Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021

Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Lecture 15:

Image Processing for
Digital Photography
   Interactive Computer Graphics
    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
A review of image processing
       via convolution

                               Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Discrete 2D convolution
            (f ⇤ g)(x, y) =                     f (i, j)I(x            i, y       j)
                                    i,j= 1

       output image                                 filter          input image
=    Consider f (i, j)I(x
                      that is nonzero
                                i, y onlyj)when:         1  i, j  1
      Then: 1
                (f ⇤ I)(x, y) =              f (i, j)I(x       i, y       j)
                                    i,j= 1

     And we can represent f(i,j) as a 3x3 matrix of values where:
             f (i, j) = Fi,j               (often called: “filter weights”, “filter kernel”)
                                                                                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian blur
▪ Obtain filter coefficients by sampling 2D Gaussian function
                               1        i 2 +j 2
            f (i, j) =            2
                                    e     2  2
▪ Produces weighted sum of neighboring pixels (contribution
   falls off with distance)
   - In practice: truncate filter beyond certain distance for efficiency
  2                         3
   .075 .124 .075
  4.124 .204 .1245
   .075 .124 .075

                                                                   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Image Processing for Digital Photography - Lecture 15: Interactive Computer Graphics Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
7x7 gaussian blur


                    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
What does convolution with this filter do?
           2                        3
             0         1          0
           4 1        5            1 5
             0         1          0
                Sharpens image!

                                         Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
3x3 sharpen filter


                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Recall: blurring is removing high frequency

      Spatial domain result     Spectrum

                                           Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Recall: blurring is removing high frequency

      Spatial domain result           Spectrum (after low-pass filter)
                              All frequencies above cutoff have 0 magnitude

                                                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Sharpening is adding high frequencies

▪ Let I be the original image
▪ High frequencies in image I = I - blur(I)
▪ Sharpened image = I + (I-blur(I))

                                    “Add high frequency content”

                                                               Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Original image (I)
Image credit: Kayvon’s parents

                                 Stanford CS248, Winter 2021

          Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
I - blur(I)

              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
I + (I - blur(I))

                    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
What does convolution with these filters do?
 2             3      2                    3
     1 0 1                1     2        1
 4 2 0 25             40       0       0   5
     1 0 1               1     2       1
    Extracts horizontal     Extracts vertical
        gradients              gradients

                                                Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gradient detection filters
                             Horizontal gradients

                             Vertical gradients

                             Note: you can think of a filter as a
                             “detector” of a pattern, and the
                             magnitude of a pixel in the output
                             image as the “response” of the filter
                             to the region surrounding each pixel
                             in the input image (this is a common
                             interpretation in computer vision)
                                                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Sobel edge detection
▪ Compute gradient response images
        2       3
          1 0 1
  Gx = 4 2 0 25 ⇤ I                                        2      3
                                                             1 0 1
          1 0 1                                       Gx = 4 2 0 25 ⇤ I
       2            3                                        1 0 1
          1   2   1
  Gy = 4 0   0   0 5⇤I                                     2                           3
         1   2   1                                            1       2            1
                                                      Gy = 4 0       0            0 5⇤I
                                                             1       2            1

▪ Find pixels with large gradients
       q                                                   q
             2       2                                           2           2
  G=       Gx + Gy                                    G=       Gx + Gy
                     Pixel-wise operation on images
                                                                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Cost of convolution with N x N filter?
float input[(WIDTH+2) * (HEIGHT+2)];         In this 3x3 box blur example:
float output[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
                                             Total work per image = 9 x WIDTH x HEIGHT
float weights[] = {1./9, 1./9, 1./9,         For N x N filter: N2 x WIDTH x HEIGHT
                        1./9, 1./9, 1./9,
                        1./9, 1./9, 1./9};

for (int j=0; j
Separable filter
▪ A filter is separable if can be written as the outer product of
   two other filters. Example: a 2D box blur
        2         3    2 3
          1 1    1      1      ⇥              ⇤
       14            1       1
          1 1    15 = 4 15 ⇤     1 1      1
       9             3       3
          1 1    1      1

   -   Exercise: write 2D gaussian and vertical/horizontal
       gradient detection filters as product of 1D filters (they are

▪ Key property: 2D convolution with separable filter can be
   written as two 1D convolutions!
                                                              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Implementation of 2D box blur via two 1D convolutions
int WIDTH = 1024
int HEIGHT = 1024;
float input[(WIDTH+2) * (HEIGHT+2)];      Total work per image for NxN filter:
float tmp_buf[WIDTH * (HEIGHT+2)];
float output[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
                                          2N x WIDTH x HEIGHT

float weights[] = {1./3, 1./3, 1./3};

for (int j=0; j
Bilateral filter
                          Original                                                  After bilateral filter

             Example use of bilateral filter: removing noise while preserving image edges                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Bilateral filter
                         Original                                              After bilateral filter

            Example use of bilateral filter: removing noise while preserving image edges                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Bilateral filter                                                 Gaussian blur kernel          Input image

                 1 X
      BF[I](p) =        f (|I(x                     i, y     j)    I(x, y)|)G (i, j)I(x   i, y     j)
                 Wp i,j
(weights should sum to 1)
                                                      Re-weight based on difference
                 For all pixels in support region
                                                       in input image pixel values
                        of Gaussian kernel
                             1       X
                                  =       f (|I(x     i, y    j)    I(x, y)|)G (i, j)
                            Wp        i,j

  ▪ The bilateral filter is an “edge preserving” filter: down-weight contribution of pixels
       on the “other side” of strong edges. f (x) defines what “strong edge means”
  ▪ Spatial distance weight term f (x) could itself be a gaussian
        Or very simple: f (x) = 0 if x > threshold, 1 otherwise
 Value of output pixel (x,y) is the weighted sum of all pixels in the support region of a
 truncated gaussian kernel

 But weight is combination of spatial distance and input image pixel intensity difference.
 (the filter’s weights depend on input image content)
                                                                                             Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Bilateral filter                                                                             Pixels with significantly different intensity
                                                                                                 as p contribute little to filtered result (they
                                                       Input pixel p
                                                                                                 are “on the “other side of the edge”

                            Input image               G(): gaussian about input pixel p            f(): Influence of support region

                                       G x f: filter weights for pixel p               Filtered output image

Figure credit: Durand and Dorsey, “Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-Dynamic-Range Images”, SIGGRAPH 2002      Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Bilateral filter: kernel depends on image content

Figure credit: SIGGRAPH 2008 Course: “A Gentle Introduction to Bilateral Filtering and its Applications” Paris et al.   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Spatially local vs. frequency local edits
▪ We’ve talked about how to manipulate images in terms of
   adjusting pixel values (localize edits in space to certain pixels)

▪ We’ve talked about how to manipulate images in terms of
   adjusting coefficients of frequencies (localize edits to certain
   - Eliminate high frequencies (blur)
   - Increase high frequencies (sharpen)

                                                              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
But what if we wish to localize image edits
     both in space and in frequency?

       (Adjust certain frequency content of image,
           in a particular region of the image)

                                                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Josephine the Graphics Cat
                             Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

                                                                              G2 = down(G1)

                                                         G1 = down(G0)

               G0 = original image

Each image in pyramid contains increasingly low-pass filtered signal
down() = Gaussian blur, then downsample by factor of 2 in both X and Y dimensions
                                                                                         Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
▪ Step 1: Remove high frequencies
▪ Step 2: Sparsely sample pixels (in this example: every other pixel)
float input[(WIDTH+2) * (HEIGHT+2)];
float output[WIDTH/2 * HEIGHT/2];

float weights[] = {1/64, 3/64, 3/64, 1/64,         // 4x4 blur (approx Gaussian)
                        3/64, 9/64, 9/64, 3/64,
                        3/64, 9/64, 9/64, 3/64,
                        1/64, 3/64, 3/64, 1/64};

for (int j=0; j
Gaussian pyramid

              G0 (original image)
                                    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Gaussian pyramid

            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                                                                G1 = down(G0)

                                           Each (increasingly numbered) level in
                                           Laplacian pyramid represents a band
                                           of (increasingly lower) frequency
                                           information in the image

                        L0 = G0 - up(G1)
[Burt and Adelson 83]                                             Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid
                                                                                  L5 = G5

                                                                          L4 = G4 - up(G5)
                                                             L3 = G3 - up(G4)

                                          L2 = G2 - up(G3)

                   L1 = G1 - up(G2)

                        Question: how do you
                        reconstruct original image
                        from its Laplacian pyramid?

L0 = G0 - up(G1)                                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                         L0 = G0 - up(G1)
            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                         L1 = G1 - up(G2)
            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                         L2 = G2 - up(G3)
            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                         L3 = G3 - up(G4)
            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                         L4 = G4 - up(G5)
            (upsampled back to full res for visualization)   Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Laplacian pyramid

                    L5 = G5
                              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
▪ Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids are image representations
   where each pixel maintains information about frequency
   content in a region of the image

▪ Gi(x,y) — frequencies up to limit given by i

▪ Li(x,y) — frequencies added to Gi+1 to get Gi

▪ Notice: to boost the band of frequencies in image around
   pixel (x,y), increase coefficient Li(x,y) in Laplacian pyramid

                                                              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
A digital camera processing pipeline

                                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Main theme…
 The pixels you see on screen are quite different than the values
       recorded by the sensor in a modern digital camera.

 Image processing computations are now a fundamental aspect
  of producing high-quality pictures from commodity cameras.

            Sensor output

                                                  Beautiful image that
                                                 impresses your friends
                                                     on Instagram
                                                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Recall: pinhole camera (no lens)
                                          Scene object 1        Scene object 2

(every pixel measures light
intensity along ray of light
passing through pinhole and
arriving at pixel)


                                                               Sensor plane: (X,Y)
                               Pixel P1            Pixel P2
                                                                                 Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Camera with a lens

                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Camera with a large (zoom) lens

                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Review: out of focus camera                                                          Scene focal plane
                                               Scene object 1               Scene object 2

Out of focus camera: rays of
light from one point in scene
do not converge at point on

                                                                            Lens aperture

                                                                            Sensor plane: (X,Y)
                                Pixel P1                         Pixel P2

                                                                            Previous sensor
                                                                            plane location
                                           Circle of confusion
                                                                                         Stanford CS248, Winter 2021

        Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Out of focus camera
                                                   Scene focal plane

                                           Scene object 2

Out of focus camera: rays of
light from one point in scene
do not converge at point on

Rays of light from different               Lens aperture

scene points converge at
single point on sensor

                                           Sensor plane: (X,Y)
                                Pixel P1

                                           Previous sensor
                                           plane location
                                                        Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Sharp foreground / blurry background

                                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Cell phone camera lens(es)
(small aperture)

                             Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
“Portrait mode” (fake depth of field)
       ▪ Smart phone cameras have small apertures
      - Good: thin. lightweight lenses
      - Bad:
Synthetic Depth-of-Field
             cannot physicallywith
                              create aaesthetically
                                        Single-Camera         Mobile Phone
                                                    pleasing photographs with nice
                    bokeh, blurred background
    ▪ Answer:
CARROLL,       simulate behavior of large
         YAIR MOVSHOVITZ-ATTIAS,          apertureT.lens
                                      JONATHAN           using image
                                                     BARRON,    YAEL processing
                                                                     PRITCH, and MARC LEVOY,
          (hallucinate image formed by large aperture lens)
Google Research

                                                              (b) Person segmentation mask

               (a) Input image with detected face              (c) Mask + disparity from DP      (d) Our output synthetic shallow depth-of-field image
              Input image /w detected face                           Scene Depth                                  Generated image
Fig. 1. We present a system that uses a person segmentation mask (b)Estimate
                                                                        and a noisy depth map computed using (note  blurred dual-pixel
                                                                                                               the camera’s  background. (DP) auto-focus
                                                                                                             Blur increases
hardware (c) to produce a synthetic shallow depth-of-field image (d) with a depth-dependent blur on a mobile phone.          with
                                                                                                                    Our system      depth) as “Portrait
                                                                                                                               is marketed
Mode”       credit:Google-branded
        on several  [Wadha 2018]  phones.
                                                                                                                               Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
What part of image should be in focus?

   Focus on closest scene region
   Put center of image in focus
   Detect faces and focus on closest/largest face

Image credit: DPReview:
                                                                                               Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
The Sensor

             Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Front-side-illuminated (FSI) CMOS
                                         Pixel pitch:
                                        A few microns
           ~50% Fill Factor

Courtesy R. Motta, Pixim                      Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Metal 4

Courtesy R. Motta, Pixim    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Color filter array

Courtesy R. Motta, Pixim           Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Digital image sensor: color filter array (Bayer mosaic)
     ▪ Color filter array placed over sensor
     ▪ Result: different pixels have different spectral response (each pixel
           measures red, green, or blue light)
     ▪ 50% of pixels are green pixels                                    Pixel response curve: Canon 40D/50D

                          Traditional Bayer mosaic
              (other filter patterns exist: e.g., Sony’s RGBE)
                                                                                       f( )
Image credit:
Wikipedia, Christian Buil (                              Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
      ▪ Produce RGB image from mosaiced input image
      ▪ Basic algorithm: bilinear interpolation of mosaiced values (need 4 neighbors)
      ▪ More advanced algorithms:
             -   Bicubic interpolation (wider filter support region… may overblur)
             -   Good implementations attempt to find and preserve edges in photo

Image credit: Mark Levoy
                                                                                 Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
High dynamic range / exposure / noise

                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021


                       Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Denoising via downsampling

          Downsample via     Downsample via averaging
          point sampling     (bilinear resampling)
          (noise remains)    Noise reduced

                                         Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Median filter
uint8 input[(WIDTH+2) * (HEIGHT+2)];
uint8 output[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
for (int j=0; j
Saturated pixels   Pixels have saturated (no detail in image)

                                                     Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Global tone mapping
      ▪ Measured image values: 10-12 bits/pixel, but common image formats (8-bits/pixel)
      ▪ How to convert 12 bit number to 8 bit number?
                                      255                               255

      out(x,y) = f(in(x,y))                       low resolution                 Allow many pixels to “blow
                                                throughout entire                out” (detail in dark regions)

                                        0                                    0
                                                                212                                          212

255                                   255                               255
        Allow many pixels to
       clamp to black (detail
         in bright regions)
                                               clamp darkest darks and
                                              brightest brights to reserve
                                                resolution in midtowns

  0                                     0                                    0
                                212                             212                                          212
                                                                                            Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Global tone mapping

roceedings, August 1997                                  Allow many pixels to “blow
                                                         out” (detail in dark regions)


                                                     Allow many pixels to
                                                    clamp to black (detail
                                                      in bright regions)

                          Figure 6: Sixteen photographs
                                                0       of a church  taken at 1-stop increments  from 30
                                                                           212 borders seen in some of t
                          glass window, making it especially bright. The blue

                                                                  Red                    Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Local tone mapping
 IGGRAPH’97 Conference Proceedings, August 1997

       ▪ Different regions of the image undergo different tone mapping
           curves (preserve detail in both dark and bright regions)
                                         (a)                                            (b)

                              From the SIGGRAPH’97 Conference Proceedings, August 1997

en at 1-stop increments from 30 sec to   (d)   sec. The sun is directly behind the(e)rightmost stained
                                                                                               Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Local tone adjustment
                         Short Exposure                 Medium Exposure                  Long Exposure

    Pixel values


                                      (a) Input images with corresponding weight maps
      Improve picture’s aesthetics by locally
                Figure  2.  Exposure
      adjusting contrast, boosting darkfusion is guided by weight maps for each inp
                a pixel should appear in the final image. These weights reflect de
      regions, decreasing  bright regions
                contrast and saturation. Image courtesy of Jacques Joffre.
      (no physical basis at all!)

                                         Combined image
                                  we do     notperneed
                                        weights    pixel) to      worry about calibra-             compress the
[Image credit:images
  (a) Input         tion
               Mertens 2007]
                     with   of the camera
                          corresponding          response curve, and keeping(b)track
                                        weight maps                                     of
                                                                                 Fused result      which
                                                                                                  Stanford CS248,decomp
                                                                                                                  Winter 2021
Challenge of merging images

                    Four different exposures (corresponding weight masks not shown)

                Merged result                                              Merged result
           (based on weight masks)                                 (after blurring weight mask)
 Notice “banding” since absolute intensity of                        Notice “halos” near edges
       different exposures is different
                                                                                                  Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Use of Laplacian pyramid in tone mapping
▪ Compute weights for all Laplacian pyramid levels
▪ Merge pyramids (merge image features), not image pixels
▪ Then “flatten” merged pyramid to get final image

                                                            Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
Challenges of merging images

                                  Four exposures (weights not shown)

                  Merged result                                          Merged result
          (after blurring weight mask)                     (based on multi-resolution pyramid merge)
            Notice “halos” near edges
Why does merging Laplacian pyramids work better than merging image pixels?
                                                                                           Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
▪ Image processing is now a fundamental part of producing a pleasing photograph
▪ Used to compensate for physical constraints
    Today: demosaic, tone mapping
    Other examples not discussed today: denoise, lens distortion correction, etc.
▪ Used to determine how to configure camera (e.g., autofocus)
▪ Used to make non-physically plausible images that have aesthetic merit

                 Sensor output

                                                           Beautiful image that
                                                          impresses your friends
                                                              on Instagram
                                                                           Stanford CS248, Winter 2021
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