Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...

Page created by Jorge Ellis
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Trekking in Southern
New Zealand
Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler

January 17th to 28th, 2020      Trip # 2006

1                              AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
The islands of New Zealand lie 1,400 miles off the south-eastern          Contents
coast of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. The Maori people have
                                                                          About New Zealand..................2
called the islands home for over 1,000 years and their culture is a
core part of New Zealand’s national identity. European explorers          Trip Itinerary................................4
arrived in the late 1600s and the Treaty of Waitangi made New             Trip Logistics...............................9
Zealand a British colony in 1860. The country became fully inde-
                                                                          The Fine Print............................10
pendent in 1947. Today, New Zealand is similar in size to Great
Britain or Japan, but with a population of only 4 million vast            Packing List................................11
tracks of land have been left untouched.
                                                                          About Us....................................13
The North Island is sub tropical and dotted with farmland, smaller
mountain, and the central Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic
and thermal area. The South Island is dominated by the massive
Southern Alps, which form a spine running along the length
of the island. The foothills of the mountains are lush temperate
rainforests, while farther to the east is vast, flat Canterbury Plains.

New Zealand is home to the largest national park system in the
southern hemisphere, and has preserved a third of its landscape           Above: View towards the Routeburn
                                                                          © Reji James, 2017
as parks or wilderness areas. There is no better way to explore
the rugged mountains and stunning coastline than by tramping              Cover: Trekking in Fjordland
(aka hiking).                                                             © Elizabeth Ryan, 2017

2                                                                                         AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Early summer weather in New Zealand is moderate, with day
time temperatures around 18oC (64oF) and night time lows
around 7oC (44oF). Weather on the South Island is unpredictable.
Although it will be summer, you should expect cooler tempera-
tures and lots of precipitation. Milford Sound in Fiordland
National Park, receives a mean annual rainfall of 6,412 mm (252
in / 21 ft) each year, making it one of the wettest spots in the
world. Queenstown and Te Anau are nestled in the foothills of
the Southern Alps at the southern tip of New Zealand and have a
more moderate and rainy climate. If you plan to spend more time
in Nelson or father north in Auckland you will be able to enjoy
New Zealand’s sub-tropical weather.

3                                                                  AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Trip Itinerary
The Trip
This multi-day trip will include a day hike (near   handed out. So please ensure that you have
Queenstown) and six days of hut to hut trekking     enough space to carry your individual dinners
on the South Island. This includes tramping         (dehydrated meals) and some group food. Also,
along an extensive track-and-hut system in          you will have to bring your utensils and cups.
Fiordland and Mt. Aspiring National Parks (the
                                                    3) Since this trip is geared towards the outdoors
Routeburn and Kepler Tracks). You will also have
                                                    adventurer, the accommodations reflect this.
some free time to explore Queenstown and
                                                    We will be staying in backpacker hostels and
Te Anau.
                                                    backcountry huts, which allows us to keep the
This trip is very physical and will involve many    trip affordable yet comfortable. The backcountry
days hiking. While there are small breaks in be-    huts on the Routeburn and Kepler Tracks are
tween, most of the time you will be “out there.”    beautiful and clean, and they rank as some of
                                                    the nicest backcountry facilities in the world.
1) You should have at least intermediate to         In Queenstown and Te Anau we plan to stay in
advanced backpacking (or hut-to-hut) skills. You    YHA hostels.
will be required to carry all of your hiking and
overnight gear yourself while on the trail. There   On the following pages you will find a detailed
will not be any luggage transfer hut to hut (a      itinerary and brief descriptions of the tracks
front country transfer is provided). For more       that we will explore during the trip. If permits
specific information about the kind of experi-      for the tracks cannot be obtained for the dates
ence we are looking for, please read the            requested we will change the order in which we
“Experience and Risks” section below.               do the tracks or substitute another track.
                                                    Participants should plan accordingly.
2) You will be planning your own lunches. Leaders
will purchase group breakfast and dinner. Prior     Above: Ben Lomond
to getting on the trail, the group food will be     © Reji James, 2017

4                                                                               AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Detailed Itinerary                 Routeburn Track. Our luggage      Day 9 – Sat, January 25th
                                   will be sent along to Te Anau.    We will depart Te Anau and
Conditions may require us to
                                   We follow the Track from to       transfer to the start of the
alter these plans.
                                   Routeburn Falls Hut where we      Kepler Track. Departing from
Day 1 – Fri, January 17th          will spend the night.             Brod Bay, we have a steep
                                   Included meals: Breakfast and     climb to Luxmore hut where
Depart the United States for       Dinner
New Zealand.                                                         we will spend the night.
Included meals: none                                                 Included meals: Breakfast and
                                   Day 6 – Wed, January 22th
Day 2 – Sat, January 18th          We will continue the Track,
                                   hiking to our next overnight at   Day 10 – Sun, January 26th
Day lost crossing the              Lake Mackenzie hut. On this
International Date Line.                                             We continue the Kepler Track,
                                   day we hike over the Harris       hiking along one of the more
                                   Saddle, the high point on the     strenuous segments of our trip
Day 3 – Sun, January 19th
                                   track.                            over the height of the track
Arrival in Auckland and domestic   Included meals: Breakfast and     and down to Iris Burn Hut.
flight to Queenstown. Transfer     Dinner                            Included meals: Breakfast and
by bus from the airport to the
hostel. Check into the back-       Day 7 – Thurs, January 23rd
packer’s hostel and take some      We will complete the Track,       Day 11 – Mon, January 27th
time to rest, prepare for the      hiking to The Divide. From
hikes and explore the city.                                          From Iris Burn we descend
                                   there we will transfer by bus     from the alpine environment to
Group dinner in the evening to     to Te Anau, check into the
formally start our trip.                                             the wetlands along the Waiau
                                   Backpacker’s Hostel, and          River to reach our transfer
Included meals: Dinner             retrieve our luggage. Included    point at Rainbow Reach. We
                                   meals: Breakfast and Dinner       will check back in to the same
Day 4 – Mon, January 20th
                                                                     Backpacker’s Hostel in Te Anau
Day hike to Ben Lomond, on         Day 8 – Fri, January 24th
                                                                     and enjoy a final group dinner
the outskirts of Queenstown.       We will have a relaxing day       together in town.
Weather permitting, the slopes     off the trail to recharge and     Included meals: Breakfast and
of Ben Lomond will afford us       enjoy the spectacular Milford     Dinner
views of Queenstown and the        Sounds. Weather permitting,
surrounding countryside. Re-       we’ll take a boat cruise along    Day 12 – Tues, January 28th
turn to the backpacker’s hostel    the lake and learn about the
to complete preparations for                                         Transfer to Queenstown by
                                   geological and ecological         bus for return flights. Most
the first trek.                    wonder that is Fjordland
Included meals: Breakfast and                                        flights go through Auckland
                                   National Park. We spend the       before traveling on to the
Dinner.                            night in Te Anau and prepare      United States. Depending on
                                   to head out on the Kepler         your flight, it may take another
Day 5 – Tues, January 21st
                                   Track.                            day to reach the East Coast.
Check out of the hostel and        Included meals: Breakfast and     Included meals: Breakfast in
transfer to the start of the       Dinner                            Te Anau

5                                                                               AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Included in the Trip Cost

• Accommodations in Queenstown and Te Anau          • Hut and backcountry permits
• Most breakfasts and dinners, as outlined in the   • AMC major excursion fee
  trip itinerary
                                                      Personal expenses, including lunch and snacks
• Transfers to and from Queenstown airport            on the trail, are NOT included. You should
                                                      estimate about US $200 for additional meals.
• Ground transportation for all group activites
• Luggage transfer from Queenstown to Te Anau         If you have any questions, please contact the
• Milford Sound boat cruise (and bus transfer)

  6                                                                            AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Routeburn Track
                                     The Routeburn, one of NZ’s best-known tracks, is a moderate 24
                                     mile hike over the Southern Alps’ Main Divide, linking Mt Aspir-
                                     ing and Fiord¬land National Parks. The track winds through thick
                                     rainforest, where red, mountain and silver beech form the cano-
                                     py, while ferns, mosses and fungi cover everything below. Tra-
                                     verses of alpine sections reward hikers with spectacular views of
                                     Martins Bay, Hollyford Valley and the Eglin¬ton and Greenstone
                                     River Valleys. Before Europeans arrived, Maori used to frequent
                                     this route in search of greenstone, which they used for weapons
                                     and tools. There is a rich diversity of birdlife along the track with
                                     Riflemen, Bellbirds, Robins, Yellow Crowned Parakeets and many
                                     others in the brush, while in the sub-alpine zone you are likely to
                                     see rock wrens, New Zealand falcons and the mischievous moun-
                                     tain parrot, the kea.

                                     Day 1 Hike from Routeburn Falls Hut to Routeburn Shelter
                                     6.2 mi, 1600ft gain, approximately 4 hours, moderately difficult
                                     Day 2 Hike from Routeburn Falls to Lake Mackenzie Hut
                                     7 mi, 1500ft gain, approximately 6 hours, strenuous
                                     Day 3 Hike from Mackenzie Hut to The Divide
                                     7 mi, approximately 4.5 hours, moderately difficult

Previous: Beech Forest, Fjordland,
New Zealand
© Elizabeth Ryan, 2017

Above: Mackenzie Hut
© Life at B, 2014

Right: Routeburn Track map
© New Zealand Walks, 2018

7                                                                                   AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Kepler Track
The Kepler Track is an adventure in one of New Zealand’s
finest alpine regions. A challenging climb from the shores of Te
Anau bring us above treeline on our first day. From there, hikers
are treated to tussock-covered ridgelines and panoramic views
across the south fiord of Lake Te Anau to the Murchison
Mountains. Descend through a gorge and lowland beech and
podocarp forest, to reach the shore of Lake Manapouri. The
track continues down through a unique and fragile wetland
before following the Waiau River to the end at Rainbow Reach.       Above: Luxmore Hut
                                                                    © Reji James, 2017
Day 1 Hike from Brod Bay to Luxmore Hut.
                                                                    Below: Kepler Track map and
5 mi, 2600ft gain, approximately 6 hours, strenuous
                                                                    elevation profile
Day 2 Hike from Luxmore Hut to Iris Burn Hut.                       © New Zealand Walks, 2018

9 mi, 1200ft gain, 2600ft loss, approximately 7 hours, strenuous

Day 3 Hike from Iris Burn Hut to Rainbow Reach.
13 mi, 1200ft loss, approximately 8 hours, moderate

8                                                                               AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Trip Logistics
Flights                                              Along the tracks, we will stay in Department
                                                     of Conservation huts. The huts provide bunks
The leaders recommend that you make your
                                                     with mattresses (between 40 to 50) in a com-
own flight arrangements. Once tickets are pur-
                                                     munal sleeping layout. There is potable water,
chased and changes should be made directly
                                                     flush toilets and sinks, but no showers. Cooking
with the airlines. Leaders will advise you when
                                                     facilities with fuel, stoves, tables and seating are
to purchase tickets. Do NOT purchase tickets
                                                     shared with the other visitors to the hut.
until you are approved for the trip and given a
final meeting time.                                  No accommodations will be finalized until the
                                                     exact group number is determined.
Note that the trip will begin in Queenstown and
end in Nelson. You can use frequent flier miles,     Luggage
a normal travel agent, an airline, or any discount
                                                     Participants will have the option of leaving extra
wholesaler (Travelocity, Expedia, Kayak, Orbitz,
                                                     luggage and gear in the hostels while hiking
PriceLine, etc.). The leaders will be available to
                                                     the tracks. However, please try to limit yourself
assist with these arrangements.
                                                     to your trekking pack and one soft sided duffel
Transportation to and from Queenstown airport        or equivalent. You should be able to carry all
is included in the trip.                             of your luggage to and from the bus departure
                                                     points. Luggage transfer will be arranged from
Accomodations                                        Queenstown to Te Anau. All valuables and im-
The accommodations provided on this trip will        portant documentation (i.e. passports) should
be a combination of backpacker hostels and           be carried on the track for security.
backcountry huts. Although all accommodations
will be very clean and comfortable, they will
not be luxurious. In the hostels, rooms will be      Above: Milford Sound
shared between four or more people.                  © Reji James, 2007

9                                                                                 AMC Adventure Travel
Trekking in Southern New Zealand - Two Great Walks - Routeburn and Kepler January 17th to 28th, 2020 - People's Liberation Front ...
Breakfasts and dinners are included in the trip cost. New Zealand
has a thriving food scene with wild game, fresh seafood, and
locally sourced produce. Restaurant meals do not include alcohol
nor dessert and will have a price limit. Alcoholic beverages and
anything above this limit must be covered out of pocket. Lunches
are not included in the cost of the trip.

While on the track, the group will share in the responsibility of
carrying and preparing meals. The huts are equipped with cook-
ing facilities, though cookware is not supplied. We will not stop
to cook lunch, so sandwiches and other prepared foods will be
more suitable while hiking.

A detailed breakdown of included meals is provided in the day-
to-day itinerary.

Fine Print
Trip Cost
The approximate cost for the trip is $2,475. Airfare can range
from $1,600 to $2,200 round trip. Please note that these costs
are estimates. The final trip cost will be adjusted in accordance
with the best arrangements the leaders can make. Any savings
achieved will be returned to you and any cost increase will be also
be passed on. Please be aware that, in accordance with AMC
policy, you are subsidizing the leaders’ costs. Beyond this, the
leaders are not allowed to realize any profit from this excursion.
The trip price also includes an AMC overhead fee to cover the
administrative expenses of offering Adventure Travel trips,
including the trip’s publication in AMC Outdoors for several          Above: Alpine flowers, Fjordland,
months. The overhead charge amounts to 10-12% of participant          New Zealand
land costs; neither air travel nor leader costs are included in       © Reji James, 2017
calculating the overhead charge.

To apply, please contact the leaders for the required forms. You
must complete and submit the Application, Confidential Medical
forms, and Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk and
Release forms, and a registration deposit of $1,300. You will not
actually be accepted, and your check will not be deposited, until
the leaders have determined by telephone conversation with you

10                                                                                AMC Adventure Travel
that you and the trip seem to be a good match.
  The remainder of the trip fee will be due by Oct
  1, 2019. Please make payments by check payable
  to the Appalachian Mountain Club.

  Experience And Risks
  Lugging a heavy pack (approximately 30lb)
  over steep mountain passes is physically very
  demanding. The combination of physical exer-
  tion and steep terrain require that we pace
  ourselves and pay attention to proper nutrition
  and hydration. People wishing to participate in
  this trip must have previous overnight (back-
  packing or hut-to-hut) experience, at the
  intermediate level or higher. Although the hiking
  will be at a moderate pace, this is not a trip for
  beginners or people who have not backpacked
  for several years.

  Packing List
• Backpack (approximately 40 to 60 liters)             • Non-cotton hiking clothing, tops and bottoms
• 15-20 degree sleeping bag                            • Warm jacket (down, synthetic or fleece)
• Nalgene bottles/Camelback (2 liters total
                                                       • Warm hat and gloves or mittens
• Headlamp and spare batteries                         • Long pants
• Fork, spoon, cup and bowl                            • 2-3 pairs of hiking socks
• Sunglasses                                           • Hat or bandana and sunglasses
• Stuff sacks for food storage
                                                         Optional Gear
• Sunscreen and insect repellent
• Waterproof pack liner (can be bought in              • Tevas, crocs or sandals
  New Zealand)                                         • Casual clothing for in town, post hike, sleep,
• Personal first aid kit (leaders will have              and travel
  group first aid kits)
                                                       • Gaiters (for rain)
• High-energy trail snacks (can be bought in
  New Zealand)                                         • Hiking poles

                                                       • Camp towel and regular bath towel
  Personal Clothing
• Broken-in hiking boots (preferably waterproof)       • Bathing suit

• Waterproof rain gear (tops and bottoms)              • Camera

  11                                                                                  AMC Adventure Travel
coastal weather fronts. However, we will not
                                                     proceed in any activity if the hut wardens
                                                     prohibit it, and unless everyone is comfortable.

                                                     Basic medical and evacuation insurance is
                                                     included in the cost of the trip. Upon official
                                                     registration the leaders will provide you with
                                                     more information about this coverage.
                                                     Cancelation insurance is not included. It is
                                                     optional and must be arranged by you.

                                                     Cancellation Policy
                                                     Our cancellation policy is based on several
                                                     considerations. First, your cancellation will not
                                                     be allowed to raise the cost to the other partic-
                                                     ipants or to the leaders. Second, we will charge
Several of the days are long (10+ miles) and         you for the expenses already incurred on your
strenuous. You should be in excellent physical       behalf and any unavoidable future expenses
condition at the time we depart. Since it will       that will be incurred as a result of your registra-
be winter here in the US and summer there,           tion, unless they can be applied toward another
you need to be prepared to commit yourself to        acceptable participant. Third, to discourage
keeping shape between the time you sign up           uncommitted people from applying to the trip,
for the trip to the time you depart on it.           we have a schedule of minimum cancellation
                                                     penalties: zero before August 1st, $150 from
When you participate in this activity, you           August 1st through August 30th, $300 after
should be prepared both physically and mentally,     July August 30th. Refunds after the October 1st
and equipped with the appropriate gear. You          payment deadline will only be made if another
should always be aware of the risks involved         participant can be found to take your place.
and conduct yourself accordingly. We are not
responsible for your safety; you are. Prior to       This trip is likely to fill quickly. If you are interest-
your being accepted as a participant in this trip,   ed, you should register as soon as possible.
you will be asked to discuss your capabilities       When registration is complete, we will send all
and experience with us. Please do not be             participants the names, addresses, and phone
offended by our questions.                           numbers of all those going on the trip. We are
New Zealand is a very safe country. There are        good communicators and will try very hard to
no predators, such as bears or poisonous snakes.     keep everyone well informed. We will be using
The weather is perhaps the most dangerous            email as our primary source of communication.
thing we may encounter, and an occasional            If you have any questions, please call us so that
kea (parrot), who is likely to eat your boot if      we can discuss them.
it’s left unattended. Much of the hiking will be
done in a rain forest, so you should expect rain.    Above: Kea parrot along Milford Track
Likewise, Abel Tasman receives its fair share of     © Jason Schlarb, 2014

12                                                                                   AMC Adventure Travel
Trip Leadership
Reji James
Reji James is an Adventure travel leader, as well as a four-season
leader with the AMC Hiking/Backpacking Committee. He has
been leading AMC trips since 2001. In the past he has led Major
Excursions to Iceland, New Zealand, Alaska, Glacier National
Park and Patagonia. He is an avid runner, hiker, mountaineer and
photographer. And while doing that, he has climbed Kilimanjaro,
climbed the glaciated peaks in the Pacific North-west, and hiked
the Julian Alps in Slovenia, the Italian Dolomites, Macchu Picchu
and the Swiss Alps. Currently, he lives with his wife and two boys
(6 and 9) in Seattle, WA.
Contact at

Elizabeth Ryan
Elizabeth Ryan is a four-season leader with the AMC’s Boston
Hiking/Backpacking Committee. She has been leading trips since
2013. She has completed the New Hampshire 4000 footers, ex-
plored some of the glaciated peaks of the Pacific Northwest and
hiked in the Scottish Highlands, Iceland, Newfoundland and New
Contact at

Additional Information
About the Tracks
     Department of Conservation - Routeburn Track
     Department of Conservation - Kepler Track

Traveling in New Zealand
     Travel New Zealand
     Air New Zealand

13                                                                   AMC Adventure Travel
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