Instrucons for Accepted 2021 Metro Richmond STEM Fair Projects

Page created by Derek Barnes
Instruc ons for Accepted 2021 Metro Richmond STEM
                     Fair Projects

Congratula ons! Your project has qualified to advance to final judging at the 2021 Metro
Richmond STEM Fair (MRSF). The MRSF will be held virtually on Saturday, March 20, 2021.

MRSF judging for all projects will take place between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturday, March
20, 2021. Junior and Senior division projects will be presented by the student virtually via Zoom
before a panel of judges. Specific mes for judging will be communicated prior to March 20th.
Students will have a maximum of 8 minutes for their presenta on, with 4 minutes allo ed for a
Q& A with the judges.

Projects that earn a first place designa on in the MRSF will advance to Regeneron Interna onal
Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) judging immediately following MRSF judging on Saturday,
March 20, 2021. Please plan on a tenta ve ISEF judging schedule of 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on
Saturday, March 20, 2021. More specific mes will be communicated prior to the MRSF. The
Regeneron Interna onal Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) will be held virtually in April 2021.

All students must develop a Powerpoint or Google Slides presenta on that corresponds with
their accepted project. The presenta on must be uploaded to zFairs as a single PDF document
no later than 10am on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 for judges’ review prior to the Fair. The
presenta on can be presented to judges as a Powerpoint or Google Slides presenta on during
judging on Saturday, March 20, 2021. See Appendix I for complete instruc ons of the format,
uploading, and content requirements and recommenda ons.

This presenta on must have the following components:

   ● Five (5) required slides and two (2) op onal slides (see the table below for addi onal
     guidelines for slides 1-5 based on the type of project):
         ○ Slide 1: Title page featuring your new project ID number (see below for
             instruc ons on how to find your new project ID number)
         ○ Slide 2: State and present your research ques on, problem, and/or objec ves. A
             leading core graphic or visual is encouraged but not required.
         ○ Slide 3: State and present a succinct, bulleted summary of your methodology,
             project design, and/or framework.
○ Slide 4: State and present your data analysis and results, and/or findings.
           ○ Slide 5: State and present your interpreta ons and conclusions.
           ○ Slides 6-7 (op onal): Feel free to include relevant tables, graphs, photos, etc. to
             support your presenta on. You do not need to include not include a bibliography,
             references, or acknowledgments.

FINDING YOUR NEW PROJECT ID NUMBER (Available Wednesday, March 10, 2021)
When your project was accepted to advance to the MRSF, your Project ID number changed. To
find your new Project ID number:
   1. Log in to your exis ng zFairs account.
   2. Click on “Switch Fairs” in the header menu op ons.
   3. Click on the “Metro Richmond STEM Fair” (NOTE: Previously, you were registered on the
      “Metro Richmond STEM Fair_Screening” site.)
   4. Click “Student” in the header menu op ons.
   5. Type your name in the search box and your project should appear, showing your new
      Project ID number.

There is a $100 applica on fee for students who advance to the judging por on and choose to
compete in the Metro Richmond STEM Fair on March 20, 2021. Payments must be received or
postmarked by Wednesday, March 17, 2021.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to include the student's name in the “Write a note” field on
PayPal or the memo field of a check.

Click here to pay online via PayPal or mail payments to:

2401 Hartman Street
ATTN: MathScience Innova on Center STEM Fair
Richmond, VA 23223

Winners in each division/category and ISEF winners will be posted on the MathScience
Innova on Center website STEM Fair page no later than noon on Monday, March 22, 2021.
Appendix I
  ● Upload your Powerpoint or Google Slides presenta on to zFairs as a single PDF

  ● Use wide-screen page format or Landscape orienta on with a page size no larger than
    American standard 8½”X11”.
  ● The PDF document must open with default magnifica on “Fit Page” so that the en re
    page is visible at the same me. The pages should be created in Landscape mode.
  ● Your PDF document must be without anima on or ac ve hyperlinks. The document
    must not have instruc ons to open in “full screen mode.” Elimina ng this mode
    automa cally precludes page transi ons and embedded videos or anima ons, so do not
    a empt to include these in your presenta on.
  ● The page background color must be a light color and text color must be predominantly
    dark to support readability.
  ● The smallest allowable font size of body text is 14 pt. and an 18 pt. font is
    recommended. Excep on: You may use a smaller font size, down to 10 pt., for figure
    cap ons or photo credits.

  ● Do not use non-standard fonts or colors to “stand out from the crowd” or to be
    entertaining. It is recommended that you use a font such as Arial, Calibri, Helve ca or
    Century Gothic.
  ● Page tles should all be the same size. That size should be larger than headings within
    each page. In turn, headings should be larger than body text.
  ● Avoid long expository paragraphs. State your points succinctly.
  ● Use bullets to set out individual points of interest. Use numbered lists when the ordering
    of points of interest is important (e.g., instruc ons to be followed in order, or items
    needing a reference anchor for cita on elsewhere in your presenta on.
  ● Proofread carefully and be aware of spelling, usage and gramma cal errors.
Slide 1 | Project ID and Title
    ● The following should be included:
            ○ Project ID
            ○ Project Title
            ○ Finalist Name
            ○ School
Slide 2 | RESEARCH QUESTION - What is your research ques on?
    ● Explain what is known or has already been done in your research area. If this is a
        con nua on project, a brief summary of your prior research is appropriate here. Be sure
        to dis nguish your previous work from this year’s project.
    ● What were you trying to find out? Include a descrip on of your purpose, your research
        ques on, and/or your hypothesis.
Slide 3 | METHODS - Explain your methodology and procedures for carrying out your project
in detail.
    ● What did you do? What data did you collect and how did you collect that data? Discuss
        your control group and the variables you tested.
    ● DO NOT include a list of materials.
Slide 4 | RESULTS - What were the result(s) of your project?
    ● Include tables and figures which illustrate your data.
    ● Include relevant sta s cal analysis of the data.
Slide 5 | DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS - What is your interpreta on of these results? What
conclusions did you reach?
    ● What do these results mean? Compare your results with theories, published data,
        commonly held beliefs, and expected results.
    ● Discuss possible errors. Did any ques ons or problems arise that you were not
        expec ng? How did the data vary between repeated observa ons of similar events?
        How were results affected by uncontrolled events?
    ● What do these results mean in the context of other work being done in your research
        area? How do the results address your research ques on? Do your results support your
    ● What applica on(s) do you see for your work?
Slides 6-7 | OPTIONAL
Slide 1 | Project ID and Title
    ● The following should be included:
             ○ Project ID
             ○ Project Title
             ○ Finalist Name
             ○ School
Slide 2 | RESEARCH PROBLEM - What is your engineering problem and goal?
    ● What problem were you trying to solve? Include a descrip on of your engineering goal.
    ● Explain what is known or has already been done to solve this problem, including work on
        which you may build. If this is a con nua on project, a brief summary of your prior work
        is appropriate here. Be sure to dis nguish your previous work from this year’s project.
Slide 3 | METHODS - Explain your methods and procedures for building your design.
    ● What did you do? How did you design and produce your prototype? If there is a physical
    ● prototype, you may want to include pictures or designs of the prototype.
    ● If you tested the prototype, what were your tes ng procedures? What data did you
        collect and how did you collect that data?
    ● DO NOT include a separate list of materials.
Slide 4 | RESULTS - What were the result(s) of your project?
    ● How did your prototype meet your engineering goal?
    ● If you tested the prototype, provide a summary of tes ng data tables and figures that
        illustrate your results.
    ● Include relevant sta s cal analysis of the data.
Slide 5 | DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS - What is your interpreta on of these results? What
conclusions did you reach?
    ● Did your project turn out as you expected?
    ● What applica on(s) do you see for your work?
Slides 6-7 | OPTIONAL
Slide 1 | Project ID and Title
    ● The following should be included:
            ○ Project ID
            ○ Project Title
            ○ Finalist Name
            ○ School
Slide 2 | RESEARCH PROBLEM - What is your research ques on or problem?
    ● Explain what is known or has already been done in your research area.
    ● Explain what is known or has already been done in your research area.
    ● If this is a con nua on project, a brief summary of your prior work is appropriate here.
        Be sure to dis nguish your previous work from this year’s project.
Slide 3 | FRAMEWORK - Nota on and framework.
    ● Introduce the concepts and nota on needed to specify your research ques on,
        methods, and results precisely.
    ● Define relevant terms, and explain prior/background results. (Novel concepts developed
        as part of your project can be presented here or in Sec on 4, as appropriate.)
Slide 4 | FINDINGS - Present your findings and suppor ng arguments.
    ● What did you discover and/or prove? Describe your result(s) in detail. If possible,
        provide both formal and intui ve/verbal explana ons of each major finding.
    ● Describe your methods in general terms. Then:
            ○ Present rigorous proofs of the theory results – or, if the arguments are long, give
                sketches of the proofs that explain the main ideas.
            ○ For numerical/sta s cal results, include tables and figures that illustrate your
                data. Include relevant sta s cal analysis. Were any of your results sta s cally
                significant? How do you know this?
Slide 5 | DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS - What is your assessment of your findings?
    ● How do the results address your research ques on? And how have you advanced our
        understanding rela ve to what was already known?
    ● Discuss possible limita ons. Did any ques ons or problems arise that you were not
        expec ng?
    ● What challenges do you foresee in extending your results further?
    ● What applica on(s), if any, do you see for your work?
Slides 6-7 | OPTIONAL
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