Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management

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Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management
Asset Management

          Impact and
          engagement report
          Credit Suisse (Lux)
          Edutainment Equity Fund

First anniversary of the fund: September 25, 2020
Q4 2020
Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management

of education                                       One year on                                                            4

                                                   Introduction                                                           5

                                                   Impact                                                                 6

                                                   UN Sustainable Development Goals                                       7
                                                   Developing countries                                                   8
                                                   Developed countries                                                   16
                                                   The impact of COVID-19 on EdTech                                      21
                                                   Support for students and teachers amid the crisis
                                                   from our portfolio companies                                          24
                                                   The future of learning is EdTech                                      26
                                                   Profound changes in the workforce                                     27

                                                   Key outcomes                                                          30
                                                   How our portfolio companies are generating impact                     31
                                                   Quantitative impact summary                                           32

                                                   Active ownership                                                      36
                                                   Proxy voting                                                          38
                                                   Instructure, Inc., voting case study                                  39
                                                   Engagements                                                           40
                                                   Our socially responsible investing (SRI) and impact questionnaire    41
                                                   2U reporting on impact and ESG issues case study                      42
                                                   Summary of our activities                                             48
                                                   ESG reporting                                                         49

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Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management
One year on                                                                                                 Introduction
       One year has passed since we launched the Credit Suisse (Lux)
       Edutainment Equity Fund. We are both humbled by and proud
       of what we have been able to achieve in such a short time.
       The fund has become the world’s largest mutual fund focused
       on educational technologies (EdTech).

                                                                                                                We are very grateful for the support we have                  Since we are not constrained by any bench-
                                                                                                                received from our clients around the world who                mark, we can invest where we find the best
                                                                                                                have recognized this investment opportunity and               opportunities. As such, almost half
                                                                                                                have entrusted us with their capital. We have                 of the portfolio is invested in Asia, and almost
                                                                                                                built a portfolio of disruptors and innovators that           one-third in emerging markets.
                                                                                                                are improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
                                                                                                                education and life-long learning.                             This also means that we are one of the largest
                                                                                                                                                                              institutional investors in many of our portfolio
                                                                                                                Our pure-play investment philosophy and focus                 companies, which gives us a powerful voice and
                                                                                                                on innovators means that we invest primarily in               direct access to senior management when
                                                                                                                smaller companies, in many cases yesterday’s                  discussing critical issues. We have taken full
                                                                                                                start-ups that have only recently debuted on                  advantage of this opportunity, engaging with the
                                                                                                                public markets. Because so much of the EdTech                 majority of our companies on a range of topics.
                                                                                                                market is not yet listed, most investors in the               Our goal is to maintain a continuous dialogue.
                                                                                                                sector are venture capital and private equity
                                                                                                                funds. The small companies on the listed market               We have tried to help our companies address
                                                                                                                are typically poorly covered by analysts, particu-            any ESG concerns highlighted by our third-party
                                                                                                                larly in terms of their environmental, social, and            ESG data providers, asking them to consider
                                                                                                                governance (ESG) score, and, in most cases,                   the impact of their products and services on
                                                                                                                we have had to rely on our own analyses of                    achieving relevant United Nations Sustainable
                                                                                                                financial and nonfinancial metrics.                           Development Goals (UN SDGs) and suggesting
                                                                                                                                                                              additional initiatives where appropriate.
                                                                                                                For our clients, this means that we offer a
                                                                                                                portfolio of companies that are largely undiscov-             In this report, we summarize the key outcomes
                                                                                                                ered, typically with little overlap with their existing       of these initiatives and report on our engage-
                                                                                                                holdings. Over 80% of our portfolio is allocated              ment activities.
                                                                                                                to companies below USD 10 bn market
                                                                                                                capitalization (mcap) in size, and nearly 50%
                                                                                                                to companies smaller than USD 2.5 bn mcap.
       Dr. Kirill Pyshkin                 Angus Muirhead              Dominik Scheck     Filippo Rima
       Portfolio Manager of               Head of Thematic            Head of ESG        Head of Equities
       the Credit Suisse (Lux)            Equities at Credit Suisse   at Credit Suisse   at Credit Suisse
       Edutainment Equity Fund            Asset Management            Asset Management   Asset Management

                                                                                                                More information on ESG and ESG investment criteria is available at and
                                                                                                                For more information about the Citywire award and the LuxFLAG label, please visit

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Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management
Impact                                                           UN Sustainable
                                                                 Development Goals

       2U was founded to help eliminate the back row in
       higher education, and creating greater access to
       relevant, high-quality education has always been core
       to our mission. As our largest impact-focused investor,
       Credit Suisse has been a leader and excellent partner                                    When we started looking at the education sector
                                                                                                just over one year ago, we were perplexed by the
                                                                                                                                                              reasons why the costs of teaching have spiraled
                                                                                                                                                              out of control. According to the US Commerce
       in fostering our socially responsible mission. Together                                  very low penetration of digital technologies, and             Department, the cost of higher education in the US

       we believe that meeting society’s growing demand                                         recognized this as an excellent investment
                                                                                                                                                              has risen 4.5 times over the 25 years to 2015.
                                                                                                                                                              This cost inflation is approximately 2.5 times
       for more accessible and affordable education is not                                      Services in the education sector have been
                                                                                                                                                              higher than that for groceries, and approximately
                                                                                                                                                              twice as high as the inflation experienced in the
       only the right thing to do, it is also the best path to                                  delivered in almost the same way for centuries.
                                                                                                There has been very little innovation, and the
                                                                                                                                                              healthcare sector in the US (another notoriously
                                                                                                                                                              inefficient sector).1
       generating long-term value creation for shareholders.                                    penetration of digital technologies remained low,
                                                                                                at just 2% to 3%, for a long time. This penetration           This escalation in the cost of education is
                                                                                                was materially lower than in practically any other            extremely unfortunate, since education is the
       Chip Paucek                                                                              sector today and stands in stark contrast to a                very foundation of socioeconomic development
       CEO and founder of 2U Inc.                                                               number of other sectors, which are currently being            and contributes to the elimination of poverty and
       (our largest portfolio position as of July 2020)                                         disrupted to their core by technology-based                   inequality. Education can be directly linked to
                                                                                                innovations. Examples of this type of disruption              prosperity and health, as well as higher quality of
                                                                                                include the hospitality sector, where Airbnb and              life and general life satisfaction. Conversely, low
                                                                                                Vrbo successfully compete with hotel operators;               levels of education are linked with lower earn-
                                                                                                the media sector, where Netflix and Hulu are                  ings, unemployment, poor health, and home-
       2U Credit Suisse video                                                                   disrupting traditional cable and satellite pay-TV             lessness. This is why access to quality education
                                                                                                services; and the retail sector, where Amazon,                is the UN’s fourth SDG, and achieving this goal
                                                                                                eBay, and Alibaba have made a significant impact              also contributes to other UN SDGs – reducing
                                                                                                on traditional retailers worldwide.                           poverty and inequality, fighting hunger, achieving
                                                                                                                                                              good health and well-being, gender equality,
                                                                                                This low level of adoption of technological                   decent economic growth, and innovation.
                                                                                                innovation in the education sector is one of the

                                                                        UN SDG 4:
                                                                        Ensure inclusive and equita-
                                                                        ble quality education and
                                                                        promote lifelong learning
                                                                        opportunities for all

                                                                      Bureau of Economic Analysis, Lumen Learning, 2015,

                                                                  All securities mentioned in this publication are meant for illustration purposes only and are not intended as a solicitation
                                                                  or an offer to buy or sell these securities.

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Developing countries

                              Access to education is particularly important         poor quality and vastly understaffed. Given
                              in developing economies, where every dollar           capacity constraints, online learning is perhaps          Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund: portfolio breakdown
                              invested in education delivers USD 10 of              the only way in which children from the lowest-
                              economic return. Typically, education is more         income brackets can access quality education.             Portfolio allocation by country (in %)                                 Top ten holdings (in %)
                              highly valued in developing countries because         We have recognized this in our fund from the
                              they have fewer people with advanced degrees          beginning, which – as a result – has dispropor-                           1.9                                                    2U, Inc.                                         3.6
                              than the countries belonging to the Organization      tionally large exposure to developing markets, with                 2.0                                                          Medley, Inc.                                     3.4
                              for Economic Co-operation and Development             China and Brazil alone accounting for more than                                                                                  Chegg, Inc.                                      3.3
                              (OECD). Graduates earn more in general, but in        25% of the fund, and Chinese companies Youdao                     2.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Offcn Education Technology Co Ltd.               3.1
                              societies with greater inequality the difference in   and GSX Techedu being among the top ten                                                       4.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     K12, Inc.                                        3.1
                              earning power is magnified.                           holdings.
                                                                                                                                                                     4.0                                             Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc.                       2.9
                              Access to education is particularly relevant for                                                                                                                                       Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc.           2.8
                              people in developing countries, since education                                                                                  7.8                                                   Pluralsight, Inc.                                2.8
                              systems in lower-income countries are often of                                                                                                                                         MedPeer, Inc.                                    2.8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Oriental Education                           2.7
                                                                                                                                                              8.4                                                    & Technology Group, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Total                                           30.5


                                                                                                                                                     US                                   Australia
                                                                                                                                                     Japan                                India
                                                                                                                                                     China                                Sweden
                                                                                                                                                     United Kingdom                       Cyprus
                                                                                                                                                     Brazil                               Other

                                                                                                                                          Source Credit Suisse, data as of October 2020
                                                                                                                                          This is an indicative allocation, which may change over time.

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Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management
Developing countries

                                                                              How online learning expands access and                        While the number of students in China is huge
                                                                              reduces the cost of education in China                        and education offers real benefits, there are
                                                                              The World Bank’s Gini coefficient is a well-­­                simply not enough university places available
                                                                              es­tablished measure of economic inequality.                  for everyone who wants in. Every year, around
                                                                              China’s score is higher than that of most OECD                ten million Chinese students take the National
                                                                              countries, with the notable exception of the US.2             College Entrance Examination, known as
                                                                              China has one of the world’s lowest percentages               gaokao, at the age of 18, but according
                                                                              of university degree holders in their adult popula-           to Frost & Sullivan, there are only places at
                                                                              tion. According to the OECD, that percentage                  university for 40% of them, fewer than 10%
                                                                              was less than 10% in 2015, compared to more                   are accepted into the top 150 universities,
                                                                              than 30% for the EU, more than 40% for the US                 and fewer than 1% get into the highest-ranking
                                                                              and the UK, and more than 50% for Russia and                  universities like Peking and Tsinghua.7 The
                                                                              Canada.3 China has a target to reach 20% by                   competition is therefore extreme because in
                                                                              the end of 2020, but even if that were achieved,              a country with great inequality, the gaokao
                                                                              China would still rank below 80% of the countries             may be one of few truly egalitarian opportunities
                                                                              in the world. Nevertheless, according to the                  to climb up the ladder to a better future.
                                                                              McKinsey Global Institute, growing spending
                                                                              on education contributes 13% to China’s                       Preparing for these tests is therefore extremely
                                                                              consumption growth.4                                          important, and parents often spend a dispropor-
                                                                                                                                            tionate amount of money on after-school tutoring.
                                                                              Despite the low percentage of university gradu-               According to the Chinese National Bureau of
                                                                              ates in Chinese society, the absolute numbers                 Statistics, approximately 10% of all Chinese
                                                                              are staggering. According to the World Economic               household income is spent on education,
                                                                              Forum and UNESCO, in 2016 there were                          compared to just 2% in the US.8 In a country
                                                                              78 million degree holders in China, compared                  with relatively few private schools (only 6% of
                                                                              to 67 million in the US and 29 million in Russia.5            primary and 10% of secondary schools are
                                                                              China’s degree holders account for approximately              private according to the OECD), most of this
                                                                              12% of the world’s total and, if current trends               spending is likely on supplementary tuition.
                                                                              persist, by 2030 they will account for over a
                                                                              quarter. The pace of growth is also impressive,
                                                                              as there are a further 43 million students currently
                                                                              at university.6

                                         2  World Bank,
                                         3  Thematic Investing – Let’s Get Smart – Global Education Primer, BoAML 2016, p. 24.
                                         4 Ibid., p. 73.
                                         5 Ibid., p. 25.
                                         6 Chinese Government Statistics,
                                         7 Fu, Y. China’s Unfair College Admissions System. The Atlantic.

                                            Retrieved from: (last accessed on June 19, 2013).
                                         8 Education; Back to Basics – Citi GPS, 2017, p. 133.

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Developing countries

                                     Youdao and GSX Techedu – our top ten                          Thus, it comes as no surprise that there is still                                              Although the penetration rate of online tutoring is      Another benefit of the use of technology is
                                     holdings as of July 2020                                      room for improvement in terms of the quality of                                                low, varying between 15% and 25%, this way of            adaptive learning. This means tailoring the
                                     After-school tutoring in particular has seen                  education, especially in rural areas. In the                                                   obtaining education is proving increasingly popular.     complexity of the material and the speed of
                                     explosive growth. Revenues at the two market                  meantime, Chinese students today receive                                                       According to Frost & Sullivan, Chinese families          delivery to the level of each individual student
                                     leaders – New Oriental Education and                          around 20 hours of extra tuition per week, far                                                 spent an estimated RMB 64 bn on online tutoring          in a manner similar to individual tuition, which is
                                     TAL Education – have grown threefold and                      more than children in most other countries.                                                    in 2019, and this is projected to grow at an annual      extremely expensive. Youdao’s online courses,
                                     eightfold, respectively, over the last five years.                                                                                                           rate of 65% by 2023.14                                   for example, come with a smart pen used for
                                     Today, they are of a similar size, each with                  Both New Oriental and TAL started out offering                                                                                                          exercises. This pen transmits the results back
                                     around USD 3.5 bn (RMB 25 bn) in annual                       after-school tutoring in a traditional classroom                                               Online education also appears to have solved             to the company, enabling quick feedback and
                                     revenue.9 There were also two purely online                   environment. They started in tier-one cities such                                              the scale issue with a dual-teacher model. In this       grading, and the system can even suggest
                                     publicly listed companies with revenues above                 and Beijing and Shanghai, and now that the larger                                              model, the primary tutor delivers a lesson online to     additional exercises for each student based on
                                     USD 100 mn in 2019: GSX Techedu and                           cities are well penetrated, the growth opportunity                                             a class of several thousand students. The class is       their progress. Students, in turn, like the pen
                                     Youdao. These companies’ revenues more                        is in smaller towns and cities. However, this is not                                           then split into smaller groups with a teaching           because Chinese tests are paper-based, so the
                                     than double each year.                                        without challenges. Lower-tier cities are often in                                             assistant assigned to each group. In this way,           use of pens helps create an experience that is
                                                                                                   rural and remote locations, and it is more difficult                                           the delivery of course content is separated from         very similar to the actual exam. According to
                                     This type of after-school tutoring, paid for by               to recruit high-quality tutors. This is a tough and                                            the checking of assignments and dealing with             the company, there are now 30,000 smart pens
                                     parents and filling the gap left by state education,          unfortunate reality, because children from remote                                              individual questions in order to “industrialize the      in daily use, and Youdao is working on further
                                     is clearly proliferating. According to the Chinese            areas need to pass the same gaokao as everyone                                                 process” and allow for greater economies of scale.       improving connectivity between the smart pen
                                     National Bureau of Statistics, China spends just              else to win their ticket to a better life.                                                     As a result, after-school tutoring can be delivered at   and the course content.
                                     over 5% on education as a percentage of GDP,                                                                                                                 an affordable price of less than USD 10 per hour,
                                     only slightly below the US, UK, and other high-               Technology is helping to solve this problem.                                                   while the main tutors can earn a very attractive
                                     income countries (this figure is typically between            Thanks to digital technologies, online after-school                                            salary (e.g. average in excess of USD 150,000 per
                                     3% and 4% for low-income countries).10 Howev-                 tutoring services can be delivered affordably to the                                           year working for GSX Techedu). This ensures
                                     er, on a per capita basis, China spends less than             most remote areas and offered to a much larger                                                 recruitment and retention of the best talent in the
                                     USD 500, compared to more than USD 3,000                      number of students. Purely online players such as                                              industry. The online model also enables primary
                                     in the US and UK.11                                           GSX Techedu and Youdao have been specifically                                                  tutors to be based in a location of their choosing.
                                                                                                   targeting lower-tier cities as they recognize the
                                     As a result, class size in China is typically twice           opportunity presented by lower penetration rates.
                                     as large. The national standard in China is                   As a result, they have enjoyed sales growth rates
                                     45 students, which compares to just over 20 in                in excess of 100%. However, they also deliver an
                                     the average OECD class. A 2017 study found                    important socioeconomic benefit to remote areas,
                                     a primary school in Henan with 113 students                   where children may not have any other opportunity
                                     per class.12 In 27 provinces, the average high                to access quality tutoring and thus prepare for
                                     school class was larger than the national                     exams. Technology is therefore directly improving
                                     standard, and in twelve provinces the average                 access to education and contributing to the UN’s
                                     was higher than 55 students.13 The Chinese                    fourth SDG.
                                     government has set a goal of classes no larger
                                     than 56 students by 2020.

9 Credit Suisse based on Bloomberg data.
10 Education; Back to Basics – Citi GPS, 2017, p. 136.
11 Ibid., p. 11.
12 Sixth Tone,
13 Brookings Institute,                            14   Frost & Sullivan data from the GSX Techedu IPO Prospectus, p. 95.

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Developing countries

                                        Technology can also be used to improve students’              An even more encouraging sign for the future is                                              of the average student in OECD countries and, in    Chinese education system. However, its potential
                                        engagement. Facial recognition algorithms, for                that, despite relatively low per capita government                                           fact, skills similar to the 10% most advantaged     stretches far beyond the borders of any individual
                                        example, can ensure that students are paying                  spending on education, Chinese students are                                                  students in some of those countries.16 “You         country, even one as important as China. Educa-
                                        attention, and warn tutors if they are losing their           among the best performers in the world. In the                                               don’t have to spend more to do better, that is      tion technology and artificial intelligence maximize
                                        audience.                                                     most recent Program for International Student                                                one conclusion,” said the OECD Secretary­-          human potential and help to develop a knowledge
                                                                                                      Assessment (PISA), Chinese students topped                                                   General, Angel Gurría, at a news conference in      economy. According to McKinsey, learning and
                                        In these ways, the use of technology can improve              the rankings in all three categories of reading,                                             Paris after the results were announced.             artificial intelligence will unlock USD 13 tn of
                                        both the efficiency and effectiveness of education            math, and science. The regions of Beijing,                                                                                                       global economic growth by 2030. China is at the
                                        while making it more affordable and accessible.               Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, with a com-                                                 As we have demonstrated, education technology       forefront of these investments, and we should
                                        Education technology has been recognized as                   bined population of 180 million participating as                                             has helped solve some of the bottlenecks in the     take notice.17
                                        the solution to China’s specific problems, which              a single region, came in 1st among 37 OECD
                                        is why the country has seen the largest inflow of             and 42 partner countries. For comparison, in
                                        venture capital investments into the EdTech field.            the reading category, which OECD considers
                                        According to the 2020 EdTechX Global Report,                  the primary indicator, Singapore came in 2nd,                       OECD 2018 PISA results
                                        China received half of the USD 8.1 bn global                  Macao (China) 3rd, Hong Kong (China) 4th,
                                        venture capital investments in EdTech in 2018,                the US 13th, the UK 14th, Japan 15th, Germa-                        Rank                         Reading                       Mathematics                         Science
                                        and around 200 Chinese online education compa-                ny 20th, France 23rd, and Switzerland 28th.                         1 B-S-J-Z* (China)            555                          591                                  590
                                        nies raised capital in 2018. This amount is 2.5               Moreover, the 10% most socioeconomically
                                                                                                                                                                          2 Singapore                   549                          569                                  551
                                        times higher than the amount invested in the US,              disadvantaged students in those four Chinese
                                        which traditionally dominates the tech scene.15               regions showed better reading skills than those                     3 Macao (China)               525                          558                                  544
                                                                                                                                                                          4 Hong Kong (China)           524                          551                                  517
                                                                                                                                                                          ...                           ...                          ...                                  ...

                                            Investments in EdTech                                                                                                         13 United States              505                          478                                  502
                                            Out of USD 8.1 bn in venture capital invested globally in 2018                                                                14 United Kingdom             504                          502                                  505
                                            60                                                                                                                            15 Japan                      504                          527                                  529
                                                                                                                                                                          ...                           ...                          ...                                  ...
                                                                                                                                                                          20 Germany                    498                          500                                  503
                                            40                                                                                                                            ...                           ...                          ...                                  ...
                                                                                                                                                                          23 France                     493                          495                                  493
                                                                                                                                                                          ...                           ...                          ...                                  ...
                                            20                                                        15%                                                                 28 Switzerland                484                          515                                  495
                                            10                                                                           8%                 7%                            ...                           ...                          ...                                  ...
                                                                                                                                                                          OECD Average                  487                          489                                  489
                                                          China                  US             Asia (ex China)         Europe             ROW
                                                                                                                                                                     Source OECD, PISA 2018 Database
                                        Source Learning is the new tech: EdTechX, Credit Suisse, 2020, p. 12.                                                        * B-S-J-Z refers to Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang.

                                                                                                                                                           16   OECD,
15   Learning is the new tech, EdTechX, Credit Suisse, 2020.                                                                                               17   Learning is the new tech, EdTechX, Credit Suisse, 2020.

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Developed countries

                               In developed countries, the cost of higher              Yet the system remains inefficient: 37% of US                                          Chegg – our top ten holding as of July 2020                These schools serve students of all abilities,
                               education has increased much faster than                students do not graduate, 40% attend remedial                                          Our portfolio companies directly contribute to             backgrounds, and circumstances. Approximately
                               inflation, and online education is one solution         courses, while the average level of student                                            improving the efficacy of education. For example,          13% of students at K12-powered schools have
                               to the cost issue for lower-income communities.         debt at graduation was USD 37,000 in 2016.                                             the US tech company Chegg, which has been                  special needs. These are students with all types of
                               In addition, the quality of education varies dramati-   Online learning can help improve the quality                                           one of our top holdings since inception, helps             needs, including learning disabilities, autism,
                               cally. For example, since 1990, education costs in      at the lower end, providing tools to teachers,                                         students prepare for exams, aided by 43 million            speech challenges, cognitive disabilities, physical,
                               the US have grown 450% compared to grocery              students, and parents to enhance the quality                                           pieces of learning library content and 24/7                social, or emotional needs, vision or hearing
                               inflation of 70% and healthcare inflation of 213%.      of their educational experience.                                                       access to tutors. As many as 92% of students               impairments, and more. Every need – mild to
                                                                                                                                                                              say that Chegg Study helps them get better                 severe – is met through online schooling.
                                                                                                                                                                              grades, and the company has become one of
                                                                                                                                                                              the best-known brands among US students.                   In the 2017–2018 school year, a majority of K12
                                                                                                                                                                              Chegg has announced its ambition to become                 partner schools served higher percentages of
                                                                                                                                                                              a trusted partner for students and a connected             students eligible for special education services
                                                                                                                                                                              learning platform that follows students through            than their states did. Thirty K12 partner schools
                                                                                                                                                                              university and also helps them find a job.                 served higher percentages of students eligible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for free and reduced-price lunches than their
                                                                                                                                                                              K12 – our top ten holding as of July 2020                  states served.
                                                                                                                                                                              Another of our largest holdings, K12 Inc., has
                                                                                                                                                                              been educating youngsters in the US who may                The longer students stay enrolled in online school,
                                                                                                                                                                              not otherwise be able to attend school due to              the better their academic outcomes. Compared to
                                                                                                                                                                              their particular life circumstances.                       students enrolled in K12 partner schools for less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         than one year, students enrolled for four years or
                                                                                                                                                                              K12 has educated more than two million students            more achieved higher percentages at or above
                                                                                                                                                                              during the past two decades at over 70 full-time           proficiency on assessments: 20 percentage points
                                                                                                                                                                              online public and private schools, approximately           higher in English language arts; 11 percentage
                                                                                                                                                                              1,000 school districts encompassing all 50 US              points higher in reading; and 15 percentage points
                                                                                                                                                                              states, and more than 100 countries. K12-­                 higher in mathematics.18
                                                                                                                                                                              powered schools educate one in three online
                                                                                                                                                                              students in the US – more full-time online                 To date, more than 50,000 students have
                                                                                                                                                                              students than anyone else in the country.                  graduated from K12’s full-time partner schools,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the parent satisfaction rate is over 80%.
                                                                                                                                                                              K12-powered schools are staffed by more than               Alumni have gone on to enroll in two- and
                                                                                                                                                                              6,000 teachers specially trained to facilitate             four-year colleges, enter the workforce, run
                                                                                                                                                                              online learning. In addition to robust onboarding          their own businesses, serve in the military, win
                                                                                                                                                                              and ongoing professional development, K12                  Olympic medals, and more.
                                                                                                                                                                              has worked with Southern New Hampshire
                                                                                                                                                                              University to launch a Master’s of Education in
                                                                                                                                                                              Online Instruction program. Since the program
                                                                                                                                                                              began in July 2019, nearly 500 K12-powered
                                                                                                                                                                              teachers have enrolled, solidifying their role as
                                                                                                                                                                              leaders in online learning.

                                                                                                                                        18   K12 Inc. 2018 Academic Report:, p. 7.

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Impact and engagement report - Credit Suisse (Lux) Edutainment Equity Fund Asset Management
Developed countries

                               As the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools               learning for the first time, K12 provided free       In recent years, EdTech has gained some
                               across the US in the spring of 2020, K12              and discounted access to tools and resources         traction. Online learning apps, for example, now         Practical benefits of EdTech
                               responded by making a host of resources               including the Big Universe library of e-books,       have hundreds of millions of users. Other forms          Virtual education is:
                               available to help teachers and families navigate      with over 2,000 titles in Spanish; discounted        of EdTech, such as curriculum management
                               this new space. This included free training for       tuition at The Keystone School; and a library of     software, e-textbooks, and communications                          Cost-efficient
                               teachers transitioning to online education and        free webinars and materials to help families         and administration platforms have become more                      It reduces costs, providing access to
                               complimentary trial access for school districts       navigate the academic and personal challenges        effective, while the costs of devices and the                      quality education on a global scale to
                               to K12’s digital content and hosting platform,        brought on by the pandemic. To date, more than       data required to use them have plummeted.                          people with limited resources,
                               professional development, and educational             200,000 families, teachers, students, and schools    Gamification and the use of adaptive learning                      geographical restrictions, and physical
                               services. For families encountering online            have signed up for these programs and webinars.      are creating engaging and personalized learning                    disabilities.
                                                                                                                                          journeys for students. Classrooms are starting to
                                                                                                                                          adopt these technologies, and teachers and
                                                                                                                                          students are increasingly able and willing to
                               Addressing the digital divide                                                                              make use of them.                                                  Flexible
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Students can get assistance
                               As reliance on EdTech increases, a primary            subscriptions than those in the least-­developed                                                                        on demand based on their
                               concern is limited broadband access and device        countries. Most schoolchildren                                                                                          individual pace and needs.
                               ownership in both developed and developing            in Africa do not have devices or connectivity.
                               countries. This has highlighted the digital divide    In Ghana, less than half of the population has
                               between those with access to information and          mobile phone internet access.
                               communications technology and those without,                                                                                                                                  Effective
                               as well as inequalities in access to opportunities,   Even in developed countries, digital access is not                                                                      Different digital formats can improve
                               knowledge, services, and goods.                       ubiquitous. Only two-thirds of rural Americans                                                                          learning outcomes and increase
                                                                                     report a home broadband connection. Roughly                                                                             students’ engagement by applying
                               More than four billion people worldwide now           three out of ten adults with yearly household                                                                           a multisensory approach.
                               have access to the internet, but broadband            incomes below USD 30,000 (29%) do not own
                               access is unevenly distributed and costs can be       a smartphone. More than four out of ten do not
                               prohibitive. While the digital divide is closing      have home broadband service (44%) or a
                               as prices of devices and data fall and reliable       traditional computer (46%). In the UK, an
                               4G and 5G data coverage extends globally,             estimated 15% of students in low-income areas
                               people in developed countries are still four          do not have access to an electronic device for
                               times more likely to have mobile broadband            learning from home.

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The impact of COVID-19
                                         on EdTech

                                                                             Before the coronavirus outbreak, EdTech expendi-                their teaching online. By late April 2020,
                                                                             ture was forecast to grow at 15% CAGR in                        approximately 1.7 billion students were studying
                                                                             2019–2025 and reach more than USD 400 bn by                     remotely using a mix of workplace and education
                                                                             2025. And then the coronavirus hit. Adoption and                technologies including Zoom, Google Class-
                                                                             usage have swelled, and the demand for EdTech                   rooms, and Microsoft Teams.
                                                                             solutions has grown exponentially, fast-tracking
                                                                             the digitalization of education by five to ten years.           According to the language learning app Duolingo,
                                                                                                                                             traffic typically spiked three to five days after the
                                                                             COVID-19 compelled the world’s students and                     introduction of lockdowns. Traffic doubled first in
                                                                             educators to switch to remote learning overnight.               China, then Korea, and then grew by 135% in
                                                                             According to data from UNESCO, 191 countries                    Spain, 100% in Italy, and 90% in the US. There
                                                                             implemented nationwide closures, affecting                      were two main types of users: students assigned
                                                                             around 98% of the world’s student population.19                 online learning material by teachers, and adult
                                                                             As a result, an unprecedented and rapid adop-                   learners stuck at home taking courses. Coursera
                                                                             tion of online learning has taken place in recent               saw a fivefold increase in new learner enrollments,
                                                                             months. At the peak of the crisis, more than                    with personal-development courses seeing the
                                                                             90% of the world’s schools and a majority of                    highest interest, and a tenfold increase in overall
                                                                             universities closed their doors and migrated                    enrollments.20

                                                                           EdTech adoption life cycle

                                                                             PRE-COVID                                POST-COVID

                                                                                                EdTech adoption
                                                                                                fast-tracked by five
                                                                                                to ten years


                                                                             2.5%                 13.5%               34%                     34%                     16%
                                                                             Innovators           Early adopters      Early majority          Later majority          Laggards

                                                                       Source Credit Suisse, “COVID-19, The (Great) Disruptor of Education and Work,” used with kind permission of EdTechX
                                         19, last accessed on May 12, 2020.
                                         20 GSV Virtual Summit Series (Program 1 – Wednesday, April 1, 2020).

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The impact of COVID-19 on EdTech

                                     When the first COVID-19 cases emerged
                                     in China and schools were shut down, online
                                     learning companies opened their courses for
                                     free and new user numbers often increased by
                                     a factor of ten. Koolearn, GSX, and Youdao
                                     – three purely online after-school tutoring services
                                     –­each registered over ten million enrollments in
                                     free courses during this period, which compares
                                     to a pre-pandemic paid user base of hundreds of
                                     thousands. Education app downloads in China
                                     have soared to 127 million – almost double the
                                     pre-crisis figure.21 There has also been a surge
                                     in sales of iPads in China as schools moved
                                     online, resulting in shortages.22

                                     As the virus spread, EdTech companies around
                                     the globe saw similar increases in user numbers.
                                     Seesaw, which allows students to build a digital
                                     portfolio of work to share with parents or teachers,
                                     increased its reach tenfold within a month when
                                     schools began to shut down in March 2020.23
                                     Google Classrooms, which allows teachers to
                                     send lessons and materials to students, doubled
                                     its users to 100 million in March 2020.24
                                     BYJU’S, the Indian online learning app, added
                                     six million new users in the same month.25 In
                                     Brazil, Estacio registered 55% growth in purely
                                     online distance-learning student enrollments
                                     during Q1 2020. In the US, Chegg saw a 35%
                                     increase in subscriptions to its online learning
                                     services over the same quarter. Newsela, an app
                                     providing engaging digital content and learning
                                     resources, signed up thousands of US schools
                                     within just a few weeks.

21, last accessed on May 11, 2020.
22, last accessed on May 11, 2020.
23, last accessed on May 12, 2020.
24, last accessed on May 14, 2020.

    articleshow/75009408.cms, last accessed on May 12, 2020.

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Support for students and
teachers amid the crisis from
our portfolio companies

                                      Supporting students, teachers, and families with                for the lockdown period. “[We] have a social                                                  It is too early to tell how many of the free trial           At 2U’s April 30, 2020, earnings conference call,
                                      free access to courses, training, and products is a             responsibility to assist in any way we can. ...                                               or forced online users will stay on as paying                CEO and co-founder Chip Paucek stated:
                                      moral imperative in a crisis. During the pandemic,              There have been over ten million free students,                                               subscribers. However, even if the conversion                 “[W]e all witnessed how COVID-19 created
                                      many of our portfolio companies took on important               free course enrollments, since we launched the                                                rate of free trial clients into paying clients is            an urgent need for every university to move their
                                      roles in their communities. Below are examples of               campaign on January 24 [, 2020],” stated CEO                                                  much lower than previously, that would still mean            programs online. This rush to remote learning
                                      three diligent corporate citizens from three coun-              Dr. Feng Zhou on the earnings conference call                                                 a significant expansion of the paying user base,             happened almost overnight … We now believe
                                      tries – Brazil, China, and the US – all of which                on February 27, 2020.27                                                                       boosting future revenue. A look at the top three             that this forced transition online will substantially
                                      offered their platforms and services free of charge                                                                                                           players in China also suggests that the free                 increase the demand from universities for our
                                      to students or universities.                                    Youdao noted that the coronavirus presented                                                   classes offered to students during the lockdown              core product offerings and new solutions. The
                                                                                                      opportunities to get their product into the hands                                             period may have resulted in a client acquisition             need to deliver truly high-quality online programs,
                                      Afya Educational – our top ten holding                          of new users quickly:                                                                         cost reduction of 95%.29 In other words, these               not just remote live lectures, at a time when
                                      as of July 2020                                                                                                                                               companies have obtained a huge boost in                      universities are facing unprecedented financial
                                      Afya is a leading medical education group in                    “The outbreak significantly raises the awareness                                              revenue with a simultaneous uplift in margins,               constraints and challenges makes our … model
                                      Brazil. Even before the coronavirus outbreak,                   of online education. So, business-wise, it’s very                                             which may justify the outstanding share perfor-              even more compelling and valuable.”30
                                      Afya worked with the government under the                       positive for our courses. So, we are doing several                                            mance from pure-play EdTech companies during
                                      “Mais Médicos” program that specifically targets                things … We are offering free courses to our                                                  the COVID-19 outbreak.
                                      the shortage of doctors in rural Brazil. When                   users and … most of the results … is actually
                                      the virus hit, Afya moved non-practical on-site                 branding awareness. As a lot of users … [try]                                                 2U Inc. – our top holding as of July 2020
                                      classes to its online platform and then opened                  these free courses, they get to know Youdao                                                   2U offers turnkey platforms for online learning
                                      the platform to other medical institutions without              and get to know online education for the first time                                           at top universities in the US and overseas. With a
                                      cost for the duration of the lockdown.26 Over                   … The second thing we’re doing is … offering…                                                 mission to narrow the skill gap by widening access
                                      9,000 medical students from 30 public and                       low-cost trial courses … What we are seeing is                                                to quality education, 2U builds and powers online
                                      private schools accessed Afya’s platform during                 … much lower user acquisition costs over the                                                  graduate degree platforms in high-demand fields
                                      this period. Afya then created a free specialist                period of time and also better conversion rates …                                             for partners that include UCL, Oxford, Yale, and
                                      course on medical procedures related to the                     We are spending more on marketing … Most of                                                   70 other institutions. In addition to constructing a
                                      coronavirus for hospitals, medical associations,                that is actually on the low-cost trial courses … and                                          digital backbone for student learning, 2U equips
                                      medical schools, and students. The course,                      this enables us to ramp up the business faster.” 28                                           individual instructors with training and services to
                                      “Conducts for emergencies in COVID-19,”                                                                                                                       optimize success in the virtual classroom. When
                                      focuses on mechanical ventilation, respiratory                                                                                                                the coronavirus hit the US in early March 2020,
                                      emergencies, and diagnostic imaging.                                                                                                                          2U immediately offered free training and digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                    instruction best practices to all professors at its
                                      Youdao, Inc. – our top ten holding                                                                                                                            partner universities, many of whom were brand
                                      as of July 2020                                                                                                                                               new to online teaching. In addition, 2U rolled out
                                      In China, digital learning and online tutoring                                                                                                                Studio in a Box, an easy-to-use toolkit enabling
                                      company Youdao, Inc. also stepped up to                                                                                                                       professors to produce courses and film content
                                      support the community. Youdao was fresh off                                                                                                                   from home.
                                      its 2019 IPO, growing quickly, and investing in
                                      its clients and capabilities when the coronavirus
                                      appeared. Youdao offered free digital courses

26, last accessed on May 11, 2020.
27 Youdao Inc. (2020): Q4 2019 Earnings Call. Bloomberg Transcript from February 27, 2020, p. 5 and p. 7f.                                                   29   h ttps://, last accessed on May 15, 2020.
28 Youdao Inc. (2020): Q4 2019 Earnings Call. Bloomberg Transcript from February 27, 2020, p. 7f.                                                            30    2U Inc. (2020): Q1 2020 Earnings Call. Bloomberg Transcript from April 30, 2020, p. 3.

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The future of learning                                                                                                                Profound changes
is EdTech                                                                                                                             in the workforce

                               Just as EdTech companies may have benefited        Once the world’s students return to the class-                                      Society is emerging cautiously from lockdown                   deep recession, resulting in significant job
                               from the crisis with unexpected universal brand    room, it is likely that they will continue to use                                   and grappling with a plethora of new normals.                  losses. That means that the need for reskilling
                               awareness, the entire industry received a boost    the most engaging subset of these apps.                                             Among them might also be fundamental changes                   of those being laid off is more urgent than ever
                               in attention and acceptance as a result of the     Furthermore, as students embrace the flexibility                                    in the workforce. The world will never be the                  to enable them to quickly reintegrate themselves
                               pandemic. Though difficult to quantify in these    and adaptive learning advantages that online                                        same. The share of flexible work is going to                   into the workforce. As a result, online profes-
                               early days, the pandemic will likely accelerate    learning affords, it is likely that many of these                                   increase, and with it the need for technology and              sional training and the certification sector will
                               the industry’s development, with many EdTech       technologies will be increasingly integrated into                                   automation. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis                 see a significant boost in demand.
                               companies bringing forward investments into        the brick-and-mortar classroom or university                                        is likely to have also plunged the world into a
                               new functionalities. With the extra resources      seminar room.
                               and a vast population of educators and students
                               who are now much more open to digital learning,
                               EdTech could transform education as we know it.                                                             Workforce: the next normal
                                                                                                                                           Post lockdown
                               The COVID-19 pandemic had an unintended
                               consequence –­it made educators and adminis-
                               trators, not to mention students and families,
                               realize that many of these online applications
                               are as effective as – and in some cases more
                               effective than – traditional learning models.
                               The pandemic has accelerated the blended
                               learning model, which does not replace, but                                                                   Virtual/remote                      On-site flexible                      On-site critical                     Other
                               rather empowers the educator. Across both
                                                                                                                                             Maintain remote work                Define a plan for a staged            Return to work with increased        Reskilling, “training sabbatical,”
                               developed and emerging markets, millions of                                                                   while increasing flexibility         return based on local context        work flexibility                      layoffs
                               students and teachers have signed up for free
                               versions of EdTech learning apps and are experi-
                               menting with different formats and technologies.
                                                                                                                                             Technology and automation                                                                                     urgency

                                                                                                                                       Source Credit Suisse, chart from “COVID-19, The (Great) Disruptor of Education and Work,” used with kind permission of EdTechX

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Profound changes in the workforce
                                                                                                                                                                                               Pluralsight is democratizing technology skills in the US and worldwide

                                                                                                                                                                                               Improving opportunity                                           Transforming education
                                                                                                                                                                                               Increase access to technology skill development                 Revolutionize the way the world learns
                                                                                                                                                                                               and promote inclusion across the globe.                         and address the root issues contributing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to the increasing technology skills gap to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               prevent nonprofit organizations, educators,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and the populations they support from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               getting left behind.

                                     Pluralsight – our top ten holding                            Skonnard launched Pluralsight One in 2017
                                     as of June 2020                                              as a social enterprise to embed social impact
                                     One of our top ten holdings is Pluralsight, which will       into the fabric of the company and to lead the                                               Increasing employability                                        Investing in innovation
                                     play a key role in retraining people who have lost           company’s global social impact strategy in                                                   Equip individuals with the technology skills they               Invest in catalytic solutions that accelerate our
                                     their jobs or need to reskill to meet the challenges         support of the company’s mission to democra-                                                 need to access dignified employment, thrive,                    mission.
                                     of the new normals of the disrupted economy.                 tize technology skills. Pluralsight One leads all                                            and keep pace in any industry.
                                     The company specifically targets social impact,              global social investments, volunteer strategies,
                                     and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic                    advances advocacy efforts around Computer
                                     was truly exemplary.                                         Science education, and the strategy, develop-
                                                                                                  ment, and ongoing management of the Plural-
                                     Pluralsight has the largest library of IT courses            sight One product suite.”32                                                                  In response to COVID-19, Pluralsight One                             that is enabling digital learning for school-aged
                                     in areas such as cybersecurity and cloud comput-                                                                                                          provided its nonprofit partners with over                            children across the country. With Pluralsight
                                     ing, and with over 7,500 courses, it is seven times          One client example is the Norwegian Refugee                                                  USD 1 mn in immediate cash grants:                                   One’s support, Haroon can scale his work to
                                     larger than its nearest competitor. The content is           Council (NRC), where Pluralsight One is invest-                                              ȷȷ The Norwegian Refugee Council received                            reach over one million school-aged children
                                     proprietary and is based on the company’s                    ing USD 750,000 over three years to support                                                     an immediate cash grant of USD 250,000                            whose learning has been disrupted as a result
                                     relationship with 1,550 authors who are experts              digital transformation and providing 8,000                                                      in addition to the scheduled cash grant of                        of COVID-19.
                                     in their respective fields. Between 40% and 50%              Pluralsight licenses with tech support and                                                      USD 250,000 in 2020 to “prevent the spread                   ȷȷ   CSTA has received a cash grant of
                                     of content is renewed every two years, which is              implementation.                                                                                 of COVID-19 to refugee camp settings, enable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    USD 250,000 to support the development
                                     important in a field that is evolving rapidly. The                                                                                                           the NRC teams to create digital solutions that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and implementation of digital resources for
                                     company offers individuals access to the entire                                                                                                              serve those who are most vulnerable, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    teachers with a focus on equity and inclusion.
                                     library of courses for an affordable USD 29 per                                                                                                              ultimately focus resources on flattening the
                                                                                                  The goal is to create
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pluralsight One’s support will develop teacher
                                     month or USD 299 per year. It is this type of                                                                                                                curve while maintaining critical, life-saving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    resources that enable learning continuity during
                                     content and access that will help those willing                                                                                                              programs and services.”
                                     to retool their skills and upgrade their knowledge           a sustainable social                                                                         ȷȷ   Year Up is receiving an immediate cash grant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COVID-19, scale the CSTA Equity Fellowship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to grow and establish an active Equity Fellow
                                                                                                  impact for displaced
                                     to be quickly reintegrated into the workforce.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of USD 250,000 to support program continuity                    Alumni network, continue to build capacity and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    for its nationwide network of 4,500 program                     sustain CSTA’s chapters, and develop rigorous
                                                                                                  and crisis-affected
                                     In 2017, Pluralsight launched a social enter-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    participants and alumni. Pluralsight One notes                  professional development that grows the
                                     prise, Pluralsight One, with the mission of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    that “the COVID-19 crisis will continue to                      number of English-language-learner students
                                     democratizing technology skills and driving
                                     significant, lasting social impact by improving              populations around                                                                                disproportionately impact low-income minority                   enrolled in AP computer science.

                                                                                                  the world, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                    communities, and Pluralsight One is working
                                     access to technology skills and funding solu-                                                                                                                                                                             ȷȷ   In addition to the cash grants to its strategic
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with Year Up to lessen this impact.”
                                     tions that scale. Specifically, it provides non-                                                                                                                                                                               partners, the Pluralsight One Fund is deploying
                                     profit access to IT courses. Today it has
                                     more than 500 nonprofit and K-12 clients in
                                                                                                  to increase the effi-                                                                        ȷȷ   The Malala Fund is receiving an immediate cash
                                                                                                                                                                                                    grant of USD 300,000 to support the work of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    grants of USD 50,000 each to the Utah COVID
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fund, the Boston COVID Fund, the Ireland
                                     17 countries with over 25,000 learners.31                    ciency and efficacy                                                                               five Malala Fund Champions across Afghanistan,                  Community Foundation’s COVID Fund, and

                                                                                                  of the NRC staff who
                                     “Believing technology has the power to create                                                                                                                  India, Nigeria, and Pakistan in 2020 and                        the UN/WHO COVID Fund to support the
                                     freedom, equality, and opportunity around the                                                                                                                  2021. One such Champion is Haroon Yasin in                      communities where Pluralsight team members

                                                                                                  serve them.33
                                     globe, Pluralsight co-founder and CEO Aaron                                                                                                                    Pakistan, who has developed an education app                    live and work.34

31   luralsight One Impact Report 2019,
     ga=2.62004076.1337080658.1595319251-1677728896.1595319251.                                                                                       34    luralsight One press release,
33 Pluralsight One Impact Report 2019,                                                         ga=2.166420350.1337080658.1595319251-1677728896.1595319251.

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Key outcomes                             How our portfolio companies
                                         are generating impact

                                                  Our portfolio can be split into two roughly equal      ȷȷ   For adult learners and professionals:
                                                  parts: one part serving children and students, and          Our portfolio companies help to develop,
                                                  the other part serving adult learners and profes-           upskill, and future-proof professionals and
                                                  sionals. The main outcomes of the activities of             employees; they enable seasoned professionals
                                                  our portfolio companies are:                                to make career pivots or broaden employment
                                                                                                              opportunities; they enable enterprises and
                                                  ȷȷ   For children and students:                             professional groups to better serve the
                                                       Our portfolio companies are expanding access,          professional development needs of their
                                                       lowering costs, and improving the efficacy of          workforce and communities; they combine
                                                       education by delivering affordable and high-           leisure and a zest for knowledge to deliver
                                                       quality technical, vocational, and tertiary            lifelong learning.
                                                       education; they increase the number of
                                                       young people and adults with relevant skills      Our portfolio companies represent three main
                                                       for employment and entrepreneurship, and          subsegments: innovative services, digital content,
                                                       ensure educational inclusion and safety.          and systems and tools. The table on the next
                                                                                                         page shows key impacts made by those compa-
                                                                                                         nies per subsegment. The companies’ names
                                                                                                         have been removed for commercial reasons.

                                               A new education paradigm

                                               Traditional education                      New approach
                                               Classroom-based, teacher-centered          EdTech

                                                                                                                         Innovative services
                                                                                                                         Disruption in the service model:
                                                                                                                         education delivery anytime and
                                                                                                                         anywhere, thus improving access
                                                                                                                         to education and training

                                                                                                                         Digital content
                                                                                                                         Disruption in terms of content:
                                                                                                                         from standard to customized,
                                                                                                                         from analog/print to digital
                                                                                                                         and beyond (e.g. virtual reality/
                                                                                                                         augmented reality)

                                                                                                                         Systems and tools
                                                                                                                         Disruption in terms of tools:
                                                                                                                         reduction in costs through digitali-
                                                                                                                         zation, reduction in labor intensity,
                                                                                                                         and better scalability

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Quantitative impact summary
Innovative services                             Digital content                                Systems and tools                           Innovative services                         Digital content                                 Systems and tools

90%                                             155 million                                    95%                                         257,000                                     180,000                                         3.36 million
The US online program manager’s                 In the last five years, the professional       The Brazilian education management          The online language school in China         The company offers 180,000 courses              The English-language-learning specialist
short courses and boot camps have               services online recruitment company has        company has an NPS of 83 with parents       offered low-cost, conversational English    and programs across 650 leading                 in Japan provided educational services
a 90% completion rate and are accessi-          nearly doubled its registered users to         and a 95% retention rate with its 4,800     to 257,000 children last year, 2.2 times    universities to international students who      for 3.36 million individuals at universities
ble, with 30% of students not holding           155 million and its repository of résumés      partner schools in Brazil, which educate    as many as in 2016, the year of its IPO.    wish to study abroad in English-speaking        and enterprises last year.
a bachelor’s degree.                            to 142 million.                                1.2 million students nationally. Over the                                               countries.
                                                                                               last two years, its branded schools have
                                                                                               shown 22 times the growth in ENEM
                                                                                               diploma scores compared to competitors,
                                                                                               and 5 times higher growth over the last
                                                                                               five years.

8,306                                           43,000                                         2.6 million                                 63                                          69 million                                      1.9 million
Since the Brazilian medical education           Over four years, the online IT recruitment     The education conglomerate’s English­-      The number of Chinese cities in which       The online recruitment platform is the          K–12 paid enrollments to the Chinese
group’s founding in 1999, it has gradu-         company in Japan doubled its quarterly         language program supports                   the 100% online school’s 572,000            largest in India, with 69 million résumés       after-school online tutoring company
ated 8,306 physicians, many of whom             job postings to 17,000 and tripled its         2.6 million students in Japan and           K–12 students are enrolled for tutoring     posted and 5 million recruiter connec-          increased by 374% last year
practice medicine in underprivileged            active users to 43,000.                        thousands more via its global programs.     and language learning, in addition to its   tions forged in the most recent period.         to 1.9 million.
regions of the country.                                                                                                                    1.3 million college test prep students.

1 year                                          92%                                            95,000                                      95%                                         5.5 million                                     3.4 million
92% of alumni report satisfaction with their    Aided by 37 million pieces of learning         Through its learning centers and online     The salary increase that graduates of the   The largest trade show company in the           The US workforce training company for
nursing studies, which have a payback           library content and 24/7 access to             platform, the company improves math,        Brazilian post-secondary education          world brings over 550 brands together           the healthcare industry had 3.4 million con-
period of one year or less thanks to low        tutors, 92% of students say that the           language, and creativity skills for over    company received upon graduation            each year to provide connections and            tracted subscribers to its platform last year.
tuition and salary increase after graduation.   online textbook and tutoring platform          95,000 children in Korea and Vietnam.       was 95%. In some disciplines, such          engagement to more than 5.5 million
                                                helps them get better grades.                                                              as Health and Sciences, the increase        attendees.
                                                                                                                                           was 150% to 200%.

98%                                             3.8 billion                                    3,600                                       20 points                                   31,800                                          87%
The US-based provider of daycare has            The global leader in real-life entertainment   The leader in corporate learning man-       The improvement in English language         The corporate continuing education              This learning gamification company has
an annual client retention rate of 95%          delivers over 8,000 hours of original          agement systems has 75 million users        arts proficiency for grade 3–8 students     company in Japan offered 31,800 types           penetrated 87% of the global top 500
for employer-sponsored daycare centers,         programming each year in 50 languages          across 3,600 companies in more than         enrolled four or more years vs. under       of workplace training, online and offline,      universities.
and 98% of parents and employers                across 220 countries, reaching 3.8 billion     180 countries.                              one year at K–12 partner schools.           in the past 18 months.
report satisfaction with the service.           cumulative viewers.

95%                                             31 million                                     9.5 million                                 100                                         34,000                                          1,789
The average employment rate of                  The largest online recruiting platform in      The learner-centric learning management     The learning-centric adventure cruise       The online staffing platform in Japan           The provider of a SaaS-based employee
students who complete the Chinese               Russia has 588,000 annual job postings         platform had 1,930 clients and more than    company offers 100 expeditions that         connected 34,000 freelance clients              management and evaluation platform in
vocational school’s long-term programs          across 322,000 clients and posts over          9.5 million registered users last year.     take place on seven continents and are      last year, an increase of more than             Japan served 1,789 client companies in
in the culinary, IT, and automotive industry    31 million CVs.                                                                            led by field experts who foster active      50% from five years prior.                      2019, 38% more than the previous year.
fields ranges from 93% to 95%.                                                                                                             traveler engagement.

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Quantitative impact summary
Innovative services                           Digital content                             Systems and tools                          Innovative services                       Digital content                                 Systems and tools

Teachers at the Japanese social services
                                              3.2 million                                 4 times                                    70,000                                    > 45 million                                    #1
                                              The EdTech company with a civil service     The company’s monthly active users of      The education management company          The online job matching company                 The company is number one in the UK
and human resources company provided
                                              focus has trained 3.2 million students in   its AI-based English language courses      helps over 19,000 on-campus students      has relationships with more than                for both end-to-end academic assess-
social skills training and academic support
                                              China with its more than 35,000             increased nearly fourfold to 3 million     and 70,000 online students prepare for    200,000 employers and over 45 million           ments and curriculum resources, and
to 7,447 special needs children at
                                              teachers.                                   students in the past two years.            careers via more than 200 academic        candidates in Asia and the Americas.            has 38,000 clients.
111 locations in the country.
                                                                                                                                     program offerings.

50                                            3.0 million                                 25 million                                 1,600                                     70%                                             5x
The healthcare recruiting company in          The education publishing company has        The company’s talent management            Three million K–12 students in China      The company has a 70% share of the              The leader in digital learning literacy
Japan covers 50 subspecialties and            enabled 2.1 million students to access      system impacts the career progression      received after-school tutoring and test   elderly care recruiting market in Japan         programs is five times more effective
charges success fees that are at least        more affordable digital course materials    of 25 million active users across more     prep support at the company’s             and 20% to 30% of the nurse and                 than the average middle-school reading
50% more competitive than peers.              since 2016, with a goal of reaching         than 1,500 clients.                        1,600+ learning and service centers.      paramedic recruiting market, working            intervention program, with 67% of
                                              3 million students in the next few years.                                                                                        with roughly 8,400 national hospitals.          high-risk students gaining two or more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               grade levels of skills in one school year.

80%                                           70%                                         #1                                         94%                                       75%                                             100
The doctor-to-doctor social media site in     The talent training, management, and        Korea Research SKY University Survey       The Japanese outsourcing firm matches     Of the over 1 million subscribers to the        The online digital learning provider
Japan, which includes one-third of national   analytics company for the IT industry       ranks the large-scale classroom learning   its 21,200 engineers on payroll with      audiobook company, 75% say they                 in Taiwan has assembled more than
physicians as members, is entering the        serves 980,000 business users across        services company as number one for         client businesses who hire them at a      consume more books since joining the            100 course experts and professional
online medical consultation market, which     70% of the Fortune 500, and nearly          helping students improve their grades.     utilization rate of 94%.                  platform.                                       technology R&D teams to deliver its
80% of users rate “good to use.”              18,000 B2B clients.                                                                                                                                                              classes to K–12 students.

1.6 million                                   10/second                                   265,000                                    20,000                                                                                    359,000
A leading K–12 tutoring, test prep, and       The recruiting site, owned by a Japanese    The China-based designer of                The Japan-based staffing company for                                                      The entity’s premium online courses
language instruction company in China is      HR technology entity, has 150 million       digital education products signed          the manufacturing sector has over                                                         have 833,000 students enrolled in
educating 1.6 million students across         résumés on its platform and adds ten        a contract in January 2019 to deliver      20,000 graduates and seasoned                                                             China, of whom 359,000 are K–12
1,500 schools and learning centers.           jobs per second globally.                   265,000 high-tech pop-up classrooms        technicians on staff.                                                                     tutoring and coding students.
                                                                                          throughout Egypt.

2,300                                         25%                                         21,000                                     85%                                                                                       97%
The online language platform’s                In 2018, the output of the company’s        The company’s global network of            The majority of the Brazilian education                                                   The leading provider of enterprise
6,000 teachers work with                      scientific publication segment accounted    2,500 institutes delivered 21,000 hours    services company’s 630,000 students                                                       cloud applications for HR has had
2,300 Japanese corporations                   for 18% of global research output while     of custom content and 150,000 training     are undergraduates, and their retention                                                   95% gross retention rates and
to teach English to employees.                garnering one in four of all citations.     days to professionals in 25 languages.     rate at university is 85%.                                                                97% client satisfaction since its IPO.

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