It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance

Page created by Hugh Ingram
It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance

                               It’s about   the Donors

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Dear       Friends

In 2010, we celebrated 25 years of care in the air. This    •   Contracted by the Canadian Armed Forces to
incredible accomplishment was only possible because             provide medevac support to CFB Wainwright for
of the tremendous support we have received over the             two exercises.
years from donors and volunteers. Your commitment
to making a difference is instrumental in our ability to    •   Launched an official STARS Facebook page
continue to provide care and air medical transport to           and Twitter site.
critically ill and injured patients.                        •   Granted full accreditation by the Commission on
The power of partnership is what sustains us in our             Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems. We
vision of saving lives. Partnerships with the community,        have successfully maintained our accreditation
corporations, the chain of survival and government are          since 1998.
vital to the growth and sustainability of our charitable,   One of the most amazing opportunities of 2010 came
non-profit organization.                                    with our anniversary celebrations in Calgary, Edmonton
In 2010, we were fortunate to celebrate many new and        and Grande Prairie where we unveiled our community
renewed partnerships including a 10-year affiliation        “thank you” logo to extend our appreciation to each
agreement with Alberta Health Services. This agreement      and every one of our donors over the past 25 years,
commits to long term partial funding for our bases in       and into the future. During these events, we connected
Calgary, Edmonton and Grande Prairie.                       with donors, volunteers and some of our special Very
                                                            Important Patients (VIPs). Having the chance to visit
We also continue to work closely with our northern          with our VIPs gives us all an appreciation of why we do
communities and municipalities which have been              what we do. It’s about the patient, and always will be.
generously supportive of our Grande Prairie base. We
added three municipal logos to our helicopter fleet in      We extend our deepest gratitude to you for your
recognition of their incredible support.                    continued support. Thank you for partnering with
                                                            STARS to make a difference in the lives of critically ill
Other highlights of 2010 included:                          and injured patients.

•   1,453 missions carried out in 241 communities.          Yours truly,

•   Moved into a new hangar in Grande Prairie, thanks
    to a generous local donor.

•   Concluded the final trial program for the STARS
    Critical Care & Transport Medicine Academy and
    proceeded with making this Academy a permanent          D. Gregory Powell, O.C.,    Phil Levson
    program to benefit medical practitioners interested     MD FRCPC                    Vice President
    in air medical transport.                               President & Chief           STARS Foundation
•   Recipient of the “Andy” Mynarski, VC Memorial           Executive Officer
    Trophy from the Air Force Association of Canada in      STARS &
    recognition of our contributions to aviation search     STARS Foundation
    and rescue.

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
STARS External events raising                Edmonton Area Council One Society Casino          Crime Watch Association
                                             Edmonton Shooters Guild                      Oomph! Events
more than $1,000 each in 2010                Edward Michell Art Sale                      Order of the Royal Purple #21 Casino
4-H Beef Interclub - Drayton Valley          Elk Point Emergency Services                 Order of the Royal Purple #122 Casino
4-H On Parade                                    Golf Tournament                          Order of the Royal Purple #125 Casino
4-H Steer for STARS Auction                  ENMAX/IBEW Stampede Parking Lot              Pattison Outdoor Advertising Barbecue
7-Eleven Cash Box Program                    Fairview STARS Golf Classic                  Petroleum Services Association of Canada
Ag Mech Club Auction, Olds College           Farmers Markets                                   STARS & SPURS GALA
Alberta Benevolent Cantor                    Feeder Associations of Alberta Dinner &      Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union Annual
     Association Casino                          Auction                                       Charity Golf Tournament
Alberta Horseshoe Pitchers                   Fernie Lions Club Events                     Pops Hardware & Building Centre
     Association Casino                      Fifth Avenue Place Stampede Breakfast        Primary Engineering Golf Tournament
Alberta Moose Association Casino             First Truck Centre Golf Tournament           Quinn Contracting Ltd.
Alberta Oilfield Golf Classic                Flagstaff 4-H District Heifer Sale           Radway & District Friends of STARS
All for STARS Group Hockey Tournament        Foothills 4-H Sheep Club Auction                  Dine & Dance
All-Pro Canadian Chuckwagon and              Fort Macleod Volleyball Tournament           Raffles for STARS
     Chariot Racing                          Frank McInenly Auctions                      Rec - Vee Holiday Adventures Auction
Almita Manufacturing Ltd. Variety Show       Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies             Redwater Health Centre Auxiliary
ATB STARS Invitational Golf Tournament           Auxiliary #2098 Bingo                    Renegades Golf Tournament for STARS
ATCO Electric EPIC                           Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies             Rock for STARS
ATCO Gas Breakfast                               Auxiliary Events                         Rotary Club of Olds Golf Tournament
Bar None Dance                               Fultonvale and District Lions Club           Royal & SunAlliance Golf Classic
Battle River Trail Ride for STARS            Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore        Royal Canadian Legion #10 Ladies Bingo
Beef Auctions for STARS                      Gasoline Alley Harley Davidson Annual        Royal Canadian Legion #26 Bingo
Beiseker Lions Club Events                       Golf Tournament                          Royal Canadian Legion #36 Casino
Bethany Banner Historical Society Casino     Glamour Girls Gala                           Royal Canadian Legion #57 Poppy Fund
Bethel United Church Auction                 Gleichen - Cluny United Fund                 Royal Canadian Legion #63 Raffle
Birchcliff Energy Charity Golf Tournament    Gleichen Lions Club Casino                   Royal Canadian Legion #66 Event
Black Gold Quilt Patch Raffle                Golf Tournament Fundraisers                  Royal Canadian Legion #104 Raffle
Blue Ridge Mountain Country Society Casino   Grande Prairie Petroleum Association         Royal Canadian Legion #105 Bingo
BMO Slow Pitch Tournament                        Hockey Tournament                        Royal Canadian Legion #105 Ladies Auxillary
Bragg Creek Benefit Dinner for STARS         Hansen Labelle Adjusters Ltd.                Royal Canadian Legion #223 Ladies
Bud Brewster Golf Tournament                     Golf Tournament                               Ham Dinner
Buy & Sale Car Show                          Happy Homesteaders Square Dance Club         Royal Canadian Legion #238 Raffle
C.O.C.O. Plowing Match &                     Hatch Ltd. Golf Tournament                   Royal Canadian Legion #247 Barbecue
     Agricultural Society Auction            Hearts and Hands Quilter’s Guild Raffle      Royal Canadian Legion #275 Raffle
Calgary Co-operative Association,            Hungarian Veterans Association Casino        Royal Canadian Legion Dart Club
     Bags to Riches Program                  Hussar Ladies Silver & Gold Gala             Ruff Ryders Alberta
Calgary Mountainview Lions Club Casino       IGA Freson Bros. Events                      Rumsey Agricultural Society Ride for STARS
Calgary North Hill Lions Club Lucky Loot     Institute of Chartered Accountants CA        Saskatoon Lake Agricultural Society
Calgary Northeast Eyeopener Lions                Golf Day                                      Ride for STARS
     Club Casino                             Invermere Home Hardware Barbecue             SE Alberta Coal Miners Golf Tournament
Calgary Royal Purple Lodge #7                Irma Ranchers Rodeo                          Seba Beach/Jackpine Recreational
Calgary Snowmobile Club Events               J & L Supply & Shear Bits Charity                 Bingo Society
Calgary Southridge Lions Club                    Golf Tournament                          Sedgewick Lions Clubs Harvest Dance
Camrose Friends of STARS Dine & Dance        Jaimie’s Run for STARS                            for STARS
Canadian Heavy Oil Association               Jeff Warawa Memorial Hockey Tournament       Shoot For STARS - Carstairs
     Golf Tournament                         Kim Hudec Memorial Golf Tournament                & District Gun Club
Carrot Creek Community Association Dinner    Kin Club of Drayton Valley Events            Silent Auctions for STARS
Cars For STARS                               Kin Club of Drayton Valley Golf Tournament   Smoky Lake Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
Carstairs & District Community Chest         Kin Club of Fort Edmonton Casino             Southern Alberta Music Festival
Cases for the Cause Food Expo -              Kinsella Recreation & Agriculture            Sporting Events for STARS
     Sysco Food Services                         Society Raffle                           STARS & Lions Golf Classic
Chauvin Elks #261 Casino                     Kinsmen Club of Vulcan Raffle                Stewart Schlender Memorial
Coast into Summer with STARS                 Kneehill Steer Auction                            Slow Pitch Tournament
Community Animal Auctions                    Lakeland Friends of STARS Dance              Strathmore Team Roping Club
Community Auctions for STARS                 Langdon International Order of               Sturgeon AC Milan Indoor Soccer Club Auction
Community Bingo Fundraisers                      Odd Fellows Lodge No. 40                 Swan City Breakfast Lions Club
Community Casino Fundraisers                 Lethbridge Host Lions Club Casino            Sylvan Lake & District Lions Club
Community Dinners, Breakfasts & Barbecues    Lions Club Edmonton Northgate Casino         Taber Charity Auction
Community Events for STARS                   Lions Club of Sherwood Park                  The Alberta Trail Riding Association
Community Hockey Tournaments                 Lions-District 37 - I Fundraiser             The Calgary Airport Authority
Community Raffles                            Lions-District 37 - O Fundraiser                  Golf Tournament
Community Rodeos                             Madden Lions Club                            The Community Closet Society of Vermilion
Cooking Lake Saddle Club Poker               Millarville Ride for STARS                   The Old Grouch 24 Hour Jam
     Ride for STARS                          Montgomery Ladies Club Raffle                Torrington Lions Club Vegas Nite
Cowgirl Cattle Company                       Morrin School Initiation                     TWH Oilfield Services Ltd. Spring Break Up
Curling Bonspiels for STARS                  Morsan Mountain High Holstein Auction        Tyson Parker Commitment to Life
DeBolt Harvester’s Ball for STARS            Mountain Shrine Club #44 Golf Tournament     Vauxhall Ethnic Dinner
Dee-Jay Plumbing & Heating Ltd.              Mullen Oilfield Services Golf Tournament     Village Kitchen Dinner
     Golf Tournament                         Mundare Fire Department Firefighters         Vulcan 4-H Beef Club Achievement Day
Denim for Dollars & Jean Day Friday Events       Association Dinner & Auction             West County 4-H
District 4 Kinsmen Foundation                My Filosophy Inc. Fashion Day for STARS      Westlock Community Thrift Shop
Donor Choice Programs                        NAV Canada Annual Golf Event                 Westlock Motorcyle Ride for STARS
Double B’s Social Club                       New Norway 4-H Beef Club Beef Auction        Wild Deuce Retreats & Outfitting
Drayton Valley Kin Club Golf Tournament      Northern Lights Lions Club Bingo             WorleyParsons Canada Ltd. Family Picnic
E Construction Ltd. Christmas Party          Oak Star Classic
East County 4-H Achievement Day              Okotoks Area Range Patrol &

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
The following is a list of donors who gave a gift between January 1 and December 31, 2010.
Contributions in this period have been added to past gifts of each donor, placing them in
the appropriate cumulative category for the period between 1985 and 2010. Due to space
restrictions, we are not able to list donors whose cumulative gift total is under $500, but
we thank you for supporting STARS.

Patron - ($1,000,000.00 + )                Saddle Hills County                          Tristone Capital Inc.
                                           Mrs. Anne V. Schrader                        Tyson Parker Commitment to Life
ConocoPhillips                             Taber Charity Auctions                       University of Alberta Agriculture Club
Crescent Point Energy Corp.                TAQA North Ltd.                              Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Jacqueline Wuori
Edmonton Gala                              TD Securities
EnCana Corporation                         Teck Coal Limited
ExxonMobil Canada
                                                                                        Benefactors - ($50,000.00 + )
                                           Trican Well Services Ltd.
Happy Trails RV Inc.                       Trinidad Drilling Ltd.                       7-Eleven Inc.
Lions International                        United Way of Calgary and Area               B & R Eckel’s Transport Ltd.
Millarville Ride for STARS                 Weatherford Canada Partnership               Barrick Energy Inc.
Petroleum Services Association of Canada                                                Bearspaw Lions Club
Royal Canadian Legion                                                                   Border Paving Ltd.
Shell Canada Ltd.
                                           Partners - ($100,000.00 + )                  Browne & Sons Plastering
Suncor Energy Foundation                   Akita Drilling Ltd.                          Calgary Stampede
Talisman Energy Inc.                       All for STARS Group                          Calgary Flames Hockey Club
TELUS & TELUS Community Connections        Argus Machine Co. Ltd.                       The Calgary Foundation -
TransCanada Corporation                    B. Little Construction                           James F. Burns Sr. Family Fund
                                           Baker Hughes Canada Company                  Calgary North Hill Lions Club
Chairmans Circle -                         Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks        Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
                                           Birch Hills County                           Canadian Mountain Holiday Inc.
   ($250,000.00 + )                        Birchcliff Energy Ltd. Social Club           Canadian Tire Associate Store #344
Agrium                                     Bonavista Petroleum Ltd                      Caron Transportation Systems
Alberta 4-H                                Bragg Creek Benefit Dinner                   Carrot Creek Community Association
Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership      Capital Power LP                             County of Northern Lights
AltaGas                                    Cassady Engineering Ltd.                     EPCOR Utilities Inc.
Apache Canada Ltd.                         Cenovus Energy Inc.                          Essential Energy Services Trust
ARC Group of Companies                     City of Grande Prairie                       Flint Energy Services Ltd.
ATB Financial                              City of Lethbridge                           Harvest Operations Corp.
ATCO Group                                 The Co-operators                             Hazco Environmental Services Ltd.
BMO Financial Group                        County of Newell No. 4                       Michael and Carol Honey
Building Trades of Alberta                 Daylight Resources Trust                     Knights of Columbus
     Charitable Foundation                 DeBolt Harvester’s Ball                      Korn/Ferry International
Calfrac Well Services Ltd.                 Edmonton Community Foundation -              Ledcor Alberta Limited
The Calgary Foundation -                        Eldon & Anne Foote Fund                 Leduc County
     JC Anderson Legacy Fund               Elk Point Emergency Services                 Lions Club of Calgary
The Calgary Foundation - Kolstad Fund      Enbridge Pipelines Inc.                      Madden Lions Club
Camrose Friends of STARS                   Enerflex Systems Ltd.                        Loyal Order of the Moose -
Canadian Pacific Railway                   ENMAX Corporation                                Alberta Moose Association
CCS Corporation                            EVRAZ Inc.                                   Wayman & Lilac Mah
Clear Hills County                         Fifth Avenue Place                           McKay-Carey & Company
County of Grande Prairie No. 1             Finning (Canada) Ltd.                        MI Drilling Fluids Canada Inc.
Devon Canada Corporation                   FirstEnergy Capital Corp.                    Mr. Edward Michell
Enbridge Inc.                              Gasoline Alley Harley Davidson               Mission Building Supplies (1985) Ltd.
EnCana Cares Foundation                    Fraternal Order of Eagles                    Municipal District of Big Lakes
Enerplus Resources Fund                    Gibson Energy Ltd.                           Municipal District of Fairview #136
ENMAX/IBEW Stampede Parking Lot            Halliburton Group Canada                     Newalta Corporation
Ensign Resource Service Group              Import Tool Corporation Ltd.                 Newpark Drilling Fluids
Feeder Associations of Alberta Ltd.        JuneWarren Publishing Inc.                   Next-To-New
FortisAlberta Inc.                         KERN Partners Ltd.                           Order of the Eastern Star
Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Lillian Hiller         KPMG                                         Patterson-UTI Drilling Co Canada
Husky Energy and Husky Energy              Mountain View County                         Ponoka Lions Club
     Charitable Foundation                 Municipal District of Foothills No.31        Dr. Greg and Mrs. Linda Powell
Imperial Oil Charitable Foundation         North American Construction Group            Pro Energy Inc.
J & L Supply Co. Ltd.                      Donald J. Oborowsky                          Rawlco Radio
Keyera Energy                              Order of the Royal Purple                    Royal Canadian Legion #4
Kinsmen Clubs                              Mr. Robert D. and Mrs. Jean Patterson        Royal Canadian Legion #275
Municipal District of Greenview No.16      Pattison Outdoor Advertising                 S.E. Alberta Coal Miners
Murphy Oil Company Ltd.                    PCL Constructors Inc.                        Spartan Controls Ltd.
Nabors Canada LP                           Peak Energy Services Partnership             Stoneham Drilling Trust
Nexen Inc.                                 Pembina Pipeline Corporation                 Stride Management Corp.
Peace River Regional District              Reflex Manufacturing Ltd.                    Sturgeon County
Penn West Exploration                      Renegades                                    Sunwest Aviation Ltd.
Precision Drilling Trust                   Roll’n Oilfield Industries Ltd.              The Rozsa Foundation
Printworks Ltd.                            Rotary Clubs                                 Topco Oilsite Products Ltd.
Progress Exploration Partnership 2009      Royal Canadian Legion #10 Ladies Auxiliary   Mr. Harvey Trimble
Radway & District Friends of STARS         Royal Canadian Legion #104                   TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd.
     Dine & Dance                          Royal Canadian Legion #105                   Vauxhall Agricultural Society
RBC Financial Group through                Rumsey & District Agricultural Society       Waterous Power Systems
     RBC Foundation                        Sanjel Corporation                           Angus & Heather Watt
Rocky View County                          Savanna Energy Services Corp.                Women of the Moose
Royal & SunAlliance Insurance              Strathcona County
Rumsey Trail Ride                          Stream-Flo Industries Ltd.
Rural Alberta Development Fund             TOTAL E & P Canada Ltd.

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Builders - ($10,000.00 + )                    Westlock Elks Lodge #330                        Municipal District of Peace
                                              Enform                                          Municipal District of Ranchland No. 66
A Day’s Pay                                   Fairborne Energy Trust                          Municipal District of Smoky River No. 130
Access Pipeline Inc.                          Fairview Fire & Rescue Society                  Ms. Mary Anne Murphy
Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd.                      Mrs. Elsie Fedorki                              Mr. Darrel and Mrs. Evelyn Murray
Ag Mech Club, Olds College                    Dr. Michael Fiorino                             National Car & Truck Rentals
Ainsworth Engineering Canada LP               First Calgary Savings & Credit Union            National Oilwell Canada Ltd.
Alberta Moose Association                     Flagstaff County                                NAV Canada
Avonlea Master Builder                        Fluor Canada Ltd.                               Newman’s Own Foundation
Axa Pacific Insurance Company                 Fountain Tire                                   Northern Lights Lions Club
Ms. Patricia J. Babet                         Mr. Matt and Mrs. Maureen Fox                   Northern Sunrise County
Mr. John and Mrs. Jane Bannister              Frank McInenly Auctions Ltd.                    Northside Construction Partnership
Ms. Vera C. Beattie                           Freehold Royalty Trust                          Nosehills Gun Club
Beiseker Lions Club                           Gleichen Lions Club                             Old Grouch’s Cafe
Mr. Hans Benary                               Gleichen-Cluny United Fund                      Olds Hospital Auxiliary
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks #321    Grande Prairie Airport                          Olds Lions Club
Mr. Jamey and Mrs. Deanna Bezjack             Grande Prairie Mazda Ltd.                       Order of the Royal Purple #21
Mr. David A. and Mrs. Leslie E. Bissett       Grande Prairie Petroleum Association            Order of the Royal Purple #122
Ms. Joan V. Black                             Mr. Allan Grant                                 Mr. Wayne Paiement
Blackie Lions Club                            Grant Production Testing Services Ltd.          Mr. Byron B. and Mrs. Laura B. Palmer
Blue Ridge Excavating Ltd.                    Mr. Walter Groenenboom                          Parkland Agri Services Corp.
Mr. Bob Boswell                               Guardian, A ShawCor Company                     Mr. Stanley Pasheka
Ms. Ruth C. Bower and Ms. Dorothy Bower       Mr. Robert and Mrs. Audrey Guedo                Ms. Heather Peden
Brandt Tractor Ltd.                           Hallmark Tubulars Ltd.                          PetroBakken Energy Ltd.
Mrs. Helen S. Buck                            Hansen Labelle Adjusters Ltd.                   Petrussa Farms Ltd.
Buck$ Auto Parts                              Mrs. Robin Harvie                               Phoenix Technology Services Inc.
Mr. Charles L. and Mrs. Sandra P. Buckley     Mr. Richard F. and Mrs. Lois P. Haskayne        Pirie Foundation
Burnswest Corporation                         Hastings Coulee 4-H Beef Club                   Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 488
Calgary Airport Authority                     Mr. Roman Holyk                                 Premay Equipment LP
Calgary Chinatown Lions Club                  Horizon Drilling Inc.                           Primary Engineering
Calgary Co-operative Association Limited      Independent Order of Oddfellows                 Pure Energy Services Ltd.
Calgary Fort Calgary Lions Club               Import Tool Corporation Ltd.                    Q’Max Solutions Inc.
The Calgary Foundation -                      Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta   Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc.
    Heartstone Foundation Fund                Irma Agricultural Society                       Mr. Cameron Quilliam
The Calgary Foundation -                      Jarrod Oils Ltd                                 Quinn Contracting Ltd.
    Owen Hart Foundation Fund                 John Scott Motion Picture Animals Ltd.          R.J. Nelson Family Foundation
Calgary Heritage Lions Club                   John Snethun Farm Supplies                      R.V. Johnston & I.M.O. Vicas
Calgary Regional 4-H Council                  Jomax Drilling (1988) Ltd.                           Professional Corporation
Calgary Royal Purple Lodge #7                 Mr. Richard and Mrs. Suyeko Kanegawa            Mrs. Ruth Ann Rayner
Calgary Sash & Door Limited                   Katch Kan Limited                               RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Calgary Snowmobile Club                       Kendric ProJects                                RBC Royal Bank
Mr. Donald M. and Mrs. Marlene D. Campbell    Kin Club of Drayton Valley Golf Tournament      Rebekah Lodge
Canadian Mobile Storage                       Kin Club of Fort Edmonton                       Red Rose Community Club
Canadian Western Bank                         Kin Club of Grande Prairie                      Rife Resources Ltd.
Canamara United Supply Ltd.                   Kneehill 4-H District Council                   Ritchie Bros Auctioneers
Carstairs & District Community Chest          Kneehill County                                 Riverton Construction Limited
Carstairs & District Lions Club               Mr. Merrill R. and Ms. Sharon L. Korstad        Rockwell Servicing Partnership
CECO Poles & Structures Inc.                  Kos Oilfield Transportation                     Rotary Club of Olds
Champion Technologies Ltd.                    Lac La Biche County                             Royal Canadian Legion - Dart Club
Ms. Sophie Chernesky                          Lakeland Friends of STARS                       Royal Canadian Legion #1
Chinook Energy Inc.                           Lanka Charitable Foundation                     Royal Canadian Legion #26
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Joanne M. Clark            Miss Barbara Leah                               Royal Canadian Legion #39
Clearwater County                             Lee’s Sheet Metal                               Royal Canadian Legion #57
Coast into Summer with STARS                  Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.           Royal Canadian Legion #63
Community Foundation of                       Lethbridge Host Lions Club                      Royal Canadian Legion #105 Ladies Auxiliary
    Greater Grande Prairie -                  Lexus of Calgary                                Royal Canadian Legion #223 Ladies Auxiliary
    David & Susan Ainsworth Fund              Mr. Krystof Lindenback                          Royal Canadian Legion #238 Bowness Branch
Core Laboratories Canada Ltd. (ProTechnics)   Lindseth Holdings Ltd.                          Ryan Energy Technologies
County of Athabasca No. 12                    Lions Club Edmonton Northgate                   Saskatoon Lake Agricultural Society
County of Minburn No. 27                      Lions Club of Leduc                             Mr. Scott Saxberg
County of Paintearth No. 18                   Lions Club of Sherwood Park                     Scheunhage Popek & Associates Ltd.
County of Vermilion River No. 24              Lonkar Services Ltd.                            Ms. Betty Schultz
County Of Warner #5                           Mrs. Alison T. and Mr. Andrew G. Love           Mrs. Lena Scott
Courtney Berg Industries Ltd.                 Mrs. Betty B. Lyons                             Sedgewick Lions Club
Cowgirl Cattle Company                        Mr. Robert K. and Mrs. Debra G. MacLeod         Shaw Communications Inc.
Cowley Lions Club                             Mainline Construction Ltd.                      Sherritt International Corporation
Crossfield Lions Club                         Mantei’s Transport Ltd.                         Shield Wireline Ltd.
Crossroads C & I Distributors                 Mr. Allan P. Markin                             Shooting Star Foundation
Data Superhero Ltd.                           Martin Equipment Ltd.                           Mrs. Jane Shouldice
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Cindi de Graaff           Mr. Gordon W. and Mrs. Dorothy R. McMillan      Mr. Gordon P. and Mrs. Fay E. Smith
Denham Chrysler Ltd.                          Microsoft Canada Co.                            Smoky Lake Lions Club
Mr. Gordon A. and Mrs. Sheryl A. Dibb         Mr. Terrance Millar                             South Peace Oilmen’s Association
District 4 Kinsmen Foundation                 Miller Thomson LLP                              Sparwood Lions Club
Don Golden Autobody Ltd.                      Milner Power Inc.                               Stan Poulsen Trucking Ltd.
Donmar Foundation                             Milo Lions Club                                 Standard Community Chest
Mr. Tim and Mrs. Trish Drader                 Montgomery Ladies Club                          Stantec Consulting Ltd.
ECL Group of Companies Ltd.                   Mr. Terry and Mrs. Lynne Moore                  Stavely & District Community Chest
Edmonton (Host) Lions Club                    Morrin High School                              Mr. Bob D. and Mrs. Patricia A. Steele
Edmonton Community Foundation -               Morsan Farms Ltd.                               Mrs. Muriel A. Stewart
    Muhlenfeld Family Fund                    Mossleigh Lions Club                            Stewart Schlender Memorial
Edmonton Community Foundation - A.I.R.S.      Mountain Shrine Club #44                             Slow Pitch Tournament
Edmonton Kenworth Ltd.                        Mundare Fire Department                         The Stokes Family
Edmonton Strathcona Lions Club                    Firefighters Association                    Strathmore Lions Club
Edmonton Westmount Lions Club

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Stratus Pipelines Ltd.                      Mrs. Doris Akerstrom                           Mrs. Margaret Bahan
Strike Energy Services Inc.                 Alberta Benevolent Cantor Association          Mr. Ken and Mrs. Bernice Baher
Superfluity Shop                            Alberta Flying Farmers                         Ms. Audrey I. Bailey
Superior Propane Inc.                       Alberta Horseshoe Pitchers Association         Mr. John Bailey
Phil & Cindy Swift                          Alberta Motor Association                      Mr. Robert A. Bailey
Sylvan Lake & District Lions Club           Ms. Donna J. Alberts                           Mr. Richard M. Baillie
The Brick                                   Mr. Edwin and Mrs. Darlene Albrecht            Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Frances Baines
The Calgary Foundation -                    Ms. Mary Aldred                                Mrs. Doreen Baker
     William and Constance Topley Fund      Alexandra Chapter #4 Order of Eastern Star     Baker Creek Chalets
The City of Calgary                         Mr. Donald and Mrs. Linda Algar                Mrs. Flora M. Baker
The Community Closet Society of Vermilion   Alggin Metal Industries Ltd.                   Ms. Kathleen A. Baker
The Fairmont Banff Springs                  Mr. James E. Allard                            Mr. Garth Balfour
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise            Mr. Leo and Mrs. Audrey Allemekinders          Mr. Donald L. Balkwill
Tiggo Transport Ltd.                        Mrs. Gwen Allen                                Mr. David and Mrs. Jody Ball
Tirpak Charitable Foundation                Mr. Robert O. and Mrs. Beverley Allen          Mr. David Ball
Torrington Lions Club                       Allen’s Transport Ltd.                         Mr. Roger Ball
Torskeklubben of Edmonton                   Mr. Dale Alleyne                               Dr. Ronald O. and Mrs. Ruth E. Ball
Town of Beaverlodge                         Dr. Robert B. and Mrs. J. Alison Allison       Mr. David and Mrs. Diana Ballard
Town of Black Diamond                       Mr. Ronald J. and Mrs. Beulah Allison          Ms. Elisabeth R. Ballermann
Town of Didsbury                            Mrs. Pamela Alloway                            Mr. Bradley Baltesson
Town of Fairview                            All-Pro Canadian Chuckwagon                    Mrs. Dorothy Baltimore
Town of Grimshaw                                 and Chariot Racing                        Balzac Seed Cleaning Plant Ltd.
Town of High Prairie                        Mr. Terrence E. and Mrs. Joan Allwarden        Mr. Ward J. Bambrick
Town of Pincher Creek                       Almita Manufacturing Ltd.                      Mr. Gord Bamford
Town of Sexsmith                            Al’s Diesel Injection                          Mr. Brian Banks
Townsite of Redwood Meadows                 Alsask Lioness Club                            Mr. Craig and Mrs. Karen Banks
Trident Exploration LLC                     Altex Systems                                  Bar - V - Nook Manor
Trimac Corporation                          Ambertec Ltd.                                  Mr. Tony and Mrs. Valerie Barlott
Mr. Alfio L. and Mrs. Phyllis F. Truant     Mr. Clarence and Mrs. Johnene Amulung          Mr. Alan and Mrs. Irma M. Barnes
Mr. Rory and Mrs. Ann Tyler                 Mr. Terry and Mrs. Kathy Andersen              Mrs. Sharon J. Barnes
Mrs. Clara Ulrichsen                        Mr. Allan Anderson                             Mr. Edward R. Barnett
UNIGLOBE Geo Travel Group                   Mr. Andrew J. Anderson                         Barnwell Grazing Association
Union 52 Benevolent Society                 Mr. Bennett H. and Mrs. Carolyn Anderson       Mr. Dick Barr
United Way of Central Alberta               Mr. Glen E. and Mrs. June Anderson             Mrs. L. Jo Ann Barrick
United Way of Lethbridge &                  Mr. J.C. Anderson                              Mr. Walter and Mrs. Vera Barth
     South Western Alberta                  Mr. Ken and Mrs. Ronna Anderson                Mr. L. Tom Bartholow and Ms. Pat Perry
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.             Mr. Robert Anderson                            Mr. Robert F. Barton
Viking Lions Club                           Mr. Russ D. Anderson                           Mr. Carl A. and Mrs. Betty Bask
Village Kitchen                             Ms. Joyce Andrechuk                            Mrs. Joanna Baskin
Visscher Holdings Inc.                      Miss Norma E. Andrew                           Mrs. Muriel Bassett
VNO Exteriors Ltd.                          Mr. R. William Andrew                          Mr. Phillip Bateman and Ms. Kathleen Irving
Wavy Lake 4-H Beef Club                     Mr. Frank and Mrs. Daryl Andruchow             Ms. Darlene J. Bates
WestJet Airlines                            Mr. Donald Angus and Ms. Patricia Carruthers   Mr. Neil H. and Mrs. Diane Bates
Westlock Community Thrift Shop              Mrs. Phyllis M. Antoniuk                       Battle River 4-H Beef Club
Wetaskiwin Co-operative Association Ltd.    Apex Limited Partnership                       Battle River Sports & Tackle
Mrs. Evelyn G. Wigham                       Appalachian Helicopters                        Mr. Andrew F.S. Bau
Wild Deuce Retreats and Outfitting          Mr. Dennis J. and Mrs. Donna Appleton          Mr. Randy Baudin
Ms. Bernice Wilkinson                       Ms. Audrey J. Appleyard                        Mr. Daryl E. and Mrs. Darlene S. Bauer
Mrs. Joan A. Williams                       Araday Enterprises                             Mr. Terry and Mrs. Sandra Bauer
Willis Canada Inc.                          Arcis Corporation                              Mr. Hans and Mrs. Marjorie Bauman
Mrs. Marie Wittig                           Ardrossan Senior Citizens Club                 Mr. David Baxter
Wonder Communications Inc.                  Mrs. Helene Arechuk                            Mr. Fred and Mrs. Bonita Bay
Workers’ Compensation Board                 Ms. Lois W. Argue                              Mr. Michael C. J. and Mrs. Mary E. Beamish
WorleyParsons Canada Ltd.                   Mr. Vernon Argue                               Bearspaw Country Club
                                            Mr. Lloyd A. and Mrs. Betty M. Armstrong       Mr. Terry N. and Mrs. M.Claire Beaton
Contributors - ($1,000.00 + )               Mr. Lorne Armstrong                            Mr. William A. and Mrs. Shelan M. Beatty
                                            Mr. William J. Armstrong                       Mr. Edward and Mrs. Edith Beaudoin
#1340715 Alberta Inc.                       Mr. Ken Arnold                                 Mrs. Shirley C. Beaudoin
#494775 Alberta Inc.                        Mrs. Carol A. Arntzen                          Beaver Creek Co-Op Ltd.
#852819 Alberta Ltd.                        Artesian Realty and Insurance (GP) Ltd.        Beaver Drilling Ltd.
#892516 Alberta Ltd.                        Mr. Bob Arthurs and Ms. Susan Harcus           Dr. James and Dr. Barbara Beck
#954470 Alberta Ltd.                        Ms. Ursula Asmus                               Mr. Herbert H. and Mrs. Janice Becker
#997295 Alberta Ltd.                        Asset Canada Inc.                              Mr. Mike Becker
1236159 Alberta Ltd.                        Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Barbara Ast               Mrs. Marg Beckley
1424162 Alberta Ltd                         Mr. Henry and Mrs. Norma Astle                 Mr. Wayne Beckwith
4-H Beef Interclub                          Mr. Donald and Mrs. E. Dawn Atkinson           Mr. Robert and Mrs. Debra Belanger
568955 Alberta Ltd.                         Mr. Kenneth J. and Mrs. Marion G. Atkinson     Mr. Allan C. Bell
    o/a ServiceMaster of Lethbridge         Mr. Wiley and Mrs. Eva Auch                    Mr. Robert and Mrs. Muriel J. Bell
602960 Alberta Ltd.                         Mr. Aime and Mrs. Linda Auriat                 Mrs. Lorna E. Bellamy
Mr. Darryl G. and Mrs. Gail Abrams          Mr. John W. and Mrs. Olga Avery                Mr. Anthony Belli
Acadia Valley Farm Supplies (1974) Ltd.     Mr. J. Allen and Mrs. Adolfina Avramenko       Mr. Christopher J. and Mrs. Janet E. Bellis
Ms. Alyce M. Achtymichuk                    Mr. Herbert Awe                                Belmont Sobeys
Acklands-Grainger Inc.                      B.G.E. Service & Supply Ltd.                   Mr. Thomas W. Belot
Active Ventures Inc.                        Mrs. Cathy Baas                                Mr. Allen and Mrs. Ruth Benbow
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Sandra Adams               Mr. Keith and Mrs. Esther Babb                 Mr. Grant and Mrs. Rene Bendfeld
Adept Equipment Services Ltd.               Ms. Geraldine Bablitz                          Benner Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Advanced Industrial Medics Ltd.             Ms. Joan Bachor                                Ms. Hazel Bennett
Advantage Mud Systems Ltd.                  Mr. Russell M. Bacon and                       Bennetts & Associates
Aerotek                                          Mrs. Elise E. Bourcier-Bacon              Mr. Greg Benoit
AgCom Petroleum Sales Ltd.                  Badger Daylighting L.P.                        Madam Justice Suzanne M. Bensler
AgustaWestland                              Mr. Vernon Badke and Mrs. Lillian James        Mr. Blaine L. and Mrs. Theresa Benson
Mrs. Neva E. Aitken                         Badry Land Spreading Services Ltd.             Bentley and District Ag Society
Mr. William and Mrs. Gloria Aitken          Mr. Norman A. Badry                                 Farmers Market

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Mr. David D. Bentley                         Mr. Vlad and Mrs. Cathryn Brecka                Ms. Florence K. Cairns
Mrs. Bertha Bentz                            Mrs. Margaret A. Bredin                         Mr. Lowell and Mrs. Kathleen Calder
Mr. Bryan G. and Mrs. Nancy H. Berg          Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Shirley Breitkreuz        Ms. Julie Calderwood
Mr. Roy T. and Mrs. Margaret V. Berg         Mr. Louis W. and Mrs. Vivian L. Breton          Mr. Ken Calderwood
Mr. John and Mrs. Betty Jo Bergen            Mr. Bud C. and Mrs. Annette C. Brewster         Calgary Eastport Lions Club
Bergen Ladies Aid                            Ms. Joan Bricker                                The Calgary Foundation -Tara Sloan
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Cheryl Bergeron          Mr. Walter Brickman                                 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bergh Tatomir Financial Services Inc.        Mr. David and Mrs. Lorna Bridarolli             Calgary Mountainview Lions Club
Ms. Shirley J. Bertsch                       Brightbank & District Lions Club                Calgary Northeast Eyeopener Lions Club
Best Cap Sportswear & Promotions             Mr. Rolf Brinkmann                              Calgary Roughnecks Lacrosse Team
Bethany Banner Historical Society            Mrs. Lucinda E. Broadbent                       Calgary Southridge Lions Club
Bethel United Church                         Mr. Hubert Broberg                              Calgary Stampeder Football Club
Bettenson’s Sand & Gravel Co. Limited        Mr. Terry and Mrs. Shelly Brodie                Calgary Telephone & Wiring Ltd.
Mr. David W. Betts                           Mr. Danny Brodrick                              Calgary Wildrose Lions Club
Dr. Michael J. Betzner                       Mr. Kerry and Mrs. Chris Brooker                Mrs. Patricia Callaghan
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Carrie Bevan            Brookfield Properties Corp.                     Mr. Marcel Camenzind
Mr. Gary Bewell                              Mr. Paul E. Broska                              Mrs. Catharine M. Cameron
Mrs. Patricia Bichel                         Mr. August and Mrs. Judy Brost                  Mr. Douglas H. Cameron
Mrs. Lucy Bielert                            Mr. Roy Broster                                 Mr. Gordon N. and Mrs. Vera Cameron
Big Valley Order of the Royal Purple #77     Mr. Eric and Mrs. Betty Brostrom                Mr. Andrew B. Campbell
Mr. Arthur G. Biggar                         Mr. Bill and Mrs. Norah Brouwer                 Ms. Heather D. Campbell
Mrs. Marguerite A. Bignell                   Mr. Tim Brouwer                                 Mr. Hobie and Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell
Ms. Judy I. Bilinski                         Mr. Carson and Mrs. Susan Brown                 Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Janet Campbell
Bill Bardenhagen Trucking Ltd.               Mr. Darl and Mrs. Lois S. Brown                 Ms. Jennifer Campbell
Mr. Russell L. Bish                          Mr. Donald and Mrs. Melba Brown                 Mr. Jim and Mrs. Lynn Campbell
Mr. David Bissett and Ms. Myrna Redel        Mr. Gary Brown and                              Mr. Matthew Campbell
Mrs. Mary E. Biswanger                           Mrs. Janet Ramsey-Brown                     Camrose Regional Exhibition
Ms. Dianne Bitango                           Mrs. Georgia E. Brown                           Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Mrs. Dorothy F. Black                        Mr. Norman and Mrs. Lyla Brown                  Canadian Heavy Oil Association
Black Fund Development Inc.                  Dr. Philip R. Brown                             Canadian Linen & Uniform Service
Black Gold Quilt Patch                       Mr. R. Ervin C. and Mrs. Sheila C. Brown        Canadian Livestock Curling Association 2002
Mr. Robert Black                             Mr. Scott Brown                                 Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts Ltd.
Mr. Jeffrey Blackadder and                   Mrs. Lois E. Browne                             Canadian School of
     Ms. Michele Schuler                     Mr. Richard and Mrs. Chris Browne                   Hydrocarbon Measurement
Mr. Lyle A. Blackmore                        Ms. Elva B. Bruce                               Canadian Wellhead Isolation Corp.
Blackstone Drilling Fluids                   Mrs. Hilda Bruce                                Canelson Drilling Inc.
Mr. Donald W. and Mrs. Lois Blackwell        Mrs. Monica J. Bruchall                         Mrs. Elaine M. Cannady
Mr. Kerry and Mrs. Carolyn Blades            Mr. Joseph W. and Mrs. Veronica Bruder          Cantriex Livestock International Inc.
Mr. H. John Blain                            Mr. Ralph Bruinsma                              Canyon Technical Services Ltd.
Mr. Douglas G. and Mrs. Anne Marie Blair     Mr. Gilbert P. and Mrs. Eileen G. Brulotte      Mr. Alan Caplan
Mr. Robert F. Blair                          Brumby Ventures Ltd.                            Mrs. Sharon T. Caple
Blairmore Lions Club                         Ms. Lynn A. Brunton                             Ms. Wendy Cardiff
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Faye A. Blakely         Buchanan Barry LLP Chartered Accountants        Cardon Homes Ltd.
Mr. Martin C. Blanchard                      Ms. Mary F. Buchanan                            Cardston Lions Club
Mr. Richard S. and Mrs. Joyce A. Blasco      Mr. Lloyd Buchanan and Ms. Michele Nowak        Mr. David P. and Mrs. Kathryn E. Carey
Mr. Rudi G. and Mrs. Lorraine R. Blattler    Mr. Allan and Mrs. Diane Buchignani             Mr. Lyle E. and Mrs. Patricia Carey
Blitzprint Inc.                              Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Mavis Buckland              Mr. David G. Carlyle
Mr. John Blonski and Mrs. Fran Clark         Bud Brewster Golf Tournament                    Mr. Doug Carlyle
Ms. Jan Bloomfield                           Mr. Hans and Mrs. Karin Buhrmann                Caroline Lions Club
Blue Grass Ltd.                              Mrs. Ursula Buller                              Mr. Robert Caron
Blue Ridge Mountain Country Society          Mr. Scott Bulman                                Mr. Wayne H. and Mrs. Dianne Carr
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Catherine Blumhagen     Mr. Clark and Mrs. Melanie Bunbury              Carriage House Inn
Mr. Trevor and Mrs. Maria Blunt              Bunge Canada                                    Mr. Clayton R. and Mrs. Norma E. Carroll
Mr. Melvin R. and Mrs. Lily Boake            Mrs. Hilda Bunney                               Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kathryn L. Carron
Mr. R.Terrence and Mrs. Kathleen P. Bocock   Mrs. Margaret R. Burbank                        Mr. Stan Carscallen
Mrs. Maxiene Bodgener                        Mrs. Rose M. Burchett                           Mr. John F. Carter
Ms. Yvonne Bohme                             Mr. Fred Burgess                                Mrs. Shirley Carter
Ms. Sharon A. Boisvert                       Mr. Brian Burke                                 Esther Cartwright
Ms. Linda K. Bolkowy                         Mrs. Lois Burke                                 Ms. Helen Cartwright
Mr. Hugh J. Bolton                           Mr. George A. and Mrs. Mary E. Burkholder       Mr. James and Mrs. Irene Castellino
Bonanza Fire Department                      Ms. Lorette M. Burlie                           Catalytic HR Solutions
Mr. Franklin B. Bone and                     Mr. Henry R. and Mrs. Lois G. Burnay            Cathedral Mountain Lodge
     Mrs. Annette Mahieux-Bone               Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP                  Catholic Women’s League
Mr. Clyde J. Bonnell                         Mr. Bruce F. Burnyeat                           Mr. Douglas L. Cave
Bonnyville Neighbourhood Inn                 Mrs. Jean Burr                                  Dr. Ronald G. and Dr. Patricia A. Cavell
Mr. James R. and Mrs. Ann Booker             Mrs. Elsie R. Burt                              Mr. Lorry and Mrs. Doris Cawiezel
Mr. Mark G. Boonstra                         Mr. Gordon W. and Mrs. Audrey S. Burton         CEDA International Corporation
Mrs. Kathleen S Booth                        Ms. Peggy Burton                                Centerville Women’s Club
Mr. David R. Borley                          Mrs. Marguerite R. Bushell                      Central Agencies Inc.
Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Ida M. Botkin             Mr. Wayne M. and Mrs. Shelley Bushfield         Central Alberta Vintage Auto Club
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Debbie Botterill            Mr. Larry and Mrs. Caroline Busse               Central Peace Oilmens Association
Ms. Marcelline Boulanger                     Mrs. Jessie Bussey                              Cequence Energy Ltd.
Mr. Larry and Mrs. Joan M. Boulton           Ms. Sylvia Busslinger                           Mr. Andrew Cernak
Bowden Light Horse Association               Buy & Sell Car Show                             Dr. David Chalack
Mr. Mark Bowerman                            Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Corinne Buzak             Mr. Bernard and Mrs. Marilyn Chamberland
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Donna M. Bowie            Mr. Carman W. Byler                             Ms. Ruta Lynn Chambers
Mr. Gerald Bowland                           Mr. Murray and Mrs. Sylvia Bystedt              Ms. Lorette C. Champagne
Ms. H. May Bowland                           Mrs. Angela and Mr. Kevin Bysterveld            Champion Feed Services Ltd.
Mr. Charles R. and Mrs. Helen Boyd           C & D Oilfield Construction Ltd.                Mr. Dan Chapman
Mr. Colin and Mrs. Susan Boyer               C.O.C.O. Plowing Match & Agricultural Society   Mrs. Maxine Chapman
Mr. Bert and Mrs. Edna Braiden               Mrs. Sharon Cadsand                             Mr. Martin and Mrs. Joyce Chapman
Mr. Glen W. and Mrs. Agnes Braum             Mr. Robert A. Cady                              Mrs. D. Joan Charbonneau
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Nelly Braunmuller          Mr. Brock D. and Mrs. Linda G. Cairns           Mr. Gerald N. Charles

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Ms. Helen Charlesworth                       Coronation Town and Country                   Mr. Jim and Mrs. Eileen Dechant
Ms. Bernice M. Chase                              Golden Age Club                          Dr. Ryan Deedo
Chatelaine Club                              Ms. Debra Corroll                             Mr. Chris and Mrs. Elaine Deeg
Chauvin Elks #261                            Costco Wholesale                              Deerfoot Inn & Casino
Mrs. Eileen Chechento                        Ms. Joyce Y. Cote                             Mr. H. James and Mrs. Marjorie Deering
Mr. Pierre Cherifi                           Cottonwood Gordon Agriculture Society         Mr. Rob Dehaan
Ms. Monica J. Chesney                        Miss Blanche Coultis                          Mr. James C. Deines
Mr. Wade and Mrs. Jaycee Chester             County Disposal (2000) Ltd.                   Ms. Marjorie Deitz
Mr. Laurence Cheung                          County of Barrhead No. 11                     Ms. Shirley Deitz
Cheyne Management                            County of Stettler No.6                       Mr. Jim and Mrs. Ingrid DeLancey
Mr. Archie W. and Mrs. M.V.T. Childs         County of Thorhild No.7                       Mr. John D. Delaney
Chilliwack Cattle Sales Ltd.                 County of Two Hills No. 21                    Deloitte & Touche Corporate
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Doreen Chinneck         Mr. Robert and Mrs. Linda Coutts                  Finance Canada Inc.
Mr. Harry and Mrs. Mary Choma                Ms. Shirley M. Cover                          Mr. Bob and Mrs. Mary Delong
Mrs. Elizabeth Chrapko                       Mr. Robert and Mrs. Fran Coward               Delta Lodge At Kananaskis
Mr. Albert J.L. Christ                       Cowboy Trail Ranch Rodeo                      Demiantschuk Milley Burke & Hoffinger LLP
Mr. Hans E. and Mrs. Winnie Christensen      Mr. James E. and Mrs. Beverley M. A. Cowley       Barristers & Solic
Mr. Harry A. Christensen                     Mr. Frederick and Mrs. Barbara E. Cox         Mr. Gordon H. and Mrs. Vivian Denman
Mr. Joe Christensen                          Ms. Kelsey Cox                                Dennis Audette Investments
Ms. Marie V. Christensen                     Mr. George Cragg and Ms. Audrey Snow          Mr. K Foon Der
Mr. Ed and Mrs. Helen Christianson           Mr. James A. and Mrs. Lorelli Craig           Mrs. Anne Deren
Mr. James P. and Mrs. Doris Christie         Mrs. Marion R. Crawford                       Miss Johnnie Des Rochers
Christopher James Doig Professional Corp.    Mr. Jim and Mrs. Marlene Crawford             Mr. Andre and Mrs. Sherry Desoete
Mrs. Alexa W. Church                         Mr. Allan Creasy and                          Mr. Jerome Desrosiers
Ms. Emily P. Churko                               Mrs. Raymonde Devey-Creasy               Devon Lions Club
CIBC                                         Ms. Mary Credico                              Mr. Henry and Mrs. Grace Dewaal
Dr. Joyce C. Clapperton                      Cremona Legion 172 Welfare Fund               Dewey’s Quality Inspection Services Ltd.
Ms. Audrey M. Clark                          Mr. M. Crichton                               Ms. Betty M. DeWolfe
Mr. Glen and Mrs. Sylvia Clark               Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Angelika Crippin          Mr. Allan and Mrs. Susan Dick
Mr. Mervin and Mrs. Kay Clark                Croatian Canadian Club of Lethbridge          Mrs. Correen Dick
Mr. Patrick Clark                            Mr. Donald J. and Mrs. Shan Cross             Mrs. Maria Diegel
Mr. Edward A. and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Clarke   Crossfield Bridge Club                        Mr. John P. and Mrs. Anna G. Dielwart
Ms. Mavis E. Thom                            Mr. David Crosswhite                          Mr. Bill and Mrs. Tracy Dietrich
Mr. Malcolm W. and Mrs. Margaret E. Clarke   Crowfoot Agri Supplies (1984) Ltd.            Ms. Elaine Dietrich
Mr. Barrie and Mrs. Carol Clayton            Mr. Paul and Mrs. Diane Crowley               Mr. John Dingelstad
Mr. Richard W. and Mrs. Alma Clayton         Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Joan L. Crowshaw         Direct Horizontal Drilling Inc
Clearwater Publishing                        Mr. Doug Cryderman                            Mr. Alan J. and Mrs. Ruth C. Disney
Mrs. Freda M. Clemens                        Crystal Glass Canada Ltd.                     Mrs. Clara Dittrich
Mr. Ross S. and Mrs. Verna B. Clements       Mr. Malcolm Cullen                            Ms. Helen J. Dixon
Mr. W.C. and Mrs. D. Clendening              Mr. Eric and Mrs. Maureen Cullimore           Mr. Howard and Mrs. Toni Dixon
Clover Bar Junior High School                Mr. Jackson G. and Mrs. Zenovia M. Cullis     Mrs. Louise Dobinson
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Sandra Coates             Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Elizabeth Cumming          Ms. Sharon Dobko
Cochrane Lioness Club                        Mr. William and Mrs. Gladys M. Cummings       Mrs. Versa Dobson
Cochrane Lions Club                          Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Marjorie Curran           Ms. Betty Lou Docherty
Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Yanka Cochrane        Mr. Lyle M. and Mrs. Margaret Currie          Mr. Frank Dodman
Mr. Max W. and Mrs. Betty Ann Coderre        Mr. Mario and Mrs. Laura Cusano               Mr. Darryl and Mrs. Delora Doell
Mr. John and Mrs. Linda Colberg              Cutco Logo Gifts                              Mr. Tim and Mrs. Diana Doerksen
Mr. Lionel and Mrs. Jean M. Colcy            Mrs. Trudy Cutfield                           Mr. Francis A. and Mrs. Frances R. Dogterom
Mr. Allan V. Cole                            CVS Controls Ltd.                             Mrs. Dorothy Doherty
Mr. Earl and Mrs. Lenora Collier             Mr. Robert and Mrs. Ingrid Dafoe              Mr. Cody and Mrs. Candace Dolen
Mr. Mike D. and Mrs. Marilyn Collier         Mr. Blaine M. and Mrs. Marilyn Dahl           Mr. Dean and Mrs. Janet Doll
Collins Barrow Calgary LLP                   Mrs. Mary C. Dahm                             Ms. Isobel Dollar
Mr. Justin and Mrs. Lora J. Collyer          Dale Smith Welding                            Mr. Lorenzo and Mrs. Donna Donadeo
Ms. Dawn Colpitts                            Dalum Friendship Club                         Mr. Jack C. and Mrs. Joan M. Donald
Dr. John S. Colter                           Mr. Donald and Mrs. Lesley Daly               Ms. Venita Donaldson
Comfort-Aire Limited                         Mr. Stuart and Mrs. Louise Dalziel            Mr. Mike G. Donkin
Commercial Tire                              Mr. A. Thomas Damant                          Mr. Peter J. and Mrs. Margaret K. Donnelly
Concept Electric Ltd.                        Mr. William S. and Mrs. Lorraine Dancocks     Mr. Roger Dootson
Concord Well Servicing                       Mr. Dale Danyluk                              Double B’s Social Club
Mr. Mark Congram and Ms. Lorie Woloschuk     Mrs. Patricia D’Arcy                          Double Z Farms & Meat Processing Ltd.
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Pat Conlon                D’Arcy Ranch Golf Club                        Dove Enterprises
Connaught Oil and Gas                        Darian Resources Ltd.                         Mr. Stuart Dow
Mr. Brian W. and Mrs. Mary Ann Connelly      Ms. Barbara J. Daruda                         Mr. Michael E. and Mrs. Lyndsay L. Dowker
Mrs. Arlene M. Connolly                      Mr. Don Dashney                               Mr. James R. Dowler
Ms. Joan Connor and Mr. Alan S. Rae          Dr. Jonathan and Dr. Maya Davidow             Downsview Farms
Conrads Trucking                             Mr. Daryl and Mrs. Shirley Davidson           DP Design
Consulting Engineers of Alberta              Mr. Larry Davidson                            Drain Brothers Construction Ltd.
Contempo Direct Inc.                         Mr. William G. and Mrs. Marie Davidson        Mr. Duncan and Mrs. Claire Drain
Cooking Lake Saddle Club                     Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Anita Davie            Mr. Rudolf Dreier
Mr. Cliff and Mrs. Edith Cookson             Mr. Glenn Davies                              Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Iris Dresser
Ms. Olga Cookson                             Mrs. Vera Davies                              Mr. R & B and Mrs. Betty Dreveny
Mr. George W. and Mrs. Jane M. Cooper        Mr. Mansel and Mrs. Marilyn Davis             Mr. C. Wallace Drew
Mrs. Catherine I. Cooper                     Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Kassie Davis             Ms. Millie Drinkwater
Mr. Marshall R. Copithorne                   Mrs. Gwenyth M. Davis                         Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Edith G. Drysdale
Mr. Leonard Corbett                          Mr. Dwayne and Mrs. Ruth Dawley               Mr. Paul Ducharme and Ms. Averell Forbes
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Beatrice Corbiell        Ms. June De Bernardo                          Ms. Henrietta Duenk
Mr. John F. Cordeau                          Ms. Anne de Jong                              Mr. Leslie and Mrs. Irene L. Duffield
Mrs. Sarah G. Cordel                         Mrs. Shirley C. De Long                       Mrs. Magdalena A. Duffield
Ms. Katherine A. Corkery                     Mr. Herman de Milliano                        Ms. Kathleen L. Duggan
Mrs. Audrey M. Cornfield                     Mrs. Proba L. De Neve                         Mrs. Kaethe Duggen
                                             Mrs. Renee Deabreu                            Mr. Robert L. Duhn
                                             Ms. Ingeborg Debre                            Duke of Cornwall Chapter I.O.D.E.
                                             Mr. John R. and Mrs. Cassandra DeCecco        Mr. Kevin Dumba and Ms. Patti MacIntosh

It's about the Donors - STARS Air Ambulance
Mrs. Elaine Dunbar                                Mr. Ken and Mrs. Sharon Eshpeter                  Ms. Crystal Hicken
Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Sharon Duncan                  Eskimo Steel Ltd.                            Foster’s Covered Wagons
Mr. M. Scott and Mrs. M. Jean Duncan              Mr. Murray and Mrs. Susan Eskrick            Mr. Henry Fournier and Ms. Roberta Brander
Dr. Neil F. and Mrs. Eleanor M. Duncan            Mr. Peter and Mrs. Mary Esposito             Mr. Ian H. and Mrs. Dorothy M. Fowler
Mr. Ross and Mrs. Karen Duncan                    Mr. Bert and Mrs. Ericka Esselink            Mr. Gordon G. and Mrs. Shirley A. Fox
Mr. John C. and Mrs. Betty M. Dungan              Mr. John and Mrs. Mabel Essery               Mrs. Shirley Fox
Dunington Ladies Group                            Mr. Alvin B. Etheridge                       Mr. Robert and Mrs. Margaret Fraleigh
Ms. Shirley Dunn                                  Mrs. Ann Eustace                             Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Faythe Frame
Mr. Melvelle J. Dunne                             Mr. Harold and Mrs. Lynn Evans               Framing and Art Centre
Mr. Ronald S. Dunne                               Mr. Jason and Mrs. Marni Evans               Mr. Allan and Mrs. Diane Frankiw
Mr. Reinhard Dunse                                Mr. Derek E. Evelyn                          Mr. Archie Fraser
Dunvegan Snowmobile Club                          Mr. Norman W. Evens                          Honourable Brian H. and Mrs. Lorraine Fraser
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Maxine Durand                Evergreen Energy Tank Rentals Ltd.           Mr. Douglas E. and Mrs. Helen Fraser
Mrs. Helen V. Durksen                             F. P. Mannix                                 Mr. Percy W. and Mrs. Isabelle Fraser
Mr. Ian and Mrs. Linda Duthie                     Mrs. Eileen Fairbrother                      Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Aux #2102
Mr. Daniel B. and Mrs. Patricia D. Dyck           Fairmont Hot Springs Resort                  Ms. Susan Frebrowski
Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Mary Dyck                     Mrs. Edith Falck                             Mr. James E. and Mrs. Judy Freer
Mr. John and Mrs. Gisela Dyck                     Ms. Adrian A. Fankhanel                      Freson Bros. IGA
Mr. Robert C. and Mrs. Margaret Dyer              Mr. Donald B. and                            Mr. Rolf J. Freund
Mr. James and Mrs. Magda Dykstra                       Mrs. Kathryn A. Farquharson             Mrs. Kathleen E. Frew
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Lynn Dyson                      Mrs. Dorothy E. Farrell                      Mrs. Doreen Frey
E Construction Ltd.                               Miss Dora Faryna                             Ms. Lori Friedrichs
Eaglesham Royal Purple #318                       Mrs. Tina Fasoli                             Mr. Robert and Mrs. Audrey Frizzell
Earth & Iron Inc.                                 Ms. Roberta J. Fath                          Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Donna Froese
East Athabasca History Book Society               Ms. Sheryl Faulkner                          Frontier Engineering & Consulting Ltd.
East County 4H Achievement Day                    Mrs. Barbara C. Fech                         Mr. Larry N. Frost
East Raymond Farming Co. Ltd.                     Mr. Ben and Mrs. Maxine Fecho                Mrs. Emmeline Fuhrhop
Mr. Garnet B. Eastcott                            Mr. John and Mrs. Irene Feddema              Mr. Stanley W. Fullerton
ECCO Supply                                       Mr. Rae L. Fehr                              Ms. Shirley A. Fulmer
Mr. William Eckert                                Mr. Douglas Fenske                           Fultonvale and District Lions Club
Mrs. Melba Eckstrand                              Miss Marguerite L. Feradi                    Fun Country Riding Club of Strathmore
Mr. William G. and Mrs. Jill Edgar                Fern Leaf Rebekah Lodge No. 36               Mr. Donald F. and Mrs. Patricia C. Funk
Edmonton Area Council One Society                 Fernie Lions Club                            G. Scott Excavating Ltd.
Edmonton Community Foundation -                   Mr. Marcel Ferraris                          G.P. Flooring Ltd.
     Ernie Christman Fund                         Mr. Robert M. and Mrs. G.M. Ferris           G.W. Murray Ranches Ltd.
Edmonton Community Foundation -                   Mr. David Fesyk                              Mr. Erdman and Mrs. Ella M. Gabert
     Poole Family Fund                            Mrs. Lois A. Field                           Mr. Terrence C. and Mrs. Faith M. Gabert
Edmonton Public Schools -                         Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Katherine A. Field   Mr. C.C. and Mrs. A.L. Gahan
     Facilities Maintenance Staff                 Mr. Robert H. Field                          Ms. Margaret Gal
Edmonton Shooters Guild                           Fifth Avenue Club                            Mr. Daniel T. Gallagher and
Edmonton The City of Champions Lions Club         Mr. George F. Fink                                Mrs. Darlene E. Schwab
Ms. Corinne Edwards                               Mr. Brian Finnigan                           Ms. K. Patricia Gallagher
Ms. Monica Edwards                                First Choice Pipehandlers                    Mr. Kelly A. and Mrs. Lucy M. Gallagher
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Marina R. Edwards            First Impressions Sportswear & Cresting      Ms. Marie T. Gallant
Ms. Susan S. Edwards                              Mr. Charles Fischer and                      Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Susan T. Galloway
Eecol Electric Ltd.                                    Ms. Joanne Cuthbertson                  Mr. Gaile and Mrs. Kerri S. Gallup
Mr. Walter and Mrs. Linda Egli                    Miss Geraldine I. Fish                       Mr. Fraser Gamble
Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Agnes Eichelt                 Mr. James and Mrs. Yvonne Fisher             Garden-Williamson Resource Engineering Inc.
Mr. George Elaschuk                               Ms. Kaye Fisher                              Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Karen Garner
Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta     Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Jean Fisher             Mr. Norman E. and Mrs. Margaret Garrett
Mr. Robert N. Elfstedt                            Mr. Wilfred and Mrs. Norma Fisher            Mr. Pat and Mrs. Muriel Garrett
Elite Sportswear and Awards                       Mr. Harold and Mrs. Dora Fitz                Gary L. Biggs CA, CMA
Mr. Kenneth W. and Mrs. Lorraine J. Elke          Mr. Ronald A. Fiveland                       Mr. Joe Gascon and Ms. Tracey Biluk
Elkford Lions Club                                Mr. Dennis G. and Mrs. Donna Flanagan        Ms. Margaret Gates
Elkton Willing Workers                            Mrs. Evelyn J. Flanagan                      Ms. Chelsea Gauf
Mrs. Frances Elliott                              Mr. Scott Fleischhacker                      Mrs. Ann Geiger
Mr. Len Elliott and Mrs. Cindy L. White-Elliott   Fleishman-Hillard Canada                     Mrs. Beryl E. Gelinas
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Gwen Elliott                    Ms. Sher Fleming                             Mr. Robert Genereux
Dr. P. Davis and Mrs. Deborah A. Elliott          Mr. John Fletcher                            German Ladies Choir of Calgary
Mr. P. Nick and Mrs. Marilyn Elliott              Mr. Leslie and Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher       Gerry Robinson Oilfield Trucking Ltd.
Mrs. Betty Ellis                                  Ms. Lillian Fletcher                         Mr. Ricardo and Mrs. Elizabeth Giammarino
Mr. Gilbert J. and Mrs. Wendy L. Ellis            Flint Field Services Ltd.                    Mr. Ainsley and Mrs. Mae Gibson
Elson’s Proactive Safety Services Ltd.            Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Sylvia Flood            Mr. Fred Gibson
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Estela Elvin                  Mr. Douglas M. Flowers                       Dr. Peter and Mrs. Jean Gibson
Mr. Frederick G. and Mrs. Florence Embury         Flying Bear Energy Ltd.                      Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Lynne Gibson
Enerchem International Inc.                       Mr. Stan and Mrs. Mary Fockner               Ms. Shirley I. Gifford
EnerMark Inc.                                     Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Lorraine Foesier         Mr. Julien L. and Mrs. Patty Gignac
Enersul Inc.                                      Mr. Warren and Mrs. Barbara Fonteyne         Mr. Robert D. Gilchrist and
Mr. Howard C. and Mrs. Ann Enes                   Foothills 4-H Sheep Club                          Mrs. Deborah M. Wheeler-Gilchrist
Mrs. Lesley C. Engbloom                           Foothills Lions Club                         Mr. B. Ross and Mrs. Elizabeth Giles
Engineered Air - Resman Community Services        Foothills United Church Women                Mr. Howard B. and Mrs. Winnie Giles
Mr. Rommel L. and Mrs. Nancy K. Engler            Mr. Alex F. Forbes                           Mr. Pat and Mrs. Marilyn Gilker
Mr. Norman and Mrs. Joan Engman                   Forestburg Lions Club                        Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Roxanne Gill
Mrs. Lois C. Ennis                                Mr. W. M. Forfylow                           Mrs. Angelique Gillespie
Mrs. Anne Epp                                     Formula Powell LP                            Mr. Delbert and Mrs. Eleanor Gillespie
Mr. Harvie Erdmann                                Mr. George T. and Mrs. Marjorie Forsyth      Mr. Donald C. and Mrs. Lois E. Gillespie
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Martha Erechuk                Mr. Jody W. Forsyth and                      Mr. Donald and Mrs. Marilyn Gillies
Mr. Alfred and Mrs. Jean Erichsen                      Mrs. Wilma J. Quan-Forsyth              Mrs. Anne Gillin
Mr. Howard Erickson                               Fort Macleod Curling Club                    Gimlet Socialite Ladies Club
Mrs. Marilyn Ermter                               Fort Macleod Fire Brigade                    Mr. Edward Giraldeau
Mr. George Eros                                   Fort MacLeod Lodge Residents                 Mrs. Mary Glancey
Mr. Elmer and Mrs. Joanne Esau                         Pioneer Fellowship                      Mr. Andrew Glasel
Mrs. Mabel C. and Mr. Edward Eschak               Mr. Jean-Francois Fortin and                 Mr. Dale W. and Mr. Brenda Glass

Mr. Donald J. and Mrs. Mary J. Glass          Mr. Keith Haigh                           Mr. Albert and Mrs. Noreen Hess
Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Linda Glenfield       Ms. Dianne Haight                         Mr. Antonius J. and Mrs. Johanna A. Heuver
Global Impact                                 Mr. Elvin and Mrs. Dorothy Haller         Dr. Heydenrych
Global Petroleum Marketing Inc.               Mr. Keith Halstead                        Mr. Ken Heywood
Ms. Jeanette Glockner                         Mr. Lloyd Halstead                        Mr. Ray D. and Mrs. Donna L. Hickle
Mr. Al and Mrs. Pat Glover                    Halvor Moxness Trucking Ltd.              High Country Properties
Mr. Hakan and Mrs. Judy Gnarpe                Mrs. Barbara L. Ham                       Highridge & District Agricultural Society
Mr. Ernest R. and Mrs. Jacquline Goddard      Mr. J. Roger and Mrs. Lynda Hamilton      Highwood Lions Club
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Sharon Goddard               Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kathleen Hamilton     Mr. John A. and Mrs. Margaret M. Hilborn
Mr. J.M. Godfrey & Ms. J.G. Snyder            Mr. Ben L. and Mrs. Mary L. Hammer        Mr. Dale Hildebrand
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Carol Goertz             Mr. Gordon J. and Mrs. Anita L. Hammer    Mrs. Mary V. Hildebrandt
Mr. Jay Goin and Mrs. Gaie C. Siler-Goin      Mr. Andy Hamoline                         Mr. Gerald R. and Mrs. Sandra Hilderman
Golden Acre Garden Sentres Ltd.               Mrs. Joy Hampshire                        Hill & Knowlton Canada
Mr. Donald Golden                             Mr. Safronie and Mrs. Jean Hanas          Mr. Brian and Mrs. Bonnie Hill
Goliath Snubbing Ltd.                         Hans Valen Painting & Decorating          Mr. Jesse Hill
Mr. Ian Golightly                             Mrs. Betty J. Hansen                      Mr. W. and Mrs. Noreen Hill
Mr. Bruce L. and Mrs. Eveline Goodall         Mr. Jim and Mrs. Sheran Hansen            Mr. Robert H. and Mrs. Dorothy-Jean Hiller
Goodmen Roofing Ltd.                          Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Pearl Hansen          Mr. Donald K. Hillier
Mr. Herb and Mrs. Maxine Goodwin              Happy Homesteaders Square Dance Club      Mr. Jay and Mrs. Sandra Hillman
Ms. Kathleen Gora                             Mr. Eric Harbinson                        Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Vivian Hills
Mr. Charles A. Gorveatt                       Mr. Sheldon Harbinson                     Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Betty Hilton
Mr. Alcide and Mrs. Teresa Goudreau           Ms. Frances Hargrave                      Mr. James A. Hinde
Mr. Ross Gourlay                              Mr. William R. and Mrs. Myrna Hargrave    Mr. Jack Hingley
Mr. Arie Gouw                                 Mr. Elmer and Mrs. Marilyn Harke          Mrs. Lois M. Hingley
Mr. Donald G. Gow and Ms. Lorna M. Earl       Mr. Ken and Mrs. Shelley Harke            Mr. Art and Mrs. Pat Hironaka
Mr. Phillip Gow                               Mr. William L. Harker                     Mr. Robert Hironaka
Mr. Brian D. and Mrs. Valerie Graf            Harmattan Community Centre                Ms. Maria Hitchen
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Irene Graham             Mr. John Harms                            Hi-Way 9 Express
Mr. Ronald D. and Mrs. B. Ellen Graham        Dr. John R. and Mrs. M. Lois Harms        Mr. Chun W. and Mrs. Clarinda C. Ho
Grand Saddlery & Western Wear                 Mr. David and Mrs. Tracy Harrigan         Mr. David C. Hochman
Grande Prairie Lions Club                     Mr. Robert Harriman                       Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Terry Hockett
     Consolidation Account                    Mr. R.E. and Mrs. B.J. Harris             Mrs. Ella M. Hockley
Grande Prairie River Rats Ass’n               Mr. Winston and Mrs. Margaret Harris      Hodge Bros. Trucking Ltd.
Graniteworx Inc.                              Mrs. Laura D. Harrison                    Mr. Brent and Mrs. Ellen Hodgins
Ms. Gwen J. Grant                             Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Cheryl Harrison        Mr. Barry and Mrs. Fay Hodson
Mr. John Grant                                Ms. Lori Hart                             Ms. Clementine Hoffert
Ms. Ida Grauer                                Mr. John B. and Mrs. Margaret E. Harty    Mr. Robert N. Hoffner
Mrs. Audrey Graveland                         Dr. Robert and Mrs. Barbara Haslam        Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Mr. Donald M. Graves                          Hatch Ltd.                                Mrs. Betty Holland
Mr. James and Mrs. Yvonne Gravette            Mr. Gord M. Hauca                         Mr. David Hollenzer
Mr. Byron and Mrs. Gale M. Gray               Mr. Henry J. and Mrs. Mary Lou Hauck      Mrs. Polly Hollingsworth
Mr. James W. and Mrs. Rosa Gray               Mr. A.Ken M. Haugen                       Mrs. Joan Holm
Mr. Thomas A. Gray                            Mr. Jim and Mrs. Pete Haugen              Mr. John L. Holman
Mr. Tom and Mrs. Dawn Gray                    Mr. William and Mrs. Sandra Haun          Heywood Holmes
Mrs. Aimee Green                              Haven Management Ltd.                     Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Barbara Holmes
Mr. Gerald Green                              Mr. George Hawreliak                      Mr. James B. and Mrs. Delsie M. Holmes
Ms. Mabel I. Green                            Mr. Donald A. Hayes                       Dr. Bohdan and Dr. Eiltje Holowaychuk
Richard & Shearon Green                       Mr. Richard J. and Mrs. Sharon P. Hays    Holy Spirit Church Preservation Society
Mr. John F. Greenan                           Mr. William Hazlett                       Home Hardware, Invermere
Mr. Allan R. Greener                          Mrs. Betty Healy                          Homeglen Ladies Club
Mr. Kenneth L. Greenfield                     Mr. H. Keith and Mrs. Marilyn Healy       Mr. John L. and Mrs. Leni G. Honsaker
Miss Gloria Greenstein                        Mrs. Alma Heap                            Mr. Stanton K. and Mrs. Shirley B. Hooper
Mr. Arthur H. and Mrs. Kandice C. Grenville   Mr. Darryl F. and Mrs. J.E. Hearnden      Mr. Gordon G. and Mrs. Nancy L. Hoover
Mrs. Marjorie Grenville                       Mr. Patrick A. and Mrs. Elsie A. Hearne   Mr. Jack and Mrs. Margaret Hopkins
Mr. George Gretter                            Heart Heaven Residence Club               Mr. Norman F. and Mrs. Mildred E. Hoppins
Mr. Chris Griffith                            Heartbeat Productions                     Mrs. Leola M. Horner
Mr. John M. and Mrs. Laura E. Griffith        Heartland Stationers Ltd.                 Mr. Harold T. and Mrs. Lois M. Hornford
Griffith Land & Cattle Company                Hearts and Hands Quilter’s Guild          Mr. Steve Horrick
Mr. Murray W. and Mrs. Renee Griffiths        Heating Essentials                        Mr. Gardner D. and Mrs. Theresa Horton
Mr. Darren Grinde                             Miss Marie-Anne Hebert                    Ms. Lillian Horudko
Mr. Robert Wm. Grindley                       Mr. Adam S. Hedinger                      Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Lois Houcher
Grynn Contracting Ltd.                        Mr. John C. and Mrs. Linda M. Heffer      Mr. Edmund and Mrs. Judy Houchin
Mr. A.R. Grynoch                              Mr. Beat and Mrs. Therese Hegnauer        Mr. Newton and Mrs. Margaret Houston
GT’s Oilfield Hauling Inc.                    Heimtal Moravian Sunday School            Mr. Daryl W. Howard
Ms. Josie M. Gudani                           Mr. Dennis and Mrs. Elaine J. Helfer      Mr. John A. and Mrs. Noreen Howard
Mr. Armand and Mrs. Ella Guenette             Mrs. E. Estella Helfer                    Mr. Arthur L. and Mrs. Valerie D. Howes
Mr. Richard W. and Mrs. Simone T. Guerard     Mr. Nick and Mrs. Alice Helfrich          Mr. Brian and Mrs. Barbara J. Howes
Ms. Clara Guest                               Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Shirley Helmig         Mr. William E. Howlett
Mr. Don Gullason                              Mr. Vern and Mrs. Carol Hemeyer           Mr. Peter A. and Mrs. Marilyn F. Hritzuk
Mr. David G. and Mrs. Donna Gunderson         Mr. Herb H. and Mrs. Connie Hemsing       HSE Integrated Ltd.
Mr. Mel Gunderson                             Mr. R.A. and Mrs. Emily G. Hemstock       Mr. Don Hubble and Mrs. Kelly A. Barany
Mr. F.L. and Mrs. Etta Gundry-White           Mr. Herbert L. and Mrs. Julie Henderson   Mr. Richard J. Huddleston
Mrs. Anne Gunther                             Mr. Richard G. and Mrs. Terri Henderson   Mr. Alex and Mrs. Marguerite Hudec
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Carmen Gutsche              Mr. Marvin and Mrs. Iris Hengen           Ms. Elsa Huebner
Mr. David A. and Mrs. Deanna Guy              Mr. Don and Mrs. Barbara Hennel           Ms. Alice Huggard
Mr. M. Dale Guyett                            Ms. Andrea P. Henry                       Mr. Ed and Mrs. Ollie Hughes
Mr. Dieter and Mrs. Anna Haecker              Mrs. Mildred A. Henry                     Mr. R.E. and Mrs. M.J. Hummel
Mr. Hans and Mrs. Isabelle Haefliger          Mr. Doug L. Henschel                      Mrs. Kathleen Humphries
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Donna Hagel              Heritage Harley-Davidson Ltd.             Hungarian Veterans Association
Mr. Norman E. Hagel                           Heritage Insurance & Consulting Ltd.      Mrs. Mary E. Hunt
Mr. Kari and Mrs. May Hahmo                   Mr. Chris Herman                          Dr. George E. and Mrs. Edda Hunter
Hahn & Houle LLP                              Mrs. Carol A. Herron                      Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Karen Hunter
Mrs. Shiela Hahn                              Mr. Wiley and Mrs. Shirley Hertlein       Mr. Grant and Mrs. Leana Hunter

Ms. Margaret Hunter                            Mr. Harold and Mrs. Dorothy Johnston             Mr. Gregory S. and Mrs. Karen J. Klak
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Mary J. Hunter            Dr. Robert V. Johnston and Ms. Ingrid M. Vicas   Mr. John P. and Mrs. Irene H. Klassen
Mrs. Irma Hurlbert                             Mr. W. Ron and Mrs. Dorthea Johnston             Mr. Ken G. and Mrs. Deanna Klassen
Hussar Ladies Silver & Gold Committee          Mrs. Fay Johnstone                               Dr. Allan and Mrs. Patricia J. Klein
Ms. Marcia Huston                              Mr. Mark and Mrs. Debbie Johre                   Mr. George and Mrs. Dorothy Klein
Mr. Larry Hut                                  Dr. Donald and Mrs. M. Christina Jolly           Mr. Orval P. Klein
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Ruby Hutchinson              Mr. Paul Jonassen                                Mr. Albert Kloberdanz
Mr. Murray and Mrs. Karen M. Hutson            Mr. Derek S. Jones                               Mr. Michael Kluczny
Mr. James M. Hutton                            Mrs. Freda Jones                                 Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Carol Knauft
Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Wanda Hutton                Mr. Ian G. Jones                                 Mrs. Dorothy Knebel
HWD Construction Ltd.                          Mrs. Irene Jones                                 Mr. Kenneth C. and Mrs. Barb Knievel
Hydril Canadian Co. LP                         Mrs. June P. Jones                               Mr. Bruce W. and Mrs. Denise M. Knight
Mrs. Nadine Hymas                              Mr. Ken and Mrs. Ann Jones                       Mr. Edwin M. and Mrs. Barbara Knight
Mr. James B. Hyne                              Mr. Neil R. and Mrs. Patricia J. Jones           Knights of Columbus Council #4966
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kim Hynes                  Mr. Rex E. and Mrs. Erin Jones                   Knights of Columbus Council #8468
Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Winnifred Hyrve            Mr. Kenneth R. and Mrs. Corinne V. Jordan        Ms. Ellen Knodel
Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Barbara Iceton             Ms. Betty M. Jorsvick                            Mr. Augustin A. Knotek
Ms. E. Eleanor Iftody                          Mr. Wayne Joslin                                 Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Mei Li Ko
Ms. Gail Iler                                  K & S Oilfield Hauling                           Mr. David M. and Mrs. Debby Koch
Mrs. Eileen Ing                                K.I.K. Senior Citizens Club                      Mr. Murray F. and Mrs. Karey Koch
Inglewood Savings and Credit Union Limited     Mr. Fred Kaarsemaker                             Mr. Michael and Mrs. Sophie Kociuba
Dr. Grant Innes                                Mr. J. Dignus D. Kakebeeke                       Dr. Sandy Koe
Insituform Technologies Ltd.                   Mr. Jack and Mrs. Theresa Kalisvaart             KOKO Beach Home Resort Centre
Integrated Production Services Ltd.            Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Emilienne Kallal             Mr. Peter Kolodychuk
IPAC Services Social Club                      Mr. Carey Kamitomo                               Mr. Walter E. and Mrs. Eileen R. Komarnisky
Iron Horse Energy Services                     Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Elena Kanevski            Mr. Jeff Komishke
Ironhand Drilling Inc.                         Mr. Mike Karbovanec and Ms. Ellen L. Nielsen     Mr. Zenon P. Kondra and
Irricana 4-H Country Riders                    Mr. Mark Karpinski                                    Ms. Mary Jane Davies
Irricana Lions Club                            Kathyrn Community Association                    Mr. Irvine and Mrs. Maureen Koop
Mrs. Julia M. Irwin                            Mr. George and Mrs. Erna Kaye                    Mr. William Korver
Mr. Thomas R. and Mrs. Felicia Irwin           Mr. Carl and Mrs. Vivian Kazimiriw               Mr. Ted Kosteniuk
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Mary-Ann Isaac              Mrs. Josephine Kearney                           Mr. Allan and Mrs. Karen Kotanko
Mr. Garry J. Isbister                          Mr. John E. and Mrs. Katherine Keast             Mr. Henry Kotun
J. Douglas Bosch Professional Corporation      Mrs. Allison Keene                               Mr. Ross and Mrs. Esther Kovacs
Dr. Ted Jablonski and Ms. Monique Courcelles   Mr. Frederick E. Keith                           Ms. Catherine Koyanagi
Mr. Arthur J. and Mrs. Marilynn Jackson        Keller Construction Ltd.                         Ms. Linda K. Krause
Mr. Blaine and Mrs. Wendy Jackson              Mr. Arnold and Mrs. Margaret Kellgren            Mr. Edward S. Krebes
Mr. Earl and Mrs. Catalina Jackson             Ms. Laura D. Kells                               Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Valarie Krentz
Mr. Lyle and Mrs. Muriel Jackson               Mr. James B. and Mrs. Margaret R. Kelly          Mr. Donald W. and Mrs. Mildred I. Kroening
Ms. Maureen Jackson                            Mr. Dustin Kelm                                  Mrs. Barbara Kruger
Ms. Eileen Jacobsen                            Ms. W. Daunine Kemp                              Mr. Maurice and Mrs. Victoria Kruk
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Jadlowski           Mrs. Hilda M. Kendall                            Mr. Albert and Mrs. Violet Kruse
Jags Ventures Ltd.                             Mrs. Margaret Kennedy                            Mr. David A. Krywchuk
Mrs. Joan Jahns                                Mr. Clayton and Mrs. Luella Kennedy              Mr. Roy Kubica
Mr. W.J. and Mrs. M. Jalink                    Mr. Jim D. Kennedy                               Mr. John and Mrs. Jean Kubik
James River Willing Workers                    Ms. Colleen L. Kenny                             Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Janet Kuchinka
Mr. Robert N. and Mrs. Delores D. James        Mr. James H. and Mrs. Marilyn A. Kent            Ms. Marilyn Kuchuran
Mr. Wes W. and Mrs. Connie L. James            Mr. Albert A. and Mrs. Veronica Kenwood          Mr. David Kucy
Mr. R. Jandewerth                              Mr. Gerald Keown                                 Kudu Industries Inc.
Janet Horbacio Photography                     Mr. Donald and Mrs. Phyllis K. Kerrison          Mrs. Adeline M. Kuefler
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. LaDonna Janzen             Mr. Otto A. Kessler                              Mr. Grant and Mrs. Elaine Kuefler
Mrs. June Jasman                               Mr. Elmer and Mrs. Marian Kesterke               Mr. Larry and Mrs. Sharon Kuefler
Mrs. Ruby V. Jasman                            Mr. Herbert and Mrs. Diane Kesterke              Mrs. Rita Kuipers
Jeff Warawa Memorial Hockey Tournament         Ketchum Canada Inc. (Calgary Office)             Mr. H. William and Mrs. Ruth Kujat
Mr. Joseph J. and Mrs. Nancy M. Jeffray        Mr. Lennard and Mrs. Pat Kiesal                  Mrs. Ilaine Kummer
JEM Precision Ltd.                             Mr. August and Mrs. Celina Kieser                Mr. Christian and Mrs. Verena Kunz
Mr. Andrew K. and Mrs. Sandra Jenkins          Killam Baptist Church                            Mr. Tom Kurdziel
Mr. Alexander J. and Mrs. Mary-Ann Jensen      Killam Lions Club                                Mr. Tom and Mrs. Linda Kurek
Jensen Contract Flooring                       Killam Senior Citizens Society                   Mr. Henry Kurina
Mrs. Deborah Jensen                            Mr. Bob and Mrs. Louise Killeleagh               Mrs. Mary Kuropatwa
Mr. R. Jack Jensen                             Mrs. Dorothy Killips                             Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Marion Kvame
Mr. R. Keith and Mrs. Marlyn B. Jensen         Mr. Leo E. and Mrs. Gail H. Kilroe               Mr. Wayne Kwan
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Catherine Jensen          Ms. Nella Kimak                                  Ms. Janet Kwong
Mr. Wayne and Mrs. F. Elaine Jensen            Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Brenda Kimmitt              Mr. Klaus L. La Frenz
Mr. Victor and Mrs. Clara Jerke                Kin Club of Drayton Valley                       Mr. J. Allan and Mrs. Vesha M. LaBarre
Dr. Martin and Dr. Marian B. Jerry             Kinette Club of Edmonton                         Lac Bellevue & District Recreation &
Mrs. Beverly A. Jette                          Kinette Club of Edson                                 Ag. Society
Mrs. Connie L. Jewell                          Kinette Club of Leduc                            Lac Ste. Anne County
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Marcia Jewett                 Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Pam King                      Mr. Peter and Mrs. Kathy Lacey
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Dorothy Johanson            Mr. Paul and Mrs. Deborah Kingston               Mr. Paul Lacroix
Mrs. Marjorie J. Johnk                         Mr. James H. and Mrs. Alexandra Kinnear          Mr. Howard G. and Mrs. Eileen R. Ladd
Mr. Arno and Mrs. Doris Johnson                Mr. Duane and Mrs. Jane Kinnee                   Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion
Mrs. Avis Johnson                              Kinsella Recreation & Agriculture Society        Ladies Auxiliary To The Royal Canadian
Mr. Bill R. Johnson                            Kinsmen Club of Spruce Grove                          Legion Branch #108
Mr. Dale F. Johnson                            Kinsmen Club Of Stampede City                    Mr. James Lafleur
Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Marjorie Johnson            Kinsmen Club of Vulcan                           Mr. John A. and Mrs. Jean F. Laing
Mr. J. Alan and Mrs. Kathy J. Johnson          Mr. Cliff and Mrs. Olive Kippen                  Mr. Ian and Mrs. Alison Laird
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Kathy Johnson                 Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Jules Kirke                   Laird’s Spindle & Railing Inc.
Mr. Kevin Johnson and Mrs. Wendy Gardiner      Mr. William J. and Mrs. Barbara Kisby            Lakeland Homes Inc.
Dr. Marian E. Johnson                          Ms. Eva C. Kiss                                  Lakeland United Way Foundation
Ms. Myrna L. Johnson                           Mr. Rudy and Mrs. Regina Kiss                    Mr. Herbert and Mrs. Helen Lam
Mr. Ross J. Johnson                            Mr. Masayoshi and Mrs. Mitzi Kitagawa            Mr. Peter Lam
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Irene Johnston             Mr. Alan J. and Mrs. Rose M. Kittleson           Mr. Mario and Mrs. Elvira Lamacchia

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