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Anand Bhadkamkar
Chief Executive Officer - India, dentsu


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2   020 presented a monumental
    challenge to us – as individuals,
business and society. It made us
                                          the elderly, meanwhile, gradually
                                          moved to using cashless digital
                                          payment methods instead of cash
witness time and space in ways            transactions. Result? The pandemic
that many generations had only            began to aggressively fuel digital
read about in textbooks or had            adoption across the country leading
heard of from aging bystanders of         to a 15.3% growth over the previous
yester-history. Yet, I must reiterate     year.
that despite all the aching that this
hailstorm of a year introduced into        Digital has been the largest and only
our lives, 2020 was also maleficently     medium to grow amid this global
unique. It forced us into depths of       pandemic in India and we will persist
insights that we could never have         to work with our clients on this
comprehended otherwise. It also           transformational journey. Also, it’s
reminded us of what the human             the 3 Vs (voice, video and vernacular)
spirit could eventually endure and        that will continue to remain at the
the magnificent resilience that it is     epicentre of all our focus areas.
capable of!
                                          We, at dentsu, expect 2021 to witness
The year was extremely tough on all       a colossal rise in digital advertising.
of us and scarred the economy and         We also recognise the need for a
businesses alike. In fact, every little   business intelligence report that
aspect of advertising had to take the     can give directions toward which
bearing as the industry slipped by a      this industry is moving with ever-
massive 17.5% over 2019 due to the        changing client demands and market
pandemic. Categories such as events,      scenarios. The lack of detailed and
seminars and sports – areas that are      accurate Digital Advertising Spends
chiefly reliant on physical human         is surprising for a medium that lends
interactions - took the steepest fall.    itself to measurement. It is to fulfil
                                          this gap that the digital agencies at
Nevertheless, the pandemic also           dentsu have collaborated with e4m
fostered something new. It created        once again to launch the 5th edition
demand for e-commerce purchases           of our Digital Report that extensively
in tier-II and tier-III cities and        covers Digital trends, spends and
brought in a behavioural shift in         insights across all sectors.
elderly consumers. Customers from
tier-II and tier-III cities began to      We look forward to your thoughts
prefer buying from online retailers       and opinions to help sharpen our
offering delivery at flexible timings     approach towards this fast-growing
while being cautious about safety         industry as we strive to expand,
and health during the pandemic;           together.


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Nawal Ahuja
Co-Founder, exchange4media Group


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The shape of Recovery

C   OVID-19 without a doubt provided
    the much required boost for digital
adoption in India. Digital translations
                                            level of TV spends today, something
                                            that might have otherwise happened
                                            only by 2025.
clocked 100 million a day, and as per
RBI estimates, it could touch a jaw         Scale brings with it a demand for
dropping 1.5 billion per day, totalling     greater accountability and with
Rs 1.5 trillion by 2025. What would         digital ad spends look set to equal
have otherwise taken another five           those on TV, a larger number of CMOs
years of effort by the government           will seek increased transparency and
and private players, was delivered          ROI. Thus far, the medium has been
by COVID in one year!                       used largely as a lead generation
                                            platform, heavily funded by big
Not surprisingly, the media and             national advertisers. Social media
advertising sector witnessed a              platforms have been under immense
renaissance of sorts too. OTT content       scrutiny for content and with major
consumption, already growing on the         brands across western markets
back of the Reliance Jio disruption         taking a stand against toxic content,
in the telecom space, went truly            these companies will in all likelihood
mainstream, with growth touching            no longer have a free run without
exponential rates. Surveys estimate         taking the onus for the content on
that there has been a 5x increase           their platforms.
in consumers spending 16+ hours
weekly and a 4x increase in those           With India deeply integrated into
spending 12-16 hours weekly on OTT          the global digital ecosystem, all of
platforms.                                  this will also have a bigger impact
                                            in India. The chorus for third party
Digital advertising growth too              data measurement, which Digital
naturally followed. In a year when          currently lacks, is growing, as are
overall ad spends shrunk by 17%,            demands for more transparency. A
spends on Digital grew by a healthy         brand spending a quarter of its ad
15%, thus widening the growth               budget on digital platforms is unlikely
gap between traditional and digital         to do so as an experiment anymore.
advertising even further. As our            Reliable data, better measurement,
report says, by the end of 2022,            lesser fraud and more ROI will be the
digitaladvertising is likely to touch the   name of the game.


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To be able to attract a larger share of      As video consumption grows, and
the advertisers’ wallet, digital will also   social media provides the fuel for
have to prove itself to be a platform        that growth, the digital content
useful enough for building brands,           economy has reached an inflection
something that only TV can deliver           point. Over the next three years (five
right now. On the flip side, as digital      years being too long to make any
penetration spreads deeper into              reliable predictions about the future),
languages, it will attract attention         significant money will be pumped into
and money from regional brands,              content curation. A large majority
who heavily depend on language TV            of that money will be sought to be
for reach, further fuelling the growth       recovered through advertising, thus
of ad spends.                                making the competition between
                                             digital and legacy media businesses,
 As video consumption has led digital        especially TV even fiercer. India is
growth, it has left a lasting impact on      uniquely placed in the sense that key
the creative side of the business too.       leading ad-driven OTT platforms are
Where 60 and 30 second ads were              owned by TV companies and how they
previously the norm, they have now           re-focus their businesses in the post-
been taken over by six seconders             COVID era will determine which way
thereby creating an ecosystem of             this battle goes. If Star’s integration
content curators who specialise in           of Disney and the focus on Hotstar
short video content. Tik Tok’s loss          is any indication, TV companies see
has been the gain for YouTube, Daily         their future as digital streaming
Hunt, Facebook, Zee5, MX Player,             behemoths. And that future is full of
InMobi and many others. The digital          exponential growth possibilities.
advertising ecosystem also saw its
first unicorn in the form of InMobi in
2019, truly establishing content and
thereby advertising as a primary
integrated service on mobile devices.


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The Indian
Advertising Industry
 • Ad spends on media
 • Media spends across industry verticals

                        The Indian Digital
                           • Spends on digital ad formats
                           • Growth of E-commerce
                             advertising in India
                           • Digital media spends acros
                             industry verticals
                           • Digital Media Spends across devices

                           • Trends in digital media buying

    Changes in
    Indian consumer
     •   Growth in the usage of voice technology in India
     •   Drive towards vocal for local language
     •   Transition towards digital news media
     •   Boost in online gaming in India due to the pandemic
     •   Shift in consumer spends
     •   Adoption of online education in India

         4              Research


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Executive Summary
The global outbreak of the pandemic    transformation. Thus, businesses
sent shockwaves across the global      have reshaped their functioning by
economy. Various industries and        diversifying, adapting to the market
verticals experienced the impact of    situations. This has catalysed the
the pandemic, including the media      changing consumer habits towards
and advertising sector. The pandemic   digital and the advent of the new era
accelerated the process of digital     for the Indian economy.

         Indian Ad Industry as of 2020
                   Advertising            Digital Advertising
                    Industry                   Industry

    20           `56,490 Cr.                  `15,782 Cr.
    20              ($7.74 Bn)                   ($2.16 Bn)

    20           `62,577 Cr.                  `18,938 Cr.
    21              ($8.57 Bn)                  ($2.59 Bn)

    20           `70,343 Cr.                 `23,673 Cr.
    22              ($9.64 Bn)                   ($3.24 Bn)

                     11.59%                     22.47%
                       CAGR                         CAGR

The Indian advertising industry        10.8% to reach Rs 62,577 crore by the
currently stands at Rs 56,490 crore    end of the year 2021. Furthermore,
and it has witnessed de-growth of      it is expected to grow with a CAGR
17.5% over 2019 due to the pandemic.   of 11.59% to reach Rs. 70,343 crore
The advertising industry is expected   by 2022. The digital advertising
to make a come-back and will grow by


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industry has witnessed growth in         followed by online video (28%,
market size from Rs. 13,683 crore        Rs. 4,366 crore) and paid search
by 2019 to Rs. 15,782 crore by 2020,     (24%, Rs. 3,725 crore). Online video
growing by 15.3% from the previous       has seen the fastest growth from a
year. Digital media will grow at 20%     share of 22% in 2019 to 28% in 2020.
to reach a market size of Rs. 18,938     The FMCG and media & entertainment
crore by 2021 and with a CAGR            verticals spend the largest share of
of 22.47% to reach Rs. 23,673 crore      digital media budget on online video,
by 2022.                                 while e-commerce spends the most
                                         on paid search.
Television has an unparalleled reach
in the media market and contributes      The rapid increase in mobile usage
the largest share of media spends        and internet penetration has led to
at 41% (Rs. 23,201 crore) in 2020.       75% (Rs. 11,836 crore) of digital media
Followed by spends on digital            spends on mobile devices. Majority
(28%, Rs. 15,782 crore) and print        of the online expenditure on mobile
(25%, Rs. 13,970 crore). Currently,      devices goes to online video for 29%
FMCG has the highest expenditure         (Rs. 3,458 crore) and social media
on advertising with a contribution       accounts for 29% (Rs. 3,429 crore).
of 21% (Rs. 11,554 crore) closely
followed by e-commerce (17%,             People belonging to tier-II and tier-III
Rs. 9,788 crore) and consumer            cities have contributed the most to
durables (10%, Rs. 5,751 crore).         the growth of the digital advertising
FMCG spends a large majority of          market. The pandemic fostered the
its advertising budget on television     demand for e-commerce purchases
(64%) while retail, automotive and       in these cities. Consumers have
media & entertainment segments           preferred to purchase from online
spend a large share of their             retailers offering delivery at flexible
advertising budget on print. The         timings while being cautious
biggest spenders on digital media        about safety and health during the
are BFSI (57%), consumer durables        pandemic. The shift in habits and
(45%), telecommunications (40%)          behaviour is evolving as the elder
and e-commerce (39%).                    consumers are preferring to use
                                         cashless digital payment methods
Digital is growing rapidly and the       instead of cash transactions. The
pandemic has propelled the adoption.     pandemic fuelled the adoption rate
Advertising spends on digital media      of digital in India, coupled with the
has increased from a share of 20%        high consumption of digital video and
in 2019 to 28% in 2020. It is further    the growth of regional content. The
expected to reach 34% by the end         businesses have been future-proofing
of 2022. Spends on digital media are     by being adaptive to transformation,
led by social media with the largest     merging different types of business
share of 29% (Rs. 4,596 crore) closely   models and implementing it during
                                         the pandemic crisis.





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T    he Indian advertising industry
     currently stands at Rs. 56,490
crore. Due to the coronavirus
                                                for AdEx growth for the year.
                                                Some brands decided to pause
                                                the advertising spends and utilise
pandemic it has witnessed a                     it more judiciously in the coming
de-growth by        17.5% over 2019             quarters, while others adjusted their
leading to a reduction in advertising           advertising spending across the
spends compared to the previous                 lockdown period. Even during the
year. Most of the sectors like                  lockdown, many businesses tried to
manufacturing,       trade,  tourism,           reach their audience using digital
transportation, real estate and                 marketing tools.
automobile were impacted during the
initial phase of the lockdown in India.         The most drastic change has been the
With the unlocking of the economy               widespread digital transformation
in phases, the economic activities              and adoption of digital technology
began and businesses were able to

                 Growth of the Indian Ad Industry (Rs crore)
                                         68,475               10.8%
                   8.9%                       9.4%
                              62,564                                  62,577
                     56,471                          56,490


          2016       2017     2018       2019        2020        2021f         2022f

                                 Ad Industry           Growth

function to a limited capacity. In the          across various sectors. The pandemic
third and fourth quarters of 2020,              shifted the consumers to online
businesses started to show uptake               and digital solutions with increased
and were returning to normalcy.                 emphasis on contact-less delivery
                                                of goods and services. It has been a
Media and advertising sector                    transitioning phase and consumers
witnessed that many brands/clients              across the spectrum are becoming
wanted to delay and reschedule                  accustomed to online shopping. This
campaigns, which led to a revision              resulted in a boost in online shopping
                                                during the lockdown period.


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The audience’s content consumption        media sector. In 2021, the advertising
patterns and choice of the medium         industry will recover strongly to
changed during the pandemic.              reach a market size of Rs. 62,577
For    entertainment,     consumers       crore with a growth of 10.8% over
moved to OTT platforms like Netflix,      2020. We expect it to grow with a
Amazon Prime, Sony Liv, etc. Indian       CAGR of 11.59% to reach Rs. 70,343
classic content like Ramayan,             crore by the end of 2022.
Mahabharta, etc. garnered huge
traction and television viewership             Indian Ad Industry (Rs. crore)
sky-rocketed. It was able to hold the
                                                              . 59%            70,343
attention of audiences belonging to                         11    R
any age group.                                     56,490

The advertising revenues picked up
steadily month-on-month. The IPL
and the festive season during the
second and third quarters of the
year certainly gave a boost to the                  2020                        2022f

1.1 Ad Spends on Media
Television contributes the largest       is unprecedented and accounts for a
share (41%, Rs. 23,201 crore) to         majority share of advertising spends
the Indian advertising market.           in India. It has been a leader in terms
This is followed by digital (28%,        of media spends thanks to strong
Rs. 15,782 crore) and print (25%,        audience loyalty.
Rs. 13,970 crore). Television’s reach

                Ad spends on different media (Rs. crore)

                             3%          288
               1,632                    0.5%


                   13,970                                    Digital

                    25%             23,201                   Print

                                     41%                     OOH


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  Due to the pandemic, there has                    Out-of-home (OOH), radio and cinema
  been a huge positive shift in the                 have also witnessed the media ad
  time audiences spend on digital. The              spends share decline compared to
  advertising spends on digital have                2019. The festive season combined
  increased from 20% in 2019 to a                   with IPL and business activities
  whopping 28% in 2020. This shift has              in the economy post lockdown
  impacted print, resulting in slower               allowed brands to liquidate their
  growth with its media share declining             OOH inventory and reasonable
  from 29% in 2019 to 25% in 2020.                  proportions of spends came into
  There is a drop in the readership of              this medium.
  print due to the availability of content
  on digital platforms.

                    Ad Spends across various media: forecast

 12%         15%              17%            20%
 6%                                                          28%        30%
              6%                                                                          34%
 2%                           6%
 4%           2%                             6%
              4%              2%
                                             2%              3%
                              4%                             1%         3%
                                                             3%         1%                3%
                                                                        3%                1%

 35%         34%              31%            29%             25%        23%               21%

 40%         40%              40%            39%             41%        40%               39%

2016         2017             2018           2019            2020      2021f              2022f

             TV       Print          Radio          Cinema      OOH    Digital


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Digital     makes     a      substantial   print during the lockdown. They
contribution to the advertising market     preferred to consume news on news
in India. The reasons for this have        websites, mobile news applications,
been attributed to the adoption of         social media, etc.
internet, local language options and
usage of internet-enabled phones.          The lockdown has had a severe
Digital is expected to grow at a rate      impact on the businesses and it
of 20% to reach the media spends           certainly affected the reach of print,
share of 30% in 2021. English and          OOH and cinema. Measures were
other local language news readers /        taken to contain the pandemic and
audiences are shifting to digital news     people were confined to their homes.
publications. The lines between print,     There were no footfalls in the cinema
digital, pay TV, OTT and traditional       halls in the initial lockdown phase.
media are blurring with the rapid          Print readers preferred to consume
digitization of media. At an overall       news online rather than print due to
level, digital advertising in India is     the fear of COVID-19, which resulted
expected to grow at a consistent rate      in a change in consumption habits.
in the coming years. It is furthermore     This resulted in the contraction of the
expected to have a CAGR of 22.47%          media spends share for print, OOH
to reach a spend share of 34% by           and cinema compared to 2019. Print,
the end of 2022.                           OOH, radio and cinema are expected
                                           to maintain the same market spends
The reach of print declined due            share as that in the year 2020.
to the lockdown and shift in news          The online audio-streaming services
consumption by readers. Middle-            have begun to give a stiff competition
aged readers preferred digital over        to radio.

1.2 Media spends across
    industry verticals
FMCG      segment    spends     the        segment with a contribution of 10%
highest share on advertisements,           (Rs. 5,751 crore) to the advertising
contributing 21% (Rs. 11,554 crore)        pie. Telecom segment contributes
to the industry. This is closely           9% (Rs. 5,121 crore) to the ad
followed by e-commerce with a              expenditures followed by automotive
contribution of 17% (Rs. 9,788             (7%, Rs. 4,092 crore) and BFSI
crore) and the consumer durables           segments (5%, Rs. 2,836 crore).


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               Ad spends by Industry Verticals (Rs. crore)

                                  13,143          11,554
                                   23%             21%

        1,662 | 3%
        2,542 | 5%                                     17%
        2,836 | 5%           4,092
                                   5,121 5,751
                                    9% 10%

          FMCG                             E-Commerce            Consumer Durables

          Telecom                          Auto                  BFSI

          Media & Entertainment            Retail                Others

India is rapidly moving towards               FMCG spends the largest share of its
becoming a digitally empowered                media budget on television (64%)
country. Digital is being seen as the         as the medium has the widest reach.
catalyst towards booming digital              This is followed by spends on digital
payments, an exponential rise in              (19%) and print (11%).
e-commerce spends, and overall
economic growth in India. The                 The automobile sector spends the
expenditure share in the advertising          majority of its media budgets on
spends pie for e-commerce has                 print (39%) followed by television
increased from 10% in 2019 to                 and digital. Share of digital spends by
17% in 2020. During the lockdown              the automobile sector has increased
and unlock phases when people were            from 16% in 2019 to 25% in 2020.
restricted to remain indoors, the
e-commerce industry fostered online           E-commerce sector spends the
demand and change in consumption              highest share of its media budget on
patterns in turn benefiting the               television (45%) followed by digital
economy and the consumers.                    (39%). Retail segment spends the
                                              maximum budget on print followed
                                              by digital.


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                       Ad Spends on various media by vertical

           25%                          23%                                                                     0.1% 2%
                                                                                   32%                               6%
4%                        39%                          40%
2% 1%                                                                                          45%
         3%                              5%
   11%   3% 1%                           1%                           57%
                                         8%                                        5%
                       1% 1%                                                       1%
                                                 3% 0.3%                           6%                               48%
                          14%                        6%                                       4%
           39%                                                                             1% 1%

                                                                   4%                          15%
                                        47%                     3% 1%              37%
                                                       50%            19%
                                                                                               35%                  34%
                                        15%                           16%          19%

  FMCG     Auto        E-Commerce       Retail        Telecom         BFSI      Media &   Consumer                 Others
                                                                             Entertainment Durables

                  TV            Print         Radio          Cinema          OOH         Digital

The telecom segment spends the                               followed by print (19%). From 2019,
largest share of its media budget on                         BFSI segment’s spend share on
television (50%), followed by digital                        digital has increased from 42% to
(40%). The telecom segment’s                                 57% in 2020.
advertising expenditure share on
digital increased from 35% in 2019                           Media & entertainment segment
to 40% in 2020. This is mainly                               spends most of its budget on print
because Vodafone-Idea (Vi) launched                          (37%) followed by digital (32%). The
its new branding campaign and other                          segment has increased its share of
telecom companies were heavily                               spends on digital from 23% in 2019
active with new launches during the                          to 32% in 2020.
second quarter.
                                                             Consumer durables spend the
BFSI segment spends the largest                              majority of their shares on digital
share of its budget on digital (57%)                         (45%) followed by television (35%).


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                   shaping the
                   new normal

Tanay Kumar
CEO, Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer, Fractal Ink Design
Studio linked by Isobar

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I t’s heartening to see the industry
  adopting new terms to remain
upbeat on the future. Entrepreneurs
                                          powered by the adoption of digital
                                          and smooth information flow. No
                                          longer we wanted to stand in long
and businesses are now moving on          queues or battle weather and get into
and rather than seeing this as an         crowded buses and trains to reach
abnormal, we are now terming it as        the workplace. This enlightenment
“the new normal”. While the focus         was positive in every way.
of governments and regulatory
bodies around the world still remains     Some sectors took advantage of this
around containing the pandemic,           situation and gave an extra boost
the businesses have already               both financially and physically to
started showing movement towards          make innovation for the new world
acceptance of the new normal and          a priority. Let’s look specifically
are ready to adapt and innovate.          into some sectors where we feel
                                          movement will be faster than others:
We are far from being free of this
pandemic and the truth is that the        Education and technology:
impact of these last six months has       These are one of the biggest sectors
changed our course steeply. Along         which will wipe off a large portion
with the huge loss of human lives,        of the old norm. Online education
many businesses have been wiped           and its viability got proven almost
out, which definitely is a big set back   immediately and with time all aspects
to the overall financial health of the    of schooling got covered. Technology
countries. Many great start-ups are       lived up to quickly innovating on
all either struggling to find a ground    online classroom teaching, discipline,
or looking for quick exit strategies.     monitoring and evaluation and
                                          gave rise to some areas which were
On the good side of this, we also         sluggish due to dominance of physical
saw the market getting filtered. The      presence of schools.
toughest ones survived and some
even thrived. The legitimacy of           Management costs, infrastructure
companies was tested and proven,          costs, expansion plans all will see
and the progress was fast forwarded       getting diverted towards ways of
due to acceptance of the new norm         improving online infrastructure to
in a few sectors. What traditionally      ease out home education. We will
would have taken years to drive           also see governments moving fast
through behaviour change strategies       to make policies that will enforce
came into being almost immediately.       this change. Evidence of this we saw
                                          in huge investments being bid by a
Behaviours around jobs, shopping,         leader in online education into just a
entertainment, health and education       year old start-up.
moved swiftly towards recognising
the new rules and norms primarily


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Health and medicine: The                  Traditional banks will face a challenge
exposure to the weakness of the           in adopting the new need due to the
current infrastructure during this        strict government policies but overall
outbreak showed a lot of policymakers     it will push governments to ease out
to look into this sector closely. With    policies.
biowarfare being a viable medium, it
will become more and more important       Personal insurance both in the life
to invest heavily in monitoring           and health sector is going to see a
and developing systems to curtail         rise. The current sentiment will play
outbreaks. China already has started      a big role in getting a large population
placing and showcasing monitoring         of India which was otherwise not
technologies to build stronger walls      insured into the circle of insurance.
in case of further outbreaks.
                                          E-commerce: This one probably
While both investments in physical        was already seeing movement much
infrastructure as well as infusion        before the pandemic hit. While curve
of tech in healthcare will rise in the    was already steep, the acceleration
coming years, there is consciousness      with COVID took businesses through
among individuals to strengthen           the roof. The most heartening thing
immunity from within. This has given      was to see the readiness of businesses
a boost to an otherwise dormant or        to jump straight in.
sluggish category - alternate medicine
and personal well-being. Areas such       This, in some approach, gave way to
as Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga are        stuck management of large legacy
gaining prominence and people are         organisations who were reluctant
realising the importance of wellness in   to make the jump. The logistics and
a bigger way. Spends from consumers       delivery services quickly ramped up
are already on the rise on wellness       to cater to the larger need. The fear
products and programs.                    of going out made even local Kirana
                                          stores take lead. With big malls shut,
Banking,     finance     and              it gave an opportunity to the local
insurance industry: Economies             markets to quickly move into online
have seen a new low and pressures         ordering channels.
on businesses have grown many
folds. Most businesses in the SME         Also, e-commerce passed the litmus
and MSME category are today in            test when festival season got fulfilled
requirement of cash to grow or even       online. People got bolder in their
survive. NBFCs will see a rise in the     spends and also went onto the
need for unsecured loans and lending      purchase of high-value items such as
overall will be in the rise.              jewellery, expensive fashion online.
                                          All this helped companies to innovate
                                          on their door-to-door services and
                                          come up with models that put people
                                          safety at the forefront.


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Entertainment            industry:       remotely, to medical consultancy are
There are two parts to this industry,    now relying on these platforms to
one is the production and the other      conduct their activities with minimum
is consumption. While production         disruption. While the adoption was
saw a downfall and we saw a slump        great, it also surfaced a lot of issues
in new releases, consumption saw         in a short period of time.
an astronomical increase in the
viewership of OTT platforms. With        This gave rise to heavy investments
strengthened internet speeds, people     by companies such as Google,
were more openly ready to spend on       Microsoft, Facebook etc. to jump into
paid OTT channels.                       innovating on it. Facebook live and
                                         Instagram live services saw close to
Going     out     specifically   for     a 300% rise in a short span of time.
entertainment, parties are still         Instagram is working on upping the
some time away. People will be           Instagram live time from 60min to
abstaining from getting into closed      4 hours.
crowded spaces. Online gaming
and collaborative gaming platforms       In the coming days, we will see new
are coming up steeply. Games like        platforms innovating on various
“Among us” in a short time gained        aspects of remote working and
huge popularity. We will keep seeing     bringing specialisation to the table.
growth in these sectors and large        Events, office work, education,
investments are going to go into the     entertainment all will see some
development and design of these.         innovation in the coming days.

Remote         working        tools:     Overall, the new norm will push all
Wanted to bring this up last, as these   of us to the edge and innovation is
tools have become the backbone of        inevitable. The sooner we realise this
our current survival mechanics. All      the better we would be in this race to
sectors from education to working        adapt to the new norm.

           In the coming days, we will see new
           platforms innovating on various
           aspects of remote working and bringing
           specialisation to the table. Events,
           office work, education, entertainment
           all will see some innovation in the
           coming days.





                                                                        CO-POWERED BY

                                                                       CO-GOLD PARTNER

T   he digital advertising industry
    has seen a growth at Rs. 15,782
crore by the end of 2020, which was
                                             The growth of digital media can be
                                             attributed to factors like internet
                                             penetration, availability of affordable
at Rs. 13,683 crore by the end of            phones with internet connectivity,
2019. Owing to the widespread digital        and change in consumer behaviour.
transformation during the pandemic,          The internet user base has
and changing consumer habits and             been increasing rapidly and has
behaviour, digital is the only media         contributed to the growth of digital.
that has witnessed a positive growth         During the lockdown, the dependence
rate of 15.3%, whereas traditional           on digital increased and people
media has seen a decline with                started spending more time online.
a negative growth rate of 25.7%              On digital payments, transactions
over 2019.                                   from mobile wallets like Paytm and
                                             PhonePe exceeded those of credit
Digital media is expected to have the        and debit cards. Individuals in
highest growth rate of 20% to reach          non-metros started accessing these
a market size of Rs. 18,938 crore and        utility apps more.
traditional media will have a growth
rate of 7.2% by the end of 2021.

                  Indian Digital Ad Industry (Rs. crore)

                          32.4%                                          23,673

                                        26%                18,938

        2016      2017     2018       2019        2020        2021f       2022f

                             Digital Media            Growth


                                                                CO-POWERED BY

                                                                CO-GOLD PARTNER

The audience has started spending       The digital advertising industry is
more time on streaming video            expected to grow at 22.47% CAGR
platforms like YouTube, Hotstar and     to reach Rs. 23,673 crore by the
Amazon Prime, and are consuming         end of 2022. The pandemic has
local language content. 73% of the      setback the reach and revenues for
audience belonging to the age group     the traditional media. On the flip
of 45 years to 54 years use YouTube     side, digital content consumption
to watch online content. The younger    and time spent on smartphones
(under 18 years) audience use video     have increased considerably. Video
streaming apps like Hotstar, Amazon     streaming has penetrated into the
Prime and YouTube to consume            small metros and towns in India.
content in the local language.

Digital has consistently been the
fastest-growing advertising media
in India for the last few years and
this trend is expected to continue in       Digital Media (Rs. crore)
the future. Even amid the pandemic,
digital media has seen growth of                          47%         23,673
                                                        2. R
its market size where all other                        2 AG
traditional media avenues have seen           15,782
a decline. New technology and tools
have been aiding the advancement of
the digital advertising industry and
mobile advertising has become more
prominent in the current times. It
                                               2020                    2022f
offers brands and marketers the new
opportunity to target the audiences
precisely with personalised content.

2.1 Spends on digital
    ad formats
The highest proportion of spends        video (28%, Rs. 4,366 crore), and
on digital is contributed by social     paid search (24%, Rs. 3,725 crore).
media (29%, Rs. 4,596 crore). This      Spends on display banners stand at
is followed very closely by online      16% (Rs. 2,528 crore).


                                                                CO-POWERED BY

                                                                CO-GOLD PARTNER

           Ad Spends on digital media by formats (Rs. crore)

                       568 | 3%

                            4,596                Social Media
                            29%                  Online Video
                        9,788                    Paid Search
           3,725                                 Display Banners
                        4,366                    Other including Classifieds


Social media remains the strongest     It is expected that the digital
digital ad platform and has            advertising market will grow at a
constantly grown by leaps and          rate of 20% to reach Rs. 18,938 crore
bounds. Indian consumers spend         by 2021. Spends on online video
around 2-3 hours on social media       have increased from 22% in 2019
a day, hence, resulting in higher      to 28% in 2020 and will continue to
spends on social media platforms.      grow steadily.
Online video spends have seen
the highest growth rate of 46%         The pandemic accelerated the digital
in 2020 compared to the previous       trends and businesses moved online
year. This is followed by the growth   during the lockdown period. The
of spends on social media at 20%       media and advertising industry is
over 2019.


                                                                                  CO-POWERED BY

                                                                                  CO-GOLD PARTNER

shifting at a rapid speed and digital             needs and build trust. The pandemic
is taking the lead. Digital media                 pushed more and more businesses
saw the quickest recovery and                     to go online and engage with their
digital advertising spends returned               customers directly and create
to pre-lockdown levels by the end                 avenues to cement brand recall. The
of 2020.                                          rapid growth of online video has
                                                  shown that digital has evolved as a
For brands, it has always been                    strong branding and creative medium
imperative to have an active social               in addition to being the performance
media presence to communicate                     behemoth historically.
with consumers, understand their

               Ad spends across various digital formats - forecast

 27%            26%           25%          25%            24%                24%                    24%

                              5%            4%             4%                4%                     4%
 7%              6%

                              29%          28%            29%                29%                    29%
 28%            28%

 18%            19%           21%          22%            28%                28%                    28%

 20%            21%           21%          20%            16%                16%                    16%

2016            2017         2018          2019          2020              2021f                     2022f

       Display Banners   Online Video   Social Media    Other Incl. Classifieds            Paid Search


                                                                 CO-POWERED BY

                                                                 CO-GOLD PARTNER

2.2 Growth of E-commerce
    advertising in India
The pandemic has disrupted                language and localized content and
consumer’s purchase behaviour as          offers. In addition to that, the advent
we have known so far and has helped       of DSPs by e-commerce platforms
to form a positive perception towards     and higher focus on product search
e-commerce across the customer            during the pandemic period has
base. Marketers and e-tailers have        driven the evolution of e-commerce
identified and adopted the trends to      advertising in India. By the end
reach out to a larger audience with       of 2020, the advertising spends
e-commerce advertising, blending it       on e-commerce platforms were
seamlessly with merchandising and         Rs. 4,700 crore. Based on the current
other formats of digital advertising,     trajectory, the advertising spends on
resulting in rich customer experience.    these platforms is expected to grow
E-commerce advertising results            at a CAGR of 40%.
in greater sales conversions and
personalization helps in avoid dilution
of the marketing messages.

2020 has witnessed accelerated
                                               Ad Spends on
                                               E-Commerce          20
growth of e-commerce usage
and people belonging to different
age group now shop online more
                                               platforms           20
frequently than before. The adoption
of the digital-first approach was one
of the significant drivers towards this               Rs. 4,700
change. There is also a growing trend                 crore
of online shoppers coming from the
Tier II and Tier III cities and beyond,
thus truly widening the reach of this               Expected growth
platform. E-commerce giants have
been focusing on these consumers
                                                 40% CAGR
with initiatives like the use of local


                                               CO-POWERED BY

                                              CO-GOLD PARTNER

Digital marketing
in the post
COVID-19 era

Gurjot Singh Shah
Senior VP & National Media Head, Dentsu WebChutney


                                                               CO-POWERED BY

                                                              CO-GOLD PARTNER

T    here are essential lessons to
     learn from brands, which have
emerged from the pandemic even
                                         There are examples of such change
                                         and shifts historically during big
                                         events. The power of radio came
stronger than before. All the brands     alive when the US government
that have succeeded have quietly         successfully persuaded citizens to
invested more in transforming            join the army through radio during
their businesses to meet new needs       World War I. Print media really came
and they have shown the rest of          to the forefront when the Spanish
the brands and marketing world           Flu pandemic was contained with
how to make digital core to their        successful public health posters
businesses. In fact, we think of our     or ads in newspapers. It is time for
work in very simple terms: imagine       digital to see a big uptick.
life without Dentsu Webchutney’s
clients such as Google, YouTube,         The web is becoming the new
Twitter, Flipkart, Whirlpool during      grocery mart - Big Basket and
the pandemic. Life would be              Grofers saw up to 3X the traffic,
immeasurably different without           cab companies have tied up with
digital technologies our brand           grocery brands for deliveries.
partners are building.                   Dining-in is the new dine out.
                                         With over 55% increase in-game
Inevitably, if digital was the future,   downloads, gaming has become
the time for it has certainly arrived.   the virtual playground for all ages.
Now, as we look forward, there will      Over the top content consumption
be some short term pains in the          has become mainstream, audiences
advertising model we have known          have turned to digital like never
and loved for a while, i.e., mainline    before and it is only natural for
advertising. There might be a            brands to follow
shortfall in advertising growth in
India – but the long-term prospects      On the other side, there is major
for digital advertising have never       evolution in how brands are going
been better. This shift isn’t just       market themselves in this new era,
new for brands. It’s borne out of        a majority of brands have found
customer-centricity.                     ways to start selling online and
                                         existing ones have strengthened
We are headed to a new normal. Born      digital businesses by going
out of compulsion, consumers are         direct to customer also reducing
acquiring new skills, and have new       dependencies on marketplaces.
expectations from categories that        This shift has called for a mix
would have been taken for granted        of brand and performance-lead
until now. The new normal will           digital marketing, which is radically
revolve around technology, going         different than the pre COVID-19
virtual, becoming contactless and        era. Some key focus areas include
hence, will be built on click more       immediate translation of views
than bricks.                             and impression to clicks and


                                                            CO-POWERED BY

                                                            CO-GOLD PARTNER

quality visits.     Techniques like     consumers across touch points.
programmatic is assisting in            Leading consumer electronics
achieving the same and we are           brands like Samsung, Sony and
actively exploring relevant solutions   Haier are assisting their customer
for our advertiser client partners      with servicing and troubleshooting
like Federal Bank.                      virtually. Car brands like Skoda
                                        and BMW are launching their cars
Brands are adopting digital not         online and have migrated FAQs to
only as a preferred medium to           voice assistants.
advertise but also to address

                                        President, South
                                        Asia & EMEA Kohler

“       We have been early adopters of digital
        platforms in the home décor space and it has
        helped us remain in touch with consumers
        and engage with our customers even during
        the pandemic. Digital initiatives will remain
        intrinsic to our strategy going forward.


                                                                  CO-POWERED BY

                                                                  CO-GOLD PARTNER

On the ecommerce front, with a 100          Let’s take a few examples from this
percent rise in online orders from          year to validate the hypothesis of
Tier 2 and 3 cities, Myntra got over        brand building and performance
5 lakh shoppers over a 4 days end of        marketing becoming seamless.
season sale, over 15 lakh products
were sold during the 12 hours of            IPL has been the biggest bet so far
EORS. It also registered the highest        in 2020, and advertisers have been
ever number of app downloads and            bold enough to take these bets and
new customer acquisitions on day            we believe this opportunity will help
one of EORS.                                in driving meaningful customer
                                            adoption. With 229 million viewers
Nestle reported ecommerce is 4%             tuned in on day one of IPL 2020,
of revenue, double YoY.                     28% growth was witnessed in
                                            comparison to last year and it is
E-commerce companies including              only increasing.
Flipkart and Amazon sold $4.1 billion
(Rs. 29,000 crore) worth of goods           What is even better this year is the
during the October 15-21 period this        tenacity of viewers. More time spent
year, up from $2.7 billion in 2019.         at home leading to more active time
                                            spent on watching and celebrating
All of this will result in an exponential   IPL has offered more immersive
increase in investments on digital          partnership     opportunities    for
both, in products for enablement            advertisers. ESPN CricInfo has
and platforms for marketing. The            come up with many customisable
Indian digital advertising industry         opportunities, which have been
is expected to grow at CAGR of              adopted by our client partner
32% to reach Rs. 18,986 crore               Whirlpool and we are seeing healthy
($2.93 Bn) by 2020.                         results. Indians have really gone
                                            through a flood of emotions over
With greater dependency will come           the last 6 months, and the IPL has
even greater responsibility on              presented temporary relief in many
digital mediums Digital will take           ways, to brands and audiences.
the responsibility of sales alongside
marketing increasingly, as a result         With conviction, we see in these
of that the media mix is going              opportunities and brands willing to
to change with performance / ROI            sustain momentum. Investments
driving mediums taking a major              are going to be heavy in the
share.                                      approaching festive season too,
                                            making the period longer and
                                            brighter for advertising this year.


                                                              CO-POWERED BY

                                                              CO-GOLD PARTNER

Strong brands get even stronger         share stories of what they do. All in
during periods of downturns and         all, COVID-19 has given newfound
depressed advertiser sentiment          resilience to brand managers and
and this period is no different. We     the C-Suite in adopting holistic
are excited in how this newfound        thinking when it comes to managing
momentum sustains throughout            their presence on digital platforms.
the IPL & festive seasons, and even     They are no longer just allocating
beyond for the new year.                small parts of their spends online –
                                        they are building with digital as the
The biggest shift that we are           epicentre of the brand experience.
witnessing is an overhaul in how        This has implications on their
brands overturn their marketing         balance sheet, the competition,
teams. Today, marketing is not          their marketing spends, and more
just about the 4Ps. It’s about          excitingly in the long run, how they
truly adapting to your customers’       develop products to be even more
needs, as quickly as possible, and      customer-centric going forward.
meeting them where they are
present. Brands are not outliers to
culture and society but a part of it.
It matters how they adapt and how
they give back, and then ultimately

 “        Today, marketing is not just about the 4Ps.
          It’s about truly adapting to your customers’
          needs, as quickly as possible, and meeting
          them where they are present. Brands are not
          outliers to culture and society but a part of it.


                       CO-POWERED BY

                       CO-GOLD PARTNER

Building efficiency
in Digital Marketing
using Data and

Rubeena Singh
CEO, iProspect India


                                                            CO-POWERED BY

                                                            CO-GOLD PARTNER

T   he pandemic has changed
    our lives in many ways - our
approach to health, interactions
                                       experience to their users and also
                                       market themselves better.

with our friends, the way we work,     Here are 5 areas where technology
the way we run our homes, and          can help scaling and building
most definitely, the way we shop!      efficiencies in digital marketing.

We see many first-time consumers       1. Use machine learning
have adopted digital commerce          (ML) to create customer
channels. More and more people         experiences that earn
are shopping for everyday needs        loyalty and trust.
and luxury items online. From
groceries to sanitisers and from       Customer experience can be difficult
clothes to washing machines, the       to perceive, manage, measure, and
need to physically visit a store to    support as it is dynamic, contextual,
shop continues to fade.                and offers a mammoth amount
                                       of data to mine. ML can leverage
Even post the lockdown, consumers      customer data and interactions
hunkered down at home to avoid         to fuel CX strategy; automate the
contracting coronavirus are turning    repetitive and mundane tasks of
to online shopping for products that   data cleansing, structuring, and
they traditionally bought in stores.   maintenance; and help companies
Going forward, one can expect these    understand customer opinion for
new digital interactions to remain     crafting targeted and engaging
sticky and gain at the expense of      experiences.
offline commerce at physical stores.
                                       2.Using technology to
And, as the behaviour of the           create content
consumer      changes,   with    it,
change the marketing trends.           • Today, with the availability to
Brands will need to build digital        faster connectivity, many doors
experiences for the consumer             are opening for VR or AR where
& getting customer love in the           advertisers can build surreal
digital world. Data, technology          experiences     for    customers
and artificial intelligence can          digitally, to    showcase   their
                                         products and services. This will
enable companies gather more
                                         enable a lower bounce rate and
insight into their audience by           increased CTR & ROI.
offering recommendation engines,
predictive search, chatbots, etc.
                                       • Machines can make automated
Use of these technologies and tools      content creation possible! Banner
will help companies offer a better       ads, email campaigns, or social


                                                               CO-POWERED BY

                                                               CO-GOLD PARTNER

 media posts can be generated and        3.As consumers continue
 applied into different formats          shopping from their
 for native to every channel.            sofas without going out
 This is a big stride in the area        to the physical stores,
 of personalisation of content at        conversational commerce
 scale. Content can be created           is the need of the hour.
 for hundreds      of   segments
 of customers based on their
                                         Personalization and warmth in
 demographics and interests. Based
 on performance, messages can            the shopping experience in a
 automatically be changed to match       conversational style needs to
 the content that is performing          be built in the digital consumer
 well.                                   journeys. Buyers tend to prefer the
                                         more direct and human (or human-
• Video currently accounts for           like) contact, and companies that
  approximately 75% of all internet      adopt conversational commerce
  traffic. With the help of ML, video    soon notice the improvement.
  marketing strategy can scale           This technology provides up to 4
  greater heights. AI can help you       times more sales conversion than
  provide     tailor-made     content    traditional buying channels. The rapid
  to potential customers. Video          development of Natural Language
  developers can use AI data as a tool
                                         Processing (NLP) technology and
  to understand customer interest
  and base their future videos on        artificial intelligence (AI) systems
  the same information. Insights         have made it easier for conversational
  from AI prevent the marketer from      trade to rely on more sophisticated
  producing redundant videos. There      and advanced services.
  can help marketers in rationalising
  production,         interconnecting    Also, Voice Search is growing
  videos based on the watch history,     rapidly. Marketers will need to focus
  improving personalisation and          on creating content for voice and
  creating socially relevant content.    optimizing keywords for voice-
                                         based queries, which are more
• Analytics can make it possible for     conversational than a typed-up
  companies to get feedback on their     query. Voice has the potential to
  video and product and that too in      upend paid search and organic
  real-time. When the video content      content strategy practices.
  on social media is live, AI can tap
  data, which can be used for future
  content inputs. If the past videos
  were successful, it would give
  information about viewers who
  liked points. AI will help marketers
  develop powerfully social content
  that also is personalised.


                                                            CO-POWERED BY

                                                            CO-GOLD PARTNER

4. A common problem 		                  5. By using data, marketers
statement for marketers                 can track customers along
is how to target users who              the journey from initial
have abandoned the journey              interest to final purchase.
with offers?
                                        Building a multi-touch attribution
Data, Analytics and Machine             model will allow marketers to have
Learning can help re-engaging with      a much clearer picture of what’s
such users effectively. A Machine       working and what isn’t and make
Learning Model, which will self-learn   data-driven decisions, allowing
on the closure data with previous       them to prioritize expenditure in
offers using Analytics and create       the right channels.
classification based on personas,
can be built. The data then, can be
churned daily, to optimize for the
recommended offers.

Digital marketing and technology go hand in hand. You need technology
to be able to provide innovative digital marketing solutions. At iProspect
Solution Labs, we provide bespoke marketing solutions driven by tech
and data to our clients. Our array of advanced tools can help in creating
personalised experiences at scale for customers; at the same time enable
measuring, managing and analyzing business performance to maximize
its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). This allows
marketers to be more efficient at their jobs and minimize wasted digital
marketing dollars.

   “        Brands will need to build digital experiences
            for the consumer and get customer love in
            the digital world.


                                                                  CO-POWERED BY

                                                                  CO-GOLD PARTNER

2.3 Digital media spends
    across industry verticals
E-commerce makes the highest                  increased from 19% to 24% to
contribution of 24% (Rs. 3,782 crore)         be the highest contributor to the
to the digital media industry. This           digital media spends pie. The key
is followed by consumer durables              drivers in these sectors are young
(17%, Rs. 2,609 crore), FMCG                  demographic profile, improving
(14%, Rs. 2,163 crore) and Telecom            internet penetration, government
(13%, Rs. 2,046 crore). Compared              initiatives and improving economic
to the previous year, the share               performance.
of e-commerce segment has

           Ad spends on digital media by verticals (Rs. crore)

          388 | 2%
          809 | 5%                      9%
        1,004 | 6%                               24%

                            10%                        2,609
                                13%       2,163

              E-Commerce                      Consumer Durables     FMCG

              Telecom                         BFSI                  Auto

              Media & Entertainment           Retail                Others


                                                                                                      CO-POWERED BY

                                                                                                     CO-GOLD PARTNER

             Ad Spends on Digital Media by Formats and Verticals

                 23%             26%                                 24%                         27%
       32%                                               34%                        31%                                34%
                  9%             1%
        1%                                                                                       13%
      3%                                                                            13%                                 3%
                  21%                                    15%
                                 42%            2%                                                                     18%
                                                         34%         20%            41%
                  32%                                                                                                  26%
                                               16%                                               17%
                  15%                          18%       17%                        15%          19%                   18%

      FMCG        Auto     E-Commerce         Retail   Telecom       BFSI        Media &    Consumer                   Others
                                                                               Entertainment Durables

               Display Banners         Online Video    Paid Search   Other incl. Classified   Social Media

FMCG spends the highest share of                               Telecommunications sector spends
its digital media budget on online                             34% of its digital media budget
video (49%) followed by social                                 on social media and online video
media (32%) and display banners                                respectively. BFSI sector spends
(14%). Automotive segment spends                               a maximum of their digital media
the largest share of its digital media                         budgets on paid search (31%), then
budget on online video (32%)                                   on display banners (25%) and social
followed by social media (23%),                                media (24%).
paid search (21%) and display
banners (15%).                                                 Media and entertainment segment
                                                               spends the largest share of digital
E-commerce segments spend the                                  media budget on online video (41%)
most with 42% of their digital media                           followed by social media (31%) and
budget allocated for paid search. It is                        display banners (15%). Consumer
followed by social media with 26% and                          durables segment spends 27% of its
online video at 21%. The e-commerce                            digital media budgets on social media
segment spent their digital media                              followed by 24% on paid search and
budgets on online videos more this                             19% on online video.
year compared to the previous year.
Retail segment majorly spends its                              Digital video has seen unprecedented
digital media budget on social media                           growth in spends across almost all
(45%) followed by paid search (19%)                            industry verticals this year over the
and display banners (18%).                                     previous year. This shows that digital
                                                               media is evolving as a robust creative,
                                                               branding and awareness medium
                                                               in addition to being a performance

                    CO-POWERED BY

                    CO-GOLD PARTNER

Evolution of
Digital Marketing
in the Never
Normal World

Gopa Kumar
COO, Isobar


                                                              CO-POWERED BY

                                                              CO-GOLD PARTNER

A    s we entered 2020, who would
     have known the year would turn
out like it has, amidst the pandemic
                                        new users across sectors like
                                        entertainment, where consumption
                                        of content and screen time has
and lockdowns. In February 2020,        gone through the roof during these
when all of news around the pandemic    times. The pandemic has potentially
was developing, everybody hoped         changed the digital landscape, an
it to be a tiny wave that would pass    era that is driven by a rapid increase
in no time but how wrong we were.       in digital reach coupled with a rapid
The COVID-19 pandemic hit us hard       increase in the width of usage
and severely impacted our lives         amongst current internet users.
and livelihood. It has changed the      According to many reports, the usage
world and the way people interacted     will propel the growth of the internet
with each other before. The New         to higher levels.
Normal, Now Normal or Never
Normal, whatever terminology            Kantar’s I-Cube Study estimates that
you may want to give, the world         India will have more than 900 million
has changed and will never be the       internet users by 2025. That’s an
same again.                             addition of about 350 million users
                                        over the next five years. The growth
It has now become the biggest           will be driven by segments that have
global challenge of our lifetime,       till recently been underrepresented
leading a change in our attitude        – the rural population, school-going
and behaviour, and forcing brands,      children and women.
marketers to respond accordingly.
However, the need to respond won’t      The pandemic will also change the
end when the virus’ immediate threat    way we think, how these changes
eventually recedes. The pandemic        will affect the way we design, build
has forever changed the experience      experiences that people will seek, and
of being a consumer. We expect to       in turn how we will communicate with
see behavioural change at scale for     them. All of this will be answered in
some time to come.                      the way people react to all source of
                                        creative innovations and new hacks.
For all the hardships that COVID-19     Every marketer and brand needs to
brought in, it has also turned out to   be actively heard and be ready to
be a Black Swan event for the digital   respond in real-time if the situation
industry, which has accelerated the     demands so. There will be massive
adoption and usage of the Internet      behaviour change at a scale and
further. Work from home and all         speed that we’ve never seen before,
other restrictions have created         sparked by fear and encouraged by
new services and models across          government policies.
sectors like healthcare, education
and e-commerce. This also added


                                                                  CO-POWERED BY

                                                                  CO-GOLD PARTNER

Here are some of the key behavioural       Another trend one will see is the
changes of people which could be           emergence of health economy. As
observed include-                          health will become an essential factor,
                                           everybody will be willing to invest
Trust will become a necessity This         in health-related activities. Every
means, for brands to be effective, they    business will require to understand
would need to be trustworthy. In some      how it can be part of a new health
cases, to rebuild trust quickly, the       ecosystem that will dominate
focus should be on building confidence     consumer thinking.
through every channel. Optimism
will sell more than fear. The familiar     Some of the other behavioural
will be more valuable. Established         actions happening around the world
brands that handle the crisis well         and in India are people postponing
will rise in value and acceptance.         purchase decisions in many
The risk will be less tolerable to most    categories due to uncertainty. This
people. Individualism may rise with        will be expected to continue even
more people adopting a look-after-         after COVID threat reduces. People
yourself-first policy.                     will continue to wait and watch,
                                           which will result in broken marketing
Virtual world becomes a reality            calendars for brands as demands will
The enforced shift during the worst        continue to fluctuate.
of the pandemic to virtual working,
consuming and socializing will fuel a      This will also mean that digital
massive and further shift to virtual       will become a necessity. It will be
activity for anything. But it is growing   a solution for all requirements
fast. Microsoft teams experienced a        of    consumers,   whether        its
500+ percent increase in calls and         entertainment, commerce or utilities.
conferences worldwide. Anything
that can be done virtually will be         While it’s tough to wear a future-
preferred. Brands & organisations          gazing hat in this ever-changing
that will win are those who test and       dynamic and fluid world around us,
explore all the associated creative        there are definitely certain trends
possibilities.   While      everything     which are shaping in the post-COVID
is moving virtual, a craving for           world and where digital will be the
“real” will also build and things will     key driver.
explode when everything opens up
or comes back to normal. But virtual       Day to day essentials, groceries and
experiences and content will continue      medicines will massively be driven
to grow and expand like virtual gym,       by digital and will see huge growth.
virtual commerce, virtual arts, etc.

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