the end of the season on the entire site
Together you will dismantle playgrounds and sports fields as well as barbecue and campfire
sites and make them winterproof, do painting and cleaning work, do various site
maintenance work (gardening and earthworks), repair bicycles and dismantle tents and store
them winterproof.
You will be living in basic 2 to 4-bed rooms in the main building of the campsite, which is
located just a few metres away from the sandy beach.
For more information about the campsite (unfortunately only available in German), go to

The children and youth campsite is just a few metres away from the beautiful Baltic Sea
beach. You can spend your free time at the beach and swim in the Baltic Sea or make
beautiful bike tours along the Baltic Sea coast.
On the huge area of the campsite you have a variety of leisure activities at your disposal
(before the respective dismantling ☺): several soccer fields, a beach volleyball, beach soccer
and beach handball court, a street basketball court, a huge jumping cushion, a cable car,
several table tennis tables and floor chess. In the evening you can end the day at the
campfire sites.

On the one or two days off, a trip to Hamburg (100km) or Lübeck (50km) is worthwhile.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01237
Workcamp Title: Conservation and welfare - Work in nature and community

Location: Kremperheide
When: 17.07.-31.07.2021
Where: Schleswig-Holstein, Kremperheide close to Itzehoe, 50km from Hamburg
Who: 16 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together
Accommodation: You will sleep on air mattresses in a shared room of a sport home.
Train/Bus: Hamburg Main Station → Kremperheide
Airport: Hamburg
Notes: Be sure to bring work clothes, sturdy shoes and sun protection
Special Requirements: You have to be able to cycle. You have to be fit, the work is
physically demanding.

Project: Landscape and village care are what to expect from this camp in the north of
You work 6,5 hours a day, from Monday to Thursday. In the first week you work together with
your international group in the Nordoer Heide, a nature reserve with inland dunes, heaths,
dry grasslands and adjacent forest and green areas. Parts of the area are grazed with robust
animals such as Galloways and Highlands as well as wild horses and goats to prevent bush
encroachment and to suppress existing trees. The work you will be doing has the same
purpose. You remove plants in order to ensure light and air for special plants and animals
whose home the dunes and heaths are. You will, for example, remove black berries, which
overgrow the rare healing plant arnica or the foreign North American bird cherry, which
shade the habitat of butterflies.

You will learn much about the protection of rare habitats, such as inland dunes and heather,
in theory and practice.
In the second week you will also do various work in the community of Kremperheide. Among
other things, you will collect rubbish and maintain green areas as well as playgrounds. In the
nature reserve you will keep up walking trails by clearing of vegetation, maintaining of path
signs and the grinding and painting of benches and tables.

Free Time: The sport home Kremperheide is located in the village with the same name,
which has 2350 residents, right next to the beautiful nature preservation area, where you will
work. You will have bikes at your disposal, which enables you to take trips into the
surrounding area. On top of that, there are plenty of sports facilities: a beach volleyball field,
soccer fields, tennis fields and Boule places. The nearby city of Itzehoe has plenty to offer,
too and is only 6km (about 20-30min by bike). You can also take a train from the train station,
which is only 500m away; the train takes you into town in only 6 minutes. On the long
weekend (Friday – Sunday), it is worth your while to take a trip to the North Sea and/or
Hamburg (both about 50km away).

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 01242
Workcamp Title: Living and working in the heart of the forest in Northern Germany

Location: Süderlügum
When: 24.07.-07.08.2021
Where: Schleswig-Holstein, Süderlügum, right at the border to Denmark, 40km from
Who: 12 to 20 participants from around the world, aged 16 – 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together
Accommodation: You will stay in shared rooms with 2 – 6 beds in the forest youth
hostel in the middle of the forest.
Train/Bus: Hamburg Main Station - Elmshorn - Niebüll - Süderlügum
Airport: Hamburg
Special Requirements:
You should have a good level of fitness as some of the work could be physically
demanding. You should also be able to ride a bike

Project: Forest preservation and habitat care in a beautiful environment and relaxing
at the beach! That's what you get in this camp in the North of Germany close to the
border to Danemark. You will work in the forest and nature reservation surrounding
the hostel where you stay, together with volunteers from all over the world.

You will cut and remove grass and unwanted plants (in reforested windmill areas),
eradicate erosion damage, maintain biotopes, clean out water ditches, remove the
harmful bird cherry from the forest areas, build path demarcation, free hiking paths
from overgrown plants and attach information boards.

Through all this, you will learn a lot about forest protection and protecting rare
habitats, in theory and practice. You will also get to know, how nature conservation
areas can be made accessible for tourism without damaging them, in order to enable
people to use the beautiful nature in an informed and more careful manner.
Additional information (unfortunately, only in German so far) about the forest youth
hostel Süderlügum can be found here: https://www.forst-

Free Time: The forest youth hostel Süderlügum is in the middle of the forest and
surrounded by beautiful landscape. The outside area has a volleyball field, a
barbecue hut and a DiscGolf Parcour. There is also a big communal area, table
tennis and table soccer. You will have bikes at your disposal, so you can explore the
surrounding area. On the weekends, you can take trips to the North Sea island close
by (Sylt, Föhr, Amrum).

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 21324

Workcamp Title: Experience Diversity – Your Summer Full of New Encounters -
Hephata I

Location: Solingen
When: 5.7. - 26.7.2021
Where: North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne 35 km, Düsseldorf 35 km
Who: 12 participants from around the world, aged 18 - 26
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will be staying in shared rooms in the Naturfreundehaus
(Friends of Nature).
Nearest Train Station: Solingen
Nearest Airport: Düsseldorf
Notes: Since there is a different activity on offer every day, your working hours could
total up to 8 hours a day, plus the communal lunch break. In order to compensate for
this, one day of the week will be an extra ‘free’ day, so that you will only be working 4
days per week. There is limited space for privacy in this camp.
Special requirements: In order to participate in this camp, you need to be
comfortable around people with disabilities and not afraid of coming into contact with
them. These are fundamental requirements for this project. Participants who love a
cosy communal lifestyle, enjoy making music, maybe even play an instrument
themselves, sing and enjoy cooking are particularly welcome to join us. You also
need to be able to swim.

Together with employees of the Hephata foundation, who work with people with
handicaps, you'll be leading 3 week-long holiday activity events, from Monday to
Friday. You'll be working as assistants during the running of these activity events.
This holiday is primarily aimed at people with disabilities, who have a high level of
independence and low maintenance, and who can actively participate in activities.
They will be accompanied by professional assistants who have been trained
according to their individual needs. At the beginning of each week of the holiday, the
offered actions and activities are discussed in accordance with the wishes of the
people with disabilities. Joint meals and campfire evenings with communal singing
are scheduled during all three weeks. You will be in close contact with the people
with disabilities, since they will be living with you on the grounds and you will be
spending a lot of time with them. You should therefore be very open to meeting them

Free Time:
Solingen is located in the Bergisches Land region and cities such as Düsseldorf and
Cologne are easily reachable by train if you want to go on an excursion. Within 2
hours you can also travel to Xanten and spend a lovely day at the Xantener lake,
where you can play water sports and go swimming. There is also a large
archaeological park there, which you can visit. The Burg castle in Solingen is also
worth a visit. It is the largest reconstructed castle grounds in the North Rhine-
Westphalia region of Germany. You will be staying in the youth centre, which means
you can also play table football and pool in your free time.

WorkcampNr.: ijgd 21326
You can also read