Page created by Lorraine Higgins



Visa information
Cultural adjustments
Before you go
Once you arrive overseas
How to survive school life: suggestions
Residence permit
   Information for extra EU students
Registration to Comune di Rome
   Information for EU students
   Immigration single desk
Tax code
Health care
   Registration to the Italian Public Health Service
   Health care services
   Private health care

How to reach us
    Public transport
    Living expenses
    Finding your accommodation in Rome
Accommodation channels
Opening a bank account
    Debit, credit and charge cards
Useful info and numbers
    Emergency numbers
    Italian public holiday

About the city of Rome
Useful links
What’s on in Rome
Top things to do in Rome

Addresses and useful information
IED Rome agreements
Forms and fac similes

                 STUDENT DESK
Dear student, Welcome to IED – Istituto Europeo di Design!
We hope this guide will help you to learn more about life at IED. Please read it carefully
before you arrive and keep it ready at hand for future reference during your stay.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT DESK is the landmark for all the initial necessities of
your new adventure in Rome and at IED.
The staff will help and support you in organizing your stay here in Rome, providing you
with all information concerning the following:
Necessary documents for living in Italy (Residence Permit, Tax Code, Health Insurance,
etc), Practical arrangements, Accommodation, Living and getting around in Rome,
Getting familiar with school issues and school life, on how to integrate into an interna-
tional environment.

You may contact us at:

ALCAMO CAMPUS                                   BRANCA CAMPUS
IED Visual Communication                        IED Moda
Via Alcamo, 11                                  IED Communication
00182 Rome Italy                                IED Master
Ph. +39 06 7024025                              Via Giovanni Branca, 122
Fax +39 06 7024041                              00153 Rome, Italy Ph.                                +39 06 5717651 Fax
                                                +30 06 57305476
CASILINA CAMPUS                       
IED Design
Via Casilina, 51
00182 Rome, Italy
Ph. +39 06 70612111

Opening Hours: from Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 21.30 pm

                                           GETTING READY
                                           FOR THE START
Visa information                                                          - one of your main jobs while abroad is to figure out for the new
If you are a Non EU citizen, you might be requested to
                                                                          culture what those differences are… where they come from…
apply for a studio visa. Please check on this site if you need it.        what they mean… and how you are going to respond when
                                                                          conflict or misunderstandings arise. Throughout the process of
                                                                          preparing and studying abroad, it is important to guard against
Cultural adjustment                                                       the natural tendency of humans to be critical of cultural
                                                                          practic-es and attitudes which are different from their own,
Cultural adjustments:                                                     especiallyi n the early stages of adaptation.
How to survive in a foreign country                                       It is equally easy to make snap judgments about groups or
You have stepped off the plane into a new cultural world.                 individuals if things are not going well. While stereotyping
Initially you may experience a sense of overwhelming fascination          may be temporarily satisfying to some-one in the throes of
and awe. Everything around you is new: a different language,              culture shock, it is destructive and alienating in the long run.
different dress or a confusing transit system. Slowly you begin to        Ten transition tips: manage the change and enjoy your new life!
adapt.You learn some Italian and begin to notice certain cultural         The following tips are drawn from reports of hun-dreds of
nuances. This process takes time.                                         thousands of study abroad students who have preceded you in
Remember: you are surrounded by a new culture!                            travelling about the globe.
Culture: the hidden dimension
One of first things you will encounter when you go abroad is              Before you go:
something you cannot really see, but which, if you do not un-
derstand what it is and how it works, can seriously affect how            Know your destination!
you adjust to and enjoy your time overseas. That “thing” is CUL-          Understanding something about where you are going is guaran-
TURE. Culture is a neutral term, neither good nor bad, and                teed to assist you in being accepted. Knowing something about
refers to the broadest conception about the learned knowledge             the arts and architecture of the local region, or developing an
that humans use to fulfil their needs and wants. It refers to the         interest in it, will be greatly appreciated.
collective historical patterns, values, societal arrangements,
manners, ideas, and ways of living that people have used to order         Prepare to be understood and to understand!
their society. It is comprised of all those things we learn as part       Knowing facts is important but so is understanding something
of growing up including language, religion, beliefs about eco-            about intercultural communication. What we call “communica-
nomic and social relations, political organization and legitimacy,        tion” is a matter of much more than words. Our body language,
and the thousands of “Do’s and Don’ts” society deems important            the degree of directness or circumspection, the use of silences,
that we know to become a functioning member of that group.                and the pace and tone of our words often convey as much infor-
Going abroad without understanding the likely points of con-              mation as the words themselves. It is essential to be aware that
tention across cultures, and why they tend to occur, is a sure            each culture has its preferred mode of expression and traditional
recipe for problems. Things are not always what you think they            ways of conducting conversations.
are and the most ordinary interactions may occasionally take on a
surreal quality. Why? Because the simplest things matter. Errors          Learn the language!
might arise from language mistakes in which your word choice              It goes without saying that you are going to have an easier time
in French or Swahili sends your audience into gales of laughter           overseas if you speak at least a little of the language of the coun-
or shocked silence! Or you use the wrong hand (who knew there             try. While functional fluency would be nice, at a minimum one
was a “right hand”?) to pass food at a meal in India and your host        should know the proper daily greetings, how to make requests,
looks at you like you just did something really gross.                    ask directions, and how to say “thank you,” “please,” and other
A good start towards figuring this all out begins by acknowledg-          verbal etiquette. It is not only polite to do so but is universally
ing that:                                                                 appreciated by native speakers.
 - they have a culture and you have a culture                             Learn why culture matters!
 - some things in their culture will be similar to yours some             Understanding something about how cultures work, the logic
things will be different                                                  behind their behaviour, and the values that inform their actions

will go a long way in helping you to adjust overseas. Moreover,              to keep a daily or weekly journal. It not only allows you to have
once you understand that cultures have a myriad of ways to solve             an internal dialog with yourself but also to look back upon your
the business of everyday living, one becomes less likely to see              experiences and see the difficulties as they happened. It can be
only one way of doing things as “right.”                                     therapeutic to express yourself openly and honestly in ways you
                                                                             might not want to do even with a close friend.

Once you arrive overseas:                                                    Chill out!
                                                                             Cultivate your sense of humour; you will need it from time to
Get the logistical and practical arrangements settled!                       time. Realize that sometimes a negative experience is not per-
Nothing is a worse beginning to a study abroad sojourn than the              sonal but cultural. Be as non-judgmental as you can while being
anxiety of where to eat, sleep, bathe, use the facility, take classes,       as open to new ideas and experiences as you dare. Be flexible,
and how to get around. Therefore, if your program does not ad-               adaptable, and cheerful without abandoning your core values
equately address these things, you should concentrate on getting             or compromising your sense of self. When things are not going
these basic needs worked out before tackling larger issues. Part             well…stop and try to figure out why. Ask a friend or mentor for
of culture learning will include mastering an often bewildering              advice. Keep in touch with friends and family. Email is wonderful
array of how to do simple things like banking, internet access, or           for that purpose, but don’t use it, or phone calls, excessively.
booking travel, not to mention more serious things like obtain-
ing medical care or contacting authorities if necessary (police,
immigration control, consulate offices, etc.).                               How to survive School life: suggestions:

Find a mentor!                                                               Check the Academic Calendar online Google Calendar
Almost any local person knows more about the country than                    It highlights dates of lessons and is useful for managing your
a newcomer does, but you should try to find someone who is                   studies during the semester lectures. It is always updated and can
willing to listen to you and talk over any problems you are en-              notify any change that may occur on the timetable by means of
countering. If they themselves have had some experience as an                mobile phone too (see attachments, password, settings).
international student, so much the better. When you can’t make               Check classrooms, the daily notice board with the list and loca-
sense of an interaction, or you don’t know what you may have                 tion of all classrooms and laboratories is available at every school
done wrong in a specific context, a mentor can be of great assis-            entrance and on each floor.
tance in analysing the situation and offering sensitive advice on
how to handle or avoid such events in the future.                            Respect course attendance and punctuality
                                                                             It is extremely important that you attend at least 80% of total
Stay curious!                                                                amount of hours per each subject/module.
Once you have established a daily routine abroad, it is easy to fall         Make sure you enter classes on time, not later than 15 minutes
into comfortable patterns and become complacent. If you are                  (otherwise you’ll be recorded by teacher as absent).
experiencing adjustment problems, keeping to a narrow range of
activities and a rigid schedule may make adjusting abroad more               Presence and participation
difficult. Seek out new things to do and see. Join a club. Take              IED teaching method is meant to involve students in the discus-
tours. Visit museums, art galleries, clubs, and sporting events.             sion of theoretical topics or case histories, in team activities with
Keep trying to use the language even if it is difficult. Above all,          other students and in the presentation of projects during lectures
don’t be afraid to fail because nothing risked is nothing gained,            or exams.
especially while abroad.                                                     The more the student is interactive and participating, the more
                                                                             the lesson runs smoothly and is effective.
Watch for culture shock!
Assuming you know about the symptoms of culture shock and                    Connect with students in your classes
can recognize them in yourself and others, the next step is mon-             During the first weeks of classes do your best to get to know
itoring your own mental and physical state. Having a bad day                 your classmates in each of the classes you attend.
happens. Having a bad week or two should not! If you find that               Besides expanding your network of friends, you will have help
your performance in class is slipping or that you are avoiding               if you miss a class.
doing things outside class (or both), if you are feeling “blue” for
no specific or apparent reason and it continues for more than a              …and last, but not least, some safety tips:
few days, you might consider this a problem related to the stress            mark laptop, mobiles and other electronic equipment with per-
of living and studying cross-culturally.                                     sonal identification markings; do not carry large amounts of cash
                                                                             with you when going to school;
Keep a journal or notebook!                                                  do not leave unattended personal belongings.
One of the ways to both record and recall your time abroad is

                                          ON ARRIVAL
                                       RESIDENCE PERMIT

Residence Permit                                                                         pany that covers the above risk along with a declaration
                                                                                         from the company that must indicate that there are no
Information for Extra-EU students                                                        limitations on the cost of the duration of an urgent hos-
Extra-EU students MUST apply for the Residence Permit -                                  pitalization.
called “Permesso di Soggiorno” - within 8 working days from the
date of their arrival in Italy.                                                  IMPORTANT: all foreign students must have a health insurance while
                                                                                 living in Italy (it is mandatory as students cannot obtain the Residence
IED will require a copy of the residence permit to all international Extra       Permit without it).
– EU students.
 Students, without a regular Residence Permit, will not be able                          - Four passport-sized photos;
to complete the enrollment procedure and will not be admitted                            - Receipt of the payment of Euro 30,46.
to classes.
                                                                                 Please make sure to include only copies in the kit and do not ever send
Procedure to be followed                                                         the original documents!
1. go to the “Sportello Amico” in a post office and ask for the
   “Permesso di Soggiorno” kit: it is necessary to show the                      6. Go back to the post office (“Sportello Amico” counter) to
   passport.                                                                        hand the KIT over. Documents will be checked and you
2. Inside the KIT, there are two forms, fill in Mod. 1 form.                        will have to pay Euro 30,00. Students will receive a receipt
3. pay the postal bulletin (enclosed in the KIT) of                                 (RICEVUTA POSTALE), that is a temporary permit that
   Euro 30,46 at the post office.                                                   allows them to stay in Italy legally, waiting for the official
4. buy one revenue stamp (MARCA DABOLLO) of €16,00                                  Residence Permit electronic card. Furthermore students
   on sale at tobacconists.                                                         will receive a document reporting the date, time and place
5. Prepare the following documents to be included in the post-                      of their first appointment at the Police Station (QUESTU-
   al kit:                                                                          RA), which is the first step in order to obtain the permit.
   • copy of Certificate of enrolment from IED (the docu-
       ment, in Italian language, must by stamped by the Italian                 IMPORTANT: both the receipt and the document reporting the appoint-
       embassy in the country of origin).                                        ment at the Police Station must be recorded by the Administration Office
   • copy of the passport (all pages) along with 2 copies of                     in order to admit students to classes and exams.
       the page with the visa issued by the Italian Consulate /
       Embassy and the main page.                                                7. Go to the appointment showing the original documents en-
   • One of the following insurances in order to be able to                         closed in the kit and the convocation letter. The letter will
       benefit from the Health Service in Italy:                                    specify the date and the place of the appointment. DO NOT
       -- Insurance policy from the home country with a decla-                      MISS IT!
       ration from the consulate about its validity in Italy, term
       and overview of the health service. The policy must in-                   While waiting for the Residence Permit, students may check the
       dicate that there are no limitations on the cost of the                   status of their application on PORTALE IMMIGRAZIONE web-
       duration of an urgent hospitalization;                                    site:
       -- An “INA” insurance, available in Italy by paying a rate of             Enter “Area riservata stranieri” and indicate User ID and Pass-
       Euro 49,00 (6 months) or of Euro 98,00 (one year). The                    word (do not include any line but the Password number only,
       amount is payable at any post office by transferring the                  e.g. 060736329671 and not 06073632967-1) to see the progress
       amount to the following account: Nr. 71270003, INA                        of the request.
       ASSITALIA, in favour of LE ASSICURAZIONI D’ITA-                           It is possible to check the status of the application on Polizia di
       LIA – Agenzia Generale di Roma – Conto 20, Via del                        Stato web site as well:
       Tritone, 181 – 00187 Rome through a postal bulletin;            
       -- Any other insurance policy from any insurance com-

IMPORTANT!                                                               Tax Code
The RICEVUTA POSTALE authorizes students to live legally
in Italy but DOES NOT ALLOW them to travel abroad in the                 The Tax Code is an alphanumeric code, composed of letters and
Schengen area (SEE ATTACHMENT).                                          numbers, issued by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle
Electronic Residence Permit                                              The Tax Code is necessary to:
 • Residence Permit for study allows students to work part-               • enrol in the Italian Public Health Service
     time for a maximum of 20 hours per week and 1.040 hours              • open an account
     per year.                                                            • be employed
 • Having a Residence Permit (not only the RICEVUTA                       • start a business or draw up a contract (a lease, a sale con-
     POSTALE) valid for one year, students can leave Italy, but                tract, etc.)
     their absence cannot be longer than 6 months.                       Prepare the following documents:
 • Visa and Residence Permit ARE NOT the same thing, each                 • EU student: passport or ID and filled-in form;
     of them enable students to do different things.                      • Extra-UE student: passport and residence permit (or post-
                                                                               al receipt)
                                                                         You will have to fill-in the appropriate form that you find trans-
Registration to Comune di Rome                                           lated into English at the end of this guide. The original form is
                                                                         available at Ufficio Codice Fiscale desk.
Information for EU students
European students who plan to stay in Italy for a period longer          Ufficio Codice Fiscale (Tax Code Bureau)
than 3 months, having the accommodation in Rome, should reg-             Ufficio Unico delle Entrate di Roma 1
ister with the Register Office of the Municipality where they live       Via Ippolito Nievo, 36
                                                                         Ph.06 583191 - Fax.06 5812277
Documents required:                                                      e-mail:
1. Passport or Identity Card (original + 1 copy);                        Monday to Friday 9.00-13.00
2. IED Certificate of enrolment with the indication of the               Tuesday and Thursday from 14.15 - 15.35
   length of the course (original + 1 copy);
3. Health insurance coverage for medical treatment and/or
   hospitalization; EHIC - European Health Insurance Card is             Health Care
   not accepted as health insurance-
                                                                         The Italian Public Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale -
4. Proof of available means of support for the stay in Italy (€
                                                                         SSN) guarantees medical treatment to Italian and foreign citizens
   5.577,00 for one year). Students can produce a self-decla-            holding a health card. SSN provides low or no-cost health care to
   ration, through the form “MOD EURO 1”. It is necessary                all EU citizens. Emergency health provision is available to all EU
   to provide details about a bank account (it is better to attach       and Extra-EU visitors.
   a bank statement);                                                     • All foreign students must have a health insurance while
5. Tax Code                                                                    living in Italy (without it, students cannot obtain the Res-
                                                                               idence Permit).
Immigration single desk                                                   • The Italian Ministry of Health declares that all EU-citizens,
Via Teofilo Patini n.23                                                        who are in Italy for a short or long period and having the
00155 (ROME - RM)                                                              EHIC (European Health Insurance Card, in Italy called
Ph: 06 46863911                                                                TEAM) are entitled to obtain only urgent medical treat-
Fax: 06 46863067                                                               ments.
Email:                                  • If you do not have a private insurance and you intend to
                                                                               stay in Italy more than three months, you must apply for
Advisory Phone Calls                                                           the S1 Form (ex E 106) from your country before leaving.
Mon-Fri 8.30 - 11.30 Tue                                                       The Health authority of your country issues this form, it is
+ Thu 15.00-17.00                                                              free and can be obtained immediately by simply presenting
                                                                               IED enrolment certificate.
                                                                          • S1 Form can be used to apply both for the Registration
                                                                               at Comune di Rome and for the enrolment to the Italian
                                                                               Public Health Service. For Public Health Service, you need
                                                                               to have the Tax Code as well.
                                                                          • Extra EU-students need to have a private insurance (health
                                                                               policy) valid for the entire length of their stay in Italy.

Registration to the Italian Public Health Service                            Documents required:
The Italian Public Health Service guarantees medical treatment               • Residence Permit;
to Italian and foreign citizens holding a health card. The national          • Valid Identity Card and/or Passport;
health system (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN) is adminis-               • Tax identification code (codice fiscale);
tered through local health authorities (called ASL). The National            • Name of the selected general practitioner;
Health Service gives you the same status as any Italian national in          • Payment of € 149.77 to the Postal Office on c/c n. 370007;
terms of access to medical services which include:                           • Certificate of enrolment in a legally recognised university
• Access to a general practitioner (whose services are free of                   or self-certification.
• Free access to first aid hospital services
• Access to day-hospitals
• Access to surgical procedures in all public structures
• Access to blood tests and other analyses, examinations and
      specialist visits for which you must pay a reduced tax (ticket).
The registration to the Italian Public Health Service is voluntary
not mandatory and has to be made directly at the Local Health
Authority (ASL, Azienda Sanitaria Locale). Students must go to
the ASL nearest to their accommodation (SEE ATTACHMENT).

Health care services
Choice of practitioner - Family Doctor
After registering with the NHS, a general practitioner must be               Pharmacies
chosen, called a family doctor (medico di famiglia), by consult-             Pharmacies in Italy are open from Monday to Saturday
ing the lists available at the local ASL. The selection can always           9.30 am – 1 pm / 3.30 pm – 7.30 pm
be changed. Doctor’s office visits and home visits Family doctors  
and pediatricians have office hours on established days and times
but if necessary can do house calls.
House calls are made when the patient’s health conditions do not
allow him/her to get to the doctor’s office.
In case of urgent calls, the visit is made as quickly as possible.
The visits are free of charge.
Medical certificates.
Family doctors and pediatricians can write medical certificates
upon request. There is a cost associated with some types of cer
tificates; others are free of charge. The prices are based on na-
tionally established tariffs and set by the doctor or pediatrician.

The registration is valid for one solar year and only until the
Residence Permit is valid.
We suggest making the registration at the beginning of the year.
After the registration, your Health Card will be issued.
EU Students: the S1 Forms issued by the Country of origin which
allow registration to the National Health Service free of cost.
Extra UE students: Registration with the NHS requires an annu-
al tax of € 149,77 .You can make this payment in any post office
and it must be made out to “Amministrazione P.T. – contributo
Servizio Sanitario Nazionale”, C/C number 370007. You must
also specify the reason of the payment: “iscrizione volontaria al
Servizio Sanitario Nazionale”.

                                           STUDENT LIFE
                                             IN ROME

How to reach us                                                         Public Transport

Visual Communication                                                    Getting around Rome isn't always easy: traffic can be awful,
Via Alcamo, 11- Rome                                                    there aren't as many underground lines as there should be and it
From the Central Station (Stazione Termini)                             takes time figuring out the best way to reach a destination. The
Metro “Line A” direction Anagnina up to San Giovanni station.           information on this page lists all your travel options and is
On Via La Spezia bus nr. 16 or nr. 81 up to Piazza Lodi (approxi-       meant to help you get out and about in the Eternal City.
mately 5 stops). Also reachable directly by bus nr. 105 from Ter-       Buses, Underground, Urban Trains and Trams
mini station. The bus terminal is outside the station.                  Metrebus is Rome's public transport system, which
                                                                        incorporates different types of services: tube/subway (metro),
Moda and Communication and                                              urban trains (treno metropolitano), buses and trams.
Master Department                                                       Most buses run from 5:30am to 12:00am (night buses are
Via Giovanni Branca, 122 – Rome Metro                                   available after midnight). Underground trains run from 5:30pm
"Line B" (Stop at Piramide) From                                        to 11:30pm Sunday to Thursday and from 5:30am to 1:30am
Piramide take the bus n° 170 (stop                                      on Fridays and Saturdays.
Emporio)                                                                It is highly advisable to always check the ATAC website for the
                                                                        latest service updates when planning your journey.
Via Casilina, 51 - Rome                                                 Tickets and Passes
From the Central Station (Sta zione                                     Tickets can be purchased at most newsagents and coffee shops
Termini) Bus n.105 for six stops.                                       and at vending machines at bus stops and underground stations
                                                                        around the city.

Airports                                                                Different kinds of tickets are available:
                                                                        BIT (SINGLE RIDE - € 1.50) - Valid for 100 minutes from
Rome has two airports - Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) and Ci-           initial validation on buses (including Cotral buses within the
ampino.                                                                 city), trams, regional trains within the City (2nd class) and
                                                                        subway (without exiting turnstiles).
Fiumicino                                                               24 Hour Ticket - valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train
This is Rome’s main airport and is is wellconnected with the            travel within Rome for 24 hours from validation. € 7.00
centre during the day by an express train.                              48 Hour Ticket - valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train
The express train between Fiumicino Airport and Stazione Ter-           travel within Rome for 48 hours from validation. € 12.50
mini (Rome’s main train station) costs € 14,00 and the journey          72 Hour Ticket - valid for unlimited metro, bus, and train
takes about 30 minutes. The train departs from and arrives at           travel within Rome for 72 hours from validation. € 18.00
Termini station at track n.24 and runs from 5.52 to 22.52
                                                                        Monthly and annual passes are also available:
Ciampino                                                                Monthly Pass €35
Rome’s smaller airport, is mostly used bycharter flights and bud-       Annual Pass €250
get airlines.
To get to the centre from this airport, take COTRAL bus, get off
at Metro A: Anagnina station, then to Termini Station.
Cotral bus runs every 30 minutes, until 11pm.
The only way how to get to Rome after this time is to take taxi.

                                                                            • Laundromat
Accommodation                                                               Info & Contatti
                                                                            Residenza Conti
Living expences                                                             via Prenestina 230/c
Living expenses in Rome are comparable to other major Euro-                 0645475248
pean cities and may be estimated approximately around € 1.000               E-mail: HYPERLINK “”
- € 1.200 monthly per person. Living expenses may change ac-      
cording to the area and the district.                             
The cost of the accommodation goes from a minimum of 400
(single room) € to a maximum of 1.200 (two-room flat).                      DOTSTAY
Public transport - approximately 35 €.                                      IED has just signed a new agreement with the innovative housing
Living and miscellaneous expenses - 500/600 €.                              network Dotstay, created by the resourceful effort of a former
                                                                            student, who having experienced the difficulties in find an
Tipping                                                                     ac-commodation in Rome, has decided to create a serious,
In Italy prices in restaurants, hotels and taxi include a service           cheap and fast service to provide students with both
charge. People are free to leave the tip on the table at the restau-        temporary and permanent accommodation.
rant or to the staff at the hotel.                                          By the innovative PASS (Permanent Accommodation Search Ser-
                                                                            vice), Dotstay gives students the opportunity to find in few days
Finding your accommodation in Rome                                          the room or apartment that best suit their need.
Finding a permanent accommodation in Rome can be quite diffi-
cult, particularly for foreign people who don’t speak Italian and           This new service connects students with homeowners, support-
don’t know the city. Please note that after the coming into force           ing them in translating whatever information related to rental
of Euro the rents have been remarkably increased: the cost for a            conditions as well as giving them a practical help associated to
single room could be around € 500,00 monthly and for a double               the accommodation.
room around € 300,00 (p/person).
Often these costs do not include extra charges (such as electric-           Ph: – +393440689888 | Account Skype: Dotstay Angel | mail:
ity, telephone, gas, running expenses etc.) that have to be added  –
to the rent. This is the reason why Istituto Europeo di Design
puts a list of rooms and apartments to share or rent, at students’
disposal. This list is updated daily.You can find it at the Student         Spotahome is a portal that helps students, professionals, and
Information. Office or ask for it by e-mail.                                anyone else that needs housing by allowing them to book apart-
Please note that our Institute does not check the announcements.            ments online for a medium or long-term stay.
                                                                            With Spotahome, you can book housing abroad for a period of
Accommodation channels                                                      30 days or more. We offer over 5,000 housing opportunities in 6
RESIDENCE CONTI                                                             different cities: Rome, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Grana-
To help students finding accommodation, IED Roma agreed spe-                da, and Valencia.
cial prices with some residences in Rome.                                   Choosing a place to live has never been easier thanks to our in-
Residence Conti Via Giacomo De Conti n, 6.                                  teractive maps, professional photos, and video tours, all deliv-
Only 2 KM far from the school in via Alcamo, this residence can             ered to you in English. You no longer have to go through the
be easily reached by the bus n. 810                                         hassle of running through a city looking for a place to live; Spota-
Residence Giulia: Via della Venezia Giulia, 131.                            home allows you to secure housing all from the comfort of your
Services included                                                           home. All you have to do is browse through apartment, room,
                                                                            or residence listings, choose your favorite available property, and
                                                                            make the first months payment; we will take care of the rest!
• Fully furnished homes                                                     Properties on are personally checked by mem-
• daily cleaning of common areas residence                                  bers of the Spotahome team and our listings include complete
• Service access control 24 h                                               information about every aspect of the housing option.
• water supply, gas for heating and electricity, through the re-            Using the promo code LFARIR777, students of IED Rome can
sponsible companies.                                                        receive a 15% discount on their first reservation with
• free wi-fi                                                                Spotahome. securing housing abroad has never
• furniture maintenance                                                     been easier!
• maintenance facilities                                                    STURENT
Services available:                                                         The new accommodation provider for students searching for
• house cleaning on request                                                 rooms, apartments in Rome. No fees are charged to students.
• linen supply on request
                                                                            Tel: +39 377.4233825

Opening a bank account                                                      Useful info and numbers

Bank accounts can be opened in Italy by both residents and                  Telephones
non-residents above 18 years of age.                                        The area code to call in Italy is 0039 - the area code to call num-
To open a bank account, you may be asked to provide one or                  ber in Roma is 06.
more of the following documents:                                            To start up a contract for a mobile phone number or to buy a
- passport or valid ID;                                                     pre-paid sim-card check:
- Tax Identification Code (Codice Fiscale);                                 TIM: customer care ph. 119 -
- recent utility bill (as proof of address);                                Vodafone: customer care ph. 190 -
- residence certificate (or valid permit of stay)                           Wind: customer care ph.155 -
Check the necessary documentation with the bank of your choice.             Tre: customer care ph. 133 -
Unfortunately, having a bank account in Italy costs more than in            To sign up with one of these operators, Passport (or ID card) and
other countries in Europe. Please remember also that the fees               Tax File Number are required.
depend on the type of account you have opened. It is also possi-
ble to open an account through POSTE ITA LIANE, the Italian                 Main Italian Internet providers
postal company. Furthermore POSTE ITALIANE offers many                      Telecom Italia: customer care ph. 187 -
services and solutions as POSTEPAY, a pre-paid rechargeable                 Vodafone: customer care ph. 190 -
card. To become a Postepay card holder, students do not need a              Tiscali: customer care ph. 130 -
current account. With a valid identification document, they can             Fastweb: customer care ph. 192193 -
pick up the card at any post office. Postamat, VISA and Visa                Infostrada: customer care ph. 159 -
Electron circuits, allows to use postepay anywhere: in Italy and            To sign up with one of these operators, Passport (or ID card) and
abroad, on the Internet at all post offices in Italy. Postepay is on        Tax File Number are required.
sale at PT offices. It is possible to recharge this card at the PT
offices, Postamat ATM or on line (                            Emergency numbers
                                                                            Health Emergency, ambulance: 118, Police: 113, Carabinieri:
Debit, credit and charge cards                                              112, Firemen: 115, Road Assistance (ACI):116.
The most common credit cards in Italy are CartaSì, MasterCard
and Visa, which are available from almost all banks. You can ob-            Italian Public Holiday
tain an American Express or Diners Club card as well.                       Capodanno (New Year’s Day) - January 1st
In case you lose a bank or credit card, you must report it im-              Epifania (Epiphany) - January 6th
mediately to the issuing office, or within 24 hours at the latest.          Pasqua (Easter and Easter Monday) - March / April
You also need to report the theft to the Police Station and obtain          Liberazione (Liberation Day) - April 25th
a copy of the report (denuncia). If the theft is not reported to            Festa del Lavoro (Labour Day) - May 1st
Police Station and the card is not blocked within 24 hours, insur-          Festa della Repubblica (National Day) - June 2nd
ance cover no longer applies and any purchases made by a thief              Ferragosto (Assumption Day) - August 15th
won’t be reimbursed.                                                        Ognissanti (All Saints’ Day) - November 1st
Whenever losing a bank or credit card, you may call the follow-             Patron Saint of Rome - June 29th
ing numbers:                                                                Festa dell’Immacolata (Immaculate Conception Day) - Decem-
Bank Card / Bancomat 800822056                                              ber 8th
Master Card 800870866                                                       Natale (Christmas Day) - December 25th
Visa 800819014                                                              Santo Stefano (St. Stephen’s Day) - December 26th

                                           AND FREE TIME

About the City of Rome                                                      placed the Rome Film Festival among the most important film
                                                                            festivals in the world, with huge media coverage and world-fa-
Rome is the capital of the Italian Republic. It is the most popu-           mous artists in attendance. The Auditorium Parco della Musica
lous and largest municipality in Italy and is among Europe’s ma-            is confirmed as the main venue of the event: for ten days, the
jor capitals in terms of the amount of terrain it covers.                   building complex designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano will
It is the city with the highest concentration of historical and ar-         be the centre of attraction for professionals, journalists, and film
chitectural riches in the world.                                            buffs, hosting screenings, encounters, exhibitions, events, con-
Over 16% of the world’s cultural treasures are located in Rome.             ferences, debates.
With around 52 thousand hectares of agricultural land, Rome is
also Europe’s greenest city.                                                AltaRomAltaModa
The “Eternal city”, Rome is not only represented by its master-              is Rome’s celebrated fashion week, whose two annual appoint-
pieces of art, and breathtaking architecture, monuments and                 ments in January and July, create innumerable opportunities for
museums but by its typical streets and alleyways where one can              the meeting between historic Italian fashion houses and new, in-
discover traits of Italian lifestyle, tradition and culture                 ternational creative and production realities.

                                                                            Romaeuropa Festival
Useful links                                                                Born in 1986, Romaeuropa is one of the most prestigious Ital-
                                                                            ian and European festivals, aiming to create a space where con-
Museums, exhibitions                                                        temporary culture and different forms of expression can be                                                          showcased in a spectacular programme that includes dance, the-
- Turismoroma: the city’s tourist portal. It provides information           ater, music, cinema, meetings with artists, visual arts and cut-
about events, restaurants, transport plus a great deal moreinter-           ting-edge technological creativity. Every year the Romaeuropa
esting details and is run by the “Roma Capital Tourism Office” at           Festival takes place in autumn.
Via Leopardi 24, 00185 Rome. -060608: Get ready for 06 06 08, the telephone                International Photography Festival
and internet information service of the municipality of Rome                Fotografia is Rome’s International Photography Festival, span-
specifically designed for tourism and culture in the city of Rome.          ning over a month long and featuring a variety of photographic
Whether you’re a local or a visitor give us a call to get the latest        exhibitions throughout the city.
on what’s on.                                                               The annual festival, which first began in 2001, promotes emerg-
                                                                            ing national and international contemporary artists.                                                The Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, otherwise known
Wanted in Rome is the monthly magazine in English for expats                as MACRO, is one of the main hosts of Fotografia’s exhibits. The
and tourists living, or just visiting, the Eternal City The magazine        festival features 180 international artists and over 2,000 photo-
offers local news, classifieds, information on events, museums,             graphs each year.
churches, art galleries, restaurants and useful numbers Founded
in 1985, Wanted in Rome is today the most important point of                Maker Faire
reference for all foreign communities in Rome                               Maker Fair Rome is the European edition of the Maker
                                                                            Faire. With over 600 inventions on display in 2016 and 100
                                                                            thousand visitors, Maker Faire Rome is the world’s largest
What’s on in Rome                                                           exhibition after the “Area Bay” and “New York” in the US.
                                                                            Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition is organised by
Rome Film Fest                                                              Asset Camera, a Special Agency of the Chamber of
The International Rome Film Festival is a film festival that takes          Commerce of Rome, whose mission is to place the city of
place in Rome, Italy, during the month of October. The actual               Rome at the center of the debate on in-novation, by
complete name in Italian is Festival Internazionale del Film di             spreading the digital culture, and developing the individual
Roma. Even though it is quite a young festival, the importance              and collective entrepreneurship that is so integral to the
of the hosting city as well as the strong economic investment has           Maker movement’s genetic makeup.

Top things to do in Rome                                                   6. Walk along Trastevere area. This area between the Ponte Sisto
                                                                           and Ponte Garibaldi bridges is crowded and lively on the week-
1. Walk up to Gianicolo Hill and listen out for the cannon that            ends. Cheap food, people drinking on the bridges, on the church
fires every single day at midday and has done since the battle for         steps — you’re sure to have some fun if you hang out in Traste-
Rome was won here! Then admire the view of all of Rome – just              vere. Try the Akab Club for electronic and occasional indie rock
breathtaking!                                                              nights.
2. Visit the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St Peter’s Basil-         7. Eat Carciofi alla Giudia and buy fresh baked cookies in the
ica! From the Vatican’s magnificent museum complex step inside             Jewish Ghetto area.
the Sistine Chapel to see Michelangelo’s fresco ‘The Creation of           8. Visit the Galleria Borghese (in Villa Borghese park) to see art-
Adam.’ Finish with a St Peter’s Basilica tour and hear the secrets         works by Caravaggio, Bernini and Titian. Both the art and the
of the holiest place in Christendom.                                       building are extravagantly breathtaking.
3. Buy some good bread and then go to Campo de’ Fiori in the               9. Check out the Protestant Cemetery in Testaccio. A green and
morning and sample the olive oils and balsamic vinegars at the             shaded space in the heat of summer, this non-Catholic burial
market that is there daily                                                 ground contains some of the most famous and important graves
4. Attend a show at Silvano Toti Globe Theatre. Like London’s              anywhere in the world – including poets (Keats & Shelley),
Globe Theatre but with better weather, Villa Borghese’s open-air           painters, sculptors, authors and diplomats.
Elizabethan theatre serves up Shakespeare (performances mostly             10. Walk around the San Lorenzo District. This studenty dis-
in Italian) from July through to September.                                trict, just to the southeast of Stazione Termini is Rome at its most
5. Diggin’ the blues at Big Mama. Opened in 1984, this blues               alternative. Packed with cheap eateries, lefty-leaning bars and
joint offers free admission to most shows and with a hall of fame          boutique shops, it’s a welcome break from the touristy centre.
that includes the likes of Chet Baker and Jeff Healey, it is one of        Plus, it’s the home of the best chocolate in Rome – the chocolate
the best live music venues in the city.                                    factory at – try their hot chocolate, you won’t be


                              ADDRESSES AND
                            USEFUL INFORMATION

Immigration single desk
Via Teofilo Patini n.23
00155 (ROMA - RM)
Ph: 06 46863911
Fax: 06 46863067
Mon -Fri 8.30-11.30
Tue and Thu 15.00-17.00

Visa and Residence Permit
                                VISA                                              RESIDENCE PERMIT
                                The document allows non-EU citizens to            The document allows non-EU citizens to stay legally in
                                enter Italy for the first time.                   Italy.
 WHEN TO APPLY ?                Before entering Italy.                            Upon arrival in Italy (within 8 working days).
                                                                                  At the Post Office (located in the Italian city where you
                                                                                  live). The Residence Permit will be issued by the Police
                                At the Italian Embassy / Consulate in Your        (Immigration Office): you will have a first appointment
                                Country.                                          to check your documents and for fingerprints; then you
                                                                                  will have a second appointment to take your electronic
                                                                                  Residence Permit.
                                Paper sticker, applied to Passport, reporting
                                personal data, photo, motivation of your
 WHICH FORMAT HAS IT                                                              Electronic Card, reporting personal data, photo and
                                stay. Visa can be issued for single or multiple
 GOT?                                                                             fingerprints.
                                entries, only for Italy or Italy + Schengen
                                                                                  The Residence Permit usually is valid for one year and must
 DURATION                       Visa usually lasts 365 days.
                                                                                  be renewed on expiry.
                                After the expiry date, the visa                   Residence Permit for study usually lasts one
                                cannot be renewed.                                year and then must be renewed.

REMEMBER! The only document that entitles you to stay in italy is the residence permit, not the visa.

Residence Permit – Can and Cannot
 YOU ARE                                    YOU CAN                                          YOU CANNOT
                                            Stay legally in Italy (having the postal re-
 First Time Applicant                       ceipt);
                                                                                             Travel in the Schengen area (European
 still waiting for the first Residence      - travel out from Italy, without any tran-
                                                                                             Countries), neither for tourism nor for
 Permit and having an already expired       sfer / stop in an airport located in the
                                                                                             technical stop / transfer in an airport.
 visa.                                      Schengen area and travelling through the
                                            same border (exit / entry. E.g. Malpensa
                                            or Linate airport).
                                            - Stay legally in Italy;
 First Time Applicant
                                            - travel in the Schengen area (European
 still waiting for the first Residence Per-
                                            Countries) for a period no longer than 90
 mit and having a still valid visa.                                                          DO NOT RENEW your visa and be back
                                            days per semester (VISA D);
 N.B. Visa typology requirements:                                                            to Italy in time, before the expiry date of
                                            - you must come back to Italy before the
 - for study                                                                                 your visa!
                                            expiry date of your visa;
 - multiple entries
                                            - when you travel, you must have your
 - Italy + Schengen area
                                            passport (with a valid visa) and your postal

ASL Local Offices in Rome
ASL Roma/A 1°distretto
Via San Martino della Battaglia, 16
Ph: 06/77305542
Via Luzzatti, 8
Ph: 06/77307534
Mon.-Fri. 8,00-12,30
Sat. 8,00-11,00

ASL Roma/B
Via Cartagine 85
Ph: 06/41435963
Mon.-Sat. 8,00-12,00
Mon Wed 14,30-16,3

Healt Care Glossary

 Anestesista                                                         Anesthetist
 Cardiologo                                                          Cardiologist; heart specialist
 Dermatologo                                                         Dermatologist
 Dottore in odontoiatria (dentista)                                  Dentist
 Endocrinologo                                                       Endocrinologist
 Epatologo                                                           Hepatologist
 Gastroenterologo                                                    Gastroenterologist
 Ginecologo                                                          Gynecologist
 Ortopedico                                                          Orthopedist
 Otorinolaringoiatra                                                 Otorhinolaryngologist
 Psichiatra                                                          Psychiatrist
 Psicologo                                                           Psychologist

Health Care: Glossary Italian / English
 Accettazione                                                     Reception
 Accettazione delle prestazioni                                   Reception for diagnostic tests and visits
 Ambulatorio ospedaliero                                          Hospital ambulatory; outpatient
 Assegno                                                          Check
 Assicurazione sanitaria privata                                  Private health insurance
 Aziende Sanitarie Locali (ASL)                                   Local Health Authority
 Bollino verde                                                    Green sticker indicating urgency
 Cassa                                                            Cash register; cash desk
 Certificato di buona salute per l’attività sportiva              Certificate attesting good health for sport activities
 Certificato d’infortunio                                         Certificate for accident
 Certificato di malattia                                          Certificate of illness
                                                                  Private clinics or hospitals operating within the public health
 Cliniche od ospedali privati, convenzionati o accreditati
 Codice assistito                                                 Patient code number
 Codice fiscale                                                   Tax code
 Codice regionale                                                 Regional code number (of the doctor)
 Dentista                                                         Dentist
 Distretti                                                        Districts
 Ecografia                                                        Ecography; ultrasound
 Esami del sangue                                                 Blood tests
 Esenzione ticket                                                 Ticket exemption
 Farmaci                                                          Medicines
 Farmacia                                                         Pharmacy; chemist’s shop; drug store
 Fattura                                                          Invoice
 Fisioterapista                                                   Physiotherapist
 Gravidanza                                                       Pregnancy
 Guardia Medica                                                   Emergency home visits service
 Impegnativa                                                      Prescription
 Incidente                                                        Accident
 Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale (INPS)                  National social insurance body
 Laboratorio delle analisi                                        Laboratory; lab
 Malattia                                                         Illnes
 Malore                                                           Fainteness
 Medico di medicina generale                                      General practitioner
 Medico specialista                                               Medical specialist
 Omeopatia                                                        Homeopathy
 Ospedale                                                         Hospital
 Poliambulatori                                                   Polyclinics; several clinics in one
 Pronto Soccorso                                                  Emergency ward; first aid station
 Ricovero ospedaliero                                             Hospitalization
 Sistema Sanitario Nazionale SSN                                  National Public Health System
 Tessera sanitaria                                                Health card
 Ticket                                                           Personal contribution to the public health costs
 Ufficio scelta e revoca                                          ASL counter for enrollment and other fulfillments
 Vaccinazioni                                                     Vaccinations
 Visita a domicilio                                               Medical home visit by doctor

                                       IED ROME

STATIONERY                  Blasi Legnami                  Cromosoma zeta                  Bordi
                            Wood materials                 Photo studio                    Fine Arts material
Let’s art                   15% discount                   Tel. 0645478378                 10%/20% discount
Books                       Via delle Conce, 15            Cell. 3297214922                Tel. 0644700346
10% discount                Tel. 065743023                     Via dello Statuto, 47/49
Via del Pellegrino, 132                                 
Tel. 0668809860
                            La Fonderia                    Casa del Tessuto                Copyworld
Centro Copie l’Istantanea   Accessories and jewels shop    Fabrics                         Digital printing, photocopies
Photocopy, print services   15% discount                   20% discount                    5/20% discount
25% discount                Via Casoria, 32                Via dello Statuto, 64/66        Via Terni, 39/41
Via Merulana, 213/214       Tel. 0670392576                Tel. 064872813                  Tel. 06 31054677
Tel. 06 70452933                                 
                            Libreria Rinascita
                                                                                           Photo studio
Fire Office/Buffetti        Bookshop                       Artemarcia                      and fine art printing
Stationery                  10% discount                   Mosaic, sculpture,              20% discount
10% discount                Viale Agosta, 36               artistic glass and painting     Via di San Castulo, 4 Lodi, 1                Via Prospero Alpini, 48        20% discount                    Tel. 0696844421
Via Aldo Manunzio 18/20     Tel. 0625204819                Via L’Aquila, 18
Tel. 0670301307            Tel. 0662202647
                                                                                           Soluzioni Arte
Comics & Books              2BE3D                                                          Via Lorenzo Vidaleschi, 28
materials, stationery       Discount on 3d printings                                       Tel. 0697276846
                                                           ALI arts learning institute
10% discount                and digital copies
                                                           Jewels and design 3D printing
Via Orvieto, 9              Via Gioacchino Rossini, 20
                                                           30% discount
Tel. 067025718              Tel. 0664781909                                                Ditta G. Poggi
                                                           Via S. G. in Laterano, 230                                                  Fine Arts material
                                                           Tel. 0670040907
                                                                                           20% discount
Inverticale                 Fedele 82                                                      On all materials except those
Digital printing            Plastic products                                               already on sale
20% discount                15% discount                       Ars Imago                   Sede Centrale
Via di San Castulo, 4       Via dei Bruzi, 14                  Fine Arts material          Via del Gesù, 74/75
Tel. 0696844421             Tel. 064456963                     5/10% discount              Tel. 066793674                                             Via degli Scipioni, 24-26   Sede Trastevere
                            B&M copie                          Tel. 0645492886             Via Cardinale Merry
Fotoforniture Sabatini      Photocopies                         del Val, 18/19
Photo-video equipment       Via Marmorata, 79/81                                           Tel. 065812531
Via Germanico, 168/A        Tel. 0657136324                                      
Tel. 063207277    
                                                           10/20% discount
Robotics-3D                 Éstile bookstore
                                                           Via della Croce, 70
on-line shoppings           Bookshop
                                                           Via Pietro da Cortona 18
10% discount                10% discount
                                                           Tel. 063322821
code to use                 Via Chiana, 15
IED_ROMA_STUDENT            Tel. 068555337

BAR, PIZZA                             SPARE TIME                            Scuderie del Quirinale                  Danilo Foresi
RESTAURANTS,                                                                 Reduced price ticket                    Hair & Beauty 20% discount
HASH HOUSE                             Teatro di Documenti                   Via XXIV Maggio, 16                     Via E. Filiberto, 267/269
NEXT TO BRANCA SEAT                    Reduced price ticket                  Tel. 0639967500                         Tel. 06772010400
                                       Via Nicola Zabaglia, 42     
Caffè Emporio                          Tel. 06 5744034
Discount on the receipt                                                      Orchestra Sinfonica                   YogaYur Center
10% discount                           Teatro Vascello                       season ticket 100 €                   15% discount on montly
Piazza dell’Emporio, 2                 20% discount on the full price        Via Guattani, 17                      courses
Tel. 065744241                         ticket except                         Tel. 0644252303                       Via Giuseppe Acerbi, 38                    Romaeuropa festival shows          Tel. 3803270932
                                       Via G. Carini, 78                                                 
Fraschetta                                                                   Zetema
                                       Tel. 065881021
Via Galileo Ferraris, 5                                                      Reduced price ticket on
                                                                         Centro sportivo CS Santa Maria
Drink and sandwich € 3,50                                                    museums visit                     Sports Centre
                                    Teatro Palladium               
Rec23                                                                                                          50% discount on registration
                                    Up to 35% discount on the full                                             10% on monthly rate
Lunch buffet: 8 €                                                            MAXXI
                                    price tickets                                                              Via Matteo Boiardo 28
Piazza dell’Emporio, 2                                                       Card myMaxximini free
                                    Piazza Bartolomeo Romano, 8                                                Tel. 067004762
Tel. 0687462147                                                              infopoint at museum
                                    Tel. 0657332768                                                  
                                                 Via Guido Reni, 4A
NEXT TO VIA ALCAMO                                                           Tel. 0639967350
AND VIA CASILINA SEATS                                                                                             Dott.ssa Alessandra Nicolini
                                       Romaeuropa Festival                 Teatro Ambra alla Garbatella            psychologist 15% discount on fees
Hostaria Bentu & Soi                   Up to 35% discount on the full      Reduced price ticket                    Via Alessandria, 91
10% discount                           price tickets                       Piazza Giovanni da Triora, 15           Tel. 3387724034
Only students                          Tel. 0645553050                     0681173900
Via Casilina, 65                     
Tel. 0696843000                                                                                                   OTHER
                                       Teatro Vittoria                     HEALTH & WELFARE
Ristorante ‘La Villetta’               Parterre 17 € - Balcony 16 €                                              Castel Romano Design Outlet
10% discount                           except Friday and Saturday          NEPHITYS                              Shopping Card 10% discount
Via della Stazione Tuscolana, 142      Season tickets                      Beauty shop 10% discount              Via Ponte di Piscina Cupa, 64
Tel. 067026750                         Parterre 168 € - Balcony 140 €      Via Terni, 86                         Castel Romano
                                       P.zza Santa Maria Liberatrice, 11   Tel. 0697619355             
Bar Lodi                               Tel. 065781960 (int. 4)             Mbl 3920451027
Discount price for breakfast 
                                                                                                                 Cooltra Motors Italia srl
and lunch                                                                  NEFER                                 Reduced price on rent scooter
Via Gallarate, 6                       Piccolo Eliseo                      Beauty shop 10% discount              Piazza dell'Esquilino, 28
Tel. 0670301545                        Reduced price ticket                Via Illira, 12                        Tel. 3296548814
                                       Via Nazionale, 183                  Tel. 0677200953
Oasi Bar                               Tel. 0648930736
10% discount                                                                                                     Supergarage Gallarate
                                              Scudo Sanitas
Via Casilina, 31/B                                                                                               Via Gallarate, 30
                                                                           Medical examinations € 65
Tel. 0670614298                                                                                                  Tel. 067028426
                               Teatro Olimpico                             15% discounts on the exams
                               Reduced price ticket                        Via G. Baglivi, 7
                                                                           Tel. 0674423092                       Ottica Gold Vision
                               Piazza Gentile da Fabriano, 17
                                                                             Optics store 30-40% discount
                               Tel. 063265991
                                                                                                                 Via La spezia, 68
                                                                           Casa di cura Paideia Spa              tEL. 067015771
                               Palazzo delle Esposizioni                                                        Occhio al Vicolo
                                                                           Via Vincenzo Tiberio, 46
                               Reduced price ticket                                                             Optics store 30-40% discount
                                                                           Tel. 06330941
                               Via Nazionale, 194                                                               Vicolo del Cinque, 7
                               Tel. 0639967500                                                                  Tel. 0658334242
                                                                         21 21

                                                    FACSIMILE             N NN . .1.Permit
                                                                              OOO   11
                                            Application forForeigners’:
                                              (this  formmustfor be
                                                           must  Foreigners’:   Residence
                                                                               capital       Permit
                                              (this form       be filled              letters)
                                                  (this form must be filled in capital letters)

                                                  ROMA MILANO
                                                  M IM
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                                                R IM
                                                M   MI
                                                                                                                The city of your tem-
                                                                                                                   The   cityofofyour
                                                                                                                porary address   in Italy
                                                                                                                   porary    addressininItaly

                                                         X X                                             X X

                                                                                                       2 42 4

  ATTENTION!                                                                                                    Resident Permit
         ATTENTION!                                                                                                 Resident Permit
  fill-in only in case                                                                                             Resident Permit
         fill-in only in case
fill-in  only inPermit
  of Resident       case                                                                      2 42 4                Number
         of Resident Permit                                                                                        Number
         renewal  Permit                                                                                        Resident Permit
                                                                                                                    Resident Permit
  The total number                                                                                              Expiry Date Permit
         The total number                                                                                           Expiry Date
  of papers     enclosed                                                                                        (day/month/year)
                                                                                                                   Expiry Date
The    total   number
         of papers    enclosed                                                                                      (day/month/year)
  to  this
of papers   form    (IED
               enclosed                                                                                            (day/month/year)
         to this   form (IED                                    0 10 1                       X X
     thisenrolment (IEDcertifi-
  cate  stamped
enrolment            by the
                 certifi-                                                                                       Number of sons or
         cate stamped      by the                                                                                   Number of sons or
cate stampedEmbassy  by +
                        the +                                                                                   daughters,
                                                                                                                   Number  if of
                                                                                                                              anysons or
         Italian Embassy                                                                                            daughters,    if any
  copy of
Italian      all passport
         copy   of all +passport                                                                                   daughters, if any
copy of    along   with 2
            all passport
         pages    along with 2
pages       of the main
         copies with
                   of the2 main                                                                                 Signature
  page   and
copiespage     of the
           of the       page                                                                                         Signature
                      of the page
  with the Visa +                                                                                                  Signature
page and withofthetheVisa
with the     Visa +
                                                          Mod. 209 Modulo 1- Pag - 1 di 18
                                    Date (day/month/year)
                                        Date (day/month/year)
                                    Date (day/month/year)


F if you’re female,
M if You’re male                                                                                      Tax Code number
                                                                                                      (only in case you
Marital status: A                                                                                     already got it)
if you’re free; B if
You’re married                                                                                        Your birth date (day
                                                                                                      / month / year)
Code of the nation
you were born                                                                                     X
in (see “tabellla –                                                                                   Code of the State
allegata n. 3” in the                                                                                 of Your citizenship
papers enclosed to                                                                                    (see “tabellla –
the form)                                                                                             allegata n. 3” in the
                                                                                                      papers enclosed to
The city you were                                                                                     the form)
born in                               X

                                                                                                      Your passport number
                                                                                                      Passport expiry date
                                                                                                      The date of your
                                                                                                      entrance in Italy
ATTENTION!                                                                                            stamped on your
This side DO NOT                                                                                      passport
has to be filled-in                                                                                   (day/month/year)
in case of Resident
Permit renewal                                                                                        The border you
                                                                          D                           entered in (e.g.
Your Visa number
                                                                                                      Linate, Malpensa )
WITHOUT THE                                Flag in case                       Flag in case of
BEGINNING                                  of single entrance                 multiple entrance
ZERO (0)!
                        S TU D I O

The length of your
Visa (365 days, 180
days, etc.)
                         Valid from                                  To


                                                                                                           DO NOT
                                                                                                           fill-in this part

                                  R IM                                                                     The city of your
                                                                                                           temporary address
                                                                                                           in Italy
                                                                                                           Your temporary
                                                                                                           address in Italy

                                                                                                           Civic number of
                                                                                                           your temporary
                                                                                                           Post Code of your
Your e-mail
                                                                                                           temporary address
Italian phone
number, if any
Italian mobile
phone number,
if any
This section must                                                                                          Name and surname
be filled-in only if                                                                                       of your friend or,
You do not have any                                                                                        in case you indicate
accommodation in                  R IM
                                  M                                                                        the school address,
Milan but if You have                                                                                      ISTITUTO EURO-
a friend who lives                                                                                         PEO DI DESIGN
in Milan and can re-
ceive Your mails (be                                                                                       Address, civic num-
sure about it because                                                                                      ber and postcode
the Questura will                                                                                          (CAP) of your
send to this address                                                                                       friend or of the
the convocation                                                                                            school
letter for Your Resi-
dence Permit).
As an alternative,
You may indicate the
school address.

                                                     PLEASE NOTE:
                 the total numer of pages of this form is 8, but you have to fill in just the first 3 pages.

                                    FACSIMILE NO. 2
                              APPLICATION FORM: TAX CODE

                                                                                                                                                                  STAMPA              CANCELLA DATI

                                                                 DOMANDA DI ATTRIBUZIONE CODICE FISCALE, COMUNICAZIONE VARIAZIONE DATI
                                                                 E RICHIESTA TESSERINO/TESSERA SANITARIA (PERSONE FISICHE)

Cross this       QUADRO A                                                                                                                                                                                                     Choose
item             Sezione I
                 Tipologia richiedente
                                                 D    RICHIESTA DIRETTA PER SE STESSO                                       T   RICHIESTA PER SOGGETTO TERZO
                                                                                                                                                                             CODICE TIPOLOGIA RICHIEDENTE
                                                                                                                                                                            (solo per attribuzione codice fiscale)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3     number 3
Cross this       Sezione II                      1   ATTRIBUZIONE CODICE FISCALE                                           RICHIESTA TESSERINO CODICE FISCALE
                 Tipo richiesta
item                                                                                 CODICE FISCALE
                                                 2   VARIAZIONE DATI

                                                                                     CODICE FISCALE                                                                         DATA DECESSO

                                                                                     CODICE FISCALE
                                                 4   CERTIFICATO
                                                     DI CODICE FISCALE

                                                     RICHIESTA DUPLICATO             CODICE FISCALE
                                                 5   TESSERINO/
                                                     TESSERA SANITARIA                                                                                                               MOTIVAZIONE
Personal         QUADRO B
                                                COGNOME                                                                                 NOME                                                                          SESSO

Information      Dati anagrafici                 Birth Surname                                                                          Name (no Abbreviations)
                                                COMUNE (o Stato estero) DI NASCITA                                                                              PROVINCIA    DATA DI NASCITA

Personal                                         City (or Foreign Country) of birth                                         Province of birth (Initials) Date of Birth
residence        QUADRO C                       COMUNE                                                                                                                             PROVINCIA C.A.P.

                 Residenza anagrafica/           City (no abbreviations)                                                                                 Province (initials) Postal Code
information      domicilio fiscale              TIPOLOGIA (via, piazza, ecc.)   INDIRIZZO

(or, if diffe-                                                                  Address
rent, fiscal                                    NUMERO CIVICO                                          FRAZIONE/ALTRO

                                                 Street no.                                            Administrative division of municipality
residence)                                      STATO ESTERO                                                                            STATO FEDERATO, PROVINCIA, CONTEA
                 QUADRO D
Foreign          Residenza estera               Contry of foreing residency                                                             Region of foreing residency
                                                LOCALITÀ DI RESIDENZA                                                                                              CODICE POSTALE
residency                                       City                                                                                                              Postal Code

                 QUADRO E
                                                CODICE FISCALE
                 Eventuali altri
                 codici fiscali attribuiti

                                                CODICE FISCALE


                                                CODICE FISCALE RICHIEDENTE DIVERSO DA PERSONA FISICA                            CODICE FISCALE SOTTOSCRITTORE

                                                         Date                                                           FIRMA
                                                                                                                                Applicant signature
                                             _l_ sottoscritt_                                                                      delega

                                                                                                                                CODICE FISCALE

                                              nato/a a                                                 il

                                               a presentare il modello per suo conto e a ritirare l’eventuale certificazione rilasciata dall’ufficio

                                               DATA                                                                     FIRMA
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