New studies by international organisations feature migration as a consequence of land, food and water scarcity

Clingendael Alert
           MAY 2018

           New studies by international
           organisations feature migration
           as a consequence of land, food

                                                                                                               Louise van Schaik, Tobias von Lossow & Étienne Béchard
           and water scarcity

    In the first months of 2018 three studies recently published by the World Bank (WB),
    the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the Intergovernmental Science-
    Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) prominently addressed
    the link between degradation of land, water stress and higher food prices with
    migration. Whereas academic debate on the contribution of climate change and other
    environmental stresses to migration is ongoing1, international organisations published
    comprehensive reports underlining the need to act now. The FAO and WB shied away
    from the more politically sensitive issue of irregular migration from Africa to Europe.
    Neither do the reports quantify to what extent interventions in the sphere of land, food
    and water could play a role in preventing migration and influence decisions to return.


In the first months of 2018 three studies                 Only the IPBES dares to make the link
published prominently have addressed                      with instability and conflict and the heated
the link between degradation of land,                     and very politicised debate on migration
water stress and higher food prices with                  to various Western countries. However, the
migration. The World Bank (WB), the Food                  fact that migration is explicitly addressed
and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and                   by all three reflects the attention some
the Intergovernmental Science-Policy                      of the most authoritative international
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem                    institutions devote to the need to address
Services (IPBES) all point to the connection              this topic that currently features so high on
between natural resource management and                   the international political agenda and is a
individuals’ decisions to migrate.                        key concern for the EU and other Western
                                                          nations. They understand the phenomenon
                                                          to be clearly linked to natural resource
                                                          management, a topic which may also
                                                          offer promising avenues for reducing
                                                          migration and alleviating the risk of conflict.
                                                          This Clingendael alert reviews these
1   See for an overview: Van Schaik, L. and Bakker, T.    studies, points to their commonalities and
    Climate-migration-security: Policy Brief Making the   differences, the methods used and policy
    most of a contested relationship, 2017.               recommendations made.
Clingendael Alert

    The World Bank: Groundswell,                      still unequal as in scenario 1. The timeframe
    Preparing for Internal Climate                    of this study extends those scenarios to 2050
                                                      by concluding that a constant increase in
    Migration                                         migrants will be seen in the coming decades.

    This report assesses the potential impact         The scenarios used involve policies and
    of climate change on internal migration           actions that can slow the onset of climate
    and displacement. It argues that, by 2050,        change impacts, consequently reducing the
    143 million people will be considered             number of people forced to migrate to an
    climate migrants if no preventive policies        “optimistic level” of 80%. To reach this target,
    are implemented. Due to lower freshwater          the report proposes that countries
    availability, diminishing crop yield              – cut their greenhouse gas emissions as
    productivity and constantly rising sea               soon as possible,
    levels coupled with storm surges, internal        – integrate the inevitability of climate
    pressure on already vulnerable countries will        migration into sensible development
    have major effects on climate-dependent              planning and targeted investments,
    economic sectors, urban infrastructure and        – invest in research to enhance the
    social support systems. On the ground, it            understanding of the dynamics of internal
    can be expected that a large proportion of           migration,
    the rural population will migrate to urban        – shape policies to create a more diversified
    areas, exceeding the cities’ ability to absorb       and climate-resilient economy,
    such an influx and consequently increasing        – acknowledge climate migration in
    instability in those often overburdened areas.       national plans and policies and
    Indeed, the urban population is projected         – target pockets of poverty to diminish
    to quadruple from 100 million in 2010 to             the impact of climate change.
    350 million in 2050 under the most optimistic
    predictions and to exceed 450 million under       The study is based on a model which looks
    the most pessimistic predictions.                 into climatic, livelihood, demographic,
                                                      migration and development patterns in
    The report looks at the potential outcome         three regions. This makes it possible to
    in three regions collectively representing        build robust projections of internal climate
    55% of the population in developing               migration over large areas. Although quite
    countries that are likely to be at the core of    exhaustive in its chosen areas of study, this
    such population shifts: Sub-Saharan Africa,       report does not delve too much into the
    South Asia and Latin America. The analysis is     politically more sensitive issue of external
    based on a model which uses “demographic,         migration or the potential spill-over effect
    socioeconomic and climate impact data at a        of migration to instability. These issues
    14 square kilometre grid cell level” to predict   are more difficult to forecast by modelling,
    the likely displacement of the population         but the chosen focus also avoids political
    within countries. In response to the uneasi­      controversy around the WB, which allegedly
    ness caused by looking at migration over the      has a donor-driven agenda. It also means
    next 30 years, this analysis considers three      that this study is politically less relevant
    potential climate and development scenarios:      to these donors, since it does not address
    (1) a business-as-usual scenario in which         concerns over new waves of migrants
    greenhouse gas emissions and unequal              coming to their countries. In terms of
    development are high, which would lead to         policies, the reduction of greenhouse
    2.8% of the population migrating based on         gas emissions features most prominently,
    the trends shown by the current available         whereas emphasising that this is still a
    data; (2) a more comprehensive development        possibility may slow down the need for other
    in which greenhouse gas emissions stay            action to address migration resulting from
    high but development is more balanced             a rapidly warming world.
    towards inequality, urbanisation rates and
    population growth; (3) a more climate-            With its programmes, the WB can help target
    centric approach in which greenhouse gas          better governance of natural resources,
    emissions are reduced while development is        including land restoration, irrigation and

Clingendael Alert

    water management as well as increased and       It is striking that policies to increase the
    climate-sensitive food production. It can       amount of available water or manage
    make sure that when implementing such           it better, for instance by means of
    projects due account is taken of tensions       desalinisation, irrigation or better waste
    between various groups in society, in           water treatment, are not mentioned.
    other words making its climate adaptation
    interventions more conflict-sensitive and       The report acknowledges the existence of
    indeed instrumental to the agenda of its        the “environmental migrant” as a new reality,
    main financers. In that way it can make an      emphasising heat and water stress areas as
    immense contribution to concerns over           its cause. It stops short of explaining how
    migration, whether internal within countries    other communities seem less inclined to
    or to the countries that finance the WB.        move from their home even under duress.
                                                    The report also fails to explain how people
                                                    in wet areas, who suffer from flooding and
    FAO: “Water stress and                          massive rainfall, are also prone to migrate.
    human migration: a global,                      In the same line of thought, this paper
                                                    makes little differentiation between internal
    georeferenced review of                         and external migration. On the one hand,
    empirical research                              such a differentiation could be helpful,
                                                    since policies have to consider the different
    This report is an assessment of the             preferences and perspectives of states
    linkage between water-stressed areas            involved in transnational migration. On the
    and migration. The Food and Agricultural        other hand, internal migration can also be
    Organisation (FAO) of the UN, with the          disruptive to national actors and therefore
    empirical backing of 184 peer-reviewed          be the justified focus of policies.
    research papers, assumes a correlation
    between the two phenomena. While
    acknowledging that migration is at its          IPBES: Thematic assessment
    core part of a multi-faceted situation          of land degradation and
    which includes high temperature, lack of
    economic opportunities, unemployment            restoration
    and endemic violence, it stresses that the
    literature does come close to a consensus       This report was approved at the 6th session
    that water stress can encourage migration.      of the IPBES Plenary, by the 129 State
    Water insecurity, especially when coupled       Members, in Medellín, Colombia. IPBES has
    with a high level of temperature, causing       been labelled as the IPCC for biodiversity
    water evaporation, undermines the               (IPCC is the review body for climate science).
    livelihood systems of those affected and        This specific review targets the issue of land
    induces migration.                              degradation, a topic rising rapidly on the
                                                    international agenda. IPBES compiled the
    Indeed, migration is responsive to some         multidisciplinary knowledge base of more
    patterns of sudden change which alter the       than 3,000 scientific, government, indigenous
    future prospects of an individual. Policies     and local knowledge sources published in
    addressing these challenges should include:     the last three years. The report was adopted
    – Public investment in rural agriculture,       by representatives of governments after a
    – Investment in livelihood diversification,     process of extensive peer-review consisting
    – Investment in social welfare to ensure        of more than 7,300 comments from over
        the affected population can cope and        200 external reviewers.
        adapt to internal and external migration,
    – Adaptation to and incentivisation of          The IPBES report concludes that the well-
        the use of sustainable agricultural         being of 3.2 billion people around the world
        technologies,                               is affected by land degradation, which is a
    – Encouraging policies to avoid population      systemic phenomenon that threatens food
        displacement that can lead to the spread    and water security, now and in the future.
        of adverse effects.                         Climate change accelerates this process.

Clingendael Alert

    Land degradation is explicitly acknowledged                areas.”3 Consequently, more land restoration
    as a major cause of insecurity.                            projects would reduce the effect on human
                                                               security and thereby decrease risks of
    Exponential population growth, the                         conflict and irregular migration.
    expansion of agricultural activities and
    crop production, unsustainable agricultural                The report suggests adopting existing tools,
    and forestry practices, urban expansion                    practices and techniques and bolstering
    and the extractive industry all play a role                positive policies that promote sustainable
    in land degradation. Often, short-term                     exploitation of land and land-based
    gains are favoured over long-term and                      resources. The conclusion is that successful
    more sustainable gains. Land degradation                   practices of land restoration/preservation
    exacerbates soil acidification and salinisation,           currently exist and can be efficiently
    reduces crop yield, water quantity and                     implemented to halt or reverse land
    quality, precipitates desertification and                  degradation. Nevertheless, little is said about
    intensifies the release of methane and                     which practices can have the greatest impact
    carbon emissions, thereby contributing to                  on reducing migration and conflict risk.
    climate change.

    Since land degradation negatively affects                  Commonalities and differences
    the livelihood of the population concerned,
    people living in these areas might opt                     The three studies all point to the opportunity
    to migrate out of the degraded areas.                      of using interventions in the sphere of
    Migration in turn might exacerbate land                    natural resources to reduce the scope
    degradation by increasing the pressure on                  of migration flows. They do not compare
    the area they move to, creating a vicious                  such interventions with repressive
    circle that will worsen the phenomenon of                  security interventions or a more generic
    degradation as well as inciting conflicts.                 focus on good governance and economic
    IPBES believes land degradation is likely to               development, but rather point to the many
    force 50 to 700 million people to migrate                  co-benefits of combining environmental,
    by 2050. The problem is that this figure is                social and economic agendas, a way
    probably based on research by Norman                       of thinking which is embraced by the
    Meyer 2, which was heavily criticised                      Sustainable Development Goals. Whereas
    afterwards and the range is quite wide.                    the universality of such a holistic approach
                                                               is advocated in the 2030 Agenda for
    The report recommends timely action                        Sustainable Development, these reports
    in order to avoid, reduce and reverse                      tend to focus on migration as a problem of
    degradation through an effective monitoring                developing countries. They avoid stating
    strategy and verification system, adequate                 too explicitly that it may be in the interest of
    data collection processes and an increase                  donor countries to support interventions to
    in public awareness.                                       bolster the quality and quantity of land, water
                                                               and food security, since this may avoid new
    Taken as a whole, those actions could                      streams of migrants fleeing because they can
    mitigate adverse security effects. The report              no longer live from and on the land where
    states: “Land degradation acts in concert                  they were born.
    with other socioeconomic stressors to result
    in increased local or regional violent conflict            In the reports little is said about what could
    and out-migration from severely degraded                   motivate migrants to go back. The modelling
                                                               and statistical analysis does not tell us much

    2   See for an overview on the debate: Van Schaik, L.
        and Bakker, T. Climate-migration-security: Policy      3   IPBES, Summary for policymakers of the thematic
        Brief Making the most of a contested relationship,         assessment report on land degradation and
        2017. The full IPBES review is not yet available and       restoration of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
        from the Summary for Policy Makers it is not clear         Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,
        on which figures this estimate is based.                   Bonn, 2018, p. 18.

Clingendael Alert

    Organisation      World Bank                      FAO                                IPBES
    Focus             Water & Migration               Water stress & human               Land degradation
    Main              By 2050, if no preventive       Water stress encourages            Land degradation, coupled
    conclusions on    policies are implemented,       migration.                         with climate change, is likely
    migration         143 million people will be                                         to force 50 to 700 million
                      considered climate migrants.                                       people to migrate by 2050.
    Main              Internal migration means        Migration, when poorly             Migration due to land
    conclusions       that a massive influx of        managed, can lead to               degradation might create
    on stability/     urban migration is expected.    unbearable pressure on some        pressure on the area migrants
    conflicts         This could lead to an           areas in terms of strained         move to, creating a vicious
                      overburdening of urban          local resources, diminishing       circle that will incite conflicts
                      capabilities as well as an      water availability and raised      with the local population.
                      increase in instability.        tensions with the host
    Methodology       Literature review & modelling   Literature review of empirical     Literature review
    Recommended       Drastic reduction of            The path forward should            Timely action to avoid, reduce
    actions           greenhouse gas emissions.       be public investment in            and reverse degradation
                                                      rural agriculture, livelihood      through effective monitoring
                                                      diversification, social welfare,   strategy, verification systems,
                                                      agricultural technologies to       adequate data collection
                                                      ensure the affected population     and public awareness could
                                                      can cope and adapt to              mitigate the effect of land
                                                      internal and external migration    degradation.
                                                      and avoiding population
                                                      displacement that may cause
                                                      adverse effects to spread.

    about what would make them return. In this                   Viviane; Ober, Kayly; Schewe, Jacob;
    respect other research methods might be                      Adamo, Susana; McCusker, Brent;
    advisable, notably interviews with migrants                  Heuser, Silke; Midgley, Amelia. World
    or a larger-scale survey. To convince donors,                Bank, Washington, DC, United States.
    more (quantitative) information on the
    impact of natural resource investments on               IPBES (2018): Summary for policymakers
    reducing migration and conflict risk might                 of the thematic assessment report on
    be useful. These studies can be considered                 land degradation and restoration of
    a call for action, but a close reading                     the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
    illustrates that extensive policy-relevant                 Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
    information on the relationship between                    Services. R. Scholes, L. Montanarella,
    natural resources on the one hand and                      A. Brainich, N. Barger, B. ten Brink,
    migration and security on the other hand                   M. Cantele, B. Erasmus, J. Fisher, T.
    is still not yet available. More research and              Gardner, T. G. Holland, F. Kohler, J. S.
    analysis is needed to sustain the call for                 Kotiaho, G. Von Maltitz, G. Nangendo, R.
    action, look into the full potential of natural            Pandit, J. Parrotta, M. D. Potts, S. Prince,
    resources interventions in comparison to                   M. Sankaran and L. Willemen (eds.).
    other policy options and scale up funding.                 IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany.

                                                            FAO (2018): Water stress and human
    References                                                migration: a global, georeferenced review
                                                              of empirical research, in Land & Water
    World Bank (2018): Groundswell: Preparing                 Discussion Paper 11. D. J. Wrathall,
      for Internal Climate Migration. Rigaud,                 J. Van Den Hoek, A. Walters and
      Kanta Kumari; de Sherbinin, Alex; Jones,                A. Devenish. Oregon State University,
      Bryan; Bergmann, Jonas; Clement,                        Rome, Italy.

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About the authors

Dr Louise van Schaik is Head of Sustainability and Climate Change
and Senior Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute.

Tobias von Lossow is Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute.

Étienne Béchard is research assistant at the Planetary Security
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