IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND

Page created by Stanley Gardner
IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
   IRON    IN
 Are you getting
Are enough?
    you getting
IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Why do pregnant women need
    the most iron?
    Women are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency and anaemia                                                                How can I get enough
    during pregnancy. This is because the body must undergo dramatic                               Signs & Symptoms                 iron during pregnancy?
    changes to support the growth of a healthy baby. Iron is needed to
    grow a healthy placenta which is how the baby receives its nutrients.                          Iron is needed for many          The most common cause of anaemia
    It is also needed to make extra red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the                       functions in the body and low    in pregnancy is insufficient dietary
    mother’s tissues and the baby.                                                                 iron can greatly impact the      iron. The best way to prevent iron
                                                                                                   way you feel.                    deficiency anaemia is a healthy,
                                                                                                                                    iron-rich diet. However, if a woman
                                                                                                   If you have low iron levels,     enters pregnancy with low iron stores
                                             Because iron requirements
      FACT Did you know you have                                                                   you may:                         she may not be able to meet the
                                             increase markedly during
      around 30% more blood in               pregnancy, it’s very important                                                         increased iron requirements from
      your body while pregnant?                                                                    •   Feel fatigued and            diet alone. These women may be
                                             women enter pregnancy
      This extra blood and the                                                                         lethargic                    prescribed oral iron supplements
                                             with plenty of iron stores.
      increasing demands from the                                                                  •   Become easily irritated      from their LMC or doctor.
                                             If a woman has low iron stores,
      growing baby and placenta                                                                    •   Look pale or washed out
                                             or low levels of iron in her blood,
                                                                                                   •   Have heart palpitations      Everyone benefits from eating a he
      requires more iron than usual.         it can be very easy for her to
                                                                                                       (the feeling of your heart   althy, well-balanced diet.
                                             become iron deficient or develop
                                                                                                       beating abnormally
                                             anaemia during pregnancy.
    Iron is an essential mineral needed                                                                fast or with an irregular    A healthy eating pattern includes
    for good health and is found in                                                                    rhythm)                      food from the following food groups
                                             One in 14 New Zealand women
    every cell in the body. It’s needed                                                            •   Feel dizzy                   each day:
                                             are low in iron and many
    to make haemoglobin which                                                                      •   Be unable to catch your
                                             experience issues with anaemia
    transports oxygen around the                                                                       breath or feel breathless    •     Fruit (at least 2 serves) and
                                             during pregnancy.                                     •   Feel run down and more
    body in our blood. Iron is also                                                                                                       vegetables (at least 5 serves)
    important for heat and energy                                                                      prone to colds and                 with a variety of colours
    production, plays a role in the           FACT Iron is needed for a                                infections                   •     Legumes, nuts, seeds, fish and
    immune system and is essential for        healthy immune system. You                           •   Feel light headed or               other seafood, eggs, poultry or
    brain development and function.           are more prone to infection if                           experience headaches               red meat with fat removed at
                                              your iron stores are low.                                                                   least 3.5 serves
                                                                                                   It is not uncommon to feel       •     Grain foods at least 8.5 serves
                                                                                                   tired or lack energy when        •     Milk and milk products at least
                                                                                                   pregnant, so it can be hard            2.5 serves
                                     Daily Iron Requirement for Women                              to know if it is normal or a
                                                                                                   symptom of iron deficiency.
                                                                                                   You should always talk with
                                                                                                   your lead maternity carer            FACT To get enough iron each
      you need
                                                                                                   (LMC) or doctor if you               day, you should eat a variety
      more iron
                                                                                                   are concerned.                       of foods from each of the four
      than at any
                                                                                                                                        food groups.
      other time
      in your life.
                       19-50 years               Pregnant                          Breastfeeding
                          18mg                    27mg                               9-10mg

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Iron: where is it?                    For top iron intake:            Iron deficiency during
                                                                                                                    All women in New Zealand are
                                                                              pregnancy                             offered antenatal blood tests at
        While iron is found in a number       •   Eat regular iron-rich
                                                                                                                    their first appointment with an
        of foods, some are better sources         foods rather than one
                                                                              All women have an increased risk      LMC or doctor and this is when
        of iron than others. There are two        iron-rich meal per day.
                                                                              of iron deficiency anaemia over       the full blood count is tested.
        types of iron: haem and non-haem.         Small but frequent
                                                                              the course of their pregnancy.        This includes haemoglobin,
                                                  consumption is better.
                                                                              Risk factors include gestational      platelet levels and white cells.
        •    Haem iron is found in animal     •   Drink tea and coffee
                                                                              diabetes, teenage pregnancy, a        Haemoglobin determines how
             foods such as beef, lamb,            between meals rather
                                                                              poor diet, twins, smoking and         much iron is in your blood. A
             liver/kidney*, poultry, pork,        than with your meal as
                                                                              some chronic diseases. Women          normal haemoglobin level means
             venison, fish and seafood.           these beverages decrease
                                                                              who have been iron deficient          you have healthy amounts of iron
        •    Non-haem iron is found in            iron absorption.
                                                                              in the past or those who have         in your blood, but it does not
             beans, lentils, eggs, nuts,      •   Avoid having dairy
                                                                              low iron stores before becoming       describe your iron stores.
             dried fruit, vegetables and          products with iron-rich
                                                                              pregnant are also at risk.
             iron-fortified cereals.              foods as calcium inhibits
                                                                                                                      Ferritin is an iron-storing
                                                  iron absorption.
                                                                              Iron deficiency and anaemia have        protein and can be thought
        The body absorbs haem iron            •   Choose an iron-fortified
                                                                              been associated with postnatal          of as having savings in the
        more easily, with up to a quarter         breakfast cereal.
                                                                              depression, increased likelihood of     bank. To determine your
        being used. Non-haem iron is          •   Eat citrus fruit,
                                                                              blood transfusion, increased risk       iron stores, you will need to
        poorly absorbed and is inhibited          strawberries or kiwifruit
                                                                              of infection and difficulties with      have ferritin tested as well.
        by several dietary factors such as        straight after your meal
                                                                              bonding and breastfeeding. Severe       This is not routinely tested in
        tea and coffee, calcium and phytic        or add lemon juice to
                                                                              anaemia is also linked to low birth     early pregnancy so if you are
        acid found in whole grains and            greens/salads to increase
                                                                              weight and preterm birth.               at an increased risk of iron
        beans. You should aim to eat both         non-haem iron absorption.
                                                                                                                      deficiency, or have signs and
        haem and non-haem iron foods          •   Add brightly coloured
                                                                                                                      symptoms, ask your LMC to
        regularly for an iron-rich diet.          vegetables to your            TIP You might think feeling
                                                                                                                      check iron stores as well.
                                                  meals to help increase        run down or tired during
        * Limit liver/kidney to 100g a week       iron absorption. Brightly     pregnancy is due to leading         Good nutrition is an important
        and avoid pâté.                           coloured vegetables are a     a busy lifestyle, but both          preventative measure, but not
                                                  good source of vitamin C.     are common symptoms of              an effective form of treatment
                                                                                iron deficiency. Talk to your       for iron deficiency anaemia.
                                                                                Lead Maternity Carer or             Maintaining healthy iron stores
                                                                                doctor if you are feeling run       before pregnancy and in the early
                                                                                down or tired.                      stages of pregnancy is important
Recipe is
                                                                                                                    to prevent iron deficiency in the
on page 18
                                                                                                                    second and third trimesters.
                                                       MAXIMISE IRON
                                                       IN YOUR MEALS
                                                      Combine red meat
                                                    with plant foods high
                                                    in non-haem iron and
                                                    vitamin C to increase
                                                        iron absorption.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Your baby                              Why eat red meat
                                           during pregnancy?
     FACT Your baby’s iron status at
     birth largely depends on your         Including lean meat in your diet
     iron status during pregnancy.         can have a positive impact on
                                           your iron status. Lean red meat is
                                           not only a good source of easily
                                           absorbed iron; it also contains
    The most iron is transferred to the
                                           something called a “meat factor”
    baby in the third trimester. During
                                           which helps to enhance iron
    this time, a baby is laying down
                                           absorption from non-haem
    their iron stores and these stores
                                           iron-sourced foods.
    must last from when they are
    born until they are introduced to
                                           Adding a moderate amount of
    complementary foods at around
                                           lean red meat to vegetable or
    6 months.
                                           grain-based recipes can greatly
                                           increase the amount of iron
    Low birth weight babies born
                                           absorbed from the meal.
    preterm are particularly vulnerable
    to iron deficiency as they have not
                                           Lean red meat is a good source of
    been able to build adequate iron
                                           complete protein and provides all
    stores to last until they are around
                                           the essential amino acids needed
    6 months.
                                           for growth and repair.
    Iron is transferred from you to your
                                           Lean red meat, such as beef and
    baby via the placenta with your
                                           lamb are also are also excellent
    baby taking priority. This means
                                           sources of essential minerals
    even if you have low iron levels,
                                           such as zinc, selenium and the B
    your baby should receive adequate
                                           vitamins which are all needed in
    amounts of iron. Women who are
                                           higher amounts during pregnancy.
    iron deficient or anaemic may not
                                           Selenium acts as an antioxidant to
    be able to provide enough iron to
                                           protect the body against damage.
    the baby.
                                           Both zinc and selenium help keep
                                           our immune system healthy.
     TIP Maintaining an iron-rich                                               Iron for Vegetarians & Vegans
     diet throughout pregnancy
     helps build your own and                TIP Women need more                Pregnant women who follow strict vegetarian or vegan diets
     baby’s iron stores to help give         protein during pregnancy           may need extra support and information to ensure they meet
     them the best start in life.            and including lean red meat        their dietary requirements for iron along with protein, vitamin
                                             is a suitable way to meet          B12 and calcium. Dietary recommendations are included in
                                             higher needs.                      the Ministry of Health’s Eating & Activity Guidelines for New
                                                                                Zealand Adults (2020), and where necessary seek the advice
                                                                                of a Registered Dietitian or Registered Nutritionist.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Iron-rich recipes to enjoy
    during your pregnancy
    Beef Nachos with                     METHOD                                                                10.5mg
                                         Preheat the oven to 180°C.
    Avocado Salsa                                                                                                IRON
    Prep: 15 mins
                                         Nachos                                                                per serve
                                         Heat a little oil in a large frying pan
    Cook: 35 mins
                                         over a high heat. Fry the mince in
    Serves 4
                                         two batches to brown, drain off the
                                         fat and set the aside.
                                         Reduce the heat to medium and
    500-600g Quality Mark
                                         add the onion and garlic, stirring
       beef mince
                                         for 5 minutes until soft. Add the
    1 onion, finely chopped
                                         drained mince back to the pan
    3 cloves garlic, crushed
                                         along with the spices, tomatoes,
    2 teaspoons mild smoked paprika
                                         beans, stock, capsicum and sugar.
    1 teaspoon ground cumin
                                         Simmer until reduced to a thick
    ¼ teaspoon chilli powder
                                         sauce (around 20-30 minutes).
                                         Taste and season.
    400g can chopped tomatoes
    400g can red kidney beans,
                                         Brush the wraps lightly with oil,
                                         sprinkle with a pinch of salt and
    2 cups beef stock
                                         place on oven trays. Bake in the
    1 cup roasted red capsicum, sliced
                                         oven for about 10 minutes or until
    1 teaspoon brown sugar
                                         crisp, turning over once. Break
    3 - 4 wholemeal wraps
                                         them into big chips.

    1 large ripe avocado, diced
                                         Combine the ingredients gently
    1 cucumber, deseeded, diced
                                         in a bowl just before serving and
    ½ cup fresh coriander, chopped
    Juice of 1 lime
                                         To serve
    To serve
                                         Place chips onto plates and top
    Sour cream
                                         with the mince. Add a spoonful of
    Fresh coriander
                                         salsa, a dollop of sour cream and
                                         fresh coriander.

                                                                                   TIP Vitamin C helps
                                                                                   increase absorption of
                                                                                   non-haem iron found in
                                                                                   plant foods. The capsicum
                                                                                   and tomatoes have vitamin
                                                                                   C and will help with
                                                                                   non-haem iron absorption
                                                                                   from the kidney beans.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
TIP To keep your digestive
                                                                                 system moving along
                                                                                 normally, try to eat more
                                                                                 whole grains. To get more
     Indian-spiced Lamb                  METHOD                                  fibre in this meal, swap out   6.3mg
                                         Preheat the oven to 150°C.              the white rice for brown.
     & Chickpea Curry                                                            Drinking plenty of water and    IRON
     Prep: 15 mins
                                         Lamb                                    keeping active also helps.     per serve
                                         Heat a dash of oil in a large frying
     Cook: 3 hours                       pan over a high heat. Season the
     Serves 4-5                          lamb and brown on both sides
                                         (this is best done in batches). Set
     INGREDIENTS                         the chops aside. Reduce the heat
     1kg Quality Mark lamb shoulder      to medium and add the butter
        chops                            and another dash of oil to the
     2 tablespoons butter                same pan. Add the onion, garlic
     1 onion, finely chopped             and ginger and cook, stirring, for
     2 cloves garlic, crushed            about 5 minutes until the onion is
     2 teaspoons fresh ginger,           soft. Add the spices and cayenne
        finely chopped                   pepper and cook for another few
     1 tablespoon each garam masala,     minutes, stirring all the time so the
        turmeric, ground cumin,          spices don’t stick and burn.
        ground coriander, curry powder
     ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper           Add the stock to the pan, bring
     1 cup chicken stock                 to the boil then immediately turn
     400g can chopped tomatoes           off the heat. Stir in the tomatoes,
     400g can chickpeas, drained         chickpeas, lemon juice, yoghurt
        and rinsed                       and the lamb and its juices. Taste
     Juice of 1 large lemon              and season as required. If your
     ½ cup natural unsweetened           pan is oven proof, cover tightly
        yoghurt                          and cook in the oven for 3 hours
                                         or transfer everything to a covered
     To serve                            casserole dish.
     Natural unsweetened yoghurt
     Fresh coriander, chopped            To serve
     Steamed rice and warmed             Before serving, you can remove
       naan bread                        the meat from the bones if you
                                         like so it’s easier to eat. Serve the
                                         curry with steamed rice, a dollop
                                         of unsweetened yoghurt, fresh
                                         coriander and hot crispy naan

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Asian inspired Beef                 METHOD                                                                               4.7mg
                                         Heat a dash of oil in a wok or large
     with Greens                         frying pan over a high heat. When                                                     IRON
                                         the pan is very hot, add the beef                                                    per serve
     Prep: 10 mins                       and sear quickly to brown (do
     Cook: 10 mins                       this in two batches to get a nice
     Serves 4-6                          dark colour and avoid the meat
                                         stewing). Set the beef aside.
     INGREDIENTS                         Reduce the heat to medium,
     600g-700g Quality Mark beef         add the sesame oil, chilli, garlic
        rump steak, trimmed and          and ginger and stir-fry for a few
        thinly sliced                    minutes. Add the hoisin sauce, soy
     1 teaspoon sesame oil               sauce and stock/cornflour mixture
     1 red chilli, deseeded,             and simmer for a few minutes until
        finely chopped                   thickened. Turn the heat to high,
     3 cloves garlic, crushed            add all the vegetables into the pan
     2 teaspoons ginger, finely grated   with the meat and its juices and
     ¼ cup hoisin sauce                  stir-fry for another few minutes
     ¼ cup reduced salt soy sauce        until the vegetables are bright
     2 teaspoons cornflour mixed         green and just tender.
        with ½ cup beef stock
     3 cups chopped green vegetables     To serve
        (Asian greens, broccoli,         Serve immediately on brown
        cabbage, spinach, celery etc.)   rice with a sprinkle of peanuts,
                                         coriander and chillies.
     To serve
     Cooked brown rice
     ½ cup roasted peanuts,
       roughly chopped
     Fresh coriander
     Extra chopped chillies (optional)

                                                                                TIP Including ‘bitter’ vegetables such as
                                                                                spinach, broccoli, pūhā, rocket, watercress
                                                                                and taro leaf during pregnancy and
                                                                                breastfeeding not only provides important
                                                                                nutrients such as folate and vitamin C, it
                                                                                can also improve your child’s acceptance
                                                                                of vegetables in early childhood.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Polpettone                        METHOD                                                               7.2mg
                                       Preheat the oven to 220°C.
     Prep: 15 mins                                                                                           IRON
     Cook: 25 mins                     Beef                                                                 per serve
     Serves 4                          Lightly oil a deep baking dish or
                                       skillet (one that will fit 8 meatballs
     INGREDIENTS                       comfortably in a single layer). Mix
     Beef meatballs                    all meatball ingredients together
     500g Quality Mark beef mince      well, then shape into 8 meatballs
     1 cup fresh white breadcrumbs     and place in prepared baking dish.
     3 cloves garlic, crushed
     1 egg, lightly beaten             Tomato sauce
     3 tablespoons milk                Place a dash of oil in a heavy
     1½ teaspoons Worcestershire       based saucepan, over a low heat,
        sauce                          and add the onion and garlic.
     1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs      Cook until the onion is soft, about
                                       10 minutes. Add tomatoes, stock,
     Tomato Sauce                      tomato paste, sugar, bay leaf
     1 onion, finely chopped           and season well. Simmer for 10
     2 cloves garlic, sliced           minutes to allow all the flavours to
     400g can chopped tomatoes         mingle and the liquid to reduce a
        in juice                       little. Remove from the heat, cool
     1½ - 2 cups vegetable stock       for about 5 minutes, remove the
     1 tablespoon tomato paste         bay leaf, then process in a food
     1 teaspoon sugar                  processor until you have a
     1 bay leaf                        smooth sauce.

     To serve                          Beef
     1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan   Pour sauce over the meatballs
     ½ cup roughly chopped             and cook in oven for 25 minutes
         parsley leaves                turning meatballs once after
                                       15 minutes.

                                       To serve
                                       Serve hot sprinkled with the
                                       Parmesan and chopped parsley.
                                                                                TIP Cook once, eat twice.
                                                                                This recipe is perfect to
                                                                                double up and pop in the
                                                                                freezer for those nights
                                                                                when you’re too tired to
                                                                                cook. Serve with some
                                                                                steamed greens and your
                                                                                favourite pasta.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
Lamb Chops with                      METHOD                                                           6.2mg
                                          Preheat the oven to 180°C.
     Spinach & Pea Risotto                                                                                  IRON
     Prep: 20 mins
                                          Lamb                                                            per serve
                                          Line a shallow roasting dish with
     Cook: 25 mins                        baking paper. Beat the egg in a
     Serves 4                             shallow bowl and season. Place
                                          the flour on one plate and the
     INGREDIENTS                          breadcrumbs on another. Place one
     Lamb                                 chop in the flour, dusting off excess,
     4 Quality Mark lamb loin chops       then dip in the egg and finally the
     1 egg                                breadcrumbs, pressing them on so
     ¼ cup flour                          the chop is well coated. Place in the
     ½ cup fine dried breadcrumbs         roasting dish. Repeat with remaining
     2 tablespoons oil                    chops. Drizzle with the oil, cover dish
                                          with foil and place in the oven to cook
     Spinach and pea risotto              for 25 minutes. Remove the foil, turn
     2 tablespoons oil                    chops over and return to the oven for
     25g butter                           a further 5 minutes.
     1 small onion, finely sliced
     2 cloves garlic, crushed             Spinach and pea risotto
     1½ cups risotto rice                 Heat the oil and butter in a heavy-
     800ml - 1 litre chicken stock, hot   based saucepan. Add the onion and
     300g spinach leaves, wilted          garlic and cook over a low heat until
        and chopped                       they are soft but not coloured. Add
     2 cups frozen green peas             the rice and stir until the rice is well
     Lemon for squeezing                  coated with oil.
     A few mint leaves, torn
        or shredded                       Add 1 cup of hot stock and stir. Allow
                                          the stock to be almost completely
                                          absorbed by the rice before adding
                                          a further 1 cup of stock. Continue
                                          adding stock and stirring frequently
                                          until the rice is almost cooked, about
                                          20 minutes. Season and add the
                                          spinach and peas along with more
                                          stock and cook until the rice is tender
                                          and creamy, about 5 minutes.               TIP Recent New Zealand
                                                                                     research found that
                                          Serve risotto in shallow bowls             71% of women took iron
                                          and top with a lamb loin chop.             supplements during
                                          Squeeze over some lemon juice              pregnancy. Only take iron
                                          and sprinkle with mint.                    supplements on the advice
                                                                                     of your LMC or doctor.

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IRON IN PREGNANCY Are you getting enough? - enough? - BEEF + LAMB NEW ZEALAND
TIP Food safety is of the
                                                                                    utmost importance in
                                                                                    pregnancy. For advice
     Nourishing Mexican                      METHOD                                 and guidance on what         8.8mg
                                                                                    you can do to eat and
     Beef Bowl                               Beef                                   prepare food safely go to:    IRON
     Prep: 15 mins
                                             Heat a dash of oil in a large heavy-     per serve
                                             based saucepan over medium-high        dmsdocument/3675-Food-
     Cook: 20 mins
                                             heat. Add the onion and cook           Safety-in-Pregnancy
     Serves 4
                                             until translucent. Add garlic and
                                             spices and cook until fragrant,
                                             approximately 30 seconds. Add
                                             mince and brown, stirring to break
     500g Quality Mark beef mince
                                             up. Once the mince has browned
     1 medium onion, finely chopped
                                             add the tinned tomatoes, tomato
     2 garlic cloves, crushed
                                             paste and carrot. Stir through
     1 carrot, grated
                                             until well combined and bring to a
     1 cup sweetcorn kernels, frozen,
                                             gentle simmer. Lower the heat and
         boiled, drained, no salt added
                                             add the corn. Season to taste and
     2 teaspoons cumin
                                             leave to simmer for 15 minutes. You
     1 teaspoon smoked paprika
                                             can cover with a lid to prevent the
     1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes (optional)
                                             mixture drying out.
     400g canned chopped tomatoes
     1 tablespoon tomato paste
                                             To serve
                                             Divide the mince into four serving
     To Serve
                                             bowls with the cooked brown rice
     2 packets precooked brown rice
                                             and quinoa mix (heated according
        and quinoa
                                             to the packet instructions),
     250g cherry tomatoes, halved
                                             chopped cherry tomatoes,
     400g can black beans
                                             black beans (rinsed under cold
     1 yellow capsicum, sliced
                                             water and drained), capsicum
     1 avocado, mashed
                                             and mashed avocado. Top with
     1 red chilli, sliced (optional)
                                             coriander and sliced red chilli, and
     Corn chips
                                             drizzle with chipotle mayo for an
                                             extra flavour burst. Serve alongside
     Fresh coriander
                                             corn chips for dipping into the
     Chipotle mayonnaise (optional)
                                             mince and lime wedges for
                                             extra flavour.

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                   NEW ZEALAND

           The information in this booklet should not to be
          taken as a substitute for medical advice from your
          Lead Maternity Carer, Obstetrician or GP in relation
              to specific symptoms or health concerns.

                          Updated June 2021

     For more information about iron and health or for hundreds of
          nutritious recipes the whole family will enjoy, visit

     | 0800 733 466

     @ nzbeeflamb                 @ beeflambnz                   @ beeflambnz

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