M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association

Page created by Rita Reeves
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
S    T    A    N    F   O    R    D        T    R      A   V   E       L       /       S       T       U       D          Y

                                                               M A G N I F I C E N T M O U N TA I N S , L U M I N O U S
                                                               L AKES AND BOUNDLESS BE AUT Y

                                                               Ja nua r y 5 to 18, 2019

    a p rogra m of the sta nford alum ni association
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
I’ve done this myself—traveled
   the length of New Zealand’s North and
   South Islands. And it remains one of the
   most memorable trips of my travel career
   because of the many wonders of this stunning,
   spectacular country: its snowy alpine peaks,
   shimmering glaciers, steaming thermal pools,
   unusual plants and animals, lush rain forests
   and sophisticated cities. We’ve arranged a
   full array of local experiences that will show
   you a New Zealand few travelers see. Plus
   you’ll travel in the company of Stanford
   professor of geology Gail Mahood. I invite
   you to join us on a trip I promise you will
   never forget.


   T R A V E L the length of New        T R A V E R S E New            T A S T E some of New       M A R V E L at the dramatic
   Zealand as the country’s             Zealand’s majestic             Zealand’s internationally   sweep of mountains and
   diverse landscapes unfold            Southern Alps on               acclaimed wines in          sea as we sail across the
   around and beneath us,               the TranzAlpine train,         the Marlborough region      sparkling, deep-blue
   and enjoy a host of unique           considered one of the top      during a winery visit.      Milford Sound.
   local experiences.                   train journeys in the world.

M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Faculty Leader
                                              After taking her first geology course, Professor G A I L M A H O O D fell in love with the reasoning
                                              involved and the excuse it provided to get dirty, and went on to complete a BA and PhD in the
                                              subject. She joined the faculty at Stanford in 1979, where she has taught courses in introductory
                                              geology as well as in her specialties of volcanology, igneous petrology and geoarchaeology.
                                              Her favorite teaching experiences involve teaching in the field, including an intensive two-week
“Dr. Mahood went WAY
                                              summer class in Stanford’s Sophomore College on geologic hazards of California that involves
 beyond the role of
                                              a field trip to Mount Lassen volcano. Professor Mahood and her graduate students study the
faculty leader. She had                       eruptive histories of volcanoes in the U.S. that have given rise to large, explosive eruptions that
a pleasant and enthu-                         spread ash continent-wide. In addition to her teaching, she has held many administrative roles

siastic demeanor for                          at Stanford and has led four Travel/Study adventures to date. “I’ve come in contact with brilliant,
                                              interesting people who have enriched my life and whom I otherwise would not have met,” says
whatever we were doing,
                                              Professor Mahood, speaking of her Travel/Study trips.
while providing consider-
                                              During our time in New Zealand, Professor Mahood will lecture on the North Island’s hyper-active
able expertise on a lot
                                              volcanoes and geothermal energy; the origins of the sacred stone Pounamu; and the effects of
more than geology.”
                                              climate change on New Zealand’s ecosystem and glaciers.
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S       T        A         N        F     O      R       D           T      R       A      V      E      L      /      S      T      U      D       Y

SIGN UP ONLINE:             alumni.stanford.edu/trip?newzealand2019
OR BY PHONE:             (650) 725-1093

M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
          Ta s m a n                                                      Rotorua
               Sea                                                        NORTH ISLAND

                                       NEW ZEALAND
                                              Blenheim             Wellington
                  Greymouth                                        Marlborough Sounds
      Franz Josef Glacier
  Milford Sound
          Queenstown      SOUTH
                         ISLAND       Pacif
                                            ic Ocean
                                                                                                                            FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER

                                    Milford Sound. We return              terminal face of the glacier. TE    S U N DAY, JA N UA RY 13
                                    late in the day by coach to           WAONUI FOREST RETREAT (B,L,D)       CHRISTCHURCH /
                                    Te Anau for our short flight
                                                                          F R I DAY, JA N UA RY 11            This morning tour the Antarctic
                                    back to Queenstown. Dinner
S AT U R DAY TO M O N DAY,                                                FRANZ JOSEF /                       exhibition of the Caterbury
                                    this evening is at leisure.           GREYMOUTH /
JA N UA RY 5 TO 7                                                                                             Museum before boarding our
                                    HOTEL ST. MORITZ (B,L)                CHRISTCHURCH
DEPART U.S. /                                                                                                 Convair 580 to the northern
QUEENSTOWN,                                                               This morning continue our drive
NEW ZEALAND                         W E D N ES DAY, JA N UA RY 9                                              end of South Island, landing
                                                                          along the West Coast, stopping
Depart the U.S. on Saturday and     QUEENSTOWN /                                                              in Blenheim. With more than
                                                                          to enjoy a treetop walk among
fly across the international date
                                    FRANZ JOSEF                                                               70 wineries, various boutique
                                    This morning we begin our             temperate rain forest giants.
line en route to New Zealand.                                                                                 breweries, a world-class distillery,
                                    excursion up the “Wild West           Experience life with the birds,
Arrive in Queenstown on Monday                                                                                and an incredible selection
                                    Coast” of South Island, driving       high in the ancient rimu and
and transfer to our hotel. Take a                                                                             of cafes and restaurants,
                                    past Wanaka and the stunning          kamahi tree canopies. Drive
privately guided walking tour of                                                                              Marlborough is a “gourmet
                                    Hawea and Wanaka lakes before         on to Greymouth and take a
the nearby historic gold mining                                                                               paradise.” Upon arrival visit St.
                                    heading over Haast Pass. We           scenic train journey aboard the
town, Arrowtown. Spend time                                                                                   Clair, one of the area’s most
                                    continue our drive up to the jewel    TranzAlpine, its route rated as
this afternoon on a thrilling jet                                                                             renowned wineries, and enjoy
                                    in the crown of New Zealand’s         one of the top six train journeys
boat ride through the dramatic                                                                                a full wine experience. After
                                    scenic wonders—the magnificent        in the world. We travel from the
and narrow canyons on the                                                                                     lunch, visit the Omaka Aviation
                                    Lake Matheson, famous for its         West Coast across the Southern
famous Shotover River. Enjoy                                                                                  Heritage Centre, which houses a
                                    reflections of New Zealand’s          Alps to Christchurch on the East
our welcome reception and                                                                                     display like no other. This evening
                                    highest peaks, Mount Cook and         Coast. THE GEORGE (B,L)
dinner this evening at our hotel.                                                                             enjoy dinner at leisure. CHATEAU
                                    Mount Tasman, then continue on                                            MARLBOROUGH (B,L)
                                                                          S AT U R DAY, JA N UA RY 12
                                    toward Franz Josef Glacier. Stay      CHRISTCHURCH
                                    this evening in the nearby small                                          M O N DAY, JA N UA RY 14
T U ES DAY, JA N UA RY 8                                                  This morning, enjoy a brief coach   BLENHEIM /
QUEENSTOWN /                        town of Franz Josef. TE WAONUI        tour of Christchurch, and see       MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS
MILFORD SOUND                       FOREST RETREAT (B,L,D)
                                                                          firsthand some of the areas         This morning depart for a private
No trip to New Zealand is
                                    T H U R S DAY, JA N UA RY 10
                                                                          affected by the devastating         tour of a farm to observe a
complete without visiting Milford
                                    FRANZ JOSEF                           earthquake in 2011. Then enjoy      wool shearing demonstration,
Sound, often described as the
                                    This morning, weather                 the time-honored tradition of       watch sheep being worked by
“eighth wonder of the world.”
                                    permitting, take an optional          slowly punting down the Avon        farm dogs, and learn about
This morning experience the
                                    helicopter flightseeing tour at       River. Afterwards, walk through     New Zealand’s agriculture and
most dramatic scenery New
                                    additional cost, of the glacier and   the local Botanic Gardens           its role in the local and global
Zealand has to offer. Our day
                                    the surrounding area. Following       followed by a self-guided tour      economy. This afternoon
begins with a flight out of
                                    lunch, go on a walk through a         of Quake City. The remainder        enjoy an independent lunch in
Queenstown to Te Anau. We
                                    regenerating rain forest and a        of the afternoon is at leisure      the town of Picton. Later this
then take a scenic drive up the
                                    glacier valley on our way to the      before reconvening this evening     afternoon continue to cruise the
Milford Road admiring the sights
                                    foot of Franz Josef Glacier, where    for dinner at a local restaurant.   Marlborough Sounds, during
along the way, boarding a launch
                                    we’ll view the rapidly changing       THE GEORGE (B,D)                    which we visit a Greenshell
and cruising the full length of
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association

                                                                       Optional Extensions
    Mussel aquafarm and learn        inhabitants of this ancient
    about the importance of this     Maori Village still live today.
    local export. This evening       Bid farewell to Rotorua in
    enjoy dinner at a local          the late afternoon as we
    restaurant. CHATEAU              board our flight for Auckland.    JA N UA RY 3 TO 7                      JA N UA RY 18 TO 20
                                                                       PRE-TRIP EXTENSION                     POST-TRIP EXTENSION
                                                                       TO QUEENSTOWN                          TO AUCKLAND

    T U ES DAY, JA N UA RY 15        T H U R S DAY, JA N UA RY 17
                                                                       Begin a few days before the start of   Enjoy two additional days exploring
    BLENHEIM /                       AUCKLAND                          our main program in Queenstown,        two of the more scenic and pleasant
    WELLINGTON /                     This morning visit the            the “adventure capital” of New         islands surrounding Auckland. Cruise
                                     Auckland War Memorial             Zealand. Enjoy a privately guided      across the harbor and experience
    Depart South Island and
                                     Museum to view the most           visit to the Kiwi Birdlife Park,       the arts, foods and wine of Waiheke
    fly to the nation’s capital,
                                     extensive collection of Maori     devoted to helping conserve New        Island during a full-day excursion.
    Wellington, on the southern
                                     artifacts in the world. This      Zealand’s native fauna through         The following day, walk in the pris-
    end of North Island. Visit
                                     is a quiet place of reflection
    “The Beehive” Parliament                                           advocacy, captive breeding and         tine natural forests of Tiritiri Matangi
                                     where key symbols that link
    Building to learn about New                                        rehabilitation. The park houses        Island.
                                     the land and the spiritual past
    Zealand government and the                                         a number of protected species,
                                     of the indigenous Maori to
    innovative technology used                                         including the elusive Kiwi. Spend      Additional details and pricing for
                                     the present culture can be
    to “quake-proof” the city’s                                        a morning exploring the rugged         both extensions will be sent to
                                     found. After lunch, walk to the
    historic buildings. Continue                                       area around Queenstown in Range        confirmed participants.
                                     Maritime Museum to discover
    to Te Papa National Museum
                                     New Zealand’s seafaring           Rovers, accessing gorgeous views.
    of New Zealand for a privately
                                     history. Tonight celebrate
    guided tour. Enjoy time at
                                     our adventure at a farewell
    leisure exploring more of                                          QUEENSTOWN
                                     cocktail reception and dinner.
    the museum before flying to      STAMFORD PLAZA AUCKLAND
    New Zealand’s Geothermal         (B,L,D)
    Region, Rotorua. MILLENNIUM
    ROTORUA (B)                      F R I DAY, JA N UA RY 18
                                     AUCKLAND / U.S.
    W E D N ES DAY, JA N UA RY 16    Enjoy the morning at leisure.
                                     This afternoon board
    This morning take a guided       homeward-bound flights,
    tour of Te Puia, a place of      crossing the international date
    gushing waters, steaming         line en route and arriving in
    vents, boiling mud and           the U.S. on the same day. (B)
    spectacular geysers. Our
    local Maori hosts lead
    us on a privately guided
    tour of Ohinemutu, where
    descendants of the original
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association


   Our Private Convair 580 Jet-prop
   Flying by private plane is safe,   a well-appointed, spacious,
   comfortable and convenient.        passenger aircraft seating up
   Because our plane is able to       to 46 people and featuring
   land at nearly every airport in    leather seats with ample leg
   New Zealand, we can enjoy a        room. Pressurized and fully air-
   maximum amount of time at          conditioned, the Convair 580
   our destinations since ground      is equipped with a full-service
   support and waiting times are      galley, and professionally
                                                                          PLEASE NOTE: During our flights within
   kept to an absolute minimum.       trained flight attendants provide   New Zealand aboard the Convair 580,
   Our Convair 580 jet-prop is        personalized in-flight service.     there is a strict luggage limit per person
                                                                          of 45 pounds for one checked bag and
                                                                          10 pounds for one carry-on bag.
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
Information                                                         Terms & Conditions
DATES                                                               Deposit & Final Payment                      Responsibility
January 5 to 18, 2019 (14 days)                                     A $1,000 deposit is required to              The Stanford Alumni Association,
                                                                    reserve space for the New Zealand            Stanford University and our
SIZE                                                                program. A $200-per-person deposit           operators act only as agents
This program can accommodate 42 participants. Single                is required to reserve space for each        for the passenger with respect
                                                                    of the optional pre- and post-trip           to transportation and exercise every
accommodations are limited; please call for availability.
                                                                    extensions. Sign up online at alumni.        care possible in doing so. However,
COST*                                                               stanford.edu/trip?newzealand2019             we can assume no liability for
                                                                    or call the Travel/Study office at           injury, damage, loss, accident,
$10,595 per person, double occupancy
                                                                    (650) 725-1093. Final payment is             delay or irregularity in connection
$12,595 per person, single occupancy                                due 120 days prior to departure.             with the service of any automobile,
*Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers add $300 per person         As a condition of participation, all         motor coach, launch or any other
                                                                    confirmed participants are required          conveyance used in carrying
INCLUDED                                                            to sign a Release of Liability.              out this program or for the acts
11 nights of deluxe hotel accommodations 11 breakfasts,                                                          or defaults of any company or
8 lunches, 6 dinners Welcome and farewell cocktail recep-           Cancellations & Refunds                      person engaged in conveying the
tions All tours and excursions as described in the itinerary        Deposits and any payments are                passenger or in carrying out the
Four internal flights in New Zealand aboard a privately chartered   refundable, less a $500-per-                 arrangements of the program. We
Convair 580 aircraft, with baggage handling of one checked          person cancellation fee, until 120           cannot accept any responsibility for
                                                                    days prior to departure. After that          losses or additional expenses due
bag (not to exceed 45 pounds) and one carry-on bag (not to
                                                                    date, refunds can be made only               to delay or changes in air or other
exceed 10 pounds) Light aircraft flight between Queenstown          if the program is sold out and               services, sickness, weather, strike,
and Te Anau on 1/8 Services of the Convair 580 flight crew          your place(s) can be resold, in              war, quarantine, force majeure or
   Gratuities to porters, guides, drivers and plane crew for all    which case a $1,000-per-person               other causes beyond our control.
group activities Transfers and baggage handling on arrival and      cancellation fee will apply.                 All such losses or expenses will
departure days Airport fees and embarkation taxes on charter                                                     have to be borne by the passenger
                                                                    Insurance                                    as tour rates provide arrangements
flights Minimal medical, accident and evacuation insurance
                                                                    Stanford Travel/Study provides               only for the time stated. We reserve
   Educational program with lecture series and pre-departure        all travelers who are U.S. or                the right to make such alterations
materials, including recommended reading list, a selected book,     Canadian citizens with minimal               to this published itinerary as may
map and travel information Services of our professional tour        medical, accident and evacuation             be deemed necessary. The right
manager to assist you throughout the program                        coverage under our group-travel              is reserved to cancel any program
                                                                    insurance policy. Our group policy           prior to departure in which case
NOT INCLUDED                                                        is intended to provide minimal               the entire payment will be refunded
International and U.S. domestic airfare Passport and visa           levels of protection while you are           without further obligation on our
fees Immunization costs Meals and beverages other than              traveling on this program. You may           part. The right is also reserved
those specified as included Independent and private trans-          choose to subscribe to optional              to decline to accept or retain
                                                                    trip-cancellation and baggage                any person as a member of the
fers Trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insurance
                                                                    insurance. Information will be               program. No refund will be made
Personal items such as internet access, telephone and fax calls,    provided to travelers with their             for an unused portion of any tour
laundry and gratuities for nongroup services                        welcome materials. The product               unless arrangements are made in
                                                                    offered includes special benefits            sufficient time to avoid penalties.
AIR ARRANGEMENTS                                                    if you purchase your policy within           Baggage is carried at the owner’s
You are responsible for booking and purchasing airfare to the       14 days of written confirmation of           risk entirely. The airlines concerned
start location and from the end location of the program. These      your participation on the trip.              are not to be held responsible for
air purchases are NOT included in the program cost. To assist                                                    any act, omission or event during
you in making these independent arrangements, we will send          Eligibility                                  the time that passengers are not on
                                                                    We encourage membership in the               board their plane or conveyance.
you information on when to arrive and depart with your confir-
                                                                    Stanford Alumni Association as               Neither the Stanford Alumni
mation materials.                                                   the program cost for nonmembers              Association, Stanford University
                                                                    is $300 more than the members’               nor our operators accept liability for
                                                                    price. A person traveling as a paid          any carrier’s cancellation penalty
We consider this program to be moderately active, physically        guest of a current member will               incurred by the purchase of a
demanding at times and busy with several early-morning depar-       not be charged the nonmember                 nonrefundable ticket in connection
tures. Daily programs involve one to three miles of walking, with   fee. To purchase a membership,               with the tour. Program price is
sometimes uneven hilly terrain, such as that found at Franz Josef   visit alumni.stanford.edu/goto/              based on rates in effect in March
Glacier and Waiheke Island. Participants must be physically fit,    membership or call (650) 725-0692.           2018 and is subject to change
active and in good health. Temperatures in January average in                                                    without notice to reflect fluctuations
                                                                                                                 in exchange rates, tariffs or fuel
the 60s (°F) with moderate precipitation. We welcome travelers
15 years of age and older on this program.

                                                                    California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50

                                                                            © COPYRIGHT 2018 STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                                            PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED PAPER IN THE U.S.
                                                                            PHOTOS: MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS, ©DAVID WALL/ALAMY; NEW ZEALAND
                                                                            TRAFFIC JAM, WAIHEKE SCULPTURE PARK AND JACKET, LESLIE KIM
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Travel/Study                             Nonprofit Org.
                                                                Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center                U.S. Postage
                                                                326 Galvez Street                                    PAID
                                                                Stanford, CA 94305-6105                          Stanford Alumni
 M A G N I F I C E N T M O U N TA I N S , L U M I N O U S
                                                                (650) 725-1093                                     Association

 Ja nu a r y 5 to 18, 2019


“New Zealand is an amazing place visually and socially.
 The use of the small plane made it so much easier to see
 more and do more. No wonder it sells out year after year.”
A N N D E T T W I L E R , N E W Z E A L A N D B Y P R I VAT E A I R , 2 015

S        T        A        N        F        O         R    D   T    R      A      V     E      L    /   S   T   U     D      Y
M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association M AG NIF ICEN T MOU N TA INS, LUMINOUS - Januar y 5 to 18, 2019 a program of the stanford alumni association
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