Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei

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Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Shaping the New Normal with
                                                                                                                              Intelligent Connectivity
                                                                                                                              Mapping your transformation into a
                                                                                                                              digital economy with GCI 2020

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Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
09                                      Contents
                                Starters are proactively
                                narrowing the gap with
                                the leading economies


                                                                        Executive Summary03
                                                                        Countries face a new normal as they rebound their economies

                                                                        Country Rankings09
                                                                        Countries step up efforts to promote digital transformation

                       16                                               Economic and Technological Impact16
             Organizations in
                                                                        Countries build resilience for future economic development
Frontrunner countries want to
      maintain IT expenditure
                                                                        Impact on Industries	                                               37
                                                                        ICT investments digitalize industries and help economies move into
                                                                        higher-order productivity


                                ICT investments digitalize industries
                                and help economies move into
                                higher-order productivity
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
         COVID-19 has decimated national economies              Economies with higher GCI scores have greater        a more immersive experience for community
         and revealed the fragility of global supply chains.    digital readiness thanks to mature infrastructure,   interaction and entertainment.
                                                                which has lessened the impact of the pandemic.
         A natural reaction to the pandemic has been for        People and businesses in these Frontrunner           Future-looking policymakers and industry leaders
         nations to cut spending. And most have, with           economies have been able to transition faster        should focus on building digital capabilities in key
         investment in digital infrastructure remaining flat    to remote work, school, business, and services       economic sectors, with the digital agenda placed
         in 2020 after years of growth. However, that’s         thanks to strong digital infrastructure like         at the heart of socioeconomic recovery plans.
         the exact opposite of what needs to happen —           high-speed broadband and cloud. Even before
         ICT is the key to kickstarting recovery and even       COVID-19, economies that were investing in           We have identified five orders of productivity
         surpassing pre-pandemic productivity levels.           digital infrastructure build out and capabilities    across five key economic sectors that are
                                                                enjoyed faster GDP growth during their               central to the global economy. Policy makers
         While we have seen some acceleration in digital        transition to digital economies.                     and industry leaders need to consider which
         transformation, such cases have tended to                                                                   order of productivity their key economic sectors
         leverage existing ICT infrastructure. As a result,     Full recovery from the pandemic requires two         are operating in. We compared productivity in
         not all economies have been able to transform          things to happen. One, it requires recovery          manufacturing and agriculture across different
         at the same pace. Those with more developed            from lockdowns and border shutdowns, so that         economies, and saw that nations with higher
         digital infrastructure are better able to respond      school, work, and global trade can resume via        digitalization maturity are many times more
         to the pandemic, set out on the road to                communication and collaboration tools. Two, it       productive per worker or hour worked than other
         economic recovery, and build resilience for the        requires a return to the same level of economic      economies. To accelerate the recovery of the
         future.                                                activity before the pandemic hit.                    economy to pre-pandemic levels, policymakers
                                                                                                                     and leaders need to consider how to bring
         Since 2015, the GCI has tracked the progress of        Achieving these goals requires a range of digital    their economic sectors up to a higher order of
         79 economies in deploying digital infrastructure       capabilities. These include making remote            productivity.
         and capabilities. This year, a survey of               learning as effective or more effective than
         organizations across the three GCI clusters —          classroom learning by using 5G-powered AR            They need to review the status of their digital
         Starter, Adopter, and Frontrunner — shows that         and VR, leveraging AI and IoT to boost the           infrastructure readiness, as tracked by the GCI,
         organizations in nations with high GCI scores          productivity of workers, adopting AI and robotics    to develop ICT strategies and plans that facilitate
         are 2.5 to 3.5 times less likely to reduce their ICT   to enhance healthcare services, and deploying        the digital transformation of these sectors, power
         budgets.                                               5G networks and edge computing to provide            economic recovery, and build future resilience.

01 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                         FOREWORD | 02
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Executive Summary                             Executive Summary
                                                       Countries face a new normal as they rebound their
         Countries face a new normal as they rebound   economies
         their economies
                                                       At the beginning of 2020, nobody expected the                  revenues have slowed, organizations move into
                                                       world to change so drastically in a matter of                  cost optimization mode. This curve is where over
                                                       months. As economies work to recover from the                  25% of global organizations were in late 2020
                                                       COVID-19 pandemic, we are now moving into a
                                                       new normal in which society, governments, and                3. Business revenue decline. As revenues are
                                                       industries have adapted to a new way of living                  expected to be in a prolonged state of decline,
                                                       and operating. Moving forward, this new normal                  organizations focus on building business
                                                       may be a better way for economies to run and for                resilience and looking to their future recovery.
                                                       nations to build competitiveness and resilience.                Another 25% of global organizations were in
                                                                                                                       this phase as of 4Q 2020, planning for recovery
                                                       Economies tend to go through the following                      and the new normal.
                                                       recovery curve:
                                                                                                                    4. Business growth recovery. As revenues pick
                                                       1. Business continuity. The first phase in which                up, organizations are looking to invest more
                                                          organizations respond to the crisis and focus                aggressively to build competitiveness. The
                                                          on business continuity. Globally, about 15%                  majority of organizations in Asia Pacific are in
                                                          of organizations in major industries were in                 this phase and the next phase.
                                                          this stage as of September 2020, with many
                                                          moving to a cost-optimization phase.                      5. The new normal. As businesses stabilize into
                                                                                                                       the new normal, organizations will work to
                                                       2. Business slowdown. By stabilizing business after             operate more as digital organizations.

                                                       Percentage of Companies in the COVID-19 Recovery Stage

                                                                               What stage of the recovery cycle is your business currently in?


                                                                                      31                                                                    31
                                                                24                                                                    26
                                                                20                                            22
                                                                                                              21                      21
                                                                                      19                      19                      19
                                                                15                                            16                                            15
                                                                13                                                                                          14
                                                                                                                                      8                     10

                                                                Business            Economic                                         Return to             The New
                                                               Continuity           Slowdown                                          Growth                Normal

                                                                                    Global       NA          APAC          LATAM           EMEA

03 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 04
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
The world is adapting to this new normal, but the      for expanding ICT infrastructure can help avoid     IDC COVID-19 Technology Index
         speed of adaptation is uneven.                         a K-shaped recovery pattern and power a more
                                                                even and robust future growth model.
                                                                                                                    IDC COVID-19 Tech Index, August 13, 2020
         It is faster in some economies and slower in
                                                                                                                    US, Europe, & Asia Pacific
         others. Asia Pacific is recovering more quickly with   The new normal created by COVID-19 will feature
         over 30% of organizations already progressing to       the following characteristics:                                          Jan   Jan   Feb   Feb   Mar    Mar   Apr   Apr   May   May     June   June   July   July   Aug
         the new normal and 26% returning to growth. This                                                                                v1    v2    v1    v2   v1     v2    v1    v2    v1    v2       v1     v2     v1     v2     v1

         is then followed by North America. Latin America       • Increased dependence on high-speed
                                                                                                                    Asia Pacific, 1065
         has the highest percentage of organizations in           broadband for remote working and education               USA, 1059
         the economic slowdown stage, followed by EMEA                                                              Worldwide, 1050

         - Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.                 • Cloud computing for the affordable automation         Europe, 1024
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Asia Pacific, 1004
                                                                  of business processes and the provision
         The recovery model is influenced by a complex            of scalable infrastructure for the storage,                                                                                                                            Worldwide, 967
         mix of factors such as pandemic response, political      processing, and delivery of information and                                                                                                                            Europe, 962

         stability, risk environment, supply chain logistics,     services                                                                                                                                                               USA, 936

         and digital maturity. These and other factors
         combine to determine overall crisis resilience and     • Artificial intelligence (AI) for facilitating
         the economic recovery model. Unlike the typical          decision-making and process automation with
         patterns of V, U, W, and L-shaped recession and          solutions such as chatbots
                                                                                                                                                           Worldwide         USA         Asia Pacific          Europe
         recovery, COVID-19 has given rise to a K-shaped
         recovery model. The K-shaped model occurs              • Internet of Things (IoT) devices that enable
         when different parts of the economy recover at           the automation of processes and services, and
         different speeds, which is something that nations        deliver greater supply-chain resilience
         should aim to avoid so that certain sectors are                                                            A global surveyi of over 1,000 organizations indicates that buyer intent for IT investments is starting to
         not left to stagnate.                                  • Technologies that reduce telecom network          recover, especially in Asia Pacific.
                                                                  and data center total cost of operations and
         In this sense, ICT is a critical enabler of the          operations expenditure. These include AI, IoT,
         recovery journey and a key determinant of how            and solutions for sustainable energy, energy
         fast parts of the economy recover. Technology            digitalization, and cooling. Such technologies
         opens the door to business continuity by allowing        can (a) boost deployment viability and network
         companies to maintain productivity or even               build out on the supply side and (b) reduce
         expand their business by, for example, protecting        the carbon footprint of the ICT industry on the
         workflows from further shocks, implementing              environment
         e-commerce, and enabling process automation.
         As COVID-19 has made digital transformation            The above technologies are critical ICT enablers
         an urgent priority for almost every economy,           for recovery. Many governments have put plans
         existing digital infrastructure alongside strategies   in place to build them into their economies.

05 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 06
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Economies that recover faster are in a more                                                measures to relax and economic activity to return.            GCI 2020 Highlights
             competitive position because they can resume
             business earlier. The following chart by Oxford                                            The Global Connectivity Index 2020 (GCI 2020)                 Starters are narrowing the gap with the                 investment, organizations from Frontrunner
             University and EFGAMii shows the decline in service                                        assesses how economies use ICT to accelerate                  leading economies thanks to improvements                countries still want to maintain expenditure
             activity due to lockdown measures. As the pandemic                                         economic recovery and identify what other steps               in broadband coverage and affordability.                on IT.
             situation improves, we can expect lockdown                                                 they can take.
                                                                                                                                                                      Some starters are proactively catching up with          Research shows that the willingness of companies
                                                                                                                                                                      the other clusters. Over the last 5 years Starters      to invest in IT varies depending on where they
                                                                                                                                                                      increased their mobile broadband adoption by over       are based. Organizations in Frontrunner and
             PMI Service Activity Versus the COVID-19 Lockdown Stringency Index                                                                                       2.5X with several countries having close to 100%        Adopter nations are prioritizing maintaining their
                                                                                                                                                                      coverage, and their 4G subscribers from an average      IT budgets over non-IT budgets. They have also
                                            0                                                                                                                         of 1% to an average of 19% in 2019, with some           cut their IT budgets by 2.5 to 3.5 times less than
                                                                                                                                                                      countries reaching over 30% of their population         organizations in other countries on average.
                                            -5                                                                                                                        having high speed 4G mobile broadband coverage.         Nations with more mature digital infrastructure
                                                            China                                                                                                     The mobile broadband affordability as measured          are better positioned to minimize the economic
                                                                                                                                                                      by the cost of mobile broadband divided by GNI          impact of the pandemic, recover faster, and
                                                                                                                                                                      per capita have also dropped by 25% (more               ensure the continuity of their transformation into
                                                                                                                                                                      affordable). These increased internet access have       higher-order productivity models.
                                                                                                                                                                      opened up new economic opportunities causing
                                                                                                                                                                      e-Commerce spending to almost double since              Digital transformation of economic sectors
                                                                               Sweden                                                                                                                                         will help economies develop “higher-order”
                                           -25                                                                              Brazil                                    2014 to over US$2,000 per person annually in
                                                                                                                                                                      2019. Some Starters were moving up the GCI              productivity to spur economic recovery and
                                           -30                                                  Japan
                                                                                                                                                                      cluster, increased their GCI scores by up to 17%,       future competitiveness.
         Change in PMI Services Activity

                                           -35                                                               US                                                       and managed to raise GDP to a level that was
                                                                                                                                                                      22% higher than some peers. Vietnam and Peru            The race to recovery and making up for lost
                                                                                                             Germany                   France
                                           -40                                                                                UK                    Italy             both became adopter economies in 2020.                  productivity because of the pandemic is dependent
                                                                                                                                                      Russia                                                                  on increasing productivity in key economic sectors
                                                       y = -0.6159x + 12.054                                                                                          Economies with higher ICT maturity can drive            such as agriculture, energy, mining, manufacturing,
                                                                                                                                       Spain                                                                                  services, and research. Economies with more
                                                            R2 = 0.8426                                                                                               digital transformation to respond quicker
                                           -50                                                                                                              India
                                                                                                                                                                      to the COVID-19 pandemic, mitigating the                advanced productivity markers enabled by ICT
                                                       Median PMI Services change: -39.3
                                           -55                                                                                                                        negative impact on GDP per capita by 50%.               generally enjoy a much higher gross value-added
                                                 30    35      40       45      50         55   60      65     70      75     80     85        90      95       100                                                           (GVA) per worker or hours worked.
                                                 Change in Stringency Index                                                                                           Organizations in economies with higher GCI scores
                                                                                                                                                                      are able to react faster to the COVID-19 pandemic       ICT maturity takes industry digital
                                                                                                                                                                      and use digital tools and services to mitigate the      transformation through five stages of
                                                                                                                                                                      impact of lockdowns and social distancing. Due          productivity: task efficiency, functional efficiency,
                                                                                                                                                                      to the availability of high-speed broadband, cloud      system efficiency, organizational efficiency and
                                                                                                                                                                      services, AI, and IoT solutions, they can quickly       agility, and ecosystem efficiency and resilience.
                                                                                                                                                                      implement distributed workforce models, migrate
                                                                                                                                                                      to e-commerce platforms, and digitally transform        As economies improve their GCI scores, they
                                                                                                                                                                      their operations to maintain business continuity.       are able to progressively use ICT to evolve their
                                                                                                                                                                      The forecast decline in their GDP per capita is about   economic sectors toward higher-order operating
                                                                                                                                                                      50% lower than for emerging GCI economies.              models through use cases enabled by high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              speed broadband to access compute and storage
                                                                                                                                                                      Organizations in countries with more                    capabilities, as well as implement AI and IoT
                                                                                                                                                                      mature digital infrastructure are prioritizing          solutions. Economies can move from a mainly
                                                                                                                                                                      maintaining IT budgets over non-IT budgets.             manual model to a computerized model and finally
                                                                                                                                                                      Despite the impact of COVID-19 on business              to an integrated intelligent model.

07 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 08
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Country Rankings                               Country Rankings
                                                        Countries step up efforts to promote digital
         Countries step up efforts to promote digital   transformation
                                                        The GCI tracks the relationship between ICT                their economies from the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                        infrastructure investment and economic growth              towards a more competitive position through the
                                                        to provide policy makers with the trends and               digitalization of their economies.
                                                        information they need for sound decisionmaking.
                                                        GCI 2020’s research methodology has been                   GCI 2020 follows the digital development of 79
                                                        expanded to better reflect the emergence of 5G             countries. Each is assigned a GCI score, which
                                                        and explain the technologies that we believe will          plots it on an S-curve graph. Countries on the
                                                        drive economic growth in the near future.                  S-curve are grouped into three clusters — Starters,
                                                                                                                   Adopters and Frontrunners — according to their
                                                        GCI 2020 showcases the influence of 5G and AI              level of ICT investment, maturity, and economic
                                                        on GDP growth, which is particularly important             development.
                                                        for policy makers as they strive to help lead

                                                        GCI Cluster Descriptor

                                                                                             FRONTRUNNERS                      ADOPTERS                      STARTERS

                                                             GCI SCORE RANGE                   65-89                         40-64                         23-39

                                                         AVERAGE GDP PER CAPITA
                                                                                              56,400                        15,600                         3,600
                                                              (2019) (US$)

                                                             CHARACTERISTICS          Frontrunners are mainly          Adopters experience        Starters are in the early
                                                                                       developed economies           the largest GDP growth      stage of ICT infrastructure
                                                                                     that focus on enhancing         from investment in ICT       build-out. Their focus is
                                                                                       user experience. Their       infrastructure. They focus   on expanding connectivity
                                                                                      priorities have shifted to   on increasing demand for        coverage to give more
                                                                                     investing in 5G, big data,      high-speed connectivity        people access to the
                                                                                       AI, and IoT to develop          to cloud to facilitate         digital economy.
                                                                                         smarter and more          industry digitalization and
                                                                                       innovative economies.            economic growth.

09 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                         COUNTRY RANKINGS | 10
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Frontrunners form a cluster far ahead of the rest,                                                          GCI scores through increased ICT investment to                                           GCI 2020 Country Rankings
             with a sizable gap of 4.6 points between them                                                               cross the development chasm. There are three
             and Adopters. This gap increases as Frontrunners                                                            leading Adopter sub-clusters that are moving
             continue to move faster than Adopters. The                                                                  ahead of the rest, led by the United Arab Emirates
             average score of Frontrunners has increased                                                                 (UAE), China, and Spain. Although they are still
             by 1.8 points to 73.8, whereas Adopters have                                                                far from the start of the Frontrunner cluster, these                                      FRONTRUNNERS                     ADOPTERS                                                           STARTERS
             only increased by 1.2 points to 50.7. Adopter                                                               three countries have begun to pull away from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RANK COUNTRIES           SCORE   RANK COUNTRIES           SCORE    RANK COUNTRIES           SCORE   RANK COUNTRIES        SCORE
             economies will need to significantly upgrade their                                                          rest of the Adopters.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1       United States      85    21      United Arab Emirates 85   40        Uruguay          85    58      Indonesia       85

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2       Singapore          83    22      China               83    41        Romania          83    59      Philippines     83

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3       Switzerland        81    23      Spain               81    42        Russia           81    60      Morocco         81
             GCI 2020 Versus GDP per Capita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4       Sweden             81    24      Estonia             81    43        Oman             81    61      Ecuador         81

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5       Denmark            78    25      Portugal            78    44        Brazil           78    62      Paraguay        78
             GCI 2020 vs GDP per capita_S curve                                                                                                                                                                    6       Finland            75    26      Italy               75    45        Kazakhstan       75    63      India           75

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7       Netherlands        75    27      Lithuania           75    46        Thailand         75    64      Egypt           75
                                                STARTERS                                      ADOPTERS                                                FRONTRUNNERS                                                 8       United Kingdom     75    28      Czech Republic      75    47        Belarus          75    65      Venezuela       75

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9       Japan              74    29      Slovenia            74    48        Kuwait           74    66      Jordan          74

                                        80K                                                                                                                                                                        10      Norway             74    30      Chile               74    49        Turkey           74    67      Lebanon         74
                                                                                                                                                       Ireland                                                     11      Australia          74    31      Hungary             74    50        Argentina        74    68      Bolivia         74
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12      New Zealand        72    32      Slovakia            72    51        Serbia           72    69      Algeria         72
                                                                                                                                                      72.0          1.8             73.8                           13      South Korea        70    33      Saudi Arabia        70    52        Ukraine          70    70      Kenya           70

                                                                                                                                                                                                 United States     14      Luxembourg         70    34      Malaysia            70    53        Mexico           70    71      Botswana        70
                                                                                                                                                                          Denmark                                  15      Germany            69    35      Greece              69    54        Colombia         69    72      Ghana           69
                                                                                                  49.5          1.2         50.7                                                                                   16      France             69    36      Bulgaria            69    55        Vietnam          69    73      Bangladesh      69
                                        50K                                                                                                      Austria                            Sweden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17      Canada             68    37      Bahrain             68    56        South Africa     68    74      Namibia         68
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   18      Ireland            67    38      Croatia             67    57        Peru             67    75      Pakistan        67
                                                                                                                      United Arab Emirates                                     United Kingdom
                                        40K                                                                                                                                                                        19      Belgium            65    39      Poland              65                                     76      Nigeria         65
                                                                                                                                                      New Zealand    Japan
                                                          30.9        1.3             32.2                                   Italy                                                                                 20      Austria            65                                                                       77      Uganda          65
         Nominal GDP per capita (US$)

                                        30K                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            78      Tanzania        65
                                                                                                                                                      South Korea
                                                                                                                             Czech Republic
                                                                                                   Kuwait         Bahrain                                                                                                                                                                                              79      Ethiopia        65
                                                                                                       Saudi Arabia
                                        20K                                                                                        Portugal
                                                                                                    Oman                Chile
                                                                                             Kazakhstan               Malaysia
                                                                            Ecuador                          Brazil
                                                           Botswana                                                                      China
                                                                         Bolivia        Vietnam
                                        0K                       Ghana
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Although most of the numbers report what each                            before the COVID-19 pandemic has helped
                                          20          25         30         35          40         45           50     55            60          65          70           75          80          85         90
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  economy has achieved in 2019, GCI 2020 also                              economies mitigate the pandemic's impact, as well
                                              GCI Score 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  identifies how a more advanced GCI position                              as accelerate recovery by leveraging ICT maturity.

             The leading Starter economies are starting to                                                               with a gap of only 0.7 points. These breakaway
             blend in to the Adopter cluster, having grown at                                                            Starters have seen their GCI scores grow up to
             a faster rate than Adopters. Starters have grown                                                            17% faster than their peers' scores, with parallel
             by 1.3 points to reach 32.3 points, mainly led by                                                           growth in GDP up to 22% higher. Some Starters
             the small sub-cluster of Indonesia, Philippines,                                                            graduated into Adopter economies in 2020,
             and Morocco. They have broken away from the                                                                 including Vietnam and Peru.
             rest of the Starters and are closer to Adopters

11 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                COUNTRY RANKINGS | 12
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Starters are accelerating                             rose from an average of 1% in 2015 to an average     Fast movers from 2019
                                                               of 19% in 2019. In some countries, 30% of the
         digitalization and narrowing the                      population has high-speed 4G mobile broadband
         gap with the leading economies                        coverage. Mobile broadband affordability, as
                                                               measured by the cost of mobile broadband
         Starters are proactively catching up with the other   divided by GNI per capita, has improved by 25%.
         clusters. The average scores of all three clusters    Increased Internet access has opened up new
         have improved since 2015, with Starters showing       economic opportunities, causing annual spending
         the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR),       on e-commerce to almost double since 2014 to
         followed by Adopters and Frontrunners. Starters       more than US$2,000 per person in 2019. Some
         improved in broadband performance faster than         Starters were moving up the GCI cluster, increased
         the other clusters. Over the last five years, they    their GCI scores by up to 17%, and managed to
         have increased mobile broadband adoption by           raise GDP to a level that was 22% higher than
         over 2.5 times, with several countries achieving      some peers. Vietnam and Peru both became
                                                                                                                     Netherlands                                         Kazakhstan
         close to 100% coverage. Their 4G subscriptions        adopter economies in 2020.

                                                                                                                    The Dutch government released two new ICT           Kazakhstan has developed one of the most
                                                                                                                    plans in 2019 to promote digital accessibility:     advanced telecoms sectors in Central Asia,
         GCI Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 2015 to 2020                                                        the Dutch Digitalisation Strategy and Digital       underpinned by the largest economy in the
                                                                                                                    Government Agenda: NL DIGIbetter. The Dutch         region and abundant oil and natural gas reserves.
                                                                                                                    Digitalisation Strategy is designed to transform    As part of a 2018-2021 project, the government
                                                        GCI CAGR 2015-2020 (%)                                      the nation's economic sectors.                      is building fiber-optic lines and 4G LTE networks
                                                                                                                                                                        to connect rural areas. Broadband Internet
                                                                                                                    The Netherlands was the first country to achieve    services are already available in 117 cities and for
                                                                                                                    nationwide LoRa IoT network coverage in 2016,       3,324 rural communities. The government aims
                        STARTER                                                                4.95
                                                                                                                    which in turn drove the adoption of IoT in over     to provide broadband Internet access to 97%
                                                                                                                    300 million devices by 2019. The government         of rural settlements by the end of 2022. It has
                                                                                                                    launched the Dutch National Strategy on AI in       conducted 5G trials in 2019 and plans to roll out
                       ADOPTER                                                         4.58                         2018 and Plan for AI in 2019. These initiatives     5G in 2021.
                                                                                                                    have helped drive the Netherland’s advancement
                                                                                                                    in AI and IoT, which has helped increased its GCI   The government, International
                                                                                                                    country ranking.                                    Telecommunication Union (ITU), and United
                  FRONTRUNNER                                            3.38                                                                                           Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have agreed
                                                                                                                                                                        to collaborate on Giga, a UNICEF–ITU global
                                                                                                                                                                        initiative to connect every school to the Internet.
                                  0         1            2        3             4          5           6

13 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                          COUNTRY RANKINGS | 14
Shaping the New Normal with Intelligent Connectivity - Huawei
Economic and
                                                                                                                     Technological Impact
                                                                                                                     Countries build resilience for future
                                                                                                                     economic development
          Saudi Arabia                                        Thailand

         The government of Saudi Arabia established          Thailand is experiencing the fruits of its ICT Policy
         Saudi Vision 2030 to develop a thriving digital     Framework 2011–2020. As of 2019, 78% of the
         society, digital government, and digital economy,   population was covered by 4G, with the mobile
         and a future characterized by innovation. Its ICT   broadband connection rate reaching 132% of
         strategy for 2019–2023 aims to improve the          the population. Although the nation only has a
         telecommunications market, drive more local         computer penetration rate of 16%, its smartphone
         digital content, and grow a vibrant ICT ecosystem   penetration rate is 92%.
         and emerging technology cluster. Saudi Arabia
         has achieved 72% 4G coverage and 58% fiber-         Thailand's use of cloud computing has tripled in
         to-the-home (FTTH) coverage, with average           the last three years, and the Thailand 4.0 plan is
         download speeds of 45 Mbps. It spends about 2%      further driving digital transformation.
         of its GDP annually on ICT.

         The nation is slowly but surely diversifying its
         economy away from a heavy dependence on oil
         and gas, towards a digital economy. The service
         sector now contributes about 25% of national

Economic and Technological
                                                                          Comparison of Predicted Decline in GDP per Capita Before and During Covid-19 Versus
                                                                          GCI 2020 Scores

         Impact                                                           Economies with X higher GCI have a Y lower decline in GDP per Capita for 2020

         Countries build resilience for future economic                                                                                             ADOPTERS                                                                  FRONTRUNNERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                          China                                                  Switzerland


         GCI 2020 tracks ICT maturity                                                                                                                                            Poland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              South Korea

                                                               Percentage decline of forecasted GDP per Capita 2020 from before Covid-19
                                                                                                                                           -4%                                                                                                     Netherlands
         to mitigate the impact of                                                                                                                                              Bulgaria

         COVID-19 and spur recovery
                                                                                                                                           -6%                Thailand                     Saudi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Finland         Average decline
                                                                                                                                           -8%                              Romania
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Austria                                                of FR is -7%
         The COVID-19 pandemic has made digital                                                                                                        Vietnam
         transformation a priority for all economies
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Portugal             Canada                                                 50%
         as they grapple with maintaining business                                                                                         -12%                    Kazakhstan
                                                                                                                                                                                     Greece                                                                          Singapore

         operations in the midst of lockdown and social                                                                                                                                                  Spain                               United Kingdom
         distancing. When we compare economies with                                                                                        -14%                                                                                                                            Average decline
         differing levels of GCI maturity, we see that those                                                                                                                                                                                                               of AD is -14%
         with higher GCI scores have been less impacted                                                                                                                                       Malaysia                                       Norway
         by the COVID-19 pandemic based on the lower                                                                                       -18%                                                               UAE

         estimated decline in their GDP per capita. Their                                                                                                    Ukraine                          Chile
         pre-pandemic GDP per capita forecasts and                                                                                                                           Russia
         revised forecasts for after the pandemic hit                                                                                      -22%         Colombia
         show that GDP decline was lower for countries
         with higher GCI scores. On average, the GDP of                                                                                              Peru

         Frontrunner economies are forecast to drop by                                                                                     -26%
         about 7%, compared with 14% for Adopters.                                                                                                         Argentina        Brazil
         Although there are many factors that impact                                                                                       -28%

         economic decline, the COVID-19 pandemic has                                                                                                  40           45            50              55      60              65           70              75             80          85
         brought ICT to the forefront as a critical enabler                                                                                       GCI Score 2020
         of business continuity. Organizations in more                                                                                                                                                                                                           Source: GCI and EIU November 2020 Update

         mature GCI economies can restart business earlier
         and faster, and transition more smoothly to
         remote working because of higher ICT maturity.
         In general, their higher ICT maturity is able to                 Organizations in Frontrunner economies with                                                                                                    help organizations in these economies operate
         lessen the impact of the pandemic by 50% more                    higher broadband and cloud adoption find it                                                                                                    more effectively and enable health authorities to
         than Adopter economies.                                          easier to stay in business and continue to operate                                                                                             identify and predict new clusters of infections for
                                                                          even during lockdown. AI and IoT solutions                                                                                                     preemptive action.

17 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                            ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 18
Organizations in countries with more mature digital infrastructure                                             The table below shows how technology is a critical enabler for the socioeconomic activities that can
                                                                                                                        stimulate recovery and spur the transition to the next stage of economic growth.
         are prioritizing maintaining IT budgets over non-IT budgets. Despite
         the impact of COVID-19 on business investment, organizations                                                   Technologies create value in the new normal
         from Frontrunner countries still want to maintain expenditure on IT.
         Research shows that the willingness of companies to invest in IT varies depending on where they are
         based. Organizations in Frontrunner and Adopter nations are prioritizing maintaining their IT budgets
                                                                                                                        Critical Technology Enablers for Socioeconomic Recovery
         over non-IT budgets. They have also cut their IT budgets by 2.5 to 3.5 times less than organizations
         in other countries on average. Nations with more mature digital infrastructure are better positioned
         to minimize the economic impact of the pandemic, recover faster, and ensure the continuity of their                            Remote work     Digital        Maintaining                    Pandemic      Gig economy,   Automating      Automating
         transformation into higher-order productivity models.                                                                          and school      commerce and   logistics and   Telemedicine   management    new work       manufacturing   service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and sports
                                                                                                                                        through video   transactions   supply chains                  and control   models         Production      operations

                                                                                                                        tablet, PC)
         Percentage Decline in IT Budgets in 2020 by Cluster
                                                                                                                        4G mobile

                                    More mature economies are better able to maintain
                                                                                                                        5G mobile
                                        IT investments and drive productivity gains                                     broadband

                          STARTER                  ADOPTER                       FRONTRUNNER


                                                                                                                        AI, BDA


                                                                                                                        Edge, IoT

                                                                        2.5X                                            sensors and

                                -4.9%   -4.8%                               3.5X                                                Necessary           Enhance productivity

                                                  IT Budget      Non-IT Budget

                                                                                   Source: GCI, IDC Covid Survey 2020

19 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                                                         ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 20
Countries have benefited from                           in-event and remote experience.                      This reduces mistakes due to anatomical variances
                                                                                                                      (the differences between each person’s individual
         the construction and application                        The same opportunity now presents itself in any      anatomy) and improves efficiency in the operating
         of 5G infrastructure                                    country adversely affected by the COVID-19           room. In addition to visualizing the patient's
                                                                 pandemic. The migration to remote working and        anatomy, Aris MD’s automated segmentation
         Many countries went into lockdown to fight              remote learning is unlikely to end with a return     technology allows images to be separated into
         the spread of COVID-19, with health and safety          to the "old world" approach. Lockdowns and           individual organs and parts, without the need for
         positioned as top priorities. Services, such as         shelter-in-place mandates define how people          either a radiologist to manually mark up images
         healthcare, government services, banking, and           work and play from home. They are consuming          or the use of 3D modeling techniques.
         supply chains, took advantage of digital channels       large amounts of data, much of which is critical
         to quickly respond and serve more than 1 billion        data for things like learning, video conferencing,   High-speed, low-latency networks can deliver
         people. The switch happened almost overnight,           and collaboration. One hour of a live webinar        4K high-resolution videos without causing
         people adapted, and many lives were saved.              in standard definition requires 700 MB of data       interference in the operating environment. During
                                                                 transfer and full HD requires even more. Many        the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine
         The speed, latency, and capacity of 5G has              remote workers cite the lack of video quality as     to diagnose and treat patients has surged. Real-
         become even more crucial for powering business          a major impediment to creating a more realistic      time video communication between doctors
         resilience and overall recovery. 5G phones may not      and engaging experience. Since the pandemic,         and patients in secure environments minimizes
         appear to be useful in the post–COVID-19 world,         Spain has seen an average increase of 40% in         the risk of in-person interactions and expedites
         but their ability to provide broadband connectivity,    bandwidth use even as its download speeds            diagnosis and treatment.
         host augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR),     declined by 8%. As use cases for remote working,
         and enable content-streaming at higher resolution       remote learning, smart home, and content-            In manufacturing, plants can harness 5G to
         — both for entertainment and service delivery           streaming increase, data transfers are only going    power IoT solutions in smart factories, increasing
         — make them an essential first step in the              to rise as the world adjusts to the new normal for   productivity and ROI. The use cases across
         widespread deployment of 5G and its use cases.          an increasingly remote global workforce.             distribution and services, manufacturing and
                                                                                                                      resources, and the public sector will be worth
         Japanese companies committed to investing               A further evolution of video connections is          US$311 billion by the end of 2024. Keeping
         more than US$45 billion in 5G deployment, the           AR/VR. Both can be used in a wide range of           workers out of harm’s way is a priority in mining,
         intention of which was ensuring 5G coverage for         entertainment, industrial, and educational           oil and gas, and manufacturing. Autonomous           see 5G enabling many new robot delivery use
         the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. Although the             scenarios. However, use cases are currently          mining dump trucks are being deployed in Russia      cases, and many countries are well-placed for
         COVID-19 pandemic led to the postponement of            constrained by (a) bandwidth (requirements are       in the Siberian Coal Energy Company's (SUEK)         this to happen. In addition, governments have
         the Olympics, Japan still intends to push ahead         50 Mbps for 4K/basic 3D AR/VR and 100 Mbps           open-pit coal mine in Khakassia to test the          incentives to encourage innovative delivery
         with its 5G plans. The event is planned to take         for 8K/immersive 3D AR/VR) and (b) latency           potential of 5G as part of an autonomous haulage     models that reduce the spread of the virus and
         place in Japan in 2021, but the infrastructure          (requirements are sub 20 ms). Neither are            system. Secure 5G connectivity is the leading        enable a heavily distributed workforce. During
         investments in fiber networks and cellular 5G will      possible on 4G (LTE) networks. A 4G network can      contender for private networks at the mine site.     the pandemic, Japanese start-ups also developed
         still be in place to support whatever the post-         support AR/VR up to 1080p (approximately 2K)                                                              robots for medical use and contactless deliveries.
         pandemic future holds. For the Olympics, as             with limited applications.                           Similarly, remote-operated oil rigs are being
         showcased in the 2018 Korean Winter Olympics,                                                                trialled by operators, such as Royal Dutch Shell,    Countries that can build and use 5G infrastructure
         5G use cases in terms of augmented experience           However, applications such as remote services        to reduce the need for on-site personnel and         can reap the benefits that this technology already
         (additional viewing angles, statistics, and immersion   and guided services are already being enhanced       improve safety in hazardous locations.               offers. Nations that do not invest heavily in this
         in sports such as swimming and the marathon)            by AR/VR solutions. One example in healthcare                                                             direction will fall behind from the benefits of its
         expanded the reach of the games to a far broader        comes from Aris MD, which uses diagnostic            Other 5G use cases that will grow are online         revolutionary applications.
         audience. Similarly, the 2018 Commonwealth              images (DICOMiii) to create 3D visualizations of     shopping and robot deliveries. Japan started
         Games in Queensland used HD streaming coupled           patient anatomy displayed over the patient, so       deploying robots to deliver products to consumers    As of early 2020, about 53 countries had started
         with 5G-enabled handsets, enhancing both the            surgeons can see individual internal physiology.     in 2019. COVID-19 and its aftermath could            deploying 5G.

21 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                      ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 22
Enterprises accelerate the                            offer virtual clinics and have seen a significant     eportals, multimedia, television, and YouTube        better enable business. Although air cargo
                                                               uptake of such solutions. These cloud-based           (such as the Edu TV Kenya YouTube channel) to        experienced growth fueled in part by the
         migration of applications to                          solutions help to quickly scale out the offering to   ensure that education continued. Most countries      increase in e-commerce and online shopping,
         the cloud.                                            reach many more users, often on existing devices.     have deployed e-learning solutions that include      efficient network coverage and capacity were
                                                                                                                     online and offline content and applications. In      still issues. In Europe, Air France KLM Martinair
         The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the             Healthcare providers are increasingly leveraging      Egypt, the Ministry of Education and Technical       (AF-KLM) Cargo launched Kickcharter, a new
         importance of digital transformation in the eyes      hybrid cloud models in key areas such as data         Education (MoETE) implemented distance               collaborative platform for charter flights to
         of policy makers across most economies. Industries    management and IT infrastructure. Although            learning and assessments, extended access to         address capacity issues and widen their network
         that have accelerated their digital transformation    this was a trend even before the pandemic, it         the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) to students,       to serve destinations not in their usual network,
         plans have coped better with the crisis. With a       became critical as COVID-19 swept the globe. The      and provided content by grade level and subject,     or affected by airline shutdowns. To address
         recession on the horizon, or already happening        move to cloud computing and software-defined          which is accessible by phone or computer. Its site   gaps in the network, charter services had to be
         in many countries, organizations have to decide       architectures offers secure, flexible, and highly     features education content through multimedia,       operated with enough shipments to mitigate
         whether it is enough to follow the same course        scalable compute and storage resources that far       including textbooks and videos. It also launched     the cost of servicing the area. Kickcharter was
         of cost-cutting as they did in previous recessions,   exceed those of legacy on-premise platforms.          a digital platform that enabled communication        developed by an in-house team as part of digital
         or engage in other strategies to flatten their own                                                          between 22 million students and teachers in          transformation. The new platform enables
         recessionary curve by leveraging technology.          In many countries, the pandemic forced                55,000 schools in a manner that was similar to       customers to book cargo capacity to ensure
         Economies that have invested in digital               governments to close schools, with students           being at school. Even students who are not in        freighter flights are full and flown to destinations
         transformation see an opportunity to flatten the      learning from home. Governments and educators         the country can use the electronic platform and      not on its scheduled network.
         curve using technology to minimize the impact         employed a range of technologies, including           digital library.
         of the current crisis and emerge resilient on the                                                                                                                All economies are expected to accelerate the
         other side of the curve — more digitally fit and                                                            In Bulgaria, each higher education institution       adoption of modern, cloud-native application
         agile, and better equipped to capture their share                                                           independently organized the distance                 platforms and distributed cloud infrastructure
         of new opportunities as part of the new normal.                                                             learning process for its students using various      options that enable bidirectional scalability,
                                                                                                                     communication channels. These include online         workload portability, and a promise of continual
         Cloud continues to be the underpinning platform                                                             platforms and video conferencing software, such      enhancement from cloud to core to edge. These
         for all digital transformation initiatives, and has                                                         as Office 365, Skype, and Blackboard, through        increase ease of mobility across infrastructures
         therefore seen an acceleration in demand in the                                                             which distance learning sessions are conducted.      and platform options, while reducing constraints.
         wake of the pandemic. All that cloud promised in                                                                                                                 As organizations move from crisis management
         terms of elastic consumption, agile development,                                                            To address unequal access to technology and          to recuperation and then onto remediation,
         and global reach is being tested now. Cloud                                                                 enable e-learning, governments and corporations      a faster and more extensive adoption of
         platforms (including public, hosted, private, and                                                           have come together to address broader access         cloud technologies, deployment models, and
         the recently introduced local cloud-as-a-service                                                            needs. Argentina has zero-rated its          operational practices will help flatten dips in any
         [LCaaS], a compute, storage, and network bundle                                                             education portal, and telephone companies have       future crises.
         from IT suppliers) are playing a critical role in                                                           guaranteed that using digital platforms will be
         helping enterprises react to the crisis, deal with                                                          free of charge and will not consume data. In
         the slowdown, and enable operational resilience.                                                            Kenya, the government worked with technology
                                                                                                                     providers to provide wider Internet coverage to
         As safe distancing rules kicked in, telemedicine                                                            all students and families through the deployment
         solutions have also seen a rise in adoption,                                                                of Loon balloons floating over Kenyan airspace
         as healthcare providers have sought to keep                                                                 carrying 4G base stations. Loon is a network
         both patient and healthcare workers safe and                                                                of stratospheric balloons that provide Internet
         productive. Some African countries are using video                                                          connectivity for rural and remote communities.
         conferencing to replace in-person consultations.
         In many other countries, healthcare providers                                                               Cloud has also helped organizations pivot to

23 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                      ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 24
AI facilities virus diagnoses and                   services be further overwhelmed, AI can help by           years, as was the case with the SARS epidemic.           beyond crisis management and towards business
                                                             optimizing patient management and operations              That said, testing a potential vaccine on animals        resilience and growth.x Many speculate what the
         development of new medicine.                        to reduce the workload on healthcare staff. Also          and then people is a very slow process that              new normal will look like, but it is almost certain
                                                             in Singapore, AI provides real-time visibility of         requires careful design and is by no means certain       that businesses will ensure they are able to
         AI, along with a host of other technologies, is     ground operations at Tan Tock Seng Hospital               of success. For example, fearing a pandemic, a           operate and interact with their customers digitally.
         mitigating some of the pandemic’s negative          (TTSH) from admission to discharge, including             vaccine was rushed out for the 1976 swine flu,           As such, AI is increasing in prominence as a way
         consequences both in healthcare and business in     keeping track of resources, such as hospital              exposing millions of people to an increased risk of      for enterprises to adapt to the increased use of
         general.                                            workers, beds, critical equipment, personal               the neurological disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome.       digital platforms while increasing productivity
                                                             protective gear, and other supplies. AI is even           The best strategy therefore is coordination across       and efficiency. Use cases involving AI chatbots,
         The most obvious area of AI application is in       used to predict operational problems before they          national research and development (R&D) efforts          intelligent automation, voice analytics, and AI
         healthcare. Hospitals and public health agencies    occur, outputting information on how resources            to find a cure. Again, AI, particularly in the form of   cybersecurity tools, have all increased despite the
         are spearheading efforts against the spread of      can be better allocated. In February 2020, TTSH           natural language processing (NLP), is being used         general economic slowdown brought about by
         the virus. Investment in AI-based healthcare        saw a surge in attendance at its COVID-19                 to track scientific papers and identify potential        the pandemic.
         solutions has doubled from about US2 billion        screening center, coinciding with increased in-           directions for new research on the virus.ix
         globally as a result of the pandemic. We expect     patient admissions at the National Centre for                                                                      With the COVID-19 pandemic, AI has proven
         it to continue growing at more than 30%             Infectious Diseases (NCID), which is located next         Many enterprises and industries, such as transport,      itself to be a valuable tool in making economies,
         for several years to come. AI can help detect       to TTSH. Guided by its internal AI tools, TTSH was        logistics, agriculture, and communications, are          industries, societies, and individuals more resilient
         the virus; for example, AI-enabled thermal          able to pull together the manpower, equipment,            adopting AI to help them scale and operate               to similar threats. The debate is no longer
         cameras reduce the reliance of frontline staff      and other resources to quickly open five wards at         effectively to meet the fast-changing needs of           AI versus people; the new challenge will be
         to manually measure individuals' temperatures       the NCID and strengthen its screening center.vii          their customers and employees while social               how to use AI to improve knowledge workers'
         using forehead thermometers. This increases the                                                               distancing and quarantine measures remain in             productivity. By 2024, we expect more than a
         accuracy of readings, takes less time to measure    AI-based tracking, combined with advanced                 place. With the COVID-19 crisis continuing for the       third of knowledge workers to spend a significant
         temperatures, and reduces the risk of frontline     graphical analytics, can help predict the spread          foreseeable future, more companies are moving            time at work interacting with AI-based tools.
         staff contracting the virus.iv                      of the virus, require local lockdowns, and give
                                                             authorities the information they need to prevent
         Frontline medical services have been severely       the virus from spreading further. By tracking
         stretched across the world. Technologies like       movement through mobile devices, AI can give
         AI-enabled chatbots, telemedicine, drones,          scientists prior warning and provide countries and
         and physical robots have been used to reduce        hospitals advance notice of potential virus risks.viii
         interaction between patients and doctors and
         cut the risk of infection for medical staff.v For   AI is accelerating the process of diagnosis, vaccine
         example, the Centers for Disease Control and        creation, and testing, helping to identify genome
         Prevention (CDC) in the United States built a       sequences to build an effective vaccine.
         chatbot to respond to people who potentially
         have COVID-19 symptoms. In addition, the US has     Traditional manual tests are extremely slow by
         also put up an online triage system to respond to   comparison. BenevolentAI from the UK used its AI
         individuals with more serious symptoms, so that     drug discovery platform to identify approved drugs
         the authorities can locate them          to potentially inhibit the progression of COVID-19.
                                                             It used AI to derive contextual relationships
         In Singapore, medics at the National University     between genes, diseases, and drugs, suggesting
         Hospital use a clinical chat assistant smartphone   a number of possible vaccines. In just days,
         app to keep pace with the fast-changing             BenevolentAI found a vaccine candidate in late-
         information about the pandemic. AI in hospitals     stage clinical trials in the US. AI enables the testing
         goes beyond providing insights. Should healthcare   of a potential vaccine within months instead of

25 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                            ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 26
IoT creates contactless                              using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to measure proximity.           wristband monitors when wearers touch their
                                                              Whether at the office, factory, or construction site,     face, which is one way to contract the virus.
         experiences                                          each employee can be equipped with a compact              Another type of wristband in Brazil tracks people
                                                              wearable proximity sensor that enables the easy           who recently arrived to the country to ensure
         The combination of ubiquitous high-speed             monitoring of interactions within common areas            they adhere to home quarantine protocols.
         networks and advanced deployment of intelligent      to work alongside security badges for access
         endpoints has gone a long way to mitigate the        control. When the sensors record that two or            • e-commerce. The COVID-19 pandemic has
         impact of COVID-19.                                  more people have exceeded the safety limit, it            greatly affected the way businesses conduct
                                                              warns them with an audible or visual alarm.               payments and accounting, especially as
         Remote care solutions that can collect data on                                                                 companies have been forced to transition
         at-risk populations have become a priority as        Social distancing is only one aspect of managing          to virtual collaboration and remote work.
         large numbers of people become displaced,            work after the pandemic. Businesses everywhere            Implementing IoT in commercial transactions
         medical facilities become overwhelmed, and           are looking to keep working, especially where             changes the flow of data because it provides
         treatment must be delivered over an extended         remote work is not practical. As a result,                digital receipts of all financial-related
         period and geographical scope. With an               distancing must be augmented with increased               knowledge and real-time data. The pandemic
         increasing influx of patients caused by the          sanitation awareness. A number of start-ups               has accelerated the adoption of cashless
         pandemic, temporary hospitals are being set up       have developed contactless monitoring stations            models in markets from Singapore to China to
         around the world. However, infrastructure may        that scan employees' hands for contamination              Argentina. Combined e-commerce solutions
         be lacking in temporary locations for full-scale     and monitor how they wash their hands. Digital            will enable faster issue assessments and risk
         networking. During a health crisis, healthcare       sanitary policy enforcement and traceability              analyses and let businesses respond to issues         ◦◦ Monitoring public gatherings and relaying
         facilities create temporary patient care areas       solutions are essential tools to help workers             much faster than they could otherwise.                   information to authorities when social
         that require a method for patients to call for       follow distancing rules and control their exposure                                                                 distancing protocols are violated
         nurses. Low-power WAN (LPWAN) IoT tools              to potential contaminations, therefore preventing       • Robots. 5G-connected robots have been                 ◦◦ Spraying disinfectant in public areas and
         can be deployed to use unlicensed spectrum to        the shutdown of plants and facilities.                    programmed to deliver food, drinks, and                  vehicles traveling into or out of hotspots
         enable emergency workers and patient care. The                                                                 medication to patients. This not only reduces
         use of telemedicine across the Middle East and       IoT has developed to the point that many                  time-pressures for human staff, but also cuts       Many business leaders now view IoT as a critical
         some African countries to reduce contact with        useful devices existed prior to the arrival of the        human interaction with COVID-19 patients,           lever, one that if integrated correctly will not only
         potentially infected individuals, while delivering   pandemic. As a result, technologies need to               thereby reducing the risk of virus transfer.        ensure a safe and secure return to work but also
         initial triage and ongoing outpatient care, has      be adapted, scaled, and secured to help in the            Robotic deliveries in Washington, D.C. have         give rise to recurring dividends for years to come.
         become widespread not only in critical care,         fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Today,               allowed people in isolation to directly receive     For instance, consider the supply chain hindrances
         but also counseling, physiotherapy, and elderly      IoT companies are teaming up with NGOs and                food and other supplies.                            visible with shortages of essential supplies and
         care. Similarly, specialized network devices can     governments by developing new technology                                                                      empty supermarket shelves. The backstory reveals
         be deployed to continuously monitor and detect       solutions that can be used to help fight COVID-19       • Drones. The ability to gather data using remote-    the global supply chain disruption, production
         the most common symptoms of respiratory              and provide relief to people and businesses. Some         operated devices, such as low-cost drones,          slowdown, and shortage of raw materials and
         illness, including increased body temperature and    examples deployed in recent months include:               assists in monitoring quarantine and moving         sub-assemblies.
         breathing rate, persistent coughs, and accelerated                                                             critical supplies during lockdown. In April 2020,
         heart rates, so that high-risk individuals can be    • Connected thermometers. As having a fever               the Irish Aviation Authority approved drone         In this scenario, IoT can facilitate a real-time
         remotely monitored without being confined at           is one of the basic COVID-19 symptoms, this             operator to deliver medicines and        view of production programs, inventories, and
         home or in the hospital.                               IoT technology allows millions of devices to            critical supplies to a dozen households under       expected delivery times between all supply chain
                                                                feed data into a national database that allows          confinement in the rural town of Moneygall.         participants, thus mitigating supply chain risks.
         Although government-sponsored contact-tracing          for the production of real-time maps showing            Delivery works in a closed-loop end-to-end          Signals from connected machines supported by
         initiatives have been put in place by governments      at a glance where there are a spike in people           system. After a video consultation, local doctors   geolocation tags can offer insights into the status
         across Asia, Latin America, and Europe for the         with fevers. Germany, Italy, and other European         prescribe medication that is then dropped off       of raw materials in factories and the location of
         duration of the pandemic, the workplace will see       countries are incorporating temperature checks          at the patient's home by drones, which can          upcoming supplies.
         major transformation post–COVID-19. Enterprises        in an overall COVID-19 management regimen.              transport up to 4 kg of products each. Other
         are already considering the introduction of new                                                                examples on how drones have been used include:      It is only natural that IoT will be a key pillar of
         technologies to monitor and supervise employees.     • Wearables. Sensors that can be worn by                                                                      digitalization. It is this change in culture and
         This should not only include non-contact               patients and staff allow for the real-time flow of      ◦◦ Transporting medical supplies into hotspots      philosophy at the industry level that will ensure
         temperature checks at work, but also related           data related to vital signs such as temperature,           without putting more human lives at risk,        a safe and successful return to economic growth
         mobile apps that run on employees' phones              heart rate, and blood oxygen. One type of smart            which is also faster and reduces road traffic    and safeguard against future setbacks.

27 | GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY INDEX 2020                                                                                                                                                        ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL IMPACT | 28
The GCI path to economic                                       • Geographical locations that influence the                                   Government policies play a key role in                            as critical, and noted that their developments
                                                                          movement of goods and people, such as                                       developing advanced factors. Investments in                       need to be carefully coordinated so that the
         resilience in the new normal                                     Singapore and the UAE                                                       selected advanced factors are needed to help an                   factors build upon each other synergistically:
         As economies come to grips with the pandemic                                                                                                 economy boost productivity and product quality,                   Investments in secondary and university
         and emerge from it, they need to consider how                  • Demographics, such as the large populations of                              and move into higher-value sectors that will                      education support the development of skilled
         to transform their industries to be competitive                  China and India or the highly skilled population                            generate economic wealth and jobs in the new                      labor and technology research, while digital
         in the new normal. ICT will be at the forefront                  of the Czech Republic                                                       normal. This is similar to how advanced factors                   infrastructure supports better national-level
         of any organization’s strategy from now on. It is                                                                                            can enable a country to enhance its productivity                  communications and enables new technology
         imperative that policy makers understand how                   Basic factors are inherited and require little or no                          and quality of life and work. Porter outlined                     innovations, spurring further education and
         the competitive landscape has changed and                      new investment to be utilized in the production                               the following advanced factor endowments                          research.
         how to build a national competitive advantage.                 process. Factor endowments are not static.
         American Economist Michael Porter argues that                  With education and training, for example, the
         an economy’s competitive advantagexi is driven                 characteristics of the labor force can change.
         by a differentiating combination of basic and                  Basic factors alone do not explain how countries                              Advanced Factor Endowments: Description, Requirements, and Examples
         more advanced national factor endowments                       such as Singapore, Japan, and Ireland can grow
         nurtured in the context of local demand and                    their economies beyond the advantages that
         related local suppliers, all working together for              basic factors confer.                                                         Advanced factor endowments build on each other
         the national good.
                                                                        Investments in advanced factors can support                                    Advanced Factor       Description                           Requirements                     Examples
         Basic factor endowments are typically hard to                  economic recovery
         develop or acquire. For example:                                                                                                              1. Education          Investments in general human          Skilled labor (teachers)         Schools, technical colleges,
                                                                        In contrast to basic factors, advanced factors are                                                   capital. Training in languages,       and some basic technology        internal training, E-based
                                                                                                                                                                             STEM, analytics, design.              infrastructure                   learning
         • Natural resources, such as oil and gas in Brunei             human-made. They are then upgraded through
           and Saudi Arabia, copper in Chile, timber in                 reinvestment and innovation to become specialized                              2. Technology         Investments in technology             Skilled labor and research.      Electricity, water, schools, 4G/5G
           Russia, and sand in Egypt                                    factors. According to Porter, these form the basis                             infrastructure        infrastructure, tools for mobility,                                    broadband, Cloud, Edge
                                                                                                                                                                             communications, education,
                                                                        for the sustainable competitive advantages of a
                                                                                                                                                                             skills development, research
         • Climate that makes certain industries attractive,            country. Countries with limited basic factors can
           such as agriculture in Canada and tourism in                 (and are often forced to) outcompete their peers                               3. Skilled Labor      Investments in specific human         Education and technology         Availability of DevOps,
                                                                                                                                                                             capital, skilled workers with         infrastructure                   deep learning specialists,
           tropical countries                                           by developing advanced factors.
                                                                                                                                                                             experience who use the                                                 radiographers, crane operators
                                                                                                                                                                             technology infrastructure.

                                                                                                                                                       4. Communications     Ability and willingness to share      Technology infrastructure and    Common standards, regulations,
         Basic and Advanced Factor Endowments for National Competitiveness                                                                                                   insights, results, and use cases      education                        policies, case studies
                                                                                                                                                                             between individuals, institutions,
                                                                                                                                                                             and companies
             Advanced factor endowments play a greater role in conferring competitive advantages in the new normal.
                                                                                                                                                       5. Research           Investments in research into          Education, skilled               Academic institutions producing
                                                                                                                                                                             best practices, use cases, and        labor, technologies and          vision statements, research
                                                       National Factor Endowments                                                                                            standards.                            communications.                  papers, standards, guidelines,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    strategies, plans, case studies
              A nation’s position in factors of production such as skilled labor or infrastructure necessary to compete:

              Basic factor endowments. The factors present in a          Advanced factor endowments. The result of investment
              country. Basic factors can provide an initial advantage    by people, companies, and governments that are more
              and must be supported by advanced factors to be used       likely to lead to competitive advantages. If a country has
              successfully                                               no basic factors, it must invest in advanced factors                         Carefully coordinated investments in advanced                     these investments can also leverage more basic
                Natural resources                                           Communications                                                            factors can create clusters of related and                        factors and help them transform their economies
                Climate                                                     Skilled labor                                                             supporting industries that further enhance                        with higher-value products and services.
                Geographical location                                       Research                                                                  competitive advantages. In developing countries,
                Demographics                                                Technology

                                                                                                        Source: Porter’s Competitiveness of Nations

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