Page created by Russell Mitchell


       Resources and Performance Portfolio
Contents                                                                            Page

Portfolio on a Page                                                                178 - 179

Section 1: Future Strategic Direction

  Key priorities for the portfolio over the period 2019/20 – 2022/23              180 - 181

  Key pressures and challenges facing the portfolio for 2019/20 –                 181 - 182

  Key projects/programmes that the portfolio will deliver 2019/20 –               182 - 185

    Benchmarking and other information used in setting Strategic
                                                                                   185 - 186
     Direction and assessing service outcomes

    Key Risks, mitigation and resilience plans                                    186 - 187

Section 2: Revenue Budget Information

    Key Budget Movements:
         o Technical Adjustments
         o Exceptional Inflation                                                   188 - 193
         o Pressures
         o Savings

    Revenue Budget by Objective Area                                              194 - 197

Section 3: Capital Programme                                                       198 - 202

                        IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance      177
Resources & Performance Portfolio
Strategic Direction:                                                                    Key services provided:
• To provide professional advice and insights, and the tools to deliver                 • Support services including; Assurance, Finance,
  services and enable change                                                              HR, Improvement & Technology, Procurement,
                                                                                          Property, Legal, Democratic & Member services,
                                                                                          Communication and Policy support.
                                                                                        • Citizen focused services for Births, Deaths,
                                                                                          Marriages and Citizenship Services, Support to the
Key priorities and programmes:
                                                                                          Coroner, delivery of school meals through Herts
• Driving forward digital strategies to maximise the effectiveness of                     Catering Limited and the supplies service
  digital solutions for the council and its clients.                                      HertsFullstop
• Leading on an effective People Strategy to deliver a high performing,
  engaged and committed workforce.
• Maximising the use of public sector assets to drive out efficiencies
  and generate ongoing revenue streams.                                                  Key risks in achieving IP proposals:
• Driving forward further commercial opportunities for trading,                          • Changes in funding and grant announcements
  procurement and contract management.                                                   • Volatility of and changes to local business rates
• Leading on enabling and developing a Smart, flexible and mobile                          system
  workforce.                                                                             • Council tax reforms and changes to council tax base
• Enable effective approaches of prevention and demand                                   • Wider inflation, interest and borrowing rate risks
  management.                                                                              post Brexit
• Funding – Drive forward strategic financial planning and proactively                   • Ability to market assets and secure revenue
  respond to the impact of proposed changes to Business Rates                              streams
  (NNDR) and government funding.
                                                                                         • Continuing to attract, recruit and retain an effective
• Development of key transformation proposals.                                             workforce

                                             IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                  178
Resources & Performance Portfolio
£m                     Net Revenue Budget                                               Key Revenue Pressures:
 140.0                                                                                  • Robertson and Farnham House lease (part of
 120.0                                                                                    2017/18 IP) - £0.579m
 100.0                                                                                  • HBS – Network Print & Fleet Services - £0.423m
                                                                                        • Increased insurance premiums - £0.131m
                                                                                        • Legal support for G&I - £0.119m
              2018/19      2019/20      2020/21         2021/22      2022/23

                    Key Budget Movements                                                Key Revenue Savings Proposals:
                                  2019/20     2020/21     2021/22        2022/23
                                  TOTAL       TOTAL       TOTAL          TOTAL          •   Reduction in energy costs - £1.128m
                                   £000s       £000s       £000s          £000s         •   Property and asset management - £0.523m
        Technical Adjustment       (13,049)    (13,049)     (13,049)      (13,049)      •   Herts Fullstop ITT - £0.420m
                                                                                        •   Rent from new care home - £0.249m
     Service Specific Inflation        203         417            647         890       •   Libraries PSM - £0.179m
                                                                                        •   Further reduction in back office costs - £0.111m
                   Legislative         399          69             69          69
             Other Pressures         9,560       6,044       11,191        14,630
         TOTAL PRESSURES             9,959       6,113       11,260        14,699
         Existing Efficiencies        (963)     (3,691)      (5,640)       (7,278)
                                                                                        Key Capital Schemes:
       Existing Policy Choice          (50)        (50)           (50)        (50)      •     25 by 20: Property Projects
             New Efficiencies       (3,068)     (3,091)      (2,945)       (2,835)      •     Broadband Delivery Project Phases 2 & 3
             TOTAL SAVINGS          (4,081)     (6,832)      (8,635)      (10,163)      •     Capital Maintenance Improvements and Annual
                                                                                              Programme of Minor Works
                                   2019/20     2020/21     2021/22       2022/23
                                                                                        •     ICT Refresh budget and Refresh Mobile
Capital Programme                   £000s       £000s       £000s         £000s
                                                                                              Computing Devices
                                    15,747     10,255       6,725          3,535

                                                   IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                            179
Resources and Performance Portfolio: Future Strategic Direction

1    What are the key priorities for the portfolio over the period 2019/20 – 2022/23?
     Resources provide centralised support services to the Council’s departments, as
     well as providing front-line services including Registration, Coroners and Citizenship
     Services and Herts Business Services. The Resources Directorate also includes
     Libraries, as well as Performance and Improvement. Information on Libraries is
     included in the Education, Libraries and Localism Portfolio.

     The net total departmental budget for 2018/19 was £70.942m and £26.17m of
     savings have been achieved between 2010/11 and 2018/19. A further £2.8m of
     savings are already assumed in the baseline figures for 2019/20 rising to £8.4m by

     A proportion of the service is carried out through third party providers and managed
     under contract including pensions’ administration, payroll, occupational health, IT
     support and development, HR and finance transactions, temporary staff
     recruitment, facilities management and some property services (Leasehold and
     empty property management & maintenance, valuation services, capital projects
     delivery and project management). Approximately 35% of the gross Resources
     budget is spent on these outsourced services.

     Resources has a key role in supporting the Council’s departments to improve
     services and make savings enabling the Council to continue to operate within
     increasingly difficult financial circumstances. In key areas of the service such as
     technology we will need to sustain the capacity of our teams in order to drive
     change; this may increase the pressure to drive out savings in other areas of the
     service to meet the authority’s funding gap.

     The department’s strategic priorities are:

     1) Providing corporate services to enable the delivery of departmental services and
     2) Delivering citizen services to support engagement, wellbeing and self-service
     within the community
     3) Leading on the future sustainability of the organisation through collaboration and
     innovation and the delivery and support of major change initiatives
     4) Leading on and promoting the existence of good governance in all aspects of the

                         IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance     180
Our priorities over the medium term are to:

    1. Be proactive enablers of change – providing leadership, direction and support
       to drive transformation and improvement. This includes;
           Effective delivery of new transformational change initiatives including Smart
            Working, Next Generation and Future Workforce to support a sustainable
            workforce and working environment.
           Making the most of our property, office and service accommodation
            portfolios, including through the Councils new property company, Herts
            Living Ltd and Smart Working
           Increasing commercial opportunities including those relating to major re-
            procurements, and supporting the delivery of Smart Commercial and the
            commercial strategy
           Using outcome driven technology to respond to fast-changing digital
           Having a high performing, engaged, and committed workforce
    2. Ensure that Resources Directorate meets the needs of the organisation,
       provides best value for money and enables our frontline services to continue to
       provide effective services. We will continue to review our structures and ways of
       working to ensure that we are as efficient as possible and can effectively support
       the changing needs of the organisation.
    3. Proactively respond to and manage the proposed changes to government
       funding and other policy changes, including the proposed devolution of Business
    4. Support the Council’s delivery of service led projects and programmes
    5. Enable effective internal and external communication and engagement with
       other citizens and partners
    6. Managing the strategic partnership framework for the county – Hertfordshire
       Forward – which brings together the key decision makers around the table to
       secure common purpose.
    7. Support and enable the role of Members.

2   What are the key pressures and challenges facing your portfolio for 2019/20 –
       As the provider of Support Services to the organisation the Resources
        Directorate needs to ensure that it responds to the ever changing needs of
        departments whilst continuing to identify opportunities to deliver savings and
        other efficiencies. This involves working with services to predict and respond to
        the impact of demographic pressures and other policy changes, ensuring
        continued effective and appropriate support services.
       Ensuring that the organisation is able to use the best technology to improve
        efficiency and productivity and engagement with its citizens. This will include use
        of the most appropriate fit for purpose technology including cloud services and
        ensure safe and effective transition of any changes. It will also involve
        maximising digital opportunities with a user-focussed end to end service re-

                        IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance     181
design, exploiting data analysis to tailor services and pre-empt trends and needs
        and efficiencies around ways of working; as set out in the County Council’s
        three-year Digital Roadmap.
       Supporting the council in tackling the financial challenges outlined in the
        Integrated Plan, and delivering financial sustainability over the medium term.
       Responding to changes in funding; in particular the risks and opportunities
        associated with changes to funding regimes including Business Rate
        localisation. In addition, there is an increased risk of more schools becoming
        Academies and insufficient funds to meet the needs of the remaining schools.
       Ensuring that we support the organisation to develop a workforce strategy that
        ensures that we maintain the capability and capacity to deliver current and future
        outcomes and we continue to attract, recruit and retain people with the right
        skills, abilities and values, particularly in key shortage skill areas including Social
        Work, Planning, Digital and Legal.
       Ensuring that we have the resources, knowledge and skills to support changes
        in the way we operate, including the development of the property company
        (Herts Living Ltd) and other commercial opportunities.

3   What are the key projects/programmes that the portfolio will deliver 2019/20 –

    Procurement – ensuring we have effective procurement and contracts
    management arrangements in place across the council. Enabling the effective
    review and procurement of Directorate contracts; including the Shared Managed
    Services (SMS), Temporary Staff Recruitment and Pension Fund contracts.
    Spotting and engaging in opportunities for collaborative procurement with other
    public sector partners.

    Funding and financial planning – Resources will continue to support the
    organisation in taking a strategic, medium term view of financial challenges faced
    and developing option to meet these challenges. We will proactively responding to
    proposed changes to Business Rates (NNDR) and central government funding to
    ensure that the impact for HCC is understood and informs Medium Term Financial
    Strategy. Working with our partners, we will ensure that the impact of any changes
    (including local growth) are understood and reflected in the medium term financial

    Transformation – Develop and drive forward new transformational change
    initiatives including Smart Working, Next Generation and Future Workforce to
    support a sustainable workforce and working environment. Also ensuring there is a
    holistic view of these and wider departmental change programmes

    Assurance – The individual parts of the Service continue to consider opportunities
    for expanding their customer base e.g. further work from Academies and other
    Districts and Boroughs with a view to generating further revenue surplus
    contributions or by reducing charges in relation to Partnership Services (SIAS &

                         IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance        182
Legal Services – supporting the Council to achieve its objectives, particularly
providing specialist and focussed support for major initiatives, taking the opportunity
to develop shared service arrangements where appropriate, engagement with client
departments to manage in conjunction with them increasing demands for legal
advice and development of initiatives (e.g. on line resource hubs) to reduce the
reliance on Legal Services.

Information Governance – continue to support the Council with GDPR compliance
and access to information requirements.

Coroner Service - continued development of the case management system to
enable electronic referral of sudden deaths and electronic signing and distribution of
post-investigation documents to improve service to the bereaved and efficiency.
Prepare for the introduction of the non-statutory NHS Medical Examiner Service
April 2019.

Registration & Citizenship Service – continued development of customer online
appointment and ceremony booking, and development of online payment system to
improve customer service and service efficiency. Identifying further opportunities to
generate income to improve efficiency.

County Council Election 2021 – prepare for the County Council Election 2021
Customer Service - the new website has been live for two
years, achieving best website award at the UK Public Sector Communications
Awards and the highest rating from society for IT manager in the public sector.
Priorities remain for its development to maximise the potential of channel shift
encouraging residents to self-serve rather than call the customer call centre; and to
develop more personalised content.
Financial and HR systems review – to prepare for the future withdrawal of support
for the current version of SAP systems in 2025, the Next Generation project is
looking for improvement and change to ensure that use of the core system
functionality is maximised, whilst also reviewing future options for systems and
process provision. The drivers will be to seek improvements and efficiencies for the
end user and bring about efficiencies from the process design.

Human Resources – will continue to contribute to internal and external major
change programmes. Support the review of HR and Payroll services in the lead up
to 2021 contract through Fit for the Future, Next Generation project.

Technology & Improvement – Drive completion of the Next Generation project by
March 2021 within the overall context of organisational transformation. Continue to
deliver the technology roadmap to enable new ways of working across the
organisation, which includes migration to Windows 10 and Office 365 by the end of
2019 and rollout of refreshed user hardware (starting with laptops) over the next 2

Corporate Policy & Communications - Supporting services on policy and service
changes, building the County Council’s external profile, supporting the county’s
strategic partnership and joint working arrangements through Hertfordshire Forward
and the Public Sector Chief Executives Group and maintaining internal
communication with staff to support organisational change.

                    IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance     183
Supporting the Organisation – supporting services to deliver their change
programmes and savings and where appropriate develop the capability and
capacity to deliver improved trading income and opportunities for partnership

Leading on our property and office and service accommodation

   To make better use of the public sector portfolio of assets by sharing buildings
    and developing more multipurpose facilities, particularly in support of co-
    delivered services. This is proposed to reduce costs and deliver better
    outcomes wherever possible to staff and service customers. The council will
    work with partners through the Hertfordshire Property Partnership and One
    Public Estate programme.
   In the context of Local Strategic Plans and the need for significant housing and
    infrastructure development, to drive forward required development and return
    with some or all of the profit component to the public sector or, through private
    rented housing, to generate ongoing revenue income streams to support
    spending on essential services. This approach will utilise the Council’s newly
    established property company (Herts Living Ltd).

Leading on increasing commercial opportunities

   Developing the Councils commercial strategy, including:
    o Implement consistent and coherent approach to HCC companies, and
      options for future arm’s length entities
    o Developing guidance to support the organisation in considering commercial
    o Enhance approach to strategic commercial planning & re-tendering
    o Benchmark contract management and commercial approaches.

Leading on outcome driven technology to respond to fast-changing digital

   Targeting service-specific agile redesign to maximise quick wins – the strategy is
    delivery as set out in the three-year Digital Roadmap.
   Encourage greater level of user-focussed end to end service re-design,
    exploiting data analysis to tailor services and pre-empt trends & needs.
   Deliver an effective technology infrastructure to underpin resilient digital first
    approaches across the council.
   Ensure a digitally confident and competent workforce.

Leading on an effective People Strategy to deliver a high performing, engaged,
and committed workforce

   Ensuring our workforce has the capability and capacity to deliver current and
    future outcomes.
   Positioning HCC so that we are recognised as an employer of choice.

                     IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance        184
   Developing reward frameworks that support us to attract, recruit and retain
        people with the right skills, abilities and values.
       Ensure Workforce plans are aligned with IP and service business plans.
       Right person, right place doing the right thing.

    Leading on developing and enabling SmartWorking throughout the organisation

       Leading widespread cultural change to drive increased collaboration, mobility
        and flexibility.
       Delivering modern technologies to enable smarter ways of working as the new
       Ensure close links to office estate consolidation, people strategy and digital

    Supporting the right approaches to prevention & demand management

       Working with services and partners to identify and analyse the quantum of
        funding supporting prevention activity and the outcome of such spend.
       Supporting the development of outcome measures and toolkits.

    Key savings proposals include:
    Resources Directorate has looked to reduce the costs of its operation, ensuring that
    it is efficient and fit for purpose. Since 2010 it has delivered savings of £26.17m
    rising to £31.79m by 2022/23. This included working with external partners to lever
    out savings through more efficient ways of working and maximising the use of
    available technology where appropriate. It continues to review opportunities for
    efficiencies including reducing the use of our office space and joint working with
    partners to share fixed costs and generate income.

    The proposals set out in the IP cover:

         Further reduction in back office costs – this includes savings across each of
          the Resources teams - £0.304m
         Additional income from traded and statutory services - £0.430m
         Property and asset management, including energy - £2.180m
         Serco SMS contract savings - £0.111m

    Key to future savings will be the extent to which the Directorate can identify further
    efficiencies from the key cross-cutting transformation programmes. In the short
    term there may be a requirement for additional investment to support and drive the
    transformational changes across the organisation.

4   How has the portfolio reviewed its effectiveness / value for money in
    delivering service outcomes?

    The service undertook a comprehensive review of the level and scope of its
    services through joint work with Essex County Council, and ten other county
    councils to inform the 2016/17 budget plan. This exercise identified that we

                         IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance        185
compare relatively favourably on costs and scope of service spending 4.4% of our
    gross budget on support service with only one of the 10 other councils spending a
    lower proportion.

    Subsequent to this a number of further exercises have been undertaken:

       Legal Services – are part of the Public Law Partnership (PLP is the legal
        services partnership of authorities in Essex, Hertfordshire, Suffolk and
        Cambridgeshire). PLP share staff, legal information, know-how and training to
        ensure value for money. Our aim is also to work closely with other legal
        departments in Hertfordshire authorities to share training and, where
        appropriate, resource.

       SERCO– the outcome of a previous review undertaken by an independent
        assessor revealed that the overall contract price across all service lines is 9%
        below reference group average, and therefore continues to represent value for
        money at the aggregate level. The Council has taken advantage of the
        opportunity to extend the contract from March 2019 by 2 years. In doing so it has
        been able to negotiate further savings on the contract, reducing cost not just in
        Resources but in ACS and children’s services too.

       Property services – the work to develop the approach to management and
        development of property assets has involved research with external providers
        and other organisations to determine options and best practice in this area. .
        This can be achieved both through the implementation of the ‘Accommodation
        Strategy’ and through working with “One Public Estate” to pump prime
        collaboration across all Herts public sector.

       Procurement – the Central Buying Consortium benchmarking exercise results
        (published in early 2017) showed that of the 8 authorities participating,
        Hertfordshire ranked the second from lowest for cost of service, despite having
        the second from highest level of externally procured spend. Likewise, the
        Society of County Treasurers procurement benchmarking exercise of 12
        authorities (published in early 2017) ranked Hertfordshire lowest in terms of cost
        of the central procurement team as a percentage of net revenue budget.

5   What are the key risks in delivering projects and programmes for this
    portfolio, and what mitigations are in place? What steps are being taken to
    ensure resilience?
    Major budget related risks are set out in the Sensitivity Analysis (IP Part A –
    Overview) with a number of these relating to this portfolio. In particular:

       potential income from business rate incentives; success of the Local Enterprise
        Partnership; impact of business rate appeals;
       the Collection Fund balance and council tax base for future years, as well as
        council tax support schemes and wider council tax reforms;
       outstanding grant announcements;
       inflation: non-pay inflation including exceptional inflation;
       delivery of savings to timescale;

                         IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance     186
   interest rates, impacting on borrowing costs and investment income;
   ability to sell assets and secure capital receipts; and
   potential impact of the decision to exit the EU on inflation, treasury
    management, the property development market and staff recruitment and

Some of the key mitigations in place include:

   Continuing to review and manage our overall resource position including
    changes to grant funding.
   Continued commitment to deliver savings through robust project management
    and ensuring the focus remains on key priorities.
   The availability of contingency funding which alongside general fund and
    specific reserves takes account of the uncertainties and risks across the
   Continued leadership of cross-cutting transformation programmes to support
    transformation change across the organisation and deliver future savings.
   Workforce planning and strategy to ensure that we recruit, engage and retain a
    highly performing workforce and deal with key skill shortage areas.

                     IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance   187
KEY BUDGET MOVEMENTS 2019/20 - 2022/23
                                                                                                                                             2019/20       2020/21       2021/22       2022/23
                                                                                                                                             TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL
                                                                                                                                              £000s         £000s         £000s         £000s
                                                                                                                   Technical Adjustment        (13,049)      (13,049)      (13,049)      (13,049) TA

                                                                                                              Service Specific Inflation           203           417           647           890 SSI

                                                                                                                               Legislative          399             69           69            69   L
                                                                                                                          Other Pressures         9,560         6,044       11,191        14,630    OP
                                                                                                                     TOTAL PRESSURES              9,959         6,113       11,260        14,699
                                                                                                                     Existing Efficiencies        (963)       (3,691)       (5,640)      (7,278)    EE
                                                                                                                   Existing Policy Choice           (50)          (50)         (50)          (50)   EPC
                                                                                                                         New Efficiencies       (3,068)       (3,091)       (2,945)      (2,835)    NR
                                                                                                                         TOTAL SAVINGS          (4,081)       (6,832)       (8,635)     (10,163)

                                                                                                                         Type of budget      2019/20       2020/21       2021/22       2022/23              current
Ref    Description                                                                                          Dept                             TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL                budget
                                                                                                                                              £000s         £000s         £000s         £000s                £'000
       Technical Adjustments
TA6    Herts Fullstop - Invest to transform and increased revenue (reversal of one-off expenditure)     Central Items                             (112)         (112)        (112)         (112)                (1,697)
TA7    SEND Preparation for Employment Grant 2018 (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19 IP)        Resources                                (160)         (160)        (160)         (160)                    N/A

TA8    Adult Social Care Support Grant (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19 IP)                   Resources                              (2,584)       (2,584)       (2,584)      (2,584)                    N/A
TA9    Review of contingency (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19 IP)                             Resources                              (1,961)       (1,961)       (1,961)      (1,961)                    N/A
       Infrastructure & Sustainable Transport Investments (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19                       Technical
TA10                                                                                                     Resources                              (2,000)       (2,000)       (2,000)      (2,000)                    N/A
       IP)                                                                                                                 Adjustment
TA11   Insurance Reserve (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19 IP)                                 Resources                              (1,000)       (1,000)       (1,000)      (1,000)                    N/A
TA12   Invest to Transform fund (reversal of one-off expenditure in 2018/19 IP)                          Resources                              (5,232)       (5,232)       (5,232)      (5,232)                    N/A
       Service Specific Inflation
       Coroner Services
                                                                                                                         Service Specific
       Mortuary Service These services are provided by NHS Trusts and therefore will be subject to       Resources                                     4             9          15            21
       NHS inflation.
       Coroner Services
                                                                                                                         Service Specific
       Special & High Risk Examinations These services are provided by NHS Trusts and therefore          Resources                                     2             5             8          11
       will be subject to NHS inflation.
       Assurance Services
       SIAS & SAFS HCC Commissioning SAFS are planning to increase their charge to Partners by                           Service Specific
                                                                                                         Resources                                   10            21           32            43
       2% a year & SIAS are planning to increase their charge to Partners by 1.5% a year. The                                Inflation
       composite % increase is 1.58%

                                                                           IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                           188
                                                                                                                         Type of budget     2019/20       2020/21       2021/22       2022/23         current
Ref    Description                                                                                           Dept                           TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL           budget
                                                                                                                                             £000s         £000s         £000s         £000s           £'000

       Legal                                                                                                             Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                                   8         12            17            21
       Records Management Consumer Price Inflation required for the Off-Site Storage Contract.                               Inflation

       Insurance                                                                                                         Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                               10            28            56            95
       Insurance Claims Insurance Claims paid by HCC up to our excess level.                                                 Inflation
       Insurance                                                                                                         Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                               36            72           109           148
       Insurance Premiums Increase in insurance premiums                                                                     Inflation
       Registration & Citizenship Service                                                                                Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                                   4             8         13            17
       Citizenships Ceremony Statutory fees                                                                                  Inflation
       Registration & Citizenship Service                                                                                Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                               13            27            41            55
       General fees income Statutory fees                                                                                    Inflation
       Property                                                                                                          Service Specific
                                                                                                          Resources                                   7         15            23            31
       Abel Smith rental income Lease agreement with 0% inflation                                                            Inflation
                                                                                                                         Service Specific
       Residential Elderly People's Homes Lease agreements are fixed for a period of 5 years with no      Resources                              109           220           333           448
       allowance for inflation
       Domestic Abuse - reserve set-up
 L5    Specific reserve set up to deliver the domestic abuse agenda in the light of new legislative      Central Items     Legislative           330                -             -             -                 -
       Interest cost - New Long-Term Borrowing
OP10   Interest cost increase due to the borrowing required to fund the rest of HCC's capital            Central Items   Other Pressures        (763)          100          2,279         4,879           21,010
       programme not funded by grants, contributions or reserves.
       Interest cost - HCC Short Term Loans
OP10   Interest cost increase due to increased use of short-term loans to fund capital programme in      Central Items   Other Pressures        (167)          276          1,324          369            21,010
       short-term, and manage liquidity requirements
       Brokerage and Fee Expense - Arrangement of New Borrowing
OP10   Additional fee expenses incurred for the arrangement of new borrowing required to fund HCC's      Central Items   Other Pressures          (3)           56            92           104            21,010
       Capital Programme
       Interest on Balances held Internally
OP11   Increase in internal interest paid on balances held due to higher interest rates forecast. Some   Central Items   Other Pressures         247           116           109            25            21,010
       mitigation is expected from the reduction in LEP balances.
       Minimum Revenue Provision
OP12   As a result of moving the calculation of the provision to the annuity method the savings          Central Items   Other Pressures         175           175           175           175            21,010
       generated are front loaded and creates a pressure in future years.

       Additional Borrowing to fund the Capital Programme
       Borrowing to fund the Capital Programme results in a higher minimum revenue provision. The
OP13                                                                                                     Central Items   Other Pressures        1,538         3,704         5,411         7,084           21,010
       minimum revenue provision is the statutory amount that HCC must charge to council tax in
       order to repay the principal on borrowing.

       Review of contingency
OP59                                                                                                     Central Items   Other Pressures        2,709               -             -             -          6,022
       Additional funding used to help manage the wide range of financial and operational risks

                                                                            IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                    189
                                                                                                                           Type of budget    2019/20     2020/21       2021/22       2022/23         current
Ref    Description                                                                                             Dept                          TOTAL       TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL           budget
                                                                                                                                              £000s       £000s         £000s         £000s           £'000
       Environment Agency Thames/Anglian Region Levy
       The Environment Agency is a levying body for its flood defence function under the Water
OP66                                                                                                       Central Items   Other Pressures         17          17            17            17                978
       Resources Act 1991. Following notification of the levy for 2019/20 an increase in budget is

       Corporate Transformation
OP60   A dedicated reserve for collaborative, corporate transformation to meet the anticipated future      Central Items   Other Pressures       1,000             -             -             -             N/A
       cost of organisational change (beyond the provisions made via the ITT fund)

       Loan Premium Expense
OP62   Pressure resulting from the amortisation of loan premium incurred during 2018/19 as a result of Central Items       Other Pressures        168         168           168           168            21,010
       the early repayment of LOBO loans

OP63   Invest to Transform                                                                                 Central Items   Other Pressures       2,033             -             -             -             N/A
       Contribution to the Invest to Transform Fund

       Business Rates Pilot Reserve
OP64   The anticipated benefits of the business rates pilot is being set aside in a dedicated reserve to   Central Items   Other Pressures       1,308             -             -             -             N/A
       be applied to promote economic growth, in line with the objectives of the rates retention pilot

OP65   Business Rates Pilot Reserve - top-up                                                               Central Items   Other Pressures         90              -             -             -             N/A

       Climate Change Levy
L10    Additional CCL on the unit price of energy following the removal of the Carbon Reduction Credit      Resources        Legislative           69          69            69            69             3,696
       scheme from 2019/20 - See associated saving for CRC (£219k)

       Robertson & Farnham House
       At the point of purchase of the freehold of Robertson and Farnham House in Stevenage, Aviva
       held a lease of the freehold with HCC subleasing from Aviva. This situation continues until the
       Aviva lease expires in September 2018. However, there is a difference in the values of the
OP7    lease (£3.5m) and the sublease (£2.3m) of £1.168m which in turn will create a pressure on the        Resources      Other Pressures        579         579           579           579                579
       overall property budget when the Aviva lease ends. As Aviva do not make profit from this
       arrangement they will not look to renew the lease. A pressure of £589k was included in the
       2018/19 budget due to the lease ceasing in September 2018. The current pressure of £579k is
       the remainder of the full year effect.

       Network Print Service
       The Network Print Service and associated budgets have transferred to Technology. This has
OP38                                                                                                        Resources      Other Pressures        173         173           173           173             (173)
       left HBS with a pressure of £173,300 per annum due to previous budgeted over-recovery of
       Lease Car rebate
OP42   Cross cutting pressure arising from a sharp fall in the lease care rebate estimate across all        Resources      Other Pressures        100         105           100           100             (236)
       departments with Lease cars.

                                                                             IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                  190
                                                                                                                             Type of budget     2019/20       2020/21       2021/22     2022/23         current
Ref    Description                                                                                               Dept                           TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL       TOTAL           budget
                                                                                                                                                 £000s         £000s         £000s       £000s           £'000

       Insurance Premiums
       Early warning from our insurance brokers that our insurers may be looking to breach the Long
OP49                                                                                                          Resources      Other Pressures         131           323           512         705             1,688
       Term Agreement in September (our renewal) and increase the insurance premium/require us to
       take a higher excess. This is due to an alleged worsening in our claims experience.

       Herts for Learning (HfL)
       Move away from SAP onto an alternative ERP. This would mean that they would no longer pay
OP50   for SAP support, SAP licences (except for a small charge associated with running their payroll)        Resources      Other Pressures          75           102           102         102             (345)
       or Finance Transactions. These are all currently paid for by the SMS budget, which also
       receives the recharged income. (Draft figures)

OP51   Fleet Services                                                                                         Resources      Other Pressures         150           150           150         150             (243)

       Minimum Revenue Provision                                                                                                 Existing
EE65                                                                                                         Central Items                                4         (9)           (9)         (9)           21,010
       Final savings arising from 2017/18 change to MRP policy                                                                 Efficiencies
       Better Contract Management                                                                                                Existing
EE66                                                                                                         Central Items                                -       (500)       (1,000)     (1,000)               N/A

NE23   Internal Commissioning                                                                                Central Items   New Efficiencies       (910)         (910)         (910)       (910)               N/A

       Interest on Investment Balances
NE24   Changes in interest earned on external balances resulting from changes in forecast balances           Central Items   New Efficiencies       (529)         (546)         (400)       (290)           21,010
       and interest rate forecast.
       Engagement and Consultation Phase 2
EE50   This saving relates to the ceasing of the residents' survey so that it only takes place every other    Resources                              (21)               -        (21)             -              21
       financial year.
       Registration & Citizenship Service
       Further channel shift to online bookings and payments reducing telephone booking, including                               Existing
EE51                                                                                                          Resources                              (40)          (40)          (40)        (40)            2,038
       completion of ecommerce project and development of Ceremony Planner functionality in NEO                                Efficiencies
       (Registrations booking system).
       Democratic Services
EE52   Electronic publication and distribution of agendas, reports and minutes of formal meetings of          Resources                              (20)          (20)          (20)        (20)                34
       the council.

       Property review and rationalisation
EE53   This initiative is focussed on delivering a reduction in the costs of office accommodation by          Resources                             (523)         (995)         (256)     (1,915)            9,025
       2020, which includes a drive towards freehold ownership of property.

                                                                             IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                     191
                                                                                                                     Type of budget    2019/20       2020/21       2021/22     2022/23       current
 Ref    Description                                                                                        Dept                        TOTAL         TOTAL         TOTAL       TOTAL         budget
                                                                                                                                        £000s         £000s         £000s       £000s         £'000

        Herts Fullstop - Invest to transform and increased revenue
        The business plan for next year focuses on increasing sales income to reduce the pressure                        Existing
EE54                                                                                                     Resources                         (420)         (657)         (909)       (909)         (1,697)
        currently , before a planned Invest to transform bid for around £1.5m of investment would                      Efficiencies
        increase the surplus generated. the saving is dependent on this investment.

        Prop Co
        An initial estimated of returns from the councils property company (Herts living Ltd) has been                   Existing
EE55                                                                                                     Resources                               -     (1,000)       (2,500)     (2,500)                 -
        undertaken. This will be revised once discussions can take place with the preferred bidder for                 Efficiencies
        the joint venture (Chalkdene)
        Corporate Communications: Horizons - Transition to online
                                                                                                                     Existing Policy
EPC10   Reduce Horizon publications from 3 copies to 2 in 18/19 and then further reducing to one copy    Resources                          (50)          (50)          (50)        (50)             142
        in 19/20.
        Customer Service – Web Team                                                                                      Existing
EE56                                                                                                     Resources                          (10)          (30)          (30)        (30)             608
        Increasing income by delivering web tools and support for other organisations.                                 Efficiencies

        Customer Service - Income and Payments
        To drive out further savings through efficiencies in how the team work, developing more self-
        service and making better use of systems.
EE57                                                                                                     Resources                          (60)         (150)         (170)       (170)          1,271
        Developing and implementing a customer portal so that customer can access their own
        information and submit documentation, thereby reducing the numbers of manual processes that
        the team carry out.

        Serco SMS contract savings
        Negotiation has been undertaken with Serco regarding the possible extension of the Shared
        Managed Services contract by 2 years to March 2021. This will contribute a saving rising to                      Existing
EE16                                                                                                     Resources                         (111)         (118)          (92)        (92)         11,359
        £1.1m per annum by 2019/20 (including £300k in relation to current glide path savings). These                  Efficiencies
        savings benefit Resources, ACS and Children's Services, and as such the remainder of savings
        appear in those departments

        Trading: Herts Catering Ltd
EE59    Performance from HCL means the Council can expect additional income in the coming years.         Resources                          200                -       (200)       (200)         (1,000)
        This could be a mix of dividend income and fees for services that HCC provides to HCL

        HR stretch target
EE60    Following the outcomes of the SAP review, HR/Finance will look to develop plans for service      Resources                               -        (73)         (184)       (184)          3,713
        redesign and efficiency to deliver savings
        Finance stretch target
EE61    Following the outcomes of the SAP review, HR/Finance will look to develop plans for service      Resources                               -        (73)         (183)       (183)          4,344
        redesign and efficiency to deliver savings
EE62    Property - utilities - non-schools Salix savings                                                 Resources                          (28)          (92)          (92)        (92)          3,696
EE63    Reprocurement of external audit fee via Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA)                  Resources                          (17)          (17)          (17)        (17)             147

                                                                            IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                           192
                                                                                                                          Type of budget     2019/20     2020/21     2021/22     2022/23       current
Ref    Description                                                                                              Dept                         TOTAL       TOTAL       TOTAL       TOTAL         budget
                                                                                                                                              £000s       £000s       £000s       £000s         £'000
       Reserve balance                                                                                                        Existing
EE64                                                                                                          Resources                            83          83          83          83                  -
       Review of department reserves to release any that no longer need to be held                                          Efficiencies

       Property - Energy Savings
       Historically the energy budgets have not been adjusted to reflect any differences between actual
       inflation and the estimated inflation from the previous year's IP which has resulted in a surplus
NE13                                                                                                          Resources   New Efficiencies     (1,128)     (1,128)     (1,128)     (1,128)          3,696
       budget for energy. The adjustment to reflect the difference between the estimated inflation and
       actual inflation is now being undertaken - Figures are being investigated further to verify the full
       assumptions behind it, and to confirm whether there is any element of a reduction in usage

       Carbon Reduction Credits
NE14   The CRC scheme ceases from 2019/20 to be replaced by additional Climate Change Levy on                 Resources   New Efficiencies       (219)       (219)       (219)       (219)          (219)
       the unit price of energy - See associated pressure for CCL (£69k)

       Fire ladder workshop
       End of lease at Mallow Park for the Fire ladder workshop. Workshop to be temporarily
NE15   relocated to either an alternative workshop hired locally or possibly to Hertford Fire Station, with   Resources   New Efficiencies        (33)        (39)        (39)        (39)             899
       the intention of moving the workshop to Longfield in the long term. Saving is based on hiring an
       alternative workshop locally whilst a decision is made

       Bericot Way rent
NE16   The Quantum Care residential elderly care home in Bericot Way, Welwyn Garden City is now               Resources   New Efficiencies       (249)       (249)       (249)       (249)         (5,331)
       paying income to HCC, as the rent free agreement under their lease has now come to an end.

       Note 1
       A number of pressures and savings impact on a several portfolios. The total amounts across all portfolios is given here:
       OP42 Lease Car Rebate - AC&H, CYP&F, R&P                                                                                                    254         525         537         520
       NE3 Children's Services Efficiencies CYP&F, EL&L                                                                                          (500)       (500)       (500)       (500)

                                                                              IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                           193
  Net                                                                                                                                        Gross                  Net        Net        Net        Net
Budget                                                                                                                                      Budget                Budget     Budget     Budget     Budget
2018/19                                                                                                                                     2019/20    Income     2019/20    2020/21    2021/22    2022/23
 £'000  Objective Area                                                                                                                       £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000
           Resources Central Items
           This budget includes:

         Chief Executive: - Overall corporate management and operational responsibility, including management responsibility for all
   1,238 officers.                                                                                                                             1,571       (87)      1,484      1,485      1,485      1,485

           Director of Resources & Performance: - Oversee the strategic management of the department, ensuring compliance with legal
           and regulatory frameworks and the delivery of Statutory Services.
           Herts Finance
           Give strategic advice and support to key financial processes. This includes the preparation of the annual revenue and capital
           budgets, setting and monitoring financial standards and providing finance and accountancy support functions to all council
   4,168                                                                                                                                       5,039      (523)      4,516      4,448      4,333      4,333
           services. This budget also includes the payment of charges on banking transactions and external audit fees. Other Services -
           includes budgets for car loans and staff mortgages and other miscellaneous items.
           Herts HR
           Development of corporate people strategy and policies, workforce planning, learning and organisational development, pay and
   3,649   reward, employee and industrial relations, equality and diversity in employment, employee well being, recruitment and               5,144    (1,358)      3,786      3,713      3,602      3,602
           retention, safe staffing, talent and succession management, leadership and management development.
           Shared Managed Services
           Provides overall Contract Management for the SMS contract for all operational services provided under the partnership,
  12,930                                                                                                                                      14,450    (2,512)     11,938     11,958     11,984     11,984
           regardless of service type.
           Improvement and Technology
           - Provides the strategic lead and design function for IT and telecommunications infrastructure across the authority.
           - Delivers and champions the effective use of, management information and performance data for HCC departments,
           corporate management and partnership purposes.
           - Delivers improvement programmes and project management for key authority wide and departmental initiatives ensuring
  10,549                                                                                                                                      12,765    (2,626)     10,139     10,139     10,139     10,139
           Equalities and Diversity issues are effectively addressed.
           - Supports the organisation's Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Open Data and Records Management activity.
           - Supports the organisation's commissioning and procurement activity providing technical support, supplier relationship advice
           and best practice advice to enable effective, value for money contracting.

                                                                          IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                    194
Net                                                                                                                                            Gross                  Net        Net        Net        Net
Budget                                                                                                                                          Budget                Budget     Budget     Budget     Budget
2018/19                                                                                                                                         2019/20    Income     2019/20    2020/21    2021/22    2022/23
 £'000  Objective Area                                                                                                                           £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000
           Property Teams: - Provide the strategic asset management and advice function in support of land, buildings and other property
           assets owned or leased by the County Council. Act as the Corporate Client for outsourced property services including property
           lease and managing agent function, property and land specialist consultancy services, property & land disposals and
           acquisitions services. Deliver Development Services function for county assets (planning permissions), responses to District
           Council Strategic Land Use Plans and negotiates S106/CIL infrastructure development funding agreements.

           Central & Shared Buildings - This budget covers the facilities management and running costs for all shared offices (County
           Hall, Apsley, Stevenage and Mundells), as well as certain other divisional buildings throughout the county. It is managed by
           Property and all costs are recovered by recharges to the building occupiers.
  15,758                                                                                                                                          31,787   (16,670)     15,117     13,693     13,053     11,517
           Service Property Costs - Property are responsible for the provision of 'hard' Facilities management (reactive and planned
           maintenance works) across the majority of operational service properties, e.g. the libraries, fire stations etc.

           Corporate Managed Properties - This budget covers the management of all properties that are not being used for direct
           services delivery by the county council, including those in the property disposal programme.

           Staff Housing Pool - Managed by Aldwyck Housing Association, this provides staff temporary housing and provides an income
           that is used to pay for the repairs and maintenance of the properties.
           Assurance (Internal Audit, Scrutiny and Health & Safety)
           Internal Audit - Internal Audit gives assurance to members and senior managers on all the Council's governance, risk
           management and internal control arrangements, so as to ensure that these key areas work effectively to deliver council

           Counter Fraud - Counter fraud activity delivered by the Shared Anti Fraud Service; pro-active and re-active work to prevent
           and detect fraud
    298                                                                                                                                            1,787    (1,462)        325        335        346        357
           Scrutiny - Scrutiny has the responsibility to hold the Executive to account by scrutinising decisions made by, or on behalf of the
           Council or Cabinet, and any operational or policy aspect of the council's business. It also has the power to scrutinise health

           Health and Safety - The team delivers strategic and operational Health and Safety advice and guidance, with a risk-based
           model of service delivery.

                                                                            IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                      195
Net                                                                                                                                              Gross                    Net         Net         Net         Net
Budget                                                                                                                                            Budget                  Budget      Budget      Budget      Budget
2018/19                                                                                                                                           2019/20    Income       2019/20     2020/21     2021/22     2022/23
 £'000  Objective Area                                                                                                                             £'000      £'000        £'000       £'000       £'000       £'000
            Legal Services & Statutory Services
            Legal Services - Provide high quality legal and administrative services to enable the County Council to carry out its policies
            and statutory obligations within the law and the council’s own procedures in a cost effective manner.

            Highway Boundaries & Land Charges Unit - The Highway Boundaries and Land Charges Unit undertake searches on behalf of
            district councils, solicitors, and members of the public into inquiries about the status of roads, rights of way, and other highway
            matters. They also answer enquiries relating to common land.

            Elections - The elections budget represents the budget needed to pay for any by-elections in year, and to fund the cycle of
            county council elections which take place every four years.

            Democratic Services - This team is responsible for supporting county councillors to carry out their formal duties as councillors.
   5,593                                                                                                                                            10,034    (3,689)        6,345       6,376       6,407       6,439
            It is responsible for arranging and supporting all of the council's formal meetings, including County Council and Cabinet
            meetings, and ensuring that an accurate record of these is maintained.

            Coroners Service - The Coroner Service provides administrative and investigatory services to Her Majesty’s Coroner for the
            district of Hertfordshire, in accordance with the responsibilities of the relevant authority as defined in the Coroners and Justice
            Act 2009. The service investigates sudden or unexpected deaths.

            Registration & Citizenship Service - Hertfordshire Registration & Citizenship Service is responsible for registering births,
            deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, and citizenship services in Hertfordshire. The services provided include weddings,
            civil partnerships, civil funerals, civil namings, citizenship ceremonies, nationality & settlement checking services, change of
            name deeds and reaffirmation of vows.
            Hertfordshire Business Services
            Hertfordshire Business Services comprises of the following sections:
            • Hertfordshire Contract Management Services
            • Hertfordshire Supplies
  (1,699)                                                                                                                                            8,159    (9,855)       (1,696)     (1,933)     (2,186)     (2,185)
            • Hertfordshire Fleet Management Services (HFMS)
            • Hertfordshire Reprographics
            • Surecare Supplies
            The insurance costs of the County Council are met through this budget. These costs include external insurance premiums
   3,903    paid, an amount set aside each year to meet the internally insured claims and excesses on externally insured claims, and the             4,098            -      4,098       4,345       4,600       4,870
            operational cost of running the County Council’s insurance service.
            Care Payments
   1,226    The care payments team make payments to care providers and citizens paying for their own care.                                           1,397      (147)        1,250       1,250       1,250       1,250
            Corporate Policy
            Corporate Policy is concerned with analysing national policy developments, research studies and best practice to support the
   2,794    formulation of policy across the county council. This includes leading on the corporate plan, the localism agenda and the                2,816                   2,816       2,837       2,816       2,837
            coordination of policy consultation.
         Communications aims to increase awareness of county council services through effective communication with residents,
     944 stakeholders and other target audiences. It is responsible for developing and implementing the council’s corporate and                      1,029       (99)          930         929         929         929
         departmental communications strategies.

                                                                              IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                           196
Net                                                                                                                                           Gross                       Net           Net           Net           Net
Budget                                                                                                                                         Budget                     Budget        Budget        Budget        Budget
2018/19                                                                                                                                        2019/20       Income       2019/20       2020/21       2021/22       2022/23
 £'000  Objective Area                                                                                                                          £'000         £'000        £'000         £'000         £'000         £'000
            Customer Services
            The Customer Service team are responsible for managing the Serco contract for the Customer Service Centre including Blue
     518    Badge service, leading on our website , providing the complaints service for Children Services and Health         1,015         (414)          601           491           471           471
            and Community Services and delivering the school appeals service.
            Herts Catering Limited Dividend
            Hertfordshire Catering Ltd is a commercial company wholly owned by HCC, providing the majority of school meals in
  (1,000)                                                                                                                                                -      (800)        (800)        (1,000)       (1,200)       (1,200)
  60,869                                                                                                                  Resources Total       101,091      (40,242)       60,849        59,066        58,029        56,828
            Central items
            Capital Financing
   9,060    Represents the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) charge to revenue to provide for the repayment of borrowing.                          10,012               -     10,012        13,530        18,500        21,830
            Interest Paid and Received
            The cost of interest paid on borrowing, to fund the Capital Programme and any short term cashflow needs, together with
  11,950                                                                                                                                         11,668               -     11,668        11,520        11,659        11,685
            interest earned from investing the councils' cash balances.
            This budget provides for potential cost increases in areas of risk/uncertainty. Level to be confirmed once final funding figures
   6,022                                                                                                                                          6,770                      6,770         4,061         4,061         4,061
            available in February.
            One-off Investment
            Infrastructure & Sustainable Transport Investments - Provision to fund projects for development of major infrastructure and
   2,000                                                                                                                                                 -            -             -             -             -             -
            sustainable transport to address future growth
   5,232    Invest to Transform fund - Additional funding recognises the need for further transformation to deliver future savings                2,033               -      2,033                -             -             -
            Corporate Transformation - A dedicated reserve for collaborative, corporate transformation to meet the anticipated future cost
        -                                                                                                                                         1,000               -      1,000                -             -             -
            of organisational change (beyond the provisions made via the ITT fund)
            Lee Valley Regional Park and Environment Agency levies
         The county council has to contribute to the funding of these two organisations.
   2,046 • The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority develops, preserves and manages an area next to the River Lee as a regional park.               2,063               -      2,063         2,063         2,063         2,063
         • The Environment Agency issues a local levy to the county council to fund flood defence.
   9,335 Includes inflation for pay awards still under negotiation and future years inflation                                                      629                        629          9,870        19,009        28,580
         Transfer to Reserve
   5,960 Creation of a Transition Reserve in 2018/19                                                                                                     -            -             -             -             -             -
         Creation of a new Business Rates Pilot Reserve following confirmation of the Hertfordshire 75% Business Rates Retention
       -                                                                                                                                          1,398                      1,398                -             -             -
  51,605                                                                                                       Central Items Total               35,573             -       35,573        41,044        55,292        68,219
 112,474                                                                                            Resources & Performance Total               136,664      (40,242)       96,422       100,110       113,321       125,047

                                                                            IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                                                                   197
Resources and Performance capital programme 2019/20-2022/23

     The total capital programme 2019/20 to 2022/23 for the portfolio is £36.262m and for
     2019/20 is £15.747m. This includes all new bids and re-programming from 2018/19
     at the end of quarter 2.

                                             2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23                       Total
                                              £’000   £’000   £’000   £’000                        £’000
                   HCC funding                12,337   3,580   3,050   3,160                       22,127
                   Reserves                    1,403     375   3,675     375                        5,828
                   Grants                      1,400     800        -       -                       2,200
                   Contributions                 607   5,500        -       -                       6,107
                   Total                      15,747  10,255   6,725   3,535                       36,262

     New capital bids

     There are three new bids for Resources and Performance, as set out in the table

                                                                          Total           Total
                                HCC            Other                       HCC            other
                     Cost                                    cost
                              funding         funding                    funding        funding
   Scheme           2019/20                                2019/20-                                          Description
                              2019/20         2019/20                    2019/20-       2019/20 -
                                                                         2022/23         2022/23
                      £’000        £’000         £’000         £’000        £’000           £’000
                                                                                                       The targeted aim of
                                                                                                       phase 3 is to extend
                                                                                                       superfast further across
Broadband                                                                                              the county with
Delivery Project      1,400              -       1,400        11,000                -         11,000   particular emphasis on
Phase 3                                                                                                positive economic
                                                                                                       impact by providing
                                                                                                       superfast speeds to
                                                                                                       rural business premises.

                                                                                                       Investment in
                                                                                                       transformation to secure
Schemes                 500          500               -          500           500                -
                                                                                                       long term revenue

                                                                                                       Development of the e-
                                                                                                       commerce solution and
Development             800          800               -          800           800                -
                                                                                                       Enterprise Resource
                                                                                                       Planning system

Total                 2,700        1,300         1,400        12,300          1,300           11,000

                                   IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                          198
Revised capital bids

    The directorate has revised fours bids. In total these require additional HCC funding
    of £4.837m in 2019/20 to 2022/23.

                                                                             HCC             Other
                               HCC          Other           Total
                 Total                                                     funding          funding
                             funding       funding        Increase/
               increase/                                                  increase/        increase/
Scheme                      increase/     Increase/      (decrease)
              (decrease)                                                 (decrease)       (decrease)           Reason
                           (decrease)    (decrease)      2019/20 to
                2019/20                                                  2019/20 to       2019/20 to
                             2019/20       2019/20         2022/23
                                                                           2022/23          2022/23

                £’000        £’000          £’000          £’000            £’000           £’000

                                                                                                        Additional budget
                                                                                                        required for the
                                                                                                        replacement of laptops
                                                                                                        and desktop terminals
                                                                                                        to ensure the Council
                                                                                                        has up to date and fit
Refresh           2,003         2,003                -        2,403             2,403               -
                                                                                                        for purpose end user
                                                                                                        devices, to support
                                                                                                        SMART working
                                                                                                        initiatives and the
                                                                                                        property rationalisation

                                                                                                        Increased investment
                                                                                                        required to improve
Annual              696           696                -        2,634             2,634               -
                                                                                                        and maintain the

                                                                                                        To enable the targeted
                                                                                                        renewal and refresh of
25 by 20            250           250                -           250              250               -   office designs to
                                                                                                        achieve 25 by 20

County Hall                                                                                             Additional remedial
Car Park            400           400                -           400              400               -   works required at
Works                                                                                                   County Hall car park.

Total             3,349         3,349                -        5,687             5,687               -

                               IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                           199
Resources and Performance portfolio capital programme 2019/20 - 2022/23

                                                          Total                             2019/20 Integrated Plan                          2020/21   2021/22        2022/23
     Scheme                                              scheme             Cost          HCC      Reserves Grants               Contribu     Cost      Cost           Cost
     New (N), existing (E), revised (R),    Portfolio      cost                          Funding                                  tions
     re-profiled (P)                                      £’000            £’000          £’000       £’000     £’000             £’000       £’000     £’000          £’000
     Broadband Delivery Project
     Phase 2 (P)
     Phase 2 of a programme that is to
     ensure that 97% of Hertfordshire      Resources
R1   premises (residential and             and               14,352           3,051        1,416           1,028       -           607          -         -              -
     business) can receive access to       Performance
     superfast broadband. This is a
     joint project with

     Broadband Delivery Project
     Phase 3 (N)
     The targeted aim of phase 3 is to
     extend superfast further across       Resources
R2   the county with particular            and               11,000           1,400           -                -     1,400          -         6,300     3,300            -
     emphasis on positive economic         Performance
     impact by providing superfast
     speeds to rural business

     Non-Schools Capital
     Maintenance and Minor Works
     To maintain the condition of the
     properties, so that they are                            Annual
R3                                         and                                1,750          1,750             -             -           -     1,750     1,750          1,750
     suitable for operational use.                       Programme
     These sites include Libraries,
     Adult Care, Registration, Fire and
     Rescue stations with houses and
     the Central and Shared Offices.

                                                          IP Part B: Strategic Direction - Resources & Performance                                              200
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