Page created by Audrey Moreno

            JULY 2021
                                    CLIMATE CHANGE
                                    COP26 – the United Nations' 26th conference on climate change
                                    is expected to focus not only on the global climate crisis, but
                                    also to highlight the interconnected loss of biodiversity. These
                                    issues will have a huge impact on all of us – including
                                    businesses. At a recent Clifford Chance event, a panel of experts
                                    discussed nature-based solutions and the crucial role nature
                                    plays in combating climate change and sustaining national
                                    economies, as well as examining how state and private sector
                                    nature-based solutions could be financed.
                                    The Dasgupta Review, an independent           deforestation, protecting and restoring
                                    global review on the Economics of             ecosystems (with developed countries
                                    Biodiversity, commissioned by the UK          providing at least US$100 billion per
                                    Treasury, says that fundamental change is     year in finance to deal with these issues),
                                    needed to the way in which we think           and creating a robust system of
                                    about economics and biodiversity if we        carbon credits.
                                    are to protect our prosperity. It says
                                    significant declines in biodiversity are      "Nature plays an important role in tackling
                                    putting our economies and livelihoods at      the climate crisis," says Martin Berg, head
                                    risk and that we must transform our           of natural capital impact strategy at
                                    institutions and systems – particularly       HSBC Pollination, Climate Asset
                                    finance and education, by increasing          Management, and a guest speaker at
                                    public and private financial flows that       Clifford Chance's COP26 event. "We are
                                    enhance our natural assets and reduce         taking the value of nature for our well-
                                    those that degrade them – and by              being and for the economy for granted,
                                    empowering citizens to make informed          and are losing biodiversity at an
                                    choices and demand change.                    unprecedented level. While the focus is
                                                                                  currently on climate change, biodiversity
                                    "The depth of international consensus on      will become a policy issue."
                                    tackling climate change has accelerated
                                    since the Paris Agreement in 2015, but        Clifford Chance Partner Deborah
                                    even more so over this past year or so,       Zandstra, who works in the capital
                                    as we've seen China and the US, in            markets practice, says that biodiversity
                                    particular, really picking up the pace,"      loss is not just an issue for governments:
                                    says Roger Leese, a Clifford Chance           "Policymakers, industry and finance
                                    Partner and Co-Head of the Global             really need to turn their focus as to what
                                    Business and Human Rights practice.           can be done to address biodiversity
                                    "COP26 could lead to significant              loss, because it will have a
                                    advances in the international consensus       devastating impact."
                                    and significant commitments to action by
                                    the world's governments, all of which is      Whilst there are potential technology-
                                    highly significant to businesses across all   based carbon capture solutions – for
                                    sectors and regions."                         example, carbon capture and storage in
                                                                                  oil wells beneath the North Sea – there
                                    The interconnection of                        are also nature-based solutions for
                                                                                  storing carbon. These include forests,
                                    climate and biodiversity                      woodlands and peat lands, and kelp
                                    The focus of COP26 has shifted in recent      forests in the oceans. "Blue carbon" also
                                    weeks and, while there is no longer a         plays a vital role. The oceans are the
                                    Nature "theme" for the conference,            world's largest store of carbon, where an
                                    nature-based solutions are amongst the        estimated 83% of the global carbon cycle
                                    goals of COP26 including curtailing           is circulated through marine waters.

"Well-functioning ecosystems with all the        functioning ecosystems. Monetising, and
key species present will fulfil carbon           being able to present the capabilities of
sequestration much better than degraded          natural systems in a way that financiers,
systems and that’s for me why the global         accountants and e-commerce specialists
reduction in biodiversity and the climate        can understand and integrate into their
crisis are so intimately linked," says           normal planning and systems, is crucial."
another guest speaker, Robert Spencer,
Business Line Director for ESG                   Data is therefore crucial. Gathering
at infrastructure consultancy,                   information on the ground from ecologists
AECOM.                                           and environmental economists is labour-
                                                 intensive and time-consuming, but the
Defining and measuring                           digitisation of environmental assessment
                                                 is speeding up the process. "Technology
nature-based solutions                           is helping us understand and calibrate the
The definitions of nature-based solutions        state of natural systems remotely, using
are very broad. The British Ecological           satellite data, and integrating that into
Society recently produced a report on            geographical information systems to
nature-based solutions, defining them as         enable the identification and verification of
solutions that deliver benefits for              any improvements that are taking place,"
biodiversity, climate change mitigation          Spencer says. "AI and machine learning
and climate change adaptation. Robert            are also enabling us to calculate how
Spencer says that "green infrastructure"         nature-based solutions are working."
can help create more resilient places for
humans and nature to interact, but they
                                                 Assessing the risks
also mitigate climate change by locking in
carbon. Practical examples include               Deborah Zandstra says that financial
creating reed beds at water treatment            institutions, for example, need to employ
plants, where any contamination is               ecologists, nature specialists and
"sucked up" by the reeds, and                    biodiversity experts who can assess the
encouraging sheep farmers to plant more          risks of a loss of biodiversity "and help to
trees to prevent heavy rains eroding             monetise and create innovative finances
hillsides. Martin Berg adds that nature-         and structures that investors can
based solutions also work very effectively       really understand."
in cities. "Athens, for example, received a
European Investment Bank loan to create          Historically, family offices have been very
green spaces for resilience and cooling,         active in investing in nature-related
which was highly cost-effective. Engineers       projects and have often used "lender
will always tell you that you need to build      finance" – they look for private or for
something, but very often you can                public donors to provide some loss
achieve the same results with                    protection or some technical assistance
nature-based solutions at lower costs and        in order to make projects viable. "Many of
often with additional benefits."                 these investments have been very small,
                                                 but interest is rising and we are seeing
However, for nature-based solutions to           more investors coming through," says
make a significant impact, their                 Martin Berg. He adds that climate-related
effectiveness needs to be measured, says         financial disclosures are driving many
Robert Spencer: "We need to be able to           large institutions to assess their portfolios.
count, visualise, and explain nature-based       The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial
solutions in financial terms. We've seen         Disclosures (TNFD), a new global initiative
some shifts in terms of practice,                which aims to give financial institutions
academic rigour and scientific references        and companies a complete picture of
for how to quantify the benefits we get          their environmental risks, received the
from nature from things such as air and          backing of the G7 at its recent summit,
water quality, flood alleviation, pollination,   and its wider adoption is likely to
sound and noise, cooling, warming, and           encourage more investors to examine the
the attributes that we obtain from well-         risks they face. "I think investors will look

                                                                                                                 CLIFFORD CHANCE   3
                                                                                                  ECOP26: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS
                                                                                                               TO CLIMATE CHANGE
first at the risk and ask where am I          debt servicing costs of the foreign
                                    exposed in my supply chain and my             currency debt which is purchased and
                                    portfolio? Where are the hidden risks?        extinguished. Clearly, the discount from
                                    Once that data is available and the           face value applicable to the foreign
                                    picture becomes very clear, then they will    currency debt which is purchased is a
                                    focus on opportunities."                      relevant factor and this can present an
                                                                                  additional challenge in such transactions.
                                    Blue bonds and debt-for-                      But where a country has, for example,
                                                                                  Paris Club debt, or private sector
                                    nature swaps
                                                                                  creditors who would be able to support
                                    "Blue bonds – which specifically focus on     such a transaction and potentially some
                                    ocean projects – have not received the        additional donor or risk mitigation
                                    attention they deserve," says Deborah         support, debt-for-nature swaps are worth
                                    Zandstra. "This is reflected in part by the   exploring. "As we move into an
                                    fact the International Capital Market         understanding that nature should be seen
                                    Association (ICMA) does not have Blue         as an asset, it should also be possible to
                                    Bond Principles, albeit there are some        monetise its ability to generate value,
                                    water categories in the Green Bond            including through income generation or
                                    Principles. But blue bonds should for the     carbon offsets," says Zandstra.
                                    most part sit squarely in the nature-based
                                    solutions box." She adds that the Firm is
                                    getting a lot of enquiries about blue
                                                                                  Private investment in
                                    bonds since working on the 2018               nature-based solutions
                                    Seychelles Blue Bond, which raised            With the Biden Administration rejoining
                                    US$15 million to support the expansion        the Paris Agreement and recently
                                    of marine protected areas, improved           announcing that it would by 2030 cut
                                    governance of priority fisheries and the      emissions by half, greater attention is
                                    development of the Seychelles blue            being paid to nature-based solutions in
                                    economy. The deal was small in size, but      the US. "We are expecting to see a pretty
                                    had a big impact. It benefited from a         significant growth of public spending in
                                    World Bank guarantee and a                    green initiatives and mobilisation of
                                    concessional loan from the Global             private investment in the green economy,"
                                    Environmental Facility, and was privately     says Dan Drabkin, a New York-based
                                    placed. "Other small island nations would     Partner specialising in funds and
                                    benefit greatly from such transactions,       investment management. "What is
                                    but there is the issue of pricing and         interesting in President Biden's latest
                                    scalability and some templating/pooling of    proposal is that it specifically mentions
                                    deals could be considered. Especially         nature-based solutions and carbon sinks.
                                    now, with debt challenges, incurring new      We are definitely seeing greater public
                                    debt and increasing debt to GDP levels        recognition of the role of nature-based
                                    means it is not so attractive to some         solutions, and US corporate entities and
                                    countries," she says.                         financial institutions focusing on ESG and
                                                                                  the fight against climate change, which is
                                    Alternatives such as debt-for-nature          a step in the
                                    swaps are being explored. These are           right direction."
                                    transactions which relieve a portion of a
                                    developing country's debt in exchange for     He adds that larger asset management
                                    local investment into environmental and       firms are beginning to be active in this
                                    conservation projects. The purchase of        space and on a much larger scale, using
                                    existing debt is a key component, as that     ways to blend private and public capital.
                                    debt relief releases payment capacity to      "Specifically, we've seen some funds that
                                    be redirected to pursue the conservation      are focused on regenerative agriculture,
                                    milestones. The outcome should be that        sustainable forestry, some marine
                                    the debt servicing costs of the new           projects and fisheries. It's a question of
                                    composite arrangement used to finance         whether or not you can put it into a
                                    the purchase is lower than the contractual    model that's for profit."

In Europe, a driver in the funds arena is         Developed nations also aim to make
the EU disclosure regulation. "This will          US$100 billion dollars a year available.
require managers that are caught by               "How that is spent is key – some of that
those regulations to determine whether            could be debt relief-related, but some
they classify their products and say              could be directly employed in nature-
whether they are a non-ESG product, a             based solutions such as protecting or
product that promotes environmental               creating forests in other countries, but the
social characteristics, or the darkest            extent to which any of this will be used to
green category, which is a product that           catalyse private for-profit investment
invests in sustainable investments," says         remains to be seen," says Leese.
Lily Marcel, a Senior Associate in Clifford
Chance's London Private Funds.                    Developing carbon markets is another
                                                  key ingredient. " Finding a solution on
She adds that the introduction of the EU          carbon markets, by creating a robust
Taxonomy Regulation, which sets out               system of carbon credits that supports
categories of economic activities that are        the move to net zero is an explicit goal for
considered environmentally sustainable,           COP26, which is right, but a properly
"means more asset managers are                    functioning carbon market has to build in
focusing on how to launch products that           biodiversity because there have been
can be sold as taxonomy aligned."                 issues in the past with the carbon market
                                                  that incentivised bad behaviour, leading to
Corporations, entities and organisations          biodiversity loss," says Leese.
that are dependent on nature-based
solutions to function – such as water             Martin adds: "We should not forget that
utilities – are at the forefront of integrating   carbon is probably the most obvious
natural capital accounting into their             impact that can be measured, but which
asset portfolio investment and                    can also monetised. At COP26, the
management cycles.                                discussions on Article 6 of the Paris
                                                  Agreement (covering rules for carbon
What can COP26 achieve                            markets), will be important because
                                                  currently there is no incentivisation to stop
on investment in nature-
                                                  deforestation. The recognition that nature
based solutions?                                  can play a role could act as an incentive."
"The starting point is who is it that's going     He adds that many corporates have set
to pay?" says Roger Leese. "To date,              ambitious targets and that nature-based
there have been a number of successful            solutions are a good way of helping them
nature-based projects, but money has              to achieve those targets.
essentially come largely from philanthropic
NGO sources, or in some cases from                It's clear that for there to be real
governments. How you also tap into                progress, private sector funding will be
private finance is something that we're all       needed. "In future, blended finance and
grappling with." He adds that one of the          innovative transactions with credit
biggest experiments in this area is the           enhancements and other sorts of partial
UK's switch from the common agricultural          credit guarantees will buttress the market,
policy to the Environmental Land                  but it really needs banks and others to
Management scheme (ELMs), through                 make someone within an organisation
which land owners will be paid for                responsible for investment and
preventing floods, planting woods and             transaction execution in this space," says
protecting wildlife. As well as drastically       Zandstra, adding: "I think multilaterals
changing the public subsidy regime, this          need to expand their ESG standards to
could make restoration programmes an              include biodiversity, as well to
investible asset for private investment.          support some of the activity in the
                                                  regulatory space."

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                                                                                                  ECOP26: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS
                                                                                                               TO CLIMATE CHANGE
Many large infrastructure organisations in   What is happening with
                                    the UK are committing to either no net
                                    loss of biodiversity or biodiversity net
                                    gain. "Increasingly, large schemes, such     COP26 is not the only summit planned
                                    as new roads, railways and tunnels, are      for this Autumn – COP15 is the UN
                                    under a lot more scrutiny. It is easy for    Convention on Biological Diversity, which
                                    stakeholders and activists to access vital   is due to take place in China in October.
                                    information around projects, so large        The G7 has put biodiversity at the top of
                                    infrastructure schemes need to be            its agenda and says that COP15 will be a
                                    transparent about how they are               key event. However, unlike tackling
                                    approaching some of these hot topics         climate change, there is no one clear
                                    around climate and biodiversity,"            action to deal with the reduction in
                                    says Robert.                                 biodiversity. "I think we will see some
                                                                                 progress. With climate change, we know
                                                                                 what we have to do to deal with the
                                                                                 climate emergency, the question now is
                                                                                 what do we do about biodiversity?"
                                                                                 says Martin.


Deborah Zandstra         Roger Leese             Daniel Drabkin
Partner                  Partner                 Partner
London                   London                  New York
T: +44 207006 8234       T: +44 207006 8710      T: +1 212 878 8255
E: deborah.zandstra@     E: roger.leese@		       E: daniel.drabkin@

Lily Marcel
Senior Associate
T: +44 207006 4158
E: lily.marcel@

                                                                                        CLIFFORD CHANCE   7
                                                                         ECOP26: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS
                                                                                      TO CLIMATE CHANGE
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