Q1 January - March 2020 - Building Energy Exchange

Page created by Mario Clarke
Q1 January - March 2020 - Building Energy Exchange
January – March 2020
BE-Ex team   Richard Yancey          Rebecca Esau          2
             Executive Director      Manager, Projects

             Yetsuh Frank            Regana Alicka
             Managing Director,      Associate, Projects
             Strategy and Programs
                                     Will DiMaggio
             Talia Kula              Associate, Programs
             Manager, Development
             and Operations          Becky Kalish
                                     Associate, Programs
             Helen Chananie
             Manager, Projects

             Christian Bergland
             Associate, Projects

BE-Ex is pleased to present
our inaugural quarterly report
highlighting programs
and projects from January
through March of this year,
while noting key events and
milestones to come. Check
out our quarterly column,
as well as the impressive stats
on our work of late.
recent programs                                                                      3

January 15                                    This event marked the sixth program
                                              of our ongoing Climate Mobilization
Climate Mobilization Act:                     Act Series, a collection of programs and
Grades, Codes & Limits                        resources aimed at demystifying the
                                              legislative package and connecting our
                                              community with relevant solutions.
                                              Grades, Codes & Limits focused on the
                                              new building energy grades and labels
                                              that will be put into effect October

                                                           John Lee
                                                           NYC Mayor’s Office
                                                           of Sustainability

 Kelly Dougherty                       Andrea Mancino                Donna De Costanzo
 FS Residential                        Bright Power Inc.                        NRDC

                             Amalia Cuadra
                             EN-POWER GROUP

recent programs                                                                         4

 Yetsuh Frank                    Mahesh Ramanujam                         Kami Altman
 BE-Ex                                USGBC                                Magnusson
                      Richard Yancey              Yvette Brissett-Andre
                      BE-Ex                     Unique People Services

January 22                                   February 12
Buildings of Excellence:                     Buildings of Excellence:
Mahesh Ramanujam on the                      Large-Scale Passive
Future of Carbon Neutral                     House
                                             A joint program between BE-Ex and
                                             NYSERDA, this marked the third event
Mahesh Ramanujam, President and
                                             of our Buildings of Excellence Series,
CEO of USGBC, spoke on the evolution
                                             featuring Sendero Verde and Cornell
of LEED green building standards,
                                             Tech, two transformative Passive House
including net zero goals in carbon,
energy, water, and waste. Unique People
Services and Magnusson Architecture
and Planning also discussed their
innovative 2050 Grand Concourse
Project, a 13-story building which will
provide nearly 100 units of affordable
housing in Fordham Heights, the
Bronx, and is pursuing LEED Gold

   https://be-exchange.org/buildings-of-        https://be-exchange.org/buildings-of-
excellence-carbon-neutral-buildings/         excellence-large-scale-passive-house/
column:                                                                          5

The Climate is
for Finance
by Yetsuh Frank
Managing Director, Strategy & Programs
Building Energy Exchange

The reliance of the real estate           a high sustainability-related risk.”
industry on simple payback analysis       Other influential organizations are
to determine the effectiveness of         also shifting their investments – the
energy efficiency measures has long       European Investment Bank announced
frustrated those of us advocating for     it will stop funding oil, gas and coal
higher performing buildings. Dividing     projects next year – while private
savings into increased costs to learn     corporations are making similar moves.
when a measure will pay for itself        Jeff Bezos’ $10 billion climate fund is
ignores the many benefits of better       getting most of the headlines but Delta
buildings, including healthier air        has committed a billion dollars over
quality conditions, greatly improved      ten years to make itself carbon neutral,
thermal comfort, and even direct          while Microsoft is carbon neutral today
savings like reduced maintenance          and has committed to being carbon
costs. Perhaps more important than all    negative for its entire existence (since
those ignored benefits, simple payback    1975) by 2050. With the long history of
doesn’t account for the potential costs   corporate greenwashing as context, it is
of doing nothing – but changes in the     fair to question the true commitment
superstructure of finance may forever     of these organizations, but it seems
alter the role of simple payback in our   clear that financial systems and the
community.                                corporate sector are beginning to at
   Consider that Larry Fink, CEO of       least recognize the oncoming train of
BlackRock and perhaps the single most     climate change impacts.
influential person in global finance,         How real estate investment, in
recently announced BlackRock would        particular, negotiates the impacts of
place sustainability at the center of     climate change has been something
their investment approach. It’s one       of a moving target. There are multiple
thing for the largest asset manager       reporting platforms available for those
in the word to say they’ll invest         that wish to measure and disclose
responsibly in the future. It is quite    their environmental impact and each
another to say they will consider         platform has its own approach, metrics
“exiting investments that present         and processes – resulting in a relatively
column                                                                                 6

confused market. Recognizing the need          impacts, and the impacts considered
for clarity and consistency, the Financial     are all direct, with little analysis that
Stability Board (FSB) has created a            captures indirect impacts (say, to GDP,
Task Force on Climate-related Financial        for instance.) On some level the TCFD
Disclosures (TCFD) – a group whose             simply adds climate risk to a long
recommendations are already having             list of risks that real estate investors
a significant impact on the real estate        already navigate  –  market fluctuations,
sector. The FSB – a global consortium          credit risks, tenant instability, natural
of 24 countries, the International             disasters, etc. Though shifting your
Monetary Fund and the World Bank –             horizon on any issue from short-term
is tasked with maintaining international       payback measures to long-term risk
financial stability, and as a result the       scenarios is a fundamental change.
recommendations of the TCFD are                A primary component of this shift
sweeping. Published in 2017 they cover         will be a more nuanced approach to
four broad areas: Governance, Strategy,        data, recognizing that data sets based
Risk Management, and Metrics &                 only on historical data are not always
Targets. As of late 2019 more then             sufficient (in the case of flood maps,
800 financial institutions have signed up      for instance) and that the granularity
as supporters, representing more than          of data must be carefully utilized (for
$100 trillion in assets. In November           instance, when applying data reported
the United Nations Environment                 at the county level to individual assets).
Programme (UNEP) published a report            TCFD asks real estate investors to a)
on the roughly 20 real estate investors        identify the risks your asset is exposed
that participated in the TCFD pilot            to, b) communicate those risks to
program, including five in depth case          your stakeholders (property managers,
studies. The findings of this report           investors, etc.), and c) develop a
were not unexpected: impacts over              response to mitigate or eliminate
the next 15 years are already locked           those risks.
in, current models don’t include all               In 2018 I attended an annual

“Increasing transparency
 makes markets more efficient,
 and economies are more
 stable and resilient.”
— Michael R. Blomberg, Chair, Task Force on Climate Related Financial Decisions

“I believe we are on the edge
 of a fundamental change of
—Larry Fink, CEO, Blackrock

 reporting event for a major                  Council (ILC) to gather on May 14th to
 environmental assessment platform            participate in a dialogue with several
 with roughly 100 representatives             leading real estate figures that will
 of the most progressive real estate          describe the structure and activities
 organizations in North America.              of the TCFD and discuss the role their
 One of the speakers asked how many           recommendations are likely to play in
 of them had assessed the risk to their       our sector. Since the ramifications are
 assets from sea level rise. I was a little   significant for virtually every activity
 astonished by the number of hands            within the building sector (from new
 raised: one. Spencer Glendon of the          construction, to renovations
 Woods Hole Research Center has               and retrofits) we expect the dialogue
 pointed out that the long-term debt          to be dynamic and illuminating.
 of 30-year mortgages is underwritten         ILC members can register for the event
 by annual insurance. When the                now. ILC members have guest passes
 insurance dries up, so do the                at their disposal, and remaining seats
 mortgages. As he puts it, “it’s already      will be available to the public after
 foolish to lend money for 30 years”          May 1st. We hope to see you there.
 in Florida. At a minimum, the TCFD
 framework should force many more             Read this online: //be-exchange.org/
 organizations to take simple risk            insight/q1-climate-finance/
 management related to climate
 more seriously. But a long-term risk
 mitigation framework has indirect
 benefits as well, including growing
 your organizational capacity to respond
 to long-term trends of different
 kinds – something often lacking when
 quarterly returns are the sole focus.
     To properly study these issues
 the Building Energy Exchange is
 inviting our Industry Leadership
programs                                  We are thrilled by the number and         8
                                          diversity of developed and hosted
                                          events, which span a wide array
                                          of topics on energy efficiency in the
                                          built environment.

BE-Ex hosted events                                                       Q1 2020




                       17                                18

     Q1 2019         Q2 2019       Q3 2019            Q4 2019

BE-Ex developed events

diversity goals

                                     28                            66
No all male panels
Q1 number: 2

50% female speakers across
BE-Ex events
Q1: 48%
                               average number of              average attendance,
                               days on calendar, BE-Ex        BE-Ex events
audience                 BE-Ex continues to realize excellent 9
                         audience growth. Since Q1 of 2019,
                         our newsletter audience has
                         grown 67% with 2020 Q1 quarterly
                         growth at its highest rate out of the
                         past four quarters. Our social media
                         following has kept pace, growing over
                         40% over the past year. Programmatic
                         development and strategic partner-
                         ships, coupled with CRM systems, have
                         allowed for this sustained expansion.

newsletter subscribers   social media followers



resource downloads       website traffic



                         unique site impressions
                         in Q1 2020

Q4 2019    Q1 2020
program series highlights                                           10

Buildings of Excellence     In partnership with NYSERDA,
                            Building Energy Exchange is hosting
                            a series of gallery talks celebrating the
                            Buildings of Excellence competition,
                            a NYSERDA program recognizing low
                            and zero-carbon emitting buildings
                            throughout New York state. These talks
                            highlight award-winners and their
                            insights into pathways to net-zero
                            building performance.

Climate Mobilization Act    With support from the Natural
                            Resources Defense Council and
                            in partnership with the Mayor’s
                            Office of Sustainability and the NYC
                            Retrofit Accelerator, this series
                            aims to demystify the components
                            of the Climate Mobilization Act and
                            connect our community with relevant

Women in Sustainability     The Women in Sustainability and
and Energy (WISE)           Energy (WISE) series, founded in 2015,
                            is an inclusive platform for all people to
                            learn from experienced women leaders,
                            to share knowledge, and to advance
                            equity in the workplace.

ASHRAE NY                   This series explores the ASHRAE
                            Technical Standards, connecting the
Technical Breakfasts        science of these guidelines with real
                            world applications.
special announcement                                                       11

  10 years!
  2020 marks ten years since            Later this year we’ll be hosting
  the founding of the Building          a celebration in recognition of
  Energy Exchange. Our work             these past achievements, and
  across the decade has included        featuring the many partners and
  over 1000 programs with 27,000        supporters that have made this
  attendees, alongside hundreds         work possible. Stay tuned—for
  of case studies, reports,             more updates, sign up for our
  playbooks, and exhibits. Along        newsletter.
  the way, BE-Ex has fostered
  dozens of fruitful relationships      In the meantime, please visit
  with local, state, and global         us online or in-person to take
  actors to curb the impacts of         a closer look at the work we’ve
  climate change by improving           accomplished over the past
  our built environment. From           decade.
  our partnership with the NYC
  Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
  on local initiatives, to our state-
  wide work with NYSERDA, to our
  work with the United Nations,
  as a founding International
  Center of Excellence on High
  Performance Buildings, we are
  honored to play an impactful
  role at the intersection of the
  building industry and climate
  action—particularly at a time
  when our City, and our Earth,
  need it most.
upcoming programs                                                          12

March 10                                  The second installment of our joint
                                          series with ASHRAE, this event will
ASHRAE NY Technical                       focus on ASHRAE’s Technical Standard
Breakfast: Climate Data                   169: Climatic Data for Building
in a Warming World                        Design Standards. Scheduled for a
                                          new addendum in 2020, the standard
                                          provides a foundational basis for
                                          climate assumptions used by a wide
                                          array of building industry decision


March 25                                     The fifth in our series supporting
                                             NYSERDA’s Buildings of Excellence
Buildings of Excellence:                     program, the presentation will
Greening the Bronx                           showcase 425 Grand Concourse, Park
                                             Avenue Green, and La Central Building
                                             C, three exemplary Passive House
                                             buildings and Buildings of Excellence
                                             award recipients.


April 21                                     A joint program between BE-Ex
                                             and NYSERDA, this marks the sixth
Buildings of Excellence:                     event of our Buildings of Excellence
Housing Communities                          Gallery Talk Series, feauturing
                                             Bushwick Alliance and HELP ONE,
                                             two transformative projects in
                                             Brooklyn and Buildings of Excellence
                                             award recipients.

project highlights                                                    14


exhibit                         The anatomy exhibit covers building
                                energy systems and key efficiency
Anatomy of an Energy            solutions. The exhibit launched the
Efficient Building              second week of December.

“Congratulations to the Building Energy
 Exchange on their new exhibit—
 an illuminating display that connects
 the dots between our buildings, the energy
 we use, and our climate impact.”

— Donna De Costanzo, NRDC


primer                                playbook
Climate Mobilization Act              Insulation

BE-Ex is developing a short           BE-Ex is developing an insulation
presentation (~45 minutes) covering   playbook on high performance
the basics of the CMA and its         insulation principles and retrofit
implications for building decision-   strategies. The playbook will tentatively
makers. BE-Ex aims to launch the      be published this quarter.
primer this quarter.

We hope you’ve found
this update on our work
illuminating. Don’t hesitate
to reach out with any
suggestions. We look forward
to seeing you at BE-Ex soon.
programs                                   project status

Buildings of Excellence:                   Q1 2020
Passive House Retrofits
January 8th                                     Exhibit: Anatomy of an Energy
                                                Efficient Building
Climate Mobilization Act Series: Grades,
Codes & Limits                                  Tech Primer: Wall Insulation
January 15th
                                                Tech Primer: High Performance
Passive House Primers                           Windows
                                                Case Study: USGBC/Mecho
Buildings of Excellence:
Mahesh Ramanujam on                             Support: Local Law 97 Messaging
the Future of Carbon Neutral Buildings          Grid
January 22nd
                                                Brochure: Buildings of Excellence
COTE Thermal Bridge Trainings                   Awards
January 24th, February 21st
                                                Playbook: Existing Building
International Pathways: The Future of           Insulation
Energy Efficiency in India
January 27th                                    Primer: Climate Mobilization Act
NAPHN CPHD/C Trainings
January 27th-31st                               Online Tool: Local Law 97 Calculator

Anatomy of an Energy Efficient Building         Report: NYSERDA Multifamily
Exhibit Launch                                  Program Support
January 29th
                                                Primer: Passive House (Updated)
Buildings of Excellence:
Large-Scale Passive House                  Q2
February 12th
                                                Exhibit showcase: Envelope
Climate Data in a Warming World                 Systems
March 10th
                                                Report: High Performance Deep
Buildings of Excellence:                        Retrofit Profiles
Greening the Bronx
March 25th                                      Online Primer: Passive House


                                                Report: Passive House Feasibility

                                                Report: Data Into Action,


                                                Passive House Technical Modules

                                                COMPLETED         ANTICIPATED
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