IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...

Page created by Anna Frazier
IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
                  US 250
                INDEX 2020

Supported by
IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
IN D E X 2020

    © 2020 KPMG, an Irish partnership

IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
                                     IN D E X 2020


05   Foreword
     Ian Hyland,
                               07   Foreword
                                    Seamus Hand,
     Founder & President,           Managing Partner,
     Ireland INC                    KPMG in Ireland

09   Irish-US Economic
     Relationship              11   Irish Investment
                                    In the US
     Enterprise Ireland             Facts and Figures
     & Ibec

12   Ireland INC US 250
     Comprehensive Index
     of 250 Irish companies
     operating and investing
     in the US

IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
IN D E X 2020

                       AIB Treasury
                are proud sponsors of
                 Irish US Relations and
             the Ireland INC US 250 Index

                          Barry Field - AIB Treasury
               1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105
                             Phone: 212-339-8080

                    Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
                                                                                     IN D E X 2020

I am delighted to welcome you to the third edition of        Ireland as the ninth largest source of FDI in the
the Ireland INC Index. Working with our partners KPMG,       United States, a truly remarkable feat for a nation
this year’s Index highlights the fastest growing Irish       of our size. Ireland INC has been continuing to
companies in the United States and truly illustrates the     engage with US government and public sector
strength and depth of Irish business across all 50 States.   stakeholders to advance the message of Ireland INC
                                                             and the companies in this index. Ireland remains the
While the seismic impact of US investment in Ireland         only country to host a day at the New York Stock
is well-articulated, the true symbiosis in the economic      Exchange, with Ireland Day celebrating its tenth
relationship between our two countries can be often          instalment in 2020.
overlooked. It is an untold tale, with almost as many
people employed in the US by Irish-owned companies as        Ireland and the United States have been challenged
there are people employed in Ireland by US companies.        once again by a volatile political climate. With
                                                             the departure of the United Kingdom from the
I am reminded of Warren Buffet’s words: “Someone’s           European Union on January 21st this year, many
sitting in the shade today because someone planted           questions remain unanswered regarding future
a tree a long time ago.“ Through incremental steps           trade relations between Ireland and the UK, the
and small roots, Ireland’s footprint in the US has           US and the UK, and indeed between our countries
continued to progress in line with the successes of our      and the European Union. However, one certainty
best indigenous companies. The Ireland INC Index,            remains: The relationship Ireland has with the
in association with our partners KPMG, and working           United States, one that has existed for centuries,
with Irish and US state agencies, aims to address this.      remains as unshakeable as ever.
In 2019, Ireland INC led a delegation of Irish CEOs to
Capitol Hill for meetings with Members of Congress and       I look forward to working with our partners KPMG,
the current administration including Speaker Pelosi,         our friends in the Irish and US governments and
Chairman Neal, and Secretary Wilbur Ross. From these         Irish business to continue building this Index
meetings, it was clear that Ireland means Business and       providing a vital source of information and guidance
our contribution is value across all 50 states.              to the wider market. I welcome your engagement
                                                             as leaders of Irish business in this regard and
The latest figures from SelectUSA and the US                 congratulate all of our indexed companies on their
Department of Commerce, released in February, put            ongoing successes.

                                                             IAN HYL AN D
                                                             Founder & President Ireland INC

IRELAND INC US 250 INDEX 2020 - Irish American Business ...
IN D E X 2020

                                 FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR.

                             MANSION HOUSE, DUBLIN

                                 FRIDAY 5TH JUNE

                            FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT
                                       BRIAN KEARNS AT

                                                                              IN D E X 2020

The economic relationship between Ireland and the     and the US. The highly skilled nature of the
United States is one of the longest standing and      personnel employed in the businesses set out in the
most successful cross border relationships across     report provides further validation of the strategies
the globe, providing access to significant markets    pursued by these companies and our Governments.
and opportunities for businesses on each side of      Whilst Ireland’s role as a gateway to the EU for
the Atlantic. This report highlights some of the      US business is well known and admired, Irish
most successful transatlantic businesses ranging      investment in the US as a means of accessing
from large public companies to smaller private        the US market demonstrates that the economic
enterprises.                                          relationship is truly mutual. From investment in
                                                      infrastructure and research and development to
The report provides policymakers and other            providing opportunities for talented people - a
stakeholders with worthwhile insights into the many   wide range of Irish enterprises are supporting
business linkages that cross the Atlantic and the     economic prosperity in the US. Notwithstanding a
drivers of economic success. The strong ties also     growing number of potential headwinds facing the
underpin tens of thousands of high value jobs. Such   global and local economies, both Ireland and the
employment brings a measurable benefit to a great     US remain highly attractive places to do business.
many households in both of our countries. This        With a continuation of the right policy choices and
investment in jobs is testament to the confidence     support for high quality businesses, we are very
of our business leaders and entrepreneurs in the      confident that the relationship can and will continue
benefits of business transacted between Ireland       to flourish into the new decade.

                                                      SE AM US HAN D
                                                      Managing Partner, KPMG in Ireland

IN D E X 2020

                   Time to release your growth potential
                   Multi-jurisdictional legal and tax advice
                   to grow your global presence

                   As Irish businesses look to new markets and opportunities
                   in a post-Brexit world, and taking account of recent US tax
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                   set up operations there.
                   Eversheds Sutherland is the only all service law practice in Ireland with a truly
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                   embarking on overseas expansion. With 69 offices spanning 34 countries,
                   including six key locations across the US, our lawyers can provide the local
                   and global perspective for all your legal and tax needs.

                   To discuss the opportunities for growing your global presence, contact our
                   Tax Team.

                   Alan Connell                               James S.H. Null
                   Partner and Head of Tax Group              Partner,
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                   +353 1 6644 217                            +1 212 389 5030


                                                                                              IN D E X 2020


SEAN DAVIS           Ireland has really transformed itself within     are coming to invest and partner with
Regional Director    the last 30 years. What we are bringing          American businesses across all 50 states.
North America,       to the market is true innovation. When
Enterprise Ireland   it comes to commodity-type products,             There are, of course challenges, the
                     businesses need to solve a problem,              most obvious one being that there is
                     create new opportunities and create value.       most definitely a different business
                     That’s what I think Irish companies bring        culture in the US. Another consideration
                     to the market, and that’s what American          is the economic and geographic size of
                     companies recognise in them.                     the country. Consider that the State of
                                                                      California’s economy is approximately the
                     Among the dynamic Irish companies that           size of the UK. So, as a business, trying to
                     have a significant presence in the US are        cover coast-to-coast and border-to-border
                     Kerry Group, employing over 1,000 in their       is enormously challenging. I would advise
                     headquarters in Beloit, Wisconsin and            any Irish company to pick an area that is
                     over 6,000 people across the country,            geocentric to a reasonably large number
                     and Icon Clinical, one of the largest clinical   of customers, that way you are optimizing
                     research organisations in the world.             the resources you have available. It is vital
                     Glanbia, Kingspan, Mergon and Modular            to have a robust and focussed business
                     Automation are all employing in locations        plan. Of course, the very nature of
                     across the US, many of which are in high-        business development requires flexibility,
                     value positions. What makes these, and           nonetheless it is important that your plan
                     many more, Irish companies so successful         minimizes the gap between commercial
                     is that they’re not just looking to sell, they   aspirations and realities.

CEO, Ibec
                     Despite the turbulence from trade tensions,      materials, construction and services.
                     the UK exit from the EU and debates over         These firms bring investment, good quality
                     corporation and digital taxes, the economic      jobs and wages to the US. A new chapter is
                     relationship between Ireland and the US is       now being written by a generation of young
                     a two-way story. Irish companies employ          entrepreneurs from Ireland who have begun
                     almost as many people in the US as US            in recent years to set up new businesses
                     companies employ in Ireland. Over 500 Irish      in the US, emphasising the mobile nature
                     companies operate in the US in sectors as        of talent between the two countries and
                     diverse as agrifood manufacturing, building      cultural compatibility.

                                                                                                      IN D E X 2020

As more and more Irish companies                    vibrant market and partnering opportunity for
successfully invest in the US, the                  many Irish companies.
opportunities for Irish and American
businesses to collaborate and develop strong        The scale of the growth opportunity for
partnerships are abundant according to              Ireland and the US is incredible. This is a $22
Enterprise Ireland.                                 trillion economy, staggering in scale. The US
                                                    is a very innovative, competitive, and forward-
Ireland is the ninth largest source of foreign      thinking economy. With new direct flights
direct investment (FDI) to the United States.       between the US and Ireland being added
Over 900 Irish companies are exporting to           every year, it is a market that is accessible.
the US and there are currently 600 Irish            Across almost every sector there is a
companies in over 1,000 locations in the            business and partnering opportunity for Irish
States, employing over 106,000 people.              companies that are willing to invest the time
According to the US Bureau of Economic              and resources, and that is going to stretch
Analysis, Ireland’s FDI into the US stands          well into the future. The Enterprise Ireland US
at $235.7 billion. This is a very significant       team are based in New York, Boston, Austin,
milestone, especially for a country that is         Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle, working
economically one sixtieth the size of the US.       directly with hundreds of our client companies
We have many decades of an active trade             to help deliver real value on both sides of the
relationship and excellent air connectivity         Atlantic in what has been, and will continue to       Sources:
with the United States; this presents a very        be, a mutually beneficial trading relationship.       Enterprise Ireland

 $235.7 BILLION                                            9TH                             INDUSTRIES
                                                    IRELAND IS THE 9TH                    CONSTRUCTION, EDUCATION,
                                                 LARGEST SUPPORTER OF FDI                  ENVIRONMENTAL, MEDICAL
                                                    TO THE US ECONOMY                        DEVICES, SOFTWARE

         106,000                                           600                                         900
                                                                                          OVER 900 IRISH COMPANIES
      BY US AFFILIATES OF                         IN OVER 1000 LOCATIONS
                                                                                          ARE EXPORTING TO THE US
       IRISH-OWNED FIRMS                             ACROSS THE STATES

IN D E X 2020

       IRELAND INC US 250
       IN THE US

                    365 DATA CENTERS                                      promotional companies, independent stores
                    365 Data Centers is a leading provider of hybrid      and online and express delivery retailers.
                    data centre solutions in twelve edge markets.         Founded by CEO Dermot Brady 30 years ago,
                    With data centres across the US in locations          AB Packaging makes paper shopping bags
                    including New York and Philadelphia, the              and tissue for commercial retailers such
                    Company operates a total of 220,000 square            Coca-Cola, Harrods, Primark, Puma and
                    feet of data centre space. The company supports       Superdry. AB opened its first US plant in
                    mission-critical application infrastructure by        Newark in 2016. Their mission is to work
                    providing industry leading SLA protections and        closely with professional buyers to supply the
                    adhering to industry compliance standards.            highest quality product in a way that best suits
                                                                          their needs. This means they adapt to each
                    8 WEST CONSULTING                                     buyers’ unique system, budget, stockholding
                    Operating since 1998, 8 West Consulting is            and distribution requirements.
                    an award-winning, full service, enterprise
                    software development company with over 220            ABBEY CAPITAL
                    professionals and a 20 year history of innovation     Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Dublin,
                    and on-time delivery. Based in Cork, Ireland,         Abbey Capital is an Irish-owned alternative
                    they provide business and technology solutions        investment manager. The company operates
                    to clients who require high quality, scalable and     internationally and specialises in leveraging
                    maintainable software. Notable clients include        the expertise of multi-managers in a single
                    Avon, Bath and Body Works, Estee Lauder and           diversified portfolio. Their investment base
                    a number of large US healthcare insurance             includes Europe and North America. Abbey
                    carriers.                                             Capital is registered as an Investment Advisor
                                                                          with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
                    AALTO BIO REAGENTS LTD                                Commission.
                    Aalto Bio is one of the longest established,
                    privately held biotech companies founded in           ACCELERATED PAYMENTS LIMITED
                    1978. Aalto is the global manufacturer and            Accelerated Payments enables SMEs to expand
                    provider of high-quality critical raw materials for   and grow by offering an innovative Individual
                    diagnosing emerging diseases eg. Corona virus,        Invoice Finance service to overcome cash
                    Zika Virus to the in-vitro diagnostic and vaccine     flow hurdles that can arise. The company was
                    development companies in Europe, the U.S. and         created by entrepreneurs with many years’
                    ASIA.                                                 experience in financial services as well as
                                                                          starting and running their own businesses. The
                    AB PACKAGING                                          service combines a technology platform with
                    AB Packaging is a multinational high volume           a simple user interface as well as immediate
                    manufacturer of paper bags and flexible               access to business intelligence to offer a
                    packaging for buyers across a broad range of          simple and fast application, approval and
                    market sectors, including high street retailers,      payment process.

                                                                                                    IN D E X 2020

ACCOUNTSIQ                                        AFILIAS MOBILE & WEB SERVICES
Dublin startup, ACCOUNTSIQ, is a cloud-           Afilias is a global provider of Internet
based accounting software system. It is           infrastructure services. Its technology
designed for companies and organisations          supports a wide range of applications
needing to manage multiple business units.        including Internet domain registry services to
ACCOUNTSIQ has offices in the UK, Ireland         over 15 million domain names, Managed DNS,
and Australia. The accounting platform is         and services in the RFID and supply chain
utilised in over 40 countries worldwide,          market with its Afilias Discovery Services.
including the United States.                      In 2010 it acquired mTLD Top Level Domain
                                                  Ltd., the sponsoring organisation and registry
ACTAVO                                            operator for the .mobi top-level domain.
Worldwide, Actavo has 6,000 employees
in 100 locations, with their move into the        AGRICULTURAL MAGNETICS LTD
Caribbean, laying fibre for Digicel, bringing     (MAGGROW)
the company closer to the US, and the US          MagGrow has developed a pioneering,
into their line of vision. Actavo USA has since   patented spraying system for the horticulture
worked with 6 million homes and businesses        and arable sectors of the agricultural
with over 60,000 miles of fibre optic cable       industry. The MagGrow system is a
installed coast to coast.                         proprietary technology for droplet formation
                                                  that helps farmers grow more by giving
ADAPTIVE MOBILE SECURITY LTD                      better coverage than conventional crop
Adaptive Mobile Security Limited was              spraying systems. Headquartered in Dublin,
founded in 2004 and is headquartered in           the company was founded in 2013 and aims
Dublin, Ireland with offices worldwide. The       to provide the best technology solutions for
company specialises in mobile security and        sustainable crop growth. MagGrow has been
is the only such company to protect services      selected for the 2020 Thrive Top 50 Agtech &
on both fixed and mobile networks. They           Foodtech.
protect over two billion subscribers across
the globe.                                        AIB
                                                  Allied Irish Banks plc (AIB) has had a presence
AEROGEN                                           in the US since opening a representative
Aerogen’s global headquarters are in              office in New York in 1973. This became
Galway, with offices in the US, Germany,          the AIB New York Branch in 1977. AIB’s US
China and the UAE. The company, which             businesses include Syndicated & International
provides pioneering aerosol drug delivery,        Finance, which participates in leverage
has 30 people working permanently                 finance and corporate lending; a full
overseas. The US accounts for about half its      service Treasury operation and a dedicated
business and, in 2016, the company added a        team marketing AIB’s Irish services to US
Chicago office.                                   corporates.

IN D E X 2020

                        AIRTEL ATN LTD                                 ANORD MARDIX
                        Airtel is an innovative technology             Anord Mardix is a global leader in critical
                        company supporting the improvement of          power distribution and protection. The
                        air traffic management for safer, cleaner,     company produces industry-leading HV & LV
                        more efficient air travel globally. For over   switchgear, custom built modular solutions,
                        20 years Airtel has developed Data Link        flexible data hall distribution and a busbar
                        Communication software, infrastructure         and busway range. With operations in North
                        and test equipment to support the              America, Europe and Asia Pacific, they bring
                        dramatic increase in demand for air            100 years of engineering excellence to every
                        travel globally. Airtel continues to deliver   customer challenge and employ over 750
                        technological excellence within Air Traffic    highly skilled people. They have headquarters
                        Management (ATM) and is a member               in Dundalk, Ireland.
                        of every significant Research and
                        Deployment Program, including COMET            APA FACADE
                        and SESAR Joint Undertaking in Europe          APA Facade Systems were established in
                        and NextGen in the U.S.                        1975 and are market leaders in the design
                                                                       and manufacturing of aluminium fenestration
                        ALLERGY STANDARDS                              systems. They have a wide variety of products
                        Founded by Dr John McKeon, Allergy             including high-performance window and
                        Standards uses Design Thinking                 door systems, curtain walling, structurally
                        Principles to operate the world’s most         glazed systems, solar shading and louvers.
                        recognised certification program for           Headquartered in Dublin, APA also has offices
                        asthma & allergy friendly® products.           in the UK and Boston and has worked on some
                        As an international certification and          prestigious developments across the Irish,
                        data company they develop independent          UK and North American construction markets.
                        standards for innovation and testing of a
                        wide range of products to determine their      APPLEGREEN
                        suitability for asthmatics and individuals     Petrogas Group US INC T/A Applegreen is a
                        with allergies. Established in 2000, ASL       100% owned subsidiary of Applegreen plc, a
                        has offices in Dublin, New York, Toronto,      publicly quoted company listed on the Irish
                        and Korea.                                     and UK stock markets. It operates sites across
                                                                       the US, with retail concession stores at its US
                        ALMAC GROUP                                    service stations on Long Island featuring a
                        Sir Allen McClay formed Almac in 2002.         quality selection of food and beverage items,
                        It was born out of Galen Holdings Plc,         automotive accessories and supplies.
                        which he had founded as Galen Ltd in
                        1968, and floated on the stock market in       ARDAGH GROUP
                        1997, becoming Northern Ireland’s first        Ardagh is a global leader in glass and metal
                        £1bn company. The Almac Group bought           packaging, with 39 sites across the US
                        the API Manufacturing and Chemical             employing over 7,000, out of a global staff of
                        Development, Clinical Trial Supply and         over 23,500 in 22 countries. Founded in 1932
                        Clinical Technologies businesses from          as the Irish Glass Bottle Company in Dublin,
                        Galen. Globally Almac, a major player in       the company expanded through a series of
                        drug development, now employs over             acquisitions after Paul Coulson, the current
                        5,600 people, a number of whom are             Chairman and CEO, acquired an initial stake in
                        based in the US in locations including         the company in 1998. The company launched
                        Durham, NC, San Francisco, CA, and             an initial public offering (IPO) in March 2017 on
                        Audubon, Souderton, and Lansdale, PA.          the New York Stock Exchange, raising just over
                                                                       $300 million.
                        Limerick-based AMCS was founded                ARDMORE SHIPPING
                        by CEO Jimmy Martin. AMCS is the               Founded in 2010, Ardmore Shipping owns
                        leading supplier of integrated software        and operates a fleet of mid-size product
                        and vehicle technology for the waste,          and chemical tankers, providing worldwide
                        recycling and material resources               seaborne transportation of petroleum and
                        industries. AMCS is headquartered in           chemical products. The Company listed on
                        Ireland with offices in the UK, Denmark,       the NYSE in August 2013 and has offices in
                        the Netherlands and Pennsylvania,              Cork, Bermuda, Singapore, Houston and
                        Massachusetts and Florida in the US.           Hong-Kong. Ardmore has a fully “eco”

                                                                                                      IN D E X 2020

fleet and has been at the forefront of          ATLAS FX
environmental and social progress for           Founded in 2010, by Gavin O’Donoghue with two
many years and it is the top ranked product     Californian co-founders, Atlas FX is a cloud-based
tanker company of all US public shipping        risk management solution to manage FX and
companies for corporate governance.             Commodity risk on a portfolio basis. The company
Ardmore celebrates its 10-year anniversary      has offices in California and Dublin and employs 14
this year.                                      people.

ARRALIS                                         AUTOENTRY
Co-founded by Limerick man CEO Barry            Founded in early 2016 by software developer
Lunn and CTO Mike Gleaves, Arralis              Brendan Woods, AutoEntry automates manual data
develops satellite communications and           entry. The software utilises Artificial Intelligence
radar technology and works with high            (AI) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and
profile clients including the European          every aspect of the software was designed to meet
Space Agency. Founded in 2013, Arralis is       the needs of its users. As well as its HQ in Dublin,
headquartered at the University of Limerick     AutoEntry has offices in the UK, Melbourne and
campus with a design centre in Belfast and      Arizona.
has offices in Swindon and Florida with
a business development and sales team           AVECTAS
based in the UK.                                Avectas is an Irish life science technology business
                                                headquartered in Dublin and with US offices in
ASAVIE                                          Cambridge, Massachusetts. Avectas has developed
IoT firm Asavie Technologies’ platform          a patented electrospinning and electrospraying
powers on-demand services for the               technology platform, Spraybase, built on eight
secure and intelligent distribution of data     years of R&D funded by the Irish Government and
to connected devices for clients such as        EU grants.
AT&T, Eir, Three, Telefonica and Vodafone.
Founded by Ralph Shaw in 2004 with the          AVAIL
vision of simplifying how enterprises can       Avail is a B2B SaaS platform created to promote
harness the power of mobile devices and         independence for children and adults with cognitive
the Internet of Things, the company is          disabilities. The platform is mobile technology based
headquartered in Dublin with offices in the     and uses videos, pictures, audio and text prompts
UK, North America, Spain and Malaysia.          to help users master a wide range of routine
They work with over 10,000 customers.           tasks and life skills. The platform is being used by
                                                organisations in Ireland, the UK, and North America.
Established in 2011, Asytec is an award-        AVVIO
winning Data Management Solution                Founded in 2002, Avvio has been a pioneer in hotel
Provider with customers in Ireland, the UK      and accommodation booking platforms. In 2017, the
and North America. The company has three        company launched the first booking engine powered
Irish offices located in Dublin, Limerick and   by AI continuing to help hundreds of hotels, hotel
Cork and a US office in Minnesota. They aim     groups, and serviced apartment operators increase
to guide customers through every stage of       their direct bookings. Avvio is headquartered in
their data management queries through to        Limerick, Ireland with offices in Dublin, London, and
the implementation process.                     New York.

A full service contract research                Axonista is an interactive video technology
organisation (CRO) delivering end-to-           company which enables video streaming
end solutions for the functional food,          services for media companies that have two-way
beverages, ingredients and supplements          audience interaction. Viewers can shop, sign up
markets. Founded in 2011, Atlantia Food         to newsletters, or learn more about what they’re
Clinical Trials is a world class company in     watching, all while they are watching the video.
delivering clinical studies. The company        Customers include QVC, Virgin Media, and Sinclair
performs acute, observational and               Broadcast Group. Apps powered by Axonista’s
intervention studies to ICH-GCP standards       technology have been delivered to over 500k users
for the functional foods and beverages,         and have won 11 awards. Axonista has offices in
supplements, pre- and probiotics and            Dublin and New York, and was founded in 2010, by
microbiome-based therapeutics sectors.          Claire McHugh and Daragh Ward.

IN D E X 2020

                        BANK OF IRELAND                                 BIMEDA
                        Bank of Ireland is one of Ireland’s largest     A global leader in animal health, Bimeda
                        financial services groups with operations       has established markets in more than
                        in Ireland, the UK, continental Europe          70 countries worldwide and has R&D,
                        and the US. In the US, the Group operates       manufacturing and distribution capabilities
                        through its Branch in Stamford, CT and          across Europe, North America, South
                        Representative Offices in New York,             America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Bimeda
                        Chicago and Los Angeles. In the US, the         employs almost 800 employees worldwide
                        focus is on its Corporate and Treasury          with its US headquarters based in Oakbrook
                        business, which incorporates the Group’s        Terrace, IL. The Bimeda US product
                        corporate banking, wholesale financial          portfolio focuses on five key categories:
                        markets, specialized acquisition finance        ecto- and endo-parasiticides, water soluble
                        and large transactions property lending         antimicrobial, injectables and nutritional
                        business. In March 2017, Bank of Ireland        products.
                        announced the opening of its NYC
                        Innovation Lab, an incubation space that        BIO-MEDICAL RESEARCH
                        supports the Bank’s customers as they seek      Bio-Medical Research has been creating EMS
                        to grow their business and enter the US         (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) technology
                        market, as well as serving as an event space    for over 50 years. Galway is home to
                        for the Irish American community.               Bio-Medical Research, with offices and
                                                                        employees located in the US, France, Hong
                        BCC RISK ADVISORY LTD                           Kong, UK and Singapore.
                        BCC Risk Advisory provides protection from
                        hackers. They have defined a unique hybrid      BLUEFACE
                        verification methodology that has proven        Blueface, a Comcast Business company, is a
                        efficient and cost-effective across a wide      leading provider of Unified Communications
                        range of applications and industry sectors.     as a Service (UCaaS). Blueface enables
                        Their portfolio includes Network Security,      service providers with a suite of cloud
                        Penetration Testing, SDLC Security,             communications technologies and is listed
                        Information Security Management and             on the UCaaS Gartner Magic Quadrant. In
                        Cloud Security.                                 January 2020, Blueface was acquired by
                                                                        Comcast with a significant investment made
                        BHSL HYDRO                                      to scale the technology and engineering
                        The Limerick agri-tech company’s US             teams in Ireland. Comcast Corporation
                        operation is headed up by Ken Le Faive,         (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and
                        President, North America. The company,          technology company with three primary
                        which pioneered a method for using poultry      businesses: Comcast Cable, NBCUniversal,
                        manure as an energy source, entered the         and Sky.
                        US market after agreeing a €3 million
                        pilot project with the state of Maryland.       BRIGHTWORK
                        Maryland is providing $1 million in funding     Brightwork Inc. formerly known as Aimware,
                        for the project. BHSL, which is providing the   Inc. is a project management company
                        remaining €2 million in funding for the new     specialising in Microsoft SharePoint platform
                        project, was established by brothers Jack       solutions. These solutions make project and
                        and Declan O’Connor in 2009. It employs         portfolio management simpler and more
                        28 people at its headquarters in Ballagh.       profitable for Brightwork customers. The
                                                                        company was founded in 1995 by Eamonn
                        BIG RED BARN                                    McGuinness and has offices in Europe and
                        Mayo company Big Red Barn began life            the United States.
                        providing a sturdier alternative to marquees
                        for events, before moving into modular          BSM IRELAND LTD/BSM INTERNATIONAL
                        homes solutions. In 2018 Big Red Barn           BSM is a management consulting firm
                        entered into a public private partnership       known for providing Real Lean
                        with the City of Warwick Housing Authority      transformation services to life science
                        which will fund a pilot building on a site      companies. The company specialises in the
                        in Warwick, Rhode Island, supplying a           implementation of Real Lean techniques
                        modular home for a low income family, to        specifically Levelling, Flow and Standard
                        demonstrate the ability to provide cost-        Work. BSM operates from Galway, Ireland
                        effective housing for the city.                 and Georgia, USA.

                                                                                                   IN D E X 2020

BUILDING EYE                                     for leading consumer brands, from animated
Buildingeye Inc. is ranked in the US GovTech     content for apps / games to comedy series
100 as an established provider of cloud          for broadcasters. Clients include Disney, BBC,
software services to local government            Fox, Warners, American Greetings, Mattel
providing internal and public facing             and The Jim Henson Company. Advertising
solutions. They have an office in San            clients include SoCalEd, McDonalds and
Francisco with 8 employees. The company          Tescos.
has launched buildingeye in a number of
cities across the US. This online tool is        CAMERAMATICS
designed to make building permit, license,       CameraMatics is a software platform that
violation and zoning information transparent     helps companies manage fleet and driver risk
and easily trackable for residents and           by improving safety, reducing collisions and
businesses.                                      operating a safe and compliant fleet. It uses
                                                 a combination of traditional telematics & GPS
BURNSIDE AUTOCYL                                 tracking along with in-vehicle video camera
Founded by Paddy Byrne and his brothers in       vision, collision avoidance technology and
1974, Burnside Autocyl is a privately-owned,     smart driver and fleet manager apps. All data
family run business. The company, based in       is collected and available real time on their
Carlow, Ireland, specialises in manufacturing    cloud connected platform
hydraulic cylinders for all types of mobile
applications. More than 85% of their product     CANDIDATE MANAGER
is exported worldwide. The company has           Dublin-based Candidate Manager is a
offices in France, Germany, the US and is        provider of Applicant Tracking Software
headquartered in Ireland.                        (ATS) that enables the electronic handling
                                                 of recruitment. The company works with
BUTLER MANUFACTURING SERVICES                    businesses ranging from SMEs to large
Butler Manufacturing Services (BMS) Ltd is a     enterprise customers, across a variety
family-owned company that was established        of sectors. Candidate Manager is part of
in 1986. BMS is a specialist designer and        Saon Group, which was acquired by online
manufacturer of products for the waste           recruitment business StepStone in 2013.
water and surface water treatment markets.
BMS is Ireland’s leading manufacturer            CAREWORKS LTD
of mid-range package sewage treatment            Founded in 1996, CareWorks provides an
plants and has products in over 38 countries     operational case management system for
worldwide.                                       social workers. The company has since
                                                 moved into personalisation and CRM and
C&C GROUP PLC                                    trades in the US as Care Director, providing
Best known internationally for its Magners       human services solutions that enable the
cider brand, C&C Group has production            public to fully participate in and direct their
facilities in Ireland, the UK and the US. Its    own support. Its social services software
wholly owned US subsidiary, Vermont Hard         information systems are supporting the work
Cider Company, has full responsibility for the   of over 20,000 health and human services
sales and marketing of the group’s portfolio     professionals, including the Department of
of cider brands in the US. In FY2017, C&C’s      Health and the Youth Justice Board in the
US business constituted c.4% of Group            USA; the Department for Children, Schools
volumes and less than 1% of operating            and Families in the UK; and the Health
profits.                                         Service Executive in Ireland.

CABOOM                                           CARMA TECHNOLOGIES LTD
Founded by creative director Damian              Founded in Ireland in 2007, Carma (formerly
Farrell, Caboom Ltd is a multi-disciplinary      known as Avego) is a leader in carpooling
production company and creative brand.           technology. Originally headquartered in
Working in live-action, puppetry and             Cork, Ireland, Carma focused its attention on
animation, the company draws on more             the US, and is now headquartered in Austin,
than twenty years of experience to               Texas. Carma launched the world’s first
produce award-winning entertainment and          ride sharing smartphone app in 2008 and
advertising content for clients. Caboom’s        works with governmental and commercial
work is broad and varied from animation          organisations to help reduce CO2 emissions
series for the web to live-action commercials    and traffic congestion.

IN D E X 2020

                        CATHX OCEAN                                      Róisín Callaghan, who relocated permanently
                        Cathx Ocean designs, manufactures and            to the US, with a staff of 15 in the San
                        supplies advanced subsea imaging and             Francisco office.
                        measurement systems for underwater
                        vehicles as well as software that interprets     COMBILIFT
                        underwater images. The company was               Combilift is a global manufacturer of multi-
                        founded by CEO Adrian Boyle and CTO              directional forklifts and specialises in long
                        Michael O’Flynn in 2009 and has a design         load handling solutions. Combilift employs
                        and manufacturing facility based in Kildare,     more than 600 people at a new facility in
                        with additional office locations in Aberdeen     Monaghan, Ireland and more than 40,000
                        and Boston.                                      units have been sold in over 85 countries
                                                                         since Combilift was established in 1998.
                        CEVA INC
                        CEVA was created in November 2002 through        COMPLIANCE & RISKS
                        the combination of the DSP IP licensing          The end-to-end global regulatory solutions
                        division of DSP Group and Irish company,         provider, headquartered in Cork, counts 8
                        Parthus Technologies. The company develops       out of 10 of the top electronics manufacturing
                        semiconductor intellectual property core         companies and 3 of the top 4 engineering
                        technologies for multimedia and wireless         companies in the world as clients. It has
                        communications technology. CEVA is               offices in Brussels, California, London and
                        headquartered in Mountain View, California,      New York, and over 70 employees across
                        USA with offices across Ireland and EMEA.        the globe.

                        CLAIMVANTAGE CORPORATION                         CORA SYSTEMS
                        ClaimVantage is an Irish, internationally-       Cora Systems, headquartered in Carrick-on-
                        focused technology provider of claims            Shannon, is a worldwide leader in providing
                        management software. The company is              enterprise project and portfolio management
                        headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with a         solutions to global organisations and
                        second office in Portland, Maine, and several    government agencies, including the NHS in
                        global operations. ClaimVantage provides         the UK, the HSE in Ireland, Boston Scientific
                        cloud-based, automated claims processing         and Allergan. Founder and CEO Philip Martin
                        solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and   started the company in 1999, and now
                        productivity to a wide-range of insurance        employs around 60 staff in Ireland, and
                        companies, Third Party Administrators            further staff in offices in the United States
                        (TPAs), and employers around the world.          and the UK.

                        CMC HYGEA LTD                                    CORLYTICS
                        CMC Hygea Ltd. is an Irish based medical         Founded in 2013 by John Byrne, Corlytics is
                        device company designing, developing and         a world-leading provider of regulatory risk
                        manufacturing unique healthcare products         intelligence to enable organisations and
                        for use in clinical and community settings.      financial institutions to take a data-driven
                        The use of silver ion technology impregnated     approach to regulatory resource allocation.
                        into plastic, enables the company to produce     Corlytics automatically collates, categorises,
                        unique, clean and hygienic products that         interrogates and analyses regulatory notices
                        continuously inhibit the inevitable growth       from regulators across the globe, and
                        of bacteria seen on all non-sterile surfaces.    launched its Regulatory Event Data (RED)
                        Founded in 2013, the company has its             app in November 2018.
                        headquarters in Waterford.
                        COGS & MARVEL                                    Cpl is a global Irish company founded by
                        The Irish brand experience and creative          Anne Heraty, CEO; it is a recognised leader in
                        events agency opened a US office in Silicon      temporary and permanent recruitment and
                        Valley after winning business with Dublin-       has a US office in Boston, Massachusetts.
                        based multinational tech firms. Formerly         In the US, Cpl caters to Irish corporates
                        known as The Green Light Events, the             based in the US and local US companies. Cpl
                        business founded by Róisín Callaghan and         work closely with US companies setting up
                        Jane Gallagher in 2006, underwent a major        European operations and actively support
                        rebrand to become Cogs & Marvel in 2017.         the IDA in their marketing activities. Stephen
                        The new US office is headed up by co-founder     Mullin, Group Sales Director, is the contact for

                                                                                                   IN D E X 2020

Cpl’s US activities and works with US and Irish   Desmond. Today, the company’s technologies
companies across their global network of 41       are used frequently in the areas of mobile
offices in 11 countries.                          banking and mobile payments, among others,
                                                  across six continents. Daon is headquartered
CUBIC TELECOM                                     in Reston, Virginia with offices in Dublin,
Cubic Telecom is a technical enabler to           Ireland and Canberra, Australia.
Automotive OEMs, with over 1.3 million ccted
cars to date. The team has over 120 people        DATALEX
working with global partners including VW         Datalex specialises in digital commerce for
Group, and closed agreements with more than       airline travel retail. The company’s digital
60 mobile operators including AT&T, China         platforms enable a travel marketplace of over
Mobile, Digicel, Orange, Verizon, Sprint, PCCW    one billion shoppers and combines pricing,
and Vodafone. The 15-year-old Irish start-up      offer and order management with customer
has raised over $83.5 million to date.            insights. Datalex has offices in Dublin,
                                                  Manchester, Beijing, Amsterdam and Atlanta
CYLON CONTROLS LTD                                and employs around 500 people between staff
Founded in 1985, Dublin-based Cylon Controls      and contractors.
provides building energy control systems
across all categories of buildings. Cylon is      DAVRA NETWORKS
committed to delivering sustainable solutions     IoT company Davra opened its second US
which deliver comfort, energy and operational     base in 2018, adding a location in New
efficiency to commercial buildings, schools       Haven, Connecticut to join its existing Dublin
and universities, healthcare facilities, and      headquarters, California base and sales
retail buildings.Cylon’s energy management        presence in Gloucester in Britain. Davra
solutions have been installed in Europe, North    founding executives were part of the team
America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa         that sold Crannog Networks to US company
and the company has offices in the US, UK,        Fluke Networks for a multimillion-euro sum in
Germany and a HQ in Ireland.                      2007. Davra was established in 2010 by a team
                                                  of Big Data and Data Analytics veterans and
D4H                                               began trading two years later.
D4H is a software company that specializes
in incidents, emergencies, and corporate          DCC
crises. D4H was founded in 2008 by Robin          International sales, marketing and support
Blandford, combining his background in            services group DCC employs circa 550 people
the Coast Guard with a team of computer           in the US. Headquartered in Dublin, DCC
scientists, first responders, and emergency       employs approximately 12,700 worldwide.
managers. Built and operated from Ireland,        The company made its first move into the
D4H is the #1 software for the readiness,         US market with the acquisition of US-based
response, and re-evaluation of incidents in the   Retail West for $200m (€173m) in 2017. It
United States. D4H has injected visibility into   acquired Elite One Source Nutritional Services
tens of thousands of North American crisis &      (a provider of contract manufacturing and
emergency operations for government, public       related services to the growing healthcare and
safety, healthcare, and enterprise.               dietary supplements market) this year for $50
                                                  million. The company operates in 20 countries.
Dairymaster is one of the world’s leading         DEPOSIFY
dairy and agri-tech firms, and has attained       Dublin based fintech start-up Deposify
international acclaim for manufacturing           provides security deposit management
superior, hi-tech dairy equipment.                services to property management companies,
Dairymaster believes innovation is key and        landlords & tenants in the US - providing
has filed for over 90 patents. It places huge     banking, payments, compliance and dispute
emphasis on Research and Development.             resolution services. The company, which was
It exports to 40 countries and has direct         founded by Jon Bayle and Dave Brennan,
operations in Ireland, UK and USA.                has offices in Dublin, Boston & NY and has
                                                  partnered with Bank of Ireland, multiple US
DAON                                              banks and Assurant. Deposify has raised
Daon is an international biometrics and           +$2.5m and is backed by Assurant, Delta
identity assurance software company founded       Partners, Enterprise Ireland, Escher Group
in 2000 by Irish entrepreneur, Dermot             and private US & Irish investors.

IN D E X 2020

                        DESIGNER GROUP                                DIONA
                        Designer Group is a leading international     Co-founded by John Polakowski, Anil
                        engineering solutions Group, founded          Singaraju and Graham Stubbs in 2012, Diona
                        in Dublin in 1992. Following a recent         focuses on the global Health & Human
                        acquisition in Kansas Missouri, Designer      Services market, aiming to help governments
                        Group has operations in the United States,    help people by turning smartphones and
                        Ireland, UK, mainland Europe and Africa,      tablets into tools that improve people’s lives.
                        pushing the boundaries in delivering          The company’s services organization helps
                        sustainable environments. The US team is      partners and customers design and deliver
                        focused on engineering, procurement and       successful Health and Human Services
                        technical services, recently completing       projects at the city, local, state and national
                        130MW of biomass plants which are the         level through their extensive product
                        largest, most efficient operating biomass     knowledge and domain expertise. Diona has
                        projects in North America. Both the Group     offices in Ireland, India, Canada, the UK and
                        and US turnover is set to increase year       Austin, Texas in the US.
                        on year with the US supporting business
                        expansion further into Africa and Central/    DOUBLEINK PUBLISHING
                        South America.                                DoubleInk helps publishers create
                                                                      educational content, providing new content
                        DIACEUTICS                                    and editorial services in both English and
                        Co. Louth-based medtech firm Diaceutics       Spanish, as well as design and project
                        recently raised €4.3 million through a        management services across all K–12
                        mix of debt and equity financing to fund      disciplines. It operates from offices in
                        its expansion. The company works with         Greystones Co Wicklow, and has 16 staff in
                        31 out of the top 35 pharmaceutical           the US with the main office in Cambridge MA,
                        companies to integrate diagnostic testing     USA. To date, they have completed
                        into their treatment pathways. Based in       800 projects.
                        the Regional Development Centre on the
                        campus of the Institute of Technology         DRINK COMMAND LIMITED
                        in Dundalk, Co. Louth, it has offices in 17   Drink Command offers ‘self-pour’ solutions
                        territories including New Jersey in the US,   to bars and restaurants worldwide. They sell
                        currently employs 90 people globally, and     a range of products and services that are
                        is listed on the London junior market (AIM)   second-to-none in terms of quality features,
                        in 2019.                                      support structures and return on investment.
                                                                      With experience of hundreds of installations
                        DIGITAL CREW LTD                              on 5 continents, they deliver profitable
                        Established in 1999, Digital Crew / Granite   self-serve beer systems. Their in-house
                        Digital have established themselves           engineers develop all of their own hardware
                        as a leading web design and custom            solutions and software platforms. They are
                        application development company.              based in Ireland, the UK, Australia, Mexico,
                        Using modern design, their content            and the United States.
                        management system and custom
                        application development can help to           DROMONE ENGINEERING LTD
                        shape a company’s web presence. Their         Dromone Engineering designs, manufactures
                        clients include A Taste of West Cork, Tell    and markets agriculture tractor pick-up hitch
                        & Spell, Eirtech, J1, David Puttnam, Cork     technology and construction excavator quick
                        Institute of Technology, ITT Dublin, East     coupler technology. Established in 1978, with
                        Cork GAA , and more.                          headquarters in Oldcastle, Co. Meath,
                                                                      it employs over 140 people across a range
                        DING                                          of functions including operations,
                        Founded by Chairman Mark Roden in             engineering and marketing. Dromone
                        2006, Ding enables expats to send mobile      exports almost 100% of its product to global
                        phone credit top-ups to friends and family    markets and its portfolio of customers
                        back home. The Dublin based firm has          includes Blue Chip customers in the
                        200 employees worldwide, with offices in      agriculture and construction industries.
                        New Jersey and Miami in the US, as well       It has also developed worldwide distribution
                        as Dubai, Dhaka, Paris and Bucharest.         channels to service OEM customers,
                        They work with over 500 mobile phone          dealer networks and rental fleets and has
                        operators in over 140 countries.              distribution centres across the US.

                                                                                                  IN D E X 2020

Wicklow-based Druid Software specialises        A project management platform enabling
in Private LTE which is standards-based         all project personnel to work to a defined
Long Term Evolution networks designed           process using real-time data which results in
to serve specific enterprise business,          improved project productivity, transparency
government or educational purposes.             and control. Established in 2010, EIDA
The company is using its intellectual and       Solutions brings together a wealth of
technical assets to grow its business in the    experience in the construction and technology
US, particularly in the areas of hospitals      industries. Servicing pharmaceutical,
and healthcare, industrial campus, maritime     semi-conductor and data center projects,
and ports and industrial IoT.                   EIDA eliminates documentation errors and
                                                saves countless hours by streamlining and
EAGLE ALPHA                                     compiling contractor documentation to client
Eagle Alpha was established in 2012 to          requirements.
provide alternative data solutions to
buyside firms. The company analyses             EMPOWER THE USER
social media for stockbrokers, hedge            Empower The User is a provider of Software
funds and other investors. It is backed by      as a Service RolePlay Simulation technology
members of the Kilduff family, including        for the training and assessment industries,
former investment banker Emmet Kilduff          which started in 2002 at Trinity College
and tech entrepreneur Tony Kilduff, via his     Dublin as a joint research partnership with
Denmark-based Quay Investments vehicle.         Intel. Co-founders Dr. Declan Dagger and
The company has offices in Ireland, the US      Professor Vincent Wade began researching
and the UK.                                     and developing the first Adaptive eLearning
                                                systems in the world; shifting from one-
EBLANA PHOTONICS LTD                            size fits all didactic teaching to adapt the
Eblana Photonics, based in Dun Laoghaire,       pace, content and style of teaching to the
is a manufacturer of laser diodes and           preferences of the individual learner. Their HQ
other optoelectronic components. Eblana’s       is in Ireland with another office in New York.
proprietary manufacturing technology
platform enables the company to serve           ENTEKRA
diverse markets including telecoms, LIDAR,      Irish homebuilder Entekra, which is changing
industrial gas sensing and environmental        the way houses are framed in America with
monitoring with an emphasis on flexibility,     off-site construction, recently completed
scalability and precision. Eblana is strongly   its first major phase of expansion – a $35
export focused and serves a wide range          million, 200,000-square-foot fully-automated
of clients in the US, including blue chip       factory in the Northern California city of
technology companies, startups and              Modesto. This manufacturing plant, the
government agencies.                            most technologically advanced construction
                                                factory in North America, boosts annual
ECONIQ INC                                      capacity by 3,000 units and increases
Econiq is a conversation quality company        the Entekra workforce to 250 employees.
that works with banks to add value to           Recently named Manufacturer of the Year
customer conversations using its unique         by the National Association of Home Builders,
technology and understanding of the             Entekra plans to build an identical factory
value of conversation. Headquartered in         in Southern California to meet the increasing
Galway, with offices in Dublin, Toronto and     demand for FIOSS – its Fully Integrated
Boston, Econiq was the winner of the 2016       Off-Site Solution.
SME category of the US-Ireland Research
Innovation Awards.                              EPS GLOBAL
                                                EPS Global was established in 1999 and is
EHA SOFT SOLUTIONS                              a franchised distributor for specialised IT
With offices in Cork, Chicago, Saudi            components and semiconductors used in data
Arabia and Portugal, EHA Soft Solutions         networking and storage, virtualisation, cloud,
produces Environmental Health & Safety          and the Internet of Things. It has locations
Management Software to manage quality,          in 28 cities in 16 countries so customers
risk and safety for organisations in the        can access a global supply supported by a
Food, Energy or Environmental Health and        local team with local language and currency
Safety Industry Sectors.                        support in each region.

IN D E X 2020

                        EQUILUME LTD                                  FARRAN TECHNOLOGY LTD
                        Equilume, headquartered at the heart          For over 40 years, Farran Technology in
                        of the Irish Equine Industry in County        Cork, Ireland has been on the leading-edge
                        Kildare, is a world leader in the research    of millimetre-wave development. They serve
                        and development of light therapy solutions    emerging and mature markets, cover radar
                        to assist the global horse industry in        and imaging, communications, research, test
                        maximizing reproductive efficiency and        and measurement, and aerospace. Farran
                        performance. Equilume Performance             offers a wide range of test & measurement
                        Lighting is a unique system that comprises    systems such as VNA extenders, noise figure
                        fully automated, smart stable lights and      analysers and frequency extension sources
                        mobile light masks designed to maximize       from 40 GHz to 500GHz. Farran also offers
                        health, performance and breeding              waveguide based components, which include
                        efficiency. They serve the geographical       amplifiers, detectors, frequency converters,
                        markets of France, Belgium, Luxembourg,       mixers, multipliers and Gunn oscillator
                        Germany, Ireland, Spain, Norway, Sweden,      sources. They have a global network, with
                        Turkey,the United States of America           bases in Ireland, the UK, the USA, Italy,
                        (USA), Canada, Brazil, Japan, Australia,      China, and more.
                        New Zealand, and the United Kingdom
                        (UK).                                         FENERGO
                                                                      Dublin-based fintech Fenergo offer
                        ESHOPWORLD                                    software solutions for financial institutions,
                        eShopWorld was established in 2010 and        streamlining the end-to-end Client Lifecycle
                        provides software to online retailers to      Management processes (from regulatory
                        provide their shoppers with a seamless        onboarding, data integration, client and
                        eCommerce experience. The company has         counterparty data management, client
                        216 staff across their offices in Swords,     lifecycle reviews and remediation all the way
                        Dublin, New York, Zaanstad, North Holland     to client offboarding etc.). In 2018 it doubled
                        and London.                                   its Dublin-based workforce to 400, and
                                                                      opened offices in Madrid and Hong Kong.
                        ESPATIAL INC                                  It also has offices in London, Toronto and
                        eSpatial started business in 1997 providing   Sydney. Backed by Insight Venture Partners
                        GIS (geographic information systems)          in New York, it is looking towards an IPO on
                        services to small and large organisations,    a New York exchange in the medium-term.
                        governments and consultancies. It
                        produces software that has been created       FEXCO
                        by mapping experts to be fast, powerful       Founded in 1981 by Brian McCarthy, the
                        and easy to use. In 2005, eSpatial            international payments and FX company
                        launched its first commercial product –       headquartered in Killorglin, Co Kerry, has
                        iSMART, an enterprise server-based GIS. In    over 2,800 employees worldwide, across 30
                        2010, it took its mapping software into the   markets in Europe, the Middle East, North
                        Cloud. The company has its HQ in Dublin       America, Latin America and Australasia.
                        and another office in Virginia.
                        EXCELSYS TECHNOLOGIES                         Fineos is a global market leader in software
                        Excelsys serves original equipment            development in core insurance technology
                        manufacturers globally from its base in       for Disability, Life, Accident and Health.
                        Cork, where it employs about 30 staff.        Eight of the Top 20 Group Life and Health
                        These include GE Healthcare and Siemens       Insurers in the US work with Fineos Claims.
                        Medical. It also has a sales office in the    Its US offices are based in Atlanta and
                        United States, and has outsourced its         Boston.
                        electronics assembly to China. It has sales
                        in 40 countries and annual revenue of $15     FIRST DERIVATIVES
                        million. A 2015 management buyout was         The Newry-based firm is a global technology
                        led by chief executive Gary Duffy, who        provider of high-performance software to
                        already owned about 20 percent of the         a variety of industries as well as regulatory
                        business. The company, which has been         and IT consulting services to the capital
                        through a number of iterations since the      markets industry. It employs about 600
                        early 1990s, was enjoying growth of 15 per    people in the USA with offices in New York,
                        cent a year at the time.                      New Jersey and Philadelphia.

                                                                                             IN D E X 2020

FLIPDISH                                     Hospital. Its software is also used in 27
Flipdish gives Quick Service Restaurants     hospitals in the UK. Genesis has 14 staff in
(QSRs), takeaways and cafes the              the US, in sales and support roles, and 30
technology to compete and win online         people at its Cork base.
with their digital ordering system. Many
of their customers are multi-location        GLANBIA
chains and franchises who have integrated    One of the world’s top nutrition companies,
the online ordering system into their        Glanbia plc was formed in 1997 out of
technology stack as they’ve scaled and       the merger of Avonmore Foods plc and
grown to multi-million dollar businesses.    Waterford Foods plc, and today employs
Flipdish also works with lots of smaller,    over 6,600 people across 32 countries.
independent restaurants and takeaways        Glanbia entered into the US with the
who need the digital ordering technology     acquisition of a number of small cheese
to build their brand, grow revenue and       plants in the 1980s and 1990s, which form
drive customer loyalty. With a branded       the basis of its market leading business
website and app, powered by Flipdish,        there. The United States now boasts the
restaurant owners can directly accept        most Glanbia facilities of any country, with
online orders without having to list on      12 manufacturing operations and corporate
food delivery marketplaces, at a lower       offices across 7 states (Idaho, New Mexico,
cost and with more control over the          Illinois, South Dakota, Florida, Missouri and
customer experience.                         California).

Fragrances of Ireland is a family-owned      The Glen Dimplex Group commenced
boutique perfumery headquartered in          operations in North America in 1991 with
County Wicklow. Fragrances of Ireland        the acquisition of several leading heating
creates fragrance, body care, bath           brands. Today Glen Dimplex North America
and home fragrance, under the brands         has grown substantially, and dominates
including Inis the Energy of the Sea,        in the electric heating, stoves, fireplace
Patrick, Garden of Ireland, Connemara and    and industrial cooling markets across
Innisfree.                                   the continent, offering a range of highly
                                             innovative products and solutions. Dimplex
FREEFLOW                                     Thermal Solutions is a US manufacturer of
Specialising in excess inventory             industrial and medical process chillers.
management, FreeFlow helps customers
streamline re-marketing efforts and profit   GLOBAL SHARES INC
from retail, returned, obsolete or current   Global Shares assists companies to
excess stock through their secure online     deliver shares to their global employees
marketplace systems. Its headquarters        using share plan administration software,
are in Tralee, Co. Kerry, and its American   share-dealing, global custody, financial
operations are in San Jose, California.      reporting and global compliance services.
                                             Global Shares is a Winner of the Deloitte
GECKO GOVERNANCE                             ‘FinTech Company of the Year Award’ 2017,
Shane Brett set up Gecko Governance in       and a Deloitte Fast 50 Company 2018.
Dundalk and now has offices in New York,     The company has two offices in Ireland as
Sydney and Dundalk. The company has          well as offices in the US, Portugal, China,
developed software tools to help banks       Germany and the UK.
and funds keep track of their obligations
and compliance deadlines.                    GOPARKIT TECHNOLOGIES LTD
                                             GoParkit is a parking payments, permitting,
GENESIS AUTOMATION                           analytics and management platform
Formed in 2010, Genesis Automation is a      which can be used by cities, campuses, or
Cork-based healthcare software company       companies. It is cloud-hosted and offers
which was created by Noel O’Hanlon, to       a pay-by-phone mobile app for drivers.
manage inventory in hospitals, capture       Co-founder and CEO, Gearoid O’Riain,
procedure information and analyse the        previously founded Compass Informatics,
cost of procedures. It entered the US        which operates the State’s National
market in 2018, signing a $1 million deal    Biodiversity Data Centre; he recently sold it
with Texas-based Driscoll Children’s         to Aim-listed British company Tracsis.

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